Drifter: Main File

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  • Pages: 19
Drifter He came for you in the night. He came for you at noon. He found you in a crowd of friends. He found you sitting alone in the shade. Everyone’s story is different, but however he did it, Ceros found us and gave us the Gift. They threw you out. They tried to keep you, to help you, until things started happening. You were chased out by an angry mob. You were chased out by rabid dogs. You left because you were afraid for them. You left for no reason at all. Everyone’s story is different, but however it happened, we were all cast out. You heard rumors and found them. They heard rumors and found you. You stumbled on their camp by chance. They had been watching you for years and only now revealed themselves. You found dozens of them. You only found one. You found an army. Everyone’s story is different, but however it happened, we all found them. The others like us. And one more thing is always the same. We are all growing stronger. You are Empowered. You are mortal no longer.

Power Hierarchy Characters, abilities, and items in Drifter are broadly classified into six categories based on their power. These are Mortal (ordinary people/things; all level zeros except Outcasts are Mortal), Empowered (more than physically possible; level zero Outcasts and weak Mages fit in here), Half-mortal (can be at most half-contained within any amount of matter; begins at level five), Immortal (does not technically need a physical body, though most are bound to one of some kind; begins at level twenty), Descendant (a relatively close variation of Sevael, the most powerful being in the universe; begins at level fifty), and Ascendant (only a few steps down from Sevael; begins at level 100). Sevael, Dismay, and Aesthelyn are Transcendant, but player characters cannot attain this. For objects and feats/spells, their level in the power hierarchy means the level required for a character to use them. Objects can be held and used by characters not meeting this requirement, but they gain no magical bonuses from doing so. To say that, for example, an item can be used by an Ascendant Soldier means that it requires the Soldier class and Ascendancy (a total level of 100). To say that it requires “Ascendancy within Soldierhood” means that it requires a character with 100 levels in the Soldier class. This is an important distinction.

Feats List Feats are essentially special abilities for your character. They can be active (further divided into attacks and techniques) or passive (further divided into traits, auras, and stances). Attacks are used in battle and directly affect enemy characters. Techniques can be used at any time (though they are hard to use in battle) and can have a variety of effects. Traits give bonuses (and occasionally penalties) to the character, auras effect the

stats of all characters in the area, and stances are like traits, but at most one may be active at a time. Mortal Feats: Empowered Feats: Bloodless: Trait Prerequisites: Empowerment Effects: Character becomes immune to blood vampirism and cannot take damage from losing blood. The character is, however, left vulnerable to soul vampirism; this can be avoided by filling the veins/body cavity with any liquid as a substitute. This substitute can be drunk but gives no bonuses. Incantation: Technique Prerequisites: Empowerment; language proficiency Effects: Character can cast spells with an incantation that makes it cheaper and may have other effects. Spells incanted in nonmagical languages cost 1% less mana, Lerian cost 20% less mana, High Mortesian cost 30% less mana, Aren’garek cost 50% less mana (but see its entry in Speak [language] skill). Other magical languages may be chosen by the DM, but Aren’garek is the most powerful. Sense: Trait Prerequisites: Empowerment; 10 WIS Effects: The character can acutely sense all characters within five feet plus an additional one per WIS mod, adding one to attack and defense against them. The character also gains a +1 bonus to all Reflex saves. Encouraging: Aura; radius five feet plus five feet per WIS and CHA mods Prerequisites: Empowerment; 12 CHA; 8 WIS Effects: All characters within the radius receive +1 to all saves and to attack and defense rolls. Characters may be excluded from this effect at the center character’s option. This never affects the center character. Unsettling: Aura; radius five feet plus five feet per WIS and CHA mods Prerequisites: Empowerment; 12 CHA; 8 WIS Effects: All characters within the radius receive -1 to all saves and to attack and defense rolls. Characters may be excluded from this effect at the center character’s option. This never affects the center character. Guard: Stance Prerequisites: Empowerment Effects: While in this stance, the character receives +1 to defense and an additional +1 against melee weapons. The character also can counterattack against failed melee attacks if they make a DEX check against a DC equal to the attack roll’s result. The counterattack does normal damage. However, movement speed while in this stance is halved. Melee-targeted effects of this Stance only apply if the character is not wielding a ranged weapon. Swift: Stance Prerequisites: Empowerment Effects: While in this stance, the character receives +1 to attack rolls and +1 defense against ranged weapons. Character receives one extra attack per round. Movement speed is doubled, but the character receives all other bonuses only if

