Discourses 551 To 600

  • November 2019
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Discourses 551 – 600 551. Every spiritual preacher should keep Jesus as the guide. Every spiritual preacher should keep Jesus as the guide. People should follow the preacher but should not be the reverse. In this Kali Yuga the system is reversed. The husband follows wife. The father follows the son. The teacher follows the students. The preacher follows the devotees. The aim of the teacher in the present colleges is to please his students so that his job will be safe with better salary. The teacher is evaluated with the extent of happiness of the students. The teacher is not bothered about inducing the knowledge in to students. You must evaluate a teacher by the performance of the students in the final examinations. Similarly the spiritual preacher should be evaluated by the extent of devotion and sacrifice for the sake of God that is developed in the devotees which alone is going to give the divine fruit. The teacher should be congratulated even if one student passes in the class but that one student gets gold medal from the University. In the present system of spiritual preachers all the students are temporarily happy through out the academic year but all are failing in the final examinations. The preacher is giving mental and physical health so that one can enjoy the world with full vigor. Gita condemns such life of enjoyment of worldly pleasures which are temporary and have to be left in the death. Even the heaven is temporary (Kamatmanah…., Kshene Punye ….Gita). Such people are atheists and were called as the followers of Purvamimamsa. All the Vedas and rituals are meant only for the temporary heavenly pleasures in this line. Shankara condemned this line by defeating Mandana. He diverted the same line towards the achievement of the grace of God. Similarly the present spiritual preachers should continue their work shops but should extend the same towards devotion to attain the grace of God. The stress relief in the present workshop is only a sedative tablet to sleep and forget the problems. But the devotion to God will solve the problems forever. The former is preliminary anesthesia (sedative) to be given in the beginning and the latter is the actual surgery done to remove the problem of illness permanently. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 552. How do you know that there is a God? The straight answer for that, no need of quoting scriptures etc, because he will say that it is some theoretical imagination. The only proof for God is the human incarnation coming into the world, and straightly performing the unimingable miracle and by that He proves the existence of the unimaginable God and also He preaches about the unimaginable God. You are unable to know the unimaginable miracle and He is performing. Neither you analyze nor you perform the miracle. Thus human incarnation is the authority. Jesus told I came to fulfill the statements. The scriptures are fulfilled by the arrival of the human incarnation. Jesus arose a person who died three days back, no body can do it, that is not possible for an ordinary man. The same Jesus told there is God.

You could not analyze this miracle and you could not under stand the miracle, and hence the performer of the miracle is the sole authority in this field. Either you should also perform the miracle and say God does not exist. But you should do it in genuine way. Some body acts as if he is dead and ask him to rise; not like that not magic. If you can also do and say God doesn’t exits. Then we will agree and we will say that all these scriptures are just bogus. That is why these scientists and atheist fight with miracles. They are only catching their throat. They are always enemies to the miracles. That is the only hard nut for them, if they cross that hard nut then they have won. Scriptures alone cannot stand, unless something is demonstrated it is not proved. That is I why Jesus told I came to fulfill the statement of scripture. I demonstrate or perform the theoretical knowledge preached in the scriptures. Only human incarnation’s miracle is the only answer for these atheist and scientists. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 553. Recently a person asked me; If god is unimaginable, then why do we imagine him to be unimaginable? I gave the following answer; In such case, you cannot use the word “Unimaginable” at all! Then, why that word is created? What is the meaning of that word? If you choose that way, silence only indicates God and some have followed this way also. Suppose you say, “I cannot utter that”. Does this mean that you have uttered that? Therefore, it is one and the same to indicate God through silence or through the word unimaginable. If a word is not assigned, mention of God becomes impossible in the spiritual knowledge. Veda uses the word “Unimaginable” for God (Atarkyah…Aprameyah…). At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 554. How a discussion should be? If one criticize with some substantial point then one can answer. Without any substantial point if somebody criticize then leave it. Several people criticized Jesus in His life time, even the priests criticized Him. But they did not come with substantial points. So if there is substantial point in the criticism then it is welcomed. Then we must attend to it and we must supply the answer and must enter into the discussion. You may be right or I may be wrong. Why should I say that I am right and you are wrong? Let us discuss, and if you are right then I will accept your point. If I am right then you accept mine. Both of us are only co-operating with each other, the common aim is to find out the Truth. Not the question of you are right or I am right. Only important thing is: what is right. The quarrel comes when you tell that are you right or am I right. When the truth is super imposed on the person, the quarrel never ends. If in the discussion if one feels that he is going to be wrong and other person is going to be right, then he will never end the discussion. You may think, Oh I am going to be wrong and my opponent is going to be right, then such

attitude comes then there is no end of the discussion. Truth is neither related to you or related to me. I have told something, you have told something. Either your point must be correct or my point must be correct. Suppose there is no possibility of a third point. What ever point seem to be right in the discussion, we both will accept. It is not the question of your point or my point. It is not a house restored by me or it is not the house restored by you. We are putting the mutual effort to find out the truth. A single brain sometimes gets mis lead. When you discuss with somebody then some new angles are opened. Sometimes the new point from the other person may open our mind and we may find that our point is wrong and his point may be right. Then without any prejudice we will accept the truth. Because our intension is not to prove ourself as right or the other person as wrong. Our intention should be only to find out the truth through shrewd analysis, with the help of somebody. We also should have this attitude. Then only the discussion will proceed in the right path. When ever a minister takes his post, he performs an oath. We must take this as the oath, for discussion. Somebody is critising without any substantial argument, then it means he is having jealousy against us. Due to jealousy he is critising. If he is telling that you are wrong etc, in this no relevant point has come other than words used to show the jealousy! Only his jealousy is expressed. So what one can answer to such person? His intention is not to find out the truth. His intention is only to discourage you and to scold you. When Jesus was in the court those priest were just blaming Him. They were not coming out with real points with scriptures. Such and such points are in the scriptures, why you are modifying it. Let us discuss. Like that those priests were not coming. They simply critisized Jesus, you are revolting against scriptures; you are revolting against Rome empire. Their attitude was only to kill Jesus. Not to discuss the knowledge with Jesus, that is why Jesus kept silent. He never answered to the Governor also who asked why are you keeping silent, why don’t you reply? He kept silent, because there is no substantial point on the other side. Their aim was only to kill Him. Not to discuss the knowledge and know the truth. That is why He kept silent. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 555. ‘God cannot help the undeserving,’ but parents help even their unworthy children?-----Undeserving does not mean a child. Child is a child and is totally innocent. But the fellow is very wise in the world. He has developed intelligence. He is acting very well in the worldly affairs. But only for God affair he is not responding properly. How can you compare that fellow to a child? He must be a child totally. Suppose he is innocent even in the world, then we can say he is a child. But he is very wise in the world, but when topic of God comes he say he is innocent! He is not a child! So, he is undeserving. You are not asking why the just born baby is not praying God. A grown up person is well advanced, quite intellectual. When he is not worried about God, we say that he is undeserving. He

cannot say that I am innocent about God treat me as a child. Then he should be child for worldly affairs also! At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 556. What is renunciation? How it is related to serving Lord in Human form? If you are attached to something, then leaving the worldly attachment is a spontaneous consequence. Suppose you are immersed in the discussion of some subjects, very deeply, can any other matter enter your brain? Even if somebody is calling you for food, then also you will say ‘No No, I will take latter on’. Is it not the detachment from the world? So when you are attached to God, human form of God is only just for the sake of address. A medium through which you can see God, you can talk with God, it is only a convenient expression of God, that is all. There only God is your goal. When you are attached so much to God then automatically your worldly attachment gets detached. That is the renunciation. You need not try for renunciation. Then that is not a real renunciation. When it comes spontaneously then it is renunciation. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 557. Essence Of Jesus Preaching --- Real Saving Merely by accepting the human incarnation (Jesus) as Saviour cannot save you. It is told in the Bible that He came to save His people. Who are His people? They are His beloved devotees. They follow His instructions. Jesus did not give attention even to see His mother, when He was with His disciples. When a woman shouted that the Mother of Jesus was blessed, Jesus did not agree and told that blessed are those who followed His instructions. He says that one should leave parents, wife or husband, children and must be prepared even to carry on his own cross for the sake of Jesus. This means that one should be prepared to sacrifice even his life. Therefore, it is a narrow path with thorns. Even to hear this statement your mind is turmoiled with chaotic disturbance. That is the reason why He says that He has not come to give peace to you and that He is holding the sword of knowledge in His hand. Therefore, you can be saved only when you reach that state. If you say to the Judge that you accept him as your saviour, will he save you and cancel his judgement? If you say to the jailor that you will accept him as your saviour, will he relieve you from the jail? Therefore, He saves only His dearest devotees. He underwent the suffering of His people only on the Cross. He did not suffer for the sake of all the people and released all the people from their sins. If such thing is done the justice is destroyed. The administration becomes meaningless. When a devotee leaves everybody and everything for the sake of such human incarnation and participates in His service, such people are called as His people. Such devotees will never agree for the crucification of the Lord for their sake. Therefore, real saving is only at that stage. Whether, it is Christianity or Hinduism the beginner cannot come forward if the final stage is shown. In Hinduism the saints and in Christianity, the Popes, fathers, brother and

sisters who are dedicated to the Mission have left everything and everybody for the sake of God. Actually such Holy saints only can be saved since they stand according to His standards prescribed. But if this fact is revealed no common man will come forward. It is the tradition of the divine preacher to show the final result even in the first step. We say to the schoolboy that if he goes to the school regularly and studies sincerely, he will become the professor. It is only encouragement. Does that mean that the boy will be appointed as professor as soon as he finishes the schooling? He gets encouraged and studies well in the school. Then he will go to college and university and study further and then he will join as a lecturer, become reader and then finally become the professor. Therefore, to attract the beginners such encouraging statements are made, which need not be condemned as lies. When a lie does well, such a lie cannot be the sin. Even if it is truth, if it harms it is a sin. We tell so many lies to our children to encourage them and our aim is only their welfare and not cheating them. Therefore, such statements should be accepted with reference to the level of the devotees. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 558. Islam; Great Religion Of Practical Sacrifice O Learned And Devoted Servants of God, [Mohurram – 2004] Islam is the greatest religion in this world and I am not making this statement without reason. The reason is that Islam is the only religion, which deals with practical spiritual efforts without any trace of theoretical gossip. This religion shows excellent tolerance to the other religions. Islam says that you should protect the nonbelievers of Islam also if they pray for protection from you. After protecting them you can give the message of Allah and send them to a protected place. After protection, the protected person will show great interest to hear the message. This is the message of Islam and all other religions should appreciate this. This proves the broad mindedness of this greatest religion. Islam says “Allahussamad”. It means that everything and everybody depends on Allah and Allah does not depend on any thing or any body. The same statement is found in Holy Veda (Hinduism) “Yato Jaataani Jeevanti, Ekena Vijnatena” which means that this entire world depends on Brahman alone. Brahman in Hinduism, Allah in Islam and Jehovah in Christianity mean the same all pervading formless Lord. The Gita (Hinduism) also says the same “Mayi Sarvamidam Protam”, which means that the entire world depends on the Brahman. Sacrifice of Wealth Holy Islam speaks about the sacrifice of fruit of work (money) through the word ‘Jakaat’. This word says that every rich man is expected to practice sacrifice within the limit of his wealth. Islam says that people love money (Khudaan) too much—Al Fajr, 20. Islam says that by the sacrifice of money, your wealth will not decrease and infact your wealth will increase by sacrifice. Islam also mentions that by the sacrifice of money your wealth

becomes most pure. It says that by the sacrifice of money, you have followed the instruction of Allah and Allah will be immensely pleased with you. The Holy Bible also says the same “Where your money lies, there your heart lies”. The Veda also says that the sacrifice of money will please the Lord (Dhanena Tyage Naike). The Gita also emphasizes throughout the scripture that one can please the Lord only by the sacrifice of the fruit of the work (money). The Gita says “Karmajam Buddhi Yuktahi Phalam Tyaktva” which means that realized scholars sacrifice the fruit of their work (money). Islam says that one should keep the wealth required for the maintenance of oneself and one’s family. This is also told in the Veda that one should keep the minimum required wealth for one’s family expenses and the rest should be sacrificed for the work of the Lord which instead of being stored (Tyaktena Bhunjeedhah). Islam says that the love for Allah should be greater than the love for money. Islam says that ‘Inkhiad’ which means that accepting the message of Allah by mouth is not final. But ‘Kabul’ which means knowing the message of Allah and practicing it is essential. According to Islam, Allah says that if the message is not practiced, there is no use. Exactly this wonderful concept is emphasized in the Veda and the Gita. The Veda says that words and feelings do not touch the Lord. Only sacrifice of wealth can prove the real love for the Lord (Yato Vacho Nivartante Apraapya Manasa saha, Dhanena Tyagena). The Gita also says that real sacrifice of the fruit of work is greater than knowledge and devotion (Dhyanaat Karma Phala Tyagagah). In the Bible also, Jesus asks a rich man to sacrifice wealth. But the rich man fails to do it. Then Jesus says “A camel may pass through the eye of a needle but a rich man can never reach God”. Islam wants people to not over-enjoy wealth. It is also told in the Gita (Bhogaishwarya Prasaktanaam). Overenjoyment (Bhoga) brings diseases (Roga). Islam accepts the existence of the soul and says that it cannot be seen by the naked eyes. The Gita also says exactly the same (Vimudaah Nanupasyanti). Islam and Christianity say that there will be a final enquiry and the non-believers will be thrown into hell, which is the ever-lasting fire according to Christianity. The Gita also says the same (Kshipaamyaasura Yonishu). According to Islam and Christianity there is no rebirth for the soul. Hinduism accepts the rebirth but if the inner essence of Hinduism is understood, it does not contradict the other two religions. According to Hinduism there is no human rebirth for the soul (Jantunaam Nara Janma Durlabhamidam – Shankara). The essence of all the three religions in this point is like this: The human rebirth is impossible according to Hinduism. Therefore rebirth in the other two religions means human rebirth alone i.e.; there is no human rebirth for any soul. The hell and everlasting fire is nothing but the rebirth as animals or worms in the sewage. Once one enters the cycle of such births, the soul will not return back to the human birth. Islam says that sin was also created by Allah and says that Allah knows the logic behind it. The Veda also says the exact same point “Sa Idam Sarvamasrujata”. What is the logic in the creation of the sin by the Lord? If only good exists and the fruit of good works i.e., happiness only exists, then living beings will do only good works they will have to continuously enjoy happiness which is definitely boring. One cannot eat the sweets continuously. A break is necessary and some hot dish must be tasted in between the continuous eating of sweets. The Gita also says that both summer and winter are essential

