Dust Extend

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 11,113
  • Pages: 30
Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower ~ CHAPTER ONE ~

The Journey Begins The silver moon cast a coat of icy velvet over Lark Forest. In a circle of trees, a slow moving black figure tore at flesh using its thin, pearl-white bone fingers. The stench of blood filled the air and the trees of the forest recoiled at the sight of the dark figure. "Rip... tear..." it muttered, it's long pointed tongue slurping up the filthy skin of the once alive lumberjack "this isn't enough..." it whispered before soaring off through the trees, leaving a trail of shadow behind it. ~:~ Morning had arrived in Kuroaka Village. The sun was dim behind the slightly thick clouds, but there was no sign of rain ahead. The centre of the village was a pride and joy to Mr Suit, the main man of the situation (or the Mayor if you want to be specific). He stood before it with a proud grin on his face, his arms outstretched and his head low in greeting to the large statue. This statue was a woman dressed in long velvet, her eyes closed and her arms raised to the sky, her hair covered her eyes in a frightening manner. As he stood there alone, a small boy joined him and looked up at him. His stare was icy cold with a dying mist of emptiness. Unaware of this boy until a few moments later, Mr Suit leapt aside in shock, his cheeks flapping. "Pardon me, young man," he apologised. The boy looked at him silently, his eyes wide and cool. The man looked at him with annoyance, and then he turned away with irritation. "It comes..." hummed the boy and Mr Suit returned a glance full of fear. With a sweat, Winter awoke. His walnut-coloured hair clung to his cheeks and his eyes were sore with exhaustion. The young 13 year old boy picked up his old mousey hat and placed it against him. Do not worry, Brother, I'll find you he whispered in his mind. It was the year 1599 in Kuroaka Village. Life was simple, but it wasn’t not-modern. People had plenty of food and luxuries, such as wine and fruit, and the World was full of different cultures and races, some more noticeable 1

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower than others. Winter was an orphan living with his old Grandmother in a small shack on the edge of it. Winter pulled himself out of bed and rubbed his eyes until they only stung more. He sighed and washed the sweat off of his face with a stinky towel. What was I warning Suit of? He questioned, shaking his messy fringe from his eyes. Winter wasn't necessarily social. He had no friends and he spent most of his day wandering the dusty streets of the village. He visited the library frequently, trying to find answers to unexplainable incidents until he realised that no such library could explain his mysterious dreams. He'd always had such haunting dreams that only made him more curious. He walked downstairs, ready to greet his Grandmother when he stepped in a puddle on the stairs. Alarmed, he looked down only to realise it was a crimson red. "What?!" Winter muttered, leaping off of the damp step and he sped downstairs, following the trail of blood. But when he did find his dear Grandmother, he nearly fell backwards when he saw a body of black dust leaning over his kin's body. "What...what is this?" Winter stuttered at the horrific sight. The cloaked figure looked up with an eyeless glare. An invisible frozen dagger soared towards him as Winter froze on the spot. His only family left, his Grandmother, had been murdered. By this thing?! "What?!" He said much more loudly. Suddenly, he felt a ripple of pain through his spine. His throat became dry and his heart vibrated violently. He clutched his chest in agony and toppled to his knees. He could feel a deafening shriek inside of him but it wasn’t able to escape. The black cloud with arms swayed from side to side. “Rip...rip...come apart...rip” it hissed and its arms vibrated violently as if trying to pull Winter to pieces. Winter let out a silent scream and he clenched his fist and eyes closed. It's not use, I'm going to die...I'm going to die... His head was bursting, his heart was thumping brutally; he was fading into the bitter darkness of death. The sound of wings was heard. The boom of them rippled throughout the building. And then the window on the far right shattered like water as a body spiralled through it cleanly, slicing through the air. A woman, with sharp, black, glass-like wings, landing softy on the wooden floor, stood before the cloaked monster. The liquid-like monster immediately lost it's concentration on Winter and let him go. 2

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower "What are you?!" It murmured at the woman, whose face was half covered by her own cloak. She pulled it off dramatically before answering: "Sazuki Sparrow, and your diminisher." The cloaked figure spat like a fire and swooped away from Winters Grandmother. Winter himself had fallen back onto the lowest stair, watching in shock and horror at the scene. With complete concentration, Sazuki bounded off the ground as the black monster pushed out his small white hand. She extracted a glass jar, pulling the lid off. She muttered some words under her breath and the cloaked being fell back and began to yell highpitched notes that pierced Winters ears. Tearing away and blocking out the words, the black cloud took a sharp turn and circled the ceiling, its bony figure reaching gradually closer to the woman. The woman, Sazuki, then cursed to herself and grasped the handle of her concealed sword, pulling it out sharply sending a light spark into the face of the enemy. It hissed again, fell back in fear and waved its bony hand in front of him, but the Sparrow woman was merciless and she silently slivered through the air, slicing down so cleanly that it ripped the body of the creature. Black blood splattering all across the walls, flying onto Winters flabbergasted face and on to the floor where the body of two dead creatures lay. Soon after, the woman then took her jar and scooped up the once cloaked figure, which was now a pile of black dust, sand and blood. Screwing the lid firmly on, Sazuki turned to Winter calmly. "See ya," she said nodding lightly, sliding her sword back into its scabbard. Winter gulped speechlessly. Sparrow nodded to the small boy and silently walked away, holding the jar to her side. Holding up his hand, Winter called to the mysterious woman. “Wait! What are you?” Sazuki turned to him. Her short, dirty blonde hair shaped around her face and she stood tall above Winter, smiling boldly and looking down on him. “I’ve already answered that question, young boy,” she said with a twinkle of humour in her eyes. “No I mean, why did that monster kill my grandmother…?” He said sorrowfully. “Oh, so… you must be…” she said, her eyes narrowing on him “her grandson…?” Winter looked at her blankly, raising an eyebrow. Sazuki laughed weakly and walked towards him, placing her hand on his shoulder. 3