they make a full move that round. Character can always attack after moving while in this stance. Multiwielding: Trait Prerequisites: Empowerment; base attack modifier is at least 20 Effects: When using multiple weapons, the primary weapon has 90% accuracy (100% if no other weapons are used) and the secondary weapons have 70% (80% if no other weapons are used). The penalty for using x more weapons than your natural form has hands is reduced to 5x%. Multiattack: Attack Prerequisites: Multiwielding Effects: The character can make up to three attacks in one action. Each attack is 60% as accurate as the last one, and if x attacks are made in an action, a 5x% penalty applies to every attack made that action (this does not stack with the 40% penalty per attack). To make multiple attacks per action, you must concentrate on each target. Extra attacks granted are per weapon (see Multiweapon Combat). This feat can be taken multiple times, granting two extra attacks each time. Half-mortal Feats: Flurry: Attack Prerequisites: Half-mortality; Multiattack; base attack modifier is at least 40 Effects: As Multiattack, but attacks are 70% as accurate as the previous, and the penalty for x attacks is only x%. To make multiple attacks per action, you must concentrate on each target. Extra attacks granted are per weapon (see Multiweapon Combat). You cannot have more ranks in Flurry than in Multiattack. Storm of Blows: Attack Prerequisites: Flurry; base attack modifier is at least 60; [Unarmed Monk] Effects: As Flurry, but each attack is 80% as accurate as the previous, and a target hit by at least three attacks must make a Fortitude save against DC (attacker’s STR) or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. To make multiple attacks per action, you must concentrate on each target. Extra attacks granted are per weapon (see Multiweapon Combat). You cannot have more ranks in Storm of Blows than in Flurry. Foe-tossing Charge: Attack Prerequisites: Flurry; base attack modifier is at least 60; [Weapon Monk] Effects: As Flurry, but must be used with a double weapon and can only make two attacks per action against a single target. A character can move while using Foetossing Charge (ignoring normal rules for entering enemies’ space), attacks do 150% damage, and any target hit by one of these attacks must make a Fortitude save against DC (STR) or be knocked down (if hit by both attacks, they are also stunned for 1d3 rounds). With Foe-tossing Charge, you need not concentrate on each target individually. Extra attacks granted are per weapon (see Multiweapon Combat). You cannot have more ranks in Foe-tossing Charge than in Flurry. Focused Strike: Attack Prerequisites: Half-mortality Effects: Character may spend up to ten times their level in mana points to add that number to their attack, damage, or a combination of the two. When using Focused

Strike, all chances of imbued weapon spells are nullified. A weapon may not be imbued with Focused Strike. Extra damage dealt by Focused Strike does not affect Magebanes. Charged Strike: Attack (replaces Focused Strike) Prerequisites: Focused Strike; Soldier, Monk, or Battle Mage Effects: As Focused Strike, but the attack’s damage is also dealt to mana and the threat range is doubled. The extra damage from Charged Strike does not affect Magebanes. Eagle: Stance Prerequesites: Empowerement; Swift Effects: While in this stance, the character receives +2 to attack rolls. Character receives 2 extra attacks per round. Movement speed is tripled, but the character receives all other bonuses only if they make a full move that round. Character can always attack after moving while in this stance. Insistent: Aura; radius five feet plus five feet per WIS, CHA, and SPELL mods Prerequisites: Half-mortality; Encouraging; Unsettling; 12 WIS; 14 CHA Effects: Characters entering the aura’s radius must make a will save against DC (CHA mod + SPELL mod + Center’s level + 5) or become extremely suggestible. Any reasonable demand made by the center character is automatically accepted, and slightly unreasonable demands are accepted on a failed will save against the same DC. Succeeding by more than ten on this save releases the character from the effect. A character within the radius must make the save every hour or be affected. Mortals who roll a natural one must make a new save against the same DC or become followers of the Center. This does not take effect in battle. Characters may be excluded from this effect at the center character’s option. Anchor: Stance Prerequisites: Half-mortality; SPELL mod of +2 or higher OR INT mod of +4 or higher Effects: While in this stance, character cannot move or use normal attacks/techniques, neither of their own will nor by any effect. All spells have a range of at least (10 times SPELL mod + 10) feet and all spell save DCs are increased by ten + (Casting rank). Character gains +5 to all saving throws against hostile spells and 50% Blugeoning, Fire, and Magic resistance. Character loses DEX bonus to defense. When the character takes damage, a Concentration check against DC equal to the damage taken is required to remain anchored. Natural Spell: Trait Prerequisites: Half-mortality; Anchor; the spell to be naturalized Effects: Choose any spell you can cast. This spell can be cast for free while in the Anchor stance. However, to use multispell, you must still pay the cost. This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time naturalizes a different spell. Multispell: Trait Prerequisites: Half-mortality; Anchor Effects: While in the Anchor stance, the character may cast multiple spells per action. The total cost, however, is equal to the sum of the individual costs times