for real enjoyment (Sitoshna Sukha Duhkhadah). This logic proves that the Lord was very kind to His children in creating the sin. Practical Spirituality Hindus mainly concentrate on prayers, which is the sacrifice of words. Christians mainly concentrate on love and kindness, which is the sacrifice of mind. But Muslims are concentrating on the practical sacrifice, which is spirituality in action. Muslims do not believe in showing love through words and feelings. Their tradition is to show love in practice, through actions. A Muslim prays to the Lord everyday for certain number of times. Whether it is a holiday or not, whether the time of prayer is convenient or not, a Muslim does his prayers even if he is traveling. Hindus pray only in their leisure time everyday. Christians pray throughout the day on Sunday, which is a holiday. But look at the Muslim! Irrespective of the day and time, he prays to the Lord. This firm faith, regularity and discipline of a Muslim pleases the Lord to a great extent. The entire world must learn this aspect from the great Islam. I am neither a Hindu, nor a Muslim, nor a Christian. I am a man belonging to the entire universe. For me all the religions are one and the same. All the Hindus, Muslims, Christians and people following other religions are my brothers. I love all the religions. One must help any person in this world irrespective of his religion and the great Islam has emphasized this aspect. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 559. Removal of Religious Conservatism Today, Shri Guru Datta is giving the right knowledge to remove the religious conservatism. I am giving the right knowledge taking the Hindu terrorist as an example. But, the question put by Me applies to all the religious fanatics who become terrorists. If I take the terrorists of other religions, they may misunderstand Me, thinking that I am criticizing their religion. Since I am born in this Hindu religion, the fellow Hindus consider Me as a Hindu. So, Hindus consider Me as their man and will also not misunderstand Me. Really, I do not belong to any religion. I belong to all religions equally. Now, the real knowledge is explained here. I am in the role of a foreigner talking with a Hindu terrorist. Hindu terrorist: You will get salvation only if you worship God Narayana. No other God can give salvation. Oh foreigner! Leave your religion and accept my religion. You will get salvation; otherwise you will go to hell. Foreigner (Myself): I will certainly convert myself and become Hindu. I will definitely worship God Narayana and get salvation. But, [I have got] one question. About 1000 years back, our country came to know about India. Before that, our forefathers did not know about the existence of India, not to speak of God Narayana. Therefore, my forefathers could not worship God Narayana. It was not their fault in not knowing God Narayana. Had they known God Narayana, at least some of them would have worshipped Him and got salvation. But, for no fault of them, they had gone to hell. At that time, God

Narayana was introduced to all over India. So God Narayana was partial to India and He is prejudiced. Therefore, you charge your own God Narayana to prejudice? You are poking your eye with your own finger. Hindu Terrorist: This defect applies to your religion also. Your religious fanatics also say that those who did not worship your religious God will go to hell. This blame is common in all the religions. Foreigner (Myself): Because this defect is present in all religions, this defect cannot become merit. A defect is always a defect, whether it is present in one person or in several persons. If this defect is not cleared, Gods of all religions are blamed and so God in general is blamed. Showing the defect in all is not the solution. We have to prove that God in general is always impartial. That means God of any religion should be impartial. Hindu terrorist: When there is no solution, you have to neglect this aspect. Foreigner (Myself): But there is a solution. In all the religions, the same God is worshipped in different forms. So, God in general i.e., God in every religion, is impartial. Since the same God expressed Himself in different parts of the world at the very beginning of this creation itself and gave the same message in different languages, all the people got the equal opportunity from the beginning of this creation. At no time, no part of the world was favored particularly. Hence, Gods of all our religions i.e. God in general, becomes impartial. Except this solution, there is no other solution to solve this problem. Hence, this solution must be accepted. In such a case, there is no need of conversion from one religion to another religion. Since, the same syllabus of a particular class is present in all the languages; there is no use of changing the language. Even if the student changes the language, he will be in the same class. All classes are present in all the languages. So, you need not change the language at any stage. You have to go from a lower class to the higher class in the same language. Similarly, every religion contains the lower, higher and highest levels of spiritualism. You can achieve the goal by rising vertically to the higher level in your own religion. What is the use of traveling horizontally by leaving your own religion and accepting another religion? By doing so, you are at the same distance from the goal. I have given the Hindu terrorist as an example here. Please do not forget that the same analysis applies to the terrorists (religious fanatics) of all the other religions also. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 560. Meditation Some people say that meditation is sitting with perfect silence without any process of thought. Such a contention is meaningless because it virtually amounts to a nice sleep only. These people further misinterpret that such a meditation is concentration on formless God (Nirakara). Gita says that one cannot concentrate on formless God (Avyakthahi Gatih). The meditation of formless God becomes true if one concentrate on

the true knowledge of God. Veda says that true knowledge is the real form of the Lord (Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma). Knowledge is formless. Therefore the formless God means only the true divine knowledge about the Lord. This is the correct interpretation of Sankaras philosophy. The great ancient Vedic sages sat in the formless meditation and this statement means that they concentrated on the divine knowledge (Brahma Jnana), which was expressed as Upanishaths in their mutual discussions (Satsanga). The actual meaning of the word Dhyanam is the process of functioning of intelligence (Dhee or Buddhi) and this pertains to the field of knowledge (Vijnanamaykosa). Some people interpret that meditation means concentration on the form of the Lord like the light blue colour, peacock feather on the head, flute in the hand etc., Instead of concentrating mentally upon such objects, one can see these things in a photo or see the objects directly kept on a table. If these things constitute the divinity there is no need of concentrating on these things. One can attain the divinity by applying light blue colour on his own body, by putting a peacock feather on the head and by catching a flute by hand. Such a divinity can be attained without any meditation. So meditation becomes meaningless in such a line. This is the reason why Sankara discarded the meditation of a form (Saguna Brahman). Of course attraction by such things towards the Lord will help a person to develop the attachment on the Lord. One may be attracted to Lord Krishna by such things and then finally get attracted towards His divine knowledge as preached in Bhagavatgita. Such things may be initial promoters but the final is only the divine knowledge, which will help any one in his effort (Sadhana) to please the Lord. The divine knowledge resulting in the realization will impart a tension free peace and tranquility to the mind. By such state one will attain perfect health of body and mind and thus the benefit is directly seen here itself. Ex:- If one realizes that this gross body of the soul is only the external dramatic dress as said in Gita (Vaasamsi Jeernani), he will immediately realize that these family bonds are only the bonds in the drama. The soul forgets the bonds of the previous birth as an actor forgets the bonds of previous drama. If these bonds are real the soul should have remembered its relatives of the previous birth. Such a divine knowledge on memorization enters the nerves of a person and he will not have any tension about his family members. He does his duties without any trace of tension. This is the salvation while alive (Jeevanmukthi). Thus meditation means continuous remembering of the divine knowledge which yields the direct fruit here itself. Such a person gets a fruit in the upper world also. The only one Lord is the authority here and there also. Anybody blessed here will be blessed there also. If one is not blessed here he is not blessed in the upper world also. The grace of the Lord or the anger of the Lord is uniform here and there. One who is not blessed here cannot be blessed there. Thus the true knowledge blesses any person here and there. Meditation is continuous thinking of such knowledge and other interpretations are either useless or of little use. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami

561. Avoid Emotions Please avoid emotions, which deactivate the brain and suppress the logical analysis. Emotion or anger is inversely proportional to knowledge. Let us discuss at length and indepth with love and patience and with full harmony to each other avoiding the personal criticism. Let us concentrate all our attention on the critical subject only. I will come to your path if you convince me and the vice-versa is left to your will and pleasure. Every point is a common point and belongs to both of us and we are trying to search the truth by sincere discussions so that both of us shall be benefited by the established truth at the end. One of us will correct his point and such correction is not personal correction. It is only correction of our common point. I am not wrong if my point is wrong. Similar is the case with you. I am not identified with any point, nor yourself. Both of us are analysing a substance because you say that it is chloride and I say that it is bromide. On analysis we shall find the truth and the true knowledge of the substance belongs to both of us. Neither you are chloride nor I am the bromide. If it is proved as chloride I am not disproved. Only my point is disproved. One should not identify himself with any point in knowledge and should not feel himself rejected when his point is rejected. In such a state only the spiritual discussions can proceed to any length of time and to any extent of depth till we find the truth. If any one identifies with a point, he will never change since he feels that he himself has to change. He is not changing since he is changing a common point and attaining a true point. He changes his bad shirt and is wearing a good shirt. He is not any shirt. If this concept is realised the discussion can become meaningful. Otherwise the debate is a waste. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 562. Essence Of Jesus Preaching --- Kingdom Of Lord & Satan To recognize God, then to recognize God as the King of this creation and then recognizing His ultimate underlying hidden administration in the entire creation is the essence of spiritual knowledge. We recognize the Government and its administration in this world. It is clear because it is visible to the eyes. But God and His administration are invisible. Invisible does not mean non-existent. This world is filled with cosmic energy, which is invisible. That does not mean cosmic energy does not exist. You can experience the administration of God in every corner of your life. His administration is applied to both living and non-living beings of the creation. The non-living Sun, wind etc., move constantly following the rules of God only. That invisible God comes as visible human incarnation and proves all this. When Jesus ordered the storm in the sea subsided. The plants, birds and animals and all the human beings are under His control only. When Jesus told a tree to die, the tree died. Jesus was controlling the sheep and thus He controls animals and birds.

The human beings are atheists, normal human devotees and real devotees. He also controls the atheists. The disciple of Jesus cut the ear of a soldier who came to arrest. But Jesus attached the ear in the proper place. Thus His enemies are also under His control. The second type, normal devotees worship God for solving their worldly problems. They were also controlled by Him, when He cured their diseases etc., He saved the highest real devotees by suffering on the Cross. Thus, He proved Himself to be the controller of all the non-living and living beings. This means that He is controller of the entire creation. To recognize such controlling administration in the entire world is recognition of His kingdom. People thought that His kingdom is somewhere in the heaven, which is above the sky. Jesus said that His kingdom is coming to the earth. It means that the human beings on the earth have started recognizing His kingdom on the earth, which is already existing. There is no place, which is not in His kingdom. There is no king except the human incarnation like Jesus. He is the king of kings. Even the Satan is also an employee in His kingdom. This creation is created by Him for His entertainment. In a cinema, not only the hero is remunerated but also the villain. Satan is used to test the devotees through his attractions. Thus Satan is required in the spiritual effort of the human being. In answering a multiple-choice question, there are three wrong answers along with one correct answer. The three wrong answers represent Satan, which appear more correct and attract the mind. The power of discrimination of the student becomes more significant in presence of such wrong answers only. What is the significance of the happiness without misery? Nothing and none can oppose the Lord. Satan is required for His divine game. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 563. A person is suffering because of his sin only Jesus never do any injustice to any body. A person is suffering because of his sin only. That person is in that state because of him only. God can never be criticized. God gives preaching for the upliftment of the souls. And He has given complete independence to all the souls alike. Thus under the free atmosphere, the souls began to do all sorts of activities Good and bad. Now the kind God has arranged the fruits (results) of the actions of a soul, such that the soul will not get boring. He arranged the good fruits and bad fruits intermittently so that after a good thing, bad result is give between two good results. A particular soul has under gone million of birth to reach this state. The human life is very, very rare. If one indulges in eating, sleeping, gossiping and having only sex without the thought or concern of God then, such people will not be given rebirth again, because they wanted to have only eating, sleeping, gossiping and having only sex, which they can enjoy in plenty in animal forms without the botheration of God, so the kind God sends them into animal body for which they are longing so much! Now those who do social service to other human being will get temporary heavy, once the fruits of their good acts are exhausted then they are thrown back in to this earth again. But if one LOVE GOD AND SERVE GOD WITHOUT ANY EXPECATION AND serve IN HIS MISSION WHEN HE COMES IN HUMAN FORM FOR THE PROPAGATION

