Developing True Personality-a Scientific Approach

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,079
  • Pages: 4
Developing true personality—a scientific approach Definition: There is no universally accepted and comprehensive definition for personality. This word came from the Greek word “per sonare” which means speaking through mask. In simple words personality includes 1) Appearance 4) Behavior

2) inner process 3) Interlinking of various aspects

Development of true personality cannot be attained by overnight. Building true personality takes consistent efforts over prolonged duration. Initially when a person practice a habit on a continued and consistent basis, this habit becomes a part of personality regardless of the nature of habit--may be noble or ignoble. But then, there are so many stages when practice becomes a habit. A habit takes the form of completeness when it is practiced frequently and consistently. This habit may be positive oriented or negative oriented considering the point of origin and the way it has been nurtured.

Where does it originate? According to Sigmund Freud, the father of Psychology, The personality starts from three aspects. They are 1) id 2) ego 3) super ego. (1)The id—this is unconscious part which is emotional part consisting sea of biological urges and drives. This important emotion in id is libido (the sex drive). This seeks the satisfaction of its urges. It works on the principles of pleasure and pain. (2) Ego—this logical and conscious part dealing with rational, factual, and practical side. Ego part analyses and evaluates events and situations. This works on the principle of what is possible and what is not possible. (3) The super ego—this deals with ethical and moral side—sin and virtue, good and bad. This controls the other two parts and directs them constantly. This works on principle of right or wrong.

Freud argues that personality of any person is the inter play of the above three factors. In fact he identified the various aspects of personality and how they are linked together—scientific approach. Whereas the Blump and Naylor says the attitude has three components which are cognitive, affective, connoctive. No wonder these components are the roots of personality. The cognitive is belief component and affective is emotional component where as connoctive is behavioral component. The attitude and the personality of person share some common traits. The habit of the person has the origination from the cognitive level, which is the belief component of person. This belief and values of a person can be either positively motivated or negatively motivated based on the inputs they receive. This belief system or value system starts at thought level and this can come from subconscious mind, which can further be strengthened or eliminated. This thought level origination when nourished with inputs of same nature externally and internally, this cognitive system starts to grow and it reaches a stage where the emotion takes control of the belief and thought system. When the emotional system is further strengthened with the external inputs and internal inputs of same nature of ideas and thoughts, this grows into behavior which, when practiced constantly with consistent efforts become habit resulting into personality.

What are the inputs of true personality? It is clear with the fact that the personality takes the origin of thought level or miniature ideas. This thought level can consistently be exposed to forces within or without. These forces can be of an understanding of situation or eye exposure or perceptions due to sensory organs etc. Even So when a person allows himself to understand the situations, understand people in the right perspective, he is able to get right cognitive values leading him to possess rightful emotions. The external forces can be of hearing a lecture on any subject, listening stories, seeing movies and reading books, and understanding situations and so on. These external inputs which get into a human mindset can either be disastrous or bring a positive mind set. When a person allows himself to listen lectures of ethical moral values, allows him to read noble books on character building, discipline himself in value building exercises constantly, no wonder that person will turn out to be a wonderful personality. On the contrary we have seen children or school boys taking

guns and shooting other guys in the school and these types of incidences happens abroad often. This is mainly due to evil exposure they brought upon themselves—perhaps children seeing films of shooting and murders will have greater tendency to reflect the same behavior.

The fruits of evil personality: These people (or leaders) will not be able to believe that employees are capable of doing the given task and they carry their carnal mindset that employees are selfish people with selfish ambitions. They exhibit suspicion on employees and they believe that unless and otherwise employees are cornered, shouted, closely monitored, they will not perform task. These types of leaders will manifest the spirit of irritation, bitterness and wrath upon the employees often. They will not be able to show care and concern on employees and fail to identify not only the talents of employees but also fail to tap out the work from them. They follow the style of dictatorship not allowing others to participate in decision making.

The fruits of true Personality: The person who has true and noble personality will manifest the fruits of true personality. Those with true personality will be of humble mind set, not boasting about them or about their achievements. These people will have the tendency to achieve more and more and they are not satisfied with their present performance. One can see in them the inward propulsion motivating them to look ahead all the time to fulfill their vision and objectives. These people try to lift the fellow employees of the organization, being an example in everything they do. They are always transparent people, doing everything in complete transparency whereby other employees are able to believe and put their trust in them. These people are able to exhibit the spirit of endurance, patience, longsuffering and temperance in everything they do and are able to convince others in their decision making. Of course these are the qualities of good leadership as well. They will not show their suspicion on employees and they strongly believe that employees are normal people, having normal ambition to achieve maximum output in

organization. They will be able to see talents and potential hidden in each employee and bring them out by careful nurturing. No wonder, these types of leaders will emerge out as great personalities and they give least time to see the weakness of ther employees.

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