Evolution Primer

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To: Those who whole heartedly believe in Theory of Evolution and look down on all those who do not believe in it Yes now I got convinced totally with your logic. What a fool I was all this time arguing against a superior and reasonable logic. Every thing you said made total sense and every thing I said was absolutely rubbish. Now I know that all you need is sufficient time and random permutation and combination and every thing falls into place. What an Idiot I was to not realize that earlier. It was so simple indeed. My problem was that I was always stuck with the question Why? Now I know that Why is a useless word and must never be spoken in any serious discussions. We should only concentrate on How. If we know how things are working, it is all we need. Why we waste our time in probing for Why. There are millions of things which we still have to find out as to How they are working. When we have answered these How s then may be after a billion years from now, we will start answering Why s. I have reformed and I will make it my life’s mission to propagate your ideas and your logic and your reasoning to every one, specially the fools who still want to live in dark and medieval ages. I have indeed started my mission and writing a Primer for these dumb and half witted fellows. I put it up for your review and valued suggestions. Please correct me where I go wrong. The Evolution Primer (For the Morons, dummies, Bozos , idiots and Recent Converts to the Age of Enlightenment) Part -1 Cosmology Notes 1. Words like God, Creator, Planning, Design, Information etc. are absolute Taboo and Anathema here. Three offenses would terminate the lesson and the offender would be permanently debarred from this class, unless he can prove that he permanently expunged these words from his conscious and sub conscious memory. 2. It is OK to say I do not know or Time will reveal the truth any how, if any thing seems illogical or unreasonable.. 3. Use of Phrases like Chaos Bring Order in the End, Randomness is the Key to Progress etc. are highly recommended. In exams any one using such phrases would get 10 extra marks each time he uses them.

Beginning: It all stated at least 5 to 10 Billion years ago (In fact the time is not important, if it does not fit our calculations we could change it 100 Billion or a Trillion Year or even a few Trillion years, what is important is that we must have sufficient time for all permutations and combinations to exhaust), when all of a sudden out of no where a Big Bang occurred and vast and vast amount of 12 Basic Particles got there as a result of…(We Don’t know yet)… Extreme heat may be. Any one will do any thing to escape hot spots.. When these Basic Particles got there, Then it was Natural that Law of Gravitation and Laws of Motions and Laws of Thermodynamics and other Known and yet unknown Laws of Physics came into existence. Even though these laws are exact but their origin was random and by chance. It was only Natural that these basic particles to be ruled by these laws. They Chose to abide by Natural laws out of Their Own free Will When things cooled down a bit some sense came to these particles and they wanted to do some thing useful instead of just hanging around. So these particles got combined into Hydrogen atoms, they tried many combinations but agreed that One Proton, One Neutron and One Electron was the Most Natural way to start with. So all these basic particles combined into Hydrogen atoms, Electrons took their position around nucleus and started to circle it. Then these vast numbers of Hydrogen Atoms formed into Billions upon Billions of Stars and these Billions upon Billions of Stars formed Billions of Galaxies. It was only Natural that these stars move around in some way. They fixed their orbits using laws of Physics. A few Trillions who did not like to move into orbits got smashed into each other. The process continued till Order was established in the Cosmos. Some curious traps like Black Holes still exist to swallow those stars that Rebel against this cosmic order…. After initial trial and errors, the stars and galaxies apparently found their Natural orbits and for past few Billion years, we did not hear of any catastrophe. Things are pretty stable now, but still some stars do die and new ones are born to maintain the equilibrium. The Universe is continuing to expand and will continue to do so indefinitely. If that is not the case then we will leave it to Nature to take care of it. The reason that so many billions upon billions starts came into being was that Nature did not know its own power at the Time of Big Bang, otherwise it would have settled for a smaller Bang. One reason was to get Trillions of Stars with Earth Like properties so it could play with its Game of Life. If there was any Creator (sorry for the taboo word), he would have created only a few hundreds of stars and get done with it. Large numbers of stars only prove that there is no logic and no plan and no design behind it.

