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  • Words: 1,498
  • Pages: 7
Props and Design


Devices Chris Rowland & Rachael Wah Day

[email protected]

INT. SHARE HOUSE. EARLY MORNING. A radio plays serene music. A tv sits on a tv stand. A phone charges plugged into a wall. A fridge hums. A toaster sits on the benchtop toasting. A kettle boils and in its reflection a Steps person moves around in the kitchen. The hum of electricity slowly takes over the sound of the music until it is deafening. INT. BEN'S/BELLE BEDROOM. DAY A phone charges next to bed with a man in it. BEN, 28, eyes' flash open. He is in bed with the sheet up to his neck, he didn't have a good night sleep. His eyes dart to his bedside table where his phone is charging. His eye's widen as he Heartbeat focuses on the black screen, his heart starts to race as he zones in on the sound of electricity being pumped through the power cord. Lightning/Hum sound He lets out a hysterical scream. CUT TO BLACK. TITLE: Devices INT. BATHROOM. DAY

Scuffing A pair of fluffy slippers waddle in to the bathroom and close the door. As the toilet flushes, someone runs past the door, dragging cords behind them. The door opens, and Jess exits. Sleep deprived. She needs coffee. Half asleep, she drags herself to the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN. DAY Jess wonders in to the kitchen to find Matt, putting the final touches on his breakfast. Jess begins filling up the electric kettle with water. MATT Morning Jess! Sleep alright? Jess grunts in response. Clearly Matt is more of a morning person than she is. He places his gourmet looking breakfast on the coffee table, and pulls his phone out for an instagram photo. Jess walks over and turns the tv on to watch cartoons. MATT I had the craziest dream last night...

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2. I can't really remember what happened though. While they're sitting on the couch, Ben enters the room, shock crosses his face when he sees his roommates. BEN NO! Ben sprints towards Matt who has finally got the angle right for his photo. Ben snatches the phone off him, and throws it at the TV, knocking it back off the entertainment centre. Matt and Jess's mouths drop. JESS What the fu... Ben eye's the boiling electric kettle, and before Jess can finish, he sprints into the kitchen, frees the kettle from its mount and smashes it on the ground. A stream of water seeping out from behind the counter like blood from a fresh murder victim. A moment of silence passes. Jess and Matt look at each other confused. Ben runs to the hallway and begins grabbing coats and gumboots. BEN Fuck you guys! We gots to bounce. EXT. DRIVEWAY. DAY Ben pushes Matt and Jess out the front door and in to the car. INT. CAR. DAY. BEN GO GO GO GO GO!!!! Jess, frazzled, thrusts the keys in to the ignition, turning the car on and reversing full speed out the driveway, narrowly missing a tree. Jess looks at Matt confused. Matt shrugs in response, also unaware of what is going on. Jess looks at Ben, he is frantically fiddling with the radio, hitting every button and turning every knob.

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3. JESS Um Ben? Ben?... The radio blares as Ben flicks through the channels. Jess turns off the radio. JESS BEN! (Beat) Where are... BEN (Interrupting) EVERYONE IS DEAD! OK! DEAD! You're dead, I'm dead, we're fucking dead! Everything is fucked, they know, it knows everything... JESS Where are we going? BEN We have no time, we need to get some supplies. We need to go to a place where there is things to get things. Jess nods trying to understand the ramblings of the mad man. MATT Ok, but first can we go back for my phone? Ben, tired of Matt's shit, responds aggressively. BEN Fuck your phone! Your phone is dead and your Dad's dead too! Matt sits back confused. MATT My Dad's dead? INT. LIVING ROOM. DAY Miki, and exchange student, enters the living room, observing the devastation. There is water on the floor from the kettle, electricals scattered across the floor, the TV is fucked. MIKI Fucking Australians.

