Denise Helm

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Your Numerology

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Numerology Index to your Numerology

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.


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The Numbers & Value of Each Letter Your Name Your Date of Birth General Meaning of Name (Destiny) Number Your Birth Path Destiny Your Power Number How you can prepare for a happy old age General Meaning of Power Number Your Constructive Traits Possible Negative Traits Possible Destructive Traits Summary Your Birthday Which Concord do you fit in Your Soul’s Urge or Goals Your Personality or Appearance - you make on others How to Reach your Plane of Success Your Cosmic Lessons & Talents Your Challenges or Stumbling Blocks Your Pinnacles – What you will Face Opportunities and Cautions Cosmic Duties How to let Numerology Guide you in the Future Your Numerological Two-Year Period Your Astro-Numro Two-Year Period Index to Compatibility of all your Names Observations Name Address


Phone Number Email Address

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Your Numerology





































All numbers are added up to make a single bold digit in brackets E.g. 10 is 1+0 = (1) Except: 11, 22 and 33 (THESE ARE MASTER NUMBERS)


Most importantly, Your Numbers guide you to your greater potential as well as teach you how to reach & embrace your dreams. So depending on age and maturity, you might still have some way to go to discover your personal Talents and Lessons.


The Number Value of each letter, as shown above, enables you to check the additions in your Full Name & compare Name Compatibility later in this chart. E.g. The number 18 becomes 1+8 = (9) in Numerology (single bold digit nine in brackets).


Your Soul’s Urge is expressed through the Vowels in your Full Name and your Personality is described via the Consonants. Totals of both these = Name Destiny.


You’ll find that the digits of your Name Destiny, Soul's Urge, Birth Path and Power Numbers to be your lucky numbers, esp. when choosing a house/business address, or taking a bet. Words and numbers shown in italic or bold, reflect your qualities in this document.


Compatibility Chart and Observations on the last page helps put balance into your relationships and personal names. Take note, Your Numbers will inform you of both your strengths and weaknesses and learning from them will be workin-progress.


I must point out that Numerology is a Science and this data is not based on speculation or psychic ability and your personal Chart will simply facilitate progress.


N.B. The Vowels in your name show your Soul’s Urge (Hearts Desire/Goals).

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D E N I S E H E L M's Total Numerology 19(1) 5 9 5 D E N I S E 4 5 1 10(1)

28(1) 9 9 9 1 V I R G I N I A 4 9 7 5 25(7)

5(5) 5 H E L M 8 3 4 15(6) Total 2(2)

Soul's Urge = 7(7) Personality = 14(5)



Your Birth Path

Name = 21(3)

2/08/1954 2 + 8 +(19)1 = 11(11)

Conclusion Soul Urge Personality Name (Destiny) Birth Path Power

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7 + 5 12 (3) + 11 14 (5)

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Your Name (Destiny) or Purpose in life: You were born for a definite purpose in life. You might want to do something entirely different from what you should experience. But eventually, if you make a sincere effort to strive in the direction of your destiny, avenues will open up for you. With that, you will succeed in accomplishing your true purpose and opportunities in life. Be sure to consult your Pinnacle Number in combination with your Name Destiny, as this will give you the best indication of your total disposition. Number Three Your life was destined for self-expression in words either in writing, acting or speaking. You can entertain others too as you were meant to be a joy bringer. Your job is to arouse spirit and imagination so that others will learn how to laugh. You will be popular, loved and acquire money. You should be creative, inspirational and artistic. You should be optimistic, active, helpful and a true friend. Since you have a gift of words, you should be interested in the theatre, opera, literature, writing and speaking or acting. See further attributes under “General Meaning of Numbers”.

General Meaning of Name (Destiny) Number: Number Three This number refers to Jupiter and takes on the powers of that planet. It is the largest of the planets in the solar system, and the only planet that gives off more energy than it receives from the sun. If you are a number three, you take life as it comes, love pleasure, and are essentially youthful. You have the talent for expressing yourself well in speaking, writing or acting. As a number three, you are gifted in being creative, but you are not noted for being practical. You dream big ventures, for you think on a large scale. Having a quick and keen mind, you learn easily. You always want to inject beauty and create new ideas in every situation. And since you have good luck, you see no reason why you can’t lend a hand to others. You can bridge the new into the old and make the seam between the two invisible. You can accomplish almost anything you decide you want to do. You are endowed with a super-imagination, and for this reason you may gravitate to the entertainment field. This can lead to many opportunities and financial success. Your love of everything is infectious, and this gives you a deadly attraction to the opposite sex. The difficulty is, even when threes are serious about the other person (or persons), their partner/s might not realise it. It is common for a threes beloved to take things more seriously than the threes themselves. Even when threes are serious, they can’t help but do a little flirting and might have an affair or two, discreetly on the side. Often if threes aren’t with those they love, they love those they are with. And that's just the way they see the world. Many fields of endeavour are open to a number three. Because of this, you must be careful not to scatter your talents in too many directions. You must guard against being too talkative, and so cause strained situations, and even loss of friends. Very few threes are accused of worrying or being depressed, for as a three you enjoy social life. Expression is your keynote. There are three types of threes. One is the ‘studious or mental variety’; another is ‘social’; and the third type is Copyright Colren Trust © 2007

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‘emotional and slightly unstable’. You could succeed in advertising or promotions, actor or performer, architect or designer, artist, beautician, clergyman, comedian, designer, entertainer, hairdresser, host or hostess, humorist or comedian, interior decorator, judge or arbitrator, landscape surveyor, model, musician, painter, playwright, photographer, graphic designer, public relations, restaurant manager, social or media correspondent, a salesman especially in health and cosmetics, schoolteacher, speaker or lecturer, training workshops, theatrical director or producer, and writer.

