Desert Roundup November Edition

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Desert Roundup


Nomember 2008

volume 4

No. 11

Pelletier Retires Federal FireConducts Department NADAP NAS Fallon Basic Hosts Training Educates Radar Certification Training Staff Sailors by MC2 (AW/NAC) Doug Harvey, NAS Fallon Public Affairs

By MC2 (AW/SW) Steven A. Naval Air Station Fallon, Nev. - Rinkel, NAS Fallon Public Federal Fire Department of Affairs

said Sergeant Bryan Jorgensen, for this training. Th e training is from the Nevada Department mandated annually by the Federal of Public Safety Highway Naval Air Station Fallon held Aviation Administration (FAA). Patrol Division. Airport Firefi ghting Training for e MAFTD provides a “live” Basic Radar Course NAS Fallon – Speeders on Th The the Ely Airport Firefi ghters on aircraft fi refi board Naval Air Station Fallon is designed ghting experience for to familiarize may need to watch out. NAS students with the history and September 15th, using a Mobile civil service, military and civilian Fallon a basic radar theory of radar and its applica Aircraft conducted Firefi ghting Training fi refi ghters. Unlike the traditional certification class that was not tion to law enforcement, math Device (MAFTD). Th e Ely team method of open-pit burning with only for the base’s security ematical applications relating is one of several fi re departments fuel oil, it utilizes propane to department personnel but for to radar operation (including who oversee municipal airports simulate an actual event, making it local law enforcement agencies time – distance calculations), or military airfi elds in Northern environmentally friendly. as well. outside influences to radar Nevada that come to NAS Fallon NAS Fallon is one of the few fi operation and learning tools re “We have two of our ac tive duty personnel that went for students to estimate speed through the class who are and distance. The course also now capable of being instruc covered the legal aspects of tors, that way we can keep up operating radar including case on our new people reporting law and legal requirements for aboard to become patrol super officers and organizations as visors,” said Master at Arms well as licensing requirements 1st Class (SW) Matthew C. for the radar guns. Schmelzer, the Leading Petty “It is very important that Officer of Naval Air Station we get our Sailor’s taught in Security Forces Training De these subjects,” said Master at partment. “Now our guys can Arms 3rd Class (AW) Eric C. H957<=B


and police on base need to

departments in northern Nevada have. It helps reduce traffic, By MC2 (AW/SW) Steven A. Rinkel NAS with the resources and experienced speeding and overall safety for Fallon Public Affairs personnel needed to conduct this people traveling on the base.” NAS Fallon – The Navy’s training on critical training. “We have the alcohol and drug abuse continues when specialized knowledge and required the Navy Alcohol Drug Abuse Program (NADAP) staff came to Fallon to educate equipment to eff ectively give Sailors. this type of training,” said Lewis “This is a unique opportunity for Mellott, Federal Fire Training Fallon,” said Fire Controlman Chief (SW) Grant Caufield, NAS Fallon’s Command Chief. “Th e MAFTD operators Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor. “These must be certifi ed in the use of the kinds of presentations are reserved exclu Chief Warrant Offi cer Joseph Pelletier addresses his sailors during sively for the big metro areas where they equipment and have a background his retirement ceremony at the base chapel on the third of October. can hit huge amounts of Sailors at one time, in airfi eld fi refi ghting.” Warrant Offi cer Pelletier was joined by family, friends and shipmates to and the fact that NADAP took the time to celebrate the conclusion of his 30 years of military service. As his fi Th e fi re departments truly work think about NAS Fallon and come out nal here is really cer in charge of Naval Air Station just a great opportunity for us to get assignment, he was the Security Offi together in meeting each other’s some of the benefits that bigger places get needs through cooperative training. Fallon’s Security Department. all the time.” Graduates of the Basic Radar class and the Radar Instructor class: The briefs, held at the base theater, on Mellott stated, “We trade training (;<>;C812@@;>534@"-?@1>-@>9? :08-??"5>-:0-'/45881>#'-88;:'1 “Myths and Truths” of alcohol, drugs and where we can.” Th e Navy receives MWR’s graduation class for the latest Star Service Class. /A>5@E"-?@1>-@>9?>08-??>5/A18;C#'-88;:'1/A>5@E'1>31-:@>E-: IF=B5@MG=GK9F9;95F98HCK5F8H<9 5B8 Jorgensen Nevada Highway Patrol, Deputy Daniel Lynch Lyon County Sheriff’s reciprocal training from the other Instructors were Kris the Scott“Best and Patty Rush. below personnel, while Practices” Office, Deputy Larry Miller Lyon County Sheriff’s Office and Trooper Larry Madden brief was for all leadership positions. fi re departments in their specialized Nevada Highway Patrol “I thought it was pretty interesting areas and facilities. counseling your troops in regards to drug abuse and drinking and driving while their ;@@;9>;C812@@;>534@"-?@1>-@>9? :08-??-:518!1534@E#'-88;: “We are happy do this training on leave,” said Culinary Specialist Chief '1/A>5@E"-?@1>-@>9?>08-??-91?*-:-9-:#'-88;:'1/A>5@E"-?@1> for anybody that ever requests it,” (SW/AW) Jeffrey Dickerson, the Morale -@>9? :08-??"-:A18&A5F#'-88;:'1/A>5@E-:0B5-@5;:81/@>;:5/? said Mellott. Requisitions can Welfare and Recreation Leading Chief Petty Technician 2nd Class Jonathan Burnett Reno Navy Reserve Unit Photo by: Mass Officer. “Having them sign chits saying Communications Specialist 2nd Class Steven A. Rinkel be made through the State Fire that they are aware of the things they will do Marshall’s Offi ce. on leave. Drinking and driving is not one, and drug abuse is zero tolerance in the Navy. And they will adhere to those.” Hose teams move in to quench The Navy maintains that the propane flames of a simulated alcohol and drug depen dency are preventable engine fire on the Mobile Aircraft and treatable and has Firefighting Traning Device developed a realistic (MAFTD). and practical program to prevent drug and alco hol abuse. This program operates throughout the Chaplain’s MWR Navy on a world wide Corner News Whine or Dine basis and is known as 3 NADAP. It provides a 4 SAVI Information wide range of services MWR Activitiesto military personnel 5 and their families through Ships Serviceman Master Chief (SW/AW) NSAWC 6 counseling andFallon assistant centers, alcohol re Ronulfo Roxas, the NADAP Senior Enlisted FRC West 8 habilitation centers and navy drug rehabili Advisor plays a video for Sailors who at SFWPD Desert Outlaws 11 tation centers. tended the “Myths and Truths” brief about




