Exhibit 10 -Exhibit 10
ProspectUS Prospectus
• -
1Ib 05 D5
33 3CU7 OCU7 tCJL5
J3D5 C,P-
-I 7? IT
: 9$½1j3 D6fi83 :
Section ectiOr 1. 1. Advisory oars Athic'ry Boar ct.on 22.Adiisory Section Designees AdiioryBoard 3ard Designees 3. Section Sect.on . Architectural Ar tec-ura1 Review 1evaew Oorinittee Thcrittee Sectn 4. Articles Section A'tic1es Sectan 5. S. Coiton Cocn Assestnent Asenent Sectjcj Section 5. &. cia1 As. 57ecial As4 ssttnt rent Section Seotion 7. Reconstruct Reconstrc1- on Assetsent Asessrent Sectaon etOn E. E. :overtertt Assess!tent :overrer,t Aesrert Capftal Capital Section Set&on 9. 9. A&sociaticn Asocatm Section SecUon 10. 10. Board Beard or orBoarc4 Borc of Dire:tors SeCtion SectIon 11. U. Sc'ok ,o). of Resolutions oL Eco1utjcra SeCtQt. 12. 12. By-Lays y-Lav cton :3. Secton 3. Cltss AA MeTrbcr Menbcr Seot.or 14. Section 14. Class C1a B 3 Ncther 'ieer S?tien 15. Class 5tin 15. CC Iierrier ?icther Section 16. Section 16. Cornercja Neighborhood Corcnercsal Neighborhood Service Service District .
4 a 4
4 S 5 S 5
of Dire:tcrs -
Sot Sctjon 17. 17.
$etio 19. Section 19. Setic 19. Section 19. Section D. Section ID.
Section 21. Section ScOic 22. Section 22.
Sctjon Section SeCtion Section Section Section SecUc,n Section
30. 30. 31. 31. 32 32. 33 32.
S 5 S 6 6 6 S 6 b
Cor_,,ercial Cc'..-nercia1Parcel ?arei C.r, ?rOertae Cor,r.or. Properties
c.nor pe
0ø,nor. Expenses
'eciaratior .eeiarator
9 -
Se:t2on TI.
10 10 10 10
10 30 10 11 11 11 -
U. 11 11 1). 11
12 12 12 12 12
12 12 13 13 13 ii
r:ioNs D:ioNs nectjc.i Section
Hebers lie-.ber
9 9
ounjr; Docur-ents Docunz Eouz1in; :i.a slsnd :p-vents :rtp,oveents Law taw Long Te-n Ter Cround Crounid Lease Lea.e or or Orciind Cround L.ease Lease Long Mar.agenert Manageert Cor.pany Copany terbers -bers Voting Section •34. Service District . 34- Neig-.bortpod ecc Servjce Dis1rct Sectior. S&cticn SS. Service N stractOornrion 35. Neighborhood Ngrhood Svice Citrct Corion Prooerties rOe:ties Section 36. Scticn 36. Notice Section 37. 37. Office Neigbbothood ebr-iood Service Service District Dstict Section Scion 3. 0ffce Office Parcel Parcel Section 39. Secon 39. Owner O.ner Section 40 Section 40 Parcel orParcel.s Parces Paccel or Scctic Section 41. 41. Parcel Lessee Parcel Lessee or or Lessee Lcsee . Section 42. ?a Builder paeg B.i1er ?arncpatiflg Sect on 43. 43. Secon ?rnpe-ty Properta ?rnper-ty nr or Propert.s Sect on 44. Section ?esioent..a1 Ne )-borhco Service Scrvce ?es±denUal Neig)-iborhcod trc. Sect.c Section 4. Sppenerta1 -ecacn SuppleTnerttal Eecarataon Section 45. 40. Unt 47. Unt Un c)O-.-,:]r
Sectn sI iII
Condiniur(s and and Condominium Ccndin.un(si Coiiwr Asiatior(s) A5sociation(s)
'c1oper Oteloper Section Seotcn 23. 23. vpnent P1&n Dvehopent Plan Sctjon 24. Section 24. :izi Property Property :xistir Section 25. Eirst Stun 2'. rst Irtgaçee rtgaee or or Mortee oree Section .25. .25, Section Section. 27. 27. Section 28. 28. Section Section 29. Section 29.
S 5 S 5 5
1. 1 2.
I, -
Property o2rtY
N .
Is Is
1 6Q6jj54 p
Sscticn SSC.1On
(A) (A)
(5) (E)
(C (C) (D)
Sect.on Sect i
2. 2.
.. 15 15
Cu-.zatibi Cryannation
The hocitici ?owers wer3
15 15
The hssoci atio
Mnual .nnu1 1eeting 1'eetng Institutional Intitutiona2. Plan Plan Nei-borhood Lcv1 Level (1) NeighbGrhood Co.'nunity Lve1 (2) Cotuunity Lve1 of ia'r; Eletti:.i Eetn of Mets.ip in MemSersMp in Anociation;
• 16
177. 18.
Vot±ng/Advisory hoard Members VgjAthri5ory hoard Minbez .
weighted Voting Weighted and Duties Zutiez ght and Merbers' i ghts (B) Metrbers'
Clae5 (C) Classes
A5oc2.aticn Voting oo Association Voting lether. j., j. Mether5,. (S) (1) C1 AA Class Clazz 3B (ii) (iii) C1a C1as C (11±) In Urt 0wrers Sct'on Owners In ibutri oof Unit Ston .. Vote tit;ibuton )1eber Votirg Members Eection Voting E.eotin of o Section Sectn 5. S. dvisrv Boards Scards Advisory — Condominium
23 23
. 24 24
Section SetDn
Section Sectiofl
(A) (B) C) C)
25 25 25 25
Qners - Con rniriun Unit Owners Non-condominium Unit Unit Owners Qners —- Non-condominium
25 25
Parcel t..es5ee Les5e Prce1 oard Association cciatin the A boardcfcf Directors Directors oof the
6. 7. Ccn1ttees CoLrnattees Architectural Review Committee Architectural Review Ccv.ittee (k) (A) 6. 7.
(1) (fl
• .
Composition of ?rc?osed Teviev o. :ii) Reviev ?rcpoed
Constncton a½c- of Future aivcr (iv) No N Future Aproval5 Aprovalz (iv) Irspection of Work Inspection Work (v) (v) Cornittee Nun1!zility ofofCorr.nittee (vi) (vi Nonlabil±ty Members (vi) Vacince Va.jnce (vii) r.ptiwn (viii) Developers eve1cpers Exeption (viii) BoardCorjtittee Conttee (5) Appeals Appeai Soard (3) 8. special Mttcrs tters Specal
Meetingsofofthe theCoirittee Coittee (ci) Meetings of i
. 26 2G . 26 26 26 26 . 26 26 - 26 26 . 27 27 . 28 28
. -
30 30. 31 3). 31 32
Section Secton
Section Sectic.n Section Section 5ction Section Section $ec;ion Section $eton
on 5ctcn Sectaon Setcn Sec ta
;.Rr:c.E VI Section
I. 1.
2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.
6, 6, 7. 8. 7.
oyment .ners' of Enjoyment -iers Ea!efleflt! Easene.'t of
SçL ct:-i
P-ki,g aenents rot P:rking Vehicular Traffic Traffic Easenents rets for forVeh.cula Easeitents for Eaeneits fo-
Utilities Wtilities Waiver Use WAver of of U5e
?rlvate City City aan ?flvate
itle to tb
Title to the Co'on Comon Access asernents Ace
1. 2..
36 36 36 36 37 37 ?roperties
unt of Asret Donirig Scae Eooage Couon ±Dr
sen5 r-d
Annual Ase5sments AnnualCcnon Ccnnon As5e5st5 General hssessents Cener.1 so.ns (1) ?urpose -?° for z5e5et n515 fo (2) 3a515 Cenea1 ()2,nt1at M&xirun Ar.nua General
38 38 39 39 39
() azat !&xry .0 flomnon Assessment Ae!.ment
(4) (4)
(a) ()
e:errinng ;_tour,t of Assessment Sg.are Lootage conr,utationslDr ASSeSEments and Weighted eiThted Votln9 -
• •
of O
. 39 39 . 40 40 40
Change xnun General General Con,ton Con Carge Inn Maximum
Assessnients Assesoents :erhd Se'.Cebntrict brc 3:;qbrhd .¼sse,sr.ents 5ser1t rpoe H) (] } ?rpose )
32 35 35 35 35 35
Delegation o Use Dolegation of Ue
Sectton Section
29 .- 29
40 .
4]. 41 41 Cl
46O6' '85 S5 :46O6'
axirum Weighborhood We19bthOOd Servi axir,um Service t'istjt Asesrrnt District Assessment (4)- Collection f Assessments Assesnts off C11ecticr of atirs Neighborhood A5sociatior.s Assessment Method ethod of AseSert Annual Datt Date of f Commenceent of Annual
4. 4.
Improvement ASeSSrnerits Assessment, aria and Capita]. Irnprovcrrent Capita].
Section Section
5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7.
$ecin Sectc.i
Sects on
. 41 41
41 43
cert of
Assessments CntribuUon Assessrent6 and ancjntil 1nl CrtrbuUc'r
- 44 44
to Capital Capit1 to
Reconstruction Recôristruct.on
() Remedies Et .jf
ciaton the Aociation tcf L1er of Lien tice ccC Claim C1a (B) () ]otice (C) Foreclo5ure (C) F0rec1oue $pe Crng of f Zefu1t (D) Curing efault
Cujtulati7e Renedies () Cu1aire Reredies ()
A3TICLE ARTICLE VI VII Section Seticn • -
Section Seicr Section SeCtior
Seto -Section
Seetion Se.ôri
- i;-. •
:Section 5econ Sectin Section Sectin
I. Serty 3. 3.
Seotcn Sec:tic
Section Soctiot
Secton Section
Section Section
Seci Sectien Secton Section Sioi ARTICLE ;.TILE XX
T:c:E :c
50 SO 51 51
. .
Tre Lirnitior catis C-ea.Dn ccC kd,.tional kspzataons Creatjon
. 34 54 54 S4 . 55 . 55 . 55 55 56 56
. Si
SB 58
Tire Lirnitaujon
rties Cocn ?rOpt1 Cornon?rope cp.accrcnt ororBep1r Pzperty Rep]. accmcnt RepairoL of Property 'aiver of Stbrogat.on
a. 2. 2. 3. 3
f 5b5.cnnsurnnce urre
Other Lb1y nd cDhe Lblity and
aton:nrance nre Nelgbc:hocd ssocation ?C?ERTE5 AECE RUT1r)1 TO COCCN COCN FC?ERT5 AjAC OR OR DESRUCTION
59 59
IQ. :EcT1c
?U IOFCOkCn pr-er;cr1 CN ZL?usr
:n:roachrenrs -oa-.rteflts
6: 62 f2
64 64
?,es W;j-es W;res, Ductc, Ducts.Cabdes. Ca1z. Corduits, dus, Public res. £tc ?1c Utility Utility L:nes.
64 54
Constrt)czlon and Saa1e Cotrctr a-id
64 6';
2. 2
. 58 . 50 - 59 55
Section .T1CL X:1T .RT1CL >::i
. 51 . S2 - 52 52 . 54 54 . 54 54
:ectlon cton
. SI
4, 4.
2. 2. 2. 2.
tera-ce and Maintenance and Repa Repnr Obligations of 0-ziers 0-ters ns of Maintenance Obligations ofA Aswcaation ctiDn .. atancc Obi ezgn . ard Design Zxterior kppearanct and Zxtric 1ppearanc
1. 1..
Section Se Section ecto
Rental Units c( Uiits P.entalPools ?1 of
49 49
re.re1perz Exrnpt.on Developers Exemption Outside ctside lr.stallations Insurance Inu-Lce t)r.1Un trilling Security
• 46 47 48 48 49 48 43 .43
1-ir.tati ons Other ci1ities the r.?cilities
7. 7. B.. 9. 10.
Sdctior. Scticr
• 49
12. .2.
U OFOFThE ThEPRO?R11 PRO?RTY . Nujsaes 1. NuisanceS 1. 2. 5igrs Signs Rstrictins Vehicular Restrictions ard VeMCUI3.r ?akr and Parkim; 4. 4. Antsl Restrictions S. Traz't 5. Tah Fu-ie ?king ?)Ung 5. 5. -pcar' Suildings. Further ttporary
Section Section Section Secticr ?jCICLE ?1CL VIII
Mcrtgages Mortgages
(F) Subordination of the the 4en to of ubDr
45 45 45 45 45 45
Ase5iTerts Appeal Appea. o Assessments Deve1opr AEsesznerts Developer Assessments Effect Non-Faent of cf Assessments AsseseDts ard and Eect cfof Nrn-Payrnent Rertedies the AssociAtion Association Remedies o o th Asses sreits: o-PayrnertofcE Assessnents: (A) ffeet of cf on-Payment
55 -
:D6%flg3 D6jj83 :
I age Page PR.EksLE E PRE
Section Sector. Secicr, Section
Secton 5ecton
Scctic, Section Secticn Seetcr Sectjc Section
Sectcn Setcn Section Section Sect.on Section SectIo Section
1. 1.
Advic'ry Advisory
Boards ar
Board Deig)te5 Adiior Ecrd 2Y Adiisor7 Designees 2
a 4
Architectural Architectural Reved Cozrnnttee Crnmjtte Articles Arti1e Cornon Assessnerit -. Spccial 5peia1 As. As ssrnent ssien 7. Reccnstr-uct Recontr-uc1n Assessment s5e5srneflt B. Capital Capta1 8. :rver.t Assesarrent :rovener.t Assessment 9. 9. Asscj.atijr Ass .iati..r Board or o oarc 20. 10. Board orc of Directors tireetors 12. 11. Bc,ok 3cc,Jç of of Rcsolutions Rcso1utior 3. 3. 4, 4. S. S. 6. 6.
.44 .5S S •
.5 .5 .5 .5 .6 5
Section Sezticn Section ocri
Sec On SectiOz Sectcon Secti Spct.ort St:cr
Section Section $ectcn Sect Sectoon Section Stiç
Sec on Section Sec'ior. Section $ec-ticn
Ser.n Sect on Section Secti on Section
Stcton Secton t.ofl
31 31. 32. 33. 34. 3. 35. 35. 36. 7.
Association(s) 'eciaration .eciaration elOper t"e1oper ,
6 S 6 S
.7 7
B 8 9
-Exisi;j ?pry Existi:j Property First rtaee or First -1ortaçee or Mcrtgaee Mortgagee Law
Long Ter Ground Ground Lease .ese or or Ground C:und Lease se Long Te
Mar.a5eert Ccany Mar.a9e,ert Corpany He,Sers 1Ser ers Voting Mters Voting
10 10
• 11 11
istrict Uoighborhood Service istrict igo:iood 5rv eighborhooS ServiceDistrc't Distnct Ccaro COLon SeviCe eigthorhoo
?ro?erties ?? Notice NDtice
- 21 11. 11
Office ei;bborhood jGrocd Setvice ServiceDistrict District Qff
Office Office &rcel Parcel
39. 43. 43
Owner C.ner
41. fl. -2. 434344 4.
Parcel Parcel Lessee or Lessee
Parcel orFarceLs Parces ?aro1 or articpatir $u1.der Suier ?art:cpatinq
r Preres
1cer-y PicoerryrPrcre—i'. ResadentiaNe ç)-.borhcec ç rhoe SCrVC Service 1sZrc Dstrct tcn Speenta1 Oc1a Supoeffettal :eclarat2on -
Unr Uut
11 11 12 12
• 12 12 12 12 12 13 13
Unit Unit Oner O-er
?E:' su:ci SUECT ro
rQ ri-i: DCLARA1: c f-iE
Et: D-Prtterty
2. 2 ?ds AdzorstoEx;ztj to ct-nj P:oertv :erty .
13 10 10 13 13 20 10 ID
pveents Ur.proVeents
5. 4.. -;7. -7.
g 9 9
9 9 9
ud..rig Docu,,ents ocu'nts F,unthng Island Island
1Ti05 :HER::c kDD1TIOS ErC on
vcprert ?1an Dveoprnent Plan
Sector or
55 5
21. 21. 22. 22. 23., 24. 24. 25. Sec Sec ta tioon 26. 26. Section Section. 27. Section Section 28. Section 29 Sectin 29. Section 30. 5ction 30.
Section Sct1co 12. 12. By-Lays Sy-Lavs 23. ect:cn 13. Clr:s O1zs AA Menther 1em.ber SectiDn 24. Section 14. Class Class Nenber re.ther 5ecicr. Section 25. 15. Class ernber Cl&s C C !iember Section 26. Section 36. CorciaJ. Neigbrood Cor.tercja1 NeighborhoodService Service 3ittrict .tr2ct Se:tion Section 17. 17. Cor_mercial Cor..-nercial flrcel Pzircel Sctic'r Section 18. Oonon 19. O..on Propertes roertie Sectic Section 29, 19, Co.tor.Expenses Eerse Cornor. 5ect.r Section 23. 0.Condoinau(s) Cdi u(s)andndCondoiniurn Coorutt Section Section Section Serticri Section Sertion Sect.oi Section Section Section
is 15
.15 IS
section SecUor
(E) C)
(C) (D) (D)
Institutional Plan In!titutional Plan
.15 as
nnu1 ni-.uai1eetng i'eetng
:6 • 16 15 17 18
Ncigborocd Lôve1 (1) Ncighborood tovel
Conunity Level Cotr.,unity Level (2) of Association; 2. Membership Mirip ininAsôeiatiOn; Elein of
Section ectior
5ectin Section
Votin/Adv±sOry Votin/Advsoz-y Board Board MemSers Meoer
deighted Voting Vcting (A) Weighted ghts DutieS ts and an Duties t±er' (B) Members (C) Classes zociatic'n Voting VOting 01a53e5 o' o Association
• -
23 23
4. 4.
Section Section
5. 5.
(1) Class Class A (ii) Clazz Class B (±1±) Ciii) Olasa Class O C Vote Unit In Vote Distribution Ditribut.onofof Ut Owncrs 0wrs In Ilerters . ELetticn Voting !1enbers Eietticn of of Voting AdvIsory orc1 AdvIsory oards Unit Owners — Condcmnium Unit Unit Owners Owners —- Non-condominium Non-condominium
Section Section Section
parcel Lessee Soard of Directors of the Asociat5on . CorLittees Architectural Review Corigtittee -
i'ael Lessee CC) (C) 6. 6. board of Directcr of the A ocition 7. 7. Coiiittees (A) Architectural Review Cor.mittee .
Cpcsitio (i) Ci) Composition eviev of of ?rcposed Proposed ii.) .iI) eviev (iv) (iv) (v) ()
(ui) (vi)
Construction Constructofl Meetings of the Ctee Meetings of Future Noo daiver ajver of utur2 A?provals . or Inspectioi f Wor) 1nspectiOil of of Cor-ttre Coutitt,e liilitf Of N Hn1ithi1it7, Meers -
(ii Ii)
of the Cc,,ittee -
23 23
. 2424 •
A) A)
. 25 25 . 25 25
. .
. 26 26 • 26 . . 26 26 • 26 2 - 26 26 .
27 27
. 28 28
Section Sectior
Exeptcr Dcvelopers Exepticr. (viii) Developcrs Ccr.nittee Board Cornittee
29 29 30 30 31 31
32 32
5peoal fatters atter Specal
Section Sect.'on Section Section Section Section Section
S!ctt. S!Ct.ior. Sectior. Sectior.
Section SeCtion Scctior. ctor.
;Rr:c *Rr:c:E
Apea1s Board Apea1,
32 32
1. 1. 2. 3. 44. S. 5.' Easement, Easements of of Enjoyment Enjoyment
6. 7. 7. 8. 8.
Waver of Use to the Tt1c Coon ?ropertiez th Cc-on ?roperties Til to
32 22 35 25 35 2$ 35
Dnegation of Deation of Use Ue asements !Tor Pnrking :rcimg arent for Easeents Traffic Eaenientsfor forVehlcular Vhcular Traffic
Easements for Cit'i City and and Private Zaernents fo Utilities UtilitIes
36 36 35 36 37
Acress sernem-ts Ac:ess Easements
rr1g Sare
Section Sect&on S.ctthn
1. 1. 2. 2.
S&cton Section
!armett :etorranng ;_,.our,tofof Asssneryt S'.are Footage agc Con,utat)nns tor for Assesents and nd Weighted VotIng
3. 3.
Annual Annual Conon CcnnonAzse55entZ Aernent
hstessr,'en-s !!esrir1ts () General Gra?pOe (1) Purpose for ;.rze E-r'eflt -e n5i5 fo (2) Sasis liaxanu,m :nt1l Cnera1 axnuri Annua .m-ua General 0) 'onon . 'omnon Assessment esme (A)
() ()
axlnun Ge-iea Ceneial CornOn Cornron ln Maxinuir (i) () Change in Assessments Assessncs 5Erhood Ser'-ce
ecd Ser'-ce Aessnent Ass ()1))
24 24
• •
Varianoe (vii) Variance
(E) ()
22 22 23
• 15 15
0rgan=atio-i OrganIatio The Association T-ie Azisociatiori Powers Powers
(A (A)
?rposa Ppose r!iO a o? .tEest&r ne
18 'a
39 38
- 39 39
---4039 •
.40 43
•C 4
. 41 41 -
- Cl
246O6V s5 46O6' 85 rhOc axnum Neig NeigthorhOc (3) axirnum (3)
Service Service tjstct Aeserit (4)Collection of cf Assess,ter.t$ Asses5nir.ts of (4)- collection
District AsEesncnt
NeirhOc' Ascoi.aticir. Nei9hborhoo Associations
(C) Method Assettent MethOd Co Asssrit (C)
(D) tate c r.rnericment of Annual Oate of of Commencement AssesSTfltritS and Initigi Contribution Assessments and
In.kdt CtrjbutiOn
Section $ecticn
4. 4.
to Capital er1t CapitaL IMprovement Asses Assessments aptaL Improverent
Section Section Sect Sec on o;-
5. S.
Appeal o Ase5srr,ent5 Assessnent5 Appeal of
Sec Sec tion
. 41 41 . 43
to Capita].
Reconstruction Recorstruct.ton Assesorrients Assessments
4]. 41
arid and
. 4S 4$
45 4$ 45 Developer A5$eSSlntntS Ase55lflentS Developer and of Assessments Asse rrents arid of Non-payment 'Soi-Payrnent of Effect Effect of • 46 ?ssociaton Re,zedies the Association Reredies o o the ci--PaymentofofAssess,cflts: Ass Effect of on-Payment Effect o 46 Remedies f the AssoCiatiOn - Reicdes .,f th Association 47 Notice Olairn of of Lien Lien Notice oo O1arn
6. 7.
(A) (.) (5) (B)
541e lcetre Sale For (C) Foreclosure
Cig of t'efu1t
(D) C.ring of efauit Rcnedies . Crnu).at;e Rernethes (E) Cumulative () ieri to to (F) the 4en 5ubcirdinaticn of of the () Subordinaticn crtgaçes ortgqe&
Section :se;tion
• Sect,on • Section Qn •Sect.iori Section S cc t on
Secton on Section Section Section 5ectio Section Secton
Prkin; Ai). ertion
a. 4.
Section Sec
Section Soction IX ARTICLE R7ICL IX
Section SectiOn on Section S ecticn Secti cri Sect; on
Sec Sc COn
- 55 55
• •
of of AssoCtOn Maintenance Obligations t-ance Obi ?at.r.cfl& r.dDesgfl Des.gfl . ppearance and xteror .pprararce Zxteror
Trio Liori Addt.onal .sct.ciris
Time Limitation Creation Creation o o Additonal Assocatons
4. 5.
ainteriance aria Rep3:r Obligaioris Maintenance and Repa;r Obligations of of Owners
. 54 54 54 . 54 54 . 54 54 . 55 55 . 55 55
. 51 51 - 52 52
Insurance IrisurariceRates Rtcs rfl.1ing Drilling Seority Security Rental of Units Units Rental ?ooj.s Pools of
1. I
5]. 51
. Si SI
:ititieS 'tside lnstllaticns
Other :cilities . Other Deve1Opers ExemptOfl EerriptOn Ieve1opers outside Installations
7. 7.
. 50 50 . 53 50
ray ui1
- Section Sectici
tat.OuiS :-i=1tatons
Sectior. Secticr.
S. Further Parking PaRing nge.Further 6. E. aorary Suildings.
Nuisances uisarrces Signs signs Restrictions andVehicu1a Vehicular Restricttofls Priri9 and AnitAl Re5trictionS Trash rah
1. 1..
Secticn ecticri
48 48 48 • 4B 45
Vfl OF TtiE ?RO?Rfl cs; OF
S.. 9. 10
Section Section Section Section Sei ori
44 44.
55 56
. $7 57
.53 •
56 SB
INSU?JNC Cci'iOri Froperties r'roprtieS Cot,Ofl
Proery cif SubrocatQn 5iibrog.4Qn 1diVe of Wover Lirorice . L;bj;ty and Other arid Other Insurance aity ocitc'n in:rar.ce iibohQoiJ NeaghborhoccJ?SOCaat0fl 1. 2. a.
Replacen-ent Repair oE of Property Replacerient oror Pepalr
50 SO
. 59 55 • $9 $9
6: 61
.Rr:cLE Xi
1cs-;OAGE: ?ro:crIoN QTcT1O CU5± Mc:eAGr
fl ARrlc:E TC XI!
NCOAC'.tTS ••••
:ecton ?z-
:ct 5ect 0 5ector
I. 7.
DuctS. Calts. Catle$.Conduits. Condu. ?:pes. Wires Ducts. ?ipes. Wires. Puolic UtilityL;nes. Lne. Etc ?rlic Utiity Etc .
64 S4 65
and 51e S1es Cotrjction arid CDntrJct1on
. 65 65
ki246O6ngs 46O6fl56 ARTICLE MTICLE XIV XV
Sec el on $ecti
Section Section Sect.or Settion 5etio Section cctioi Section Se c on SCCtion SectiOi 5ecto
2. 3. 4.
S. 5. 6. 7.
. Severat' 'it)' . Severak''.ity Te Aerdient5 . Ajngndmtnts DeiCatior Pblic Riglt No ?ub11 Right or or Dedication Ctrtctite Notiee ConstrucPvt Noticead andAcceptaoe Acceptance No Representation or or1rarrarit1 Warranties o Repreefltat-° ron teveloptra iht to PeVat4 rCfl .
eve1cp'S Pjt to Peviae an . evelopnert Ptan evelopineflt Authority f Asocit01 Athrty f AssociDs ev1oper .
Sector Sectiot
-Additiona1. -Additiflal. jght5 &;t5 of ofDeveloper Maraemert Profess4 Profe- A .lManacernent 11. Section 1.. Section 12. Iterpreatio Sectior Interfle_ation
Sectot 5eot.or
• .
66 66
. 66
67 57
67 . 68
.. -. 68 68
• •
. .
69 69 69 . 69 70 . 70 70 .
Exhibit 'A Exhibit "A
Exhibit B1 xibtt "B' Exhibit HC Exibit MCI' "D Exhibit Exii ExhibIt TMEr Exhib±t
Exhibit F' EY1iii Exhibit'& & Eyjbt
Legal Descriptionoof the the Is1ard Island Lega' DesCX-iptiOT uec Le9al Description rptIon o. of Iad land jnjja.l initially subject Lea1 De too this thts Declaration teclarati0Z Legai. Description O egal Decrptiofl ofConon Cor'cnProperties PpetJS ccrporaticr of Harbour Articles or flicorporation Artic.e. of ?ociatiO Island ServIces ?ssoCiatiOfl Is1ardCovjtunity Counity 5erVice s!ardCorrnuflitY COurity Harbour Island By-LawSf Harbour By-Lawsof Services Serv1es Asseciation Asec1ati 1a Develciprert Plan Developteflt Tra.SIt greeneit jjt3, Ril1borOt'.;h Transit greeit .rith ii11boDh thePeople Peopler4over A.zthrity thority regarding regariiri the
kf48Ojj87 4606 1187
mrS THIS Harbour 3arbcr Island Xland
.earation of Dec'aration of Covenait, Covenants, Ccnzlitions Qr1ltiOfl$ arid and
e!trjot.ors (1De rati.on'. ja estrictons ("Declaration"fl. is made riade this th
1965, byby l-UtRBOUR INC.,• SLJW. INt 1965, MRBOUR SLAND.
!lorSa r1ordacorporation, coatio
hereinafter called the the "Developer.' Developer." hereirafter called PRE?Y.LE REA LE
The The
Developer Developer
s the of of certain real property located the owner o'.rier certairi real property lated
Hi11E rcur-1 Cc.unty, in Hillsborou9h County,ylorda. lorda. known island ('the knori as Sarbour arbour island ('the
PpertyH), said or or 'the being riore said Property Froperty being 'the Proparty") re fully fully described in Z,c'.±bit and made made a hereto and a part decred in part heteof. heeof. .±ot "r?, attached atache hereto'
ned use
Developer tocreate createupon uponthe theIand Isand aa cixed use De'eloper Cet'res to t're
_nw-'.ityconsistLng coz-isitng fomereial. corereia1. office officeandarid residential reidntial deve.devel— co_unty cpnent oprtents
an plans plar. ad
to develop in phases phases Sn ri accordance oevelopthe the Island Islard in acccr-arice
wth a co;rchen,v rehen!v plan. wcn
order to order tc develop the Islard. Developer veloper has ha deemed deerted it it the Island, derable for desrabLe, of the the Island Istands properervation of for the the efficient ficienc preservation pr properIn
ty ty
values and and aneriitms arie.te and and Sn or-der order to to operate operate the tc island island in in -i
manner as such the health, such a marie as to to provide p:ovde for health, safety and efl;re afecy a.-id iei,-e of or the
o; to create of the Property, ?opercy. to or lease portions portons of creace a corporation not for profit prQfit u-rJer under the cf t.:e t.:e state coratcri flot the laws laws of state of L Florida, Florida, referred co to as as the o uhcbwillllbe (hcein -eferred ch Associaton} scatOn' to which (herein bee1e— ddecatd and leasing or orpossessing poessng çated andassignoci assigned the power5ofof ownn. leasing and d rntanng hsa ptO anng and and Stnisterng r1sternq those portonoo te theIr'and I'nd be d€s9nated .hh nayy be hich as Coo Corr-Properties rcperties purant p ar.t hereto hereto. SflC anc 1rlisterng and encrclri enforcng the 'u5teng and the c,vena,'' co'oru' an and retrctiQns, etictQns, coil and disbursing unsg the the as assessrtdn:s and t1i and and charges collecting charges herenherena:er a:er created created by eciar-itor by th.s ths Ceclaraton D'veuper :ntends to develcp ncrs to d'ei.op all of the all of the prcDe-t;es Deveper ProDert;eS con.the Isflnd Ilaridpursuant psant toto s general çer.eral plan plan and and sub;ect prng the to bect to
persons who1Q ovr, persons
ceta.: orotective otectve coverants. cov.-iar.t. ocrdt:cns certa. cond:t:ons, restr:cnons, reer— tat.cns. cns. eaenents. eaenencs.ecultarle etahle sser.t,des. l:ens ani ani.i can;es. all carr;es all
k4J5;1185 ik46u6 11S3 running runnir.gwith wth the land as t.e land e.ecute. acknowledge acknwedg xetute,
hereinafter hereinaft.arset actforth. forth.Developer tJevelcper nay ay
and record eclaraion(s) and and recordSupp1eie.-ita3. Supplemental Declaration(s) and
mod cation modifications of this of this Declaratiori and/or Suppl Declaration and/or etal DeelarSupplen,ental Declar-
ations ations so s long Dveioper owns cvr.s any portion long as D,veioper portion of of the the Island Isid
affected affected by oy th:s ths te:1aration r,e:aration or or such such modif.cations(s) modif$cations(s) mental te:laraior(s). mental Declaration(s).