Your Birth Path Destiny: This is the number imposed on you at birth; it is what the universe demands that you learn in this lifetime. The manner in which you can easily conquer your obligation or learn your lessons is stated in this number. This also shows your assets, such as your talents, character and the ability to meet the experience of your present destiny. Your Birth Path states what you have to your credit - and what you must do to advance. Number Eleven - Limelight Since you have a master birth path, much is expected of you. You cannot lead a personal life, for you belong to the public. You are idealistic and inspirational. You would make an excellent lecturer, for the platform was meant for you. You may lean toward religion and could be a minister or spiritual advisor. You could succeed at anything listed under the number two, but your light should shine brighter as you were endowed with many talents. You may have been born into a family with little spiritual belief. As an agnostic or pessimist, you will suffer. You will have to learn to live humbly in the limelight. Any field such as a diplomat, import and export, stocks and shares, lecturer, motion picture director, author, columnist or critic, writer, artist or performer, in broadcasting or television, aviator, meteorologist, advertiser or promoter, and power or electrical field would be appropriate to you. Number Two - Cooperation In business and society, you must learn to stick up for yourself and learn to separate fact from fantasy. Like your Earth mother patron planet, you want to nurture things. There is a line between acceptable and excessive. That line is your own principals and judging the real facts of the case. If you allow fantasy and fact to mix, you will never have a reliable measure by which to judge that line. If you fail in this, your quality of tact and diplomacy will degenerate into hypocrisy and bootlicking. See yourself as a spring that people and animals can drink from. But don't allow them to suck you dry. Remember there are people who, like vultures, seek your time space and money. This is your overall lesson in life. Your appeal should be to groups and communities - for are a good mixer, gentle and persuasive. Your success depends greatly upon helping others without expecting a reward. You are a natural peacemaker and arbitrator. You may be born in a garrulous family in which you must settle disputes. You can succeed well in government work or politics. You could also be an excellent librarian, secretary, auditor, inspector or appraiser, stockbroker, import and export, teller, computer programmer or statistician. You must learn to be good Copyright Colren Trust © 2007

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at detailed work. Negative qualities are: you are too sensitive and timid. Instead of being courageous, you are often afraid of making a mistake. Other successful lines for you are music, painting and dancing, for you have a good sense of rhythm and timing.

Your Power Number: Your Power Number is obtained by adding your Name Destiny and Birth Path together. It is your beacon light directing you throughout your life span, but it is most noticeable and effective during the latter part of your life. It acts as a summation of all your personal numbers, putting them under one focus or final goal. How you can prepare for a happy old age Your life was mapped out for you at your birth but most of you have been too busy earning a living and assuming the responsibilities of a family, to be cognizant of the powers and force behind your Power Number. The latter years can be the best in your entire life for then your Power Number will be operating in full force. It indicates one more experience or lesson to be learned, as well as an extra opportunity. When in your twilight years, you will have time to re-evaluate your life and make your Power Number work for you. One way to prepare for this is to have a hobby or a vocation, which you can pursue at full speed. Number Five This is your chance for much experience. You will be free to travel extensively and be very active in a new project, for you have an inquisitive mind. However, your activities should be geared toward the improvement and advancement of the public. This is no time to rest. Be sure to sift your interests. Five is symbolic of the five-pointed star, but it is often too diversified, for you may reach out in too many directions at this period of life. You should be selective and concentrate on one major accomplishment. See further attributes under “General Meaning of Numbers”.

General Meaning of Power Number: Number Five This number refers to Mercury and takes on the powers of that planet. If you are a number five, you desire freedom and expansion in all things. You are versatile, changeable and enthusiastic. Being the number of experience, you learn by promoting new ideas, for which you have an insatiable curiosity. Your progress will consist of moving forward and onward, having the courage to let go of the old, and being willing to learn the untried. You often are impulsive, restless, and quick to act. You love adventure, and will even tread in quicksand, for you do things spontaneously without thinking things out. You are willing to try anything new, unfortunately that can include drugs or crime. But this courage can develop into something advantageous for the general good of the public. You know how to make a party lively and you can keep up an

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interesting conversation. Though you do don camouflage in company, just as Mercury is the master of disguise. The things that distinguish fives are that you are great travellers and tricksters. As travellers, you are a tourist rather than an émigrés. As tricksters, you are not just a practical joker, but also one who skips and hops from one idea to another, or one loyalty to another. You like the company of the opposite sex. As a number five, you are a super salesman. You like to speculate, taking a chance with whatever money you possess. You can take many small ideas from a large range of people and put them forward in an electric whole. Often it looks like a jigsaw puzzle, but the piece is still recognisable. Fives can be in danger of being a jack-of-all-trades, and master of none. But for all that, you will escape being shallow if you link up various things through study. Fives are good observers, you will look at the world over and this has a lot to do with your desire to travel. This gives you the gift of the gab, as well as being a good listener. You could run a travel bureau or be a guide on a tour around the world. You often drown yourself in social activities but after all that, one will still spot a serious side to your nature. You may engage in some field of athletics and excel at it. You could succeed as a political or market analyst, archaeologist, insurance adjuster, artist or performer, attorney, beauty expert, columnist, dancer, detective, drama critic, dealer in stocks and bonds, editor, import and export, explorer, flight attendant, hostess, inspector, insurance adjuster, investigator, lecturer, literary agent, linguist, musician, philosopher, photographer, physical trainer, pilot, plastic surgeon, playwright, politician, psychologist, psychiatrist, forensics, social or political reporter, salesman, real estate, marketing and promotions, professional sportsman, theatrical agent, artistic director or television producer, publisher, travel agent, a vet, conservation or game ranger, travelling salesman, tour director, and writer.

