Direccion Peru Ocde

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OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Principes directeurs de l’OCDE à l’intention des entreprises multinationales

National Contact Points / Points de contact nationaux OCTOBER 2009 - OCTOBRE 2009 Allemagne - Germany Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)– Tel: Auslandsinvestitionen VC3 Fax: Scharnhorststrasse 34-37 Email: D-10115 Berlin Web:

(49-30) 2014 75 21 (49-30) 2014 50 5378 [email protected] www.bmwi.de/go/nationalekontaktstelle

Argentine - Argentina Ambassador Rodolfo I. Rodríguez Deputy Director of the National Directorate for Economic International Negotiations Director of the OECD Co-ordination Unit Mr. Arturo Hotton Risler Deputy Director of the NCP National Direction of International Economic Negotiations (DINEI) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship Esmeralda 1212, 9th floor Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tel: Fax: Email:

(54-11)4819 7602 /8124 7607 (54-11) 4819 7566 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



Australie - Australia The Executive Member Foreign Investment Review Board c/- The Treasury Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(61-2) 6263 3777 (61-2) 6263 2940 [email protected] www.ausncp.gov.au

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(43-1) 711 00 5180 or 5792 (43-1) 71100 15101 [email protected] www.oecd-leitsaetze.at

Autriche - Austria Director Export and Investment Policy Division Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth Abteilung C2/5 Stubenring 1 1011 Vienna

Belgique - Belgium Service Public Fédéral Economie Potentiel Economique Rue du Progrès 50 1210 Bruxelles

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(32-2) 277 72 82 (32-2) 277 53 06 [email protected] www.ocde-principesdirecteurs.fgov.be www.oeso-richtlijnen.fgov.be www.oecd-guidelines.fgov.be

Brésil - Brazil Maurício Pinheiro Fleury Curado Secretaria de Assuntos Internacionais Ministério da Fazenda Esplanada, Bloco P, sala 224 70079 – 900 Brasília – Distrito Federal Brazil

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(+5561) 3412 2229 (+5561) 3412 1722 [email protected] [email protected] www.fazenda.gov.br/pcn

Tel: Fax: Email:

(1-613) 996-0245 (1-613) 944-7153 [email protected]


www.ncp.gc.ca www.pcn.gc.ca

Tel: Fax: Email:

56 2 827 52 24 56 2 827 54 66 [email protected] [email protected] www.direcon.cl > "acuerdos comerciales" > OECD

Canada Carlos Rojas-Arbulú Deputy Director for CSR and Canada’s National Contact Point Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2 Chili - Chile Chef du Département OECD/DIRECON, Marcelo Garcia Dirección de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile Teatinos 180, Piso 11 Santiago


Corée - Korea Ministry of Knowledge Economy Foreign Investment Policy Division 1 Jungang-dong, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:


82-2-2110-5356 82-2-504-4816 [email protected] www.mke.go.kr

Danemark - Denmark Deputy Permanent Secretary of State Labour Law and International Relations Centre Ministry of Employment Ved Stranden 8 DK-1061 Copenhagen K

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(45) 72 20 51 00 (45) 33 12 13 78 [email protected] www.bm.dk/sw27718.asp

Tel: Fax: Email:

+2 02-2405-5626/27 +2 02-2405-5635 [email protected]

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(34) 91 349 38 60 (34) 91 457 2863 et 349 3562 [email protected] www.espnc.es and www.comercio.es/comercio/bienve nido/Inversiones+Exteriores/Punto +Nacional+de+Contacto+de+las+Li neas+Directrices/pagEspnc.htm

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

372-625 6338 372-631 3660 [email protected] www.mkm.ee

Egypte - Egypt National Contact Point Ministry of Investment Office of the Minister 3 Salah Salem Street Nasr City 11562 Cairo – Egypt Espagne - Spain National Contact Point General Secretariat for International Trade Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade Paseo de la Castellana nº 162 28046 Madrid

Estonie - Estonia National Contact Point Foreign Trade Policy Division, Trade Department Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication Harju 11 15072 Tallinn

Etats-Unis - United States National Contact Point Office of Investment Affairs Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs Department of State 2201 C St. NW Washington, DC 20520

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:


(1-202) 736 4274 (1-202) 647 0320 [email protected] www.state.gov/www/issues/econ omic/ifd_oia.html www.state.gov/e/eb/oecd/

Finlande - Finland Secretary General, CSR Committee Ministry of Employment and the Economy PO Box 32 FI- 00023 GOVERNMENT Helsinki