2 • November 2008

I would like to thank everyone on the base for their support of this year’s Navy Ball. We had a great turnout, CAPT Brad Goetsch, USN (ret.) our current Churchill County manager and former NAS Fallon Commanding Offi cer gave a great speech

Skipper Says

and a great time was had by all. Th at is just the kind of trifecta that anyone could enjoy and on top of everything else we had the opportunity to wish the Navy a happy 233rd birthday. Th e month of October also saw the opening of our new Family Fitness Center over in housing. John Stadler, the head of our MWR Program, and Marcia Rickabaugh, our Health and Wellness Director, led a team eff ort in putting this facility together and obtaining the equipment to outfi t it. It is our hope that our housing residents will fi nd the Family Fitness Center a useful alternative to our

Base Gym and that they will take advantage of this facility. As I have pointed out in a previous column, we will be closing the year strong by hosting CVW-7 right up until Th anksgiving and then we will have CVW11 here right up until the Friday before Christmas. Even though we will be busy and the holidays are right around the corner, I would like everyone to stay focused on doing their job safely and ensuring that we are providing the visiting air wings with the best possible support and training they will fi nd anywhere in the Navy.

Have a Great & Safe Month!

Thank you Fallon for voting me

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desert roundup

What You Should Know About the Flu Every year more than 20 percent of Americans get sick with the fl u, also known as infl uenza. Th e fl u is a contagious respiratory virus that can cause mild to severe illness and, at times, may lead to death. Th e fl u usually enters the body through mucous membranes in the mouth, nose or eyes. When a person with the fl u coughs or sneezes the virus becomes airborne and anyone nearby may inhale it. TRICARE recommends you get an annual fl u vaccination to prevent or lessen the severity of the fl u. TRICARE offers the following two types of vaccines: • Th e fl u shot – an inactivated vaccine containing a killed virus and given with a needle. Th is form of the vaccine may be used in all age groups. • Th e nasal-spray fl u vaccine (Flu Mist) – a vaccine made with live, weakened fl u viruses that do not cause the fl u. Th is form of the vaccination is limited only to healthy people who are not pregnant aged 2 to 49 years. Who Should Get Vaccinated? • All children aged 6 to 59 months • Adults aged 50 years and older • Persons aged 2 to 64 years with underlying chronic medical conditions • All women who are pregnant during the infl uenza season • Children aged 6 months to 18 years on chronic aspirin therapy • Health care workers involved in direct patient care • Out-of-home caregivers and household contacts of children less than 59 months of age and person at high risk for severe complications from infl uenza Who Can Get Flu Mist? • Persons 2 to 49 years who desire the vaccination • Age 2 to 49 years otherwise healthy persons Who Should Not Get the Flu Mist! • Anyone with chronic medical conditions • Pregnant Patients, or women who are breastfeeding • People who care for newborns 0-6 months. • Military Aviators Children under 6 months cannot receive the flu shot or mist. Children 6 months to 8 years receiving the vaccine for the first time need to receive 2 does of the vaccine 4 weeks apart. Now taking orders for smoked and deep fried Thanksgiving turkeys.

We can cater your holiday parties.

Side Effects of the Flu Vaccine: A As with other vaccines you should be o aware of possible side eff ects. Th e most t common side eff ects are soreness at the L vaccination site. Other side eff ects may p include fever, fatigue and sore muscles. o These side effects may begin 6 to 12 hours a after vaccination and may last up to two c days. c s You should know that the fl u vaccine t may contain some egg protein, which can i cause an allergic reaction. If you or a family t member is allergic to eggs or have ever had b a serious allergic reaction to the fl u vaccine, b consult with your health care provider before getting vaccinated. a W Flu symptoms can be mild or severe, and t may include any of the following (These s symptoms are very rare to get from the n actual vaccine): fi • Fever a • Headache c • Chills b • Extreme tiredness c • Severe cough r • Sore throat b • Runny or stuff y nose • Muscle aches m • Gastro-intestinal symptoms, such as w nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea b o Some fl u complications include bacterial r pneumonia, dehydration and worsening D of chronic medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma or diabetes. Children may get sinus problems and ear infections. You should contact your Primary Care Manager if conditions worsen.

