Disability Insurance

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INSURANCE, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as, “the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss”. An insurer is a company selling the insurance; an insured is the person or entity buying the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage, called the premium. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice

In some sense we can say that insurance appears simultaneously with the appearance of human society. We know of two types of economies in human societies: The first type is money economies and non-money or natural economies. The second type is a more ancient form than the first. In such an economy and community, we can see insurance in the form of people helping each other. For example, if a house burns down, the members of the community help build a new one. Should the same thing happen to one's neighbour, the other neighbours must help. Otherwise, neighbours will not receive help in the future. This type of insurance has survived to the present day in some countries where modern money economy with its financial instruments is not widespread (for example countries in the territory of the former Soviet Union).


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Turning to insurance in the modern sense (i.e., insurance in a modern money economy, in which insurance is part of the financial sphere), early methods of transferring or distributing risk were practised by Chinese and Babylonian traders as long ago as the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC, respectively. Chinese merchants travelling treacherous river rapids would redistribute their wares across many vessels to limit the loss due to any single vessel's capsizing. The Babylonians developed a system which was recorded in the famous Code of Hammurabi, c. 1750 BC, and practised by early Mediterranean sailing merchants. If a merchant received a loan to fund his shipment, he would pay the lender an additional sum in exchange for the lender's guarantee to cancel the loan should the shipment be stolen. Achaemenian monarchs of Iran were the first to insure their people and made it official by registering the insuring process in governmental notary offices. The insurance tradition was performed each year in Norouz (beginning of the Iranian New Year); the heads of different ethnic groups as well as others willing to take part, presented gifts to the monarch. The most important gift was presented during a special ceremony. When a gift was worth more than 10,000 Derrik (Achaemenian gold coin) the issue was registered in a special office. This was advantageous to those who presented such special gifts. For others, the presents were fairly assessed by the confidants of the court. Then the assessment was registered in special offices. The purpose of registering was that whenever the person who presented the gift registered by the court was in trouble, the monarch and the court would help him. Jahez, a historian and writer, writes in one of his books on ancient Iran: "Whenever the owner of the present is in trouble or wants to construct a building, set up a feast, have his children married, etc. the one in charge of this in the court would check the registration. If the registered amount exceeded 10,000 Derrik, he or she would receive an amount of twice as much." A thousand years later, the inhabitants of Rhodes invented the concept of the 'general average'. Merchants whose goods were being shipped together would pay a

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proportionally divided premium which would be used to reimburse any merchant whose goods were jettisoned during storm or sinkage. The Greeks and Romans introduced the origins of health and life insurance c. 600 AD when they organized guilds called "benevolent societies" which cared for the families and paid funeral expenses of members upon death. Guilds in the Middle Ages served a similar purpose. The Talmud deals with several aspects of insuring goods. Before insurance was established in the late 17th century, "friendly societies" existed in England, in which people donated amounts of money to a general sum that could be used for emergencies. Separate insurance contracts (i.e., insurance policies not bundled with loans or other kinds of contracts) were invented in Genoa in the 14th century, as were insurance pools backed by pledges of landed estates. These new insurance contracts allowed insurance to be separated from investment, a separation of roles that first proved useful in marine insurance. Insurance became far more sophisticated in post-Renaissance Europe, and specialized varieties developed. Toward the end of the seventeenth century, London's growing importance as a centre for trade increased demand for marine insurance. In the late 1680s, Edward Lloyd opened a coffee house that became a popular haunt of ship owners, merchants, and ships’ captains, and thereby a reliable source of the latest shipping news. It became the meeting place for parties wishing to insure cargoes and ships, and those willing to underwrite such ventures. Today, Lloyd's of London remains the leading market (note that it is not an insurance company) for marine and other specialist types of insurance, but it works rather differently than the more familiar kinds of insurance. Insurance as we know it today can be traced to the Great Fire of London, which in 1666 devoured 13,200 houses. In the aftermath of this disaster, Nicholas Barbon opened an office to insure buildings. In 1680, he established England's first fire insurance company, "The Fire Office," to insure brick and frame homes.

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The first insurance company in the United States underwrote fire insurance and was formed in Charles Town (modern-day Charleston), South Carolina, in 1732. Benjamin Franklin helped to popularize and make standard the practice of insurance, particularly against fire in the form of perpetual insurance. In 1752, he founded the Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire. Franklin's company was the first to make contributions toward fire prevention. Not only did his company warn against certain fire hazards, it refused to insure certain buildings where the risk of fire was too great, such as all wooden houses. In the United States, regulation of the insurance industry is highly Balkanized, with primary responsibility assumed by individual state insurance departments. Whereas insurance markets have become centralized nationally and internationally, state insurance commissioners operate individually, though at times in concert through a national insurance commissioners' organization. In recent years, some have called for a dual state and federal regulatory system (commonly referred to as the Optional Federal Charter (OFC)) for insurance similar to that which oversees state banks and national banks.


With the de-regulation in Indian Insurance industry, the monopoly of public sector companies in life insurance and general insurance has come to an end. This has augmented the innovative practices initiated by the private players. Growth in the interactive technology such as internet has further created a wave of excitement in the insurance market. Indian economy and Indian Insurance sector is committed to a double digit growth. Here’s a glimpse of Insurance Industry over 190 years.

BACKGROUND: Insurance is an Rs 450 billion industry in India. The value of the market is determined by gross premium incomes. The life insurance segment writes about 80% of the overall market value. Indian Insurance market was at its all time high in 2003 with a growth of about 17.4% over the pervious year. Since 2001 Insurance is growing at the rate of 15-

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20 % annually. The growth in the insurance industry is affected by volatility in real estate rates, GDP rates and long term interest rates. Fluctuations in exchange rates also affect the growth in this sector. The gross premium as a percentage of the GDP has gone up from 2.3 in the year 2000 to 4.8 in 2006. Together with banking services, it adds about 7% to the country’s GDP.



Insurance is as old as human society itself. The ancient origin of insurance is Emerigon, whose brilliant and learned Traite des Assurances, first published in 1783, is still read with respect and admiration. The result shows that insurances were known to the ancients such as Romans, Phoenicians Rhodians, although the business of underwriting commercial risks was probably not highly developed. The histories of Livy and Suetonius shows that the contractors who undertook to transport provisions and military stores to the troops in Spain stipulated that the government should assume all risk of loss by reason of perils of the sea or capture and this was probably the first time when insurance process was known. There were friendly societies organized, for the purpose of extending aid to their unfortunate members from a fund made up of contributions from all. These societies undoubtedly existed in China and India in the earliest times. The earliest traces of Insurance in the ancient Indian history was in the form of marine trade loans or carrier’s contracts, which can be found in Kautilya’s Arthashastra, Yajnyavalkya’s Dharmashastra and Manu’s Smriti. These works show that the system of credit and the law of interest were well developed in India. They were based on clear appreciation of hazard involved and the means of safeguarding against it.



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Insurance in India without any regulations started in the nineteenth century. It was a typical story of a colonial era where a few British insurance companies dominated the market serving mostly large urban centers. Company started by Europeans in Calcutta was the first life insurance company on Indian Soil. Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society indicated the birth of first Indian life insurance company in the year 1870, and covered Indian lives at normal rates. 1930s was the last of the old-style crises in the Indian economy because it marked the beginning of the end of the colonial state and an acceleration of the pace of industrialization as entrepreneurs moved their capital out of the countryside. Independent India reduced its vulnerability to external economic shocks by close control of foreign exchange and by promoting a massive change in the export schedule. Till the end of nineteenth century insurance business was almost entirely in the hands of overseas companies.



The insurance business grew at a faster pace after independence. Indian companies strengthened their hold on this business but despite the growth that was witnessed, insurance remained an urban phenomenon. During Mrs. Gandhi’s tenure (from 19661968), there was a split within the business community of protectionists and those who wanted more open trade. But what maintained the momentum was the commitment of Two Ministers, Ashok Mehta and Subramaniam towards liberalization of the economy. This was seconded with high hope of getting increased foreign aid. Deregulation actually helped the poorest in India as it would eventually create more employment and faster growth. Yet the intense fears of liberalization in the lower middle class and among working class employees of the state sector, pose serious risks in freeing the economy. It might be preferable to introduce liberalization during an economic upswing when the risk of switching jobs is less traumatic. The three liberalization episodes in Indian economic policy have followed clear cyclical patterns.

