Dialog With Non Muslims - Vol2

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  • Pages: 160
Dialog With Non Muslims- Vol-2

Index Chapter #

Main Topic



Total Questions





Christianity, Trinity


Evolution, Hindus








Islam- Jihad




Islam-Women’s Rights




Israel, Jews and Palestine




Muslims and Misc.




Prophet of Islam




Religion, War on Terror



Preface Praise be to Allah and His Blessings be on His Last prophet Mohammad, his family, companions and his true followers. After wards, Here is the second Volume of the Dialogs that I had with Non Muslims on threads of www.topix.net. This was earlier published as List-2 of FAQ about Islam. The pattern is same as was followed in Volume-1. I have not edited my answers and there could be many repetitions as the same questions are asked many times. But the replies are slightly different from each other as the background and context were different each time. As usual there is complete alphabetical index at the end. Some unusual questions in this collection would be. 1. Should Christians thank Jews?

Ch4. Q109

Page 109

2. If I become Pope!!

Ch.1 Q8

Page 11

3. Is Arabic Superior to other languages?

Ch.4 Q57

5. If Virginia Tech Killer was a Muslim?

Ch7. Q 119


Page 62 Page 118

Chapter-1 Christianity , Bible and Trinity Q1 Ishmael, Inheritance, What is the record of Ishmael Progeny? Ans. You have asked me about the record of progeny of Ishmael. Pardon me if my reply is a little longer. I will try myself to be as objective as I was to the other branch. 1. As per Quran (And Bible too) Ishmael was born when Abraham prayed to God for a Son. His attribute in Quran is “GHULAM HALEEM” i.e. a boy ready to suffer and forbear. We can amply see it in Ishmael when he was settled in Makkah and when he agreed for the sacrifice. 2. Ishmael made a peace with other Arab tribes who came to Makkah in search of water. The city of Makkah grew and Abraham and Ishmael constructed the House of God (Kaaba) there, which exists to this day. Ishmael and his progeny were not racist; they easily formed alliance with the other tribes living in Arabia and became peaceful owners of their land of inheritance. 3. They took to trading and as early as in times of Jacob had extended their trade as far as Egypt (As Story of Joseph tells us). Slowly and surely they became owners of the whole land of Arabia. They were living as traders and as nomads and were very very jealous about their independence. No foreign force could ever rule over them 4. In many centuries separating Ishmael and the time of our prophet. Progeny of Ishmael guarded their Inheritance and never abandoned it even for a day. They perfected Arabic language, had all the qualities that are necessary for desert life. Bravery, Honesty, Treating guests with honor and a very sharp memory. 5. Yes, They fell to the evil of Idolatry and other evils some time before the advent of our prophet. But it was more as the result of ignorance than will full disobedience. Other evils present in Makkan society could also be explained on the basis of ignorance or absence of guidance.. However they faithfully adhered to which ever practices they had inherited from Ishmael, like taking care of Kaaba and performing Hajj etc. 6. When Prophet Mohammad was sent to them, they initially rejected him, but after 20 or so years of preaching and warfare were convinced of the truth of his message. They whole heartedly entered into the faith. This entering into the faith was forever; they never doubted or deserted the faith.

7. They took the message of Islam to all neighboring lands and invited every one to enter their faith. If someone stopped their path with force, he was dealt with force. In a very short period of 25-50 years, Islam spread to all portions of the civilized world. 8. There have been many conquerors in the past and since, but no one like the Companions of the prophet. Every country they acquired accepted their faith, without coercion 8A. Once the fighting stopped the reign of peace dwelt in. Muslims took to the study of Science, Mathematics Technology, Philosophy, literature and all other branches of knowledge. It was an era of peace and prosperity for major portion for the world. Muslims became the teacher of the world. 9. One more thing, which they did, was that they guarded their Holy Scriptures with care and dedication that is unparalleled in the world. Quran and sayings of the prophet remain intact today as they were revealed. 10. In the end, their worldly power ended and they lost much of their earlier glory. But even in their defeat they retained their qualities of forebear ness. They are not boastful and not bitter. They are not racist and keep the doors open to every one even today. 11 So in the end I can say that Progeny of Ishmael defended their inheritance in letter and in spirit. They did not abandon it even for a day and therefore are rightful owners of their inheritance. . Now coming to the question of God’s Covenant with Abraham. From Bible it seems that all of a sudden God picked Abraham from the lot and made a covenant with him. While God has full power to do as He pleases, He is also a just and Wise God. His actions have far reaching reasons behind them. The trials of Abraham are not mentioned in Bible, you should look to Quran whenever you face a dilemma in any situation. As per Quran, Abraham was tested and tried more than any other human of his time. Quran says “ And remember that Abraham was tried by the Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled, He (God) said I will make you a Leader to the nations” He (Abraham) pleaded “And also leaders from my offspring!” He( God) answered “But my promise is not within the reach of evil doers” 2:125

So the covenant with Abraham was made after he had passed the trials. The promise was not a general promise. Evildoers were exempted from it. Trials which Abraham undergone were many: a. As an early age, he was confronted with his idol maker father and his tribe. b. He suffered at their hands, he was even cast into fire, from which God saved him. c. He had to abandon the land of his fathers and had to settle in a strange land. d. When he was given a child (Ishmael) in his old age, he was asked to send his wife Hagar and infant child in the distant land of Makkah e. When the Child becomes ten to twelve years, he was asked to sacrifice his only child to God. f. When Abraham passed all these tests only then he was made a leader of Nations So it is logical that progeny of Abraham have to show good deeds in front of God to claim their inheritance, a mere birth link is not sufficient in the eyes of God. In the parable OF prodigal son, The Son repents of his misdeeds and only then the father forgives him. We have not seen any repentance from the Progeny of Isaac, but only their boasting and their pride and their racism. They have turned the land of Palestine into the land of weeping and the land of sorrow for its original inhabitants. The period I am talking about is from 70 CE till 1948 when Jews were banished from Palestine. It does not matter if you vacate your claim willingly or unwillingly. After passage of such long time you loose all rights to your property. If you do not follow this principle, then you have to settle many more claims in the world!!.

Q2 Creator, Proofs, Why Creator not bound by laws? Ans. What is so strange about it? The Creator and Creation are two different classes altogether. How should they be governed by the same laws? In fact it is your (and Pseudo Scientists like you) biggest folly that you equate Creator with the Creation and try to look materialistic proofs for His existence. If materialistic laws were applicable to the Creator, then it was all the reason that He was not Creator but a result of some one else's Creation. Q3. Scientists, God, Why Scientists don’t want to believe in God? Ans. The only reason I can think of is, that once you recognize the presence of God, next step would be the demand to regulate your life in accordance with His Laws and Commandments. That is the step which they do not like, so the best course is to deny His very presence. 2. Otherwise, I cannot think that so intelligent and reasonable people will try to prove that this entire Universe and specially the powers which humans are given have no purpose. Just live like an Animal and die and that’s all. 3. The fear of Church and its persecution is another thing which Scientists do not want to fall back into. They don’t seem to realize that there are other systems much better to Christianity where they can perform both functions with maximum freedom. Q4. Laws, Temporary, Are Bible laws temporary? Ans. That God meant these laws to be of temporary nature is clear from the prophesy about That Prophet in Deut 18:18. God told all followers of Biblical Prophets to "Listen to that prophet, what he says in the name of God". So the God's advice to Moses and other prophets to write down these laws and abide by them, was not incorrect. It was only in God's knowledge that how many centuries shall separate between Moses and That Prophet. The law of Moses was to be in force for close to 2500 years before an updated version was to replace it. Therefore there is no contradiction or discrepancy in the instruction of God to Moses.

Q5. Bible, Permanency, Are Moses laws for ever? Ans. I had thought that you will have some reasonable mind and would try to understand real meaning of my post. But it seems that you act in a very biased manner. If you are so much insisting on the word FOREVER, then let me ask you to prove that any of the manuscripts of books that you have of Bible was written by any prophet at all. Most of the books are by anonymous writers, the names of prophets have been added to give them some authenticity. The new law which came by the last prophet did not abrogate the original laws of Moses. Most of its provisions were still retained and very few were replaced with some thing better. I was really amazed by that quotation of Isaiah which I quote in your own words “Isaiah speaks of a time when the laws, as Moses handed them down, will be written upon men's hearts so that they will know them all and be able to follow them all without having to study them.” Now who are the people that have laws of Moses written down on their hearts? I did not see any tendency amongst either Jews or Christians to memorize their scriptures. It is Muslims who have memorized the Word of God by thousands!!! The law of God is written on their hearts and they do not need any paper or book to study it!!! Could there be any clearer prophesy that that about Quran? Deut 13:1 refers to the Jews for preserving their books till the last prophet came…..But did Jews completed that commission? They added and they subtracted and they changed and they modified…. Deut 13:6 refers to the false prophets and not to a true prophet of God like Our prophet. Deut 18:18-18: Specifically mention a new prophet who will come after Moses. Christians say that Jesus is referred here and Muslims say that our prophet is mentioned here….what are your views on this? For Ever in prophetic language sometime could not really mean FOREVER!!! Because the world will end one day and there will be no need for any Laws. Laws in the hereafter would not be based on Moses Laws!!!

From you general writing you seem a man with no religion….then you some time take a pro Jewish stand. I am at a loss to know what is your real stand. Q6. Bible, Authenticity, RSV and Woman in act of Adultery? Ans. I quote you verbatim from Matthew 5:18 Do not think that I have come to remove the Law and the Prophets. I have not come to remove but to fulfill them, I tell you this: as long as heavens and earth last, not the smallest letter or stroke of the law will change unless it is fulfilled. So then , whosoever breaks the least important of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be least in the kingdom of heaven, on the other hand whosoever obeys them and teaches others to do the same will be great in the kingdom of heaven (Christian Community Bible) 2A. Now where it mentions Ten Commandments? It says Laws and Prophets. Laws in Jewish term mean Torah and prophets mean other instruction as mentioned by any prophet. From where you got Ten Commandments. And from those ten commandments, you have removed Sabbath. 2B. When Jesus did not abolish any law, what right Paul had to do so? Student being greater than Teacher? 3. RSV (1952 edition) does not has John 8:1-11, the way your scholars are playing hide and seek with the Book of God, it s no wonder that they have reintroduced it. The same they did with Ascension of Jesus as given in Mark and Luke. First they removed it and then they reintroduced it Such things are going on since very beginning with your scripture. If a passage was removed then re –introduced it makes the whole issue very suspicious. 3A. You just look at older version of RSV and compare it with latest version and then ask your scholars about it. 4. The attributes given to God in Quran are from God Himself. We do not give any Attribute to Him, except what He gives Himself. We only explain that it is never taken in any bad sense. 5. Just look at your own Bible and see how many times the decision of God has been changed. Want some help from me? Or you can find yourself? But if your book is written by men, then it can do anything!! 6. No where it is written in your Bible, that these are man made laws. In fact in the Book of Deuteronomy and others, it is written than God

commanded Moses to do such and such. How could these become man made laws. 7. Yes we all free to worship what we want as per our free choice. In the hereafter God will call us to account for what we did. Let us all prepare for that. 8. Yes Miracles by Millions are happening in the lives of Christians by the power of Jesus. That is why we are saying all Christian Countries going away and away from the teachings of Jesus. Unisex marriages might also have sanction of Jesus or are they one of his Miracles? Q7. David, King, Was David only King? Ans. If you say that David was only a king, then why his Psalms are included in Bible as Word of God? Does Bible contain words of other than prophets? 2. David was a Prophet as well as King. Sp was Solomon. Both are revered prophets of God. It concerns us very much, when we hear dirty story about these are recorded in Bible and what is more astonishing is that you people defend these tails. 3. For you the infallibility of your book is more important that the honor of Prophets of God. For us the Honors of Prophets is more important than the book. That is why we reject these dirty tails. It happened 1000 years or 3000 years is immaterial. You are bandying his character for past 3000 years and we are trying to clear their names. Who are their true friend, you or us?

Q8. Fantasy, Pope, If I become Pope! Ans. If you nominate as Pope, you are in for big surprise. Because I will start my mission with a call to all my Christian Followers to believe only in the Words and Actions of Jesus and all practices that Jesus did and which he approved. That would result in: 1. Dismantling of all statues of Jesus, Mary and other Saints from All Churches starting with Vatican. 2. Removal of Crosses from all churches and Christian necks., starting with Vatican. 3. Re-introduction of Moses Laws and Commandments (except those which Jesus modified) and exhorting Christians to believe in them. 4. Issue an edict that I am confirmed that Comforter to which our Lord has spoken, was no other than Prophet Mohammad, so now he will guide us unto all truth!! 5. With that I will call all Christians to follow the true religion of God, the religion of their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Jesus and finally Mohammad. The religion of Islam. 6. After that I shall resign my Papacy and return back to Saudi Arabia or India (If I am allowed) or will be killed on the steps of St. Peter (And mine will not be the only blood which so called Christians have shed to protect the Religion of Paul, the religion of Trinity.) Think once again Sir, before taking that fatal step. And you know what, That is what Jesus Christ shall do when he comes to the world in his second coming!!

Q9. Jesus , Crucifixion, Islamic Position Ans. The Verse "ELI ELI LAMA SABAQTANI" gave "Conclusive Proof" to some one that it was Jesus who was crucified, while to others it seems otherwise!!! Let me put Islamic position on the Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and Second coming of Jesus: Crucifixion: Quran categorically denies that Jesus was killed or crucified by the Jews. It says that "It appeared to them so", meaning there was some confusion. That there was some confusion is evident by the varying accounts of same event in the four gospels. The varying accounts only indicate that none of the gospel writer was an eye witness to the event. Neither Quran, nor any authentic saying of Prophet tell that Judas Iscariot was crucified in place of Jesus. Some Muslim writers have said so, based on information gathered from some of Christian sects. This could be true or not, but Quran and Prophet are not to be credited with either stand. However when we see the sudden end of Judas (as mentioned in Mark) and varying account of his death (as mentioned in Mark and Acts), it seems that his death was also a mystery. It is Gospel of Barnabas which says that Judas was crucified in place of Jesus. Resurrection: Since there was no Crucifixion, so there was no resurrection. Islamic position is very clear on that.


Ascension: Quran and Prophetic sayings are specific that God "Lifted Him Up". So Jesus ascended to heaven in his physical body and is still living in heavens. Second Coming of Jesus: Prophetic sayings are very specific that near the End of Time, Jesus will come back to earth for second time. His main object would be to kill "False Messiah" or Anti-Christ and to solve perplexity of Christians regarding his personality.

This in short is the Islamic position on this matter. Now let me give my reasons why this statement is unlikely to be uttered by "Real Jesus" as his last words. A. The verse itself is borrowed from the book of Psalms. There is no reason why Jesus should use this verse as his last words. B. Jesus knew that by his death, he is doing a great service to humankind, by removing the stink of Original Sin. He knew that he would face death by crucifixion, then why should he complain to God as to why He has left him? C. Then if Jesus was God (as per Trinitarian beliefs) why should he appeal to another. D. Just before arrest, Jesus has beseeched God to "remove this cup", but apparently he "Had" to drink that cup. By this last statement it seems as if Jesus is not willing to accept this situation. E. If some one says that these words came from him due to extreme pain he was feeling, then he was not alone in that situation. So many criminals and innocent people have faced that type of death, no body made those as his last words. It shows lack of patience. F. Other Apostles like Paul, Peter, Andrew etc were also crucified (no doubt as innocent people, not committed any crime), but none used these last words. John the Baptist was also killed innocently, we do not know that he used this verse as his last words. So in my view it was not befitting a prophet of God, or God incarnate, to say these words as his last words. More so when he knew before hand what was going to happen and what great sacrifice he was making for human kind for giving his life to remove the stink of sin committed by Adam and Eve. This does not make sense to me, but as I said, this is a strange world and people draw opposite conclusions from the same event!!!

Q10. Jesus, Divinity, Is it established so well? Ans. I thank you, that you liked my little “piece” on Jesus dieing like a God, but I also say that you forgot my another “Piece” that you cannot fit a Square in a Circle and vice verse. Both of these together could have helped you is reaching the right conclusion. The Idea of Jesus dieing as God came before verifying that Jesus was indeed God. (Let us forget for the time being that Idea of God dieing in itself is a contradiction. The one that dies cannot be God, because God and death cannot be together). So first this idea that Jesus died for our sin came, and was established, then they wanted to prove that Jesus was indeed a God according to four Gospels. And that is why you find so much contradictions and problems in proving this from Gospel. You have to constantly switch your stand, this verse Jesus spoke as God, this as human and so on. In the end, who died was only human Jesus and not God Jesus, so where is the endless atonement of sin? This is the dilemma of Christianity, in which brighter brains that yours and mines, been working since many centuries, but it remains where it was when it started. To simple minded persons like us, they tell us to only believe that we get salvation thru the blood of Jesus and we just believe it, without thinking or analyzing, if it is true or false. If you only look at words of Jesus as recorded in Gospels, most certainly you will see thru the smokescreen. But the Church asks you to see these wordings thru the filter of St. Paul and others and you see a different color altogether. I like your sincerity and have told it many times. I wish that you will analyze the statements you make and ask for proofs from the lips of Jesus and not from others.

Q11. Jesus, Divinity, Why is it degrading to say that God became man? Ans. Why We say that Becoming Man is Degrading to God: Joe let me first put a few opening remarks, before we come to this question: 1 God s personality and His attributes are beyond our comprehension. We have no right to say that God can do this thing and God can no do this thing. We only say what God Himself says about Him. 2 It is wrong to say that God Can do Any thing. We have no right to say that. In fact God does what He wishes and due to His exalted position, He wishes only highest things. 3 For example, we cannot say that God can lie, or God can Cheat, or God can commit mistakes, or God can die etc. 3A. In Quran God says, God only speaks Truth, God does not do any injustice, God never forgets and God is ever living. Therefore any actions which contradict these cannot be attributed to God. After these statements, you can see why it is degrading to God , to say that He became man, A. God is infinite and man is finite, how can one be finite and infinite at the same time? B God is immortal and man is mortal, how can one be mortal or immortal at the same time? C God never eats and never needs to go to toilet, where as man has both these needs, how can one do both at the same time? D God is not born and never dies, whereas man is born and man dies, how can one do both these things at the same time. There are so many problems which arise, when we assume that God became man, some of them are: a. Was He God before and then became man and then changed back into God? How any one who changes be God.

b. When He became man, who was running the Universe? Can Universe run without God? Or was he running the universe, while He became man? Then why no one noticed that he was running the universe? c. God s knowledge of both past present and future is perfect and He never forgets any thing, did He renounced those powers when He became man? If He retained those powers, then all actions and talks which He did as a man were mere dramas? There are so many questions which pop up into mind, when you say that God became man. And that is why we say it is degrading to say that God becomes man. And this whole ides of Jesus being God, is not so well established as you think it is. This is stated by others, and not Jesus himself. So why we accept all these contradictions and absurdities, just to fulfill some statements made by some people and not Jesus. Q12. Jesus , Divinity, Is Jesus God? Ans. Yes there is an instruction in Quran for Muslims, not to ask too many questions from the prophet. It does not say however that you will become unbeliever. It says that people before you asked too many questions and then they turned unbelievers. Because if you ask too many questions, then you restrict options for you, in the result it becomes very difficult to follow the right path. If you see OT books, you will find that Jews asked too many questions from their prophets and that is what Allah is warning us about. Now coming to the point of Divinity of Jesus, you have laid a very emotional outburst, without actually quoting from the scripture. You have given only one example that Jesus asked his disciples to Baptize whole world in the "Name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit". Where does it says that Jesus is God? Take one example, when any one faith that I believe Allah as God because Allah and Mohammad 's Muslim, means that Mohammad is

becomes Muslim, he has to announce his and Mohammad as his messenger. Just names are taken for any one to become God.

Then if you look closely, this instruction was supposed to have been given when Jesus was about to ascent to heavens. There is a contradiction, thru

out his life, Jesus never preached to non Jews. Then why on ascending to heavens he placed a burden on his disciples which he himself did not do? No good teacher, Master or right man would do it. For your information the formula "Baptizing in the names of Father, Son and Holy Spirit" did not originate at the time of Jesus. It was added by Church much later. So apparently this verse is added to Gospel of Matthew at a later date. I know it is very hard to digest something which is against your life long beliefs, but to convince others, you have to be emotionally stable. I do not condemn you Joe, I know you are sincere person. You are just repeating what was taught by your priests and preachers over many years. Divinity of Jesus is not so easy to prove from gospels, to prove Trinity is almost impossible. That is why Trinity has never been explained in plain language. It is only a belief, which you must have, if you want salvation. That is not a reasonable approach. Q12A. Jesus, Divinity, Is Jesus s divinity so Clear? Ans. I think it is right idea to sort one issue at a time. So let us discuss about the Divinity of Jesus Christ. You would agree that it is not every now and then that God comes to us in human form. As per you it happened only once in the history of mankind. Since it was such a big moment for humanity, it was very clear for Jesus to express it in no uncertain terms, so that his followers are not in any doubt about this issue. But what he does, he never clearly states that he is God in human form. He uses the words in such a way, that they can be interpreted in both the ways. You said, that it is Gospel that My and Father are one. If that is conclusive proof of his divinity, then in the same Gospel he says, I and my disciples, we all are one. You cannot take different meanings for the same word in the same context. Then ha also said,

1. My father is greater than me, My Father is greater than all 2. I of my own self can do nothing; it is by the finger of God that I cast out devil. 3. His disciples address his as Rabbi meaning teacher, he is called Son of Man in Gospels more number of times than Son of God. So we have to interpret scriptures in the way that makes sense and they all are supporting each other. To say that God takes human form is the belief of not Semitic people, but of the pagans Romans, Egyptians and Hindus etc. In their system God takes human forms in innumerable times. Christians have reduced only to one time that is all. To explain that God can do anything is not a reasonable answer. God cannot do illogical things. God cannot make 1 plus 1 plus 1 as 1. It will always be three. God only does what He wishes. Taking human form is not one of that. For guidance of humans He send prophets for that. Regarding Holy Spirit, as per Jesus, He should abide by and live in every Christian. If not always, then at least with those who formed all these churches and denominations. Now which Church is the true Church, how one can find out? Than all this idea of getting free from sin etc can wait, till we are over with Divinity issue of Jesus. Q13. Jesus, Existence, Did Jesus really existed? Ans. You are right in a way, if it would not had been for Quran, it was never possible to prove that Jesus existed at all. In their zeal to market Resurrected Christ, Christians have made all efforts to erase the existence of human Jesus on this earth. You are sure that based on four Gospels and the physical evidence available, there is not enough proof that Jesus existed at all. It is as case every where, Quran comes to the rescue!! It confirms Jesus as a human being and one of the greatest messengers of God, a man gifted by God, who came to reform the religion of Jews. He was a Jew, his message was for Jews.

As you can believe in so many Jewish prophets, why not one more...the last of Jewish prophets? It was a good question, I must say. Q14. Jesus, Existence, Did real Jesus Existed? Ans. Is Josephus such an authority that the whole existence of a major world religion depends on his writings one way or other? How are your sure that Josephus writings are really intact and available with us? While empty tomb and other stories may not be what really happened there, personality and existence of Jesus cannot be doubted. If all Christians reject Jesus, there will still be 1200 Millions of Muslims in world, who will be believing in Jesus as a righteous prophet of God, a Prophet born without father, the promised Messiah. Muslims will support Christians against any calumny which Jews and their supporters bring against him or his mother. There











Historical Jesus was a Prophet of God, born without any male intervention, he was a righteous prophet of God, Sent to Jews. His aim was to renovate the religious sprits of Jews and do a major overhaul of their religion. Get rid of superstitions and excessive formalism. Historical Jesus carried out his mission, for upto three years and made some inroads into the Jewish population. Somehow or the other, his mission did not reach to the level of success, one expected and he had to vanish from the scene. Out of this image of Historical Jesus, rose a mythical Jesus due to machination of Paul. This Mythical Jesus, Was Son of God, God in Human Form, Second Person of Trinity, Came to take away the sin of human kind by dying on the cross and then resurrecting on the third day. It is clear that Mythical Jesus cannot co-exist with the historical Jesus. So the followers of mythical Jesus (Christians of Pauline faith) did every thing to remove the traces of Historical Jesus.

What traces of Historical Jesus we still find are in some odd passages of Gospels here and there, where we can see a righteous prophet of God speaking. When your own followers are bent upon to remove your personality, how can you preserve it. This is the Dilemma of Christianity. They want to prove the existence of Mythical Jesus after removing all evidences of Historical Jesus. Many Gospels were burned, any writings against teachings of Church and Paul were systematically destroyed and now they are looking to insignificant writers like Josephus to prove that Jesus really existed!!! In fact it is Quran which preserves the pristine purity of Historical Jesus till this day. If it was not for Muslims, People would have decided that Jesus did not exist at all (as no mythical creature ever exists) Q15. Jesus, Genealogy, Contradictions between Matthew and Luke? Ans. To know about Jesus’ mission you must read only the four Gospels and book of acts where Chosen Disciples acts are mentioned. 1A. You must not be biased by the letters of Paul, because he should have no authority in Christianity at all. 1B. At least not teaching anything which goes against the teaching of Jesus. He must not be rated above the Chosen Disciples. 2. Yes I have read every letter of New Testament (including Paul’s letters), that is why I can say with confidence that Paul’s teachings are totally against the teachings of Jesus. 2A. You can either follow Jesus or Paul, not both. whom you want to follow.

It is for you to chose

3. Mark or Luke were either writing under the instructions of Holy Spirit or they were writing of their own. You decide which is true, if they were writing of their own, then it is not Scripture. If Holy Spirit was guiding them, then they should be free from errors and contradictions.

4. What explanation you provide about Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew and Luke is pure hypothesis. There is not an Iota of proof that Matthew traced Jesus’ genealogy thru Son of Law and Luke thru Mary is also pure imagination. There is no mention of Mary at all in both the genealogies, wheras it was the Mary who should be mentioned in both genealogies!! 4A. Joseph the Carpenter had nothing to do with the Birth of Jesus. Jesus was indeed the son of Mary, because no male intervention was there in his creation. 4B. Prove to me that it was Jewish practice to treat son in law as real son. Is there any more such a genealogy in OT or NT? 5. In a way you are right, Mathew wrote separately and Luke wrote separately. Otherwise how Luke, a non disciple, could contradict Matthew, a chosen disciple of Jesus? Just because there was no collaboration amongst writers, does not prove any thing. It only proves these are unreliable records, having no involvement of Holy Spirit. 6. No need to tracing upto Adam, it is the problem in tracing upto David, that is the real issue. If you repeat a lie a million time, it will not become truth!! 6A. There is a clear contradiction there and best brains of Christianity are unable to solve it. 6B. By the way, is it also a miracle that Matthew’s list contains only 26 names (upto David) and Luke’s list 42 Names. A generation gap of 16 steps looks very unscientific. All the males in Matthew’s List married late or how else can you explain this. 7. First let us finish the clear contradictions in Gospels, then we will discuss supposed contradictions in Quran. Q16. Jesus, Jew, Did Jesus preach to Non Jews? Ans. With all due respect to you, Jesus was born in a Jewish Family; he was raised as a Jew. He preached his message to Jews and for your information, never preached nor allowed any of his disciples to preach to any one else but Jews. That was all during his life time. It was later when he died that His "Self Appointed 13th Apostle" opened the gate to Non Jews i.e. gentiles.