How to prevent giving or getting the flu: • Avoid close contact with sick people. • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing • Wash you hands • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are oft en spread when a person touches something that is contaminated and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth Treating the Flu: • Resting • Drinking plenty of liquids • Avoid alcohol and tobacco TRICARE covers fl u shots based on the Center for Disease Control current fl u season guidelines. TRICARE only covers fl u shots if it’s administered in a doctor’s offi ce.

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Chaplain’s Corner

desert roundup

Chaplain Michael Bigelow

Land of Opportunity America has oft en been called the Land of Opportunity. As immigrants entered through Ellis Island, seeing the Statue of Liberty, there was this sense that here was a place to begin life anew. Th ey were limited only by their abilities and their desires. If a person worked hard enough, he or she could become much more than they ever could in the old country. Today, America stands as that curious anomaly among the nations. It is a nation that celebrates its diversity, a country that welcomes those from other shores, and from many backgrounds creates one voice. We are truly blessed. We are a land of opportunity because at heart we are a kind and decent people. When misfortune happens, we are eager to open our pocketbooks and roll up our sleeves to help. Th is charity and good neighbor outlook extends to disasters of fi re, fl ood, and wind that may strike clear across the coast or just up the road. Th is civic sense of responsibility may involve being part of the local school system, coaching a sports team, helping to keep a road (and the environment) clean. We are blessed with good people and great citizens. Sacred scripture tells us that to whom much is given, much is expected. Another way of looking at it is as we have been blessed, we ought to be a blessing to others. In this time of Th anksgiving, we are reminded just how much we have received. Despite recent economic turmoil, we have

a place to sleep, food to eat, shelter from the elements. We have the ability to work with our hands, our hearts, and our heads. We have the privilege of being wanted, to be productive, to give something back. We have been entrusted by the people of our fair land to keep them safe and protected. We receive the thanks of our grateful nation for our service. Just appear in public in uniform and you know this to be true. Th is base is also a land of opportunity. Especially when I meet the new arrivals that come by my offi ce for check-ins, I ask them what their plans are; when are they going to enroll in college, what local sights they are going to see, or how they are going to get involved in their command or community. Th e chapel is no diff erent. It is more than simply “church on Sundays.” Th e Chapel off ers plenty of opportunities. It is here for hosting Command training and ceremonies; for counseling be it personal, marital or spiritual; we can help with COMRELS or Suicide and Stress Awareness; for helping Sailors get back on track or assisting them through a crisis. Even now, we are looking for volunteers to help start a Good News Club for young boys and girls. And, oh yes, we do church on Sundays. And if you have specifi c spiritual needs, we will ensure those needs are met. Th e Chapel is blessed by having such great people here on the base, and our desire is to be a blessing to you – in this great land of opportunity.

Th e CSP Roundup • NAS Fallon MWR Offi ce Bldg. 308 • NAS Fallon, NV 89496

November 2008 • 3

Whine or Dine… In America today, we have been able to pigeon hole most restaurant fare into categories. If I say I am craving Chinese, Italian or seafood, it is not diffi cult to fi nd a restaurant that caters to one of those specifi c tastes. Ironically, it is oft en more diffi cult to defi ne “American” food. Fortunately, Joe’s Diner in Reno has come to the rescue and helped defi ne just what traditional American food is. I recently discovered Joe’s Diner, located at 6350 S. Virginia St in Reno. Joe’s is an old-fashioned, 50’s style diner complete with jukeboxes on the table and homespun milkshakes. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, Joe’s is most commonly known for their fantastic hamburgers and their daily specials. If you visit them Monday through Friday between 3-5pm, the house special is buy one hamburger and get one free. It’s a great deal for those planning a late lunch or early dinner. During my visit at Joe’s, I ordered their guacamole cheese burger and fries. It

was one of the best burgers I have had in a long time. Everyone in my party had a diff erent kind of burger from the menu and thoroughly enjoyed it. Along with the burgers, the fries were fresh and served up in a paper lined basket, just like they were 50 years ago. Th eir milkshakes are also delectable, coming in classic fl avors and mixed up in an old fashioned milkshake machine. I opted to fi nish my meal up with a slice of apple pie just to stick with the classic American theme. It was tasty but not homemade (as our waitress pointed out). Making homemade pies would be the one thing I would recommend to Joe’s. It’s always a treat to fi nish your meal with something traditional and homemade. All in all, it was a refreshing experience I would recommend to anyone looking for good American fare. Th e ambiance of the diner somehow transports you to a time when restaurants and menus were less complicated, burgers reined supreme and

the hardest decision of the night would be what fl avor of milkshake to enjoy. Ah, the good-old days. So the next time you are in the mood for a classic American meal - a hamburger, fries and a Coke - take a trip back to America’s golden age and give Joe’s a try. You won’t be disappointed. by Erica I. Peña-Vest

Th is CSP newsletter is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the CSP Roundup are not necessarily the offi cial views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. Th e appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, NAS Fallon, or the publisher, of the products or services advertised. Published monthly by Sierra Nevada Media Group, a private fi rm in no way connected with the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written agreement with NAS Fallon. Correspondence with the Publisher may be addressed to 5055 Metric Way, Carson City, NV 89706. News Submission: Th e editorial content is edited by the MWR Department, NAS Fallon. Submissions in the form of news and feature stories and photographs are encouraged; these must include the author’s name, rate, rank and unit for military, and position and department for civilian personnel. All submissions must include duty phone number for information verifi cation. News and feature copy may be edited for adherence to appropriate news style and are subject to editing due to space limitations. Submit articles by e-mail to [email protected]. Deadline for all submissions is the 15th of every month. For information on paid advertisement or to view online, contact the Lahontan Valley News at 775-423-6041 or visit MWR Staff : Capt. Michael Glaser, Commanding Offi cer • Cmdr. Luther Hook, Executive Offi cer • John Stadler MWR Site Director • Dee Haberthur, Editor

4 • November 2008

SAvI Information

Roadside Cleanup

desert roundup

Welcome New SAVI Advoctes! Below are our 15 new victim advocates who attended the 30-hour SAVI Victim Advocate training, Oct. 6-10th at the FFSC. Th ese volunteers will join 5 previously trained SAVI advocates to fi ll our NAS Fallon monthly watchbill. Both a male & female advocate is available to respond to sexual assault calls 24/7. Victims may call 775 560-0558 at any time to be connected to an advocate.