Splemenal Delaraticn(s) ay Supplemental Dtclaration(s) ay
su. Su.
brr-ig additional additional lands lands on br-Sng
and and 5upp.eSupple-
c I,land Island under under the the prvisions prvisons hereof hereof
and ay impost impose further conditions covenar.ts and tay further conditions coveriarts and and rc restrictions for notions for the operation, operation. protection protection and and maintenance iaintenance of of the the additional additional ands, all all as :ads. as hereinafter herinafte st setforth. forth. NOW. NOW. THEREFORE TH1CR, Developer hereby declares Developer hereby declaresthat that all all CcrCo-
nercial Parcels, nerciaL ?a:cels Office Cffe Parces Parcels
including thel, (including
and UnIts arid Urits
reapetie that are tenanCe) that are now no or respective app made subject or hereafter hereafter riade subject appurtcnancez)
to the hereof (es the prcvisi-'. provisi:t hcreof
set et
forth forth i L Artcle Article :1 hereof), and hereof). arid 1
that partion that portionofof vh Coi.rion Co,on ?rcper:es ?rcpertes o of the the Island Island which whicl-iare a-enow no
hereof as set hereof (as set
or c-.ttotothe or hereafter hereafter made nade su aub.t siori thepnov provisions
in in Article Article fl hereof) hereof) shall shall 5e be held. held. sold, sold, conveyed,encuxrbet-ed, encSered conveyed, hothoraed. leied, hsothecated, ueed occupied. occupied. naintaned narita1ried leased, used,
and arid
subject :o subject to the the following fin eaerserit restrct.Os, covenants, easerents, restractions, covenants. cor.ditior cor.itions and arid eq-tab1e e-itable servitudes servitudes, alalt of which are for for the the hch are o
pu-poee of of uniforly unforly enEancing erancing and protecting purpose p tectrg the tht value, Vlu, atattractiveness tractvcne55 and and desirability. desrabilty, and and are ae Inn furthae furtherance of of aa enera1 pbn an for for the the protection, protection, raintenarice 9eneral maintenance
the the
oefter:t of an i.P?Ovefter.t of an
island, arid all Island and all port perticnz ons thereof the-eoi no' no or made aubsubor hereafter made
ject herc;,, hei-ct, Thecovenants. ject The co.nan:s. conditions ccrditiri5.
vatc,ns. vataoxs.
restrictions restroon,
reset— reser-
eascncnts and easer,ents ande:tale eu:tableserv servatudes set forth forth herein ucs se; here
sral1 all (1) (i run rn izn the -e t:tle t:tle to tc such suri Cor_e:c,al ial Fa-oes Fartes Ofice Cfz. Parcels Parcelsandand Lns (nc1ud (nud thea: the respectIve Unats eapec:.e appuitenancs) appu:ter,ances) and and
Coon erscns 7erscrshav; hav; a-y an-;
such ofthe the sci Cor-icn Propert?ts Prcpertcs of ;:iI rt part
siard an s1._ s3ad and s}._;1I be ridg upon be blndang upon
:te oror :r.terest rerest there:. or any any :e:, or
-ir h.:s. his. persal personal cc repre eer.tat-'e &t'e, successors successo-
an a$Slg-s,-C ci sh:l shal nure nureto to the the be:ef:t be:e:t ofofsuch uohCori,erc1a1 ?rccis a-c:cl C)fflreEar_-els Cffre ?ar:els and aridUruts Unis li'iui-iinc ud1no their tiir repct1'e respective a
a;urcenances currenaricca
:ntc:esr ntc s:
and such
:be:: therc:
:ndtn g tto,, ci
Cnron --oi-
(:i) sha (lii) sha
eztees r>f the ialaz,d island and nf the and any
;e t th ef:tf t
ic-icp&r its Lcvoioper t tzcersers-,n-:n titEt,
a:;d ind
each ezicti
r:46o6 1189
uccs-in-interest and rie, aridguests; guests; and be enforced incrced bybyany n nvtees, licensees invitee, and (iv) (V) rrisy ceriee5 and nay be andhis his successors-in—interest. successors-ir--ntere5t. by by the the Association. Assriaticn, and Owner, and by by C-.ner, and it owns anyportion portor of of the the Dve1oper so owns any the Is.and Island (in(inthe Dcveloper so Jeng )ong as a it of the the Comsnerciil tmerci2 Parces, any of limited to, cluding, to, any Parces, but not not liitited cvding, but tenants, Owner. and his ttnants, afld his his respective re.pective uccessors—ifl-interest and his
Office Office Parcels Parcels or or Units).
eclar roV-siOnof of this this Declar— Notwithstanding the .vcgoing, no ;rovision :.egoing, no Nctwithtandirig the
aton shall as to to prevent aton shall be be construed corstned as prevent or or limit 1i,itthe theDevelopar'a Developer's and the construction construction Island and rht to to complete development 1s1.and r:ght con'plete developmentofofthe the
.provementsthereon, thereon, nor nor the the Deveopers Deveopersright rightoror the the ri;hts ri;hts of Srrprovements of eveloper to of by the the bevelcper tomaintain maintainmod1. model o those those çranted çrantedsuch suchrights rjhts by
Stucticri, sales ororlea5ing OffiCC5 faciliUnits, sales lea5ing offices or or sirrii].ar sirni1a faciti— Unit5, ccoristructicn. f the sland. nor the Develoers rgt, nor post hose granted such rights by the Developer. of :hose granted such Developer, too post the the right.s rights of or leasing of Coerci al sales signs signs ncide,t inc etl tO U toCQn$tCton, cor,structa on, sales or leasing of Corinercia1. parcels r Units. Prce1s Parcels,Offtc OU±c-1arcelsorUnits. aridassigns a5iQfl5totothe the}{arbour iarbour the herebyde1.eates delentas ard The Deve1opr tevelop'r hereby ssociatiOfl,mo. InC., aa Florida Florida nonprofit nonproflt Island Countty Islan' Couritty Services Association, the ard duty duty totomaintain adir.Lnister raintainanand aister the corportn, the the power and corporatior.,
portion f the Island. nor the Deveopers right, nor ties on any portio-1
thetheiproverient5 ad facilities theeor., to ta CorJon ?rcpertiesandand iprovaents an Crori ?rrpertes rest-icthese covenants. and restric— admnisterand ad:nister andenforce enforce thezc cvnarit.conditions ctndtns arid and charges charges herehereassessni ents and arid tior.s, collect anddisburse disbur5the theassessments tior.s, totocollect
safety and inafter created and and welfare welfare of of r.after created, andto ta promote promotethe thehealthS halth safety licensees and and guests. guests. the Oners and the Oners aridther t'.ertenants. tenants,nvitee$, invtees Licensees !ric. ServicesAssociation. AzSoction Inc. urltyServices The C island Ccrnnty -arhour Island The Harbour
blity for nanta1nng the the COriunon zal prrary responsiblity for nantaining Counon z-al have flave the the p:-ira-y rerp
eplatc• the the Deveoprient s:nte the ?)aricont contenplat. te ?op:te. Ho.ever, DevelcprNent Flan ?ropertes. Hoever snce rtcns of the .end to be ;t>.ed ue of (the t-e1sIan. s.
that t-t s. ort:ons of the iand to be
developed Los fQi ortons o bebedeveloped .se, cther for cffce euelcped (or cLfice use, ether pornons developed a:d
lands upon upon arid otLer ot)r 1.fld5 center fltcZactav:t:,s. actj'tes, and
built fo -era1 thou— e,era1 thoubu1t houro husrg for n :t5 d:s:reto,, ncorporat: ncorpot le?t5. the the efr1pee'e riay, tay, :n rcslen:s. _s Sr
1a.dCCrn Cornbov 1Ea.d theaarbouz sctcr. o eastthe nr,Et asoc;taonstosst
.ca:t Serv:ces .socat:o: rntyty Se-v;ces
:_. cce or c t:.a
be b
tanogutrj those those of Coron of the the Cor-ion of gOius c of rcsdenuse af -e h" use neqho:ro3 jevti e'al tbroh aas aat as nec;hrcrnood a-&as
4606 IIO
the the use Use of totr±ct5, str1cts. asas hereinafter bere1nate of Neighborhood Servit.e egi-orhood Service
Nottithstanding the Notwithstanding the irccrpo:aton incorporation ef f addtiona1 additional aszociazccithe }Iarbour IslafldCoim-nunity Ceirrunity Services ociatn, Inc. lnc. Harbour Island Services AAssociation atons, the
defined. defined.
shall shall iave vsto uver uver any ary actions actions taken ta3en by by such such subordinate suor.jnate iave a veto
OunIty Harbour if Islandland Coim-r.unity if the rectors ofOfHarbour the Directors
assocators, associatiorts,
Se: Association, Inc. deem .t t to to be be in in the the hest best interest interest of of Sc: ice,c ce Ascciaton, Inc. deerr Existing Propertyasas.aa whole whole that such actions of subordinate .- Eitirg Property that such ttociatjons tociat.ionsnot not take ta:e effect. effect. ARTICLE ARTICLE I
DEFINiTIOS DEFINTIOS The followin f 11owiq qttrs te-ns shall shafl have havetha thefollowing foLlowingmeanings nerigs whenhenThe
used av ever used in n this js Declaraticn, DecLaratjcr Section section 1. a
'..rv -'
Advisor-v Boards' a-iaU shall zean mean and and refer to the efr to t1-e
(other than elected or appointed ap?td by by the &Jners (other the &.ners elected or than the the
the Dc1arttirn evc,1oper) n the vloç,er) in the manner manner set arati.rriand andin in the the et forth forth inn the
hrtictes 1-rticLes of of Incorpration rp'ration of of the the AszociatiGr. Association. oard tesiotes" esirces' shall shafl r,ean mean and Section 2, Adt'isorv and refer refer 2. 'dvjsorv Board tic
erners elected Advisory Boards Bardz aa5 their to those thse Voting Voting Eernbers elected by the Advisory their designees to attend attend the themeeting, eeting off the the deaignees t3 the Board Board fofD:rectors D:cctors of the
A sod atn. Association,
Settler, Setticm
3, B,
'Architectu Review Coritteesha sha) rean ean and and Corittee' Architectur-alralevie'
refer refer to tc the the Comrnjttee cornittee appoir.ted the9oard BoardcfcfDarectors D:ectors of the appointed bybythe
.kssociationas set forthinArticle IV. seccon7hereof. ssoca.tin as set forth in .rtic1e IV. Section 7 hereof,
the r.1es sht r-f.-to a theArtclcz Artcics shat. nnn and rCr
Section Sectir. 44
ff IncorporatiDri Asscaaon hchhave have hen heenor or vL ll he he Incorprat.on of of thethe Asscon -hci fled
inn the office of o the the Se;rezary e;re:ary of Statc Stat' of iior:da icrda, a aco?y co?y
of .hch, marked of hSch markedS,:h,bit E:hbt "E "0/ s.sattached attached hereto hereto and and hereby hereby
incoroorated as the incorporated herein ard tbe Art:cies rry be be anerded ar'ened from ad as Prt:c1es mas from t,im time to 'O
t2e. me. Sectaon Section
'Cton Assessment "Ccrnon
shall shall tean the the charge mea. charge
e; eachUnit Unita-d and ?arci parcel trd nd the e; each of the Owner O-rer of
Leee off such such ?nrcel, ?nrcel,
-uch oh
re esentn aa porzc-i -, represent:n the -r the and the '.3r,i.t and the
total costs
:ncur:d by the ?ssoc :at:on na:c-r:ng, cc;:nç,r-intan nd by the roc:a:cn nd
- and r:e:at:ncj e:a'ncthe te Cowon :ap:r,nc. ra, replac;rr:'j, cr:t9 .a:.c:ng :;zert:c$.
k46O64i91 k46G61i91 Section Sectir.
charge rieari the the charge shall tean Secil Assessment' shall "Secial Aseterit
6. 5.
arces or against one or or xmcre irore Owners Owners and their Parcels or Units Units, directly nd their aainzt oi-e
ured byy the the cost cost incurred i to the attributable suc)Owner(s), Owner(s), equal equal to at-butable totosuch
carssocSaton n an connection connectienwith withthe theenforcement enforsenent ooft)fls this DeclarUçh Owner(s)' ation against such such Owner(s) Owner(s) and/or and/or such Ovner(s)' faUurc fafluretotodul.y duly ticn against their obligations ob1igtions hereunder. perform their hereunder.
a chr
mentH sha.1 Recnstruction ASSeS Assessment" shallriean nean a charc "Reconstruction
Section 7. Section 7.
against agirist each Owner
Unit or portion nd his Uri.t or Parcel, Parcel, representing representing a portion
'or reconstruction reconstruction of socatior for of the casts costs inctrred the Association of incd ybythe f the Cornmor, morovernentslocated j.ocated ny thethe rnoroverneflts ononthethe Corrunor. nyportion portionororportions portiOnSof or
Properties pursuant to the proVisions provisions of of thIs thls Delaration. Detaration. o the a-ial1 "Caita1 Assessment shall nean roan aa rrent'1 ovement Asse 'Caital Imtrovement
Section Sectior. 8. .
charge against each eachOwner Ownerand andhis hisUnit Unit orParce1. Parcel, representing representing aa charce against ol'
instaation of the ccst costs incurred by th the Association Association for for instaflation portion o portion of the the prcveents o on an' ccC ar.y or construction any capital capital SlzproveantS an portion portion of nstUOt time time to time ay Irom £ro Coron ?rcpertin which time CorOn ?:cperties which the the Association Association tray
authorize. uthoria. to the refer to "A,sociat:on" shaltmean mean an the nd refer shalL Aociat:an
St.or 9. Section 9.
F1.o-ida Inc.. aa Florida sociaton. Inc., Harbour IsLand corunity Services services Association. Is.ard Corunity
cda oz profit, proft, crçenzed corporatIon not for organized under under Ciapter Ciapter 6L7. 6L7, Florida coz-porat:cn ncz Statutes (1B3). successors cesors and a,5igns -d its its a' tatut (1Bfl. And irect-or5! shall the shall \ean n the or ABoard Board oof Directors Boardll or "oard"
Section .O. Seticn 10.
oard c ss board of
tirectors. rectc;s.
uticr.s! thall -a11 mean and to ook of and rere refer to e5 cT Resolutions" U. 'co 11, of anc policies guat.or1s arid policies of -uLes. documer.t ru'es, re;uatons, t-ie dcirurnr.: corcor.tainin9 Ufl9 th the the or fromtIne 're 'o time adopted adpd or tOtTtC ha1l be as tiey be from i-cy shall c_a:n as tne z-e Assocat:s
Section Setto
ar,€nded. am.ded
;l 'ean theAssoc 'v-LawS' ,ean te theSy-La'S Sy-Las of of the v-L,a'S' ShA1
Sectcr U. 2. ch -ii.h
been or or Li h.'e been hr'e
of Dioard of Diy t' be adopted adcped by be t' Eoard
Exhibt 'E" £xhibt s o:th as Set forth are set .ssocatcnw;ch vc are t.e the Associaton tire to to from time ee !rol arercc1 b m-ay be r.r :eO. as ass-hSyattached he:cto. as may ac.em
of o
re r.e
5ec:or. ectior. 1. .
ec—:cn ec:o
•eber' shall nean and and rO±er refer to to al C1as ir' haU -ean clns recer to all sr :erre:' thai! -ean and refer :e"
Section 13. lass C CMet.ber' shall mean and eciri 1$. shall near Merr.ber' and refer refer to tD the the
ar Deveoper an
sucessct-z and asns. p:ovide, hewever, hever, that that
its successors and assigns. provided, its
as re cn!ibi1jtje as or repcrisibiLities e1a Mebr rihr- rct b i, ir. wrStSng t-g ri-nd r,odeI among amt-ig the t Rece: of Records of -i1ls orotgh cunty, Hillsborough County r1oria. rloria. Stior 6.6. Couerc1al Stotion "Cciercal Neighborhood Neiboric'od Service Service Distdct0 Ditrlct" aiy ass9rzIent aaa9r.rnentofc.f Eeve1cpers rts cr any the the Developer's rt1,ts
shall mean shall ear and and refer to a perticn portionororportiox-i portions of reCer ze the Property of the ?roperty
vitEn which are hizh are
Contained ontaned Cc-.ercia1 Comi.ercialParcela Parcels,
an and within .'ith1r which which
erbersshall shall share te Metbers share expenses expenses Cor for management ragerrient and maintenance airterarce
the Ccercja1 t±es t: e if any, sny, and arid be if be
o of the Ccrnerciat Neig:borhood Cotmon ProperProperigborhc)e)dScr,'ice 5cr-vice District Dist-et Crrmori
titled to
entitled to t.he the enOy,nnt rôyrncrt
of of ervioes evioe ot or
riht te Lhih of use rights of which are areriOt not enjoyed by all all 1er.bera .Mewbers of o the the AssocAssocienjoyed by aicrr. AA CorrL-rercja ation. Corrcercial Neighborhood Nithcrhood Service Service istrict istrct ray becreated created raybe
y the filbg oof aa Supplemental the filtmg by the Supplemental Declaration Declaration by the Developer Developer aOng the Usborough County, anong the public ptblic records records of of Hjlj$borough County, Florida. Florida. Section 17.
'Conercjat Carcrojat Parcel." Parcel." The he Developo De"elopcr
intends to rteids to
have a11 have a11 Coerci3l Ct,e,Ci3L and ad Orfice OfCjce Parel Parcels deveoped developed by by use use of of lor long tern term Crown GroundLeies Lees oof the Parcels arid and their the Parcels their ctual eveloperit evelop:ent by by a. the Crouri ercial Parcel' GroundLeaaecs. Lessees.ThereCcre. Therefore,"CCont,crcial Parcel' shalt shalt reari rean a Parcel Parcel that beendesi;nated desi;ate for that ha has been for eotmercial thc oci-iercial purposes purposes in in the Ground Crcnd Leasa Leabet,,eeri betweentetheDeveloper eve2oper arid and _the Croud Lessee, and Crotd Lessee, and which iith isz dcsigi-ated desg-nated as as aa Corercial ConercialParcel Parcelon o
the thedeve1opent de:eloerit HDever, n Houever, in the the event event
plan attached hereto hereto as Exhibit plan attached a Exitibt "F." Devecper conveys evecper fee sizple snple estate estae to conveys aa f&e to
aa ParLel Pa-cel and and the the fee fee
crier :proves :rcves the owner the Prce1 Prccl for for corrmerral commercaI purr-oset, thot that prcl prcel
will v1l
also he aa 'Com,erca also be Ccerc
A 'Cortrneral A 'Conmer al Parcel' ay Parcel' may alao be be aa dock or docks docksoror rnar:nas naria3 t tnt the also dock or the evelcper )evelcper may may own, on ii ally. seillcrlase. or ease. iu:t:ally, theretrew:1lbeoct1ai;a?ael will be ono 'larai;a Parcel. Section Secton 18 18. 'nion 'CononPr Procrtes er.e5' shai ear, rtiear those portions of the isLand of the isiand which Lhach are as br,g br,g Cox.non re declared del-ed as cnon ?-coertaes Properties in n-i ths tiis Decara Deolaracft in or ari' zcn or in any Su2perenta1 Supplenental Declaratior(s) Declrataori(s hereafter hereafter Dade -ad y Develcpe-. r:es are for Sad Coron c-.-c-i ?re?.,, ?r orti.z Develcer Sad fcrth thcommon commonuse use and e;zvent of o tbc tbc riene jec: to to thee rj;:s lierbeis subject r;;ts 'ereunder :1ereuder (f the tloDe: ond '!oe: and others. c:h-ra. ;:tally. tIeCcnon cnnon Pro?ertes :t;ally. the
t to
Parcel. a::o; art thote
.adsiec:a ieca I)y derrjbed :as de:rb-J :nn
ciT. -
kt. ktC.
juG )L
th Exhibit attached hereto, hereto. i incLudn9, iud-in. but not not limited limited to, to, the 'C' 'C° attached
o'/ements located 1ocatd along the the (a) certairi 1g properties; following propertits; (a) certain I' Iprove1nents
the Island includng ut not not limited lirnted to. to. such such itemL items ard nclung but of the perimeter of aridother other such sUch inprovemeats improvements -iorclineprotectioz protetioi and as water waiks, shorcline a water walks,
as may as ay beriefft benefit the theMebe, leen, even even depdfcoke, describe&
t capable of beirg beizg Legally Legally capable of
but docksand and marina but excluding excluding docks rriariria
facilities; facUlties;
(b) that
iricluding bridges. portion of portion of any any road''ay roadway or roadways roadways, including bridges
evelcper are ovned owned by the Developer y the fro tt.e mainand to to the Island that that are t-e rnairiand frc the leading from from the a-id that and 'that portion perton of of any ny roadway roadway or or road."ay roadways leading
by the the Developer eveloper arid mainland to the the sland and slad that are not nct owned orie by mainland to
emed which hioh will willnot notbe beowned
in which but i c.'hich the the byy the the Association A oCiaticin but
o: ingress ingress and and egress egress to to and ad from Developer has an an easenerit easement to: from the the Developer has easerier.tsfrorL from the the City City of of limited too eastflents Island, (Includang, (ncludrig, but Island, but not not limited
Flor.da corporation) the Taripa and Tatpa Corporation, a Florida the and Major Major Realty Realy Corporations
to maintain mjntain the rndway ro.'ay or or roadways roadayz D'elcer beingre-.i,'ed Developerbeirg reç-ued to performed by by the the and shall shall bb performed vhich obligatior. obligatior. 15 is hereby herebyassumed assme and (which
not limited limited inc.uding. bjt bit not (c) transit transit vehicles. ve-.icles. inc'.uing. (c) arid all allcortponents oozponents elevates tram tram systems to. elevated (Feople Movers"), Movers), and to, systeis ('eople thei-ef including including rails rails(aideways), (idways). stations, stations,and andçuide''ay cuideway supsupthereot
A.:zoiaton); Association);
Transit ports; provided provided that that Hillsborough Hillssorough Trar.sit
vthoriy ('t.T) has VFT") has Authority
to operate future date, date, to Juding the t-e right, right, at at a a future including agreement bet-cen between t'anpa Ta.tpa Island tc People the Mover pursuant pursuanttotoananagreeneflt People ?.ver
certain certai: rights, rights,
Transit lnc. Troririt Company. Company. Inc.
(hcl1y o'ned Florda corporation c poratici (holiy a Flonda owned by $y
copy of o -ARTdated dated December December 19. eveloper) 19, lB3, 1B3, aa copy ee1cper1 ndnd J-RT
which is 'hih is
(d)Other Other Improvements 1PrQVernefltStoto the the bt 'C" arid (d) as Exhibit C", and attached hereto attached he:eto as shall Cc.mon Propert;es, Cc?,tmon which shallalso alsobe bedeeied deeed Co.mon Propert:es, e-tie, hich Common 2r Properties, aociotion. including. il be be regtlated regulated by by t.Me the Asoc1taon. flcLuthng. ..:hioh al1 the use ue of o which the
Otafl5. .pat1 ount;ns. oaths, waJ'..ays, walhways. -i5 rc:s ster,, pumps.Street strt atiori systes. a-,1road roadrchts—of-Lty. rqhts-of-Lay.oonds ods, I:-r:gaton ar1 rarcirig hedqes, pol'. guard ho'.ses. h,ses. hedges, pols, sqns, rarking e:urity guard çts. sezubty lçhts.
but c'.i:
rited 1rn,ted
to. to: p::as ,
retain; sta:rs, stazrs. retan;n
areas arid other othea:ea ard
walls v1l,
oriocapir,g. drainags encC5. lanczcaping, rairig fence5.
oon the theComo Common Prcpes c'erierit.! Prcpertes !pr-o'eentE
9. Sec;On 5e::.on :.
'CorOn Exenes" xceries"
.riteriance. e5t'.ated iosts costs of of owrersh:p. o.rersh:p. rnaintenance. est.ated
rear, the actual mean the actual and and ement. opraton, opranion, nae1ent.
ç" t?'. repta;erner.t of therr-cri Coro ?oertie$ ?ropertes(In(n rep;emer. repaIr ,r.rT ;rsurn;e. repa.r :ec.a :cec:ai
".sm':;t5. ?eccr.Ltr:Ccr: ecc5:cZcn
tsecsrrerts sriet
l7f4% 4GO6
and and Capital Carital t?roveruent j.rcveiient A ess'rtents arIzi Assessments and ir.ckuding costs riot not .r.cLucing those these costs
paid by tit or Office Offc Parcel Parcel or
paid by the Owner mer of of aa
Unit cc Unit or Parcel Parcel
or or Lessee Losaeeofofaa Cowrntrcial
responsible f.apayrierit) the responsible fr paynent); and t-iecosts costsof o any. any. arid
all coxTur.cnly crLnonly all metered utilities, cableoror aster tred utilities, cable aster-
if and other cther trnon1y metered charges rrton1y metered charges for the £cz- the costs tEE managtrnent cperte; costs Prcpertiez; manageieritand ar.dathinistration arr.r.iszration of of the the
charges1 charges; Corrizno Counon
televit.. telev..
any, if any,
nct ited 'to, to,
Aasociatjn, including, including, bu Association, but nor limited
C peraation paid conpensation paid by by
the Assoc the Assocjtjon to-i to managers rianagers, accountants, accountants, attorneys and other attOrneys and
enployees; costs costs of of all employees;
utilities, lan other services ping and othar landstaping
t the to the Ciimon arid Coñmon Properties. Properties,upkeep upkeep andmaintenance naintenanceo oC the thebridges bbdges
ar.d pri-.'atc private roads and roa5
and and easement areas leading asemet areas leadir-ig to to the the bridges: br.dge.s: Lpheep, rnaintenarce, rlairiteri-.e. repaIr upkeep, ropair, replcerient costs costs ad replacenent ahd operatng Opcrat±ng costs of of all all trai costs transit vehicles vehicles (including (including'?eople PeopleMnvers') Movers")c.'ned ovned
or Ieazed by, or or the the license or Ieaed by, icerise to to
operate operate vhich vhich is is vested jr, the vested in, the evelcper (or (or Ta_-pa Tanpa .sland Theveloper r.c., aa Florida Island rransit TraflsitCnpany. Corpany. Thc., Florida v)-cllyowned corperation, whclly owned by cOoratjon, the Association; Developer) cr or the by Developer) Assoojation; ilidthg-iaienarce inciuding.joajntenance,repair repairand andreplaceirierit replacementofofthe the transit
atatics,ra stations;rails (cuidevays). lents supporting (guideways), and and the the improve improvements supporting th the rails rails (guidewys); dw.y) cost ofoffired Cost fire,casualty, casualty,liability liabilityand r.d fidelity fidelity insurance, Iorker insurance. crker' Compensation Compensation insurance, and insurance, andother other insurance insurance coverirl9orcr corrccted covering ccr'ected with with the the Co.on Coori Prcpertiesi ?rcperties; costs costs of of bondbonding the rner5ers of the ing the the Board the oa-1 arid nd the Planagemert '1a gner: CcCczpany, any, ifif t-e
to hire aa Managemr.t COpany: tes te paid anagernr.t Conpar.y: paid by by the the )ssocjotori Association, including incluthng real property pccprty takes taxes Or or the the Co,on Coc'_on Properties, 5ri; anounts Properties, if any; arnounts paid paid by the Assoclataon by the so.iaton for for the the ?.ssocation de:iez ?.cicration deci
discharge of ay any.ien len or
encuff.brance n n-.banca levied
air the aa1ntt tha
Properties, or o portions thereof; thereof: and Properties, portions of any other arid cost cost of other itern jter or or tterts iter soo designated de gned by, or or n accordance acco ce c th t cthr cth'expenses cpenses curr-ad by b, fl-c Incurred the ?.ssccsatlon anyreason reatonCa-Ioe--e conneciation for cr e-iy tz---. innconnecCo-.on ?op-ties and/oricr the t.-e benefit znvitbirbtoetZie Cotcn Properties and/or Cor boi-fit off the the -i
Sectr.on2 Sectaonro 'Co".dctnun_JL and Co onnitjr .socaatcn ean nean and and refer refer to to any rij condornzniut(s) c5 n:niLn() andandoodc:nu tondo,r associa— ssooiwhich which esc, ehailexst eit, on est or or thall th.e on the
denr by bythe the .-eo-thn co-i ofof Deci evdnced cjar-aticfl( aratioJl(s
;r.o ?ceperty Property
t;e fl-'e?ubl'c ?i: PPpcor z :iborougb -bc.'-ouh Cc.ty. Co,.ty
s as
of CO Condon.niut in onniur in
flda :c, and and the the
i. P11:1
ocaccrporatOr. Ciriur AzsociafLUng ir.corporatiofl of of thethe CDndomifliu Artcle f .f fj)jr.g ofofArticles
artrnertofofState. state. ton(s) with the Flcrida Departitent
tion(s) with t-e Flcda D
the ard refer to th mean and shall s)-.all mean prcvj5ions vte provisions all other r trictiC" ad dall over.ants,coditionS, coitjonS, ndnd restrictifl covenants. t4e theymay mayfrorn fr Ecrein set forth documant, tijne thisentire entire diwt.. ass they forth in in this
Stion Section
21. 21.
"DeclaratiOn", 'Dec1aatCflM.
be amended. amended. time be to.c time
Section 22. Serton 22.
r.c..1 rsland. • Island.. Inc.
'Qevelooer" shall Intan nean ard and refer reflr to to Harbour IevelcmerU shall
tin1 its
ar.d assigns, assigns1 ce55O5 and corporAtion its successors a& Flocida Florida corpo
acuire any should acquire any portion portion of of the the SQr. and such suc successors andassigns asignt should deveopment1 lease the purpose purpose of vf development, fo the 1s2and from the Deve1;pr Devel;pr for Ilard from DeveltJChrights rights of Devela5gn5 such long ssCve1toer tveloer assigns rale sosolono 'rsale and,
iff such
. .
such rights, rights, to any such such of such jore of or any or more one or hereunder1 or oper ope: hereunder, any one
rcded n written assigr'nt aszgnnet recorded an express express writter person or entfty entity byy an
such case of of a a partial partial assigtment assi;raent of of such Ir the the case be dened deemedthe theDeveloper, Developer, but butmay aay shall not not be assigre shall the assignee rights, rights, the
ounty. illsb,tOUgh illEborCugh County.
eerciie e,cercie
suchrights nghts ruh
specifcaU-y assigned. teveIoper specifically of of eve1,per assigned. ty
Notwithbasis. Notwith— on aa nonec1uSiVe noneolusiVt basis. such assgnmen; ray be be made ade on en; nay such aS
to be subject subject tD the assignee shall be assigree shall such assignment, assignent. the ztandng ztanthng anyany- surh Co-.mittee apeVie Coittee ap— the Architectural chitectural Review ahitectUral review by by the a:ctitectUral revew oard. the Soard. poirted 2cinted by the
meanand ad refer refer to Section 23. Develoonent ?ln" shall to the the 'eveloo'ent ?lan' sbal mean Stic- 23.
of the the land andthe the Proper— ?ropertotal generals:heme scheme of intended USC5 uses of 1nd and f zcaL generaL
ray ee
nibit '1'"1"atSached ties as illustrated n Exhibit attachedhereto, hereto, asas t may
ties as ilustrated
cretion ofo the time to tne th the sole soled discretion the teveloper. Cevelcper. n the arnded from ron tire annded shall have have the the section 24. 'Zv,!tno mear.:ng set rcrertY' shall Stnc?rcoerty" eCtiOfl 24. 1 of this Declaration. Secton lotthisDeck&rat±Ofl forthnArtiCle ii, Secton forth in rticleII,
rncn an end rtgcC Ohi11 rn1i Staon 25. MHrOOaaC' -toqe,&' 'jfrtaOC 2&. 'r:rstr5t on aa Parcel or ?arcel or rst mortgage Tnort;age On the flrst hIds the cc 'hch holds a lend,: 1erer -h.oh refer to a Ef
ssoci3On the As5OC130fl tfed has fed the -_--,ch has not: Unit and nch rcs. h1r' r.cs. Sectlon ecticn
of its itS wrtfl of Inn wr:tjnq
'Eound:na Docuer.ts"shall shallmean meananc anUrefer refer to to 'ounna' Declar.rncles of Jnco:poratCn the AOC1. AsOciaOfl.thiS this t*clar— FO.i0 cf th .-rC1S of Th, 2&,
an cciatOflBy-Laws, By-Laws, and SuplcmOnta. ecarat10nS. theAAociaton tCns. the eC SurpleliFenta theDeveloper drawn beveloper of escluticflS, nitafly drewnbytjthe escluticn5, a afla a' ni:a'y the ooz of may ne, .1 as dulybe duly cm may ce.ada:d - mayasbemay or recorded recorded as as te case fIOd or ndfied
c itiOu.
to tr'e to
(ron t re
tZ:.r mc
L 3O6flg 30116 Lt
Section ction
"Island" shall "Island" ahall tear. ear all allProperty, Property, and and shall
include servingthe include ea;enents eaents serving theProperty. Property.
28. ean all all structures 28. provert" shill zill ,ean tructure arti— artiInrovejtents" and appurtenances appurtenances ther?Sofof every every type type nd ficalJ.j created an nd kind kind ther created located on including, but but not not Litited to, on the the £xstirg intt to sting Proety, Property,inc1-id-tri, S,ctiOn SctIôn
buildings, buildings,
drairae drainace
'alkways, out-buildings. doc)s, dook, walkways, out—buildings,
pipes sprinkler pipes, sprinkler
pipes. parking parking areas, .oeas roads, roads drivewa,s, drainace pipes, drivewa' drainace areas, areas,
ence retaining walls, a1ls. stairs. stairs, fencer, ret.ining
d.c1cs ccRs,
pia.ZaS piazzas,
fcuntains,, fountains,
Ian scapng hcdges and .reak5, plantirig. Landscaping, hedges, nndSreaks, plantings,planted p1nted trees trees and and shall shall include includeany any roads, rada oigris and and bridges, bridges, and shrubs, poles. poles, signs bries and rnovers leading t t the bric9es and?eople People Movers leading the Existing Existing ?rcperty ?roperty, the the naixtaning maintainingofo which is aaduty Developer, Island -ch is dutyofofthe the Devlcpr, Tampa "anpa Island
Transit Copar.y, Inc. or or the the Assncjaton Transit Copany. Inc. socation Section 29, "La mean and Sactjon 29, shaLl and include 1nclude any anystatute, statute, shalL mean .trance, rule, rules regulation, reg.ilation. order, crdtnance, orperrLit pernit reqtireent reirenent from ordc-. or rci
to tire applicab'e to t:ne the Existing Existing Property, or to any any app1icabe to to the or to -o?erty,
time t1ne
actIvities about the actvi:ies on on or or about the Existing ExistingProperty, ?roerty, validly vaidly cr.acted; r.ated, or adapted promlgared. or prornulgated, adopted by by(i) (1)
the United United States States of of America, or the nca. or
any of c its it agenca.s, agenoic.s,offices, offices, or or instr'a.-entalities; I t'nentalities; or any or(Ii) (ii) thQ the
State of anyofofits a9efltIes, A9eTOie5, officers, fficers rnuncipal— State of Ilor:da, honda, ororany rnuncipalo- poflticl lticsl subdjvsion,; ties, or bdiviona; or or (Lii) officer, agency, agency. (iii)any any officer, or instrumentality natrnentality of of any any tuch suoh rtunioipalitv nunIcipalty or sudivor or politIcal politic&l subdiv—
mc,,Section Sectior 30. 30. Long "Long Tern Te-rri Gro,.nd Lease"enCr'Crourd Crund Lease" Lease" thall shall Ground Lease"
mean nean and to a alease Andrefer refer to between ard aa leaSeentered enteredinto into betweenDeveLoper eve.ope and
Lessee Lmse for for aa parcel PaOel on on which '.hichthe the Le,ee Lesee or or soeone someone on on behalf o behalf of
the the
Letsee, -.ill cons-t-ueLoffice officeor orcostnercal ccrr.ercialbuildings. bui.digs. Lessee, will construct
vanaoeent Ccsanf'I shaLl run the "erson. nn the person.
Sect:cn on 51 31. ftrrr.
or Or
rorat:on by the the P.tror.aton ccrporat oiep..cyed eploed by Azonaticn horeuner as it its rur'r a.s
a;e. a;e,. t as o
rarrying c:jt -t c-n ct:nduties, dutits, lfillir.g or carrying
st n f-j t f1flLing o ri
Ooers o-'ersor orfunctions funtjs ofofthe. the Assoation. Sect:on 32. Seotoon 32. Iie±ers shall thethe ,nea,,±r.o 'Iene-s' s-all hive ?'ave me set et forth forth in in Secnon Sectton 2(A) l() of rticleIVVhereof of Article herec and and shall shall ir.cude the Developer. incude tite eveloper. the fleveorer the e'ie-t the conveys a ?&rcei ve.10'er oon'..eys ?arr.- rather rather than than entcrlng entering nto n:o a a Gound G:cnd Lease caz ofof he theParoel Parcel, the c-ncr of t eefeeoner of that thatParcel P-cej s] bal] sea nea -:rber nber.
yr —nt'.i t 1.197 (( flJQGj 8.10
shall rran nn persor Section 33. "Votrg Members" persons elected elected or or Secticr 33. Mcrer5 shall
appOI-.t by exercIsethe theri5hts ribts of Voting by the the Mer.5e:s Mcbers totoexercise Voting Members Members or3y—Laws. y-Las. as specified specified flereiri flerein an a,d in in the the ArtICLe5 Articles or
Olstrict" haLl 34. "Ne5atborhood ServiOistrict' rtean and 'Neigborhoo Servi ha]J. mean and Section Section 34. ..'hiehthe t1e Meribers refer to aa pOrtior. portion of within which Meribers shall shall Property within refer to of the the Property
the Neighbortood andmaintftr2ance maintcnance of of the horod share expenses Lcrfor rar.agezrient share expenses managecntand
District ConctonPrope:tie5, Properties,ififany. any, and and be be entitled entitled to to j5trct OorTcfl
5Ve5 or
the enjoyent off services or rights rights of of USe Use which which are are not not enjoyed enjoyed the enjoyrnent
b 4eig Service Distrct Distnct ray ray be be created created orhocd Service b all allMe,bers. Menbers. A At1eighorhocd of aa Supplemental Supplemental Declaration Declaration by Developer. by the f1ing fiUn of
et.±on 3$. 3$.
