Dr Diallo Avu Presentation-abed

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  • Words: 2,328
  • Pages: 31
Click to edit Master title style Enhancing the of • Click to edit Master textPotential styles ICTs In Africa • Second level • The Third level AVU Teacher Education and Enhancement Programs in • Capacity Fourth level 17 countries • Fifth level Dr Bakary Diallo Rector African Virtual University [email protected] www. avu.org Fortaleza- Sept 28th 2009

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Introduction to AVU Click to edit Master text styles Description of the AVU Multinational Second level Project Third level Distance Learning Centers Fourth level AVU Capacity Enhancement Fifth level Program The AVU Teacher Education Program

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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The AVU: Strategic Direction •

•• • • • • • •

Click edit Master Vision: to To be the leading Pan title Africanstyle eLearning Institution Click to edit styles Mission: ToMaster facilitatetext the use of effective ODeL Methodologies in African Tertiary Second level Education Institutions Third level Overall Objective: Significantly increase Fourth accesslevel to Higher Education through ODeL Fifth level Focus: Making an impact Biggest Asset: Working across boundaries and language barriers in 27 countries with + 50 institutions

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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The AVU: Presence in Africa

Click to edit Master title style • • • • •

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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The AVU E-Learning Story

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• • • • •

• Launched in 1997 as a World Bank project •Click Became an Intergovernmental to edit Master text stylesOrganization in 2003 •Second Ability tolevel work across borders and languages in Anglophone, Third level Francophone and Lusophone Africa level network of Open Distance and e•Fourth The largest Learning Fifth level institutions in Africa • Established in more than 27 countries with +50 Partner Institutions • Evolved through 4 different phases

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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AVU Evolution

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Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Phase I: Proof of Concept

Phase II: Expansion

Phase IV: The AVU Learning Architecture

Phase III: Consolidation & Expansion

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Phase 1: Proof of Concept (1997-1999)

Click Master title style • The “proofto of edit concept” stage • 19 learning centers were established in 15 • Click edit Master text styles Africantocountries for distance education •• Second Lectures level were delivered remotely (mostly from US)level via video-conferencing facilities • the Third • The courses were short professional • Fourth level development ones. • Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Phase 2: Expansion (1999-2002)

Clickof to edit Master style • Period expansion: 34 Learningtitle Centers in 18 countries. •• Click to edit Master text styles Journalism, Training in Information Technology, Management, Computer Science, • Business Second level Languages and Accounting. • Third level • During these two phases, all teaching and • Fourth learning level resources were managed from the AVU • Fifth Unit oflevel the World Bank in Washington

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Phase 3: Consolidation & Expansion (2003-2006) • Consolidation and expansion 27 countries Click to edit Masterto title styleand 53 Learning Centers •• The Headquarters ClickAVU’s to edit Master textmoved stylesto Nairobi, Kenya •• Second Regional level office set up in Dakar, Senegal, to partner institutions in Francophone, • service Third level Anglophone and Lusophone West Africa as well • Fourth as Arab level countries in North Africa. • Fifth Degree programs from international institutions level in Australia (RMIT and Curtin) and Canada (Université Laval) • The AVU Learning Architecture Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Phase 4: The AVU Learning Architecture

Click to edit Master title style • • • • •

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Current & Future-Focus (2009-2014)

Click to edit Masterandtitle • Consolidation, Sustainability focusstyle on increasing accessibility •• Development African-based educational Click to edit of Master text styles Content that may be Open Education Resources •• Second level Quality Assurance Mechanism •• Policy Formulation Third level • Delivery of blended-mode programs •• Fourth Content level Development • Fifth level Capacity Building • Webinars and Virtual conferences • Professional Networks • Research and Development Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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AVU Multinational Project

Click to edit Master title style 10 countries

• •• Click Funding: -UNDP Somalia to editAfDB Master text styles Projectlevel activities: •• Second – Open • Third levelDistance eLearning Centers with internet connectivity • Fourth level – AVU capacity enhancement (ACEP) • Fifth level – An ICT integrated Teacher Education Program – Gender Mainstreaming Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Participating Institutions

Click to edit Master title style Country


University of Nairobi • Click to edit Master text styles Uganda Kyambogo University •Tanzania Second levelOpen University of Tanzania •Ethiopia Third level Jimma University Mozambique • Fourth level Universidade Pedagogica Zambia University of Zambia • Fifth level Kenya


University of Zimbabwe


Amoud University, EAU, UoH


Université d’Antananarivo


Universite Chiek Anta Diop (UCAD)

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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AVU Teacher Education Project - Countries

Click to edit Master title style 1

• Click to edit Master text styles • Second level • Third level Senegal • Fourth level • Fifth level

Somalia Ethiopia Uganda Kenya Tanzania Mozambique Madagascar

Anglophone Sites

Zambia Zimbabwe

Francophone Sites Lusophone Sites

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Open Distance & eLearning Centers • • •• • • • •

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Main purpose Physical hubs for development, delivery and management of Click edit Master text styles ODeLto Programs at Partners Institutions Second level Functions of the ODeL Centres – A training facility for PI staff in ODeL Third level – A delivery point for the current and future ODeL programs – A physical location for research Fourth level – A revenue generating center for PIs Fifth level Current Status – – –

all equipment and furniture delivered and installed bandwidth provision is underway 8 centers fully operational