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Your Traits: This Chart does not suggest you own any or all of these traits, but if some are appropriate, acknowledgment and/or change will facilitate progress.

Your Constructive Traits: 3 Optimism, humour, joy, sociability, self-expression, enthusiasm.

(Name) (Birth)

11 Intuition, inspiration, invention, revelation, idealism. or 2 Diplomacy, cooperation, detail, harmony, service, rhythm. 5 Freedom, change, travel, adventure, progress, versatility.


A constructive person makes an effort to be a leader or pioneer rather than a follower. He/she tries to build and not tear down. He/she makes an effort to succeed by his own will power. Possible Negative Traits: 3 Gossip, pessimism, extravagance, repression, false pride

(Name) (Birth)

11 Shiftlessness, fanaticism, aimlessness, lack of understanding. or 2 Carelessness, shyness, tactlessness, over-sensitivity, vacillation. 5 Thoughtlessness, procrastination, irresponsibility, changeability.


A negative individual rocks like a seesaw. He/she may bounce up or down at any given time. He/she always follows a crowd and does not contribute anything constructive to life. He/she lacks the courage to express their desires. Possible Destructive Traits: 3 Intolerance, jealousy, hypocrisy, deceit, avarice.

(Name) (Birth)

11 Dishonesty, miserly, wickedness, degradation, deterioration. or 2 Cruelty, cowardice, anger, deception, obsession 5 Sensuality, perversion, malevolence, debauchery, dope, drink.


A destructive individual does not see the bright side of life. He/she is disagreeable, depressing, weakening, and pessimistic. Summary: 3 Artist, speaker, writer, entertainer, humorist.

(Name) (Birth)

11 Idealist, speaker, religious conviction, psychic, writer, diplomat. or 2 Peacemaker, diplomat, musician, statistician, clerk, librarian 5 Traveller, salesman, detective, psychologist, adventurer, writer.


Most people make a sincere effort to live in a constructive manner. However to identify the potential negative/destructive traits in your character, might just help you to steer clear of them. This will definitely make your path in life easier.

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Your Birthday: A Birthday on the 2nd day of any Month You are a peacemaker or arbitrator. You work better in a group or for someone else rather than in an individual capacity. Being fond of music and rhythm, you have considerable talent for song writing, dancing, playing an instrument, or writing poetry. You are tactful, diplomatic and cooperative but you are very sensitive and emotional. You are well liked by everyone, and should strive to overcome your periodic moods of depression. You are inclined to underestimate your own ability and therefore are in danger of becoming a doormat for others. You may succeed in civic service, governmental work, as a politician, analyst, librarian, clerk, police officer, or in an artistic pursuit such as painting, music, or dancing. Having a deep love, you want and need affection.

Which Concord do you fit in? Fire or Business Concord Birthdays that reduce to two are in the fire or business concord. People with any of these numbers will gravitate to the business world. They are enthusiastic, aggressive and have masculine qualities. The element of fire is feeling. Consequently, they are classed as the emotional type. But actually, they are often austere or cold individuals, for they find it difficult to express their feelings. They make successful business managers, bankers, contractors, merchants, auditors, stenographers, business executives, designers and politicians.

Your Soul’s Urge or Goals: (Vowels) Your hearts desire, secret ambitions or ideals are what you want most out of life. This indicates how you should think, feel and act. Some individuals are so strong that they will do anything to achieve this. Others will not listen to what their soul wants and so they go though life with their desires unfulfilled. But most inner souls usually awaken at some stage in life, rearranging ones goals or even direction. Number Seven You seek knowledge and wisdom above all things. You want perfection. You are introspective, studious and theoretical. You want the opportunity and quietude to meditate. You are intuitive, inspirational and sometimes retiring. You love nature, i.e. the plants and animals. You love mystery and seek to understand spiritual laws. You dislike noise and confusion. You dislike manual labour and detail. You are not popular in society, as you are seldom understood. You are intellectual, scientific, philosophical and spiritual. Number 7’s must learn to live alone and not be lonely. Copyright Colren Trust © 2007

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Your vowels tell what you desire to be, do, or have, even though the public does not know how you think or feel.

Your Personality or Appearance - you make on others: (Consonants) Your personality is your outer self or the impression you make on others. People judge you by your appearance, hair care, nails, clothing, your attitude, your actions and your voice. Personality should be the avenue through which your character, talents and true self are expressed. Unfortunately, this is not always the case for it often serves as a cover-up of the inner-self, which may be weak and lack sincerity. Number Five You have a magnetic and interesting personality. You like and are liked by the opposite sex. You have a sense of humour, and are an excellent conversationalist. You find pleasure in dark corners and make them topsy-turvy till its bright. Your fantasies are a reality to you, and you will set out in search of them. You couldn't care less about tomorrow, as long as you have the joy of today. All things mystical intrigue you. Friends may think you are irresponsible or a bit mad and can’t understand you. You are not the most stable worker or spouse. Fields of interest will stand you in good stead and make you a well rounded. You will want to travel, including bartering your services to make it possible. You have to make the ultimate effort not to be fickle or fall into depression. You are always youthful in appearance. You can be a leader of fashions. You try to be versatile and up-to-date. You often go to extremes, such as wearing furs in summer months. You should avoid being flashy. Remember, your personality shows what others think you are, from the impression you make on them.