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Economic policy has swung broadly between controls and greater openness, with a tendency toward decontrolling larger and more important segments of the economy.



1944: The Nationalization of insurance industry gathered momentum in 1944 when a bill to amend the Life Insurance Act 1938 was introduced in the Legislative Assembly. 1956: 154 Indian insurance companies, 16 non-Indian companies and 75 provident societies were taken over by the central government and nationalised. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 Crore from the Government of India. 1972: The General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, which nationalised the general insurance business in India with effect from 1st January 1973. 107 insurers amalgamated and grouped into four companies viz. the National Insurance Company Ltd., the New India Assurance Company Ltd., the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and the United India Insurance Company Ltd. Nationalization was accomplished in two stages; initially the management of the companies was taken over by means of an Ordinance, and later, the ownership too was taken by means of a comprehensive bill. However, it was only in 1956, LIC was nationalised, with the objective of spreading life insurance much more widely and in particular to the rural areas with a view to reach all insurable persons in the country,

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providing them adequate financial cover at a reasonable cost. And as of 2007, LIC is India’s leading Insurance Company, with 2000 branches, which probably is the highest number of branches across India insurance sector.



1994: Insurance sector invited private participation to induce a spirit of competition amongst the various insurers and to provide a choice to the consumers. 1997: Insurance regulator IRDA was set up as there felt the need: a)

To set up an independent regulatory body, that provides greater autonomy to insurance

companies in order to improve their performance,


To enable them to act as independent companies with economic motives.


To protect the interest of holders of insurance policies.


To Amend the Insurance Act, 1938, the Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956 and the General insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972


To end the monopoly of the Life Insurance Corporation of India and General

In the first year of insurance market liberalization (2001) as much as 16 private sector companies including joint ventures with leading foreign insurance companies have entered the Indian insurance sector. Of this, 10 were under the life insurance category and six under general insurance. Thus in all there are 25 players (12-life insurance and 13-general insurance) in the Indian insurance industry till date.

F] 2000:

INDIAN INSURANCE IN 21ST CENTURY: IRDA starts giving licenses to private insurers: ICICI prudential and HDFC Standard Life insurance first private insurers to sell a policy

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2001: Royal Sundaram Alliance first non life insurer to sell a policy 2002: Banks allowed selling insurance plans. As TPAs enter the scene, insurers start setting non-life claims in the cashless mode 2007: First Online Insurance portal, https:/// set up by an Indian Insurance Broker, Bonsai Insurance Broking Pvt Ltd. The Government of India liberalised the insurance sector in March 2000 with the passage of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Bill, lifting all entry restrictions for private players and allowing foreign players to enter the market with some limits on direct foreign ownership. Minimum capital requirement for direct life and Non-life Insurance company is INR1000 million and that for reinsurance company is INR 2000 million. In the 2004-05 budget, the Government proposed for increasing the foreign equity stake to 49%, this is yet to be effected. Under the current guidelines, there is a 26 percent equity cap for foreign partners in direct insurance and reinsurance Company.

ONLINE INSURANCE IN INDIA: Internet access in India has doubled every year over the last five years and forecasts predict this growth to quadruple every year over the next three years. According to emarketer report on India online, in 2007, about 33.2 million people in India accessed internet and that’s about 2.9% of Indian population. This figure is going to be 71.6 million people, which will be about 6% of population by 2011. Considering limited access of human-insurance agents in rural areas, there will more demand of purchasing insurance online from these areas, followed by semi-urban areas. The insurance portals that are active in online distribution are www.icicilombard.com, www.bajajallianz.co.in, www.insurancemall.in,


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Compare – Choose – Buy portals like Bonsai Insurance Broker’s www.insurancemall.in, have been developed for providing comparison of different types of insurance policies, their premiums and their purchase online. The policy details are stored digitally and all transactions are made over secure channels. E-insurance offers a new gateway of incomes and provides additional market penetration, which is a need of an hour for Indian Insurance Segment.

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Most people insure their material possessions—their homes and cars, for example. But many of these same people don't insure what is probably their most valuable asset — their ability to work and earn income. If one becomes sick or are injured and can't work, will he be able to pay his bills and maintain his standard of living? If he depends on his income to pay the bills, then he needs to seriously consider buying disability income insurance. Disability income insurance can help one pay his bills by replacing a portion of his income. It can help him maintain his current lifestyle and help protect him and his family from going into serious debt. His chances of being disabled at some time during his working career are probably higher than he thinks. According to the Social Security Administration's Disability Benefits brochure, "Studies show that a 20-year-old worker has a 3-in-10 chance of becoming disabled before reaching retirement age". Of course, the chances that any one individual will be disabled before retirement depends on many factors, including age, general health, and occupation.


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Some policies pay benefits if you are unable to perform the customary duties of your own occupation. Others pay only if you are unable to perform any job suitable for your education and experience. Some policies define disability in terms of your own occupation for an initial period of two or three years and then continue to pay benefits only if you are unable to perform any occupation. "Own occupation" policies are more desirable, but more expensive.

Disability insurance, often called disability income insurance, is a form of insurance that insures the beneficiary's earned income against the risk that disability will make working (and therefore earning) impossible. In other words, it answers the question, "How would I pay for my living expenses if I became unable to work?"


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The benefit period is the amount of time you will receive monthly benefits during your life. Experts usually recommend that the policy you buy pay you benefits until at least age 65, at which point Social Security disability will take over. If you are young, you may consider buying a policy offering lifetime benefits because it will still be relatively inexpensive. A policy that will replace from 60 percent to 70 percent of your total taxable earnings A higher replacement percentage, if available, is more expensive. Evaluate your other sources of income before deciding how much disability coverage you need. Coverage for disability resulting from either accidental injury or illness An accident-only policy is less expensive but does not provide adequate protection. Ideally, both accident and illness coverage should be purchased.

 COST-OF-LIVING INCREASE IN BENEFITS You are buying a policy today that may not pay benefits for a decade or more. Should you need those benefits, you will want them to have kept pace with increases in the cost of living. (Some companies also offer "indexed" benefits, keeping pace with inflation after benefit payments begin.) A policy paying "residual" or partial benefits This type of policy is available so that you can work part-time and still receive a benefit making up for lost income. A standard feature in some policies, and added by a rider to others, a residual benefits policy pays partial benefits based on loss of income without an initial period of total disability.


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Offered by some companies, it can offset financial loss during a post-disability period of rebuilding a business or professional practice.

 ONGOING COVERAGE A non-cancelable policy which will continue in force as long as the premiums are paid; neither the benefit nor the premium can change. A guaranteed renewable policy keeps the same benefits but may cost more over time since the insurer can increase the premium if it is increased for an entire class of policyholders.

 FINANCIAL STABILITY Check the financial ratings of an insurer. Your insurance agent or company representative should provide this information or check with the following companies, which rate insurance company strength:

 WAITING PERIOD Every disability policy imposes a waiting period, also known as the elimination period. This is the n umber of days you must be disabled before receiving benefits. If you are disabled during the elimination period, you will not receive any benefits, even though you are not able to work. If the elimination period is short, such as 30 or 60 days, the premium will be higher. A longer elimination period may strain your finances more when you need it, but you will be charged a lower premium. Most experts recommend that you select an elimination period of 60 to 90 days. The first check is usually paid 30 days after the waiting period.

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CAUSES OF DISABILITY Many professionals and business people think they're "exempt" from the possibility of becoming disabled. The following list of actual claimants is taken from a major insurance carrier's disability files. What could prevent you from working?

