Dongeng Inggris

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 9
Aladin and Lamp Curious

Yore, at persian city, a mother shacks the man child that named aladin. one day is coming a man is approaching aladin that is playing. then that man admits aladin as the nephew. that man invites aladin go out city with seizin mother aladin to help it. road that goed very far. aladin sigh kecapaian to the uncle but he is even snapped and orderred to look for firewood, if not will want aladin membunuhnya. aladin final aware that that man not the uncle but a witch. that witch man is then lights fire with firewood and begin to say incantation. " kraak…" suddenly soil is perforated like cave. In that cave hole is found ladder to base it. " come on go down! get me antique lamp at base that cave" , violent the witch. " not, i am afraid goes there" , answer aladin. that witch is then takes a ring and give it to aladin. " this ring curious, this ring protect you" , word the witch. final aladin descend that ladder afraid feeling. after reach base he finds trees bear fruit jewel. after jewel fruit and lamp exist in situ membawanya, he is soon climb ladder returns. but, hole door closed a part. " fast give the lamp! " , violent witch. " not! this lamp kuberi after i out" , answer aladin. after argue, the witch becoming not patient and final" brak! " hole door is closed by the witch then leave aladin shut-in in hole under soil. aladin be sad, and sit to muse. " i am hungry, i want to meet mother, god, help me! " , say aladin.

Aladin huddle second his arms and wipe the radius. suddenly, around it be red and smoke membumbung. at the same time appear a giant. aladin very fear. " i am sorry, because startle monsieur" , i am that giant word ring fairy. " oh, if so bring me go home kerumah. " " good monsieur, rise kepunggung, we soon shall go from here" , said ring fairy. in a short time, aladin reach in front of the house. " if monsieur needs me call with scrub monsieur ring. " Aladin narated everything that at the natural to the mothers. " why does that witch wish for this dirty lamp yes? " , mother word while scrub to clean that lamp. " syut! " suddenly smoke membumbung and appear a lamp fairy giant. " mention command mrs" , word the lamp fairy. aladin that ever experience matter has liked this give command, " we are hungry, please prepare food for us" . in a short time lamp fairy brings delicious food then set out it. " desirable if some'x again, call i am with scrub that lamp" , word the lamp fairy.

Such day, month, tahunpun change, aladin happy alive with the mother. aladin now be a boy. one day via a princess in front of the house. he is very spellbound and felt to fall in love with that pretty daughter. aladin then narated the willing to the mother to memperistri princess. " calm aladin, mother carry on it" . mother goes to king palace with bring jewels belong to aladin. " his majesty, this present to his majesty from my man child. " king very glad. " whew. . . , your child certain a prince handsome, tommorow i shall come to your palace with will accompany my daughter" . After arrive at mother house soon scrub lamp and ask lamp fairy to present a palace. aladin and the mother waits above hill. a few moment later lamp fairy comes with pride palace at the back. " monsieur, this is the palace" . tommorow day the king and the daughter comes to pay a visit to palace aladin very pride. " will you make my child as your wife? " , ask the king. aladin very happy hear it. then both of them carries out wedding party. Nun far there, the witch obvious see all that insidents passes the crystal ball. he is then go to place aladin and pretend to be a lamp seller in front of palace aladin. he is berteriak-teriak, " commute for your long lamp with new lamp! " . the queen that see lamp curious aladin worn out soon out and exchanging it with new lamp. soon the witch scrubs that lamp and command lamp fairy memboyong palace alongs with its contents and wife aladin to the house. When aladin go home from go around, he is very startled. then call ring fairy and ask to it what had happened. " if so please reinstate all to me" , violent aladin. " sorry monsieur, my energy is is not as big as lamp fairy, " said ring fairy. " good if so i am that take it. please send you there" , violent aladin. at arrival at palace, aladin slink to enter to look for place room the daughter is putted. " that witch is sleeping because majority is drinking beer" , said the daughter. " good, don't be afraid i shall take to return lamp curious that, we later will win" , answer aladin. aladin mengendap is approaching that witch. obvious lamp curious menyembul from the poke. aladin then take it and soon scrub it. " remove this criminal" , violent aladin to lamp fairy. witch awaken, then assault aladin. but direct lamp fairy throws that witch up to killed. " lamp fairy thank, bring us and this palace returns to persian" . at arrival at persian aladin happy alive. he uses black magic from lamp fairy to help poor ones and afflictions.