OF DIVINE KNOWLEDGE ON THIS EARTH, such people will become dear and near to God, and they will go along with Lord to His abode which is permanent. God is loving every soul and is helping every soul in this world. He never hates any soul. The punishment in the hell is also to reduce madness of materialism of the soul. Suppose, one son becomes mad, the father will take him to the doctor and admits him in the mental hospital where shock treatments are given. Can you say that the father is angry with the son? Similarly, the hell is for the last sort of trial to transform the soul. The madness is never cured and the son has to be retained in the hospital only forever. Same is the concept of the permanent hell. These souls cannot be brought into this world because they will bring Chaos in this world, just like the mad son cannot be brought out of the hospital into the society. Some souls are born as birds, animals etc. Here also, only the love of God reflects. As a human being the soul was always interested in eating, drinking and sex only. The soul never turned to God. In such case there is no use of the intelligence of the human category, which is meant for analysis of truth. Therefore, the soul is placed in the cycle of animals, which are also happy like the human beings in eating, drinking and sex only. The human being may think that he may loose his beautiful wife and may have to live with a she-buffalo if he is born as he-buffalo. But the point is that when the soul is born as he-buffalo, the she-buffalo is as beautiful as the present ‘Miss world’! The grass will be as tasty as the sweet dish in the meals today. The soul cannot estimate the happiness of the animal while remaining in the human body. The same happiness is received by the souls in all types of bodies from eating, drinking and sex. What ever he desired, that is given to him by God without any disturbance. In the human life the spiritual knowledge is often disturbing him in achieving the continuous happiness from eating, drinking and sex. Therefore, God favored the soul by such animal-birth and this is not punishing the soul. This means God is helping even His enemies. A father will never harm his issue even if it opposes him. He wants always the happiness of the child continuously. The devoted souls want to be with God and derive the divine bliss constantly. God provides opportunity for such devotees also to make them happy constantly by guiding them in achieving the real and highest devotion to Him. Therefore, you can see the same love of God on a devoted soul staying in His abode as an angel and also on a he-buffalo enjoying with the shebuffalo in a mud pond. Both are continuously happy in their own fields! At last God provided what ever the child desired. Of course He tried to convert the soul in the hebuffalo into an angel. When He failed in all His efforts, He has sanctioned the firm desire of the soul. Therefore, God helped all the souls, whether those loved Him or not. The Lord is the writer of the constitution and He knows whom to punish. Some times you see punishment of innocent person. You think that the injustice is ruling. In the kingdom of God only the justice is the ruler by the grace of God. When the innocent is punished, the punishment was of some bad deed done by him previously and the date of the punishment coincided with the present incident accidentally.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 564. Solve contradictions or continue religious wars When there is a contradiction between different scriptures, you neither solve it nor allow Me to solve it. Hinduism says that the soul has rebirth. Christianity says that the soul has no rebirth and that it goes to God or hell permanently. You want to keep this contradiction alive and fight with Hinduism. I want to end the fight since I wish that both Christians and Hindus must love each other like brothers, since both are children of the same God. Here My solution is: The soul has only one chance or spiritual opportunity and if the soul slips from that, the soul will not get such rebirth again (in which he has the same spiritual opportunity as in this birth). In this angle, the soul has no rebirth. The soul may be born as animal or as a human being having the nature of the animal. An animal or an animallike human being is one and the same in the sense that both do not realize their mistakes even during the punishment. Therefore, the sin is committed again. Your objection is ruled out because both humans and animals alike have the animal nature of not realizing their mistakes. I am not denying the external hell with liquid fire. But there is also a small reflection of hell on this earth to indicate the existence of hell. Thus, the births of animals, worms etc., can be treated as punishments and such births can be taken as minor reflections of hell. Hinduism says that such births constitute the hell on earth, which is apart from the external hell. Therefore, even if I say that sinners are born as worms or even worm-like human beings, it can be taken as a part of the permanent hell. For you, the Bible is the only scripture. For Me, the scriptures of all the religions stand as reference books. You have no responsibility of removing the contradictions. But, I have that responsibility. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 565. How can animal births be treated as hell? [Q; In your attempt to reconcile reincarnation vs. permanent heaven/hell, You say that repeated animal births are also a permanent hell. The Bible clearly says that in hell, the souls retain the ability to feel pain and reason (thinking). Animals do not think and do not remember their past births. If you say they are being punished, they do not even know why they are being punished. They will not learn anything from the punishment and will continue with their sinful ways if they get human birth. Also animals cannot be said to be suffering because they do not even know any better life. How can this be the hell described in the Bible?] Ans: Sinners are like animals. You can see that a thief continues with his quality in spite of intensive third degree treatment (severe beating and torture) in the police station. According to your version, he should realize his mistake because he is a human being and not an animal. How do you know that an animal does not realize its mistakes? Just because it keeps silent? You always depend on one scripture and your argument is always

unidirectional. If you read life history of Shirdi Sai Baba, there is an interesting story. One day He found a snake swallowing a frog. Sai told His devotees that both the snake and frog were human beings in the previous birth and that they stabbed each other for the sake of property. Then Sai scolded the snake and frog “Are you not ashamed of your behaviour which continues from the previous birth”? The snake left the frog and went away. The animals realized on the warning from the Lord. Sometimes, you find two human beings fighting with each other. They do not separate inspite of your repeated warnings. If you simply depend only on the Bible or the Gita, there is no use of any discussions with you. You must be a sea-frog and not a well-frog as said by Swami Vivekananda. [You must have an open mind free of conservatism]. You must examine all the scriptures impartially and only, then can you arrive at true knowledge. I see yourself as a pure colorless crystal with a pure innocent heart like a child, which imbibes the color of any substance near you. You say that logic should be avoided. This means that you must follow whatever somebody says to you without analyzing it. Now I will also say something. Just follow it without analysis. You always analyze My statements because I said that you should analyze every statement. But I mean that you should analyze every statement of every person. Someone says that you should follow his statement without analysis. You simply accept that without analysis. What I mean is that you should analyze both of us and arrive at the truth. If you are against logical analysis, why are you analyzing My statements only? You must follow My statements blindly too. Is it said anywhere that the statement of an Indian guy should be analyzed and your version of ‘beyond logic’ does not apply to Indian guys? At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 566. Is there rebirth for the soul or not? [Q: You say it is necessary for God to incarnate again and again since Christianity and Islam do not accept re-incarnation for the soul. But later you explain your theories assuming reincarnation of the soul. So what is your actual stand; do you accept reincarnation of the soul or not? If you do, then how can you reconcile with Christianity and Islam which absolutely do not accept it?] Ans.) The liberated soul will never have re-birth in this routine cycle. But, the soul will be born as a human being to associate with and serve God, whenever God comes down in human form. Regarding the ordinary soul also, it will not get a rebirth having the same spiritual chance. Therefore, one should try to please God in this human birth itself without postponement. Thus, there is no rebirth from this angle. But, the soul can be born as an animal or animal-like human being and thus rebirth exists. Like this the contradiction can be removed. If you pass a hard and fast rule that the soul has no rebirth at all, do you mean that the Omnipotent God is also bound by your rule? The Lord can sanction human rebirth to a soul with the equal spiritual chance also, provided He feels that the soul can uplift itself if a chance is given. Of course, such a chance is very rare and one should not depend on it.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 567. Avoid impulsive decisions One emotional innocent person went to a shop and purchased an ornament due to a lot of attraction towards it. He went to another shop and found another ornament and wanted to purchase it by throwing the first ornament in the first shop. Again he goes to the third shop and sees another ornament there. He wants to purchase it by throwing the second ornament in the second shop. It would be better if he did not purchase any ornament from any shop. He should visit all the three shops and see all the three ornaments. Then he should purchase the ornament best liked by him from only one of those three shops. All the three ornaments are made of the same gold and differ only in form and shape. The same person saw a girl and married her immediately. He presented a golden chain to her, which is the symbol of his practical sacrifice and a symbol of true love. He suddenly saw another girl and wanted to marry her by leaving the first girl. What is the guarantee that he will not leave the second girl also when he sees the third girl? It will be better if he sees all the girls one by one, analyses all their merits and demerits and finally marries only one selected girl. Jesus preached concepts by such parables. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 568. Holy Spirit Holy Spirit means Pure Awareness or Sattvam (Sattvaat Samjayate Jnanam—Gita). The word spirit stands for the soul, which is made of pure awareness. The Gita says that this pure awareness generates divine knowledge. As long as Jesus remained in this world, He Himself can be the effective preacher of the divine knowledge. As long as He was present here, no disciple could effectively preach divine knowledge. When Jesus left this world, then only could the disciples effectively preach the divine knowledge to propagate it. This is the inner meaning of that scripture. The divine knowledge was given to the world through Jesus and such divine knowledge existed in His conversations with two or three spiritual devotees (Satsanga). For discussions, neither large numbers nor a single person is convenient. A qualitative seminar contains only a few selected gems. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 569. Contradiction about rebirth Hinduism preaches rebirth. Christianity says that there is no rebirth. One has to solve this contradiction. I am giving a solution. You are welcome to give a better solution, if any. You neither give a better solution nor accept My solution. You want the contradiction to be alive like a burning fire and you want to make this world into a hell with these religious fights. You do not care about other religions. You are rigid about your own misinterpretation of your scripture. You say that your scripture in the light of your own misinterpretation alone is correct. This indirectly means that the other religion is wrong.

After sometime you will come out directly saying that the other religion is wrong. The people of other religions do the same thing. This creates hatred among the people. Love vanishes. Fights and wars result. You are responsible for all this chaos. The solution I give here is that there is no rebirth as far as the spiritual chance is concerned; the real human birth is lost. Even if you get human rebirths, you will only be immersed in worldly bonds. When the concept of God and divine knowledge is lost, such human births are as good as animals (Pashuvat Naraanam). Thus, both religions are synchronized. Moreover, God can give human rebirths to deserving souls and He is not bound by any rule. However, I only criticize Hindus and appreciate Christians in this point. Hindus are postponing their spiritual efforts thinking that there are several human rebirths. In Hinduism also it is said that human rebirth is very rare (Nara Janma Durlabham—Shankara). I remove the contradiction and appreciate the merit, wherever it lies. You said that animals cannot remember their previous births. But even human beings do not remember their previous births and therefore they are no better than animals in this aspect. The human being who has the spiritual chance alone uses his discrimination power (Buddhi) and thus he alone is the real human being. Other (worldly) human beings are as good as animals. You stand firm on the knowledge of Jesus. I will never oppose you in that point. What I say is that you should stand firm on the real interpretation of the knowledge of Jesus and not on the narrow interpretations given by certain conservative people. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 570. Leaving one’s family I said that one has to leave his family for the sake of God as told by Jesus. I said that one should not leave his parents for the sake of his wife but one can leave his parents for the sake of God. Then you wrote that it is not wrong if one leaves one’s parents to set up his family with his wife. I agreed to your comment and stated that one may leave his parents to set up his family in a far away place due to a job etc., but one should not cut the bond with parents for the sake of the bond with wife. Now you say that I am saying that people can leave their parents for My sake but not for the sake of their wife! First of all, who am I? I am just a human being in your eyes. Why should one leave his dear human beings (parents) for My sake when I am just a foreign human being? You can place God in My position and then read the statement. Then the statement has no contradiction. One can leave the parents for the sake of God but not for the sake of one’s wife. Here leaving means in mental love and not in a physical sense. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 571. Human Incarnation is Very Rare Jesus said that beggars will always be present and that He would not always be present. If this means that Jesus will not come again as a human incarnation for the next generation, the next generation has lost that divine chance and so Jesus becomes partial and not just.