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CAUSE OF DISABILITY Acute Myocardial Infarction Cervical and Lumbar Back Sprain Anxiety Disorder, Depression Neurotic Depression Severe Headaches, Anxiety Coronary Artery Disease

AGE 42 34 30 35 42 62

OCCUPATION President-Executive Advertising Consultant CPA Insurance Broker CPA Executive - Vice

Degenerative Disc Disease Uncontrolled Diabetes Multiple Trauma-Accident

54 31 38

President Veterinarian Attorney President - Construction

Cancer of Lung Bipolar Disorder, Manic Depression Acute Myocardial Infarction, Acute

48 38 51

Company General Sales Manager Director of Advertising Attorney

Encephalopathy Coronary Artery Disease, Acute Myocardial



Infarction, Angina Cerebral Aneurysm 2 Lumbar Laminectomies Severe Coronary Artery Disease Degenerative Disc Disease

55 42 58 59

Psychiatrist ER Physician Ophthalmologist Manufacturer's

Carcinoma Lung Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) Lumbar Nerve Root Irritation Alzheimer's Disease

60 36 55 58

Representative Orthopedic Surgeon Dentist Orthopedic Surgeon Pathologist

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Brain Tumor Multiple Sclerosis Left Brachial Plexus Compression Syndrome Parkinson's Disease Acute Myocardial Infarction Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Artery Disease Pancreatitis, Neuropathy, Diabetes, Angina Fracture, Elbow-Radial Head and Neck Parkinson's Disease Multiple Sclerosis Peripheral Myelopathy Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease, Angina Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Crohn's Disease Obstructed Right Lateral Ventricle, Seizures Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Disorder

48 58 34 62 45 62 52 55 59 37 30 44 48 43 31 54

Medical Doctor Vice President Dentist CPA Owner / Manager OB/Gyn Pediatrician General Surgeon Vascular Surgeon ER Physician Dentist Thoracic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Surgeon Orthopedic Surgeon Neurosurgeon

DISABILITY INSURANCE STATISTICS WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF A DISABLING INJURY OR ILLNESS? Many people probably insure their home, car and other personal assets. But what about the income that provides those assets? Many of them might be surprised to learn what poses the greatest threat to most people during the course of one year. Consider these statistics: Odd for risks 1 out of 5 1 out of 21 1 out of 96 1 out of 114

Covered by Insurance That your auto will be damaged in an accident That you will have a disabling accident That you will have a fire That you will die

Did you know: During the course of one’s career, one may be three and a half times more likely to be injured and need disability coverage then one is to die and need life insurance?

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Did you know: Approximately 30% of all people ages 35 to 65 will suffer a disability for at least 90 days, and about one in seven can expect to become disabled for five years or more.

WHAT IS THE LIKELIHOOD OF DISABILITY? One of the biggest myths about disability is that it doesn’t happen to younger people. See the chart below showing the odds of having a long term disability (one lasting more than 90 days before age 65) along with average duration of disability.


Likelihood of long term disability 1 in 3

Average Duration 32 months


3 in 10

42 months


5 in 22

50 months


1 in 10

54 months

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PLANNING A LONG VACATION? Probably plan ahead, even for a short vacation. But, one may not have planned ahead for an unexpected "vacation"...a long-term disability. The conditions listed below could leave one person unable to work for a month, six months, or even longer. Conditions Causing Limitation


Percent of

thousands) All Heart Disease Deformities, orthopedic impairments & disorders of the

7,932 7,672

Conditions 13.0 12.6

spine or back Osteoarthritis and allied disorder Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity Asthma Diabetes Mental Disorders Cancer

5,048 2,817 2,592 2,569 2,035 1,342

8.3 4.6 4.2 4.2 3.0 2.2

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Number of Disabilities

Number of Deaths

Disability vs.

27 32 37 42 47 52 57

per 1000 Lives* 5.17 5.36 7.45 10.22 13.93 17.52 23.02

per 1000 Lives* 1.46 1.64 2.14 3.22 4.68 6.82 10.23

Death Ratio 3.54 to 1 3.27 to 1 3.48 to 1 3.17 to 1 2.98 to 1 2.57 to 1 2.25 to 1

And it can last for years

Most likely, one realizes the need for life insurance –if one knows he is going to die, and planning for the well being of your family upon the event of one’s death is not often questioned. Planning for a disability shouldn’t be any different. Especially since the chance of becoming disabled before age 65 is greater than one’s chance of dying.


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With Disability Income Insurance one can feel secure in knowing that a person is protected from the most valuable asset – your ability to work and earn an income. Avoid the financial strain even a short-term disability can cause when a person is sick or hurt to work.

The causes of disability may surprise everyone! Here is a breakdown (by percentage of claims) of some typical reasons an individual may become disabled:

48% of all home foreclosures are the result of disability, while only 3% of all foreclosures result from death

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1. Someone who is 35 years old has a 50% chance of disability for 90 days or more

before they turn 65. 2.

People in India are better prepared financially in case of death (usually with life insurance) than if they get disabled, even though the chances are at least three to five times greater (depending on age) that a disability will occur.


Upwards of 375,000 Indians become totally disabled every year.


Approximately one out of seven people who are between the ages 35–65 can expect to become disabled for five years or longer.


Almost 30 percent of the people who are between the ages 35 and 65 will experience a disability that lasts at least 90 days during their working careers.


About 110 million Indians do not have long term disability insurance.


About 8 million adults have some disability that limits or prevents them from working.


46 percent of all foreclosures on conventional mortgages are brought about by a disability. Approximately 2 percent are caused by the death of the homeowner.


Benefits from an employer plan are taxable. Individual policies, purchased as an individual pay benefits free of income tax.

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Most people, no matter their income, spend 65 percent to 75 percent of their cash flow. In thinking about this, this means a person should aim toward securing as much disability income insurance they can toward the goal of replacing such income.


If you put away 10 percent of your income each year, then simple arithmetic says that one year of being totally disabled could wipe out the 10 years of principal that you put into your savings.


How good is social security disability income? Anyone at any income level can apply for Social Security Disability Insurance but one requirement is that you have to have worked at least 10 years before becoming disabled.


The most common chronic conditions listed for limitation on working are back disorders (21 percent), followed by heart disease and arthritis.

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 Provides monthly benefits for employees who are totally or partially disabled by a covered injury or illness. •

Benefit periods of 2 years, 5 years and to age 65

Elimination periods from 30 days to 2 years

Coverage up to 70% of income

"Own Occupation" definition of disability plans available

There are basically two types of long term disability insurance: •

NON-CANCELABLE LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE- Under this policy if one pays required premium at time, then one has extra security that premiums can never be raised over and above of that shown in the policy document.

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GUARANTEED RENEWABLE LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE- The premiums under this policy can be raised only if the change affects an entire class of policy holders. So guaranteed renewable policies usually cost less than Noncancelable policies in terms of premium.

Policies other than the above mentioned types are also available. These can be either a variation or a mix of these two types. Policies that replace a greater percentage of one's lost salary are more expensive. Points to Remember before taking Coverage under Long Term Disability Insurance:  Before applying for long term disability insurance one must calculate the amount of alternative income he has. Sometimes employer pay a part (50%-60%) of the income if an employee becomes disabled and can't work for about 6 months or more. Also the total income of the family be enough to cover the expenses incurred by the family. Having diversified sources of income may obviate the need of long term disability insurance.  It is of utmost importance to read the plan document carefully before taking cover. For instance, some policies pay benefits only against injuries that are quite serious. So one must know the definition of disability offered by the insurer.  Long term disability insurance is sold through insurance agents as well as directly by insurance companies. So shopping around before buying is important.  It is crucial to check whether the company and agent are licensed in the state to which the insurance seeker belongs. Also one should check the repute and financial condition of the insurance company.  SHORT TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE

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 Provides weekly benefits for employees who are totally or partially disabled by a covered injury, illness, pregnancy or mental disorder. •

Benefit periods up to 52 weeks

Elimination periods as little as 0 days for an accident and 3 days for an illness

Coverage up to 70% of income

HOW “LONG” IS SHORT TERM DISABILITY? There is a simple answer to the question, “How long is short term disability?” from an insurance perspective. Benefits in the majority of short term insurance contracts are payable to a maximum of one year. Many short term programs last considerably less, some for just 13 through 26 weeks. These programs are not typically designed to serve the function or have the options of long term disability coverage. Short term disability insurance is sometimes called “cash sickness” coverage or temporary disability insurance (TDI) because it protects people from a typical injury or illness that prevents them from performing their occupations for a short period of time, usually measured in months. This coverage was not created to help you in more serious situations. People covered by employer-paid short term disability insurance and/or government programs should consider matching this insurance with long term protection. Should you suffer an injury or illness that prevents one from working for years instead of months, the difference between long term and short term disability insurance will be graphically displayed with unwelcome results.