the number of spells to be cast. The extra cost is expended, even if the normal cost would be invested. Blood Vampirism: Trait Prerequisites: Half-mortality; Bloodless Effects: Character is immune to soul vampirism. Character can also drink the blood of any downed character or creature, using one round and restoring health equal to ten percent of the target’s maximum and increasing STR and CON by the target’s modifiers for those abilities for 10d6 hours (ignore negative values). If the vampire does not have a blood substitute, it gains one for the duration of the ability bonuses. The target must have at least one physical wound and gets a Fortitude or Will save against DC (20 + vampire’s WIS and STR mods), stalling for one round if successful or throwing the vampire back if successful by more than ten. This may be performed on freshly dead bodies. However, the character must perform this action at least once per week or lose four points per day from all abilities until the next feeding. Lost ability points return at a rate of one point per day plus an additional one per extra feeding. The target dies from this unless it is bloodless. Immortal Feats: Imbued Strike: Attack (replaces Charged Strike) Prerequisites: Charged Strike; Battle Mage Effects: As Charged Strike, but the addition per point of mana is d4 rather than 1. The target is stunned for 2d4 rounds on a failed Fortitude save equal to the attack roll (before adjustment) and regardless of the outcome of the save, all spells being cast are aborted (investments are lost). Magebanes are not immune to this attack. The Gift: Technique Prerequisites: Immortality; at least one follower Effects: Once per week, the character may grant any mortal a level zero Outcast class. Once per year, the character may also directly bestow a level one Empowered class upon a mortal follower. The level one class cannot be granted involuntarily. Both abilities require physical contact for one round. Reroll attributes for new Empowered as if they were Outcasts; higher Mortal scores remain and the giver allocates the free points. Seize Mind: Attack/Technique Prerequisites: Immortality; Anchor Effects: Character can Anchor to another character, immobilizing them and adding their INT or WIS mod, as appropriate, to the attacker’s SPELL. The target, however, gets a Soul save (+ SPELL mod if applicable) against a DC of (20 + attacker’s level). If this save succeeds by more than ten, the target may Anchor to the caster. A character whose mind has been seized cannot take any actions unless they have an ability that specifically allows them to do so. To do this requires mana to be invested in a connection; every fifty mana spent on this connection increases the DC by one. A seized mind gets a new save every week and every time mana is taken from the connection (at the new, lower DC). A mind seize attempt takes an entire round. Collective Intelligence: Trait Prerequisites: Immortality; Seize Mind

Effects: Character can control (INT) minds other than their own at a time. This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time increases the maximum number of minds controlled by (INT). Soul Vampirism: Trait Prerequisites: Blood Vampirism; Immortality Effects: After draining a victim of blood, character can take an additional round to drink the soul of the target, again healing the drinker by ten percent of the target’s maximum health and increasing WIS and INT by the target’s modifiers for those abilities for 2d4 hours. The target gets a Fortitude or Will save against DC (20 + vampire’s WIS, INT, and STR mods) if it is still alive. If this is successful, the drinking is stalled for another round, and if it succeeds by more than ten points, the vampire is thrown back. Ability loss from lack of feeding is increased to five per day of starvation, but drinking a soul automatically heals all temporary ability damage. If the target lacks blood, the soul may be drunk at any time an ordinary target’s blood could be (in other words, blood acts as a shield against soul-drinking). Otherwise, this can only be performed immediately after drinking the blood. A character killed in this way cannot be revived. Diablerie: Trait Prerequisites: Soul Vampirism; Immortality Effects: The character can drink the blood and souls of those normally immune to it. Vampire blood and souls give double bonuses; stone blood and souls give negative bonuses and require a Fortitude save against DC (25 + target’s CON, STR, and WIS mods) or are instantly fatal. Feeding period is reduced to three days, but vampire blood counts as two feedings and carries over into the next three days. Character level is added to Vampirism saves. This feat can be taken multiple times; each additional time adds five to the Vampirism save DC. Seize Many Minds: Trait Prerequisites: Collective Intelligence; Drifter or Overmind Effects: The character may seize one mind per action. This does not grant any extra actions. Natural Seize Mind: Trait Prerequisites: Seize Mind; level 90 or Overmind Effects: The character can attempt to Seize minds without being in the Anchor stance. However, when doing so, the save DC is decreased by 10. When the controller drops the Anchor stance, any Seized minds get new saves at the normal DC. However, Seized Minds can be controlled by the Seizer and may be ordered to drop the Anchor stance with no penalty. For every 24 hours the controller is not in Anchor stance (cumulative), each Seized Mind gets a new save.