How to Reach your Plane of Success: Your personality, characteristics, skill and general disposition are revealed here. The most frequent numbers in your Full Baptismal Name (Page 3) show which field you will do your best work in. Through the planes, you will learn if you have a practical, emotional, imaginative or intuitive outlook on life. The Intuitive Plane If your Full Name has many nines, then you function on the intuitive or spiritual plane. You are more spiritual than practical or physical. Your action will be based on understanding and wisdom rather than on hard-core facts. Being guided by inner knowing, you draw from your deeper self. The intuitive plane promotes tolerance, reverence, compassion, kindliness, prophecy and inner guidance. You are also capable of great analysis, technical facts and insights into the feelings of others. Many numbers on this plane (nines) indicate ability in literature, religion, and Copyright Colren Trust © 2007

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invention as well as prophecies that are not in accordance to the normal way of thinking and actions. You may be plagued with delicate health. Nines are very deep thinkers. You can work with all people. You are dramatically inclined. While you are impersonal, you become distressed if you fail to get love and approval. You like to appeal to the crowd and to be admired. Nines are usually tolerant, sympathetic and generous - though you do need guidance for you often dream too much.

Your Cosmic Talents and Lessons: To find out your Talents and Lessons look at your Full Baptismal Name (Page 3), to establish the origins of these numerological values. Numerologists will drop at least two fives from your name when doing this exercise, that is because fives are such common numbers. Good qualities and areas to develop and strengthen are shown as your Natural Talents. If you trust and concentrate on your talents, your life will become a bag of jewels. The Cosmic Lessons reflect the qualities that you lack and which hinder your success in life. They are shown as barriers with which you have to make a conscious effort to conquer the personal deficiencies to improve your life. Number One

Natural Talents:

Many ones show ambition, independence and individual interests. This often indicates a selfish domineering person, unless two is prominent. Number Two

Cosmic Lesson:

If you show few or no twos, you lacked diplomacy and cooperation formerly. You failed to conserve time and save money. You were shy to the point of avoiding companions, but now you must learn to work with others, to acquire patience and attend to detail. Number Three

Cosmic Lesson:

If you show few or no threes, you were unable to express yourself well previously. You lacked confidence in yourself and would hide from the public. You also could have revealed a lack of imagination, a quick temper and scattering your talents. Number Four

Natural Talents:

Many fours show economy, thrift, order, honesty and a penchant for hard work. You should learn to concentrate and use good judgement. You are good at details and routine. You may be stubborn. Number Five

Cosmic Lesson:

If you show few or no fives, you had a constant fear of facing change or anything new in the past. A lack of understanding, curiosity and interest in your fellowmen is indicated. This number is seldom lacking. You have to learn to face these changes, Copyright Colren Trust © 2007

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which leads to new discoveries. Number Six

Cosmic Lesson:

If you show few or no sixes, you indicated an unwillingness to assume responsibility beforehand. You feared being tied down to the care of a home and family. This means, you have much to learn about being a good partner in marriage and a good parent, for many adjustments will be necessary, including domestic responsibility and service to others. Number Seven

Cosmic Lesson:

If you show few or no sevens, you formerly lacked understanding between the material and spiritual. Plus you avoided turning in for guidance. You have a fear of faith and what it entails. You also disclose a lack of technique, analysis and willingness to train your mind and examine conditions before you jump to conclusions. Number Eight

Cosmic Lesson:

If you show few or no eights, you lacked the ability or the efficiency to handle business or other material affairs previously. This is your opportunity to learn the value of money and learn to organize and manage, for fate will force you to handle this. Number Nine

Natural Talents:

Many nines show a universal outlook. You are artistic and have a creative and literary ability. You should enjoy travelling.

Your Challenges or Stumbling Blocks: If a Master Number appears in your birth date, you should reduce it to a single digit. Every human being has weak traits or challenges in his makeup. No task is too difficult for you to handle, for you have the ability to accomplish all that is required of you in this lifetime. Meeting a challenge head-on, and resolving to cross its hurdles by using your talents constructively builds character. Once done, you will encounter a decided change in your life toward progress and success. If a specific challenge appears more than once, then that is regarded as a major challenge. Your greatest rewards will come from acknowledging your challenges through numerology. Your Birth Path


Minus single digits

2-8-(19) 1

Digit of the month – (subtract) the digit of the day = your 1st sub challenge. Digit of the day – (subtract) the digit of the year = your 2nd sub challenge Subtract those two numbers above = your 3rd Main challenge (most important) Digit of month – (subtract) digit of year = 4th Test challenge (subordinate to 3rd)

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(6 ) (1 ) (5 ) (7 )

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Number Six Challenge

(Your 1st Sub Challenge)

If you have a six challenge, you are idealistic, but you may also be domineering and meddlesome. You may want everyone to conform to your principals or way of thinking. You may be too optimistic about what you consider right and wrong. You will quarrel with anyone who disagrees with the rules you have made. This often causes a rift with your marriage partner, as you believe everyone makes mistakes but yourself. You would succeed better if you harnessed yourself to your own ideals and tried to make them materialize, rather than cling to people and try to remake them. You will never be completely happy, find love and appreciation, until you learn that others have a right to their individual ideas and standards.

Number One Challenge

(Your 2nd Sub Challenge)

You must learn to develop a strong willpower, strength of character and courage, or you will be subjected to being bossed and held down by others, especially your relatives. You will meet with much interference, but you should not blame others, be resentful, or belligerent. You may find yourself vacillating and turning in every direction to please others, but you will accomplish nothing, not even pleasing yourself, until you become determined to learn to command the respect of others. First, ascertain if you are right and then forge ahead, not with a chip on your shoulder, but firmly. You have creative and original ideas, which you must put to use.

