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RANDALL SMITH Proposal for Monte Cristo Resort Project in Cozumel 2 4 . 0 7. 2 0 0 7

1983… The “Donald” was still with Ivana. Paris Hilton was just the name of a hotel. And Apple was just about to introduce their Macintosh computer. It was the year Fleming Creative Group made its very humble debut.

For over 20 years, we’ve been telling the stories of our clients. From Vancouver, to Vegas, to Scotland, Design for Real Estate is there offering unsurpassed industry knowledge and a commitment to intelligent design.


Blueprints . Building codes . Be aring walls . Sure, these are all components of sound real estate development. But something even more fundamental brings a real estate project to life – a compelling story. DfR is a full service design agency that has been helping real estate developers, marketers, and builders tell their stories for over 20 years. We listen closely, look deeply, and think boldly, combining the time tested traditions of storytelling – words, pictures, and possibilities – with today’s leading design technologies.

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We understand that every real estate project is unique. To find the story in your unique project, we look at all the angles. What’s its origin? What’s the game plan? Who’s interested? And why?

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Then we’ll shout your story from the rooftops by delivering print, direct mail, environmental design, multimedia, website design, email campaigns, presentation centre material, promotional buzz, all through memorable branding. At every phase of your development we’ll be there to help tell your story – each piece unique, but all speaking with a single voice.

How do we me asure success? We believe that in a good story you will recognize yourself. But in a great story, your customers will recognize themselves – who they are, the things they value, the dreams they hold.

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September 25, 2007

Randall Smith Monte Cristo Resort Cozumel Birmingham, AL

Hi Randall, Thank you for asking Design for Real Estate (DfR) to quote on the Monte Cristo Resort in Cozumel, Mexico. This is an exciting project that offers unique timeshare opportunities, best-in-class amenities, and ocean-frontage on world-renowned Cozumel Island. We’re keen to explore this opportunity with you, and with nearly two decades of resort and residential real estate marketing experience, it’s a project we’re well suited to. The attached estimate is based on DfR creating the Monte Cristo brand and applying that identity to key print and interactive marketing collateral designed to help drive leads to your sales agents. The proposal focuses on supplying you with the marketing tools needed to maximize the potential of your lead generation system (database of 680,000), cruise ship traffic (485,000/monthly), and other sales channels. As discussed, we can also quote on the graphic design requirements for the Sales/Presentation Center in Cozumel, should you decide that this is required. We would quote on this separately, as Phase II of the Monte Cristo Resort Project. Following the estimate, I’ve included an overview of our capabilities and portfolio samples for your colleagues who may not be familiar with DfR. I’ve also included a few brochure samples from some of our recent resort and luxury residential projects. Once again, Randall, thank you for the opportunity to present you with our proposal. From the appeal of owning affordable beach-front, to the best-in-class amenities, we believe that the Monte Cristo Resort in Cozumel has a number of great stories to tell. We look forward to bringing these stories to life. I will call you next week for your thoughts and feedback on this proposal. In the meantime, please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions. Sincerely,

Mark Ross

Account Director, Design for Real Estate

Telephone 604.669.2296 Toll-free 1.866.669.2296 Fax 604.669.2310 1237 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1R3 CANADA A d iv is io n o f F le m in g C r e at iv e G ro u p