Gold Cucumber ( Timun Mas ) Mbok Sirni the name, he a widow that wish for a child so that can help it to work. One day he be be visited by giant that want to give a child on condition that when does that child aged six year be must be extradited keraksasa that to menyantap. mbok sirni even also agree. giant give it cucumber seed so that planted and cared after two week between cucumber fruit menanamnya there single most big and shimmer like gold. Then mbok sirni split that fruit carefully. obvious its contents a pretty baby that is given gold cucumber name. More gold cucumber day grows to be pretty girl. one day come giant to collected promise mbok sirni very afraid lose gold cucumber, he protracts promise so that giant comes 2 year again, because more adulter, more deliciouser to menyantap, giant even also agree. Mbok sirnipun more pity in gold cucumber, each time he recall jani the heart even also will be worried and sad. A evening mbok sirni dream, so that the child congratulation he must meet ascetic at bald mount. morning it he is direct goes. at his bald mount meets a ascetic that give it 4 little parcels, that is cucumber seed, needle, salt, and asi as preventive. at arrival merumah memberikannya 4 parcels a while ago to gold cucumber, and menyuruhnya gold cucumber prays. Morning it giant comes again to collected promise. Gold cucumber orderred out via back door to mbok sirni. Giant even also chase it. cucumber emaspun recall the parcel, so menebarnya cucumber seed. Quite uncanny, forest is the fruit dense cucumber arable land. raksasapun consume it but that cucumber fruit even gigantic power increase. then gold cucumber strews needle, in a moment tumbuhlan trees banbu very tall and sharp. With foot berdarah-darah giant then chase. cucumber emaspun open salt gift and strew it. It the same moment hutanpun be vast ocean. with giant the painfulness can pass by. akhit gold cucumber final strew asi, at the same moment bentuklah mud ocean that boil, final raksasapun die. " Thank god, you have protected this your servant" gold cucumber say thank god. final gold cucumber and mbok sirni happy alive and peace.

Malin Kundang At one time, alive a fisherman family at area coast beach sumatra. family consist of father, mother and a man child that given name malin kundang. because family finance condition memprihatin, the father decides to earn life at country across with cross vast ocean. so live the malin and the mother at gubug they. one week, two week, a month, two months even 1 year the longer, father malin not also return to the yard village. so that the mother must replace father position malin to earn life. malin belong intelligent child but a little naughty. he often chase chicken and strike it with broom. one day when malin chasing chicken, he stumbles stone and wound the right arm is hitted stone. wound be to leave a trace melengannya and can not lost. After move adult, malin kundang felt pity with the mother that lambaste bone earns life to bring up self. he thinks to earn life at country across on the chance of later when return to home town, he has been a wealthy. malin interested with invitation a trade skepper before now poor now be a wealthy. Malin kundang present the purpose to the mother. the mother at first less agree for the purpose of malin kundang, but because malin then push, mother malin kundang final approve it although heart weighing. after prepare provision and equipment sufficient, malin soon aim to port with deliverred by the mother. " my child, if you success and be one who in abundance, don't you forget with your mother and village halamannu this, sonny" , said mother malin kundang while flow tear. Ship that climbed malin longer more farer with escorted mother hand gesture malin kundang. during reside in ship, malin kundang many get wise to bavigation in crew that experienced. in the middle of trip, suddenly ship that climbed malin kundang at attack by pirate. all merchandise tradesmans that reside in ship is seized by pirate. even a large part crew man and one who reside in ship kill by pirate. malin kundang very luck self doesn't kill by pirate, because when does that event happen, malin soon hid at a little space closed by wood. Malin kundang float intermediate sea, up to final ship menumpanginya washed ashore at a coast. with existing energy remainder, malin kundang walk to aim to proximate village from coast. at arrival at village, malin kundang helped by society at village after previous narated insident that befall it. place village malin washed ashore village very fertile. with oomph and the perseverance in work, malin long too long success be a wealthy. he has many merchant ship with staff the total more than 100 person. after be wealthy, malin kundang mempersunting a girl to be the wife. Message malin kundang that have come to wealthy and get married until also to mother malin kundang. mother malin kundang felt grateful and very happy the child success. after the t that, mother malin kundang every day go to port, expect the child may be go home to the yard village. after several long get married, malin and the wife does big by water voyage and beautiful espoused crew with the guard many. mother malin kundang every day watch over the child, see ship very beautiful that, step into port. he is see there two person