SFWPD Fallon Sailors conducting 22 September roadside cleanup.

Th ey are: Back row, Left to right: Steven Rinkle, Nikki Reiter, Jaclyn Davidson, Christopher Ramirez, Malcolm Burdette, William Gillespie & Marlon Inniss Center row, L to R: Nicole Wilson, Katie Williams, Shannon Moore, Sean Riggins & David Miller Front row, L to R: Jorge Garcia, Marie Newton & Eric Self. Th ank you to all our advocates! If you have any questions regarding the SAVI program please call Rene Martinez, 426-3343. Also on this subject our current 5 advocates took their 15 hour refresher course, along with 3 people for Point of Contact (POC) training, 14-15 Oct. Th ey are: Michelle Walsh, Steven Strader, Mu Togafau, Rod Villacruz,, Sean Kirkpatrick as advocates. POCs are Kyle Young, Kurt Kelly, and Kim Brown.


PLANET X BAR: Location Bldg 323.

Activities Activities mWrActivities Activities KARAOKE TUESDAYS PLANET X KAROAKE NIGHT Th is is fund you won’t want to miss! Join us at Planet X for Karaoke. Serenade the audience with tunes from the Beatles to Sinatra to Alanis Morrisette, and to the ever-popular karaoke staple, “I Will Survive,” by Gloria YOU KNOW? DIDDID YOU KNOW? Gaynor. Sing your favorite songs for the crowd from DID YOU KNOW? 2000-2400 while you enjoy great food & beverage • If you enjoy a great game of pool, Planet • IfX you a great gameand of pool, Planet barenjoy has four pool tables you can play specials.

PLANET X BAR: Bldg 323. PhoneLocation Number 426-4000 X bar four tables andof you can play • Ifhas you enjoy a great game pool, Planet for Free. Inpool the game room there are a great PLANET X BAR: Location Bldg 323. Phone Number 426-4000 CAG Hours of Operation: variety of pool arcade games at a you costare but all the Free. In the game room there a great X bar has four tables and can play PhoneHours Number 426-4000 Mon. Tues, Wed Thurs & Sun 6pm-12am for CAG of Operation: WEDNESDAY LIBERTY CENTER GAME NIGHT pool tables aregames freeroom from open toare close. for Free. In the game there a great variety of arcade at a cost but all the FriOperation: &Thurs Sat 6pm-1am CAG Hours of Mon. Tues, Wed & Sun 6pm-12am AT PLANET X variety of arcade games a cost but all the pool tables are free fromat open to close. Mon. Tues, Wed Thurs & Sun 6pm-12am • Planet X Bar has an Advisory Board? Fri & Sat 6pm-1am Join the Liberty Center at Planet X for “GAME pool tables are free fromand open to close. SFARP Hours of Operation: If you are an E1-E6 would like to join Fri & Sat 6pm-1am NIGHT” and win great prizes. Th is is game fun you will X Bar has an Advisory Board? Bar - Monday – Friday 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. • Planet please call ext 4000. SFARP Hours(Close of Operation: • Planet X E1-E6 Bar has anwould Advisory According To Patronage) If you are an and like Board? to join want to be a part of! Texas Hold Em!, Poker, Dominoes, SFARP HoursSaturday Operation: • You bookand Planet X for re-enlistment If you call are an can E1-E6 would like to join & 6:00 Sunday – CLOSED Bar - Monday –ofFriday p.m. – 12:00 a.m. please ext 4000. Darts and Pool Tournaments a diff erent game every Bar - Monday – Friday 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 pleaseparties, call extsquadron 4000. parties or for any special NON CAG Hours: Planet X Bara.m. Closed (Close According To Patronage) occasion. Th ursday beginning at 1900. Don’t miss out! (Can be opened by request.) (Close According To Patronage) • You can book Planet X for re-enlistment Saturday & Sunday – CLOSED • Yousquadron can book Planet forfor re-enlistment Saturday & Hours: SundayPlanet – CLOSED parties, partiesXor any special NON CAG X Bar Closed *IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY! – Come in and see if your parties, squadron parties or for any special NON CAG Hours: Planet X Bar Closed occasion. (Can be opened by request.) occasion. birth date is randomly pulled and win great prizes! (Can be opened by request.) Ask the bartender!

