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  • Pages: 6
PHYSICS NOTES THE LIST OF DEFINITION CHAPTER ONE ( INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS ) ITEM MEANING/DEFINITION Physics quantities A quantity that can be measured. Kuantiti yang boleh diukur Base quantities Physical quantities that cannot be difined in term of other physical quantities. Kuantiti fizik yang tidak dapat ditakrifkan Derived quantities Physical quantities derived by combining base quantities. This can be done by multiplication or division or both. Kuantiti fizik yang dihasilkan daripada gabungan kuantiti asas secara pendaraban atau pembahagian atau keduanya. Precision /Consistency The ability to measured values remain constant throughout. Kebolehan alat itu mengukur sesuatu kuantiti fizik dengan memberi nilai secara konsisten. Accuracy The ability of an apparatus to give readings nearest to the actual value. Kebolehan alat untuk mengukur kuantiti fizik yang hampir dengan nilai sebenar. Sensitivity Ability to detect small changes in measuring physical quantities. Kebolehan alat mengesan perubahan kecil pada kuantiti yang diukur. Errors Incorrectly reading and measurement. Ketidakpastian dalam suatu bacaan dan pengukuran. Systematic errors Cumulative errors that can be corrected, if errors are know like incorrect position of the zero point and incorrect calibration of the measuring instrument. Ketidakpastian alatan ketika yang tidak menunjukkan bacaan kosong ketika bacaan skala diambil dalam membuat pengukuran. Random errors Arise from unknown and unpredictable variations in condition, and will produce a difference error every time you repeat the experiment. They may vary from observation to observation. Kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh mata pemerhati semasa mengambil bacaan Parallax error Is an error in reading an instrument because the observer’s eye and the pointer are not in a line perpendicular to the plane of the scale. Kesilapan pengukuran semasa mengambil bacaan skala dan kedudukan yang kurang sesuai. Zero error The measuring instrument does not start from exactly zero.



ITEM Linear motion Scalar quantities Vector quantities Velocity

Speed Acceleration Distant Displacement Inertia First Newton’s Law

Second Newton’ s law

MEANING/DEFINITION Motion in a straight line. Gerakan mengikut satu garis lurus. A quantities which has only magnitude. Kuantiti yang mempunyai magnitud shj. A quantities which has both magnitude and direction. Kuantiti yang mempunyai magnitud dan arah. The rate of change of displacement. Kadar perubahan sesaran. The rate of change of distance. Kadar perubahan jarak. The rate of change of velocity. Kadar perubahan halaju.. The total length of the path traveled. Jumlah panjang lintasan yang dilalui. The distance travelled in a specific direction. Jarak yang dilalui mengikut arah tertentu. The tendency of an object to resist change to its state of motion. Sifat semulajadi sesuatu objek yang menentang perubahan kepada keadaan asalnya samada pegun atau bergerak. An object at rest tends to stay at rest and a moving object tends to continue its uniform motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless being acted upon by an external force. ( menerangkan situasi inersia ) The net force on an object is proportional to the rate of change in momentum. ( menerangkan situasi kadar perubahan momentum terhadap daya ( F=ma ) – daya impuls.

Third Newton’s law

Momentum The principle of conservation of momentum Force

Impulsive impulsive force Weight Mass Free fall

( menerangkan situasi keseimbangan daya ) Menyatakan bahawa bagi setiap tindakan terdapat satu tindakbalas yang mempunyai magnitude yang sama dan bertindak pada arah yang bertentangan. The product of its mass and velocity. Hasil darab jisim dengan halaju. The total momentum of a system is constant, if no external force acts on the system. Jumlah momentum sebelum perlanggaran = Jumlah momentum selepas perlanggaran. The resistant of change to its state of motion or moves in the object.. Tindakan yang boleh mengubah keadaan rehat atau gerakan suatu jasad. Change in momentum. Perubahan momentum. The rate of change of momentum. Kadar perubahan momentum.. The force of gravity which is exerted on it by earth. Daya tindakan gravity ke atas suatu jasad. The amount of matter in the object. Jumlah kuantiti jirim bagi suatu jasad. An object falling under the force of gravity only without any external forces.


Work Energy Gravitational field Potential energy

Elastic potential energy

Kinetic energy The principle of conservation of energy


Sebarang objek yang jatuh disebabkan oleh daya gravity ( berlaku dalam vakum ) tanpa sebarang daya luar. The product of force and the displacement. Hasil darab daya dengan sesaran. The capacity to do work. Keupayaan melakukan kerja. The region in which an object experiences a foece due to gravitational attraction. The energy stored in the object because of its position or its state. Tenaga yang dipunyai oleh suatu jasad disebabkan oleh kedudukannya. The energy possessed by an object due to its compressed or rarefaction. Tenaga yang dipunyai oleh jasad yang diregangkan atau dimampatkan. The energy possessed by an object due to its motion Tenaga yang dipunyai oleh suatu jasad disebabkan oleh gerakannya. State that the energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be transformed from one form to another, but the total energy in a system is constant. Menyatakan bahawa tenaga tidak boleh dicipta atau dimusnahkan tetapi boleh berubah bentuk ke benntuk yg lain. The rate at which work is done or energy is transformed. Kadar melakukan kerja @ tenaga.