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The following is a breakdown of project activities and estimates for the design and development of the marketing campaign for the Monte Cristo Resort project in Cozumel, Mexico. Our approach is to provide you with key marketing collateral – and in the right sequence – to maximize the potential of your lead generation system (database of 680,000), cruise ship traffic (485,000/monthly), and other sales channels. You’ll notice that the estimate includes the elements I sent you in an earlier email, as well as a few additional items that we feel will have an impact on your sales efforts, and should be considered. Strategy Session In our experience, an on-site strategic planning session at the outset of a project is invaluable. It enables the extended project team to discuss and come to agreement on the overall marketing strategy, and sets the campaign’s broad creative direction. The consolidated notes from the session also help to ensure that the project team stays on the same page throughout the life of the project. Strategy Session discussion points that would help determine the creative direction, as well as what message and mediums will be most effective, could include: • Buyer profile, behavior characteristics, and purchase criteria for primary, secondary, and tertiary target markets • Effects of current real estate and economic conditions on fractionalownership/timeshare resort properties • Competitive Analysis – who are the real (other timeshare resorts), and potential (all inclusive resort hotels, cruise operators, etc.) competitor, and what is our advantage over them DfR’s participation in this stage of the project includes a full-day of preparation and research, and partaking in a full-day strategy session on-site with the extended project team. Includes participation from the DfR team of three/four persons (Designer, Design Director, Project Manager, and Copywriter), pre- and post-session team briefing and debriefing. $10,000 - $15,000 Notes: • DfR will prepare for, participate in, and forward all our Strategy Session rough notes to the client • The client is responsible for any event facility or equipment rental, the hiring of a facilitator, on-site expenses such as catering, meeting supplies, etc. should any of these elements be required • Travel and accommodation to and from the session location would be additional expenses not included in the above figure

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Project Identity (name, logo & tagline) Includes exploration and creation of theme, and showcasing options as mood boards (mood boards depict a visual and graphic approach through pictures, colours, and typography) to establish creative direction, from which the entire campaign will evolve; concepting and presentation of name options (based on using/modifying the clientsupplied name ‘Monte Cristo’), as well as up to three logo and tagline concepts, colour palette options, design refinement, and production of client-selected logo to final electronic artwork. • • •

Overall creative direction/project theme Logo Name & Tagline

$5,000 $4,500 $1,500 $11,000

Photography Stunning photography is essential to any resort real estate project. Potential buyers should see themselves in the images used to sell a resort project and the lifestyle it represents. The budget may seem expensive, but it is crucial to the success of the campaign, as it is applied to every component – from ads, brochures, and direct mail, to the website, and sales center – and needs to be on a world-class level to speak to this international audience. For a project of this type, we anticipate a combination of custom and stock photography, as well as imaging work to client-supplied photos for use in various applications. A photo shoot on location is the most cost-effective way of getting the custom ‘signature’ images that will come to represent the Monte Cristo Resort brand. Where possible we use royalty-free stock photography that costs from $450 to $800 per image for search and usage rights. • •

Custom photo shoot Stock images search and purchase

$20,000 - $30,000 $10,000 - $13,000 $30,000 - $43,000

Note: This quote does not include travel and accommodation expenses for site audit, and onsite photo shoot. Also, if required, a video shoot/production could be added at additional cost.

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Advertising Design, copywriting, and production to final electronic artwork of teaser, coming soon, and grand opening ads using existing theme/concept, copy/image/graphic elements. Production liaison and file transfer for initial insertions only. • • •

Ad templates shell design Inserts (re-layout/content changes $400-$700/per x2) Inserts (minimal size/copy changes $150- $400/per x3)

$6,500 $800 - $1,400 $450 - $1,200 $7,750 - $9,100

Direct Marketing Campaign Researching/brainstorming/concepting an innovative direct marketing campaign (mail and email series) targeting the 680,000 names in the lead generation database, and other leads as appropriate. While the details need to be explored in more detail, our initial recommendation is to start the campaign with a teaser/’coming soon’ piece, then build momentum through subsequent follow-up ‘now selling’ pieces as there is more to show and tell about the resort. Each piece would include a call to action to register at the Monte Cristo website for a personalized sales call, or to RSVP for a VIP sales event. Includes design, copywriting, and final artwork, using copy/image/graphic elements from existing brochure, of a direct mail and email campaign series to final electronic artwork. • • •

Brainstorm/research/develop strategy and concepts Design/refine/production of print series to final art Design/refine/production of email series to final art

$3,000 - $5,000 $8,000 - $10,000 $2,500 - $5,000 $13,500 – $20,000

Note: Cost depends on the number of pieces in the print and email series, the series content (i.e. design, production, and inclusion of a video or virtual tour will add additional costs), and the specifications for each piece. The estimate does not include print coordination/press proofing or printing fees; nor does it include management, distribution, or metrics for the email campaign. These can be estimated when further specifications are defined.

