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  • Pages: 21

Snow White Story Once upon a time there lived a lovely princess with fair skin and blue eyes. She was so fair that she was named Snow White. Her mother died when Snow White was a baby and her father married again. This queen was very pretty but she was also very cruel. Dahulu kala hiduplah seorang putri cantik dengan kulit yang terang (putih) dan mata biru. Dia begitu putih sehingga ia diberi nama Putri Salju. Ibunya meninggal saat Putri Salju masih bayi dan ayahnya menikah lagi. Ratu ini sangat cantik tapi dia juga sangat kejam. The wicked stepmother wanted to be the most beautiful lady in the kingdom and she would often ask her magic mirror, “Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the fairest of them all?” And the magic mirror would say, “You are, Your Majesty!” But one day, the mirror replied, “Snow White is the fairest of them all!” The wicked queen was very angry and jealous of Snow White. She ordered her huntsman to take Snow White to the forest and kill her. “I want you to bring back her heart,” she ordered. But when the huntsman reached the forest with Snow White, he took pity on her and set her free. He killed a deer and took its heart to the wicked queen and told her that he had killed Snow White. Snow White wandered in the forest all night, crying. Ibu tirinya (putri salju) yang jahat ingin menjadi wanita yang paling cantik di kerajaan dan dia sering bertanya kepada cermin sihirnya, "Cermin! Cermin di dinding! Siapa yang tercantik dari mereka (perempuan di seluruh kerajaan)semua? "Dan cermin ajaib berkata," Kamu, Yang Mulia! "Tapi suatu hari, cermin itu menjawab," Putri salju adalah yang tercantik dari mereka semua! "Ratu jahat sangat marah dan cemburu kepada Putri Salju. Dia memerintahkan pemburu untuk membawa Putri Salju ke hutan dan membunuhnya. "Aku ingin kau membawa kembali hatinya," perintahnya. Tapi ketika pemburu mencapai hutan dengan putri salju, dia merasa kasihan padanya dan membebaskannya. Dia membunuh rusa dan mengambil hatinya untuk ratu jahat dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia telah membunuh Putri Salju. Putri Salju pun kemudian mengembara di hutan sepanjang malam, menangis. When it was daylight, she came to a tiny cottage and went inside. There was nobody there, but she found seven plates on the table and seven tiny beds in the bedroom. She cooked a wonderful meal and cleaned the house and tired, finally slept on one of the tiny beds. At night, the seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage came home and found Snow White sleeping. When she woke up and told them her story, the seven dwarfs asked her to stay with them. When the dwarfs were away, Snow White would make delicious meals for them. The dwarfs loved her and cared for her. Every morning, when they left the house, they instructed her never to open the door to strangers. Ketika menjelang siang, dia datang ke sebuah pondok kecil dan masuk ke dalam. tidak ada seorangpun disana (di dalam pondok), tapi dia menemukan tujuh piring di atas meja dan tujuh tempat tidur kecil di kamar tidur. Dia memasak makanan yang enak dan membersihkan rumah dan kelelahan, akhirnya tidur

di salah satu tempat tidur kecil. Pada malam hari, tujuh kurcaci yang tinggal di pondok pulang dan menemukan Putri Salju tidur. Ketika ia bangun dan mengatakan kepada mereka kisahnya, tujuh kurcaci memintanya untuk tinggal bersama mereka. Ketika kurcaci pergi, Putri Salju akan membuat makanan lezat untuk mereka. Para kurcaci mencintainya dan menyayanginya. Setiap pagi, ketika mereka meninggalkan rumah, mereka memerintahkan dia untuk tidak pernah membuka pintu untuk orang asing. Meanwhile, in the palace, the wicked queen asked, “Mirror! Mirror on the Who is the fairest of them Sementara itu, di istana, ratu jahat kembali bertanya, "Cermin! Cermin di Siapa yang tercantik dari mereka. The mirror replied, White is the fairest of them all! She lives with the seven dwarfs in the woods!” The wicked stepmother was furious. She was actually a witch knew how to make magic potions. She now made a poisonous potion and dipped a shiny red apple into it. Then she disguised herself as an old peasant woman and went to the woods with the apple. She knocked on the cottage door and said “Pretty little child! Let me in! Look what I have for you!” White said, “I am so sorry, old lady, I cannot let you in! The seven dwarfs have told me not to talk to strangers!” But then, Snow White saw the shiny red apple, and opened the door. The wicked witch offered her the apple and when she took a bite poor Snow White fell into a deep sleep. The wicked stepmother went back to the palace and asked the mirror, “Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the fairest of them all?” The mirror replied, “You are, Your Majesty!” and she was very happy. Cermin menjawab, Putri salju adalah yang tercantik dari mereka semua! Dia tinggal dengan tujuh kurcaci di hutan! "Si ibu tiri jahat sangat marah. Dia sebenarnya adalah seorang penyihir yang tahu bagaimana membuat ramuan sihir. Dia sekarang membuat ramuan beracun dan mencelupkan apel merah mengkilap ke dalamnya. Lalu ia menyamar sebagai seorang wanita petani tua dan pergi ke hutan dengan apel. Dia mengetuk pintu pondok dan berkata "Wahai anak kecil! Biarkan aku masuk! Lihat apa yang saya punya untuk (diberikan kepada) Anda! "Kata Putri salju," Saya sangat menyesal, wanita tua, saya tidak boleh membiarkan Anda masuk! Tujuh kurcaci telah mengatakan kepada saya untuk tidak berbicara dengan orang asing! "Tapi kemudian, Putri Salju melihat apel merah mengkilap, dan membuka pintu. Si penyihir jahat menawarinya apel dan ketika ia mengigit sedikit bagian dari apel tersebut Putri Salju jatuh dan akhirnya ter tidur nyenyak. Ibu tiri yang jahat kembali ke istana dan bertanya kepada cermin, "Cermin! Cermin di dinding! Siapa yang tercantik dari mereka semua? "Jawab Cermin," Kamu, Yang Mulia! "Dan dia sangat senang. When the seven dwarfs came home to find Snow White lying on the floor, they were very upset. They cried all night and then built a glass coffin for Snow White. They kept the coffin in front of the cottage. One day, Prince Charming was going past the cottage and he saw Snow White lying in the coffin. He said to the dwarfs, “My! My! She is so beautiful! I would like to kiss her!” And he did. Immediately, Snow White opened her eyes. She was alive again! The Prince and the seven dwarfs were very happy. Prince Charming married Snow White and took her to his palace and lived happily ever after.

