Solving Equations With Balance: Geometer’s Sketchpad Activity Go to S: Drive Teacher folders J. Brtva’s Classes 5_Solve by Balancing.gsp Play with dragging different objects to the scale 1. What makes the tray go down? What pulls up?
2. Find a combination that balances (even) the trays. Draw a picture.
3. What equation does the balance show?
Check your answer (Show Formula)
Write or draw what happens: 1. Drag 1 from storage to each pan
2. Draw 1 from right to left
3. Drag 1 and -1 together from left to right
4. Drag 1 from storage to left and -1 to right
5. Drag -5 on each pan
6. Take away x from each pan into storage
7. Drag x from storage to left and 5 from storage to right
8. Drag x and –x from right to storage
How can you keep pans balanced?