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An individual disability insurance policy is a disability insurance offered to an individual who is not enrolled by the employer. Self-employed individuals, who desire disability coverage, may purchase their own policies on the open market. Premiums and available benefits for individual coverage vary considerably between different companies, for individuals in different occupations, and by State and Country. In general, premiums are higher for policies that provided more monthly benefit, pay the benefit for a longer period of time, and start payments for benefits more quickly following a disability. Premiums also tend to be higher for policies that define disability in broader terms, meaning the policy would pay benefits in a wider variety of circumstances. Individual disability insurance is more expensive than group disability insurance. Not many disability insurance companies offer an individual disability insurance policy to the public. Due to the expensive underwriting and other medical related costs, the individual disability insurance is more costly than group disability insurance. Individual insurance plans can be of the following types: •

INDIVIDUAL DISABILITY INSURANCE GUARANTEED NON CANCELABLE: Under this type of individual disability insurance plan an applicant's past medical history, occupation, proof of income is taken into consideration prior to approving the application form of individual disability insurance policy.

INDIVIDUAL DISABILITY INSURANCE NON TRADITIONAL DISABILITY POLICY: This type of individual disability insurance is meant for those who are not registered with the Worker's compensation.

The Individual disability insurance non traditional disability policy was launched in 1934. Individual disability insurance non traditional disability policy has undergone several changes for the good of the people.

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Individual disability insurance non traditional disability policy does not cover benefit coverage for certain diseases like stress, depression, fatigue, excessive burn out, nervous and mental ailments, anxiety. Applicants of Individual disability insurance non traditional disability policy buy this for availing tax benefits also. Individual disability insurance non traditional disability policy is more expensive than a group disability insurance policy due to the under mentioned reasons: •

Under Individual disability insurance non traditional disability policy, each risk needs to be separately underwritten. The cost involved in underwriting each risk is very expensive. The cost of each risk being underwritten gives little scope to the applicant to avail of too many options.

Individual disability insurance is more expensive. The reason being that the cost of billing premium, for those disability insurance policy holders under one contract is easier and less time taking. Premium of individual disability insurance is level under during the entire term of the policy. •

Individual disability insurance policy holders are in an advantageous position regarding the portability of the Individual disability insurance.

In case the employee or the individual wants to go for a large number of jobs. Portability of Individual disability insurance policy is a very big advantage. •

A part time or a contract worker can be insured under an Individual disability insurance policy.

In case of Individual disability insurance there is less restriction for the eligibility criteria for availing an Individual disability insurance.


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DEFINITION - The most common definition we see is a "modified" own-occupation for the first two years of a claim, then a change to the restrictive "gainful" occupation definition for the rest of the benefit period. PORTABILITY - It is extremely rare to find a group LTD policy you can take with you should you change employers, or become self-employed. Most LTD contracts are not portable, and do not fall under any regulations. TAXABILITY OF BENEFITS - If your company pays the premiums for the LTD coverage, if you go on claim the benefits are taxed as ordinary income to you. That 60% benefit is truly much less after you pay taxes on it RESIDUAL/PARTIAL BENEFITS - Some group LTD plans make no provisions for partial coverage; some pay partial benefits for up to 2 years, and very few have extended partial benefits to 65. MENTAL & NERVOUS RESTRICTIONS - Group plans typically limit claims paid for any mental and nervous disability to 2 years. Many will also limit claims paid for drug and alcohol abuse to one year. MONTHLY MAXIMUMS - Every group plan has a monthly maximum benefit. Two of the most common maximums are $5,000 and $10,000. A group LTD policy will typically pay 60% of base salary to a monthly maximum of 5K / 10K a month. COVERED INCOME - Many group LTD plans only cover base salary, and leave out commissions and bonus income. Anybody in sales, or who depends on bonus money for a portion of their income has even less LTD coverage than they think.

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 DISABILITY BUY-OUT INSURANCE Statistically, a person is up to ten times more likely to become disabled than they are to die. In the case of businesses and their owners, this means that is especially important to insure against one owner becoming disabled and unable to continue running the business. A disability buy-out insurance policy enables either the remaining owners, or the business entity itself, to buy-out the disabled owner's share of the business at an agreeable price. THE BENEFITS OF DISABILITY BUY-OUT INSURANCE

Disability buy-out insurance provides benefits for all parties. •

The disabled owner is guaranteed a buyer willing to pay a reasonable price for their share of the business. Because a formula is already put in place to determine a reasonable price, it also negates the need for litigation or for negotiation on the price. Furthermore, it enables the individual to concentrate on recovering from illness or injury without the added concerns of running the business or finding a suitable buyer.

The remaining owners are enabled to purchase the shares in their business without having to seek an outside investor. This ensures that they are able to continue in the normal operation of the company without having to relinquish any control. Continuity

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in daily operations is guaranteed and the remaining owners are provided with adequate funding to buy out the disabled partner. •

The business itself would normally continue to pay the disabled partner an income, or return on their investment. This financial drain can cause serious problems for the remaining partners, especially, who will need to pick up the pace to meet the increased demands. With a buy-out policy in place, this does not have to be the case because the insurance is used to cover against this liability.

 NATIONAL SOCIAL INSURANCE PROGRAMS In most developed countries, the single most important form of disability insurance is that provided by the national government for all citizens. For example, the UK's version is part of the National Insurance; the U.S.'s version is Social Security (SS)—specifically, several parts of SS including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). These programs provide a floor beneath all the other piecemeal forms of disability insurance in our societies. In other words, they are the safety net that catches everyone who was either (a) otherwise uninsured or (b) otherwise underinsured. As such, they are very large, very important programs, with many beneficiaries. The general theory of the benefit formula is that the benefit is not large but is enough to prevent abject poverty.

 WORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers' compensation (also known by variations of that name, e.g., workman's comp, workmen's comp, worker's comp, compo) offers payments to employees who are (usually temporarily, rarely permanently) unable to work because of a job-related injury. However, workers' compensation is in fact more than just income insurance, because it may pay compensation for economic loss (past and future), reimbursement or payment of medical and like expenses (functioning in this case as a form of health insurance),

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general damages for pain and suffering, and benefits payable to the dependents of workers killed during employment (functioning in this case as a form of life insurance).

 OTHER These policies offer payments to employees who are (usually temporarily, rarely permanently) unable to work because of any injury or illness, even if it is not job-related. Unlike workers' compensation, this coverage may not involve any aspect of health insurance, life insurance, or payments for pain and suffering. Similarly to most employer-supplied health insurance, these plans are essentially just open-market plans with the advantage of a negotiated group rate. That is, they are similar to what an individual would buy, but they are purchased with a volume discount. Another general fact about them is that they tend to offer rather basic, low-end coverage, essentially because most people balk at paying for anything more. Sometimes each employee has the option to buy upgraded coverage if they are willing to pay for it.

 VETERANS' BENEFITS The various kinds of compensation and insurance that are provided to military veterans by organizations such as the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are very much analogous to workers' compensation, with soldiers, sailors, and marines being the analogues of the worker. In both cases, the overall compensation system involves more than just one type of insurance, but rather encompasses health insurance, disability income insurance, life insurance, and even mortgage insurance on VA mortgages. The scope of each of these is limited. For example, the life insurance aspect is limited only to paying (rather small) survivors' benefits to survivors of veterans killed in the course of their service; it is not a general term life policy.