Ketika tujuh kurcaci datang ke rumah, mereka menemukan Putri Salju tergeletak di lantai, mereka sangat marah. Mereka menangis sepanjang malam dan kemudian membangun sebuah peti kaca untuk Putri Salju. Mereka menyimpan peti kaca tersebut di depan pondok. Suatu hari, Pangeran Tampan akan melewati pondok dan ia melihat Putri Salju berbaring di peti mati. Dia mengatakan kepada para kurcaci, "oh! oh! Dia begitu cantik! Saya ingin menciumnya! "Dan dia melakukannya. Segera, Putri Salju membuka matanya. Dia hidup kembali! Sang pangeran dan tujuh kurcaci sangat senang. Si Pangeran yang tampan pun menikahi Putri Salju dan membawanya ke istananya dan hidup bahagia selamanya.


Mouse Deer and Crocodile One day, Mouse Deer went down to the river to take a drink. But he knew that the crocodile might be waiting underwater to eat him, so he said out loud. “I wonder if the water’s warm. I’ll put in my leg and find out.” Of course Mouse Deer didn’t put in his leg. He picked up a stick instead and put one end into the water. Chomp…! Crocodile grabbed the stick and pulled it underwater. Mouse Deer laughed. “Ha… ha…ha… Stupid crocodile! Cant you tell the difference between a stick and a leg?” Then Mouse Deer ran off to drink somewhere else. In the next day, Mouse Deer wanted to cross the river. He wanted to eat the fruits on the other side of the river. He saw a floating log in the river. He knew that Crocodile looked like a log when he floated. Mouse Deer didn’t want to be eaten by Crocodile when he crosses the river. He had an idea. He called out loud, “Crocodile!” Crocodile rose from the water, “Hello, Mouse Deer. Have you come to be my lunch?” Mouse Deer smiled. “Sorry, not today, Crocodile. I have orders from the King. He wants to invite all the crocodiles in this river to a party. He wants me to count all the crocodiles so he could prepare enough meal for you.” “Really…? Tell us what to do,” said Crocodile. “You must line up from this side of the river to the other side,” said Mouse Deer. Crocodile then got all his friends and family. They lined up across the river. Mouse Deer then jumped onto Crocodile’s back. “One,” he counted. He jumped onto the next crocodile, “Two.” And the next crocodile, “Three.” Mouse Deer kept jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river. “How many are there?” asked Crocodile. “Just enough,” said Mouse Deer. He laughed as he ran to the forest.*** Cerita Kancil dan Buaya dalam Bahasa Inggris Suatu hari, Kancil pergi ke sungai untuk minum. Tapi ia tahu bahwa buaya mungkin menunggu didalam air untuk memakannya, jadi dia berteriak keras-keras. “Aku ingin tahu apakah air hangat. Aku akan memasukkan kaki saya ke dalam air dan mencari tahu. “Tentu saja Kancil memasukkan kakinya. Dia mengambil tongkat dan memasukkan satu ujung ke dalam air. Chomp …! Buaya menyambar tongkat dan menariknya ke bawah air. Kancil tertawa. “Ha … ha … ha … buaya bodoh! Tidak bisakah membedakan antara tongkat dan kaki? “Lalu Kancil lari untuk minum di tempat lain. Pada hari berikutnya, Kancil ingin menyeberang sungai. Dia ingin makan buah-buahan di sisi lain sungai. Dia melihat batang kayu mengambang di sungai. Dia tahu bahwa Buaya tampak seperti kayu mengambang ketika ia mengambang. Kancil tidak mau dimakan oleh buaya ketika ia melintasi sungai. Dia punya ide. Ia berseru keras, “Buaya!” Buaya terangkat dari air, “Halo, Kancil. Apakah kamu datang untuk menjadi makan siang saya? “Kancil tersenyum. “Maaf, tidak hari ini, Buaya. Saya mendapat perintah dari Raja. Dia ingin mengajak seluruh buaya di sungai ini ke pesta. Dia ingin aku menghitung semua buaya sehingga ia bisa mempersiapkan cukup makanan untuk kamu. ”

