Doorway To Eternity -excerpts

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  • Pages: 32

Kiara Windrider

Invitation There is a “Doorway to Eternity” in each of our experiences, a shimmering portal of light in which we dissolve all illusions of separation. As we step through this Doorway we connect with our light body and enter the Mystery of God, the I AM Presence, the aspect of Being that dwells in Unified Light. We merge the two. We then walk back through the Doorway as Embodied Presence, fully awakened within the world of form, no longer held hostage by its seeming limitations.

Doorway to Eternity

Doorway to Eternity A Guide to Planetary Ascension

This process is known as “ascension”, or “full body enlightenment”. Our contribution to humanity by simply walking through this portal and back is beyond comprehension. Jesus accomplished this through the Resurrection. We do not have to die to our bodies to accomplish this now. We do, however, have to die to perceptions and identities that no longer serve. We do have to trust what we know to be possible. And it does require a deep soul commitment. If these words evoke a hidden memory, perhaps you are on this path. This book will give form to this longing of the soul. I will share my personal journeys and explore some teachings and practices, including self-inquiry, various meditation and light body practices, and cellular repatterning. Beyond techniques, however, the intention is to open our hearts to the winds of Spirit, to ultimate possibility, and to let that be our guide. The journey of awakening is a paradoxical one. When we merge with Self, we find we were never separate to begin with. We are already what we seek to become. The Awakened Master has always slumbered within. May we support one another now through the doorway, and awake to our awakened self!


Kiara Windrider


Kiara Windrider

Comments from Readers “This book is important, and its message is one that may change your life. The most profound truths are often found in the simplest boxes. That's how I feel about this book. Read it.” James F. Twyman, author of Emissary of Light and Secret of the Beloved Disciple, “Every once in a while we meet a beautiful soul who radiates the pure, innocent love of Spirit. Such a person is Kiara Windrider. His inspired book, Doorway to Eternity, reflects his beauty and also a profound wisdom that could only have come from the highest Source. He touches on many very complex subjects, and gives us answers in such a clear simple way, so that everyone who is led to this work will gain a greater understanding of the workings of the universe and the mysteries of life. His book will take its place among the great writings of our time.” Ronna Herman, messenger for Archangel Michael, author of On Wings of Light, The Golden Promise, and Once Upon A New World, a trilogy,

Doorway to Eternity


and whale, especially ‘spherical consciousness’, is flowing through me. I see everything as energy, projecting spherically. “My chakras, medulla, and physical self are releasing effortlessly. I feel a great dolphin spirit connected over me— as if we are ONE on many dimensions. He is particularly focused in my Third Eye. The dolphin's eyes are beyond mine, he is over and around my physical form. I feel our holograms merged in the night. Everything I have thought I was, is melting away—boundaries vanishing, freedom is here. “I can't wait to read and experience the rest of Kiara’s incredible holographic library of his spiritual journey. Kiara's book midwives our own unlimited spiritual potential.” Mary McChrist, messenger for Beloved Mother Mary, visionary artist, and author of The Blessed Mother's Blue Rose of the Healing Heart,

“Doorway to Eternity is Kiara’s personal search for spiritual truth, and the insights and messages he has received on his journey. In this book he executes a brilliant mastery of the English language and an ability to convey extremely personal and intimate, almost indescribable, experiences. He does it all with an infectious sense of awe and wonder. This book proves once again just how complex and diverse we each are. Inspiring and insightful.” Christine Chalenor, author of Calling All Angels,

“Kiara Windrider is a master and his book, Doorway to Eternity, is just one of his messengers. This Light tool is a living expression of its author's deep heart, a heart dedicated and committed to the co-creation of Heaven on Earth. Kiara lives in the consciousness of Truth and brings to his readers gifts of wisdom and love that serve as portals to the Eternal Oneness of all Life. “The jeweled pages of this ascension guide, with many diverse subjects, carry and convey properties and attributes of God that can tranform, uplift, and assist a sincere individual's realignment and re-connection with Source. It is a worthy companion to bring along as you follow Spirit through the ascension spiral into the rarefied air from which it was written.” Wistancia Stone, author of Invocations to the Light,

“Doorway to Eternity is totally experiential for me. After only 86 pages and a night of integration, I feel as if the edges of my body, mind, and soul are melted. The Light of dolphin

“Doorway to Eternity evokes enchanting images of dolphins, whales, emerging dragons, wolves, and transdimensional beings. The essays are articulately written with


Kiara Windrider

a down-to-earth, intelligent approach to multiworld teachings. Kiara’s exquisite meditations are mystically beautiful and precisely designed. Their high vibrational resonance stimulates the inner transformation processes necessary for ascension. Delightful!” Patricia Pereira, author of the four-volume Arcturian Star Chronicles, “The book is exquisite, the place from which Kiara comes is palpably beautiful and accessible to anyone who is looking for home, and his thoroughness and egolessness are a fresh wind blown across the planet.” Chrysta Anderson, Senior Trainer, “Doorway to Eternity is exactly that!! This book is a “wide open” doorway to 5-D ascension!! Kiara's book kept opening my mind farther and farther and I almost wished that the book would never end!! Windrider is indeed a ‘man from the future’ with clearly communicated messages and spiritual directives that need to be heeded by humanity today. We must prepare ourselves and all Earth for our now clearly destined new paradigm ‘birth’ of Heaven on Earth!” Russ Michael, Trustee/Founder, Global Light Network,

Doorway to Eternity

Doorway to Eternity A Guide to Planetary Ascension

“A beautiful and sensitive story of a gentle soul’s search for evolution and enlightenment, and the wisdom he discovered.” Dolores Cannon, author of 12 metaphysical books, “Kiara's personal radiance of love, peace, and harmony is ever present in the wisdom he offers in Doorway to Eternity. If you seek and thirst, I am confident this book will touch your heart.” Craig Russell, author of Ancient Mysteries Revealed,

by Kiara Windrider



Kiara Windrider


Doorway to Eternity


Heaven on Earth Project P. O. Box 67 Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 USA

Acknowledgements ................................................... 12 Foreword by Barry Martin ....................................... 13 Prologue .................................................................... 17 Introduction ..............................................................20 Preface and Prayers .................................................. 27 (and on the CD that is inside of the back cover)

Phone/Fax: 530.918.9264

Part I — Events and Discoveries

Pre-publication copies of the full manuscript are available from:

Email: [email protected] Website:

Book with meditation CD: $22 plus shipping USA: Book Rate=$2, Priority=$4 Canada $5; All Others $9 (US funds only; no foreign checks, please)

Copyright 2001 by Kiara Windrider All Rights Reserved Permission is granted to share this excerpt with others, so long as there is no charge made.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