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4. INT. CAR. DAY. Jess pulls in to the service station. Ben flings the door open and sprints in to the service station. Jess sighs, turns the car off, and slowly follows him in. INT. SERVICE STATION. DAY

Door slides open Jess walks through the door, Matt following closely behind her. Jess walks determined through the isles of the service Bell ring station, she passes a Ben who is frantically grabbing everything off the shelves. Matt breaks off from behind her and heads to the section where they sell phones. Jess walks up to a coffee machine, grabs a Styrofoam and goes to order a coffee, when she notices the "out of order" sign on the machine. Frustrated, she walks to the cashier's counter. JESS Hey, is there another coffee machine in here? CASHIER Oh, sorry, our machine is broken. JESS Yeah, but like, is there a staff one that I could use? Or a cafe near by? Maybe? CASHIER oh yeah, if you drive down... The cashier looks behind Jess, distracted. Ben has his arms full of chips, water and other survival goods, walking out of the store. CASHIER Hey, excuse me... excuse me sir? JESS (under her breath) Oh shit. INT. SERVICE STATION. DAY Matt is looking at the phones available to him. In the background we see Jess and the Cashier follow Ben out to the car. Matt picks out a phone, turns it round and starts reading information. Meanwhile, the cashier and Ben begin to get in to a physical altercation, Ben is shoving items in the car, while holding back the cashier. Jess is trying to defuse EXT. Service station Created using Celtx

5. the situation, she runs back inside. JESS Matt! We have to go. Jess and Matt run back to the car just as Ben pushes him to the ground. The three pile in to the car and drive off. The Gravel on clothes cashier gets off the ground and walks back in to the store, Buttons beeping picks up the phone and calls the police. INT. CAR. DAY.

Chips crunching The car is silent. Ben sits with a pile of chips on his lap, wrapping a stick of al-foil around his head. Jess drives, the lack of caffeine is beginning to get to her. MATT Guys, I'm really scared. Ben and Jess ignore him. Jess continues to focus on the road, Hands on wheel her grip tightening on the steering wheel, Ben aggressively pats down the al-foil on his head. MATT Guys...? BEN Fuck You!

JESS Shut Up!

MATT Why did you say my Dad was dead? Neither of them respond. Matt begins to silently sob in the backseat. INT. LIVING ROOM. DAY Miki sits on the couch smoking a big ass bong surrounded by broken tech and a wreck of a house. EXT. FRONT DOOR. DAY Police uniform Police knock on the door. The door opens and Miki is standing in their underwear holding a big ass penis shaped glass bong. EXT. FOREST. DAY. Car pulls up to the edge of a forest. Ben and Jess get out of the car and start walking. Matt shouts from the backseat.

Possible Scene Order Change: Living room- bong, forest- get out of car, front Created using Celtx door- police, forest - end ?

6. MATT I want to go back home! I refuse to get out of this car!

Crunching of leaves Ben and Jess pay no attention to his threats and continue walking. Matt looks out the windows. He is all alone in this creepy fucking forest. Shit mannnn... He quickly unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. MATT Hey guys, wait for me! ALT ENDING 1: EXT. FOREST. SUN FALL Matt and Jess follow Ben, he disappears over the crest of the hill. Jess and Matt pause to look at each other, before continuing. As they reach the top of the hill, the city is revealed, completely destroyed and on fire. Ben stands in the wind, his eyes closed, he is finally free from technologies reach. Kinda like the feeling when Frodo destroys the ring or whatever. Matt and Jess are in shock. Jess looks at Ben. JESS Holy fuck. MATT Oh my god. My Dad's dead. END. ALT ENDING 2: EXT. FOREST. SUN FALL 2 MONTHS LATER We come across a shitty campsite, a simply made grave with the word "MATT" carved in to it is hidden amongst the trees. Jess hangs from a tree as Ben, the lone survivor, lies next to the camp fire, taking his final breath and closing his eyes. The empty box of al-foil clutched tightly in his malnourished hand. END. ALT ENDEING 3. EXT. FOREST. SUN FALL

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