Review Questions (Caution: Use of any Taboo Word would cause automatic deduction of 10 marks and successive use of three Taboo Words would result in Automatic Disqualification) 1. What was before The Big Bang? Ans. This is a very Illogical Question. Time, space, matter and energy (and our thought process) were all created after Big Bang. So we must never contemplate as to what was before Big Bang. On the other hand it is very logical question as to ask who created the Creator (Pardon Examiner for using Taboo Word, we use is to destroy those Morons, so no deduction in marks please). (Note We must have separate logic for us and separate for those morons.) 2. Who or What Power caused the Big Bang? Why WE could not create anything worthwhile by biggest explosions that we did? Ans. As explained to you morons Zillions of times, you should never ask question who or why. These are irrelevant questions and have no bearing on the topic. We concentrate only on How. So shut up And who said we did not create any thing with our Big Explosions?. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were two sleepy towns back in 40 s. After we shook them up with those Big Explosions, they evolved into two ultra modern cities. Go and look them now. There is no comparison (Examiner can I insert pictures or slides with my answer? No….Topix will not support it). So our Explosions did create two Ultra Modern Cities from those sleepy towns. And every big explosion (Bombs and Missiles falling into civilian areas) from our side, does create many small explosions (in form of Suicide Bombers) in Iraq, Afghanistan and else where proving that explosions do create things. 3. How the 12 Basic Particles were created in right proportion? Ans. There are not 12 but 16 particles you Morons. Who cares they were created in tight proportion? At that high temperature who cared what was created and in what numbers. May be Zillions of Orphan particles are still out there. This is an idiotic question showing total lack of modern science. 4. How these 12 particles combined themselves in right proportion to form Hydrogen Atom? Ans. It is question of Hot and Cold really you Moron. When things cooled down after the intense heat of Big Bang, the particles would do any thing to escape that heat. Then it was

only Natural for them to join into a Hydrogen Atoms, what else they could have done? Moral: You can achieve many things using this Hot and Cold concept. When we made things too hot for Iraqis, they immediately accepted Democracy when things cooled down a bit. We will do same for Afghanistan when next President takes office. We will make things extremely hot there, so when they cool down a bit they would also become a cow. 5. How the Natural laws of Physics and Thermodynamics came about? Ans. What a dumb Question is this? They also came to escape the extreme heat of big Bang. Whatever the laws would have resulted, it would be considered natural. Only thing is that it should be applicable to all. That is why Democracy is so important. Because everyone accepts rule made by Parliament. Sorry Examiner I got carried away. I thought it was a political debate. 6. Which Power fixed the orbits of so many zillions of stars and billions of Galaxies that they do not overlap into each other? Ans. Again asking Which Who and Why? When things cool down, strange things can happen. For first billion year there was a lot of hustle and bustle. Many weaker stars had to vacate the important slots. Some were pushed out of safe orbits. But now things are settled. Once you have democracy…..Sorry once again 7. Why every thing in known Universe is rotating and spinning? Ans. To keep every one guessing. What else these stars do to kill their time? Wont they look stupid just hanging there. Idlers doing nothing. Like you Arab and Muslim guys…. doing nothing but enjoying fruits of all what we do. Part-2 Solar System and Earth Out of Zillions upon Zillions of stars it is Natural that at least a Trillion stars and satellite meet the following conditions of the Solar System (Keep Quite Dummy, Don’t ask for Proof? It is only for People living in Dark Ages to bring proofs and not for us) In Trillions of stars, there is a Central Star, which is hot and burning Hydrogen Fuel at an alarming rate (no need to worry, the fuel would last for at least a few billion years, Oh what a relief). There are a few planets surrounding that star. None of them is so close so as to be consumed by that heat. There is one planet called earth, which placed itself by chance at such a distance, so as not to be very cold or very hot. Then by a chance its rate to spin was so that it takes approximately 24 hours for one rotation. Causing days and nights in almost equal proportion, so that it does

not get very hot or very cold. In the beginning the earth was very hot and in molten stage, slowly it got cooled down and the solid ground appeared. By Chance Mountains formed to make the earth stable from motion. Then by chance the earth got tilted 24 degree to its axis so that it may cause the season of winter and summer. Then By chance Two Hydrogen and One Oxygen atoms combined to form water. By random chance huge amount of water was made. Then By chance there were big empty spaces in its surface to hold all that water. Then by chance some salts got into that sea water, so that it became salty and did not became foul with ageing. It was only pure chance that water got maximum density at 4 Degrees, so that the lakes and seas and ponds could freeze but water is available at the bottom. (This pure chance and random phenomenon of water helped in survival of life later on, otherwise Nature had to look for some other liquid and move to some other planet where life could survive). Then by pure chance Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon Dioxide gases formed a thick atmosphere around earth that protects it from Ultraviolet rays and meteorites entering its atmosphere. Another thing (that happened by pure chance and one of the Random Phenomenon) was that a gas called Ozone (which is very similar to Oxygen) formed a layer above this atmosphere. This Ozone was very powerful in stopping Ultraviolet Rays coming to earth. What a real chance and coincidence, otherwise life had to shift to some other planet. Then the water developed another phenomenon by pure chance and some random distribution of properties. When it evaporates, or freezes it leaves all the impurities behind. Due to this, a pure chance phenomenon, huge amounts of water were evaporated from sea surfaces and large quantity of it was stores in the form of Ice at poles and glaciers at high mountains. The water rose from sea and came back in form of rain to complete the amazing water cycle.. What a pure result of Chance and randomness. Snow at mountain tops and rains caused many rivers to flow thru the earth bringing fresh and palatable water to a large area. The rivers ultimately fall into the sea, but the water the most amazing liquid by pure chance developed another property called surface tension due to which Sea water does not mix with the river water and the two are kept separated. Otherwise all water would have become salty and Nature had to change its plan. By pure Chance the earth surface contained a number of openings and channels. Rain water entered into them And sweet water was available to most part of the earth if we dig a few feet. (However this phenomenon is not peculiar to this earth only. There are trillions of such earths in vast universe, we only have to look for them). Then by another pure chance, huge quantities of Coal, Iron, Copper, Gold, Silver, Diamond and other Minerals were deposited on the earth when these were Randomly Distributed to all the Planets. We only have to dig on each planet and confirm this. By another chance Coal,