My Moment of Choice ........................................ 31 The Babaji Walk-In ............................................ 36 Mt. Shasta and the Ascended Masters .............. 42 Swimming with Dolphins and Whales .............. 49 Message from The Great One ............................ 57 The Planetary Brain, 4th Dimension, and the Christ Consciousness Grid ................................. 66 Lucifer’s Descent and Return ............................ 76 The Path of Initiation and Ascension................ 87 The Unified Self ................................................. 98 Experiencing the God-Self ............................... 113 Windrider’s Message from the Future ............119 Spirals of Time ................................................. 133 The Kumara of Maldek, and Other Stories of Healing ......................................................... 147 Ameela of the Greys ......................................... 157 Transitioning into the Future ......................... 167 Earth Work and the Dragons ........................... 177 Subterranean Cities of Light ........................... 185 Lady Gaia’s Initiation ...................................... 195


Kiara Windrider


Doorway to Eternity

Part II — Meditations and Practices


19. Sacred Geometry and Expanded Awareness ..203 20. The Sound Current and Vipassana Meditation (audio version is on the CD) .........211 21. Earth-Sky Meditation (also on the CD) ..........220 22. Exploring the Lower Worlds ............................228 23. Exploring the Upper Worlds ............................235 24. Building Personal Energy ................................242 25. Planetary Linking ............................................246 26. Timeline Healing..............................................256 27. The Dolphin Healing Vortex ............................260 28. Conversations With the Five Selves ................265 29. Unifying Meditation .........................................271 30. Meeting the Karmic Board .............................. 275 31. Himalayan Initiation .......................................280 Epilogue ...................................................................286 About Kiara Windrider ...........................................290 About the Visionary Artists ....................................292 Books and Internet Resources ...............................294 Index ........................................................................297

Brother Sun ............................................................... 19 Gundar Falls .............................................................. 35 Babaji ......................................................................... 41 Garden of My Soul .................................................... 46 Cetacean Dreams ...................................................... 64 Descent ...................................................................... 84 Friend ........................................................................ 96 Who Am I? ............................................................... 110 Empty Vessel ........................................................... 118 Riding the Wind ...................................................... 130 Brother Wolf ............................................................ 164 A New Dawn ........................................................... 176

Diagrams The Christ Consciousness Grid* ..............................70 The Photon Belt, Cycle of Yugas, and the Astrological Ages* ............................................136 The Hollow Earth‡ .................................................193 Tube Torus* ............................................................209 Earth and Human Energy Systems* .....................222 Infinity Spirals* ......................................................225 * by Patricia Kirby, [email protected] ‡ by James Michaelson

Visionary Art “Ascension to the Light”* ................. Front Cover and Chapter Headings “Magician”‡............................................................... 28 “Dolphin World”‡ ......................................................48 “Ascension Celebration”‡ ......................................... 86 “Opening to Angels”‡ ............................................. 112 “Web of Wyrd”‡ ....................................................... 132 “Wolf Wisdom”‡ ...................................................... 165 “Healer”‡ ................................................................ 200 “Healing the Inner Child”‡ .................................... 264 * by Delmary, ‡ by Willow Arlenea,


Kiara Windrider


Doorway to Eternity





I thank my parents for birthing and raising me with the realities of spirit and love, and for constantly encouraging me to find my own “path with a heart”. I love you. I thank my brother and sister and their families for the closeness and joy they bring to my life. I thank Sai Baba, cosmic avatar for this age, and Babaji, who is closer than a brother to me, and the whales, dolphins, fairies, and ascended masters, who are also my family. I thank Gaia, goddess of the Earth, and Pan, lord of the devas and nature spirits, for the great beauty, healing and compassion they bring to this world, and also their patience in regard to humanity. I thank the rest of my soul family on Earth and beyond for all the many gifts of heart and soul that I have experienced with each of you, perhaps some of whom I am yet to meet among you, the readers of this book. And through all of this, to the One Spirit that moves through all things, I offer my undying love, gratitude, and pledge of allegiance!

When Kiara asked me to read his manuscript, I was both delighted and somewhat hesitant. The excitement was due to the gift of being invited into a new dimension of his life, and for the opportunity to further an already deeply loving and mutually catalyzing relationship. The hesitancy arose as a result of the apathy I have experienced when reading many ascensionoriented books over the last years. Admittedly, the reason for part of this reluctance was a result of the pendulum swinging in my own journey. For many years I was very focused in an ascension identity, which resulted in finding myself needing to spend some years focusing on the Earth, embodiment, and realizing the divine as eminent in all forms. Certainly this is not a judgment or indictment of ascension-oriented approaches. It is simply to realize that this spiritual path, like all paths, has certain great gifts and limitations. As soon as I began reading the introduction, these reservations dissolved. I was deeply touched by the warmth and vulnerability Kiara revealed in telling of his inner process and struggle in coming to write the book. With his humanness so revealed and allowed, I found my heart and soul open with a feeling of “Yes, this is a place I live in also.” Such openness is so important in the spiritual journey,


Kiara Windrider

as the Ego is always illusively weaving its way through our process, attempting to convince us that we need to hide our imperfections and distortions while attempting to act spiritual. Kiara reveals by his own experience that we can be completely transparent, revealing our feelings of doubt and inadequacy, even while we hold the vision of remembering our Christhood and accessing the highest frequencies of energy and consciousness. In fact, it is this complete humility and unconditional love and acceptance of where we are in our journey which is so essential to expediting the path home. When we completely allow our “humanness”, we simultaneously allow our “Godness”. This underlying current should make this book very accessible for many who would not otherwise be drawn to ascension-oriented materials. I found Kiara’s personal stories very engaging, bringing me into a deeply embodied experience, as opposed to something which registers more as just concepts in the mind. I felt like I was participating in a journey of awakening, being aware of the continual shifts and transformations I was experiencing. The Doorway to Eternity reveals the truth of the living process of the spiritual journey with all its ecstatic highs and epiphanies, as well as the equally deep sojourns into the dark and painful shadow world. What captivated me was scope of inclusiveness which included even “The Fall” or the Lucifer Rebellion into the perfection of the divine plan. Nowhere did I get the feeling that anything was judged or not in-

Doorway to Eternity


cluded. I also never had the sense that I was being given the absolute “keys” to Heaven. How refreshing, and how truthful! Yet, I came away from the experience feeling that I had gained numerous helpful insights and understandings that would definitely catalyze my journey homeward. As I wove my way through the experience of the book, I continually experienced a significant upleveling in my energy and consciousness. It was as though I was also receiving an activation or inner work session simultaneously. Certainly, the reader is purchasing much more than just a book when they pick up a copy of Doorway to Eternity. A number of new realms of possibility opened to me on new levels. The chapter on Windrider re-kindled the realization that at another level we have already made the shift into our divine Self. It’s a forgone conclusion, a fact, beyond the scope of time and space. When it becomes so clear that we can call our future, or already perfect, self back into the present experience, the doorway is open for greatly accelerated soul unfoldment. What a helpful technology in a time when we live on a third-dimensionally imperiled planet! I found many of the meditations very powerful, especially the one which opens the chakra at the medulla, activating the spherical consciousness that the cetaceans experience. It inducted me into the same state of consciousness that I have experienced when swimming with the dolphins, only more deeply. I continue to work with this, unifying it with the crown and heart,


