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Chapter -4 . அததியாயம - 4. சாபடர -4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Nouns and important words. நவனஸ அன இமோோாரடனட ோோாரடஸ ெோயர ெசாறகளம மககிய ோாரதைதகளம -------------------------------------------------------------I, We, you, your, He, she, it, they நான, நாஙகள, நீ, நீஙகள, அோன, அோள, அத, அோரகள. உசசரபப: ஐ, ோ ீ, ய, யர, ஹி, ஷி, இட, ோத -------------------------------------------------------------------------me, mine, him, her, them எனகக, எனைன, அோைன, அோைை, அோரகைை. உசசரபப: மீ , ெமயின , ஹிம , ோஹர , ோதம -------------------------------------------------------------------------------my, us, ours, yours, hers, his, their, theirs எனனைடய, எஙகைை, நமமைடயத/எஙகளைடயத, உனனைடயத/உஙகளைடயத, அோளைடயத , அோனைடய/அோனைடயத, அோரகளைடய/அைோகளைடய, அோரகளைடயத /அைோகளைடயத ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------இநத ோாரதைதகைில மதல ோோறறைம, இரணடாம ோோறறைம & மனறாம ோோறறைம ெோயர ெசாறகள உளைன. அோறைற ோாரபோோாம. first person - மதல ோோறறைம I we our me my/mine us our ours second person - இரணடாம ோோறறைம you your yours third person - மனறாம ோோறறைம he him/his

she her/hers it/its they their/theirs/them மதல ோோறறைம ோோறறைம எனறால யார ோோசகிறாரகோைா அோரகள ஆோார. யாரடம ோோசி ெகாணட இரககிோறாோமா அோரகள இரணடாம ோோறறைம ஆோார. நாம அதாோத (நானம நீயம - மதல ோோறறைமயம இரணடாம ோோறறைமயம ) யாைர ோறறி ோோசகிோறாோமா அோரகள (அோன அோள அத அைோகள ) மனறாம ோோறறைம ஆோாரகள. ஆஙகிலததில verb மாறி மாறி ோோறறைம-கக தகநத மாதிர ோரலாம. அதனால நாம இைத ெதைிோாக பரநத ெகாளளதால மிகக அோசியம. Tense and voices. ோடனஸ அன ோோாஇெசஸ - காலம மறறம ோிைன --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In English every verb has 4 forms. For eg: walk walked walked walking. is, was, had, having. have, had ,had, having sink, sank, sunk, sinking First one is simple form. second one is past tense form. third one is perfect form. fourth one is continous form. மதல ைடப நிகழ காலததிறகாக ோயனோடதத ோடகிறத. எ.கா : அோன நடககிறான he walks இரணடாோத கடநத காலததிறகாக ோயனோடதத ோடகிறத. எ.கா : அோன நடநதான he walked மனற - சறற மன நடநத ெசயலககாக ோயனோடதத ோடகிறத. எ.கா : அோன இபோதான நடநத மடததான. he has walked நானக - நடநத ெகாணட இரககம ெசயலககாக ோயனோடதத ோடகிறத. அோன நடநத ெகாணட இரககிறான.

he is walking. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------we have seen the usage of four verb forms. Now we will see how these forms are used along in 12 tenses and voices in english. These four forms will be used along with "be" "am" "have" verbs to form 12 types of tenses and voices in english. -------------------------------------------------------------be form verb. be, been, been, being am/is/are, was/were have/has, had The above 3 be form verbs are used along with the normal verbs to form 12 tense and voices in english. But the following verbs are called irregular verbs. Regular verbs are like this: walk - walked - walked - walking. Irregular verbs will have different formats than this. These verbs are listed below. Please go through this carefully. Base Form Past Simple Past Participle 3rd Person Singular Present Participle / Gerund ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abide Abode/Abided Abode/Abided/Abidden Abides Abiding Alight Alit/Alighted Alit/Alighted Alights Alighting Arise Arose Arisen Arises Arising Awake Awoke Awoken Awakes Awaking Be Was/Were Been Is Being Now we will see how the tense and voices are formed in english. First we will see active voices. Active voice - ெசய ோிைன. ---------------------------------------What is active voice: Active voice has the noun doing the activity. i.e who( யார ) is doing this? will answer to the subject. In tamil this is called ெசய-ோிைன.' 3. Present perfect tense - active voice --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Present perfect tense is used when something happened just sometime back. This is formed SUBJECT+have/has+3rd form of verb. walk-walked-walked-walking. eat-ate-eaten-eating has is used for third person singular only. I have eaten food just now. - நான இபெோாழததான சாபோிடட மடதோதன We have eaten food just now - நாஙகள இபெோாழததான சாபோிடட மடதோதாம You/your/they have eaten food just now. - நீ / நீஙகள/அோரகள இபெோாழததான சாபோிடட மடததாய / மடததீரகள / மடததாரகள