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HOW ARE DISABILITY PREMIUMS DETERMINED? Disability premiums are based on one’s age, sex, occupation and the amount of potential lost income that a person is trying to protect. In general, the lower the chance that the occupation puts a person in harm’s way, the lower the premium. The higher the chance of injury, the bigger the premium. So, for instance, an accountant working in an office would have much lower disability premiums than a construction worker.  How can one save money? There are two ways to keep the cost of disability insurance down:

» Electing a longer waiting period before benefits begin If a person has enough resources to cover expenses during the first three months of disability, the premium will be lower than with coverage that starts after 30 days.

» Electing a shorter benefit period In this case, benefits are payable to age 65—the age at which one would normally retire —instead of for a lifetime. However, choosing a benefit period of two-to-five years, ending before normal retirement age, could be penny-wise and pound-foolish. He might save money on premiums, but he could be without coverage when you need it most. Disability of long duration poses the greatest financial hardship.  Will employer provide disability coverage? Most employers offer some kind of disability insurance, but one should find out exactly what the employer offers before one has to file a claim. Most allow some short-term sick leave, which might last from a few days to as much as six months. In some cases, the employer requires to provide disability benefits for up to 26 weeks.

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So the employee needs to check with his benefits department to see if he is covered and if so, how long he must wait before benefits begin and how long payments will last while he is still disabled. Also, ask if the employer’s disability plan takes other disability programs, such as Social Security, into account when calculating your disability pay. No laws require employers to offer long-term disability (LTD) coverage, but about half of large and mid-sized employers offer it to their workers. Typical group long-term disability benefits replace about 60 percent of the worker’s usual salary. These benefits usually start when short-term benefits are exhausted and continue from five years to life. Usually, group long-term disability insurance is fully paid for by employers, with no contribution expected from employees. When you receive employer-paid disability income, you must pay federal and state income tax on the benefits, unless your company pays it for you.

DISABILITY INSURANCE COST Disability insurance cost is the cost which one has to bear for buying or availing a disability insurance. Disability insurance cost varies depending upon the type of disability insurance opted for. One should not compromise with the disability insurance cost. The reason being a disability insurance can be of immense help in the event when one falls sick and is out of job due to an injury, which is not related to work. In case of group disability insurance the employer usually pays the amount needed to pay premium. The employees usually are not required to pay. If however the norm of a company desires so, a very small fraction is required to be paid by the employee. Not compromising with the disability insurance cost does not necessarily mean that one has to accept whatever the disability insurance provider quotes. There are several factors to be kept in mind while calculating the disability insurance cost.

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One should opt for group disability insurance than an individual disability insurance policy. Group disability insurance cost is much less than an individual disability insurance cost. Although the group disability insurance cost is less but group disability insurance policy offers much less benefit and flexibility. One has to find out from the disability insurance agent which policy suits him the best. In the event when a group disability insurance policy cannot be availed of, one may adopt of the following measures to enroll oneself with an individual disability insurance policy.  Reducing the disability insurance cost: The individual disability insurance cost can be reduced in the following manner.

» One can reduce ones monthly benefit offered by the disability insurance provider in the event of sickness or injury leading to disability.

» In order to lower disability insurance cost one can increase the waiting period prior to the disability insurance policy which becomes equivalent to a short term disability insurance policy.  Waiting period can vary widely. A waiting period can range from a year to many years. If one plans to increase the waiting period to lower the disability insurance cost one should be prepared with sufficient money in the event of an emergency arising out of disability.

» A disability insurance policy holder can also find out if the disability insurance policy being held includes any coverage which is optional or facultative.  To lower the disability insurance cost one can do without the optional coverages.

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» To lower the disability insurance cost, one should cut the benefit period short. This method of lowering the disability insurance cost may not be very much advisable. The risk lies in the fact that the benefit one is availing for disability may cease to exist even before the disability gets over. An individual intending to buy a disability insurance policy should weigh the advantages and disadvantages before deciding upon lowering the disability insurance cost. There are people who feel that buying a disability insurance policy is of no use and there are yet others who tend to buy policies with disability insurance cost on the lower side.

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DISABILITY INSURANCE CLAIM Disability insurance claim can be simple or difficult depending upon the extent of damage. Almost 86% of the disability insurance claims are caused by illness. Almost all private employee benefit plans are regulated and enforced under the law by Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. Claims arising from group plans or employer provided disability plans are governed by ERISA whereas State Law is applied for settling claims in private individual disability plans.

ASKING FOR DISABILITY INSURANCE CLAIM: Disability is a physical or mental impairment (temporary or permanent) that prevents one from working efficiently in the particular occupation he is involved. There are three different definitions of disability:

» OWN OCCUPATION- The person is unable to perform the important duties related to his own occupation.

» MODIFIED OWN OCCUPATION- The person is unable to perform the important duties and on top of that he is refraining from his work.

» ANY OCCUPATION- This disability renders the person unsuitable for any occupation where otherwise the person may find worth according to his education and experience. The HIAA Source Book of Health Insurance depicts 'back problems' as the major reason for asserting disability insurance claim. Surprisingly the second major reason for claiming benefit is psychiatric and emotional disorders. This might occur because one saw his 10 year old child going through chemotherapy or due to a tense situation at

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office or home. A claim depends on the type of coverage on has bought. Another factor is the type of disability i.e. whether the disability is partial, full or residual. One just has to complete a form and return it to the insurance company. One portion of these forms is to be filled by the physician treating the disabled. In case of a group plan an employer also has certain obligations. The claim must be substituted within a specified period of time (30 days) of being disabled. In case of short term disability insurance plans one must be disabled for at least 8 consecutive days and must either be employed or seeking job in an active manner. POINTS TO REMEMBER BEFORE FILING DISABILITY INSURANCE CLAIM:  First things first. One must understand the precise definition of disability in his policy to determine whether his condition qualifies for benefits.  Most disability policies require one to be under the care of a doctor. So it is

mandatory that the doctor treating the disabled confirms and explains the problem in writing.  The answers given in the disability insurance claim form must be true to the maximum extent. An unsure question must be marked unsure. In case an answer contradicts the medical record that the insurer will obtain, the insured must have a comprehensive explanation for that.  Almost all disability policies incorporate an elimination period. An elimination period is the period of time one remains disabled before receiving benefits. So one must arrange for enough money to meet usual expenses.  A disability insurance claim must be filed as soon as one discovers his disability. A failure to do so can lead to the insurance provider denying the claim.  Under no circumstances should the insured give up his rights. An offer to compromise by accepting less can lead to worse consequences.

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 Under an own occupation policy, one can collect benefits if he can no more continue his own job but can get employed in another kind of job.  Insurance companies can videotape a person who has filed a disability insurance claim to record him doing something that he claims he is unable to do.  One must not keep any stone unturned in understanding the policy and disability insurance claims. So he must not bother asking questions that look stupid.

DISABILITY INSURANCE ATTORNEY Disability insurance attorney refers to the law firms or lawyers who negotiate the settlement or handle the litigations of disabled professionals or corporate executives. Insurance companies have multiple reasons for delaying and denying the claims of disability insurance beneficiaries. Someone can also contact a disability insurance attorney if he is interested in a lump-sum buy-out of his disability policy.

APPLICABILITY OF DISABILITY INSURANCE ATTORNEY: The insurer and the insured enter into a contract while buying a disability insurance policy. The insurance company promises pays to (usually partially) cover the lost wage if the insured gets disabled according to the terms of disability income policy. The insurer's failure to cover the loss is a breach of contract. This generally happens mostly in the case of physiological and psychological ailments when the claimant has suffered an illness or an injury which involves only subjective symptoms and is hard to diagnose. Many people give up after the denial of their claim. Disability insurance attorney are law firms which provides the harassed persons options to file a lawsuit against the insurance provider. Nowadays disability insurance attorney also has alternatives whereby the law firm enters into a communication with the insurer and gets the claim reevaluated. These services are available both for short and long term disability plans.

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CHECK OUT MORE BEFORE AVAILING DISABILITY INSURANCE ATTORNEY SERVICE:  Short and long term disability plans are usually governed by Employee Retirement

Income Security Act (ERISA). One has a full range of rights when ERISA applies but there are many hidden dangers also. For instance a review becomes impossible if an ERISA appeal is unsuccessful and a lawsuit is necessary. Many lawyers do not understand ERISA. So it is utmost important that previous success rate is examined to avoid further litigation.  Choosing a law firm having good repute pays because insurance companies respect

good law firm's abilities and are almost submissive from the beginning. Many disability insurance attorney law firms don't charge any attorney fees unless they can work out a successful recovery for clients. Choosing such a firm can prevent an additional pecuniary loss if the claim fails. Therefore choosing to use disability insurance attorney to get back the claim is always a rational decision but care must be executed.