Such a divine chance was also not given to the contemporary generations present in the other countries, which had no communication with Jerusalem. The same old chain of questions will bind this topic as usual. Therefore, the interpretation of this statement should be taken in the following manner: You should limit this statement of Jesus to that generation only. Jesus lived only for 32 years. He uttered this statement when He was 30 years old. This means that soon after saying this statement, He was going to leave this world and that that particular human generation would still be alive after Him. After His exit, they would have enough time to serve the beggars. However the golden chance to serve Jesus, would be with them only for one or two years. Therefore, it means that the golden chance was going to end very shortly. Such interpretation will not leave space to the entry of all the above questions. I am telling you that Jesus alone knows the correct interpretation of His own statement and He has given it through Me. You may believe this or not. I have said what I have to say. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 572. How it is possible? If you say that My sins were already suffered by Jesus, then a question arises. I was born in 1947. In 1947, My gross body was created. According to the theory of Christianity, this is My single human birth. Before 1947, I was not in any other gross body, on this earth. Therefore, before My birth in 1947, I neither did good deeds nor bad deeds ,because for doing any deed, a gross body is required. Since My soul did not have any fruit of good deeds, it could not have been with God. Since, My soul did not have any fruit of bad deeds, it could not have been in hell. So before My birth, My soul was not on earth, not with God and not in hell. Can you tell Me the address of My soul before 1947? Therefore, you must agree that My soul was not created before 1947. This means that My soul and My gross body were simultaneously created by God in 1947. In such a case, neither My soul nor My gross body existed before 1947. Jesus was crucified about 2000 years ago. At the time of the crucifixion of Jesus neither My soul nor My gross body existed. When the soul and gross body do not exist, there is no existence of any action of the soul through the gross body. When there is no action there is no result of the action, which may be good fruit or sin. Thus, when there is no soul, no gross body, no action and no sin, how come Jesus suffered for My sins before 1947? Therefore, the interpretation of some conservative Christians that God suffered for your sins already is not correct. In the first page of Holy Bible itself, it is said that Jesus came to save His people. The words “His people” mean deserving devotees present in His time. If this interpretation, which is directly present in the text itself, is accepted, it synchronizes with the exactly similar concept of the scriptures of other religions. For example in Hinduism, Lord Datta came in several human incarnations like Sai Baba who suffered for the sins of His devotees present in His time. I put a simple question to you. Is it better to accept the interpretation of the Bible as given by some conservative human beings or is it better to accept the interpretation of the Bible in synchrony with other

divine scriptures? Do you not feel that other divine scriptures are far better than these human beings? At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 573. Ambition of every religion The most important point is that even if I exit from the field of human incarnations along with My small number of devotees, your problem is not at all solved, because according to your interpretation of the Bible, there are only two human incarnations. One is Jesus and another is the re-incarnation of Jesus at the end. But Lord Krishna existed before Jesus and Buddha and Mohammad existed after Jesus. The followers of these three are in millions. How can you deny these three most powerful human incarnations and how can you oppose millions of their devotees? Therefore, your problem remains the same. My presence or exit in the field is really negligible. If you accept more number of human incarnations, let there be more number of human incarnations in the past, in the present and in the future. You have to throw away all the other human incarnations except Jesus. Is this possible for you? Certainly the devotees of other religions in millions and other human incarnations in thousands will stand against you. You want all the other religions to disappear and you want all the human beings on this earth to be Christians and accept only Jesus as God? This is the ambition of every religion. These ambitions will clash with each other and peace is crushed to pieces. No religion can achieve this ambition at any time in the future. The devotees of other religions will certainly oppose Jesus, the Bible and Christianity. This happens to every religion. I can achieve this ambition of each religion to a very large extent. One day or the other the entire world will have a Universal Religion with Universal Spirituality. One day or other the intelligence of every human being will awaken and will find the truth. On that day, every human being will not oppose any religion. Every human being will say that Jesus is also God; Krishna is also God etc. This will also be your success to a large extent. Nobody will oppose your religion. Every human being will respect and worship Jesus. I cannot fulfil your wish completely. You want every one should worship only Jesus. Through My path you can get 99% success. You cannot get even 1% success by your path. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 574. About bliss from knowledge Several emails are received from all over the world in which people are praising My divine knowledge and say that they are getting a lot of bliss. Often I even receive telephone calls in which people express their bliss and excitement in words. I am truly telling you that you are only the person who states that My knowledge has not given bliss to you. Either all should be wrong and you alone should be correct or all should be correct and you alone should be wrong. But as far as I understand you, you are not at all a wrong person. I feel that you are pure and innocent like a child and therefore you have

not received the initial bliss like a small boy does not receive initial bliss by seeing the injection in the hands of the doctor. You say that you have received bliss by coming in contact with Jesus, since Jesus is the Maker. But again I ask you why majority of the people did not receive bliss from His knowledge and crucified Him? After all He was their Maker too! You said that such people are attached to the world (and not to God). But Jesus said that they are innocent people and do not know what they are doing. Therefore, not only worldly people, but also innocent people cannot get the bliss from His knowledge. I therefore, have sympathy for such innocent people, instead of condemning them as bad people attracted by the world. Not only minus, but even zero is different from plus. In this point, your comment exactly coincides with the concept of My statement and therefore there is no need of any analysis in this place. The only addition is that even innocent people cannot grasp the divine knowledge. But compared to grown up worldly people, such innocent people will be turned to God very quickly. Since their hearts are pure, I have full hope about the innocent people but I have no such hope for grown up worldly people. Hindus get bliss from Krishna and say that He is the Maker. They do not get the same bliss from Jesus. Christians do not get the same bliss from Krishna. Now are there one or two Makers of this world? If there is only one Maker, then Jesus and Krishna should be the same and one should get the same bliss from both of them. This is the burning point of the present divine knowledge. The attachment to the world cannot hinder the attachment to God. The attachment to God is very powerful and the bonds with the world drop away subsequently by themselves. If one tastes divine nectar, the liking for other drinks drops away spontaneously. Ofcourse, in the initial attemps to obtain divine nectar, one has to keep away the desire for other drinks to some extent so that the other drinks will not hinder the attempts to achieve the divine nectar. But once it is tasted, there is no need of any effort to dislike other drinks. Detachment to the world is a consequence of the devotion to the Lord. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 575. Scriptures: analysis and interpretation Apart from experience and logic, one should also take the scriptures as the final approving authority. Otherwise, even false preachers show perfect logic and experience in their interpretation. Therefore one needs the final sanction from the scriptures, which is called as Shruti and Smriti. Shruti is the Veda, which is preserved by recitation from one generation to the other. Not a single word is deleted or added to the Veda because the system of recitation will not allow such pollution. Please do not mistake Me as a fan of Hinduism because I have to tell the truth and merit whatever may be the religion. The only scripture in this world, which is without pollution, is the Veda. No other scripture in this world was preserved as the Veda by such a continuous process of recitation. Even if you have the original manuscript, there is no proof of the absence of pollution. Is there a hand written manuscript or an oral dictation in recorded form of Jesus or

Mohammed or Buddha? Even if you say that the hand-written scripts of the disciples of Jesus exist, rationalists will question it by asking if there is any guarantee they match with the original oral or written version of Jesus. They will question the sincerity of the disciples in recording the words of Jesus. Even the Gita is not an exception to this powerful analysis. Swami Dayananda says that Shankara has written the Gita and introduced it into the Mahabharata. I am not supporting Dayananda. But at the same time I cannot oppose him either. Can I show him the tape recorder in which the Gita was recorded directly from Krishna? No. Then there is an equal probability for both the possibilities. Therefore the Gita too comes under the second category called as Smriti. Smriti is valid when it is found in (agrees with) the Shruti or the Veda. This is the reason why Shankara or Ramanuja or Madhva quote from the Shruti first and only then from the Gita as Smriti, which can be only supporting evidence. Unless the meaning of any verse of the Gita is found in the Shruti or the Veda, it is not valid. The verse of the Gita should at least not contradict the concept presented in the Veda. Thus the Gita, Bible, Q’ran and the statements of Buddha etc are to be analyzed in the light of the Veda. If any concept is contradicting the Veda and if a correlation is not possible, then such a concept is to be rejected. Fortunately, all the scriptures of the second category (Smriti) could be correlated with the Veda and therefore it was established that the same God who spoke the Veda in the beginning of creation subsequently came down and preached all the scriptures. You need not worry that I have brought your religious scriptures under the second category because there is no single instance where your scripture has contradicted the Veda, if your scripture is represented in the light of correct interpretation. You should feel worried if I show a single instance where your scripture is rejected due to a contradiction with the Veda. Since such a possibility never arose, you need not worry because your scripture becomes equal to the Veda since it has never contradicted the Veda in the light of the correct interpretation. However, if somebody brings in a statement like ‘the antiChrist will try to bring the world peace by uniting all the religions’, such a statement cannot be accepted as the statement of God. It is only pollution (statements inserted subsequently in the original scripture). God is the very essence of the peace. Jesus is the very embodiment of peace. I am not finding such things (misinterpretations) only with Christianity. I can quote such things even in Hinduism, if you mistake Me as a fan of Hinduism internally. The scholars of Visishtadvaita branch of the Hindu religion founded by Ramanuja quoted some verses from a book written by Sage Vyasa. These verses say that Shankara was an incarnation of a demon. It is very clear that these verses were composed by those scholars and were introduced into the book. Hinduism stands as a mini model for the whole world. Whatever you find in the world on the macro-scale can be found in Hinduism on the micro-scale. Hand written scripts were always subjected to intrusions and extrusions in course of long duration of time. But the Veda never existed in the form of a written manuscript. It existed even before the technology of writing on palm leaves was discovered. The Veda was preserved only by the process of recitation. During the process of recitation a very large number of scholars were involved who belonged to old, middle

and new generations. Pollution at any level was impossible. Thus the authority in spirituality lies in the following four: 1) Shruti (Veda); 2) Smriti (Gita, Bible, Q’ran, statements of Buddha etc.) which must coincide with Shruti or at least not contradict Shruti; 3) Yukti, the logical analysis with discrimination power to differentiate truth and falsehood and 4) Vidvad Anubhava, which is the experience of scholars who are the realized souls. I once again request all the other religions with folded hands and many, many salutations, that one should not mistake Me as a fan of Hinduism just because I was born as a Hindu, for giving the first position to the Shruti or Veda, which is a Hindu scripture. I am not a blind fan of any religion including Hinduism. Did I not praise Christians and Muslims in the concept of re-birth and condemn Hindus severely? Hindus have become lazy and have neglected the spiritual effort thinking that there are several human re-births. I condemned this concept and showed in the Hindu scripture itself, that the human birth is very rare. Thus Hindus have misunderstood their own religious scripture, whereas Christians and Muslims have clearly understood their own religious scriptures in this point. If there is a merit in Hinduism, I shall not feel shy to expose it, doubting that other religions may misunderstand Me as a fan of My own religion. Similarly I shall not feel afraid to criticize My own Hindus if there is some demerit in Hinduism and I shall not feel unhappy to praise other religions if they have a merit. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 576. Human Re-birth is for Extraordinary Only If we see the concept in Hinduism, it is misinterpreted, twisted and polluted by certain scholars of middle age. The concept of Christianity and Islam must exist in Hinduism also since the same God gave the same spiritual knowledge in all religions. God cannot speak something in two religions and something else in one religion. The fact is that the same concept of Christianity and Islam existed in Hinduism also originally. In fact, censoring of the original concept is done in all the three religions. God is omnipotent, which means that He has the power to violate the rule. God can violate the rule but He violates only in a few exceptional deserving cases. The omni-potency of God is also accepted in Christianity and Islam. If they say that even God can never violate the rule, it means that God is not omnipotent. We can only say that the rule is not misused but is violated in a very few deserving cases only. In Hinduism Shankara says (Jantunaam Nara Janma Durlabhamidam…) that the human re-birth is almost impossible (Durlabham), which does not mean that it is totally impossible. If it is totally impossible, it means that even God cannot violate the rule even in the deserving cases. ‘Almost impossible’ means that God can violate the rule in case of few deserving souls who sincerely tried (Sadhana) throughout their lives for spiritual upliftment but failed instead of hectic efforts. For such deserving souls God grants the

human re-birth to continue the sadhana and reach the goal. But, this should not be generalized to the case of every human being. Therefore, the word Durlabham (almost impossible) is used instead of using Asambhavam (totally impossible) in the case of human re-birth in Hinduism. Therefore, even in this point there is no difference between the three religions. But Hindus extended the violation power of God to every case of human being. Such extension of the point in Hinduism is wrong. At the same time the impossibility of violation of the rule is also wrong in Christianity and Islam. But, those two religions were benefited by such misinterpretation that the rule can never be violated. Such misunderstanding induced real and complete fear in them. But in Hinduism, the misunderstanding of the rule of violation harmed the people. The benefit and damage were both in Pravrutti and Nivrutti simultaneously. If you take Pravrutti, India is not developed where as the countries of other two religions have developed tremendously. If you take Nivrutti also, Christians and Muslims are very serious about their spiritual efforts. But Hindus with such wonderful spiritual knowledge are very lenient in their spiritual efforts because there are infinite number future human births and this leads to the postponement of spiritual efforts to the future human births. The Christians and Muslims hurry the entire spiritual effort in the present human birth itself due to the absence of future human births. Hindus think that there is always human re-birth for every soul and so the rare chance is possible constantly as it is generalized to every case. In Hinduism, you can fail any number of times and you will have infinite number of reexaminations. In Christianity and Islam, there is only one re-examination. Both these are extremities like flood and draught. The original concept is that there is only one examination but the principal can allow a few deserving meritorious students to write the re-examination. Since principal here means God, there is no fear of misuse of the exceptional power. Hindus censored the general rule (that there is no human re-birth) and the additional rule (that God can grant human re-birth to a few deserving cases) is modified (that God grants human re-birth to all the souls). Christianity and Islam censored the above additional rule completely and maintained the general rule only. Such censoring of general rule and modification of the additional rule harmed the Hindus where as the complete censoring of the additional rule benefited Christians and Muslims. This is the result of over intelligence of Hindus and the present state of corruption in India has its basic root in this over intelligence. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 577. Chastity Q)Great Lord, can you please explain the importance of chastity? I see so many people who are having so-called "casual sex" even if they are already in a relationship. Answer:

Free sex is not correct, because we are making an oath before God, we [husband and wife] should be loyal to each other. Jesus condemns this and Quran also condemn, all the other religions also condemn this. Sex is only for the production of the children. Jesus lived only for 32 years, never He had any sexual ideas, even in that young age. Adi Sankara lived only for 32 years, never had He had any sexual ideas. Swami Vivekanada lived upto 39 years, beautiful personality; never had he had such ideas. When the soul is very much immersed in divine thought, divine mission all that, this sexual idea can never attract him. Suppose you are engaged in doing say, some research in science, suppose you are deeply interested and involved, the idea of sex will not come. Such idea will never arise. Sex is only a mental idea and is based on some hormone. It is a question of mental involvement or mental thinking. When mind is completely absorbed in divine thoughts about God, before the bliss one get from the God, the momentary sexual happiness is nothing. The basic thing is that, the idea of sex comes only when there is no work or work is less. When somebody is involved in some good work, the idea of sex does not come. When all the interest is concentrated on God, the ideal of sex never arise. But this should not be forcefully done. It should come spontaneously. That is very important. Suppose, wife betrays husband and husband betrays wife, the other person need not worry about it. Just forget it, and be involved in your work, because after death, other soul and you are free with their own account. The soul will not recognize the other soul. One need not give much importance to that. If wife is also engaged in spiritual things, then this problem will never arise in life. So always see that the entire family is involved in the mission of God, the person should try with the family first. Then a good atmosphere will be there. Every body is involved. Then such ideas will not come. Chastity means singleness. Being only with husband, being only with wife, is called Chastity. But if some body is only with God, he derives bliss from God. It is also Chastity. Chastity is Satya vreda. The real Chastity is thinking only about God, getting devotion on God, being loyal to God; that is the real Chastity or actual chastity. Chaste and not chaste both are temporary only as far as worldly relations are considered. It is just like a dream. When dream is over, everything is gone. Suppose somebody is very chaste in dream and somebody is not chaste in dream. When one awakens from the dream, both are useless or meaning less. So, one need not worry or that issue need not be given much importance. Because the real issue is not identified, the unnecessary issue is given undue importance. The real issue of getting the grace of God within this human life, that real issue is forgotten. So, all other meaning less nonsense become the main issue. All these people ask this question because they have forgotten the main issue. For example, when a big line and small line is present, small line become small, and when the big line is rubbed, the small line become big. When one is awake, he understands the real issue. He has to go to job and he has to work, that is the real issue. When he sleeps in the dream all the unnecessary issue become the real issues. So, it depends on the state of the person, whether he is under the ignorance or whether he is under the knowledge. Rama told to Sita, I am liberated, you go and marry My brother, Vibishana, I do not have any objection, like that He was telling. He never cares for that. In that free atmosphere, when wife is very loyal to Rama, that is due to the real attraction

of love. Chastity should come spontaneously based on the real attraction of love to husband or wife. Chastity should not be forced, and hence should not be due to fear or due to some financial attraction etc. Oh, wife be chaste- That is not a real Chastity. Or I am giving money I am giving all comfort be chaste-that is not real chastity. Wife or husband is attracted to the other personality, in spite of all difficulties and all tragedies, when that attraction is there, then that is real chastity. For that personality should be developed. Personality is developed only with the grace of God. Only through spirituality, the personality is developed. He may a big king, he may have all comfort, but his wife may not be chaste. So, personality never comes through materialism. Personality comes only through divinity. Such divine personality of Rama, attracted Sita. Not because Rama is rich or king. Ravana was more rich than Rama. But Sita never got attracted to Ravana. And if such spontaneous attraction is not there, then again one should not be worried. Suppose I do not have the personality to attract some other soul- for that why should I worry? Whether a soul is attracted or not, is only a temporary thing. I should be attracted by some body and she should be chaste to me, such things are again due to ego only. Every soul should think that he should be attracted to God, the real personality, the divine personality. Getting attracted to God should be your motto. Attracting other souls should not be the motto. If attracting others is your motto, then all these problems come. ‘I could not attract that soul 100%, O! Somebody is there who attracted that soul more than me’. Suppose my motto is only to get attracted by God, attracting others will never come into my issue, these problems will never arise. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 578. Mental Sin The husband or wife gets attracted by a better ‘total personality’ of opposite sex, whenever met in life. Mental attraction is hidden by several people by controlling their words. Words and actions of body are inert and do not participate in the sin. When this body, which spoke or did some wrong activity is left over here, the soul is taken to hell in some other energetic body and is punished. If the body is a participant of the sin, it should be directly taken to hell and should be punished. Therefore, in the hell, the mind is punished through another new body. Therefore, the sin is in the mind and not in the body. Once the mental attraction is there, the sin is recorded. The words and actions of body are works of inert energy and have no sin. When Sita was carried by Ravana, the body of Sita was fully touched by Ravana by force as per Valmiki Ramayana. This was referred by Sita, herself, (yadyaham gatra samsparsam…). But such attraction was not in her mind and therefore she was declared pure by fire God (Agni). Renuka got mental attraction towards a king on the banks of Narmada river and she did not touch him even by finger. But she was declared as sinner and her head was cut by her son, Parasurama. Therefore, after marriage, to get attracted by another person is a sin and the soul is punished in the hell. If the other side is also not chaste, will the sin get mutually cancelled and so no punishment to any one? No. Both will be punished in the hell.

According to the ethical scripture, a red-hot copper statue of the person with whom the illegal contact was done is placed before the sinner and he or she will be forced to embrace it. The attitude differs from one culture to another. The villain stole the Helen of Troy. Helen led family life with the villain. When Helen returned back, again she had the normal family life with hero. But when Ravana stole Sita, Sita did not even look at Ravana. Therefore, there is vast difference in the cultures of East and West in the root itself. I do not criticize or praise any culture. But even Jesus did not agree to any such illegal contact of any married human being. He criticized even the prostitution. Thus, the field of Pravrutti is one and the same in view of God, whether it is East or West. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 579. Parabrahman the cause of creation The entire creation is due to Parabrahman only who is like the hidden Father. Interaction of Father and Mother was a hidden concept and it appears to the world as if the mother alone created and delivered the child. Actually, the child is born due to the father only but the world cannot see the father creating or delivering the child. The father created secretly the child in her womb and is the indirect or actual cause of the child but that remains secret. The mother appears as if she herself created and delivered the child from her womb. Similarly the Mula Maya appears as if she has created this universe but Parabrahman created this universe through Mula Maya. Parabrahman remains as a secret like the father. This is told in Gita (Mayadhyakshena, Beejam mam, Aham Beejapradah, Tasmim garbham). Therefore Parabrahman is the cause of the creation of every item in this creation. It appears as if the items of the creation are forming the chain of cause and effect. For e.g.: If a tree has produced a flower, the actual cause of the production is Parabrahman and is like the hidden father. The tree is like the exposed mother appearing as if it is the cause of the flower. When Veda says Aatmana Aakasah, it means the pure awareness has produced space. The pure awareness (Mula Maya) is like the exposed mother generating space. But actually the hidden Parabrahman in the pure awareness has produced the space. Similarly Parabrahman is the cause of any work. When the Brahman desired to create, it is the Parabrahman hidden in Brahman desired so. Brahman means the pure awareness in which the Parabrahman is hidden. When we say that Parabrahman desired to create, we will immediately assume that Parabrahman must be awareness. It is the logic of the nature that whichever desires, must be awareness. But Parabrahman is beyond this logic, and therefore Parabrahman desires and at the same time He need not be awareness. Veda says that Parabrahman runs without feet and catches without hands (Apani Pado Javano). This means that ParaBrahman does every thing but cannot be detected through its action. By this, you will avoid indicating the Parabrahman by the word ‘awareness’. Thus Parabrahman is the cause of every work but at the same time, it gives fame to the items of its creation. The fire burns anything and it appears as if the fire has the power to burn and

convert anything into ash. But the same fire could not even heat a blade of dry grass thrown by Parabrahman. This is explained in Kenopanishat. It means that the burning power of the fire is the very power of the Parabrahman. But the fire is given the fame. Thus Parabrahman is the real hidden cause of this world and everything that happens in this world. To fulfil the validity of the statements of the divine scriptures for which He Himself is the author, He comes down to preach the true knowledge of the scripture and also proves the validity of every statement. Jesus told the same. Thus every statement of Veda and Gita is the constitution for any spiritual argument. The scientist is taking the universe containing the human beings for the validity of the knowledge. His basic argument is that the perception followed by practical experience associated with logical analysis alone can result in the valid knowledge. But why he is denying the superman who is visible and giving the wonderful knowledge and doing the miracles? The Lord is donating the supernatural powers to several representatives to prove the existence of the unimaginability called Maya (Yadyat Vibhutimat—Gita). If the existence of Maya is established, the existence of possessor of Maya is also simultaneously established. However to give the proof for His possession of Maya, the Human Incarnation is appearing as the superman. If the Human Incarnation does not come, people may end with the existence of Maya only, which is the power. The power requires the necessity of the existence of the possessor or the source of power. Otherwise every demon will claim himself as the possessor of the power. In fact, they claimed so. Such demons were rejected by sages due to absence of the divine wonderful knowledge, which is a part (Sattvam) of His identity Science is playing a very important role in the spiritual knowledge. Science is the logical analysis, which is present in the analysis of this world as well as in the analysis of the divine knowledge. In fact, sages have analysed the items of the creation with the logical analysis and finally concluded that no item is God. In fact there is no direct way to indicate the God. The only way left over is the elimination of all the items of the creation through logical analysis as said in Veda (Neti neti). Thus the entire spiritual knowledge is filled with science only because you cannot analyse God who is beyond creation. Thus the Jnana Yoga, which is the identification of the Lord in human form, requires the elimination of fraud human incarnations through logical analysis only. Gita says that the constant association of spiritual knowledge (Jnana) with the science (Vijnana) always continues (Jnanam teham savijnanam, Jnanavijnana truptama). The knowledge ends when the Lord in human form is recognized. Up to this point there is every possibility to slip and therefore science should be in your hand like a glowing torchlight. When you reach the house, the torch light is put off and now the next step is to please the Lord in human form, you require the blind faith and blind love on Him. Therefore the logical analysis should be shut down because the Lord is beyond logic. From this point onwards, the devotion (Bhakti) starts. For e.g.: In selecting a girl for marriage, you can examine several alliances with logical analysis. But once you marry a girl, you should not still continue to see the alliances and

go on continuing with logical analysis. This devotion leads to service finally. In both the stages of devotion and service, the scientific analysis must stop. Thus science is the torchlight that helps you to examine yourself and conclude that you are not God already. The science also acts as torchlight in detecting the true path to reach the Lord. Science or Vijnana is also called as Buddhi or Vijnanamayakosa. This is the driver who leads you in your car up to the place of God. Therefore Gita starts with this driver only (Buddhi Yoga). This torchlight is also useful to eliminate the wrong house. That means you can distinguish the real human form of God from other fraud incarnations. But once you enter the house after deciding that it is the correct house, there is no need of torchlight because the house is full with lights. The Satguru is with full knowledge and logical analysis. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 580. The Invisible Hell Can be Established to a Scientist The invisible hell can be established to a scientist through the concept of infinite space also even without the unimaginable miracle. I have not shown the hell to the scientist in the infinite space. But the scientist has also not shown the limits of this infinite space so that I can be sure about the absence of hell anywhere in the space. This brings 50-50 probability of non-existence and existence of hell. If the hell is non-existent and if still I am careful in not doing the sin, I have not lost anything. Moreover, I am benefited in not having any tension due to fear from court of law here in doing the sin. If there is hell, the scientist will be punished terribly in the hell apart from the tension of sin here. In this way also, the cosmic vision introducing the infinite space gives knowledge of the probable hell to control sin. In cosmic vision, Arjuna saw not only the stars but also all the energetic bodies of souls in the upper worlds. This establishes the concept of the soul taking a sensitive energetic body (Yatanashariram or Bhogashariram) to go to hell or heaven. Hence, Gita is Nivrutti, based on and aimed at Pravrutti only. You need not criticize Krishna for claiming Himself as God repeatedly in Gita as self-boasting and trying Arjuna to make slave to Him. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 581. Concept of God and Hell People think that Nivrutti (Loving practical service to Lord in Human form) is different from Pravrutti ( Path of Justice). Politicians feel that they are doing the practical service to humanity. They feel that the spiritual preachers are confined to some theoretical concepts like God, hell, heaven etc. This is the climax of their foolishness. Without Nivrutti, the Pravrutti will crumble into pieces. In India, today, if some justice is still remaining, the only reason is the concept of God and hell. Lord Krishna preached Bhagavat Gita in the war, which is a fight to change the bad government (Kauravas) to good government (Pandavas). The main issue is only political administration of the

country. The very purpose of Gita is only make Arjuna to fight for Pravrutti only. Gita goes to the deep foundation of Pravrutti, which is Nivrutti only. Similarly, Jesus was always speaking of Kingdom of God every where. People misunderstood that He was planning to change the Roman Government by a new Government. But, His issue was not limited to a particular Government of a country. He was aiming at the total reformation of the Governments of all the countries. The Bible (Nivrutti) thus stands as a deep foundation for the political administration (Pravrutti). At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 582. I am very anxious to get a child and good health You are getting everything according to your present deeds and also the past deeds. The Lord has arranged the cycles of your births. In each cycle happiness and misery are alternatively arranged leaving the sequence of good and bad deeds. Even if you have done two sins subsequently the fruits of the two sins are not given to you subsequently. The result of a good deed is penetrated in between these two sins. Like this the Lord has arranged all your life cycles at present and in the future. If you are pestering Him, He will bring the result of good deed from the future cycle to the present cycle as a pre-matured fixed deposit with reduced value. By such interference your future life cycles will be filled with misery. Then you will scold the Lord crying “Oh! Lord you have given me misery from birth to death”. You don’t remember your foolish interference in the past birth. The other way is that the Lord in human form should transfer your sin on Him and should suffer for your sake. This path is possible only when you don’t aspire for this path and worship the Lord in human form by sacrificing all your bonds of the world. This is possible only for a true devotee who never wishes that the Lord should suffer for his or her sake. Such true devotee will be worshiping the Lord without aspiring anything in return. One has to understand the theory of Karma and the devotion towards Lord. The Lord suffers for the sins of His true devotees only who are really serving the Lord in practice by doing Karma Sanyasa (Sacrifice of work) and Karma Phala Tyaga (Sacrifice of the fruit of work) in His mission without aspiring anything in return. In such service even an iota of desire should not be present even in any biological cell of the human being. This is called ‘NISHKAMA KARMA YOGA’ AS EMPHASIZED IN GITA. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami 583. You have to sacrifice to God that which you cannot do for any body You will become near to God by all the sacrifice and all the service that is possible for you that can be done to God. But you will become dear to God when He asks you to do a particular sacrifice and service and when you can do that sacrifice and that service which you cannot do for anybody including God. God knows your single specific weak point, which is the only bond that cannot be sacrificed even for the sake of God and God finally asks to sacrifice that weak point also for His sake. Unless the sacrifice and service is total, you cannot become dear to God.