Iron, Silver, Gold, Zinc and other materials were located at the depths of few hundred feet and Crude Oil and specialty materials and ores were located at hard to find locations. Then by another pure chance Moon got its phases, so people can know the dates, some stars due to random distribution got certain fixed locations so people can find directions by looking them at night. It was a pure coincidence that these stars are visible with naked eyes. So it is proven beyond doubt that millions of factors that can sustain and help life on this earth came with pure chance and randomness. There is absolutely no evidence of any Plan or Design or any such thing. In future we will discover trillion of planets like earth that will have a life form living there. Review Questions (Caution: No Taboo Words Please) 1. Why water developed all these amazing properties that help life? Ans. And what difference it would have made if it was another liquid? We would have got used to that liquid in place of water. How many times I told you to not ask Why. 2. Calculate the probability of Water Cycle evolving by itself over ages? Ans. What a Dumb Question? Which idiot will calculate the probability when there are Millions of Variables? When Random Mutations and Natural Selection can make a man out of a single cell creature, the water cycle is nothing in comparison. You must never question any thing that comes from west. . 3. Why Water (And no Other Liquid) has maximum density at 4 degree? What would have happened if Alcohol and not Water had that property? Ans. Again the same dumb word why? If it was 25 Degrees would it have made an iota of difference to the life cycle? We would have used to that by now. If Alcohol was the life giving liquid, we would have got drunk by drinking water. 4. Distribution of potable water thru rivers and wells is a pure Random Phenomenon, prove with simple logic. Ans. Another Dumb Question. How can I explain it you morons. OK look Saudi Arabia is a desert….Yes or No?.....It needs lot of water….Yes or No…..Has it got any Water?......If it was not random phenomenon it would be knee deep in waters. QED Instead of putting water there the dumb nature filled it with crude oil instead…..How can one

live on Crude Oil? Dumb and Irrational Nature and its distribution system. It should have checked with Zionist lobby before giving that hand outs. 5. Phases of moons and Star Positions (for guidance) are pure chance and random in nature. (Hint: Ask doubters to visit those trillions of Earths and verify ) Ans. (Thanks for the hint mate. I was out of my depth there and was thinking to start counter attack using abusive language) Yes why don’t you go to those trillions of earths and verify yourself. Every planet has Polar stars and other stars to give directions. For moon phases, if it did not have any, then we would have made watches and calendars much earlier. It only hampered the progress of humanity. 6. Location of Iron, Coal and Copper etc near to surface and Crude Oil deep down is sure sign of Randomness and Goofiness of Nature. It would not have made an Iota of difference to human civilization if it were other way around. We would have got Used to new arrangement. Ans. Yes it is true. Cars and Airplanes and rockets would have been invented much earlier and horse and bullock carts afterwards. What difference it makes to human civilization? 7. Availability of ores in bulk form and not even distribution over all the earth and the positioning of mountains cannot be due to any other factor except Chance and Randomness? Ans. That is a difficult question. See how I can explain…. Democracy and even distribution of wealth is desirable….but sometimes you will have to have centralized power for good of society or let us say for Greater Good …. That is why Nature concentrated all the Power …. Sorry I mean Ore at one location. Same thing we do in USA…. We centralize all Power in the President who is elected for a four year……(Get over it Dummy we are not discussing Politics) Part 3 Origin of Life and its proliferation Note 1. Most important words to remember in this section are Random Mutation and Natural Selection. Practice repeating these words by using them in any situation where explanation is required. Mastery to use these words would always win you any debate with those morons who still live in Dark and Medieval ages. 2. Random Mutation is like sudden change of direction or any part of structure. It is like a car moving on a road suddenly changing its lane or direction without giving any notice or caution. In most case these Random Mutations would cause bodily harm, but once in a