“Sunggu…? Beritahu kami apa yang harus dilakukan, “kata Buaya. “kamu harus berbaris dari sisi sungai ke sisi lain,” kata Kancil. Buaya kemudian memanggil semua teman-temannya dan keluarganya. Mereka berbaris di seberang sungai. Kancil lalu melompat ke punggung buaya. “Satu,” ia menghitung. Dia melompat ke buaya berikutnya, “Dua.” Dan buaya berikutnya, “Tiga.” Kancil terus melompat sampai ia tiba di sisi lain sungai. “Berapa banyak?” Tanya Buaya. “Cukup,” kata Kancil. Dia tertawa sambil berlari ke hutan.


Snow White Story Once upon a time there lived a lovely princess with fair skin and blue eyes. She was so fair that she was named Snow White. Her mother died when Snow White was a baby and her father married again. This queen was very pretty but she was also very cruel. The wicked stepmother wanted to be the most beautiful lady in the kingdom and she would often ask her magic mirror, “Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the fairest of them all?” And the magic mirror would say, “You are, Your Majesty!” But one day, the mirror replied, “Snow White is the fairest of them all!” The wicked queen was very angry and jealous of Snow White. She ordered her huntsman to take Snow White to the forest and kill her. “I want you to bring back her heart,” she ordered. But when the huntsman reached the forest with Snow White, he took pity on her and set her free. He killed a deer and took its heart to the wicked queen and told her that he had killed Snow White. Snow White wandered in the forest all night, crying. When it was daylight, she came to a tiny cottage and went inside. There was nobody there, but she found seven plates on the table and seven tiny beds in the bedroom. She cooked a wonderful meal and cleaned the house and tired, finally slept on one of the tiny beds. At night, the seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage came home and found Snow White sleeping. When she woke up and told them her story, the seven dwarfs asked her to stay with them. When the dwarfs were away, Snow White would make delicious meals for them. The dwarfs loved her and cared for her. Every morning, when they left the house, they instructed her never to open the door to strangers. Meanwhile, in the palace, the wicked queen asked, “Mirror! Mirror on the Who is the fairest of them.The mirror replied, White is the fairest of them all! She lives with the seven dwarfs in the woods!” The wicked stepmother was furious. She was actually a witch knew how to make magic potions. She now made a poisonous potion and dipped a shiny red apple into it. Then she disguised herself as an old peasant woman and went to the woods with the apple. She knocked on the cottage door and said “Pretty little child! Let me in! Look what I have for you!” White said, “I am so sorry, old lady, I cannot let you in! The seven dwarfs have told me not to talk to strangers!” But then, Snow White saw the shiny red apple, and opened the door. The wicked witch offered her the apple and when she took a bite poor Snow White fell into a deep sleep. The wicked stepmother went back to the palace and asked the mirror, “Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the fairest of them all?” The mirror replied, “You are, Your Majesty!” and she was very happy. When the seven dwarfs came home to find Snow White lying on the floor, they were very upset. They cried all night and then built a glass coffin for Snow White. They kept the coffin in front of the cottage. One day, Prince Charming was going past the cottage and he saw Snow White lying in the coffin. He said to the dwarfs, “My! My! She is so beautiful! I would like to kiss her!” And he did. Immediately, Snow White opened her eyes. She was alive again! The Prince and the seven dwarfs were very happy. Prince Charming married Snow White and took her to his palace and lived happily ever after.