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Disability Insurance has been a huge success in Western Countries especially in countries like U.S.A & U.K. There people have understood the importance of getting a disability insurance and hence the policies sells like a hot cake over there. Many insurance companies such as MetLife Insurance Company, Prudential financial, New York Life & Abbott Insurance Agency have come up with innovative schemes in Disability Insurance which has made sure that they have helped Hundreds of people in hundred different ways. For an Insurance company its important to know what type of a cover does a person needs to exactly want and they have to set up plans accordingly. In America, surveys and reports have shown that people face a most crunch situation when the earning person himself gets ill or disabled leaving his entire family into disarray. Studies have shown most of the homes in America gets foreclosures due to disability and not much due to death. So it was imperative for the Western Society to understand the fact that disability cover ought to be there. The Government has also been supportive for the same and there are schemes in which the employer himself insures his employees, in certain cases it is mandatory as well. Most employers offer some kind of disability insurance, but you should find out exactly what your employer offers before you have to file a claim. Most allow some short-term sick leave, which might last from a few days to as much as six months. In some states, such as Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, state law requires employers to provide disability benefits for up to 26 weeks. There has been lot of innovative ideas that has been introduced in Western Countries I would like to highlight some of the innovative insurance schemes.

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DOCTOR DISABILITY MEDICAL STUDENT DISABILITY INSURANCE Could one continue to support his family and pay his bills if he were unable to work for any length of time because of illness or injury? If one were to become disabled, do you know how much money would be coming in each month and from what sources? Some people hope that group disability coverage provided by their employers, government disability income programs or worker's compensation will cover them. But, for many physicians and dentists, a disability that stops their paycheck would leave them - and their families - in financial hardship. Individual disability income insurance is designed to replace a significant portion of income lost when illness or injury prevents the policyholder from earning a living. It is designed to help pay ongoing bills while the policyholder is recuperating and unable to do his or her job. Last year the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) said that schools should require disability insurance for all medical students and provide access to policies. Medical students are particularly vulnerable to the financial hardships that may result from a disability. Medical student disability insurance protects students from possible fiscal disaster and is also a prudent investment. Purchasing a policy while still in medical school presents tremendous advantages that can save students money after graduation and provide the peace of mind necessary to focus on the demands of a career in medicine. Most medical students do not generate income while in school, but instead accumulate debt at staggering rates. In 2005, medical school graduates who took out loans started their residencies with an average debt of $100,000, a figure that does not include

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undergraduate debt. Only the expected future income from a career in medicine makes such exorbitant debt palatable; however, a student that suffers a disability may never realize that income. According to the 1994 Statistical Abstract of the United States, in the course of a year, 1 in 10 people between the ages of 25 and 64 will suffer a disability. When comparing that ratio to the odds of being victim of a house fire (1 in 122); injured in an automobile accident (1 in 160); or even of death (1 in 117), the value and protection offered by medical student disability insurance is clear. A student who suffers a disability and is unable to complete their education will be saddled with student loan debt and may not be able to work in any field depending on the disability and its severity. Repayment of student loans combined with medical expenses and lack of income due to disability can destroy a financial future. Even a student that is able to continue medical school could face the burden of simultaneously repaying loans and paying tuition. Advantages of purchasing a medical student disability policy: •

Rates are based on age – the younger a person when the policy is purchased, the less expensive it will be.

A person’s health status effects eligibility and premiums - obtaining insurance at a younger age may protect the policyholder from the difficulties of securing a policy later in life when other health issues may affect insurability.

Medical students can purchase up to $2,100/month of benefit

The policy benefit can be increased in the future regardless of health status.

The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) is the sole accrediting authority for medical education programs leading to the M.D. degree in the United States. Accreditation standard MS-28 states, “all students must have access to disability insurance.” Simply allowing access to disability insurance—a minimal requirement placed on accredited medical schools—or even recommending it, is not enough to save students from the risks of not protecting their future income. In light of the monetary

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investment that students make to medical schools, it should be the responsibility of each school to promote and educate its students about the benefits, value, and importance of medical student disability insurance.

RESIDENT PHYSICIAN DISABILITY INSURANCE Dr. Romans was in her third year of emergency medicine residency when the unthinkable happened. After a long shift in the ER she left the hospital and on her way home was rear ended while waiting to make a left turn. The impact pushed her car into opposing traffic and an oncoming vehicle struck her broadside. The impact caused a compression in her lower back that six months later still causes her excruciating pain. “Most days I’m in so much pain that I wonder how I’ll be able to complete my residency, let alone get a job after graduation”, said Dr. Romans in an interview with Doctor Disability. Between medical school and undergrad, she is in debt over $130,000 and because of her injury, can no longer qualify for individual disability coverage. According to the 1994 Statistical Abstract of the United States, in the course of a year, 1 in 10 people between the ages of 25 and 64 will suffer a disability. When comparing that ratio to the odds of being victim of a house fire (1 in 122); injured in an automobile accident (1 in 160); or even of death (1 in 117), the odds of being out of work due to an injury or illness are very high. With average salaries that are roughly a quarter that of a physician’s median salary, resident physicians are treading water until their full income potential is realized. Insuring the ability to earn that future income with medical resident disability insurance is crucial, especially as a recent medical school graduate. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), if medical school tuition continues to increase at its current rate, the projected median indebtedness for 2007 medical school graduates

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will be over $120,000 for those who went to public school and just shy of $160,000 for private school attendees. While repayment of Stafford loans may be deferred in a case of economic hardship, many residents must begin to repay student loans six months after graduation. Regardless of whether these loans are deferred, an injury or illness to a medical resident with substantial debt could have debilitating long-term financial effects. Many residency programs offer group disability insurance, but these plans can have major limitations. Group plans can be changed or canceled at any time, and most do not extend past residency. A physician under one of these plans would have to purchase disability insurance again after residency—which is still a wise decision—but would likely miss out on lower premiums that were available as a resident. In addition, by waiting, any medical conditions that emerged as a resident could make the future purchase of an individual policy very difficult. Finally, many group plans only offer coverage for a total disability. If a resident or intern under a plan that only offers total disability coverage is partially disabled and still able to perform any type of work, the benefits may not be payable. The simple solution to protecting future income and eliminating the risk of being unable to repay student loans is purchasing an individual disability insurance policy. Rates are based on age and health status, so it is advantageous to purchase a policy sooner rather than later. A policy purchased by a resident has the flexibility to meet changing needs of the insured after residency and offers significant financial advantages. Buying disability insurance at a younger age and while healthy will get a medical resident or intern the best policy and rate. There are several features and terms to be aware of when looking for a good disability insurance policy. The first is an own occupation definition of disability. With own occupation coverage, if the insured becomes disabled, benefits are still payable even if he or she is able to gain employment in another profession. Group or individual plans that are not own occupation specific may only cover total disability and not pay benefits

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if the policyholder is partially disabled or can do other work. For example, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) only covers total disability and the inability “to adjust to other work” because of medical conditions. Because the average income of a physician is notably higher than the income for most other occupations, an own occupation plan is the only way to protect a resident physician’s true future earning power. Choosing a policy that is guaranteed renewable and non-cancelable is also important. These policies cannot be canceled or altered due to change in health status or age, and can be renewed at the same premium for as long as the policyholder desires. By investing in an own occupation policy as a resident physician, the insured can protect future income while acquiring guaranteed coverage that is locked in at a lower rate. With flexible premiums and the benefit of longer coverage at a less expensive rate, there is no reason for a resident physician or intern not to inquire about a disability insurance policy today. Even group discounts are available when three or more doctors from a residency program apply.