Spells List Spells are magic abilities that can be used by certain characters. In Drifter, spells are essential to the gameplay; most characters will have multiple spells before reaching Immortality regardless of their class. Spells can be either WIS (can only be used by WIS

casters), INT (can only be used by INT casters), or Either (can be used by anyone, including non-casters). There are also Necromancy spells, which can be chosen as bonus spells by a necromancer. Empowered Spells: Spell Name: Type Prerequisites: Empowerment; other requirements Range: Effects: Costs: Shock: Vulgar Prerequisites: Empowerment Range: Touch Effects: 3d6 Magic damage. Target must make a fortitude save against DC (10 + caster’s SPELL mod) or be thrown back 10d3 feet. A fortitude save against (that DC + 5) negates half of the damage. Costs: 5 Mana Heal: Vulgar Prerequisites: Empowerment Range: Touch Effects: Target gains 3d6 health. Costs: Can’t be used in battle Stun: Vulgar Prerequisites: Empowerment Range: Touch Effects: Target must make a Fortitude save against (15 + SPELL mod) or lose a turn. Costs: 1 mana Poison: Vulgar Prerequisites: Empowerment; Unsettling Range: Touch Effects: Target must make a Fortitude save against DC (16 + SPELL mod) or suffer the poison’s effects. Beating a save by more than ten negates the poison. Poison’s effects are chosen by the caster at the time of casting and can be: Target takes one point of damage to any ability. Saves are made daily. Target takes 1d4 points of unblockable damage. Saves are made once per round. Target takes 1d4 points of unblockable damage. Checks are made daily, but poison spreads to anyone who makes physical contact or who spends more than an hour in an infected character’s presence. Costs: 10 Mana Lesser Fortification: Vulgar Prerequisites: Empowerment Range: Touch Effects: Target gains 1 + (SPELL mod) defense. This does not apply against touch attacks. Bonus persists for 1d4 hours. Costs: 5 mana

Lesser Accuracy: Vulgar Prerequisites: Empowerment Range: Touch Effects: Target gains 1 + (SPELL mod) attack. Bonus persists for 1d4 hours. Costs: 5 mana Burn: Vulgar Prerequisites: Empowerment Range: Touch Effects: Target takes 4d6 points of damage and is on fire (rules for that later). Save against (15 + SPELL mod) halves damage and negates ignition. Deals Fire damage. Costs: 5 mana Half-mortal Spells: Spell Name: Type Prerequisites: Half-mortality; other requirements Range: Effects: Costs: Lightning Bolt: Vulgar Prerequisites: Half-mortality; Shock Range: 20 feet per INT or SPELL mod (minimum 20 feet) Effects: A lighting bolt from, at the caster’s option, the sky ((3 + SPELL or INT mod)d6) or the caster’s hand ((2 + SPELL or INT mod)d6) strikes the target. At the caster’s option, target may be thrown 10d3 feet in any direction by the skybolt or 10d6 feet away from the caster by the hand-bolt. Target gets a reflex save against DC (caster’s level + caster’s SPELL mod + 15) for half damage. Costs: 10 mana Summon Soul: WIS Necromancy Prerequisites: Half-mortality; WIS Caster Range: 1 mile per SPELL mod (minimum one mile) Effects: Character calls a soul with maximum INT, WIS, and CHA equal to 3d6 + Caster’s SPELL mod. Caster can also summon a recently dead soul if the caster knew the soul when it was alive. Souls must serve the caster if they fail a Will save (also adding their INT and CHA mods) against DC (5 + caster’s level + SPELL mod + CHA mod + Persuade rank) (apply Insistent line save first, if applicable; affected souls take a -5 penalty on their save). Souls that succeed their save can return to wherever they came from or can roam freely. Souls can cast any spells they knew when alive and retain feats that do not depend on having a physical body. Souls that fail their save are given a name and can be dismissed at any time and called back freely (but get a new save); souls can also be banished by a casting of this spell (with a save at the same DC). If a soul leaves the spell’s range, it does not have to follow orders, though if the caster approaches again they are bound anew. Costs: 100 mana; 10% of total life (only for summoning) Animate Corpse: INT Necromancy Prerequisites: Half-mortality; INT Caster