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Website Design a website of approximately 20 pages. Based on input to date, the website will focus on driving pre-lease leads/registration and would likely include the following content sections: Homepage, Photo Gallery/Tour, Development Overview, Location Map, Area/Project Amenities, Floor Plans, and Registration. This quote is intended as a rough estimate only, as key design considerations (Flash vs. HTML, or hybrid site, Video/Virtual Tour, Content Management Solution, Prospect Management Solution, etc.) are still to be determined. Once the content and technical specifications are confirmed, we’ll present a revised estimate. $30,000 – $40,000 Note: For the sake of comparison, the website we designed for Laguna Parkside ( cost approximately $35,000, and the site we created for The Resort at Squaw Creek ( cost roughly $65,000. In both cases, photography, video, renderings, etc. were an additional expense.

Brochure Design, image concept/search/selection (from client-supplied assets or from purchased stock images – see previous item), copywriting, and production to final electronic artwork, of a full-colour 12-page brochure (eight internal pages plus one four-panel cover). Up to two sets of minor revisions are included, but once design direction, format, and theme are committed to and work commenced, any significant changes will be quoted on as a change order. $20,000 - $25,000 Notes: • Should the brochure require additional panels, budget $1,200 – 1,500 per. • Printing estimates will be sourced once the brochure specifications have been determined. We anticipate that it will cost $12,000 - $15,000 to print 1,000 brochures. • Should a detailed area/amenities map be required, it would cost $3,000 - $4,000. This includes research and referencing, drawing/illustrating/plotting, production of legend (if required), production of map to electronic artwork (for further application within brochure or presentation centre). Updates to an existing clientsupplied map would cost $2000 - $2,500 to illustrate/draw/typeset changes to the map.

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Brochure Inserts (assuming 6 inserts) One-sided, 8.5" x 11" site plan, features, floor plans, construction details, etc. Includes design and production of final art of insert template, clean-up of floor plan files, individual layout of content to template, production to final art, coordination, and provision of electronic files. • •

Template shell design Insertion of content ($400-$500/per x6)

$1,000 $2,400 – $3,000 $3,400 – $4,000

Note: Cost will depend on workability of files provided by the architect and amount of conversion and clean-up required. We would liaise with your architect early in the process.

Signage Initial site audit, design, production to final electronic artwork, of main sign (including “Coming Soon” and “Now Selling” add-ons), directional sign, A-boards, open hours sign, display suite markers, parking sign, hoarding, Presentation Center exterior signage, and billboards. Thought will also be given to how to modify signage (if appropriate) for subsequent phases. $6,500 - $8,500 Note: • Quote does not include travel and accommodation expenses for site audit • Fabrication or installation costs are additional, and can be quoted once the design direction is established • Installation depends on site conditions and bylaw requirements Stationery Design and production to final electronic artwork of Monte Cristo Resort branded letterhead, envelope, business card template, thank you card/envelope, and guest survey card. $3,500 - $4,500

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BUDGET ESTIMATE SUMMARY Project Briefing Project Identity (name, logo, tagline) Photography Advertising Direct Mail Campaign Website Brochure Inserts (assuming 6) Signage Stationery Grand Total

$10,000 - $15,000 $11,000 $30,000 - $43,000 $7,750 - $9,100 $13,500 - $20,000 $30,000 - $40,000 $20,000 - $25,000 $3,400 - $4,000 $6,500 - $8,500 $3,500 - $4,500 $135,650 - $180,100

ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS • Custom Illustrations: if required, are additional and may be estimated once requirements are understood and design style/direction is established. • Print Supplier Liaison and Press Checks: If you would like DfR to liaise with print suppliers on your behalf to facilitate the receipt of printing quotes and attend all press checks, our time will be billed at an hourly rate of $111. Should you require DfR to handle printing, all printing purchased through DfR is subject to an agency mark-up of 20 per cent. • Expenses: Courier, shipping, printing and manufacturing, travel time and related expenses are additional. • Deposit and Billing Procedure: The preceding prices are subject to final specification, and are subject to refinement should the project scope be adjusted. Prices are subject to applicable taxes, and expenses. Prices are valid for thirty (30) days and are subject to escalation in materials and labour after that date. Upon agreement of our proposal in principal, we will provide you with a Credit Application, Letter of Agreement, Terms and Conditions, and a Request for Deposit.