Kiara Windrider

and windows continue to open into a deeper sense of the divinity in the very fabric of matter, and the importance of awakening the feminine aspect of the Christ consciousness. The Timeline Healing meditation brought a number of aspects of Self back into consciousness, making them once again accessible. This, combined with the Conversations with the Five Selves exercise, resulted in a much greater sense of harmony and unification within my soul structure. My sense is that Doorway to Eternity will be a resource that many readers will continue to come back to again and again for new awakenings and deeper transformation. Kiara’s poetry so clearly comes from the depths of his divinity. So rich, encapsulating in such eloquent, songful expression the essence of a chapter, taking it much deeper into the psyche, beyond the subtle barriers of the waking mind. As I attempt to summarize this foreword with the most important point I would like to express, what arises is the overwhelming feeling of the ease, grace, and overall unity and love which this book transmits. In its presence I feel held in the gentle allowing arms of the divine feminine and also lifted into the heights of possibility for actualizing my spirit’s greatest possibilities. It is a rare experience to have all these aspects and dimensions of the spiritual journey so present and so well portrayed in both the information and experience contained in The Doorway to Eternity.

Barry Martin


Doorway to Eternity

W Prologue The first step is always the hardest. No less is this true than in the writing of this book. Where do I begin? What do I say? In the endless ocean of metaphysical and spiritual literature found everywhere on bookshelves today, what do I have to say that is meaningful and new? For many years this book lay dormant within me, and within my private journals. Why should I repeat what other people have already said? What makes me think I have anything important to say at all? And if I said something meaningful and new, what if it ends up contradicting what other respected authors and teachers have said? There is controversy enough in metaphysical realms, and I did not wish to create more. And yet the urgency grew. I had to write this book, I kept being told, even if it was just to deepen my own remembering. Over and over again I made my excuses, and took myself off the hook. “I don’t believe in fossilized truth,” I would say. “The only unchanging truth is change itself.” Every time I thought I finally understood something, it would shift, and another perspective offer itself. “The Tao that can be spoken is not the real Tao,” I would argue, “and what is really the Tao cannot be spoken. So why speak at all?”


Kiara Windrider


Doorway to Eternity

I realize now that my little self wishes to remain safely insulated in detached anonymity. I tell myself I am one with everyone, and yet when the One wishes to speak through in my voice, I plead separation. So after endlessly quoting Nelson Mandela’s inaugural speech to everyone within range, I’m finally choosing to apply the words to myself. I won’t “play small” anymore. At least not out of my fear of playing big. So perhaps now I can begin.

Brother Sun Brother Sun, I asked one day, Don’t you ever tire Of spinning endless circles across the sky? Rising, then setting, Eternal mystery of day and night? He looked at me then, Gazing softly into my heart, Filling me deep with his light. It is not I that spins through the skies Creating days and nights, he said. Here there is only undying light Of eternal radiance; All else is your perception. See me and you shall see yourself; All shadows are lifted In noonday light. Once you have seen, No longer can you be a speck circling around me, Blowing in the wind, Separate and alone. Be the Sun, be undying light; Yes, be a Sun unto yourself, And we shall circle, Always eternally within each other.


Kiara Windrider

W Introduction Who am I? Long have I been circling outside of myself, hiding behind a darkened mirror of self, seeking desperately through veils of forgetfulness for what I have always already been. I awaken now from my dreaming, as do each of us in these pivotal times. It is time to merge now with all the aspects of our self, and to fulfill our mighty destiny on Earth. This book arises from my own journey of awakening, and is intended to spark various degrees of remembrance as we journey on together. We are not separate, you and I. We are not separate, us and Earth. We are not separate, persona and soul, human and God. We have dis-membered ourselves, and it is time now to remember. There have been various avenues that have sparked my remembrances, various tools and techniques that have helped along the path. Some of these I share here. Spiritual initiates in older times underwent very specific trainings and tests to strengthen the physical body, clear the emotional body, and activate the light body. In these accelerated times, our entire lives have become such a training and a test, and yet it is easy sometimes to get lost in the confusion of too much information with too little transformational value.

Doorway to Eternity


A significant part of my journey into deeper presence has been a growing understanding of what I call the “unified presence”. We are each a composite of various identities. Connecting with and dialoguing with these multidimensional aspects of self has brought me closer to unified presence. Ultimately, I feel that the journey of awakening has to do with merging these multiple identities. Many voices have come together in co-authoring this book. I have been a seeker of truth all my life, and many people have touched me with thoughts and ideas that I eventually made my own. There have also been non-physical teachers. I learned in states of super-consciousness to contact aspects of the cosmos that I ordinarily did not have access to. Some call this process “channeling”. Later, I learned that I could touch this super-conscious awareness at all times by merging various aspects of my being. This is an account of my journey, and information that has come through, as well as a guidebook on how we can each access those sources for ourselves. This book is the story of my awakening. It is also the story of Earth’s awakening in these times of light returning. Some of it includes dialogues with various beings. I began connecting with the presence of the ascended masters, angels, whales, and nature kingdoms during the years I spent in Mt. Shasta, California, and on the Big Island of Hawaii. I feel a deep resonance with the “ascension” path


Kiara Windrider

and an equally strong love for Mother Earth. For me the path of ascension is not about escaping or transcending the physical dimension to enter some higher dimension so much as incarnating fully into the body as divine presence, anchoring my light body into physical form. The kingdom of Heaven is to be created right here on Earth. An equally appropriate term would be “descension”, which is what the process is about from the perspective of soul. I was reading The Secret of the Beloved Disciple one day, a beautiful book in which peace troubadour Jimmy Twyman is informed of a “door of eternity”. “It is a doorway to the real world,” his Teacher tells him, “a bridge that connects this world with your true home, what you would call Heaven. It has always been right in front of you, waiting for you to enter. But you have been convinced that you must die in order to enter, as if your body is the barrier keeping you from the joy God would give you. The only barrier blocking your entry is fear. When you release the fearful patterns that have ruled your life and accept the love that binds you to the Divine, then Heaven will sweep you up like a mother does her child.” He was told that when we open our hearts to this experience, then humanity would enter a new era. It reminded me also of something Jesus had said, “I AM an open door that no man can shut.” As I meditated with this image, deep truths started emerging for me. There is a “Doorway to Eternity” in each of our experiences, I was told, a shimmering portal where we

Doorway to Eternity


dissolve all illusions of separatios, all of our subconscious and genetic history. As we step through this Doorway, we connect with our light body, and enter the mystery of God, the aspect of Being that dwells in unified light. We merge the two. Then we walk back through the Doorway as embodied presence, fully awakened within the world of form, no longer held hostage by its seeming limitations. This is what “ascension”, or “full body enlightenment” is about. Our contribution to humanity by simply walking through and back is beyond comprehension. Are we ready to enter this Doorway? This book is written in two sections. The first part includes some personal background and experiences, and describes a framework for moving towards ascension consciousness. Some of the information has come in super-conscious states from beings known to us as ascended masters, and from various orders of nature. My desire has been to serve as a clear channel for information to flow through with a minimum of ego distortion. I am aware, however, that to the extent that I have my blind spots, attachments, and biases, the information derived could be likewise muddied, and I invite discernment and feedback. I also include poetic ramblings. I find that writing poetry opens my heart to deeper levels of understanding, and provides some needed hemispheric balance. The second part covers specific meditation practices and techniques for unifying the self and activating the