Number Five Challenge

(Your 3rd and Main Challenge)

If you have a five challenge, you want freedom at any price. However, a rolling stone seldom builds a solid foundation. You are curious about sex and the senses. This is a difficult challenge to handle, for it may make you too impulsive. You may want to try everything at least once and thus cause you to lack stability. Another essential freedom of the five challenges is to learn to let go of people and things. You must cultivate the healthy type of change. You must distinguish when and what to discard, for that brings progress. Be careful lest you merely want change to satisfy your carnal desires. Desire for freedom may also be due to wanting to escape from responsibilities. A number five challenge is excellent at dealing with the public in work such as promotion, advertising, travel, or publicity. You should learn to control your impulses.

Number Seven Challenge

(Your 4th Test Challenge – subordinate to 3rd)

If you have a seven challenge, you will find yourself rebellious against prevailing conditions but unfortunately avoid making an effort to alter or better them - or work towards the promotion of something new. This is a tragic and difficult challenge to bear but luckily, very few people have the seven challenge to face. It usually brings a big test or repression. Too much false pride, aloofness and reserve, keep the real feelings hidden below the surface. You need a good education, so that you can develop keen analysis and technical skills. You should avoid fits of melancholia and refrain from resorting to drink. You have an underlying spiritual quality, but you devote too much time to dwelling on your limitations. Consequently, until that is addressed, you will attract apprehension instead of faith. If you study and perfect your skills, you can attract the best in life. Also, you must learn to appreciate the invisible world - of thoughts, emotions, insights and love.

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N.B. It is unusual if your Main and Test challenge varies. Since this is the case, you will have an extra challenge in the latter part of your life. It will require additional effort and understanding, to sustain order and organisation in keeping your life balanced.

Your Pinnacles - What you will Face: Everyone will face a crossroad at least once in his or her life. At that time, it is useful to know your pinnacle because it serves as a route marker to guide you on the right path. Connect your appropriate Pinnacle to your Name Destiny to get the best results. Studying your pinnacles will help you understand changes in your mood and attitudes towards people and things. It will not only suggest your opportunities but also the obstacles as blessings in disguise. Master Numbers are reduced to do this exercise.

Date of Birth:


Add Single Digits:

2+ 8+ (19) 1

Digit of the month + (add) the digit of the day Digit of the day + (add) the digit of the year Digit of 1st Pinnacle + (add) the 2nd Pinnacle Digit of the month + (add) the digit of the year

= 1st Pinnacle. = 2nd Pinnacle. = 3rd Pinnacle. = 4th Pinnacle.


( ( ( (

1) 3) 4) 9)

The cycle of nine operates in determining the length of each pinnacle in your life. A full circle is 360 degrees, which is divided into 4 x 90 degrees. In order do this exercise we drop the 0 from 360, and then subtract the single digit (2) of your birth path from 36 = 34 years old, and that result gives duration of the 1st pinnacle. To arrive at the length of the 2nd pinnacle, we add 9 years to the end of the 1st pinnacle. For the 3rd period, we add another 9 years at the end of the 2nd pinnacle. The 4th pinnacle begins at the end of the 3rd period and is effective till the end of your life.

Pinnacle Number One

(From 0

to 34

years old)

The one pinnacle gives you the opportunity to be a leader, for you have executive ability, are individualistic in thought and action. You are independent and original. This and a ten pinnacle often forces you to stand on your own feet and to rely upon yourself and not others for success. This might make you obstinate and domineering. If this occurs as a first pinnacle, it may be a difficult period for you. A young person is not always prepared to be courageous and independent, and so you could often lose the great opportunities provided to use your original ideas.

Pinnacle Number Three

(From 35 to 43

years old)

This is a good period to develop your creative, promotional or artistic ability, as you are inspirational and have good ideas. It is not a physical but a mental period. You may have the opportunity for writing, speaking, interior designing and stage or movie entertainment. Your imagination and feeling will be on top form. This is also an excellent period to attract money. But remember, you must be prepared to put forth the necessary effort to channel your talent into a definite artistic, imaginative

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or creative field. The emotions should be curbed at all times and kept under control.

Pinnacle Number Four

(From 44 to 52 years old)

Under a four pinnacle, it is expedient to lay a good foundation for the future, but hard work will be required of you. This practical period may not be easy to face, as it demands constant service and effort. This is an excellent time to save and accumulate a bank account for future needs This pinnacle is one of maintaining order, and of systematizing, detailing, and building by placing ideas and facts in definite order. Your family may be a huge responsibility or duty. Practicing an economic financial system will be a requirement. It can be a welcome period, for you have a chance to put your ideas into practical form.

Pinnacle Number Nine

(From 53 to the end of your life) (You are in this period)

This is a pinnacle of completion. If you have learned to be impersonal, selfless and universal in your outlook, not aiming for personal love or friendships, then this will be a rewarding pinnacle. This period can bring you beauty, art and philanthropy. Much compassion, tolerance and living for others is expected of you. This is a difficult pinnacle as few have learned to love and give without expecting any return. If you are resentful or selfish, then this will be an unhappy time. This is an excellent period to attract money and success, if you have aimed high enough to work for the good of mankind and not for yourself. Money can be lost, but it will be gained again. As a number nine, you will be tested constantly for your compassion and love of others. If nine is the first pinnacle, a divorce or unhappy love affair may occur but this often ends up as a blessing.

Opportunities, Cautions & Duties: If one of your Pinnacle Numbers or Cosmic Lessons appears in your chart thus far, it has special significance, which is listed under Summation. Summation: 1

No Pinnacle points to any Cosmic Lessons to be dealt with. You should have learned all your major lessons at this stage of your life.