while they may open new horizons. 3. Natural Selection is more difficult to explain, it is like a long term deposit in a shady financial company. After end of undefined period, your good investment would survive and multiply. Bad investments would go down by Natural Non selection. 4. When Random Mutations are combined with Natural Selection, the combination is fool proof criterion of Life survival and its proliferation. 5. Another basic tool is the fossil record. As we have decoded each and every fossil record of each and every specie of plant and animal kingdom for the past 1 billion year. There is no doubt that Origin of Life can be fully explained by these three Magical Words, Random Mutations, Natural Selection and Fossil Records. With these explanatory notes we come to the main topic A. Plant Life: In the Trillions of Earths, the combination of water, earth and atmospheric lightning, by pure chance and in an entirely random way resulted in creation of the Original Primitive Seed, which is the Mother of All seed. All the parts of that seed were formed by themselves thru that process of Random Permutations and Combinations. This seed when it went down into earth resulted in the growth of Primitive Tree, which became the Mother of All Plants. The primitive plant slowly and surely evolved into other types of plants thru time tested process of Random Mutation and Natural Selection. It was only thru chance that some trees became fruit bearing, some became flower bearing and some became corn bearing. When Random Mutations and Natural Selections both are at work the possibilities are really unlimited. Distribution of plants to various areas and climates is purely due to the above mentioned RM and NS. There is no inherent beauty in color scheme, smells and tastes of flowers, fruits or corn. They just got that way thru long periods and cycles of RM and NS. The taste and smells of plants and fruits are really of no significance, they are highly subjective and very from person to person. By and large, there is no sign of any Plan; design or any pattern in the growth of plant life on this earth. It is jungle out there. If it was not for humans, the plant kingdom would have covered whole earth. It is humans who have cleared a large part of earth from the encroachment of plants and made it available for more useful purposes like making Chemical Factories , Arms factories, Nuclear Weapons Test Sites, Missile Test Sites, Amusement Parks, Casinos, Gambling Joints and lot of other thing. Some weirdo say that Ozone Layer is getting depleted due to removal of trees, how could it be, it is all the part of RM, NS and Survival of the Fittest.

B. Animal Life Compared to plant life, history of animal life is more complicated. But fortunately we have a huge data of Fossil Record to pin point with accuracy each and every link of this process. Those that cast doubt on this evidence are still living in dark ages. It all started about a Billion years ago, when the Early earth atmosphere which was rich in Methane, CO2 and Nitrogen, received an unusual dose of Atmospheric Lightning. It was like a Big Katrina in those days. Due to this continuous Electric Discharges lasting for a few thousand years, all 20 Amino Acids, needed for protein and other parts of living cell, were formed by one of these random and chance coincidences. These Amino acids later joined automatically by chance to form the protein molecules. These protein molecules then joined by chance and by random permutation and combination to form DNA. Then somehow over the period of Millions of Years into forming a cell. That day marks a break thru in history of life of animals on this Earth and Trillions of Other earths in the Universe. We celebrate that day as Charles Darwin Day to honor that great scientist, philosopher, biologist and fiction writer. The first cell had developed a peculiar property to duplicate itself. This is another of that random and chance phenomenon that we see in nature every where. Things getting multiplied automatically. Same is with human population, if we leave it to nature, it would grow unchecked, that is why we have to plan human population (Dummy, this is not sociology class…) Some how another thing called life also came into these cells. What life is we do not know but we will decipher it in next ten thousand years. From a single living cell formed by chance, the rest of process is like a cake walk. That single cell creature Evolved into dual and more complicated forms thru Random Mutations. Slowly and slowly they evolved into fish. Some idiots of single cell band refused to evolve and those morons are still living as single cell organisms. These are like the morons of our time who do not want to come out of dark ages. From that on it was smooth sailing. Fish evolved into reptiles…reptiles evolved into Dinosaurs…Dinosaurs into Birds….Birds into mammals. Random Mutation, Natural Selection and Survival of the fittest were the principles that controlled the proliferation of Animal life on this earth. Some creatures thought that small is big, so they evolved into ants, termites and bugs. Others thought, the bigger the better, so they took the form of Dinosaurs and Elephants and Whales etc. (We see that in countries also, some are tiny like Vatican, Luxembourg, Bhutan and others are giants like Russia, USA and Canada)

Of all the mammals, one specie is very significant, from Cow or Buffalo or We Do Not Who it Mutated into a Ape like creature. That Creature then evolved into two distinct braches. One of them still lives in forests and another moved into cities and evolved into humans. Billions of Apes like fossils we have trace the whole path of this evolution. Those who doubt are morons and idiots. One of the most stupid things that prove that nothing was planned but came randomly is the sex issue. If there was any planner, He could have made every specie Bi sexual. By dividing into males and females, the resources were consumed two times. Then this sex related issue caused so much havoc on the land and so much blood shed, that it seems the most stupid thing to be planned. The future evolution must result in bisexual specie to conserve the meager resources on this earth. Thru Pure Random Mutation and Natural Selection humans developed some peculiar tracts, which is not available to any other life form on this earth. One of that is they Randomly transfer knowledge from one generation to another. Some of that knowledge is lost in Random Mutation but some Nature Selects as fit for transmission. This Random and Chance phenomenon helped primitive human to this level that they were able to solve the whole riddle of Life, Life forms and its proliferation on the earth. In the end it was very simple, four basic terms, Random Mutation, Natural Selection, Survival of Fittest and Fossil Record. Use these words tactfully and no one can refute your logic. Part-3 Origin of Life (Plant Life) Review Questions 1. All plants are derived from the Mother Plant, prove it to idiots, using only your hands and mouth as the tools. Ans. OK OK you call it Father Plant instead of Mother plant you male chauvinist pigs….. When you Morons could believe that all humans came from Adam and Eve (a totally discredited idea by our enlightened scientists)….so why can all plant not evolve from one Father or Mother plant? If you still do not believe it, I will use my hands…. 2. Color, Taste, Smell and Shape of Plants are only subjective and there is no real beauty in them, prove it using Rose, Apple, Orange and Grapes as examples? Ans. You morons, did you not see insects, flies and birds using fruits and juices from all these plants for their living?. If Color, Taste and Smell had some intrinsic values all plants would have evolved to the same degree. Hence it proven that these things are subjective. I know many people hate things which other people like very much. 2A. What is the probability that by Random Mutation Apple Tree will produce

