Dtg Priest Requirements

  • June 2020
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Duty to God: Priest Cross-Reference Personal - Priesthood Duties and Standards Do All The Following Regularly

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Sunday Month

Keep the commandments





Live the standards in For the Strength of Youth





Have daily personal prayer





Read the scriptures





Attend seminary





Attend sacrament, priesthood, & other meetings





Keep the Word of Wisdom





Pay a full tithe





Bless the sacrament





Serve as a home teacher





Perform other assigned priesthood duties





Family Activities Do All

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Sunday Month


Read the Book of Mormon. Discuss highlights with family


If you don't have it, make plans to get your patriarchal blessing Teach 4 family home evening lessons each year

Mar-Yr 1 May-Yr 1 Sep-Yr 1 Nov-Yr 1 Mar-Yr 2 May-Yr 2 Sep-Yr 2 Nov-Yr 2

Read topics from Gospel Principles and teach 2 of them to family. See guidebook.

Feb-Yr1 Apr-Yr2 Sept-Yr2

Read D&C 4 and discuss its meaning. See guidebook. Yr1

Talk to a parent about your career goals and how you are going to achieve them.


Read D&C 134 and discuss with parents how it relates to your responsibilities as a citizen Yr1

Submit the name of one of your ancestors for temple work, or write 500 word personal history.


Read endowed from on high, and discuss it with your parents. Quorum Activities Do All

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Sunday Month

Memorize the sacrament prayers. Talk to leader about baptismal covenant and what it involves.


Give two 4-5 minute talks each year in priesthood or sacrament.

Talk-Yr1 Talk-Yr1 Talk-Yr2 Talk-Yr2

Serve as a companion to a full-time missionary at least twice. Discuss experience with the missionary.

Yr1 Yr2


Discuss meaning of the oath and covenant of the priesthood with leader. Teach at least 2 lessons in priests quorum.

Yr1 Yr2

Learn basic skills of conducting music, memorize a hymn, and lead other in singing once a year. Participate in at least 1 priests quorum service project each year. Personal Goals Do 8 or more

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Sunday Month

Speak in quorum or sacrament about honesty and integrity in daily life Teach a gospel lesson to younger children in family home evening, Sunday school, Primary, or another meeting. Visit a hospital or care center, and talk with or read to the patients or residents. Assist 2 elderly families with tasks such as shopping, gardening, cleaning house, and painting. Learn to play the piano or organ well enough to accompany 2 hymns in a Church meeting, Participate in a baptismal service by being a witness, performing a baptism, giving a talk, leading the music, or helping to set-up.


Encourage and invite a less-active quorum member to participate in at least 1 quorum or ward activity. Add regularly to your mission fund in preparation for your call


Participate in a community service project to benefit people who are not members of the church. Recite from memory the Articles of Faith and D&C 4. Participate in a ward or stake missionary preparation program. Go out on exchanges with stake or full-time missionaries. Speak in sacrament about a righteous father and the impact he had on his family. Physical Development Do 8 or more Run 10 km in 60 minutes. Hike 25 km with a pack in 2 days or less. Run for 30 minutes twice a week for 3 months. Swim for 30 minutes twice a week for 3 months Present a display or demonstrate a hobby or craft at school, Church, or community event. Participate in a musical group that presents music in harmony with Church standards, and give public performance. Participate on a sports team in your quorum, ward, school, or community. Learn to play or officiate for a sport. Teach the rules of a sport to another family or quorum member Organize and go camping with your quorum. Practice no-trace camping. Study needs of people with disabilities, then present a plan to your parents or leaders for a camping trip that includes those with disabilities. Plan a quorum activity with little or no cost. See guidebook.

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Sunday Month

Option #1- Bishops storehouse - cannery Educational, Personal, & Career Development Do 8 or more Write a post-high school education or training plan. Include how you will finance it and how your mission will fit into the plan.

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Sunday Month

Grade 12 CAPP

Enroll & participate in a university or vocational school, on-the-job training program, apprenticeship, or internship. Visit workplace of 3 occupations you are interested in. Write about what you did and didn't like, and why it would or wouldn't fit your long-term goals. With your parents' permission, obtain part-time work. With your parents' permission, obtain part-time work. Learn how to find a job. Prepare a resume, and hold a practice interview with a parent or leader. Obtain a valid driver's license with your parents' approval.


Prepare a personal history, including several events in your or your family's life. Keep a journal or personal record. In a different language learn to bear your testimony, & memorize the last 6 articles of faith. Also, in 5 languages, learn greetings that people would use. Plan and participate in a variety show at church or in the community that includes local talent. Create at least 3 paintings or drawings, and if possible, display them in a church, at school, or community cultural arts event. Participate in a church, school, or community choir. Learn to play a musical instrument Learn how to make cookies from scratch and how to follow a recipe. Citizenship & Social Development Do 8 or more

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Plan and participate in at least 1 combined activity Read the section on dating in For the Strength of Youth. Discuss appropriate activities, conduct and characteristics to look for in a potential spouse. Learn good personal hygiene and grooming habits. Discuss why these skills are important to your success now and as a missionary. Have newly married couple have a panel discussion on how to treat each other during courtship, etc Attend a social event in the ward/stake and another at school. Describe to parents or leader how you felt and behaved in both situations.


Plan and do a cultural or social activity for a group of elderly people in your area. Organize or assist with a crime prevention program in your neighbourhood. Ask an RCMP member to attend a neighbourhood meeting, and encourage residents to watch out for one another. Do 2 projects that will help you better understand national governments and how to preserve peace. Talk to leader about the culture of a country or countries in which full-time missionaries are serving.


Sunday Month

Help an elderly person participate in an election in your area. Participate in at least 2 community service projects during the year

Duty To God Service Project Do All

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Sunday Month

Scout Quorum Family Week Month Month

Sunday Month

Choose a project that gives significant service to your family, ward, stake, or community. Needs to be at least 30 hours, and approved by parents and leader. My Personal Journal Do All At a minimum, fill in the journal section of the Duty to God guidebook. However, you are encouraged to use and write in a journal on a regular bases.

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