Doctor Disability offers the following benefits for medical residents: •

Own occupation coverage of up to $3,700 for residents and $5,000 for fellows

Group discount plans when three or more doctors from your residency program apply

Flexible premium plans to fit your budget

Quotes from the top companies

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RETIREMENT PROTECTION INSURANCE What would happen to one’s ability to save for retirement if he were hurt or too sick to work? Most people in this situation, with no income and increased medical bills, are forced to use their savings to meet everyday living expenses. It’s important to put a fallback plan in place to ensure that money continues to be put away for one’s retirement even if he becomes disabled.

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Can you afford a 42% loss to your retirement savings? A permanent disability could disrupt your retirement savings, as shown here. If you can't make contributions to your retirement plan, your retirement dreams may not become reality.

Retirement Protection Disability Insurance helps you continue saving for retirement in the event of a disability. If you become disabled, the policy pays a benefit in the amount of your retirement plans monthly contribution into a special trust. The money in the trust is invested at your discretion until you reach age 65 and then distributed to help supplement your retirement income. It is not a pension plan. Rather, it is a program that provides disability income insurance to ensure your ability to make retirement plan contributions until the age of 65. The goal: to provide you with close to what you could

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have expected from the retirement plan if you had not become disabled. In addition to protection for your own retirement, it also makes an excellent benefit for select employees – or your entire staff. Retirement Protection Disability Insurance Features: •

Monthly benefits up to $3,800/month

Coverage can be added to an existing individual or group disability insurance plan to cover more of your annual income

Non-cancelable, guaranteed renewable coverage to age 65, which means your policy cannot be changed or canceled except for non-payment of premiums

Portable, individually-owned coverage

Tax-free benefits (when premiums are paid by the insured with after-tax dollars; investment earnings within the Trust are taxable)

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In India, Insurance has a long history it has increased by leaps & bounds, people in India have understood the importance of having an insurance policy. But Disability Insurance is still alien to India. Disability Insurance policies are still not familiar to Indian people. Though they prefer taking life insurance but they have negated the fact that

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disability insurance is equally important. Disability can come to a person anytime in his life and that can seriously hamper his earning capacity. I would like to illustrate some of the real stories and expert opinions about the same.

NEW DELHI: Rahul (name changed) was abandoned at an orphanage in New Delhi four years back. The reasons are obvious - he is disabled. Hundreds of babies like him are deserted every year by parents who can make no place in their lives for disabled children. In India there are at least four companies that have insurance policies for unborn children that covers them for disability after birth. But unfortunately, there are few takers. AGM, New India Assurance Company H P Singh says, "There is a policy that we offer that protects children against disabilities, but we have sold very few because Indian parents are very superstitious by nature and they think that by going in for a policy like this would mean bad luck." Take New India Assurance Company for example. Their Unborn Child Welfare Insurance scheme has been around since 1987. But to date, they have hardly sold more than 200 policies. The policy offers an insurance of Rs 75,000 for a one time premium of Rs 1,500. And the policy covers a range of disabilities for new born babies from lung and heart defect to physical disabilities. However, parents like Pooja and Pankaj Sharma who have just had baby Ananya are not convinced that such policies do expectant parents any good.

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"There is such a positive energy all around when you're expecting a baby. The last thing you need is a policy like this to put that seed of thought in your mind that some thing might go wrong," says Pankaj Sharma. Paediatricians are stunned are what they call a typical situation where superstition prevails over logic especially since treating disability in children runs into lakhs and a little monetary help would always be welcome. With most parents unable to afford the expensive medical treatment, it's the children who have to pay the price. To make matters worse, companies who offer such policies haven't made much of an effort to market them. Says Paediatrician A K Gulati, "I think it is ridiculous to say that its bad luck because one in three live births are disabled children. Also these insurance companies need to approach doctors instead of parents because hardly any one knows about these policies" There are lakhs of children who are born with some kind of disability every year in India. Their lives could have been much better if their parents had taken out disability insurance. But hope of new perfect life inevitably overrides caution. When shopping for coloured clothes for a baby to come, disability insurance probably seems far too gloomy. NOVEMBER 12, 2007 When Sunil Kumar Sinha, 34, lost his left hand in an accident, he felt completely desolate. An engineer by profession, Sinha had got married recently, was planning to purchase an apartment soon and then there were other financial goals that he wanted to attain in the years to come. But all seemed lost now. A sad story that can happen to any of us. In advanced countries, there are support systems for people like Sinha, either in the form of direct financial assistance or in terms of identification of opportunities.

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For instance, in New Zealand, if you are above 16 years of age and have been permanently and severely incapacitated, the government has schemes under the head of disability allowance and sickness benefits. However, in India, there is no protection available for such people. Also, with the rising cost of medical treatment, it is a huge financial hit that one has to incur in case of an unfortunate event. Thus, it is always prudent to plan for such issues in advance. In order to plan for your financial support in case of disability you need to look into:  Cost of medical treatment: First, you should be aware of the insurance cover that

your employer provides for you and your family. If this cover is not enough, you need to buy additional cover. Ideally, the total insurance should be to the tune of Rs 300,000 to Rs 500,000 per head. The expense is also not too much. For a 30-year old, health cover of Rs 300,000 would cost only about Rs 3,000 per year. Of course, the premiums are higher for older citizens. It is also important that when you are taking additional cover, mention the existing cover from your employer in the application form. Most insurance agents may ask you not to do it or may not even bring up the subject. But this is important because such hidden facts may allow the insurance company to reject your claim at the time of need.  Transfer of other expenses: If your life insurance policies offer premium waiver

benefit, take it. Essentially, these waivers are offered in case you are incapacitated. Here, the insurance company, on your behalf, will pay for the premiums, either till the disability continues or the end of the policy term, whichever comes earlier. The cost of such riders is not very high. For a 30-year old taking a policy of Rs 50 lakh (Rs 5 million) for 20 years, the premium waiver option comes for a mere Rs 490 a year.

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 Compensation: While expenses covered above are useful, they do not help in

running a household. Here too, there are some good policies available. Almost all policies have a critical illness plan as well as a disability rider. If you are diagnosed with critical illness like paralysis, stroke, heart attack etc, you will get the entire assured sum. For a 30-year old, a critical illness policy of Rs 10 lakh (Rs 1 million) would cost Rs 3,000 a year. Likewise, with the disability benefit rider with your life insurance, the company (depending on type of plan) will pay you regular installments. For instance, Reliance [Get Quote] Life Insurance pays you basic sum assured in ten equal annual installments. However, while all these policies sound great, it is important to remember that it is cheaper to create safety nets through investment rather than insurance plans. So, it would be great if you can get rid of such insurance policies as you grow older because the premiums are much higher. That is, a Rs 10 lakh (Rs 1 million) health cover costs just Rs 3,000 for a 30-year old but the same policy costs Rs 30,000 for a 55-plus person. It is the same case with other policies as well. Moreover, it is at this later age where your chances of such illness or disabilities are higher. If you plan your finances well, you will be able to knock off the critical illness cover much before your retirement. Later, if need be, you can get rid of other covers as well. The idea is to get rid of these covers as soon as possible. This is because you save the premiums which can be directly used to invest in income generating assets. Also, since these premiums get higher with age, it becomes particularly difficult to pay them during retirement years when income is practically zero. But remember, this can only be achieved if you have planned your finances properly and amassed enough resources to take care of any contingency. TO DO LIST:

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Buy insurance of Rs 3 lakh to 5 lakh per person Opt for the disability rider in a health plan Get a premium waiver rider in the health plan Get a critical illness policy

MORTGAGE DISABILITY INSURANCE Mortgage Disability Insurance is a special type of life insurance policy and is gaining huge popularity in the Indian mortgage industry. The mortgage disability insurance is a special type of life insurance policy that guarantees repayment of a mortgage loan in the event of disability of the person who borrowed the mortgage. Further, the mortgage lender can also protect his loaned capital through these special type o instruments.




These types of specialized mortgage disability insurance products are of two types, viz •

Private Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage Insurance Premium

PRIVATE MORTGAGE INSURANCE - They are mortgage disability insurance products that protects the borrower from the lender in the event of default which generally, covers a substantial portion of the capital borrowed. They are insurance products of private insurance companies.