The Happy Prince High above the city, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was covered with thin leaves of fine gold. He had two bright sapphires eyes, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword. Diatas kota, berdiri sebuah patung “Pangeran Bahagia”. Ia ditutupi dengan daun emas. Ia memiliki dua pasang mata dari batu safir, dan batu rubi merah yang bersinar di pedangnya. One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. Pada suatu malam, terbanglah seekor burung walet kecil di atas kota. He saw the eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears that running down his golden cheeks. Ia melihat mata pangeran dipenuhi dengan air mata yang mengalir menuju pipi emasnya. “Why are you weeping?” asked the Swallow. “Mengapa kamu menangis?” tanya burung walet “When I was alive and had a human heart,” answered the statue, “I did not know what tears were, for I lived in the palace, where sorrow is not allowed to enter. And now that I am dead and stood so high that I can see all the misery of my city.’ “Saat aku masih hidup dan memiliki hati manusia,” jawab sang patung, “Aku tidak tahu apa itu air mata karena aku tinggal di istana, dimana kesusahan tidak boleh masuk. Dan sekarang saat aku mati dan berdiri di atas, aku dapat melihat semua kesulitan yang ada di kotaku.” “Far away,” continued the statue, ‘far away in a little street there is a poor house. I can see a woman seated at a table. In a bed in the corner of the room her little boy is lying ill. Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow, will you bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt? My feet are fastened to here and I cannot move.’ Di tempat yang jauh,” lanjut si patung, di jalan kecil, ada sebuah rumah. Aku dapat melihat wanita duduk di sebuah meja. Di tempat tidur, anak laki-lakinya terbaring sakit. Burung walet, burung walet kecil, maukah kamu membawakan batu rubi pada pangkal pedangku ini? Kakiku terpaku di sini dan tidak dapat bergerak. So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince’s sword, and flew away with it in his mouth over the roofs of the town. He flew gently round the bed, fanning the boy’s forehead with his wings. Burung waletpun memilih batu rubi dari pedang sang pangeran, dan terbang dengan membawanya di mulut melalui atap-atap kota. Ia terbang dengan lembut di sekililing tempat tidur, mengepakkan sayapnya di dahi anak laki-laki.

“It is strange,” the Swallow remarked, “I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold.” “Ini aneh” ujar si burung walet, “Aku merasa sangat hangat, meskipun di sini dingin.” ‘That is because you have done a good deed,” said the Prince. “Itu karena kamu telah melakukan hal yang baik,” ujar sang pangeran “Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow,” said the prince, ‘far away across the city I see a young man in a garret. He is trying to finish a play for the Director of the Theatre, but he is too cold to write any more. There is no fire in the grate, and hunger has made him faint.’ “Burung walet, burung walet kecil,” ujar sang pangeran, jauh di seberang kota, aku melihat seorang lakilaki di loteng rumah. Ia berusaha menyelesaikan sebuah drama untuk pengarah teater, tapi ia tidak dapat menulis lagi karena terlalu dingin. Tidak ada api di loteng, dan ia pingsan karena kelaparan. “All that I have left are my sapphires eyes. Take one of them to him. He will sell it to the jeweler, and buy food and firewood, and finish his play.” “Yang aku punya hanyalah sepasang batu safir di mataku. Ambil salah satunya dan berikan padanya. Ia akan menjualnya kepada tukang emas, dan membeli makanan serta kayu untuk membuat api, dan menyelesaikan drama yang dibuatnya. “Dear Prince,” said the Swallow, “I cannot do that,” and he began to weep. “Pangeran tersayang,” ujar burung walet, “Aku tidak dapat melakukan itu,” dan ia mulai menangis ‘Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow,’ said the Prince, ‘do as I command you.’ So the Swallow plucked out the Prince’s eye, and flew away to the student’s garret. “Burung walet, burung walet kecil,” kata sang pangeran, “lakukan apa yang aku perintahkan padamu”. Burung waletpun mencabut mata pangeran dan terbang ke loteng rumah. “Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow. In the square below,” said the Happy Prince, “there stands a little match-girl. She has let her matches fall in the gutter, and they are all spoiled. She has no shoes or stockings, and her little head is bare. Give my other eye to her.” “Burung walet, burung walet kecil. Di tengah kota,” kata sang pangeran, “berdiri gadis korek api kecil. Ia meninggalkan semua korek apinya di selokan, dan menjadi rusak. Ia tidak punya sepatu atau stoking, dan kepalanya tidak mengenakan apapun. Berikan mataku yang satu lagi kepadanya.” “But I cannot – you would be quite blind then.” “Tapi tidak bisa – kamu akan menjadi buta nanti.” “Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow,” said the Prince, “do as I command you.” So he plucked out the Prince’s other eye, and darted down with it.

