Operating Manual and SOPs for Siburan Union Clinic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Company Profile Policy Statement Organization Chart Plan of Organization Consultation Hours Emergency call information Written Policy a. Registered Medical Practitioner b. Procedure for Patient Registration, Attendance and Referral c. Use of antibiotics d. General Maintenance of Clinic e. Transport of Laboratory Specimens f. Consent g. Incident Reporting h. Infection Control 8. Staff identification 9. Order for Diagnostic Procedure, Medication and Treatment Orders 10. Patient’s Medical Record Register 11. Billing Procedure 12. Fee schedule 13. Referral Form 14. Basic Emergency Care 15. Procedure for BLS1 and BLS2 16. Flow chart for BLS1 17. Patient’s Rights 18. Grievance Procedure 19. Feedback Form 20. Incident Reporting Form 21. Disaster Preparedness 22. Use of volunteers 23. Volunteer Application Form 24. Volunteer Health Questionaire 25. Pharmaceutical services 26. Registers and Records of Patients (Radiological or Diagnostic Imaging Services) 27. Clinic Procedures 28. Housekeeping 29. Social & Welfare Contribution 30. Staff Assessment 31. Acknowledgement by staff
Siburan Union Clinic was established on 1 November 1990. The clinic is a sole-proprietorship and it is managed by Dr. Lim Meng Lang, a graduate from the University of Nottingham Medical School. He is assisted by a dedicated and competent team of 5 clinic assistants some of whom have more than 10 years experience on the job. We provide comprehensive medical care for all age groups at the primary level. We have in-house facilities for ultrasonography, electrocardiography, nebulization, random blood glucose analysis and routine urinalysis.
Organization Chart
SIBURAN UNION CLINIC Plan of Organization 1. The Doctor shall be in overall charge of all activities in the clinic. 2. The chief clinic assistant shall assist the doctor in all matters pertaining to the smooth running of the clinic. She will prepare the invoices and bills at the end of each month. She will assist the doctor in maintaining the duty roster and record of the annual leave and sick leave of all staff. 3. The senior clinic assistants will assist the chief clinic assistant and the doctor in all the above tasks. 4. The clinic assistants will assist fellow staff and the doctor in the smooth running of the clinic. 5. All clinic assistants of whatever grade shall be involved in all tasks pertaining to the smooth and efficient running of the clinic. Such tasks including registration of patients, keeping necessary records, assisting the doctor in the consultation room, dispensing medications under the direct supervision of the doctor, general housekeeping work, making bill payments and the like, accompanying the doctor on home visits and any other activity that the doctor may direct. 6. The Person-in-charge may appoint any staff on a contract basis to advise him on strategies for the organization and to assist him in the preparation of accounts and the like. Such a person shall not have any direct contact with patients or be involved in clinical patient care.
SIBURAN UNION CLINIC The official clinic hours in this clinic are: Monday Tuesday to Friday Saturday Sunday/Public Holiday
8am – 2pm 8am – 12noon 1.30pm – 7.30pm 8am – 12noon 1.30pm -4pm 8am – 12noon
999 991
276666 234466 440055 365777
_____________________________________________ Dr and staff ADDRESSES AND TEL/hp NUMBERS RED CRESCENT SOCIETY ST JOHN’S AMBULANCE
428228 240907
WRITTEN POLICY OF CLINIC 1. Registered Medical Practitioner Only a registered medical practitioner registered under the Medical Act 1971 and holding a valid practicing certificate shall be allowed to practice in this clinic. Only registered practitioners who have a valid written contract between himself/herself and the clinic shall be allowed to practice in this clinic. All registered medical practitioners practicing in this clinic shall be responsible for the quality and compassionate care and treatment of all patients seen by him/her and shall at all times act in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations of Malaysia. 2. Procedure for Patient Registration, Attendance and Referral All new patients shall be registered in the Patient Register. Patient’s information shall be entered as per regulation in the front sheet. Any information that the patient has refused to divulge/or unable to provide shall be entered as “Not Available” or “N/A”. Follow-up patients shall be registered in the follow-up continuation sheet upon arrival. All patients who are referred shall have their available information recorded in the Referral register. No staff shall divulge any patient in formation to any third party. All patient information shall be treated with the strictest confidentiality. 3. Use of Antibiotics In the event of a notifiable infectious disease infection, the Person-in-charge may order appropriate cultures to determine the sensitivity of the appropriate organism. Appropriate antibiotics prescribed for treatment of the reportable infectious disease shall be recorded. 4. General Maintenance of the Clinic This clinic shall be kept in good repair and shall provide a safe and comfortable environment for all its staff,
All equipment will be regularly checked and maintained on a schedule determined by the Person-in-charge. 5. Transportation of Laboratory Specimens Laboratory specimens shall be transported to an authorized laboratory as determined by the Person-in-charge. All specimens shall be collected and kept in the appropriate container supplied by the laboratory. All specimens shall be duly labeled with the patient’s name, registration number and date of collection. Specimens shall be sent to the laboratory within 24 hours of collection in sealed plastic bags provided by the laboratory and accompanied by the completed test request form. All staff handling laboratory specimens must wear protective gloves and take all necessary precautions to prevent direct contact with the specimen and to avoid needlestick injuries. No food shall be kept in the refrigerator where laboratory specimens are kept. 6.