MAY 2 MAY 2008 • 52 NovemberMAY 2008 •5

SAGE & SAND CPO CLU SAGE & SAND CPO CLUB: SAGE & SAND CPO CLU Location Bldg 382. Phone Number 426-2483 Location Bldg 382. Phone Number 426-2483

LocationCAG Bldg 382. Phone Number 426-2483 CAG Hours of Operation: Hours of Operation: Monday – Wednesday 4:00 p.m.Monday – Wednesday 4:00 p.m.-of11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. CAG Hours Operation: Thursday & Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. Thursday & Friday 3:00 a.m. Monday – Wednesday 4:00p.m.-12:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Saturday &- CLOSED Sunday - CLOSED a.m. Thursday & Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:00 (Can be opened by request) (Can be& opened by-request) Saturday Sunday CLOSED Non CAG (Can Hoursbe of opened Operation: byOperation: request) Non CAG Hours of Monday – Wednesday 4:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Monday – Wednesday p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Non CAG Hours4:00 of a.m. Operation: Thursday & Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:00 Thursday & To Friday 3:00 a.m. Monday – Wednesday 4:00p.m.-12:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. (Close According Patronage) Thursday Friday 3:00 (Close&According Top.m.-12:00 Patronage)a.m. (Close According To Patronage)


•You can book your upcoming retirement, party, wedding our any occasion special celebration at the Sage & Sand CPO Club


DID YOU KNOW? •You can book your upcoming retirement, party, wedding our any •Sage & Sand Club may be opened retirement, on •You canCPO book your upcoming party, wedding our any occasion special celebration atweekends the Sageby &request Sand CPO Club just call ext 2841. at the Sage & Sand CPO Club occasion special celebration •Sage & Sand CPO Club may be opened on weekends by request •Sage & Sand CPO Clubjust may opened callbeext 2841.on weekends by request just call ext 2841.

MEAN GENES & EDDIE PEPPERS: Location Bldg 426-2449 CAG Hours of Operation: Monday – Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.

MEAN GENES & EDDIE PEPP Location Location Bldg Bldg 426-2449 426-2449 SFARP Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri – 11:00 – 10:00 p.m. CAGa.m. Hours of Hours of Operation: Operation: Saturday &CAG Sunday - CLOSED

Monday Monday –– Sunday Sunday 11:00 11:00 a.m. a.m. –– 11:00 11:00 p.m. p.m.

Non CAG Hours of Operation: SFARP of Monday – Friday 11:00Hours a.m. – 2:00 p.m. SFARP Hours of Operation: Operation: Saturday CLOSED Mon Fri a.m. Mon&––Sunday Fri –– 11:00 11:00 a.m. –– 10:00 10:00 p.m. p.m.

Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED DID YOU KNOW? Non CAG Hours of Operation:

Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED

andwinds S Restaurant & Sports Bar

•Mean Genes a $211:00 kid’s Mondayhas – Friday a.m.meal – 2:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday CLOSED specials •Mean Gene’s/Eddie Peppers has weekly



Silver State wind•s Nov. 2008 andEvents SClub

•Mean GenesExpress has a $2 kid’s meal MWR Pony •Mean Gene’s/Eddie Peppers has weekly spe Outfitters

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Restaurant Friday & Saturday


SPORTS BAR SPORTS BAR MONDAY - SATURDAY NFL Monday Night Football Pool Tables, Video Games, Dart Board, Friday NFL Sunday Ticket Friday & & Saturday Saturday



11:00am - 8:30pm Progressive Slots Opens Every Monday night come and root for your favorite team! Opens at at 11:00 11:00 Daily Daily SUNDAY SPORTS BAR Music Music 5 Large Screen TVs During the game, enjoy great food and beverage specials. BREAKFAST

MONDAY - SATURDAY November 5 • Taco Bar • 1100-1300 MONDAY - SATURDAY Pool Tables, Video Games, Dart Board, Pool Tables, Video Games, Dart Board, 11:00am - 8:30pm Progressive Slots 11:00am - 8:30pm Open to All Hands • $7.95 per person Progressive Slots Silver State Club Events SUNDAY SPORTS BAR 5 Screen TVs SUNDAY SPORTS BAR 5 Large LargeEnjoy a great Taco Bar lunch. ScreenMay TVs 2008 BREAKFAST BREAKFAST NFL Sunday Ticket 9:30am - NOON NFLPrice includes your drink and dessert. Sunday Ticket May 7, 2008 May 21, 2008 9:30am - NOON


ITALIAN LUNCH BUFFET Open to all hands 1100-1300 $7.95 per person May 30, 2008 CLUB CLOSED DUE TO GRAD NIGHT

to all handsRib Dinner • 1700-2000 Nov 6Open • Prime 1100-1300 $7.95 per person May 11, 2008 Open to All Hands • $14.95 per person ALL HANDS MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH Enjoy the best mouth-watering prime rib dinner around. $17.95 per person $7.95 Children 6-12 Price includes your drink & dessert. Children 5 and Under Free

Silver Silver State State Club Club Events Events May May 2008 2008 May 7, 2008 1000-1300

May 21, 2008

0000241523 0000241523

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MWR Pony Express Outfitters Located in Building 393 (next to the Auto Hobby Shop) has all of your camping needs covered. You can rent coolers, tents, campers, and all the essentials to go camping and enjoy the sites in beautiful Northern Nevada. We also have fishing gear, log splitters, boats and of the ski, snowboard equipment that you could possibly need. Stop by today and see what is available for you and your family to rent or give us a call at 775-426-2598.