Range: 50 feet per SPELL mod (minimum 50 feet) Effects: Character animates a corpse within range and can command it telepathically. The corpse cannot cast spells but can use the caster’s skills and has STR, DEX, and CON equal to its former scores plus the caster’s SPELL mod. If the corpse leaves the range of the spell, it falls to the ground and must be animated again. This can also be used to take control of an animated corpse from another necromancer; to do this requires a successful opposed roll modified by SPELL. Costs: 10 mana; 1% of total life (only for capturing) Immortal Spells: Spell Name: Type Prerequisites: Immortality; other requirements Range: Effects: Costs: Descendant Spells: Spell Name: Type Prerequisites: Descendancy; other requirements Range: Effects: Costs: Ascendant Spells: Spell Name: Type Prerequisites: Ascendancy; other requirements Range: Effects: Costs:

Skills Skills are (do this later). Characters gain 1 + (INT mod) skill points per level (minimum 1). Some classes may gain additional skill points. A class’s “class skills” cost one skill point to increase in rank; other skills are called “cross-class” and cost two points. Concentration (INT): Affects chances of remaining in a Stance after being thrown, system shocked, stunned, etc. Also increases spell DC and/or damage (?) while in Anchor stance. Also increases chances of doing difficult things while distracted (obviously). Concentration is now used to concentrate on things; see that entry below for more information. Staying in stances is a Reflex save (except Anchor, which remains concentration) and every two points in the skill increases your concentration number by one.

Healing (WIS): Increases spell healing and chances of removing diseases/poison through magical means. Add WIS mod to Healing skill only if your base rank is at least one. Medicine (INT): Same as Healing but for non-magical means. Add INT mod to Medicine skill only if your base rank is at least one. Mathematics (INT): For each point in Mathematics skill, increase INT by i = − 1 . Casting (SAT): Increases effective SPELL during spellcasting by (Casting rank)/5. Also increases bonuses granted from incantations as indicated in those feats. Also increase spell DCs by (Casting rank/3). Add SPELL or INT mod to Casting only if your base rank is at least one. Persuade (CHA): Used to influence people. Higher rank means more drastic things can be attempted and less chance of failure. Works well with the Insistent line of auras. Craft (item) (INT): Used to make things. Higher rank means better-quality things and less chance of failure. Do not add INT mod to Crafting skill unless you have at least one base rank. Speak [Language]: Maximum rank one. Can understand and speak the language taken. Required to use incantations in the language. High Mortesian: a relatively strong spellcasting language that has fallen out of common use. Lerian: a relatively strong spellcasting language (but weaker than High Mortesian) spoken by wild men. Aren’garek: the most powerful spellcasting language; any saves against spells incanted in this language are automatically failed and any commands automatically accepted unless the hearer understands the speech (does not affect characters who cannot hear the words). To speak it is to risk infection with Agrentil. Spoken casually only by Agrentil. Stealth (DEX): Used to stay hidden. Checks are an opposed roll against other characters’ Perception. Perception (WIS): Used to detect characters/objects hidden by Stealth or something similar. Checks are an opposed roll. Looking actively increases the chances of detecting only the object/character you are looking for. REfADaJiUYN (STR): Used to Rip Energy from Another Dimension and Jam it Up Your Nose. Accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Concentration “Concentrating” on something in Drifter is the equivalent of a mortal giving undivided attention, so mortals can only concentrate on one thing at a time. The player characters, not being mortal, have a base “concentration number” of (INT/10). This is the maximum number of things they can concentrate on. Their “natural” concentration number, if it is required, is the base number plus any augmentations that use their own mana.

Being in melee combat without concentrating incurs a 50% penalty to attack and defense (though some bonuses, such as armor, ignore this penalty). You must concentrate on any spell you cast unless you pay extra mana; this is because the mana is less efficient if your mind is not directly controlling it. Concentrating on opponents gives you a 20% bonus to attack and defense against them, though in melee concentrating on the combat itself is obviously top priority. Other actions may also require concentration to work properly. Concentration checks will be triggered by damage, any strong emotions, pain, and similar things at the discretion of the DM. The DCs, while not yet formalized, will be based on the amount of damage received (either one tenth or one one-hundredth), the strength of the emotion (cannot be quantified, so the DM will decide arbitrarily), and the amount of pain (eventually I will have a system for “pain damage;” this will be similar to ordinary damage in most respects) and will be multiplied by the number of things the character is concentrating on. Failure of the check will cause all concentrations to be lost; establishing a concentration requires one turn in most cases. (The main exception is spells with a casting time less than a turn.)

