Decoding Mandela

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 615
  • Pages: 15
Decoding Mandela Managing Ethical Dilemmas 2005

Social Conscience Conceptually clarified and inculcated, Evolving, inner code which guides, questions, challenges, protests when a thought or word or decision or action (omission or commission) is set in motion in relationship episodes.

Codes-Domains When we say conceptually inculcated, this presupposes an evolving conceptual frame of reference or code which is internalized over a period of formal as well as informal socialization by a network of agencies  When we refer to relationships, this presupposes relationship domains – personal, social, cultural, organizational, economic, political spaces. 

Personal Domain Codes Sense of history inducing a sense of Mission  Cause above everything else  Dignified and gives dignity  Respect for others  Spirit of Sacrifice 

Personal Domain Codes Resilience  Seeks to make others more  Listener  Unifier and Integrator  Studious, desire to learn and qualify  Never buckles under pressure  Resolute in pursuit of goals 

Principles of Personal Ethics        

Courage of conviction Concern for the well-being of others Respect for the autonomy of others Trustworthy and honest Willingness to challenge unjust laws Just and Fair Refusing to take unfair advantage Meaning well, doing good and avoiding harm

Social Domain Codes Connected to his roots/Respect for tradition  Not ashamed to acknowledge humble beginnings  Filial devotion  Service to village leaders  Ability to inspire fearless following in the struggle against racial injustice among all races 

Cultural Domain Codes Respect for Ethnic Diversity  Promoting Unity  Sublimating ethnic ritual to nationalist sense of cause  Use of cultural symbols, language, dress, song and rhythm to lift morale of the masses 

Organizational Domain Codes       

Consistent Espousal of Cause Sensitizing members towards the final goal Organizational interest above personal interest Steers clear of factionalism Ready for risky and difficult roles Empowering others through education Synergizing with complementary capabilities of colleagues for organizational benefit Sense of solidarity with members

Organizational Professional Code     

 

Impartial in dealings Fairness and Objectivity Courage of Conviction and Openness Spirit of Solidarity Willingness to subject to due process and Due diligence as a lawyer in arguing cases Commitment to professional responsibilities Sensitivity to conflict of interest in negotiations with the opponents

Economic Domain Codes Strong sense of injustice  Commitment to equity  Dignity of labour  Emancipation of labour from exploitation 

Political Domain Codes   

  

Conscientization through critical analysis and collective action Use of democratic methods to achieve goals Use of “liberating” violence to counter oppressive violence yielding to non violent methods Sectarian ideology evolving into pluralistic inclusive politics Movement against racial exploitation Gender insensitivity in the quest for racial equality

Domain-Code Congruence There is a discernible synergy in the underlying codes in the personal-social-cultural-economicpolitical Domains. This accounts for the high credibility and respect enjoyed by Mandela This synergy also is an evolutionary rather

MetaCodes  

  

What was the driving force behind the Mandela phenomenon? A deep sense that his vocation was to struggle against dehumanized forms of social, economic and political life; to fight against all forms of exploitation and injustice; and to create a just, democratic, inclusive, pluralist society where all races and ethnic groups can live in community with respect and equality. Democratic Governance with equality for all Community before self Welfare of all Races and ethnic groups.

Mobilization Methodology Organization  Mass Education  Political Action  Conscientization through action and reflection  Creative non compliance with unjust laws  Willingness to sacrifice and give up one’s life, if necessary. 

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