Dn_nk_giiay De Nghi Mo Lc Tra Cham

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 900
  • Pages: 4

* In favour :

* Amount : .................... port/

CIF/ CFR / FOB Hochiminh City Tan Son Nhat air

port,Hochiminh City * Expiry date and place :..................................................... in Vietnam (issuing bank) Available by the issuing bank‘s acceptance of beneficiary’s time draft(s) drawn on issuing bank payable at...........days from bill of lading date for 100 percent of invoice value accompanied by the following documents in triplicate in English (Unless otherwise stated ) : 1. Signed commercial invoice in quadruplicate 2. Full set (3/3) / 2/3 originals and 01 photocopy of signed clean shipped on board ocean bill of lading made out to order blank endorsed / to order of VN EXIMBANK marked freight prepaid / to collect and notify the applicant (credit number must be indicated ) - Airway bill in duplicate marked freight prepaid / to collect consigned to applicant / VN EXIMBANK and notify the same / applicant.( Credit number must be indicated ) 3. Quality /Quantity /Weight certificate issued by ........................... ( Full name of goods stated) 4. Certificate of origin issued by Chamber of Commerce 5. Detailed packing list


6. Copy of fax/telex advising applicant and Vietnam Eximbank (84.8.8296063) of particulars of shipment : B/L /AWB nbr , shipment date,ETA,vessel name/ flight nbr, quantity of goods, name of commodities,invoice value and credit number within .............days/ after shipment. 7. Insurance covered by seller Full set originals of insurance policy/ certificate covering ....................... for 110 percent of invoice value blank endorsed indicating claim payable by a settlement agent (with name and full address stated) in Hochiminh City,Viet Nam and number of original folds to be issued 8. 1/3 original B/L and one set of non- negotiable above documents to be sent directly to applicant/............by DHL/...... within..................days / after shipment (Ben’s certificate plus DHL/.......receipt presented) 9.........................................................(other documents)

Evidencing shipment of : price,quality,packing,marking.....)





- Place of taking in charge / Dispatch from / Place of receipt…………………………… ……………. - Port of loading / Airport of departure ……………………………………………………… …………………………... - Port of discharge / Airport of Destination ………………………………………………… ……………………..… - Place of final destination / For transportation to / Place of delivery ……………… …….…. - Shipment must be effected not later than ..................................... - Partial shipment allowed / not allowed - Transhipment allowed / not allowed - Special conditions :

- Special instructions : • All banking charges outside HoChiMinh City including advising,reimbursing,negotiating, discounting commission,confirmation fee


and amendment charges at Beneficiary’s account. Advising/Amendment charges must be collected before release of L/C/ amendment. • Presentation of documents must be made within ................days after shipment date • USD50.- discrepancy fee should be deducted from the proceeds for each discrepant set of documents presented under this L/C. • On receipt of documents including time draft(s) in compliance with L/C terms and conditions please forward all to Viet Nam Eximbank, No 7 Le Thi Hong Gam St., Dist. 1 , HoChiMinh City in 2 lots ( one lot by DHL and another by registered airmail). On draft(s) maturity we shall remit cover as required. - This L/C is subject to UCPDC 1993 revision ICC publication No. 500. - Operative instrument please notify CAM KEÁT CUÛA NGÖÔØI ÑEÀ NGHÒ MÔÛ L/C 1. Chuùng toâi hoaøn toaøn chòu traùch nhieäm veà noäi dung haïn ngaïch vaø giaáy pheùp nhaäp khaåu cuûa tín duïng thö noùi treân vaø traùch nhieäm phaùp lyù veà hôïp ñoàng ngoaïi lieân quan. 2. Nhaän ñöôïc chöùng töø ( Hoaëc ñieän xin thöông löôïng chöùng töø ) : - Neáu hôïp leä, chuùng toâi ñoàng yù xin thanh toaùn vaøo ngaøy ñaùo haïn vaø tröôùc ngaøy ñaùo haïn 15 ngaøy, EXIMBANK ñöôïc pheùp giöõ tieàn trong taøi khoaûn cuûa chuùng toâi soá :................................. taïi EXIMBANK ñeå thanh toaùn tieàn haøng vaø caùc chi phí cuûa EXIMBANK lieân quan ñeán L/C naøy. Neáu taøi khoaûn khoâng ñuû tieàn ñeå thanh toaùn chuùng toâi xin nhaän nôï vay theo hôïp ñoàng tín duïng cuûa EXIMBANK. Tröôøng hôïp khoâng coù hôïp ñoàng vay tín duïng chuùng toâi nhaän nôï vay baét buoäc theo möùc laõi phaït. - Neáu coù ñieåm baát hôïp leä , ñeà nghò Quyù Ngaân haøng thoâng baùo ngay cho chuùng toâi . Neáu quaù thôøi haïn 4 ngaøy keå töø ngaøy EXIMBANK thoâng baùo maø chöa coù yù kieán cuûa chuùng toâi,Quyù Ngaân haøng ñöôïc pheùp thoâng baùo töø choái thanh toaùn vaø hoaøn laïi chöùng töø cho Ngaân haøng nöùôc ngoaøi. Chuùng toâi chòu moïi chi phí lieân heä. 3. Trong tröôøng hôïp L/C heát hieäu löïc hoaïêc khoâng söû duïng, caùc phaùt sinh phí (keå caû phí do Ngaân haøng nöôùc ngoaøi ñoøi) chuùng toâi seõ chòu traùch nhieäm thanh toaùn. 4. Trong tröôøng hôïp xin môû L/C yeâu caàu 1/3 ORIGINAL B/L göûi tröïc tieáp ñeán chuùng toâi laø ngöôøi mua, khi coù phaùt sinh chöùng töø khoâng phuø hôïp nhöng chuùng toâi chöa chaáp nhaän thanh toaùn maø Ngaân haøng nöôùc ngoaøi yeâu caàu hoaøn laïi chöùng töø , chuùng toâi baûo ñaûm hoaøn traû laïi ñaày ñuû chöùng töø ñeå EXIMBANK hoaøn traû cho Ngaân haøng nöôùc ngoaøi. 3

Ngaøy .............thaùng.................naêm GIAÙM ÑOÁC COÂNG TY


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