are standing above shipboard. he is sure if that is standing that the child malin kundang is alonging with the wife. Malin kundang even also debark. he is greeted by the mother. after enough near, the mother see wound compassion melengan right person, more be confidence the mother that is he comes near malin kundang. " malin kundang, my child, why do you go so long without send news? " , he said while embrace malin kundang. but what is going on then? malin kundang soon release the mother embrace and push it up to fallen down. " woman ignores self, just any admit as my mother" , word malin kundang in the mother. malin kundang pretend doesn't identified the mother, because shy with the mother that old and wear ragged coat. " That woman is your mother? " , ask wife malin kundang. " not, he only a beggar that pretend to admit as my mother so that get my treasure" , shout malin to the wife. hear statement and treated without considering by the child, mother malin kundang very angry. he doesn't guess the child is rebellious child. because the anger that culminate, mother malin upturned his arms while say" oh god, if true he is my child, i curse him be a stone" . not how long then wind rumbles tight and terrible storm comes smash ship malin kundang. afterwards body malin kundang slow be stiff and finally final formed be a reef. Moral message: as a child, don't ever forget all parents services especially to a mother that contain and bring up the child, even less if until be a rebellious child. rebellious to parents will be one big sin later be underwrited self by child.

Gold Snail King kertamarta king from kingdom daha. has 2 daughters, goddess the name galuh and moon kirana pretty and good. moon kirana unbottle by kingdom crown kahuripan that is raden inu kertapati good and wise.

But moon blood brother kirana that is galuh ajeng very envious in moon kirana, because galuh ajeng put heart in raden inu then galuh ajeng meet black magic grand mother to curse moon kirana. he also slander it so that moon kirana is chased away from when does moon kirana perambulate coast, grand mother sihirpun appear and menyihir be gold snail and throw away it kelaut. but the black magic will lost when gold snail will meet the fiance. One day a grand mother is looking for fish with net, and gold snail is carried away. gold snail membawanya go home and put at crock. day after that grand mother will look for fish again melaut but not seekorpun got. but when does he until menggubuknya he startled because available dish delicious. sinenek ask around to who memgirim this dish.

So also days next sinenek endure similar insident, the following day morning it grand mother pretends kelaut he peeps what is going on, obvious gold snail turns into direct cutie cooks, then grand mother accost it" your who is the bloody hell is pretty daughter? " i am kingdom daughter daha menyihir be gold snail by my brother because he is envious to me" gold snail word, then moon kirana change to return to be gold snail. that grand mother is startled see it. Temporary prince inu kertapati not want quiet when know moon kirana disappear. iapun look for it by camouflage to be ordinary people. grand mother sihirpun final know and change self is crow to mencelaka raden inu kertapati. raden inu kertapati so startled see crow that can speak and detect the aim. he considers that crow is magic and menuruti while raden inu given off the beam. memperjalanan raden inu is coming a grandfather that hunger, memberinya that grandfather eats. obvious grandfather his good magic person helps raden inu from that crow.

That grandfather strikes crow with the stick, and that bird is smoke. final raden inu informed where moon kirana present, menyuruhnya raden that go kedesa dadapan. after walk day after day until he kedesa dadapan he has approached a hut melihatnya to ask a draught water because the supplies has finished. but obvious he is very

startled, because from is returning his window see it the fiance is cooking. final the black magic even also lost because discovery with raden inu. but at that moment appear that hut owner grand mother and moon daughter kirana introduce raden inu in grand mother. final raden inu memboyong the fiance keistana, and moon kirana narated deed galuh ajeng in his majesty kertamarta. His majesty apologize to moon kirana and on the contrary. galuh ajeng get in kind punishment. for fear of galuh ajeng melari self kehutan, then he is slip and fall to into ravine. final moon wedding kirana and raden inu kertapatipun go on. they are memboyong grand mother dadapan kind-hearted that is keistana and they are happy alive.