He/she/it/Manikandan has eaten food just now. - அோன / அோள / அத/ மணிகணடன இபெோாழததான சாபோிடட மடததான / மடததாள / மடததத / மடததான

இஙக i - கக "have" ம, you/your/they - கக "have" ம, he/she/it - கக "has" ம ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம. ஏன எனில மனறாம ோோறறைம ஒரைம -க மடடம has . (he has) ஆனால மனறாம ோோறறைம ோனைம -கக have. (they have) third person singual - he she it manikandan third person plural - they Where to use this tense/இநத காலதைத எஙக ோயனோடதத ோோணடம ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to be added Present perfect continuous tense - active voice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Present perfect tense is used when something is happening for long time and now also it is happening. இநத ெடனஸ-அய (Please note: we are reading now only active voices. passive voices will come in later pages). நாம ஒர ெசயல நடநத ெகாணட இரககிறத ஆனால ெராமோ காலமாய. உதாரணமாக நான இநத ஊரல கடநத 20 ஆணட காலமாக ோசிதத ெகாணட இரநத இரககிோறன. I have been living in this village for the past 20 years. living - continous tense been - perfect --> perfect continous தமிழ-இல ெகாணட - continous இரநத - perfect --------> இரநத ெகாணட - perfect continous

This is formed SUBJECT+have/has+been + 4rd form of verb. ------------------------------------walk-walked-walked-walking. eat-ate-eaten-eating has is used for third person singular only. ---------------------------------------------------------------I/we/they/you/your have been living in this village for the past 20 years.

நான/நாஙகள / நீஙகள /நீ/ நீஙகள இநத ஊரல கடநத 20 ஆணட காலமாக ோசிதத ெகாணட இரநத இரககிோறன / இரககிோறாம /இரககிறாரகள /இரககிறாய / இரககிறர ீ கள / he/she/it/manikandan has been living in this village for the past 20 years. அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன கடநத 20 ஆணட காலமாக ோசிதத ெகாணட இரநத இரககிறான /இரககிறாள /இரககிறத /இரககிறான --------------------------------------------------------------------இஙக i - கக "have" ம, you/your/they - கக "have" ம, he/she/it - கக "has" ம ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம. ஏன எனில மனறாம ோோறறைம ஒரைம -க மடடம has . (he has) ஆனால மனறாம ோோறறைம ோனைம -கக have. (they have) third person singual - he she it manikandan third person plural - they 5. Simple Past Tense -active voice ------------------------------------------------------------------------I/we/you/your/they/he/she/it/manikandan walked. நான / நாஙகள/ நீ / நீஙகள / அோரகள /அோன /அோள/அத /மணிகணடன நடநோதன / நடநோதாம /நடநதாய / நடநதீரகள / நடநதான /நடநதாள / நடநதத / நடநதான Now here the SPT is formed as SUBJECT/NOUN + 2st form of verb. Simple Present tense - normal activity that happened. i.e. ஒர ெசயல நடநதத . இநத மாதிர ஒர ெசயல நடநதத எனற இடததில ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம.