Bananas and Banana Tree will produce Apples? Allow human interference into the process Ans. What Probability it is certainty. We have already started meddling up with genetic codes. Very shortly every tree will bear any type of fruit we want it to produce. I am not dreaming….I am fully awake…What gave you the idea that I was asleep? 3. Calculate the probability of Mother Seed being formed by pure chance. (Do not discuss the result with morons.) Ans. Such types of idiotic questions are raised by morons to confuse the enlightened people. Why bother with calculating probability…it happened that is a fact…. Calculator and Computer was not invented when the Mother Seed was formed you Morons (Examiner… How I am doing to silence these pesky fellows?) 4. Fossil Records are the ultimate proof for the Theory of Evolution, explain to morons in fifty words. Ans. I could do it in five words, but I cannot… (Moderator would not allow it). If not Fossil Records then what else will prove theory of evolution? Your books of fairy tales? Animal Life Review Questions 1. Calculate the probability of forming all 20 amino acid, one protein molecule, one DNA string and one cell by the Chance and Lucky coincidence basis? Keep results secret to be shared only amongst the believers. Ans. Computers and Calculators were not invented when these Amino Acids were formed…. so no one calculated the probability. It happened that is what we know and on this Fossil Records, Charles Darwin and Charlie Chaplin all agree. So the matter is sealed. We could only create 4 or 5 type of Amino acids only because of shortage of time, insufficient supply of methane Gas and in-sufficient discharge voltage. If we also had millions of years like Nature we could also have done exactly (Examiner….was it a good rejoined for these morons?) 2. Calculate the percentage of all life forms whose fossils we do not have with us. Also explain the graphical sketch and their accuracy that we draw from fossils. Ans. You have a point here….we may be missing a few here and there…..but you see it is like joining the dots. If you have one dot here and one there…..you can complete the picture.

I agree there is some difficulty in these pictures and sketches. But we are improving with time. Each movie we make improves upon the previous one. Jurassic Park- X is much more evolved than Jurassic Park-1 (One reason that Dinosaurs became extinct was they did not like humans at all….they could not get along together….like Jews and Palestinians). 3. Fish and Dinosaurs are blood relations, how will you prove it? Ans. What a stupid question you dumb wit. Ok let us see…. Fish have bones and Dinosaurs also have bones. Fish have eyes and Dinosaurs also have eyes. Fish have mouth Dinosaurs also have mouth. Fish move with a slanting motion Dinosaurs also do the same. Fish drink water (but we do not see that often) Dinosaurs also do that. There is one small bone whose shape is same in fish and Dinosaurs. This proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Fish and Dinosaurs are related by blood (Do fish have blood?) 4. How many generations separate Ants and Elephants? Give answer within plus of minus three generations. Ans. It is 12456983 Generations between Ants and Elephants (Prove me wrong you morons, I doubt if you can even count to that level) 5. It is not possible for a monkey to become human but always possible for humans to become monkey. Who is the author of this famous quote Ans. In fact every one in enlightened circle would love to have credit for that statement. I have seen it used many times in newspapers , magazines and films. I will Google it for you when I am out of this stupid examination hall. 6. Prove by filmic evidence that ancestors of Tarzan are closes to chimps than normal humans. Ans. For movie goers it is as clear as mud. You morons and Fundies do not go to movies so you will not understand these things. It is wastage of time to explain it to you. If you open cinema halls in your country and show Hollywood movies….(Examiner…. How good I am in ducking the issue) 7. Division of Animals into males and females is the most wasteful acts of nature that can be imagined. Species must revert back to Bisexual versions in future thru NonRandom Mutations and Un-Natural Selection. Ans. Yes this is an issue on which I have strong views. It was a sheer waste of time, space

