Digbeth Residents Meeting-june 2009

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Digbeth Residents Meeting 1st June 2009 Chairperson Adam Crossley Taking the minutes PC 21310 O’Connor Guest speakers: spoke about Highgate Park; the lottery bid that was put forward for Highgate Park came 3rd in the bidding procedure. A new plan has been agreed and work will commence the beginning of JUNE 2009 which will be a play area at the Alcester Street end of the PARK, building work will take 6 weeks and will be ready for the start of the school holidays. Section 66 funding £160,000 Big City Plan and section 106 for the rest of the funding. Plans of the park where left with the Chairperson for people to view. The statue of in the Highgate Park may be moved to the museum. Michelle Aucatt Irish Quarter Regeneration Worker spoke to the meeting about the Bradford Street Improvements, lighting, trees, and pavement in a be spoke brick Celtic design. Michelle asked if a letter could be written by the residents regarding the improvements to Clive Dutton, Phillip Singleton and Neville Summerfield. Designs left with Chairperson. Mr O’Loughlin a Deputy Chair of Governor at ST Anne’s School stated that the school is to have trees and plant round the school to help with the environment. Also the school play areas are to be resurfaced. PC Wayne Ebanks been coaching an under 12 who play there home games in Edgbaston, Two parents are to take over the under 12 and PC Ebanks will coach an under 14 team. A football pitch would be ideal in the Highgate area and a location is being sort. Kent Davies from the Rainbow Public house, the venue has been told that a roof is required over the court yard at a cost of £20,000. A noise survey was carried out in the Digbeth area a copy of the findings is with the chairperson. Crime figures were read out for the area 79 recorded crimes.

The Next Meeting 6th July 2009 At 7pm The Paragon Hotel Digbeth.

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