Kiara Windrider

light body. I feel there are levels of work that can be done in groups that are more difficult to accomplish individually. Thus, many of these meditations are written in a narrative style that can be used within a group format, although they can also be modified for individual use. It is my hope that this book may serve as an inspiration for group ascension activity. (The meditations are also available on a series of CDs—the first of them is included inside of the back cover of this book.) There is a beautiful little book called The Little Prince that my father would read to me from when I was very young. In it there is a fox who befriends a prince. “What is real is invisible to the eye,” he tells the boy. “It is only with the heart one can see clearly.” Many have inspired me in the writing of this book, but neither I nor anyone else has a patent on truth. Truth is what resonates in the heart. Truth is what sets us free. And no one can speak the truth for anyone else. My desire here is to share the truth of my heart in this moment, in the hope that it inspires the truth of your own heart. Facts may change, and my interpretation of life may be different tomorrow, but the truth of the heart remains. Please don’t confuse truth with facts. In the process of writing this book, there was a decision I had to make. I could go into my spiritual persona, the Great White Father with the long beard sitting among the clouds, safely pretending I had it all

Doorway to Eternity


together and knew what I was talking about. Or I could go into a place of mystery, weaving my own life into the tapestry of a constantly unfolding universe, not knowing how and what would emerge, and really putting myself out on a limb. If I came from spiritual persona, I knew I would have to be constantly protecting this image of myself, and defending some notion of a fixed truth which left no room for uncertainty, failure, weakness, or doubt, and no room either for spontaneity, passion, excitement, and mystery. How could I speak about God the Great Mystery if I couldn’t allow the mystery of my own life and process to be revealed? I realize that my commitment in writing this book is to be true to all of the many aspects of who I am. I can’t promise that the Great White Father may not sometimes come through, and I have no quarrel with him if he does, but the more I learn about the truth of love, the less I feel the need to protect, hide, justify, or defend any aspect of personal identity, whether light or shadow. There is nowhere to go that isn’t already here. There is nothing to hide that can’t already be seen by anyone with discernment. As I hold out my light, perhaps it will inspire another to do the same. As I dance with my shadows, perhaps we will heal together. “In lakech,” the Mayans say in greeting each other. “I am another you.” May we be mirrors of beauty together, as we birth a kingdom of beauty among us.


Kiara Windrider

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,” goes an ancient Chinese proverb. And when it is time, it is a single step that signals the end of this same journey. We arrive even as we depart. The end was always in the beginning, and as we finally come close to returning home we realize that we have never really left at all. Always I come closer to you In my journey home to myself. Ideas of union, ideas of separation, Ideas of anything at all Drop away— There is only one of us here!


Doorway to Eternity

W Preface and Prayers The Preface and Prayers (Moslem, Hindu, Christian, Jewish, and Buddhist) are on tracks 1 and 2 of the CD that is located inside of the back cover. They are followed by audio recordings of The Sound Current and Vipassana Meditation, and the Earth-Sky Meditation. (The text for these meditations is found in Chapters 20 and 21.)

Kiara Windrider


Kiara Windrider


Doorway to Eternity

Part I W Events and Discoveries


Kiara Windrider

Doorway to Eternity


1. My Moment of Choice I entered incarnation on March 6, 1959. It was 2:14 a.m. in Bombay, India. My father was a physicist, and my mother an artist, and so I learned early on to think with my mind as well as feel with my heart. My parents are kind and thoughtful people, and I love and honor them for who they are, and for nurturing me in body as well as soul. Spiritual realities were important in my family, in some ways perhaps more important than outer material realities. This was a wonderful affirmation of the truths I understood in my soul, yet there was also some spiritual conditioning here. Soul became more important than body, Heaven more important than Earth. And as I looked around me at the extreme poverty and social injustices around me, a part of me learned to insulate my heart from the pain by justifying it all as karma. The truth was that, like most children, I felt too much, and learned to survive by disconnecting a part of myself. It was safer that way. Meanwhile I had become fascinated by the lives of the sadhus and miracle yogis in their caves and


Kiara Windrider

mountaintops. I knew early on that it was my destiny to achieve liberation, to be free of the eternal wheel of karma and human suffering. I knew I had to escape from a world that had increasingly become alien to me. And so one day came my moment of choice. I had just turned sixteen. Along with my brother and sister, I was a student at an international boarding school in the Kodai Hills of southern India, where my mother taught art and home economics. On weekends my friends and I would often go out hiking in the breathtaking beauty of the mountain trails and “sholas” (forests). On this particular day we had hiked out to one of our favorite spots, a magnificent waterfall cascading a thousand feet and more into the lush tropical gorge below. It was known as Gundar Falls. Memories come back in vivid detail. It was a gorgeous day. We were young and free-spirited. I had gone on ahead to the falls with a friend, leaving the others back at camp to follow later. One moment we were wading in the pools adjoining the falls. Next thing we knew, with no conscious plan on our part, we were scampering down the side of the falls, caution thrown to the winds, racing each other down into unexplored territory below. We had climbed down a fair distance when my friend slipped. I saw the shocked look on his face, and continued to watch in frozen unbelief as his body disappeared from sight, lost among the rocks hundreds of feet below.

Doorway to Eternity


And then, as if by reflex, I found myself falling too, horror turning to resignation as I realized there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I found myself entering into a place of deep peace, an extraordinary stillness in which I was taken out of time and into another dimensional reality. I was given a choice to live or to die, and I must have chosen to continue this incarnation, for as I returned to conscious awareness, I found myself in a pool of knee-deep water, surrounded by rocks on all sides, hurt but alive. I had fallen two hundred feet and survived. My friend must have chosen likewise, for he had landed inches away from me in the same impossibly shallow pool. We looked out over the mountains, dazed, unbelieving, and very much aware that we had lived through a miracle. The subsequent ordeal and eventual rescue is another story, but I know that in that moment of soul choice everything changed forever. It was the beginning of a passionate quest for deeper understanding. Who was I, and why was I still here? Having been given a second opportunity for life, I resolved to live my life to the fullest, and to serve creation in the highest way I possibly could. My spiritual journey began in earnest. Over the next few years, I traveled to various ashrams and spiritual communities throughout India. I explored Sufi, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Taoist, and Zen philosophies. I shaved my head, and even changed my name half a dozen times. I was deeply inspired by the life and teachings of Ramana Maharshi, Buddha, Yogananda, Sri


Kiara Windrider

Aurobindo, and Jesus. And in the wonderful enthusiasm that comes from youth, I resolved to spend my life in the footsteps of these sainted ones, wandering the Earth as a holy man or “sadhu”, healing, teaching, loving, and serving, till all of humanity and nature had returned to Source in the oneness of spirit. A beautiful dream. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I had had the courage to truly follow that calling. Over time I realized that wasn’t what this lifetime was about. I was to be a bridge between worlds. At age twenty-one I found myself in the USA, attending a college in Kansas. I had become very close with two of my friends from that fateful Gundar hike, and they invited me to come attend college with them on a scholarship, while their parents offered to sponsor my other expenses. I finished five years later with a dual major in Peace Studies and International Development. Then came California and another major phase of my life. After working in environmental politics for a short period of time, I realized that wasn’t my life path either. I had just moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to begin a Masters program in Transpersonal Psychology when I underwent a series of events that eventually led to a profound spiritual rebirth, one that I am still in the process of integrating. The sharing of this and the events and insights that followed is really what this book is all about.


