Definite Actions And Predicting

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 324
  • Pages: 2
LESSON PLAN – intermediate 1 Sultoni


Block 4A – Definite Actions and Predicting

WARMER – games MAIN LANGUAGE ITEMS Form: When he gets older, he will lose his hair (fist conditional form + WHEN) Meaning: Definite Actions and Predicting Use:

What will you do when you…?

TEACHING PROCEDURE: • Lead in o How are you today? o How’s your school? •

Scene setting o Anyway, do you want to be old? o What do you say, if you’re imagining your old era and what would happen to you at that era?

Eliciting o Old, lose hair Write: when I get old, I will lose my hair o Go home, tonight, sleep Write: when he goes home tonight, he will sleep.

Concept checking o What will lose when you’re old? o What happen to him when he goes home?

Drilling o Individually o chorally Round up o Open-ended: will you lose your hair? o Personalized: what would you do when you’re old?

WHITEBOARD CONSOLIDATION Same as the form above PRACTICE-(pair work) What will you do when you …? [55/A4] a. Lead-In: All of you must have plans after doing something. b. Scene set: Now, I want you to decide what will you do in some conditions. c. Elicit TL • These are some conditions. • You have to think, what will you do when you …? d. Drilling the TL • Drill the answers e. Concept checking f. Round up • Open-ended questions • Personalizing the context PRODUCTION- Presentations • Lead-In: You all must have lots of activity. • Scene set: Now, I want you to tell me, what will you do, if something happen to your self. • Give model using Ss

• • • •

You have to make the sentences based on your own thought. Start the activity Let them to write in a paper Stop + tie up Remedial work (discuss common problems) Report it (presentation)

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