Develop Your Leadership Skills

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  • Words: 2,151
  • Pages: 28

Introduction Leadership has now been universally recognized as one of the ingredients of management. So what we need to know first is what is the meaning of leadership itself? There are several understandings about leadership, According to Ann Marie E. McSwain, Assistant Professor at Lincoln University, “leadership is about capacity: the capacity of leaders to listen and observe, to use their expertise as a starting point to encourage dialogue between all levels of decision-making, to establish processes and transparency in decision-making, to articulate their own values and visions clearly but not impose them. Leadership is about setting and not just reacting to agendas, identifying problems, and initiating change that makes for substantive improvement rather than managing change”[1]

And now the question is DO WE HAVE THAT CAPABILITY??? The answer is YES YOU HAVE IT, it lies in everyone’ soul. But it does not come out as it does. You have to learn it to develop your skills. So in this short presentation we would like to make us (it means you, me, and my team member as well) develop that gift from God that we do not realized for years. One of word of caution: no one can teach you leadership. It is something you have to learn, principally from experience but experience or practice has to be illuminated by principles or ideas. It is when the sparks jump between the two that learning happens.

What you have to be? The answer is simple! Yup!!

But now how we are able to achieve it?? Was a leader born naturally?? It is kind of hard things to say whether a leader is born naturally or the other way around. First there are more than 17,000 words in English Language that describes personality and characters. Second, it is not fair to say that leaders are born naturally. Leadership is a skill that everyone can learn and develop

There are some qualities that you have to have. Basically you should possess, exemplify and perhaps even personify the qualities expected or required in your working group. I have emphasized that because it is so fundamental. Without it you will lack credibility. •Enthusiasm. Can you think of any leader who lacks enthusiasm? •Integrity. This is the quality that makes people trust you. And trust is essential in all human relationships – professional or private. •Toughness. Leaders are often demanding people, uncomfortable to have around because their standards are high. They are resilient and tenacious. Leaders aim to be respected, but not necessarily popular. •Fairness. Effective leaders treat individuals differently but equally. They do not have favourites. They are impartial in giving rewards and penalties for performance. •Warmth. Cold fish do not make good leaders. Leadership involves your heart as well as your mind. Loving what you are doing and caring for people are equally essential.

•Humility. This is an odd quality, but characteristic of the very best leaders. The opposite to humility is arrogance. Who wants to work for an arrogant manager? The signs of a good leader are a willingness to listen and a lack of an overweening ego. •Confidence. Confidence is essential. People will sense whether or not you have it. So developing self-confidence is always the preliminary to becoming a leader. But don’t let it become overconfidence, the first station on the track leading to arrogance.

What you have to know? Being a leader is all about how you can put yourself in a proper position at a proper situation. We had learn about Situational Leadership. And that is all about. There are three major elements involving to build a great leadership : 1. the leader – qualities of personality and character 2. the situation – partly constant, partly varying 3. the group – the followers: their needs and values

But that is only half of the truth, the other half is NEEDS, Yes we are human being that the most important things that you should remember and understand. Human being has a something call NEEDS. Everyone has their own needs. And it is our task as a leader to meet our needs. This is a picture that you can take a look closer (remember closer! Not a glance )

Task need

Team maintenance need

Individual need

Explanation Task need

Team maintenance need

Groups come into being because there is something to be done. That is really hard to be handled for one person. And that is why it turns into need.

Groups are made from people and it is very vulnerable due to everyone in group has ego and ideas. As a group we need to build and promote cohesiveness and understanding.

explanation Individual need

The interact circle

Individual needs are not always foods or shelter but it is more than that. The more essential things are being acknowledge, a sense of doing something worthwhile, etc

Do you realize that actually those circles interact to each other? They influence each other so if there is something lack in one circle it will give effects to other circles as well.

Your role as a leader We had done the explanation about the basic elements of leadership. So the next will be the functions of a leadership and how we are able to develop them. And they are :  Defining the task  Planning  Briefing  Controlling  Evaluating  Motivating  Organizing  Providing an example

Defining the task A boss may tell you what to do in a specific way, but a leader will explain or convey to you why as a first and important step on the road to your free and willing cooperation – the hallmark of all true leadership.

Planning We have to create a vision for our organization. So we have a purposes to do so. As a leader you are required to make planning for your premises and how far you can plan it. A premises needs to grow up and that is what you have to remember.

Briefing Is an important thing because by giving out briefing we are able to communicate our objects and values to our team member. And we have to be able to communicate with them two ways. So we are able to understand what their ideas and needs. By understanding each other they will feel being acknowledged.