Gopikas ( great devotee of God) have sacrificed every thing and every one for the sake of Krishna and God tested them finally whether they can sacrifice even the fear for the torture in the hell for His sake. God asked for the dust of the feet to be applied on His forehead to remove the headache. If such foot-dust is given to God, severe hell is certain and Narada stated this everywhere. Even Rukmini refused to give the foot dust fearing for the severe hell. But Gopikas gave the dust from their feet without fearing for the hell for the sake of Krishna and their sole aim was only that Krishna should be happy for which even going to hell is happiness for them! Bhishma was fighting against the justice since he was bound by the word given to his father and mother that he will protect the throne irrespective of justice. He considered the parents to be the highest and he wounded even the Lord. He suffered all the torture of the future hell here itself on the bed of arrows but since he could not sacrifice the word given to parents for the sake of Lord, he went to Pitruloka only. Duryodhana and Dhrutarashtra went to hell since they could not sacrifice even the justified part of the kingdom to a devotee like Dharma Raja even though the Lord Himself was requesting for it. The only successful devotees were Hanuman and Gopikas who recognized the contemporary human incarnation and served it with full sacrifice in all angles. Hanuman and Gopikas served the Lord personally only. Hanuman did full sacrifice of work for the Lord for His purely personal service. Gopikas did full sacrifice of fruit of work (Butter) and sacrificed even traditional justice by dancing with Krishna and all their sacrifice was for the personal growth of the body and happiness of Krishna only. In both these cases there was no trace of social service of the souls. The personal service is totally for the Lord only and there is no service to society here. This shows the highest devotion in which the goal is only Lord and not any soul or aggregate of souls (society). Social service is only service to other souls. In the case of Arjuna, the Lord showed the personal service to Pandavas in getting their kingdom and the social service of establishing justice on the earth. The Lord did not give opportunity to Arjuna to serve Him personally in His personal issues. In all the wars with demons of personal affairs, Arjuna was not involved and God did His own work. The reason is that Arjuna is not of the highest devotion like Hanuman and Gopikas. Arjuna will certainly misunderstand the Lord if it was purely personal service of the Lord, since Arjuna was not having full faith in the Lord. Apart from these three epics dealing with the contemporary human incarnation for human beings, the other epics (Puranas) deal with energetic bodies of God in the upper world, which are worshiped by the human beings here itself hit by ego, and jealousy that are failing to worship the human incarnation. Even there, the human form of the energetic body represented by a photo or statue gives a training to serve the human form only to remove the repulsion to human form. The social service to other human beings is also praised here and there in Gita and this is also a way to remove the repulsion towards co-human form. The three best epics concentrate only on the service to the contemporary human incarnation revealing the full success of Hanuman and Gopikas and the partial success of Arjuna. These epics also

reveal the fate of the people who hate the human incarnation as in the case of Ravana, Shishupala, Kamsa, Duryodhana etc. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 584. Punishment and Hell The earth, hell and heaven come under the plane of materialism (Pravrutti) only. The punishment on the earth and the punishment in the hell differ just by the areas present in the same realm of Pravrutti. It is just the difference between a jail in India and a jail in Andaman Islands in the olden days. Therefore, the postponed sin along with the interest can be met with punishment in the hell or in the next birth. It is one and the same. The serious deeds good or bad will yield results in this birth it self (Atyutkataih Papa Punyaiah Ihaiva Phalamashnute..). The place and time have no significance. Only the quality and quantity of the nature (good or bad) of a deed and its subsequent fruit destined by the constitution of God are important. As the postponement increases, the interest also increases. You will receive the principle along with the interest in any online branch of the divine bank existing on this earth or in the upper world. Actually the deeds are inert actions and do not follow the soul. Only the essence of the deed which is alive in the form of quality (Guna or Samskara) follows the soul and from the color and intensity of the quality, results are decided by the divine computer called Yama for bad deeds and Indra for good deeds. Kalabhairava is the over all in-charge of supervision in implementing the results (Karanam Guna Samgosya…Gita). Sattvam is white, Rajas is red and Tamas is black. Therefore, the internal intention (Sankalpa) of the mind which is made of these three qualities decides good and bad of a deed and not the inert subsequent action. The cycle of deeds and its administration is simplified based on the specific quality and its quantity. This is the simplified picture of the system of deeds, which is followed by the judge in the final enquiry. Of course, the total network of deeds with all the minute details also exists inside the system, which can be referred if necessary (Gahana Karmanogatih…). At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 585. Hell, Heaven and Kingdom of Lord This universe is infinite. I am unable to show the existence of these super worlds to you. I accept my incapability. But you are also incapable to prove directly the non-existence of these super worlds. Have you taken all over the universe and said, " Here ends the universe. Beyond this point there is no universe. This is the compound wall of the space. Your super world does not exist anywhere’’. Therefore, there is equal chance for the existence and non-existence of the super worlds according to the theory of probability. Now let us analyse of our cases. Both of us are eating to live. The basic needs are satisfied in the cases of both of us. You have spent extra time also in earning more money,

which may give you some problems of health like sugar, B.P etc., due to over enjoying. I have not earned more money and I am healthy due to normal food. None of us will carry the money with us after death. The money given to the children may also be lost in several ways. Therefore, I do not find much difference between us, once the basic needs are satisfied. I am poor because I have spent my extra time in the service of God. Suppose after my death, you are correct and there are no super worlds. In such case what I have lost? There is no loss for me. But after your death, suppose I am correct and there are super worlds. You have lost every thing and God will not save you. Thus, even on accepting your argument, based on the equal probability, it is better to serve the Lord by sacrificing the extra time and energy for the Lord after earning the basic needs. You must read the theory of probability, which is perfectly a scientific theory. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 586. How to recover from depression In Toto one should get detached from all the worldly bonds, just like one is acting in a role. Suppose you are acting in a drama in a role, you may under go so many tragic situations. Internally you are detached. Depression will not touch you mind. Suppose you are acting, and you are undergoing a tragic scene, are you really depressed? You are only acting. Like that one should realize the eternality of the God and non-eternality of the world. One has read lot of divine knowledge. This point has several dimensions and angles. Almost all the knowledge should be read, what ever so far I have given. Then only a comprehensive idea will come. Because it is a multidimensional point, the ordained minister, the remedy for depression is a multidimensional. The main aspect is this:- If you can feel that your life here is nothing but, a role assigned by God to you in this drama, you will get relieved from stress. Unless mental detachment comes how stress will be removed? By Pranayama (by breathing exercise) how stress will be removed? It is foolish. It has no link. By breathing exercise you may become healthy. By becoming healthy you will get some stamina to withstand the stress. But that is not the removal of stress. It is a point of realization. Why Sankara left His mother and went without any stress? Because He is realized. He realized that I will have several mothers, it is only a role. That soul is acting in the role of mother and I am acting in the role of son. Before God’s work it is nothing. If somebody loves his wife and leaves his mother, then it is wrong. So, realization of God, treating this world as non-eternal, and it only a drama, all these point will help to remove the stress, in a permanent way. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 587. Why does God care about guiding souls to the correct path? What difference does it make to God whether we go to "heaven" or "hell"?

This is a foolish argument. If he has some children he will understand. Suppose his children are there, why he is taking care of his children?. Let them go to hell or heaven. Just put this question to you. God is said to be the father of entire creation. The soul, human being are also part of the creation. He is the divine Father. Is it not? Divine Father means more valuable than the worldly father. So, he has attachment and he has love to God. Let him go to hell. Let him also apply the same principle to his own children. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 588. If you are prepared to suffer for your sins and still love the Lord, you will get a permanent place in the heart of the Lord. Here the devotee is not aspiring any help from God. His love is without any aspiration for any fruit. God likes the devotee very much. Jesus was crucified. He never asked for any help. He suffered and still He loved God. Is it not so? So, that is the real love. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 589. This entire world is the wealth of the Lord. You can take whatever you need. But you are taking it in excess and storing for generations together. Meaning of this? Some people say work is worship, and go on working; working day and night and accumulating the wealth. OK, let him accumulate the wealth. But he should use it properly. Simply go on accumulating and giving to his family only. That is the thing to be criticized. But work also should have some limits. You should also work for God. You have come to this world. God has given you this human body and human birth and He has protected you, in several births and in this birth also. Don’t you have any responsibility for God? Do you not work for God? At least for some time? Some people simply work day and night just for earning. What is the use? As Jesus told, a camel may go through the eye of the needle, not the rich man. How he become rich? Only through hard work, constant work, is it not? At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 590. The Guru cuts all the worldly bonds, which trouble the soul. How He cuts it is through knowledge. It is not like taking knife and cutting a rope. Knowledge is a knife. In Gita, it is said that through the knowledge-knife the bonds are cut. By hearing the knowledge, one realizes, and one gets attached to God. The attachment to God naturally or spontaneously weakens the other bonds. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

591. In fact these family members were really your enemies in your previous birth. Since you have robbed their wealth, they have come to you to get back their money with interest. Meaning of this? Actually I gave the interpretation of Jesus only regarding this. Jesus told that unless one hates his father, mother, wife, children ……He used the word hate. Hatred comes in enmity. You hate your enemy and you like your friends. In the Hinduism also there is a similar thing. That is, these wife and children etc., they were enemies in the last birth. He has stolen their property, and now to get back their property from you along with interest they come in this birth. They get associated with you. That is there in Hinduism also. So, taking this concept of Hinduism, I linked it to the sayings of Jesus and co-related. You cannot deny the statement of Jesus; you cannot also deny the existence of these concepts in Hinduism. Just I co-related both. And both get substantiated mutually with each other. More of the opposition of family members, there Jesus means those who oppose the spiritual path. If family members are good and they do not oppose, but support; if they are also devotees, then it does not apply to such cases. Only those who oppose your spiritual progress; to such people only this statement applies. Suppose the family members are also devotees. Now, there is a common aim of all; how to please God? How to do the mission of God? There is a common aim. So, there is no question of bond between them. Even the bond existing between them is only due to God. Such bonds between devotees are not opposing. Even the bonds between two devotees are oriented towards God only. Both like each other because they are the devotees of the same God. One Christian likes another Christian. What is responsible here? Jesus is responsible. Is it not? That attachment of one Christian with other Christian is not a bond. It is not a hindering bond. It will not hinder your spiritual effort. Moreover it encourages or it supports. That bond which hinders you from spiritual progress, about that only, I am talking. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 592. Swami, ones own religion itself is formed from qualities? So will it change, and it has formed due to free will given by God? The religions are different but the spiritual knowledge is one and the same. Let him be in one religion; what is the wrong in it? After all the religion is only a cup. Spiritual knowledge is the medicine that is present in the cup. Cup is immaterial, whether it is silver cup or ceramic cup. Whatever may be the colour of the cup or whatever may be the material of the cup, but the medicine present in the cup is important. All the cups contain the same medicine. Only the colours of cup are different. The religions are different but the spiritual knowledge is one and the same. Suppose one takes the entire medicine only through one particular cup, how does it matter? He is taken the medicine. Or somebody takes in other cup, how does it matter? Or some body takes in all the cups how does it matter? He must realize that the medicine is one and the same in all the cups. Once, one realizes this concept, the religion vanishes. Religion has no sense.