and resources to make every specie in both male and female version. This is one of those idiotic acts of Nature (I do not know whom to blame. I cannot use Taboo Words. I cannot say any bad words about Darwin….Oh how I can release my tension). It uses double the resources of nature. Then the males have to bear with the idiotic whims and fancies of females. Imagine if there were no females: No Rapes, No Adulteries, No Pornography , No Strip Tease Joints, No Live Shows, No Love Songs…..No Female Freedom Movements….No Beauty Contests…No Cosmetics and Jewellery Shops….No Separate matches for males and females (Olympics would cost half)….Oh what a lovely place earth would have been to live in….No More Hermits…No more Monasteries… The people who rough it out with their own sexes make the smart choice. They at least point out to nature its obvious mistake. Oh so much fuss to get regeneration….why can they not just duplicate like cells? I am very clear that if life has any future to survive it must evolve to bisexual type. We are so proud of our Sodomites and Lesbians (Sorry Examiner….I should use Homosexual friends) to show us the light. 8. Calculate the debt (to the closest thousands) which humanity owns to Charles Darwin for tracing their real ancestors. The world population in 1844 was 1.5 Billions and to day it is 6 Billions. The rate of interest is 5 percent simple and compounded quarterly. Which country should take lead to pay that debt? Ans. This is simple Arithmetic. Why should it be on this thread? Each human should pay 1 Dollar Minimum to know this most revealing fact. That comes to 1.5 Billion in 1844. In 150 years it would multiply at least 8 times. So the figure comes to 12 Billions. Then if we assume that humans multiple every 25 years than 6 generations have passed since. So the figure would come to around 120 Billion or 1200 Billion. The humanity owes between 132 to 1212 Billion Dollars to Charles M. Darwin. (If he believed in life after death, we could have send him a Bank Draft , but alas the debt shall continue to increase) The nations which first pay that amount must be those who do not believe in Darwin Theory. It will serve these morons right. That benefactor of mankind has traced their ancestors thru the dust and din and these fellows ridicule him. I think a punitive tax is also in order. We must suck these morons dry….These filthy rich ….. just sitting idle and enjoying those Petroleum Dollars.. Part 4 Religion and Morals Note: 1. In order to master this chapter you must repeat There is No God, There is no life after death, There are no angels, no prophets no books and no religion as many times as you can. At least ten times in morning, ten times before going to bed, before and after every meals are

must. 2. Never Mediate on Life, sufferings of people, unbalance in positions and purpose of life. 3. Never be friends with any one who professes any known religion. Always make fun of them, use abusive language for their religions, religious personalities and their holy books. 4. Always insist that these religions are old and not workable in Modern world. Pick on faults of religious people and generalize them to discredit the religions. 5. If cornered by these weirdoes, extricate yourself by using worlds like Theory of Evolution Random Mutation Natural Selection Chance happening. 6. If no other argument satisfies these weirdoes ask them to Show their God where He lives Ask them to Show the Angels. This is always a Killer Argument and you win hands down. Now let us discuss these issues in detail A. Religion Once it has been conclusively proven By RM NS and FR that humans indeed evolved from lower animals, all ideas of religion and Divine guidance are nothing but hot air. When we have explained and proved that origin of Universe, Solar System, Earth, Plant and Animal Kingdom all can be reasonably and scientifically explained with out the need or involvement of God, it is only natural that He has no role in this Universe. If He exists then He should busy Himself with other works than interfering with our lives. There is no life after death is proven conclusively because we have no evidence of it. No dead man came back to life and told that there is indeed life after death. Why should we believe in such an unscientific fact? When we have proven that human slowly evolved from lower animals, all these thoughts that God created humans and sent prophets and books become mere fairy tales. In fact it was imagination of people which created God. All these religious ideas evolved over times. The fact that they agree on many fundamental things is only due to pure chance and randomness which is so wide spread in nature. Another proven fact is that evolution is still going on in humans. It is very probable that some races would have evolved more than others. It is also beyond doubt that human race did not start with one man and one women. Different humanoid would have parented different races. So this talk of human equality is totally non scientific.. Races which have evolved more and are more powerful due to their progress in science technology and material resources have right to control and rule over these less evolved races. Survival of Fittest theory demands that they should lord over them. We all came from

