Decomposition Time

  • October 2019
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DECOMPOSITION TIME Paper: 2-4 Weeks Banana Peel: 3-5 Weeks Wool Cap: 1 Year Cigarette Butt: 2-5 Years Disposable Diaper: 10-20 Years Hard Plastic Container: 20-30 Years Rubber Boot Sole: 50-80 Years Tin Can: 80-100 Years Aluminum Can: 200-400 Years Plastic 6-pack Holder: 450 Years Glass Bottles: unknown? forever? Styrofoam cup unknown? forever? Source: U.S. Bureau of Land Management Procedure of The Yagya( 3 R's Rule): The actual way is to avoid above items. But our life style is designed such a way that its hard to avoid lot of things. So use the 3 R's rule. REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE. Before you throw away think about the Earth and reduce, reuse and recycle. REDUCE: Best thing is to Reduce the above items if you can. Prefer items which have low decomposition life. Find alternate: use glass or steel cup instead foam or plastic at home. (though glass has long decomposition life it can be recycle multiple times.) If you have choice buy in big can or jar instead of small. Use cloth (Thaily) bag for shopping. Use cloth napkins instead of paper towels. These are just few samples you can find more on different websites. REUSE: Before throwing away anything, think about how it can be reuse. Try to Reuse each items if you can. Use water bottle, plastic cup, plastic bag , aluminum foil etc. multiple time Use both side of printing paper before recycle it. Donate cloths, furniture appliances to charity. RECYCLE: In most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials.

When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they don't go into landfills or incinerators, so scarce landfill space is conserved. Recycling creates jobs, saves valuable resources and is simple to do. Once you done with reuse recycle it. Items can be recycles are: Aluminum (can, foil), Glass (jar, bottles),tin cans, all kinds of paper, plastics, brass ,copper, steels, car batteries, tires, motor oil etc. Results Of the Yagya: The energy saved form one recycled aluminum can will operate a television set for three hours or to light one 100 watt bulb for 20 hours Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy used to make the material from scratch. That means you can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same energy it takes to make one can out of new material Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy used to produce them from raw materials. If everyone in the U.S. recycled just 1/10 of their newsprint, we would save the estimated equivalent of about 25 million trees a year. 1 ton of recycled paper saves 3700 pounds of lumber and 24,000 gallons of water. 1 Ton of Recycled Paper = 53.2 million BTU's 1 Ton of Recycled Paper = 380 gallons of Oil Paper made from paper instead of virgin fiber requires up to 70% less energy. 1 ton of recycled paper saves 3700 pounds of lumber and 24,000 gallons of water. Thanks Ketan Patel On Behalf of GP of Charlotte, NC

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