Cosmic Duties: These are reconstructive duties shown in your Power Number because through their experience the necessary growth can be gained. They lead to adjustments in your life so that possible weaknesses dont continually fuel heartache. 14. The basic message of the warning in number fourteen is lack of understanding. Copyright Colren Trust © 2007

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Often we don't understand the motives of others, or even our own motives at times, for we act in one-way and think and feel in another. Through understanding, we develop humility, compassion and overflowing love. We should avoid going to extremes. It is hard for a fourteen to learn its lesson if they try to gain freedom by destructive methods or at the expense of others. This will bring a loss of property, failure in business, sickness or even death. You are too interested in your physical senses so you must learn the lesson of detachment. Be temperate or you'll experience many emotional upsets and delays.

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How to let Numerology Guide you in the Future: This system of foretelling the future has esoteric significance and it is not based on speculation. There is no element of good or bad luck involved. By taking note of the numbers you can discern: A propitious time to begin new undertakings, the wisdom of delay, and your inaction during certain periods. This is to avoid loss or disappointment and to protect your health and finances. It would be wise to make your own personal notes during this 2-Year-Cycle (forecast). After that, I will draw up your 9-Year-Cycle which will help you become confident of your future. On completion of the 9th Cycle, simply revisit the 1st Cycle in rotation on an ongoing basis. Your 9-Year-Chart is the closest thing to a crystal ball that you will ever get. This will enable you to have much better control over your destiny.

Numerology Periods from your Birthday in 2006 We combine your Personal Year with the Universal Year to do this exercise. The universal year + your Year of Birth (reduced to a double digit) shows your Overtone, which will give the overview of your whole year ahead. The 1st period = universal year + Your Age, the 2nd period = universal year + your Birth Path (reduced) and the 3rd period = universal year + Your Key (obtained from the day you were born). OVERTONE For year


No. No. No. No.

1st period 2 Aug - 2 Dec 2006

2006 19


2006 52

2nd period 2 Dec - 2 Apr 2007


3rd period 2 Apr - 2 Aug 2007

2006 11

2006 + 11









19 52 11 11

This is the number of the Year that you were born, before it is reduced. (1954) This is your actual Age in this year. ( 2/08/2006) This is the number of your Birth Path, before it is reduced. ( 2/08/1954) This is Your Key, which originates from the day you are born. You are inspirational and spiritual. Negative traveller. You often vacillate.

The Overtone for the whole of your year is 27 - that is from your birthday this year till the next birthday next year. The overtone is worked out on your personal year, and not on the universal year and it serves as an umbrella - which covers each of the periods ahead. Overtone Number 27. This number indicates calamity, quarrels, wars, revolutions and enemies, but often this is necessary to stand up for your rights. It is one of the worst vibrations but often a special person will enter your life during this time and this will ease the stress. Papers should be signed carefully or not at all. You must guard against deception in business and personal affairs. No time to travel or start something new. Let things go, because Numbers 18, 22 and 14 indicate that the harder one works the less he/she accomplishes. Try to keep a low profile at this time.

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1st period

2 Aug - 2 Dec 2006

Number 33. This is the same as 24 or 15. Number 24 says: This is a family love vibration. It is always a family affair with devotion and support. Gain through love and the opposite sex. Favourable for future plans. Number 15 says: This is a personal number. It brings love, joy and sorrow. Good for getting money or favours from others. It indicates births and love affairs but in combination with 18 or 27 - big changes, separation or divorce. 2nd period

2 Dec - 2 Apr 2007

Number 28. Watch out for contradictions - if anybody contradicts himself or herself keep your distance. Losses through trust in others - remember to hold your own counsel, don't tell people your plans. Opposition and competition - whatever you are doing, expect an increase in competition and opposition to your plans. It can be either fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how you handle your plans and financial affairs. 3rd period

2 Apr - 2 Aug 2007

Number 28. Watch out for contradictions - if anybody contradicts himself or herself keep your distance. Losses through trust in others - remember to hold your own counsel, don't tell people your plans. Opposition and competition - whatever you are doing, expect an increase in competition and opposition to your plans. It can be either fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how you handle your plans and financial affairs.

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Since it is difficult to grasp the mystical meanings behind the Numerology predictions until you are familiar with them, I have included the Astro-Numro Forecast too. But I must stipulate that the Numerology Periods are very accurate, especially in business. The Astro-Numro chart is calculated on the Universal Year (1st Jan - 31st Dec) coupled with your Birth Path from your birthday onwards. I have watched this way of foretelling for the last nine years. In my opinion, it is about 70% accurate. Read through it and judge for yourself at the end of the year. The Universal Year is 2006 , which means 2 + 0 + 0 + 6 = 26 then 2 + 6 = 8 . So, ( 8) is thenumber for this Universal Year. Now add your Birth Path to the Universal Year Number to discover your year from your birthday ahead. Your Personal Birth Path = Universal Year = Total


2 8 10 ( 1 + 0 = 1 )

This makes your Astro-Numro Number(1) from your birthday onwards. Number One - The Sun This is a go-ahead year for you. Consider yourself a pioneer and get ready to take on positions of authority and power - even if that means wearing the pants for a while. This is a time of new beginnings, see the future span out in front of you and leave the past behind. You should have fixity of purpose, toughness of character and an unquenchable desire to succeed - whatever it takes. During this year:       

Better physical health and the ability to become stronger and fitter. Success in material and financial matters. A positive change of job or home location. New contacts. It won't only be what you want but whom you get to know. Career pressures and high-stress situations. Strain in working and personal relationships. Over-stretching yourself financially.