Located in Building 393 (next to the Auto Hobby Shop) Locatedhas in Building 393camping (next toneeds the Auto Hobby Shop) all of your covered. has all of your camping You can rent coolers, tents, campers, andneeds all thecovered. essentials to go camp Youenjoy can rent tents, campers, and all the We essentials to go camp and the coolers, sites in beautiful Northern Nevada. also have fishing and enjoy the sites inlog beautiful Northern Nevada. Weski, also have fishing splitters, boats and of the logequipment splitters, boats andcould of the ski, need. snowboard that you possibly Stop by today andequipment see what is available forpossibly you and need. your family snowboard that you could to rent give us is a call at 775-426-2598. Stop by today and or see what available for you and your family to rent or give us a call at 775-426-2598.

6 • November 2008


desert roundup

NSAWC Award Presentations Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson presents the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal to Lieutenant Andrew Hayes for professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as Ground Safety Officer, Naval Flight Officer Training and Assistant Officer in Charge for Operation Southeast Watch in Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron One Two One from May 2005 to June 2008.

Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson presents the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal to Lieutenant David Matsumoto for professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as Quality Assurance Officer and NATOPS Officer at Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron One Three from December 2006 to July 2008.

Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson presents the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal to Lieutenant Glen Meckes for professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as ordnance and field training unit Officer-InCharge from August 2006 to September 2008.

Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson presents the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal to Aviation Ordnanceman First Class Nathaniel Stuart for professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as Ordnance Division Quality Assurance/Safety Observer from May 2006 to October 2008.

Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson presents the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal to Senior Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic Timothy Haman for professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as Contract Maintenance Monitoring Team Leading Chief Petty Officer from February 2008 to August 2008.

Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson presents the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal to Hospital Corpsman Second Class Brinda Vanvolkenburg for professional achievement in the superior performance of her duties while serving as Chairman of the Relay for Life Fundraiser from February 2008 to June 2008.

Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson designates Aviation Warfare Specialist First Class Kevin Freeland, Aviation Warfare Specialist First Class Jeffery Moore, Aviation Warfare Specialist First Class Nicholas Wandler, and Electronics Technician Second Class Heather Lubich as a Master Training Specialists in recognition of exceptional dedication to duty and completion of demanding requirements which demonstrate excellence in leadership, technical competence, application of instructional methodology and desire to improve fleet readiness through quality instruction.

Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson presents a Letter of Commendation to Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class Mark Snyder for outstanding performance of duty while assigned as Quality Assurance Safety Observer and Ordnance Team Leader while assigned to Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center from October 2005 to September 2008.

Commander Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center RADM Mark Emerson presents a Letter of Commendation to Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class Anthony Salazar for outstanding performance of duty while assigned as Ordnance Team Member and Maintenance Technician while assigned to Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center from September 2006 to September 2008.

desert roundup

Desert moon Theater

November 2008 • 7


Rated: Genre: Runtime: Synopsis:

Ricky Gervais Greg Kinnear Alan Ruck Téa Leoni Jeff Hiller PG-13 for some strong language, sexual humor and drug references. Comedy and Science Fiction/Fantasy 102 min Bertram Pincus is a man whose people skills leave much to be desired. When Pincus dies unexpectedly, but is miraculously revived aft er seven minutes, he wakes up to discover that he now has the annoying ability to see ghosts. Even worse, they all want something from him, particularly Frank Herlihy, who pesters him into breaking up the impending marriage of his widow Gwen. Th at puts Pincus squarely in the middle of a triangle, with spirited results.


Samuel L. Jackson Patrick Wilson Kerry Washington Ron Glass Ajay Mehta

Rated: Genre: Runtime: Synopsis:

PG-13 for intense thematic material, violence, sexuality, language and some drug reference Drama, Th riller and Crime/Gangster 106 min A young interracial couple move into their dream home and are increasingly harassed by their next-door neighbor, a tightly wound black LAPD offi cer. When the couple decides to fi ght back the feud turns deadly.

IGOR Cast:

John Cusack, Steve Buscemi, John Cleese, Jay Leno, Jennifer Coolidge

Rated: Genre: Runtime: Synopsis:

PG for some thematic elements, scary images, action and mild language Comedy and Animation 88 min A hunchbacked lab assistant has big dreams of becoming a mad scientist and winning the fi rst place prize at the annual Evil Science Fair.

Desert Moon Theater Recording 426-2552 or Call 426-2580 for more information.

8 • Novemer 2008

FrC West Fallon

desert roundup

Congratulations MCPO Miller Master Chief Miller initially began his academic career with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2002 while stationed at NSAWC, NAS Fallon. In 2004, Master Chief Miller transferred to the USS KITTY HAWK and was unable to continue his studies. Upon returning to NAS Fallon in the fall of 2007, Master Chief Miller resumed his studies with Embry-Riddle. He




completed his Associate of the junior sailors in his of Science in Professional command. Aeronautics in October 2008 and lacks only 12 credit hours to be degree complete with his Bachelor’s degree in the same major. In the area of education, Master Chief Miller leads by example and is emulated by many


4 • MAY 2008

Cont’d From Cover

NADAP Staff Educates.... NADAP Senior Enlisted Advisor. “If you compare our alcohol related incidents from 1996 to 2007 there is about a 32% decrease, and about a 62% decrease in drug abuse because of the NADAP program and policies.” NADAP holds these summits on a monthly basis on different bases and provides the Commanding Officers, Executive Officers, Command Master Chiefs, senior

Tolas Place

enlisted personnel, junior officers and also junior enlisted personnel about the Navy’s policy in regards to substance abuse prevention. “The Sailors enjoy the information because they can use it as a tool so when they go out to the bar or go on liberty they have all the information they need to make a sound decision,” said Roxas. From fiscal years 2005 thru 2007 the Navy discharged 11,000 Sailors because of drugs or alcohol. The cost to separate one Sailor and train their replacement can be as much as $150,000 so over one billion dollars was used the last three years for this process alone, said Roxas.