Multiweapon Combat Attacks per action are also per weapon—a character with x attacks per action and y weapons actually has xy total attacks per action. One of these weapons—usually the one held in the dominant hand—is designated the main weapon and by default attacks at 80% of the wielder’s attack bonus (95% if no other weapons are used). The other weapons are secondary weapons and attack at 60% of the attack bonus (80% if no other weapons are used). In addition, a character attacking with x more weapons than he/she normally has hands takes a 10x% penalty to all attacks that action. A character must concentrate on the target(s) in order to attack with more than one weapon in one action. A special case is using Kinesis to wield more weapons than the character normally could. Each spell used in this way counts as its own character for the purposes of multiwielding—so, for example, a character using a weapon with four separate spells each wielding one additional weapon takes no multiwielding penalties—but the spells cannot attack unless the character concentrates on each spell.

Mana Mana in Drifter is very important and is the main reason immortals set themselves up as gods—their belief gives you bonus mana. It can be lost in three ways: taking damage from certain types of attacks, such as magebanes and some spells; willingly expending it, which is used to cast instantaneous spells and for emergency augmentations; and investing it, which is used for long-term spells and standard augmentations. Expending mana removes from your current but not maximum. Investing it decreases both current and maximum mana, takes a full turn for every 100 mana invested, and returns at the same rate. If the thing you invest in is destroyed (in the case of physical objects) or

dispelled (spells), you only get half of it back. Investments can be made permanent (meaning the mana is no longer yours, but remains indefinitely, and you gain the mana back) by expending 100 times its cost evenly over a period of 20 hours. Augmentations require 1000 times the cost. Immortals can sense mana. Invested mana is twice as easy to sense as idle mana, and mana being expended is ten times as easy. Immortals can always tell the difference between these types and can identify a person they know well merely by sensing their mana. An immortal automatically detects idle mana in groups as small as 100 times his/her level in a radius of (level) miles. An immortal concentrating on doing so can detect as little as (10 times level) idle mana from (twice level) miles. It is possible to overdraw from mana and end up in the negatives. However, if a character loses mana in any way with less than zero total, half the amount lost will also be taken as health damage. Every five points of mana decreases all mental attributes by one, and every ten points also decrease physical attributes. A character with negative mana loses access to High Magic and is stunned for 1d3 rounds every time their mana decreases. Mortals with negative mana or immortals with enough negative mana to reduce INT (or CON, for Half-mortals) to zero die and cannot be resurrected. Empowered or stronger characters can convert health to mana and vice versa with 25% efficiency (four from source becomes one at destination) without spending an action. However, this can only be done once per round and cannot take more than 20% of the source pool’s maximum in one turn. Characters regenerate (INT) mana per hour of complete rest (what would be sleep for mortals). Augmentations that regenerate mana work whether or not the character is resting.

Round Structure In combat, time is measured in rounds, 30-second intervals during which each member of the combat gets (DEX mod, minimum 1) actions. The order the characters act is determined semi-randomly: each character rolls d20 modified by DEX, the [Initiative] skill, and circumstantial modifiers set by the DM (for example, being surprised). The highest gets the next turn; under normal circumstances the actions in a turn are not separated. A character may spend an action on a reaction; what this means is that when the conditions set by the player are met, the character may immediately perform whatever action was specified. Reactions may only be set on the character’s turn but remain set as long as the character concentrates on them.

Class List

Level 0 Classes: Outcast: Root class for all Player Characters Race: any Element(s): none Base Unarmed Damage: 1d6+4 Attack Modifier: +1 Health: 100 + CON mod Mana: 10 + INT mod Base Defense: 10 Base Abilities (all): 3d6 with an additional 4 points to distribute among all abilities. The maximum at creation is 19. Base Resistances (all): 0% Feats: 1 Empowered aura OR 1 Empowered trait OR 1 Empowered stance Spells: 1 Empowered spell if INT is at least 16 Items: Tattered cloak, shirt, and trousers Worn shoes (probability 0.5) Setting-specific, low-grade weapon (probability 0.1) Mortal: Default class for insignificant NPCs Race: any non-Agrentil Element(s): none Base Unarmed Damage: 1d2+1 Attack Modifier: 0 Health: 30 Mana: 1 Base Defense: 5 Base Abilities (all): 3d6-6 Base Resistances (all): 0% Feats: none Spells: none Items: varies depending on status Tier 1 (Empowered) Classes: (from here on, most of these are obsolete) Caster: Root class for all magic users (choose either INT or WIS to be character’s SPELL). Regenerates mana in battle at a rate of (SPELL mod) per turn. Can skip turn to focus, regenerating an extra (SPELL mod +1) mana that turn. Prerequisites: At least 10 INT or WIS Race: any Element(s): up to two Base Unarmed Damage: original +1; +1 every other level Attack Modifier: original; +1 every other level Health: original +20; +3 +CON mod per level