Jungle so We should follow law of Jungles. Most advanced and more evolved races are those who are free from any religious taboos. They are those that allow free sex, homosexuality, no dress code for women and no restriction of any kind. When they have fully reached the state of that ancestor from where they came they will fulfill the aim of that evolution process. Any restriction by these so called religious people is indeed restriction on Human progress. We should try our best to promote Atheism and Totally non Religious Society. Caution: We should fight tooth and nail with any body who equates Atheism and Non religious society with Communist states of past decades. Their Atheism was influenced by Marx and Lenin and Stalin. Our Atheism is influenced by Madonna, Michel Johnson, Sylvester Stallone and Rambo. There is no link whatsoever, if our goals seem similar, then it is that Random Mutation sort of thing. Some people Randomly Mutate our statements to get false results and comparison: B. Morality We have proven beyond doubt, that humans evolved from animals, there is no God and there is no religion, there is no life after death and nothing what these weirdoes want us to believe. So there is no absolute standard for Morality and Moral Values. Our aim should be to acquire maximum wealth, power and facilities on this earth, which should be the only aim. We should follow so called moral codes only if they help us in these goals. Otherwise we should have no regard for so called moral values. Moral values and crimes are which are defined by laws of our parliament. There is no higher authority than our Parliaments. Their laws have superiority over all other laws. The punishment is only what we get in this life. If we are not caught in this world, then we have nothing to worry. Hitler and those stupid six million Jews met the same end. Stalin, Pol Pot and other tyrants and their victims stand on same footing. Their end was same, they all died and that is the end of matter. Our Theory of Evolution does not consider such minor irritants, they are one of those freakish and random phenomenon we see in nature everywhere. Therefore moral values keep on changing. Some values of our modern time are 1. Man and women are absolutely equal. They have same rights and duties. We have explained that it was pure chance and mistake of nature to create two sexes. We should try our level best to correct that mistake and we are trying our best. It is only matter of time before we evolve to sexless society where we will not be able to distinguish between a man and women.

2. Man and women are free to have sex with their consent. Marriage ties, family raising and family ties are age old things. One can have sex with as many women as and when he likes, but on no account we should allow one man to have two or more legal wives. Polygamy is another Taboo world in our world. 3. Women have a Natural right to show as much of their bodies as they wish. We must not put any restriction on that. However it is against nature to fully cover their bodies and use SCARVES OR HIJABS to conceal their faces. Their common ancestors both male and female did not use any clothes so it very logical to follow them. 4. Homosexuality is as wide spread in nature as Heterosexuality, so we must give same status to both. Any laws or practices which put restriction on it must be abolished. People who stop it are still not evolved to the required level. 5. Killing innocent people is bad, but if we must have to kill, we should kill as many as we please. Because the punishment for both are same, so why should we restrict ourselves because of so called moral values? If we kill humans we are indeed saving earth from over population. 6. If we think that world or any area is overpopulated, or enough resources are not available, it is perfectly logical to CULL some of the people, so to say. The poor, diseased, crippled and old people have no right to live and consume the resources without giving any out put. They should be put to death to save other species. We should always think of progress and scientific discoveries and new frontiers and not hamper our progress with petty moral issues. Part-4 Religion and Morals Review Questions 1. It was men who Created God and not other way around prove it by using Newton’s Law of Motion. Ans.: Since Newton Says that every action has equal and opposite reaction, so if God Created man….man took revenge and got even by creating God. So now both are same. The acts of creation nullified every thing. Now No one creates any one. It was all a mistake or chance happening that happens once in a trillion years. 2. Commonalities between religions are nothing but real proof for confirmation of Darwin theory. Ans. Darwin Theory believes in Random Mutation, so the religions mutated Randomly to evolve into different species. But as it happens in Random Mutation some part of the

original is retained, so some portions of original un-mutated religion is left in every so called religions. QED 3. Religions did not bring anything except blood shed into the world. Prove using WW1 and WW-2 as examples. Ans. Most of the people fighting in WW-1 & WW-2 had religions. Christians were fighting Christians. Buddhists were fighting Christians. Muslims were fighting with Christians. These bloody religions brought nothing but blood shed. If all were atheists, there would have been no fights and no more killings (OOPS Communists were also a sort of Atheists and most of politicians or Tyrants have no religion so to say. But we hide these facts and do not reveal this to these morons living in dark ages). 4. Homosexuality is as old as oldest Fossil record, trace history of Homosexuality in major species. Ans. We do find many male species and female species lying close together in these Fossils. That proves conclusively that Homosexuality was as common as Heterosexuality in those days. That was one way to protest against the Nature s goof Up to divide living forms into males and females. This Divide and Rule policy is as old as nature. They trick men and women to rough it out on earth so the nature rules. 5. Write an essay on benefits of exposure of women body and disadvantages of scarf wearing. Ans. There are many reasons that human body should be exposed and not hidden with clothes. We do not see any other specie wearing clothes, why should humans have that prerogative? If no one has clothes, it would save lot of natural resources. Millions of trees would be saved. Many chemical factories destroying ozone layers would be closed. Scarf wearing on the other hand is against nature. It is a dark age symbol. It is a sort of WMD. It takes away the Nature given right of men to feast their eyes on women body. It is a curse. It is symbol of Terrorism. It is not good for hygiene. It causes early death of females. It increases population. It is main reason for natural disasters like Earthquakes, Katrina etc. Most wars have been caused because of women wearing Scarves….We must get rid of this…..(I think I got a bit carried away…Examiner what you think?) 6. Those who believe in life after death are the ones who are afraid to die, prove it using Theory or Probability Ans. This is as clear as day. Those bozos want to live forever. That is why they invented this myth so that their foul life forms continue to exist. There is no life after death otherwise