Nchbochood ServiceDistrict District Comc>n Comon PreerN-.bohcod Service
Popertes owned oned by the ties" shail inen iner and Properties the and refer refer to to the the Cortmon C .rnor tiz' shall
ssociaticn,. or Developer or or ovned owned or or leased leased by by the the Association, or over overwhIch which rraintenance set the Association Association has has a duty set forth fo:th iin this duty of maintenance this a Declaration vhSc the has deter.'ined determined is intended Declaration vhich the Board has iner2ded primarily primarily
of aa Neighborhood 5crof the Mer.bcrs Members of N gborhood 5crfor theuse useand andenoynient enjovent of or the Cor.nonProptr— ProperNeighborhood $erviceDistrict District 'Jce Nei;horhood Service Cor.on viceDistrict. District.Thei'he the kssoc— fles. or leased leased by the Developer or the nveyed or by the Developer or ssooi- tie5. ray ray be be conveyed Nelgoi-hco Association) Association) -poft cerporation crpration (a(a aton ator. to n to aa non-profft Neiç)torhcod oninç or or leasing lea!ir2g suchCornon Co.tcn established _orr the such thepurpose purpose ofofowning estaiohod same. The be rights rights and and duties dute of of Properties and maintainin; aintair1ing the the sane. Properties and shallbebeasas set forth each forth in inaaSuppleSuppleigb.borhood As5ocation Assocaticn shall cach Neigbothood aridthe theArticles Artices of of incorpor— incc'rporDeclaratioim and mental neclaration Cr eclaratioiTh meta). DeC.aratIon L
'::aton. at3on each Neighborhood Nei;thcrhocd Association. t3on ar.d ar.d ay—avs E.y-avs of each
Notice andrefer refer to Section to (1) Shallruean nean and Nce Shall (1)written uritten Section 6. 5. the last lastknown hncwn address notice personally iailed to to the address notice delivered deliver personally oror,rniled ot intended rec2ient, cc (2) least once once riccC pubflshed publhed atatleast int, or of the intended (2) nottct a nev5papr having having9enez-al generl each to cor.secutive cor4ecutve weeks weeks n na newspaper each week week for or two tIonn o-cch County. Ciru2cr n Hil Hi11sborcuh County. florida.
37, SectIon 37.
Office 'Ofire
Heic:—.borhood eic:thorhood Serv.ce Service stnct shall
an ano or portons portons of of rean ar.c refe rerr to to aa portion po-ttn or
the Property the 'cperty
tthin tn
Paces. nd vthn which the the Merers cor,tair:d 'cc Parceis. contaired Cffcc :hn which 1erers sra_ share anageent and oantenance nantenance of of the share expenses Lo. Lo: .anagenent he Office Offce :cic-hbcrhood cc-hbc.-hood Service Ccrrc Plopertles. ?:opertes. if erce :strict .rict Ccmon if any, any and and be enttled theenj enjoyment servce5ororrh rch of US rent o of ett1ed tr':rthe serccs use -hich are hch are otot enJoyed cye byby aierze:-. N Ne1chochood çhbOLhood Srv.ce l e.s. ;.n Oce Off:ce Servce vhch are are whch a.a.i....
District iray District fly be. be.created created by by the the fiUrg filingbyby the the Developer Developer of of aa SupplerLerital .e the Public Public Records Peccds of Supplemental ec1artjon aration among omor the of hillscrough illsborough
county.Florida. Flcria, Oounty
Section 39. office parcel.a The Deveoper Deve.operintends jnteds to t hay— Office Paree1. erticr 39.
all CCrmrtjaj all onthe the Existing E>dstin;?roperty ?reerty develdevel— Otfice Parcels Parcels on rcial and ar.dOffice aped by by the th usa ope us of of long lc-g term term around Oroun Zeaaas Leases of ofthe theParcels Parcels arci md
their their
GroundLessees. Leees. actual development by the actual dcv the Ground cpent by
Therefore, Theretore,
that has has been been designated designated for "Office mean a a Parcel Parcel that 'Office ?arcel" ?arcel" shall sal1 re office office pn-poss puroes in ir the theGround Gound Lease Lease between bettetn
Orcund Oround Les Lesvc and hjch is s a-d vhjch
the Developer thc eveloper afld. amdthe ti-xe
igiated as designated asa:i an office the Office parcel parcelon oiite
evetopnet Plar,, iDevetopent Plan,attached attachedhereto heretoasasExhibit Exhibit Mpfl F" However, However, in the event the event Developer Developeroonvey onveysa a Lee Lee simple mple estate estateto to aa Parcel Parcel and and
the fee tee ovner owner
office pu-pcaes, pU-pOSeS. irproves rproves the Parcel for fr office the Pared
that that
Parcel will vill also Parcel Parcel. an "Office "ffie Parcel.. also be &n
Section 39 Section 39. ertity entity
rorie shall r.flr the perscn, shall!tean bean the orlegal 1gal person, firzi firm or
a a Un..t (includthg the eveloper) Developer) that Unt Owner is aa (i that is is ludir. the ner orr is
Cround of Craur.d Lessee Lezse Cr Comercial Commercial ParceLI In tJtJc event of an an Office Qffe cr ParceL evert Developer holds holds soneonc otherthan thanthe the Developer aenc other
fee aa fee
inple ir.terest simple interest
Iria in a
e shall In the the event eventtinits. units are shallalso alsobe bedeeted deered an an Owner. Owner. In are
bunt bui:t for for rental, ratherthan thanfor frsale. sale. Owner Oner shall sU mean ean the the re.ntal, rather e lessee lessee of of the the lan3 record title record title hoLder holder or Cr the lari4upon upon which which the the or build.-gs buildings cctaining ccntainingthe the rent.l rcntl units unitshave have been bi1dinq or been
erected. rected. Section 40. or 'Parcel ?arce1s shall Sector 4, ?arcel" '?arcel' or shall nlean iearand ad
refer to a reier
Cotne:cial Parcel or or Parcels Parcels and and an an Office Offce Parcel or Parcels, Parcels. Parcel or Co.e;cial Par-cd
in in
The Dave! per, The eveloper,
its sole thscrction. thscrcticn. shall shall its sole determine hich 'hi-ch
Parce.s arc Parceis areCoCOt,rr,1 Prcels and hieh '-hieh ci1 Pcela a
Parce.r Arc Parce'.. rc
Parcels. Seo 41. Section 41.
?arcel Lessee" or "Lessee" Lesae' cr Lessee shall "?arcel hall eir and a-d refer to the ef aa ?arcel :efr to the Lessee Lerec of parcel pursuant p..iruant to aaGround Ground Lease be— Lease beteen Developer teen c.see. In Develcperand az :essee In the 'theevent event L'eJfl L V.per conveys oper conveystitle ttie
to to a
Parcel rather the ?arc,l, ParceL rather than than leasrg leang the parcel,
taroel shall also deed aa Parcel a:cel shall also be edeend "ParcelLessee Lessee" or
the fee ee owner the a of a
Lessee Lessee"
?ar:c:patrq ji!der' shall shall en ean'and and refer refer to to rerson or person orentity entity its its or or their theiruccss uccessand and ascigns assigns if if r.ot not Section 42.
tJ:t, Jnt 0-rers)
;oirt venture ve.ure invc;:ng c ;oir.t eJeloper teveloper,
who -ho
1199 or or which roh deveiops porti'ns of of the portion or Eistthg Property deveiops a portion cr portions the Existing ?roperty by irp-ov.r impcQvirt te thesane sane and and shall &halL speifi:ally mearthe the person person or or speifia1y mear vt1opoent of of Units. TM-tt. entity land for development er.tity that that owns owns or or leases ease 1ar
Properties shall Seticn 43. 43, ?roterty" shall mean ?roerty oror"Properties' mean and and refer refer
to to
all real property all property (inc1'ding easements 1.eadthg leading .to to th 1land) th, Island)
1 whct hereby subjected to, whict s her2by ubjoctod to.
or at datecate maymay be subjected be uecte ataiterater
to th t Dectaration to, !eo1aratiori
Section Se:t.on 44. 44.
edci-tjal Neiohborhood "Residential Neichborhc'od
Service DSstrict" Service Dst-1t"
mean mean aan :efar Crorportions refertotoa aportion portion poton
of of the theExisting Estig
•Jnit &Jflers shaU Unit OJnCr shall shcrc e:penses P.ens for aagerrent and ntenance-and bebeentitled for taagextant maintenance,-and entitltd to to the the rioynent of se-vices ser-vicesor orri5ht riçhts of of use use which .thichare are not not enjoyed enjoyed r.brs. :ach ac. Wt UntOwner Owner saLi shaLlbecome become a a eer rneer ResiofofaaResiyy ll Mernbrs. dentiaj. dentia. Nejglthothood in accordance corda-:e with NeighborhoodS Service vice District District in with the the Property oc' Unt Property Units witnin which th. itin wMeh th
pGViiOr5 or rnerrbership set forth forth in merers'.ip st ina aSupplemental Supplemental Dec Declaratiofl ratiOfl provisions cretir.g the eig'.borhood Service District, creating the Neighborhood Service District.c4uc whichtistrict District shall. shalL
evelcper of of aa Suppiernental SupperientaL beiabe createdb' by the the teveloper eo3.abe createdb' fUing filing by
ration ration aong amongthe thePvbljc PublicRecords Rocords oC of Eillzborcuqh Eil1borcuh County, Conty, Zlørida. ricrida. A A Residential District Itay Resiertia1 Neighborhood ibrhood Service may be be corposed Service District conposed of cCndoniurn contained oneor or more itirely of cc cmr-.iun ur.ats ur.t ccnaned inincre Condminmore Condomin— entirely in whic event avnt the t)'e non-profit corporation e ab1ihed for ius, which non—profit peratio.- established or ruc a District such as aa Caster a moy also trct rnoy also be be referred referred to to as ater Condominium Cdominiun A 5001 ASSC C aa ttS on. on.
Section SectiOn 45. 45.
5upLet1ental Declaration" shallmean 'upLental Declaratin' shall rear)and andrefer refer
to any of covenantn. any Declaration Dec1araicn of c-ovenant. condLtlonL condLtior..a and and restrictS2n5 retricsj to
which which nay baequently executed an and recorded recorded by y the Deve]oper, eqently executed tho Developer. ray be be which of th.c CLwcIart± xted the arat±otoadditSnai o th prot which extends mr
on the the I1and property on the Exstng land, thereby therebynicreasing ncreing the ExistingProperty, roperty ar,d ar which which ay nayccr.tajn idditional diticna1 co\covp,nts art condtior.s cod:tior.s and and rere-
$p1tmental Dclaratcm nay )-ude. A Supp!menta ZecIaraton ay nclude, but shall but shall be 1imit be to. the creation o crea:ion to. o a a eiçtoi-hood the eçhbo-hcod Service Service
not not
stricz and and ray my -ec-r zfre estabfls_,ent Thstrict corp— etab1s_-ent of o aa non-profIt mc. pro(t Corp-
aion r.o n the theaffalrs a:falr of of the theDtrict. Drct. 0à1Ofl r.o rw
Sectscn6 'int' rhafl "Unt 5eotcn rean a1 rcan nd snd refer tfer to toany any pornon porton of of a ttructure oructu-e or or tht the ertz-e ent,re structure trwcturesituate situ .ion t-a jon t-neExi3tng xit-g
k:4L 6c 1200 1200 ccupany oa residence, inctud— incl.das a residence, Property that is La Sntended intended ffor occupancy Property Y oEoflitation, butnot not yby way limitation,aa sine sine but exarr.ple. ing ing, by way of exampte. nd an condominium ut, aatewnJouse te3U5e and anapartrnent apttent house, aa condominium unit, fanily fardly house, unit. unt.
shall include shall Ui-kit include Where reference to to aa Wnit -ere appro?rlatc. appro?rate reference
2ssociated land. 2ssociatd land.
42. Section Section 47.
wner'1 shall ahall mean mean and and refer refer to any person "Unit "Unit Owner"
title to to any any Unit Unit or or to to a totifle tine holds record-title a holds recordwho ho from from time tine to rent held prinarily prnrily for building buildings contanirg containing Units Units held for rent biilding oor bui1ings
ih title, tit1, If tore more than one ore person holds such rather than for for aale. sale. if rather than The C-ne, jointly andand seve'-ally. tll such parsons persons are Wit Owners, jointly severally. The re Unit 5UCh ll
Developer and ?articipating ?articipating Bui1de: Builders are Unit Owre Owners with respect them. to tire time OL'ned owned by to earfl Unit Unit from iron time to to each by them,
deveiope lands leased 1aeed upon Lands developed upon
If tire 1! Units Units are
?artit±pting?uilder. suer, Unit to aa ParticipatIng Unit
who r,eanand and refer refer to to any Ow .hall Owner shallr.ean any person person w-o a Unit inn a Unit
holds a recorded easehold interest nterst holds a recorded leasehold
1ro rcm time tine to to time time
granted anted by by aaPart— Part-
icipating 3uilder. ipating auilder. II ARTlCLE II kPTICLE
Se:tion Se:t.n tially :n:tially
xistirc Proc'ertv :x1stinc Proertv
The real property proporty which which The rea'
transferred, sold, sold, con— con:-el& transferred, s which and. whichs,aLlll be eheld, is,and
to id occu;ied orcupied subject subect to '.'eyd :,d eytd
located in in the Dec1aaion iss located tiniss Dec1araion and Is .s ore ooepar— parillscrouh county, Yitd, and City City of of Tampa tampa in iny.illsborough County. Florda, ntached and made made aa attachedhereto haeto and trcularly descrbe inin ax:libit xiibit tc1arly descr '
part hereof, part hereof.
it It
is Prcerty' at at the 'ZxSstng 'Zxisttn Pcerty" is the
tjr o
this time tt,e. All All
ro thIs Deiaraton e araton as -y rcperty thr sat ay of this this AptCie ArtiCe Il II aall sal1 sonetnes soetis.esbtb referreThr— 22 of allocd by by Section aliocd rea'
the he "Ex.zt.in9 r3er:y -. -. all all ed red to to at as x1stirg 'xsting ?rcpety. xstn9 Property' ?rcperty. subcct tr.ethat thatha, ha, Seen be subjected tothe thepro— proland to ld atat any pirt nn tr.e any pnt or aa Su;plcren ecarat2on and, s earat1on and, onsof of this this e!araton Dciarazon or ..s
_ch, e_c,
the the
?ropent-j rp;zri the ry lands copnz:ny ands the "Zxstng ?roperty" taynhane chae
:rrn tctot:e trc to t
as asadd:t:oa add t.ora
lr.ds lands
are are ad6 p'su3r,t addd psor. to to
on 22 of thsArt:cle of th.e Article I J
reterves n:esuch suchc.ta;es t.r;esand/or a-/Cr rt tto r:e rrves th rich: e:r t'e r:i:f;catons to :tz -cator, o :t.sp2ans pIa-.sfor fordevelopre:r de.el tIne Ex:str ?rco?rcndtothnr qu; e by aoprp:ate and th2n tcO,aflon s F5 T/ T.'./heherccu: Develocer Develotr
46O6 1201 I[c,46O6rG12o1 9overner1tal 9overrental
authc-ties, authorities,
or the th or
Federa). Home Federal Loan Mort5a; Mtaa Home Loan
Cporation oor the Federal NtiDnal with Ntioral Mortgage Iortgae Association Asratiori with the Federal corporatibn
respect to to pprovisSon crtLcn that thateay raybe req'ire visor.s of of this this Dcc);ratLon reqSre
then then
either vf or either of them. ther.
Section Adton to eve1oper to Exitir.g Exitir.g ?rooet. ?roecty. The The eveloper 5ecticn 2. 2. Aditons frc from tine time to to tine time nay nay brin; bring other other land land on on the the I1ah Islah under under the the
hereof bybyrecord4ng ec1arations (which (h1ch provisonz hereof provisions recordthgSp?le1er1tal Supplemental Peclarations sh1l riot shall not require req,.iire the of 1er.bers 1erbers OZ of the the AszociatLcn the consent cocent of sociatQn oor •
any other
niaybebecreated created to to adn5nister association c±aton which '4ich may admiiistcr aapor— por-
of :f the Property Propt:ty
E>.stin9 Exstin9
?roporty. Property
It lt
r any ?ortgagee) any Mortgagee)
is is the the
and addtcto the arid thereby thereby add the
present ntention of present fntention of the the Developer Developer
that all real property property on on the the :san :sanC shall ohall eventually evtually bebernade made aa Nothni; herein, herein, hovever, vever, shall the Existing ahall xitr.g Property. part of the Property. Nothing
xitirg Property, obligate Developer obligate Developer to to add add to to the the xistIng ?rcperty, to develop develop future of the island island under under the the cor.ori cornon scheme set ±uture portions c cherne ]erein herein set :th. nor £rcJlchanging changing the the Deve1oprent Develcpnent Plan Pan forth, nor prohibit prohibit Zeveloper eveloper from
tth rtspect to tosuch suc future futureportiO1-s. vth respect port_ohs
All Ourlers' All 0-ners'
acceptance acceptance of
a deed deed to to aa Unit or ?rcel. Ground Lease -t ocel. or a Drourid Leaae to to aa Parcel, Farcel, shall thaU
consent to to any therebyautozati au:oa:lly any such such change, be deemed deerred ccr.sent charge, :ily be ereby made by by the or deletion deletion hereafter hereafter rnad t ition or and the the Developer, eveloper, and eviderice such zuh consent in vtiting Ovners shall at any time tire evidence consent in 0-ners s-all itir-ig if f requested to to do do so so ynythe tha Deveoer requested Deve'oper.
/-TCLI 1:1 DO2iXENTATi O1 DNTATi O1 T Or the tho Property Frcper.yconsists consta oof the lga1 cocun1r,tation OocUntati.cri tor the The legal ±-ent and ands-ppltmerts spp1.ernerts to to any any of o Docuent5and andall all ann±ent d-g Docurior't oundin9 t.cfore;ong the ore;oheter.ade hereafter ztade•
Sectxon Oranr: oticn Section1. 1. Ono:a. A) The The Associaton. Associton. A)
The ssociaton ssoc1aton The shall thall be be
norfit, nonstoc cxi sting unóer onstok k corporatcn poraticn oran:oed oran:ed _ad _d existing the ur6er the :a5 a.iscftne of tne S:at c iic,rda S:att of a.-d chAiqed dutos and chiqed .th .th the dut;cs flo:ida and and
nor.orofi t.
.:th the zc—s werbed b z.-,e c.,rrs
nd tet fct-
and set forth n
4606 1202 46O542Q2 :
Younding ocuments, oruner.t, as as they nay be be amended arended fron they may from time tire to to tUne, trne. Founding
pfovldedthat thatnone none of of the the Foudiig Founding Dosurents orurents (other than tMs this eclarataon) e.rator) shall any reason asor > n!cnded erod or otherwizo shall for for any Otherwisochan9 chaii9 provided
Snconsiatent withthis this DeCaration. ietentth Declnratjor-. (B) Assotiaticn powers ass iaticr shall (E.) Powers. ?oers. The the Ass shaflhave have such such poi.'es
Cr or interpreted erretod soo ass to to be be
are st 5 forth of Incorporation norporat.ior and forth Sn in the the Articles and as Articles of as re are r.ecesr.ecessary to perform the cb].igatens obligatons and duties set out Out in this De;la— perform the and duties this Doriasry ration, inrl'ding, pcer to ration, ircl'ding, but butnot not imted to, the power to levy, levy, collect collect
right to f1e
a and enCore assesm.nts to (includir.g the the right to file liens snfnts (incLuding llens to
enforce asses zment parens), to buy, buy, lease leaseand and convEy convey rca: enforce the the aoses:ent ymens), to real
rart, to adopt ru].es a:d
property, enter into into Oc contracts, to adopt rules and regulations property, to e-ter
for the use x1sting ?rcperty. 'use of of the the xIstirg ?roperty. to to penalire penaLi:e dlinraient rruent r-erz, tst sue an arcumulata reterves, reserves, and YerSers, a:-d be e sued, sued, totoaccumulate to a to
intan of insurance rei red by by nta.n such surh policies policies of nsurace asas re1red
obtain and cbtai- and
this Declaration and and such such other other ansurance insurance poicies poLces as the Soard this Declaration as the 3oa:d
irabe for the Cor_,o.-t the Atsooiation ssociatior and a-d itstS enbers enbersandandthethe Coo-
ol C)irectors of ofthe the Asso Assooiaton deems necessary necessary and and ddesirable for of Di tion deens
protection protection of of
Properties. Te vork:ng Properties. fleArsOciatiom Association ay ?aynantain raintain rk:ng capital capital and and
contge:-cy contingency
funds. shall pey other obigations funds, shall pay ta>es taxes arid and other ob)gations of of the the Asociatin, and gregate furids to maintan ma tan reserves, Association, andnay iay Eegre;ate funds to reserves trust truot or or
escrowaccounts sccus for escrow 'or the the Zerers and and to to a:curulate prese—v— urulate and ad p-eserve
funds fLinds for ips-d Improvcents, pr'emts, rears epars and replacement placenent to for antcipa:ed to
the Ccitpn Ccr the P-aperties, but but subject subject to to later later prcvsions provsions hereOf heeôf
regarding Developers Devioper'scbligations obligations for for payment regarding Clreserves reserves payrertcf 0) Annual Annual Meeting, Meeting. The The annual annual rneet:ng eetng ofo the (C) Voting tho Voting
Merers enbers of tI-c the Association day of cjatic,n shall shall be be held he.d on onthe the16t lt day of each each
etercr on :uzh day during Der ororOn uth ct-er day du ring tho as flay nay he tho ye ye?r as he rioedbyhe ined by the Poard 3oard of of rectors Drectors of Asocatn ofthe thcaz (t (D)
in:atjtiona :tuticnal Plan. !
.s the th optratng rang responsiAs responsi-
t: of the ?ssocat:on fro those ?',.cii epard expand from those rejated related to to the the
:n:tial to ial phase phase of of the the :s]and's :s]d's develc;erit develo;ent to
t-oae r-eq.nred eq1-d by znose by
the t-e fully fully de-;cicned s:ries aria devclcprd planned p! anne bbus:rcs and resdental resdent a! ccr.nurty cczturuty of of :-arbour :-rbcu:- Isiand, island, this thoecarat:on, ecla,at:or., the SUP?z the ementa emenal ecaratjons eca.-tjons und and the the Zo :ncocunents small gtilde -de the the cortro lIed and and orderly Ccntrolled rdeilv
odcnont orali
e;o:Lon of
evo:ut:or of the he
Jand nto a ccnp:-e.cns.c C Jand :nto a ccp:ehcnsnc ccir.ty Lryuth th L.-o t-o
ad:.rae Ic.'c,
a;cr cerRt:t.r ad:stra:-. Live -a;or
each each -:tha h suratej
L:45Q6 46Q6'c 1203 1203
Level refers refers to .gorhood Lve1 tothe theadmiriistra— (1) t;eiflborhood (I) activities ccnsie:ed ateria1 tve and ard operational cper-atcna1 activ.ties consXe:ed to be be of o material t'ie The to aa NeighborhoOd Service it:ic. District. The Ne hbbrhod Service befit priari].y benefit prirnarily to Service District are str.:t are ofaaNeighborhood NeihbCrCDI SerVCe prirrary purposes pupose. of primary level riegithorhoo at aa neigithorhocd foster level of ccrrunity cnunity at a sense oter a serse of
entty t
tO to by by
t.har establishing an institutional ns ttionA1.. identity at aa sca.e less than eata.1.izhing an
.Urity, an that represented by the entire cortunity. an@ tcpz-ovide to provide
that rep eeted by the ertre
CcrnerciL ?arcel Uflit Cwnerz. C-er vehicle the Unit CornerciaL parcel thich the vehi.ole through thrcugh which ojcintl.y contract Lessees or O:fce Orfice parceL ?arcel L,5see5 Loec rtay may jointly contract for Lessees or
fl1 prove whi nece 5sary sernoes in a manner nrer which wi).l proveadvantageous advantageous .eCeaary
ervcea in a
to tO then. thert.
separate rOnrOfl— ?erted by ch District oitrict nay ny bee operated by aaseparate cato) vhch :Qrportion(a (aNeiborhcOd Neighborhood Aociation) whichwii,. wifl Oit co;pertion profit istrictand, a, aij.riiterthe the;ist:ict be be the the vehicle vehicletotontain rtain an anadminister
ladCorutunity Ccmty iretora o± j_' the?oar ?oard of o Directors of the the Harbour Harbour stand i the
ices .s.:c:i
ad.-initer cer-
Services Association approves, maintain an aàtiiaister cerproves. naintai
fa:.lities anU facilities tain the Iprovenents and ta.n Ccnon Ccnrci Properties Properties and ad the
t-at are
itrct. Te
taied a District. The voting within a rec that are rcontained within thereon
borhood A5OcatiOn rights 0.r of Merbers the Neighborhood Association ehall shall bbe 5eS in in t)ie an By-Laws By-La.s oof crpti and as forth ir in the the Articlea Articlesof of ncorporation as set t forth
cr the
cCation crgar.ted for the the partIcular Ne:ghtorhood e:gorhood AAssociation
the part.clar
each c u:pose ranagng each pu.pose of
the istrict. some of ach or or acne of the strict, ach
deterthe Developer )evelcper oc deter— Aasociativnz ,ct1iz shal, shall, iff the be set act forth forth ir. i nines, have assessmert powcrs which shai shfl be asenez-it -' nir., ha-'e srCt. establ1shn9 each each District. eachSupplenenta Spperrt. Deca;aton each Deca;ationes:ebliahln ehall NeçhborhoOcrvce Scrvlctii:stiict D:st:ct shall The Cc7tnrclal crrercal N'bo:boc Office The Cffice erca ?sres re'.S. The Gorerca er.corT:pass ,S Cs erccrrsss nil Tre Cf:c ?arcels, ?artels, The -i1 erccrs.s Service Dsttct ghl enccPsaU iiCff:ce 5ervc rn1 encor'.pas corr.paaa s al.. ar nay all .-cebcent2al :hSorhtd Serv:ce D;str ay be be established established Property.ororthe thee ray the £sig Prozety. zits on on the
Niorhoo Neighborhood
tct .b;-ta :-rd ServIre
-e such rore .:h ncre than thr one
the actual -r actua. trt, cepe.lriy Distrct, deper.dlny upon the
rstruced ltlmatey cnstructed. ar!d ort'es tves of o U2t5 U-t ltmateiy id c-
alhd for Ne:hnorhoor4 Sertuce D:strictCcc5 Coiltcflray ay ne be e established for NehDorhoc Se.ce Dasrict carb ar'
crdsosoelects, the rd elects, rt. ..ff the ehbzrhood Serv:ce istrc-t.
Aaor Or-i t'! Asst2aton to adv:c o S:rectnrs of the en alac the te Pcard of D
eacfl tn
. J6io i6U2O4 tothe thea&tinistrative anistratiVe Level '.inity Levelrefers re-far to 2) o,jnity and construedtoto be be of of rnateria acti.vtLes s cnstrued op d operational ational activitie The Harbour Harbour xiting Property benefit to the the Existing Propertya a aa vhole. whole. The benefit to
the adiister the island ServicesAssociat1or Association will viii adninister Côrrnunity Servces is.and Cor_munity whole. onthe the Etg Property a aa whole, activities on Existing Property as
etor.; Section 2. Menbcrshio inn AzsociatiOfl; Itenber Seticri 2.
£1ectcn of Voting/ Votnq/
oard Mercrs. Mecr. Advisory dvsory ?oard who iis aa opr, and and every every person entity who ev (A) person er Cr entity The Deveper, () Tue the nc1udin the Unit orr Parcel Parcel including or aa Unit Lessee cz Unit Owner owner or Parce' ?arce Lessee
holdingan a interest i-teret titc holding Dclcpc. entities cicpr. but butexcludng eo1udng?erson ?rsonsoror imn
or an r.oe Unit orr Parcel Paroel merely rre-ely as as security 5ecurty for per performance Lor a Unit
erhip the Association. Aciation. obligation, shallbe e aa Mener Meber oo the erbrship shall ligtion to and ay not other than s) s-a.l shafl be be appurtCnn appurtcnnt to and may not çothcr thaflthe theDeveloper Tve1.cper)
ershipof ofa aUnit Vnt or Parcel or possession as es te frci cozership be separated fron a Parcel Parcel L.essee. Lessee.
ciato: created created to (S) Merer inaneach ea;hCondoiniUCondcniniU- Association er.bers (ii) to the subject to ndcn!r.tumhow nowor orhereafter hereafter maöe nabe subject eazn Condoimnum cparate ea cperate
enZLVCS. On e.eCt from ft nttld to eolaration be entitled to elect among theseLvcs, eclarationshaJ shaU1 be ch Co:c.:n:u. .e-.ber for for each respectively each stich Condcnn:.. one Voting Voting ez-.ber respectively one
culat Coonnium fi-t elcticn first electionofofEuch suchVotg Vctng Febe: enberfor fora apar particular Conoinium
hch -etng at at vhich :-al1 beconducted condecced 'ediately Lollown the the eetng ediately folcwing ohall be other tD Unit int 0-ners O-rs other turned over over to control of of such Conoraum contrc.l such Cnun is turned Co num or veluper ofof aCondca than the eve1oper or such such other othi- developer naumor eveoper or than the
eveloper fos the Condcriniu,s ,xf different from the Developer f d±Eferent
At t such such timeS tjes
C)fl e.bers 'hoare are Untt ti't Oners Onez-sininthat that Oondcniun Codcnniun shall sha'l cast One rDerS who
the Deiaraton Declaration sccdance with wh the .vne (ifl accOrdance vote for vote for each each such suchUnit 1Jt owned to be eiected elected a as a t '.-g -enr of as it tna of Condortruun) Ccnun) :it Votnghe)f.5er (
nrber of the Soar Soard tf of iber of
rec:ors rec:cr
or of
r.urT ssocia:ion on Condo num cc Co the tb .
ce.' -ajoty of s-ch s-ch Ccr.doznrum receangaat-aJorityof -beCiu the 0C of cachcach the erber Votng Member for er5e cr that thatCondo Condo -tal Votng e the :nittal cast shall hal be tne votes votes cast brs e,cted a toted herein—a e— eoti; ier.brr u:;:um, to to serve -::un, serveuintl utl of the the e!ccton :he Vc:nc3 esafter. the eect.on of Thereafter after \ctng iAember after set set forth forth oonduc eoa.rual' annualj aat the be conduoLed the enc .nai be :nall fc- each eachsUch sch Conconn: Cco-: ror a:
the nee.tzt of the atual aal Oee.t :t
Cners Crers
the t
at:n{un1es {ulesa the the c:iur As: 0 cn:u,AS:;at:ofl
tn :n?t Cc:zc-un:um :n
call rca1 tecng cU aa specla t:ngof of the the
:46O61205 46fl6 1205 G
Associationfor (orthe the prpo5e purposeofofconducting conducting such suchelecdeeCdomruum Association Condorinium
servefor forore one elected shafl hal see co elected Voting 1errbers !leers to Voting and hay. ha beeli duly duly elected 2lected and or until their succeors successors htv been nti1 their year. year, or an tion), an tion),
tYst t:1-a
theVotin9 VotSn9 Menbers so elcted o elected hereof. the Mn.beZ hereof, arid election to to arid regarding election subject same rules rules regarding subject to to the the saint
p'-oeS taXen office. For For puz-poses 'a'en office. hal1 shall
be be
of By-Laws of the By-Laws andthe the ike likeasasset iet forth forth in in the ofce and rca office removal riovaj. froiR
were er.bers were each Condoninium Associatiorn if the the Voting Voting Merrers s ation. asas if each Condominium the Odinium Association, Directors of Condoriflitht Association, of Directors of th nember5 oC of the the Eoard Ecad of members Condcmir,ium ceases particular Condomir.ium of except if it the the Vctir Voting Menber of a particula
for any &ny reason rcasoi to
Rosition, hold old such sci psit1oI
he e replaced he may tay only only be replaced by by
of a tiember ejectedatata aspecia. special meeting meeting of terLber from forn such 5u0h condo.irii.tit Condooiiut ereCted
the the nerbers membersofofsuch suchCondorninium Coonium within cithin s.xty sixty(SO) (60) days days of of the the peci until a speciil O.TinUm, until of aa Co Condoinflim or the the vacancy. but but in in the the case of vacancy,
annual annual
new elects aa new OiniUm elet C such CondO,ir.iu of rbere of election fof cers ctior
of Directors of of the the Soard Eoard of Directors Merber, one one of of the the Der$ers memer5 of Vctin Mcrber. Voting
the the
of of
Cciatiom (to be selected selected at at aa special 6?ecialIrteetin; neetin; Association (to be Condominium Oor.doiniw1 A
DieOtor5 such Board of Directors
shafl as the the 5eC as shali serve
interim intcri
such vacancy) 5) days days cof ouch within faVe 5) ithin five such -cndoiniuru Condoninium with with ernher cof such Voting Member
eme duiy Votirg terrber of aa Voting duly 11 of the rights arid and res?onsibifltieS reSpOns1biitieS of aa1
as aforesaid. afoi-esaid, y the !erbe: .eres as elected by wnesc of all Voting by the the ijait Uflit 0'ners all CondoCondoelected by errbers elected Voting Members oard, Advisory Soard, of the the Unit Ut AdV.SQry nniurs hal1 he he r:embers of i:miursshall
to shall at a tirte and place place tc etrigs at tire an shall 2-told hold meetings
hich board board which be determined by them. them, be deterrimed by
electivfl ot of the the Voting Voting!eTr,bers, terbers, of the the election \thin thin thirty thirty(30) (30)days days of one rnerLbe 1eetr9 v e1e unt hdv±sry shall hcda aietn9tve1ectOfldrettCr ard siai the dvy Board tii Unit io
of oi
cand as the Unit Advisory the Uit ?th'isory Advisory board Soard Designee Designee to to disory Board tie
5ciaton and and of the of Directr.s ot softhesso_iation
rice tirgsof of tie the Board oard of Di attend meetings
f P.ssoc.iation aas ttn rnatters matters of advise the Board of Directors of the the AssocIation ectoc of oard of advise the Owners t) Owners r.ersfl_p andof of interest interest to -ber5lp and tot)e enera1 arterest to the tie ceneral rterest to
of f
the ndonium units :ondo,niun units on the
The Unit Unit Advisory operty. The Property.
that board board The the pleasure of Qf that at the serve at sgnee shall )-all serve card Gengnee ord solely advisory advisory and and the the ord shall, Advisory Board shall, however, bee solely Urut Adviscny Unt !oard
diacrezori. .ccat-on may. may. n tts dscret5on. oof irertor5 irCetorso of thethAssocatofl
ch choose ot to 11c such cose rot to fo foflc.
oard of of DIrectors D-rectcrs of of the the The acard advce. The
poLera nnd -id Oeita:n powers ansfer cerza:n to came, time to time, transfer rny. ire= rco ti .-rcc::on may.
to iaticn to the Z.ssoeiatiofl :pbiities of the responsibilities appropriateresolution. resolutcn. appropnate
4606 tr 1206
viscy .oard the IJnit Kdvispry ?oard ly by the tJ-ijt
Cndparticular Condo— representing aa particular errer repreentirig Each Voting Voting Nerber rniniu shall cne vote vote in in eiecting eectirg the have cne the Unit Unit Advi5Dry Advisory Ml have
card card
eignee who oard. whoeill willadvise advs the Board. Each Parcel ?arcel Lessee L.esseeshall. shall appor.t Oppont aa person (C) Each person to to be be aa Voting ?'lernher eachParcel Parcel (suchperson personneed need not not be be aa Member MemSer 1enber forfor e&ch (such
apcmted shall shall Menber soD appointed of andeach eachVotir. Of the the Association) ASsCatin) and Voting Merber nas taken taken serve until until his his succsscr successorhas has been seen duly dulyappointed aFported and and nas oZfl oLf Ce. c.
any fromoffice office at at ary maybebe renoVed removed from Parcel Votthg Voting Nrer Ier ny
ointed h time who aapoointed him tine by by the theParcel ParcelLessee cee who
hal be be ?ce1 Lessees Lessces hll by the ?acel Vatng erbers appointed poirtd by Votn board shall hold hich boa-d ercrs of nenrers of the :rce1.Advisory Avicry Soa-d. si-d. which the Parcel
thin meetings at aa tire and and place place to to be be determined determined by )y thn. them. W:thin neetings at
appointed by the days after after the theVoting Votinglen.bers iebers are are appointed by the thirty (0) (30) clays arid ti-icParcel Parcel Advisory -d.isory 3oar oar and et as the ?arce. essees, ?arce they shall shall reet .,essees they
eignee, oard tergnee, acel Advisory vis:y Poard oe of their nurber as the Parcel asoho of Directors Drectorz of of the the Assowhoshall shallattend attend reetings mreetings of of the th Scard of elect ore of their nu--be ciect
the Association ,sscciatic'n as as of the ciation the Board 2oa:d of of Director, Drect and ad'rise advise the o.ator. and neralrncrer merLtersh:p and of rerest to ttters ofofinterest sh:p and of Interest to r.azter interesttot thethegeneral
to ?arcel Les5ees. to ?arcel Le55ee5.