Doorway to Eternity

Gundar Falls Frantic, I try to keep myself from falling, Long, bumpy, painful, fingernail-shredding journey down. I’m committed now; Why oh why did I not remain on top, Safely at play in warm lazy pools? This numbing torrent blurs my senses. How far have I fallen? How could anyone survive this? I will surely die now. A surge of despair, then a tunnel of light. An entire sequence of lifetimes Flashes before my eyes, Then abruptly stops; I have landed. Dazed I open my eyes and look around. Why am I not smashed to pieces? I have survived a great fall. Who am I? Where am I? There must be some purpose here. So begins a journey of remembrance, And I cannot decide Whether I have just fallen off a cliff, Chosen to take birth on Earth, Or now seek to embody all of my soul; It all feels the same. All I can say is I have forever been arriving And now I have landed.


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2. The Babaji Walk-In As I attempt to describe the following experience, I always think of the story of the five blind men trying to describe the elephant. Each “saw” an aspect of the truth and identified it as the whole truth. I have come to believe that there are two kinds of truth. One is the truth that is known by direct experience, and only by direct experience. The other is what happens when we try to translate this direct experience into language and perception. Wars have been fought over differing translations of an experiential truth, and yet the only purpose for such a translation is to point to the direct experience of it. Please know that everything I describe in the following account is only one translation of what really took place. My own translation of the event has changed many times over the years, and I share it because I feel it is an experience that some of you reading this may have gone through as well, and that others are preparing for. It was the summer of 1985. I had moved to California to begin a Masters program in Transpersonal

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Psychology. Many years prior, I had read Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi. When he described his experiences with the immortal Yogi-Christ of the Himalayas, Babaji, I knew that I knew him as well. I later encountered another enlightened master, Herakhan Baba, with whom I also felt an immediate soul connection, and who carried for me the same soul frequency as Babaji. One day as I was meditating, Babaji’s presence came and filled the room. He told me he was looking for an emissary to embody his presence more directly in the West. He spoke of having taken a number of physical incarnations in which his oversoul presence came through various beings in various ways at various times. He said that Herakhan Baba had been his most recent physical incarnation in India. And he asked me if I remembered my own soul agreement to serve as such a vehicle for his presence at this time. It was like being struck by lightning. On a soul level, I knew instantly that this was true, that it was time, and that I was still in agreement with this. On a personality level, I fluctuated wildly between an overwhelming excitement, great trepidation, and a deep sense of unworthiness. Instantly I had built an image in my mind about what this would mean, compared that to my own sense of who I thought I was, and fell sadly short in my own estimation of my ability to carry out such a responsibility. And alternating with the illusions of unworthiness came the delusions of grandeur,


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sometimes quite embarrassingly so, I have to say. While my personality went through its dance of reconciliation, something very profound was taking place on a soul level. Massive currents of energy were pouring through my body. My sense of time, space, and physical reality became greatly distorted. I felt like I was walking between two worlds, neither of them very stable. My body was experiencing a lot of “kundalini” activity. Sometimes it felt like my physical circuitry just couldn’t handle all the new frequencies pouring through. Fortunately, there were people around me who understood what was taking place and were able to support me through the process. Through it all, there was a feeling of great joy and a deep certainty in the rightness of everything that was going on. Around this time I happened to come across a book by Ruth Montgomery called Strangers Among Us. In this book she talked about the experiences of various people who felt that an exchange of souls had taken place for them in response to varying life circumstances. These “walk-ins”, as she called them, shared their experiences of how and why this happened, and some of the challenges they faced in integrating this new soul awareness into their lives. Although I seemed to be experiencing a lot of energy shifts, I was not experiencing the sense of alienation from the circumstances and people in my earlier life that a lot of the walk-ins in her book were describing. Perhaps it was because the walk-in agreement took place prior to this lifetime, and the souls involved were

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quite familiar to each other, and so there had already been a great familiarity with this new energy. I also wonder now if it was truly an exchange of souls, what the Tibetans refer to as a “tulku”, or whether it was a braiding together of the two energies, which is a very different process. Perhaps this was simply a deeper soul initiation, which I shall explore further in Chapter 8. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I had been “overshadowed” by Babaji, which is a term sometimes used to refer to the process of an ascended or cosmic master taking over the lower vehicles of an initiate for a period of time. Perhaps my experience included elements of all of these possibilities. Regardless, it was the beginning of a process that still continues. I realized that whatever it was that happened did not put me in a separate category of evolution. I still had much work to do to integrate the various aspects of my being. I started doing “enlightenment intensives”, which are three-day processes designed to move participants into the direct experience of who they are. My greatest difficulty was that I had become too locked in to ideas and expectations of who I was supposed to be or what my process was supposed to look like to simply allow for the mystery of God to flow through my being. I continued my program in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology at JFK University. I trained in various forms of movement and body-centered therapies. I studied astrology in earnest. I did Vipassana meditation retreats. I explored shamanic work,


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psychosynthesis, and holotropic breathwork. I practiced channeling. I went through childhood issues, danced with my shadows, and struggled through relationships. I became fascinated by all the many aspects of the “new age” that I was discovering in California, and became equally disillusioned with some of the shallowness I experienced therein. And then I found Mt. Shasta.


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Babaji You are the radiance of the sun, Shining rays of beauty within me. You hold a mirror to my eyes, That I may see All that I AM, The love that I AM. You are a guardian of light, And you understand the magic of night. I feel your rivers flowing Through my awakened heart; A hidden doorway opens To eternity's glow. I am the eyes of your vision, I am the heartbeat of your song. I tread the journey that you walk. Celebrating warm earth, Unfolding our wings, We fly towards the sun. Brothers from a long time ago, Closer than brothers now, There is a mystery here Only a heart with wings can understand: We are the radiance of the sun— You and I . . . Babaji.


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worlds, feeling the pulse of the ascended masters. When the snows came, I would light up the fireplace in my yurt, put my pot of soup on the stove, and simply listen to the silence and watch nature unfold in the whiteness around me, without the electromagnetic interference of electricity and telephone lines. Long hours were spent in meditation, reading, and silence.