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Squaw Creek Associates

30 18.04.2006

The Resor t at Squaw Creek




Launch an interactive campaign to help leading developer and property manager Lowe Enterprises attract sales for luxury hotel suites that were now available for whole-ownership.

DfR built momentum using successive interactive elements. Details about the area, the Resort, and the offering were presented through emails, a teaser website, a full Flash website, a motion-based sales presentation, and a touchscreen presentation-centre kiosk.

With most of the suites spoken for immediately, the campaign was one of the most successful launch events in California real estate history. The experience continued with email updates and customized invitations sent to owners throughout the year.

A division of Fleming Cre ative Group

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Lowe Enterprises

10 18.04.2006

Tumble Creek




Design an interactive campaign to foster excitement among potential customers about the possibility of owning a luxury homesite in the exclusive community of Tumble Creek in Suncadia, Washington.

Highlight the community’s main attractions of world-class golf and the outdoors through successive interactive components that included email sign-ups, a full Flash website, a touchscreen kiosk for the presentation centre, and a WebEx-based presentation.

Tumble Creek’s first day of sales was a phenomenal success with over 100 of the 150 available units purchased almost immediately. This success set the stage for consideration of developing further opportunities in the area.

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Suncadia L .L .C .

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The Lodge at Suncadia




Sell a spectacular luxury resort offering in the heart of Washington State over the Internet.

DfR created, in effect, an interactive photo album to showcase both the luxury resort features and the area’s striking scenery. The campaign continued with other elements that connected potential buyers with the experience of living at The Lodge.

With nearly $54 million worth of the luxury condominium homes sold, The Lodge had a record-setting first day of resort sales in Washington State. Over 100 buyers snapped up Suncadia’s newest offering, pleased to be first to own in the region.

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Lyle Anderson Company

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Loch Lomond




Implement an interactive pre-launch international sales program for memberships to an exclusive private members’ golf club in Scotland.

Focusing on the majesty and tradition of the distinguished golf course, the campaign involved targeted email send-outs and the creation of a website that showcased the club’s stunning landscape and picturesque scenery.

The email campaign and website were a great success in attracting a worldwide VIP member base. DfR is now working on ongoing updates as the exclusive club expands its grounds with more world-class golf opportunities.

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Origin Homes

13 1 8 . 0 4 . 2 0 0 6

Fair winds Community and Resor t




Create an identity for a 1,500-acre masterplanned resort community on Vancouver Island, complete with 18-hole golf course, marina, hotel, and residential community.

Following a two day envisioning session, the theme “Guess what I did today?” informed all materials, with images highlighting the three key attributes: natural setting, individuality, and diverse activities.

The approach met with acceptance by the public and potential clients of the resort. A new residential subdivision and community centre signified strong acceptance of Fairwinds.

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Delta Land Group


Callisto, Coal Harbour




Create inspirational marketing collateral for two luxury towers proposed for Vancouver’s prestigious Coal Harbour waterfront.

Drawing upon the celestial constellation of Callisto, DfR launched a dramatic and memorable print and advertising marketing campaign. Our aim was to establish strong brand recognition on the waterfront and attract international purchasers.

Over 60% of the development sold within the first three months and set an average selling price well above other prices in the area at the time. Callisto and Carina became home to business professionals from Vancouver and around the globe.

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Delta Land Group


Callisto, Coal Harbour

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Delta Land Group


Callisto, Coal Harbour

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Polygon Homes

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Create a dramatic and distinct campaign to create buzz for a luxury development by Polygon Homes situated in the heart of one of Vancouver’s most esteemed communities.

