Doc Statewide Umcc Minutes 091009

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Statewide UMCC Minutes 09/10/09 Present for Mgt: Stefani Meusborn-March, Annamarie Aylward, Todd Dowler, Matt Menze Eldon Vail for about 20 minutes. Present for Union: Alice Rogers. Aaron Cole, Iris Peterson, Stacie Garcia, Doug Butcher, Joanne Prideaux, Gerald Brown, Ginger Richardson, Dave Holbrock, Sherri-Ann Burke, Herman Gilman Introductions made. Discussion on supplemental bargaining; Union is working on proposed language. Eldon Vail stressed importance of successful bargaining as DOC is setting a first time example for other agencies and federation. Eldon Vail introduced Annamarie Aylward as new acting assistant Deputy Secretary for Community Corrections, and voiced confidence in her abilities and commitment. Union asked for personal introduction of Ms. Aylward and a brief summary of her attitudes and visions regarding Community Corrections. Ms. Aylward spoke of her 22 years experience with DOC, mostly in treatment and programming. Eldon Vail expressed that Ms. Aylward does know the work we do, and has background in legislative action as well. He expressed that she will be tasked with making organizational changes within Community Corrections, and that he has given her permission to implement those changes. Union Item#1: Asking for updates and specifics on proposed cuts Todd Dowler shared proposed plan of cuts. 1345 Community Corrections Employees, roughly 1280 of those are funded through the matrix. Vast majority of position are linked to the offender population. With 5288 roughly 8,500 offenders are no longer on supervision. The number of funded staff has dropped in the last 5 weeks. Handed out information sheet that shows number of staff in each section, and number staff that the matrix currently funds. There are more positions than the matrix funds, and those positions will need to be cut. (Information shared shows cuts by job class and section). Todd Dowler said that mgt. made the policy decision to have the CCO class the least impacted by cuts, as CCO’s provide direct supervision of offenders. Hardest class hit will be support staff and specialist. Cuts have been made and continue to be made at Headquarters as well. Supervisors will be cut also; units might be combined; we can expect organizational changes on all levels. Victim Liasions and CRU positions will not

be cut. Records staff and hearing officers, while not within the matrix, might also be affected in the long run. No specifics offered. Union asked for list of effected staff, and asked that effected individuals will be notified personally and in a respectful and kind manner. Union notified mgt that there will be a demand to bargain over the impact. Union asks if there is any thought on prison reductions as Pine Lodge might be impacted? Mgt stated that there currently is no plan for reductions in prisons; prisons are holding vacant positions for field staff to go to in case of lay offs. Union asked how aggressively the mgt team is pursuing funding? Mgt stated that they have already been told to not ask for any money from the legislature. Mgt. indicated that the current proposal for cut backs is just the first round; they attempt to minimize the impact by doing it in one big sweep, permanent staff reductions will happen by the end of the year. Union suggested that DOC make collections of COS fees a priority, as well as seizure articles and money. There seems to be a lot of money that we are not accessing. Union item 2: Records workload issues/ why is there a hiring freeze? Mgt: Records will be impacted by staff reductions also. No permanent hiring allowed to see what the impact of staff reductions will have on records staff (current ration 1/23) Union: records staff are making decisions every day that effect liberties of offenders. Highly stressful job, over worked, over stressed, tired, we need relief for these folks, they are working themselves to death! We need to take some work of their plate. Asking for commitment from mgt to do so. Mgt: Can’t make commitment right now, but will talk to Carrie Flemming and Scott Blonien who will talk to records folks about possible solutions. Union: we need the vacant records positions filled in Pierce Cty, have they been filled? Mgt: not sure. We’ll look into this. Union: Benton Cty jail records position was cut. Now no one screens for warrants and offenders are being released on warrants. Mgt: news to us, will check into this. Forward issue to Scott Blonien. Union: How many records staff are going to be cut?

Mgt: Not sure, possibly 8 positions. Union: Because of on-going workload issues with records, would like commitment of no cuts. Mgt: we have not made any definite plans. Union: what is the status of the records workload study? Mgt: it’s likely not going to be funded. Union: than we will need to find something that comes off the plate for them; when can me meet about it? Mgt: get us names of a core group and we’ll schedule a meeting to talk about workload. Union: Status of frozen OBTS? Will it be completely shut off in December? Mgt: we don’t have a date. Union: we’ll discuss again in October with the records group meeting. Union item #3: Arrest and Search Policy Union states that we painstakingly negotiated the language in the 400 series, and that we came to agreements at the governor’s table about very specific language. Now language is being changed without our input. Mgt: we guess that the policy owner had a review coming up and incorporated comments from stakeholders. Union: again we word-smithed and agreed on the language. Not appropriate to change without agreement Mgt: we’ll change the language back to what was agreed upon and inform the policy owners they need to submit drafts and changes to Federation for review and input. Union and mgt agreed to work on this issue Union item #4: Timesheets and overtime Union informed mgt that the time cards do not accurately reflect time worked as supervisors tell their staff they cannot work overtime, and to not reflect actual time worked on the time cards but their regular schedule. When CCO’s put in for overtime, they get special case reviews and audits to “find out why OT is needed”. CCO’s are getting intimidated by their CCS’s to not put in for OT.