3. Mt. Shasta and the Ascended Masters Coming to Mt. Shasta was like coming home. It was the summer of 1992. I remember my first visit there. I had been in a wonderful relationship. One day my partner ended it, saying that she felt there was a new direction opening for both of us and we needed to follow it, even if we did not know yet what that meant. I felt emotionally devastated, but we had talked of going to Mt. Shasta, so we chose that weekend to visit. As we climbed into the upper meadows of this beautiful mountain, strewn with wildflowers and gently bubbling brooks, my spirits lifted in enormous gratitude for this place where Heaven and Earth could meet each other within my soul. By the time the weekend was done, I knew I was meant to live here, and in three weeks I had packed up my carload of belongings and moved up into a little yurt halfway up the mountain. I had never been happier. I had known of Saint Germain, and had always felt an affinity with the ascended masters, but here their energies were palpable, and I was experiencing them in a fresh new way. I spent entire weeks up on the mountain, running naked through the sunlit meadows, communing with the fairy

That winter I also met one who would be my partner for the next seven years. Our coming together was the greatest blessing of my life. In the moment of our meeting I felt that our souls had known each other forever, and yet there was a part of my personality that was so afraid of commitment and the depth of intimacy possible with another that I would continually push away. It was painful and humbling. At other times, when we could let each other enter the deep places of our hearts and soul, it was delightful and beautiful beyond measure. Much of my growth during that time was about the balance of masculine and feminine energies, and bringing them together within myself. One of the most painful aspects of our separation from Source has been this split between the masculine and the feminine, both within ourselves and in our relationships with one another. I realized that there was no way I could fully anchor my soul into physical form as long as I was carrying this split within my personality. I realized that this same split operates in many of our spiritual systems. It is the split between body and soul, Earth and Heaven, even God and human. It is


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also the same split that operates within our inner psyche as the polarity of good and evil, right and wrong. As we judge and resist others, we create fear. As we judge and resist ourselves, we create shame. Fear and shame keep us locked into separation from each other, alienates us from the Earth, and isolates us from the rest of the universe. Our inner fragmentation and psychic smog, when externalized, creates smog and pollution in our soils and atmosphere, rivers and seas. We are not separate from the Earth; we are not separate from our seas. We are not separate from our universe. We are not separate from our God, the I that I eternally AM. As I understood the ascended masters, they had healed this split within themselves, and therefore had achieved a high level of mastery of the physical, emotional, and mental realms. Jesus is the one we are most familiar with, but there have been many, many others over many periods of Earth’s history, from every spiritual tradition, that have achieved this level of mastery. Far from being an unattainable achievement beyond the reach of ordinary humans, each of us is invited to claim this same level of mastery for ourselves. In fact, many of us have achieved ascension mastery in other incarnations, and now have returned to assist in a planetary ascension process that is perhaps unprecedented in cosmic history. We stand at a unique crossroad in our history as a planet. There is evidence from many sources, both prophetic and scientific, that something is going on here

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that has never happened before, or at least not for a very long time. We are talking of vast cosmic cycles here, and we are poised at “zero point”, so to speak, getting ready for a massive shift of the ages. What is this shift about? As I have tuned into this over the past few years, much information has come together, some of which I will share later. This information comes from ancient prophecies from every imaginable spiritual tradition. It comes also from modern day seers, channels, geologists, astrophysicists, and futurists. As I started putting this together for myself, it felt right, and yet a part of my mind reacted. Physical reality through my physical senses appeared vastly different from what I was seeing with my inner senses, and I wanted to be absolutely sure. My inner senses told me we were a single planetary and cosmic consciousness, but we certainly were not experiencing that on a global level. The veils of illusion were strong, and I did not want to depend merely on my intuitions. If I was to dedicate my life to this work, which I had, I wanted to know that we would truly strip away these veils, and truly move into planetary ascension. I wanted to not just believe, but to know. I asked to be shown this through direct experience.


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Garden of My Soul I see a garden beyond the flames. To enter I must burn away Everything I have ever identified with, All the stories I have ever told, Everyone I have ever known or loved, All ideas of separation and loss, Even my yearnings for union. I must enter empty handed, Expecting nothing, Offering everything I am in return. Such a small price to pay For the garden of my soul!

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4. Swimming with Dolphins and Whales It was in Hawaii that I had my direct experience. I was interested in the concept of the “global brain”, the idea that the next stage of our evolution would be to experience ourselves as a single planetary consciousness. The whales were the ones who showed me that this was not just an idea in my head. I had moved to Hawaii in early 1999. I lived in a little cabin among the fruit plantations near Kealakekua Bay. Every morning I would don my flippers and snorkel gear and jump into this beautifully tranquil bay. Kealakekua is a dolphin sanctuary, and wild spinner dolphins would often come into the bay to rest and play among the shallower waters. Over a period of months I got to know them better as they got to know me. I learned to communicate with them through pictures and through the language of the heart. When swimming with them, any sense of personal identity would simply dissolve. I joined with them in a place that was neither human nor dolphin, a place of pure joyful-playful-being. I learned a lot about myself. Over the years I had


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built a whole set of identities around myself. I was a spiritual teacher and a healer. I was sensitive and compassionate. I was a good person with much to offer. I was deep. The problem with all this was that I had become so identified with this image of myself that these very identities became a mask. I found myself carefully protecting this image lest someone see through me into a place that was vulnerable or uncertain, angry or unloving or fearful, depressed or shy. I was forever comparing myself to others, and my sense of self came from how I felt others perceived me, and whether I thought I was good enough or lovable enough. And so of course I had to put on my best face at all times. I was losing my sense of spontaneity and childlike wonder. I was losing my ability to live from my heart. The dolphins didn’t care for any of that. They became my mirrors. When I got lost behind my masks, whether in self-importance or in self-deprecation, they would stay away. When I let go of the masks of identity, they would come around and we would enter together into ecstatic play. Eventually, I learned that it was safe to let go even of the mask of being human. Here, we could meet in a space of pure essence, and that is when they truly welcomed me into their pod. I will never forget the day that the four elders of the pod first swam with me cheek to cheek inseparably for an hour, making deep eye contact that entire time. It felt like an initiation into pod consciousness. I felt myself falling deeply in love with these beautiful

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wild dolphins, falling deeply in love with all of myself, and deeply in love with love itself. I learned about communicating from the heart. As I would enter into the state of love and join it with an intention or a picture, they would respond immediately. I felt awed and so deeply grateful for my new friends. I learned about my attachments as well. I loved my dolphin family, and often found myself feeling more connected to their world than to my own. I would fall into bouts of great depression if a day went by and they didn’t show up, and so of course they stayed away. When they did come in, they would seem to be totally ignoring me while playing around with everyone else. I finally realized they were confronting my deepest fears of separation, abandonment, jealousy, and loss, all these things that are so much part of our normal human neurosis. I never experienced any kind of judgment from them, but always a direct reflection and feedback to whatever form of energy I was putting out. I learned more from these unconditionally loving and compassionate teachers than I ever had in any ashram or meditation retreat. Then one day I had an encounter with a mother and baby whale which again changed my perception of life forever. As I approached the bay for my customary swim I noticed a spout of water. My heart leaped within me. Although I had seen whales often on their migration paths through these waters, I had not seen them here so close to shore. I swam out in the general direction where I’d seen the spout, then closed my eyes and called