Use of Volunteers This clinic will allow volunteers to work at its premises provided the volunteer has the relevant qualification, training and experience in the relevant healthcare profession. All volunteers will have to apply in writing and appear for an interview with the Person-in-charge. Upon approval, the volunteers shall be registered in the Volunteer Register. Volunteers shall undergo a period of orientation and supervision as determined by the Person-in- charge. Volunteers shall only be allowed to assist or perform professional care as determined by the Person-in-charge.
7. Consent For any special procedure, minor operation or anaesthesia, the patient shall be required to give written consent in the form and manner as set out in the Consent Form.
The Person-in-charge performing the special procedure, minor operation or anaesthesia shall ensure the Consent Form is duly signed before undertaking the above. 8. Incidental Reporting Any unforeseeable or unanticipated incidents such as death of patient, fires in clinic, assault or battery of patient, malfunction, intentional or accidental misuse of patient care equipment shall be reported to the Person-in-charge. Clinic staff shall immediately inform the Person-in-charge of the incident upon occurrence. The Person-in-charge will document the details of the incident and obtain a written statement from witness(es) if a witness(es) is present. Original and copies of report, relevant patient notes, relevant documents shall be kept in separate files for safe-keeping and future reference. A copy shall be sent the Director-General of Health by registered post (within 10 working days) following the incident. A receipt of the report shall be requested. 9. Infection Control All staff must be diligent and take the necessary measures to prevent, identify and control infection acquired in or brought into the clinic. Such measures include wearing face masks, using rubber gloves and cleaning the various surfaces and equipment with an appropriate disinfectant. All infections amongst staff must be reported to the person-in-charge so that appropriate evaluation, analysis and recording can be carried out. Any reportable infectious disease among patient or staff shall be reported to the Ministry of Health in the infectious disease notification form or any other form supplied by the State Health Department. All infections amongst patients will be closely monitored by the person-in-charge during the course of his clinical work and if there is unusual increase in the rate of infections, the Health Department will be informed. All staff with any infectious or communicable disease will be taken off duty until he or she is no longer contagious to other people.
Any equipment that has become contaminated during the treatment of an infectious patient shall be withheld from use and appropriately disinfected under the supervision of the person-in-charge. All staff must regularly wash their hands properly and practice good hygiene. Disposable rubber gloves must be used by all staff when dealing with biological hazards. The clinic shall comply with any directives or guidelines issued by the Director General or any appropriate government authority.
STAFF IDENTIFICATION All clinic staff shall wear staff identification nametags during clinic hours
ORDER FOR DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE, MEDICATION OR TREATMENT ORDERS All diagnostic procedures, medication or treatment will be given upon receipt of a written or verbal order of a registered medical practitioner. The generic or trade name and dosage of all medications prescribed and dispensed in this clinic will be labeled upon the instructions of the Person-in-charge. The person-in-charge shall inform the patient about its administration.
PATIENT’S MEDICAL RECORD REGISTER All patients’ medical records shall be kept in a safe and orderly fashion in the clinic. No records shall be transferred out of the clinic without expressed approval of the Person-incharge. Any movement of patient’s medical record shall be entered into the Patient’s Medical Record Movement Register.