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower Winter flinched even as she spoke calmly “this is a demon sent by Black Mitsu, a dark creature that feeds on flesh and minds of humans.” Winters own mind filled with fear and he stepped backwards, imagining this creature. “My whole family… killed by demons…” he stuttered. Sparrow stood up straight abruptly and gasped. “Oh… I’m so stupid!” she said stamping her foot (Winter raised his brow again) “you!” She bent down and grabbed both of his shoulders this time, looking into his confused eyes “I… have been sent to find the mind that Mitsu is after… he’s been sending these demons…” She was moving about, trying to recall facts “to hunt down the person, their only clue was… that they were a member of your family so…” her voice trailed away. “They searched and killed my kin…” Winter finished. Sazuki sighed with pity alongside him. “No… it’s my entire fault…” Winter quivered. Sazuki hesitated and waved her hand in front of his face “me and my stupid dreams, they’re the cause of all of this!” He kicked a chair in the corner and dropped onto his knees, his eyes sore with tears. Sparrow placed her hand on her forehead. “No don’t be silly… they were protecting you! For all you know, some could still be alive! They…” She cut herself off, her eyes beginning to become sore at the sight of Winter “…but you said dreams—” “My whole family have DIED because I was BORN!” He yelled, tears thrown onto the dusty ground. Sazuki scratched her head and forcefully pressed her finger to his lips. “Shh!” She uttered “stop being so foolish and tell me about these dreams.” Winter looked up at her with suddenly expressionless eyes. He stood up and dashed out of the door “hey! Where’re you going, kid?!” Sazuki called after him but he’d already sprinted out of sight “chh, brat” she muttered before flapping her spiked wings and hovering above the town, ignoring the comments of the villagers below. She landed on the top of Winter’s Grandmother’s house and looked out. Her eyes were amber and wide as she scanned the village. She cursed to herself every time she felt a sear of pain in her head for concentrating too much. Then, she noticed a small shrivelled boy standing by the large statue. At that, Sparrow took off towards him. Sazuki landed beside the boy whom, without a doubt, was Winter. She 4

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower stood closely behind him, his back almost leaning against her, and looked down on his bowed head of walnut hair. “I know this is all a… shock to you,” she said, obviously terrible and comforting “but you’re in grave danger! I need to ask you about things because I need to know as soon as possible who you are, whether you are the true one that I seek, whether you are you and not someone who you I or you think you are and I need to check… to see if you—” “OK OK!” Winter said bluntly, snivelling “I have dreams where I see myself warning someone or watching someone die,” he sniffed and Sazuki cringed slightly. “Ah, I see, whom were you with in these dream, thingies,” she replied awkwardly. “Usually family, and this dark cloud with no face,” Sazuki muttered something about demons “except for… last night…” She egged him on with a tap on the shoulder “the Mayor of our village was standing with me by this very statue.” Sazuki looked up with interest at the peculiar statue and her eyes widened. “Did you say Mayor?” said a rough voice from behind. The pair turned to see Mr Suit standing on a step outside of a large house in a tall, pompous pose. “Suit!” Winter burst out. The man named Suit frowned. “I BEG your pardon…” he said sternly but his voice had a hint of fear. He waddled towards them “you were in my d-dream last night.” He and Winter shared a shocked look. Sazuki eyed them both curiously. “That’s funny, Winter dreamt about YOU last night too…” she said dumbly. “Here… by this statue? And you said…” murmured the Mayor. “‘It comes’…” said Winter. Sazuki burst into laughter as the Mayor and Winter gaped at each other with alarm. “Aye!” Exclaimed Sazuki “so this really is the Mind of Hermes!” The Mayor and Winter glanced at her, awaiting her explanation. After a few long seconds, Sazuki snapped into sense “oh yes! You see now, there’s this guy: Hermes. He was known as the Messenger of the Greek Gods.” She stroked the handle of her sword in it’s scabbard and faced Winter “so, you, little master, can send messages, like… telepathically!” Winter was shocked, but he managed to remain calm. He didn’t make any eye contact as he was too 5

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower deep in thought. “Why do you add a random ‘like’ to the sentence?” asked Suit. Sazuki shrugged and crouched down so she was the same height as Winter. “I need to take you to a place, a magnificent place, with the finest protection and facilities. The Hybrid Tower, far in the South-East, it’ll be a long—” “Why are you suddenly deciding all of this for me?” Winter said bitterly. “BECAUSE…!” Sparrow sighed with thorough annoyance and stood up “unless you want to DIE, it is best advised to go to the greatest place in the land!” Panting as if it had taken all of her strength to snap at Winter, Sazuki rolled her eyes and grimaced blankly. “I’m sorry…” Winter spoke softly making her to put on a dumbfound expression “it’s just…” Winter said stiffly “there’s no-one else left for me.” Sazuki’s heart trembled with pity for the sad little boy. “That’s why I’ve been sent, well actually it was to kill the demon but also, to collect you for a journey.” She waved politely to the Mayor, who looked almost brain-dead, and turned to Winter “Let us go.” “Allow me to fetch some supplies,” offered Mr Suit, plodding off to the large house behind him, presumably his own house. Winter raised his eyebrow at Sazuki’s blank expression with interest. Realising she wasn’t moving, he waved in her face. “Oh, oh, I totally forgot about supplies for you…” she said snapping out of it and scratching her head “all I need is water and this pack of berries.” She held out a miserable scrap about a dozen berries in a murky bag. “How is that going to sustain you?” he sneered, shaking his head “idiot.” “Oh we… I’m just strong like that,” she stumbled, shaking and coughing it off, but Winter suspected. “‘We’?” he said narrowing his eyes. Sazuki laughed weakly but Winter continued to interrogate “what exactly is your race? How many are there of you? Don’t others know about you? How did you sprout WINGS?!” “Shush up!” She said shaking her finger rapidly from side to side “you don’t need to know…!” “I’m going to be travelling to ‘the far south-east’ for a long time. You’re going to end up explaining sooner or later. Anyway, even though I’m rather unsociable, I know how to squeeze things out of people.” Sazuki lifted the corner of her top lip and scowled ‘brat’ under her breath. 6

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower Soon, the Mayor and a few citizens were rushing towards them with bags of food. “It has fruit, water, bread, raw meat and an orange” announced Suit. Sazuki happily took it, Winter sighed again. “Oranges are included in fruit, idiots.” Shaking his head and tutting to himself he took the package and thus, they turned to depart. With many farewells, Sazuki Sparrow and Winter of Kuroaka walked out of the small village; Winter was unable to lift his head to reveal his tearful face. He was leaving his home after all. “There, there, this village isn’t exactly that great anyway,” Sazuki said only to cause Winter to whip his head away from her “well compared to…” she tried. Feeling Winters sorrowful tenseness “oops,” she mouthed.


Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower ~ CHAPTER TWO ~

Sword Set For about an hour, the pair travelled down the lengthy south path and into Lark Meadow, a vast ocean of murky green, coming across as much as dead grass and mud. Tired and thirsty, eventually, they reached a fork in the road. “Well, west leads us to a pointless village, east is probably dangerous… looks like we’ll be heading south, through Neko Marshes!” A moment later, she felt a hairy arm grab her from behind, grasp her around the neck and waist and dragged her away, unable to see Winter through her covered eyes but able to hear his shocked gasp as they fell into pitch blackness. “Well, look what the dog dragged in,” said a smooth voice. Winter’s eyes had become uncovered and he looked around him. He and Sazuki were in a large circular room, the walls were made of crumbling brown soil and mud and in front of them was a small, young woman perched on a throne a with pointed face and precariously sharp teeth. Large black wings sat on her back and black floppy hair hung around huge ears on the top of her head. “Nicccce to see you, Sparrow,” she hummed. “Beralor Bat,” Sazuki spat “what do you want with us?” Beralor sat in an odd manner. Her whole body was balancing on her toes in a squat, her lengthy, dirty arms wrapped around her shoulders “I’ve added a ‘d’ to my name,” she sneered “Beralord of the Sword Set.” After hearing this, Sazuki snorted with amusement. Winter glanced at Sazuki with a questioning look but it was Beralor who answered to him. “Sword Set is a society,” she said “a clan, a group of strong, lethal Hybrins that seek power and a brighter future,” she licked her right fang and flapped her wings, bringing her high above the people gathered around “I am their leader, whilst Sparrow,” she threw a look at Sazuki “is still clan-less.” Sazuki scowled and struggled in the dog-woman’s tight, clawed hands. “Be quiet, Bat, if I even wanted to join a clan, I’d join Ash Clan anyway instead of this rat hole,” many of the people surrounding her gasped with fury and she let out a cry that sounded a lot like a bird’s squawk; Winter


Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower shuddered at the obscenity. Beralor raised a furry eyebrow and tutted. She sprung from her seat, landing on the ground and slumping forward. “Yeah, I kinda gathered you’d want to be with your kind,” she murmured “but my Eyes, my comrades, have seen your actions and heard your words, you sound like someone who wants to be rid of all of the fools, to make this world a better place, to--” she spoke rapidly and hardly taking a breath. Then Winter cut across her. “Would somebody tell me what’s going on!” Winter shrieked. Beralor sniggered and eyed him with remark. “Very well, little human.” Bat replied “I’m sure Sparrow has told you little,” said Bat, Sazuki sighed and lowered her head. “But anyway, there are two clans in this here meadow and one clan in the Neko Marshes in the south. We are one clan, Sword Set, ‘set’ being the name of a Badger’s habitat. And over there is Bart Badger.” She flicked her head over to a largely built man with small black eyes, who grinned. Beralor, herself, had thin red eyes, messy black hair with red tips and wore a ragged, blood stained dress stolen from a human. Winter recoiled as she gave him a piercing look and a smirk, showing her sharp teeth. Bat continued “on the other side of this meadow is Ash Clan, a bunch of peace-seeking bird freaks (Sazuki scowled) and the Neko Marshes are home to the Druid Ones, a gang of simple, fun-seeking felines and such. Any more questions?” Winter turned to Sazuki, who was still looking at her cloth boots. “Yes… what ARE you?!” Bat nearly lost balance. “Sparrow! You never told him?!” She exclaimed “we are Hybrins, hybrids of humans, we are the great, strong warriors that were born in the deep south from crazy experiments.” She stood up, her back slanted still and pointed a bony finger at Winter “the used, the hated and the envied for our incredible powers and cravings. Even though we like to fight crazy demons, we’re being forced to do human’s dirty work!” After finishing her montage of rage, Beralor fell back onto her chair, too weary to sit upon her toes as usual. Bart Badger and a thin man with multiple arms rushed over to her aid but she, instead, wrapped her large bony wings around her, concealing herself. She hissed for one final time, and then she silently slept. Winter’s head fell forward with exhaustion. Bat’s sudden outrage had shocked him. Meanwhile, Sazuki was just as tired, her stance showed it. 9

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower “Ok, whilst Beralord is resting, I shall escort you to the dungeon,” said the dog-woman clutching Sazuki “it would be nice if you didn’t strug--” but Sazuki had already back-kicked her firmly in the leg, causing the dogwoman to howl in pain and loosen her grip on her. Taking the chance, Sazuki twisted her arms out of her grip and dived out of the way of attacking Sword Set members. She drew out her wings, flew up and searched around for Winter and his capturer, but they had vanished. “Winter!” She called and immediately, the clan members searched around themselves, scampering around for any sign of the two. Sazuki squawked with frustration when she realised her sword was gone, ignoring the gasps of the warriors below her. Unfortunately for them, only their leader had the ability to fly up to her level. However, a lot could climb. And before Sazuki could hold up her sword in defence, Seud Spider had knocked her into sleep. Winter was walking alongside a river, his feet squelching in marshy grass. He saw a swarm of birds circling him from above. “You’re all going to die!” He heard himself screaming into the sky. Winter’s vision was blurry, but he could easily depict a tall black woman before him. He noticed that the woman was leaning over him with concern. She didn’t show a single hint of joy, but nor did she show anger. Suddenly, big furry long ears stood up on the top of her head as she stepped back away from Winter, who stood up. “My name is Hazeline Hare. You shall be safe here,” she said calmly. Winter looked around him and noticed he was indeed outside of the set and sitting by a large mound of soil “that’s the entrance if you want to go back and get your friend BUT,” she paused, her voice was deep “it’s a riot in there.” Winter gasped and looked down the badger hole of an entrance. He could hear calls and voices full of anger. He shivered and he felt his stomach readying him for the oncoming situation, churning and doing somersaults. He then flung himself down the hole, only to be seized by the arm by Hazeline. “Let – me – go!” He said fiercely, squirming like a child in her grip. “What are you doing?” Hazeline said, pulling him out of the hole “go back to your humans, your family! It’s safer and—” 10

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower “Sazuki is my only family.” Winter stated. Hare suddenly felt a surge of fondness towards Winter and she lowered her eyelids. “Fine.” Hazeline said bluntly. She released Winter’s arm and Winter smiled gratefully before darting into the badger hole and was gone. There was a flurry of hands and riot of voices. But Sazuki couldn’t see what was going on and how she was going to get out of this. She heard the dogwoman’s voice. “You are a prisoner, Sparrow, and once you’ve become one, you will only be free once you’ve done your time.” Her voice was young but yet it was wise too. “Uncover my eyes,” Sazuki muttered through gritted teeth. “Very well,” said the dog-woman. She removed the blindfold “my name is Dara Dog,” she spoke with a bold voice “and I’ve been asked to do the privileges of locking you up.” She nodded to the crowd surrounding her and they all left reluctantly then forced Sazuki into a tiny hole in the soil, reinforced with rusting metal “you get to live the experience of living in the expensive cell,” Dara scoffed before turning away and left, through a hole, the dungeon. Sazuki had to curl up to feel comfortable, but the tight space made her nauseous. Her pointed three-blade sword had been taken from her as had the rest of her useful items. She cursed under her breath and felt around in the dark for some soft soil. She sighed and put herself to rest, trying to think of a smart plan. And then, she had a crazy idea. “About 4 in 10 chance this will work,” she thought, hypothetically slapping herself some confidence. She readied her small knife that lay securely under her baggy shorts and she smiled to herself. The passage was dark, but the walls was easy to follow and they guided Winter along the painfully long tunnel. When he’d finally reached the main room, he noticed that Bat was still curled up inside her encasing wings and apart from that, he was alone in the room. He crawled in and saw a single wooden door on the far side of the hall, presumably to other rooms. Winter jogged over to it but the moment his back was on Beralor, he heard the noise of wings opening hastily and felt sturdy feet press him into the dirt forward. “Welllllcome back,” Beralor hissed. She grabbed the back of Winter’s head and twisted his face into the dirt “remind me to see to that traitor, Hare, 11