The Advisory Ecard Boardtes:cnee tcs:cnee5ha sha The Parcel ?arcel Advisory
hoard. The Tb Farcel oard dvsory Board ?arcl Advisory ofthat thatboard of crcl of cf Directors irectots of and the the oard advisory and however, ole1y advisory however, be soLely
serve t the the pleasure serve et pleasre shall, shall,
not to discretion, choose choose not to follow follow such such te Association ray, in it discretion, the
s ociation nay,
i it
advice, aivce. The The Soard hoard of of Directors Dire:tcrs
ationr'ay. ray,from iron tame tine of the the ssoc5ation of
to tine. transfer tnnfer eertan certainpo-ere poerc
?.socatIon too the the ?arcel ?arcei ut:on
and and
rerponsibi1ts poib1a f the the
oad by arproprate .d,so:y Soard Adnory atpropriateresoreo—
esent:nc tach Zach Votr.g \otrg i;e,er roflresrnt:nc have nave ;ho vho
a2art:r.Jiar rt:ru lar Parcel ?ael
one the arce d-.iory acard one vote vote :n elect:rqteParce!?civ1oryoard win advIse will the he ?oard board
(3) Mcrbers areUn2t Un:t c.'ne:z Ownersofof Un:t that are are not not L3 are cnbers :bo ts that
erers cf ofone one or0;-mole no:e esdentia1 rcun urits, ahall be be reters :tornnun unats, shall
e:chbo:hood Assoc;:or,s :c(s) or rao s:a1y or(s) ccrrpr2sd so1y
er.ers Associa— enrers :n :n stch such rbo:hood ,'o:hood Associar;
Ocerswh:se '-er 'e Ln;r. 'nt5?re are rot
made itsriw n Ororhereafter hereafter made cnrfliUr unitS cofldOifliU
)eelar&to the the Declar& ubjeat to subject
eec from enttled to irOn aOng ton to erect on shall shall be be entitled rnember for for each each cne Voting tivelV. 'Jotng rnember tivelY, crie
4806 12O 12O respet ther.SeiVCS, respeceitseVe
AssoCiatl. such ebor00d AssoCiatiOn. such 8eichborhoOd
Me,er for Lot aa particular particular of such such Voting Voting Merber The first election The first electiQn of rcod AssoCitiCfl Asse etion dentia dentl NeighOrO0d Neig
Besi— Best-
whose Units of Unit whose Units are are Owner of Uni Owners
coducted units condOflifliC, unitsshah, shaU be be conducted cond
eiatelY SiatelY
after the
AsOC1 NeighbCr]0d AssoCi
such NeigOrhO0d rectorS of of such Board of of LrectorS election eleOor1 off the Board Unit Owners Oer5 Merrier5 wh VhQ are are Unit tie5 MexerS ?.t such tins ation atin by by Unit Unit OwncSO'nOs At vote for for each cast one one vote Association shall shall cast jn NeihOthD0d 1.s that NeigOrhOOd in t-,at ssoO1eg thood As5001 each sih such NeigothOOd f each such UnitcnecI. oed. The The MeJr Medr of sch U',it int&1 the initial 5h3l be the r.ajority of of the the voteS vott5 cast cast shaLl reeiVin aa r.ajcDrity aton receiving 5e:veuntil uU aa ASSOCI atOU to Serve much eborhO0d AsSOCa_i0 r'
letet forfor zuch Voting I'enbe voting
as hfletnafter set forth.
elected as heeinafteF set forth. Voting erb,r enber iss elected new Voting flew such Nghborforforeach Neighbor— eTflber eachsuch the Voting Voting Merer ef the .he election clectioO of after, the after, of each end of each annually at the end beconducted ccnductCd annuallY ASsociatiOO shall be hood hood Association (unless the the Unit Unit theNeighborhood Negh5O'0d •$5oCiati0T (un1es +nnJal neeting neeting of the rLnJaL of the the NeighNeigh eeti of S?ai1Meeting call aaSptcial Zssooiaticn call n that AssoOiatiO Owners in eection) of o0nducting co ucting such election) pUr7OSe of th purpose Association fcr Icr the bcthoCd Association borhood or shall serVe for one year
at the ASsOCtn
Voting Members MrS osoeecte elected and th Voting and the
shall serve for one year or
been eSSOtShave have been su until their sutce!OrS until their
taken elected and and have have taktn duly elected
-all elected shall 5er so eleOted the Voting Voting r'1eers icr hereof the cr purposes purpOe5 hereof
offiCe. officeS
and electi° to and r-iesrearthflQ -ardng election be thesane sate rjles be subject rubet totothe
rer.oval rer.ovat
of each each y-Lav of the Sy-LaW5 forth orth nn the office and li)ceasas sCt et and the like from office
nerbers enberS were were renbecS I the theVoting VotingMeriSers NeighbOrhOOd except orhood A5SOC,atofl, A55003t10fl, except bothOOd f Directors the e of the toard of Nrectots cf rf the
Asoc± atio:,, a! Ass ±atio.
of the
ssociati on bcrh0d AesO.iatiOn ar Nei hborhood rtcular cL aa pttcul cL if tht thrVotng Vctng Meer .f
e nay only only be be
hold 5UCh suchaa potcr. postiOfl ie ray ieaon to ceases for any to hcld cese5 for any reason elected ton elected Asso HebOrhOdAsSOcBtiOfl such e;9hbotho0 rn suh rrer frori replated a en'ber y a re2laCd by r&ohOc AOc" uh reiGhorhOd AssoccEsuch :e etbere r.cber of etnJ cE at of te $p.1Meeting at aa $pia of aa n the the case of but in of the the vacaCy, vaCancy, but xty(60) (O) days days of wthn sixty aton wthn ataon
PnruaL election the knnuaL election SpeCi or til aa5pecal ksoc1atOn r.til or the
AssocatO hssocatOfl ec SUCh e,gto:ho0d enbcrs Q of such of of retb-crS Vcr.ber. I'eoer.
Votng a ne' ne Voting
of .)rectOr5 of the of rrectOrS the 3otd 3od of o of one oftne tnener.Sers erSers of or
the t
M-ctin; of selected b' aaSpe-_'- Meeting of seected by suchvacancy' --acnCy Cac of cf such f.'e rectO5-;;n ;th 5cerd Ie ($} daj c:t f rectOrs
.aocatCn (to (to 1;e:hhochO0 at5oCiatOfl 1ehorhOO SuCh
elects elects
: 6O6 c 1208 0. such .i.h shall Voting MerrEer of ha1J. serve serve as a the th intenm interim Vatitg all
and t)'erights rhtz arid the
ibiit5 o.f responsibilities res of
Association with Ori wt
Lly dly
Mer,.her .ber
Votir 'Jotirq -
elected rr,eth,es rmos asasaforesaid. aforesaid. elected bytythethe c all Residential eer.tia1 Voting ie,bers all er.bers elected elected by by the the Unit Uriit Owners Oner oZ
eOcd A
.'hoemembers menbers are arc ccprised ccpr.iaed oolely c'lely of c teçhorhood AocA iiona on whose
iniurri Unit Owners of Units other than condominium shall form a shall Jri other than cond units, 0wiers of tJnit
Advisory Neighcrhood Advisory Nei9hcrhood
oard held neetings etir.g at at aa time time hal1 hold ciardwhich --ih shall
days Within thirty (30) days place place to tobe Sedetermined determined by by them them. Within thirty (30) Ne hborhod Advisory hold aa Neighborhood their election they shaS hold Adv5sory after fter their lect.ion they
an' an
etgorhood Advisory 3oar to toeeot elect onemerr.ber reer of cf the the Neighborhood Advi sory oar rneting cn eigr1ee. to to attend attend Board as NeighborhoodAdvisory Advisory Ecard Eord besi;nee, as the Neighborhood
3oar the 3a retis ofofthe neetir.s
the the
th Associati;n of Asocjati; arid and dvjse rvjse retrs of c the ef Djretcrs
as to
mattersrsoanter— floard tireotors the kaaociaticzt Associatica as to matte f oard of f Irectora cof the
of interest to to the theowners ones of est to the gerieral general rrer.bership re5ership and to the and of c interest Units that are Units t:-t a
not ccondorinium cdcrriun
ts -
k -r..s.
The Neiçtbo:hcod dvsory Neighboriotd Advi sory
Dezinee shall serve at the pleasure be solely solelyadvisory advisory however, be oardshall, shall,however, Aviory oard hbl-d Advisory lcighborhood of that that board board. the ha hoard Deziiee shall serVe at the pleasure of Board
diaressociation may, rnay, ininatsts •nd the Eoard of jrectors irecors of ofthe theAssociation d±srre— nd the o-d cf
tion. not to to follow followsuch suchadvice. advice. Th Theboard Boardo of :ne:tors tion, choose choose not
of nay,from fromtine t,tetoto time, tire, transfer tre cortan ccrtan of the the Assooiaton Association cy po-ers and rosponsi5ilities Ciation to tohethe neighbor— powers and thethc Aasociatiofl rscnsibjlties ofof ropr.ate resolution. hood by a hood?.dvioory ?.dvioryEoard Board by aprcprte resolution. rcviar Residential esiritial a a prtcuar ach Vim Me,ber ch Veting i'e.5er repreentng representing eleong the Yeichborhood 7sociaton h11 have have One one Vote vote in elecLr.g the "e1çhborhocd 7000c.a:on .n
theS:ard. oad. Neighbrood Advisory Scard Desgnec -to will wilyadvise advise the card Dosgnee '-ho e1d Advisri'y
-rl vr,
The T r<,r5er rr5er Voting the 1ctin <eher henberrepresent— epeoentcentin ri a particular Cndo:nun Voting artioular C
ae co:seecsolely :ngaNea;hborhood are solely ato'.whcae whote e2ghborhord Asz:r:ator. Unit 'd erV1ce rvce of Ur.rts nt 3ners U-.ta :n a. Feedcr.ti) ..-ers o dcrt'tnghnnrood t
ccmtprisedo'e: he: th-i tbn ccndcn:nr. cndcn unats. zhekl hekl have have the r.ta Unit of votes the As5oc,aton eori tC to tO the ctai th Urit nnber -i5er e. votes :n n .ssocat.cri CO.Ji heafte defd re2 n soLar. as herelnaftcr defred nn Secz:on s.are feet Socz:cri 2 of feet rct corrprised
tcie YiVio o ths k:-tace ths ecaratOn' in all a1 cf eatôri,contained oorc w.thri cf the th that rtrllar oi C: ccrt, oo:rt' 8 —:th:n that -th: all all c rt.rular Ocr Ocrio the .::t ::u:s anthat thatpt:c. .t::ct. tr:ct. -.icc; ciai ' e:chsorhood :hrorhood vccdhjj I
:46Q6 c1209 5C.CDOQ squarefeet feet (rounded SC.000 ( nded to to-the the nearest nearest50FC0th). 50,000th). The square The Voting Votng Meriber partacular Parcel ho1l havethe the nurrer oot Meztber representing presenting aa partu1ar PareI ahall have nurrber
sociation eal to the total
votes the Xssociation eqtal to the Total Parcel Area in in Votes in in the arce. Area
,re re
feet (as hereiflafter hereinafter defin defintd in in Section Section 22 of of M-ticle fl of this feet (as rtic1e VX of this
te1artion) contained .ithin the bidjng or bui1dix-gs exsting
eclaration) contained '#itUn the building or buildings existing
onthe theparticular particular Parcel con Parcel divided divided by by 10,000 O.0O0square square feet feet (rounded (rounded
tO the the x-earet Othi. Deterrniratlon ofo Tctal to nearest iD, 10,000th). Total U-j Unit Area and Area ar.d Total Farc'1 CordomiMum, Total ParctlArea Areaofofeach each Condominium, each each Neighborhood Associaeighboriocd Association .hose members nerber arc Unit 0ners Ownersof ofUnits Units tion whose are cornprsed cornprsedsoj.ely solely of of tinit
istZCts. other Redentiel Neighborhood Residential Neig'borhoodService Serjice Oistncts, thancondocondoi-er than minium and oof the Total Unit and each each Parcel, Parcel. ard niniurn units, units. and UnitArea Area and and t)e Total
onthe ota1 'Ota arcel existingoi ar;e Area Areaatatany any oneetiriS tie exi5ting theExisting ExistingPropProp-
ety fot poses hereof hereof for ppurposes erty, by Bcard by the the Board-
!afl be be cade made yy any anyarchitect architect selected selected
C If oniniw or or Residential Neighborhood If aa Condominium Residential Neighbo-ood
u'r Units, Service District cOpriSed c oprised of of nen—oondorniniwt n -Con Units, contains Service District COntains or Aoation or
CC square feet. feet. the the tondoiniem niL O,OOO sare less uan $0000 Association lers than
ci chood Asooiationorganized Oniced to Reidenta1 NeSgo:hood Rejdental Association to operate that operate that ocj Service Ser7tce Ditriot than thaU have have one uide:-tiat eighborhood one (1) (1) aa Parcel Parcel contains cOntairs less than 10,000 Voting Me,er f Merer. O,QCDsuare scuare Voting shall haveone one (1) (1) Vvting Vuting erber. Meter. The it shall havo T.e Marina arina Farcel ?arcel feet, it erSer and ed one (1.) vote shall Voting teScr one (1) ha11 have oone (1) (1) VctiW vote regardless oof ccntainei in in Iprovements of scae scuare(e feet contaSne te te nber nu,.bar of provements upon upon the the Reside:,tiat
Marina Parcel.
andDutie. emers Richts Members Dut-ie.AllAll 1ezabersshall ha1l R.içhtsand
utes given nd utaes this Oeclaration. have rights and giventotothem them inn this in have the the rights Ceclaratior in pplemena1 Dec1aritio.-s, any Supplemental any Declarations, in inthe theArticles Artic1esofcf lccorporation Ioorporation
of th Ascaton,
of the Assoc:a;on, inn
y-avs oof the the the ssocat:on, the y-Las socaion, and in ir the
Wures and Rc lataonsS ct of the Associatiou. sociatio. as ard (C)
on Votir9 Cazes ofofAssocation'.'otir9 Aoc
e!rbership. eberhic.
Votnq Vonng
Methershp the ssoclatlon cccn shall shall hee divided into three classes rthp ofofthe dvided '.nto as fOljC15; follows; Meers shall be be Ctao. sh11 sAVotng
afl electeJ byyUn2t VCtingXerers Xecrs eleczeJ U-ut Owners O-rers inn acccance acco:-ace with with the the Voting ro'jiiono cf Secno,i Secon 22 or o icnz cI thi -, icle Lcle an andshall shal)have have the the nurber of of :ctes ctcs s—ec:fed specfed :n :r. Cection eczicn 3(A) 3A of t)us this r:;cTe cle (a
Class C1E
Cl C1
c:r:fl of :ne
the Artcies o of 1co:prrat±cn of —e Aoc:at:on
() Class 8
Class 3B Voting (ii) Class & Class VotingMMeers rdtersshall shall b2 bs
VotingMerbers ieers apoirted Lessees Voting appointed by by Ptel Parcel Lessees in in aoc aocorancc anc with the with the provisions of Section 2 Cf cf this this Article
shall sholl
ha.'e the rurher of ofvot€s vot5 specifed specified r; Section ecci 3A) 3(A)ofofthis this Article Artil and aridinin the the Articles Articles of ofln:orpo-stior, n:orporation of of the theAssociAssorjhave the rmrtber
ation. ation.
Class C. The Class C. The Cla& Clafl CC Voting Voting tleuber ernber shall shall be be the Developer, and ucOessOr-s and the Developer, and its its sucoessors and eigns; signs; provided, ovided. (iii) (iii)
however, that however, that
as;ert ofofthe assi;rnent the Develorer's rights i;hts or or
respo ihil. ties respon,ihil. ties as as aa Class ClassC C t4err,r mustbebeinin writing, nd errber ust ting, and
corded aong of Miflsborough recorded anong the the publ.c public records records of Ct•unty, llsborou;h Couiity, iorida. The The Class ClassC CVoting Ving Ne.ber e5e:- shall florida. be entitled shall be entitled to to One Oe
() vote, two ()) vote, ps plus two(2) (2)votes votesfor for each each vote vote whc which each each Class Class
pls :o (2) 'otez for entttld to
A Vot±ig enber is is entitled A Voting eber efltitled totocacas: plus : (2) votcs for each vote which each which each each Class Class B Votiq 'oti:tq Nether Neniberi. i enttled to cast. The Class Ciass CC etership n ershipshall ter?iinate cast. ter!nate aattsuchtr.,e sc;n tte
as the
DeveLoper, its Deveaoper, nono longer has .ts Successors successorsand endassigns assigns it- has
an otership interest in swi-i.p thte:est i.n the the Island isla-d, or has pospos at-no ro longer longer has
sesocry or leasehld sessory leaseholdrights rightsororltn cn ri;hts ri;hts in in or or to any any portion of of the t-e ?roperty ?pe:ty or p-enen'ta. or ltproverents. Unttlthat that ttoe tie J-tt1 the Devecper, its the Devecper, its iuccessot-$ successor-S arid arid assigns assignsshall shall hv abso— hava absalute 1ut
control ccn:-o of Lh of the
5aard of Directors Sard of -actors of of the th Association .kszociatton
and,throuçh and thtcçh the the Board, Beard,shall shaLlccntro control Ajij-. the the Atsorjcjon Section Section 4. 4
trabut- of Unit Cne-
eccn of
tote DDistrabut&on of Unit Owners in in Election of
VotingMerbers. Mer-s. Unit Votinc Unit Cvners shall shall be th rhe the
entitled to to one one Cl) vote vote in in eten ccf Voir eleLt;on Votin9heobers t1erersrar fezeach eac Unit Unit In whch whach they they hold r.
rterest -erest re:red for roip.When r.eerthip. Whentore core than than
percn one person
hods such lneres rods sth rterest or o- nerests nceres :n nany any Unit UnIt ('C&-Ynsr') (Co_Yjner) all all csauth Co-Owre-s shi1he he .:ez-ers oc cny shall cny one or such shal) suclco—Owner CO-Owner s-.a) be be entitled ertilec toexec.s to aarc.ts the the '-ce vote to to .h:ch hch the Unit Un_ is entated C titled ir :bee c2ectcn c1ecticn tf cf Votin; eters Such Sc Cc-Ow:)er$ c-O nay tay f: time tine to t
all all
escnate :n -r:tr1y -r:t es2cnate one ccc of cf thi:
Fraztio—al Vote! votes shall shal1:;t :otbe beClowed slowed
:t :t shall ezercased nall ere e:Cr.i5ed -.
nui5e:- to to so so vote. vct'.
nd such stch vote vote for for each tech
at alt all. is Unit - n?r no zh de such des:rnatz been evceu has hs bae vce a.
ft 4606 4605 1211 1211 rc
vote for for such such rt Cnt sa3. shai. be the ruh be exercised exercised as as a majority of th ruh vote agree. Unless theBoard 3oard receives receives Co-Owners .esa the Unittutuafly iutuay agree. Co-O..rnrsof of the the Unit
it s,all the ia11 be bepresumed prezd th aA written objection £rcro aa Co-Owner, Co-Cwner, it objection Item 'ppropriate Co-Owner is s acting with the 'the consent of his or ppropriate voting vothg co-Owner init her other cco-Cners. N such sh vote vote shall thaUbe be cast cast for for any ary 'Jnjt ber other
of the Co—Owners Cannot cannot agree agree upon upon 5aid said vote vote or or vhn aa majority aority of the CcOwner Co—OwnerororCo-Owners Cocwners shall shall be be rior.-voting Co-Ovner other he ror.-voting ther action. actic. The all of o the for all the obligations r ponsible for e'crally responsible objigations jointy and jointly and severally
thall be be entitled entitled too all aL1. uponthe thejcr.ty-o.ed jointy-ovnedUnit Unitand and shall iposd upon
iposd othr benefits ofofownership. otbr benefits orMp,
All agraements groements and All and determi.zations determinations
'ith the theAssociation Association nzn accordance accordance with the voting voting awf1J:1y adr.adby bythe By-Laws off the pôcdures established or in in the th By-Laws the AsseciAsociprocedures es;ablsher herein, he-ein or a cressor and Cowners. Co-Owners,their their successors and binding on aJj. atOr., shall atior., shall bbe binding
Said voting vcing rghts subject to to rights shall shall be subject asigns. Said assigrs.
the the
Dec any ration, any and providedinin this ths Declaration, Li tatOfls provided and limitations
and iin eclartion a-d beclaration
the the Art±cles Articles of of Thcorporaton
Supple nta. $upp1e:ienta. ar.d and Ey—Laws of of
Unit is owned extenz appLicabJe). (to the appLicabje). :f a Unit the extent a corporation entitled to for the the person person erititld to cast cast such such vote vote for the by a corp aton the nated by appropriate Unit be dsignated certificatessine sine ybyananappropriate Unt shaU be the Secretary :fficer tndfiled filed with the of the the acetary of p3:tOn cod ffier of of the thecorporatlon the Association Assoriation (to
ASSOC3tSOfl. Assoc at.on. There shall be three oards There threeAd"sory Adtory Section shall be Advscry oards. Secior. 5.5. ;dvisory
Boards as follows, Boards ac (A) (A)
Mebers elected lCted by by the the Unit Unit Qners O.r.ers of of
Votincj ?bers Voting Acvisory Boa:c. Condoniriusshal shaLL forraa Unit P4visory Boar the the function of Coojr.iurs forr o. the or of DDarectu . 55 cci a thcoard toard of '.he Assocaa:c 5e thc hich ha1 b to -hch shall ees totO gencralNebersh;p to Ne-.:p and ton ratter, thethegeneral and to dSto to re ofofinterest ton as ThsAdv)SOL)' ?soi.'y 3oaro c'c shall, Cdnun5. ThS sh.U, C'ner nri teeCodpnu5. the Cwner the the Soad Eoard of of rectors a avsory ar.d -ectcrs of the of the be solely sc'ey ad-nsory hoever, be
n:tst5disc;eton c:cse nct cOO. CiuQ5C ot to tO fc1o the the
t:i ksoc2atcn ray of D:rect;rs cf te rectc:s cf dvlce. na',from f:cm tlrne advice.7±c Tc c:c cf
certa:n pcersand and responsblnes repor to t,1e, tra-. certa:n poer5 1te of of the the t-e trare
Assoc:atcn at- : the th 'n:t
'sc'y Bca:-d ?dvsory Ecard by by app-cpr.aze approprazeFesc, resouto:z.
3)V;tn erbrt ejected eeced b
re—re: --re:ss
rjt 0ners 0-ners ho ..'ho are are r
er:zet;a1 :J!:ohorhoDo : ch-z5:hoDd Ssoci Ssoct:c-:. '-boe at:on_—. oce
reners n.bers
46064212 46Q61Zt2
Jits that are
rct condo— condof Unit are are copred conptedsolely olly of Unit Cnors C.'rrsofo Units that are nct form nit.i rinit.un units, shall form uit.
the NaighohoCd Advisory Adveory Soax-, NjghSorhood Board, the
reCtor5 of advi5e the the Board of functon be to o advise of Directors of ha1l be ' shall functor of of which
the Aociatin a
thegentra]. ger.ra. nebeo the Association as to int est totothe nerber— matter of to rattarS ship
units. otherthan thancondominium codoinun tiits. and to the Units other O.ner c of Units and to t Owners hoVer, 5e Nei;hborhood AdvisoryBOar Board shall, shall, however, be ao1ey solely adad— N ;borhod AdvioTy
in its .t5 vi5ory and the the Board Board of of Dirfctor5 Directorsofof the the?5ociatiofl ?ssociaion may. may. in ViOr' arid
he Board Board of thscreton, choose not The of DirecDirecriottotofpllow fo11o'the the advice, aviCC ct.ori, chooae
transfer certain tors of the the .!oc.ct .kssoc t:n ray, ay. from from time tiretototirmie, time, transfer certain er of
it1es of the AssoOjation to the Neighbor-
of the Assoolation to the Neighbor— rerpo po.'er and ar.d responsibilities po'ers
propriate teso1utior1. hood Advisory Advisory 3oard oard oyy appropriate resolutions. hood eas Pa:cc. tassees appointed by by the Parcel ernbers appointed Voting Menbers Voting hch ha11 of uhich Board,the the fct1Ofl function of .dvi5Qry Board, fonu aa Parcel Parcel AdvisQry shalt thait forn as to iretcrs of cf the theAssDctation Asriaton ao oa:d of be to advise advise the o Directors he Eoard (C (C)
aridtotothe the?artel ?arcl e±ership and uatters of triterest :nterest to to the the general general erhership ritte:- of 5c.Ley The Parcel Advisory Board Board shall. shall, however, hovvr, be 5e soLely ?aro. .;dvisory Aso:ation ray. ot Cirectors the Assoriation ray, in of the irector of catd of and the the oard avsory a-id advisory of ad'ice. The Board of nottotofollow follow the advice. ose not tsts discretion, sretiti, choose tO time, tmO, transfer frOri time tme to soc&aton nay, from rectors of of the the Association irector the Association to the and re.sporisibil.ties responsibilities of the Association oerc &nd certa:ri 2oerc certarn parcel aeel dviry Board appropriate Advisory Boardyby nppropriate reso)-tticn resolutic.ns. ciaticri. The the Association. Directors ofof the td ofofbirecto5 Section Section 6. Boatd stlo.shL].shall ccnist of offive Soard of of Drector, Dtrecto;s of of the consist five (5) the AssDciation. the ho wil persons who w2l:nitially niti allybebeappointed appointedbybythe theDeveloper Developeranan the peris themanner namer set successors appci.tedororelected elCtd nrithe illhe heappoir.ted honwill ccesors ofof ho The :nccrperatiori of of the the Assocat;nn. of :ncorpnration Associatmn. The rtciess of fcrth nn the the Article
Lezzec, Lessees,
right at aall ha 1 have the absolute, absolute.cor.tinu.rig continuIng rlght tallt:res. oo:mt )ct a a Class C!Cr'e:. Zer'er.tOto PDo:nt or e)ct r.o longer lmner the It s no
'ecer ahal have the ;evec.,er s
the the oard of Drectors. the eetL e-ocrf Section ctici 7. .
,1ttees tees
Covr.:tteeS. C.:teeS. ave
t'reczDrs 'eczD oof th t
Co,tfluttees amc to app -cer to appnflt Coritee
sh11 apo:n: D:n: tbe Cornee5 Corne! necessary, cessy, aad shall
frth tteSssett furth
(A) ('s)
The oard The aoard
7. th:, Sect;On 7, th5 tec;Ori
A rt.cte
Arch:tccturak Rev:cw Comttee. Co-rttee. Ot.irai Revc'. Arch:
:t.cri. Cctn,o:t:on. c
Arrh:tectural A :ect'r
;e,e e.'e-
Ccnrn.i 'cr.e' ttee c-or S et'e the;.e tt? (hre:tafter tte, (.,tersnret:rez
1606 C1213 16O612j.3 shall shall
be-sand andor.e or.e alternate alternate nit!a1ly three erer5 nit!a11y conrist cOnOist of three
The the Associ A rector ofofthe appointed by the the 2oo Boardofo rectors ation. The ajointed by
of the the AssociaAssociaruerthers the Connitte Co,nitteeneed neednot notbe be icr-bars Merhers of rnenbers ofcf'the
said pefl5
the at the Ea:h hold office effire at siall hold Ea:h of of said persoNS shall
peasuco Board the Cornittee the Bearduntil untiLeach each flew rie-'meiubet rterer of the p).easuo oc the
irctcrs of shall of the the AascciAssoci— shall be be appoir.ted appoir.ted by by the the Board Bcd ofof ircctors
has rere— e has 4t:on and shall shall hold hold office oUice until 5Uch 5uch tine tine as as he 4tOr and hasbeen been ;nd ororhas
apbCOrL ap5u0Ce550r has removed or his his succeflor has been riloVed or
of the the ?.R.C. A.R.C. ray nay be pointed, as provided -rcin, ?'1erber of -rcin. Merters prvie pointed, as
card of of Drector5 The Soard removed any tine tire withcut without cause. cause. The Directors renoved at a: any and appoint and to appoint right to t of right the ?ssociton isociaton shall shall have the of the
the rer,tove all re.bers re,r.ber, theCc'ntttee. Co;ittee. rencive aLl o of
ii) U)
ced ConstructOn. Constructcin. Review f Pr Prcced of evie
nonobuldir.g, sir, heren othe-iiE.e 'Drovided, bldr.g, sçn, otherwise orovided, herein
xcept xcept
as as
'-cin pool, pool, swirin
nprc'ea'_l or or other other structural structural itproveo:k, wafl court fence eice dock, painted. en-ed, painted. c be corjenced. (ircludinglandscaping) landacaping) shall be ent nent(including ?roperty, nor shall nor shall Eir. ?roperty or naintained maintained on on the the Extzting e:e:ed or erected the exterior exterior alterationvasible vsible from from the any addition, addition. change change or alteration any
t'nis cc-irt, ternis
be attached shctter be attached nor shall shall any any awningS aunir.g, canopy caiopy or nor or shutter or other dnga or roofs oof b4 bjildangs al)-s or roofs on outde cutsd wa1s to or or placed placed on shoving the specificacions shoving the untilthe theplans plans and and specifications :pro''erets, utl and location location als ar.d n shaped hght hcightnate:SaXs kind, color, 5hape, nature, flature kind, approved in aZ-3d approved saiteshall shall ha'.'c have been beer- sub4tted to, to, and of the sane of
be be mtade, nae
and. Lritin by, the the Cotzee, orttt& e,and. uritir.c by, has prcivded prov:ded
at for for rev1e reve at
fifthe theEoar EcardofotDirectors Directors after Lejel, after the Neghorhood Le'.el, the
Cor.donniunAssociation, Aociaton, by a Cor.donniti by a the ssocaaton(C the 1str)Ct A.ssocat.nn ervce r-r,t bCThOOd ServJe and/orand/or a Nea;.borhood
first first
bee; having havir.g been
proved appr-DVed
wth:r'tete bcindaresefof a Condocor.str'ct:c:, bounar2es a Condo— tr'Ct:c ;s wth:n ter'.ice e D.strsct Cstrct or.hocd Eeric e c;-tcn and/or od/or a Neaghort.oc Asst-c;ton As
proposed proposed
n:r. thereof :-t:t ther9of arc tr:ura o'.tcl:omntte tctra or.trcl or arc
one one
Co,.tittee evew Cci.ttee The 7r.e.rh:teztura2 .teztua.)SeVeW sjbspc:rato sjb— a or pians plans and spc:facat:ons ap:o'& pronosas pncias or shall shall anorove contLUcthat the ;ontLucdee approval only cnly f t deers ntted for ts t- pprcval ntted for
.ca:)) aLoed the car b- the a.L'o.ed by
the te thereby thercoy nn the add.t1Cnornt :ntlated era cn. 0: or addtions t:o,i, alteratons
lccatonsndcated ''cZ-e locatons
arc o the
r:o:nr reo
azpear— e aZpea t- dotr:er.ta dot r-er.ta totOthethe c!
:r.e E<:s::n: s ?:-otertJ tj as is aa -
4uu61214 whc, whole.
Jen ex.str1g th then UpC (based upon or I'and (bated thc existing cr of c,f the Island,
ppaance of Iand) and ad bat Development the Isandh that the the appearance an for or the Developnent flan any any structure str-tctreaffected afectd thereby
rny wit1 wt thee be herony be in ri
desirable, therie desira1e. is otherwise ad is
surroujg structureS
surrounding structures and
ari plans ad of proposals pr©p5als and rla apprQvai. of ARC. may and mayconditIon its approval nay re5-uire r.d may apprpate, and specifications as it it deen deens appropflate, regtire pifcation as
sbssion of of SubI,1SSiOn adthtioraL additionalpLa:s pLans and and specificatIons orr
other cther
dapprcving rteia ,raterial1 or disapproving inf7t.cri pir tcto approvingrig or infor,atLon pr±cr suttitted. criteria and stndars The A.C. kC. may may publishcriteria ittd The ap: rQ'.ri
also issue rules ay also rd ay reyrding atc altertcns and andadditions adito and ryrdng t±nsprdureireror thethe sebrais— forthth procedures or tidelines uide1iressetting settrg forth -
rules of plans Such criteria, ztanards, rules acVaL, $ch p1is fcr.apprDVal.
flde1i5 arid guidelines and
sha be Set
forth n the ,00k of Resolutions the aook
SUC detail in u2r such A.R.C. o nayryretire Asticr. The ARC, c the the AsocñatiOn.
plans and spei±c spec±ficatons subitted .t bittd for its reviev ss it ad p1ar f1cr F1as, tation. floor plans, deems cIee:ns proper, including without
Wct lirl 1ttn,
Ors, pas. eleva d-aage plans, ite elevations plans, drainage
dra'ngs drawings
dand rd de—
d colors. CiC. nateri a.s and exterior xte -.pz o scri rd pas y by the reqired plansar. and the Cortttittee Corttee c of any Until Un1 receipt rei;t Sy of any :vew o popree revew ay r.ay specifications, the the Corjitte C taypostpon pecf at
?tsfl sanples of
pprDVd. ZlritteQfor £r aoproval. plans sub1tted
have The TheCorntte cte zbail have
ri.S tO recJed materials thirty del:very of all all required to t-r'y (20) (20) days daySafter aster dvey 'f
i.f it rejected pprovd hedeered approved t.trty-ay period prod said plnsnsshalL such thirty-day be the ultImate ujtmat ai tho ?evie,C:tt CcnIttcC thall be the tcraL Seve. rc Te Arch.itectraL ce-ice over over ae pprecedence de.O shall take :t5 deCs:On arId Zts body and docdng body
tir approve reject ay any such uh plans, anand l not rejected within oor reje pprc
ater zothers. ?i. Afi changes and d alt enton3 rnl be subject
pLcab1e lay. 1a ai pLicable npntycto all .tee (iI)YeetIncS f (:) r't trre eve
ereflDer ho :tSut:eS .eS herender:
Csr:ttec ay ray from rcr
t)te - :he rctectjrU t)'e C Corj:ttee.