6. past continuous tense - active voice ----------------------------------------------------------------Past continous tense is used when some one was doing an activity yesterday or some past time. அதாோத கடநத காலததில ஒர ெசயைல ெசயத ெகாணட இரததல. அத ோநறற ஆக இரககலாம அலலத கடநத ோரடமாக கட இரககலாம. ஆனால அநத ோநரததில அநத ெசயைல ெசயத ெகாணட இரகக ோோணடம. அபோோாத தான இநத ோடனஸ -ஐ ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம, this is formed SUBJECT+"was/were"+4th form. I was eating yesterday. - நான ோநறற சாபோிடட ெகாணட இரநோதன .

We are eating yesterday. - நாஙகள ோநறற சாபோிடட ெகாணட இரநோதாம You/your/they are eating yesterday. - நீ / நீஙகள/அோரகள ோநறற சாபோிடட ெகாணட இரநதாய / இரநதீரகள /இரநதாரகள. he/she/it/மணிகணடன was eating now. - அோன / அோள / அத/ மணிகணடன ோநறறசாபோிடட ெகாணட இரநதான/ இரநதாள/இரநதத/ இரநதான . இஙக i - கக "was" ம, you/your/they - கக "were" ம, he/she/it - கக "was" ம ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம. 7. Past perfect tense - active voice --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Past perfect tense is used when something happened long time back. This is formed SUBJECT+had+3rd form of verb. The difference between simple past and past perfect is, SPast - used for an event that happened yesterday or last week, But Past perfect is used some has been finished off. walk-walked-walked-walking. eat-ate-eaten-eating has is used for third person singular only. I had eaten food longtime ago. - நான ெராமோ ோநரததிறக மனோோ சாபோிடட ோிடோடன We have eaten food just now - நாஙகள ெராமோ ோநரததிறக மனோோ சாபோிடட மடதத ோிடோடாம You/your/they have eaten food just now. - நீ / நீஙகள/அோரகள ெராமோ ோநரததிறக மனோோ சாபோிடட மடதத ோிடடாய / ோிடடரகள / ோிடடாரகள He/she/it/Manikandan has eaten food just now. - அோன / அோள / அத/ மணிகணடன ெராமோ ோநரததிறக மனோோ சாபோிடட மடததான / மடததாள / மடததத / மடததான Present perfect tense -கக நாம கீ ோே உளைோாற has/have -ம ோயன ோடததிோனாம. ஆனால இநத ோடனஸ -கக (past pefect - கக) எலலா subject- கம "had" ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம . for Present.Perfect -------------------------------------i - கக "have" ம, you/your/they - கக "have" ம, he/she/it - கக "has" ம ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம. ஏன எனில மனறாம ோோறறைம ஒரைம -க மடடம has . (he has)

ஆனால மனறாம ோோறறைம ோனைம -கக have. (they have) third person singual - he she it manikandan third person plural - they ----------------------------------for Past.perfect-ku I/We/she/he/it/they/you/your ---- HAD + 3rd form 8. Past perfect continuous tense - active voice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Past perfect tense is used when something is happening for long time but now it is not happening. Eg: My dad had been living in the village for 20 years. ( means he is no more or he is no more in that village now settled in a city) இநத ெடனஸ-அய (Please note: we are reading now only active voices. passive voices will come in later pages). நாம ஒர ெசயல நடநத ெகாணட இரநதத ஆனால ெராமோ காலமாய. உதாரணமாக நான இநத ஊரல கடநத 20 ஆணட காலமாக ோசிதத ெகாணட இரநத இரநோதன. ஆனால இபெோாழத அநத ஊரல இலைல.