“Burung walet, burung walet kecil,” ujar sang pangeran, “laukan seperti perintahku.” Ia pun mencabut mata pangeran yang satunya, dan terbang seperti anak panah kebawah dengannya. “Dear little Swallow,” said the Prince, “Look, the rich are making merry in their beautiful houses, while the beggars are sitting at the gates. The white faces of starving children are looking out listlessly at the black streets. Under a bridge two little boys are lying in one another’s arms to try and keep themselves warm…” “Burung walet tersayang,” kata sang pangeran, “Lihatlah orang kaya membuat pesta di rumah indah mereka, sementara pengemis duduk di pagar mereka. Wajah pucat anak kecil yang kelaparan melihat tanpa gairah ke arah jalanan yang gelap. Di bawah jembatan, dua anak laki-laki saling berpelukan agar tetap merasa hangat…” “I am covered with fine gold,” said the Prince, “you must take it off, leaf by leaf, and give it to my poor; the living always think that gold can make them happy.” “Alu ditutupi dengan emas murni,” kata sang pangeran, “kamu harus mengambilnya, daun per daun, dan berikan kepada yang miskin, mereka yang hidup berpikir kalau emas dapat membuat mereka bahagia.” Leaf after leaf of the fine gold the Swallow picked off, now the Happy Prince looked quite dull and grey. The poor little Swallow was very cold, he kissed the Happy Prince on the lips, and fell down dead at his feet. Burung waletpun menggentaskan daun emas satu per satu, sekarang pangeran bahagia terlihat membosankan dan abu-abu. Burung walet kecil merasa sangat dingin, ia mencium pangeran bahagia di bibirnya dan dan jatuh mati di bawah kakinya. At that moment a curious crack sounded inside the statue, as if something had broken. The fact is that the leaden heart had snapped right in two. It certainly was a bad frost. Pada saat itu bunyi retakan terdengar dari dalam patung, seakan sesuatu telah rusak. Pada faktanya hati yang kelam telah terbagi menjadi dua. Benar-benar beku.

The Frog Prince( Pangeran Katak) Once upon a time, there lived a king with his beautiful daughter, the princess. Pada suatu hari, hiduplah seorang raja dengan puteri cantiknya. One day, the princess went to the forest to play with her favorite toy: a golden ball. Sang puteri pergi ke hutan untuk bermain dengan mainan kesukaannya: bola emas She was playing when her ball fell into the well. Saat bermain, bolanya, terjatuh ke sebuah sumur “What’s wrong, princess? “Apa yang terjadi puteri? Maybe I can help.” Mungkin aku dapat membantu.” The princess heard the voice, looked, and saw an ugly frog. Sang puteri mendengar suara, ia melihat dan menemukan seekor katak buruk rupa. “My ball fell in the well.” Said the princess. “Bolaku terjatuh ke sumu”, ujar sang puteri. “Don’t cry! I’ll help you if you will be my friend.” Said the frog. “Jangan menangis! Aku akan membantumu jika kamu mau menjadi temanku”, kata sang katak “OK, I will be your friend” the Princess agreed but she thought: This ugly frog is silly. We can’t be “Ya, aku akan menjadi temanmu”, sang puteri setuju tetapi ia berpikir: katak ini lucu. Tentu saja kita tidak bisa jadi teman. The frog jumped into the well, and got the ball. Sang katak melompat ke dalam sumur dan mendapatkan bolanya The princess was so happy she picked up her ball, and ran away. Sang puteri sangat senang, ia mengambil bolanya dan berlari pergi. “Wait!” the frog said, but the princess didn’t listen.

“Tunggu!”, kata sang katak, tetapi sang puteri tidak mendengarkanya. The next day the Princess was at home and she heard a noise at the door. Keesokan harinya, saat sang puteri berada di rumah, ia mendengar suara bising di pintu. “Princess, please open the door!” “Tuan puteri, tolong buka pintu!” She opened the door and saw the frog Ia membuka pintu dan melihat sang katak. The King saw it and asked “Why is there a frog here?” Raja melihatnya dan bertanya, “Mengapa ada katak di sini?” “Yesterday my ball fell into the well and the frog got it for me. “Kemarin, bolaku terjatuh ke dalam sumur dan katak ini mengambilnya untukku So I promised we could be friends, but he’s just a frog!” the Princess protested. Jadi aku berjanji untuk menjadi temannya, tapi iahanyalah seekor katak!”, kata sang puteri. The King looked at his daughter and said: Raja melihat puterinya dan berkata: “This frog helped you. You must be kind and keep your promises. Let him in.” “Katak ini mebantumu. Kamu harus bersikap baik dan menepati janjimu. Biarkan ia masuk.” The frog hopped to the table. Sang katak melompat ke meja. “Please, lift me up.” “Tolong bantu angkat aku” The princess did, but she wasn’t happy. Sang puteri melakukannya, tapi ia tidak terlalu senang “Let’s eat together.” “Mari makan bersama”