Mana: 100 + (4 times SPELL mod); gains (SPELL mod) per level Base Defense: original; +1 every other level Base Abilities: original; +1 SPELL every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +10% to character’s elements Feats: starts with original; +1 every three levels Spells: starts with original +1, +1 per SPELL mod; +1 every other level Items: original Brawler: Root class for unarmed combat and berserker-like classes. Can deal unarmed damage of their own elements instead of Bludgeoning. Prerequisites: At least 10 STR or CON Race: any Element(s): up to two Base Unarmed Damage: original +1d4; +1 every level Attack Modifier: original +5; +1 every other level Health: original +50; +13 +(twice CON mod) per level Mana: original Base Defense: original +5; +1 every other level Base Abilities: original; +1 STR every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +10% to character’s elements Feats: starts with original; +1 every other level Spells: starts with original, +1 if INT is at least 16 Items: original Soldier: Root class for most weapon-oriented classes (including rangers) (choose one weapon to specialize in; +1 attack with that weapon) Prerequisites: At least 10 STR or DEX Race: any Element(s): up to two Base Unarmed Damage: original +2; +1 every three levels Attack Modifier: original +5; +1 every other level Health: original +30; +10 per level Mana: original Base Defense: original +10; +1 every level Base Abilities: original; +1 STR or DEX every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +10% to character’s elements Feats: starts with original; +1 every level Spells: starts with original, +1 if INT is at least 16 Items: original Rogue: Root class for most stealth and skill-oriented classes Prerequisites: At least 10 DEX or INT

Race: any Element(s): up to two Base Unarmed Damage: original +1d4; +1 every other level Attack Modifier: original +5; +1 every other level Health: original +25; +8 per level Mana: original Base Defense: original +10; +1 every level Base Abilities: original; +1 DEX every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +10% to character’s elements Feats: starts with original; +1 every other level Spells: starts with original, +1 if INT is at least 16 Items: original Monk: Root class for all non-brute-force unarmed classes and for non-magic healers. Can skip turn to focus, regenerating 1 mana point in battle. Prerequisites: At least 10 DEX or WIS Race: any Element(s): up to two Base Unarmed Damage: original +1d4; +1 every other level Attack Modifier: original +8; +1 every other level Health: original +25; +8 per level Mana: original Base Defense: original +10; +1 every level Base Abilities: original; +1 DEX or WIS every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +10% to character’s elements Feats: starts with original; +1 every other level Spells: starts with original, +1 if INT is at least 16 Items: original Tier 2 Classes: Battle Mage: Hybrid of Soldier and Caster. If starting from soldier, choose INT or WIS to be SPELL. If starting from Caster, choose one weapon to specialize in (+1 attack). Choose one weapon to bond with and one targeted offensive spell to imbue it with; add one to attack and damage when using this weapon and the spell has a 30% chance of being cast with any successful hit. A further +(Battle Mage level) attack bonus applies when using this weapon. When others use it without permission, they take a -10 penalty to attack and damage, plus a further -5 when the target is the owner. Bonded weapon can do character’s element damage. Add half of Battle Mage level to DCs for all spells. Prerequisites: Level 10 Soldier or Caster. Race: any Element(s): up to three

Base Unarmed Damage: original +2; +1 every three levels Attack Modifier: original +5; +1 every other level Health: original +30; +10 per level Mana: original +(four times SPELL mod); +(twice SPELL mod) per level Base Defense: original +15; +1 every level Base Abilities: original +1 STR, DEX, or SPELL; +1 STR, DEX, or SPELL every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +15% to character’s elements, +5% to Magic Feats: starts with original; +1 every other level Spells: starts with original, +1 if SPELL is at least 14; +1 every other level Items: original Magician: “Pure” mage class at tier two. Choose one spell to specialize in; add 5 to its save DC and increase its range by (SPELL mod) feet (if spell has no save, double the magnitude of its effect). Add character level to all spell save DCs. Focusing triples mana regeneration. Prerequisites: Level 10 Caster Race: any Element(s): up to three Base Unarmed Damage: original +2; +1 every three levels Attack Modifier: original +2; +1 every three levels Health: original +10; +5 per level Mana: original +(ten times SPELL mod); +(five times SPELL mod) per level Base Defense: original +10; +1 every level Base Abilities: original +2 SPELL; +1 SPELL every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +10% to character’s elements, +15% to Magic Feats: starts with original; +1 every three levels Spells: starts with original, +1, +1 if SPELL is at least 12; +1 every level Items: original Magus Animus: Necromancer who calls up the souls of the dead. First anonymous soul summoned is Magus’s Eye; this soul is always loyal, can cast spells known by the magus, can store mana up to the magus’s maximum (mana flows freely between them but Eye’s does not regenerate), and has INT, WIS, and CHA equal to the magus’s WIS. Add magus level to all spell save DCs. Prerequisites: Level 10 WIS Caster Race: any Element(s): up to three Base Unarmed Damage: original +1; +1 every three levels Attack Modifier: original +2; +1 every three levels Health: original +10; +5 per level