I had been living in this village for the past 20 years. living - continous tense been - perfect --> perfect continous had- past -----------------> past perfect continuous. தமிழ-இல ெகாணட - continous இரநத - perfect --------> இரநத ெகாணட - perfect continous

This is formed SUBJECT+had+been + 4rd form of verb. ------------------------------------walk-walked-walked-walking. eat-ate-eaten-eating has is used for third person singular only. ---------------------------------------------------------------I/we/they/you/your had been living in this village for the past 20 years. நான/நாஙகள / நீஙகள /நீ/ நீஙகள இநத ஊரல கடநத 20 ஆணட காலமாக ோசிதத ெகாணட இரநத இரநோதன / இரநோதாம /இரநதீரகள /இரநதாய /இரநதாரகள /

he/she/it/manikandan had been living in this village for the past 20 years. அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன கடநத 20 ஆணட காலமாக ோசிதத ெகாணட இரநத இரநதான/ இரநதாள/இரநதத/ இரநதான. 9. Simple futureTense ------------------------------------------------i will walk. நான நடபோோன We will walk. நாஙகள நடபோோாம you will walk. நீ நடபோாய your will walk. நீஙகள நடபோர ீ கள He will walk. அோன நடபோான She will walk. அோள நடபோாள it will walk. அத நடககம They will walk. அோரகள நடபோாரகள

Now here the SPT is formed as SUBJECT/NOUN + will + 1st form of verb. will - future 1st form - simple tense ------> simple future tense

Simple Present tense - normal activity that happens in future. i.e. ஒர ெசயல எதிர காலததில நடககம .

2. future continuous tense ------------------------------------------------

Future continous tense is used when some one will be doing an activity in the future or tomorrow. i.e anytime in the future he would be doing it. This is formed SUBJECT+"will "+ be + 4th form.

I will be eating tomorrow. - நான சாபோிடட ெகாணட இரபோோன We will beeating tomorrow. - நாஙகள சாபோிடட ெகாணட இரபோோாம You/your/they will be eating tomorrow. - நீ / நீஙகள/அோரகள சாபோிடட ெகாணட இரபோாய / இரபோர ீ கள /இரபோாரகள. He/she/it/Manikandan will be eating tomorrow. - அோன / அோள / அத/ மணிகணடன சாபோிடட ெகாணட இரபோான / இரபோாள / இரககம / இரபோான 11. Future perfect tense - active voice --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Future perfect tense is used when something would have happened by this time of the future day or month or year. This is formed SUBJECT+will + have+3rd form of verb. walk-walked-walked-walking. eat-ate-eaten-eating I / we / you/ your/ he / she /it /they / manikandan will have eaten food by this time tomorrow . நான நாைை இநோநரததில சாபோிடட மடதத இரபோோன /இரபோோாம / இரபோாய / இரபோர ீ கள / இரபோான / இரபோாள / இரககம / இரபோான --------------------------------------------------------------12 - Future perfect continuous tense -----------------------------------------------------Practically no usage. நைட மைறயில ோயனோடதத ோடோிலைல. Passive Voice - ெசயபோாடட ோிைன General rules - ெோாதோான ோிதிகள ----------------------------------------------------------------------Always "be" form verb should be there. "be" form verbs - am/is/are was/were be/been/being "ோி" ோாம ோிைன ெசாறகள ோயனோடதத ோோணடம. 3rd form of the verb to be used. eat,ate,eaten,eating........ For all forms of tenses in passive voice, eaten to be used.

எலலா கால ெசயலகளககம ெசயயபோடட ோிைனயில "ோிைன" -இன மனறாம ோைகைய ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம. இத தோிர காலததிறக ஏறறால ோோால மறற அமசஙகள ோரம. ex: ing for continuous - have/has/had for perfect tenses - will for future tenses. 1. Simple Present Tense - Passive voice --------------------------------------------------------------சிமோிள பெரெசனட ோடனஸ - ோஸஸிவ ோாயஸ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------நிகழ காலம - ெசயபோாடட ோிைன -----------------------------------------------------------------I am kicked. நான உைத ோடகிோறன . we/you/your/they are kicked. நாஙகள /நீ/நீஙகள/அோரகள உைத ோடகிோறாம/ோடகிறாய/ோடகிறர ீ கள/ோடகிறாரகள he/she/it/manikandan is kicked. - அோன /அோள/அத/மணிகணடன உைட ோடகிறான/ ோடகிறாள/ோடகிறத/ோடகிறான Rules of passive voice: "be" form should be used - "am/is/are" used "3rd" form to be used - kick-kicked-kicked-kicking ----- kicked is used. since this is simple present tense nothing else is needed. Simple Present tense - normal activity that happens now. i.e. ஒர ெசயல இபோோாத நடககிறத. Present continuous tense - Passive Voice. ------------------------------------------------------------------I am being kicked. - நான உைத ோடட ெகாணட (continuous) இரககிோறன. We/you/your/they are being kicked. - நாஙகள/நீ/நீஙகள/அோரகள உைத ோடட ெகாணட இரககிோறாம /இரககிறாய /இரககிறர ீ கள/இரககிறாரகள he/she/it/manikandan is kicked. -அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன உைத ோடட ெகாணட இரககிறான /இரககிறாள/ இரககினறத / இரககிறான Rules for passive voice: "be" form should be used - "am/is/are" ோயன ோடதத ோடட உளைத "3rd form verb" should be used. "kicked" ோயன ோடதத ோடட உளைத Present continuous rules: "ing" to be used. In active present continuous tense, we used 4th form of the verb. Since here "3rd" form to be used for passive we use "being".