They did, but the princess wasn’t happy. Mereka melakukannya, tapi sang puteri tidak terlalu senang After some time, the frog said: Setelah beberapa lama, sang katak berkata: “I’m tired, please carry me to your room and we can sleep.” “Aku lelah, tolong bawa aku ke kamarmu dan kita dapat tidur” The princess carried the frog upstairs. Sang puteri membawanya ke atas “I want to sleep on your pillow – please, lift me up.” “Aku ingin tidur di bantalmu – tolong angkat aku” The princess did, but she wasn’t happy. Sang puteri melakukannya, tapi ia tidak terlalu senang In the morning the princess woke up. Pagi hari, saat sang puteri bangun tidur The frog was gone, and there was a handsome prince sitting on a chair. Sang katak telah pergi, dan terlihat pangeran rupawan duduk di kursi The prince explained: “A witch turned me into a frog and your kindness helped turning me back into a prince.” San pangeran menjelaskan: “Penyihir mengubahku menjadi seekor katak dan kebaikanmu membuatku kembali menjadi pangeran” At this moment, a colorful coach drove up, with eight beautiful horses. Saat ini, kereta yang penuh warna dengan delapan kuda membawa mereka “Now let me show you my kingdom”. “Sekarang aku akan membawamu melihat kerajaanku” It was not long before the princess gave her permission and bid the King goodbye and got on their way. Tidak lama sebelum sang puteri mengijinkannya dan memberikan selamat tinggal kepada raja.

The Three Little Pigs Tiga Babi Kecil Once upon a time there were three little pigs. Pada suatu hari, ada tiga babi kecil. They each wanted to build a house. Masing-masing ingin membangun sebuah rumah. They were walking down the road when they met a man carrying some straw. Saat berjalan-jalan mereka bertemu dengan sesorang yang membawa jerami The first little pig asked: “Please can I have some straw?” Babi kecil pertama bertanya: “Bolehkah aku minta sedikit jerami?” “Yes, here you are.” The man said. “Tentu saja, silahkan” ujar sang pembawa jerami The first pig took the straw and built a house of straw. Babi kecil pertama mengambil jerami dan membangun sebuah rumah darinya. The second and third pig walked down the road. Babi kecil kedua dan ketiga berjalan-jalan. They met a man carrying some sticks. Mereka bertemu dengan sesorang yang membawa tongkat. The second little pig asked: “Please can I have some sticks?” Babi kecil kedua bertanya: “Bolehkah aku minta sedikit tongkat?” “Yes, here are some sticks.” The man said. “Tentu saja, silahkan”, ujar pembawa tongkat The second pig took the sticks and built a house using the sticks. Babi kecil kedua mengambil tongkat dan membangun sebuh rumah darinya.

The third pig walked down the road. Babi ketiga berjalan-jalan He met a man carrying some bricks. Ia bertemu dengan seseorang yang membawa batu bata The third little Pig asked: “Please can I have some bricks?” Babi kecil ketiga bertanya: “Bolehkah aku minta sedikit batu bata?” And the man answered. “Yes, I have lots of bricks. Here you are.” Sang lelaki menjawab, “Tentu saja, aku punya banyak batu bata. Silahkan” The third pig built a house of bricks. Babi kecil ketiga membangun sebuah rumah dari batu bata The next day the wolf came down the road. Hari berikutnya, seekor serigala berjalan-jalan He saw the house of straw and knocked on the door: “little pig, little pig, let me in!” Ia melihat rumah yang terbuat dari jerami dan mengetuk pintu: “babi kecil, babi kecil, biarkan aku masuk!” “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!” “Tentu saja tidak!” “Then I’ll huff…. and I’ll puff…. and I’ll blow your house down!” “Kalau begitu aku akan huff…dan puff…dan aku akan menghembuskan rumah hingga runtuh!” He huffed and he puffed… He blew the house down! Ia-pun menghembuskan dan menerbangkan rumahnya! The first little pig ran down the road to his brother’s house. Babi kecil pertama berlari menuju rumah saudaranya. The next day the wolf walked further down the road. Keesokan harinya, serigala berjalan lebih jauh He saw the house of sticks and knocked on the door.

Ia melihat rumah yang terbuat dari tongkat dan mengetuk pintu The wolf said, “Little pig, little pig, let me in!” Serigala berkata, “Babi kecil, babi kecil, biarkan aku masuk!” “Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins!” “Tentu saja tidak!” Both little pigs answered. Kedua babi kecil menjawab “Then I’ll huff…. and I’ll puff…. and I’ll blow your house down!” “Kalau begitu aku akan huff…dan puff…dan aku akan menghembuskan rumah hingga runtuh!” The wolf huffed and he puffed… He blew the house down! Ia-pun menghembuskan dan menerbangkan rumahnya! The little pigs ran down the road to their brother’s house. Kedua babi kecil berlari menuju rumah saudaranya Keesokan harinya, serigala berjalan lebih jauh lagi He saw the house of brick and knocked on the door. Ia melihat rumah yang terbuat dari batu bara dan mengetuk pintu “Little pig, little pig, let me in!” “Babi kecil, babi kecil biarkan aku masuk!” “Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins!” “Tentu saja tidak!” All of the three little pigs answered together. Ketiga babi kecil menjawab bersamaan “Then I’ll huff…. and I’ll puff…. and I’ll blow your house down!” “Kalau begitu aku akan huff…dan puff…dan aku akan menghembuskan rumah hingga runtuh!” He huffed and he puffed… but this house didn’t fall down.