What was done in the name of Jesus after he left this earth, he is not responsible for that. If you know your Bible, you will appreciate what I have written. For your information, Muslims also had no problems with Jews for much of last 1400 years. It was only since 1948 that we have started problems with them, when they came to our lands, turned out people who were living there for past 1200 years and became a bully in the region. On the other hand, Jews and Christians have been at each other's throat for past 2000 years. It was only after WW-2, that Christians developed a new found love and friendship with Jews. So your love relationship with Jews is very new. And that is because you have shifted your problems to Arabs and Muslim Lands!!! By the way Jews have totally neutralized Christianity in the west. There is no Christian Church who can argue and win against Jews. They are still busy is apologizing to Jews for what they have done to them in past 2000 years. A lot of dirty linen still has to be washed. Pope will issue Apology after Apology to Jews for every act of crime and omission which Christians have done and in reply, he will never receive any Apology from Jews for what they did to Jesus and those Early Christians!!! It is heads I win and tale you loose situation between Jews and Christians of our modern times. I really have sympathies with Christians in the hole they have put themselves into. Q17. Jesus, Kingdom of God, Will Jesus establish it in his second coming? Ans. I agree that Jesus did not establish the kingdom of God on earth. He did not had enough followers to start with. Then what ever he had left him and fled at the first sight of danger (according to your scripture). What else could he say at the time of his trial? You are right, in Islam, there is no separate Church and no separate State. They are one and the same. It is Christians who have separated them and therefore there is not a Single Truly Christian Nation on the face of this earth. (There never was, how could followers achieve what the master could not).

By the way, we Muslims believe in Jesus and also in his second coming. But we think that he will not come to establish the Kingdom of Earth, it is already established by his fellow prophet. He would descent to save it from mortal danger of Anti Christ. Q18. Jesus, Non Jews, Did Jesus preached to Non Jews? ANS. Thank you for reminding me about Matthew 28 19-20, but you see this was after Jesus had dies and supposed to have resurrected. I said during his earthly life, he did not preach to Non Jews and did not allow his disciples to preach to non Jews. How this policy suddenly changed after his death, I cannot say. But if you look carefully the verse is a latter addition for the formula of Baptizing In the Name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit started much later in Christian Church and not at the time of Jesus. I did not mean that every Christian persecuted these Jews. What I said was about the general conditions. There would be and there should be many good Christians who would have given protection to innocent Jews. If such persons are not there, there is no hope for humanity's survival. But when such statements are made, they are based on majority action. When we see white people in USA persecuted Black Slaves, it does not mean that every white man did that, there could be exceptions and there were exceptions. Same holds good for this case also. Whosoever does a good deed would be rewarded in the hereafter, that is what we also believe. Q19. Jesus, Preaching, Did Jesus preach to all people? ANS. Now coming to the point that Jesus preached to all, whosoever came to him and you mentioned the case of Samaritan women, if you check the incident as recorded in scriptures, Jesus was initially reluctant to teach that women. It was only her persistence that won the day for her to say. On the other hand, we have such clear cut statements from the lips of Jesus

1. I have not been sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and he gave instructions to his disciples. 2. Do not enter into the cities of Gentiles or Samaritans, but go into the cities of Israel. These show clearly the intent of Jesus. Teaching some woman here and some slave there does not change the whole purpose of his mission. As regards Trinity, I do not know what you mean that it is not needed for salvation. As per Church teachings, if you do not believe in Trinity, you will burn in hell for ever. Further salvation thru the blood of Jesus itself implies that Jesus must be God, otherwise his blood as a human or a mere prophet is not enough to carry the sins of whole world. It is glad we are discussing this subject and I am pleased with you. May peace of God be on you. Q20, Images, Are statues and Cross permitted in Christianity? ANS. Granted that Bible allowed you to make images of Cherubim and other objects. You say just kissing them is not an act of worship, which is debatable but I will let it go. 2. Making a statue of a living person and making the statue of a religious person are totally different. With time the love and awe of the religious person gives way to worship. To prey to any soul is per see the act of worship. That is what Christians specially Catholics do, they prey to mother Mary and Saints to grant their wishes. This is an act of worship and is prohibited by the First Commandment. 3. Coming to the statue of Jesus, you quoted Paul in support of Jesus as image of living God. Paul is a disputed personality, so I will not accept any quotation from Paul as proof. It is Paul who has really misled Christians, into worshipping Jesus Christ. So if Jesus permitted you to make his pictures and statues and then worship them, then please quote it. 4. Now coming to the Cross, when it became the symbol of Christianity and who authorized it? I did not find that even Paul used Cross as symbol of Christianity?

5. Now you are the same person, who are accusing Muslims that Black Stone, which is only a stone and has no shape or form, is a Graven Image and when Muslims kiss it, they really worship it, on the other hand millions of Christians hang crosses from their necks and kiss it, but neither the cross is Graven Image nor the kissing is worship!! 6. Can I ask sir, why this double standard? 7. Once I receive your reply, I will let you to ask your next question to me. Q21, Preaching Universal, Did God meant Bible for all World? ANS. Let me say you that you are wrong. Nowhere in the old testament it is mentioned that Jews have to spread their message to whole of the world. They were only to be confined within the land of Palestine. Now coming to Jesus, during his life time, he did not spread his religion to non Jews. If someone came to him, then that was another thing. But he did not go out of the way to preach to non Jews. His alleged statement (after crucifixion) to his disciples to preach this Gospel to whole world contradicts his actions and sayings when he was living. Most probably it was a latter addition and the proof is the sentence “baptize them in the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost”. That phrase was not known at the time of Jesus and his disciples. Now coming to Gen 15:18, Gen 22:18, 26:4 , & 21;12 where God promises that all nations would be blessed thru the progeny of Abraham,. That w as fulfilled thru the mission of our prophet, whose mission was for all nations and for all ages. Therefore there is no contradiction in Gen, but you are interpreting it wrong by justifying it on the mission of Jesus.

Q22, Trinity, Holy Spirit, Is Jesus Divinity not an issue? ANS. I think you are not right in saying that Jesus per see was accepted as God by His Chosen disciples and all of early Christians. There is nothing in the four Gospels where Jesus says in clear unambiguous terms that I am God or where he says Worship me. In the absence of such statements, how can you say that Divinity of Jesus was never a point? Jesus behavior thru out his missionary life was nothing but as an Ideal Servant of God. He preyed to God, He asked God for help and did every other thing which a true servant does to his Lord. Then I think that You are trying to circumspect the issue regarding Holy Spirit. If I know your scripture correctly, Jesus promised that Holy Spirit shall abide by each Christian for ever (I think it is how you interpret the Issue of Comforter any way). When Holy Spirit is inside every Christian, how the Satan can mislead them. I am not talking about common people, I am talking about highest learned Christian priests and bishops and popes and Archbishops etc. Those that are heading these sects and denominations. How come Holy Spirit did not prevent them from errors of judgment and understanding? The answer is the logical one, which I gave that Holy Spirit is indeed an angel of God, which descends only on prophets of God and to no one else. That is why only prophets of God are protected from errors and sins. That is why Trinity since the very beginning has been an issue of which Christians have always been divided and no one is able to explain it logically and in plain words so that a common man can understand it. You can try your hand at it. May peace be with you. Q23, Trinity, Holy Spirit, Did Jesus teach Trinity? ANS. The nature of Jesus was the issue…when he was raised to the level of God (after bitter opposition from early Christians)…a sort of Duality in the god-head was assumed… which later changed into Trinity. Trinity took its shape after 300 or so years after Jesus, that is fact. If you say that Trinity is derived from some statement of Jesus…. Then it shows that it cannot be the central pillar of your religion. The basis of your faith

must be based on clear cut and unambiguous statement of Jesus and not Paul or other Apostles. As for Holy Spirit to come to me, after seeing the effects it has on Christians, I would certainly ask protection from God to send that type of Holy Spirit to me!!! Every Christian Church and denomination is supposed to be guided by Holy Spirit. It is pulling them in different directions. Can you tell me, which of these thousands Church and Denominations is guided by the Holy Spirit. If you want to know the truth, Holy Spirit is an Angel of God, who comes only to the prophets of God and to no one else. It came to Moses…..It came to Jesus…and it came to our prophet. That is the end. Now it will come to no other person till the day of judgment. All those who claim to have Holy Spirit inside them or being actually guided by it are faking it. This is another plain speaking for you. May God have Mercy on you and guide you to His Path. Q24, Trinity, Logical, Is Trinity easy to understand? ANS. What you say that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit is not only illogical but is also against the teachings of all Jewish prophets including Jesus. This is a Church Dogma which is a mixture of Greek and Roman Philosophy and a free interpretation of allegorical Biblical verses, which were never to be taken in their literal sense. This dogma was reached after a bitter struggle of over four hundred years, during which most of the Original and Oldest Christians and their sects were declared heretical. It is the most unintelligible and illogical of all Church Dogmas. That is why it has caused maximum problem in Christian History. How can you explain such things, Father is God, Son is God and Holy Spirit is God….but they are not three Gods but one God!!! Father is a person, Son is

a person, Holy Spirit is a person…..but they are not three persons but one Person!!! Father is Almighty, Son is Almighty, Holy Spirit is Almighty…but these are not three Almighty but one Almighty!!! Can any one who speaks plain English understand this? As for your comments, what happens if Muslims start sharing beliefs of Christians? This could happen but they would not remain Muslims any more. Our scripture is preserved and there is no chance of it getting corrupted or misinterpreted, like the Christian scriptures suffered. Further there is no chance that some character like St. Paul could rise in Islam and hijack the pure monotheistic teachings of Quran and our prophet. It is too late for that any how. I do not mean to dishearten you. I have respect for you, but the question you have posed seemed a bit naïve. I hope you will not mind my straight answer. Q25. Trinity, Proof, Proof thru infinity? ANS. As for your proving Trinity by infinity + infinity + infinity = infinity is the stupidity itself. It seems you are not familiar with basic principle of Mathematics. If you use that logic, then why limit at Trinity, you can also prove by that logic 1+1+1+1 =1 & (4=1) & 1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 1 (6=1) and for any number of digits. Then one more stupidity in your logic is that one of that Infinity became Finite and appeared in Human form. When it became Finite, it was no more infinity. The more you think, the more illogical this Trinity becomes. But for your Pauline Christian nothing matters. The Holy Spirit which you speak so highly is (claimed to be) present in every Church and Denominations and the Same Holy Spirit is taking these into different directions. Who has it and who does not has it, will be decided by whom? Another Holy Spirit? In the end I told you as before you are welcome to “Relish in the meat and blood of Sacrificial Lamb”. You do the inequities and he pays for it. You

have the headache and he takes the medicine. You have pain in your hernia and he is operated upon.!!

Chapter-2 On Evolution and Dialog With Hindus Q26. Creator, Civilization, Is human progress dependent on God? Ans. Regarding my observation that it is God given power to humans which has resulted in development of human civilization, Ask any scientist or any inventor as to how that idea came into his mind for the first time? He will only tell you, that it just occurred to his mind or he just thought about it. The idea came to him suddenly and words of that effect. Why out of thousands of scientists and engineers, this idea came to only his mind? You cannot analyze it or provide justifications. At the most you will say that it was A RANDOM or CHANCE occurrence that the idea came to only him. That is the same way as you say that evolution takes place RANDOMLY!!! Q27. Creator, Existence, Why God did not reveal Himself? Ans. It is not because of God’s weakness that He did not reveal Himself. It is because of our incapability that we can not see any thing which is not material. The same is the problem with Science and its instruments. When God is not made of Material, how could Scientific instruments detect him. This inability of Science and its instruments does not imply that God does not exist at all. It is not God which is held up Muslims form progress, it is the Muslims who by turning away from ways of God have turned away from the path of progress. And no not think that scientific progress in any way means that you are fulfilling purpose of your life. If scientists were true to their field…they would have said that we do not know how these Mutations take place and how the species really change from one to another…..instead of speaking the truth, they tried to misguide public by claiming that they have found the key to whole problem….It is Random Mutation and Natural Selection…..which they are not. Whatever progress scientists have made…it is all because of that God given gift of reason and logic. And to be honest…all new ideas are breathed into human mind by some invisible force….In fact it is with the help of God only

that new ideas come into human minds….ideas that did not come into some one else’s mind. It is a complex subject but at no time humans are away from the Power and Grip of their Creator. They even have no defense against Natural calamities. So their boasting are in fact nothing in reality. Q28. Creator, Proof, Why we cant see God? Ans. No I am not saying that God is incapable of showing Himself to humans. I am saying that humans are incapable of seeing God, because of their inabilities. Humans and all their scientific instruments can only see or detect material things and God is not of this Material. It is as absurd for you to say that God should change into material thing (so that humans could see Him). If humans believe in God after seeing Him with their eyes, then where is the test? Humans have to recognize and deduce the presence of God by reflecting on the innumerable signs that are dispersed in the nature. Our prophet did not see God with physical eyes; he received revelation of God thru Arch angel Gabriel. The same way all other prophets before him received the revelation. There was no time. No space, no matter, no energy before Big Bang makes all the sense to you, but that Creator to be Eternal and not material does not make any sense. I only pity at the standard of your sense!!! Q29. Creator, Proofs, Physical proofs for Creator Ans. Proof for existence of Creator are different from any thing else in the universe. So demanding physical proofs are as absurd as asking where was space and time before Big Bang. Thanks again for your work on Luria-Delbruck experiment. However I am sorry to say, it does not prove any Random Mutations. The Randomness is only in your head and not on laws governing Mutations. No true religion asks you to ignore facts, it only asks you to refrain away from baseless generalization of these facts. True religion makes you a true

scientist, to appreciate the works of Powerful Creator and see your own limitations in really creating anything!!! If you cannot predict movement of single gas molecule in a chamber, what right you have to say that Creator of that gas molecule also does not know its precise location? This is where you go out of your scientific realm and start theorizing, about a thing you KNOW nothing. The Creator not only KNOWS the movements of each gas molecule but also SEES the movement of each Electron inside each atom. Mind boggling!!! For you may be but not for The Creator!!! Q30. Creator, Voting, Should be decide Creator by Vote? Ans. As I told you that I am not against evolution and how it is achieved. It is your explanation that it is happening at Random, which is the most objectionable thing. If you are unable to decode the hidden logic behind these mutations, then it is your own limitations. We cannot involve Creator also in this Vicious Mutation Cycle!!! I told you that even if 100 % Scientists, Engineers and Philosophers agree that there is no God and there is no Creator, then also it will not change the reality that God and Creator do exist!! We do not need human votes to prove God. But what I really think that most Scientists and Engineers reject the traditional model of God (i.e. that given by Judeo Christian writings). If they would have been fed with the Islamic concept of God and Creator, many would have voted for Him!!! Yes you will find out about the existence of Creator and life after death, immediately your eyes will close for the final time. But that knowledge will not help you in the least, because you have failed in your life's mission and would now be ready to face the consequences of those who fail in their mission!!! The time to know God….to know the purpose of your life…and to strive towards it is now…when you are alive and not when you are dead!!!

Q31. Mutation, Random, Knowledge of Creator is Perfect Ans. Whatever theory you give about DNA mutations, if to you it is not clear, then you cannot say that to Creator also it is not clear as to which particular DNA that cosmic ray will hit. Let me ask you a question, how much water is there in all the oceans? How many fishes are present in all the oceans? How many gain of sand are in the beaches and how many leafs are present in all the trees? Now no scientists can answer these questions. He has no tools and no means to check and be sure. At the most he will make guesses based on the available data. These could be right or wrong, but we cannot say that Creator also does not know answer to these questions. We cannot superimpose our ignorance to the Creator. In the same way what you call Random Mutations and Natural Selections (which are non scientific and non defined terms), does not mean that for Creator also these should be Random acts. This Universe is designed of facts and laws and design and not some Random phenomenon. This is the basic fault of all you who claim to have found the secrets of this Universe. Q32. Proof, Religion, Do Evolutionists have proofs? Ans. I think you have really reversed your question. It is the Evolutionists who are asking Religionists for the proofs and not the vice versa. What is all the most amazing that Evolutionists are asking from the Religionists the Physical and Materialistic proofs for the existence of Creator!!! How come the Creator which is Non Material can be proven by the Materialistic proofs? So all the proof of Creator has to come from Non materialistic side, that is by logic and reason and common sense. And it is the mere stupidity of Evolutionists that they shy from these type of discussions. This Universe and every thing in there is a living proof for existence of Creator and His absolute Power, Wisdom and Mercy. But they deny all this by their obstinate demand for physical proofs. Any one looking at the proliferation of life forms on this earth would be filled with the Wisdom of the Creator. But these evolutionists close their eyes to

all the beauty of creation by their idiotic ideas of life forms changing from one into each other, only guided by the blind principles of Random Mutation and Natural Selection. If changing of one specie into another was to be only guided by Random Mutation, there would have been millions of intermediate species between one and another. There would have been Millions of “Misfits” between one specie and another. But none of the fossil records show these “Misfits”, we have only records of fully formed species. But due to din and noise made by these Evolutionists, their unreasonable and unscientific theories are treated as “Science”? What else could be more ironic? Q33. Religion, Lie, Are Evolutionists telling truth? Ans. You only pretend to tell a lie, by saying that evolutionist do not deny the presence of God. It is not necessary that you dent His presence expressively, it is the matter in which you describe your theory that makes the presence or absence of God an unnecessary question. For all practical purposes, His presence or His absence has nothing to do in way this world exists or should exist or would exist. The thing which you refer to As Random Mutation and Natural Selection are nothing but the acts of God, that direct these changes. You try to circumvent His presence and His involvement in the evolution process by inventing terms which really have no existence in the real world. And this is what I call deception and lies by the scientific community. They try to hide their inabilities by hiding behind the words of scientific jargon. They think that they have reached their pinnacle of intelligence by asking that who created God or from where He came. But when I ask who caused Big bang and what was before Big Bang, they think that these questions are superfluous, because Time, Space., Matter. Energy, and thought process all came after Big bang. But when we say that God is Uncreated and was present before the beginning….they think it is an absurd statement.!!

Q34, Hindu, Non Violence, Are Hindus non violent? Ans. Yes, to keep you up to date on Indian Non-violence. There is an Organization known as RSS in India. That is the extreme right group so to all. It and its political arm BJP , and so many specialized groups, VHP, BAJRANG DAL etc is what is known in India as SANGH PARIVAR. Their only aim is to create Anti Muslim Hatred in India. 1A. They take part in most of communal riots in India, in which thousands of Muslims are killed every year. Gujarat genocide of 2002 & Bombay Genocide of 1992 are very well known even to outside world. 1B. Many times, members of these organizations were called making home made bombs. When raided police found false beards, Muslim caps and other items from those houses. 1C. Many times they phone to police with False Muslim names to give false news of explosives being planted at public places. But these reports are always suppressed. 1D. They have killed, raped and hurt many nuns, priests and other Christian Missionaries. They damaged many Churches and mosques etc. 1E. As for as International scenes, LTTE a Hindu Tamil organization, is very active in Sri Lanka and is very well known. It was LTTE, which started the cult of suicide bombings in Sri Lanka. How many persons LTTE has killed is only known to God. LTTE has good support in Indian Tamil Nadu This should be enough to establish Non Violence concept as applicable to Modern India. Q35. Hindu Dialog, Why Indian Muslims support Saudis? Ans. Thank you brother for you thought provoking mail. First of all you are under delusion that you are being generous to give rights to Muslims in India. India is a country which is populated by citizens of every religion and groups. We are Indian citizens by birth and since many generations. We have as much right on India as Hindus have. If India has to survive, it has to behave in a secular way. As for your saying that Hindus are not Fanatic or not biased, I do not accept it. Yes most of Hindus are not fanatic and peace loving. But there are groups in India (RSS and Shiv Sena etc) whose only aim is to cause hatred for Muslims in the minds of Hindus.

You are aware of many rights that take place in India every year, in which hundreds of Muslims are killed. Police and Para military forces always acts against Muslims. Gujarat and Bombay riots are in our recent memory. Despite all its shortcomings, India is the best country to live in,. I am proud of my country and will not do any thing to lower its image. All regards Saudi Arabia, I do not defend the policies or practices of Saudi People and its governments This land has special significance for Islam and Muslims. It holds the two Holy Harams. It can not have any religion except Islam. Before the Oil boom, no body wished to come to this land, except Muslims for pilgrimage. Now due to Oil wealth, they had to invite people of other faiths also, some people object to it, but Govt. feels it is necessary for fast development of the country. So they are in Dilemma, as to how to maintain the two requirement. That is why they do not allow any other place of worship, but nobody forces you as to how to prey in your homes. You can prey in your house the way you like. Kafir is not a derogatory term in Islam. In means a Non Muslim. If you reject the message of Islam, then you become a non Muslim, another term for that is Kafir in Islam. Like in India what you call Muslims in religious terms (Maleichh?). Yes I know the Saudi people and say that many do not present the correct picture of Islam and its teachings. But I am not defending Saudi Arabia, I only try to remove the misunderstanding about Islam not against Saudi Arabia

bias and

I go to India every year on vacations and looking forward to settle there when I go back from here. India for me is the best country to live for guys like me. If it would not have been for fanatic Hindu organizations, India could have progressed much faster and much earlier.

Q36. Hindu Dialog, Race Relations, What is interpretation of Racism? Ans. Yes my brother all humans are from the same parent, so per see there is no superiority of any nation, race or language over any other. The divisions of race, color, language and nations came as a result of growth of human population and their settlement in different parts of the world. The spoken language of all humans must have been one the written part came latter and every people chose their own way of writing. It would indeed be a wonderful research to go thru the history and analyze how one common language changed into so many languages. Then it is also a fact that people did migrate from one portion of the earth to another due to one reason or another. This process has not stopped even now; millions of Indians did migrate to all parts of the world since independence. In past it could have been like an army invading another country. The civilizations came into being and were succeeded by new civilizations. Every civilization did its best to add to the collective knowledge of human race and every country contributed to the growth of this. If we see in this light, then there is no conflict in human race’s growth and we should not be biased to put our own ideologies to the past event, so as to show superiority of one over other. Like wise, we should not degrade or over praise the contribution of any particular people or particular race. The same broad attitude is required, when we deal on such issues as between nation versus nation and race versus race. When I said that in India, we can find thee distinct races, it is based on facts and history and not a mere fiction. I do not believe that any race is or was superior per see to any other. It can happen that at a particular time in history, contribution of some race might be more than the other. That is the basis of survival of civilizations. If any civilization becomes a burden on human growth, it perishes. I am sure that I am not bigot, I do not condemn any race, culture or language as a whole and I also do not raise any culture, race or language to superhuman level.

Every one loves his culture, language and his race and his nation. ridicule one another, it will not be good for the society.

If we

After all, we all are children of same parent and our Real Creator is also one and to Him only we will return in the end. I did not specifically mentioned religion here because as per my logic, religion is based on the Divine Guidance. When our Creator is one, it is illogical to say that He sent different religions at different times. The essence of all revealed religions is same. It is the followers who themselves gave different names to religion of God and not God himself. This is an issue on which we could have a separate discussion. These are some of my thoughts on this topic. Nice to had an exchange with you. Q37. Hindu Dialog, RSS, What is bodes for India? Ans. Thank you brother for your post. When I say, that BJP and RSS are Anti Muslim, it is because the nub of their policies is to appose Muslims and malign them. If they are trying to work for the welfare for Hindus they should not work against any other community. and demonize the other community for the sake of community. To incite majority community against comes under the category of Nazism and Fascism.

(which is nothing bad), They want to degrade improving the majority a minority community

If you look at the early history of RSS, you will find that they were much influenced by the Nazis and Fascists. The end of this philosophy ultimately results in the breakup of the country and its disintegration. You have given specific cases of Bombay Blasts, but have forgotten the earlier Bombay riots which were the main cause of those blasts. It is this selected memory which results in much of the mischief in the society (like wise USA starts its history with 9/11, as if there was nothing before 9/11 and nothing after 9/11). Then you linked Godhra case for justification of Gujarat riots. First of all, it is debatable as to whether the coaches were set on fire by Muslims. The media and the Chief Minister hastened to blame Muslims without conducting

any enquiry. The whole carnage was pre-planned. How the fire originated in that coach is still the subject of enquiry. Then in the end, you have tried to equate the issues of Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura with the Muslim holy places of Makkah, Medina and Jerusalem. This parallel is uncalled for. First of all Muslims do not accept that the mosques in these places were constructed after destroying any temples there. They are even saying that if any one can bring any evidence that the mosque was constructed after destroying any temple there, Muslims will themselves demolish the mosque and hand it over to Hindus. In case of any dispute, the other party should bring the proof. Without giving any tangible proof in a court of law, You are accepting per see that Muslims are responsible for destroying these temples; this in itself is against natural justice. The converting of Babri Mosque into virtual temple and then its destruction, will be a bad dot on the face of Hindutva forces for many years. Whether Babri Masjid was created after destroying Ram Temple is still a debatable question, but everyone in India saw the destruction of Babri Masjid in broad day light. You may consider it a small victory, but its effect will be far reaching. Worldly power available to any country and people is a temporary phenomenon, these ups and downs come in the history of every people, but we should always be guarded our values in every situation, that is the sign of greatness. RSS and its affiliates are busy day and night in inciting majority community against minority community, this is a highly questionable practice, and unless the sober people intervene and control it, the results could be very dangerous indeed.

Chapter-3 On Islam Q38. Arabs, Paganism, Was Paganism original religion of Arabs? Ans. You said that I was wrong in saying that Islam always being the only religion in Arabia, you pointed that prior to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), 1400 back, Arabs were pagans and worshipping idols. I also must say that you are right. When I meant Always, it was for past 1400 years of history. Prior to that Arabs did fall into paganism for some time. If you know ancient history, let me tell you, that paganism was not the original religion of Arabs. They trace their descent thru prophet Abraham and prophet Ishmael, who were both icons of Monotheism. Kaaba was originally built for the worship of one True God of Universe. Arabs continued in monotheism for centuries after the death of Ishmael. It was only a few centuries before the birth of our prophet that Makkan fell into idol worship and transformed Kaaba into a sanctuary for idols. Arabs in fact knew the person also who brought idols to Makkah for the first time. Now can you find fault in my statement that Islam was always the only religion for Arabs!! I thank you for your frank posts and calling spade a spade. Q39. Belief, Fundamentals, What are the Fundamentals of Islam? Ans. See , you yourself are behaving like the “Doctors” I told in my second fable. You are acting like a “Fundamentalist” yourself, by denying without proof or trial that a “Wonder Medicine” could exist that can cure “All illness”. What is the difference between Your Fundamentalism and Our Fundamentalism? We believe that such a “Wonder Medicine” exists and you deny it. We at least have proof with us and you have only your personal opinion. Now coming to the question of Fundamentalism, it is not a bad word and not an abuse. For every branch of Science, Technology, Trade, there are certain Fundamentals. You have to follow them, if you want to be successful in that field.

To be a good mathematician, you must follow strictly the fundamentals of Mathematics. To be a good doctor, you must follow the fundamentals of Medicine and so on…..To be a good pickpocket; you must follow the fundamentals of Pick Pocketing!! Now it only depends on the fundamentals, if they are good for the society, then that Fundamentalism is good, otherwise if the fundamentals are bad, it is bad for the society. Now as you have said, you know very little about Islam (May be you know Islam from only from reports in media and internet), let me put down some Fundamentals of Islam and then let us discuss which one is bad for the society: 1. First Fundamental of Islam is that God (we call him Allah) is the sole Creator, Planner and Cherisher of the whole Universe. He has absolute authority on every thing in Universe. He is All Powerful, All Knowledgeable and All Mighty and does not require or need the help of any one. ‘ 2. Second Fundamental of Islam is that God alone must be worshipped and we should not worship any one else or join any one else in the worship of true God. 3. Third fundamental of Islam is that all humans are crated from the same pair (Adam and Eve) and no human has inherent superiority over each other. No race, color, nation or language is per see superior to any one else. 4. Fourth fundamental of Islam is that Humans have been given choice to choose their path. If they choose right path, they will be rewarded, if they choose the wrong path, they will be punished. Every man shall be accountable for his or her deed. No on else will bear the burden of any one else. 5. Fifth fundamental of Islam is that for the guidance of humans, God has sent the Messengers and prophets and has sent books. These prophets and books were sent to all nations and in different languages. All the prophets and books gave the same teachings.