If requested by the patient, it is the policy of the clinic to inform the patient details of their medical bills prior to treatment. It is also the policy of this clinic to issue itemised bills upon request by the patient. A copy of the Seventh Schedule (Professional Fees) shall be made available for the patient’s reference.
PRIVATE HEALTHCARE FACILITIES AND SERVICES ACT. FEE SCHEDULE (PROFESSIONAL FEES) (Seventh Schedule) Consultation Consultation after clinic hours
RM10 – RM35 Up to 50% above usual rate
RM35 RM45 RM15 RM10 RM10 RM85 RM55
MEDICAL EXAMINATION (excluding X Ray, ECG, lab tests)
RM40 – RM200
RM50 – RM200
The full fee schedule (Seventh Schedule) is available for viewing upon request
62 Siburan Bazaar 17th Mile Kuching-Serian Road 94200 Kuching Sarawak Tel: 082-863395 Fax: 082-863758 To:
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Dear Dr
Provisional Medical Diagnosis: Current Medications:
Known Allergies: Patient’s Condition on Transfer: Yours sincerely,
DR. LIM MENG LANG BMedSci (Hons), BM, BS(Nottingham, UK)
Any emergency patient when brought to this clinic will be accorded emergency care immediately. Such care shall commensurate with the capability of this clinic and the expertise of the staff involved.
3. 4.
The nature and scope of such emergency care services provided by this clinic are: i. Basic life support (as per UK standard) ii. Any other measures in accordance with the clinic’s capabilities as determined by the Person-in-charge Prior to the transfer of the patient to another healthcare facility, the receiving healthcare facility shall be notified of the impending transfer. Upon transfer of the patient to another healthcare facility, appropriate record of the patient shall be kept in the Referral Register.
THE PROCEDURE FOR BLS1 IN THIS CLINIC IS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Lie patient flat in an open space, and feel for the pulse and observe the respiration. If there is a pulse, take the BP. If there is no pulse, begin BLS. 2. Take brief history from any accompanying persons. Exclude anaphylaxis. 3. Instruct available staff to get more help immediately. Telephone ambulance service. 4. Loosen all the patient’s clothes, and thump patient’s chest as hard as possible (thumpversion). 5. Commence oxygen via a mask if patient is breathing spontaneously, using an oropharyngeal airway + mask. 6. If no spontaneous breathing, breathe hard into the mouth. Maintain airway at all times. 7. Arrange transfer of patient to nearest hospital as soon as possible. 8. Telephone Emergency Department of the nearest hospital and inform receiving person. Record name of receiving person, time of call, time of transfer and patient’s condition. THE PROCEDURE FOR PATIENTS REQUIRING BLS (2) (FOR PATIENTS REQUIRING INTRAVENOUS SUPPORT) 1. Lie patient flat in an open space, and feel for the pulse and observe the respiration. If there is a pulse, take the BP. 2. If peripheral vein is accessible, insert IV needle/cannula immediately. 3. Take brief history from any accompanying persons. Quickly assess blood loss and injuries. 4. Apply pressure bandages/tourniquet (if possible) to decrease major bleeding. 5. Instruct available staff to call for help immediately. Telephone ambulance service. 6. Administer oxygen by mask. If patient is in respiratory distress, use an oropharyngeal airway + mask. 7. If no spontaneous breathing, breathe hard into the mouth. Maintain airway at all times. 8. If no pulse or spontaneous respiration, commence BLS1 immediately. 9. Arrange transfer of patient to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. 10. Telephone Emergency Department of the nearest hospital and inform receiving person. Record name of receiving person, time of call, time of transfer and patient’s condition
FLOW CHART FOR BASIC LIFE SUPPORT (BLS1) COLLAPSED PATIENT ↓ SUMMON HELP ↓ CHECK RESPIRATION –VE ↓ CLEAR AIRWAY → +VE → REFER ↓ CALL AMBULANCE ↓ 30 CHEST COMPRESSIONS ↓ MOUTH TO MOUTH ↓ 2 BREATHS, 30 COMPRESSIONS ↓ TELEPHONE: AMBULANCE SERVICE (SGH) 230689 SARAWAK GENERAL HOSPITAL 276666 PATIENTS RIGHTS It is the policy of this clinic to inform the patient concerned about the nature of his/her medical condition(s) and any proposed treatment, investigation or procedure and the likely costs of the treatment, investigation or procedure as part and parcel of his consultation. It is the duty of the patient to ensure that he/she has understood all relevant information with respect to the above at the end of the consultation. All patients in this clinic will be treated with strict regard to decency and professionalism.
