F i re man
Student ’ s name : Dy lan Le rne r Teacher ’ s name : Luz Weks le r nd Date: 2 July, 2007
Course: 2 i
My superhero is called Fireman. He is 21 years old. He is from Tokyo, China but he hasn’t got Chinese eyes because his parents were from BS AS, Argentina. He is a big person, and has fire in his body. He throws balls of fire. He is always naked because if not his clothes would burn. He has got a lot of friends. He likes The Ramones, the Beatles and Los Abuelos de la Nada. He plays the drums and the guitar in a punk rock band; he is bad at playing the drums but he is a very important person in his band because he protects the other music players in the band, ”The Monkeys of Fire” His blood is radioactive. His head is red and his body is black, orange and yellow. His hair is on fire and his eyes are red. He can fly and swim and he arrives just in time. Fireman is a very romantic, lazy and shy man.
Acknowledgements: http://images.google.com.ar/images?svnum=10&hl=es&gbv=2&q =fuego&btnG=B%C3%BAsqueda+de+im%C3%A1genes