D eCorwZttee shall meet fron tire to t:c
to t3
percrr1 perf cm
ccn to ts, by :etoet:on urian OuSiV ancpted Zn 'Jnting, t'e, y reed nct. not. C:e r&re5er azi. ho may. but need desicnate decnte aa Ccrttee r&;resentatlve ry azt:r. C: cr perfort, any perr any à1.e zny ee cnone of :zs nettbers) to take tthe
'S,j t1
du:Zes :n•
or ar.d cn
the granthe Cctt:ttte, e:::et the ie grant-
_.rtto: sb—se:t:t, cff ,ar:o:c .a:z:'e ecu:nt
'-::.e:ecf. -:ecf. In the
:1 nrr.4606r1 ierthers vote of of any any two two (2) (2 rethers the vote absence abserire of zcch ce±gnation the oi designation
Cotttee .ri'ttee shan s-a..l cons.tutean an act act of of the the Cori.ttee. constitute of the CCorr.ittee ot the provais. Future A?provals (iv) No Haiver Waiver off Future (±v) No
the Ccittee
p:cval _The pp;cva1
or plans plans and specifiof any proposal! propcsal or and specifiof any of tEe Cortttee of -
in crk dooe cations or drawing for any any vok done or or prcposed. prcposed. or or in ra.'ing for catons or
the approval oonnecticnwth ratter reairing reuirg the aprova1 connection with any any othsr other matter conser.t ser.t
the Conmittee, not be to ronflit.ite nUtue eernea to be deemed ba11 nOt ittee, ,hall the Cc
approval rights to to withhold approval or or consent consent as as to to ithho1 aa waiver y rights vaiver of any
draings ubecJenty or subseotiently or aditicnally •dditionallysubrntte submitted for fcr
or and lar. any sir.ilar any proposals, 2lans and specifcatior. specificatiors. dravings or iilar propca1.
matters natterswhatever whatv:
Ccnt, or consent. aof ork ork and Inpectn of of WorkS Work. instection Inspection IneCtiOn of (v) s folos of defects therein £hal shalL procecd proceed as .rectio: o.f defcts therci correction rcval apprcval
(a) (a)
ny work wo:c for for which .hich Upon of any etior of Upon ccorp1etiofl
this Sect:on rer this Seot:on the the are rcçuired tnder ian are rertaired approvci plans approved n 0ter y be be an Or.eror or an an appro?riate aponiate assoasso— Applicar; (who Applicart (who ciaton) for for such sch approval prova1 (the (the 'ApUcant) AppUoant")zhall shall give give c3ation)
f copletior.totothe theCc-iiSttee. Co-iittce. wtten ntice of conpletion tice written
W:hn sixty (5) (5) With:n sixty
(60) days day thereafter (60) thereafter
tatives may y Cor4tlttee on or its ts duly duly author.zed authorize d rrepresentatives
that antal ccrpiancc such workwas was-'ot not efectad effecteda-in subs substantial ccp)iance uch work raotiy the the Applicant pplicant shall notify theapproved apncvc panS with te pans at it shall suci nocnpliance withara noncor.pliance witSnsuch such sixty sixty (60) (60) in ira writing writinc of such orpaoce, a.-a rticu).ars ofofn-uncop1aance, arid days, ec:fyc seci the theparticuLArs days, thesame. sane. thall t-hctpplcant .pplcar,ttotoro.edy rceciythe shall rec ire the of thrt (30) exprzcn of the expirticn Lp01 the (C thrtj (30) (C :f, uton Cortuttee finds If the the Ccr..ttec ovorents. If tnspeot uh Ltprovaents. inspect ,uch
frn the te ZC ?.:e
have shall h11 have
be App1cant otaftatiu. the .ppacant ol of such ch notfiatiun
e' su;h:h:;sneoplance. the :;iace. tie to reey aed to
sLich Ontittee shell notfy the 5oani Soari nn -rtng tng of ofsuch Cottee s1l r.ctafy earnç a de:ned n the t:ce and and earng. tiac failure. Lpc '-ne tThe
y—Law Assocat:on,t-etne o:d ord sha1 sha1 eter,tine ertire y-Lawa of of te a n0fl'o?lanCe ari. f o,o.the thenature nature -.jcther on?larace ao& hethen tnere n.
thQe.t.atd e.::,atedcost csr of of crrertng crrreot-or renov— on f aanon;srpiinceoxzsts. ex:st,taete pi;cant ppacnt the dane g t?-e :er.o.?et:5are :.e t: 5a-.e aa re::coo of of no: .e_y shai shah: ruey
days fron rn the the date date cf of Tnore than more thanfsrty-fave ftrty—five(45) (45) days
an— an-
rounoeent nourcenent of of the theEoard ?cad ruling. ruling. UX the the Appijoant Applicant does does riotcompy cczpy not
Board ruling with the the Board within such period iith ruling l.ithiñ period the the ay either noncomplyithr renovo rervothethe npynay
option ts cpt.on, at: its Eoard, at Board,
onpUarice and the ing or renedy the non noncompliance irig improvements inprveents or
Applicant shall re.nthurse renburse the derand the Assoiatior Assc'ciaior upbn upon derand Applan shall fr all therewith, therewith. all expenses expenses incurred incurred in in Connection conecti such expenses e penses are not
th ssciation. the Association,
:opely paid properly paid
5y by the the Applicant to
the Ecrd Soard shall shall ievy 1evy aa Special Special AssessAssess—
gajs such nient tgairst suchApplicant Applicant or forreiuenerit. reirurseent. tn neI-i In the the
C\rt evnt
a Cdcininiurn Assoeiation ;aid the a; Applicant soeaticn the i?plcant s as Condominium Asseent shafl aforeerxtioned Assessment sha.1 be levied b levied eerit:cned Special
ciniun in proportion to a;ainst allUn.t Units inin the theCcCcncminiu a;arist all to thcir repeetive share share of of thcr -espeetve
the ccrnon ocr_ton e.pentes expenses of of said said the
Condorniniun. In the theevent eventsaid saidApplicant Applicant .ss aa NeighCondmniu.. In eigh-
Service :istrict Associaticn Service istct Associaticn
borhood br
Condooinium Condonniui
other than than ether
pecial s5oOiatofl, the c5sr,snt shalt Association, the Special Asscssnt shall .
he ealy azong he levied leved anongall all tTnits Units or Cr Parcels ?arcels wtbin tinin the the Neichborhod ation chborhcd Aszo:i Aso:iaticn.
d) d) IfIffor orany anyreasor. reasor. thethe Co,tttee Ctts fails aiis to
of any notify the oncopliance within he A?pica thin sixty notify Applicant of any !Ontopl1aflOe ty (6O d.sys (60) days after after t-eceipt receiptoTofsuch such ritteri rittn rctfce rctce of of
cplat:c conpletcn
frar the ?pflant. snt. th fror the th provement me'-t
deertedtotohave have been bcen made made :n in accordance be deened be accordance w:th .h said said approved plans. puns. approved
ity (v:) onablty (v:) Non:abl the the CCnttee ornntee no nor
zed zsd
cfCotj,,rttee of ttee
a-'j e?.ber an? 'erbe: thereof,
nor rc
erbers. cbers.
Neither ther
tsduly dulybu.hors.iorits
itte reresentat2ve caetate. satr be be ib1e to tc Asse-
aton, caton
:o to a' an!CcCcndonnnr AsSott:c,toto -y eny :eo-ooJ NeorhcoJ nir 7s5ott:c,
Servce 5er.-c Dstr:rt .:;aon. 53 ay -aCe1 Diztr:et .s:•::aton. to any Parcel Lesec esee. or or to to
c oravan; tz for c:herscn oror tn:atv any Oner Owner c:her ptrscn f: iy los loss, daraqe canaqe or or :njury ar:rn; cut of or inn any ury ar:E:r; ai,' way way connected co -ezte1 with sth srerfcrnrce ercrrar.ce o the dutis hereLnder. here.nder. unloss the C:rc:tteps duties due ss due : t:-e :-e -:lt.: sccnoct Cr had C had acb atbof o ame1e'- and jy andon1y tbt nb•er shall h:e an. an'; L:b1i:; '1- C:rr-ttee s:ai :-:e an '' napzrc,e all tp ttepja c:'c'.'e a. b.tted to c'
-'.j t
46C6 :46J61217 1217
additiø altetic'n or mproVerreflt. alteration for any prcposed or addition for any prcpced mproveeflt. and the the aesthetiC ccnsideratonS and basis of C considerations of estheti the bas.s the solely
soLely on
to the ould resi.ilt overafl benefIt or or detri1eflt detriment .JbICh which jould restit to overa1 benaf1
The Conuaittee Committee shall shell iru,edate and to to the theXsland. Island. The imx,edate vieinity vinity and into take take f.rito
iderat.on cccnsideraton
archithe the archi— the aesthetic aesthetic aspects of the
build.n;s. lar.dscopang. landscaping. tectural design pLans. Facet vt v buildin;5, tectnal design plans, pLacement jrilar and sirnilar 'atria.s and exterior finishes jihe.5 amd ad rateriaIS scherns, exterior color schemes, color nor reviewing, nor onib).e for shali. not not h' b- respOfl5ible features, but shafl forreviowfrig, fatures, but g-n be be deemed deemed approvaL approval shall its approv. aoprovalof ofany any plan plan or or design shall it of structural structural the standpoint standpoint of rozn the of, any plan plan or or design design CroJ o, any other codes codes. or other with buildiflQ bui1din or safety or conforrr.ance conformance with safety or
authorizevanvanr-ntteC nay (vii) The çoflLtittee ay ajthorie Variafle The (Vii) Variance. architectural proviprovi ances fromcornpliance cor?liAflce with with any any of of the architectural ancs fron
this DerlarattOn or any any 5upplenental Supplemental Declaration, e:laratOn or of thIs sos of SiOrS obstructions. topo;raphy. natural natural obstructions. such as when circumstances c±rcwntances such as topocraphy. -ure. considerations req1.1re en.iror.mental conE.iderations iardhip, hardship,aesthetic aestheto or or environmental must be be wch must deCed n variance rust DCbe ev:denced Snvr.tirg writing wch
Such Variance rut Such
Coe. II the cokttee. IL of the rner.5ers of (2) netherS s:ged lect two two (2) sgT1ed y yatatleast granted, no violation violation of of the the covenants. covenants. are grar.ted. such var.ances VaraflcC5 are Declaration laration or cr conditions and restrictionscor.tained containednnth.s ths D ntis ar-ui
have occuroccur:laratrc-shall zhal be be deened dened to have any Supplemental Slernental te:lartor. any the red with respect respe:t to to the the rratter ratter for for which which the
varIance wa raricc was
howvariance shall shall rot, The of such not. howa variance such a 9:antirg of The 9zanting
of this this Declara— Declaraever. valve any any of of the the terns tern! ard and provisions pronsions of waive e\'C r any pu:pose cir any purpse anySppLerOenta spplenental eC1aratiofl for ton o any o. or or or
provip and partcu4r provk— hr partzuLar part;uLapronrty prry ar. except eY.cept as as to to the
affect nr. t affect ha1 n3 shafl ';a::ArCe nor the ;al-:a.ce covered byy the Ons ceof heeocovered wth ai governal governto con;ly CC.?ly wth av the the cners cii;utOfl tO any ay Jhis ue cfof the s ue ffectr ijat'C5 atrectr.. aws .i-id crdnncs to.:o,nng :onr crdnaflceS -er to. butnotnot :te ncicr.c. buc uren5e5. ncld2r.g. Tezse5. Y
covern— mposed by by any ay governset.bc lnes .ines Crcrrecu: -e: re-ents reeflts ,posed author:ty.nornortoto cbcar cbtar. a -.ur.cpal aut'or:t'. or rur.2cpAl eflta intai or socatfls oror cornlzte 5r.ite var;anCe froni uthe subor;r.3te flOCat'flS cOitteeS other -.aCe fz-cii and set-bC and
he at/
tO the au:nrtJ tc
.'e Board. sob, the 50
-: eo '—:th rc.:rr.5ne:eof .he orc.:.ns eerptrrOz ee-p rcn the
De.r:rt De.ztcr
$?i :?
t nIl all
'e 'e
46QSU218 approvalfor for ar.y not be cblagated to obtain conm:ttee approval ar.y
ot be cbigated to cbtn Corri:ttee
rtictior hkOh the constrUcttOn te £evoper Deve)oPer afl<0S flinc cozstruction'hich CCrl5tUOttCfl Oror changos nay
rrtake. elect to make. elect
jittee. Board te,ru,ittee. e1Bard (fl Pooeat )
shall The of the A5sociation oard of of Directors DiretQrs of Assciatior shall The Board
hih shall shall Board hich an Appeals Appca1 Board krion aas an ,point a acorr.mittee to b be lrnoWn corr.ttee to crdarice appeals of of ?icrbers iebers Inn accordance of hearing hearing appeAls exist Xi5t for the purpose of
rrth In
.ssociaticn. yLa'.'5 of esset set forth in the the By—Laws of the the Association. wsth .ith the the procedur prooedures $o;ioard need need riot cmbers not be be t'err.bers Mer.btrs off the AssociealsPoard theAppeals orr.bers oo the ation. a:icn.
late solely hIch relate Section 8. Stecial Matters. On rnatters which solely S'scial Matters: Section 8. solely tto Cr solely to or ParCels Cr or solely solely to toOffice Oice Paroe.s Parcels ?aroe to Corercial
'Jnts, t-e A otcn
and -ial1have he the Units, tht Assoc:tCfl shall the :Iht righttotocalL callneetirigs meetings and
pprcpriate for lnvitc Board Designee oo as appropriate for the the rivite only only the the Advisory ?dvisory Board purpose of naking making deo±ons dec±zicnscri on soh zch matters. matters. uroSe of
no--riert. Laserents Section 1. nerz ofofZnjovnent. OunerLaserents 1. e:tcri
O'er Zvery Owner Every
arideazez,ent eant ofofIngress corisn rich: shall hat right and ingress havea anone,cClUSiVt. noneclusve. CCn.TOn of. the the and use to and cgrs$ and to and and over, over, and use of, n, egress and of of enjovtent erioyent n, an asz hall pass ?ropertes which hizh shall appurtenmlntto to nd ohall Co,on ?ropertes ehal. be be appurtenant Cojton
-ith -th tte ttleto to every every Urt 'Unitand andParcel Parcel and and shall shall be be appJt-tenant a'pJrtennt to to rçhts uflder and shall pass pass with each ?aroel ?arcel Leseeo Lesseec riqhts under aa Cro'nd Ground 'itb each and eball
Lease, ebet to the folo-'ng cndtiCflS: Lease. subject to the following condit2cfls:
seociat:'-1 totoreannab].y he r:ght the ssociat:Cfl reasonablyla-v l:t The r:ght :rf the
(a) (a)
of ;ests ad ln;r
the :he nunber --,be: of gess a-d :nvtees
Pr ope
utnc the tie r r-on cf Cnersusinç -f
e s
tO pr:h:it at.O to 5) the?553 ssotato The rrçht of:e 5) The
.tees of estsan2:nvlteeSof gets a'-
Parcel L,essceo Parcel Lesseen
usng those t-i000 using
in tcptles that ht tn? .sco.latlCfl. in ?:t:ons Ccrr: Frcp?tes tne ssocat:on. t..e Cctt t:C5 tf tne
ts its
tl and .
ot:ns o the theCoton Co-on?reperFr-perbe port:cns screto re: cc:der totobe
that should
y l.ln.l cneTs, their their c-uests g'ests solely by Unit 0-ners be used used solely
:nv)tees ;tees :)
r-f the tiC r-f
soc:at,on °.stoc::on to
to the the ute ure cor
estaolsh tith rules
:c:: t:--q the use use tg the
!c 1219
of of
as Uri.t z-rn to Unit ce;tain Properties, vni5orm as to theCorvnon Coc Propert.e5 zertain oZ o-f the
Irriproveard the e ImproveOvners as to to ?arOeL ?arCet Lessees. Lessees, and urforr. as Oner. and uniforr
the right rght and' rited, tc ments but not not 1Irnted to, the and cluthng but .iertsthreon treor including,
retroobligation the AssociationtotoenfcrOe enforce all parking parking restrio— ob1itcn of of the Association tions Sectcn 3 or ?roperteS ?ropertiS as as set set forth forth in Section Co 'ithn the th Co,on ti,cis witMn
of Article and as set setforth forth in Set,rs Sections3 3 and and 6& of of nd as of this ths Artc1e aLl d provided provided that thatthe theAssociatiop Aociaticn zhali hereof; hereol: end
Article V Article v:
gress and or ingress not the uc useofofroads roadsan and bdges brdges for and not prohibit prchtht the .sr thetse use thereof thereof f.,r Units.or o the gress Parcelsandnc1Units, fronParcels an from egress to to an
evelcping the te esor ard the eveloper. and assigns n developing eveloper. its its successors Island.
urn form and The right right of the end (d) The the Assoiatiorl Associationto tocharge chargeu.'i:crrn reoi-euse oC o recre— reasonble fees for for the use ss.on aan4 other fees reatorsble arnission
ay cites if any ationa aticnai. fciflties,
?roetes. ar.d the right right
?roperties, and the
r.Lpor theCcrumon Cc.on constructed upon the COflstI-UCte
cvelopAssocaton or or the the Ocvelop— of the Assonaton
to charçe crarQe fares no) to la'rrasit Corpany. Cr Tapa lar.thrransit Oorpany mc. o: t'arça er (o; ecple inzuding the the People cles. incuding ll transt tanst vehicles, v the us use of of 11 for for the !iove-( s). o). Nover( trJ c'' of o the Thee right
in IT1 accordance CCrdaflC with th
tns Declaration ation By-Laws a an this v:poratQn, By-La1.s .tz ArtCle5 of Incorporation. :ts obor;or o' to
Corrjncn iprGVing the the Corncn oney ooey for for the the purpose purpose of iproving
and fcitie
nortnge, aidthereof, thercf, totcrriortgge, Properties andinfnaid Proerte5 and I ities and
its rea' incurred, 5orroed property asseO security or oy monEy borro,dor or debts debts incurred, ty for property as subbe subsuch r,u:zce hfl be rf 3ucbru:tytt -:;-ts f te r:;ts rde tt provded thatthe
or persoflal of its real or all of pedge any or or all personal hyptheate any p:edge or or hvpothecate
to the use richts of
the Owners. Ouner5, ordinate to the use richts of the
Jperd the tot_ g c>ct:cn to rqht of the AssoCatCn to suoend te vot_ Connon ?rotne Cc,.on oof the the tienters tierersanan the ri'ht rint tc uese tne ghtz of ghts ar.d erc of r. C'rer .ner for of ar. for 'j:c' rcres ard (except rreans reats tf ert.eS (&Cep_ ef :nQress oert;eS aca:st has or his. Unt ass'-ent ac:.s' Unt or +ch ch any aseStrneflt any pe:od any pe:od ddun and de1:zqvert; for aa peod not devet; a.iand for rc: Farce ?arcellrea:rsrpa;d cn of of this sr.iesie:nfnfrar raction daysforfornyany to exc eedthrty to exceed thrty OJ days
(f) ()
The Tho ::qht of the
thc or tho ec1ar&t2n or
ht any ,.-ovced thnt o'.v any
oo use te
u1es les
ndSeçu1tiors Seu 'c5 oof
the basocimton, ociton, the
non ofof sth vet:nj t-iç-'t or such vot:r.; raqht5orrçht 5a_QnSon rde t;lv 5: thb 5oard e;ly b'. zl! ho oard the Cz.-ttn :-h-cr:--.:es !coc:t;es s:l! th C
1: 4606 1Z?O earirig as Noticear and Hearing a o1 the the Assoeiation Aaaociatin after of aftcr Notice cf Directors Dircctor of
provided By-Laws of of the the Association. Ao5ociatcn. provided in the By-Laws release1 ationto tadeditate. edi.ate., release, (g) The of the the P As1ation The right right of
alienate or transfer the Comton Comrnon Properanypart part of of the Properalienate transfer all all or or any 5lJOh or such or aithority authority or utility utility for ties tiesto toany anyptthflc pibfic agency, agency1 or cndtticns asasmay to may be be agreed agreed to .o such cenditicri and subject subject to purposes and by the Board. Board. 1q0such such edieaticn1 dedication,rela2e. release,alienation alienation or by the lb
tranzfer shall be effective transfer effective unless unless approved approved by by the the DevelDevel0 p0 r. oper.
Paricipating builders The the Developer. Developer. Participating Suilders Ti-e right right oof the
eees (and and Parcel (andtheir theirsales salesagents, agents, cistOners customers and and Parcel Lessees ar.
the Crnon representatives) to the the nonexclusive se oEo the Cori,ron nonexcusive use representative.) to Proertis and Properties andthe thefacilit;es faoilit;es thereof, thereof, 'ithut without charge1 charge, fo for
ingrc. egrcs sales, display, accez1 access, construction. construction. ingress, egress and and sales, display, xist1ng or developnent exhibit purposes and and use use for developnert of of the the xistang exhibit purposes
property on for deVei-OpLent Property, develop,ent oof all all addtional property Property, Aan for the island. sland.
(by action action of of the the The right right of of tEe theA5sotSation Asoraton (by (I) The replace or Cr refinish refinish any any Improvement Ipr0vement board) to Board) to reconstruct, recor.stct, replace accordance or or portion portion thereof thereof upon upon the the Cortton Connon ?roprtie Properties i'i , accorflnce
o:ithal de;n,
finih or standard standard of o construction Th the contruction th original dei;r., finish wiTh
general Improvements Irprovemerts %.ithin the general of such such Inprovernent, Irprovement, or o of the vithin the case be. te Proptrtaes case nay ay be. the Coron Corr.mon Properties as e the (j)
to replace The nght rf replace or destroy destroy The right nf the the Assoc:ation Assoc:a'tion to
trees, shrubs r)d plant plant trees, shrubS and trees o other vegocation and and ground ground other vegetation trees or
cover upon cover upon any any portion portionoofthe the Coon Conon?rcporties. ?rcpcrties.
)c) The of the Developer to to cp-nerts epe.ments Thee,tclusive eOiuve rsrghts of the Dev.ic'per )
over.under under upon Cotn r-te. (w:ch (ch eaaemcnts over. zndand upon the the Cot'nrIopert2es. e asemcrts
nrt'', may to 2nstal] nartP, and and dsronrect thsconnect ny nstal] nay be ass;ed) assed) to ny or !A..V. or tenporary Cr pernanent temporary permanent A.T.V.
CA.TV. synes, systens,underunder-
ground or overhead overheadcables, cables,ar-d andteleconrnwicatc.n telecomjnicaton inea ints nd nd ground or its llcer.sees, eiie-t. Devcicpr, for fc ieer.ees, and and its itS itself. ts eoient. Deeloper, assns riht to the exclusive exclusive right tease Cr aign. reserves reserves the to !ell, !e11, tease er
othe rw:secontract contract th otherwse th Oners O,ner and ar.d others. other5. ncluding including raster naster ant?nnae antnae
and cate tc1v:s:o.franchie ir,d cie tc1vscn rci holders, hcidis, for orN1.T.V. N1.?.TV.
k46G6l221 vsior1) services services and aridte1e,orrjur,i— teeorrJur.iar.d/or C.A.T.V. cab1e tab1e te2evisiofl) er.d/or C.A.T.V.
catOflZ tatOris services.
mv teesoror lLcen— 1cen(1) tenants,_..sees. sees, invtcees Therights rights of of teraits (1) The Properties Lsees to to the the use use uf of the Coion Coon ?rcperties Parzel Lessees andflegulati,ns egulationa u1e5and be liited 1iited by auch ue may may be by the the ules such ue
sees of sees of @s e
of the
passed the Board Boardofc Directors Drectcr5 of the Association. passed byy the (m)
right of the the Associatmon AssocitiOfl ni-id and its Methers Merbers to to ri5ht of
the rights righta easemerats over and upor. Ccon Properties ad the easements over a-ad upor. thethe Ccmrrnom Properties arid
s,ich of to grant such other other eascrrerits easements over over th th g DeveopZr to of the the Deveiop:r perties as as the the DeveLoper Deveioper dee. dec. Coren Co.i'oriProperties P
appropriate (hich appropriate
e siniiar.y
çrarted by by the the Association). Aociation). easements 'a1. be similarly grar.ted eaaerrerits shall Section 2. Section 2.
may de'egate, delegate, in )e.eatiofl of DeeratiQfl of Use. Use. Any O.'ner Owner zay ri
to to the y-Laws. his h5 rht accordance the By-Laws, rightof of eent enDonent thec'.mon Corjnon ith the accordance with
tenta to to the th mebr5 of of his family Properties nd faoiUtis monbers his familyand andtenopartes and ants ant,
(wath respectrespeCt to Residenttal ar.d ç-uests (_':th to Units orl>) an to Unts otly) ar.d çuests
rsees (with C',ith respert Coercial his tenants, invitees respect to to Corjnercial iriv.tees and and licensees ur eu.atiori as as the Parcels and Office office ?arce1s). Parcels),s.bect bject to to such*or ?aroes arid
oa:dsS right ab1te].y right totoabsolutely Soard including the the oard oa:d eerns deeis reasonable, :easoable, irrldirig ofParcel Parcel Lessees Lessees to the to the eri!C of nVteesand an icer.sees enas, i,vitees rrohb t tenants, retan potons Properties. portiotsofofthe the Ccrcn Cornton Properties. use co certain use
ocition. through through ?arking. arkin9. The The Azsocition, e wered to hereby enpowered to and agents. agents, iss hereby tcn.-nttCes ar.i its :ts offacers, corrnittees parkirg rytng lees dir establ:sh charying fees fc fot parking a:ung regulotions reg1ations inciJding tab1sh parking Section
Easerments for for Easertents
3. 3.
Exsting st.nq the E on all au of tio
authcrity as ?ccperty jtth the the ctne me authcrity as wod cpe:ty with
to C:t'J Streets, erpa uth respect respect to streets, of artpa:th cabe to to the the City City of be be appcab1e !O erpow— tnr!ud:ng th the rovl of of any ay v'Jolatlng volatr. vhcle vehclebybythose those so epo'removal tnc!udtng
ered. ed.
4. S&ct:on S±otori 4. the he
ff:c. inn aIc for VeMcu}\rtra VeMcu} ss%enents 'nt Icr
ddit:on to dditri :o
tea rosecvd ;er3ra for tse use of of the the Coror Corn crop rcperties 0-ents for errai easenents C
there there
.elcper he:eby he:eby reserves rerves and a shall be, be, and Developer and covecove— thall
nant Icr and 1LiL future futureOwners O'nrs -:th:n -:t:n the island that ts1a telf anJ !cr :tself
CaQ sniEeveo shall O-wz;er. ndththe S5OC2aton e.eo2er shall O..z;er. a -rexclutve hereby á'taea. decares. anc-nexc 1usve eose,nnt asent Oevloer hereby Deeloer
eao- and each ad every every have ha:e.
and and
;p-rtenant traff:c over over lii1pr:vste pvte streets streets and and (crveh:cular vhc.Ja t:ff;c rte.a-t for the parinq parno oe;t.0 _b)ect toto the r;-;eS :.oes vthn -t:-n tr.e OtronFroDCrttCS, ..2ect eotcn 2 ofth;tr:-ta r:. -.':o'.s co ert;cn2:f :n:cr: and and 2r:-;:s:c's r.e
Section Section
dO6n12 1222
?rIVte Utiflties. Utiities. for Cty £ererts for Cty and and Private
omon ?roperties. over the Properties. the Ooron rd covenants and herebyrerv rescrves and covenants for for evec7er hereby nn Developer
easerncnrs oreoin easements adthtion the :oreqoing adton totothe
there hal. there thali
be. be.
.tel ite1f,
Island. the Island. upc the Owners upon or.iatiorand andalt aU future Luture Dwr.r the Asociaton the A ax)' activin as necCS oenental actvitea necsary 1l nonxcuive for £r all govelZttefltal noxus.Veeaeents e eeflt5
no lirnited
to iitd to but riot including but ervce, including to provide ocvernrental oovernmental services, tale sewer. water. 'Jater, drainage, drainage. tele zuch services such services as as power, power,e1ectri. electrt. sewer.
gas, irrigation, and,
phone, phone, gasp irrigtiori. end,
of Lor City asenenta Lor City of in particular. particular. ea,eents
e.rviccO. and arbuance and and rscuC rscue e.rviccS. to enter enter the right riçht of of the thepolice pice to rnitdto, t, the ir.cluding. but not limited r.c1uding. but
utill:y and arbu.anCe pri'.'e a:,d pri':te utility a:
Tanpa Tatpa
for the Prpertie5 for thepurpo5e pu:poe of of enfor— enforProperties iflstall ttiUty copnLes all utility rght of copertesto to install right of all
any part part oof the the coon Comnc upon ar.y upon cir.g the law, law, and the C.r.g t.e
iitieo inn a:eas dea.gnatd and tair.tain the.r theireç-iprent etiper.tand and £ facilities a:ea designated and rair.tain ociatiCr £rr auch by the )eveloper Developerororthe theA Association such pupcze5. purpo5e. by the
NoOwner Oner may nay exempt eerpt .hnself I2se. No Waiver hi,nself of Use. waiver of the Asso— sesne).tS duly duly levted by the from lev:ed by or assessmefltS Ibi1ity for fr.:rnpersonal pecna1 Liability or le.ced leased by ?arcel owned oned or by him or ?arcel Unit othe unit oiatin, c releae releoae the ciation. or
6. 6.
and of the usC and the use waiver of Sy waiver harges hereof, hereof. by liets anc charges l:.ena and thee-eon or or and the the facilitiefacilits thereon Coor Properties ?operzie-s and the coto oyrer.t cof the erj oyent
from Ue fron the
by ant o
by abandor.ment of hi his Jnt Untt or or Parcel.
rtrtes 7. Title Tit'.e to to the theCcn.non Coron PProoertes Section 7. Section
F.fter all Units Mter all U:L1t
all hu1dings udng5 and all Iaand and constricted on the the Isand :slandhave have rarcelson on tne the sland constructed upon uOfl parcels be be constructed
anticipated -itic:patedtotobebe const:cted on
articated antcated
to to
purof Units, Ur.ts. convyed convyd to case of to putand, in the the case bepn constructed c st:uctei and, of the the Developer. Eevelcper. tho Developer chasprs, or or sooner sooner at at the the cptori opton of the DevelOper
to the zsociatOn the Atsociaton to. convey dty to. convey to noLhave have the the duty shal mat nay. bt ahall nay, but the Assoor portions thereof thereof an an 3theAssorOperteS or to the the Conron o'cn properties tt1e to
ctiUfl CatiUn
M2$t acc6pt accept i-
e.eCj.e: ee:cper thereafter t:ter
convea convejs
r. a and,ifif CCn.erC$. The said conve7ances. Te DeVlD Developer. the
tc rcpe-tea to Co.on COi ?rcperte
the Co,non ConnoO Propthe Prop?stoaation. shallhold holdti_.e tite ocatcn. shall to use sate nt:tled to se the the sane t:.cep,rcnS p-sonS ent:tled ,rt,s for the benefit for the benef: oo t:cSe ert the
:tOf uroer the prov:orts here,f. r.oer tne
.ay ncrtcjae ic:tjae the theCorrmon Connion eveJoper nay r:iestof:nance orcna construction to fncethe the ra devecpnent denert andand construrtion eCo iOPS ththe ri9ht or lender ryhts of le-ccr recoqr.1:es r.deJ th: terecf, thereof, provided that tj t:-o
herunder (;) () the :h :h tIneC.t:t Gner her r:rtce at
Ccnn s:ai) a:i) be Ccr-nz ?r-ope:t:e ?r-o:e:ttc
tc 'neyr:s tc :f :f
free of of free
cE:r:atcn an u-:
:46Q6'c 1223
ciii) {!ii) the the Associatizt Association£hall shallnot notbebeperonally personallylib1.e liablefor forpaynen paynen o the debt secured of the debt secured by 1or'gae(.$). Tit'e to toportions prton of by such suc1 mortgage(s), Title of the the
iiay be ropet s nay tra ferred to transferred to other rroperties other nor.vrofjt nororfjt associations that that are to i"aintain are established estabi.ihed to and repair certain maintain and certain
Conmion CcrnrnQTl
portions portions
of the oi the Oon_,on Cc=nn Properties ec1ration Propertiesby by SuppLenental SppLernental ec1aration4
Wbreupon such portions portic.ns shal]. shall cease cease to to be be Cozwton whereupon Cornc Propertic Properties
hereunder. hereurdr.
F.egardless of Regardless f whether w)ttEer the the Associatir Associationhas has].ecal lecal title title
?rope:tles, the Association As.ocation shaLl to the Common ?roperties, shall have have all of the the all of
dutes utes of preservingthe the of maintini;g maintaini:;g 'nnLpreserving CQmrnOn Properties set set CQrTh2nOn Properties forthinintns ths forth teclaration and and the the other Founding Documents eclaration other Founding Documentsand and shall exscise a].]. rights pertaining to Contton the Ccn Properties shall exercise all thethe riflts pertaining to the Properties granted to to the granted the Asociation this eclaratior and AssociationinSn this eclaratior and the zh othar other Founding Docunents. Docwnents. Founding $etticn Access Easements. $etjcri B. Access Easeonts. B.