Cindelaras Raden son kingdom king jenggala. he is accompanied a kind-hearted queen and a pretty pretty mistress. but, king mistress raden has envious character and envious towards the queen. he plans a bad to queen. " should, i am that be queen. i must think of to remove queen, " think it. His majesty mistress, conspire with a palace physician. he feigns bad off. palace physician soon called. the physician has said that there is somebody that put poison in daughter monsieur drink. " that man not other his majesty self queen, " word the physician. his majesty be angry hear palace physician explanation. he is soon command patih to throw away queen to forest. The patih soon is bringing queen that is containing that to dense jungle. but, patih wise that doesn't want to kill it. apparently the patih detect his majesty mistress wicked intention. " unnecessary daughter monsieur worries, servant will report to his majesty that daughter monsieur servant has killed, " word patih. to mengelabui king, the patih smear the sword with rabbit blood menangkapnya. king menganggung satisfied when the patih melapor if he has killed queen. After several months resides in forest, born child the queen. that baby is memberinya name cindelaras. cindelaras grow to be a intelligent child and handsome. since childhood he has palled forest occupant animal. one day, when passionate playing, a hawk drops sebutir egg. " hmm, that hawk very well. he is expressly give that egg to me. " after 3 weeks, that egg hatches. cindelaras take care the chicken child dilligently. that chicken child grows to be a good cock and strong. but there one oddity. sound crows that cock really amaze! " cocadoodledoo. . . my monsieur cindelaras, the house in the middle of jungle, coconut leaf the roof, the father raden son. . . " Cindelaras very astonished to hear to crow the chicken and soon show in the mother. then, mother cindelaras narated why do they until reside in forest. hear the mother story, cindelaras determined to to palace and spread his majesty mistress crime. after at permit the mother, cindelaras go to palace is accompanied by the male chicken. when on the way there are some one who making. cindelaras then called by chicken cockfighters. " come on, if dare, fight cocks your male with my chicken, " challange it. " ok, " answer cindelaras. when mengadu, obvious cock cindelaras fighting gallantly and in a short time, he can beat the opponent. after several times mengadu, chicken cindelaras unbeatable. the chicken genuinely strong. Message about chicken intensity cindelaras widespread swiftly. raden son even also hear that message. then, raden son orders the commander to invite cindelaras. " servant looks exellency, " word cindelaras with well mannered. " this child is handsome and intelligent, likely he not ordinary people breed, " think his majesty. chicken cindelaras mengadu with chicken raden son with one condition, if chicken cindelaras lose so he readies the head mempancung, but if the chicken wins so half wealth raden son is property cindelaras. Two that chickens fightings martially. but in a short time, chicken cindelaras success subjugate chicken the king. onlookers cheers sorai mengelu-elu cindelaras and the

chicken. " ok i pass under the yoke. i menepati my promise. but, siapakah you Actually, youngster? " ask his majesty raden son. cindelaras soon stoop to like to whisper a certain in the chicken. not how long the chicken soon sound. " cocadoodledoo. . . my monsieur cindelaras, the house in the middle of jungle, coconut leaf the roof, the father raden son. . . , " that cock crows to recurrent. raden son surprised hear to crow chicken cindelaras. " benarkah that? " ask amazement majesty. " true his majesty, servant name cindelaras, servant mother his majesty queen. " At the same time, the patih soon look out on and narated all events actually happen in queen. " i have done error, " his majesty raden son. " i shall give in kind punishment in my mistress, " advanced his majesty angryly. then, mistress raden son even also at throw away to forest. raden son soon embrace the child and apologize on the error afterwards, raden son and commander soon meet queen to forest. . final raden son, queen and cindelaras can reconvene. after raden son passes away, cindelaras replace the father position. he rules the country dispassionately and wise. Moral message: kindness will bear kindness crime will import suffering.

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