Demo Teaching First Law Of Motion G8.docx

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OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:  Understand and define the concept of inertia and Newton’s First Law of Motion  Demonstrate an activity that demonstrate Newton’s First Law of Motion  Identify situations from daily life that they can explain with the help of this law


SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Newton’s First Law of Motion: The Law of Inertia Reference : Science Vistas 8 Book Learner’s Material, 1st Law of Inertia Youtube Lessons and Activities Materials : Visual Aids: Cartolina, tapes, pictures, and markers For the Activity: Coins, Small Glass, , Paper tubes, cards, boiled eggs, bottle soda. Plastic plates Science Process Skills: Hypothesizing and predicting, Inferring, Posing questions


PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

PRAYER Everyone kindly stand, we will start our day with a prayer. (Calls a student) Kindly lead us the prayer. In the name of the father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Spirit. Amen… Good morning class Kindly take your seats. CHECKING OF ATTENDANCE Class secretary kindly check the attendance. Is there any absent? Very good. REMINDERS Before we start, kindly keep all your things that are not necessary for our today’s lesson and kindly sit properly so that you can listen very well. Let me remind you that during our lesson: Do not make unnecessary noise that can disturb the class Raise your hand if you want to recite If someone is talking or sharing his/her idea, everybody should listen Ask permission if you want to go out And lastly you need to respect everybody inside the classroom.

Good morning Sir.

None sir.

(Students keep all their things and sit properly)

Is that clear class? Very good.

Yes sir!

REVIEW OF PREVIOUS LESSON MOTIVATING ACTIVITY Ok everyone, kind hold your pencils or ballpens and put it at the top of your desk. As you can see the pencil is not moving. Now roll the pen until it will fall on the ground. And analyzed what have you seen. Anyone who could explain why does the pencil rolled off the desk onto the floor. Yes (calls a name)?

The pencil rolled off the desk beacause i applied a force on it and it falls down because the force of gravity is pulling it downward.

Yes that’s right. The pencil rolled off the desk because you simply exerted a force on it causing it to move and fall to the ground. It’s just like the same when i push this table in front of me. The table moves simply because i exerted a force on it. I’ll drop this chalk. The chalk moves downward because there is a force of gravity acted on it. So today’s lesson, we will talk about Newton’s First Law of Motion, the Law of Inertia. But before anything else, let us be guided first with our objectives. Everyone kindly read our objectives.

LESSON OBJECTIVES  Understand and define the concept of inertia and Newton’s First Law of Motion  Demonstrate an activity that demonstrate Newton’s First Law of Motion  Identify situations from daily life that they can explain with the help of this law

Ok thank you everyone. ACTIVITY Class, do you know who formulated the laws of motion? That’s right. Isaac Newton is the one who formulated the Three Laws of Motion. So, Isaac Newton was one of the most famous scientists in the world. Newton observed how objects moved. He studied how forces like gravity changed the motion of an object. According to story, this all started when an apple from its tree fell and struck his head while resting underneath it. After that, the Newton’s Laws of motion were formulated.

The one who formulated the laws of motion is Isaac Newton

So our discussion for today will start in the First Law of Motion, The Law of Inertia. Newton said that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted uponby a force. We will have an activity to demonstrate this one. I’ll group this class into five groups. Kindly count off 1 to 5. All number one kindly stand up. Choose your leader. You may now sit. (same with the following groups) I’ll be assigning each group a respective areas to stay. Group 1 will be here.... group 2.. 3 .. 4.. 5

Without noise. Kindly go to your respective area and with your chairs make a small circle. Listen. This activity will be divided into three parts . In part one. Each group will perform “ coin in a top of a bottle soda” You will use these materials that i have prepared. A bottle soda and coins. Procedure: •Place a 20 peso bill on a top of bottle •Stack the coins on the top of 20 peso bill •Quickly pull the 20 peso bill. Make an observation of what will happen. In 1 whole sheet paper. answer these following questions posted on the board 1. Before pulling the 20 peso bill. What do think will happen to the coins at the top of it? 2. What happened to the coins when you pull the 20 peso bill? In part two. Each group will perform a penny card flick using these materials that i have prepared. A glass/plastic cup, a card and a penny.

(Students will count off)

Procedure: •Place the index card on top of the small glass. • Place the penny on top of the index card. • From the side flick the index card off of the glass. Make sure that the card is flicked parallel to the desk. Make an observation of what will happen. And answer these following questions posted on the board. 1. Before flicking the card. What do think will happen to the coinat the top of the card? 2. What happened to the coin when you flick the card? 3. In which direction did the card moves. 4. In which direction did the coin moves? 5. Why does the coin did not followed the patch of the card. In part three. You will perform an Egg in the Water trick. I have here a glass/plastic cups a plastic plate a tissue paper tube and a boiled egg. Procedure: •Pour some water into the glass (half of the glass) •Place the plastic plate on top of the small glass. • Stand up the three toilet paper tubes on the plate directly over the glass of water • Place the raw eggs on the tops of the toilet paper tubes. • Using your hand and with a force, Strike the side of the plate • Make an observation of what will happen. And answer these following questions posted on the board. 1. Before stricking the plate. What do think will happen to the egg at the top of the paper tubes. 2. What happened to the egg when you flick the card? 3. In which direction did the plate.moves? 4. In which direction did the egg moves? 5. Why does the egg did not followed the patch of the plate. Am i understood?