– Launch ceremonies by December 2009 Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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The Computers and Other Equipment

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Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Capacity Enhancement Program

Click to edit • Main Purpose

Master title style

Impart skills to enable partners to design, develop, deliver and manage ODeL programs

• Click to edit Master text styles •• Key Skills Imparted Second level – Materials development for ODeL programs • –Third level Delivery and Technology of ODeL programs – Governance, Management and Financing of ODeL programs • Fourth level • Achievements • –Fifth level 133 university staff trained – From 24 Institutions: 9 Francophone; 14 Anglophone; 1 Lusophone – 17 countries involved

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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ACEP Initial Workshop Senegal 2008

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• • • • •

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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ACEP Concluding Workshop Nairobi 2009

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Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Teacher Education

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• An ICT-integrated TE program for Math and Sciences

• • • • •

Click to edit Master text styles • Objectives: • Improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools Second level through use of ICTs Third level the number of Mathematics, Science, and • Increase ICTlevel basic skills teachers Fourth • Develop and promote research in teacher education to Fifthinform levelfuture curriculum reform • Establish and strengthen relevant partnerships with other teacher education initiatives in Africa

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Teacher Education : Achievements •

Policyto formulation by the Teacher Education Click edit Master title style Advisory Committee (DVC/Vice Rectors)

• •ClickCurriculum to edit Master text styles conceptualization of Program. • •Second level Quality Assurance Framework developed • Third level • Development of 73 modules • Fourth level establishment of subject matter teams and • •FifthThe level peer reviewers for the 73 modules. A total of nearly 160 academics from across Africa

Establishment of a community of Practice in Teacher Education

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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TE Curriculum & Content Design & Development Process

Click to edit Master title style Country Curriculum

Harmonized Curriculum

ODeLified Modules

•Zimbabwe Click to edit Master text styles Maths •Zambia Second level Phys Senegal • Third level Kenya •Madagascar Fourth level Chem •Somalia Fifth level Ethiopia


Mozambique Uganda


Tanzania Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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In-Country Programs

T. Education : Implementation Status

Click to edit Master title style • Translation of modules •• Production of materials : Student kits Click to edit Master text styles •• Uploading courses to a LMS Second level •• Develop OER repository Portal Third level •• Delivery Fourth level and handover of the program • to Partner Fifth level Institutions – piloting phase report and analysis – In-country implementation Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Teacher Education : Challenges

Click to ofedit Master title stylein • Complexity implementing a program three language divides • Click to edit Master text styles • The different education systems – • Francophone, Second level Anglophone, Lusophone • Africa Third level Fourth •• Lack of level enough ICT in Education experts Africa • inFifth level • Collaboration strategy causes delays • Translation of modules Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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T.E Materials Development Process

Click to edit Master title style • • • • •

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Teacher Education Consortium

Click to edit Master title style • AVU Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC) • • • • •

–Click April 2007, approval of formation of a consortium and to edit Master text styles mandated the AVU to facilitate its establishment. level –Second in June 2008 TEAC further resolved to: –Third level Secure the necessary commitment of the respective partner universities to support the establishment of the Fourth level Teacher Education Consortium and to be active members Fifth levelof the said Consortium – Mandate the AVU to spearhead the development of a Constitution and Strategic Plan for the Consortium and submit these to the partner institutions for consideration and adoption

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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AVU T. Education Advisory Committee

Click to edit Master title style

• • • • •

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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T. E Consortium: Goal

• Development Click to edit Master titlelearning style of open and distance (ODL) Capacity enhancement for members •• Click to edit Master text styles both in terms of quantity and quality, for the acquisition • Second level of necessary expertise in open and distance • Third level learning methodologies as well as for the development • Fourth level and management of distance learning programs.

• Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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T. E Consortium: Objectives

Click to edit Master title style

• Enhance the capacity of participating institutions in developing, managing and implementing their own programmes using ODeL methodologies; • Click to edit Master text styles • Develop African based ODeL content that may be Open Resources; • Educational Second level • Build a Community of Practice cutting across language • barriers, Third level national boundaries and subject matters; • • Strengthen Fourth level the quality of online resources through Quality Assurance Mechanisms; • Fifth level • Provide an African Digital Library; • Facilitate students’ credit transfers amongst participating universities;

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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T. E Consortium: Activities

• •

•• •• • •• •• •• • • •

Researchto edit Master title style Click

Identifying programmes, research and publications as well as sharing information about these Click to edit Master text styles Publishing periodic Journal/Newsletter Exchanging teaching materials Second level Facilitating student and staff mobility Third level Facilitating credit transfers Fourth Holding level seminars/conferences on pertinent themes Disseminating information on AVU/PI activities Fifth level Marking AVU Day across the PIs Search for all material and financial means for the implementation of the activities of the Consortium Advocating for ODL in general and the activities of the Consortium in particular.

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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Click to edit Master title style • • • • •

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level THANK YOU Fourth level Fifth level

Bakary Diallo Ph.D – Rector African Virtual University – [email protected]

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