A medical report shall be forwarded within two weeks upon written request and upon payment of the fee as per the Seventh Schedule (Professional Fees – Medical Report Fee)
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE It is the policy of this clinic to have a grievance mechanism for patients. The mechanism shall be as follows:Any patient with a grievance shall be asked to first discuss his/her with the Person-in-charge. If this fails to resolve the problem, he/she shall then be requested to lodge his/her grievance in writing by filling in the FEEDBACK FORM which will be provided by this clinic for the convenience of the patient concerned. Upon completion of the Feedback Form, he/she shall then inform the senior staff of this clinic who shall then receive and acknowledge receipt of the completed form. The same staff shall inform the patient that investigation shall be completed within two weeks. The staff shall then forward the FEEDBACK FORM to the Person-in-charge as soon as possible. The Person-in-charge shall conduct an investigation within two weeks upon receipt of the form and shall record his findings in the Grievance Investigation Report. Upon completion of his investigations, the Person-in-charge shall inform the patient of the findings. If this does not resolve the matter, the Person-in-charge shall then inform the patient that the clinic will arrange for the services of a mediator from the local Private Practitioner’s Association or any other mediator that is agreeable to both parties to resolve the matter. If this fails, the Person-in-charge will then refer the matter to the Director-General for adjudication.
FEEDBACK FORM Name of Patient: _____________________ I.C. No.: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ Tel. No.: ___________________________ Date and Time of Incident: ____________________________ PATIENT’S COMMENTS :
______________________ Signature
INCIDENT REPORTING FORM Name of Doctor-in-charge: ___________________________ Designation:_______________________________________ I/C No:___________________________________________ Clinic Address: _________________________________________________________________ Date/ Time: ______________________________________
Nature of Incident:
Action Taken:
Witness Statement:
Name of Witness: IC No.: Address: Tel. No.:
DISASTER PREPAREDNESS In the event of a disaster in the vicinity of this clinic, the Person-in-charge or an appointed member of the clinic shall immediately inform the relevant authorities. All staff who are contactable shall be called back to the clinic. All leave for shall be cancelled. The clinic shall be cleared of all non-emergency patients. A suitable area of the clinic will be prepared to receive and provide basic life support for emergency patients. Ambulance and the nearest hospital will be informed of the transport and arrival of patients. All staff and resources from this clinic shall be made available to the relevant authorites in the event of any disaster
USE OF VOLUNTEERS This clinic will allow volunteers to work in its premises provided the volunteer is a person with such qualification, training and experience in the relevant healthcare profession. All volunteers will have to apply in writing and appear for an interview with the person-incharge. Upon approval, the volunteers shall be registered in the Volunteer Register. Volunteers shall undergo a period of orientation and supervision as determined by the personin-charge. Volunteers shall only be allowed to assist or perform professional care as determined by the person-in-charge
Date of last consultation Reason Name of Dr consulted Are you on any form of medication at present? If yes, please state type of medications Have you at any time consulted a psychiatrist? If Yes, please elaborate Have you EVER been told or been treated for the following conditions? Epilepsy or seizures or mental conditions? Heart problems? Chest or Lung problems? Diseases of liver and gallbladder? Urological problems? Venereal diseases? Cancer, cysts or growth? Disease of the Eye? Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat? Any infectious diseases? Diabetes Mellitus or any endocrine problems? Any illness not mentioned above? Do you smoke? If so, how many? Do you drink? If so, how much? Have you ever used habit forming drugs or narcotics?
Are your family members in good health? If not, please elaborate Have your weight changed more than 5 kg in the past year? Females only. Are you pregnant now? Have you ever had any breast or gynaecological problems?
