District Meeting June 21, 2009

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  • Pages: 4
1. District R-IV-A meeting started at 1401hr, at Indang Lodge 115, with 47 brethren present representing various lodges of the district. 2. The DDGM lead the opening prayer. 3. Before the roll call of the various lodges, VW Dominador V. R. Eugenio extended his heartfelt gratitude to the brethren for their support last May 16, 2009 District Turn-over Ceremony which was well attended not only by our brethren in the district but also brethren from other districts and the Grand Lodge Officers led by the Grand Master and Senior Grand Warden. 4. He also thanked the brethren for joining the Independence Day Parade together with the Senior Grand Warden as Guest of Honor representing the Grand Master. It was noted as one of the biggest delegation so far with more than 800 Brethren and it only showed that Cavite Masons were solid as ever. 5. Invitations were distributed to the brethren for the Lodge Dedication of Gov. Luis Olimpo Ferrer Sr. Memorial Lodge No, 366 on June 27, 2009 at 9:00am, Guest of Honor will be our GM, MW Peter Lim Lo Suy together with the Senior Grand Warden and other Grand Lodge Officers. Masonic Attire 6. Call of Roll - the District Secretary, VWB Gardy Roxas , called the roll of the 18 Lodges to determine if there’s a quorum. Out of 18 lodges, 17 lodges were represented and the Secretary informed and confirmed to the DDGM and the brethren, that there’s a quorum. 7. The District Secretary read the minutes of the special meeting held last May 30, 2009 which was approved subject to minor corrections. 8. The DDGM requested for the appointment of the following Brethren to compose the District Officers for Masonic Year 2009-2010 namely: 1st Vice – Chairman – VW Danilo Vilda DGL 2nd Vice – Chairman – VW Ed Diaz DGL Chaplain – VW Ed Lupisan PDDGM PRO – VW Natz Golla DGL - VW Leody Del Rosario DGL - VW Ed Amon DGL 9. Re-activation of the Council of Past District Deputy Grand Masters’ Council: The DDGM, VW Eugenio wanted to revive the Council to act as the Advisory Board of the District. He lamented, that if only the Council was active, Cavite would have not been divided for they will always whisper good counsel to the

Masters and the DDGM. In this regard, he will call for a meeting with all the PDDGMs. Date, time and venue to be announced. 10. The re-activation of the District Guild of Past Masters that shall play a vital and active role in the District Affairs and which will also serve as monitoring body of the District in the Lodges. The District shall inform VW Rey Rillo on this matter since he was the last known president of the Council. 11. The Treasurer’s financial report was approved as read moved by VW Ed Lupisan and duly seconded by WM Butch Arceo. The District Treasurer reminded the Lodges to settle their respective overdue accounts to the District broken down as follows: Discon Assessment (2007/2008/2009) : Php 3,000.00 per Lodge Membership Fee (2007/2008/2009) : Php 1,000.00 per Lodge June 12 Assessment (2008/2009) : Php 2,000.00 per Lodge 12. The DDGM announced that on succeeding District meetings, each Lodge will be allotted five (5) minutes to report on their projects, degree conferrals, problems or if the Lodge needs assistance. The aim of this exercise is to further strengthen the bonds of each Lodges in the District and for the District to be appraised of the status of each Lodges. 13. The GLIs will be required to report on their assigned lodges, their observations, corrections on the opening and closing, rituals and others. Also, they can recommend if the lodge needs support from other lodges. 14. The DGLs will likewise report their observations of their assigned lodges, assessment if the lectures are relevant, or do we need to invite other speakers to make the lectures more interesting and more informative. 15. Creation of the Ways and Means Committee: The DDGM appointed the following as members of the Ways and Means Committee that shall be responsible in raising funds for the District Programs particularly in sustaining the Lodge Recovery Program of the District: • VW Eduardo Diaz – Chairman • VWB Lito Sacdalan – Vice Chairman • WM Robert “Butch: Arceo (69) – member • WM Vic Ramos (352) – member • WM Ernesto Verroya (269) – member • WM Guillermo Nocon (350) – member • WM Danilo Angeles (49) – member • WM Laudemer Astudillo (115) – members

16. DISTRICT PROJECTS: • For the month of July 2009, IMES seminar will start. This is in accordance with the GLP guidelines thus WMs, SWs,JWs , GLIs and those interested brethren are strongly requested to undertake this seminar. Seminar will be divided in to 2 Batches/Classes and schedule shall be announced late. Assessment will be P 1,000.00 per participants/ per subject that covers venue, food, handouts and honoraria, subjects are as follows:  Jurisprudence  Symbolism  History  Lodge management  Rituals 29 – 30 August 2009, seminar workshop (team building) participants are the three lights namely, WMs, SWs , JWs, GLIs and DGLs . • Discuss and identify problems of the Lodges, find solutions for such and commitment to resolve the same . • Identify all resolution for submission to the Discon 2009 September will start the degree conferral competitions. Every Saturdays, VW Ed Lupisan, suggested that if it would on 2 lodge per Saturday, it would take forever, instead, he suggested that 6 lodges simultaneously perform the degrees in different venues with DGLs acting as Judges, which was well taken by the brethren. VW Dominador Eugenio, reminded the Past Masters that their role is train Conferral Team primarily composed of the incumbent officers. Also a comment from the past master, that there must be a separate competition for the past master which was noted. Acting Master WM Nacion, of Pintong Bato Lodge 51, lamented his problem with the competition since during meeting they could hardly make a quorum. Likewise the same problem was raised by the Master of EAML 31 Wm Cerilo Sernat. In order for these two lodges to participate, the body agreed that Pintong Bato 51 and EAML 31 will join together and will perform the first degree. 16. VW Ed Diaz, brought out the schedule of our District meeting that falls on a Sunday, Masonic landmarks informs us that Masons do not work on a Sunday and the only allowed labor is for Necrological Rites. In this regard, a motion was presented to the body to move the Sunday District meeting to every 4th Saturdays of each month at 9:00am, call time will be at 8:00am. A supplemental motion was made that absent officers, such as DGL’s, GLI’s, WM, SW and JW, a penalty shall be imposed of P 200.00 and P 100.00 for tardiness which was unanimously approved by the body. A Resolution shall

be submitted to the Grand Lodge of the change of date and time under Article 6 section 1 of the District By-Laws to be signed by all the incumbent Masters of MD R-IV-A and to be approved by the Grand Master. 17. The DDGM have requested that the Almoner’s collection in every District meetings shall be allocated to our needy brothers of the District instead of spending it for refreshments for the District meetings which was duly approved by the body. 18. WM Robert Arceo, Master of PLF 69 announced the search for Ten Outstanding Master Masons (TOMMA) Award in the District but a suggestion was made to change the acronym from TOMMA to ATOMM since tomma have a wrong connotation. Wm Arceo, agreed on the changes. Criteria for this award shall be duly disseminated to all Lodges. All PDDGMs will be screening and awards committee. 19. The DDGM led the closing prayer with peace and harmony prevailing amongst the brethren. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm Prepared by: VW Joselito Edgardo T. Roxas District Secretary, Region IV-A Approved by: VW Dominador VR Eugenio District Deputy Grand Master Masonic District Region IV-A

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