Defense Complete

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,748
  • Pages: 12

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When defending your self against a club attack, JKD attack by drawing (ABD) and timing are the most important principles when facing an opponent with a club. Never block the weapon; always the source. Stop your opponent’s hand and arm before they can strike you. Do not try to hop around: you will lose concentration. When facing an opponent with a very long reach he can hit you from a long distance. He doesn’t need to be very close to strike. Your biggest problem is reach, and that is why timing is key. If your opponent is fully committed to the attack and you take it seriously, you can always stop it from hitting you, but if he is swinging and out of control, then you are in trouble. Footwork, timing, and speed will save you from being hit. That’s why advance, retreat, side-to-side footwork, and pivoting play a big part against a club - or any opponent for that matter. For example, if your opponent swings with full commitment, then you can retreat or move sideways to defend against the attack, but you must advance very quickly to stop your opponent from returning to position. In almost every club attack, whether it comes from the side with a haymaker or over the top, you must be very meticulous in your counterattack. Let it pass you by. “Don’t charge him blindly. You got to listen; listen!!” (Bruce Lee in “Long Street”) Most of these techniques will work against an opponent who gives you full commitment, but you must make him commit. If you’re ever in a situation where he is just going to swing, it doesn’t matter how he hits you, as long as he scores and does the most damage to you that he can. It’s up to you to make him change his method of attack. You have to be very deceptive and make him do something that he did not intend to do by committing himself. Then it is all over for him. A=ATTACK OR ASSAILANT; D= DEFENSE


There’s no certain way of blocking the source, as long as you stop it from hitting you. Use the most scientific block available to you at the time of the attack.



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Movement # 1 - (A) Over The Top: full commitment. (D) Step forward and block the source with a rear Fack Sow (high block), blocking the inside of the attacker’s arm. A good JKD block should feel like a strike.





Pivot at a 25-degree angle. Lop (grab) the wrist and strike with a Choon Choy (straight punch) as your rear hand wraps his elbow. While your front hand pins his shoulder, apply pressure to release the club, then Tie Sut (knee up) to the groin as you push his head back, forcing him to lose balance and his control of the club.

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Right hand is ready to strike at moment of impact or simply lock the elbow.



Movement # 2 - (A) Committed Hook. (D) Step forward and stop it with a rear Woo Sow (guarding hand). The rear hand wraps around the elbow as the front hand pins the shoulder. This is followed by a Gwy Jon (over the top elbow) to the face.





Movement # 3- (A) Wild Swing. (D) Simply step back as it passes by, then step slide Juck Teck (sidekick) to the midsection. Note: one kick might not be enough to knock him down, but it will be a good strike to slow down his attack. Additional techniques can be used against this attack to guarantee full defeat, such as a backhand to the head or a spinning back kick to the head.

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Keeping your defense simple and effective is very important when facing an attacker with a weapon. When proper timing, power, and speed is executed you should not need more than one or two hits, and it will be over. No matter what kind of attack it is.



Movement # 4 - (A) Wild Swing. (D) Retreat, step forward, and Juck Teck (sidekick) to the face. With proper pivoting and body alignment you will be right on target.




Simply intercept his emotions and take him out before he does. Use Jick Teck (side kick) to the knee, or Ow Teck (hook kicks) to the back of the knee, but stay very alert. Just that strike might not be enough.

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Movement # 5- (A) Committed Backhand. (D) Timing is key against this attack. Don’t block too soon or halfway through the attack. Block it with a front Tun Sow (showing hand).




Step slide Gum Sow (pressing hand) with a rear hand Chung Jan (spade palm heel strike) to the face. Pivot outward with a Lop Sow (grab), circle the left hand up, and pop the elbow. Then sidekick the back of the knee as you control the wrist and the elbow.




Movement # 6- (A) Committed Over The Top. (D) Step forward and slide. Meet (a) with a rear Woo Sow (guarding hand) followed by a Lop, Jick Teck (grab, front kick) to the knee.

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(4) Switch to a Lop Sow (grab, pull) and step on his instep with your front foot as you deliver a Choon Choy (front punch) to his face, knocking his head back.





Movement # 7- (A) Committed Over The Top. (D) Block it with a front Tun Sow (showing hand). As you pull his arm down, switch the Tun Sow to a Gum Sow (pressing hand) and press down with rear hand as the front hand strikes under the chin with a Pow Jan (lifting palm).

(5) (6) (7) (8) As you continue to immobilize the hand, deliver a Pie Jon (horizontal elbow) to the face. Wrap the head with the right hand still controlling the hand with the weapon, and in a simultaneous movement push his head past your centerline. Then switch hand on the inside, from left to right.

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(9) Maintaining full control of his arm, grab the inside of his wrist and the biceps so the inside of his arm is facing the sky. Strike the outside of his right elbow at the joint, causing it to snap like a stick.





Movement # 8- (A) Committed Hook. (D) Stop it with a rear Woo Sow (guarding hand). As you circle and wrap his elbow controlling the arm, deliver a Pie Jon (horizontal elbow) to the face.




Place your front foot behind his front foot and hack him down. As he lands on the ground, drop your front knee into his ribs and lock the arm. Then punch him in the face, maintaining full control of his arm.

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Movement # 9- (A) Committed Backhand. (D) Block it with a front Tun Sow (showing hand). Then switch to a Lop/ Fun Sow (grab, chop) to the throat by stepping behind his front leg. Kick the back of knee joint forcing him down (to do the attack effectively you should pull back on his shoulder as you kick the leg), and the impact of the simultaneous movement will force him down flat on his back.








Place your front foot first in front of his head, and then the rear leg. Sit back, still controlling the arm between the knees. Crank his elbow back into a locked arm bar position. From an arm bar lock, raise the leg up and drop the heel into his groin.

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Movement # 10-(A) Committed Over The Top. (D) Stop it with a front Tun Sow (showing hand block) high block. Then step slide and pin the hand with the weapon as you strike his throat with your forearm. Step behind him and punch his spine with the left hand as you still control his head.



Jerk the head back against your chest in a tight grip position. Drop a Chum Jon (downward elbow) to the chest or throat.






Movement # 11- (A) Wild Swing (D) bob and weave to the outside, push shuffle and execute a rear cross to his ribs. Pin down his elbow with rear hand as you deliver a front vertical punch to the face followed with a Owe Teck (roundhouse kick) to the ribs, causing him to drop the weapon.

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Movement # 12- (A) Pinned To The Wall, pressing weapon against the throat. (D) Simply give a front kick to the groin.




Movement # 13- (A) Rear Choke using the club. (D) Pin the club as you kneel forward with the front leg and lean. That will make him lose balance, and cause him to loosen up. Then flip him over onto his back.





He will land head first which will cause him to be unconscious. Strip the weapon away, strike the head with an elbow followed with a smash to the face using his own club.

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Movement # 14- (A) Committed Hook. (D) Push shuffle and meet his attack with rear Woo Sow (guarding hand). Pivot, face him, and grab the wrist. Then strike under the biceps and slip the rear arm behind his elbow as you place the club behind your head.





Pivot and turn inward, forcing his body down. Controlling the arm, deliver a Choon Kune (straight punch) to the back of the head followed with a knee to side of the head. Then press his arm tight against your body, and turn his wrist out so that the fingers are pointing at his head. Put him in agony by controlling the arm very tight against your chest and pressing down on his fingers and wrist, locking the whole arm in place. One wrong move by him will cause the wrist and the elbow to snap.

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