6. Sixth Fundamental of Islam is that the Last Prophet in the long chain of prophets is Mohammad (PBUH) and the last book in the long chain on books is Quran. However both these events were prophesized in other books also and by other prophets. So Quran is the book of Guidance and Mohammad (PBUH) is the prophet till the end of world. So we should follow the teachings of Quran and Prophet to the best of our abilities. 7. Seventh Fundamental of Islam is that there will be a Day of Judgment, on which every human will be resurrected and will give its account of deeds before the God. Those who did good deeds will be rewarded, and those who did bad deeds will be punished. 8. Eighth Fundamental of Islam is that this message should be preached to others, but no one should be forced or coerced to accept this message. The free choice should be given to every one to accept or reject this message. I could add some more points, but let us hear your views on these (As for rights and duties for Muslim Women, we could discuss it afterwards, they are no second class citizens) Q40. Christianity, Should Muslims and Christians coexist? Ans. Yes I know it is a free thread and any one can post whatever he or she likes. That is why I ignore most of the post. I only answer those, who answer me back or to some post, which I think need some clarification. But I think after 1400 years of co-existence, we should have been pass the stage of calling each other names. Trying to prove that our prophet was a false prophet. Islam and Christianity are two major religions on this world. Both of them believe in God and prophets. It was the time that instead of doing down each other, they should go to the majority of world population, who still does not know any thing about God. Our book says, that as to who was right and who was wrong, will only bed decided in the hereafter by God. In the present world, we should each strive and compete with each other in doing good. That should be the criterion in which we should compete, not in proving that one is demonic and one is angelic. These are a few of my thoughts which I want to share with you. good day.

Have a

Q41. Civilization, Role of Islam, What role Islam played in growth of Islamic Civilization? Ans. Perhaps the following will help you understand this topic, about which your knowledge seems to be limited. Condition of Arabs before the Advent of Prophet: 1. Arabs had no civilization to speak of before the advent of prophet. Except for a powerful Arabic language and few qualities, which are part of Bedouin society, they had not much by the way of civilization, as we know of. Very few amongst them even knew how to read or write. 2. In these conditions, our prophet started receiving the divine revelations. Do you know the first word of the divine revelation? It was IQRA !! meaning read or recite!! To an unlettered man the first command is given is to Read!! The same revelation (Ch 95: 1-5) speaks of pen and God giving knowledge to men which they knew not!! Can you see the importance given in Islam to knowledge and pen from the very beginning? 3. Perhaps it was because of these divine guidelines, that prophet gave very much importance to reading and writing. He asked his companions who could learn reading and writing to do so. Quran in many places commended those persons who have knowledge. 4. It was because of these teachings of Quran and Prophet that Muslims from the very beginning were devoted to learning and knowing things. Quran pointed to many natural phenomenon thereby exhorting Muslims to take up the study of nature. By the end of life of our prophet many of his companions had learned the use of pen. 5. Yes the true knowledge in those days was Quran and teachings of prophet, but Muslims in general had no aversion to learn any thing from other civilization. Growth of Arab Civilization was the result of Islam and Quran and not otherwise. 6. That is why, when Islam and Muslims expanded in the world, they took with them the thirst of knowledge everywhere they went. They extensively translated the books of Romans and Greeks into Arabic and undertook the study of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and other branches of natural sciences. They became pioneers in many fields. 7. Every Muslim of refined taste in those days, had its own private library. There were public libraries also. In those days where there was no printing

press, the interest and devotion of Muslims to books is really a thing to be appreciated. 8. Since in Islam there is no separation between State and Church, so at no stage Muslim scientists faced any problem from the state, In fact many of the greatest Muslim Scientists were also the religious scholars. 9. So in case of Islam, the growth of civilization and growth of science was going on simultaneously. If you have any doubt, just go to any big library in any big European city and look at the list of Islamic Manuscripts preserved there. You will be amazed at the variety of topics and the depth of knowledge of Muslims of those bygone days. Growth of Christian Civilization: 1. As I told you earlier, Jesus grew amongst Jewish people, who had a civilization spanning at least 2000 years. The Romans also had a highly developed civilization. So the Early Christians at least had the base work to built their civilization on. 2. But what they did, for first 325 Years, they had no worldly power, so there was no question of any Christian Civilization. They were a disjointed bunch of warring sects. 3. When in 325 AD, Roman Empire became Christian Empire, the majesty of Roman Civilization and sciences were inherited by the Christians, without doing any hard work. Did the Christians build on this civilization? 4. No Sir, by basing their religion on Dogma, which had no rational basis (Trinity, Divinity of Christ and Vicarious Redemption) and which cannot be explained rationally, Christians became the enemy of knowledge and reason itself. 4A. In addition to that they started the concept of Monastery, whereby the man has to renounce this world to gain in the next world. The vow of Celibacy (totally against nature) did not helped the things either. Any Civilization based on Celibacy and Renouncing the world will only produce negative results. 5. The combined result was that Christian World fell deep into the age of ignorance and superstition. This whole period of 1500 years is referred to as Dark ages and Medieval Ages. It is full of Church atrocities and ignorance.

6. So the contribution of Christian Religion in the Growth of Christian Civilization was negative. Growth of Modern European Civilization: 1. The period of Church atrocities was going to be over. By 1500 there was a general uprising against the power of Church. Then slowly and slowly, Church’s Power was curtailed and European nations really became independent and were able to devote their energies on the study of science and technology. 2. Since they already had bitter experience of Church Power, so the new Civilization was based on Secular concepts. Church had no say in day to day matters of state. It was confined within the four walls of Church. 3. In no way, we cam call the Modern European Civilization as Christian Civilization. The population is Christian, but they are only in names. The laws are not based on God given directions. 4. That is why the more Western Civilization is progressing, the Christianity is on decline. Muslims Decline in Modern Times: 1. Every civilization has its ups and downs. It happened with Muslims also. When they lost the yearning for acquiring more and more knowledge, which their religion had demanded from them, their decline started. 2. Fortunately or unfortunately the period of Islamic decline coincided with the growth of European civilization. The use of steam power and industrialization left the Muslims behind. This resulted in colonization of .Muslim countries by European nations, from which they have got freedom only recently. 3. From the above the decline of Muslims cannot be blamed on either defect in Islamic beliefs or Islamic system of education. If Muslims only try to copy the west, they can never catch them. What is needed is for them to revive the Islamic Spirit and gain their self confidences.

Separation of Church and State: 1. It is misunderstood that the separation of Church and state is the magic formula which guarantees growth and modernization. This is a wrong belief and is typical of Christian faith. 2. In the absence of any detailed instructions given by Jesus, Christians started acting on the advice of Church. The Church teachings were based on human reasoning, therefore lacked the balance and wisdom which is the hall mark of Divine laws. So the Church was holding the progress of science and technology in West. 3. This is not the case with Islam, which has capacity to move with time. If the separation of Church and state was the magic formula, how you account for the fact, that same European countries and people which came under Communism were left behind? The Communism system was totally against religion, but it did not help the same European race to progress and they are most backwards of nations in Europe. 4. Please spreading this false notion, that the day Muslims separated their religion from state they will start progressing. Progress comes from hard work and firm belief in goals and objectives. Islam provides both. Q42. Creator, Universal, Do all religions worship same God? Ans. It is a fact that most religions believe in One God and One Creator, whom they call be different names like YHWH, GOD, Allah or ISHWAR etc. Somehow they think that they are worshipping different God and Creator each one is really different from other. This is a folly and we need more dialogs to realize that we indeed believe in same God and Creator. You cannot remove the differences of color, race and language from human society…so therefore we should understand each other in a peaceful and reasonable manner. Killing each other on minor difference or because of ignorance is really a sad thing in present society.

Q43. Criminal Justice, Punishment,. Are Islamic punishment Barbaric? Ans. It is very easy to say that Islamic Justice system is Barbaric, but you have to being any thing which is as effective in combating crime as it. So far your western system has failed to cut down Crime rate in any country. If you are able to bring any thing better, then you a right to criticize Islamic system Yes in Islamic system, the thief is given medical help and he is still a member of Islamic society. There is no blame on him afterwards. It is your folly to claim that many western nations have very low crime rates, because of your Criminal Justice system. If they have, it is not because of Criminal System, but there could be other causes. If it was due to the Criminal System, then it would have proved equally effective in all countries. Introduction of Islamic Justice system would bring down crime rate in EVERY country, irrespective of whether it is Islamic country or not!!! Just imposing capital punishment for murder is not Islamic law. There are so many provisions also, including the witness system and other things. You have to impose complete system and not one or two provision. The Western Criminal Justice system is based on "Sympathy towards the Criminal". All protections are loop holes are available to the Criminal. In Islamic system the sympathy of law is towards the affected party and society and not for the criminal. That is why the two systems are opposite of each other. And that is why Crime rate is always on the rise in Western System and is next to nothing in True Islamic System. I did not say that Islamic system will ELIMINATE the crime from the face of earth, but it would be at its lowest possible level. Q44. Criminal Laws, System, Means and Goals Ans. Both means and goals should be correct in a good system and Islam provides both. I see that you are harping only on women, that stoning women for adultery is Barbaric, why did you not mention men here. In Islamic law (as in Biblical Law) both adulterer and adulteresses have to be given the same punishment and be stoned to death. But you are writing as if Islam leaves the men and punishes only the women!!!

AIDS is a disease and no one is to be stoned to death because of having any diseases in Islamic Justice system (or in any Justice System to my knowledge), However major causes for spread of AIDS (homosexuality, drugs and prostitution etc.) are banned in Islam so it would not spread as fast as it is doing in Western System. It is interesting for you to say that "Free" society will have high criminal rate. So you cannot reduce crime rates in your western "Free" society and the "More Freer" a society would be, the higher would be its crime rate (according to your logic). So you have surrendered to Crime and Criminals!! them? (Without curbing "Freedom"). The best way would be to legalize it, so it would be no crime at all!!! Then you could legalize, theft, murder, robbery and rape (as you have legalized, homosexuality and adultery), so there would be no crime at all!!! I never said that Islamic system would exterminate crime from the land; I said that it would reduce it to its minimum level. There are people for whom no punishment shall suffice, so that they would break any laws. Who told you that in Islamic system, there is no proportional punishment? Who told you that there is only one punishment for all crimes? I think you have no knowledge about Sharia laws at all, and your information is mostly hearsay. Laws of good and bad remain same in Stone age, copper age, Iron age, plastic age and any other age. Islamic Criminal Justice system holds well for all ages and for all societies and for all nations. So let us hear more from you what is "Seriously Wrong" with Sharia system. What I see "Seriously Wrong" in it, Is that it provides a safe society, with minimum crime rates, in which the sympathy of public is not with the criminals but with the law abiding citizens, whose rights have been violated (and that is the "Biggest Crime" for your "Criminal loving Free Society")!!!

Q45. Criminal System, Effective ness, Are Shariah laws brutal? Ans. In order to judge the suitability of any criminal system, you have to compare its practicality / affectivity / and its long term effect on society. It is very easy to say that this system is barbaric or punishment is too tough. Before you compare Sharia system with your Modern Criminal justice system, you will have to see the practicality / affectivity and its long term affects. In whichever country Islamic Justice system is imposed, the crime rates and the rates of adultery drops sharply and the society is free from all crimes. Whereas your system, does not reduce the crime rate neither in short term nor in long term. Then how you have a face to come forward with objections on Shariah law, without comparing it with a viable alternative. If you really look at the statistics, you would not find so many people in any Islamic countries whose hands have been chopped off because of theft, or those who have been punished for adultery. A few cases here and there removes these ills from society. Whereas in your countries, jails are overflowing, courts are full to the brim, but the cases of theft, robbery and adultery are always on the rise. Only a Bigot will say that modern criminal system is better in fighting crime rate than Islamic Shariah. Regarding Misha'al bint Fahd al Saud's case, I am not in possession of full facts of the case, so I cannot comment on that. But this is again we are discussing administration of Justice and not the Law itself. As usual your sympathies are always with the criminal and not the society. That is the basic fact which you have to consider when discussing Criminal system.

Q46. Last Prophet, Who is the prophet mentioned in Deut 18:18 Ans. I agree with you that there could be lots of misunderstanding when two people of different faiths discuss with each other on such sensitive topics. What is needed in such cases is restraint and will to understand each other’s point of view. Then the arguments should be conducted in a civil manner maintaining all decencies of debate. Having said all these, I quite agree with your view point that most people agree that one Great Person to appear in this World (whom we can call The Messiah or better Messiah of All Messiahs!!!). Such a person shall be appointed (or anointed by God Himself, in literal or allegorical sense that is immaterial). Most prophets have taken pledges from their followers to heed to that Messiah, any one not doing that would be punished by God. Therefore the search and identity of that Messiah is very important for all people who have any religious bent at all. There are only three contenders for that High Position, Jesus (according to Christians), Prophet Mohammad (according to Muslims) or a Messiah that would come in future (according to orthodox Jews). It is not possible to comment on Jews claim, because it relates to an event in future. So let is examine Christians and Muslims claims. Is there any way in which we can unravel this mystery. First Clue of this puzzle is what we see in Deut 18:18 where God (thru Moses) promises to send a Prophet Like Moses into the world. This prophesy was not fulfilled from the time of Moses till the time of Jesus (John 1: 19-26 confirms that), now before we proceed any further, let us verify that if Jesus indeed fulfilled the conditions mentioned in that prophesy. If we read Deut 18: 18 we find following qualities of “That Prophet” 1. He shall be a prophet like Moses 2. He shall be raised amongst the brothers of Jews. 3. God would put His words into the prophet’s mouth 4. The prophet shall not speak from himself, he will only speak what God will ask him to say.

5. If any one will not heed to the words of that prophet, which he shall speak in the name of God, then God Himself will take account of that person. These were the most important points of this prophesy. Let us examine if Jesus satisfies these conditions. If Jesus does not satisfy these conditions, then it means that Deut 18:18 has not been fulfilled and we should look upon some one else to come after Jesus. So I would need inputs from you, to verify Jesus’ fulfillment of this prophesy. I hope that you will agree with this step-by-step approach instead of raising many issues at one time. In the end I thank you once again for the posts you have written to me. I hope that we would have a fruitful discussion on this important topic. Q47. Last Prophet, Who is the prophet mentioned in Deut 18:18 Ans. Jews of those days put three clear cut questions before John the Baptist 1. Are you Elijah? (To which he replied in negative). 2. Are you the Messiah (To which he again replied in negative) and finally 3. Are you “That Prophet” (To which for the third time he replied in negative) then they asked him 4. Why then you baptize, if you are neither Elijah, nor Messiah and Nor That Prophet. Now when we ask any Christian, how many questions Jews asked John the Baptist, they say only two!!! Somehow they seem to think Messiah and That Prophet are one and the same. If that was the case, then why Jews put three very specific questions? It would have been waste of time if Messiah and That Prophet were one and same person. Now let me say one more thing, Those Jews knew their scripture better than present day Christians!!! They put the personalities in question in a Chronological Order also i.e.

A. First Elijah will come (Conformed by Jesus also that Elijah would come before Messiah) B. Then Messiah will come and in the last C. That Prophet would come. This is a food of thought for you. Now before I comment on similarity or dissimilarity between Jesus (whom you correctly write as Yeshua, but whom I will write as Jesus for other people to understand), and Moses, first we have to establish the status of Jesus. 1. The prophesy says He Shall be a Prophet Now Jesus according to most Christians is God, Begotten Son of God and One in a Trinity. How can one be God and Prophet at the same time? 2. It is not correct to switch status of Jesus from God to Prophet whenever it suits the situation. 3. So before we proceed any further, we must clarify this situation. If you think that Jesus was God, then he cannot be a prophet. If however he was a prophet then he was not God. You can choose what you want for Jesus. 4. Moses was a prophet and nothing but a prophet. He is still considered as a mighty prophet by Jews, they have not raised him to the level of God. So I request you to decide on this issue, before I comment any thing further on your post. I once again thank you for a very well written post and may peace and mercy of God be on you.

Q48. Democracy, What is Islamic Democracy? Ans. I am glad you asked me this question, and I beg you to show some patience if my answer is a little longer. I am for real democracy and that democracy is provided in Islam and in Shariah. So I am not a hypocrite. Now coming to what Democracy means, you will agree that there is no universal definition for this term. The famous quote of Abraham Lincoln “By the people, of the people for the people” is very vague. Coming to practical form of Democracy, there are more than 11 types of democratic systems working in West itself. is USA is different, UK is different, France is different and so are the other countries. So we cannot define any particular model as truly democratic and other not. As to me the true spirit of Democracy is that government of the country should be chosen by the will of people. If the majority of people agree on some name, he will be considered their representative. This choice should be freely given and should not be enforced on the people. This drama of elections being conducted every 4, 5 or 7 years is not the definition of democracy. People could have their own methods. So I am not the real supporter of this Western Model of democracy. But I do not reject is also. It is my view that in the Western Democratic System , the candidates have to tell lies in order to get their votes, they are unnecessarily influenced by the Lobbying groups, so in the end they have to compromise on every issue. You can see that in US elections which are going on. None of the presidential candidate can say any thing against Jews, Zionists, Israel and even other minor groups, because otherwise they will loose their votes. Once elected, they will be free to say anything, That is true hypocrisy!! The thing which I am really against is the power of legislature in the Western Democratic System. It is treated as Sovereign and Supreme and is free to make any law without having any limitations on its power. In my view, giving this extreme power to Parliament or assembly is uncalled for. In Islamic democratic system, the ruler or legislature is elected by the consent of people. Its power is limited. It cannot make any law which goes against the Laws already laid down by God and His Prophet. So in Islamic democratic system Quran and Sunnah are the Supreme Law and the laws of Parliament are valid as long as they do not violate Shariah laws. In all matters where Shariah laws are not available, Parliament and Legislatures can make their laws.

By declaring ourselves as Muslims, we agree in advance that we will abide by laws laid down by our Creator. If we accept any laws made by our own parliament which goes against God’s Laws, then we are real hypocrite. By the way, don’t think that Shariah Laws are unreasonable or illogical. These laws are made by the Wisdom of God and are better than human laws. So in reality I am in favor of Checked Democracy, which is prescribed in Islam. What I point out to these supporters of unchecked democracy, is that you call yourself a democracy, yet you stop the majority of people from doing what they want. This democracy is only a smokescreen, it is only used to force the views of a small minority over the large majority. Now you decide , who is hypocrite?

Q49. God Names, What are God’s 99 names? Ans. These names are mentioned in Quran and are revealed by God Himself. These are His attributes and not taken as separate entities to be made into gods. That was the practice of Polytheists (Hindus being the foremost) who made a separate image for each of God’s attribute and started worshipping them. Islam has very strict rules against idols and their worshipping. I am sorry to say that Christians have also fallen into that error by making (imaginary) statues of Jesus and Mary and worshipping them. Yes any one memorizing these beautiful names and then preying God with these names has high chances to get his prayers answered. But it is not De-Facto ticket to heaven. A man goes to heaven by God’s mercy only. How he achieves it differs from case to case. Now coming to your questions: 1. Most of these names are mentioned in Quran itself or are derived from it. So God Himself revealed these names to prophet. 2. There is no dogma attached to these names. There is no officially certified list of God’s names. And they are not limited to 99 either. Allah says, All Beautiful Names belong to him. In Arabic there could be 99, if you combine in all the world’s languages, it could be even in thousands!! My Dear Sir, Islam teaches us to use common sense and reason, not a belief in non-understandable Dogma like Trinity. Father is God, Son is God, Holy Ghost is God, but these are not three Gods but one God!! Q50. Hereafter Punishment, Is Eternal Punishment Justified? Ans. I will only touch on the Eternal Punishment for Hitler. First of all I don’t know what Punishment will be given to Hitler. What I pointed out in the things of seemingly illogical things in this world that many crimes cannot be adequately punished in this world. I mentioned some examples, including Hitler, that he cannot be punished in this world for all crimes he committed. Same is the cases with other people who carried out genocide and created false beliefs and sects, that mislead millions.

5. So the logic demands, that there should be another court, where these criminals could be punished as per the quantum of their crimes. In that court, there will be no death to lighten the feeling of pain which is the case in this world. The Supreme Judge will see that no one is wrongly punished and gets his just dues. 6. The Question of Time is a very relative term, we think 1000 years as very large, because our lives are only 60-70 years. If out lives were 1 million years, we will think 1000 years as nothing. So in the hereafter, time will be on a totally different scale than in this world. So I cannot comment on the time factor. 7. What the creator has done, that He has warned humankind (thru prophets), that hereafter is a very serious matter. Not to be taken lightly. If by restraining your lives for a few years you could get unlimited rewards and by ignoring it liable for a very grievous penalty. We can argue here about the reasonability of this reward or punishment, but at least we cannot say to our Creator, that we were not forewarned. Q51. Holy War, Jihad, Is Jihad same as Holy War? Ans. Holy War is a western concept and is never to be found in Islamic Literature. Islamic war is called Jihad, which is neither holy nor unholy. If it is the cause of God then it is acceptable, if it is in any other cause then it is not acceptable. 2. Muslims never translated Jihad as Holy War. This is a Church concept to justify the Crusades. 3. Jihad means to strive and struggle against injustice, it can be against your own baser motives, against unbelievers, and against Non Muslims also. You have to strive with your tongue, with your pen, with your wealth and finally with your body. All these different shades are covered under Islamic concept of Jihad. It is not just fighting. At least Muslims do not need a Non Muslim to explain us what a Islamic term means!! 4. You are misquoting Quran 8:60. It is instructions for Muslims to keep their armies and ammunitions always ready, so that Non Muslims are terrified to attack Muslim lands. 5. It is not a general command for every Muslim to brandish their arms so as to terrorize every Non-Muslim on the earth. This is quoting this verse out of context.

6. I want to ask you, why USA and other countries have developed, Super Sonic Planes, Missiles, Atom Bombs, Hydrogen Bombs, Air Craft Carriers and Millions of armed soldiers? To waste money? Or to create Terror in the hearts of enemies so as not to think of attacking America. If this is terrorism, then USA is the Biggest Terrorist nation in the world!! 7. Or your arms are for peaceful purposes and your enemies arms are to create Terror? Q52. Compare growth of Islamic and European Civilizations Ans. The way you have explained growth of European civilizations is also a oversimplification. I want to ask you, When Romans became Christians, were they having a highly developed civilization or not? 2. After becoming Christians, their civilization should have progressed or not? When it started declining, then what was the factor which resulted in declining of civilization? The faith and practices of Christianity? 3. In case of Islam, Arabs had no civilization to speak of. After becoming Muslim, their civilization started increasing by leaps and bounds. What was the contributing factor for this rise? Belief in Islam and its laws what else? 4. So long as the Church teachings reigned supreme, Europe did not come out of its down ward trend. It was only after separating Church from state, they started re-building on their civilization and reached to the present level. So we can say in the case of Europe Church’s influence on growth and progress of civilization was negative, which was not the case with Islam. 5. Now I will touch the real things which really helped in growth of European Civilization: A. Rational approach to every thing connected with Matter. This resulted in growth of science and technology. B. Hard work and sincerity in the acquirement of knowledge, which resulted in spread of knowledge and education thru out the continent. C. Free trade and freedom to acquire wealth and spend it in on worldly pleasure. Which resulted in the growth of trade and industry. D. Respect of labor and hard work, which resulted in dignity of human kind and reduced class distinction. E. Freedom of speech and expression and end of religious prosecution, which was the characteristic of Church. This resulted in contribution of all sections of society in the national development.

These are the factors which really helped in the growth of European Civilization and its spread in the world. The negative effect of extreme nationalism and colonization, were helpful in quick results, but not the cause of growth of European Civilization. 6. Now I will give the wrong reasons which some feel are also the basic reason of Growth of European Civilization. A. Birth Control: It was never the cause of growth of European civilization and if followed to the extreme would result in its ultimate demise. B. Equality of Sexes: It was never the main reason of rise of European civilization. And the apparent equality, which is seen on the outside, can never be achieved 100%. C. Sexual Immorality: It was never the positive reason for growth of European Civilization. We are seeing the negative effect of this is the form of break up of Family system and growth of homosexuality and extreme nudity. This will result ultimately in the demise of Civilization. No civilization can survive with these fatal defects. D. Material Approach to every thing: Extreme materialism, results in total collapse of religious believes, which in the end will result in spiritual void and increase violence and intolerance. 7. So if Muslims have to improve themselves, they should take the positive things of Europeans and keep away from the negative things. But what is happening is that we are forced to copy the negative things first, so that we will never reach the positive part. This is the tragedy of Muslim world, they want to progress but are being led on the wrong direction. Q53. Jesus Depreciation, Does Islam depreciate Jesus? Ans. I do not know what you mean by depreciation of any one. Let us take one example, if X has been a president of USA and Y has been only a Senator, and people generally say that Y is also President of USA, then: A. Do we depreciate Y, if we say that he was only a Senator and never became President of USA? D. Do we not depreciate X, if we say that he became Senator of USA? Therefore increasing the stature of some one is really depreciating it and any one telling the proper place of him, is really appreciating it.

Having said so, let us see what Quran says on the subject of Jesus "O people of Book (Jews and Christian) commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of God aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of God, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him…." (4: 171) Where do you find any thing depreciating in it? This and on other places, Quran tells us that a. Jesus was one of the Mightiest messengers of God. b. That he was the Messiah. c. That he was born miraculously without a father. d. That he showed many miracles, including bringing to life who were dead by God's permission. e. That he was not crucified and God saved him from that inglorious death and took him bodily into heaven. f. That he will come back to earth before the final day to restore peace and justice in the world. Tell me where we depreciate him? If calling him Son of Mary is depreciating him, then calling him son of Joseph (Luke and Mark) is much more depreciating. If saying that he was not God is depreciating him, then let me say we "Depreciate" all prophets of God from Adam to Our Prophet, we do not say that they were God or God in human form. But let me say, you people depreciate our prophet. You put baseless accusations on him, his personal character and his personal life.

Q54. Jews Hate, Do Muslim hate all Jews? Ans. No need to worry about our Wahabi Police!! It is our Quran which says some good things about Jews as well. After describing the majority of them as rebels to god and exceeding all bounds....it has the following verse to describe good people amongst them "Not all of them are alike: of the people of book are a portion that stand (for the right); they rehearse the Signs of Allah all night long. and they prostrate themselves in adoration" "They believe in Allah and the Last Day: they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong, and they hasten in good works: they are in the ranks of the righteous" Ch3 V 113-114 Tolerance and broadmindedness is the hall mark of Islam and Quran. We only condemn those Jews and Christians who do wrong to us. Not Jews only because they are Jews

Chapter-4 On Islam- Jihad and others Q55. Jihad , Levels, What are levels of Jihad? Ans. As for Islamic Jihad, it is struggle against oppression and injustice in the world. You have to struggle against the oppression with every thing you have. It has different levels: 1. The first Jihad is against your own self. You struggle against your own baser self , so that you can follow laws and commandments of God. 2. The second Jihad is with your tongue. You speak openly and admonish tyrants and oppressors. 3. Third Jihad is with your pen, you use it to expose the tyrants and oppressors. 4. Fourth Jihad is with your possessions. You use your money to support those who are trying to remove injustice and oppression in the world. 5. And the fifth Jihad is that you use your body and physical power to root out injustice and oppression in the world. Now I want to ask you, which of this Islamic Jihad is against reason, logic and against humanity? Unless you are biased and do not see Israeli brutalities as injustice and oppression Q56. Jihad, Types, What is Personal Jihad? Ans. In Islam there is a continuous Jihad against the baser self of one's own being, which you termed as "Personal Jihad". This is the highest for of Jihad and unless one is successful in this Jihad, other form of Jihad may not be that helpful to him. Islamic beliefs, arrangement of prayers, fasting, charity, pilgrimage and all other good acts are meant to help one win in that "Internal Jihad". But Islam does not want man to renounce the world totally and become a hermit. This is a negative trait and not liked by Islam. We have to live in this world and act in it. We are not to leave any section uncovered.

