Differentiated Instruction Before During And After

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April/May 2009t Reading Today

Small-group differentiated instruction model time-tested New edition of Beverly Tyner’s book incorporates five years of involvement with practicing teachers


good teacher is a good student, too, always learning, broadening his or her knowledge of a subject, honing it in practice, and then figuring out how to share that newest knowledge with others. That’s what Beverly Ty ne r d emon s t r a t e s in the new edition of Small-Group Reading Instruction: A Differentiated Teaching Model for Beginning and Struggling Readers. Originally published in 2004, the book has been revised and expanded af ter Tyner’s work with thousands of students and teachers using the Small-Group Differentiated Teaching Model. Tyner’s experience includes more than 30 years as a teacher, principal, and school district curriculum director. She also was a graduate professor and the director of student teaching at Kennesaw State University in Atlanta, Georgia. “Effective reading instruction comprises guided contextual reading and systematic word study that is skillfully paced to the rate of individual students,” Tyner says in the preface to the second

edition. “This type of teaching and learning is most effective when instruc tion is delivered in the smallest grouping possible,” adding that doing so in a class of more than two dozen students is very difficult. Not every school can afford individual tutoring for its student s, despite it s demonstrated effectiveness. Tyner’s reading intervention model, therefore, is designed to be incorporated in a regular classroom setting and can be used to implement Response to Intervention (RTI). The book offers numerous practical examples that can be used by teachers with beginning readers at all levels. Reading comprehension is not always stressed among emergent or beginning readers, but it is one of the most important and critical components of learning. In Small-Group Reading, Tyner offers some tips on how to engage early readers in paying attention to the how and why and not merely the what of text, no matter the level of complexity.

Before reading rThe teacher leads a preview of the book with a “picture walk” by holding it up, asking questions about the title, and looking at how the pictures of fer clues to what the story is about. rStudents are asked to make predictions based on the pictures. rThe teacher points out a few words that might be difficult for the students to recognize during the reading of the text.

During reading rEcho read: The teacher reads the first page while students point to the words. When the teacher finishes, the students read the page as an “echo.” rAfter the first two or three pages are echo read, the students are encouraged to look at the picture clues and read the page chorally with the teacher. rUse picture support: Although beginning texts are usually repetitive, there is one word change on each page revealed in the illustration.

After reading rRecall to summarize: The teacher asks students to recall what they read about . Though emergent readers are primarily interested in decoding at this point, Tyner says, this simple recall lays the foundation for future comprehension with more complex text. rConcept of word: After reading, the teacher asks students to identify individual words to help solidify student’s knowledge that words are individual parts of the text. rUse Tyner’s lesson plan form (included in book) to make notes on specific problems or successes. This allows the teacher to control the pace of instruction—to move forward or to review. Also available is a DVD training series. To find out more about the book and DVD or to order, see the New From IRA feature on page 26 or visit the Publications section of the IRA website at www.reading.org. Click on books and then search for Small-Group Reading Instruction: A Differentiated Teaching Model for Beginning and Struggling Readers (2nd edition). V

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