Taking inspiration from renowned fashion photographer Richard Avedon, the campaign was a stand-out with its strong palette of black, white and red, flowing lines, and monochromatic photography. Avedon’s sophisticated New York vibe and classic features were carried through all marketing collateral.

As one of the first luxury high-rise developments in the desirable South Granville area, sales were a resounding success. With only 45 suites offered, a high percentage of them sold on the first day.

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Polygon Homes

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E xpectations

Award -winning Cre ative , Certainly. But Also, Much More Than That. We will measure ourselves (and ask you to measure us) against the following five guiding principles. We developed these standards to help us stay true to the values on which we’ve built our business.

Design for Under standing It’s not enough for design to be eye‑popping. It has to effectively convey information. Have we used design to make your message more clear, more meaningful?

Enthusiasm Are we approaching your project with energy and enthusiasm? Are our ideas fresh? Have we brought the full strength of our combined experience and knowledge to your project?

Communication Are we asking the right questions? Are we listening to what you really want? Are we providing you with ongoing and consistent updates as to project status and budget?

Integrit y Story telling

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Have we told your story in a way that’s compelling to your customer? Did they laugh? Did they buy? Did they invest? Did they understand who you are, where you’re going, and how you can help them?

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Have we clearly spelled out the costs involved? Have we provided sound and economical options so that you can make a clear choice of action? Are we delivering on what we promised?

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Design Process

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We understand that every real estate project is different. Experience has also taught us that there are innumerable elements involved in real estate campaigns. We appreciate these details. We are able to fine-tune our design process to accommodate your project’s specific requirements. But generally, one thing is constant. We’ll need to ask a lot of questions that get to the heart of your project. We’ll want to hear about your vision, learn about your preferences, and find out about your competition. We’ll set up an initial meeting to discuss your project, explore the various components, and hammer out all the nitty gritty details.

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Process? You betcha. Last time we counted there were at least 72 steps to complete a typical project. But your project’s not typical. Your project might require 26 steps – or 81. Our collaborative process is designed to accommodate you. Not the other way around.

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American Nevada Company Bella Vista

Lowe Enterprises Resort at Squaw Creek Tumble Creek

Bastion Development Montreux

Terranea Resort

Bayshore Garden Development Bayshore Garden Delta Land Development Carina at Coal Harbour Callisto at Coal Harbour Intracorp Developments Arbutus Hill Intergulf Development Group Brava at Westgate Park Lakeshore Developments Walnut Beach Resort Ledingham McAllister Kensington Court Touchstone

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Liberty Homes Tango

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Lyle Anderson Company Loch Lomond

Panorama Place (includes Brooklands, Gillis Walk, The Uplands & Oaklands) Pepperwood Sakura Watercolours Wellington Court

Origin Adult Communities Fairwinds Community & Resort

Portrait Homes Silver Ridge


Prima Properties Laguna Parkside

Polygon Homes Altaire Ashcombe Avedon Bentley Collage Compton Foundry Gallery Harvest Wynde Klahanie (includes Inglenook, Indigo, Salal, Tides, Sahalee & Nahanni) Lanesborough Leighton Green Southampton Miró

Saje Enterprises Summerland Resort

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Townline Group Compass Unimont 100 Lakeshore Drive Wall Financial Metropolitan Towers Wesbuild Burke Mountain


Delta Land Development

Ovation Development

Lakeshore Developments

Polygon Homes

Lowe Enterprises


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Lyle Anderson Company

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How to Get in Touch with Us . DOUG FLEMING, Partner [email protected] MARK ROSS, Account Director [email protected]

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Phone: 604.669.2296 Fax: 604.669.2310 Toll Free: 1-866-669-2296

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Fleming Creative Group 128 West 8th Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA V5Y 1N2 View our corporate website at: View our most recent work at:

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Telephone 604.669.2296 Toll-free 1.866.669.2296 Fax 604.669.2310 128 West 8th Ave., Vancouver BC, Canada V5Y 1N2 A division of Fleming Creative Group

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