Dolce Flyer

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 289
  • Pages: 1
Dol ce

Dol ce-Si ber i anHus k ymi x-onmedi c al hol d Age:1 1mont hs Gender :mal e Goodwi t hot herdogs?r i ghtnowhei sonc r at er es t ,buthepr obabl ywi l l bewhenhe' sf eel i ngbet t er Goodwi t hcat s?wasgoodwi t hc atatt hevet ' sof f i c e Goodwi t hki ds?unknown Ener gyLevel ?i ncr easi ng,ev ent houghhei ssuppos edt ober es t i ng! Dol cehasasads t or y-hewashi tbyacaronWednes day ,Augus t13t h. Hi sownerwasnotabl et opayf orhi sc ar e,s ot heyr el i nqui s hedhi mt o Gr eenbr i arVet er i nar yRef er r al andEmer genc yHos pi t al i nUr bana,MD. OnAugust14t hhehad7hour sofsur ger yt or epai rhi sf r ac t ur edpel vi s , r emoves omebonef r agment s ,beneut er ed,andr emov ebonef r agment s f r om hi sot herhi pandputi tbac ki nt hes oc k et .Hewast ak ent ot hehome ofaHar ness edt oHopevol unt eeronSunday ,August18t h.Thec os tf or hi ss ur ger ywas$2, 000,whi c hi sagener ousdi s count( t hi sdoesnot i ncl udef ol l owupc ar e) . Har nessedt oHopewi l lbedoi ngf undr ai si ngt ohel pc ov ert hec os t sofhi s c ar e.Dol c ewi l l needabout8t o10week sofcr at er es taswel lasf ol l owup c ar e,s ohei sonmedi cal hol dunt i l hei sf ul l yr ec ov er ed.Wef oundoutt hat Dol cei sbl i ndi nhi sr i ghteye,butt heey ei sheal t hyanddoesnotr equi r e t r eat ment .

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