Duet : Musical Composition For Two Performer Elegy : Song

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,438
  • Pages: 14
duet : musical composition for two performer elegy : song of lament elaborate : act of clarifying things , adding details disseminate : to circulate , scatter divest : uncloth , dissonance : musical discord , inharmonious sound , nonmusical dogmatic : imposing personal opinions , arrogant dowdy : a women who is shabbily unfashioned or unattractive dressed dubious : doubtful , questionable chracter , giving rise to doub ebullience : enthusiasm , an overflowing of high sprit , effervesence edifice : a large building effeminate : having qualities attributed to women , delicate effervescence : liveliness, spirit , enthusiasm , bubbliness effusive : pouring out , overflow (speech or emotion depict : to represent graphically denounce : to speak out against , condem denigrate : to defame , to blacken deign : condescend defamation : to harm a name or reputation debonair : having affable manner , carefree, genial debase : lower in position or rank humilate , depreciate depreciate : lower the value or lower the market price covetous : greedy very desirous dauntless : intrepid, fearless, conventional : traditional , common , routine unwonted : not customary or habitual , unusual , not common , rare usury : practice of lending money with excessively high intrest rate or illegal rate waive : to give up , withdraw , to change ones mind utopia : An imeginary place where things r consider to ideal perfection (socially

and politically) wane : to gradual become less , need , lack winsome : charming , attractive zephyr : gentle wind , breez unruly : Not easily controlled or disciplined , disobedient Unfeigned : Not feigned , genuine , honest converge : to move towards one point ANT. diverge conviviality : a fondness of festiveness or joviality copious : abundant ,

in great quantities

corpulence : obesity , bulk of the body , fat correlate : to bring in mutual relation ship ungainly : clumsy , unattractive , awkward ,ungraceful unequivocal : clear, unambiguous ubiquitous : omnipresent , present every where turmoil : unrest , agitation Truncate : To shorten by cutting cynical : distrustful , incredulous of human goodness incredulous : something to believe , sceptical sceptical : of person inclined to scepticism , dubious , incredulous protagonist : chief person in the drama , the principal character in a play , novel bilingual : having two languages , speakin two languages fluently egnimatic : mysterious ,obscure , not clear intrigue : a clandestine love affair ,state of affair reluctantly : unwillinly, struggling , averse ranch : a hut or house in a country suburb : a retidential area lying immediately outside or within the boundaries of a town sarah pierce is now a relucant homemaker and mother in an upper-middle class suburb of boston plague : a thing causing trouble , an annoying person,illness disease

summon : authorative call sonata : a musical composition of one or two instrument deceased : dead person solicit : disturb , make anxious, fill with concern redeem : buy back, free,recover unruly : not easily controlled or disclipned , governed rambunctious : unruly,high sprited retaliates :in return,reply,insult,attack frigid : intensly cold, sexually unresponsive, lacking in sexual vigour, impotent obsession : a persistent idea dominating a persons mind lily soon becomes obsessed with ivys letter rebel : refusing to obey,fighting against establishment of govt. estrange : keep away,make a stranger ,destroy or divert attention duet : two voices , two performer potable : drinkable potent : having great power or physical strength prate : talk foolishly prattle :childish babble precarious : depending upon another , risky , uncertain prevaricate : to speak equivocal , to lie privy : private , confidential probity : honesty profound : deep knowledgeable , thorough quaint : old fashioned pedagogue : a teacher pellucid : transparent placate : to appease , pacify odious : hateful , disgusting oligarchy : form of govt. where supreme power is in the hands of a small group optimist : a person who hopes for the best

orthodox : traditional panegyric : high praise pecuniary : pertaining to money paradigm : model , prototype , pattern pariah : outcast parochial : religious , narrow minded parsimony : to be unreasonably careful when spending loiter : spend time aimlessly loquacious : garrulous , talktive lucent : shining malediction : putting curse on someone malevolent : wishing evil malinger : to pretend to be ill in order to escape work malleable : easy to shape manifest : to show clearly , clear melodious : pleasing to hear mercenary : working or done for payment meretricious : deceptive beauty , alluring by attractive appearance misanthrope : hater of mankind irrational : not logical jeopardy : danger jovial : cheery , jolly lax : careless, irresponsible lewd : lustful , wicked indict : charge with crime indigence : the condition of being poor indolent : lazy inert : not reacting , inactive inimical : hostile , unfriendly

ingenuous : noble , honorable , candid innovate : to introduce a change insipid : tasteless , dull instigate : start provoke intrepid : fearless , bold iota : a very small piece ironic : inconsistent impede : to stop the progress , obstruct , hinder implicit : without doubt impudent : disrespectful and shameless inadvertent : not on purpose , unintentional inanimate : to be dull , spritless inarticulate : speechless , unable to speak clearly incorrigible : not capable of correction (habbit) indelible : that cannot be erased gregarious : fond of the company of others gullible