Q57. Arabic Language, Is Arabic Superior to other language? Ans. About language, you have misunderstood my post. I was not going to establish superiority of any language over other. No language per see has superiority over any other language. All languages are from God and all are beautiful. I said that God’s original revolution in any age was nothing but absolute truth. It would be true in every age and irrespective of Scientific Progress. However if you translate the message into another language, or insert your own commentaries with the Word of God, it can no longer be future proof. Since Quran is preserved in its original language and in original condition, that is why it never goes out of date with the progress of modern science. If Quran is translated into any other language, it looses the status of Word of God. It is Word of God Translated and in case of any conflict we have to go back to Arabic Text to get the exact meaning. This is unfortunately missing for both OT and NT books, because they were not preserved in their original tongue and have suffered during transmission. And this is well known to any one who has studied Bible and its history in any detail. The Quranic Arabic is very much understood in Saudi Arabia today , all religious sermons are delivered in the same style. In fact Arabic is perhaps the only language in the world, which has changed so little in past 1400 years and you know the main reason for it? It is Quran which has Arabic in its vice like grip and does not allow it to wander too far away!! Q58. Language Superiority, Is God Partial in using single language? Ans. I think all your post is based on false logic. message to Jews in Hebrew?

Did God not sent his

Did God not sent His message to Jesus in Aramaic? Why was God partial to send this revelation in only one language? If you translate this message into thousands of other language, then it is your action and not the action of God. None of your translations can take the place of original revealed word of God.

God’s final revelation came in Arabic Language. We Muslims preserved it in its original language as well as translating it in other language. But we never give any translation the place of Word of God. So we read the Word of God as it was revealed and then understand the meaning of it thru translation. Where then is the accusations which you place as God being partial to any one language? I know Christians and the Holy Spirit which is present inside each and every Christian. The same holy spirit is taking each sect and denomination in different directions!!! Q59. Old Prophets, Were all prophets Muslims? Ans. Now that you have seen response from the Learned Lady, I want you to consider the other side of the story also. First of all any one who told you that Jews and Christians, stole Torah and Gospel from heaven and then re-wrote is obviously wrong. The second claim that all earlier prophets, From Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and down upto Jesus were Muslims is correct. The confusion comes from the meaning of Arabic word Islam. It seems that all prophets spoke Arabic language and were residents of Arabia!! Most people also believe that Islam is a new religion started by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in ~ 600 CE. This is false claim and is not supported by Quran or Prophetic Sayings. The Arabic word Islam, is not named after any person, language, race or nation. It shows a state of believe. It means to surrender oneself to commands of your Creator. In that sense every thing in this universe is Muslim. Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth and every other creation are Muslims, because they act only according to the Will and Command of their Creator. Only humans are exempt, because they have freedom to choose between right and wrong path. When God created first human being (Adam), He also gave him guidance as to how to live his life. This guidance given by God to Adam (or the religion of Adam) was nothing but Islam (i.e. submit you will to the will of your Creator).

When the message of Adam was lost and corrupted by his progeny, God sent Noah to revive the same message. So Noah preached the same message of Adam and he was also a Muslim. After Noah’s time, humanity spread to various parts of the world, each following the teachings of Noah. Over the period of time, different people got divided into different nations they spoke different languages. However when ever these people got deviated from the original teachings. God sent prophets to these lands. Each preaching the same old message of Islam. It could have been known by equivalent Arabic names of the nations. The same is true for Abraham. He also preached the same message to his people and he was also a Muslim. Bible only records the history of Abraham and his progeny in more details, However all the prophets from Isaac downwards, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon and John the Baptists were all Muslims. Jesus was the last prophet who was sent in the Israelite branch of Abraham’s family. He also preached the same message and he was also Muslim (submitting his will to Almighty) The last prophet of the chain was Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), who was born in ~ 571 CE as you wrote. He also came to review the old religion of Adam and he properly established the Islam in its full glory. He was the messenger to all nations and for all times. If you want to confirm my statement, I will only say, that all these names, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism etc are human creation. None of the prophet called his follower by those names. Since Mohammad (PBUH) was the last prophet and his teachings were to be intact till the last day, that is why God took special care that this book be preserved in its pristine form till the last day. Quran the “Mein Kemph” of Muslims: It is very erroneous to equate Quran with Mein Kemph. Quran is a revealed word of God, whereas Mein Kemph is a book written by a man, that too a man who is not a prophet. If you want to compare it with any book, you can say, it is Torah, Psalms and Gospel combined into one book. Quran is preserved in its original language and is still read in its original language. No translation of Quran is called Quran. There is only single

version of Arabic Quran available in world since 1400 years. It is preserved in books and also preserved in the hearts of people. There never was a time, since last 1400 years when there was any shortage of people who had memorized Quran by heart. Other Scriptures (Torah and Gospel etc) Despite what our Learned Lady had told, None of the other scriptures in the world are preserved verbatim, in the form they were revealed. OT & NT are not available in the language in which they were revealed. We only have their translation in Greek form Then none of the two old manuscripts match exactly. If you want to check that, see “Variants readings” and “Errata” under most verses. It can be safely said that these books have been tampered with. It does not mean, however that these books are totally changed and do not contain any word of God. These books do contain Word of God, but also Words of Prophets, word of historians and also words of hearsay. All scientific errors, and contradictions in these books are therefore referred to scribes and copiers and not to God. Islamic position therefore for old scriptures is very clear. We acknowledge that these books were originally revealed by God, but the followers did not preserve them in original form and added or subtracted something. The evidence by Dead Sea scrolls and other such finds are not conclusive. We can discuss each of this topic separately. position of Islam in these matters.

But now you can see the

Q60. Criminal Laws, Is Crime rate high in Muslim society? Ans. My Dear Sir, We are not in a Wrestling Match, where you just force the other guy to submission. Second thing is that How sound and reasonable your arguments may be, they require a proof, the proof whether any argument is right or wrong come from the Scripture (If it concerns religion). We are not trying here the conducts of Muslims or Muslim countries. issue here is Islam and its social and Criminal Justice system.


In Islam, there is no exception for any one, it may be head of state (Like Bill Clinton) or a pauper, if he commits any crime the punishment is same. See in this light, If Islamic laws on Criminal Justice were to be imposed impartially, and the Islamic laws on Sexual Immorality were to be imposed

impartially, will the rate of crime come down or not. This is point on which you must answer. However, if your western system of Criminal Justice and Sexual immorality was better, the rate of crime in your country would be falling down. But this is not the case. So in theory and practice your Criminal Justice system and your sexual moral laws are deficient. Now to counter that argument, you say that Muslim countries are also doing this and this. What Muslim countries are doing may not be what Islam teaches and their action is not a ground for passing Judgment on Islamic Laws. I know for sure that there is no True Islamic Country in the world today. Afghanistan under Taliban was trying to be one, but in garb of 9/11, you silenced it. Saudi Arabia is supposed to be the most Islamic country, but they are also following only 50% Islam. Islamic Economical System and Islamic Political System are not in force there. Turkey is a Western Country (or trying to impersonate it), Islamic laws are not having any significance there. So the example of turkey is a reflection of Western System. It means that in West also 80 % Husbands would be beating their wives. Pakistan in no way is a Islamic state, It is Muslim state, yes, but not Islamic. One thing which I must accept, yes there may be many Bigots in our religious groups also. Those who say something and act differently. This is same in every system. In your system also , you have dishonest Cops, Judges who sell Justice, Army officers who are traitors, and Church Priests who are Child Molesters.. If similar characters exist in Muslim countries also, then it is natural Muslims are no angel. What we are saying, is that Islamic laws on Criminal and Sexual Immorality on theoretical and practical ground provide much better results than your Western System. You can apply Islamic Laws (Without even being Muslim) and you will reap the benefits. You will get a Crime free and Sexually Sound society. But you have to watch out for Bigots and give them Double the Punishment for ordinary Criminal.

I don’t know whether I won the argument or not (My aim by the way was not to shut you down). Let the referee decide!. Q61. Origin, Was Islam religion of all prophets? Ans. I think it is the word Islam to which you are allergic, if you think with cool mind, does it not look illogical to you that if Creator of all human kind is one, why should He send different religions at different times and cause humanity to be divided and fight with each other over their religions? 5. That problem is that it is Humans who give different names to their religions and then start fighting over it. In God’s eye the religion is one and that is the same throughout the ages. The prophets only come to correct the deviations that humans have made into it. 6. Seeing in this light all prophets are like brothers unto each other and not contradicting each others. If you closely look at the basics of each religion you will find much commonality in them than differences!!. Let us take a look at the fundamentals of religions. 7. Articles of Faith: Basic believes of all Revealed religions are same viz: A. One ness of God; That they worship only one God and do not associate any partners with Him. B. Belief in prophet hood: That God selects prophets from Humans and sends His message thru them. People have to listen to prophets and follow their teachings B. Believe in Books: That God sends His message thru books which are revealed to the prophets. D. Believe in Angels: That God has created many angels, who do their duties as commanded by God.. E. Believe in The Day of Judgment: That every human being has to give his or her account on the last day to God. Those who pass will go to heaven, those who fail will go to hell. 8. Articles of Worship: These are also common in all Revealed religions viz: A. Regular Prayers: That humans should prey at regular intervals. B. Charity: That humans should spend from their wealth on less fortunate and poor in the society.

C. Fasting: That humans should fast to gain self restraint and control their urges. D. Pilgrimage: That humans should gather at some central place to do combined worship and exchange their views on religious matters. These things you will find common in all revealed religions. Only the modes and frequencies shall be different, but the principles shall remain same. 9. Differences: What we find differences in revealed religions are the differences in dietary laws and other things. These may vary from nation to nation and from race to race as per the particular conditions of the situations. Compared to the commonalities, these differences are very minor. Further God called the name of this religion as Islam, which is not named after any individual, or race or language. It might be translated into other languages to signify the same sense. If Hebrew means the same sense, then I have no objection, but it is confusing because Hebrew is the name of a language, as well as of a race. The followers of individual prophet got themselves divided into different sects, they chose for themselves other names which God has not given and then started disputing and fighting and thus laying the blame on God instead of on themselves. These Sir are my reasons on this subject. Let us hear from you as to why God would reveal different Q62. National Unity, Should Muslim Nations Unite? Ans. It is strange that you are so much against the unity of Muslim nations, when for most part of their history they were one nation!! You see with your eyes, Christians are joining together under different names, NATO, EU etc. Turkey is only nominal member in these alliances. Even in the modern (So called) Secular World, they are able to hide their true intentions. The real reason that Turkey is not made a full EU member (despite its 60 years of blind following) is only because bulk of its population is Muslim.

If you do not want to believe that, then it is your choice. nations be ever taken as hostages by other countries?

Should Muslim

Q63. Marriage Aiyesha, Was it a Child Marriage? Ans. You can mention the facts, but should not put your own conclusions also. The marriage was never treated as Child abuse by contemporary society and that should suffice for you. If a Girl is married after she has reached puberty, there is no stigma or crime or shame in any way. If Lady Aiyesha reached puberty at an early age, it is not for us to put the blame on any party. Why should I give documentary proof, for an event that was not at mountains out of molehills. To prove that Islam is the Middle Path, requires that you compare the teachings of two religions that are at extreme ends. On every Issue, you give me the teachings of Judaism on one hand (extreme in the literal sense of law) and Christianity or Buddhism (extreme in the Spiritual teachings), and I will give the teachings of Islam. It would become clear to any one that Islam is indeed the Golden Mean Path between the two extremes. If any one is not following and not the fault of Islam. group or any individual. teachings, not teachings of

Islam or misusing its name, it is his or her fault I am not here to defend actions of any individual I am only defending Islamic laws and Islamic any particular country, sect or ethnic group.

Q64. Alcohol, Is banning Alcohol good for society? Ans. Yes you are side stepping the issue of Alcohol and Gambling. You are hiding the real price that your western society is paying for these two evils. Let us first talk of some statistics, According to Mr. Jimmy Swaggart (Well known Tele Evangelist of USA) there were 22 Million Alcoholics and 44 Millions Heavy Drinkers in USA (That was in 1990, the present figure must be much higher). And he saw no difference between these two groups. So 66 Million people in USA alone are addicted to this Alcohol.

Then if you consider social crimes, like Rape, Incest, Homosexuality, Murder, Robbery, Traffic Accidents, you will find that in most cases Alcohol is the root cause. Then how much money is spent on curing diseases related with Alcohol, the amount is mind boggling. It is certainly in Trillions of Dollars, if you combine the figures for whole of Christendom it would be really huge. And you jest glossed over this evil by saying that it could have some benefit for some people of the society. The harms are much larger than the benefits for a few people and its overall effect on society is a big negative. That is why Islam banned it totally and did not allow even a simple sip or tot. What you said about Underground Network in Iran and other Muslim countries could be true. There will be people, who would drink Alcohol, irrespective of what you do, but this would be limited to only few people and society at large would be saved from this evil. That is the beauty of Islam, because it bans all those things which are harmful to the society at large. Your society on the other hand struggles to educate people about negative points of Alcohol…the result being number of Alcoholics are always on the rise in your society. The reason US attempts to enforce Prohibition failed in 1920 s was only because they wanted to stop it by force. The best way to stop any social evil is to ban it from religion. Unfortunately Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism all fail in this regard. It is only Islam which has banned it totally and Muslims are still the biggest society on earth, who do not drink. But for you Islam basher, this great service to humanity is a negative point of Islam. What I said about Alcohol also holds true for Gambling….this “Fun” of few makes “Sorrow” of multitude. Only one who benefits by Gambling is the Owner of Den!!! Rest all are the looser in the long run. How much crime, hatred and harm is caused by this Gambling is for every one to see. But you would advocate to “Overlook” this harm….in favor of “a li’lle fun”!!! By banning all sorts of Gambling, fortune telling and sorcery, Islam has done a great favor to the humanity at large and for simple folks, but you with “Sharp Minds” cannot appreciate that. What would life mean without Alcohol and Gambling? Where will be the “Fun”?

Now what are your views about another social evil, Homosexuality or Sodomy? Should it be encouraged or discouraged by society? Q65. Allah's Will, Is Allah's will unpredictable? Q : All are under capricious mercy of Allah who may or amy not let them into his abode, even if they lived right as a Muslim. In other words there is no certainty of anything other than Allah's unpredictable will MUQ: Allah's will is very predictable and stated clearly in His book. Those who willfully reject the message of Allah and teach and exhort others also to do so, would feel the wrath of Allah. Those who do mistakes or commit errors due to weakness of human body and soul and would repent would be forgiven by Him. In the end, Allah will be the sole judge as to how a man lived his or her whole life. Q66. Bible, Why Muslims are against publication of Bible? Q : How come Muslim Countries and Muslims in the West violently resist publication of Bible or any non- Muslim work of art or cartoon or literature? MUQ: No Muslim country protest publication of Bible by Christians. What they protest is preaching Christianity in Muslim countries to Muslims. To lure away people who are already on right path to perdition. To take away Muslims those who worship True God and Creator of this Universe, into worshipping a Created being. Those who publish cartoon of our prophet are only lampooning the character of our prophet. This acts is not only wrong but shows extreme disregard to the feeling of billions of Muslims. Those who do such act and those who support them are in fact guilty of crime against humanity and should be tried and punished by ICJ. Q67. Born Muslims, Is very child born is Muslim? Q :. all children are born Muslims MUQ: Muslim in this case means as per pure human nature. Every child is born pure and unblemished and innocent. It is the parents who teach him Trinity and Vicarious atonement and God becoming human etc. If left to

himself the child would worship one God and not any stone or tree or sun etc. That is what is meant by prophetic saying that "Every child is born according to true human nature (which is another word for Islam" Q68. Communal Violence, Why this Shia Sunni Violence? Q Communal massacres (Sunnis vs. Shia or vice versa); MUQ: Islam does not teach, recommends or allows infighting between Muslims. Those who are doing these acts, are themselves to blame and Islam is free from their inequities. Q69. Double Standards, Does God uses Double Standards? Ans. However, I would address only one point of your post, that Islam uses Double Standards to judge Muslims and those whom you call infidels. Now I would ask you, if there is any place in the world where Double standards are not used, let me give you a few example. 1. Will US Government award Bravery awards to its own army personnel for acts of bravery and also to Al Qaeda or Taliban Fighters? 2. Are Tax payers and tax evaders given same respect by Government agencies? 3. If someone in USA declared an area out of bound for US Government or declares that they do not recognize US Government, US constitutions, US courts, US Tax laws etc, how would US Government treat those people? Would they be given same respect as given to law abiding US citizens? Then we have many existing double standards in front of us, let me point out a few to you. a. Jews consider them as superior to other races. They have different sets of rules for them and different for other people. b. Not very long ago Double standards were in place for White people and black people and Red Indians. c. Still there is wide ranging double standards the way whites are treated and the way other ethnic groups are treated in most countries.

Therefore Double Standards are in fact existing in the world in one form or another. But most human formed double standards are based on criterion which are not in human control. No one can change his skin color, or his racial background or his linguistic back ground. Islam also uses Double Standard, but this is entirely under human control. Islam does not call any one infidel, in fact it is people who become infidel. They willfully reject the message of Islam which is universal for all humans. Let me give some examples by which you make yourself infidel and not Islam which makes you one. A. Allah says I am Only True God, but you say there is no God. B. Allah says, I created this Universe, but you say it just came by itself as a result of Big Bang and there is no Creator. C. Allah says, I created humans, you say that humans evolved themselves thru Random Mutations and Natural Selection. D. Allah says, this is my Book, you say, it is a fake book. E. Allah says, obey My prophet, you call him most unspeakable names. F. Allah says, I will judge you on the last day, you ridicule the idea. G. Allah says observe regular prayer, fasting and charity, you say I have more important things to do. H. Allah says do not eat Pork, you say I cannot live without it. I. Allah says do not drink Alcohol, you say what is life without Alcohol. J. Allah says, let there be no free mixing of sexes, you say, It is stone age practice. K. Allah says shun Homosexuality, You say, it is as natural as anything else. The list can go on and on. In each of these cases, It is you who by rejecting commands of Allah make yourself infidel. It is not Allah or Islam which makes you infidel. Now if there is any sense of Justice in the world, how the two groups of people, one who accepts every command of Allah and one who rejects each

can be treated as equals and they should have same position and reward in the eyes of Allah. Having said so, there are many types of infidels. 1. One who are ignorant of commands of Allah, since they have not received the message. 2. Those who deny these commands because of poor knowledge or some sort of misunderstanding. 3. Those who only reject the message of Allah themselves and do no other things. 4. Those who go one step further and ridicule the message, the personality of prophet and Laws of God. 5. Those who try to mislead others and create doubts in their minds, so that they may also reject Allah s message. 6. Those who use force to destroy Allah s message and Muslims and try every means to stop it from spreading. These all are infidels, but they have different grades. I do not know in which grade you want to place yourself. On the day of judgment each of these infidels would have different level of punishment. Allah is Merciful and Loving, but He is also Just and sees the contrast between His faithful servants and Willful rejecters. In the same way, every one who believes in Allah s message is not on the same platform, they also have grades and shades. 1. Those who sincerely believe in the message and try their utmost to live their lives in accordance with the message and invite other also to the same path. 2. Those whose believe only in their hearts, but do not follow the guidance fully. 3. Those whose most of actions are against the message of Allah.

4. Those who have Muslim sounding names, but in their hearts they do not believe in the message. All of these will not be placed or treated equally on the day of judgment. Their rewards and punishment would also be different. In the end, there is Double Standards, but it is in human s own hand which level he or she wants to be into. It is not based on something on which humans have no control

Chapter-5 On Islam (Contd.): Women Rights, Tolerance and others. Q70. Global Islamization, Why Muslims want to dominate the world? Q. Global Islamization by peace, and by force if need be, MUQ: Islam is a missionary religion. It demands its right to be preached to every human on the earth. But this ends only at delivering the message of Islam. No force is to be used to convert any one to Islam. However, if there are forces that would use force to stop preaching of Islam or to force their people not to accept Islam, then these forces should be stopped by force. That is the whole concept of Islamic Jihad. Q71. Heaven, Muslims will not go to heaven Q: You DO NOT have to do anything to go to HELL, just show up on planet Earth. You CANNOT do anything to go to HEAVEN, ….. MUQ: That is not you or Jesus who is speaking…it is St. Paul who is speaking and you are parroting his views. Who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell is known only to God. We are humble and we try our best to please God and live our lives as best as possible in His ways. We are hopeful of receiving His mercy in the hereafter, however you are very CERTAIN of going to heaven. Let us each wait and see what happens after we both die and appear before God Q72. Israel, Why Muslims want to destroy Israel? Q: Destruction of the UN mandated Sovereign, State of Israel, MUQ: UN resolution to create Israel was a fraud on Arabs and Palestinians. There is no one to ask Israel about hundreds of UN resolution which it has rejected. What you have to say about its recent bombing of UN HO in Gaza. would you say, if Israel did that to UN HO in New York?


Q73. Martyrs, Why only Islamic Martyrs go to heavens? Q : Only Islamic martyrs for Allah's religion can have any certainty of a heavenly reward. MUQ: Will USA award bravery award to Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters for their heroic acts in Afghanistan and Iraq? Answer this question and you will get answer to your question!!!

Q74. Reformation, Why no reformation in Islam? Q : How come people such as you organize no REFORMATION movement against such un-Islamic and Non-Koranic practices and beliefs? Of course, you may be burnt at the stakes for doing that? … MUQ: Islam has built in provision for reformation. It has all the safeguards built into it, so as to remain current with changing times. Christianity needs all the reforms it can get, because it is imperfect, man made and is the plaything of priests and popes for ages. They modify its teachings and dogmas as they think fit. Islam is the perfect religion for mankind till the last day. By the way, burning at stake is the hall mark of Christians. In Islam it is strictly prohibited to kill anyone by burning at stakes. Q75. Reformation, Is it need of hour? Q :If what is happening around the Muslim world and Muslim communities are Un-Koranic or Un-Islamic, it is high time that a REFORMATION be started in the Islamic world by Clerics and the faithful alike!!! MUQ: There is a strong movement in almost all Muslim countries, for Muslims to come back to their original teachings. That is the best reformation movement that can be thought off. But it is west which is against this reformation and wants to stop it by any means hook or crook. They call these reformists as Fundamentalists, as Extremists and as Terrorists. Q76. Reformation, Why it is not started? Q : Why not an ISLAMIC REFORMATION? MUQ: If by Islamic Reformation, you mean like one which St. Paul did to Christianity? Sorry that type of reformation is not possible in Islam. St. Paul distorted pure and simple teachings of Jesus to an un-intelligible mix of Greek and Roman Philosophy that one is never able to understand. Q77. Self Destructive, Islamic principles are self destructive Q : In general this forum is given to understand that Islamic Principles are very self-destructive: MUQ: That is the view of those who are either ignorant or bent upon distorting teachings of Islam. It can be proven that all these views are wrong and based on insufficient study of Islam.

Q78. Suicide Bombers, Why don’t you condemn them? Q . Suicide-bombs (woman, children!); MUQ: Those who use their bodies as weapons to kill enemy soldiers (when they are overwhelmed in number and ammunition) do the right thing. Those who blow themselves to kill innocent men, women and children do the wrong thing which has nothing to do with Islam. So before deciding on any suicide bomber, we must see the circumstances and the background. There is no universal approval or condemnation of such activities. Q79. Un Islamic acts, Why these are heroes of Islam? Q: MUQ wrote: " I do not commit individual actions of Any Muslim or any Christian". …How come those who commit these acts are hailed as heroes of Islam? MUQ: No one who does anything which are against teachings of Islam can be called an Islamic Hero. Islamic rules and principles are very clear and specific on such issues. If some one violates it, it is his or her problem and Islam is not responsible for this. Q80. Women Right, Islam subjugates women? Q. Subjugation of women and non-Muslim minorities, MUQ: In Islam every section of society is given due rights. Women are given right and duties which are in conformation with their feminine nature. Islam does not say that men and women are equal…it says they are complimentary to each other. Together they form a pair, which is the basic building bock of the society. Men have rights and duties and women have rights and duties, each balanced beautifully. Minorities also have rights and duties in Islamic state, much more than allowed by any other system or religion in the world. Further Islamic rights to minorities are 1400 years old. While other systems are only a couple of decades old and are mostly on paper.

Q81. Other faiths, Relations , What is Islam’s stand on this? Ans. Thank you once again for your probing question. I will try to explain the concept of religion as described in Quran and our prophet’s teachings. Islam believes that God sent Adam and Eve with the true religion. It showed them the way as to how to live their lives in accordance with the God’s wish. The name of that religion was Islam (or some other word meaning the same thing in the language spoken by Adam). Children of Adam lived by this religion, till after a few generation, they fell into error. God sent Noah to revive the true religion of Adam. Those who obeyed Noah were saved and all others perished in the Flood. After Noah’s time, humans spread into various parts of the world. They were practicing the same true religion of Adam and Noah. Slowly and slowly they also fell into error. So God sent different prophets in different nations to revive the same true religion. The message of all these prophets was same, but they spoke different languages and were sent to different nations. God also sent (revealed) books thru these prophets for guidance of the people. The actual number of prophets and the actual number of books is only known to God. However all these prophets preached the same basic message (Islam or equivalent term). But it were he followers who gave different names to their religion. If you look, all these variant names Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism etc all are man made. None of the prophet called their followers by these names. Such was the case, when 1400 years ago, God Sent Prophet Mohammad as the last of these prophets. He also sent with him the last book Quran. Prophet Mohammad was sent for all mankind and his book was for all time. In this book, God sent and reviewed the same old religion of Islam, the religion of all past prophets. So if you follow Islam, you in fact follow all past prophets. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses , Jesus etc. God took care that Quran and Teaching of Prophet Mohammad, be preserved till the last day, so that any one wanting to seek guidance should find them ready. This in brief is the stand of Islam on past religions and prophets. You said that I criticize Christianity. If you look thru my posts, you will find that I only criticize those human changes which were done by St. Paul and others into the true teachings of Jesus. I never say any word against the personality or character of Jesus or any other prophet.