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower before you’re finished” she pricked her nails into his head tightly “back to save your FREAK friend?!” Her voice was shrill and furious, Winter could tell. He also noticed the bitterness. “I – don’t – think you’re – freaks!” he managed to say, struggling to breathe. Bat let go of his head, he coughed and gulped air. “Well, whatever,” Bat retorted “either way, I ain’t gonna let you break out Sparrow.” “I know,” Winter said solemnly. Then out of the blue, he let out a sob that surprised both Beralor and himself. “Hey hey…” Bat murmured surprisingly calmly “don’t you think you’d be safer without her?” She hopped onto her toes “why are you even with her?” Winter simply stared into space. The rattling of the cell bars echoed throughout the Set. Grumbling, Seud Spider came scuttling to the dungeon in fury. “Stop that racket, guh!” he snarled. Sazuki simply stuck out her tongue and continued “HEY! Shut up!” the spider-man screamed. But Sazuki continued to badger him, throwing rocks at him, blowing raspberries, until he could take it no longer. “Stupid dung!” Seud yelled and thrust his arm, through the bars of the prison and straight into Sazuki’s grip. He gasped as she tugged on this arm so roughly that his face slammed into the bar. Knocked out, Seud collapsed to the floor surprisingly neatly and Sazuki searched his pockets and found a needle. “What would he need this for?” She muttered looking at Spider’s fallen body. She then picked at the lock of cell door, freed herself and pulled in her wings. Afterwards, she pulled her hair over her eyes and dragged Seud Spider into the cell and locked back the door. As expected, another person had came into the dark dungeon. He was a small, lean, bug-eyed young man with thin wings. “Who’s there?” He asked. “Eets only me, Mee-llicent Mole,” Sazuki said putting on a squeaky voice “I had to quiet up thee noisy preesoner, she tried to gree-ab the key on my jacket.” And in a whisper “what a stupeed berrrd!” The boy mumbled in agreement and shuffled away, his fragile wings buzzing bleakly. The moment he’d left, Sazuki tilted forward into the 12

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower walking stance, that belonged to Bat, and made her way out of the tunnel, her mousey hair still flopping messily over her face giving one the impression that she was a simple, silly nerd of a Hybrin and of a mole. She grinned to herself at what she’d accomplished and slid out of the corridor without receiving more than a glance from onlookers. As soon as she’d reached the entrance to the main room, only one room away from the exit, she froze in the side of the doorway when she spotted Bat awake and so close to Winter. The pair of them had not noticed her however. “But why can’t you tell me?” Beralor said desperately, her eyes glued to Winter, who was looking up at the brown ceiling. “Because it could put me in danger.” He replied. Sazuki smiled proudly. “On the contrary, I’d be sure to take care of you.” She put her hand on Winter’s shoulder delicately and, to Sazuki’s surprise, Winter didn’t flinch or even move. “Please, let us leave, we mean no harm,” begged Winter, his eyes innocent as can be. Bat gave him a compassionate look and then she suddenly became a statue. Winter looked at her with confusion and then followed her eyes to the doorway in which Sazuki was standing. “Eeee… I… err, shall be off…” Sazuki faltered sidestepping away from the door, her eyes frozen with dread at Beralor. “I would say I’d underestimated you,” Beralor said “but I’d known all along that you were smart enough for this clan.” And she widened her wings and advanced on Sazuki like a rocket. “Sazuki is smart?” Winter muttered to himself before darting off towards the far wall in panic. Sparrow leapt out of Bat’s reach, rolling in a heap on the floor in the main hall, and pulled out her hidden knife with a slash! and held it up as a shield. “Sazuki! Don’t try and fight her!” Winter yelled but Sazuki ignored him. She looked upon Beralor with absolute revulsion and wanted nothing more than to slit her throat. “You should listen to the boy,” Beralor sneered but Sazuki cawed flung herself at her with a knife in one hand and a clenched fist in the other. When the pair clashed, Bat held Sazuki’s wrist and her fist tightly and pushed her backwards sending her tumbling to the muddy floor. Grimacing in pain Sparrow rolled away before Bat could stab with her fist and leapt up so she 13

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower could let herself spread her wings and take flight. Still grasping her knife like her life, she spun in the air like a tornado and thrust her knife clean through the air. Like an arrow, it soared straight towards Bat, who only managed to dodge it but there was blood leaking from the side of her neck. She hissed and flapped her wings, sending gushes of fierce wind towards Sparrow, who had now landed next to Winter. He was tugging on her short baggy shirt in fright. “You’ll regret not taking up my offer, Sparrow!” Bat cried, her eyes blazing to a such great extent that they almost glowed. Both of her hands were grasped steadily on two handles in her tatty belt and then she pulled out two savage, bloody axes. “Now, you’ll die before you join Ash Clan!” And she pulled back her axes. Winter braced himself whilst Sparrow backed away, her pupils thin with horror. But before Beralor could hurl her axes, two real arrows flew past Winter narrowly and hit Beralor’s arms with a short whoosh. Winter spun around and his heart leapt to see two shiny brown eyes in the tunnel leading out of the headquarters. “Hurry!” The owner of these eyes whispered and the pair took their chance and ducked under and into the tunnel, darting off, leaving Beralor Bat squealing, cursing and bleeding in pain. The sun was a ache after being in a dark hole for so long with only the light of torches. Sazuki picked Winter out of the badger hole and landed him on the soft meadow grass. She then dropped onto the floor, panting and sweating like she’d run a marathon. Winter ran towards their saviour. “Thanks, Hazeline,” he said, also out of breath. Hazeline nodded to him, her bow in her hand and her head up to the clouds. “She won’t come after us in broad daylight, she’s nocturnal after all,” she replied “but I wouldn’t take any chances – I’d head away from here as soon as you can.” She looked ahead to the east. Winter could glimpse something large in the distance. “Where are you going?” He asked “I thought you belonged to Sword Set.” Sazuki looked up and frowned at Hare. “Yes I did, but I want to travel away from this meadow now.” She bowed and walked gracefully off, her long, tied-up hair swayed behind her. “Farewell,” Winter called after her and she lifted up her hand, still facing ahead of her. Winter sighed and dropped himself on the ground. Sazuki was 14

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower now leaning over the badger hole. “What is wrong?” asked Winter. “I don’t have my sword,” she replied miserably. And out of the sky, her sword fell onto the ground, making her jump almost out of her light skin. “What the—” Sazuki started, then she looked around to see Hazeline was facing them from a few yards away. “I nicked that off of you when you first got captured,” she confessed “it was just an instinct and well…” she said, unable to sound as cool as she had before “…I forgot to return it, forgive me.” Winter threw her arms in the air and fell onto his back with a sigh. “Is everyone here so stupid?!” And he, Sazuki and Hazeline laughed their weariness away.


Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower ~ CHAPTER THREE ~

A Strangely Large Tree “Hare is right, we aught to follow her lead and continue travelling,” Sazuki said minutes after they and Hazeline had parted ways “we aught to go south like we intended.” And she began to walk swiftly away and then paused when she realised that Winter was not following behind her. “What is it now?” “I think we should go down that way,” Winter said pointing, without looking, at the immensely big figure in the east. Sazuki looked and she frowned. “No.” “Huh? Why not? I think—” “That’s totally off our target, besides, there’s another clan there and I don’t want to go through Sword Set all over again thanks.” Her tone of voice was bitter. Winter began to feel worried. “You don’t understand, I think they are in danger and we need to warn them!” At this, Sazuki immediately spun around and grabbed both of Winter’s shoulders with utter fascination. “You had a dream? When?!” She said, shaking him frantically. “When Hazeline took me out of the set after you’d escaped that dogwoman’s clutches.” Sazuki let go and nodded, deep thinking. “Ok, as long as it’s brisk.” Thus the pair redirected themselves to the west. Only temporarily though. The wind was soft and sleeping that early afternoon. Trudging through the dry grass, the Hybrin and the Human could hardly catch up with themselves, their legs weary and their throats dry as a leaf in autumn. Half of their provisions had been taken away – all of their fruit, meat and water – and the sweat from their foreheads were beginning to show to such an extent it glistened like a murky stream on their faces. It took them almost an hour to reach the strange figure. Winter nearly toppled backwards in bewilderment at what was an incredible tree. It stood alone, but the amazing amount of branches, paths and life it held was practically infinity. What looked like a thousand different branches each had 16

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower a cheerful and busy creature whether it was a bird or, in fact, a Hybrin. Neatly carved wooden doors were fixed into the great trunk from boughs of the oddly large Ash tree and the whole system was like a city, coated with crisp brown and green leaves that shaded the tree and its many citizens. “It’s incredible…” said Winter, gazing at the magnificent tree in awe. “Yeah.” Sazuki said bluntly. They walked, fatigued and failing to put their mind off their empty stomachs and dry mouths, towards the colossal habitat. Now they were stood by the great trunk, it looked ever bigger. Two, large, bald Hybrins with light brown skin and wide brown wings hunched on their backs stood on either side of the main entrance. In their hefty hands they held long spears and, when the saw Sazuki and Winter approaching, the two men jabbed the air with the spears threateningly. “What business do you have here at Ash Clan Headquarters?” one of them asked. Winter’s face lit up suddenly. “Sazuki! They are like you! With feathered wings!” he beamed at her and she gave him a shut-up-or-I’ll-kill-you-later look. One of the bald eagle-men lowered his brow and gazed down on Sazuki suspiciously. “You’re an odd looking Hybrins, what’s your name?” For a moment, Sazuki wanted to mimic him and flick his nose. She didn’t like being questioned. “Sazuki…” she glanced at Winter “…S-Swallow.” “Are you sure…?” said the other eagle-man, eyeing her even more closely than his partner. Sazuki tilted her chin and raised one eyebrow coolly. “Well, what do YOU think is my name?” “OK OK, it’s just, you’ve got the features of neither a black, nocturnal or a top hunter.” Sazuki was beginning to lose herself. She had little energy and was stressed beyond belief. “WELL!” She bellowed, Winter jumped “You think I’m so weird, have you seen your FACE?” The man frowned but backed away “I’m tired, hungry, thirsty and injured, and the moment I march with relief to a place where I don’t feel so different, I get MOCKED and INSULTED by some dweeby—” “Sazuki!” Winter was holding onto her arm and Sazuki, immediately, was silent. She opened her mouth to say something to him but she felt as if she’d just lost her voice at the sight of this. 17

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower “Gee, attitu—” started the startled eagle-man. “I wouldn’t,” spoke the other “we’ll let you go and find some food. If you wish to speak to someone, speak to the nearest General. They’re most likely to be a Red Kite.” Winter nodded in gratitude as the guards opened the main door swiftly, ushering Sazuki and Winter inside. Sazuki’s mouth was still zipped shut but it wouldn’t stop her from looking up at the incredible room from inside of the trunk. The pair stood upon an elevated platform, with spiralling staircases leading downwards on either side. In front of them was a master staircase that led upwards to the next floor. Passer-bys nodding politely to them, their well-groomed feathered wings folded neatly behind them. Winter sped forward up the grand staircase – now on a new platform, there were staircases on either side just like the previous platform and it continued onwards and upwards for what seemed like miles. At each platform, there was a bold, carved, wooden door that was spread open, letting in the sweet air and the soft light of the sun, which leaked through the light green and brown leaves. Winter could see out to the thick branches that lead out from the door and they were brimming with birds communicating with feathery Hybrins, all seemed like beautiful robots… Winter felt slightly put off by the noiseless, perhaps strict, order. But more than just as impressed. Sword Set was a dirty hole in the ground compared to this place. Winter wasn’t quite sure whether he was dreaming, or on Earth. How had he not heard of this place before, in his simple, dull village? Sazuki was now stood beside him. Absolutely every single Hybrin they passed by gave an odd, shocked or interested look at the human. “I’m glad those guards didn’t ask about our ‘business’,” Winter whispered to Sazuki, but she was still a mute. Winter scratched his head and moped; he was ashamed that Sazuki didn’t trust him enough to share her secrets. “I’m going to go and ask that Red Kite man for the leader,” Winter suggested and straight away, Sazuki groaned. “That’s a stupid idea.” She grumbled. Winter scowled at her and stubbornly ignored her, marching off to the Hybrins with red-brown feathers.


Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower “Excuse me,” he said confidently. The General looked around him as if he’d only heard a voice. Then he looked down and gawped at Winter as if he was some sort of alien. “What in the World… you are a human are you not?” He said, his yellow eyes sparkling with fascination “how in the World… did you get in?” Winter almost took offence “through the entrance… with my guardian, Sazuki Sp—” he decided to follow her with the name. He coughed to hide up his hesitation “Swallow, sir.” The General put the backs of his feathery hands on his hips and leant forward towards Winter. “There is no lead to lie,” he said “I can see she is indeed a Sparrow type…” He looked up at Sazuki, who had been watching but quickly darted her eyes away “why in the World…” “She won’t tell you anything, by the way, and quit saying ‘in the World’.” The Red Kite Hybrins turned back to him furiously. “You have got some nerve, little human,” he murmured, standing up straight with his chest up. He towered over Winter, but Winter was not intimidated. “My guardian and I need to see the leader of your realm, we—” But the mocking laughter coming from the General immediately stopped Winter. “You? Someone, with no worthy status or even a residence? See the great Owl of Ash Clan? You— ” “OK OK OK! I heard you the first time, sir!” Winter snapped with frustration “but it’s an emergency and I need to talk to him about your clan’s safety and—” “That is what they all say. You—” The General interrupted. “Oh so you want to die?! And stop interrupting me and let me—” “I will when you stop interrupting me!” The General roared and there was silence. When he grinned widely with triumph, Winter retorted “you seem so happy with peace and all of that, you don’t realise that you’re not in a danger-free world!” The General bowed and floated away, completely blanking out Winter’s frustrated face. Sazuki had forced herself towards Winter, backing away at his furious face that had just been rejected. The buzz of the crowd was increasing in volume. “I knew it, it’s useless, I’m just a stupid kid!” he whined “Sazuki, why didn’t you back me up?!” 19

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower Sazuki, whose face was previously scowling like a teenager, suddenly wore a sorry expression. It had an impact on Winter because he’d calmed down and was looking into her sorrowful eyes with the same despair. “I’m just so tired,” she finally said “I knew we’d be looked on as weird because you’re a human and I’m…” she paused and rubbed her face with her hand “well, either way, no-one here would help us anyway so…” her voice trailed away and her eyes closed. She swayed about and Winter had to steady her with his hands of her arms “no, no don’t act like that, it’s absolutely vital we get food from these people.” He tried to get Sazuki to look him in the eye “there must be someone here who has plenty of food, I mean, look at them.” His voice was growing ever louder and he was almost unaware of a crowd gathering. However, Sazuki still wouldn’t look anyway but the insides of her eyelids. Winter tried shaking her awake but his arms were floppy and failing. “Come…on…Sa…ski…” he panted and, feeling his hands lose their grip on Sazuki and hearing the high pitched gasps from behind, in front, to the side or wherever, he fell sideways, his legs giving way and he landed with a clap! on the wooden floor. ~:~ It had spotted the two travellers in the Lark Meadow only a couple of hours ago. A small, light-brown haired boy and an odd bird type Hybrin. It was now standing, almost invisible as it hid amongst the long grass of the meadow and also because it had to ability to change the colour of its self appearance. This proved useful as it was one of the most effective tools in catching its prey and slurping up its mind and soul. It gave a small lick at the mouth and swam through the sea of dry grass and to its next destination. Perhaps the nearest town…or nearest landmark. ~:~ Sazuki fingered around, her eyes glued together with eye dust and exhaustion. She was lying on a bristly but soft mattress of some sort. She gasped when she was unsure and awoke immediately. She found Winter 20

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower next to her immediately, went to went him then stopped herself. Let him sleep, she decided. She looked around her. The room that held her was rather grand. The ceiling was tall and held a grand chandelier of leaves, acorns and pine cones. The room was well lit with wide windows almost all across the chamber walls and there was a stylish bedside table perched right next to her with a glass of what looked like apple juice. Refreshed, somehow, Sazuki gazed with a keen smile at the room. With a tingle of affection she glanced at Winter, who was sleeping on his side. His hair sat over his soft face and his hand was only inches from Sazuki’s, who held her own hand, still watching him as he lay silent. It was hard to imagine that he was in such a rage only a few hours earlier. Or had it been days? Sazuki pulled herself out of bed, confused and strangely content inside. Had she been fed, or had she just forgotten something. Then, the wooden door at the far wall, with the wing carved into it, swung open and in entered a Hybrin. However this man was no ordinary Hybrin. His eyes glowed bright amber and he was exceptionally handsome. He had faint facial hair and his hair was short and combed in such a way that it hung over the corners of his eyes, almost like Winter’s. He wore a loose shirt and most outstanding of all, his wings were, unlike everyone else in the Tree, arched by the sides of him. They were as grand as the room, wide and chestnut-feathered. Sazuki stood, in her simple, baggy shorts and shirt, and gazed in admiration. “G’morning!” The man burst out cheerfully. And with surprising quickness he snapped back into a gallant posture “I suppose your sleep was satisfactory?” At first, Sazuki was speechless. “Ah… yes, pleasant, thank you.” “Why the look?” Sazuki showed both shock and confusion. “Oh I, I can’t remember what happened this afternoon…” she mumbled. “You mean… yesterday?” said the Hybrin with humour in his wide eyes. Sazuki’s jaw fell open. “What happened?!” She whispered loudly, not wanting Winter to awaken. “Ah well, you see…” he muttered “after you’d collapsed, an old colleague of mine, Raven…Riley Raven, took you to the nearest ward and well…” he tapped his foot and looked dreamily at the ceiling; Sazuki’s heart race “she fed you while you half asleep and then sent the both of you straight to me.” 21

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower The striking and bold bird-man leant in closer to Sazuki and she almost blushed “my name is Otsuke Owl.” He pulled out a piece of fine bark and a quill, scribbled his name on it swiftly and showed it to her “it’s not ‘Otsook’ it’s ‘Ot-skeh’, the ‘u’ is silent, see?” Noticing at Sazuki’s vacant expression, Otsuke folded the bark under his shirt with a silent mutter to himself. “I’m sorry; would you like to wait for your friend to awaken before having breakfast?” He asked softly, brushing underneath his nose with his finger. Sazuki shook herself awake and stood up, stretching out her arms. “Well, as long as it’s to-go,” she answered “we’ve got a lot of travelling to do, but before then,” she turned around to glance at the sleeping Winter “he needs to talk to you about something important so…” she dropped onto the bed, rolled over to Winter and nudged him hard on the shoulder. He immediately awoke with dreary eyes. “Sazuki…” he said gently. “Good morning, Winter,” she whispered to him kindly. “Why did you wake me up?” he muttered and, to Sazuki’s alarm, twitched his eye in irritation. “Oh… erm, this guy here,” she carelessly seized the collar on Otsuke’s shirt and dragged him to her level “I think he’s the leader of this grand, respectable Tree.” A cough was heard and Sazuki’s shoulder clicked strangely. Otsuke had gotten a hold of Sazuki’s arm and was pressing it into her back unnaturally. She squealed and tried to wriggle free; she stood up and found herself centimetres from the owl-man’s face. He beamed at her and she creased her brow in cowardice. “Yes, I am the leader,” he said, letting go of her and tilting his head casually towards Winter who was covering his eyes with the back of his arm. “Winter,” Sazuki said, raising her voice “thank this man for his hospitality.” With an odd quickness, Winter replied “and you will as well.” Sazuki rolled her eyes and Winter pulled himself up and looked up in respect at Otsuke Owl. “Thank you for helping us when no others did,” he said. “Actually, Riley Raven of the third floor brought you here.” “Well, thank her too.” 22

