Degree Exhibition Completion Submit this signed form to Amy Fichter (Applied Arts 306B) or the folder on/near her office door on the Monday after your exhibition closes.
Name _______________________________________________________________ Student I.D. # ________________________________________________________ Email ___________________________ Phone _____________________________ Mentor ______________________________________________________________ Dates of exhibit _______________________________________________________ Other students exhibiting with you: 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ I, _______________________________ (name) agree that I have fulfilled the arrangements of this contract and am returning this signed form (both by student and mentor) to Amy Fichter. At the end of the semester, the Registrar’s office will be given a list of those students who have completed their degree exhibitions and handed this completed/signed form back to me (Amy). I understand that failing to do this will affect my ability to graduate.
___________________________ (student’s name) has successfully completed his/her Degree Exhibition, to a degree acceptable with the standards of the Department of Art & Design, UWStout.
Mentor’s Signature: __________________________________________