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Cu t ou t a n d brin g you r c ou pon s in The Liberty C enter

G ym

B uy aSPORTS D onut ; Pay for33MW m Pay for BAR OPENS (5K or 10K G et a FR EEAT 11AM of locker DAILY Get the Sm al lC offee and 4th get MUSIC FRIDAY & SATURDAY Name: or Tea m onth FR May 31, Exp. June 31,2008 2007 POOL TABLES • No change given - No substitutions

Exp. May June31, 31, 20 2008 DART BOARD No change given - No su PROGRESSIVE SLOTS 9 BIG SCREEN TV’S NFL SUNDAY TICKET

D esert M oon Theater


arch 2008 • [  ]




P lanet

B uy O ne Large B uy O n Popcorn G et a B urge FR EE Lar ge & G et a F 423�8554 Soda! Large So May 31, Exp. June 31,2008 2007 1120 TAYLOR PLACE No change given - No substitutions

May 31, Exp. June 31,200 20 • FALLON No change given - No su

(Located behind Wal-Mart)

desert roundup

mWr News

Single Sailor • Geo Bachelor NOVEMBER 2008

November 2008 • 9

10 • November 2008

Special Interest

desert roundup

desert roundup

SFWPD Desert outlaws

SFWPD Fallon Conducts Award Quarters YN2(SW) Joshua A. Sando, SFWPD Fallon Public Affairs Officer

Awards Quarters was conducted at Strike Fighter Wing Pacifi c Detachment (SFWPD) Fallon on 3 October 2008 and Commander Charles G. Murphy, Offi cer-in-Charge (OIC), recognized some outstanding Sailors and civilians. Marcia Rickabaugh (MWR Gym) was presented a SFWPD Fallon OIC Letter of Appreciation (LOA) and command coin for her highly infl uential eff orts to improve SFWPD Fallon Sailor’s physical readiness and her work with the SFWPD Fallon Command Fitness Leader and his assistants in the resurrection of the command’s Physical Readiness Training Program. Frederick L. Roundy (PW Offi ce) was also presented with a SFWPD Fallon OIC LOA and command plaque for his unwavering eff orts resulting in the rehabilitation of SFWPD Fallon Hangar Two spaces onboard NAS Fallon. He continually ensured materials were onhand to complete a complex, ongoing restoration project while meeting tight deadlines so that SFWPD Fallon could meet mission objectives with no disruption in TOPGUN Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor (SFTI) and Fleet Replacement Squadron class schedules. SK2(SCW/AW) Joseph F. Buckley was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal from Commander, Naval Mobile

Construction Battalion FIVE to mark the successful completion of his most recent assignment. AM1(AW) Jeff ery M. Decker was recognized as SFPWD Fallon’s Senior Sailor of the Th ird Quarter for his eff orts as the driving force behind the documentation of countless audits, monitors, and qualifi cations across 13 work centers and 38 maintenance programs. He identifi ed program defi ciencies early, resulting in a 67 percent increase in “On Track” programs during the latest Commander, Strike Fighter Wing, U.S. Pacifi c Fleet Maintenance Program Assist. AD3 Geraldo M. Ramos was recognized as Plane Captain (PC) of the Th ird Quarter for preparing and directing the safe launch and recovery evolutions of all assigned F/A-18A-F aircraft to meet the requirements of the rigorous SFWPD Fallon daily fl ight schedule. AOAN Benjamin D. Stanhope was recognized

for being selected as the Junior Sailor of the Th ird Quarter for training six newly assigned PCs while assisting the Line Division in day-today evolutions, which was the key factor in SFWPD Fallon obtaining a 98 percent sortie completion rate. AT2 Brian C. McEvoy, AE3 Raymond M. Limon, ATAN Matthew P. Sherman, and AOAN Brianna L. Flores were all presented with their F/A-18A-F PC qualifi cations. AMAN Kenneth D. Harris was presented a LOA from Marine Fighter Attack Squadron TWO THREE TWO for his assistance in the repair of an aircraft that saved signifi cant dollars in TAD funds by not requiring a Rescue DET. Commander Murphy was quoted as saying, “I am continually impressed with the support SFWPD Fallon continues to receive from the various components of NAS Fallon. Without the support of the entire base, SFWPD Fallon would not be able to accomplish our mission”.

November 2008 • 11

SFWPD Fallon Conducts MWR Plane Wash On 9 September 2008, Strike Fighter Wing Pacifi c Detachment (SFWPD) Fallon held a Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) sponsored command plane wash. SFWPD Sailors were given the opportunity to vote for anyone in the command to participate in the plane wash by contributing one dollar per vote. Th e MWR event was coordinated by PR1(AW) Uriah B. Harriman and the members receiving the top-fi ve total votes were elected to take part in the event. Voted to participate were: Commander Charles

G. Murphy (Offi cer-in-Charge), Lieutenant Andrew L. Rutherford (Maintenance Offi cer), YNC(AW/ SW) Beverly L. Loan (Administrative Offi cer), ADCS(AW) Kendall L. Stegall (Command Senior Chief ), and AO2(AW) Anthony B. Jungers (SFWPD Fallon Ordnance). Th ough all fi ve were elected to “get down and dirty” during the plane wash, the mood was light and spirits were high as the event was held in an eff ort to raise funds for the annual SFWPD Fallon holiday party.

