'demonic' Intervention In Human Evolution

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  • Pages: 5
There is a theory that something or somethings existed alongside evolving humans. Call them nature spirits, gods, demons,.. whatever you like to label them - there seems to be evidence we were not alone in our evolution here on Earth. The Dzogchen religion, based on lucid dreaming, is a religion rooted in such a spirit intermingling with humanity. I have personally experienced lucid dreaming but question the whole origin mythos of Dzogchen. I don't necessarily question the interaction of a nature spirit with humans - simply the details of the supposed interaction. I've read the story too long ago to recall exact details: something about a boy/giant possessed by the spirit and changing character.. The details are unimportant to me - the fact of an interaction is what interests me.. I actually have personal experiences relating to possession. I copy-paste a letter below (which incidentally was rejected for posting in a forum about such things). [part 1] i have no comment about abductions except that there are two 'semi popular' ppl associated with the Biaviian (i always misspell that) 'horde'.. one is Riley Martin (who describes reptiles and various other races 'in league' (tho somewhat opposing) with Biaviians. His book was The Coming of Tan. his website is: http://rileymartin.com/ he makes 'tickets' (custom artwork) for the bailout at 'endtimes' 2012. yes, i have one. but.. it's more for the artwork. ;) each artwork comes with a 'title' (your 'ancient name') .. mine happens to be Rah-Eron (some kind of ancient priest or something like that).. it's cute. ;) the other somewhat 'famous' person associated with the Biaviians is simply Michael (from Hawaii) .. you can listen to audio interviews with Riley's old publisher at: http://helloearth.info/ i happen to think/feel .. well .. i don't want to get all negative on them .. i believe their hearts are in the right place but .. Riley may be an unwitting conman (not of his own design) fallen prey to a psychic/interviewer who convinced him he had these memories via hypnotic regression. then comes the book. then comes all the hullabaloo. ^^ .. you decide.. anyways, i've stopped writing to Michael and Riley .. they've stopped listening to me .. i tried to be a voice of reason (and support) for them but .. i question the whole "passing thru walls" thing (Michael's story) .. it sounds like a dream or fantasy .. i use Occam's Razor again: what's more likely? 1. two guys are whisked away to an alien mothership near Saturn then their memories are suppressed .. only later to be revealed or.. 2. both are delusional and unwitting scam/conmen Riley was interviewed on one of those 'hype' talk shows .. i forget his name .. the bottom line for the interviewer was: where's the evidence? Riley has a cut pinky which he said came after a 'mind duel' with a reptile individual. a cut pinky and a book (mediocre sci-fi). that's it .. so .. you tell me: fact or fantasy? let's not wait for 2012 to decide..

i have had some kind of repeated visitation of my own :( very disturbing but not often (thank God). usually, it's when i'm just about to wake up from night sleep. i sense a presence. i open my eyes (even tho i'm still asleep - this can actually be done). there is something hovering near me: a dark snake-like thing .. perhaps an eel is a better analogy. it's observing me or - God knows what. it could be a spine from some extradimensional creature for all i know. :( it's real and certainly not my imagination. :( very disturbing and very horrifying. every time, i must control myself - not to give into fear (i believe that's the critical issue). sometimes, i try to communicate with it like: "what the f___ do you want!" a few weeks ago, something else was observing me: some grey like creature .. not sure .. just watching me. he moved in to get a closer look (i assume) .. it felt threatening .. so i kept kicking at his head to keep him away.. what i didn't know was - i was kicking paintings hanging on a wall next to the small bed i was sleeping on. the paintings (my father's portraits) were flying all over the room (on that side). it seemed like he/it was trying to provoke me (perhaps try to get me to injure myself - who knows..) then of course i woke up and found the paintings all on the floor. (fortunately, none hit me in the head.) there was a malevolence emanating from both creatures (the snake/eel and the grey). i could sense/feel this. i have no idea why they want to observe me. i'm a writer/technician with mostly unknown works. i do have a LOT to say which goes unposted here. (i understand - "off topic") .. but .. many things i have to say have relevancy to our times .. ppl should listen (get a chance to read/listen). sam micheal ps - one time i took the risk to allow merging with the snake/eel because i wanted to know its intentions: i basically allowed it to posses me. as is typical in a lucid dream - everything seemed to vibrate. i seemed to sense vibrations from everything. i could not detect its motives. altho, it did seem to be on an ego trip (similar to Lucifer). i have no idea the actual identity of the entity. for all i know, it could have been Lucifer. but .. it detached and i returned to my 'normal self' (me). i do not remember it visiting again. of course, i am no longer afraid of the entity. but i'm still curious about its identity and intentions. pps - when i was in contact with Riley (he's like a brother to me), i had horrible nightmares (i assumed it was reptiles playing some kind of mind game with me). i don't recall the substance/content of the nightmares but .. they were not good. it seems in most (if not all) these encounters, the issue is about fear - they either 'feed' off fear or simply want to see if they can scare you.. not sure which.. Riley contends the reptiles are a malevolent species - manipulating humans for their own selfish motives. ..i don't know for sure.. all i can tell you is about my own