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower Otsuke smiled heartily and paced away from the bed to stand by the window “is there something you must warn me about?” Winter was startled by such awareness, unless Sazuki had told him of course. “Yes… you’re aware of the Black M-Mitsu,” he stammered. The owl nodded “w-well, it’s after me because I have a special type of—” “Mind, yes, you send signals to other people via dreams,” the owl finished. Winter stood up in shock. “How do you—” “I was there,” said Otsuke “but you really don’t know the meanings behind the dreams?” He turned around to face him, his brilliant eyes were serious and he was concerned. Winter shook his head dismally and looked to the floor. “You know,” started the Ash Clan leader “you came here because you had that vision,” Winter looked up at him and shrugged “but, you had that vision because you were going to come here, understand?” Winter’s eyes widened and Otsuke strode up to him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “You couldn’t have known that, don’t put yourself down because of it. But now that you are here, and I should’ve realised a little sooner, the Dark One will come in search for you here, so it is best to make a move before your… prediction comes true.” The owl-man turned away gradually, and Sazuki swore she could here his swallow. He feared the future events. “Come on, we have to listen to him, this instant,” said Sazuki. A second later, the window exploded into shards of glass and a white claw was racing towards Winter - ready to throttle him.


Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower


Dark That Came Early “Duck!” Winter yelled, diving backwards. Sazuki spun around, confused. “You mean ‘demon!’?” Sazuki answered loudly. Winter groaned with frustration and ran behind the bed as the demon approached. Its cloak rippled in the suddenly fearsome wind. “Pah, what an impatient old chap,” she then muttered. She ripped out her sword and leapt out of the demon’s grasp as it zoomed forward. It let out a squeal and eyed the unmade bed where Winter had hidden himself behind. No, don’t get Winter, Sazuki begged silently. She growled and grasped her ice-white, three-bladed sword tightly with both hands and charged towards the demon and slashed where he was supposed to be. Except it’d vanished like a hologram and appeared right above her! “Rip…TEAR!” it snarled before plummeting downwards. Sazuki gasped and jumped backwards out of the way, bringing her sword high and bravely. With a warrior’s cry she brought down her hefty sword and cut straight through the centre of the liquid-like head of the demon and black blood splattered her face. Behind the bed, Winter shivered. But at the same time, he was cursing to himself. I can’t stand being such a burden, he thought angrily – “Sazuki!” He emerged from his hiding place and his feet were nailed to the ground in both fear and determination. “I want to… oh…” After noticing that the battle had long finished and Sazuki was scooping up wet, black dust into a jar, Winter relaxed his shoulders and walked up to her. “What?” Sazuki asked after cleaning up but Winter simply shook his head and looked to the wooden floor. At that moment, the door opened and in strode Otsuke. He was now wearing chest-plate armour and under his arm he held a magnificent wooden staff of sand brown. 24

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower “Did you even hear the racket?!” Sazuki said half-joking. She wiped blood from her face and shrugged at the owl-man. Otsuke pulled the smooth spear from underneath his arm and held it up, showing it off. He stroked its pelt of velvet-like wood slowly. Sazuki’s temper rose. “Don’t just ignore us, you knew this was coming didn’t you?!” She spat and Otsuke nodded with a slight smile on his face. Winter scowled at him this time. “Why didn’t you warn us? Why didn’t you help us?!” He wanted to leap at the Hybrins, but just looking at the smart man with a heart shaped face forced him not to. Especially when he held an incredible weapon. “Fine, there are more.” Otsuke said before clutching his weapon tightly and bounding off the ground, leaping through the once-window so swiftly, his wings cut the air and Winter’s nose trying to watch him go. Sazuki’s jaw dropped open with amazement and disgust. “You little…” and at that, she followed the owl-man. But as she opened her wings and searched for the demon, she retreated back and stared. Otsuke had opened his awesome wings, wide and brown, wind stormed around the Hybrin as he hovered in front of the demon, now visible. With hardly a move of his spear-holding hand, he sped straight through the demon, and appeared on the opposite side of the demon, his face calm and his spear blurring with black dust. With a high-pitched squeal, the weak demon raised its bony hands in the air and watched itself slipping away like sand into the atmosphere, only to be swiped quickly up inside Otsuke’s jar. Otsuke Owl then flapped his wings lightly, turning to face the on-lookers. He waved the black jar at Sazuki and Winter, who were by the empty window frame, gazing in incredulity. “He didn’t even get any blood on him; how the hell...?!” Winter whispered through gritted teeth to Sazuki beside him. Otsuke had now floated towards them, his chin high but he wore not a grin but a frown. “You could have at least showed some sportsmanship… or some gratefulness at that!” He said, his eyes glittering with some humour. Winter shook his head rapidly. “Well, I thought it that was remarkable, sir, but—” “I could’ve taken it you fool!” Sazuki snapped across Winter, glaring with furious eyes at the Ash Clan leader. Otsuke remained calm and nodded at her. 25

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower “I know, but I wanted to do a little fighting,” he smiled this time “this place is so full of tranquillity and order, it’s so dull!” He flipped his spear over his head and slid it into a scabbard on his back. Sazuki’s shoulders relaxed and she looked at her shoes. “That’s why I never joined this clan,” she said. Winter stared at her. He felt as if he knew Sazuki, despite her secrecy, a little more after this one episode. When he’d first met her, she’d been mainly calm and as if she was forcing back her fury at others. She didn’t even seem kind, even though she’d comforted him. But suddenly, after seeing her let out her anger on everyone so freely, it was if she trusted him… or something. But besides, he hadn’t known for even a day. “Sazuki,” he said to her. She turned to him with a much calmer look which startled him slightly “is that the only reason you dislike about this Clan?” But instead of a straight answer, she shrugged. Then, strangely, Winter felt unusually tired again. Sazuki watched with worry as she yawned. “I’m still tired, Sazuki…” he began “could we possibly stay for a bit longer?” He felt faint. Sazuki frowned her usual, impatient frown. “We don’t have any time for pointless naps, Winter,” she said sternly. But Winter hadn’t even heard it and he was sleeping on the floor. Sazuki raised her eyebrow and picked him up, followed closely by Otsuke. When Sazuki had placed him on the bed, she spun around and found Otsuke’s handsome face inches from hers. She widened her eyes and said nothing. She shook her head, still eyeing him, confused. “What?” She said half laughing. Otsuke blinked. “I was searching you,” “What?!” Sazuki hissed back. “You’ve become fond of this boy, despite what you say, correct?” Sazuki began to turn red and she pushed the man out of her way and marched up to the window for some air. “He’s so infuriating though, I’m just honoured that I’m the one to escort him to Hybrid Tower,” she said quickly. Otsuke strode over to her and put his hand on her shoulder and, to his surprise, she didn’t flinch. She turned to face him. “Have you perhaps thought of yours and his destiny? Perhaps they’ve… intertwined?” Sazuki looked down at the polished floor. She thought she 26