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

+358 10 604 8951 +358 10 604 8957 [email protected] www.tem.fi

Tel: Fax: Email:

(33) 01 44 87 73 60 (33) 01 53 18 76 56 [email protected] www.minefi.gouv.fr/directions_ser vices/dgtpe/pcn/pcn.php

France M. Julien Rencki Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Emploi Direction Générale du Trésor et de la Politique Economique Service des Affaires Multilatérales et du Développement Sous-direction des affaires financières internationales et du développement 139, rue de Bercy 75572 Paris cedex 12


Grèce - Greece Unit for International Investments Directorate for International Economic Developments and Co-operation General Directorate for International Economic Policy Ministry of Economy and Finance Ermou & Cornarou 1 GR-105 63 Athens


Fax: Email:


(+30) 210 328 62 42 (+30) 210 328 62 31 (+30) 210 328 62 43 (+30) 210 328 6209 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.mnec.gr

Hongrie - Hungary Business Environment Department Ministry for National Development and Economy V., Honvéd utca 13-15 H-1055 Budapest

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(36-1) 475-3428 (36-1) 475-3470 [email protected] www.nfgm.gov.hu/feladataink/ku lgazd/oecd/kapcsolattarto.html

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(353-1) 631 2605 (353-1) 631 2560 [email protected] www.entemp.ie

Irlande - Ireland National Contact Point Bilateral Trade Promotion Unit Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Earlsfort House, 1 Lower Hatch Street Dublin 2


Islande - Iceland National Contact Point Ministry of Business Affairs Solvholsgotu 7 150 Reykjavik

Tel: Fax: Email: Web

(+ 354) 545 8800 (+ 354) 511 1161 [email protected] eng.vidskiptaraduneyti.is

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(972-2) 666 26 78/9 (972-2) 666 29 56 [email protected] www.ncp-israel.gov.il

Israël - Israel Trade Policy & International Agreements Division Foreign Trade Administration Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour 5 Bank Israel Street Jerusalem Italie - Italy National Contact Point General Directorate for Industrial Policy Ministry of Economic Development Via Molise 2 I-00187 Rome

Tel: Fax: Email:


(39-6) 47052988 (39-6) 47052475 [email protected] www.pcnitalia.it

Japon - Japan Director OECD Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo

Tel: Fax: Web:

(81-3) 5501 8348 (81-3) 5501 8347

Director International Affairs Division Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo

Tel: Fax: Web:

(81-3)-3595-2403 (81-3)- 3501-2532 http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/rou douseisaku/oecd/index.html

Director Trade and Investment Facilitation Division Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo

Tel: Fax: Web:

(81-3)-3501-6623 (81-3)-3501-2082 www.meti.go.jp/policy/trade_poli cy/oecd/index.html




Lettonie - Latvia Director Economic Policy Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia K.Valdemara street 3 Rīga LV – 1395

Tel: Fax: E-mail: Web:

+ 371 67016418 + 371 67321588 [email protected] http://www.mfa.gov.lv

Lituanie - Lithuania Investment Policy Division Investment and Innovation Department Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Gedimino ave. 38/2 LT-01104 Vilnius

Tel: Fax: E-mail: Web:

370 5 262 7715 370 5 263 3974 [email protected] http://www.ukmin.lt

Tel: Fax: E-mail:

(352) 478 - 41 73 (352) 46 04 48 [email protected] ou [email protected]

Luxembourg Secrétaire du Point de Contact national Ministère de l'Economie Secrétariat du Comité de Conjoncture L-2914 Luxembourg

Mexique - Mexico Ministry of Economy Insurgentes Sur #1940 8th floor Col. Florida, CP 01030 México DF, México

Tel: Fax: Email:

(52-55) 52296100 (52-55) 52296507 [email protected] [email protected] www.economia-snci.gob.mx/

Web: Norvège - Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs Section for Economic, Commercial and CSR Affairs PO Box 8114 N-0032 Oslo

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(47) 2224 3377 (47) 2224 2782 [email protected] http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/u d/tema/norgesfremme-ogkultursamarbeid.html?id=434499

Nouvelle Zélande - New Zealand Standards, Sustainability and Trade Facilitation team Competition Trade and Investment Branch Ministry of Economic Development PO Box 1473 Wellington

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:


(64-4) 472 0030 (64-4) 499 8508 [email protected] www.med.govt.nz/oecd-nzncp

Pays-Bas - Netherlands Trade Policy and Globalisation Division Ministry of Economic Affairs Alp. N/442, P.O. Box 20102 NL-2500 EC The Hague

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

31 70 379 6485 31 70 379 7221 [email protected] www.oesorichtlijnen.nl

Mr. Gustavo Jimenez, Director Investment Facilitation and Promotion Division PROINVERSION – Private Investment Promotion Agency Ave Paseo de la republica # 3361 Piso 9, Lima 27

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

51 1 612 1200 Ext 1213 51 1 442 2948 [email protected] www.proinversion.gob.pe

Mr. Carlos A. Herrera Ms. Nancy Bojanich

Email: Email:

[email protected] [email protected]

Tel: Fax: Email:

(48-22) 334 9800 (48-22) 334 9999 [email protected] or [email protected] www.paiz.gov.pl

Pérou - Peru

Poland Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ) Economic Information Department Ul. Bagatela 12 00-585 Warsaw

Web: Portugal AICEP Portugal Global Avenida 5 de Outubro, 101 1050-051 Lisbon

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

DGAE Directorate-General for Economic Activities Avenida Visconde Valmor, 72 1069-041 Lisboa


(351) 217 909 500 (351) 217 909 593 [email protected] [email protected] http://www.portugalglobal.pt/PT/ge ral/Paginas/DirectrizesEmpresasMu ltinacionais.aspx

Tel: Fax: Email:

(351) 21 791 91 00 (351) 21 791 92 60



[email protected] [email protected]

République slovaque - Slovak Republic Department of Strategic Investments Strategy Section Ministry of Economy Mierová 19, 827 15 Bratislava

Tel: Fax: Email:

421-2 4854 1605 421-2 4854 3613 [email protected]

Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency Mr Miroslav Kucera, Strategy Director Martincekova 17, 821 01 Bratislava

Tel: Fax: Email:

421 2 58 260 242 421 2 58 260 109 [email protected]



République Tchèque - Czech Republic Director EU and International Relations Department Ministry of Finance Letenská 15 118 10 Prague 1

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(420-2) 5704 2300 (420-2) 5704 2281 [email protected] www.mfcr.cz

Roumanie - Romania Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments 22 Primaverii Blvd, district 1 Bucharest

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

40 (021) 233 91 62 (40 (021) 233 91 04 [email protected] www.arisinvest.ro/arisinvest/SiteW riter?sectiune=PNC

Royaume-Uni - United Kingdom National Contact Point Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Bay 4133 1 Victoria Street London SW1H 0ET

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(44-20) 7215 5756 / 8682 / 6344 (44-20) 7215 2234 [email protected] www.berr.gov.uk/nationalcontactpoint

Slovenie - Slovenia Ministry of Economy Directorate for foreign economic relations Kotnikova 5 1000 Ljubljana

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:


+386 1 400 36 00 +386 1 400 36 11 [email protected] http://www.mg.gov.si/si/nkt_oecd/

Suède - Sweden Swedish Partnership for Global Responsibility International Trade Policy Department Ministry for Foreign Affairs 103 33 Stockholm

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(46-8) 405 1000 (46-8) 723 1176 [email protected] www.ud.se

Suisse - Switzerland National Contact Point Secteur Investissements internationaux et entreprises multinationales Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie Effingerstrasse 1 CH-3003 Berne

Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

(41-31) 323 12 75 (41-31) 325 73 76 [email protected] www.seco.admin.ch

Turquie - Turkey Mrs. Berrrin Bingöl Director-General of DG on Undersecretariat for Treasury Hazine Müsteşarlığı YSGM İnönü Blv. No: 36 06510 Emek-Ankara



Tel: Fax: Email:


90-312-212 8914 90-312-212 8916 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.hazine.gov.tr

Commission européenne – European Commission* Ms Marta Busz European Commission CHARL 6/ 156 B-1049 Brussels Ms Sandra Callagan European Commission CHARL 6/ 144 B-1049 Brussels


Tel: Fax: Email:

+32 2 295 91 61 +32 2 299 24 35 [email protected]

Tel: Fax: Email:

+32 2 298 11 74 +32 2 299 24 35 [email protected]


http://ec.europa.eu/trade/issues/gl obal/csr/index_en.htm

The European Commission is not formally a “National Contact Point”. However, it is committed to the success of the Guidelines. La Commission européenne n'est pas formellement un “Point de contact national”. Elle souhaite néanmoins la réussite des Principes directeurs.


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