: easily fooled

hapless : unlucy , unfortunate haughty : proud of oneself and scornful of others hypocritical : two faced , deceptive flamboyant : being too showy or ornate flinch : drawback , retreat foster : encourage , nurture , support futile : not profitable, worthless gauche : awkward , lacking social grace exculpate : to free from guilt exonerate : to declare or prove blameless extol : to give great praise fervent : passionate , intense

elucidate : to make clear , to explain embellish : to improve by adding details emulate : to try to equal endorse : to approve , recommend epicure : a person who has a good taste in food and drink ephemeral : very short lived , lasting only for a short time epilogue : closing section of a play equanimity : the quality of remaining calm and undisturbed equivocal : doubtful erratic : unpredictable , irregular eulogy : word of praise (especially for dead) euphony : pleasant combination of sound evanescent : vanishing quicklyl , dissipating like vapour,tending to fade from eyes dexterous : skillful , quick mentally or physically dichotomy : division into two parts benevolent : kind , generous brusque : abrupt in manner or speech berlesque : to imitate in a non serious manner cabal : group of person joined by a secret caliber : quality calumny : slander , false or malicious statement about a person canard : a false statement or rumor capricious : changeable ,irregular , unpredictable castigate : to punish through public criticism cascade : a waterfall censor : to examine and delete objectionable material censure : a disapproval , an expression of disapproval , to criticize or disapprove charlatan : a person who pretends to have knowledge , an impostor , fake

chaste : virtuous , free of obscenity , pure clandestine : a secret codel : protect attentively , water below boiling point collaborate : to work together commodious : spacious and convenient , roomy compatible : in agreement with , harmonious contrite : regretfull , sorrowful , having repentance arogant : acting superior to others articulate : to utter clearly and distinctly , expressed with clarity attenuate : to weaken audacious : fearless ,bold , daring augment : to increase or add , to make larger autocracy : govt. where one person holds the power mitigate : to alleviate , lessen mollify : to soften , to make less intense mundane : ordinary , commonplace nascent : starting to grow nefarious : morally bad , wicked objective : open minded obtuse : slow to understand obsolete : out of date obligatory : mandatory , necessary ameliorate : to improve or make better amity : friendly relations animosity : feeling of hatred or ill-will apocryphal : doubtful authenticity antipathy : strong dislike anarchist : one who belives that formal govt. is unnecessary amendment : removal of faults , correction , improvement


: sharpness or bitterness in language or manner

adage : an old saying now accepted as being truthful adroit : expert or skilful clastrophobia : irrational fear of confined places orientation : Position or arrangement of a building , natural object Antichrist : Any opponent of christ Impulse : motion caused by application of force Exterminate : kill all the members of (a race, nation), put an end Quarantine : isolation imposed on a person or animal to prevent infection or contagious Twilight : A period of destruction Departed : Seprated or cutt off from the main body Salvation : The action of saving something ,a person or thing that saves. Condemn : find gulty , convict Rescue : to save or set free from harm Apocalypse : violent or destructive event Obese : very fat , extremely corpulent Obsess : fill the mind of (person) continually , preoccupy Please try not to obsess over the minor problems in the program Sadomasochism : A combination of SADISM and MASOCHISM ...............sadism : deriving sexual pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering or enjoyment of cruelty to others ............nasochism : deriving sexual pleasure from ones own pain , humilation. Insatiable : not satiable , unable to be satisfied Latex : a milky liquid found in many plants Conquest : the action of gaining by force of arms , military Wreak : Cause havoc or destruction The recent tsunami has wreaked havock throught coastal Southeast asia Witty : Cleaver , often verbally The cowboys had developed a strikingly witty and charming character that came out most clearly when he would tell jokes and stories Vicinity : Surrounding area