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out to them in the way I had learned to do with dolphins. When I opened my eyes it was to see a huge humpback female directly beneath me. At first I panicked. What if she chose to surface just now? What if I got flipped around or sucked under by her immense size? Then I realized that she was very minutely aware of my frail presence, that each movement she made was very deliberate, and that she would never let harm come to me in any way. I relaxed, and we entered into a space of communion, while her baby playfully wove his way in and out, through and around us. Suddenly I found I was no longer locked into my physical body. As I merged with the consciousness of the whale, I found myself expanding far out into the Earth, entering into her consciousness, and becoming one with her body. I was the Earth. I was Gaia, Goddess of the Earth. I could feel the vastness of her form and of her being, and it was inside me as I was inside her. I realized there was literally no separation between us, and I realized that this was the consciousness that the whales lived in all of the time. They were the guardians and holographic reflections of the very life of Mother Earth in a way that humans cannot begin to imagine. I felt immensely privileged to experience this glimpse of truth. Time stopped, and ecstasy filled my body, in wave upon wave of understanding and joy. There has always and forever been only one of us here! Later, as I went back to my cabin and began to write of my experience, I knew that this connection with my

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humpback friend would always remain, and through her, my connection with the soul of the Earth. In that merging of our consciousness, a pathway opened up within me that has remained open ever afterwards. Or perhaps the pathway has always existed, but the whale taught me to access it, and to trust what I was feeling. Here is what she had to say: Dearly beloved, we invite you to surge into our consciousness. Our consciousness is circular. Let yourself be lifted up into that which we are, so we may communicate to you that which you are. We are within the mind of Gaia. Gaia is circular, like we are, and we carry the records and memories of all time and space of that which has been and that which is emerging. Listen. Listen well. Let your breath become circular; let your bodies run with circular energy. Play. A human child is circular because it knows how to play. Set that child free within you. You, Kiara, have felt our physical presence and allowed your circle to join with ours in this communion. You have felt our joined spirits encircling the universe. Henceforth you will always remember the way, for we have created a passageway from your submerged mind to your surface mind, and you can likewise hold that presence for others by allowing your physical form to blend with our whale form within your consciousness. Please realize that when the opening between your submerged mind and your surface mind is of sufficient scale, the same energies that circulate through us and that circulate through your ascended masters can cir-


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culate through you. We are within you, and are so pleased that you have chosen to swim so close to greet us through the doorway of Sirius. Call on us when you choose and our presence will blend with you. We wish to speak with you now about who we are and the contribution we make towards Earth’s evolution. We are anchors for what you may term Christ consciousness in the mindfield of Gaia. We construct and maintain the lines of force that you call the grids of light around Earth’s body. For our bodies have knowledge of these lines of force, and our consciousness creates the bridge as we interdimensionally merge with Gaia. There are some among us who are ascended masters too. We join with your human and stellar masters to create the Earth grids with our soundings, a different song every year. Your Aborigines of old knew about these songlines of creation, but many of you have forgotten. Learn to listen to the sound of your own souls and to the songs of Gaia. There is a grand current of sound that flows through every cell of your body, that flows through the songlines of Earth, that creates all the geometries of life. As you listen to these songs, you will recognize within your own bodies where the songlines are unbalanced. You are circular, holographic beings. As you invite balance, and expand into the consciousness of Gaia, you sound forth the balancing of these light grids around your planetary body. The time for separation, the time for limitation, has ended. Your love will be as oceanic as ours. Make a

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bridge from your heart to your pineal center. Then focus on the center in the back of your head at the medulla, and then reconnect back to your heart. This will attune you to the cycles and rhythms of life. You will blend easier with the cosmic ocean. You will be energized and spirit will be strong within you. We will open to you the records of our memories, and yours, so that you may consciously read and interpret the records of your soul. It is through the medulla, the chakra at the back of the head, that you access the consciousness of Gaia. For this is where the breath of life extends out to cosmos. This is where the blowhole is for us. The crown and medulla chakras are merged for us. The crown is your vertical connection with spirit. The medulla is your spherical connection with all of cosmic creation, the realm of soul. Spirit is masculine, soul is feminine. You need to master your connection with spirit on the vertical axis, and also to understand fully the realms of soul, in ever expanding concentric spheres. For this is how we merge into the body and soul of Gaia. So as you make the spirit connection, blend the energies of Earth, Sun, body, heart, and mind along a vertical shaft of light. Plunge deep into Earth Sun, soar high up to Cosmic Sun. Then bring your attention to the medulla and feel the sound currents as you open out in widening concentric spheres to embrace all creation. Feel your body expanding out accordingly, as you are experiencing now, and the stars will become the cells of your galactic body. This is how we serve as record keepers,


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by merging our consciousness with the mindfields of the cosmos, or as you would call them, the Akashic Records. In this merging, all things past, present, and future are registered within the eternity of a moment, and can be brought forth as desired. And this is how we seed the cosmos for the possibilities of new creation, as we sing our songs of life in blended union. Dear one, you are in a cycle of fullness right now, fullness of love, fullness of life’s gifts and opportunities, fullness of spirit, fullness of heart. Swim with us every day, whether in the oceans in our physical presence, or during your quiet moments in our cosmic presence. We blend with the consciousness of Sanat Kumara, Pan, and the Lords of Time and Space, to serve as the Oversoul of Gaia. Attune to the one we know as the Great One, who is the White Whale of your legends, and one of the overlords of Sirius, which is our galactic home. We have represented the right brain of Gaia, as your species has represented the left brain. The time is here now that we are joining together as one planetary body within one unified mind that embraces all of Gaia’s creatures. Let this message stir deep within you the codes of remembering. We blend with you. Receive through us the love of Mother Gaia!

5. Message from The Great One A few days later, I heard a message from the White Whale, oversoul of the whale kingdoms, which I reproduce here in full. Please allow these words to sink below the surface mind and into the submerged mind: This is The Great One. I have come in response to your questions spoken and unspoken. I have come to share not only information but a certain consciousness. It is time to awaken to this consciousness within you, for this is the reason you were constructed. Do not denigrate the human form. The human form is one of the highest biological forms for the embodiment of spirit. We will go back through the Akashic Records to the beginnings of time. Time is creation, creation that began in the mind of Prime Creator, and there was no meaning except in the unfoldment, except in the continual creation, except in that deep awareness and passion to recreate and extend itself. And so, through the word, through the vibration of that first intent, was created the songlines, and then