personal experiences - above. ppps - the reasons i continued contact with Riley were several including: as a child - i had night terrors - i was convinced these were caused by real demons or malevolent spirits. typically, they would come in the form of a large reptile. go figure. ;) sometimes, they would be body-less 'vampire heads' drooling for my blood. they assumed whatever shape generated the most terror in me. (so of course, i developed the theory - they fed off this.) so you can imagine how important i think this letter should be posted - so that we can help each other in awareness and possibly protecting each other from harm. [part 2] there is only one other time i have a possession story: some years ago, i was married to a Venezuelan woman. she was very proud and had a powerful personality. i still admire her for her inner strength and character. we are no longer together (both too immature at that time for a serious/committed relationship). i must apologize now for the dark side of the golden rule: i gave her back what she gave to me and we broke up. this is the unfortunate/bad side of the golden rule (it should not be applied by immature individuals). back to the story.. one night, some 'alien presence' possessed me .. it was totally/completely involuntary .. i had no self-control - i could not control my own body/limbs.. it just happened while i was asleep. boom - possessed. no invitation. no coercion - just instant possession. this creature was Horney. (you can guess what happened.) he/it basically raped my wife. (not brutally fortunately - she did not object.) but.. i tried to tell her what happened later (i was watching myself as if i was a puppet of this thing). it was disturbing in those two respects: i had no choice; i could do nothing to stop it. of course, i have no idea if the entity was a projection from an 'alien' with a real physical body .. or .. if it was a purely spiritual entity (with no physical body) .. it seemed to want to 'get off' (do some aliens/entities crave sex?) i can only guess.. i wanted to relate that story because .. it's relevant to my previous letter.. we certainly live in a bizarre universe, don't we??? ;) sam micheal --------------------------------------------------------There's a Huge difference between a lucid dream and 'possession dream' .. or is there? There is this overwhelming vibration filling your senses which makes it difficult to think. In a lucid dream, there is not necessarily the vibration. Sometimes you can create any dream you wish. Sometimes you are aware as if in astral projection. I'm a little confused about the vibration thing cuz I seem to remember a time when I was in 'astral projection mode' and watching my sleeping body but also vibrating.. So.. Was I possessed at that time? Difficult to say.. Another two things about the possession 'dreams': you could sense there was something there - another entity - other than yourself. And it seemed very difficult to communicate with the other entity. I'm not sure if it was the mind-numbing vibration or simply because we lacked a common reference/symbolism. Of course these are not scientific evidence for actual possession nor evidence for spirits comingling with humanity. They are simply anecdotal. And they are only one sample of one person's experiences. Combine that with others and stories of 'spirit interaction' and you have quite a case for the positive. Again, it is not scientific evidence. But it is somewhat compelling

given the bizarre nature of the events and actual details. If you've read Anne Rice, you might anticipate what I'll say next. She proposes several nature spirits of obscure origins interacting with humans. I propose something further. Remember the map I showed you indicating Homo Floresiensis and I said "this is only a sample"? I propose that humanity originated in a diverse spread of genealogies with patron spirits for some or all of the groups. Ritual sacrifice was commonplace. Trance dancing was also commonplace. And I propose sacrifice for beneficial evolution was also commonplace. Each group prayed to their 'god' for enhancement that would give them a competitive edge over their neighbors. Only in home-land Africa did those prayers, sacrifices, and trance dances (rituals) produce results for one special group - the group later to displace all others - modern humans. Now of course, there is no guarantee each group had their own individual 'god'. Perhaps some spirits roamed between several or many groups sampling the 'depravity' of each .. Spending more time where the rituals were interesting or varied .. Spending less time where rituals were mechanistic or simple. There is no guarantee 'blood baths' would work better than ritual rapes or ritual rapes work better than circumcision in such a contest to grab and keep 'divine attention'. I can only guess what might appeal to a 'god'. ;) But I suggest that the varied and complex attracted more spiritual attention than rituals without. The results of those interactions are what fascinates me. Perhaps these spirits had a hand in human evolution? From the record, it seems likely (there are unexplainable diasporas associated with mutations). Perhaps a group would be somehow enhanced by their patron spirit and they decided to 'test out the magic' imbued by them. This is all speculation of course. But if we can tentatively accept 'nature spirit interaction' with humanity, it becomes likely. The whole question of 'appropriate knowledge of the gods' becomes immediately relevant. Do the 'gods' know about DNA or do they simply have a 'gut feeling' about it? Can they manipulate DNA at will or are they more limited like humans? Certainly, in our laboratories, we are becoming more like 'gods' than ever before (when considering DNA manipulation). Is the social resistance to such human manipulation from human resistance or 'god' resistance? It would certainly be in 'gods' interests to keep us naive about DNA manipulation or have us have 'morality' against human DNA manipulation - especially if they wish to retain control. So I would question any such resistance rather forcefully. Who's to know - who are the better manipulators.. Perhaps all the mistakes in human evolution were wiped out by the 'winners' (us). Perhaps these 'gods' made so many grotesque mistakes they would prefer we not remember. Perhaps that is why such theories about human evolution are automatically dismissed by many. Perhaps I am too close to the truth. The real question becomes - are we ready to become the 'gods'? We can only know after the fact.. All I can say is - manipulate carefully and .. pray once in a while. ;)


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