Only Muslims are not accepting the Lord coming in human form. Hinduism and Christianity accept Lord coming in Flesh. Just after Jesus, Mohammad came. Since Jesus was crucified, Mohammad wants to avoid that concept. Even Jesus says, I and My father are one and the same. Christians and Hindus there is no problem to accept the human incarnation. Only question is of Muslims and Buddhists. Buddhists are silent about God. And Muslims also believe in all pervading God concept, not human form of God. Muslim treats Mohammad as their Guru. They follow Mohammed’s knowledge. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 593. The real characteristic properties of the Lord as declared by Veda are the Special Knowledge (Prajnanam), the Love (Rasa or Prema) and the Bliss (Ananda). Please explain this God loves every body. Every soul He loves and internally He is in Bliss. He loves every body and He is in bliss. That is not important. We should love Him, and we should get the bliss. Fire is hot, how to recognize the fire is hot? Unless you receive the heat from the fire, you cannot say that the fire is hot. Likewise you must receive the nature of love from Him. He must be able to make you love God. He must be able to keep you without worry, without tension, with bliss throughout your life. That is, these two characteristic of Love and Bliss. By preaching He should make others to get the knowledge. Not simply possession of knowledge. We should get knowledge by Him. We should love God. We should be with bliss without worries in our life. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 594. Meaning of scholar? Scholar is he who knows the truth and he is always interested in projecting the truth. There is a difference between Guru and Scholar. Guru sometimes twist the truth so that, the disciple must be interested and he comes to the way. Scholar does not bother about the disciple. Whether he comes to the way or not, he tells the truth. Guru modifies the subject to suit to the psychology of the disciple. For example, in Bhagavad Gita, it is all spiritual knowledge. Krishna has oriented the spiritual knowledge in such a way so that Arjuna should fight. For that purpose the spiritual knowledge is oriented, keeping the goal that Arjuna should fight; he should get his kingdom. Arjuna is a good fellow, the other fellows are cheats. Arjuna should defeat them and get the kingdom. To achieve that goal, Krishna has reoriented the entire spiritual knowledge, finally to accomplish the goal. There by Arjuna fought, and got the kingdom. Another example while Sankara was there, atheist were there. They do not believe in the existence of God. He reoriented the spiritual knowledge by saying that ‘you are God’. Then He said there is ignorance in each of you, and to remove this ignorance you have to worship God. Guru sees the practical results. The disciples should climb the steps; that is

the aim of Guru. Scholar does not bother about all these. He just tells the truth and goes away. Whether you follow it or not it is immaterial for him. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 595. Only work or karma can yield the fruit and not the words, or mind Singing the songs by the words involving the emotional mind is devotion (bhakti). This is the result of spiritual knowledge (Jnana), which is spiritual discussion with words involving the analytical intelligence. Awareness has two faculties. The lower faculty is mind (manomaya kosha) and the higher faculty is intelligence (vijnanamaya kosha). The awareness is represented by the word mind itself (manas). The word is a mixture of the sound representing the inert energy and the awareness, which is the nervous energy. The inert energy involving the action (karma) is the final phase. Thus these three are the instrumental faculties (trikaranas), which are word, mind, and action (vak, manas, and karma). The Jnana is the first step preached by Shankara, which is like the stage of school. The bhakti is the second step preached by Ramanuja, which is like the stage of college. The karma or seva is the third step preached by Madhva, which is like the stage of university and is directly related to the fruit. Only work or karma can yield the fruit and not the words, or mind. The Jnana and bhakti involve words and mind. This means the Jnana and bhakti cannot yield the fruit directly, but are instrumental indirectly for the fruit because they lead to karma or work. In both jnana and bhakti mind is involved. Mind or awareness as a lower faculty gives emotion or bhakti or love. The same awareness as a higher faculty gives knowledge or jnana, which generates the love. There are several children on the road. First you have to identify your child and such identification of your child is jnana. Then love on your child is generated which is bhakti. Subsequently, you will serve your child and this is karma or seva. Shankara, Ramuja and Madhva came one after the other subsequently because jnana, bhakti and seva are the three subsequent steps. Rukmini heard the details of Krishna from sage Narada and these details constitute the first step. From this the second step is generated which is the love for Krishna. Due to this love she could attain Krishna. After attaining Krishna, she served Krishna by pressing His divine feet. Therefore, her love leads to the subsequent service and not to enjoy any fruit like becoming the queen of the Dwarka kingdom. The Lord by Himself made her as the queen and it was not in her intention at all. She was the incarnation of Goddess Mahalakshmi who also did the same service to the Lord after marriage and she was made as the deity of the entire wealth of the creation. But she remained in the continuous service of the Lord because that was not in her intention. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 596. The scriptures say that your sacrifice of money is highest.

In the very beginning itself (second Adhyaya), Gita says that the fruit of the work must be sacrificed (Karmajam Buddhi Yuktahi Phalam Tyaktva Maneeshinah). This means that realized scholars sacrifice the fruit of the work. Gita keeps sacrifice of the fruit of the work on the top most level. Gita says ‘Jnanat dhyanam visishyate, Dhyanat Karma Phala Tyagah’ i.e., Bhakti (devotion) is better than Jnana (knowledge) and sacrificing the fruit of your work (money) is better than Bakthi. Gita says ‘Sarva karma Phala tyagam’, ‘prahuh tyagam vichakshanah’ i.e., if you can give the fruit of the entire work to the Lord, then that is real sacrifice. ‘Na karmana, Na prajaya, Dhanena, tyage naike Amritatvam Aanasuh’ i.e., you cannot attain God by selfish work or the children. You can attain God only by sacrificing your money for God’s work. – The Veda The first words of the first Upanishat (Easavaasyam) says, ‘Tena tyaktena Bhunjeedah’ ‘Ma gradha ha kasyasvit Dhanam’ i.e., this entire world is the money of the Lord. Take whatever you require from His wealth; don’t take extra which is not permitted by the God. If you have taken, you are a thief. Return it back to the Lord. Veda says ‘Samvidha’ ‘Shraddhayaa’ ‘Hriya’ ‘Bhiya dheyam’, i.e., return the extra to the Lord in human form after recognizing Him through His Jnana. Wait patiently till you recognize the Lord in human form. When you are donating your money to Him (actually you are giving Him His own money) you should give it with fear and feel shy. In Yoga Vasistha the Guru Vasista says to Rama (Dhanamarjaya) i.e., bring money and offer it to me as Guru Dakshina before I can teach you the Jnana. Shirdi Sai used to ask Guru Dakshina from everybody to teach this important sacrifice. He criticized a merchant who came for Brahma Jnana but was not giving even Rs.5/from his pocket. Mr. Patil, a farmer used to donate the entire yearly crop to Baba and took back whatever Baba gave back to him. Matthew 6 : 19 to 22 “Do not Lay up for yourselves, treasures on earth. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also”. Matthew 7: 21 “Not everyone who say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but He who does the will of My Father in Heaven”. Holy Islam speaks about the sacrifice of fruit of work (money) through the word ‘Jakaat’. This word says that every rich man is expected to practice the sacrifice within the limit of his wealth. Islam says that people are loving too much the money (Q’ran: AalFajr – 20). Islam says that by sacrifice of money your wealth will not decrease and in fact your wealth increases by sacrifice. Islam also mentions that by sacrifice of money your wealth becomes most pure.

The goal of the extra money is only service to God. The goal of the human life itself is service to God. Before death the human life should attain the grace of the Lord. But for such service the maintenance of body and family are essential. When a real devotee spends money for the self and family, even then pleasing the self and family is not the main goal. There also the main goal is maintenance of body and family to serve God. If such is the goal, even if one commits sin, it does not touch the soul. For example Kannapa is maintaining the body and family by hunting soft natured animals like rabbit etc. Such hunting of soft natured animals did not obstruct his salvation. When people spend the same for social service without God, they can reach only temporary haven as per Gita. Kannapa ( a hunter) earned salvation through sin. Dharma Raja gave lot of charity but went up to heaven only and not Brahmaloka. This is very clear from Swargarohana Parva in Mahabharatha. The reason for this is Dharmaraja practiced only dharma but did not fully believe Krishna, since he did not tell a lie when Krishna asked for it. In this creation people are running for money thinking that it can solve all the problems. But if some incurable disease attacks a person, any amount of money can solve the problem. Therefore, Artha (Money) is not the power that can be applicable to every place. The next one is kama (sex), which only destroys the person both physically and mentally, and no problem can be solved by it because it is the source of several problems. The fruit of kama is issues which are responsible for the extension of the family bonds. The third is dharma (justice) or doing good social works. The fruit of dharma is temporary heaven and one has to return back to the earth (kshenepunye… Gita) .Hence all these three are not complete and permanent powers. The fourth is moksha (related to God) and the power of God is infinite and permanent. Our forefathers have realized this and were spending their most of energy and time in worshipping God only. Today, we treat them as old outdated people without materialistic intelligence (laukika) and we are running after dharma, artha, and kama only. We are trying to save the life of the tree by pouring water to the branches, leaves and flowers of the tree. Our ancestors were pouring the water to the root of the tree. Any problem in the world and any problem in the upper world have a permanent solution only in God. Therefore, we are not having even the materialistic intelligence and our intelligence regarding the problems of the upper world is a big zero. Therefore, you should understand that our forefathers were the real intellectuals who could solve all the problems not only in this world but also in the upper worlds by catching God who is the root of the tree. All the worlds in this creation are only the branches of this big tree of creation. The Lord advises us to understand the path of our forefathers and follow it, which is the good tradition (purvataramkrutam… Gita). At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 597. Any human incarnation is a 2 in 1 system, where in God and 'Son of God' exists together

'Jesus told that He submitted His soul to God'. Based on this very statement some say that Jesus cannot be God. But Jesus was the Lord in human form. Any human incarnation is a 2 in 1 system, where in God and 'Son of God' exists together. You are giving value to one statement of Jesus and you are not giving value to some other statement of the same Jesus. Jesus also told that He and His father are one and the same. This statement of Jesus is also equally valid. Every human incarnation is a two-in -one system. When you say 'God in flesh', the word flesh means a living human being and not mere inert human body. Krishna said in Gita that He enters the human body (Manusheem Tanum….). Here the word human body means the living human being and not mere inert human body. The word human body means the composite of three human bodies and such composite is called as a living human being. Therefore this means that the Lord enters the human being. The three human bodies in the composite are; (1) The outer-most gross body which is alive due to the awareness that pervades all over the gross body. (2) The inner subtle body which is the bundle of qualities or feelings which are alive because these qualities are just the vibrations of pure awareness. (3) The innermost causal body which is the core pure awareness. The gross body is crucified. All the statements are given by the subtle body only through the mouth of the gross body. This subtle body stated that His body was not prepared for crucification. Here the body refers to the gross body which is different from the subtle body. At the end this subtle body stated that it is submitting its soul to God. The word soul refers to the causal body. This composite of three bodies stands as the meaning of the word Jesus. This composite is the meaning of the word 'flesh'. This composite is called as the human being or jiva. Strictly speaking the word jiva means subtle body only. The soul is called as Atman. God entered Jesus and therefore God is in flesh. God is the fourth item and is called as 'Supersoul'. It is this Supersoul or God who said 'I and My father are one and the same', 'I am the truth' etc. Therefore you should not confuse between the separate statements of subtle body and Supersoul. Any ordinary human being is just a composite of these three bodies without the super soul. Otherwise there will be glaring contradiction between such statements. The aspect of human being is to stand as a practical example for all the human beings. The aspect of God is to explain practically the divine nature of God. Any human incarnation consists of these two aspects, which is a mixture of human being (Nara) and God (Narayana). If you take any sweet, it is prepared by mixing sugar and flour. But the item is called as sweet referring to the property of sugar only which is more important. Similarly any human incarnation is divine referring to the nature of God only, which is more important. An electric wire consists of electricity and non-electric wire. But it is called as current referring to the more important electricity only. You call the lamp as light which consists

of flame and other materials like iron, sand, glass and cotton- piece with oil. It is called as light referring to the more important flame, neglecting other non-luminous materials. Therefore you call Jesus as God which really means the God is in Jesus. Similarly Hanuman is the incarnation of Lord Siva. As a human being he acted as a servant of Lord Rama. As Lord Siva, He jumped over the sea and killed several demons. Similarly Lord Rama learnt the spiritual knowledge from sage Vasista. This is the aspect of His human body. But as Lord Narayana a stone was converted into lady by the touch of His divine foot. Similarly Krishna is a driver of the chariot of Arjuna from the point of human being. As Lord Narayana He preached Gita to Arjuna and gave divine vision to him. The aspect of God is to teach about the God to the human beings. The aspect of the human being is to freely mix with the human beings and stand as an example for human beings. Even the Prophet Mohammed is the Human Incarnation of the Lord. He did not reveal His divine aspect because it was not required in those circumstances. Thus you have to realize the program of the human incarnation according to the requirement suitable to the surroundings. If Lord Krishna, was born in West instead of Jesus, people might have been more spoiled. The people there were very cruel because nowhere in the world in the history the human incarnation of the Lord was killed in such a brutal way. That shows their cruel nature in that time. For such nature only love and kindness can bring realization. If Krishna were born there, they could have very easily grasped the negative qualities like stealing etc. without understanding their significance and the significance of the human incarnation. Therefore a suitable program was adopted by the Lord. You should not critizise Jesus joining such cruel people about incapability of self protection. Similarly you should not critizise Krishna, for stealing butter which was only to cut their bond with their hard earned wealth. Similarly attracting Gopikas by dance was only to cut their bonds with their husbands. Gopikas were sages in the previous birth and prayed the Lord for Salvation from the bonds. Hindus in India believe in previous birth and therefore they can digest this back ground. If this happened in the West, Christians do not believe in previous birth and therefore will certainly misinterpret this concept. Therefore the divine program can be understood in the context of the back ground of a particular region only. Therefore we have to understand the statements in the light of God as well as in the light of flesh accordingly, since both aspects are required for the devotees. The human aspect shows the path and the divine aspect shows the nature of the goal. Similarly the nature of the program of the human incarnation depends on the level of the psychology of the people living in a particular region in a particular time. With the help of such parameters only you can appreciate the total behaviour of the personality of the human incarnation. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 598. Sins cannot be cancelled simply without suffering their result The One and the Only Way The only way to get rid of all the difficulties in this world is to become a real devotee of Lord Datta. Datta means something, which is given. Lord Datta means the human form,