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower could see her face in the floor, glaring back at her. What?! The reflection retorted at her. Sazuki sighed and looked up at Otsuke. “‘Destiny’? I don’t believe in that,” she said bluntly. “There’s no avoiding it,” replied Owl “now maybe you aught to get some sleep too.” “But it’s the morning!” She said but Otsuke had already pinched her shoulder and she collapsed in his arms in sleep. “So stubborn,” and he placed her body close to Winter’s and smiled with affection at the pair of them. ~:~ Winter was sitting on the bank of a sticky river. It stank of moss and rotting flesh, and Winter felt sick just by thinking about it, even if he didn’t smell. He stood up and immediately felt a fraction of his feet sink into the boggy grass. He looked around him and suddenly saw a figure, limping towards him in the distance. Winter dashed, with difficulty, towards them and realised it was someone he knew. Her short dirty-blonde hair was clutching her cheeks with sweat and her eyes were wide with fear and exhaustion, but he couldn’t doubt that it was Sazuki Sparrow. “Sazuki…” he whispered into the wind. Sazuki stopped abruptly and stared at him. “Winter… what are you doing here in my dream?” “Why would you care, you hate me.” Sazuki’s mouth fell open at these words. She tried to call to him, she tried to question him, but they pair of them had faded away. ~:~ Sazuki arose from her dream with a start. Next to her Winter was curled up with his eyes frozen open. Sazuki placed her hand on his arm and immediately Winter recoiled and leapt off the bed away from her, glaring at her. “My dreams wouldn’t lie… you hate me?!” He said, his hands shaking. “What? Of course not! I hardly know you!” She burst out. 27

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower “Fine, well, maybe when you do know me, you’ll hate me then,” he growled. He looked around for Otsuke, but he’d once again vanished “where is that freak?!” He shouted to the ceiling and Sazuki groaned with frustration alongside him. A heartbeat later, the door swung open slowly and Sazuki and Winter instinctively sprinted towards the person now standing in the door. “OTSUKE!” Winter screamed, his fists flailing but he wasn’t able to control them and instead crashed into this person and they onto the floor. When Winter came to (a few seconds later) he looked underneath him to see a black haired girl with lilac eyes staring back at him. He gasped and leapt off her apologising over and over until she blinked and apologised over and over too. Sazuki rolled her eyes and walked over to the two. The girl was as young Winter, perhaps older. Her hair was perfectly straight and flat on her head. It hung behind her shoulders with curtains at the front and she was as skinny as a twig. “Who are you? Where’s Otsuke?” Sazuki asked so firmly that Winter flashed an angry glance at her. “My name is Riley Raven, ma’am,” she said quietly “Mr Owl is out on the Training Branch.” Sazuki frowned and stamped her foot. Straight after she folded her arms and was silent. “You helped us didn’t you?” Winter said kindly, gazing at Riley, who blushed slightly. She nodded, without taking her eyes off Winter, who smiled gratefully. “Thank you,” he said gently. Sazuki coughed and he spun around to glare at her. He then pulled himself and Riley up from the floor and stood up straight “so, why are you here then?” he asked. “I wanted to see whether you were okay,” she said looking at Winter as if she had no care for Sazuki “and after I heard where you heading…” her voice grew quieter “would you be p-passing the Neko Marshes by any chance?” Winter raised his brow with curiosity. Sazuki turned and glared at Riley, who sat as innocent as ever. Finally, it was Sazuki who answered. “What’s it to you?” she retorted (Winter flashed another glare). “Well…” Riley started. Winter expected her to keep it to herself, being so quiet, but instead, Riley blurted out “I want to find my brother.” 28

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower Winter jumped up with shock, and his heart raced. He reached into his pocket of his shorts and retrieved an old, mousey coloured hat. “This was my brother’s,” he said “I want to find him too.” There was a long silence, then Sazuki spoke. “Well, you have your own secrets too, Winter?” She said and to Winter’s relief, she was smiling kindly “and we are actually heading through the Neko Marshes… and dangerous as it may be, but it’s the safest road and—” “Riley! She can come with us!” Winter immediately said “we’ll drop you off there.” “Now wait just a minute Winter—” Sazuki tried to say. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you find your brother, I know how it feels,” Sazuki tried to start, but both she and Riley were stunned into silence by Winter’s constant caring and talking. “If you bring your own food and sleeping sack then—” Winter continued to say enthusiastically, holding Riley’s pale hand. “WINTER!” Sazuki yelled. Riley squeaked in fright. “Let her say something! Let me say something too!” Winter shrunk away from the pair of them, and held his knees. “No it’s fine, it’s what I absolutely desire,” Riley said “I know he fled to a different Clan, and I wanted to follow, but Mr Owl said I was too young and fragile to travel alone so…” she bowed her head and twiddled her thumbs. Sazuki chuckled shortly. “FINE! I’m trying my hardest to show to Winter that I don’t hate him, and since he obviously fancies you,” Winter opened his mouth and blushed violently, gaping at Sazuki angrily “so it should make him happy to have you with us for the short period of time.” “Ah!” Riley said, jumping up, rushing over to Sazuki and seizing her hands in gratitude “thank you ever so much, this means so much to me, it really does.” She glanced over at red-faced Winter and smiled sweetly. ~:~ About half an hour later, after eating breakfast and packing their journey provisions, the three were side by side outside the large tree that housed the hundreds of birds and bird-hybrins. Winter was gazing up at the sky with 29

Dust Black ~ Journey to the Hybrid Tower excitement, Sazuki was tapping her foot impatiently and Riley was looking ahead, daydreaming and holding onto a small backpack. She also had wings, hers were nearly as small as Sazuki’s. They were black and curved, the feathers perfectly groomed, just like Otsuke. Speaking of Otsuke, he was stood at the grand door of the Ash Clan headquarters and saying his farewells. “I wish we could have talked more,” he said “and also, I wish we could have duelled, Sazuki,” he nodded at her but Sazuki simply grunted and looked away. And with that, the three turned away and walked off into the meadow, heading for that forked road Winter and Sazuki were at before they were ambushed. As expected, the meadow was long and it wasn’t long before Winter was tired again. Cursing to himself to continue, he trudged along, behind the other two. “How do you two have such stamina?” He asked. “Training,” they said at the same time. Soon later, clouds drifted across the sky. The whole of the meadow was in shadow suddenly, and the grass was blowing violently in the furious wind. Winter and Riley clutched onto their clothes and luggage whilst Sazuki looked around her and saw the sun completely being blocked out. “But it’s midday…!” she muttered but she didn’t have time to think as her head began to scorch with pain as a black figure soared over them like the darkness itself.


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