Dm B7 Tenet Fdr- 2 Emails And 2 Withdrawal Notices- Re Tenet Statements Re Pdbs And Briefing Bush 403

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Dan Marcus From: I

9/11 closed fcy



Monday, June 14, 20044:06 PM


Dan Marcus

Subject: Re: reminder

right i remember—no one here recalls that the PDB briefer ever said one way or the other if he remember the DCI was there for the briefing or not--BUT John Moseman did confirm that THE DCI does specificially recall that he WAS present for the PDB briefing on August 17th. Dan Marcus wrote: I need to send you letter confirming what you've told me re Aug. 17. You were going to check with PDB briefer and get back to me.


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Dan Marcus From:

Dan Marcus


Friday, June 11, 2004 10:30 AM


19/11 Closed by Statute I


Front Office; Team 3


/9/11 Closed by S t a t u t e

Subject: further interview of Director Tenet (talked to John Moseman this morning about our need for a limited further interview of Director Tenet. John is not on e-mail (at least e-mail accessible by us!), so please forward/this to him; I believe it accurately memorializes our conversation. j As you know, we have not yet received written answers to questions posed by Commissioner Ben-Veniste to the DCI at our April hearing, although I understand from you and Dan Levin that we should get those by Monday. We believe we have received materials frorr) Tbr you in response to many if not all of the questions at out earlier staff interviews of the DCI as to which he orl "^undertook to furnish us answers or materials. We are in the process of completing an inventory of where we stand on those matters. John also told me that we may receiving soon the Agency's critique of our Staff Statement No. 12. Finally, as John and I discussed, Commissioners may want a final opportunity to discuss with the Director ideas for reform of the intelligence community and the role of the DCI. Accordingly, I would appreciate it if you and John could give us a list of dates on which the Director would be available for a final interview that I would estimate would last approximately two hours. John indicated that the most likely window for the Director is in the last week of this month. Of course, if we conclude, after receiving all the materials, that no interview is necessary, we will let you know promptly.


9/11 Personal


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The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: [George] Tenet Document Date: Document Type: List From: To: Subject'

Follow-up items to the January 22 and January 28, 2004 interview with DC I Tenet

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The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: Commission Meeting, 1/5/2004 Document Date: 12-23-2003 Document Type: Memo of Conversation From: To: Subject:

Interview with George Tenet

In the review of this file this item was removed because access to it is restricted. Restrictions on records in the National Archives are stated in general and specific record group restriction statements which are available for examination.

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