Ia-pun menghembuskan…tapi rumah ini tidak hancur The wolf got angry and said: Serigala menjadi marah dan berkata: “Little pigs, I’m going to climb down your chimney and eat you up.” “Babi kecil, aku akan memmanjat lubang asapmu dan memakanmu.” Hearing these, the three little pigs put a big pot of water on the fire. Mendengar ini, ketiga babi kecil menaruh panci besar diatas api dengan air didalamnya The wolf climbed onto the roof. Serigla memanjat ke atas atap Then he started to climb down the chimney. Kemudian mulai menuruni lubang asap But “splash” – he fell into the pot. Tapi “splash” – ia terjatuh ke dalam panci And that was the end of the hungry angry wolf. Dan itulah akhir dari serigala yang kelaparan

Thumbelina One day, there was an old woman who lived alone. She was very sad over her fate. The old woman continued to hope and pray that she wanted a child. Then a little fairy heard the old woman’s prayer. She came to the old woman, “Why do you want a child?” asked the elf. The old woman was surprised by the arrival of the fairies. “I would be very happy if I have a small child” replied the old woman. Hearing that answer, the fairy gave her a flower seed. “Plant these seeds in a flower pot!” the fairy Commanded. “Thank you for your kindness!” She replied. After giving her the seed, the fairy left her alone. She planted the seed immediately after the fairy left. She always took care of the seed till grow into a beautiful flowering plants. When the flowers bloomed, she saw a little girl in it. The girl was very small even its size almost equal to the size of her thumb. The old lady was very pleased and gave her the name of Thumbelina. Afterwards she made Thumbelina a bed from the shells and dried leaves as a blanket. On one night, as she lay in his bed, a big ugly frog came to her. The toad crept through a broken glass of window. “O beautiful girl! Will you be my son’s wife?” said the frog. Then the frog carried the shells along with Thumbelina who was sleeping in it. Then she jumped through the window into the garden. Thumbelina was taken by frog to a flower garden. The toad lived with her son even worse than his mother. Her children was shocked to see what her mom brought, “krook Krokk what did you bring mom?”, “I brought a girl to be your wife!” His mother answered. Then her children felt in love with Thumbelina. When Thumbelina woke up, she was surprised she was not at home. “Where I am, who are you?” Thumbelina asked. “You will be my wife korokk Krook!” The frog said. Thumbelina felt very sad and she begged to be released but the frog rejected. When the frog was asleep, she run away to escape. Thumbelina feel sad. She cried along a snowy road. When she was crying, a swallow came to her. “Why are you sad?” The swallow asked. “I had been kidnapped and did not know where to go” said Thumbelina. The bird felt sad to see what Thumbelina suffer. Then he helped Thumbelina, “come along with me to my country, there is warmer than here” invite swallow. Thumbelina was willing to go with him. Thumbelina then climbed up to swallow’s body. After that, he took Thumbelina away to the place of his origins. They flew across the ocean. And then they arrived in a warm area. The swallow said, “This is my house. You can stay in one of the largest and most beautiful flowers in this place.” When Thumbelina entered the house, she found a small handsome elf. He is the son of the king of flowers. The little elf fell in love with Thumbelina. He asked her to marry him. Thumbelina eventually become queen of flowers and they lived happily ever after.

Rapunzel Long time ago there lived a married couple. They were very lonely because they did not have children who accompanied them. Every day the couple prayed to god to be given a child. Until one day his wife was pregnant. Her husband was very happy and the days they turned into happiness. One day his wife fell ill. She suffered a strange illness. So many times, her husband treated her but she was still sick. The husband also confused his wife was getting worse. Even she did not want to eat and drink. “You have to eat a lot so that our children healthy!” said her husband. “I cannot eat any food” replied his wife. The husband thought that deep in the forest there was a magical flower that can cure all diseases guarded by a witch. Because of his love for his wife, he went to the forest. After arriving in the woods, he crept to take the flowers. When she was picking the flowers that were in the midst of garden, the witch knew. She was furious and wanted to kill him. “Please do not kill me. My pregnant wife was sick. If I did not give this magical flower she and my baby will die “the husband said. Finally the witch let him go, but with one condition when the baby was born, he had to give the baby. Without thinking, her husband agreed. When he got home, he gave the magic flower to his wife. Then his wife’s illness miraculously disappeared and she born a beautiful baby. When the baby was born, the witch came. She robbed the baby and took him away. They could not do anything about it. The witch was holding their baby at a very high tower with no doors. The tower only has a window in it. Witch was raising the child in the tower and named her Rapunzel. Rapunzel grew into a beautiful girl. Her hair which was never cut became very long. The witch was always coming to the tower to bring food. She always called him from below, “Rapunzel let your hair down”. She used her hair as a rope to climb the tall tower. Rapunzel stayed on top of the tower alone even she never saw human except that witch. She had a very beautiful voice so that her days were spent to sing. One day, a handsome prince passed the tower. He heard Rapunzel singing so beautifully. He fell in love with her voice. The prince came to the tower every day to hear Rapunzel sing. One day, the prince saw a witch climbed the tower using Rapunzel hair. The next day, the prince tried to climb the tower. She called Rapunzel. “Rapunzel let down your hair” he said. The prince climbed to the top of the tower. Having reached the top, Rapunzel surprised that the one who came is not witch but others. They both met each other until they become lovers. The prince told everything to Rapunzel and Invited Rapunzel to escape. However, when they wanted to escape, the wicked witch came and pushed the prince of the top tower so that he was blind. The witch was very angry. She cut Rapunzel’s hair and discarded her into the faraway desert. The prince who was blind looked for Rapunzel for years. He walked alone and finally reached the desert. One day, he heard a voice he knew singing. The prince realized that it was the voice of Rapunzel. Eventually they both met again. They hugged and cried with joy until Rapunzel’s tears fell to the eye of prince. Then the prince got his sight back. Afterwards the prince brought Rapunzel to his kingdom and they lived happily ever after.

