Dm B8 Team 8 Fdr- 7-8-04 Email From Zelikow Re Rumsfeld Info- Cambone Info 504

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Dan Marcus From:

Philip Zelikow


Thursday, July 08, 2004 7:29 PM


'Gorelick, Jamie'; Dana Hyde


Front Office

Subject: Rumsfeld Info Jamie (et al) I followed up on your request and spoke earlier this evening to U/S Cambone. I focused on a few matters that remained unclear after Dana's further research today.

1. At the time the second tower was hit, the SecDef had just begun receiving his PDB briefing. Cambone believes the SecDef was told the news about the second hit and resumed the briefing while awaiting more information about what had happened. The SecDef remained with the PDB briefer until the Pentagon was hit. Cambone was not with the SecDef, and so will try to confirm this account.

2. Before going to Defcon 3 folks in the NMCC had pulled down 'the book' to check procedures. They determined Defcon 3 was right, and that the SecDef had the authority to order it on his own. The SecDef did so. The VP's suggestion to check with the President came in. The SecDef believed he had the authority to proceed, and that this should be done right away, and so Myers was told to go ahead with Defcon 3. The SecDef then ordered instructions be sent to the DATT in Moscow on this, and on the Russian exercise. Cambone was with the SecDef, and this is his clear recollection.

3. Re the call of the SecDef with the President that occurred around 1000. Cambone had no knowledge about the contents of that call. He doubted they would have discussed the Force Protection condition of DOD forces at that time. Philip


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