IITEM Elasticity Kekenyalan

Hooke’s law Hukum Hooke

Pressure Tekanan Archimedes’ principle Prinsip Archimedes

Bernoulli’s principle Prinsip Bernoulli Pascal principle Prinsip Pascal

MEANING/DEFINITION The property of an object that enables it to return to its original shape and dimensions ( sizes ) after an applied external force is removed. Keupayaan bahan untuk kembali ke bentuk asalnya apabila tindakan daya regangan atau daya mampatan dialihkan. State that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the stretching force acting on it provided the elastic limit of the spring is not exceeded. Menyatakan bahawa pemanjangan spring adalah berkadar terus dengan daya regangan yang dikenakan dengan syarat had kekenyalan tidak dilampaui. The force acting perpendicularly on unit area of a surface. Daya yang bertindak secara normal pada seunit luas. State that an object, whether completely or partially immersed in a fluid is acted on by a buoyant force which is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. Menyatakan bahawa jasad yang direndam atau separa rendam dalam bendalir akan ditindakkan oleh satu daya julangan ke atas yang sama nilai dengan berat bendalir yang tersesar oleh jasad itu. State that the in a steady flow of a fluid the pressure of the fluid decreases when the velocity of the fluid increases. Menyatakan bahawa kawasan bendalir yang bergerak dengan halaju tinggi akan menghasilkan tekanan yang lebih rendah. State that in an enclosed fluid an externally applied pressure is transmitted uniformly in all directions. Menyatakan bahawa tekanan yang dikenakan pada satu titik cecair akan dipindahkan ke seluruh cecair.



ITEM Temperature Suhu Heat Haba Thermal equilibrium Keseimbangan terma Specific heat capacity Muatan haba tentu Specific latent heat Haba pendam tentu

Specific latent heat of fusion Haba pendam tentu pelakuran

Specific latent heat of vaporisation Haba pendam tentu pengewapan


Boiling Pendidihan

Boyle’s law Hukum Boyle

Charles’ Law Hukum Charles

Pressure law

MEANING/DEFINITION The hotter measured on the object. Ukuran kepanasan sesuatu jasad. The one form energy was transfer by hot object to cold object. Satu bentuk tenaga yang dipindahkan oleh jasad yang panas ke jasad yang lebih sejuk. Produce when the net rate of heat transfer is zero. Is reached when the temperature of both object touched is same. The quantity of heat energy required to increase the temperatureof 1 kg of the substance by 1˚C or 1 K. Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk menaikkan suhu seunit jisim bahan itu sebanyak 1 °C atau 1 K. The quantity of heat energy required to change 1kg of the substance from physical form to another. The amount of heat energy required to change the phase of 1kg of the substance at a constant temperature. Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk menggubah 1 kg bahan dari satu sifat fizikal ke bentuk yang lain. The quantity of heat energy required to change 1kg of the substance from a solid to a liquid without a change in temperature. Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk menggubah 1 kg bahan pepejal ke cecair pada takat lebur tanpa kenaikan suhu. The quantity of heat energy required to change 1kg of the substance from a liqiud to a gaseous without a change in temperature. Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk menggubah 1 kg bahan cecair ke gas tanpa kenaikan suhu. A process matter changes from liquid to gaseous at random temperature lowest from that the boiling point. Proses perubahan keadaan jirim daripada cecair menjadi wap pada sebarang suhu ygg lebih rendah daripada takat didih cecair itu. A process the liquid become vapour into bubble form gaseous to all boiling point of liquid. Proses cecair menjadi wap dalam bentuk gelembunggelembung gas di keseluruhan cecair itu pada takat didih cecair itu. States that the pressure of a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to its volume provided the temperature of the gas is kept constant. Menyatakan bahawa tekanan berkadar songsang dengan isipadu bila suhu dan jisim tetap. States that the volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature provided the pressure of the gas is kept constant. Menyatakan bahawa isipadu berkadar terus dengan suhu mutlaknya bila tekanan dan jisim tetap. States that the pressure of a fixed mass of gas is directly


Hukum Tekanan

proportional to its absolute temperature ( in kelvin ) provided the volume of the gas is kept constant. Menyatakan bahawa tekanan berkadar terus dengan suhu mutlaknya bila ispadu dan jisim tetap.

CHAPTER FIVE ( LIGHT) ITEM Reflected of light waves Pantulan cahaya Reflected of light waves law Hukum pantulan cahaya

Refraction of light waves Pembiasan cahaya

Refraction of light waves law Hukum pembiasan ( Hukum Snell )

MEANING/DEFINITION Occur when a light wave propagate into the plane reflector and it is reflection. Berlaku apabila sinar cahaya merambat menuju ke suatu permukaan berkilat.dan ia di pantulkan. It can be seen that : Angle of incident = angle of reflection The normal line, incident ray, reflection ray on the same plane. Berlaku apabila: Sudut tuju = sudut pantulan Garis normal,sinar tuju dan sinar pantulan berada pada satah yang sama. Is phenomenon where the direction of light is changed when it crosses the boundary between two materials of different optical densities. Pembengkokan cahaya berlaku apabila cahaya merambat melalui dua medium yang berlainan ketumpatan. Sin i /sin r Nisbah sinus sudut tuju kepada sinus sudut pembiasan.


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