Mana: original +(five times SPELL mod); +(three times SPELL mod) per level Base Defense: original +10; +1 every level Base Abilities: original +1 WIS; +1 WIS every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +10% to character’s elements, +10% to Magic Feats: starts with original; +1 every three levels Spells: starts with original, +1 if WIS is at least 14, +1 WIS Necromancy; +1 every level Items: original Magus Corpus: Necromancer who controls the bodies of the dead. First anonymous corpse animated becomes magus’s Hand; this corpse can be summoned and ordered at any time and has STR, DEX, and CON equal to Magus’s INT. It can also cast Empowered spells using the magus’s mana. Prerequisites: Level 10 INT Caster Race: any Element(s): up to three Base Unarmed Damage: original +1; +1 every three levels Attack Modifier: original +2; +1 every three levels Health: original +10; +5 per level Mana: original +(five times SPELL mod); +(three times SPELL mod) per level Base Defense: original +10; +1 every level Base Abilities: original +1 INT; +1 INT every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base Resistances: starts with original +10% to character’s elements, +5% to Magic, +5% to Bludgeoning Feats: starts with original; +1 every three levels Spells: starts with original, +1 if INT is at least 14, +1 INT Necromancy; +1 every level Items: original [Unarmed Monk]: A monk who focuses on using unarmed attacks. Gets special techniques (quivering palm, stunning attacks, etc.) and is agile. Regenerates (WIS mod) mana per turn, and can focus to regenerate double. Beginning at fifth level, a [Unarmed Monk] may ignore 5% resistance. Prerequisites: Level 10 Monk Race: Any Element(s): Up to three Base Unarmed Damage: original +1d6; +1 per level Attack Modifier: original +10; +1 every other level Health: original +40; +10 per level Mana: original +(WIS mod); gains (WIS mod) per level Base Defense: original +10; +1 every level Base Abilities: original +1 STR, DEX, or WIS; +1 STR, DEX, or WIS every four levels; +1 any every five levels

Base resistances: starts with original +5% to Bludgeoning, +10% to character’s elements. Feats: starts with original, +1 every other level Spells: starts with original +1, +1 if INT is at least 16; +1 every four levels Items: original [Weapon Monk]: A monk who focuses on using the special monk weapons. Gets special techniques (increased crit chance, multiattack, etc.) and is agile. Regenerates (WIS mod) mana per turn, and can focus to regenerate double. Beginning at fifth level, a [Weapon Monk] may ignore 5% resistance. A [Weapon Monk] is automatically focused with all monk weapons. Prerequisites: Level 10 Monk Race: Any Element(s): Up to three Base Unarmed Damage: original +1d4; +1 every other level Attack Modifier: original +10; +1 every other level Health: original +40; +10 per level Mana: original +(WIS mod); gains (WIS mod) per level Base Defense: original +10; +1 every level Base Abilities: original +1 DEX or WIS; +1 DEX or WIS every four levels; +1 any every five levels Base resistances: starts with original +5% to Bludgeoning, +10% to character’s elements. Feats: starts with original, +1 every three levels Spells: starts with original +1, +1 if INT is at least 16; +1 every four levels Items: original

Leveling Up It is possible to level up in your class and in general. The higher your class level the better that certain class gets (certain levels allow specialties in that class). The higher your general level the higher your stats and gives access to new spells and feats. Experience Formula from x to x + 1: 150 × 1.4 x For Empowered and to a lesser extent Half-mortals, experience is gained by killing enemies. An enemy gives a certain amount of experience to the character’s “general” experience pool and the same amount to be divided among the character’s class experience pools. For Half-mortals onward, the main source of experience is from causing momentous events. Significantly changing the course of history will give a certain amount of experience in the same manner killing enemies does for Empowered. Killing enemies of your own power level or higher can still be a significant source of experience.

Levelling up in a class gives increases your stats as listed in the entries for each class. Levelling up in general affects spells that do damage based on level and adds your CON mod to your health (ignoring negative values) and your SPELL mod to your Mana.

Money Scale Copper(c) Silver(s) Gold(g) Gradium(G)

Copper(c) 1 100 2500 125000

Silver(s) 1 25 1250

Gold(g) 1 50

Gradium(G) 1

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