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there was light, and within that light manifested different levels of awareness that led to the creation of dimensions, and within these dimensions form could be played out as ideas generated and regenerated themselves. And so, many, many, many pathways later various seedings took place. Forms were created. Among them were we, among them were you. Spirit formed itself in biological forms, and our destiny has always been the same—to reunite in the fullness of time to complete the cycle, to gather back to Source all of learning, all of creation. We carry a certain awareness in our attunement to the higher dimensions. What you call higher dimension is to us spherical, and in this spherical knowing, there is no higher, there is no lower, but there’s a fullness of understanding, of knowing, for this quality has no separation within itself. This quality is still connected with the One Source within all of this diversity. It is a quality that your biological circuitry is also meant to carry, to embody. It is a quality that those among you that you know of as Ascended Masters have embodied just as fully. It is a quality that many races throughout the galaxies have achieved, and it’s the quality that you are about to achieve more fully than any species ever before, simply because you’re no longer an isolated species. There are representatives among you from across the galaxies, across the dimensions, across the universes. And so what you seek to create now is a living being, an extended being that is far vaster than individual ascended beings. There are few planets that have ascended from this level of density, and of these none that

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have the destiny that your planet possesses, simply because none have the diversity which your planet possesses. A new order of creation comes into being as you prepare for this moment; we’re here with you. We’ve always been eager to assist, even when our task was not understood by you. Know now that there is now a manifestation of my presence in the oceans as a white whale. The Aborigines know of this. It occurs in their prophecies. Like the white buffalo was born on this continent in fulfillment of prophecy, so is this white whale born in fulfillment of prophecy. The time is near now when this grand awakening of planetary consciousness is due. We have prepared the grids of the Earth. The merkaba field is complete. If it were not so, the new frequencies that have been pouring in could not be anchored and the Earth herself could not survive. There are what you call gamma ray bursts flooding the Earth—many hundreds, many thousands in the last year since this grid has been completed. Her soundings have changed. Her songs have changed. Her songs are like the templates, and within these templates creation can be determined with great precision. As the left brain of planet Earth, your intentions, your understandings, and your direction is much required. Feel our presence within your presence. It is time for us to join what has been separate for too long. Ascension has been a mystery to many of you. The


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mystery lies not in the how or even in the why. The mystery has lain in your mind’s great inclination to doubt. The mystery has been in the “if”, because you do not feel that you know the way, because you have been separated from those deep knowings within you, because you’ve given way to your doubts and your fears. It has been a great “if”. It holds you back from the recognition of the simplicity of this process. Dear Ones, this is so simple. Please do not doubt. In fact, this is your destiny. Your bodies were meant to be receptors of light. You know this. You know that your DNA is equipped for far more than you are currently experiencing. You know of the 64 codons to be awakened. You know of the twelve strands. You know that this has been and will be again. You know what holds you back. There are many, many, many layers of conditioning and unbelief, and it is the collective barrier that you must break through. We are assisting in this as you call upon us to be of service. The answers may not be a conscious awareness of minds. The answers lie in that deep submerged layer where there is a cellular knowing. Your bodies understand what your minds do not. Please listen to the body and allow it sacred audience within you. Focus on the chakra on the back of your head. It is a newly emerging planetary chakra that is a parallel development to the vertical axis of the chakras along the pranic tube. This is the awareness of spherical consciousness, and we, as we breathe, hold this awareness at all times.

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Gaia has need of us as the right brain. Gaia has need of you as the left brain, but no longer is this a division to be maintained. Electromagnetic fields of the Earth are changing, which allows a reconstruction of these grids of left and right. In order for the Mother to make her ascension, right and left brain must act as one, and for this you need to develop this spherical consciousness. In spherical consciousness, there is no separation between left and right, or matter and spirit, or any of the polarities that you experience in daily living. Allow yourself to move into this new awareness. So ascension is simply the flowering of new life, and in the fruits of that new life, the Earth gives seed and the seeds multiply. It’s a very natural cycle. The triggers within your cellular consciousness are already being probed. Your mind has nothing to do with it because your will, your intention, and your surrender create this activity, and then from this submerged place within your deep unconscious, the seeds begin to bear fruit. There is a time when the curtains will be parted for all consciousness on this planet. It is to come soon. The ground is being prepared for this parting of the curtains. In that moment, for it will be a moment, you will be tested. Your choices will be weighed, and if you so choose, ascension will be once more the natural cycle rather than death, or rather than participation in the game of separation, a game that you’ve known


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in your history from times before Atlantis. There was a time not very long ago, a time that you remember, maybe fear. You remember the days of the Mer people in their two forms merged. The two kingdoms were one. The two brains were unified. Now is the time that the Mer people are returning, not in physical form, but within the Earth’s consciousness. Go back into the storehouses of your mind. Remember those days. The cells carry the memories. Many of you were incarnate in the bodies of the ocean people. Many of us were incarnate within the human people. I speak to you in words that you hear within your minds, but my greater communication to you is now in creating a passageway that allows your spherical minds to become activated—perhaps the experience of throbbing in the back of your head. Perhaps you hear a sound or a tone within that space. Perhaps there are pieces and fragments of your soul returning to you now that have been disconnected and lost. Perhaps you are remembering your true destiny that fills the Earth with a sense of knowing, a sense of joy, a sense of peace. We ask you to trust this knowing, not because you understand with your minds the steps this requires, but because of your intent and desire to join your will with the will of the Earth, the will of the Creator. Fulfill that destiny that has been chosen for you, those of you who have incarnated on this planet, for we are one mind and know each other already without veils. We know what is known of your future, which to us is

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already present. It is the end of timelines. It is the end of separation. It is the end of death and the beginning of her birth. We are one. I feel that anything I could say after this message from the White Whale would have to be profoundly mundane, yet I feel compelled to add that about a week after this communication I was in conversation with a woman I had met in the bay. As we climbed out she shared her own life-changing experiences of swimming with whales, and then said something which sent tingles all the way through me. I hadn’t yet said anything to her about my encounter with the Great One, when out of nowhere she said, “Do you know that they have actually seen a baby white whale off the coast of Australia?” I would like to end this chapter with a personal request. The U.S. Navy has been experimenting with sonar frequencies that are adversely affecting marine mammals, particularly whales and dolphins, in ways that we cannot begin to imagine. Many have died as a result. Check out for details. I have heard that the cetaceans have completed their contract with 3-D Earth and are choosing to leave now. Perhaps this is true, and perhaps they leave so they might welcome our collective emergence into the ascended Earth. I do know that on a 3-D level, if the remaining whales and dolphins die, we all die. And I also know that I personally am not ready for them to go yet!


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Pre-publication copies of the full manuscript are available from: Heaven on Earth Project P. O. Box 67 Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 USA

Cetacean Dreams

Phone/Fax: 530.918.9264

Sailing through endless oceans of starlight, Leaping through vast gateways of time, I dream great dreams of freedom. Nothing is veiled from me; All life is a mirror of the truth that I AM. Creation unfolds, All play is creation, All creation is play. From starlight I create the oceans, From stardust I create the earth. I dream beautiful bodies for my expression And we move through Earth’s oceans, Circling each other In playful connected song. We circle the Earth, We circle the universes. We are the sea people.

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Book with meditation CD: $22 plus shipping USA: Book Rate=$2, Priority=$4 Canada $5; All Others $9 (US funds only; no foreign checks, please)

Copyright 2001 by Kiara Windrider All Rights Reserved Permission is granted to share this excerpt with others, so long as there is no charge made.

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