In additior. In addition totoother otherease— ease-
rents set set forth rents forth in in this Developer reserves reserves unto w-to itself, this Articleq Artirle Developer itself, the the Associtionq nd their their respective Association, and and its its and succe5sprs respective succesrs arid and assg5 per-pe:ua3. nonexclusive easerner.ts easenents ofof-ingress assigns perpetuat nonexciusive ingress and and egress egress over
and across and acrcs tEe streets and the prSvate private streets arid accessways accessways constructed constructed
from from time time to tire on on the Existing Existing Property, ?:perty, or to time or xisting Property the nainand. rainand Existing Propertyf-crn frc the
)eading to the 'eading to the
which casetentssh].]. shfl be for for which casenents
evelopr r. ir. conpletingthe the developnent of o the use of evelop2r conipleting development the1513r.d. Islr.d.
the the use of
and anc for the ers (s the use use of of ?erticipting ?rtcipating Builders (s lnng they arc arc long as they building Units Units and ad those remain uisoldL Lassees those Units Units rema5n uhsold) Faccel Parcel Lessees, building
its and their respective their respecve successors successors and arid gns) Owners Owners nd respective 'essees, assgns) ndtheir their rospeczve lessees erployees. py agents, e1-ts licensees and Vitees, Ucensees d guests, such access access easements rivitees, guests such to be easements to be the the
sociaton ciaton (and (and
luted, if @tt ll only l. o:-iy .ricase te csse laated, n the of tenants busine5s of tnantandand busncss f
-,teeof ofPa-cel :rJtes Pa-ceiLessees then only ,nly as as to to prjvatt roadsaz-id Lesee and and thèpoivtt -ods and other on ?roperties other Co—w Conu'on ?cpertie5 that thatulil villriot not lntefere their busibusi.nter.!erewith with their ness activities acivtes upon e Existng per:-y;provided upcn the ExIstngperty; -ovde that that such such ecces access eoseer:, eascer:s shsll chsll notnot exast es over o-e pruvate owned p-vas streets sti-cets c-med by by cciinlurn scc tc-is,except except cor±cnnurnAnccatons, the use Use of o the the the eveioper eveloper and and
PartopatnEuers. and a-d then only for for such si.ichperic,d period oof cre as at Is re,naLlv rcsor,alvneceftary ecesary for forthe theDewaloper :5 De'1oper and and Part:ciptlflg Zcirs to cc'oplete eteth.r ddeveiop,ent loonent of o Unts. ? art: ci p t 1 n g
orrd6o5iz4 1224
ca The Soar'4 sesZT1e. The esessmerit. Detrmirdflg ktcyflkSS Atrt O Section 1. 1. Determining Setic'n not ater .ater AssoCiatiOfl sa1l shallprepare prepare a a bu;t bud;t rit the AssoC.atiOfl Directors Dirct5 off the that year that fica1 fiscal year off each ca 3O) days befr& the er than thirty thirty (30) days befQr& the end
£is1 year
prepared.. hic? the budget budçet has been becr prepared.. for which prczedes th fiscal year for prcdes the and other ter expanses for the budcpeatifl9 and The total anticipated Te total arLtipate operatifl9 BoArd shall sa11 set forth ir in the the budgct. budgct. TTe Board t forth b shall be year shall eted year geted
expriss £
all Units and
the OVncrs Overs of Coron Azsesrtert5 AsseSsrefltS upor upon the of aU Urts &x-id levy annual arua1 Coiri levy th subject tto the but subject the budget. budget, but tht.amount amt of based upon the. of the
aed up
Atic].e. conditions cortaifl contained &n tMs Article. ri tiis
The Th
Corrcri AssessAzes annual rjua. Common
nsta11rr.t5 nthly anstallruer.t5 eg'a1 ronthly ner5 nn eq-al shsfl bee paid by the the OnerS pad by O directs, or if the the3Board ard o or each ror,th, ±jr5t day of each te first due on tt1WeX'I. paid in th eqiia eqtaal -uartTlY q-uarteriy instlttflt. b paid shall be rents ert
5are Fta Cut'
5ectofl 2. Sc\afe Foota9t C,moutatCns 5eficn 2.
ssessrnefltsand and for cr ssessrnefltS
voting o teinirg weghted of determining weighted voting ?eic'rted Voting. Vtthq. Forr ptrpOStS of 4eichted iirig qners Owners'assessment asrne7 f deteriniflnq ôr pUCSeS pupcse5 ef Voting MeterS ard and Or Vtin Mee ade belowsiaU shall be be rade putat nzlCi C b1igati'r5, the cozputations obligations, c
zar feet) feet) d5-rium Unit Wit (in square f each (A) condo,tirLium ieaof each The area (A) The C
ieasurin by measuring by be detertined det
as if If each each Unit as ry of kfly bar.s of barrers
the Unit tThit tEa
kind. kird.
the feet of the nurber nurei of oL suare sce feet
contained no corta-ied rc
th'.'idirg pat.tiorz partitions or dividing c'
the cuter outer floor east.edoncmeach each 1r ft-or,the i.e.. ceasured i.e.
ia11s -terjor galls i1e ,fof interior to the the rniddle exr.or t.il1s 1ls to cof the exterOr rot a.a con area cf of each Unitthat thatis is not e ara ec Uit Units- The divd:rq Uritsdivid:ng the crrputed in the square fect fect corputed dtrrnind (in Lctare be determined aj. alL alsu unit shalt on asb f reaC. f:LCT1 sare usingte the a-ie sate cunry ounary Uefar:iL same mar.neranandtsiflg
sur.ace surface
Unit U.-i
area for Mreof. such p'.rpc. hrcDf. such arta bo purposes wcra a ccrdc ccr.donSntt unit. be:
eact. such Unit jfl;t1dflg eaJ. zuci Ut ii.-d1flg
reeried condonn1In Units iss relerred CCDñ1U UrtS
to as the th tc
'U.-i..t Unit Aea.
c feet) thall ua: tn square shall be eachParcel Parcel (r ( The Tearea area oo each (
crt.iried n nurbe 0of suarc square feet contained he rrrbe esi.rig the by easrinq of the the bui1dirg buildings c's o eycjdc floors ?aeI ey.clidnY each eachbut)dn; bdr on each Partel ocroff each cach bualdng bu1d on each locr p.g) asas iff each provde sole!y sc1y fcr parking) providec f
deterrnned by
L any barriers of tcr1S or pa ca:r.ed no rD part±ticfls or _.vdrg .vding barrjr each each ?arcel ?ce1 :0ta:ned ,ea!:e on each flocr floor ex:udifl a:kng f1oor) f:o cn each -ea
fo) f:
kh:45Q5 12?5 a 15 t)Ie surface of the the exterior exteror surface the outer outer wafls walls of of each each building. buIlding. ForFor purposes hereof, purposes hereof,such sucharea areafsr foreach eachsuch suchParcel Parcelizisreferred referred tth as as c
th Parcel Area. Area. the 'Parcel Unit The total o of the Unit
Areu ih re in
all all Units. Units. inciuding condoinrudir.g cc-do-
miniuz Units, that that are are subject subject to tothis this eclaration fromtizse time to to mnu. Units. eclaration froa tine, and ti-.e the total total of of the the Parcel Parcel Area Area in in all all Parcels Paroe.s that that are are tine, and subject to sub;ect to this this Dec.aration time to to time tMne shall shall be be computed. computed. arat.on from time
to as the "Total
For purposes 'Jrpoes hereof, hereof,such such totals totals are are referred referred to as the 'To'al For
Area'1 Unit Unit Area"
and Area. and "Total 'Total Parcel Ar.a.' Ur.jt Area, Area, Parcel off Unit ParcelArea Area,total Tcal Unit Vrt Area Area Area shall shall bt ttde by an architect Area architect selected t made selected by by
and Total Parcel Parcet
the the Board. Once determined, deternined, they they shall shall not not be recalculated recalculated until unttl oard. Once
?arets are additional additional Unit, Units Cr or Parcels aseadded added or or exstirig Units
existing Units or ParPar-
expanded. cels cels ac arealtered, altered,n.odified IT.odifedor o expanded.
ssenent purposes, tc sguara For Assessment For purpoe, the square footage for octage determined determined for
each Unit and and for for the the buildings oneach each?arcel Parcelshall shall be be the each Unit b'ildins on the used by feet to to uses by the te Eoard each of square sare feet oard inn determining of determinng each Assessments, tapital 3wners hrner15 share share of ofCowton Couo Asses:ments, aptalimprovements inprovement5 Assess— Assess-
ents Assezsents. nentSand andReconstruction RecOn5tructiorl Assenets The Associati,n may The Association nay
levy against selectselectlevy Special Special Assesnents against
ed Oners who theth Association ed Or,e:s whohave havecaucd caused .ncurspecial special exexsocition cotoincur penses due due to wiflful .'ilful or negligent negligent acts acts of of said said Ovners, Owners, their their penses eflt5 or or otherwise. teat, çueStS. nviteeS or or agents Other'ise. quests, invitees All tenants, AllCrn.mon Cmnon
Assestments Assesmcnts shall shali be be colectd cllectd either' or cuarterly, at either monthly monthly or rtery. at and on on full the Board, and cull month the discretion discreton off the Soard. month or one or.e full full advance,provided provided that that af not not pa:d tarter arter n advance, hen due, all such such paid when ri
onth1yor orquarterly quarterly insta1l..ents ista11.ents onth1y
zay ay be beacrelerated aclerted ad a,dshall shall
dzj lfl onelup lrpsum bB du Sam. n cn thereupon be thereupon nnal Ccnno. Sect±;n rnents. CCn-oi. As€etsments. .;nnual ComorAsses— ci;n 3 . nr.eal .nnual Conmor, ?,sess.
terts shafl of General ne:al and and r:__morhood I_hborYioodService Sevce District nents 5haj consst csr: of istrict as se snent s
() enerai enerai.ssessments. 55eSment5. urnose. () Puroose.
The Tht annual annual General General
:c1on cnion Assess— Assess-
ment s-.l rrnec b-.' •ment shallbebededeterrinec by:ithe card Ecardand ands)a sbai be be set setfc-'rth Cnrth t-
:o the d;et or
e]sung e'izurng
fiscal -e yea: ar.d and shaU s.11
LLL.4605 4606 1226 r
be u&ed eveIy to pronote
health, safety, be used exclusively to promote the health,the
mprov. mainTer.bers and welfare of the Tlethers and ir in particular particularto to improv. mainino the Comanon Ccrmon Properties, i1drig tain, and operate the Properties. incltding fwina tam, and of apprcpr.ate appropriate
rspa&r, for future future repair. and reserves for and adequate adeate reserves
taxes and maintenance and the the paynet paymentofo taxes and replacement arid rid replacement aintenane nd Properties, ir.suranoe the Common Frperties. arid and for for the the Cost cost of of rmiion ir.suranoe onon the nanagmcrit and, uperviion and supervision naterials. ranagcmcnt euipraent, materials. labor, labor, equipment, thereof. (2)
for .sseszent. ssesent Basis Sasis for
General General Couron Corsn
For Ear
Asesstcr.t purposes, all all UnitS Units shall 5hal].b b assessed assessed at at aa uniAsesner.t purposes, form and initially all Farcels Farcels thai! shall be be fot arid forz rate suare foot rate per square
root; provided, provided. howrate per per square assessed at a uffor unifgr rate square foot; asoessed at ever, ever, -
foot foot
' that that
OTonon Assernent the General Co,r Assessment rate rate per per square square
Units and and arid Parcels; Parcels; and need na no be form as as beteefl beteen Units u b uniform riced
Office provided, further,that that ifif the the Board Board so so dcdea, dedes, Cffice prave., further, Parc!ls Parcels riay may be different Parcels and aridCotnierciat Comnerril Parcels be assessed assessed 'at at d.fferent
The Marina Martha Parcel Par;el is is hereby declared rates per per square square foot foot The declared coritajn deened to contain to be aa Cr-tterial Cn-,ercialParcel Parceland and shall shall bo b deemed to be
ssessment purposes. purposeS. feet for for assessment 5,00C square 3,00C square feet
(3) njtial General aximum Annual Ai-irivai GeneralCorton Comnon As5esin1talMaximum en
the first
(A) Until the the first fir,t day ficcal (M Until day of of the first fiLcal of the the asse5sments. assesment. the the ye fo1loang co corencement eriCernsnt of yeararfolloirig
or. Units shall COmmon Assessment Assessnerit or-. Wiit shall ra,cimum ma,cnun annual annual General GeneralCommon
2 :enits of 32 tents be at the rate of be at the
per square foot.
(5) Until the the first first day day of the first fiscal cal (3) Until year year
esme.s, 1ollcwng of asessmen nmencer-er.t of lLo.ngcorumencer,ent
tr-e maximu
sessrner tot shal_ be tor Parcels ?ances shal_ annual annual Ceneral Ceneral Cownon Ccrcn assessment
att the rate centsper persquare s'uarefoot foot. O cents rate of of SO 1axinum Cenera Cenera Co--'orr Co,on Aen-t. Asennentt, ChanoC .nn Eaxium (4) Channe
of the first fiscal yeat
Fror and after first day day of the first fiscal yearinnerre— after the first From arid
dtelv o11o:ng the cc
enrerrerit of diatel, follo:ng the cornertcement of aassessments, the Board essrnerlts, the oard of Directors anon F?tay Directors cf cf tbessoc te .ssoriaton nay increase iicrease the the maximum maxmui ereral Cni,on Assegz,nent eachyear ye ronzn ;th Units ssezr.erit each eeral Cnzrirnon Units and ?ar— ?arcels celr byy an a
aznt eer.ed ee.e receasaty, ecessary, a
te thesole soe discretion iscietiori
5r 4BO6r cp7 C7 CT.
(ic1udir CoQn Expenses Experses (including to defray the ComrnQfl to d5ray incurred be inourred tiates i1 ade5uate reserves)tiat thatthe the Board esthnates ill be oar adep.ate reserves) Such increase shall shli become become Such increase year next fiscal fiscal yearS duringthe te rext during iext fiscal year. day off the the next effective the effective the first first day sssrierits. service District'istricT. ?.ssessments. (B) eiq)thorhcod Service (B) Th1eighborhod of cf the the Board, board.
Service orhood Service içhbcrhoc'd the event event Neiç (1) urose. In the (1) ?urose.
beclar5upplemental beclar— District, created by SupplementaL are hereafter hreafte Dstricts are
esserit in adi— ation(s) the the board board may may impose impose an an annual arnual aassessment upOn rnerthers xnem1ers of the sessnCfl UQfl General Coron Assessment tothe theGeneral COmmon S vice g-ibor)ood Senioe operate the teighborhood to operate caticis created created !o s:oatics strict Assessments Asses ierit5 Nj9LbOrhOOd.Service Service District Ditricts). The Neighborhood District(s). a-id prccotethe te, safety and health, safety exclusively t prorote ahall be be used used eiclu5ively shall
ticri to tion
includthe Ner.bers Asscciation includ— welfare Nerbers of of Neighborhood Neighborhood AsscciationS welfare oo5 the
appropriatereser.-es reserves for arid appropriate tenarcc and ing for irig tundinq tundlri9 for maintenance
for ra
as repair repair and aridreptaceflent replacementofofsuch suchCotnon Cctn Properties Properties as strict(s).. the strict( s) are being beingutilited utiliedbybyt.he are The Board Boa-dofofDirectors Djretors serrent. The of Assessment. izis of (2) (fl basis square Assoo atd may per square of the Assc'caticn maysct setaarate rateofofassessment asesrrierit per ot containedvithin vithirieach each NeighNeig1oct for alt all Units units or or Parcels ?arcelscontained oct
bcrhoodSerjice borhood ServiOcDistrict Districtsufficient suEficiflt to to fully fullypay pay tot all items in jters in
ei5hborhood each NeighSorhood fOr each budget esta.blished for budget established
within a specfied within District shall shall be be assessed assessed at District at aa uniform
ALl Units Service Districtby by the the Board. Board. ALl Units Service District
se-vice Nej±orhod Service Nei9hborhood
spec:fied rate per sç'are footand andall all ?arceLs Parcels with.ri withn aa specified suare foot Neighborhood Service District shallbe beaasesed assessedatat ihbcrhcod Service District ahall a aunform
persQUare scuare root. rate per foat. rate (3)) (3
ohoO.J cborhoOd
Service Datnct $ervice
year follow— fø1lo'daycof the the first first fscal fscal year Until the thefirst first dv assessService Distrctassess— nq of o a Neiç)torhood District a NeiçhorhcOSetvice eceerit c nq cceceeflt the rnar1r,u, ar.nal eghborhood hbrhood Serve ServiceDstrct D tnct na.1rur. annual the the S.ppleriental the Suplenental DeclarDeclar— ses,ment ne as a. set set forth bal1 be esment shall
ent. -.ert.
nncreatheNihborhood Ser.'e Distract. Diti-it. creating the Nei;hborhOOd $erv:ce e±hbcrhood CoileCtOfl hsess,nts.f.fNe:chborhood (4 le.or cfof AsLes5fl5 (4J scretion at the )e sole o1 screton at..On ray. at ;ocations. atos. ILe Tie ssot:t.on on ar and .tccatcr :te oord, the aEs nent he .ccaz oard. :ollect cOIect the ation
46D618 46D6'c18 the shall bt any. which whic2 shall the associations, asoiatiors. iff any, of any any and ef and all, all of o not for profit, and Florida corporations corporatior not for profit. iorporattd incorporated s Florida vari'5DeCaratiOflS ofCondoCQndoLecaratiorisof which hich shall shall be be idertified iaertified inn varj covenants and and reSuppiemental Declarations Declarations of covenart minium or or Supplemental rninirri the UrUts tJits a:d the stictioas recorded strictions recorded aairst a5ainstthe the properties properties and Neigh— by Neighi-cls and andwhjth whichare aresubject subject to to assessment assessnent by and/cr and/cr Parcels levied by that assessrnettts Associations;provided prvidd that assessments levied borhood Associations; brhOO b Condominium Associations shall shall not be Directorsofof Cndcminiwa Assocations Soards of Directors 2cards o written prior written without the the prior the Association Asoiation without collected by colected by the .s
Condorirum Assoof the thethe Condorinum Assof Direcr.of of the 3ards 3ards f Directors .onsnt of The i iswlaful. consent unlful. The if todo so without theirconsent
ciations if todo so wjthout th
?.ssessner.ts .ssessrer.tS
orhood Associations of ofsuch such N NeighSorhood Associations anyor or all all of of any
and Condominium Assoiaticn5 AssociatiCnsmay. may. aat the th, sole sole discretion discretion of of and Ccndomniniu wed by the Board, ar.d the;olleCtiO collection thereof thereof is is allowed by and provided proved the the Board.
of aa lunp lucp stTi charge law. charge irrposed imposed by by collected as as part part of law. ee collected the Association. Association. the
In Board elects elects to collect the Board In the event the
and/or Nei;horhoOd Association any Neighborhood the of any Association and/or assessnents of the assessments
sum atatlump su Condominium Association, that portion portion cof the lunp CdominiU Association.
associatiOnshafl. ohall be tributav be tributae to the assesscnts assessocntsofofsuch auchassociatien ith respect certified Association with rezpect to to each each appLicahie applicable certified to the Association by such such Parcel by Unit or ?arcel Unit or
and Neighborhood Association(s) Neigthorhood hssociation(s) and
CoOninin AssOciationS Condominium AssociatoflSatatleast leastthirty thirty (30) (30) days days prior to to the assessment period, period, and and in in the the absence absence of of such such the applicable assassnent
certification Association shall shall assume that the the assessassess— the Association certifications the odoniniurn erts such Neiçhborhood Neiçhborhood /ssociation(.fl and Condcminiu nnts due de such Asociatiofls) and
bsoidtiOfls itiOflb
Unit o pertCUIjar Unit iUJ ox paz-ticparticLt5'CCtto to anyypartacu t.i respect
the ular are the ular Parcel Parcel are
sar'e arie
aasS the the 2esrne assessrnets
or Parcel Parcel rposed against against sueb such 'Unit Unit or imposed
previously previously
suc, other by such nther assoc—
orwhich ..hch aa certifton(s) ast as: prev;ouS prev;ousassessent assessnentfor certifn the 'ton(s)n the
ication ication
coUected all pay pay sus -e Assocntcn sccaton hafl ws The sus collected was given. given
1atan(o and and CondQin— CondQrrnithrhDd Asor.aton(s on behalf behalfofofsuch such eçthorhODd and Nehbrhod Assocoicn() urn to such such Neuhborhood Assocatlcn(s) and at:ons to .sso :urn AssociatOfl5
the day cfls -thr thirty (3D) days days of Assocsat:ons thirty (30) or the cononnun ciin Aso ny time the kssocit1or! .ssociat1omi .zay. .ay. at receipt of of such surs. at ny s's. The ef reccipt cf ceasecoectxr coctin the c.eric o;- cease ne.rcnnence t-e frcn tlte to or tise to t:e, rc or c
rck4SQ61 6c1Z9 caticns and/or assessments theiei Neighborhood borhood As Associatics and/or CondoCondoaesnts duedue the upOr sixty ity (60) niiniurn ssociton, .socition upon iniurnA
prior written writte days' prior days
Ccndoni' and Ccndorii' saidNeighborhood Neorboo A,zocations notice caF,n and to said r.otice to
(i2-iereupon shallbe be the the duty duty (2ereupon ititshi1 off eioh each Neghbcrhcod Ne.ghborhood Association Association and Condo,tiniw,t C do-jnju Ac,ciaticn Association and
anyofofthem them Assoaor-, or or any Associations,
ard nay, at any 11erticr.s ar.d r1enCesuch such collecticns) to cease or or coaence tay, at any time
or fc tire to tune
rrake such such aair elect elect to to rtake or fror, tine to tine t-4crcafter thereafter a;an
colJ.ectionsasasprovided providedherein, here±n, all 1 at at the the sole ol option option of the the Board. oard. -
By a vote of to-thrs of
Method of Aseonent. Assessment. By a vote of two-thirds o athød of
of the the its meers, the oard of of Cirectors Ciretors of the Eoard
Asociaticn shan set s oc et tion s-La].
Assessments and and 4eghorhood Coon Assessnents Sersice -orhood Service Cenera Cor.,on the the znual nuuL Cener Nstrict nent, iC any, if any, forforthe thenext next fiscal year, in. in sca1 yea:, Litric Cornon C-on Aszessmflnts,
ffcent to
this cb1ations irpOsCd a-tount sufficient to rneet fleetthe the obligations imposed yy this an an anount
and Declarations,TheTheoa:d ard of plenentaL ezlara'tion. of S and any any Supplemental the ?sso;ation shall hold open to the aetirg, open to the hold aa ;eeting, oaticn ahall Cirectdrs of the 0i:acrs of d9ts and discu the the proposed proposed budgets kdvisoryards' and idvi_y-ards' DEsignees. Ce gces. totodiscuss assessments beforethe,.r ther ado2tior. by y the the Board Board of of Directors Directors of of asessrer before Declaration Declaration
held el 30 days in 30 to 't 60 days of the the next assessments lnen: of n i-extyears years aesaoents advanceo o the first f.rst:nztaflment The shall 'he meeting neetn9 sha-1
the Association. Assoo.aticn.
te hand meeting shall be either hand the tee'ting haI1 be beccn,n; ue. rtttez rtttennot:;e not:;e of o the beccnn; due. delivered nailedtoto eachCre:tc re'tcr and and each ea:iAdvisory AdvSsryBOard Board delve:ed orornaLcd each advance of the meetin;. daysn tn advance of the rrin, The Advisory Advsory to O0days gne 15 to Designee S
Ecard Doard ccignees gnees
-.all beheard heard be
but ssli shallriot not vote vote by the 3oard oard but .atcrsherein herein te ii,:tatons
sessnen5. The he or the the assessments. he budgets unon 'the bdete or upon
genera onv. and may be atered t:ed by bythe the oa:d. oa:d. 2nn no no event event nvaLidta dor' oa.rd e:inea nvalSdate 'totfy z-.e failure to not2fy the dVsory Board e:çneet th1 fa:.lure c:l
are genera. on'i. end nay be are r
t:.e t:.easzess,ent,'ent. Eflal cause sc ia: n shall. rect ors of of the the Assecianon cause writ— writ:recto:s The Sosrd cf .e Eoec SC ssrent an annualGeneral Ceneral Ce:,non Cc-cn *3 Asesrent and':.bor— ttn ta cc o of each eachannual tenno nctce
rnnn -EE5sne Service e:vceO:strct Dc.t CcrcnAssess,T.ent. toqetner :th aa copy copy of of p:rprate 'cet z-çeZ (ccudlg the erproprate the (ncludng a CupCapita! tel :—:rc/derent enet budget, budget, zafled to be hhand and de toeach eozh 1be: sub)ect jr na.ed any)., deir.eeci .'eren Sr to ha sub)eot : any) to
:nerero atleat at le3-
tys crysan :nadvance advance o
an asr.ents enett :e:n.
du ::cnL.; dU€
...e ..e fr irttnstallrnent vstall.nentof of ne de date shall '':e d-,e date shall
oe ne
the Board oard of of Directors Directora cstabLihtd cahed y ythe
the of the the Aszcciaticn. AssccL,ticn. Ir In the Qf
to siation fails card of of Directors of the event the Board the Association fails to
li. an aOs ih
any fiscal fiscal ye;: ye:. an assessment fcr any znent for
then then each ea
estabestabassessnent azesscent
hal1 auomatica3J-y established for the the prior prior fiscal fiscal year year shall autoatically be be stab1shed fcr
irectors of contir.ued until such times the Eard ard of of Directors of the the such times a athe continued until Assooiatioz Asnociatior establishes the new nev assessments. an essrert (D) c'r'eCernert of of nrual Pnnua1 ssessrent and o. Cotjnencernent Date oC (D) tate
Caital. Initial t Ca,ital. Initial CContribution to
Units be and Parcels shall be Parcels shall Units and
firstnionth month follcfcllo— of the thefirst first day day of t5ject to the first or the to asesnants assess ntson
of occupancy Units, the the issuance issuance of a certificate certificate of occupancy o Urüts. as to ir () as in (i) is located located by h:ein the Unit is by the the Unit or or the the buildinq buildin wherein or the the Unit the Unit
contained than Units Units contained case of of Units Untz other City other than the case C.ty of Tarpa and in the
housing th-it Units held held solely solely for for rental rental purposes, purposes, .n a buildinq bttldinq houzin
the the
of -ecords of Unit among acnq the deed to the the public public records the Unit deed to
of recording recording of
as to to CormercSal Conirercialand and Office Of1ce illsborough County.Florida Florida and and i1 as llsbouh County.
ertificatc of occu;aicy Parcel,, upon the the issuance of aa certificate occu;ancy by by the the issuance of Parcels, upon
Parcel. b2ilding constructed constructed on each Parcel. on each City of of Tartpa Tanpa for City for the first b-ilding
Developer or a Unit sold sold by each Unit the sale sale of Upon the closing .f the of each by teveloper .
Un the closing
Participating to aa Unit Unit Owtr. Owtr. the the Unit Unit ('ner Owner ohall shall pay pay uildcr to Parioipating Eujidor
wo:king cupital capital cont:buti©n toward to the toward 'working Association aa contribution th AssQciation
nonreundable which nonrefundable assessments due, addition to any due, ihich annual assessments any annual addition to (lC) percent of egialtototen ten (1C%) ccntrbticn anount e2ai ccr.ttbtion shafl shall he he in in an a amount ereralCcr_on Cooer Assessnents. two months Central Azsessrents. two rtonths'
Capitali "wor)ir.g capital The The "workir.g
of contribution shall not to be an advance payment of considered to be considered not be contribution shall ne: receive receive aa credit credit any annual asetrnent norwill wsfl the the Unit Unit Qner asssment nor
Upon the the :ssuance :ssuance of of a certificertiftaganst againstany anyfuture futureasessrnents. asssnents. Upon
fr aa ui1Cng ilng ccnstr)ct ccnstr)cted
f occupany by by the the Cty City ofTarpa Tpa In cate cate of
occupancy a buildinghousing hourig ofof occupancy forzor a building a certifate on a ?arcl. ?arcel.or a certificate eid solely sIely for thetheFarocl Unit for rental rentalprposs, purposes, Farc,1Lessee Lessee or or Unit Units Unt e1d aódition to any acditon to cc.atcn, to the the AAssocatcn. pay to any all also also pay thell 0-nereh contributor. in an caoitai contribution 'orin caotal an due, aa 'ork2n annual assessient cue, assssoent on
nthsGeneral GeneralConc!n Concn percent of c_'tononths ;c ten ten (1C) (lD) percent tue a.-unt ejaI ea to antunt
Asses5ments. Asmer.ts.
orng cpi:al The 'orkng tapi:al' :ontriut'On shall not :trutien shall not be be The pat r. any annua,L nsnentnor nr :nsdered paytent rf any annuaL asnessert anivance :nsideredtotcbebean
the the
?arcei a-fei Lcr,ee Lc'ee
nit Cner riit of ci
.za rer.tbuldng bulcn Paitnert
4J6 Urr:46c6r231 r 4
-ece:ve a a credit any future receive against any futvre As55ment5. Assessments. The initial initial credit againet
working ot an escrow cr or avace adv3nce ad is arid 'workirgcapita1 cpita1'contribution cotr.ItiQn is rc't not refi-ndablc. refundable.
Section eaoitaL rnroverent e5ent And accn5truCecticn 4. & eaitaI. cvrnert 4ssessments arid Raconstruc—
or'on Assessruents tion Asse$5rnents. Assenrnents. In the tonon ssesnerits authorauthorIn addition additr tto the
Directors oof the Association tht Bcar o DlrectQrs tht As5coiation ized Article, the Board of .zed in In this this Article Capital Inp Veent A55eS5ass zrient year. year, a Capita]. nay levy, in any assessment Improvement Assess—
reflt ororRe;onstruction ent onstructicn ?.ssensment Msesrnent applicable applcale tto that that year year propro— R
the Eord Ec-u-d hasprepared prepareda aCapita). Capital Urproveent rprovenent budget vaed vi.ed that has bud;et that the thereof and delivered a copy ccpy thereof a.i dellv&red a
to to all allMembers. Merbers.
The The
CapIta). Capital
e!!!Teflt5am and RetructOn Assessrnents Reconstruction ssnents 5hall thai). only only or in in part, pat the ola o! defraying.inin hoU the eDeused ppose oof deryng used for cr the purpose 1cticn, repair or or replacernent cost cct. ofiI av/ any cnatri.ctior construction,r recOnstructicn repar replaceent provenent AAssessments Irprovement
tic,ri. upon iprcvtnt. pon the theCo.mori Covon ant,ororother other such such addition, cpital inpcv capital and personal personal property property related related fixtures and c?ete, nc1uding ?rcperties, a
thereto; provided. that that any any SUCh such assesrnent excess ef of Cne One as snent ininexoes5 the:eto; prcviced.
Thousand Do.ja5 ollars($lOO.00D) ($lOO,00D) thall shall require require the the vote vote or or unded Thcuaand Hundred
Voting Members. Merr.bers. written assent majority of of the the votes votes of of Voting aser.t oof aa majority •
Inprvencnt Aets arJor econatructie.n andjor Reconstction flprvemcnt Assessments or TJarterly basis payable on On a onthly or uartely banis shall be be tayable ssessmerts sssnert$ shall These These Copit. Cpit. as throughout budgeted fiscalyear, year, as determined eterined th-cuut thethe budtect fiscal yy the the
No action 3oard Directorsof ofthe the Associaton. No authorized In n cion authcrjed oa-d of of Drectcrs Association.
this $ecton 4 shjil taken without the prior prior written writtenconsent consent s)-iil be taken hout th thie Section of the the Developer. Developer.
Section Sec-t.ion S5.
?toeal -ea].ofo Asessrnents Aernets
AnyPerber teber Any
nay nay appeal appeal
d his Unit e!aterc leve eved a; him nd or hm Unit or ay Ccin r hr o the Appc1s The decsn dcsl of tothe the Fpp1 Appeals bard. The App1 Sard ?acel ?ce1 to n
Dade an accordnce hA:L]. be be nade n acCdaice the eLer5 FPC1. he Meber's appl. shall
wth tbe te
y-LLs. the y—LaLs. pereScUe soutlired :nnthe Drer Asses?'er,ts. Aeanets. SoSo long Section long as as the the Developer Developer Sectior. 5. Deve;er .
is:ard which has the hch itithas d.relop in the right right to develop in ?ar. the th Developer, croxda-o-e w:th ccordanra .th the te Develop,ten: Da;e pent ?an. De.'elcper, in in lieu lieu of of paYi C-non or c ther assessrents, asesrrents, gunantees urantees to any Ccror. zher to pay the pay to the pav:n a nrhjyas:s aas the zre greater owingrums: sUns: çreater cof the ffollowng c-nt any on the the isla:id ary land ad on
the the (: f e
r e-.c
e be t-een tht tr. ?tsoc i at o' • S
: 45054232 1232 orr.4 cperatingexpenses expensesanan the theanount amountc ofannual annual Coon Assas— Ccxrznon Asszactta3. eperating actual Jntt O.ner.s meats Owr.ers and and Parcel Parcel Lessees; Lessees; pov1ded. provided. xnentsassessed assessed upon uponthe the thiit
tD time trne tineand andfr-oz. fron time tte to eveloper nay the peveloper hoever that the however, nay at at any tire as often as asreve3.D2tr Develo2er chooses, CQses. file rile aa written written±nnt attendmcnt tto this this as often Declaration, with the the formalities of a a deed dead in in the State rTnalit3ez requ5red required of Declaraton with
to all all annual annual be subject subject to of statin; that it agrees to be of florida, Fcrjda Ccrnon nit OwrLers Cwners as all allother othertYnit the same sane manner manner as .ssesnents inn the Ccnnon Asesrnents eveloper again rnd Parce. Iarce. Lessees, Lessees, and and thereafter, thercaftr. urilcs and Ubless the the Developer again
y written written aen&tent as as herethbefcre heTeThefOre required, chooses otherwise requsred, chooses ot rwtse y
as all other
be assescd asesscd in in the the same same nanner tanner as all other CVe1OeT shall shall be the Developer the
Owners. O-ner5.