through which the ‘God’ (Parabrahman) is given to this world. All incarnations like Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha etc., are called Datta. God cannot be even imagined. So there is no question of worshipping the God, but such unimaginable God takes a human form and comes down to this world. Such human form is called incarnation. The human form is like a metallic wire. God is like the current, passing through the metallic wire. The current pervades all over the wire. Similarly, God pervades all over the body of human incarnation. Wherever you touch the wire the current is experienced. Similarly, the human body of incarnation is God everywhere. Lord Krishna is the human incarnation of God. When you touch the feet of Lord Krishna you have touched the feet of the God. But the human body of incarnation follows only the rules of the nature. If you beat such human body it suffers with the same pain as an ordinary human body suffers. Why this human body is not beyond the rules of nature? The purpose of the human body is to suffer with pain like any other human body, whenever the results of the sins of the devotees are taken. If the human body is above the nature, then it will not suffer with pain. Then it becomes cheating the justice. So Datta means the human body given to this world of devotees for the sake of suffering their sins. The only way to get rid of your sins is to catch Datta (The contenmproary human incarnation). In no other way your sins are postponed. You will have to suffer your sins in the future life along with interest. The cycle of ‘Karma’ is very much inevitable. The scriptures say ‘Avasyam anubhoktavyam’, which means that one has to enjoy the results of his own deeds rather good or bad. There are only 3 ways. 1) To enjoy the fruits of bad deeds now itself. 2) To enjoy the fruits of bad deeds in your future along with interest. 3) To catch Datta and transfer the fruits of all your sins to Him. Out of these three ways a scholar will not accept the second way. A devotee will never agree to the third way. A scholar and a devotee will agree the first way only and is prepared to undergo the results of the sins now itself. He will never ask God to relieve him from the results of the sin. In such a stage nobody becomes a devotee of God, because there is no benefit from God. But still one can become a devotee. Let us take the case of a fan of a film hero. The fan does not get any benefit from the film hero. Instead of getting benefit, the fan spends from his pocket and the fan is put to loss. He became the fan attracted by good virtues of the hero shown in the various films. Such a fan is ideal for the devotee. The devotee is attracted towards Datta by the sixteen divine qualities. The devotee is worshipping Datta because he is attracted by the divine personality of Datta and not for any benefit from Datta. Even if he is put to loss he will not leave Datta. He wants to undergo all the sufferings now itself. As a scholar, he does not want to postpone the suffering of his sins, because he has to pay the interest. As a devotee he does not want the suffering of Datta for his sake.

Therefore, His devotee is not at all connected to the removal of his sufferings. His love (Bhakti) to Datta continues irrespective of his sufferings. The love to Datta is really proved by his service to Datta. He continues to serve Datta while suffering due to the sins. Such scholar-devotee is the real devotee of Datta. Now, Datta takes over all his sins and suffers for his sake. The devotee is not aware of this. If the devotee is aware, he will strongly object Datta. So Datta suffers for his sins secretly without the knowledge of the real devotee. This is the only way to get rid of your sins really. Except this one way there is no other way to escape your sins. In all the other ways either you have to undergo your sins then itself or if you pester God too much, your sins will be postponed and you have to enjoy those sins with interest. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 599. Spiritual Knowledge and the world It is the climax of ignorance to think that spiritual knowledge is unrelated to the present worldly affairs. People think that spiritual knowledge is related only to the upper world. This shows their ignorance. The Lord is the simultaneous Ruler of this world as well as the upper world. The Lord can grant any materialistic boon in this world and can simultaneously give protection in the upper world. The Lord is also involved in the social problems of this world because He is ultimately governing this society. There is His government underlying the present human government as its foundation. The present human government is like the castle that is seen above the ground. But the government of the Lord is like the hidden foundation present under the ground. Jesus always referred to this government of the Lord [Kingdom of Heaven]. Lord Krishna also exhibited the existence of this invisible government of the Lord by showing the vision of His cosmic form (Vishwarupam). Arjuna decided to withdraw from the war and he thought that thereby his grandfather Bishma and his teacher Drona would escape from death. He also thought that by his withdrawal, Dharmaraja would not become the king. In refusing to fight the war, Arjuna refused to carry out both the punishment of evil and the protection of justice. The petitioner was withdrawing his own case [since Arjuna and his brothers had faced injustice and were fighting to get justice]. In such a case Krishna, the advocate of Arjuna, need not have worried. Arjuna thought that he had brought in Krishna as a helper in his own case. If the petitioner withdraws his own case, the court accepts it and drops the case in the present human government. But the ultimate government [of God] will not accept it. Even if the petitioner does not file his case, the case gets registered in the court of the ultimate divine government. Therefore Krishna turned the tables diagonally opposite. In the Vishwarupam (Cosmic Form) that Krishna exhibited, He showed that He Himself was killing the evil opponents called Kauravas. This vision proved that Krishna was actually the petitioner and Arjuna was His helper. The petitioner will do his work even in the absence of the helper. You may think that the kingdom belonged to Pandavas [brothers of Arjuna] and was taken unjustly from them. So the war was taking place to get their stolen

kingdom back. Therefore Arjuna should be the real petitioner and war must be his work. You will misunderstand like this as long as you think that Krishna was an ordinary human being. But Krishna was the Lord in human form and the entire creation is His kingdom. Therefore the society present on this tiny earth is also a small part of His kingdom. Every living being is under the rule of His divine government and therefore any affair of the individual or the society is indeed His concern. Arjuna understood the meaning of this vision and that his grandfather and teacher [who were siding evil] could not live even if he withdrew from the war. Therefore he thought that it would be better to follow the instruction of the Lord (Krishna) and kill them so that at least he would please the Lord. The absence of the realization of the existence of this underlying invisible divine government of the Lord, which was preached by Jesus again and again, as the kingdom of heaven and which was exhibited by Krishna through the divine vision, is responsible for all the present burning problems at the individual level as well as at the larger level of the society. The human government is neglecting to propagate the awareness regarding the existence of this divine government. In fact the divine government also rules the human government. Perhaps the human government feels that propagating the presence of this ultimate divine government will lose its prestige. The awareness of the concept of this ultimate government of the Lord can be propagated through academic education at the primary level. But the government, especially in India, feels shy to introduce spiritual knowledge in education due to its policy of so-called secularism. Secularism really means that the same medicine (spiritual knowledge) is present in every cup (religion) and that you can take the medicine present in all the cups with equal liking. Secularism also means that you can take the medicine from any cup and respect other cups with equality. But the present secularism has ended in a horrible form in which the medicine is not taken at all, either from a single cup or from all cups. This is misunderstood or misinterpreted secularism. Mahatma Gandhi prayed to Ishwara and Allah equally and that is real secularism. But in the present secularism, you neither pray to Ishwara nor to Allah nor to both with equality. Instead of such pseudo-secularism, it is better not to have secularism at all. Let us like only one cup and take the medicine from that cup. It is better that India remains as a Hindu country and follows the spiritual knowledge of Hinduism sincerely. In the present false secularism, India neither takes the spiritual knowledge from Hinduism nor from any other religion. The government feels shy in uttering even the word God, which is above all the religions like the medicine, which is not related with any cup. In the judicial system also, the emphasis that the Lord is the supreme judge is not given. The statue of [the Goddess of] justice present in the court has its eyes covered with a piece of cloth and is supposed to only keep its ears open. This indicates that the court has not seen the truth but gives the judgment based on hearing the witnesses. This clearly indicates to the people that producing false witnesses can mislead the judgment. The statue indicates the human judicial government with its limitations. In olden days, every temple was also used as a court. The statue in the temple has both eyes and ears open, which indicate that the Lord is seeing everything and knows the truth. The third eye on the forehead of Lord Shiva indicates that the Lord Himself is the executive power in

implementing the judicial punishment. In olden days, both the parties would present their arguments in front of the statue of God. Then both the parties were left free. Within a month, the criminal side received severe punishment from God. By this the judge would recognize the criminal. In this process, the involvement of God in the judiciary system was from top to bottom. At least now let the statue of human justice be replaced with the statues representing all religions to protect secularism. Let the court be made into a temple. Let the divine ultimate government be fully exhibited. The Lord who is the Supreme Judge knows the truth without any witness (Sarvatokshisiromukham— Gita). Even in the concept of economic equilibrium of society, spiritual knowledge gives the permanent solution. Capitalism is one extreme end and Naxalism [a form of militant extremist communism] is another extreme end. In between these two lie socialism and communism. Capitalism grows industries with the help of a few rich people and by this several poor people earn their livelihood. Naxalism takes away the concentrated wealth of these few rich people and distributes it among the poor people by force. Socialism and communism try to achieve the same result of Naxalism without force. But all these systems have not given permanent solutions. Duryodhana robbed the wealth and kingdom of the Pandavas. Dharmaraja [the eldest Pandava] requested Duryodhana to return at least a little bit of their rightful kingdom to them and that was like socialism. [But Duryodhana refused]. Then the other Pandavas threatened Duryodhana regarding the consequences of war [if he did not return their kingdom] like communism. Draupadi was highly emotional and wanted to kill Duryodhana on the spot, like a Naxalist. But all of them were controlled and guided by Lord Krishna who was the Lord in human form. When Krishna went to the Kauravas as a mediator from the Pandavas, He requested like socialism, threatened like communism and showed His readiness to kill them through the vision of Vishwarupam like Naxalism. Therefore the decision of the ultimate divine government is final and when the right time comes, the Lord Himself will become the Naxalist. In such a case, the present Naxalists are not necessary just as Arjuna was not necessary to destroy evil in the Mahabharata war. Therefore all people should act under the guidance of a spiritual preacher like Lord Krishna. In fact Lord Krishna was the real capitalist who is the actual owner of this entire creation. Thus the spiritual knowledge alone can bring the real solution since the Lord is the ultimate authority. Duryodhana was supported by his father, King Dhritarashtra, who represents the human government. But Lord Krishna, who was the ultimate government, still destroyed Duryodhana. The capitalist tries to find new ways to hide his wealth, when his wealth is forcibly taken away. Sometimes even capitalists are discouraged and do not apply their talent towards growth and industrialization. All these paths fail because they beat around the bush. The spiritual knowledge directly hits the bird in the bush. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 600. A poor peon- A begger- Deceased rich man

A poor peon is the greedy fellow in the previous birth, who earned wealth for generations through businesses and corruption without any sacrifice. A beggar searching for money is a person, who wasted the money in lavish manner by giving to undeserving people. A life long deceased rich fellow is a rich person in the previous birth, who spent all the earnings for his selfishness only. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 601. All actions of ordinary human being are done by the will power of Parabrahman All the actions of an ordinary human being are also due to Parabrahman. Here the will of Parabrahman is responsible for any action of the human being. But at the same time the direction of the action is in the hands of human being. Thus Parabrahman is responsible for the action but is not responsible for the fruit of the action of the human beings (Kartaaramapi sarvasya—The Gita). A person touches an electric wire in his house and commits suicide. No doubt the electricity sent by the power station is the cause of his death. But the engineer of the power station cannot be punished and such a death is not a murder committed by the engineer. Another wise person is using the same electricity through several appliances and is enjoying a lot. Such a person who is enjoying will not go to the engineer and garland him, praising him for being responsible for his enjoyment. Parabrahman exists in the human incarnation. In the case of an ordinary human being, Parabrahman does not exist in the human being. All the actions of the ordinary human being are done by the will or power of the external Parabrahman alone. This is the difference between the human incarnation and a human being. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami 602. The Lord said that if one is always associated with His service, He will take care of both the worlds It is sheer foolishness to think that the worldly affairs get spoiled if you are involved in devotion. You are thinking that God can help you only in the upper world. You have forgotten that He is the Lord of the both the worlds. His help to you in the upper world is sure if you are helped here. If you are not helped here, you will not be helped in the upper world also. If He is furious, you are neither helped here nor there. If He is pleased, you are helped here as well as there. Tyagaraja was completely devoted to God. He had one daughter and she attained the age for marriage. He was not having a single paisa. He was not worried about the crisis. God appeared before a rich devotee who has a good son. The Lord ordered Him to go to Tyagaraja to get his son married with the daughter of Tyagaraja.

God also ordered him to perform the marriage with his money only. Everything went on well as per wish of the Lord. If God is pleased with you, even the cause of the stress is removed. But in Atma Yoga, such possibility is ruled out because the self has no trace of super power. Everything and every body in this world is on the finger tips of the Lord. The works which are giving lot of stress to you will be done either with your little effort or even without effort. Tyagaraja did not apply even a trace of the effort in the case of the marriage of his daughter. Even if you put hectic effort, you cannot change even a trace of the fruit of your deeds. Therefore, Nivrutti (God) is not against to Pravrutti (Self). Instead, Nivrutti includes Pravrutti. The Lord said that if one is always associated with His service, He will take care of both the worlds (Yoga Kshemam Vahaamyaham…Gita). The welfare in the upper world is called as Yoga and welfare in this world is called Kshema. At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

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