Newton, Darwin and Hitler would have mentioned it. It is their word against our word. Who would be fool enough to defy our word? We will nuke every one who disagrees with us. (Examiner: What theory of Probability has to do with it?) 7. Crippled People Old People and Poor People have no Natural right to live and be burden on society. Prove using Hitler as an example. Ans. It is survival of fittest guys….it is law of Jungle guys…..If humans were not restrained by these religious fools eating of human flesh would have been made legal long ago. We see that eating of animal flesh is lawful then why not human flesh? Humans also are a sort of Animals after all. These people suck the national economy…they are idlers living on our hard earned dollars. We should not maintain them it is against nature. Hitler had the right ideas….but he should not have picked on those poor Jews…they were the fittest species in the world….that it why they survived and Hitler was finished. If Hitler would have picked on those Fundamentalists, Extremists and Terrorists that go by name of Muslims, world would have been a better, safer and cleaner place. Our GWB is no match for Hitler…the guy is weak….He plans a job but cannot carry on (Sorry Examiner…I should not deal in current affairs….my apologies) 8. Prove that actions of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot and other Tyrants are justifiable on the basis of survival of Fittest. Ans. What is there to prove? It is clear as daylight. But somehow these FITTEST of the species also perished. For that I have no answer. This bloody death, we have to do something about it. That it does not catches up with these supermen. 9. Parliament is the source of Moral and its laws are superior to all others. Ans. Most of religions are based on words and actions of a single or at best a few humans (Christianity is shared between Jesus and Paul). The source of all religion is supposed to be revelation, a totally non scientific and unreliable means of communication. In Parliament we have hundreds of people, all taking (incoherently for most part and no one listening to any one in particular) and thinking on these laws. The laws are then voted by Majority of votes. This collective decision (in fact Chief Whip of the Ruling party) is superior to that Unknown Person (This is not a Taboo Word…please note examiner) sitting we do not know where ….. and having no experience of human lives….Parliament is Supreme…Long Live Parliament (Sorry Examiner … I got carried away once again)

10. Wars are a potent mean to reduce overpopulation. Prove this point using Europe s progress after WW1 and WW2. Ans. You know this Nature is a swell guy. But It is blood thirsty for sure. It kills every one it produces. I do not know why, but it always create species more than what are needed. That is why it has to CULL them thru famines, floods, earthquakes, Tornados, Storms, Diseases and what not. When all other things fail, it has that master stroke called wars, where human themselves kill each other to satisfy the whims of nature. Killing in war is less painful than other devices nature uses. Nuclear weapons are marvelous in that category…they can kill millions at a time with the people feeling no pain at all…they just evaporate…..if some how we could save those buildings and towns and only humans be killed (Dummy there are chemical weapons for this job….but are not they more painful?....Who cares…can you make Omelets without breaking a few eggs?.....You Moron you still have those dark ages thoughts) then it will be fine. So as I was saying Wars are a very potent means to get what nature wants in the end…that every one born be killed. WW-1 and WW-2 did that in a marvelous way. When the population of Europe went down considerably…their standard of living went up. The current progress of Europe is directly related to the good fruits of WW-1 & WW-2. If there were no World Wars how Israel would have been established? That single benefits overshadows all the other human sufferings!!! 11. More Evolved races have Natural Right to rule over lesser Evolved races. Prove it using Hitler as an example. Ans. Survival of fittest is a proven scientific fact (Sorry proven statement from Charles Darwin….which mean one and same thing). The more advanced species rule and lord over the lesser developed ones. Hitler was therefore right in his philosophy. But where he went wrong was to think that Aryan race is superior to Jewish race, it should have been otherwise. You see Random Mutations and Natural Selections are going on all the time. Jews because of their purity of blood (by their exclusiveness and not mingling with other filthy dirty races) have these factors improving their lot faster than any other human race. They are therefore above all other races. If Hitler would have joined with Jews and carried out his Holocaust against other less developed races (specially those who call themselves Muslims) his mission would have been successful. Poor fellow…how could he put his wit against those cunning (sorry Examiner….I am a recent convert) Jews. He won the battle and lost the war. They lost the battle and won the war.

The Survival of Fittest at its very best. Long live this theory….Long Live Darwin….Down with Nazism….Down with Islam….Down with all those who dare oppose Chosen People and Chosen race (Sorry Examiner I again got carried away…..I am helpless…I have zeal of a new convert) 12. Justify Jews occupation of Palestine using Theory of Evolution as a guide.. Ans. See the last question and answer. There is nothing to add. These pesky Palestinians deserve only one end….That What Hitler would have done if He would have got them under his dominion. It is duty of all those who believe in Human Rights, in progress of Human Race …in Theory of Evolution….To help Israel achieve this task. Every one should help them with material, financial and political aids. The day when all Palestinians are exterminated would mean that humanity is really evolved to a higher level (and Israel has fulfilled the task they started 4000 years ago and never succeeded)

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