The as any any liable in n the the same sane nanner ianrer as e';elcper shall shall ee liable Th eve1cper
for Special Speciz.lAssessments Assssnents and ard Retonstruotion Reoonstructc.r Assessother Owner, Owner, for Assess—
be liable fC payflient ,tets. iab1 for pai1ent of of Capital shall not not be eapital nens. Developer Developer shall
iproveent pveaent Assessnents Assessments Cr or panent parent of of consent thereto. thereto. wrten ccnsent its written gves it gives
any any
unless it it
reserves unle reserves
In IrLthe the event event of of an an increase increase
f the AscociatiCn, in the acttal actual cost costo.f f operation Astociation, the the Developer Developer n the operation of
may the Assocation Associatin to Comncn Asscssnents. nay cause the to increase the Cor-cn
Effect Section Setion 7.7. Effect
Nn-?a,,ent cof Non-Paynent
fofssessnents ssesnents and andRerne— Rene-
eof of the the Assciation Assciaton. (A) (A) •
Effect ef Non—?a,ent on-?avr.nt of of Assessraents Assessnrts: Remedies Effect ef emedes of
the Lien is .s heresy hecey irposed imposed upon upon each each Unit Unit and and the AssOciation. AA Lien Partel, Parcel,
of its
and in a building or the case case of Vnits contained in buildrig or and in in the
erected Lor for the the purpose purpose of of having havingapartner.t apartmentUn.ts, Units tpon upon bi,ldings erected buildings the are te lands lnprovencr.tsthereto thereto within within which which the the Units Units are lards and ard improvements to secure located,(the (theI!Apar_flents!) 'Apa-tents"), to secure the the paynent payment of assess— of all all assesslocated, rnenns Neighborhood ho:h-od Sevce ServiceDistrict tistrict O5easrner-1ts) ?s5esments)new no iez ncluirg Ne incluing or posedupon uponthe the Units Ur.ts and and the theParce Parcels by 350 by the the ..soCr hereafter heraater irposea
ciatir, c!atiQ, ent r','
sa1ent of Cci Asnent. Oapial 1rnprcveny ir.sta1ient of aa Cc,'o Assessment, Capital ImproveAy
ai .kessnent Ass ess€nt Spec Steca1
Or Cr eZus trtctaon etiatt-uctcP55Ctrlez-Assccrnen
after the due date date shafl ten (0) () days days after the due sha).1 bear bear paid wthn ten date of ofsuch such nstar1ient nsta1ent at -terestfrom from the the ce ce date ztcrest at the th hiqhest hiqhest
y'ent of rate then appIcatIe. rib1e. ayent of asse Ssments s th: rate then assenent5 igat;cncf ofeath eath Metber. pescnal ob]]igatcn 1-:-e-be. !f If any any nstllmert 5talt ofof anan personal aEsesrent s no: not pa: wth:n -t?n thirty trty 3O) 3O) dy after :t ass due, ay after due >arrer or-:1..e thcretor ra; ,e rocil red anbe-reF rcrcrrre cefcr ra, cred th-- by th awfui f1
r. f-fl-C--
246O6 1233 1eciaticrt The Asociatiort sta11.rnert The amount of of the the miad mpaid insta1lnent or the 3.mou1t percert cifJ percent persc'ra11.y the against the Member(s) personalLy 1a against at Law may ar action action at ay bring bing ar
t).ieri aainst the Unit
obligated to pay pay the the sane, sare, or or Lereciose foreclose the lien against the Unit ligated to
or or
both, or Aprtraents Apartments or or both. Parcel Parcel or
or otherNo Mcmbet zmay waive wiVc or othtr embe may
the. assessment personal Liability for the, assessment provided provided wise escape ccape his his persona' Liat1ity for
Couor herein by of the the CorwOfl by non-use non-use of for for herein
eflt of abandontent Properties Properties oror abando
Cornrriori any insta11erit installment of of aa Common If a1y hIs Unit, Parcel his Parcel or or Apartments. Apartrnent. If due days after after its its du within hirtY (30) days scsmnentisisno: mct paid paid withiri,h-rtY Assesrncnt Merr.ber ar afl notice to acceleration notice tothe theMer.ber niati an an aCCe'eratiOn d.te, the iay nail date, the!ciard Board may ich hs bs requested or aa Parcel Parcel which reQested Unit or of aa inIt First Mort;agee of to each First to that fact that the the fact TheNotice Nce stalL shallspeolfy specify aa copy copy of the notice. Notice. The of the curt nert, (Ii) requiretotocure (ii)the theaction action reured the the installment ins 1lmrit is dflnquent, nays from £rO than thirty(30} (O days Ze than thirty date.not not less (ii.) aa date, the the default. default. (iii) such erber. bywti by .chchtirne the lether. time such to the riaed to riotice is is rtailed the the notice a"e the the Cate to cure cure the the default default that failure failure te cured, arid and (iv (iv) that be cured, default rtust riut be default ln the Notice Notice may may result in date specified specified in in the before the the date or before on or of the Coton the Coon instaLlments of th installments acceleration of the the balance balance of of the acceleratior of Unit aale of of the the WIt current fiscal fisca year year and and sale Aesr:ients for Assessments for the the then then current lien of the the lien foreclosure of to foreclosure pursuant to artrnerits pursuant or A2artmerits or Parcel or or ?arel TheNotice Noticeshall shall further further unpaid Coton CoonAssesst'efltS. A esstnents. The securing the u-ipaid and to accele-atiori arid Merber of of his hs right right to to cure after acceeraton inform the Merber default or or of aa defauLt cou;t actOn actao to assertthe thenonexistence ncnexstence of to assert bring aa cou; acce1eratin aridand sale. defense of ofthe the Merber Member acoeleratiQn sae.IfIf the the to to any other other defense any (
installr,et5 dellnient delinquent in5tall.5
of Comnnon Corrior Assessncrts Assessments arid and any any charges charges cf
n full on thereon arenot nt pad pad n.ri fufl On or Or before beforethe thedate date pecifie pecifie Sn thereon are
declare all all of of -he theunpaId vnpad its t.s option c?t. ayaydeclare sseflt5 to be Ined.iately balance all applicabe to be tnuntdately e e and and ppcab..e asessrnents balaflce of of all coletic1 enforce the co1e:ticI4 denand an ny ay erlfcrce payab.ewithout without furthe: futhe demand payable t.e otice. the the car oa: att trie NotIce.
manner auth— any manner authchargesther-.n ther.n r.r. any al charges the assesemts aod all ul assessments -a-c !u1 eclarat.on. -is ec1arat1Ofl. orzed arid this la and oredbybylaw
actonshall shall be () Nc:ce of acnon be Len. NoNo o Len, C1am of of C1am
at les
brought toenforce enforceariy any assierit assssent lien lien heran hereinunless unless at 1est brought to
otice of the date th:rty date aa Notice ofClam Claun rty (30) days has exp:red folow:ng the o.f
3) days has exrd follown certified or JntedStates States Mail, r.iaIi certified Len Cr t-.e Unted depte n.ri the L:en assdepos:ted
r'csted, is-ce
or 'arce! LesFee. Oer or arcel LerFee. o th.0ru: Owner :!.e recsteLc, OStS rre[ad
46O61234 aaid .atiOri said County by by the the Ass Records of HillborC.25h HillzborC5h County kssotation; Eublic Reco-d Fubflc Notice of Olaira Clair,ofofLien Lionrnust mustrecite recite aa good good and and suffcent sufcieflt tegaL legal Notice cf the record Parcel or or Apartments, Apartments, the unit, Parcel description any5uch such Unit. rtcn ofofany retard or the the reood Unit or or Apartlitnt5 Apartients or ownerof of the the Unit. ouner or reputed owner reputed owner <which th amount Iassee or reputed reputed Lessee Lesseeofcfa a ?rce. the amount caime ciaime (which Farcel, r.esaee or
thall on the the unpaid unpaid assessment assessnent at at the the highest iighest nterst on shall iiwlude ieLude interest of attorneyt fes and lawful rat2. p1u reasonable attorneyst fees andexpenses expenses of pu reasonable Lawful rat2, and collection in Cconnection with the thedebt.secured debt secured by by said said lien lien and nection with co1le:tior in Such ainant late charges), and and ti-ic tne name name an and address address of of the the claimant. late cbarges),
by an an e signed sgned and acholeded by Notice oE Clam Clam of of tien teri shall shall be And achr.oiedrd Nct.ce of continue shall ccntnue lien shall he lien oUicer agent of of the the Association. Assoclat m. The or agent oficcr or fully paid paid oor other-se othernse satisfied. satisfied. until fully until
set forth lion aet a essrerit lien (C) oreolosure sale. The assessnent orec1csUr? Sale. (C)
sane manner nar.ner as as ortgageZ no-tage5 are be foreclosed foreclosed n the are the sr\e herein zay nay be herein
T.eAssociation. Acorl, zh:ugh The thrDughduly duly
law. lori1a law. f3reclosed tnder florida f-reclosed 'under
Qr authorized aer.ts, shalt shalL havo have the the power ;vwer to to bid bid on on the theUnit UMt or uthorizod agents. arquire to acquire foreclosure sale, or Apartments at at foreclosure sale, and and to or Apartments Parcel ?aree
and arid
hold, lease, mortgage nort;e and hold, lease, and convey convey the the sane.
Curini Curin
of efaut. of Defauit.
of curiflg of te tnely t.mely curing Upon the UFO
the filed by as filed Ler. was airi Of Of L2er. default for hich aa otiee by the )otce of of claim default for
appropriate an appropriate record an shall record Association, an officer thereof shall officer thereof 5SQci5tOZ. an fee, cmrber of of aa fee, defauLting Mcrber ieleee P-cease of of Lien Lien pcn uponpa)-neot payneritby bythe te detaulting
not to exceed Fifty ssocia on, but to deterrined by by the the Association, but not t be deternined Dollars Doflars
$5O.00. to (550,00). to cover
costs of of preparrio prepar1n the costs the
and nd r' rccorLfl9
tificae executed excuted and acknowled9ed acknowLeed by such release. AA certificate by any any two two c such release. ianagemerit r oy the Poardoard (2) rncnbers of the b the rianagement crrbers o (2)
atirig the coripan)) Conpan'J stating
any Unit lienany upon secured bybythe the lien upon Unit or ?arcei debdness secured xndebtedness
upcn hssocircn te tehssoci— as of ndebtedries as s.jc" :r,debtedness amount cif s•c' asto to the the aricunt the owners Oncrs as atôn and the at:o-i and c all perscr.5rtlying relyng li persons the date ofofthe w:threspect respect to therertificate rertfcte w:th the ciate
cusive c:cated Apartments crcat,d hereunder hereunder hal shI1he5es tonciuSVe Apartr
good fath. n good thereon in
certificate shali
tri 5ch certificate shall be furnished furnihed tn such
fee. at aa reasonable ucn recuee' at reasonable fee. a-iy O-rer or or Mcrt9agee uOn any Oner
the e'ent len and ar the The a asQSsent Pe,ejies, The Curultiv Perethes. to shU be eeuner shall benInaddition adon to and sne the,eunder ecsure and :-:hts :-:;hts too foreclosure nö rerr.cJIe5 reed:eswhcb ch rrhts onö cthe r:r.hts :n hstatut m for f a other and zt :n d ot (flt) ()
b2: 4606 4606%123 1235 ncI.ui-ig including
a money judgrrit a suit judgment for for unpaid assessreccv to recover uit to
as above aboveprovided. proved. ments, entS1 as
lien lien Th (F) theL-2n to to r1crtgacs. The ubrcthati° ofofthe (F) Subrdifl4fl2fl to subrdinat to alr bbe subordinate herein shair of provided for fcr herein esents provided of the tho assessments ueated good faith faith to to ar an unreLated rtgae made in çod the of any made in any First Fst ortgace the lien ).ter of
to the the date date on which the the d recorded rccrded ptor party and for va.ue value and ptior to party and
ny f any sala orr transfer notice of C1asn Claim oof Lien Lien isisrecorded. transfer of ecde. The sale tice cf Parcel azy Parcel y any the assignment asigmet by terts or the Unit or Parcel or Apartments Ap
Urit or Par1 or its ri rights urder under a a Crurd Ground Lease Leate to t c fhis his orr is Leee cf Lessee c.
P-ce. the Ptrcel the
trrsfer a1e or transfer Nowever. the sale :Ioweve. the asse nerit shaU. notaffect aect th assessment. -cein pursuant purur.t as set stt forth crth herein ?patierts as Qr Parcel p-:e1 or cf any or Apartent$ any Unit Qi or Lf such such lieuthereof tet (if ir lieu rtqaçe orr deed in foreclosureof of such such rLortqace to frc1osurc to 4en Ciim f Lien rec was recied recordedprio prior to the t recording of a Claim ricrtae ncrtgage wa Q
shall not
tuch assessments as too $Srnent5 as of such hereunder) extincuishthe the 1.en fien of -U cxt'uiSh h-eunder) s>aLl salt orortransfer. trner. sc sale which beca becae due dueprior prior tD jch ita.1ents wMc) installments
shall relieve relieve such Unit or Parcel or or : Pace1 sc Urt tr5Cr thai. However,i no sale ae orr traiflfer of assessnents any j rzn labi1ity liabilityfor for any Apa:tet5 from Apartnents provided th lien thereof, and provided r from the uc or thereafter becr.trq thereafter becOIing due
ta11eits ct aest
tof a
recsue or collected by reason oof such such foreclosure y reaSfl notco11eted ajur1-s nt that a,TtQuntS that allall deed de
Assessment rcr Assesnert
eeeda aCtir.ofl a1I.bebedeemed in of foreclosure shall je of n Uei
arce1s and ard arc i'arcels all Units Ui±t and ro and shall be be coflectible all such fron' 1ectie asas such ard sa11 Apartrnentswhich iss Pre1 orr Aprtrnrtswhich th'iit or Parcel AparttentS. jcLuding th the Unit ?pa:trItS. iriLuing orcc1sure. oI foreclosure. ii lieu of deed th rec1utC or dee the foreclosure ub)ect oof the the the subject Scrvjs services Ccmiui i]a Comiiiunity Harbour island theHarbour fr tha Liensfortr a5sessments ase mer1sfor Liens any serrertS cof any for assessments to flens 1ens for superior tc hal. bb superior ?Sciatifl shal AssocntaOfl
kssociaevice Dtrct oro Service D)str:ctksccicct1on or Heigb-or);ood Crl1niurn ?,oc.at1Ofl
Condortin±Urn ion t on
'rjyed subsuba11 be beheld. )ed. uLcd niienjoyed shall t.bject a;i subject and -to the fc.oan lirutatonS andnd re5trict:ons. c t?e
xt;g ?rcpey
Afl. ?rcperty
-1r1 1tc-
rules alladdticna1 atca1reaurnable ree niles to all
prcmuated by -equ1atos promulgated ar regulations and by
same tay be ocatOn. as the sane 3on of D2re;tors of the -cation. xpt3cn cf Cr/tot thethexer.ption t:re. nd subJect cny ot ' -n trie re to tended r-iied Cr0
er 2e.'2oter
se±' fcrth
Sect:Ofl S te
1F46OSC1Z3S Section Sertion ...
Nuisances. NusanCeC.
No activity No noxious ricxcu5 or or offensive c!fensve activity
bui1dng. .ands -ercia1 or or office office buildings, shall iands ha11 be carried on in in any any co,uercial
on oCotion or Iprovc,ent:. Irnprove.ient. Ccon ?r,pèrties ?ropèrties jacer t1'ereto. adjacent thereto. iriits. Units, or or or donu Property, nor nor shall bhalD. anything anytiiirig be be dcnu located nn the the Exiting 1oczite1 Existing property. annoybecorie an an unreasonthle unreasonable annoyay be be Or o become therein or or thereon thereonwhich whichmay therein
odors odors
loud noises ncieO or ornoxiol4s noXiO5 te 1ou a anyMerber. Member. to nusar.ce t to ary a ,,uisar.ce
nds adjacent adjacent shall be perroitted perttted in iands za11 be in any aiy such such buildinG, bui1&in
Corrion ?rcperties. Ienproverents.or or on on the the Cot,on theretu, Units. Properties, arid And or Ierprovenents. Units, or
the of Directors Directors shall shall the Board Board of
have to deterrine the right deterrrine in in right to have the
any noise, rise. j-Laws if any £ccordar.cesnth nth the the by-Laws
activityproduc— producodor orr activity
nuisance. iithcut 1i:ting ithcut 1irnting stitutes a nuisance. in; s-ch noise ne.e or or odor odor constitutes in; such
xtEror the fore;oing fore;oing p:oviior.s, the generality of any any of of the provisions, no no exterior
other spea)ers, horns. speakers, horns, whistles, bells or ether
(other devices (other
5our.& ouncl devices
eOurity devices dicas ttili.ed exclusiVely for for security surity purposes) than security utilized exclusively purposes) no)cy vehicles, veMcles, noisy or smoky
1a-;e large
off-road tools urtlicensed off—road tools,
po'er equiptcnt cpnert or large power or large power power
vehicles Or ctcr ve'.icies or any rnotor
which may ray items vhich ite
of any radc reception of inreaonab1y 'ithtelevision teeviion or rado unreasonably.nterfere itterfere with any used or Cr placed of such such pla:ed in 1ocate, used -n any any portion portion of Me.ber shaH be be located, Mer.ber s.Itafl or Irprevnts, or buidings. lands to buildin;s, buildin;s. Units Units, Iprovernents, bufldings, lands adjaoent adjacent to expcsd to to the view of of ether e exposed era, Coon other Members, or be c'-on Properties. Properties, or Review without without the the prior prior written approval approval of of the the Architectural Architectural Review Lct-.ittee. Cotittee. Section SectiOn
or display. bil1boar bil.board or Ho sign, sign, poster, N poster, display.
shall be to the the ry kind s)a11. be displayed d5played to device off any other evertising ver'ting device other ny lar1E adjacent any bjilding, Units, Units 1ans the Corrion CoJon?rcperties the or on on the ?rnpert1e without wtbcut the i1dings arid Units, or to to n:i1dangs and 1Jnts, tectuLal Scnew Cor_nittee, of t.e thekrchi -.rchitectura conzert of prior written vritten consent cittee. prior :e. used used by by De.'elopcr, De.'eLoper, its svccessigns, reçadless its scces:cept signs, regardless of of s:e, e:cept ui1ders for SOrs orr assigns, iptinO uilders for advcrtisn; dvcrtisi-; durino durinc' as.jgns, or or- Participatino Patt ar pericd 1easn pericd nd nd s:h t sale and d ccnstrection, sale reascable reascnable the construction, shai authorize authorite with with respect respect to to Office ?arcel ?arcefl s:cns as s:ns s Devcloper Developer sha.
view public vie.J public
on on any any portion portion of of
andd tonercal nerca1Parcels. Parcels. Veh.ieuiar Section ?arkinoan Vehacular estt:ctions, Parkng on on ecti'ri 3.3. ?ari-ina, Parkng the t-
be ha :ng ?rcper-ty theparkng parkinqareas areas be restrcted ::cted totothe xst:ng ?roperty tia.'.
for such rt:rse. Owner :r-tse -o.'.o?n:t fc- ruc-h 2r:t tha1 thafl park park.
46Q6 rc123? any portion store of the the E:>:isting Enisting Property store or or keep '.eep on on any portion ,f Property any any large large exanple, dump dumptruck, truck, ceient ccmmera1 type type vehicle vehicle (for (far example, cenentmixer nixr commercial truck, truck,
delivery truck), truck), nor Owner nor rtay zay any oil or gas truck. truck, delivery any triit Unit Owner
keep any to be to be
other vehicle on on the the ether vehic1
Existing xicting Property Propertywhich which isisdeemed dned
unsgt1y unsightlybybythe the Board. Board.
No najor o Owner Ovner shall thall conduct cnduct major
iigency) ororaiaor reatorations of repairs (except nn an an emergency) aor restorations of any any repairs (except
motor vehicle, boat, trater or or other Other vchicle vehicle upon upon or within witMri boat, trai-er motor vehicle, Eaoe1s or upon Upon Ccmron Coirjton Propertiesororlands lands adjacent adjacent to to Eace1s or or tirtits Units or Properties
vehicles uiIlbebesubject subject to to height, heigit, width Parcels Cr Unit, Unit 11 1l vehicles will width Parcels or
and length restrictions or restrictions Lnd Lnd other other rules rules and and regulations regulations flow row or oard. :-reafter adopted hereafter adopted by by the the Board
Section 4. Section 4.
Animal Restnctions. nmal Restrctior-s.
No annials aniia1s.
ljvestok, livestock,
raised, bred bred Cr or kept kept on reptiles or poultry any hind )ind shall be raised, poultry rit o any
the the
Existing Property ?ropdrty lexcept (except aas may tay be be permitted permitted with with respect respect to to
except certain pets in other declarations except for .or corirrercta1 corucrcta1 pet pet declx-a:ions arid an
leahod) on xisting. ay run run loose 1ooe ((unleashed) stores). cg or or cat cat may on the Existing. N dog stOres). No
walked be walked ard ?roperty Property, and they nay nay be
only in areas only ir areas designated designated (or cr
by the the Association. AssociatiOn. such purpose, if if any any, by rch purpose
Section 5. Section 5.
No rubbish, rubbish, trash, trash, ;arbage a-bage cc Trash, No Trash. oc other
or pentitted
be kept kept or pernitted on the Shall be waste rnaterials waste naterials shall the
except in locate in .ncontainers ccntaner5 located. th
orty except erty
irg rcpE.'
appropriate arns, and appropr-ate areao, and no
to risetherefron therefron so so render the time permitted tt rise to rrider shall be be permitted Property Propert-yoror any any portion portionthereof thereof unsanitary, unsnitat. unsightly, unsightly, :xisting other pL-operty ny other n the thevicinity vint or detrinental detrimental to to any offensive or pLoperty in offensive No to its occupants. No cloth:n cloth:ng or or houEehold houeho1d fabrirc fabric, itSoccupants. thereof thereof or to ar.d no luber, ared. and d:.Led or or aired. uber. grass grass. shrub thrub or or shall be ahl1 be hung. hung. dried wastes, metals, netals, turk buk materials nte,als rr scrip scrap lippngs or pant plant wastes, tree rlipprngs tree ii be kert. stoced nai1 stored or or a:lowe or arcumeuse or a,iowe totoaccurnor refuse or trash, trash, -t:ng P'pert' except the Exist:ng nyportIon portion of except wjth-i withi, an of the P—operty .late on ulate on fly enclosed ztrcture otructur appa.cly mcree:lcdIron enclosed asropratcLy iron Vew :ewerected erected (orr odor shall
thatpurpose purpose tmt
r:y Suid.ncs, Section ?uLdncs Further ?arunc Section S. Te,o,ary r:nc Ltitations, Lrtatcr, .
hd nr No tent. shack NO OUL ouLzuiId,ng. ten;, shack, shed or flther temporarybidirg building or or ter tmpory
01 any'Irnd teil thallocbe a:ed ae upon Upor, any of the ny portIon the pcrt:On of tier tporarij ether Frcer:-y. trporar ij o ernanent1y No ng Frozerty. penanent1y.C: ;-eato.-i vec rhal be uses :-'e rn:: v tre c-vc t:D: t:I icr. :ar.[er rprotemer.t.
.er -
:46O6% :46O6 1238 r prmarier.t1y. pcrmaner.tly or or par}ed parked cr on teriorariLy or either tenporarily as aa residerce. resdece. either as
Property, without without the the prior prior written writtenconsent consentofofthe he the the E,5sting Existing Property, Associ ation. Association.
Facilities. Other Facilities
Section Section 77.
be No shall be No :rnprovements :rroveents shall
altered constructed on or removed renoved from from the the Existing Existing Property Property oltered oor constructed the except upon the consent of of the writteri consent the written except upon
Architectural Arch.teUral
Review Revje
e. imiitt Co Co rrn i. t e tee.
Section 9.
ExerTtptiori Dcv1otr 5evelor5 S txemption
Developer andits its Developer and
suc— c-
Lemsecs parcel Lessees and Parcel builders and Partieipatfl builders c-'sors artd assigns, assigns, Participating csors arid th-its. office office buildings. buildings. Units, str'.ictir of constricting C will rndertake udertke the the work work of will The The thereto. thereto. IlTiprovements relating arid buidin; arid cornercial Improvements torrJrerCi al bufldifl;s
ccrnpletion thatwork yorkarid and the the sale, sale, rental rental and and other other o.tspcsal oispcsal ccmpletion ofofthat of the Jrits Ur.itsarid and the tLe bUIId±n;3 buildifl;-9 erected erected upon upon theteParctl$ Parcelsi isC esen-
Lisent arid
CtDnLand ass aa c011flal and welfare of the Island e tial to to th theestablishiiient
this Section Section and and its its suhparagrphs suhpargraphs the the words vords As u,ed used in this inunity. inunity.
not include in1ude purspecifically do its successors or asigns' assigns" specifically do not pur— succeso:s or
work said work In order order that that said ccnp.eted Units. Units chaer5 In lesseesof of conpleted chasers o' o lesees fully occupied occupied Island establi.hed ayaybe and the the .sland estab2ihed as as aa fully becortpleted conpleted and Associthe nor the with DeuLoper's. Deunper's. ParticiParticianythingtoto interfere interfere w:th ation shall shall do do anything atiOn activities; Lessees' activities; ercial Lessees patirg Builders Builders or Office or ec,jtercial pating recontruction by arid recontructiQfl by however construction and that all all construction bowever that provLded provided,
rapidly as as possih1e. possible, no no Unit Unit nor as rapidly cornrnunty as
nust Paticipat±ng andard Office andand Cornm,rcLal ParticipatingEulers Builders Office Coercial Lessees, rtust
first e be forth tarth
Architectural Review y the the Architectural Re-ie approved approved by
of this this W of in Artcie Artrce iv in
generality of te te ;neral:ty of
rchitectur rchteOtural 1eji
-ut iitng
tbe approval approval of ub)ect ttç the Lut of the the ut sUb)ect oriS truc Cor,.nattce for ccnst trLt1cn ruetlcnan and re recontrucattee for
tion t±on of of
etlaration. eclaraton.
set Corrte asas set Corrnitte th 4:thot int1ng the
hal1 be be nothr.g in this De:lar$ton 5hall
'ent5, nothing in this DeC1raton all all 1nprovnefltS,
ur.derstood 'jr.derstood
netrued- to or to or construed
Cr Biaiders cr :cpti Suilders 'eve1per. Paztacpat:n eet :ee1cper. a) reerYt a) itS or cr cr ts successors or or asgns, tJ-ieir successors sigriC. or ?arcel Lessec ?arcei Lerecs nor ther -icir
ny Iroon doing sb-ccr.tractors ther sub—cor.rractor :cccr or or cc doing Or. ony their contrctors ther teve; :c tr lta!ed 1aed by pr000rty one or bythej te'ei the zhc determine tc procrty c.ried etlon ccnne:ticn ..iti the thecopi coretin ee necesr reesr Crc avasable iin ccnne:t:on or.
&46O6'i2a9 1239 of c
irs as They their Cconstruction their they deem deem athi.s1e advSsble in the struction pl.ns i'-i the
modelsor or sketchLs sketch showing course of deve1opent ve].cpient (all (all models plans rourse of sho'ingplaris by the fer fiture icr future deve1pment development fcfthe thelsand lsandmay ny be be rnodified modified by any time time and d from from tii time to time and per at an without t any o tirn, ijthou Dov,cper notice); or (b) (b)
Develcper. prevent Developer. prevent
Participating Builders Participating Builders and and
Lessees, their successors or assi;ns or its or tatjves. from sub ontractors or or repres representatives, erectfrom erecti-itratc:s, subcontractors contractors, ing, ccnstru:ting constructing ad andmainlalrung maintaining on on any property property owned owned or or ing, Parcel Parcel Lessees, their successc's or assi;rs, or its or their tejr
dontrolled them or or any any of of them them after after prior prior approval approval of of controlled b)'by them the Review Cointittee, Coz'iittee, such such structures stru:tres as as may ray Artectural Revie' he Architectural
be reasonably reasonably necessary necessaryfor for th the conduct conductof of its its or or their their c business pletirg said said work work an and establishing the estab1ishin the of corpleting : of busines5 or
Island island aasa amixed mixeduse usecori,unity conunity and dispoflng dispoirg of of the the same same by by •
sale. Lease or or otherwise; otherise; or or sale, Lease
eve1oper, Participating Participating 3uikders, uilder, ParceL ParceL prevent Developer. (5) prevent (c)
conassigns, or COntheir frm conducting conducting on on any any property tractors tractorsor orsubcontractors subco raotorsfrom owned, leasedororcontrolled controlledbybythem, them,ororany anyofofthem, them,its its or or owned, 1esed Lessees. their successors suc:ssor$ Or or assigns, or its jts or their Lessecs,
developing, subdividing, ividirg, grading of developing, grading and and busirmss of their their business
slamd and and off disposijig constructing tte Island rstruct1mg Impovemeflts improvementS onon the dsposng of of
Unjts Units
y sale, lease or office office or or ccnrnercial commercial space or spate thereon. thereon, by
or otherwic; otherwise; or or
?artiopatng suilders uiders or Participating tieirsuccessors successors or or assigns, after. afterapproval approval Parcel Leees. their Pa:ce.. LessCe.
pre\rent prevent
tevelcper, Developer,
hitertural R.
frc determining deter nir in in by the he AArThitectural Review Co.m1ttee, from
type ofo lriprc' aly type the.r sole sole discret:cn d cre::cn the themature raure of c any the;r Uprov. —ents ent5 trusted a: a: part part of of the the develop.ent development of to uf to be n1tiaUy .nitallycenstructed the the
r,lana: or cr tLand; e) e)
:rerent Deveoper. veL.opei. artcrtLng !'uilder: !uildr tre''ent ?artccatng
or o
thc succesaors r zuccessorsororascjns assicJns itsoor their -a:ol Les5ee. Lere. thcr cr or its ?rctl contractors. after ': uccntractors. pprovai Arch— cont:actors or after upprovai by by thethe Arch4 cr.t:ctcr m r.tnr.g tectural ev:..' Corittee Coritte frononrnar.tan:r.g such sigri on such tectu:al ;ev:es onany any
or ctr.troliei aed cr by any of then as may property thefl as cntrolied by property owned, esed any of may ee or fmr the b? s sale e-c or other be be recesarv ceces'rv fcr er r ketinç f nai-ketinç
: 4606 rc 1240 Units, olfice spaceand andcornzreroiai commernal space or otherwise otherwisefrom fro face opace apace or Unt
taking such appropriate. taking such ether other actions ctions they they deem deem appropriate.
Outside tnai1&t:.
Outside tnstail&ti:n. No No radIo radIo statson station ox 01
Section 9. Section 9.
hai1 operate Operate from £ron any any Unit, Unit, shortwave c2eratioriz shortwave operations of of any any kind kind shall orfrom fronthe theCorirnon Conmon Properfrom ParceL Cr Propcrfromn any any office Office or or Cornnercial Cormercia1 Parcel.,
Ecard of of permission of witiout the pr.or wntten permizsao, of the the Ecard prior writteit without the
tnma. tele— tetNo exterior radio Directors of the the Association. radio antenna. ociaticri. Directr of vision antenna or or ether other antenrm antenna of of any any type type shall shall be be erected erected or or viicn antenna
or Units Units or or elsewhere elsewhere n n the the buildings the maintained or en en the oaintainod in in or buildings or E,cistin9 Property, without the prior prior writter. writte. perm:ssior. perrn:ssior. of f the the Existing Property,
Board of Directors of the the Association, Associations except except that that aa master rtaster irectors of Board of anter,na or orantenrss antennasor or Cable cable tteLevision receiver(s), antenna antenna or or eviaion receiver(s), be antennas euiprnent and and services nay ray be antennas and ad telecour.ication euiprnerit
Owners and Developer Developer, and provided or the the uso uso of o Owners yy DeveLoper, Developernay ay provided or grant and and reserve reserve eaoemerts easementsfOr fora;ch sch ptrpoaea. ptrposes.
Insurance Rates. Nothinq Nothing shall shan be done cone nEurance Rates.
10. Section SectiOn 10.
or kept kept
on the COrinon conncn Properties which ohall shan increase rate of of insurPrcperties which ±ncreaa the rate on the ance ance
roery on any any proerty on
insured by the theAssciitor. Ascitor. insured by
withotit .'ithoit the the
shall anything anytMng bb done nor shall oar, nor dane or or kept kept .n approval of the Board, in any approval any Units n any Units or or on on the the Coon Ccncn on on ny any Parcel Parcel or ;n Proper—
ties ties or or
.hich hioh would 'ould insurance on Onany any property property insured result r&su.t n nthe ar.ellation of of insuran-e insured the cancellation by the Association Association or or which which would would be be in in violation of of any any la. the lands lands owned teased by by any any Owners Owners on on the owned cr leased
No oil oil drilling, drilling, cii ci ritlin?. No development developnent
Section SectIon 11. Ii.
Or nning or mining Oper?. Oper?.tions any operaticn. oil re±inflq, qusrrVr1 tions of of any operation, refininq, quarry:nq
knd o: o:L.
shall shall
be permitted in or on the Existing Existing Property, ?rOperty, nor nor shall shall n or
wells, tanks, tnne..s tnne1s or or runera rrinera excavations excavt.ons or sells, tanks.
Thafts :harts be be
per'atted. I4odcrr ckor or other other stru cturc des igndfor foruse use ir in o drrck permitted. tructurc degnd b3:ino) tot b3rncJ cfl Io ci)
natural gas cc or r-neraL shati be be ected, prectd,maintamnatural gas nerals shall
or perrfllte perltted
etr e.tractin5 actan9
water water
on on
tng ?cpe'ty, ?cperty, e,cept except e11s e11s for for
be pvr.utted be vr.
t]i t]i
aoar, n its os-d, in
c:sLretlcn. scretcO.. Section 12. ' 12. Security. rgnts oor access and Secto SecirtJ. Te rgnts use estaSestab— nd Use .shod :nod wth rttpett repett to.o the CCno Coon ?ropertes 1 be ?roperteshal shall be suh)ect auh)eCt to and re retr:c-. 'hecs an r:..r:t'y checks rlcS.S.iecurity crnel shall .hali have have Security pe perscnnel r-:r:ty
th right rueticnpersons pess end the right to to stop stop arid and uetion and t' to require reire satisSatiS-
e vere scb
factox-yevidence evidenceofofany any such perssright ri;t tc t be where sttch factory such perscs
prso2'1 is s stcpped. ptrson stopped. Persons Personsnot not estabLin5 such t2e suth rights ri-i.ts to to the
sat faction of personnel may satisfaction of the the secur.ty security personnel may be be required to leave
(even if f such actually is (even such person person actually is ex-titled entitled tobe to be where wherestopped, sopped,
ht is bt is uria una, to toprove provesuch sich right right tatisfactorily). stisfactori1y). Seotiori13. l. Section
enta1 Fools Rental FoolsofofUrits. Unts. No for Nc' scheme scheme or or plan plan for
shrt-tarni rental of
hxj," o' 'tita tsaring' or for cr 'the the short-term rental ot condomiiium condominium Units Units 1I
on the the Existing Existng Property on Property that that would would cause cause the the Existing Existing Property Property
to beite, bene, in in the te so'e to sole oLnic,n transient re5i,de1residenini.n of of the 8oard, oad, aa transient
tial corrmmity iU bebeallowed. tial conunnity will allowed. ARTICLE VU! ARTICL VU1
$ectaon ection 1. Maintenance Mrtenane and and Repair Repr Clcaticn Oblications of of Owners. Owners. ..
tb Aoation to pOVie
subject to Subject to the the dtty duty c'01 ta Asociation to provide for for maintenance !raintenace as provided provided in inthis thisDeclaratiofl, Declaration, it it shall shallbe bethe te duty each duty of of each tJriltOwner Owner and arid each Condominium Unit eac:1 condcrniniun Association andthe the duty each .ssociation, and duty c c each
Parcel Owner or Lessee, seee, at at ts and and their their sole sc'lecost rost and and expense, expense,
visons of this Declaration subject to the p provis:ons of this Declaration regarding regarding ArchiArchi-
ectural Feviw pprcva1, to tectural Covjnittee approval, to matntain, maintain, repair, repair,replace rerlace and restore arid and restorethe theland land nd Improvements Island as as oVernents located located upon upon the Island
may Se e subject uect to tothe:r theirrespective respat:ve ccrntrol c trot or ay orjuz-iadic1on jurisdiction in in aa
neat, sanitary sanitary and and attrativ attractive ndtiori. contion. In the event thatany any in the event that 1?nit Owrier poron of of aa Qnit O.ner' property, porcon propertyarid/or and/cr property,Condominium Conominiun property
?arcel ?azcel
Lesseca Improvements Improvements are O-ner or or Lessees are rnainta:ned maintaried in such
a dangerous, create a danercus, unsafe, unsa, urishtiv or ur.attracto create uns9htlv or natrac-
tve c.,
rchtcturaj rc:-ctura
to otnerwise otnerwise violate th.s thl5 Declaration, eclaatioo, the the
Revle- Corr:ttee or the the Associat:cn ? halJ Revie Cor:ttee or ahal.1have have the t
r.ct the th
but but not
ice, notice,
or or
utv upon duty, upon Titeen fifteen(15) (15) days days prior prior v:itten v:itten
cnn::ce ce as aavednn the s -ave e-ent the event
an an emergency emergency
3' the R C.ninits itscor their ther the ksociazaon .e cia:.on or or theA. t .R C.
screta 5c-tac-i) to correct cor'ect on) to
soLe sole
such eord:t.on cord: ton and to to evter erter upon such such Unit Unit
r-ty.Condo,r,ur C- 'rrty oror?arce Zaners 1rrerty. oprz' ?arc ek totorake rake sucn ucn res:rs ororor,erfoz-r to re:ornsuch o:.hra:tte:-a--ce a:eiano
all vthout ._hut lthlty lt lty or or a
4605 ' 1242 tJhi:4605r 1242 responsibility. or cSvil criniria or ciil. fr responsibility, criminal or any fortrespass tres;ass or any other otier actions nd andthe the cQst shall be ost thereof thereof shall t the action, be charged charged to appropriate the appropriate
Unit Unit O'ner, Ower
C do nium AssociatIon Condominiun ssociatiønoror?crel 'relLesse Laes
Sa costs Sa cst
shall be a Special Special Assessment Assessment and and shall shallcreate :reata aa lion lien upr upt all all the affected affected Uriits the ondoruinjvn the Units within within the Assoriation or Upon upon all afl or orniniv Asscoiatjor
tint Owners Owners property -aroe1s or upon aa Unit in the prperty in th same same marizer asasot-er manner other assessments forth nthis this Deolaratjo. Declaration. the asseSsments set set forth The afferted affected -cels or upon
Ownerssha shall pay promptly all duefor for s-'ch pay proript1y allMnounts anonts due works and and the the such work, costs and expenses costs llen nay may be be added, expenses for for collection added, at at the the option option of the the
card oof irector, irector, board to to thethe amounts payable payablebyysuch a suchOwners Oner ao
Cortiôr Assessr,ents. Asscsspentz. Conon
Ston 2.2.MaintenAnce Maintenance Obligations Sectin of Association. liatcrs of Assocatjcn.
u5ect ub5ect
the provisions to the of Section of this Artiole, provisions of Sectiri I1 of ArtiIe the theAssociation Association shal). and repair, for th maintenshaiXr.aintain, raintain, replace replace and repair, ororprov:de for the riantert
once, replacenent replacenent an repair of, of, at atthe ance, an repair of the theexpense expense of the AssociaAssocia-
tion, all of of the Properties tj, all the Oormton Cornrn and all Properties and rovenets thereon, thereon all Improvements includitg, bin but tot includixtg, rot limited lisited to, to, roadways, roathay, wa1kays, walk.iays, bridges b:ides, easner1ts stair, 5tair,escalators, ecalators rigts—cC—-y, right---.a, transportation easenentt, tranortatiion ve1icles, ?eople Movers,!) Vers.') and vehicles, (including (including ?eople ad alL alLrails rai1 guideways), g-uideays), transit stationS and arid improvements Irproverients supporting transit stations supportingthetherails rails (ytide(g'uideways), (sometiroes ways), hereinreferred referred to to as cmetincs herein as the the PopJe reope Moves oves corncon-
pents), ponents),
aZs. fountains, fountaris piazzas,
systetis, systems,
pup. purrps,
parks drainae arcas areas parks, drainage
lakes. Street Street lights, lakes, lights,
ration irragation
paths, paths, heuges, heqs,
lgno, signs,
poles. oar)dng a-}n areas and any huii1irigs cn poles. areas and any and and all all buildings cn the theCornon Con'i-
Poperti es. Propertie:.
the adãton.- the
En addition, En
ssocati3fl shall ohall ;t-ovide sociation -cvide all s
neressry iandsapang lardsapr and andgardenanc ;dnnc to toproper necessary 1 y an:aar. properly anair.
necessa-y gc and necessary the tee, plznts, pJ ard gr Other her verr.;i \ch rereon onthee Conon Cor-non Prcp-i. The Prcpertis Te tnci— nciatio atio hal .h_I further ma±ntan, reconstruct recoflstruct orr roplace roplare ana and :efJn5 ant. paved pve any surface on surface on the the Cotton Cc-on ?roerties ?ropertesand andonor,any anyroadways roadways and eadng to and brides bndges ieathno to the Island. Island. the duty uty of of .rna:rta:ning narta:ning of of :ch laes ..h:c in the Devecper. 1es .n the Devecper. The 'PeopleMover Mover' -1 De m "People ne ce-ated cperated by by Tnpa Tunta slar.d Tran:t slar.d i'ran:t nary lc. r. ('n1arid Cortany (!1dan a lorida a Elida liorporation corporation that that is 15 2-ned y the e.cDeo. :siand '.clv n'..-ned :zland :rst Yas hs entered ezered -to
periodically replace her periodically replace when
ft :4606 4606 1243 1243 ther l9. dated be becerLber 19,l93 9$3vith with Hileborrugh Hiflsbcrough Transit Transit an an Agreertent Agreent dated
Authocty (Hart), whereby is obligated obligatedto tocoflconTanait is .'herebyislar. islar, Ttan5it Autho-ty ('Iart'),
struct, opertc operateand and rr.aintai, maintainan an ltvated 1vated trnit transit systema n system appropriate to complete complete and and serve serve acil±tie aixd other other facilities to a-i amd appropririte statona yster. the the elevated elevatedtrasit t-ait ysterl.