General Dentistry George Henderson, DDS • Quincy Gibbs, DDS Jim Smerdon, DMD

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1241 S. Taylor St. • Fallon Frederick L. Roundy being presented a LOA from SFWPD Fallon OIC.


Child and Youth Programs win $25,000 Music Program Grant

FitFactor Winners Naval Air Station Fallon

12 • November 2008

Need to Know

When seven staff members of Fallon’s Child and Youth Programs (CYP) signed up for the Staff FitFactor contest in November 2007, it was to get fi t and eat healthy while having fun. Th eir participation was also in part to show children at the Fallon Youth Center they could do it. As the staff participants exercised more and added nutritious food choices to their diets, they were awarded points. Little did they know that their consistent participation would win a $25,000 Music Program Grant for their youth center. FitFactor was initially off ered by Commander Navy Installation Command to youth program children up to age 18 who were able to use the computer and internet. Tracy Siebecker, a member of Fallon’s CYP staff played a big part in the kids’ success as well as that of the staff . “It is a great program and the kids love it,” said Tracy. “I made sure the kids were all enrolled in the program and logged points daily. When we enrolled in the program we had to watch what we ate, be more active and set a good example. If the kids saw us eating unhealthy foods they would let us know it would count against us when we logged our daily points,” Tracy added. Participants were able to earn up to 100 points daily doing such activities as walking, jogging, gardening, washing dishes, and making healthy food choices. It

Children at NAS Fallon’s Child Development Center (CDC) decorated grocery bags with their hand prints for the local “Hands are for helping, not for hurting” project.

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was not a small challenge as the Fallon youth center Staff FitFactor Team was competing against youth centers Navy wide. “We wanted to set a good example for the kids and that is what helped us to win. As we reached diff erent levels we would congratulate each other,” explained Cassandra Runnels, Fallon’s CYP Director and one of the seven participants. ”When we motivated the kids to log points it kept us motivated to log points as well. Th e program provided the incentive for the kids to be more active, eat less junk food and help out with chores at home. Most important, it was fun for both the staff and the children.” When the team of seven received the news that they had won a $25,000 Music Program Grant they were delighted. “We are really pleased about winning and plan to use the grant to add music instructors, and purchase instruments for classroom instruction,” said Cassandra. “With a structured music program the kids will be able to learn and practice regularly.” When Sophia Martinez, age six, heard the news, she told her Mom, “I have to log my FitFactor points in right now, it is very important so we can win another contest!” Renee, Sophia’s mom, who works at Fallon’s Fleet and Family Support Center said, “As a parent it is very exciting to see the kids benefi ting from this contest. Kudos to the NAS Fallon Child and Youth Center Program for winning!” Navy youth can get signed up for FitFactor at their base Navy youth center. For more information visit www.navygetfi

desert roundup

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desert roundup

Need to Know

november 2008 • 13


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From fiscal years 2005 thru % decrease, and about 2007 the Navy discharged 11,000 e in drug abuse beSailors2008 because of drugs or alcohol. ADAP and 14 program • NOVEMBER The cost to separate one Sailor and train their replacement can be as olds these summits much as $150,000 so over one bilbasis on different lion dollars was used the last three ides the Commandyears for this process alone, said xecutive Officers, Roxas. ster Chiefs, senior

Need to Know

Important NAS Fallon Numbers

Liberty Center...........2836 Information,Tickets & Tours...........2275 or 2865 Sports World Gymnasium..............2949 Oasis Fitness Center.........2251 or 2252 Go Kart Track............2437 Theater Recording.................2552 Theater Office...........2580 Pony Express Outdoor Recreation. .2598 Auto Hobby Shop. . . . .2575 Top Fun Youth and Teen Center........3777

Indoor Pool..............2791 Silver State Club.......2625 Sage & Sand Club. . . .2482 Planet X Club............2445 Sage Brush Bowl......2451 Hot Stuff Pizza..........2454 MWR LPO Office. . . . . .2869 MWR Office..............2550 Fleet and Family Services Center........3333 Child Development Program............423-5808 Child Development Homes..............423-0220 Housing Office..........2809

desert roundup

Chapel......................2813 Recycling..................2274 Commissary.............3428 Navy Exchange.........2818 Medical.............428-0100 Dental.......................2811 Drug and Alcohol Prevention................3738 Navy Marine Corps Relief Society...........2739 Not-New Shop..........3440 Fire and Security Emergencies...............911

ou t a n d brin g you r c ou pon s in to th e a ppropria te M W R fa c ility for you r sa v

Liberty C enter

G ym

Silver State Luncheons

Pony Express Poney

y a D onut; t a FR EE allC offee or Tea

Pay for33MWR m onths Pay for Runs (5K or 10K) of locker tim e Getand the 4th getFREE! a Name: m onth FR EE!

Buy One Lunch & Get the Second for HalfPrice!

Rent a Travel & W e’llThro 2 Sleeping B FR EE!

May 31, Exp. June 31,2008 2007 ge given - No substitutions

Exp. May June31, 31, 2007 2008 Non-transferrable No change given - No substitutions

Not valid for Mongolian BBQ. Second meal 31,2007 2008 must = or > ub value. Exp. January June 31, No change given - No substitutions

t M oon Theater

Planet X

B ow ling C enter

O ne Large corn G et a EE Large

B uy O ne B urger & G et a FR EE

B ow lon Tuesdays B etw een 1400-1600

Exp. June 31,2008 200 May 31, No change given - No sub

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