The Cat and the Mouse “Cat, please give me my tail back,” said the mouse. “No,” said the cat, “If you want me to give you your tail, you must go to the cow and get some milk for me first.” The mouse leapt, and ran to find the cow. The mouse came to the cow, and said, “Cow, please give me milk, so I can give it to cat, so cat will give me my tail back.” “No,” answered the cow, “If you want me to give you some milk, you have to go to the farmer and get some hay for me first.” The mouse leapt, and then she ran, till she came to the farmer. “Farmer, please give me hay so I can give it to cow, so cow will give me milk, so I can give the milk to cat, so cat will give me my tail back,” said the mouse. “No,” answered the farmer, “If you want me to give you hay, you must go to the butcher and get some meat for me first.” Again, the mouse leapt, and then she ran, to the butcher. "Butcher, please give me meat, so I can give farmer meat, so farmer will give me hay, so I can give cow hay, so cow will give me milk, so I can give cat milk, so cat will give me my own tail again.” “No,” answered the butcher, “If you want to me to give you meat, you must go to the baker and get some bread for me first.” The mouse leapt, and then she ran, to the baker. “Baker, please give me bread, so I can give butcher bread, so butcher will give me meat, so I can give farmer meat, so farmer will give me hay, so I can give cow hay, so cow will give me milk, so I can give cat milk, so cat will give me my tail back.” “Sure,” said the baker, “Here's some bread, but if you ever eat my meal, I will punish you.” Then the baker gave mouse bread, and mouse gave butcher bread, and butcher gave mouse meat, and mouse gave farmer meat, and farmer gave mouse hay, and mouse gave cow hay, and cow gave mouse milk, and mouse gave cat milk, and cat gave mouse her own tail again.

The honest boy Once upon a time, there was an old king who was very sad because he did not have a boy as a successor to his throne. The king finally decided to adopt a son who will be a prince. Then the king held an announcement to all the boys in his kingdom that he was looking for someone to be adopted as his son. All the boys in the country got together to meet the king. The king became confused because there were many boys proposed themselves as a potential prince. Then he thought so hard to find the boy who deserves to be a prince. Finally, the king got an idea. He distributed seeds to all the boys. Then he said that anyone who could grow the seeds into beautiful flowers would become the prince. All the boys in the country planted and cared the seeds carefully. Including a boy named Yong Tu, he planted that seed well. He also watered and gave fertilizer to the seed every day. But after some time, he wondered why the seed didn’t grow into a plant. He was almost disappointed at the condition. One of his friends named Park Ha came and asked, “Why do not your seeds grow into a plant?” “I do not know. I had taken care of the seed well.” Answer Yong Tu. Park Ha mocked him and showed his seed that grows into a beautiful flower. “Mine has grown and has a beautiful flower. I will be the successor of this kingdom “said Park Ha with arrogant. Shortly after that, the election of the prince arrived. All the boys in the country lined up and wore their best clothes. They also carried pots containing plant with beautiful flowers. Then the king approached them one by one to choose his successor candidate. But the king was very sad when he saw all the boys brought plants with beautiful flowers. When he almost disappointed, the king saw a boy in the back row, holding an empty flower pots. The king approached the boy and asked, “Why are you carrying a pot that no plant flowers?” “I maintain the seed that I sowed every day, but it did not germinate at all.” The boy replied and cried. Then the king smiled at him. “This is my adopted son who will be a prince” said the king to the people. All the boys were shocked. They asked the king, “Why did my lord choose the boy without flower? Did not you want a child who can grow the most beautiful flower? “ “I shared you the seed that has been boiled. Those seeds should not grow into plants. “The king answered. They were all embarrassed with the king. In fact, the king didn’t want the boy who could grow the most beautiful flowers. He chose someone who is honest. All the boys in the country replaced the seeds given by the king to another seeds. However Yong Tu didn’t do that because he was honest. Therefore the king chose him as the prince.

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