Vendor : A person who sells something Trivial : Something unimportant or lacking in value She corrected only trivial errors in the document Treasury : the storage of funds or money Trauma : a psychic injury, extremly distressing experiance that can have psychological effect The people on the war torn country , experienced economic collapse and political instability remained in the state of trauma Testimony : Evidence given by a witness in court during a trial Tease : To make fun of someone Strive : to try hard to achieve Sophisticated : Cultured and Knowledgeable Predator : Oragnism that eats other organism for their survival Petition : An written document provided in order to demand for a specific action from govt. Patron : A person who provides monetary of other types of support to someone Patrons of the New York City opera provide financial support for the institute Outrageous : Likely to shock people because it is extraordinary , unconventional or extravagent Writhe : An object twisted and formed into a circular object Precinct : District Gargantuan : Enormous , gignatic , huge Fixation : Obsession Unnerve : Deprive of strength , render physically , destroy the confidence of someone Beast : Animal , Animal nature in man Scrounge : Sponge on ... or live at the expence of others , seek to obtain something by stealth Haste : Quickness or speed of motion Dozy : Sleepy Recuperative : recover or regain Convalesce : regain health after an illness , injury Gawky : an awkward stupid person

Beckon : Signal with gesture of head (esp. indicate that someone should approach) Anorexia : Psychiatric illness that describes an eating disorder characterized by extremly low body weight vogue : prevailing fashion Prurient : Having or encouraging unhealthy sexual curiosity -a prurient adolescent Inveterate : Persistent , lasting , deeprooted , habitual -inveterate gambler Perspicacity : Clearness of understanding , keenness of sight Enervate : Lacking in physical strength -feels enervated Posthumous : Child born after the death of father -Posthumous child Anomalous : Uncomfortable, dissimilar , irregular , abnormal -anomalous situation Laconic : Tearse , concise -a Laconic speaker Vicarious : experienced indirectly , acting or done for another , performed or accomplished by or on behalf of another Congenital : existing from birth -congenital deformity Antipathy : strong aversion or dislike Retrospect : "in retrospect" when looking back , in refrence Indefatigable : tireless Anonymous : of unknown name -An anonymous person Naive : innocent , foolishly credulous Credulous : too ready to believe , gullible Inmical : Unfriendly , hostile Palatable : Pleasing or agreeable to mind Inure : Accustom or habitual Veracious : Truthful by nature Furtive : Done by secret , Clendestine Thwart : Action of thwarting someone or something, causing hinderance ,

obstruction Corpulence : Obesity Corporeal : Pertaining to body , nature of body Somatic : Pertaining to body not to mind Ramshakle : Building or vechile in falling state Propensity : Inclination , Tendency , bias Commendable : Praiseworthy , laudable Affluent : Having plenty of money , Abundant Recalcitrant : Obstinately disobedient Hypocyrisy : False claim to virtue , two faced man Virtue : Moral Exelence , Goodness Insolent : Arrogant Endaveour : Try Earnestly Incarcerate : Imprison , Confine Incineration : Burn to ashes Supervision : Direction , management Cynical : Distrustful , incredulous to human goodness Prolific : Abundantly productive Derange : Disturbed Aggravate : Make worse or more serious Rudimentry : Pertaining to preliminary stage , undeveloped immature , pertaining to basic principals Divulge : Make pubilicaly known Derelict : Abandon by owoner Doleful : Full of pain , grief , suffering , sorrowful , melancholy Nonchalant : Calm and casual , lacking in enthusiasm or intrest , indifferent Reprove : Express disapproval , Reject Debunk : Expose (a person , institution or idea) as spurious or false Decimate : Destroy a large proportion of Importune : Solicit as a prostitute

Solicit : Seek repeatedly , earnestly Indecisive : Not such as to decide a matter not conclusive Prevaricate : Divergence from a right course Vacilation : The action or habbit of wavering between options Designate : Appoint to an office or fuction , specify Obloquy : Being generally ill spoken , severe critism : ANT - Praise Slander : False charge on someone , Malecious statement about a person intended to injure or defame others Levity : Lack of serious thoughts , Frivolity Frivolity : Not serious , silly

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