Donna, Reaction

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 285
  • Pages: 5
REACTION PAPER Mt. Makiling 4:30 in the morning is the exact time they given to all of the student, time were able to be there at the meeting place,, but almost 6:30 in the morning we left the T.U.P campus, because of the T.U.P students are late., so we have been waiting them for almost two hours. 8:30 in the morning. All of the students belong to the CWATS camp, are all in the B.S.P area. Then after that Mrs. Florida Labugen give a speech for all of us. After Ma’am labugen end the speech, we goes to the First step

were able to do, the first is WATER SURVIVAL, 2nd is the OBSTACLE or the what we call SPIDER WEB. And the last but not the least,, is the NATURE APPRECIATION.. I like the place I saw, for me the place is very ideal for all of the mountain climbers. I really appreciate the natural resources we have or the view I saw last September 23,2007.”!!!!!!!!!!


REACTION PAPER SINKING OF JAPAN In case of emergency the Japan country, will be affected cause of SINKING; because the movement of the plate under the ground of the Japan place is too much danger,

for all of the persons belong in Japan. Because Japan country is only floating like an island., Some of the people belong in Japan; search something to do or alternative solutions, to protect the country when it comes in emergency or sinking like; Tsunami, and earthquake. They try to cut the plate under the ground, by the use of “NT CUTTER BOMB” to avoid disasters…




Submitted to: PROF. DE LOS TRINOS

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