Regarding my position on Israel, it is a long topic, but I will condense it into few words. It was a wrong, political, moral and unjust decision to create the state of Israel in the Middle of Arab lands. It was a unique decision of modern history to import the population of a country from elsewhere and chuck-out the original inhabitants of the land. The whole area if filled with sorrow and misery and violation of human rights since the creation of Israel. What is more amazing is the blind support which Western nations and media give to Israel and the Zionist lobby. Q82. Perfection, Way of Life, This day, I have perfected your religion? Ans. You asked me two sincere questions and I hope that you will be patient with me, even if my answers are a little long. 1 What is the meaning of Quranic Verse, This day I have perfected your religion 2 Why Muslims say that it is Degrading to God, that He should come down as a man Now the first Question. This day I have perfected your religion. This is part of Quranic verse in Ch.5 Verse 3 and is one of the last few verses revealed to our prophet. In fact it was revealed exactly on the eve of last pilgrimage at Mount Arafat and our prophet lived only for 90 days after this revelation. Many people translate Arabic word DEEN as religion, whereas correct meaning of Arabic Word DEEN is way of life. So Allah says that This day, I have perfected your way of life for you. It can have several shades of meaning: 1 The instructions which were being given are now complete and no new Instruction would come now, which was correct, because no new do s and don’t s came after this verse. 2 Islam as a way of life is now complete and perfect till the last day. Both these answers are correct and both are intended. The questions that come into minds of other groups (Jews and Christians amongst them), then what about our religion and our way of life and our prophets? If you look at the Quranic argument in this regard, God tells us that:

1 Each prophet of God, from Adam to Mohammad, Peace be on them all, preached the same message. There is no difference in the message which Adam preached at his time and what Mohammad preached at his time. 2. Due to problems of movements, interactions and human civilizations being in infancy, earlier prophets were sent to a particular group and to meet the needs of that particular time. 2A When the human civilization reached to maturity and means of interaction were available, there was need now to unite these different ways of life into one. 3 It was in God s original plan to send a Universal Prophet at the end of all prophets and thru him do this job. All previous prophets told to their followers about the coming of this last prophet. 4. Now when the mission of our prophet was fulfilled and he was established thru him, the Kingdom of God on earth, God announced thru this verse that now this great job is completed and from now on, teachings of our prophet shall be applicable till the last day. That was in short answer for you first question and I would be happy to provide any clarifications should you need it and now let me come to your second question Q83. Progress, Birth Control, Is Birth control main reason of backwardness? Ans. Are you controlling the World Population? Is it for in our hands to increase the World’s population? When there was no concept of Birth Control why the World population was not increasing in Geometric proportion? 2. Ask people who despite best efforts cannot produce children. They are forced to adopt a child. 3. How are you sure that there will not be natural calamites and wars etc to check population. 4. There is also a Creator of this earth and Humans and every one. Whatever the world population would become, there will always be enough food for them. There is a natural check and balance on growth of every species. Who controls the numbers of fishes, ants, insects and other species. If you only count the number of eggs laid by each fish or the

number of seeds generated by each plant, whole oceans could be full of one type of fish and whole world full with one kind of plant. Did it ever happen. 5. So just do not sit with a calculator and start imagining situations where World population will become 10 times or 100 times. How many people have been killed in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan in past 20 Years? How are you sure another Hitler will not rise in Europe and start WW-3? 6. My advise to you is to stop imagining these hypothetical situation and concentrate on you job. 7. One more thing, whenever scientists have made prediction for anything they have proven wrong. In 1750 they said ,that Britain has coal reserves for only 30 years. Is coal finished in Britain. In 1981 they predicted that Saudi Arabia has Oil for only 30 years. 26 Years have passed and there is no end of Saudi Oil. B realistic and have faith in God. China and India will ultimately emerge as word’s Superpowers, one of the reason is their Human Resources. Humans are also your resources not always a burden. Q84. Last Prophet, Are Muslims waiting for a prophet? Ans. We have to be content with what we have, because no new prophet is going to appear. God does not sends prophet, because someone is not satisfied with what they have. He has his Own reasons and in His reasoning, there is no need of any more prophets. If you are content with the teachings of old prophets, then it will not suffice with you, because your scriptures do tell you that one more prophet is to come into the world. We Muslims are also waiting for one man to come before the end of the world. But that man will be no other than Jesus Christ, who was taken up into heavens and did not die, his natural death. So he will come down and have a natural death on this earth. So we are very clear for what we are waiting for, But are you sure that you should be searching for that prophet mentioned in your scriptures?

Q85. Prophet hood, Is there any Islamic Tree of Life? Ans. It was a really interesting question and twist to our discussions.!! The fact is, there is no Islamic Tree of life and there is no lower or upper branches. There is a chronology of events in every thing. In God’s plan, the chain of Prophethood was already decided. Someone came as First prophet and someone was to come as Last Prophet. Being First and Last does not elevate or lower the dignity of any prophet. They get prophet’s rewards from God Al Mighty. In God’s plan, every prophet was sent for a particular nation and for a particular period. The Last Prophet was destined to be for all nations and for all times till the day of judgment. It was God’s decision, as to whom He should send as Last Prophet. He chose our prophet as Last Prophet. It is a Gift of God and we are thankful to Him. As for Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, etc, they will not feel jealous of the Last Prophet. They all were righteous servants of God and Muslims (they submitted their wills to the wills of Almighty). So all this talk to tree of Prophethood with lower and top branches is useless indeed. 1” Say! We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes and that given to Moses and Jesus and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: we make no difference between one and another of them, and we bow to God (In Islam) 2: 136 & 3::84 2” Those who deny God and His Apostles and (those who) wish to separate God from His Apostles, saying “We believe in some but reject others” and (those who) wish to take a course midway- they are in truth (equally) unbelievers 4: 150-151 3. “That was the reasoning about Us, which we gave to Abraham (to use) against his people, We raise whom We will degree after degree….We gave him Isaac and Jacob: all (three) We guided: and before him We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph , Moses and Aaron, thus do We reward those who do good. And Zechariah, and John,

and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of righteous: And Ishmael and Elisa and Jonas and Lot: and to all We gave favor above the nations.” 6:83-86 Look for the tree and branches in these verses. You would rather believe in an imaginary tree , than the true explanation or verses of Quran. Q86. Prophet hood , Test, Should we believe in every new prophet? Ans. If you understand by my post, that any one coming along and saying, Hey I am prophet of God, follow me and then whole mankind should stop every thing and start following that man, then you misunderstood my message. I had posted my reply for those who are familiar with the religious history of the world. I was speaking to Jews and Christians particularly. Of course, there are false prophets and there are true prophets. If you are misled by false prophets and follow them, you will be the looses. If you reject the true prophet of God, then also you are looser. Now you can appreciate the mercy of God, who ended the prophetic cycle by sending the Last prophet into the world. Any one claiming prophet hood after the last prophet is indeed a liar and no one should listen to their claims. But your objection is valid as to why people should accept the claim of our prophet that he is the last prophet and every one should follow him. This is a big topic, but I will outlines a few points for testing the claims of any prophet. 1. First and foremost thing about a true prophet is that, he invites people to the worship of one true God. Now this is a thing which no false prophet can do, because he is deluded by Devil and his teachings must be take people away from the worship of One True God. 2. Then we should see the Character of that prophet and his life style. How was he judged by those who saw him and those that became his followers and also those enemies who were his contemporaries. Best judge about a character of any prophet are the people who saw him. 3. Then we should see the effect which that prophet s teachings brought into his followers and the environment around him. This is what Jesus described

as By their fruits should you know them. Every good tree brings good fruits and every bad tree brings bad fruits. 4. Then for people who have previous scriptures, there is always mention of that Last Prophet that will come into the world. So by these standards, prophet hood of our prophet hood is established. Now coming to Bahai religion, if someone is satisfied of his claims and is certain that past prophesies refer to him, then he can become its followers. But by my standards you will find that any prophet coming after the last prophet is a liar and should be dealt as such. Q87. Punishment, Criminal Law, Is Islamic punishments Sadistic? Ans. It is only your assumption that certain parts of Sharia are sadistic and not reasonable. The success of any Criminal Justice system is to be verified by its practicality and its affectivity. If by using Modern criminal Justice system, rates of crime would have come down in any country, then you could have said that this system is better and more practical. But when we say that rate of crimes is for ever on the rise in almost every modern country, then it proves that this system has some inherent defects. Islamic Criminal Justice system was affective in all ages. It provided quick results when it was introduced in 7th Century CE and it provides quick and effective, when it is applied in 21st Century. No other system has been as effective in containing crime rates as Sharia system. By calling it sadistic, you are taking the side of criminals. Your lie with the criminals and not with the innocent people whose violated by these criminals. That is the basic difference between Western Justice System. You are on the side of Criminals and the side of Innocent people.

sympathies rights were Islamic and Islam is on

If some one rapes your daughter or your mother, you would wish that he be given death punishment, but if some one else’s daughter, mother, wife or sister is involved, you are full with the milk of Humanity.!!!

Q88. Pillars, What are five pillars of Islam? Q : Would you elaborate beyond the "five pillars of Islam"? MUQ: Do not underestimate the importance of Five Pillars of Islam. A building is as strong as its foundation is. That is why Islam gives much importance to these five pillars which are its fundamentals. First of this is belief in Allah as the Only God of this universe and belief in the prophet hood of Mohammad. This is the central pillar, without this the structure will fall down. The second pillar is offering regular prayers, which are five times daily. If one does not prey, then his declaration of faith is only a lip service to Islam. Third pillar is fasting during the month of Ramadan, which helps in self control and to know first hand what hunger feels like. It helps is purifying the soul and overpower one's baser instincts. Fourth pillar is payment of Zakat or Charity to those who are poor and are in need. This is a social security scheme for the needy. It diminishes the excessive love of money and greediness and helps in better relations between have and have not s. Fifth pillar is Pilgrimage to Makkah (at least once in life time) for those who can afford it. This helps closer ties between Muslims from different parts of world and exchange of religious, cultural and economical ties. It makes International Brotherhood of Muslims. None of these pillars can be proven to have any bad effect for society or personality of any Muslim Q89. Quran Authenticity, Did Othman Changed Quran text? Ans. I would only comment on that portion which deals with Othman ’s involvement in the Quranic Text we have today. It seems that you only have a superficial knowledge on this subject. A. Quranic Text During Prophet’s life time. You know our prophet did not know how to read or how to write. So whenever he would receive any new revelation from Archangel Gabriel, he would call one of his scribes and ask him to write it down. Then he would ask him to read, to make sure that it was recorded correctly.

Then he would recite the newly revealed verses to his companions and many would commit them to memory. Then prophet would recite long portions of Quran in prayers and those who stand behind him would listen to it (exactly as it is done in every mosque). So Quran was being preserved in the hearts of Muslims as well as in the written form. It took 23 years for whole Quran to be revealed and by that time many of the companions memorized it fully. By the same time, each and every verse was also written down. But prophet did not compile whole Quran in book form (may be, because there was no certainty that new verses would not come down) B. Quranic Text during the life time of First Caliph (0-2 years). After the death of Prophet, during the reign of First Caliph, it was decided to compile whole Quran in a book form, so that it would not depend only on memorizers. First Caliph asked Zaid bin Thabit, a Companion of prophet, to gather the Quran from those who had written it during prophet’s time and have at least two witness to prove it. In this way whole Quran was compiled in a book form and was kept with the Caliph. C. Quranic Text during the second Caliph (2-12 Years). During the reign of Omar, the second Caliph, things remained same as were. He got the Quran from first Caliph and kept with him,. When he died the Quran was kept with his daughter Hafsa, one of the wives of prophet. During the time of prophet and upto second Caliph, people recited Quran in their own tribal dialect, which would differ in pronunciation, but would means same in the dialect. Since by that time Islam had spread only in Arab lands, so there was no problem (Contd.) D. Quranic text during the Third (Othman) Caliph (13-24 Years). During the reign of Othman, Islam spread far and wide and many non Arabs people accepted Islam. There was some problem in people reciting Quran in different dialect, so Othman decided to standardize the text of Quran in the dialect of QURAISH, the tribe of prophet himself.

So he formed a committee under the chairman of same Zaid, who made the first copy of Quran. He got the original copy from Hafsa, and once again verified the records available with other companions of the prophet. This time Quran was written down according to the dialect of QURAISH Tribe and Othman had no real role to play in its recording, except to decide on dictation where committee members disagreed. When the Quran was written down, Othman asked Zaid to make seven or eight copies of it. Othman then sent one copy to each major province along with an official recite. Othman then asked every Muslim to burn down any other copy of full or partial Quran that he had, so as there would be no confusion in future. Two of the copies of that Quran still exist today and every one can see them and compare with what Quran is available today. E. Quranic Text that we have today Modern Quran is exact copy of that Othman text, only punctuation marks and reading aids have been added to help non Arabs read Quran properly. Now you yourself decide as to what you have written that Othman included what he wanted and removed what he wanted. Q90. Quran , Challenge, Plato’s dialogues, Newton’s Principia are comparable to Quran? Ans. You have placed Plato's Dialogues, Newton's Principia, and Darwin's Origin of the Species as just three examples as equal to Quran. This shows your extreme ignorance. None of these books have any literal merit. Many of the theories mentioned there have been proven wrong and discarded by their fellow scientists. Majority of world population cannot understand any of these and their scope is extremely limited. They deal with only one subject. Still you have audacity to compare them with Quran. I can only say that you lack any sense of decency.

Q91. Women Rights, Why Islam discriminates against Women Ans. I said that in general Quran treat men and women equally. If there is discrimination is based on reason and logic and circumstances. It is good that you have mentioned some of these cases. If you read my answer with open mind, you will find a glimpse of God’s wisdom: Inheritance: First you should see what are the financial responsibilities of men and women in Islam. Men have to maintain their wives, their children, their parents, and their sisters (if unmarried) and other poor members of the family. Women on the other hand, have to maintain no one!! There is no financial burden on women at all. When there is difference in responsibilities, why should they get equal share with men? In fact it was Quran which gave inheritance rights to women. Check thru world history and tell, in which society women were given inheritance. In India, even in this age, women do not get any share in land, house and other immovable properties.

Wife beating: This is a happy topic for all Non Muslims, did you see what other options Quran proposed to solve domestic matters? Did it sanctioned only one method? There are guidance as to limits of this use of force described in Prophetic sayings. If Islam sanctions wife beating, then why there are so many cases of Domestic violence in your society? Which scripture are they following? Polygamy: This is also one of the happy topic for non Muslims to criticize Islam. I want to ask you, where in Bible is written that Polygamy is banned? Just show me one place. While in Quran we find the words “..Marry only one” This verse is not found in any world scripture. Islam limited the unlimited Polygamy of Arabs and other religions (Count the number of wives of David, Solomon and Jacob) and restricted it to four. Islam further put a condition that you should justice between the wives, otherwise you be content with one. In west, Monogamy is only in name. You can have any numbers of girl friends outside marriage bond. No doubt the number of marriages in your society decreasing and Bastard Children are now more than 50% of all new babies borne. Evidence in Financial matters: Two women are needed in place on one man. And this refers only to financial matters, where women do not deal often. In other matters, evidence of women is same as men. And in many cases the evidence of women only are acceptable. This is a concession given to women, that they can corroborate their evidence with their friends. Quran does not say, if one women is biased then other will remind her. It says if one women errs, the other will remind her. There is a world of difference in the two translations. It is very tolerant for you to separate west from Christians. While on the other hand, you use the actions of Muslims as binding on Islam. I agree most of Muslims today are ignorant of teachings of Islam. As to your advise that I should read Bible, to be more honest, I say that I have indeed studied Bible and that too not with the jaundice eye.

Whatever is Good in Bible is confirmed in Quran. But there are many passages in Quran which come under the scope of Pornography and bad human taste, what you say about them: (If you know your Bible, you will know where to locate them) - Noah cursing Canaan for the mistake of Ham - Lot committing incest with his two daughters - Abraham and Isaac lying to say that their wives are their sisters. - Judah committing incest with her daughter in law Tamar. - David committing adultery with Uriah’s wife -Rehoboam committing incest with his father’s wives -Incest between brother and sister (Amnon and Tamar) These passages of Bible should be expunged, if it claims to be the word of God Q92. Women Rights , Does Islam discriminates? Ans. If you can show me any society where there is no discrimination, then I will accept your words. Even in the most modern and free society (Western society of today), why there are separate races and games for men and women? Why men and women do not compete in same race? Boxing? Wresting? Tennis? Football? Base ball? Is it not discrimination? Why have we qualification and experience barrier for every job? discrimination?

Is it not

There has to be discrimination in society, but there is a justifiable discrimination and there is unjustifiable discrimination. Where Quran puts less financial burden on women, it takes due care of their physical and psychological conditions. It gives them duties and responsibilities that match with their feminine nature. The duties of women in Islam have not changed since its inception. It is the western system which puts more burden on women, that is why we are

seeing its ill effects, in the break up of family system. Ever decreasing standards of social morality, and increasing crime rates against women. These are the fruits of modern civilization, which we gloss over in the name of ever increasing progress? Only future will decide if the price we are paying for this progress was justified or not. Q93. Women Rights , Women’s Right in Islam Ans. Before asking this question, you should have enquired what were the rights of women in other religions and in ancient societies. What rights were given to women in Judaism?, in Christianity?, in Greek and Roman society? and then in ancient Indian, Egyptian and Chinese societies?. In fact it was Islam, which for the first time gave rights to women. It gave them rights in inheritance and in ancestral properties. It gave them rights to own property and to conduct business. It even gave them right to demand divorce. Before Islam such rights were unthinkable. Islam gave women rights and duties which are in accordance with their feminine nature. In Islam man and women are complimentary to each other and they make a family, which is the building block of any society. Islamic punishment for adultery is same for man and women, there is no difference in punishment for the same crime. Islam considers man to be the head of family, because it is the man who is entrusted with the duty to bring livelihood for the family. Women is responsible for inside house affairs and this in no way degrades the position of Islam Quran says that if there be any dispute between husband and wife, then it should be first solved with mutual discussions. If things go beyond that level, then man should refuse to share the bed with wife. This is ample warning to her that the matter is serious. If things go beyond this level, then man can use minor force. But this right is not absolute and men have no absolute right to beat or ill treat women. At number of places Quran asks men to treat their wives in a good manner. All these precautions and ways are given ion Islam to save the marriage from breaking. Because divorce is not encouraged in Islam, as solution to every family problem.

Q94. Women Rights, What is women’s age of marriage in Islam? Ans. Natural age for marriage for both boy and girl are puberty. Early marriage is encouraged in Islam to save the society from sexual immorality, but it is not necessary to marry boy and girl immediately they reach the age of puberty. If some one does, then there is no blame also. Q95. Women Rights, Should husband not protect his wife? Ans. I just did not understand your question properly. From where you got this idea that a Muslim man will be a mute spectator when some one attacks the personality or honor of his wife!!! In Islam both man and women are allowed to act in self defense and protect their body, property and honor from outside attacks. What is meant by Islamic Family system is that women are not entrusted with responsibility to earn the livelihood for the family. That is the job of man. But it does not totally stop women from working. Women can work if required, but they have to dress modestly and do not mix freely with apposite sex. In fact Judaism, Christianity, Islam and all other religions ask women to dress modestly and do not expose their bodies. It is only the Modern Culture which is extremely lax in this regard and gives women too much freedom. The result of this freedom is seen in the increasing number of crimes committed against honor of women. Islam wants to reduce chances of temptation for both men and women, that Satan would be able to lead them astray. Q96. Sexual Crimes, Criminal Justice, Punishment for sexual crimes Ans. You may think that "Sharia" is eager to punish every male and female to be stoned to death, but let us look at the protections it has taken, so that only the rarest of the rare will have to face this punishment. I will point them one by one: A. It has ordained that both men and women should dress modestly. So the attractive sexual parts are hidden even when males and females come together.

B. It has asked both men and women to lower their gazes when they meet opposite sexes, so that they are not attracted to each other. C. It has restricted free mixing of males and females unnecessary. would lower the chances of getting attracted by each other.


D. It has banned Alcohol, Narcotics and other drugs that cause intoxication. This removes the most important tool that is prime cause of crimes against women. Most of rapes and violent crimes are committed under the effect of intoxication. Even prophets like Noah and Lot were affected by this wine, the former lay naked in his tent and the latter committed incest with his daughters (as per Bible and not as per Quran mind you). So banning Alcohol removes one of the major cause of Adultery and rape. E. Then it has made both marriage and divorce compulsion for parties to "force to live together" each other. Many people do not know this, But "Right to Ask for Divorce". So if a woman does husband, she will not be forced to do it.

simple. So there is no even if they do not like Islam given women also not like to live with her

F. Then Islam allows controlled polygamy, to satisfy the sexual need of some people. In polygamy, man has more than one wife, but he is responsible to maintain both and take care of children born from both the marriages. G. Even after all this if some one commits illicit sexual acts, then Sharia demands strict punishment for the crime, the punishment (many of you do not know this) is not same for all illicit sexual relations, it has many shades: 1. If both man and woman or one of them are unmarried, then the punishment is 100 lashes for committing illicit sexual act. 2. If both man and woman or one of them is married at the time of illicit sexual act, then the punishment is death by stoning. 3. However, if the woman is forced against her will, then there is no punishment on her all, only the rapist shall be punished. H. Witness System of Sharia: It would seem strange to you (because it is not highlighted in biased western media and Anti Islamic sites) that Sharia puts a very strict witness system before condemning any one to death by stoning, let me tell you that in brief: 1. There should be at least four eye witnesses, who must have seen the act with their own eyes. There is no scope for circumstantial evidence in this

case. Can you think that any right minded man or woman shall do this act in full view of four witnesses? It is only the hardened criminals or highly intoxicated person that shall do such thing. 2. If the four witnesses are not brought, then the remaining eye witnesses shall be guilty of "Perjury" and each will be punished with 80 lashes and would be permanently debarred from giving witness in any court of law. The purpose of this punishment is that people should hold their tongues and do not engage in sullying names and characters of men and women. 3. However if the woman claims rape, then separate investigations shall take place and rapist shall be put to death. 4. Voluntary Confession by Man and Woman before the Judge is permissible in Sharia and if some one comes forward and claims that he has done such an act, then only he shall be punished and not the opposite party, unless he is able to provide four eye witnesses. I. Now you can see, how much care Sharia has taken that no innocent lives be lost. And it is not the aim or purpose to condemn each and every one on slightest suspicion and put them to death. J. There is one rule which in inviolable, If the Crime is proved, then there is only one punishment, 100 Lashes if the parties are unmarried and stoning to death if one or either of them are already married. There is no power for Judges to change this punishment. K. Then Sharia says that "This Punishment should be in open in front of people, (so that every one learns a lesson)" and it says that let no one think that he is more Merciful than the Creator by condoning the crime or the punishment. This is in short Islamic Sharia system relating to illicit sexual relations. I could do the same for other crimes if you have any intention to listen and appreciate the truth and not just to lay blames. Q97. Thief, Criminal Law, There would be lots of one handed men in Islamic countries? Ans. It does not matter if majority of human think and vote for a wrong thing. The truth will not change just because most people think it is falsehood, You have raised a very pertinent point that if Islamic system is to be implemented, there would be lots of one-handed people in Muslim countries.

But here lies the practicality of the law…if hand of one man is chopped off…. thousands of other would be thieves shiver to even think of committing theft. That is why at no point of Islamic History, you would find many one handed people in any Muslim country. Compared to that prisons of all Modern countries are filled with thieves and many more are roaming in the streets. Islamic witness system requires two witnesses to convict any one to the crime of theft. But in Islamic system, there is no choice to adjust the dose of punishment. It is a single punishment if the crime is proved. That is what it makes it so effective. In Islamic system also a person is proven innocent unless proven guilty (in fact modern laws borrowed this principle from Islam). Islamic Criminal justice system in most effective in combating crime in the land as God has said “In the Law of Equality (Retribution), there is indeed life (for the society), O You men of Understanding”!!! By branding Islamic Justice system as Barbaric and harsh, the West has done itself a great harm and their society is forever infested with criminals. Q98. Tolerance, Why Muslims say that it is the Only true faith? Ans. I am really pleased to read your mail, which is very balanced and broadminded. What I am surprised is that despite so many close contacts with Muslims, you have such misconceptions about Islam and Muslims. Let me begin by reiterating your sentiments that people should have freedom to choose their religions. There should not be any compulsion or fraud or trick to lure others to one’s faith. Then I also endorse your views (which by the way is also mentioned in Quran) is that God will gather every soul and in the hereafter, He will judge between the people and between faiths as to which was right and which was wrong and the different shade of divergence from the right path. In this world we cannot judge between faiths. Then I also accept your statement that many Muslims are not presenting themselves as true picture of Islam and what a true Muslim should be. Having said all this, I feel that most people do not really understand what Islam is and what its teachings are. There are people who spread lies about

Islam so common folks have wrong conceptions about Muslims. Many of your observations are also based on misunderstanding. It is not possible to fully answer all your doubts in one post, but I would try to answer some of the most important. What is Islam: Islam is a state of belief and it is not named after any person, nation, race or language. It means Willful submission to one’s will to its Creator. By this definition, it was the belief of all past prophets. Therefore we say that Islam was the religion of all past prophets. The names by which various religions are known as (Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism etc) are people’s own choosing and none of the prophets called their followers by these names. In this context all the present religions are the distorted versions of the same original religion of all prophets which is called Islam. Who is Allah: You think that Muslims believe in some strange Deity called Allah. Allah of Arabic is no different than God of English, Elohim of Hebrew and Ishwar of Sanskrit. So Muslims believe in same Unique Creator which other people know by different names. In fact attributes and names of Allah mentioned in Quran are more superior than what we find in other scriptures. Status of prophet Mohammad, Jesus and other in Islam: Islam believes that God sent his prophet to all nations for their guidance. All prophets preached the same message of Islam. Most of Jewish prophets mentioned in Bible are also mentioned in Quran. We believe in all these prophets. Jesus was also one of the great prophets of God. He was born miraculously without male intervention and showed many signs and wonders. But despite all these he was still a Human and not a begotten Son of God or God in human form. Prophet Mohammad was the last prophet in the long chains of prophet and after him no other prophet will come into the world. So we believe in all prophets and make no difference between one and another.

Past Scriptures: We also believe that God sent His message to past nations in the form of revelations. These books are therefore from God. Though they have suffered during transmission but still they contain most of original message. Quran is the last book which was revealed to the last prophet and this book is preserved in its original condition and in its original tongue. Therefore by becoming Muslim and accepting Islam you believe in One God, all of the past prophets and all of the revealed books. You get best of all the religions. This was the short introduction about Islam and its most important beliefs. We do not force you to accept it, but you will see that these beliefs are not unreasonable or are meant to bring discord into the world. I would be glad to continue this dialog and answer some of your queries, if you raise them in a reasonable way. But I am impressed by the tone of your post and balanced views. Q100. Tolerance, Other faiths, How to co-exist? Ans. If you think that those books were written to drive intellectual pleasures and for leisure readings then you are wrong. Those were the action codes for their followers. It is very true that you found that there is no quarrel in the scriptures. That is what Islam teaches in nutshell!! It says that God sent many books thru His messenger and they taught the same message. It is the followers of these books which got divided into themselves. Islam wants all humans to come back to the same true path, that was preached by all the religious scriptures. If not that, then al least , Quran asks the different groups to agree to common terms. The Terms which are common in all religious scriptures, that all worship only one God, do not associate any partners with him, and do not give any power that will equate him with God. Did your research found other result? In Islam God, is described as the Lord of whole universe. All humans are children of same pair (Adam and Eve). All prophets are true prophets of

God. All books are books of God. In fact Islam opens its hearts to other faiths which is unmatched in religious history. Then Islam wants to use and logic and reason to argue with other faiths. It does not criticize or revile their religious personalities or their deities. It wants peace in the world. But its enemies always present Islam as intolerant and biased religion that wants to force others into the faith of Islam. Nothing could be farther than the truth. I appreciate your thoughts and feel that goodwill and understanding between the people of different faiths is what is needed most at this juncture. Q101. Tolerance, Secularism, Is Secularism protects minorities better than Islam? Ans. Well your new post is having a different tone than Islam Bashing, which was your hall mark for very near future. You have raised certain pertinent points, which I can summarize as: 1. That “In a multi-cultural, multi religious world which we live in today, the basis of law cannot be particular religious rules”. 2. That “The basis of morality in a non-religious parliament has to be the basis of prevention of harm - tangible harm, to property or person, of citizens..” And by that you want to employ that in a Islamic state these goals cannot be met. While on the face of it, what you say makes sense, but when you look for proofs, the reality is otherwise. Religious Versus Secular State: I think you will agree that in the eyes of World, India is the biggest and working Secular democracy of the world. Its constitution is one of the most modern, which was written by 500+ highly educated persons after deliberation of many years (It has been amended more than 60 times in past 60 years is another issue). In the Constitution it is declared that India shall be a Secular, Democratic and Socialistic state. Its citizens shall have freedom of life, expression and religion. The state shall not distinguish between its citizens based on caste, religion, language and ethnic grounds. Etc. etc.