"continuous" -ஆக "being" ோயன ோடதத ோடட உளைத Present Perfect Tense - Passive voice ---------------------------------------------------------------I/we/you/your/they/he/she/it/manikandan have been kicked. நான/நாஙகள/நீ/நீஙகள/அோரகள/அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன உைதகக ோடட இரககிோறன/இரககிோறாம/இரககிறாய/இரககிறர ீ கள/இரககிறாரகள/இரககி றான/இரககிறாள/இரககிறத/இரககிறான Rules: Subject + have + been+ "3rd" form verb Rules for passive: "be" form should be there - been "3rd" form verb - kicked is there Perfect tense - have is there Present perfect - have is there ( for past perfect had to be used) Present perfect continuous - passive -----------------------------------------------------Practically not used. - உோோயாகததில இலைல - அதாோத நைடமைறயில ோயனோடததோத இலைல. Simple Past Tense - Passive voice -------------------------------------------------------------I was kicked - நான உைதகக ோடோடன We/you/your/they were kicked - நாஙகள/நீ/நீஙகள/அோரகள உைதகக ோடோடாம/ோடடாய/ோடடரகள/ோடடாரகள he/she/it/manikandan was kicked - அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன உைதகக ோடடான/ோடடால/ோடடத/ோடடான Subject + was/were + "3rd" form verb Rules: For passive voice: be form - was/were "3rd form of verb" - kicked For simple past: ----------------------was/were used. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Past continuous tense - Passive voice ------------------------------------------------------I was being kicked - நான உைத ோடட ெகாணட (continuous) இரநோதன We/you/your/they were being kicked - நாஙகள/நீ/நீஙகள/அோரகள உைத ோடட

ெகாணட இரநோதாம /இரநதாய/இரநதீரகள/இரநதாரகள. he/she/it/manikandan was being kicked - அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன உைத ோடட ெகாணட இரநதான/இரநதாள/இரநதத/இரநதான Rules: Passive voice: "be" form should be there - was/were "3rd form" should be there - kicked Past continuous : Was/were + being Past Perfect tense - Passive voice --------------------------------------------------I/we/you/your/they/he/she/it/manikandan had been kicked. நான/நாஙகள/நீ/நீஙகள/அோரகள/அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன உைதகக ோடட இரநோதன/இரநோதாம /இரநதாய/இரநதீரகள/இரநதாரகள/இரநதான/இரநதாள/இரநதத/இரநதா ன

Rules: Subject + had+ been+ "3rd" form verb Rules for passive: "be" form should be there - been "3rd" form verb - kicked is there

Perfect tense - had is there Past perfect - had is there ( for past perfect had to be used)

Past perfect continuous - passive voice ------------------------------------------------------------------Practically not used. - உோோயாகததில இலைல - அதாோத நைடமைறயில