Controlling Human being are not machine we have to be able to understand them. They have weakness and strength. Controlling is not only about giving out task to be done. But it is also about how we are able to see their performance, capability, weakness, and strength, so we can put a right person in a right place.

Evaluating You have be able to evaluate what your employee do? What your employee wants? And what kind of your employee? There are the whole thing the leader must answer for. As a leader you have to be able to compromised in terms of to make a better working environment. Evaluating is not only evaluate the worker’s tasks and jobs, but more than that. There’s a something more important than that. Have you ever think something more profound rather than tasks and job?? If you have not think about that, then we are going to answer it : Interaction between team members, interaction between you and your customer, simply define as in relationship. That is it.

Motivating Motivating means how you can motivate your team members to boost up the energy for work. So they will work even great. To motivate someone is not only by giving out incentives or something in relating to materials, yet that is important. But there is something more essential rather than that. Creating a good working environment is the most important thing. By creating it employee will have fun while they are working. And they will not feel being insisted to work, instead they will feel sincere to work, because they will feel a part of the premises.

Organizing How can you describe an organization without organizing?? So it is really important for an organization to have a great system of organizing. A great system of organizing is not made by a complex hierarchy of organizational structure. But the simpler the better. Yet, organizational structure is a must. To give a very clear state of job description. Organizing people is a hard things to learn, but you have to be able to proceed with it. The key is find a right man in the right place. So you can delegating the tasks easier.

Providing examples Example is a must… How we are able to delegate the tasks if we do not have the capability to tell them what they have to do?? Giving out example is the easiest way to tell them. We do not have to giving out example verbally, because it will only enter from a left ear and bounce back from it. We should be able to giving out example by OUR OWN BEHAVIOR and HABIT. They will see us, feel respect to us, and unintendedly following and imitating what we have done.

How to develop yourself as a leader  BE PREPARED

You should prepare first!! Every single things needs preparation. Being a leader you have to have the willingness to take responsibilities, if you hate the ideas of taking responsibilities, just throw yourself to a bed and dreaming to be a boss without taking responsibilities.  BE PROACTIVE

Organization needs at least a leader. So share your ideas, eager, and ambitions. Sounds ambitious?? We do not think so, yes we should be proactive to achieve our goals. Yet, fight for your own future.

•BE REFLECTIVE We are as a human being needs to reflect ourselves. Find mirror and asking to it whether you are good enough for the position?? Reflect from your past, your previous bosses, your colleagues, and compare it to yourself . Thinking objectively, find the weakness and the strength, and take them as a lesson to make you a better leader. Does not it sound good? Listen to others, because they will see us more objective than us. We will understand their perception based on their minds. If there is someone criticize us, take it, but do not take it for granted, try to analyze their perceptions, so we can be a better leader

The points From slide to slide perhaps we are giving you such a boring things so what are the points?? These are the points : 1. Being a leader is you have to be able to be a good listener 2. Being a leader is you have to be flexible depends on the situations. 3. Being a leader is you have you have to delegate the tasks to a proper person, so you are able to control it easier, and of course you can encourage them by giving out advices 4. Reflecting yourself, ask to the “magic mirror” about what you have done/ 5. The aim of a leader is you have to be able to make another new leaders

Quotes about leadership  "To lead people, walk beside them ... As for the best leaders, the people do

not notice their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate ... When the best leader's work is done the people say, 'We did it ourselves!‘” — Lao-tsu

 "Control is not leadership; management is not leadership; leadership is

leadership. If you seek to lead, invest at least 50% of your time in leading yourself—your own purpose, ethics, principles, motivation, conduct. Invest at least 20% leading those with authority over you and 15% leading your peers.” — Dee Hock ; Founder and CEO Emeritus, Visa

 "All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the

willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership." — John Kenneth Galbraith

If you want the best for your customers and your company in a very competitive marketplace, there is no other logic than the following: To get the best results You must have the best people To hire and retain the best people You must give them the best pay There is nothing new about this. There is an ancient adage of immense wisdom that states: “Pay peanuts, get monkeys.”

Why we are saying this, because there is four elements inside of us, there are wind, earth, fire, and water. These Four elements are connecting to the real universe, when we are thinking positively those four elements will transfer the energy to the universe and it will conspire to help us, to make our thoughts happen.

bibliography  Adair, John – Develop your leadership skills, Kogan Page,

London, 2007  Byrne, Rhonda – The Secret, TS Production, Ltd Liability Company, 2007   Http://

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