Great sounding words, are they not? But let us see that in same India: 1. There are laws banning Cow Slaughter for most Indian states. Most of Official ceremonies start with chanting of hymn, breaking coconut and Land Worship….all trade marks of a particular religion. 2. There are laws in many states that ban conversion of one’s religion (It is to be understood from Hinduism to Islam not vice versa). 3. That an Old and Historic Mosque was demolished in broad day light in front of Media and News persons and Government could not or did not do any thing about it. 4. That In Past 60 years more than 60,000 riots have taken place against religious minorities, in which hundreds of thousands have lost their lives. Yet none is punished for these crimes. Anti Sikh riots of 1984 and Gujarat Massacre of 2002 are the more famous of these thousands of riots. 5. That the percentage of a particular religious minority in jobs and positions is on decline continuously for past 60 years. Jobs which do not require much expertise and education like Police, Army and Menial jobs also show the same criterion. 6. That there are news papers and media channel and a whole organization, whose full time job is only to spread hatred against a particular minority, yet Government, is a moot spectator. However the same government shows a different face if the roles are reversed. 7. We have show pieces of certain minority persons as President, Vice President and some other high posts, to show to the world that India is indeed a Secular Country where no discrimination takes place. Then on the same continent we have Islamic State of Pakistan and Muslim state of Bangladesh. They are Muslim majority states and have Hindus as minority. Now in the same period, we hardly find any cases where Hindu minority is attacked, their places of worship demolished and there is any propaganda against them at any level. If any cases are reported, they are extremely rare and are immediately punished. I want to ask, which of the two states is indeed more Secular? gives right only on paper or the one which gives rights in reality?

One that

Iran is another example of Islamic state, where Jews live in large numbers, has any one heard of any anti Jew riots in Iran? Now coming to western countries, which are working models and show pieces of democracy for many decades for other countries.. No body can deny that Blacks and Jews were discriminated against till very recently and even now. Blacks, Hispanics and Asians all have complained of discrimination in jobs and day to day life. These are real cases and not just imaginary ones So it can be proven that Muslim states do not persecute other people just because of their religion.( Let us discuss the second issue where you have stated that the purpose of laws should be to minimize harm to persons, property and well being of community at large and not to safeguard religious beliefs of a particular community. I agree with it, but if you find that certain religious laws are better and more effective is providing solutions to a particular situation, then they should be followed and not to be rejected only because that they are from a particular religion. Here also I start with one example, let me start with issues of Alcohol and Gambling. I want to ask you a few questions. 1, Is Alcohol and Gambling are as a whole good or bad for the society? 1A. A society which is able to stop consumption of Alcohol and Gambling is better in safeguarding health of all members of society than one which encourages it? 2. When USA decided to impose prohibition in 1920 s, Was it because of a religious movement, or to prevent harm to the American Population from the evils of Alcohol? 3. Why USA was forced to abolish prohibition? Did it discover that Alcohol was indeed good and beneficial for its population? 4. On the other hand, Quran with just one verse was able to eradicate Alcohol from its society? Arabs of those days were as fond of Alcohol as US and European citizens of our times. There was no death penalty for Alcohol consumption, still how could this banning had such a pronounced effect? Cases of people drinking Alcohol are very few and insignificant. Still Muslim society is the biggest teetotaler society on this earth.

5. Why then you should try to introduce Alcohol to a society which already has stopped taking it? Just to show that we are more modern? Or Just because Alcohol is banned in one religious scripture, we must oppose it? That was only one case, It can be shown that. If our aim is finding the best laws for the society at large, we will find that Islamic laws indeed provide maximum benefits to the society. Then why should we reject the practicable and simple Islamic solutions, only because they are derived from a religious book? If we do, then it seems we are biased and our only aim is to reject any solution which is provided by a particular religion. Next we could discuss Criminal Justice system and Women rights issue, if you have inclination for such type of debates. Q102. Universality, Religions, Why there are different religions? Ans. You asked me what makes difference between religions. If you really ask me, it is the followers of prophets who make different religions and not God. In the eyes of God, there is only one religion that calls for total submission of our wills to His will. He has sent many prophets at different times to different nations, but all these prophets preached the same message. So there is no difference in any prophet's religions. They are not enemies of each others. They are like brothers unto each other. You will never find our prophet of God fighting with another prophet of God. It is after the prophet has died, that his followers restrict themselves to that particular teachings and when any new prophet comes, they reject him and choose for them a separate name. That is how, so many different religions came into being, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity etc. We believe in Universal religion of Submitting our wills to our Creator. We respect and believe in all prophets, we believe in all books sent by God. For us Moses and Jesus are as honorable as our prophet Mohammad (Peace be of All prophets of God). You are right, Democracy Sucks, because Modern Western Democracy is nothing but deceit, lies and getting your way by hook or by crook.

If you separate religion and politics, what else you expect? From where you will get moral element into politics? Q103. West, Sharia, Western system borrowed from Sharia Ans. There are some principles of good and bad that do not change with time. In God's knowledge the changing was accommodated from the time of Adam to the time of our prophet. Then in God's knowledge, the time was ripe to perfect the law and justice system, which would not require any changes till the last day. That is why He sent the last prophet and the last book. There is flexibility in the laws to take care of changing times, but not on the basic principles. Some crimes and punishments were fixed and these do not change. Many are left to the discretion of Judges and law makers. Both have to be within their circles if the best of society is to be concerned. What you "Borrowed" from Sharia system was the concept of fair trial, witness, and punishment only after due process of law. So you got benefit for that part. What you ignored was the punishment for certain crimes and your "Natural sympathy for Criminals" prevented you from executing those punishments. The results is the ever increasing crime rate and criminalization of society. Islam gave women half voice in Financial and Criminal matters, because she was not familiar with those fields, today you say it is a joke. But what is real joke is the real status of women in your society. Islam had placed only one responsibility on her shoulders, you have put double the load on her!!!

Q104. Women, Equality, Is doing household jobs degrades women? ANS. By looking for household jobs, women does not become the property of man. The home front is as important as the outside world. It is your wrong thinking that if a woman lives in house and cares for home and children she is degraded. 2. That is why God, gave women qualities that are essential for taking care of home and children. Proper upbringing of Children is as important as earning the bread for the family. If you leave this job to Schools, Baby Sitters, Crèches or friends etc, the children shall not have a proper upbringing. 3. That is why in Islam, women have not been burdened for earning the bread for the family. But she is not restricted to get education, conduct business and own property. She has been given rights and duties which are needed for that jobs. 4. In western society it is only a false equality between man and woman. How can you make equal something which are not equal. After suppressing women for centuries (one extreme), now they have gone to other extreme by making them exact equal. The truth is that man and woman are complimentary to each other and not exact equals. 5. The result is that family system in west is on breaking point. More children are born out of wedlock than in wedlock. How this generation of Bastard children will behave is to be seen. But it will be more violent and intolerant is certain. You can not sell any thing unless you put a picture of nude or semi nude women on its label. I pity at the Women’s Right fellows. Is these the rights for which they were fighting?

Chapter-6 On Israel, Jews and Palestine Q105. Creation, Was Israel Justified? Ans. You have really spoken the truth “That I wish Israel was a small country some where in Germany, than where it is”. This is the absolute truth and the solution of entire problem. There was no justice in establishing Israel in Palestine, it was wrong politically, it was wrong morally and it was wrong on humanistic grounds. How could you turn out indigenous people living in their homes for centuries and in their place import millions of outsider people (of a specific race and a specific religion) from all parts of the world to create a nation? This was an absurd decision and was able to be put into practice due to force which Western Powers had after WW-2 and the influence of Zionist lobby. None of the neighboring Arab countries agreed to this decision, but their voices were simply ignores. Not only that, the Nascent state of Israel from day-1 started behaving like a bully in religion. It had full (and still has) full support of USA and other Superpower is what ever it does. I ask is it logical? How can this situation continue? They are only asking Arabs and Muslims to agree to Israel terms. No doubt the situation is explosive and beyond control and getting dangerous day by day. Q106 Justification, Analogy between Israel and Division of India & Pakistan? Ans. I told you before, do not find analogy between creation of Israel and partition of India. When India was partitioned, one group of India moved from one part to another. No one came from outside. When Palestine was partitioned, a part of it was given to hordes of Jews who came from outside to grab the land and the original residents of the land were turned out to live in tents. Do not catch straws as a drowning man to save your precious Israel. The wrong was done by British and USA and the wrong shall be avenged, sooner or later. Do not try to paint the Colonial rule of Western Nations in Asia, Africa and others in other than natural color. We know what goodness of heart led them to our lands and by what they established their rules and how they

were kicked out from our lands. If to you as member of those nations, it brings a feeling of nostalgia, then you are entitled to it. It would not change the facts. You have always dealt in double standards and would always do so, because in the heart, you are racist and believe in supremacy of white race over others. Q107. Palestine, Does Palestine belong to Jews only? Ans. You said Arabs are invaders and it is Jewish lands. Do you know that Jews were also invaders in the land of Canaan? That land did not belonged to them originally? So why they should claim perpetual claim for that land. Then you said that Jews have been uprooted many times from there, that means that it was not God’s promise or will to give that land for perpetual possession, otherwise no one would have been able to uproot them. Their final eviction came almost 2000 years ago by Romans. Then the areas was in control of Christians for more than 300 years. Why Christians did not gave that land back to Jews between 325 ~ 650 CE? Muslims conquered that land from Christians in 650 CE and were holding it for right upto 1948. Arabs did not uproot any Jews living there. The land was shared by Arabs, Jews and Christians living there. It was only after WW-1 that the idea of Palestine belongs to Jews only came into being. It was with UK and USA ‘s support that state of Israel was established by evicting those people who were living there for 1200 years. You have forgotten your role and are instructing how Arabs and Muslims should behave. Then you justify all your atrocities on God and say that it is God’s wish that Israel be established there. In the eyes of God, Jews as a whole are rebellious people unless they accept the message of Jesus. It is absurd for you to help the rejecters of Jews against those who believe in Jesus. All your logic and what ever you have posted are therefore based on half truth, bigotry and bias against Islam and Muslims.

Q108 Palestine Solution, Is there any Solution to this problem? Ans. Now you are talking some sense. Jews and Muslims were living in peace in Palestine for past 1200 years without any blood shed. Why did it all change after WW-1 when Britain got a toe hold there? I agree that Jews wanted their home land, but you cannot get your homeland by evicting people who were already living there. If Jews wanted the help, mercy and understanding from Muslims and Palestinians, some thing would have been worked out. But they returned on a totally different plank, that This is Our Land and You are Usurper and it is our Birthright to take it back and so on. Muslims did not banish Jews from Palestine and it was not their fault that Jews suffered at the hands of Christians in Europe and Elsewhere. Why should they pay and sacrifice their homes and possessions because these banished Jews want to return after 2000 years. Then from 1948 till today, Israel has been very harsh towards the Palestinians. PLO and Hamas are recent phenomenon and have been born after years of frustration when all efforts to find out peaceful solutions failed.. Love and hate are mutual phenomenon. You cannot expect the other party to love you while you hate them. Jews and Israel has been using all means and disguises and intrigues to dispossess Palestinians of their lands and homes. They are planning openly and secretly against the Third Muslim Holy place, to demolish it by hook or by crook and built their temple there. So if any solution to this problem has to be worked out, first Israel and Jews have to acknowledge the wrongs they have done to these people all these years, then they have to work out a solution on give and take basis. All lands captured by Israel after 1948, have to be returned. Israel’s boundaries have to be fixed permanently. But I do not know that at present Jews and Israel are in any mood to even consider these terms, but a time will come, when they would beg for these terms, but they will not be in a position to negotiate. You may call me too optimistic, but it is judgment of history, that any nation built on hate and injustice soon falls with a thud.

So instead of talking about short term things like suicide bombers or rocket attacks, we should concentrate on basic issues. Q109. Christians, Christians should thank Jews!! You are absolutely right. Christians should in fact show gratitude to Jews for Crucifying Jesus. In fact they were doing the same thing for past 2000 years. Their form of showing gratitude is to burn people at stake, that is what they were doing! I do not know what got into Present Pope s mind to think that this was wrong and he started apologizing to Jews By the way, Jews are showing their gratitude to Palestinians for the shelter and peace they got at their hand during past 1200 years. There is so much misunderstanding in the world today that Palestinians take these acts of gratitude as persecution Q110. Modern living, Are Jews living in modern age? Ans. Jews have really started "living-in" after the end of WW-2 so to say. Let us wait and find how many days this "Live-in" relationship with Christian continues. Muslims are living as they were living all these years. Truth does not change in first or 21st Century. Is Muslim conspiring against the world or the world is conspiring against the Muslims, is clear as to who holds the cards. Muslims have no hold in the world to conspire against the world. It is the same Wolf and Lamb story. In every case it is the lamb's fault. I think Israel is supposed to be a democracy, where no one should be persecuted because of his or her religion. What you say contradict the world opinion of Israel. If they persecute Messianic Jews themselves , how much they would be persecuting Muslims and Arabs is self evident.

Q111. Palestine Claim, Are Jews justified in their claim? Ans. I should thank you for presenting the case of Jews / Zionists in such forceful and pleading terms, but the realities are some what different than what you have put in your mail. Let me point out a few for you: 1. The movement to establish Jewish homeland in Palestine was taken much before WW-1. Freemason Movement is now more than 200 years old. Then Jewish congress in 1900 passed a resolution to establish Jewish homeland in Palestine and asked Britain and other European powers to help them achieve this goal. 2. Lord Bilfour of Britain agreed before the WW-1 that Britain will use its influence to achieve this goal, should Jews support Britain in WW-1. 3. The Jews supported Britain and once the war was over and Britain got a foot hold in Palestine, it allowed large scale migration of Jews from all parts of Europe to Palestine so that they could become there a sizable population. That was much before Jews bad luck in Germany. 4. The problem with local Palestinians started .almost immediately these foreign Jews came there. Jews, Christians and Muslims who were living there for centuries were living there peacefully for generations. 5. These unrests continued in Palestine , when WW-2 occurred and Jews suffered in Germany, which gained them world wide sympathy and riding on that sympathy wave they almost forces USA and Britain and Russia to declare the state of Israel in Palestine. 6. If the world had sympathies for Jews, it does not mean that they should allot them lands which belong to other people and not their owns. They should very well have allotted Jews homeland in the vast USA and Canada etc. 7. The Jews who settled in Palestine were not the persecuted Jews of Germany but mostly from Russia and other Eastern Europe countries, who did not suffer much but have been eager to share in all the benefits that they can get. Then these Jews have always acted as bullies since they set foot in Palestine and are always expanding their land. 8. The excuse for land grabbing that they a re more educated and more industrious than Arabs is unjustified.

9. Such arguments have been used in past by white people to annihilate local populations of Red Indians, Aborigines and Eskimos. 10. Then You are wrong in saying that no other people or race was systematically hunted down as Jews, what about Red Indians of North and South America, what about Aborigines of Australia and NZ? When they should be given home land? 11. The problem lies with Jews themselves, who despite 2000 years of stay in Europe, could not mingle with local population and remained aloof to their plight. That is why they were hated all along these years. 12. In those dark period, it were Muslim lands which gave shelter to these persecuted Jews….Now I think they are paying back for that “Good Treatment” with interest. So now you see, there are two sides of the stories, you have shown one and I the other. What we need is a compromise. What it should be? Q112. Racism, Preaching, Were Jews supposed to preach to other nations? ANS. So what you say means that Jews were not supposed to preach their religion to others. This is very correct and that is what we also say. We say that earlier to coming of Last Prophet, God sent prophets to different nations and for them alone. It was only the Last Prophet who was sent for all nations and for all people. So if Jews were Chosen for a particular period in the History….then their chosen status is cancelled after the advent of Last Prophet. If they follow him, they would join the band of chosen people…if they reject him….Then you know what happens to those who willfully reject the command of God Almighty. If Jews still consider them as Superior race or superior to other people…then it is a sort of racism, which is not to be found in Christianity or Islam.

Q113. Isaac, Should Jews get Isaac’s Inheritance? Ans. You have raised a very important and pertinent question, pardon me if the answer is a little longer. 1. In order to claim any inheritance, you first have to prove that you have a legitimate right to it and you are also worthy to hold and maintain that inheritance and you have not abandoned your inheritance for a considerable time. 2. Let us see, How did God dealt with Progeny of Isaac and how have they dealt with him. 3. God showered His favors on them, when He saved them from bondage of Pharaoh and sent to them a great prophet like Moses and then kept on sending prophet after prophet (more than He had done for any other people), culminating in the Sending of Jesus Christ. This indeed was a great honor for any race and it needed praise for the God from the race. 4. But How much trouble Jews gave to all prophets, is mentioned in the books of OT. They troubled Moses, David, Solomon and all other prophets They even took to Idolatry and killed many of their prophets. The books of OT are filled with their misdeeds. 5.When they resorted to Idolatry, God’s anger rose against them in ~ 600 BC in the form of Nebuchadnezzar , who destroyed the temple of Solomon and took the Jews as prisoners. God turned to Jews after 70 years of bondage and allowed them to return to Jerusalem and rebuilt the temple of Solomon. It was hoped that they would have learned their lesson, but their records show that very soon they forgot their lesson and once again resorted to making mischief on the earth. 6. God gave them another chance, when He sent Jesus Christ, one of the mightiest messenger of God, so that they could repent. He showed them many miracles to prove his claim, but what was the result. They killed a righteous prophet like John th Baptist and no body in the population raised a finger against this crime!! They even tried to killed Jesus Christ, but God made their plan go astray. 7. That was too much and God took the revenge against this crime, the Jews were banished from Jerusalem, and were scattered thru out the lands so as to never unite again. This was God’s punishment against such ungrateful people.

8. Yes God gave them another chance to correct their past behavior and come back into the fold of His grace, when God sent, Mohammad the last and final prophet. But Jews stuck to their past behavior and did their best to stop the message of Islam from propagating. This was the last straw and as the result of this they were removed permanently from the Grace of God. 9. How the Jews were wandering in the lands for 2000 years and what they were doing in all these years is for other historians. Some body should explain, why they were asked to roam from one country to another. Why no other nation was able to adjust with them? Finally they suffered a great Chastisement from Hitler for their committed and uncommitted crimes during WW-2. 10. Now the Western Powers have forced upon Muslims to give them a place in Palestine to restore their kingdom. Do you mean to say that Jews have settled in Palestine to hold fast to God’s laws and commandments and set an example for others? 11. From the day they have arrived there, they have created innumerable miseries to its population.. The whole area has not seen a peaceful day since they came there. Listen to their boastings, see their cruelties against Palestinians and do you think they are a Godly people? 12. Jews are in the forefront of all activities that damage the moral of other people. They are active in Blue films, Pornography Drug Trade, Gambling dens, Brothels and all such trades. 13. So in my opinion they are unworthy progeny of Isaac and they abandoned or were justly evicted from their lands 1200 years ago and now cannot claim the legal right to that inheritance. Children of Ishmael never abandoned their land s are are still living there. 14 If you still think that these people are worthy of Isaac Inheritance, then you are entitled to your opinion. By the way read Bible and tell us what Land Isaac actually had in Palestine, that could be given to his progeny. And I do not have answers to all questions. I am a humble student of Islam and other religions., , .

Q114. Prophets Choice, Is it OK from Jews to Reject Jesus and Mohammad? Ans. You are trying to confuse the issue. It is God who sends the prophet and the purpose why God sends the prophets is that because people should follow the teachings of those prophet. As a True Servant of God, it is not our choice to say that I will follow this prophet and I will not follow that prophet. Our job is to obey whichever prophet God sends to us. So chronologically speaking, God sent Moses first. People did obey him now when God sends Jesus as another prophet to followers of Moses, those have no right to reject Jesus and say that we will only follow Moses. If they do that, they will be in fact disobeying God and following their own reason and logic. Now when God send Mohammad as prophet after Jesus, the followers of Moses and Jesus cannot say that we will only follow our prophet and reject Mohammad. If they do that, they will be disobeying God. The coming of Mohammad was foretold by both Moses and Jesus, so these prophets are blameless in the eyes of God, because they did deliver that message to Jews and Christians, so to say. Now coming to ten Commandments, these have been part of teachings of Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (may peace be on all of them). The issue of Sabbath is not that crucial to the Ten Commandments. That was a special provision for Jews for a time period. After coming of last prophet that is no more needed to be followed. If you want to literally follow Torah s instruction for Sabbath, I think you will find that they are no more practical. Our book says that rules of Sabbath were made very stringent because of hard hearts and stubbornness of Jews. It does matter in the end, if you want to follow your own desires and your culture or you submit your will to the will of your Creator and accept His Commands, even if they go against your racial feelings.

Q115. Palestine Peace , Do Palestinians want peace? Ans. Islam does not preach murder of innocent. It preaches peace, but that peace should be based on equity and on honorable terms. What Jews and Israel mean by peace is for Palestinians to accept whatever they are offered and forget and forgive all past claims. That is not peace, it is blackmail and Islam does not allow that. All these 60 years Palestinians were requesting UN, US , UK and every other nation to intervene and restore peace there, but their requests were falling on deaf ears, as if they did not mean any thing. Only for past 15 or 20 years when Palestinians have taken to open demonstration, then the world is having some thought. Israel was in habit of crushing these peaceful demonstrations with brutal use of police and army. How many have been killed by Police and Army bullets during these demonstrations, no one keeps count. Now when these desperate people have taken up rudimentary arms, whole world is branding them as Terrorist and fanatics. If Israel wants peace, it has to come down from its high horse and negotiate for a true and honorable peace, not the peace agreement which is signed with Pistol to your head (like Hitler signed with French after capturing France in WW-2). Love and peace are directional roads. There can not be a one way traffic. First Jews have to show that they want real peace in the area.

Chapter-7 Muslims and Misc. Topics Q116. Health Care, Insurance, Why Health Insurance? Ans. Pardon me if I am outsider to this debate. neither I am talking of religion.

I am not a socialist and

1. What I say, is who actually owns the wealth of any nation? Its people or the Government? 2. Every country has many resources which are source of wealth. Like Minerals, Timber, Agriculture etc etc. Custody of this wealth is automatically taken by the Government. Should citizens of the country have no share in the nation’s wealth? And if they should have then how the Government should give it to the common people. 3. What we see is that Government does not pay back any thing to the population from these wealth and then collects tax on each and every activities that is done by its citizens. The explanation given is that how the Government will function. If it does not get money? What about the money which is already have? 4. What I feel is that Government should pay back some portion of that wealth to public by subsidizing health , education and similar basic needs of the people. This model called welfare state was prevalent in most of European countries but is slowly going out of fashion. I should know why? 5. For example take this business of health Insurance. How is it actually working. All of healthy people are paying for the unhealthy ones, in hope that if they become sick some one will pay them also. The Insurance companies are nothing but a broker who collect money from healthy people (called premiums) and then spend it on unhealthy ones. 6. If it was a social service, no body should have a real complain about it, but these Insurance companies have made a business out of it. They fix and manage premiums in such a way that they always get a lot of profit!! 7. Since it has become a business, we always notice ever rising medical bills and cost of medicines increasing day by day. Doctors, Pathologists , Pharmaceutical companies have all joined into the party and every one is making lot of money except those who are healthy and those who are un healthy!!

8. Healthy people go on paying ever increasing premiums and sick people only get exactly what is mentioned in their policy. There is no sense of social service any where. Every one is a business man. 9. I feel that this is basic problem and Health care should be removed from Business Model to a social service. The Government should pay back to its citizens what it has taken from them in form of taxes and national wealth by subsidizing health care, so that it is not left to the Sharks in the guise of Medical Insurance Companies. What is the role of Medical Insurance Companies? Have they put in any of their own money or are they doing social service? Q117. Democracy & Kingship Is Democracy a Magic Wand? Ans. There is nothing to say that Democracy is Absolutely right or Kingship is absolutely evil. It depends on the nature of who the leaders are. A good and pious king is indeed beneficial for growth and happiness of a country as well as a great and true democratic leader. We have examples of both types of people in Kingship as well as in democracy. The war in Iraq is agreed by most people as an illegal war, all the reasons cited for war have been proven wrong. If some one after 200 years write that it was a justified war, his comments would not mean anything, because he would not have sufficient knowledge. The war on Afghanistan was also illegal, because Taliban had no fight with USA, neither they were involved in 9/11. The media implicated them so much that now Al Qaeda and Taliban are deemed as synonymous words. When England became Superpower of the World, there was no democracy there at least not in the form it is deemed now. It was a controlled monarchy and the same was in other European countries. You just do not become great by following a type of Government. You became great by hardwork and social justice and open economy. These things are not the result of only democracy. China and Russia became Superpower without democracy. Israel is democratic for past 60 years, but still is nowhere in world, despite getting Trillions of Dollars in free aid.

So Democracy is not a magic wand that you wield it and world comes under your feet. Nations rise and fall not because of only democracy….but because of other qualities. Healthy Criticism is welcome in Islam and is appreciated. But lampooning and making fun of our prophet or religious icons does not come under healthy criticism. There has to be a limit on such type of freedom and Islam imposes that. All in all, Islam advocates a controlled democracy, where wills of people work only within the areas and limits which is allowed by our Creator. These limits are very logical, practical and are in full harmony with human nature. Q118. Pakistan Partition, Was Pakistan creation fraud by UNO? Ans. You asked if Pakistan was a UN fraud on Indians. Apparently you are not aware of Indian independence movement and Indian partition. It was not UNO which forced India to be divided into India and Pakistan. That decision was reached by the leaders of India and Pakistan and UNO only ratified it. Do not try to find analogy for Israel's creation from this incident!! Q119. Scene Violence, If Virginia Tech Killer was a Muslim Defending the Indefensible (Part-1) A (not so) Imaginary Scene if Virginia Tech Killer (VTK) was a Muslim (It was a mere chance that he was not! We have more than our share of Psychopaths) Chronological Media Reporting of the event: CNNN (Breaking News 1200 ET): Tragedy Strikes University Campus, Ongoing Violence in College and University Campus took more innocent lives as reports of shoot out and multiple killings are reported from Virginia Tech University. It is feared that more than 30 students have lost their lives. The Culprit is supposed to be one of the students who used automatic rifles to gun down his victims. Despite repeated promises from Government there is no check on the Campus violence, arms are available freely. This is the 9 th Incident of this type in educational institutions. The first one was on….. We don’t have any details about this latest killer right now, , stay tuned for updates. CNNN (News on the hour 1400 ET): Islamic Terrorist Strikes Virginia Tech!! VTK has been identified; He was a Muslim by the name of Mohammad Islam.