Career & Finance: If you have been on the point of leaving that safe, secure but unfulfilling job, this is the year to do so. If you concentrate on doing something that fulfils you rather than trying to find ways to earn more money, you'll find the financial rewards come pouring in. Dormant leadership qualities will be evoked and coupled with a desire for financial independence, going into business or becoming self-employed is on the cards. March, July and October are dynamic and eventful months for making your mark. Home & Lifestyle: This year is all about taking charge of situations and not depending on others to provide for Copyright Colren Trust © 2007

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you. Self-expression is a big theme for the next period and you may find that what starts out as a home industry turns into a moneymaking proposition. March and April are key months for domestic matters and changes. Breaks from the past are indicated and you should aim to bring new ideas in every way you can. You'll find some moves will benefit you in many ways. Love & Relationships: A '1' year spells independence. This does not mean you are destined for a year alone, but it does suggest that you need to define your own goals. If you're in a relationship that is suppressing your personality and talents, there could well be a parting of the ways. But some individuals will want to make a long-term commitment or their partner will require extra support. The secret of romantic success is to constantly affirm your own worth and accept nothing less than the best. Only you can change an old pattern.

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Numerology Periods from your Birthday in 2007 OVERTONE For year 2007 + 19

1st period 2 Aug - 2 Dec 2007


2007 53

2nd period 2 Dec - 2 Apr 2008


2007 11

3rd period 2 Apr - 2 Aug 2008


2007 11









No. No. No. No.

19 53 11 11

This is the number of the Year that you were born, before it is reduced. (1954 ) This is your actual Age in this year. ( 2/08/2007) This is the number of your Birth Path, before it is reduced. ( 2/08/1954) This is Your Key, which originates from the day you are born. You are inspirational and spiritual. Negative traveller. You often vacillate.

Overtone: Number 28. Watch out for contradictions - if anybody contradicts himself or herself keep your distance. Losses through trust in others - remember to hold your own counsel, don't tell people your plans. Opposition and competition - whatever you are doing, expect an increase in competition and opposition to your plans. It can be either fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how you handle your plans and financial affairs. 1st period

2 Aug - 2 Dec 2007

Number 26. Splendid financial number, you will get more money during this time. But if good judgement is not used you can throw away all you’ve accumulated. Money received at this time may be spent without much thought and with great rapidity. Watch partnerships, investments and bad speculation. So, though this is a good period, it does warn you to be careful too. 2nd period 2 Dec - 2 Apr 2008 Number 29. This indicates a good change but not necessarily of location or environment. Good for planning your future if you are on the right track. If not, you might be plagued with uncertainties, deception and treachery. For this reason this period warns of caution with future plans. Also, this may be a time of unexpected danger so be vigilant. 3rd period 2 Apr - 2 Aug 2008 Number 29. This indicates a good change but not necessarily of location or environment. Good for planning your future if you are on the right track. If not, you might be plagued with uncertainties, deception and treachery. For this reason this period warns of caution with future plans. Also, this may be a time of unexpected danger so be vigilant.

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Since it is difficult to grasp the mystical meanings behind the Numerology predictions until you are familiar with them, I have included the Astro-Numro Forecast too. But I must stipulate that the Numerology Periods are very accurate, especially in business. The Astro-Numro chart is calculated on the Universal Year (1st Jan - 31st Dec) coupled with your Birth Path from your birthday onwards. I have watched this way of foretelling for the last nine years. In my opinion, it is about 70% accurate. Read through it and judge for yourself at the end of the year. The Universal Year is 2007 , which means 2 + 0 + 0 + 7 = 27 then 2 + 7 = 9 . So, ( 9) is thenumber for this Universal Year. Now add your Birth Path to the Universal Year Number to discover your year from your birthday ahead. Your Personal Birth Path = Universal Year = +

2 9


11 ( 1 + 1 = 2 )

This makes your Astro-Numro Number (2) from your birthday onwards. Number Two - The Moon No man is an island - as you're about to find out. This is a year when togetherness counts. It's a period when emotions and intuition are to the fore and you are more receptive and less likely to want to take the lead or the bull by the horns. You'll need to be fluid, compassionate and philosophical. During this year:       

A new home or addition to the family. You tap the 'inner you' - the 'real you'. Personal fulfilment and stronger more meaningful emotional bonds. Travel. Opportunities to serve the community - if not humanity Less resilience. Negative thinking and inability to be objective. Easily deceived and open to manipulation. Financial mistakes and material losses.

Career & Finance: This is not a year for ruthlessly making it to the top, but it is a year of preparation and a time really to weigh up what is important for you. Tapping trends and an affinity to respond to peoples needs are hallmarks, but so is the tendency to be undermined by people who are jealous of you. Finances are tricky: on one hand, buying property is recommended; but on the other, there could be severe fluctuations concerning yours or a partner's earnings. Home & Lifestyle: Home is where the heart is this year, whether you take that to mean domestic bliss or plenty to do in the DIY department. Inter-family relationships are top priority and if you're not Copyright Colren Trust © 2007

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playing nurse or agony aunt to a relative, then you could be welcoming some big changes in the family circle. Babies and the younger generation have a special part to play in your life and there could be some travel or moves linked to a younger person. It's not a year to underestimate the power and importance of the family network. Love & Relationships: This year reveals the cracks in a relationship and emphasises your need to find the ideal partner and perfect happiness. You will have to fight a tendency to be too emotionally needy, thereby generating tension relationships and running the risk of being rejected. Your intuition will lead you to make the correct deduction 90% of the time, but that mistaken 10% could cost you dearly. Be nurturing but not smothering, acquiescent but not masochistic. You will learn much about yourself this year, enabling you to find harmony instead of polarity.

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Numerology Periods from your Birthday in 2008 OVERTONE For year 2008 + 19

1st period 2 Aug - 2 Dec 2008


2008 54

2nd period 2 Dec - 2 Apr 2009


2008 11

3rd period 2 Apr - 2 Aug 2009


2008 11









No. No. No. No.

19 54 11 11

This is the number of the Year that you were born, before it is reduced.(1954) This is your actual Age in this year. ( 2/08/2008) This is the number of your Birth Path, before it is reduced. ( 2/08/1954) This is Your Key, which originates from the day you are born. You are inspirational and spiritual. Negative traveller. You often vacillate.