Yes Sir!

I’ll give you 20 minutes to do it. After 20 minutes. I’ll call some group to demonstrate it again here in front and to give their answers based on their observations. (Students doing their activity)

Ok you may start now. 20 minutes done everyone. Kindly arrange the chairs and take a sit. Just remain in your respective groups. ANALYSIS Now group 4, kindly, choose some representative on your group to demonstrate the part one here in front and tell us what have you oserved. Group 4 here in front.

(Student will demonstrate the part 1. “Bottle Soda and coins”” (Students telling the class what have they observed ) 1. Before pull the 20 peso bill. What do think will happen to the coins at the top of it? 2. What happened to the coins when you pull the 20 peso bill?

A very good observation group 4. Did the other groups come up with the same observation too? Ok very good. Now, Group 1 will demonstrate the part and tell us what have you observed Group 1 here in front.

(Student will demonstrate the part 2. “Penny Card Flick” (Students telling the class what have they observed ) 1. Before flicking the card. What do think will happen to the coinat the top of the card? 2. What happened to the coin when you flick the card? 3. In which direction did the card moves. 4. In which direction did the coin moves? 5. Why does the coin did not followed the patch of the card.

That’s nice to here that good observations too group 1. Did the other group come up with the same observation too? Ok very good everyone. Ok group 5. Kindly demonstrate the third one. Group 5 here in front.

(Student will demonstrate the part 3. “Egg in Water” (Students telling the class what have they observed ) 1. Before stricking the plate. What do think will happen to the egg at the top of the paper tubes? 2. What happened to the egg when you flick the card? 3. In which direction did the plate.moves? 4. In which direction did the egg moves?

5. Why does the egg did not followed the patch of the plate. Ok Very good! Did the other group come up with the same observation too? Ok very good everyone. What have you observed is the First Law of Motion or the law of Inertia. Which tells us that all objects that at rest will stay at rest and objest in motion will stay in motion unless a force is acted upon it. In your activity, when you pull the bill the coins on the top of it remainsat rest. It means that the coin has intertia. Inertia is the tendecy of an object to resist changes in motion. All objects moving or at rest has inertia. But it varies in relation to the mass of an object. “The greater the mass of an object the greater its inertia” Now which has greater inertia. A ping pong ball at rest or a golf ball at rest? That’s right.

Golf ball at rest.

Now going back to your activity, before you flick the card. Everything, the glass, the coin and the card are at rest. But when you put a force in the card by flickering it. The card moves to the direction of the force. But why is it that the coin also moves downward. Does it mean that did you put a force also in the coin? No Sir! Why?

It is because there is a force of gravity acting on it.

That’s right. When you pull the card the coin stay at rest for a while until the force of gravity will act on it pulling it downward. The same goes for the egg in the water activity. Am i understood? ABSTRACTION Who was the one formulated the Laws of Motion?

What the we call first law of Motion? What is inertia?

Yes sir.

The one formulated the Laws of Motion is Isaac Newton The Law of Inertia Inertia is the tedency of an object to resist any changes in motion

Which has a greater inertia, a book at rest or a pencil at rest? What does the law of inertia states?

A book The first law of motion or the law of inertia states the an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon a force.

Very good class. APPLICATION Class, everyday in our life we experience and encounter these first law of motion. Some of these experience we drive bicycles, we lift books, we play basketball, we see moving cars and more. Anyone can give me other situations from daily life that you can explain with the help of this law?

Very good. Another one?

When we ride a bus and the bus in motion suddenly stop, our body tend to move forward. When we drice or ride a motor and follow a curve path our body tend to move in the opposite direction.

Ok very good class.

EVALUATION For your quiz. I will show you a picture scenario of two children playing soccer. One child has kicked a soccer ball toward the goal. The other child is attempting to block the goal. In a ½ cw paper, i want you to answer the following questions.

1. Write an explanation of how Newton's first law of motion is being illustrated by the soccer player kicking the soccer ball. 2. Suppose the goalie catches the ball. How does that further illustrate Newton's first law of motion?

ASSIGMENT As your reading assignment, i want you to read and study the Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the Law of Acceleration which will be our Lesson for tomorrow. Each group ( we will be having the same group) will bring 2 soda cans. 1 full soda can and 1 empty soda can for your activity tomorrow. Good day to everyone!

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