His Father is Saudi and Mother is Pakistani.. The killer’s parent came to USA almost 25 years back, and he was born in USA. His past is under scrutiny, meanwhile two more victims died in hospital raising the figure to 35 dead and 50 injured. Stay tuned for updates. (Note the change in Emphasis from first to second broadcast. (MUQ) CNNN (News Flash 1500 ET): VTK linked to Al Qaeda; It is confirmed by irrefutable evidence that VTK had close links with Al Qaeda. His PC was found to have many terrorists sites addresses stored (Islamic Sites giving Religious Info- MUQ). He was getting regular calls from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan (From his relatives – MUQ). . Full investigation by FBI and CIA are underway. Many more VTK s could be loose. Special Report at 9 PM CNNN (Prime Time 9 PM): USA Under Attack, Al Qaeda Terrorist Strike US Mainland, Revenge for Afghanistan and Iraq Operation. It is confirmed that VTK was a very close associate of Osama Bin Laden and head of his US Operations. He got professional weapon training by joining the local Rifle and Hunting association. We have here Mr. UKK (former head of KKK- MUQ) an Al Qaeda Analyst and Anti Terrorist expert UKK: War on Terror is Total Failure. We have Al Qaeda Centers in every city. Every Mosque is Al Qaeda Center. Every Muslim is Al Qaeda member. We can not depend on Government only to support us. The Bastard has killed our Innocent Christian Boys and Girls. We must retaliate.. We must do something.. CNNN : WE also have Mr. VKK, the Chairman of National Rifle Association, VKK: I always said that “It is people who kill people not the gun” . But Virginia Tech killing has changed my views a little. I want to apologize that it was NRA who help train this terrorist. I now decide that No Muslim should ever be made a member of NRA or its branches. I would also suggest that Government make stringent policy so that terrorist like VTK can not get the guns. Reporter: But this is the 9th Incident all previous killers were Christians VKK: Do not Compare Apple with Oranges; Those were totally different cases. Those were not Terrorists. They were Christians, How can a Christians be a Terrorist? CNNN: We have Rev. WKK an “Expert” on Islamic religion with us. Mr. WKK what you say that Quran teaches peace and brotherhood to all

WKK: It is pack of lies. I have studied the book from cover to cover. It only teaches violence, killing and torture of those who are non Moslems. A few verses here and there are just a smoke screen. In a way it is our fault. We allowed them to come here, We allowed them to erect their Mosques here, Now you see the results. I would recommend that all the Mosques should be locked up. All Islamic books to be confiscated and every Muslims must prove that he has no link with Al Qaeda. Any body resisting should be deported. CNNN: We now take you to Virginia Tech to talk to the parents of victims and students there Parent: We are totally shuttered by the Incident. What I worry is that many of my neighbors are Muslims. I cannot sleep at night. I will either shift to a “Safe” locality unless the authorities vacate the locality from these Muslim Terrorists. Student: I never thought he could do it? He was so silent, so natural. Well you don’t know. There are many more Muslims at Virginia Tech. I would never associate with these weirdoes after this incident. I feel Government should stop taking such elements to our institutions. CNNN: We have a live broadcast from White House on the Virginia Tech Issue: GWB: Dear Citizens, I am really distressed about the Latest Al Qaeda Attack on our soil. I have ordered, FBI, NSA and CIA to keep a close watch on all potential killers that may be on loose. I have ordered a full enquiry as an Interim measure, I announce following measures A. Intake of Muslim students to US Universities will be immediately reduced by half.. B. Every applicant has to prove that he has no link with any banned Islamic Groups. He or His parents must not have studied in any Madarsas. C. Every Muslim Student in USA will be brain mapped to check if he has Homicidal tendencies. D. As a punitive measure I have ordered fresh Bombings on Al Qaeda bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bombings shall continue till there is a marked change in their behavior (till at least 3500 Innocents are killed – MUQ 35 X 100) CNNN: That was GWB on Virginia Tech. Before we close this special report, I would ask each of US Citizens. What WE arte Doing? How many suspicious

Characters we have identified? Can we achieve American Dream if such people are amongst us? Constant Vigil that is the by word. So the Hate campaign goes on for weeks on CNNN and other channels like NNBC, NABC, NCBC etc (Newspapers also doing their bit) Robert: This is new strategy of Arabs to colonize America. A Saudi Man marries a Pakistani Women and the Saudi Pak product is shipped to USA to kill our innocent Children. In a few years Christians will become a Minority Laura: I have analyzed this Homicidal Behavior of Muslims and have a very simple remedy for it. Latest Brain Mapping Results (released in Nov 2007) have proved that Homosexual and Homicidal trends are controlled by the adjoining brain cells. If you suppress one, the other becomes the dominant partner. Since Muslims usually suppress their Homosexual tendencies, these Homicidal Outbursts are only natural. The same we see in Suicidal Bombings and all these killings going on in Muslim countries. My Simple solution for the problem is that we must make Homosexuality compulsory in all Muslim countries. In a few decades (One Generation Maximum) this problem will be solved for ever and we will not have to do any killings too!! Q120. Muslim Christians Co Existence, Why Islam is so hated by Christians? Historical Prospective: You must be aware that tussle between Islam, Christianity and Judaism is more than 1400 years old. It started the day our prophet proclaimed his message openly to the public. Since Jews were always outnumbered by both Muslims and Christians, they never posed a direct threat to the existence or stability of Islam. Their opposition was always as a sort of back stabbing type and they would incite Christians and other enemies of Islam to rise against it. As for as Christians, Islam is the only religion that has stood up and can stood up and will stand up against Christianity. Both these religions are directly competing against each other since past 1400 years in world domination Do you know that in only the period of 1850-2000, almost 60,000 books have been written against Islam in the Western World. If you count the total number of Books written by Christians against Islam, the figure would be much higher.

Incidentally This was the period when the entire Muslim World was under the control of European powers. Except for Turkey, no Muslim country was fully independent. In spite of this Political domination, Christians had to write so many books to denounce Islam and its prophet. What was the reason? Because they had not conquered the religion of Islam. They had political domination but not ideological domination. On theological ground, they never defeated Islam. Now they have started tangent attacks on Islam, blaming faults of Muslims on Islam. Christians (and here I include West in general) have no fear from Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism or any other world religion or ism , they even write books sympathetic to these religions. But when it comes to Islam, they do not see any beauty in it and are always critical of it. That is despite the fact that Islam, has very soft corner for Christians. Quran speaks very highly of Jesus, Mary and Gospel. However Christians never reciprocate this respect and try to demonize the personality and character of our prophet. You must not think that writers of all these books were ignorant of Islam. Many of them had learned Arabic and read original manuscripts. But despite all this knowledge and understanding, they wrote highly critical and biased books against Islam and its prophet. So knowledge and understanding is no proof that you will not be biased against something. If you count the books written by Muslims against Christianity in this period, you can count them in numbers. Why? Because Muslims are not afraid of Christianity at all, they can prove its shortcomings at all times. However it is the tangent attacks against which they have no defense. Muslims are indeed doing things which are totally against the teachings of Islam and they cannot be defended. But it is the fault of individual Muslims not of Islam. They are not synonymous terms!

Q121 Hate , USA, Why Muslims hate USA? Muslims and USA: That was the Historical prospective of tussle between Islam and Christianity in general. Now coming to USA, Muslims in general had no problem with USA till 1948, when USA decided to whole heartedly support the creation of Sate of Israel against the wishes of Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims in general. For the past 60 years USA has acted as totally biased mediator , always supporting and helping Israel against Arabs and Palestinians. USA has used its Veto power 72 Times in UNO in favor of Israel Support of Israel and keeping mum on its atrocities against Palestinians is the basic problem between Muslims and USA. Somehow or the other US media is under tight control of Jews and Zionists lobby and they carry one sided propaganda against Islam and Muslims. You would also note that this propaganda has increased many folds after the fall of USSR in 1991. After demise of USSR, the media presented Islam as the next enemy and tried its best to present Islam and Muslims as Free World’s enemy #1. You read any novel, see any movie, Arabs and Muslims are presented as stereotyped, stupid , while Jews are always portrayed as highly intelligent and efficient. They pick up incidents in Muslim Countries and shout, see Muslims are doing that (implying Islam ordered this). Similar and more heinous crimes in their own countries are just glossed over (Remember Virginia tech incident, it was 8th or 9th of this type). They are just unfortunate acts of misguided individuals and have no relevance to the society or teachings of Christianity or Western society. This propaganda takes effect sooner or later and the people get programmed against Islam and Muslims. It is the effect of these programming which we are seeing in the hate mails in this and other forums. . What problems you are seeing in Muslim world and the hate against USA and West in general, are all linked to this basic problem.

2. Come 9/11 and the entire world scenario changes. I want to ask, was 9/11 done by all Muslims and was planned by any Islamic or Muslim state? Even the real culprits are not known and so far no one has been convicted of the crime. Despite this, the blame is put at the door of every Muslim and every Muslim has been made an enemy. It is my conviction that entire 9/11 was an inside Job. Such a job cannot be carried out successfully without any help from inside. So far no US citizen has been punished for involvement. 3. Vast Majority of Muslims all over the world want to live under their Shariah law, but it is the western powers that are supporting Tyrants, Army Generals, Dictators and every one who want to stop the imposition of Islamic laws. Algeria, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, there are many examples. Where USA and other European powers are helping undemocratically elected Dictators. That is why you see that in almost all Muslim countries, there is internal tussle. Most of the population wants to live under Islamic Laws, but the rulers are suppressing these movements thru brutal force and have full backing of western powers. What is more ironic that same Western Powers point to Muslims and ongoing violence and saying see the Muslims are always fighting!

Chapter-8 Prophet of Islam and related topics. Q122. Aiyesha Marriage, Did prophet marriage a child? Ans. here is a lot of misinformation and negative propaganda on this issue. But to an unbiased mind there is no negative thing in this marriage. I will point out some facts regarding this marriage. Our prophet at the age of 25 years married a twice widowed woman who was 15 years his senior. He lived with her for 27 years and did not marry any other women. So till the age of 52 years prophet had only one wife. Polygamy was allowed freely in the Arabian society of that time and there was no blame on prophet if he had married many women during all this time But the prophet spent most of his adult life with a single women, indicating that he was not a sex maniac. After the death of his first wife, he married ten more women and all but one of them were widows, and many of them even had children from earlier marriages. This shows that sex was not the only issue in these marriages. Only one wife of prophet was virgin at the time of marriage. And this is the marriage which is under microscope in this age, for 1300 years no one raised any such issue in regard with this marriage. Lady Aiyesha was the daughter of closest companion of our prophet Abu Bakr. She had not reached the age of marriage when prophet married her. Therefore the marriage was not consummated immediately after marriage. Prophet waited for three years till Aiyesha had attained the age of puberty and then the marriage was consummated. The age of puberty varies from area to area and from women to women. What was the exact age of Lady Aiyesha at that time, is not exactly known, but the delay in marriage and its consummation shows that she had reached the age of marriage. Lady Aiyesha rather became the highest scholar of Islamic Jurisprudence and here name is revered by all Muslims. Her capacity to absorb knowledge might be the main reason why prophet married her. She lived for 47 years after death of prophet and dissimilated Islamic knowledge to many people. But the point is that, no one objected to that marriage, neither the bride, nor her father and not the contemporary society. What right we have to criticize an action which was not objected by the people involved.?

If our customs are different from customs of other people, we should not demonize other people. Q123. Character, Superstitions, Was the prophet Superstitious?-I Ans. Contrary to what you believe, Mohammad (PBUH), was the most rational and reasonable man that world has ever seen. He was far advanced for his time and generation. His sayings and actions do not match with the many superstitions present at his time. I will just give you one example, the day his son Ibrahim died; there was a solar eclipse in Medina. People started saying that because of prophet’s son’s death, the sun has gone into eclipse. If Mohammad (PBUH) was a superstitious man, he should have used this as a God sent opportunity and used it for his own advantage. What he did, he went to pulpit and said: Sun and Moon are two signs of Allah. They do not go into eclipse because of death or birth of any one. How advanced and reasonable was this saying in light of modern science and you call this man superstitious? Now I will try to answer the points you have mentioned: Bukhari 8.242: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Allah likes sneezing and dislikes yawning, so if someone sneezes and then praises Allah, then it is obligatory on every Muslim who heard him, to say: May Allah be merciful to you (Yar-hamuka-l-lah). But as regards yawning, it is from Satan, so one must try one's best to stop it, if one says 'Ha' when yawning, Satan will laugh at him." 1. Sneezing and Yawning: You must know that sneezing is a thing on which man has no control. Whereas Yawning is a bad habit which shows laziness. If a man is sitting in a group and he yawns, other people with think bad about him. Medically also you find that while sneezing, your body and system come under a great strain. That is why Prophet asked us to thank Allah when you sneeze and avoid Yawning. About Devil laughing when a man yawns is an issue, which only prophet could see. So where is the superstition in this? Bukhari 4.516: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "If anyone of you rouses from sleep and performs the ablution, he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it

out thrice, because Satan has stayed in the upper part of his nose all the night." 2. Nose Blowing while performing WUDU: I think you must know that cleaning, washing and blowing your nose, is a thing which is highly recommended by medical doctors. It is one of the medical benefits of performing WUDU. I think Mohammad (PBUH) deserves our gratitude and appreciation for sanctioning this practice 1400 years ago, when no one knew of its medical benefits. Satan staying in the nose, might not be understood by us, because only a prophet could see such things. But where is the superstition in it? The act is reasonable and highly recommended by medical doctors. Bukhari 4.522: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "When you hear the crowing of cocks, ask for Allah's Blessings for (their crowing indicates that) they have seen an angel. And when you hear the braying of donkeys, seek Refuge with Allah from Satan for (their braying indicates) that they have seen a Satan." 3. Cock and Donkeys: If cock can see angels and Donkeys can see Devil, we are not able to prove scientifically that it is not correct. Many animals have strange extinct. If you can prove that Angels and Satan do not exist, then you can find fault with this saying. Otherwise it is not superstition. Bukhari 9.124: Narrated Abu Qatada: The Prophet said, "A good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan. So whoever has seen (in a dream) something he dislike, then he should spit without saliva, thrice on his left and seek refuge with Allah from Satan, for it will not harm him, and Satan cannot appear in my shape." 4. Good and Bad Dreams: I think the prophet had given a wonderful advise to his followers in the matter of interpretation of dreams. Instead of getting unnecessarily worried by bad dreams, he advised us to ignore them as they are from Satan and treat good dreams as blessings from Allah. This is a very positive approach and keeps Muslims fit and healthy. Where is the superstition coming into it? Are you able to analyze dreams 100%? Bukhari 4.533: Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "Cover your utensils and tie your water skins, and close your doors and keep your children close to you at night, as the Jinns spread out at such time and snatch things away. When you go to bed, put out your lights, for the

mischief-doer (i.e. the rat) may drag away the wick of the candle and burn the dwellers of the house." Ata said, "The devils." (instead of the Jinns). 5.Covering Utensils and turning out lights at night: This is a best advice that could be given to his followers at night. Is there any thing wrong with these directions? How Jinns interact with humans are hidden from our eyes. If you are a Christian, you know bad sprits do exist. They can possess humans. If prophet gives advice to his followers to take protection, where does the superstitions come into? My Dear Sir, I think it is your bias and unbelief in existence of Angels, Satan, Devils and Jinns which forced you to put these examples as superstitions of Prophet. If your other examples are also of the same kind, they I can only foresee your next post. Go ahead my dear Sir, with your next post. Q124. Jews, Bani Quraizah, Was prophet harsh to them? Ans. You are totally misguided here. Jews of Bani Quriaza had a treaty to defend Medina against foreign attack. In the year 5AH, Pagans of Arabia had surrounded Medina from all sides. Muslims had to defend the city by digging a ditch in its most vulnerable side. All the male members were busy round the clock defending the city and the women and children of Muslims were left in a location, which was very close to the Jewish area. It was the most serious time that threatened the basic survival of Muslim states. The Jews not only refused to help Muslims (Clear violation of treaty), but they broke the treaty at the most critical juncture. The position of Muslims became very precarious. The lives of women and Children were endangered. If you think such treacherous acts should go unpunished, then you are not a practical person. The Jews were surrounded and after some days, they agreed to the judgment of an arbitrator of their choice. The arbitrator announced that those Jews be treated accorded to their own laws, which is recorded in the Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 20. Jews did not appeal to the mercy of prophet, so the charge that prophet ordered their execution is not right. The punishment was severe, so was the crime (Did not USA destroyed Afghanistan for 9/11 attacks?, was the killing justified?)

The figure of 800 males being killed is exaggerated. It was much less that that. If this figure looks very high to you, just go thru the records of wars of Moses and Joshua and verify how many persons they killed in one day (but to you those were barbaric and uncivilized people). It is strange for you to express horror at the figure of 800, when USA killed 100,000 thousands person instantaneously in Hiroshima and another 100,000 in Nagasaki by dropping Atom Bomb on these cities. If you want to check how many persons have been killed by USA in Iraq in one day during their indiscriminate bombings, you will be surprised. The Jews were judged according to their own laws and they have no right to complain. Maintenance of Law and Order and peace is a tough decision and is left to practical people and not those who manage world affairs thru their couches. Q125. Objection, Superstitions, Was the prophet Superstitious?-II Ans. Now let us tackle with your present list of so called superstitions: Bukhari V1B4No162: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever performs ablution should clean his nose with water by putting the water in it and then blowing it out, and whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do it with odd number of stones." 2. Cleaning with Odd Number of Stones: About nose cleaning I have already given my reply. In Arab lands water was usually scare, so people were using stones etc for cleaning their private parts after the call of nature. Our prophet also used to do the same. As a highly organized person, he would do every thing with care. So he used to use odd number of stones for cleaning. There was no superstition involved. If he used even number, then also the same question will arise. It was his practice to use right hand for acts which are favorable and left hand for acts that are not pleasing. Same way he used to do things odd number of times, 3, 5, 7 etc. This was his practice and we follow it.

Bukhari 4.537: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease." 3. Dipping the fly: If a fly falls into one’s drink, the normal practice is to throw the drink away. Our prophet taught us that such a small object does not make the drink impure. So you dip it again into the drink and then use your drink. If you prove medically that dipping it again is harmful for the body, then you can call this practice superstitious. Otherwise it is an act of humility and grace. Bukhari 8.794: Narrated Anas : Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die. 4. Urine of Camel: In those days, medicine was not that much advanced and Arabs were using many of their homemade remedies. For some diseases, urine of camel was used as a remedy. So for these people prophet allowed the use of this remedy. If needs demand, you can use some banned items as drugs. So there was no superstition in that 4A. As regards punishment to these people for their crime, I think the prophet thought that Eye for Eye and Tooth for Tooth punishment was more satisfactory for such crimes. There is no superstition there. Muslim Book 026, Number 5564: Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who killed a gecko with the first stroke for him is such and such a reward, and he who killed it with a second stroke for him is such and such reward less than the first one, and he who killed it with the third stroke for him is such and such a reward less than the second one.

5. Reward for gecko Killing: Gecko was not a welcome creature in human inhabitations. So it was to be killed if it comes into their homes. As regards amount of reward for killing in one stroke, second stroke or third stroke, I am not sure of reasoning, but we are discussing superstitions here. So where was the superstitions? If you prove that Gecko is beneficial for human society then this action can be considered as superstitious. Narrated Abu Talha: The Prophet said, "Angels do not enter a house witch has either a dog or a picture in it." Bukhari 4.541: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody keeps a dog, he loses one Qirat (of the reward) of his good deeds everyday, except if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of livestock. " 6. Keeping Dog as Pets: Prophet prohibited for Muslims to keep dog as household pets. They could be used for guarding and hunting purposes, but not as pets inside house. This is a religious matter and not connected with any superstitions. Muslim, Book 010, Number 3813: Abu Zubair heard Jabir b.'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with him) saying: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered us to kill dogs, and we carried out this order so much so that we also kill the dog coming with a woman from the desert. Then Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) forbade their killing. He (the Holy Prophet further) said: It is your duty the jet-black (dog) having two spots (on the eyes), for it is a devil. 7. Killing of Black Dogs: This is also not a standing instruction to Muslims to exterminate dogs from planet earth. Prophet allowed the dogs to be kept for guarding and for hunting. This killing instruction could have a special circumstance about which we do not have enough information.

8. General Remarks: Now we are thru with your present list. Please post your next list, till we are thru with the subject. I think in such cases we should have open mind and do not be biased. When you see Jesus cursing a fig tree, we do not jump to superstition. There might be a reason to it. Q126. Prophesized Comforter, Was Holy Ghost the promised Comforter? Ans. Counselor Criterions as fixed by Jesus (Did Holy Ghost fulfils these) 1. He shall be another comforter like Jesus Holy Ghost is nothing like Jesus. Jesus was flesh and spirit. Holy Ghost is only spirit. So there is no comparison at all. What Jesus promised was another man like Jesus 2. He shall not come until Jesus goes away? (Two Comforters cannot exist together). Holy Ghost was visiting the earth, before Jesus came into the world; He or She was also visiting earth during the life time of Jesus. There are numerous mentions of Holy Ghost visits to earth during these periods. So it is meaningless to say that Holy Ghost would come to earth only after Jesus went away. 2A. He shall abide for ever. Yes, in this Holy Ghost fulfils the criterion, but this is true for any spirit that it shall abide for ever. For physical bodies, if their teachings are intact, they could be thought as if they are abiding physically. 3. He shall convict the world As per our knowledge, Holy Ghost did not do any such thing. Its presence was only confirmed during Pentecost and no such thing took place. Disciples of Jesus never got any worldly power to convict or challenge the world. Many of the disciples were even martyred so that they became themselves victims.

4. He will not speak of himself, what ever he hears, he shall speak. Holy Ghost as member of Holy Trinity is also God. How it can be said that He will not speak of Himself. If He speaks only what He hears, then He is no longer God and Trinity cannot be established. So this criterion is applicable for someone, who is not God. 5. He shall give many more teachings which Jesus could not give or his disciples were not able to bear then. This is the supreme test for Counselor, he should provide new teachings which Jesus could not give to his disciples. As per records on Pentecost day, the Holy Ghost did not give any new teachings to disciples of Jesus. He did not inform them of a new Super Disciple of Jesus (Paul) who will totally change the teachings of Jesus. 6. He shall tell them about things to come. Holy Ghost on Pentecost day, did not teach the disciples about future events. Not a single word on that conversation is on record. If that teachings were for personal ears of disciples, then there was no need to highlight this issue. 7. He shall testify about Jesus. Whether Holy Ghost testified about Jesus is not confirmed. But this clause was superfluous because the Ascension of Jesus was very recent, why Holy Ghost need to testify about Jesus to the original disciples of Jesus. However if the counselor was to come into the world after a sufficient time had passed, then there was a need to testify about Jesus and renew his message. From the above it is clear that Counselor promised by Jesus was not Holy Ghost which came on Pentecost day, but some other person, who came after Jesus. Now let us look into the history of the world after Jesus and verify is all these criterion are met in any other individual.

Q127 Success , Jesus, How can we compare? Ans. I do not want to be disrespectful to Jesus and prophets are not judged as per their worldly success, that is why I had just put my comment in a language that you will understand, but you have forced me to give you some facts: 1: Worldly success of Jesus: A. Jesus’ impact during his life time was minimal in Palestine. He could gather only twelve intimate disciples and seventy or odd dedicated followers. Rest of the multitude just heard his message and might have thought him a righteous prophet. B. When Jesus was arrested by Romans, all his disciples left him in his extreme hour of need and he was executed as a common criminal on a cross . C. During his life time, Jesus did not create any new religion, did not make a separate Church and not a single word of scripture was written down on his orders. His preaching was only verbal. So when Jesus died, he had very minimal amount of worldly success.. 2: Worldly success of Mohammad (PBUH) : A. Our prophet also started his preaching, in a pagan environment where not a single soul had the concept of revelation, prophet hood and life after death. He slowly started preaching and gaining converts. B. He gained followers (known as Companions of Prophet) who became his staunch followers, and never left the prophet in danger. They sacrificed their lives to save prophet’s life. Slowly and surely the message of prophet took root in Arabia. C. Despite trials and tribulations, before the death of prophet, whole of Arabia was under his control and he had a dedicated bunch of more than 100,000 followers who were present during the last pilgrimage. All staunch torch bearers of Mohammad (PBUH) and his religion. How can you compare Jesus and Mohammad (PBUH) this world?

on their success in

3. Acts of Apostles of Jesus: A. Jesus had left his apostles without any central organization or Church. So they carried out individual preaching. When the movement started getting some success, a Jew and Jesus hater by the name of Paul usurped the whole movement, by claiming himself to be the Apostle of Jesus. B. Paul’s influence grew so large, that he became the most important figure in Christianity. Chosen Apostle of Jesus were no match for him and slowly the teachings of Paul became the official teachings of Church and real followers of Jesus were termed as heretics and banished. C. The persecution of Romans also increased and most of Apostles were martyred, and the Christians were not a force in world till about 235 AD. D. They were a pair of disjointed and infighting group of followers without a canon of law or any central system of beliefs.. 4. Acts of Companions of Prophet: A. The companions of the prophet remained united after the death of prophet, and after consolidating internal front, they started to grow out worldly. B. They single handedly took both the Byzantine and Persian Empire, at the same time, and despite heavy odds against Muslims, subjugated both the Empires. C. They extended the prophets message and won Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, and all adjoining lands for Muslims. During the life time of Companions, Islam was the most powerful religion and Islamic State the Biggest and Most Powerful of all states upto that time. D. Islam grew continuously from that time till our present days and is still growing. So actually there is no comparison when we see the acts of Apostles of Jesus and compare it with the acts of Companions of prophet.

4. Christianity’s rise to Power: A. It was only in 325 AD, when Roman Emperor Constantine accepted Christianity and it became the state religion. Christian Church compromised their religion (by accepting symbol of cross, a pagan symbol, selecting 25 th Dec as Jesus’ Birthday, selecting Sunday for mass etc) to make their religion more acceptable to Romans.. B. From that day, Christianity got the official support and was always manipulated by those in Power. Church became extremely powerful and started dominating people life. C. However, The period of Church Domination is referred to as Dark ages by Christians themselves so I do not have to comment on that. D. This rule of Tyranny only ended when the multitude revolted against the Church and clipped its Secular Wings. 5. Modern Day Christianity: A. Yes now the Christians are ruling the world and have created the largest and wealthiest society of earth. B. But you have to remember, that these Christian nations are only in name. They are not guided according to Christian Doctrines and are only superficially Christians. You can take Credit if you want, but the present Christians and Christian nations have no link with Jesus except that they take his name. 5. Islam’s rise and Decline: A. Islam and Muslims have also faced many ups and downs. For many centuries they were the leading light of the world. When Europe was in dark ages, Islamic states were shining fully in glory of Sun Shine. B. But they started declining in worldly power and science and technology, once they went away from the teachings of Islam and its prophets. The fault and backwardness of Muslims cannot be attributed to Islam in any way. C. But even now, words and laws of Mohammad (PBUH) hold much more power in Muslim lives that the words and sayings of Jesus in Christians lives.

That was a comparison of Worldly success of Jesus and Mohammad (PBUH). If we compare the two on their influences in religious matters, the difference would be more contrasting. But as I told , I did not do this to show any disrespect to Jesus, who is a highly respectful prophet name to Muslims. It is God who sent different prophets with different missions. Q128. Truth, Selection of Child, Did Prophet lie? Ans. I leave the parallel between St. Paul and our prophet to the intelligence of readers. Let them decide if both are same thing or different. However I would like to comment on that Hadith of Bukhari where you have mentioned that “If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the child will resemble the father, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her....." This is a total mistranslation of Arabic Word SABAQA. The Arabic word can have different meanings, it can be translated as one which is first and also one which has superiority over other. The prophet spoke in Arabic and not English. Some one could have translated this word in the sense which you have mentioned (when the science was not sufficiently advanced), but the other meaning could also be taken in the light of Modern Science. I think you know it is the male sperm which decides the sex of new born baby and not the female egg (X-X & X-Y). So neither Gabriel told the lie to prophet nor did prophet tell a lie to his followers. It was the translators who misunderstood the sense. Now you will appreciate, why we Muslims insist so much upon the preservation of scriptures in their original language!! If you translate any verse into any other language, in fact you are transposing your views into that translation. With change of time, that translation could go out of date and not the original scripture. Are you still sure that Greek Gospels faithfully translated the message of Jesus who spoke Aramaic language?