Overtone: Number 29. This indicates a good change but not necessarily of location or environment. Good for planning your future if you are on the right track. If not, you might be plagued with uncertainties, deception and treachery. For this reason this period warns of caution with future plans. Also, this may be a time of unexpected danger so be vigilant. 1st period

2 Aug - 2 Dec 2008

Number 28. Watch out for contradictions - if anybody contradicts himself or herself keep your distance. Losses through trust in others - remember to hold your own counsel, don't tell people your plans. Opposition and competition - whatever you are doing, expect an increase in competition and opposition to your plans. It can be either fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how you handle your plans and financial affairs. 2nd period 2 Dec - 2 Apr 2009 Number 30. This number is neither fortunate nor unfortunate but it is a time when you feel at ease with your own company. It is a period for thoughtful deduction, retrospection and mental superiority over others. Often this is a time of study or drawing up plans for a new project. It can be powerful. 3rd period

2 Apr - 2 Aug 2009

Number 30. This number is neither fortunate nor unfortunate but it is a time when you feel at ease with your own company. It is a period for thoughtful deduction, retrospection and mental superiority over others. Often this is a time of study or drawing up plans for a new project. It can be powerful.

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Since it is difficult to grasp the mystical meanings behind the Numerology predictions until you are familiar with them, I have included the Astro-Numro Forecast too. But I must stipulate that the Numerology Periods are very accurate, especially in business. The Astro-Numro chart is calculated on the Universal Year (1st Jan - 31st Dec) coupled with your Birth Path from your birthday onwards. I have watched this way of foretelling for the last nine years. In my opinion, it is about 70% accurate. Read through it and judge for yourself at the end of the year. The Universal Year is 2008 , which means 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 28 then 2 + 8 = 10 . So, (10) is the number for this Universal Year. Now add your Birth Path to the Universal Year Number to discover your year from your birthday ahead.

Your Personal Birth Path= 2 + Universal Year = 10 Total

12 (1 + 2 = 3)

This makes your Astro-Numro Number(3) from your birthday onwards. Number Three - Jupiter This is one of the most successful years on record. Of course, it won't be problem-free, but there will be many more opportunities to prosper and find fulfilment. Your horizons will really open up this year and you should have no qualms about leaving the home ground and seeking your fortune in a different territory. Nothing succeeds like success - as you're about to find out. During this year:  Big plans can be made; offers and opportunities come in giant size packs.  Travel and contacts with people from different backgrounds and cultures.  Success and promotion, even a moment of fame.  Searching for knowledge, justice, truth and meaning.  All too often, pride comes before the fall.  Inflation of existing difficulties and over-stretching yourself financially.  Creating powerful enemies. Career & Finance: If you are a career '3', this is your year to make it. You should have no doubts about your abilities and you should set your targets high. You will find plenty of silver linings and even the odd glittering prize. Money is in much more plentiful supply and there is a feeling that you are at last being paid and treated as you deserve. Keep your optimism and your sense of self-esteem high and you won't come away disappointed. There is a real chance of promotion, especially around July. Who said you had delusions of grandeur? Home & Lifestyle: Your spirits should be higher and this will be reflected in your desire to make the home

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more beautiful. An upmarket move could be on the agenda. Indeed, there could be all sorts of happy events to look forward to. Travel is much more likely in a '3' year - but with all this bounty in the air, there will be a tendency to over-stretch yourself, so keep a tight watch on funds and your blood pressure. Love & Relationships: Since this is the year to make it in every sense of the word, your romantic and social life should improve by leaps and bounds. I say 'should' because sometimes getting on with people is fraught with pitfalls in a '3' year. Keep looking over your shoulder and don't let everyone know your affairs - business or otherwise. If you find yourself criticising your partner or looking for a more passion and 'bigger' life with someone else, be very careful. Don't jump out of the frying pan straight into the fire.

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Index to Compatibility Values of all your Names: Master Numbers are reduced to a single digit when doing this exercise. Explanations regarding the compatibilities are explained under Observations at the end of this document. Look to page 2 to compare the Numerological values of your all your names. Since you cannot change your Full Name (underlined Number below) so easily, you can change your Signature and/or get a Nickname if necessary. Any name modification will enable progress within 3 months of the amendment. This is a very powerful exercise and calculated changes will help you as much as they did for me. Name No.

Gives Strength

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,

Helps Grow

7 8 9 7 8 9 4 5 6

3,8 4,9 1,5 2,6 3,7 4,8 5,9 1,6 2,7

Hinders 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1,

5,6,9 3,6,7 4,7,8 5,8,9 4,6,9 2,5,7 3,6,8 4,7,9 4,5,8

Observations Notes are based on the Index to Compatibility Values above. The Full Name refers to all your names - First, Middle and Surname. In your case, your Full Name number is (3). Your Formal name refers to your business, political, social and community way of looking at things. If you use D. V. H E L M(1) as your signature, it will Help Grow. If you use D. H E L M(6) as your signature, it will Give Strength. If you use V. H E L M(6) as your signature, it will Give Strength. If you use H E L M(2) on its own, it will Hinder your progress. Your personal name is what people call you. Yours is D E N I S E(2) and it will Hinder your progress. Otherwise, it would be best to consult The Numbers and Value of Each Letter on page 3 to assist you in finding a Nickname.

... So, there you have it, a comprehensive guide. Should you want your rotating 9Year-Chart (9 year forecast), or a Numerological Chart for family or friends, do not hesitate to give me a call. It makes a great Birthday or Christmas gift. Best regards,

Renée Webber. Cel: 082 549 6555.

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