ோயனோடததோத இலைல. Simple Future Tense - Passive voice -------------------------------------------------------------I/we/you/your/they/he/she/it/manikandan will be kicked. நான/நாஙகள/நீ/நீஙகள/அோரகள/அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன உைதகக ோடோோன/ோடோோாம/ோடோாய/ோடோரீகள/ோடோாரகள/ோடோான/ோடோாள/ோடம/ோ டோான Rules: Subject + will/shall/may/might + "be" + "3rd" form verb Rules for passive: "be" form should be there - been "3rd" form verb - kicked is there future tense - will is there Future continuous tense - passive voice -----------------------------------------------------------Practically not used. - உோோயாகததில இலைல - அதாோத நைடமைறயில ோயனோடததோத இலைல. ---------------------------------------------------------------Future Perfect tense - passive voice ------------------------------------------------------I/we/you/your/they/he/she/it/manikandan will have been kicked. நான/நாஙகள/நீ/நீஙகள/அோரகள/அோன/அோள/அத/மணிகணடன உைதகக ோடட இரபோோன/இரபோோாம/இரபோாய/இரபோர ீ கள/இரபோாரகள/இரபோான/இரபோ ாாள/இரககம/இரபோான Rules: will/shall/might/may + "been" + 3rd form Future Perfect continuous tense - passive voice -----------------------------------------------------------Practically not used. - உோோயாகததில இலைல - அதாோத நைடமைறயில ோயனோடததோத இலைல. ---------------------------------------------------------------A , An , The - ( எ , அன, தி ) - Usage - ோயனோாட ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------A is used before the names/subjects/nouns/pronouns when the corresponding nouns/names/places/pronouns is single and doesn't start with vowel or "h". For ex: he is a man. There is a doctor. Here goes a bus.

"எ" -ைோ ெோயரகளகக மனனால ோயனோடதத ோோணடம. ஆனால ெோயர உயிர எழததிோலா or "h" ல ோலா ஆரமோம ஆக கடாத. "a" is used when the corresponding name/person/place/noun is someone and we don't know exactly who he is or it is. அதாோத ெோயோரா (or) இடோமா, ஆோைா நமகக யார எனற ெதரயாத ஆனால ஒர ஆள எனற ெதரயம. "An" - is used similar to "a" But for names/places/pronouns starting with vowels/"h". Ex: An Apple, An house, An orange, An MLA. "The" is used for particular place/noun/name. "The" - தி -ஐ நாம ோயனோடததம ெோயர/இடோமா நமகக ெதரயம எத எனற. அநத இடததில தி -ஐ ோயன ோடதத ோோணடம. The tajmahal, The chennai city, The veena, The guitar, The president, The prime minister ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mportant words -மககிய ோாரதைதகள ----------------------------------------------------------------------When - ெோன - எபெோாழத where - ோோர - எஙோக How - ஹவ - எபோட எவோாற What - ோாட - எனன Who - ஹு - யார Whom- ஹும - யாரககாக here -ஹிஈர - இஙோக There - ோதர - அஙோக it- இட - அத this- திஸ - இத that - தட - அத whose - ஹூஸ -யாரைடய why - ோோாய -ஏன up - அப - ோமோல down - ோடாவன - கீ ோே center - ெசனெடர -நடோில side - ைசட - ஓரம if - ஈப - ெசயதால - (condition) - if you study well, you will pass. - நீ நனறாக ோடததால , ோதரசசி ெோறோாய, but - ோட - ஆனால whether - We should find out whether the museum is open. - Museum - திறகக ோடட

உளைதா இலைலயா எனற கணடறிய ோோணடம. which - ோிச -எநத when - ெோன - எபெோாழத then - ெதன - அபெோாழத now - நவ - இபெோாழத Prepositions - ோோறறைமகள ----------------------------------------------------------if - ஆல of - ஆல for - அதறகாக in - இல from - லிரநத to -கக into - ககள yet - இதோைர at 7 AM - 7 மணிகக before AM - ஏழ மணிகக மனனால after 8 AM - ஏழ மணிகக அபபறம about tajmahal - தாஜ மகாைல ோறறி around 8 AM - எடட மணி ோோால beside / next to - ோககததில in front of - மனனால behind - ோினனால under / beneath / underneath - அடயில on / on top of - ோமல - அதன ோமல about - அைத ோறறி - did you hear about the accident that happend yesterday. of -ோறறி -I've never heard of him. நான அோைன ோறறி ோகளோி ோடடதிலைல . above and over: You have to be over18 to see this film. The bridge goes over the river. They live in a flat over the shop. The town is 100 metres above sea level. There were over 10,000 people at the concert. Her test was above average At the end In the end on the end by the end to the end Examples:

We waited for nearly an hour and ____ the end we went without her. In The teacher set some homework ____ the end of the lesson. at There's an eraser ____ the end of my pencil. on My house is ____ the end of the street. at We were exhausted ____ the end of the journey. by They get killed ____ the end of the film. at I'll love you ____ the end of time. to They couldn't decide which one they liked and ____ the end they didn't bother. in They argue everything ____ the bitter end. to I paid the fees ____ the end of the course. at Beside and besides -தோிர - அைத தோிர beside - to be used for first and second person besides - for third person and some non-lives Eg: Did you speak to anyone besides mark. did you speak to anyone beside me. My supports sat beside me. they have nothing besides their dreams of success By and until Except and Except for Front and back # Prepositions after Adjectives # Prepositions after Nouns # Prepositions Mixed Types # Prepositions with verbs ===============l============================= Examples using prepositions. - உதாரணஙகள --------------------------------------------------------------------------------The lamp is beside the chair. or The lamp is next to the chair. The chair is under the lamp. or The chair is beneath the lamp. or The chair is underneath the lamp. The lamp is behind the chair. The chair is in front of the lamp. The lamp is on the chair Conjunctions - இைட ெசாறகள -----------------------------------------------------and - உம or - அலலத but - ஆனால

As 'As' means 'because'. -ஆைகயால 'As' means 'at the same time as'. -அோத ோநரததில While- அைத ோணணி ெகாணட இரககம ெோாழத during -அபெோாழத Examples - உதாரணஙகள -------------------------------------------------------Baskar and i are going. - ோாஸகரம நானம ெோாய ெகாணட இரககிோறாம. In winter, it is cold and wet. baskar or i will come. - ோாஸகர அலலத நான ோரோோன. I don't want to come, but i will come. He is strict but a good man. We met during the Xmas holidays we met while i was working in Xmas holidays As I was tired, I went home. -type 1 I tripped as I was going up the steps. -type 2 How to use "if" - if-ஐ எவோாற ோயனோடததோத ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1. If you study well, you will pass. (if simple present tense, then simple future tense). நீ நனறாக ோடததால ோதரசசி ெோறோாய. 2. if you studied well, you would have passed. ( if past tense and then present perfect). நீ நனறாக ோடதத இரநதால ோதரசசி ெோறற இரபோாய. (அதாோத fail ஆன ோின இபோட ெசாலல ோோணடம). actually this means you didn't study well that is the reason you have failed. How to use "Unless" - Unless -ஐ எபோட ோயனோடததோத ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unless you study well, you will not pass. (Unless simple present tense, then simple future tense but in negative manner). நீ நனறாக ோடகக ோிலைல எனறால ோதரசசி ெோற மாடடாய. Unless you studied well, you would not have passed.(Unless past tense and then present perfect in negative manner). நீ நனற ோடததிரகக ோிலைல எனறால ோதரசசி ெோறறிரகக மாடடாய. Though, Although, Despite, How ever, inspiteof - Usage - ோயனோாட

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------though - இரநதோோாதிலம despite - இரநதாலம Although - அத இரநதாலம how ever - எவோைவ மயறசிததாலம inspite of - ோாயபப இரநதாலம She went out despite the rain. She went out although it was raining. She went out despite the fact that it was raining. she didn't like it, I enjoyed it a lot. It was good,though expensive. I was late however, the others were all on time. Although I was late, the others were all on time.\ They managed it Although I wasn't there. They managed it despite the fact that I wasn't there. Though tired, he managed to finish it on time. however hard she tried, she still couldn't manage it. You did it!' 'I didn't enjoy it much, though.' Inspite of the opportunity, no one bothered.

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