Q129. Violence, Did he kill every one who did not believe in him? Ans. Killing every one who does not believe in him, Heh! Let us have a look at his Killing Record A. First Forty Tears of His Life: He was living as a most noble person in Makkah. Earning the Title of AL SADIQ (Truthful) and AL AMEEN (Trustworthy) from Makkan (Probably secretly planning to kill all residents of Makkah). B. Forty First Year: Appointed Prophet from God and starts his mission. He is in minority of one. Did he pick up sword and start killing every one who does not believe in Him? No Sir, he patiently carries out his mission. Slowly and surely gaining the converts. Who are his early followers? Cut throats? Robbers? Child Molesters? No Sir, all the noblest souls in Makkah join his mission. For what? Worldly gains? To rule over the world? No Sir, because they sincerely believe in his message and are attracted by his magnetic personality and beautiful rendering of Quran. C. Upto Fifty Years of Age: Makkan prosecute the prophet and his followers; they hurl every insults on him including physical force. Many of his followers have to migrate to Abyssinia for fear of their lives. The prophets bears every thing with perseverance.. Did he start his killing mission in Makkah? No Sir D. Fifty to fifty third years of his life: After the death of his uncle and his wife, the years were really difficult for him. He was even assaulted physically. When Makkah becomes too hot for him, he goes to city of Taif. But get no support there and returns empty handed full of sorrow. Did he then picked up his sword and start killing those who do not believe in him? No Sir, he shows extreme self control. E. Migration to Medina: In 53rd year of his life, some people from Medina accept his mission and agree for him to migrate to Medina. Who are these fellows? Cut throats, robbers and mischief makers? No Sir; these are sincere believers in his message. The thought of fighting and killing in far from their minds. They know that they are putting their neck on the Guillotine. Whole Arab will rise against them. From the migration prophet lived ten more years in this world.

F first Year in Medina: In Medina there are Jews, Muslims, Non Muslims and Hypocrites all are living. Does prophet start executing all Non Muslims, Jews and Hypocrites? No Sir. He makes a treaty with Jews to have internal peace in Medina G. Second Year in Medina: First battle between Muslims and Makkan is fought at BADR. :Muslims 313 and ill armed, Makkan 1000.and heavily armed. Muslims won the Battle, Casualty 14 Muslims, 70 Makkan, 70 Makkan are arrested, did prophet killed all of them? No Sir, only two are killed and rest are freed , some with ransom, some without ransom. A model character for a Blood Thirsty Tyrant? Jewish tribe of BANI QAINUQAH break the treaty, Did prophet killed all of them? No Sir, they are allowed to leave the city with all their lives and possessions!! A bad record indeed for a Blood Thirsty Tyrant!! H. Third Year in Medina: Battle between Muslims and Makkan is fought at OHUD, Muslims 700, Makkans 3000. The battle ends with no result. Casualty Muslims, 70, Makkans;14 Jewish Tribe of BANU NADHEER break their treaty. Did prophet killed them all? No Sir, he allows them to leave Medina with their lives and possession. The blood thirsty Tyrant again fails us!! G. Fifth Year in Medina: Whole Arab comes to attack Medina. Prophet defends the city by digging a ditch around the city. Muslims 3000, Arabs 12000. The time is very critical for survival. Jews of BANI QURAIDAH are located in the rear of Muslims. At the most critical juncture they break the treaty, endangering Muslim army from back. Somehow Makkan have to withdraw without war. Casualty minimum from both sides. After the War, Jews are to be punished for their treachery. After a brief siege they agree for an Arbitrator. On his decision, all males are killed and women and children taken prisoner. This is the bloodiest incident in the whole life of prophet. The crime was serious and Jews themselves had agreed to the Arbitrator. If the decision was in the hand of prophet, it could have been different. H. Sixth Year in Medina: Prophet captures the Jewish City of KHAIBAR. Did he massacre all the Jews who did not believe in him? No Sir, he spares every one and asks them to pay tribute. What a record for blood thirsty tyrant.

I Eighth Year in Medina: Prophet conquers Makkah with minimum blood shed. At least now he has the same Makkan under his control. Those who persecuted him and his followers for 13 years and caused all these wars. What do you expect from a Blood Thirsty Tyrant? To kill every one in Makkah? No Sir, Our Prophet pardons every one in Makkah!! How do you account for them? The delegation from Taif comes to prophet to accept Islam. Remember what they did to him when he visited there. What our prophet does? He pardons every one. Our prophet used minimum force to spread his message. He did not kill any of the hypocrites in Medina. It is world record that with such a small blood shed, he captured whole of Arabia. Number of casualties on both sides does not reach even 1000. Compare this figure with How many Moses Killed and How many Joshua Killed and How many David Killed, that too for a portion of Palestine which is much smaller than Medina, here you see the greatness of our Prophet. If you still believe that our prophet spread his message at the point of sword and killed every one who did not believe in him, it is your choice. Q130. Authenticity, Witness, Did prophet had witness when angel visited him? Ans. Two to three Witness to establish a truth: You are using the principle at a wrong place. If you apply this test to your scriptures also, you will see that it would fail in every respect. Let me ask you following questions 1. Who wrote those five books of Moses? Moses or some body else? Where are two or three witness to testify that Moses indeed wrote those books? This holds for almost all OT and NT Books and every book is attributed to one man. 2. When Moses met Lord at the Bush, how many witnesses he had? Do you accept those statements? 3. When Angel appeared to Mary, how many witnesses she had? If you go by this criterion many miracles of Jesus are described by only one Gospel. Where are your two or three witnesses.

Therefore the rule of two or three witness does not apply to what a prophet of God tells to his people about revelation. The thing which separates prophets and common people is that they see angels of God and common people do not. If two or three people were to witness what goes on between Prophets and angels, then you will have so many prophets, that you cannot count. Further this rule of at least Two Witness , was fully followed when the Quran was being compiled in the book form. Every one who was producing any verse of Quran had to bring two witness, to testify that he wrote down that verse in front t on instruction of prophet. Authenticity and purity of Quran is unparalleled amongst the world scripture. No other can match it. As regards, your statement that it contradicts established scripture, you first have to prove that you reliable text of scripture. One verse found there, one scroll found there do not establish the purity of entire text. The contradictions and errors in Bible are numerous and every one who has studied this subject knows it. The space is short on this thread, otherwise I could quote many examples myself. As for your statement, that Bible supports that earth was without foundations, then you are misleading. If at one place Bible says that earth is flat and has foundations and at another place it says otherwise, then it comes under contradiction. Which one you will believe as truth and which one as falsehood? Q131. Quran Proof, Challenge , Is it word of God? Ans. How to prove that Quran is not written by men: The Challenge is in the book itself. It is repeated at many places, that if you think that this book is not from God, then: A. You should also bring a book like it (like you wrote 100 + Gospels). B. Bring at least ten Chapter like it. C. Or Bring One Chapter like it. D. Or bring at least some thing comparable like it.

Then the final challenge was given that "If all men and Jinn join together to bring a book like it, they will not be able to do so, even if they all back each other". So far this challenge of Quran is standing for 1400 years. May be you (with your millions of Arab Christians) should come forward and try your hand at it!! 2. Parts of Quran are contradicted by Science: There is not a single statement of Quran which has been contradicted by established scientific facts. You should come with examples. The example given by you "Universal flood with 8 survivors" is not mentioned in Quran. Quran only states that the flood came for the people of Noah. In that flood only Noah and people who believed in him (Quran does not mention the quantity, but says they were few) were saved and rest were drowned. It is Bible which says that it was a Universal flood and whole earth was submerged (see the similarities and differences between Quran and Bible). However Quran says that all human on earth are children of those who were saved in Ark. This can be explained, because by Noah's time humanity had not spread and all people were living in one geographical area. Quranic version is reasonable and scientific. 3. False gods VS True God: Believe in True Creator does not mean that you justify claims of other people believing in many gods. You have to compare the Names and Attributes of Creator mentioned in Quran and then compare it with other beliefs.

Chapter- 9 On Religion , War or Terror and others. Q132. God , Did prophets saw God with their eyes? Ans. Prophets are humans like any other human. And no human eye can see God physically, so there is nothing strange if no prophet saw God physically. But prophets do see angels who appear to them bringing revelation from God and their job is to convey that information to their followers and act as a working example of that information. That is the job of prophets and nothing else. How come, Creator and Creations should be same? This is very strange indeed!! Is maker of car same as the car? In fact there is a total difference between Creator and Creation. That God is Immortal and Non Material demands that His Creation be Mortal and Material. God did not create different religions. In fact God sent the same information to all prophets. It were the followers who divided different religion by themselves and gave them different names. God did not name any religion as Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. God's religion from beginning to end is only one, which is called as Islam (in Arabic) meaning submit your will to the will of your Creator. This willful submission is the hallmark of all prophets. As to your question, why God created races and nations. The best answer to this question is provide in Quran 49:13 "O Mankind! We created you from a single (pair of) male and female, and distributed you into (different) nations and tribes, so that you may recognize each other (not that you may despise each other). Most certainly the most honorable in the eyes of God is one who is most god-conscious, and Allah Knows and Sees all things." So God distributed humans into races, tribes and nations so that they may recognize each other and conduct their worldly affairs in a better manner. Not that they may start wars and oppressions. Humans cannot blame God for their own shortcomings and actions.

Q133. Science Compatibility, Religion and Science, are they compatible? Ans. As regards Earth having foundation, or without foundation, it is my understanding (and I think you will also support it) that Bible, Quran and other scriptures are not sent to us to teach Math, Science and other branches. These are books of guidance for humankind. Since the source is form God almighty, who always speaks the truth, so if there is any mention of any physical phenomenon, it is also correct and truthful. That holds good for revelation, which is preserved in its original tongue. However when people translate that scripture into their native languages, they do it as per their understanding and their available information. So usually the translations for these scientific phenomenon go out of date, with the advance of science. If you have lost the original scripture and have only the translation, the scriptures and science seem to contradict each other. As per my knowledge, none of the Biblical books are preserved in their original tongue and in their original forms. They have been translated and you have only translations and originals have been lost. Then people have added their own commentary and notes in the text and it is not possible to separate them in every case. That is why, we find in many places that there is contradiction between Bible and Modern Science. Quran on the other hand is preserved in its original tongue and in its original condition. That is why, we see that it is always current with modern science. Arabic Words used by God Almighty have many shades of meanings and they support modern discoveries. But Quranic Translations in English and other languages and even Arabic Commentaries, are not safe from this. This explanation, which I have given is unbiased and accommodative.

Q134. Creator, What is purpose of life? Ans. The thing which separates humans from animals is their quest for knowledge and their persistent queries. If man stops asking questions, then there is no difference between him and any other animal. So if you never consider the question why we are here and what is the purpose of our life, then I should say that you are missing a large portion of your human existence. There are scientists and there are philosophers and there are religions, they all are trying to provide answers to these questions. Science base their belief on material proofs, philosophers only on mental logics and religions on revelations, i.e. direct information from the Creator. It is not difficult to judge which is the most reliable means to decide this issue. Science has a limitation that it cannot comment either way on any thing or issue that is not material. It is downright illogical to deny existence of any thing which is not material. Philosophers have no proof of their theories, because it is based only on their own thinking and their own logic. It is only religions who base their theories of real information coming from the Creator itself. It is the religions who answer the question about what is the purpose of our life and why we came here. That is why good scientists accept their limitations and either keep quite or follow the religions. However it is Pseudo Scientists like you and your pack, that do not know their own limitations and brag about things about which they have no KNOWLEDGE. That is why I said, that do not think that you are on any higher platform of logic, or more reasonable or highly placed than those who believe in religion or believe in Creator.

Q135. Evolution, Is Theory of Evolution scientific? Ans. I am not against science and not its opponent. What I want to say, is that science is being misused by its zealot supporters to areas which do not fall in the realm of science. Science deals with material world and material phenomenon and has no place in areas which are not material, like spiritual world, God and His attributes. It is illogical and unreasonable for science to ask material proofs for these things and subjects. A true scientist will remain neutral on these subjects. These Pseudo Scientists like to explain as if this whole Universe Came out without any Plan, Design or Creator at the back of it. Theory of evolution could be true or false, but this “Blind Theory of Evolution” which tries to explain every thing thru “Random Mutation / Natural Selection” without any plan, design, purpose and Creator at the back of it, is basically faulty. It is this Blind Theory of Evolution that I am against. Unguided and unplanned evolution, where facts are reported and no views are inserted to close the gaps. Q136. War on Terror, Was 9/11 inside Job? Ans.. Who is saying that those sitting in the planes were involved in the plots. You must remember that no Telephone calls were mentioned by any one immediately after 9/11 attacks. I never read in any news that any of the plane victims had called any of their relatives. Could cell phone work in planes and at that height is itself debatable. Then why no one informed 911, why no one notified police. For few hours after attack, there was no news of any phone call. All these so called calls surfaced afterwards, that could be part of cover-up. The real issue is that how none of the pilots reported hijacking. How were they killed? None of the hijackers had any arms. Do you mean to say, three or four Arabs can kill Pilot and Co-pilot with bare hands? That too so quickly that they cannot even turn the emergency alarm? That too is all four planes?

It could happen in movies, not in real lives. Then none of the hijackers knew how to fly Jumbo Jet. Do you mean to say it is very easy to fly and navigate Jumbo Jet by novice pilots? Then why they pay so high for trained Pilots? The hijackers flew for more than 90 minutes off course. How were they sure that no body will detect them? Did they only left it to chance? How were the Hijackers sure that all four planes are hijacked? Or they did not care and each plane was left to its own fate? Further, why there was time gap between plane strikes. How were they sure that even after the first strike no one will raise general alarm? Or they just left it only to chance? When you plan such a grand operation, you just do not leave these important matters to chance. Then there are experts who say that WTC towers could not collapse just on the impact of one Jumbo Jet and the resulting fire. Why not cross examine them and know the truth. In my view 9/11 commission just trivialized the whole issue. The report for a forgone conclusion. USA had already attacked Afghanistan, how could the Commission decide otherwise. It was a political report and not an investigative report. Don’t make fun by saying that a two year child could be the ring leader. You owe the truth for the thousands killed in that attack and hundreds of thousands killed in aftermath of 9/11. Why don’t you want to know the real truth? Q137. Al Qaeda, Was 9/11 inside Job? Ans. Neither all speculations are true nor all of them are wrong. You have to use reason, logic and tangible proofs to decide which is closer to truth and which is closer to falsehood. Otherwise what we see is that every action of Government in Power is right (according to official sources) and every action of Government in Power is faulty and defective (according to opposition party)!!! So we do not blindly accept any version unless we use our own mind, logic and reasoning.

There are both versions of 9/11; one official saying that 9/11 was done by Al Qaeda acting alone and without any support from ground staff. And another is that such an operation could not be done unless you have support from the ground persons at one or more stage. What lame justifications you are providing to justify the official position, shows that you have already closed your mind and are no longer thinking objectively on this matter. I asked that how the Hijackers KNEW that hijacking of all four planes has been done successfully and without any alarm being raised? Do you think it was a minor issue? If even one of the hijackings was reported, Govt. Response would have been totally different. The planes flew almost for 90 minutes off course, how did hijackers KNEW that this will not be detected, or was it a minor matter, it would not have mattered in the plan one way or other? Then I asked why was there so much time gap between the strike of first plane and the next…was is accidental or hijackers KNEW that no one will take the first strike as terrorist attack. Do you think it was a minor thing and it would not have saved the second tower from attack? Then there are experts who say that twin towers could never come down because of only Jet planes hitting them or due to Aviation Fuel fire. But we call them nuts because we SAW with our own eyes the towers coming down. Seeing is believing!! Take the example of Watergate Scandal, if people would have accepted the official version, there would not have been so much investigation and not the so much consequences. It was the suspicion by media which fuelled the investigation to its logical conclusion. That suspicion is lacking in 9/11 investigation, every one "feels" satisfied by the official version. The reason? It involves another community and another people?

Q138. Purpose, Was 9/11 inside job? Ans. First of all I want to thank you for your beautiful message. Yes we have much more in common than the differences. It is our misfortune that we always concentrate on difference rather than commonalties. This is the main cause of mistrust between different groups. I agree for most of what you have said, let me point out the reason that I feel that 9/11 was probably an inside job and others were implicated. I begin by the Simple logic that on one front you presume a man very intelligent and on the other front total stupid. Let us take the case of 9/11. Al Qaeda were planning about this operation for past many years. They take all precautions that no one should no any thing about it. They even trained their members to take flying lessons. (Even though it is very much debatable that such a trainee could fly a Jumbo Jet and able to change its course at hit a small object like WTC Tower). Now you imagine the Scenario, they Board four planes from different airports at different times. There is no evidence that any of them carried any arms. It was not detected at any airport. If they could defeat the s security at each airport, it speaks very bad of US Airport Security System (Take off time of each Aircraft was different, How did they know that all four planes have been boarded? They did not had any communication between them). Did they leave it to chance that no body was detained at the Airport? Once Airborne, they Hijack the planes (How? It is not clear, how in every case no pilot raised any alarm, How were they sure that Pilots did not press any hidden button? How did know so well about plane security system?) Every plane was Hijacked at different time. How did they know that every plane has indeed been Hijacked? Did they just leave it to chance. Now they Change the course of planes and for more than 90 or so minutes, the planes were following different courses than one planned. How were they sure that this change of course will not be detected? Did they leave it to only Chance? Now the first plane hits WTC at 900 AM, the next one hits the second tower after almost one hour. How were they sure that in the remaining period, no body will notice about the missing planes. If the wanted surprise and the dramatic effect and better chances of success, they should have planned that all four planes hit the target at about the same time. Within 5 to 10

minutes keeping the uncertainties, usually in such cases the culprits synchronize their watches. The Third plane hits Pentagon after .15 minutes of WTC and the fourth plane was brought down after another 15 minutes or so. During All this time, no action is taken by any of the authorities. How were the Hijackers sure that the operation was remain totally secret till the lat minute, if you think that they just leave it to mere chance, then they were not that intelligent as to make such an elaborate plan and leave this important factor to only chance. Look at it from another angle, One Missile hits New York at 900 AM, Another Hit New York at 0945 AM, Third one Hits Washington at 1000 and the fourth hits Pennsylvania at 1015 AM, and in all this period USAF, MOD and every one just watches. It paints US Security and MOD in very bad light. You read 9/11 report, it is the most tooth less report. Just a major breach in National Security is detected and they keep quite. Just calling it a system failure. USAF and MOD silently accept this Goof Up without protesting. It does not maker sense. Phone calls etc mentioned in 9/11 report are all part of cover up. Now look at it from another angle, Who got benefit from this attack? Muslims? Al Qaeda? Taliban or some one else. Did Al Qaeda believed that be hitting these four sites, USA will surrender to their demands? Will there be no counter attack? Were they prepared for that? Why would they do such a foolish act without thinking about the consequences? Did Muslims in the world or any Muslim Country got any benefit from 9/11 attack (except for initial euphoria when you your enemy hurt) Now you see, ever since the fall of USSR, A very powerful lobby in USA and Europe is trying to make Islam as their next army. You can see the increase in Anti Muslim Propaganda between 1991 and 2001. 9/11 was such an incident which created a wedge between West and all Muslim countries. From that point onward, the relations between the two were irreparably damaged. For a Historical Prospective the incident which started WW-1 (And WW-2 was in fact continuation of WW-1) was as assassin bullet that killed an Austrian Prince. Who fired that fateful shat is mystery that killed 60 Million Humans lost their lives due to that.

The only Nation or Group which gained from 9/11 were Israel and Zionists. They succeeded at last is putting permanent hatred and mistrust between USA and Muslim countries on 9/11/2001. If you were watching the news that fateful day, Israel immediately started Bombardment in Palestinian positions, and poor Palestinians had no one to talk to for many months. Their cause had no taker for many years and still has no taker. These are the points on which I feel that it was a staged drama. Who were the main conspirators and who were involved in cover up will be clear after our going away from this earth.

Alphabetical Question Index Note: Letters in Roman Numbers indicate Chapter Numbers


Ch .Q#




Alcohol, Is banning Alcohol good for society?



Allah's Will, Is Allah's will unpredictable?



Arabs, Paganism, Was Paganism original religion of Arabs?



Belief, Fundamentals, What are the Fundamentals of Islam?



Bible, Are Muslims against publication of Bible?



Bible, Authenticity, RSV and Woman in act of Adultery?



Bible, Permanency, Are Moses laws for ever?



Born Muslims, Is very child born is Muslim?



Christianity, Should Muslims and Christians coexist?



Christians, Christians should thank Jews!!



Civilization, Role of Islam, What role Islam played in growth of Islamic Civilization?



Communal Violence, Why this Shia Sunni Violence?



Compare growth of Islamic and European Civilizations



Creator Proof, Religion, Do Evolutionists have proofs?



Al Qaeda, Was 9/11 inside Job?


Ch .Q#


Creator, Civilization, Is human progress dependent on God?



Creator, Existence, Why God did not reveal Himself?



Creator, Proof, Why we cant see God?



Creator, Proofs, Physical proofs for Creator





Creator, Universal, Do all religions worship same God?



Creator, Voting, Should we decide Creator by Vote?




Creator, Proofs, Why Creator not bound by laws?

Creator, What is purpose of life?



Criminal Justice, Punishment,. Are Islamic punishment Barbaric?



Criminal Laws, Is Crime rate high in Muslim society?







Democracy, What is Islamic Democracy?



Double Standards, Does God uses Double Standards?







David, King, Was David only King? Democracy & Kingship Is Democracy a Magic Wand?

Evolution, Is Theory of Evolution scientific? Fantasy, Pope, If I become Pope!


Ch .Q#


Global Islamization, Why Muslims want to dominate the world?



God , Did prophets saw God with their eyes?



God Names, What are God’s 99 names?



Hate , USA, Why Muslims hate USA?



Health Care, Insurance, Why Health Insurance?



Heaven, Muslims will not go to heaven



Hereafter Punishment, Is Eternal Punishment Justified?



Hindu Dialog, Race Relations, What is interpretation of Racism?



Hindu Dialog, RSS, What is bodes for India?



Hindu Dialog, Why Indian Muslims support Saudis?



Hindu, Non Violence, Are Hindus non violent?



Holy War, Jihad, Is Jihad same as Holy War?











Images, Are statues and Cross permitted in Christianity? Isaac, Should Jews get Isaac’s Inheritance? Ishmael, Inheritance, What is the record of Ishmael Progeny? Islam Origin, Was Islam religion of all prophets?


Ch .Q#


Islamic Criminal Law, Is Islamic punishments Sadistic?



Islamic Criminal Law, There would be lots of one handed men in Islamic countries?



Islamic Criminal Laws, System, Means and Goals



Islamic Criminal System, Effective ness, Are Shariah laws brutal?



Islamic Reformation, Is it need of hour?



Islamic Reformation, Why it is not started?



Israel Creation, Was Israel Justified?



Israel Justification, Analogy between Israel and Division of India & Pakistan?





Jesus , Crucifixion, Islamic Position



Jesus , Divinity, Is Jesus God?



Jesus Depreciation, Does Islam depreciate Jesus?



Jesus, Divinity, Is it established so well?




Jesus, Divinity, Is Jesus s divinity so Clear?



Jesus, Divinity, Why is it degrading to say that God became man?



Jesus, Existence, Did Jesus really existed?



Israel, Why Muslims want to destroy Israel?


Ch .Q#


Jesus, Existence, Did real Jesus Existed?



Jesus, Genealogy, Contradictions between Matthew and Luke?



Jesus, Jew, Did Jesus preach to Non Jews?





Jesus, Non Jews, Did Jesus preached to Non Jews?



Jesus, Preaching, Did Jesus preach to all people?



Jews Hate, Do Muslim hate all Jews?



Jews Modern living, Are Jews living in modern age?



Jews Palestine Claim, Are Jews justified in their claim?





Jihad , Levels, What are levels of Jihad?



Jihad, Types, What is Personal Jihad?



Language Superiority, Is God Partial in using single language?



Language, Arabic Language, Is Arabic Superior to other language?



Last Prophet, Are Muslims waiting for a prophet?



Last Prophet, Who is the prophet mentioned in Deut 18:18



Jesus, Kingdom of God, Will Jesus establish it in his second coming?

Jews, Bani Quraizah, Was prophet harsh to them?


Ch .Q#


Last Prophet, Who is the prophet mentioned in Deut 18:18





Marriage Aiyesha, Was it a Child Marriage?



Martyrs, Why only Islamic Martyrs go to heavens?





Mutation, Random, Knowledge of Creator is Perfect



National Unity, Should Muslim Nations Unite?



Old Prophets, Were all prophets Muslims?



Other faiths, Relations , What is Islam’s stand on this?



Pakistan Partition, Was Pakistan creation fraud by UNO?



Palestine Peace , Do Palestinians want peace?



Palestine Solution, Is there any Solution to this problem?



Palestine, Does Palestine belong to Jews only?



Perfection, Way of Life, This day, I have perfected your religion?



Pillars, What are five pillars of Islam?



Preaching Universal, Did God meant Bible for whole World?



Laws, Temporary, Are Bible laws temporary?

Muslim Christians Co Existence, Why Islam is so hated by Christians?


Ch .Q#


Progress, Birth Control, Is Birth control main reason of backwardness?



Prophesized Comforter, Was Holy Ghost the promised Comforter?



Prophet , Truth, Selection of Child, Did Prophet lie?



Prophet Character, Superstitions, Was the prophet Superstitious?-I



Prophet Character, Superstitions, Was the prophet Superstitious?-II



Prophet hood , Test, Should we believe in every new prophet?



Prophet hood, Is there any Islamic Tree of Life?



Prophet, Aiyesha Marriage, Did prophet marriage a child?



Prophet, Violence, Did he kill every one who did not believe in him?



Prophets Choice, Is it OK from Jews to Reject Jesus and Mohammad?





Quran Authenticity, Witness, Did prophet had witness when angel visited him?



Quran Challenge, Plato’s dialogues, Newton’s Principia are comparable to Quran?









Quran Authenticity, Did Othman Changed Quran text?

Quran Proof, Challenge , Is it word of God? Racism, Preaching, Were Jews supposed to preach to other nations? Reformation, Why no reformation in Islam?


Ch .Q#




Scene Violence, If Virginia Tech Killer was a Muslim



Science Compatibility, Religion and Science, are they compatible?



Scientists, God, Why Scientists don’t want to believe in God?



Self Destructive, Islamic principles are self destructive



Sexual Crimes, Criminal Justice, Punishment for sexual crimes





Suicide Bombers, Why don’t you condemn them?



Tolerance, Other faiths, How to co-exist?



Tolerance, Secularism, Is Secularism protects minorities better than Islam?



Tolerance, Why Muslims say that it is the Only true faith?



Trinity, Holy Spirit, Did Jesus teach Trinity?



Trinity, Holy Spirit, Is Jesus Divinity not an issue?



Trinity, Logical, Is Trinity easy to understand?



Trinity, Proof, Proof thru infinity?



Un Islamic acts, Why these are heroes of Islam?



Religion, Lie, Are Evolutionists telling truth?

Success , Jesus, How can we compare?


Ch .Q#


Universality, Religions, Why there are different religions?



War on Terror, Was 9/11 inside Job?



West, Sharia, Western system borrowed from Sharia



Women Right, Islam subjugates women?



Women Rights , Does Islam discriminates?



Women Rights , Women’s Right in Islam



Women Rights, Why Islam discriminates against Women



Women Rights, Should husband not protect his wife?



Women Rights, What is women’s age of marriage in Islam?



Women, Equality, Is doing household jobs degrades women?



WTC Purpose, Was 9/11 inside job?



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