I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that the above answers are full, complete and true.
PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES The Person-in-charge shall be the Head of Pharmaceutical Services in this Clinic. He is responsible for the coordination and supervision of all activities relating to pharmaceutical services which includes the compounding of drugs and he shall ensure the provision of a comprehensive pharmaceutical service within the private medical clinic. All medications shall be purchases from authorized pharmaceutical companies and shall be duly recorded in the Stock Register by the Person-in-charge. The prescription and dispensing of all scheduled poisons/medications under the Poisons Act shall be recorded in the Poison Book as prescribed. No medications shall be dispensed to any patient without authorization of the Person-in-charge.
All medications shall be stored in clean and sanitary area and shall not be subjected to detrimental changes in temperature and humidity. The manufacturer’s recommendation with respect to storage shall be strictly adhered to. All expired, discontinued or contaminated medicine shall be disposed of in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations The cold chain for vaccines shall be properly maintained at all times and the storage of vaccines shall strictly comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations and that of the WHO.
REGISTERS AND RECORDS OF PATIENTS (RADIOLOGICAL OR DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING SERVICES) This clinic shall maintain a record in relation to the radiological or diagnostic-imaging studies performed on any patient as follows: Name of Clinic /Dr requesting Test: Name of Patient: Patient Clinic Number: Date of Request: Date of Receipt: Name of radiologist/radiographer Test results: Other particulars:
CLINIC PROCEDURES 1. All clinic assistants shall be involved in the registration, attendance and referral of patients. The appropriate data must be accurately entered into the registers, computer and medical card. 2. All staff must report any untoward incident or accident to the Doctor. 3. All staff must wear an identification badge at all times while at work 4. All staff must be punctual for work 5. All staff must practice good hygiene and wash their hands properly 6. All staff must wear the uniform provided or dressed appropriately 7. All staff must be pleasant and be professional in their dealings with patients 8. All staff must use disposable gloves and other protective clothing while dealing with hazardous material 9. All staff must be proactive in keeping the clinic premises clean and tidy 10. All staff must take the necessary precautions to keep themselves and patients away from infections 11. All staff must produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner if they are unable to work 12. All antibiotics used can only be prescribed by the doctor and this will be done with due care and according to the best clinical practice guidelines.
HOUSEKEEPING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Senior clinical assistant (RR) has been appointed to supervise the housekeeping services. This appointment will remain in effect until further directive by the person –in-charge. The clinic shall be cleaned every week on Tuesday. If this is not feasible for any other reason, the cleaning shall be carried out the following day(s). All staff shall assist the supervisor in the housekeeping services. All surfaces and floors shall be properly cleaned with special emphasis to infection control. All equipment including the computer should be cleaned in accordance to the manufacturer’s recommendations. All staff must wear the appropriate attire to protect themselves while cleaning. Additional cleaning or disinfection may be carried out if and when the need arises. The toilet shall be inspected and cleaned if necessary every half-hourly by a clinical assistant who should ordinarily be the clinic assistant performing chaperoning duties on that particular day. The toilet should at all times be adequately stocked with toilet paper.
SOCIAL & WELFARE CONTRIBUTION The person-in-charge shall decide on the quantum any of any contribution in the form of money or any services rendered to any charitable organization or to any individual on a caseto-case basis. The Person-in-charge may request for supporting evidence to justify the request for discounts or exemption of fees. Any request on behalf of a patient by a highly respectable member of the medical profession or society will be given special consideration. Persons considered eligible for discount or exemption from charges or fees include the homeless, inmates of old folks’ homes and orphanages. Discount or exemption may be applied to professional fees, medical report fees and in the provisional of emergency care. This clinic when specially requested and with sufficient notice will provide public education, talks and participate in activities organized by NGOs and government-linked organizations. Public education talks involve talks to school children, pregnant mothers and patient support groups. This clinic will provide donations and assistance to associations and organizations engaged in healthcare activities, non-government or charitable organizations in their healthcare activities and the quantum of such donation or assistance shall be decided by the Person-in-charge There shall be no publicity in any form when such contribution is made.
Staff Assessment Form Confidential Staff Assessment for the Year _______________________ Name of Staff: ______________________________ GRADE