MORTGAGE INSURANCE PREMIUM - They are mortgage disability insurance products that also protects the lender in the event of non-payment due to disability of the mortgage borrower. This life insurance products are generally government insurance products.

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The predominant market leaders in organized Indian mortgage industry are housing finance companies like LIC Housing Finance, HDFC, ICICI Home Finance etc and they are the main facilitator of mortgage disability insurance in India. This mortgage disability insurance products comes as a package with mortgage life insurance products as whole, where the mortgage borrower or the insured is also covered for life. This is the most popular type of mortgage loan prevalent in India. The government of India, Life Insurance Corporation of India enjoys complete market leadership in this sector. The estimated size of the organized mortgage industry in India account only for 25% of the total housing investment in India. Private financial institutions like, commercial banks both National and Foreign Banks along with Cooperative banks and other non-banking financial companies are also registering steady growth since 2000. The Indian mortgage loan industry is consistently registering 20-50 % growth on year-on-year basis, from the year 2000 onwards. Much of the success of the growth of this industry in India can be attributed to the Government of India liberal economic policy promulgated in the early 1990s The business of mortgage life insurance is mainly concentrated in the urban India only. This is because the semi-urban or semi-rural India communities are still ignorant and skeptical about its advantages in owning a house. The main bottlenecks that are hampering smooth growth of this industry in semi-urban India, are as follows •

Ignorance amongst masses

Poor accessibility

Lengthy processing time

Elaborate documentation

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New India Assurance is currently the largest Non-Life Insurance Company in India. It is one of the five Public Sector Insurance Companies in India with its headquarters in Mumbai. Previously it was a subsidiary of the General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC). But as GIC became a reinsurance company as per IRDA Act 1999, all of its four primary insurance subsidiaries (New India Assurance, United India Insurance, Oriental Insurance and National Insurance) got autonomy. New India Assurance has been operating both in India and foreign countries. In the recent past it has succeeded in forging tie-ups with some of the leading public sector banks in India such as State Bank of India, Central Bank of India, Corporation Bank and United Western Bank to increase its distribution network.

HISTORY Established by Sir Dorab Tata in 1919, New India is the first fully Indian owned Insurance company in India. New India was a pioneer among the Indian Companies on various fronts, right from insuring the first domestic airlines in 1946 to satellite insurance in 1980. The latest addition to the list of firsts is the insurance of the INSAT-2E. With a wide range of policies New India has become one of the largest non-life insurance companies, not only in India, but also in the Afro-Asian region In 1919 The New India Assurance Company Ltd. was first incorporated in Bombay, now known as Mumbai in India, initially as composite company for both life and general insurance business. As of 1956 New India Assurance converted to an Exclusive General Insurance Company and today it is a leading worldwide general insurance brand catering to the communities of 27 countries with a large network of offices staffed by committed and enthusiastic workforce that aims to please.

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New India Assurance Aruba opened her doors to the local community on July 1st, 1963 by initiative of the founder, the late Mr. C.H.


Currently New India Assurance Aruba is directed by the founder’s youngest daughter, Ms. Joy Raghunath whom together with the entire Team New India strives to maintain and improve on the proven reliability and sustainability which has been carefully nurtured for almost half a century.

NEW DEVELOPMENTS Corporation Bank, a premier government of India Enterprise, has entered in to an Agreement to-day, i.e. 28th October, 2003 with The New India Assurance Co.Ltd. in continuation to their Memorandum Understanding signed earlier to provide Non-life insurance products to its customers. Corporation Bank has been consistently in the forefront to provide new value added services to its customers. Constant innovation has been its forte and it has spared no efforts to provide the best of service to its clientele. It may be recalled that the Bank is already action as Corporate Agent for Life Insurance corporation of India for life insurance business. At present, the Bank has 700 branches and 88 extension counters and 555 ATMs across the country. The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. is the largest Non-life Insurance Company in the Indian Market and the first Indian Non-life Insurance Company to cross global direct premium of Rs. 4812.79 crores in Indian and Abroad. The Company has been reaffirmed 'A' Excellent rating by A.M.Best (Europe) for fourth consecutive year for its superior capital base, strong presence in domestic market and conservative investment portfolio. New India's range of 180 products caters to the needs of various cross section of society, trade, industry and commerce in rural and urban sectors. Both the Institutions are known for their sound Management Policies and long term commitments. Corporation Bank envisages vast scope in insurance penetration and immense potential to boost its revenue income through Corporate Agency.


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Like any industry, the industry providing Disability Insurance has it's own unique terms. The definitions of these terms are general in nature, and may vary by company and/or state insurance regulations. At New India Assurance Company they have provided these terms and definitions so that one can make the best choice for his family or business. Therefore they have provided some glossary of the same. AVAILABILITY Generally", individuals 25 to 50 years old employed in blue, gray, and white collar occupations earning from Rs.60,000 to Rs. 25,00,000 annually. Small business (under 100 employees) owners, managers, and/or employees. AUTOMATIC BENEFIT INCREASE RIDER This rider provides for an annual increase equal to 5% of the original Base Policy Monthly Benefit amount on each anniversary of satisfying the elimination period. The lifetime cap on Monthly Benefit amounts is two times the original base policy Monthly Benefit. If the Insured recovers from Total Disability and there was a Monthly Benefit increase under this rider, the Insured can increase the base policy Monthly Benefit to the amount of the last Monthly Benefit payment. To obtain the increase, the Insured must: .be under age 60, .apply within 90 days of the end of Total Disability, and .have a full-time job. A new premium for the increase will be charged, based on our then current rates and the Insured’s attained age. The new premium must be paid within 31 days of the increase. BUSINESS IN THE HOME Persons who work at a business in their home are not eligible for disability income coverage, unless at least 50% of the job duties are performed away from the home. CATASTROPHIC DISABILITY RIDER "Generally",









Issue Ages 18-55 for 1-, 2-, and 5-year Benefit Periods; 56-60 for 1- and 2-year Benefit

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Periods. Generally not available with 30 day elimination periods. This rider will provide a Disability Benefit if • the Insured’s Total Disability continues beyond the Maximum Benefit Period of the Policy, and • the Insured requires assistance or supervision with at least two of six Activities of Daily Living (bathing, toileting, transferring, continence, eating, dressing), OR • is Cognitively Impaired, and • is not engaged in any job for wage or profit, and • a Physician has certified the Catastrophic Disability with a plan of treatment. The rider extends the total Benefit Period payable under the base policy to a total of 5 or 10 years. DEFINITION OF TOTAL DISABILITY The best policy definition of total disability will state that you are unable to work at your regular occupation because of sickness or injury. EARNED INCOME Earned income is the gross income from the applicant’s occupation, including salary, wages, bonuses, fees and any other compensation received from all sources for work performed by the applicant. If the applicant is self-employed or owns any part of a business, earned income is the applicant’s share of income earned by the business, plus the salary or draw from the business, minus the applicant’s share of business expenses







ELIMINATION PERIODS The number of consecutive days that an Insured must be totally disabled before the Monthly Disability Benefit amount becomes payable. The Elimination Periods available are generally 30, 60, 90, 180, and 365 days. PARTIAL DISABILITY This provision pays 50% of the Monthly Base Policy Benefit amount for each month of a Partial Disability from an insured injury or sickness for up to 6 months, when the

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Partial Disability immediately follows a period of Total Disability during which Monthly Benefits were paid. The combined Total and Partial Disability benefits cannot extend beyond the Maximum Benefit Period. Partial Disability is a sickness or injury that keeps the Insured from being employed on a full-time basis. PREMIUMS "Generally", level; based on nearest age (age as of nearest birthday), Gender, Occupational Class, Elimination Period, Monthly Disability Benefit Amount, Benefit Period, and any Optional Benefits selected. Hence these are the few ways that New India Assurance finds an individual to qualify in Disability Insurance policies. They approach a unique way throught which they try to give maximum coverage to the insured. They study the individual’s salary properly and then they determine the premium of the individual and at the time of the claims they are prompt and settle the claims quickly. They have dedicated staff who are at the desk 24/7.

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