Mgt: we believe it is our obligation to pay people for the time they work but supervisors are charged with keeping within their budget. Union: we have more work to do than what can be accomplished in 40 hr week. Either you pay us for what time it takes to do all the things that are required or you take something off the plate. Also, the work we do today is not reflected in the old matrix, either you pay us for the work or you reduce work. Mgt: we are in a difficult situation as there is no money for over time, no other positions to deploy for relief Union: overtime money is built in somewhere; where is the budget for overtime? Mgt: usually in supplemental budget, but that one is done for now Union: what about time cards falsifications at the instructions of CCS’s? Mgt: needs to stop. Expectations is to accurately reflect work times Union: we need a philosophical change and mgr’s to understand that sometimes it takes more than 40 hrs to complete the job. Our jobs are flexible, and our time needs to be flexible and if it takes more than the usual 40 hours, we need to be paid. Mgt: all CCS’s, FA’s and RA’s will be reminded that time cards are to reflect actual hours worked. Union item #5: Teamster Sergeant; - has been working Federation job in Pine Lodge; that’s skimming, it’s our work. Mgt: that person should be in our bargaining unit, Todd Dowler will get back to SherriAnn “we’ll fix this”. Union item #6: Hearings Union states that appeals panels have been overturning 6157 mandated revocations at third hearing. Mgt: not prepared to talk about this now. We’ll discuss next meeting. Union: H.O’s are being told to consider bed space when imposing sanctions. That’s not their job, and it’s not impartial if and when done. Mgt: ask for examples of appeals panels overturning decisions, and 6157 mess ups.

Union: hearing policies again contain language we have negotiated over and removed. This is an ever re-occurring problem and we are tired of it. We have governor-approved agreements and we expect DOC to abide by them. Mgt: A reminder of the agreements will be sent to all policy owners and FA’s. Union: We are supposed to get policies for input prior to signing. We have not. Mgt: should get copies; ask for list of policies that we should be getting for review. Union: we’ll provide list at next meeting. (Iris task) Union: we still need to agree on policy review process, issue never got resolved when we talked at governor’s table. Union item #7: Medical marijuana use Union states that CCO’s don’t get back the decision from RA’s when offenders go thru process of medical mj use permission. Mgt: we’ll fix the glitch Union item #8: Electronic Home Detention Union states that there was a presentation the day before. We will watch how it works and the impacts. Informed mgt there will be a demand to bargain as impacting our work and workload. Union item #9: Firearms instructors Union: we have them in every region, why are we paying per diem and lodging for performance instructors? Mgt: maybe for continuity? We’ll look into it. In times of budget cuts we need to look at the practice. Union item #10: Interstate Compact Union: system is the biggest pain in the behind…. new updates, processes and forms all the time, very time intensive and exhausting system, we are sick of it, adds to workload. Mgt: we’ll talk to Marjorie Owens and get back to you

Union item# 11: Union: Less and less alternative sanctions available, what else other than EHM is coming down the line, what is available? You do not want us to put them in jail but what is the alternative? Mgt: admits they are a step behind what is available. Union: no incentive for staff to do programming, maybe they should pay us for the extra duties? Also, we should be running our own violator facilities. Union also states that referrals to ABHS aftercare of offenders releasing should be made by ABHS, CCO’s should not have to make appointments for offenders. Union item #12: Tuition Reimbursement. Union: Union has demand to bargain out on this item. No prior discussion or information until the program cut one day. Mgt: Was done because of lack of money. Union: Doesn’t make sense. We need to train employees. We would like to keep this on the table and continue discussions to bring program back. Union item #13: Misdemeanor Union: tolling needs to be done manually, workload impact for records. Mgt: as misdemeanors are now under OAA made policy decision to have them tolled. Union item #14: OMNI Union: cumbersome hearing entries, three times over, immense workload impact. Why are Hearing officers doing data entry? Process needs to be looked at. Mgt: we’ll look at it. To do list/next agenda items: Misdemeanors COS ideas Policy review process Do’s and don’ts of lay offs Union to submit names of records people for core group Union should submit lists of policies to be sent to us

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