Island Transit is Island Transit
authorized authorized
t to
certain fares fares to to users users of of the the People ?eople Mover, Mover, such such fares to charge certain be
regulated reg-flated
by Hart. Hart.
The fares The sufficient fares wilL will not provide prcvide sufficient
the operation operation and and maintenance of the the ?eople People revenue to pay for the .aintenance of revenue th responsibility responsibility of Mover and St of the the Association to :iation to it shall be th?
fares. funds in excess of of tho5e t)-osc funds provided by n excess funds provided y fares. provade all funds provide r.aint&in, repair repair and Q?CraZ the elevated eevated a-y to properly maintaIn, ntcessary operate the
trar.sit system accordance with the terns terms and andprovisions provisionscoinconith the tren.sit zystm £n naccom-dan:e tamed r. in the the Agreement. Ageencnt.
shall be be cragoing obligations obligationsClofthe theAssoziation Asoiaton shall AJ. of the foregoing All
thscharged vhen and and in in suoh manneras asthe the oard of Directors Directors of of uoh manner :hated vhen
the deterrine inin it it judgment judgnent to to be be approappro-al1 deternine the Association Assocaton shall priate.. priate
Scn 3.
Apoearanceand and eic-. Desicn. Any Any Owner Owner of of £xte-icr Apo'earance
Saction 3.
the Existing Existing Property Property (including (in:ludng in any building located on on the in the the buldinq locat&d Cndomirun, the Condoniniurn case of of aa Condominium, the CondorSniumAssociation), Association), vhich which ha5 has
the Architectural ufered damage. Architectural Review CcTtvittee Ccnvtttee suffered da.'rage.may mayapply apply to to the reconstructIon, rebuilding the for of reconstruct:on, rebuilding or or repair repair of of the for pproval pptova1 of
iron. Appiication pplication for auch Improvements therein or or thereon. such approual approval Improvements therein shall berr.ade r,.adelfln writing, writing, to9ether to9ether with with full fulland andconplete roplete olar.s plar.s shall be
aridspecfcau1ons. specfcatons. wcrkiric dr'ngs and and working draw:ngs andelevatona elevatonsaho.rinq showing the the
rucio and proposed and the the end end result resultthereof. thereof. The The AichArchiproposed rreonstruCt2On
teczura 'ecui-e.L Revie Ravie- Ccr1ttee Ccr-nite of conplton of coplnon
hali uch aligrant grant v!ch
pOroval only aporo;al only iff upon upon
the ill be the work or the exter:or exe::or appsarance apparance and and desagn desgn will the
:tantiaily t rhich ntaily !ieth !e that hch exsted ested pim of the oricr to to the the date date of casualty the u rou.dr Improve— casualty or orcornpatable compatble there—th rere-th or wath vth the Inprvrents. rents.
F ailure
:th'Jn rhn thIrty thirty
u[the uf the rch,:eczurai :ce.ctuLal Swvew See Cornittee Comnnttee to act to act
(30) days days after after recpt recet of of s:cn sucn request request (3O tuter wth ith the
hCL:ng the plot pl-n p&n shoL:ng a plot the full full ar,d an
complete nature of :ze ccriplee nature e proposi f
-rtng wrt1ng r.d
hanjes tha.zhanes
ronszttJte nst.tjte approval acrova1
4606 1244 :46O61244 tio If for repair upon thethe Associa— Lor reparfalls fa1s upon AociaIf the obligation Review Cozr_,ittee approval 'il1 Arr-tectura1 aeview eozittee approval reArchitectural il1 r.ot r.t ec re-
thereof. thereof, tSon,
quired prior totothe comrnertcentent of 'ich 'irhwork. irk. qured prior the comercnerit cf iris, ings.
Ovnersof ofany Section 4. Time damaged TimeLimitation. Uitation. Owners Section 4. any damagedbuild— build-
the Associaton andthe theArchitectural CorEunittee /rchiteotura1Review Associaton and eview Comxiittee
shall to proceed proceed with due dilignoe hereunder, be obligated obligated to with all all due diiene hercunder sha1 be and partyshall shallcorrjnence commence recontructIcri reconstruction within withifl arid the the responsible resporisib1 party
after the occurs (3) months months afte: the damage damage occurs three three (3)
and complete complete reconstrucreconstruetio- -thin tion withinerie one (1) year year after after damage damaqe oocur occurs unless unless prx-/erited prevented by by aus beyond control. theirreasonab'e reonabe control. beyen their
5. Creation pre— itonalAssociations. ofAdditonal Creation of snciatioris.As s prec terrp).atei that viously stated viously stated heren, heren, itftisisconternplate thetheDevelcper Oeveloper may that ray establish more additional additional associations associatiora('Neighborhood estabUoh one or more (Neighborhood Section Secti.cFi-1
Aociations, Associations, whichmay mayinolude include one one or or more more Master riasterCondominium Condominium
Asoc±ations). Inthe theevent eventthat that anyanyof of thethe Neighborhood Assocciation). In eig'.borhood Aociatior.s oiatior.sfail fail to to adeguttely adeq-utely naintain maintain the property property locates iecate within itMn area of maimtearc the the area rezpontbilfty of ofzuh maintenar.ce responsibility such socaaton, the cciation, the
Assiaton the right, right, but Asoniattcn shall hallhave h;ve the but not not the the obligation, obligation, to to rairitain intain such property and arid to to reme render a a Sperial Special Assessment Asesmentagainst aaint the OT1C: of the Uriit Units or ?ax-iels, Parcels, the th Owners of the of which .'ich are are members ibera of the Association failing to rriaintin maintain :ts .ts property. Neighborhood AsEociatiori property. Neighborhood A?.TICLE P.T1CL
Seton 1.l corvon cnon Px-ooerti.o. Prooerne. The shall peep The Assocation kssocatjcn shah )'eep bulirqa, other px-ovenert and buildings, other inprovenents andflxu:e fxtu:es located on the located on th I oS or or oatçe by Corcn red aa;nst aario. baa Popertiea fire or otner ober Co,r.rnonPropertes,nsured by fire all all
casualty forthe thefJ rll.nsurabe caualty for nsurabe replacenent a1ue thereof (wlth replacement value thereof (with escnable and may btao ]nsurar.ce icnaxlc d':ciuctbles) and oay obtan flsurar.ce acal flst such aant auch ether ctne hazards riazards and and cesuaites :he Assocat:ofl asasthe socat:n rthy -y deem deem desirdesirable, and and shab.l shal I cba.n cbtan oodansraic Common ocd inrane f the able. i he Coorncfl ?roperti€s ?roperti.s
rereininaagovernnerta-/ governnnta-/ de:qriated flood zone. -:gnaed flood zone, The TheAssocIation \ocation Tiay also nlso insure lnS any other other prooerty proprzy Lhthexay any whether zeal zeal or er personal, personal, one byby thetheAsccat:on o-ned Ascc1tlOn aart danae Qa:nst daac,ebh fre fbreand and rnch other other hazards as the ccc:at:cn ta;teen a5 :r.e eerdexiirahle, ccz:rn ray de51rahe th the theAszocaat:on a the the w:er ..:ier and teefz::a r'.' of ax-d renoitbar, cf aLn}1 :nnurance r 1,a:o for c- nd t.-icj on on
II. EC.AD G1245 1245 verage with suarce coverage with The rsurance Owners. The a].1 Owners. of itself nd all ts1f and behalf cf beh.1f 01. the name of. '.Irlttcra ix ir the e written respect to th the Ccrnrncn Coranon ?ropertC ?ropertCS sa11 shall e epct tc Association the Asscatie'fl payablt ce'. shall shall be payablt to, the thereof prCee thEre and the proceeds ad the
ontone hi.ndr shall require require jnsurors insurorstoto provide hundr ar. an eighty provi and ard shall (1) days (laD) days
to ntent.Lc to First of intention to First1ortgagees 1gagees cf written notice rctce to wriien
po11;e5. cancel or nct not renew the te policies. Cnce. or -cn
all be
Insurance proceeds shall be Irsuranc poCeed5
r rep1ement of the Assocaticfl for the for repairthe Cr rep1,cement of the used by by the the Asociatcr1 reai. used all inrance wwas carried. property or which carried. ?retiuIs for for all ich the th insurance prper'y fr
xperes inc1t.ed .5socaior bythe theAssoCittiofl. Aociatior. the the Cort-.nn Cornon Assessr.,nts Ases5rrt5 rad made by
insurance Comrmon Expenses included the hssociatior. are Crrr carried byy the ±suanC carried in
event th event in the ?rcrt'j. in section 2, 2. Rwlace,nent orRetair Rear off ?rooert?. p1acener1t or
Comor. Properties ?ert±eS, anypart partofo thehe c Corrutor. c darage tot or rdestruction ofc any the Association shall replace the thesame safle :o tro the the insurepar ororreplace ha1l repair 'e Asscit
vi.cris c! A'tcle X
sbject t
e pprovisSons of ArtIcle X ance proceeds available. subject to the ?rcces avai.le. an off this -.±s Decaratic'r. Declaration.
Section 33. Se
taiVr O Subrocation Subrcatic.. WaiVer c'
c policy of A ec policy As to each
insurance rantained by Association not be be voj.ed vosded aticm which which will iiU no: -u-&nce rar.taird by the :e As or impaired thereby, the the /5sociatiOn hereby '.Faive waives ard and releases releases pared thereby,
st.i he5y
the Marageient O,.7nes, the all ManagetientCopariy. Oopany. the Board, thee Owners, 11 claims claims orinst
c eh of
he an eployees p1yee of each of the ager, eants, agents eveoper, and dthe and tie tenants,
reg4ng wt) ethrespect reect to foregoing
uh insurance. ir.ua1ce. cvered by by such anyyloss 1os covered
neçiee o
c.ed by whether or .'iot not caused by neqlience of or ethe
y said p-on, 5ut
by said parson, but oniy to
re are
a-by agreement agreerrteflt breach of c1 any
the extent extent that
rsut-e prcecs
rsurance proceeds
received in conpensaflofl torr such such loss, loss -eceved n coopens.. Ir.ure. 4. Section 4. Liability and other Insurance. Sect
av ad Oth
: -ave te poser to
shall si11 have the
The hsscciation The
h1 otar :crnpreherve public
and ar.d shall obtain comprehensive public
rLcC.t ô no1jthn5rncoaca 1 pyet5 ondalicao, insuring ha11deei. de..derirable, det-e, Lisung such 1,ntts asas tt shall n such
rprt dage rect toto A5oca r :th respect ar:huto froflt or -:ric frr thethe act.'tes off the Associat:o: :r.irj.
ie.h arand property daagt against ab;ity torr bodily :nDurt death cjans iabi2ty t-e
J'er t5 jLI1.
ifil oab1 c1: roperty under :ts jur:sdcZ1on. includ;ng, Qbtanble, aa
c-s :b1ty rsee
ah D'-ner açazst aast 1ibiity :n5i cross l:ab:lty endorsrnet :nsurng each liabUity hssoclatonZ1 nd vice versa. The The vice versa. tE ,553C'ZiCfl and d to the rarc arid ad -.o-cr comot:at1on insuranca at1ci ray iay aso cbta:n -.orkor Assoc ocatic
to each e..5Ch
other O'ner :er Orit
cpt1cri n
abi. )nsurinq r.urirg each desrabie. each ray deem Ce ecto:5£1:d a:d he anajeent .cCtC5 ç:fl?a rd cf :r
ctner c-e: 1 arsty 3nsurn:e as D'-'rer-d and the .soc
[ :os124s &1 :o61243 with the Ccnpany, from froio liability labiUty in in connection cton '.ith the CorLnon CO-non Properties Coipar.y, Properties,
premiumfor for 'hci hic shall be be a Common and included included in in shall a Comnon Expense Expense and thc the Ccmrion CorjnonAs Asssessments esent made madeagainst againstthe theOwners. Owners. All thurance All inMirance pOlicies shall policies shallbe. be. reviewed reviewedatatiea..: leaLtannually annuaLlybyy the theBoard Board Q: the
ts increased t>irectcr and the irectcrs mjts increased the irti
or or decreased decreased an Cizcren its it discretiori. The tion. such errors errors an omissions Boardmay myaLso alsoobtain obtait such The Board crn55lons insurJl5U arice, indemnity indenniy bords, as it it ance, insurance aa bonds,fidelity fidelity bonds bondsarid and other insurance derrr. advisable, insuring irisurix-; theBoard Board and and the thebanagement deems advisable, the anagenentCompany Company
against any against n,yUabiJ.:ty Liabu:ty for any any art at or or onission omission in in car;yiri carryinq out Out their their obligations obliatons hereunder, resulting from frorn their theirrnenthershi nemership hcrcur.äer, or ,r resulting en the Board Board or or any any orkattee cn the rrrttee thereof. thereof.
Section S. iohorhood MsOation Sactior. S. AôtiaticriInsurance. Insurance.
oer, at
The DevelDevel-
oper, at the the trre ti ofofthe AssoCiat1Or thecreation creation of of aa Nei;bbcrhood Nel ct-od Aooiatiari,
Neghorhocd Netghorhood Assocation socaton shalt shalt obtain obtain roerty rerty and and casualty casualty insirance ir.srance on o all Units and all Units verrec a-id ?arcels ?arcels governed Association; and arid iff the suc- Neiçhbcrhood byy such irhcod Association; the Developer t)eveloper so so elects, elects, such insurance such be ppurchassd by the the re.chor1-ico uranco shall shall be s-chased by Association Nechorhoo Association zhrou;h aa Master through Master Policy ?ocy covering coveringeech each Unit Unit or or Parcel ?arcel or. on the island id against damage by byfire fire or against loso os orordarr.age or other the hazards hazarde covered by by may datermine d.aterminethat that such suth may
a standard a tandad extended axtendd coverage coverage pcUcy poUcy and and flood nurce; proproflood imurnce
vied, ho-dever, ho-ever. that vided, thateach each
tondomniur isexcepted excepted oro.niurrAssocatior. Asc.atic.n is
from i-can this reçiirement, but shall this req'.iirement shall
have the rscjht richt thrcuçh the Board have the through the oard
cf Directors of irectors oo the the Condominium to have have the common o-ndcminiunAtsOcation AcsOctcn to corunon eements of its Unit eements Unit Oynnrs Ovnr!rs covered covered by of its by the ?olicy, in the iaster aster Policy, in their the event djscreton, in their discretci. iri the verit that the Developer Developerdoes doescs-eate create
Lctorr to 9hhod A oatontto,,&1rtan rtan a
one c,m
nsrance for slarid, the the insurance ;sxEnd, for such portionsof ofthe the Iiand I1and shall ueh po-tons shall
oovered by by oovered
be b
the the a2roriate priate
proviscia provisionsofof he of heDccl-atann De-n of
Coridonjn-m a: Condo,inum or the the Deciarton of of Coveants Covants, tôndons Conditions aid and
ccrde çainSt recorded againstsuch schportc portionofof the the lzicnd. 1lorid. The oarJ however, however, in n the the event Cvent that that itt determines, deterrunes n ts sole in ts ch aassoc,atons judgment, that that any ugrnent, of such nar,taininnginadequate any of octons .zs natnta inadequate
Sestr:ctl ons
:n!urarirecoverage coverageorforthethe prc2eresrantained ra.rtar, bybysuch :nsuranre propcrtes such asoci— associaeon.rny nayobta:n obtari appreprate o-ag and a:on. thethe approprIate coverage and assess asse the the owners D'ners
such aisocatc assocataon,-'th th :her thurpro—rata ro-raa rf t}-e pr:ur. lot or s:h cn:e of the p:e:ut :h nsurtrce u-- cc.enq. ,.
are ,nehers her
cf cf
allor orary any etiietor of of al azr.e to or destriJeton
?operties shali Properties shaU
handed be handed be
ror. portionof0fththe tocn
notwithin manner, notwithth the the fcllowng fUoir.q r'aner1
thss the event event oof the
Decitration to the contrary; of this Derlaration standing standing any any proviston provisionsof
(a) (a)
In 1r
e5trurticz of damaçe to or or destruction of the the amae to
Coxnon if the the insurance proceeds proceeds are ace sufficient Coorron Properties, Properties1 if
to effect total
the Association Aociation shall to effect total restratior., then the shall st-ration1 then corstructcause such uh Ccm'r.c'n cause Comir.onProperties Propertiestotobeberepaired repairedarid and reronstruct—
ad ed substantially ubsa ialy as as it it praviously previous'yexisted, existed, (b} (b }
If if
total total effect efe
sucient to insuranee t-.e insuraflee prcee pr*ceed& are are insufficient to t
the ten the
rro-i Properties, Properties.. then restoration restoration to to the the Coron
cause such Conmon Conon Properties to he..-epairbe_repairAcsociaticn shalt ?roperties to shall Association previously existed existed bstanta1ly as a it p-e'Jicusly reconstructed substantially :entcted rd cceecs and difference between between the the irisurarice insurance proceeds nd the and the the difference
ed aar
ssesrnent be levied Levied as as aa Rernstruction R cns'tructicnh,sessrnent actual cost cost shfl be
against Owners. in a'cordarce accordarce .ith with t-eir their assessassfls— the Or.ers a9ainst each of the i.ii this nent set forth forth ths eclaraicn. eclaratcn. abiities a asset merit liabflities
(0) (0)
ach Ovrier shall be be Each Oter shall
for the Assc.cit Associaton fOr liable liable to to the
theCorrJnon ComOn Properties any dana;e :o to the Propertiesnot not fuly fuly covered by by any daiage of the the collected insurance insurancewhich vhichmay may be be sustained sustaned yy reason of collected
or of of his hs Owner or said Ciwer wijifulrsscnduct misconduct of said regnce ororvlful regligence aduLt. gueztsand and nvitees, arid adult. nvitees. both bQth minor ninor and family. tenants, ges Notwithstanding theforegoing. fcre9oing, the the Assocaton Assoc:aton c.twhariding the
eserves the serve the
equal to to the Ovner aa Special Assessroent such Owner Assessment equal to charge charge such ricurarce prernun priun drectly any, in directlyattr attribin the the incuroflCe ii afly, increase. iricrease. if r:ght
in the ..ase ase of ifl the Owners suc2 Owners o'nerSiUpof of a unit, the the labii'y liabiUty orf suci jorit jont cnershp
utable to the
dmage causedbybysuch suchO-'ner. Owner, dage caused a
several The 'the of correcting of c-rrectng Such such an several joint and shall be ont Ehal! be 1szernent aq:nst aqinst the the Unit Unt or b aa Spe;a1 or Se;a Asseosment be 11 dane shall danage s-t
as prov,ded pro'.ided collected as &arrei and toy be collected y be &arceJ. cci-
azassrtents. aasrteits. o lecnon of
herein he-ein for for
the the
XI /-.CLE Xt
lcin; proviion folowing provisions
flercin t p:otct t protact are forth forth )-ero!n are set s
!iort;agees ort;agees and and to to the theextent etcrt they theyoonllic ecrflctt
with any with anycother ther proviprovi-
shall control: these provisions p visions shall sions tht Decl-atAon,. DeclaratAon these siôris o5 of th
encumbering any eachFirst First Mortgagee of aa Mortgat (a) Mortgagee of Mortgat encumbering any a) each
entitled to Unit Or Parcel, Parcel, at athis his rtteri ntten reqiest request, ss entitled Unit or 'y written notification from the .ssoeiaticn Association of of any any default default by notification from
Faroel Lessee Lescc in the Unit Owner or Farrel in the the perfornance performance of of such such this under this obligations under Lessees' obliqations Cr Parcel Lcsees' or Parce
Unit C.ners' GLnerz
ssociof th rLcorporaticr of Declaration, the Art5cle5 Articles of the Associ— of Incorporation Dec1araticn .s y-Las cf of the the Associatio:i.. which default default is tio the Association, which theEy-Laws ti oror
sscciat1On after the the Association days after (30) days .tith!n thirty thirty (30) not Urtd 'ith±n not cured learns 1earn of such default;
t;ages upo Moz-tgageeo holding holding M (b) Mort;agoz upon unlessaLl all First Mortgagees (b) unless
irt Mortgagee Parcels and and at at 1est leasttwo-thirde to-thrds (2/3rds) Mortgagees (2/3rds) of of First
holding Mortgagescron Lnit Units (aeed (basedupon uponone one vote vote for for aach each holding rcrtgages
hodng emher Nortggt owned), and hodingat at Least Least twotwo— and Voting Votrg teröcrs rtgage c.rned). thirds (2/3rds)of ofthe thevotes votesof ofVct-g Vot5ng Merbersof ofthe theAsac>Asso— thiro (2/3rd.) ?er.bers neither ovl neither have gven given thr pri prior wrttn iptoval, nation, their crvrtteri ei.ation, hava
the Asociat1cfl Asociat1on nor the Owners Owners shall shalL nr the artibyy act act or or omisson onsion seek seek to to azndon, aanon. parti-
sub-divide, tion sub—dxvide, tion,
sell sell
transfer the the Common Couton ProperProperor transfer
ties and the the Irprovernentt Irprovrnento thereon therecn hich hich are are owned owned by ties and of easenent C erron for utiliutiliraritirig of the Associat On the for the crAntng the Associatron th the the other purposes purposescônsictent cônsttent ith tuch other for such tes or for
antended use of of such soc2aton ation or or the the suchproperty property by by the the .nsoca ntnded use
Developer or or th the trafer transfer Coon Fropertes properties to c.fcEthetheCmCn
th Owners ssoc tiO Of of the Owners in in accordance acrdanc s:1at slr'lar association
another another
cf the es cc Thcorpora.on rtces poc'n of the Associatcn Asociatcn :nc :th jth the hCtC1 ce deecd deecd aa transter tenser :th,n t)in the the rean1ng neaning of of shall shall nt Ce th clause ts clause): 2)
change th ,ethod thod of of Ch.Oe th
cb..iUeterrting the cbbet&rnnng the
es:nnts, de other charges ceo whch cat1ons. aasres:nnts, cataons. dues or or other hc niay niay
c:4o6 f46O6rc1249 1249 be be
levied leViedagainst againstaaUnit Unitor or aa Paroel Parcel except except a5 as provided provided
herein with r-espeot respect to Units or or Parcels; Parcels; heteth with to futur. Units
(3} (3}
change waive waiveororabandon aaron by act or otisflon change,
y at or oissOn
thereof, er.fcrcment thercof, reulat1or., orr snforcement any of reculatior.s, scheme of a-y scheme
pertaining totaae t2e architect'ural architeCt\1rl dei;n dir oror thethe cteror tetior pertaining to ith-n the sting Property; the £i Existing Property; ppcaraflCeof of property property jithin tppearance extendedinsurance insurance rnailtaiflfire Lirearid ande,ter.ded fail totornairtaifl as Properties Corr.rrior Properties as the Common portions of of the srble portions insurable
4) (4)
provided herein; or (5)
for losses losses to procec use hazard inurnot instrance procds for to
ue baar
any Co,tton ConTon P-cperties Properties any
rethe repair, for other other than than the repair Xe—
reconstruction such lmprovertents O± lmprcverne,ts: larement or recntrUCOfl ortajeesand andholders. holders,insurors .nsurorsand ad guaranuaran— (C) First tortaecs havethe theright -ighttotoexaztne ex-e tots shall have tots of ofFirst Ftst Mortgages !'lortgaes shall arid tbe;ccf, and a.erid..ients thereof, 1d,ng all ajnen&cnts Founding DocefltS, iincluding Eoundin Docu.-entS, ssOciatiDnduring during norral of the theAssociation the books and reiotds of and reoords the books busincs5 bisine5 hours; hours; have registered registered their thair ho have all First Frst MortgageeS who (d) all (i) thrty th:rty {O) (30) jith the shall be be gven givtn (i) the AssoCiatIOn Association shall n&es riaes with of any any date of etfectve date the effectve days! written written notice noticeprior prior too the days the eclaration or proposed, nateral aten&nent or the to this this Declaration arentent to proposed, rraterial -d Sy-E.awSofofthe theAssociation Association and ArtiCles ofincorporation inccrporatri or By-Laws Articles of ninaticn of to the theeffeOti'Je effective date dateof o any any termination of any any agreeagreeprior to prior of the ?:opetties, rient forprofe5onal professoralnanageer.t tanageer.t of the Conrnor ?roptrties. nen for naenent CoTtdeterne totoobtain should Developer deterrafle obtain a a ianaernent Connshould the the Dvelcpe
pany any Cornon Coion
rrei5tP rotice notice ii) h,meiate
the any dartage any danae toto the recQnsttuctiofl cot5 of of reconstruction costs
followno follcwno
the wherever the Froprtie5 whenever Prcprtie5
ad as as soc.j. (i0O.0oCL and (OO.00C) theatened ccnernriat ccr eriratcnonproceedtheBoard Board Learns Learns of proceed— of nynythreatened s the any pertnn of or protosed acq'..nsi.tion acJsition of of any port. of the theCoror Co,on or prcposcd rancella— pse, ranc&1laany iapse. ondatenotice ntce of of any in) :nedate P rope rties. (i: ?ropertses. o1ars One hundred Hund red Thousand exes Ci-ie 7huand ollars exzeeds
s ns
pol:ry or or uranc pol:ry d:ctcn of ay nzurance cr rateral ,'on 1or1 Cr rateral ,odf:CtCn of ay rd, upon upon the \ocaton; aton; and, bond rataned fidelity ond rantA2 ned byy the ?.ssisttOn's fanancial fancial te ?.ssociation's t?ue Coj.y CO?y of the requet. tUe -r:tten -rtten requeZt. O
teiypreceirg for t:e nmeaateiy preceding year. year.
4bu6 1250 :P:46u6 1250 pay jOnt1y orr singtlar2.y. rtgaee5 may. -iay. jOnt1y First ortgagees E-s deauLt ar taxes .,hjchare are Ti n default and .thich jhich ray or other chargeS rhareS 'jc taxeS Cor other Cointon any porti portion off the Cotuton cft4ae against against any have b2come become aa eharce nst-pre hazard nsur— 'e:- premiums ray py payany any overdu: c:n hazard Frcpertie5 aan may Properties haz.adirt,urance 1turance coverace covrage on or secure nev hazard ere rie ance pelicies, or suchproperty.. property,arid andFirst First erttfor auth pc1cy, for apse o of •a policy, th the apze r.rediate rcogaçees owed irredi ate rci7fl— a11be b owed aees making akng such ?arneAtS ?lrts shall (e)
5urse,ent her rent thereof
frort the AocLat-on. Associ anon. cn c-ic
rd.nent. SectLcr. 1. ncroachnents. ectcn 1.
if a) If )
aiy .cn off the CctorL amy pt!on
and. the :sand, of the ot.or oT any other other pornon upon any caches uor ?rroertiet encroaches Cor.rncri en:ciaehe upcn ..iperi the (5) any othcr I.san encroaches the Coron other portion portion of of the the IsLand ereater occur ha11 ;tereafter Properties or Cr (C) Occur as as aa (c) any any encroachtent enc:oachent Shall ?:cprties pvererit; other :provement; (i) construction contructiCn of of any arybuildin bucn or or ot-er resuLt of (1) resuLt of
uUding or o- other other :provertent; :rpvererit; (ii) or shifting shiting of of a abuilding (ii) setttir-g settlir-g or .rtieSor orany anç the Coron Conon roperties (Ui) or repaa.r repairtO to the (fi..)any any alteratIon a1te-ation or any any repair restoration of of any any repair oor restoration Is1and the Island other ?rtion oof the other po-tion theCo-ron Co-.on Properties ?ropeOties rtp'enerit Or or any any of building or other other''enent 0! the build:rig or by corideriricaua1ty takin fireor erother othe casua'ty aft,r darrtaoe or or any taking by condemn— rae by at'r y fire dorin proceedings cit a1 or any portion of any aton of all ation or or eminent e nerit doain
?rcportie. then, then. 5uatdin, 1rrrovernents orportion portionofof the the Coriron Coron ?roperties. lprovernents Cr shall ex:s suchen— ensenert shall ex:rfor forsuch vaird easement uh everit, event, aa vai:d in any orly such the efthe thesame soe so long orig as the rroacent orthe thenantenance raintenarice of ::achrietand and for at.i-o ouoi-g zcid cac-nent -iall ta-ii. o
ects 2 .?pes. Fes. 4res cts.
Section Section 2.
o-.uts, Cables, Cor.uts. Cable:,
Etc. ach achporton çrtOn of of the Uitv ires, Utty Lines,Etr. :?
rublic ub)ic
!sla:.d shall hvc have an an Ila.d sha!
ese,man— other porticnz thereof to ouse, rnarin coton wth all other port 20n3 thereof
eare-.t aerentin con.-on
op.ace allallppe, verits ace p:oes,-res, nres,ducts, durts, vents, 1fer and and rc-pI rain, repair, t!fl, repr, alter
and !n't- an cb1es, ti:v !:ns rit, t:Ii:i,. :aoes, cond:t,
or rcated rCatecfacilit1es facitle5 such portioo c:;d sern such pOrtioO thereof. threof. Each E cI::cated the Island and ;;d serv;n L:ca:ed on on the the sar.d to an an easement fvorooff ihject to esrerr nn fevor ar.dshl.]. rhl]. hehe uhject oo:-t:on of the alterarid and all other tzeof to tose. e, ant2n, n:in, rep:r. repa:r.alter r: ocrt:Qn5 zc:ton thereof OeO -UreS, -:rt5 ;.ZO. vents. cc -en cahscr.-:tr.. condu:ts, eti..Lty i.tIl:ty Z:e Zrpe, tne ?H.i
46O5 rc1251
other ainiar or related fcilities fcilitie located or related oratedininsuch such
'ra apand other sirnlar 1'fl25 of portion of portion
the Island IsLand and the and serving serving other other portions thereof.
Section 3. Construction C ?d Section 3. trutio d Sales. 5le.s.
The TheDeveloper, Developer,
essees (and Parcel ar;el essees (and its its and and their theirager ager and suppliers) suppli crs)shall sa1l have cc-itractora ana en;lryee5. ?Yee contractors subcontractors
Builder, and patin9 Builders and pating
an easement of of ingress an eerr.enz gress and and egress egress over over and across the the Cccn Conon nd across Pce-ts fr ?rcperties
con5tructon purposes ononthe Poperty and for construction purposes theExiatang Existing Property
to the Existing all all adfltjons aditions to E>i:ing Property, scid after after approva. Property, and approvaL byy Developer) to to erect Developer) erect,naintan aintain,repair repairarid an teplace, replace, from from tre to to LI-ic
Prcpertes for the purpose u-po.e Properties rc'r the _' zfng th _dvertizg sa.e or o th saLe lease of lease of Units Units or or Parcei.s Parce's arid and for for the the cperaton off aiy riitted bsne cnterpr:se C cperaton conta:ned i.-i in any e-p:5e conta:ne any iy pernitted pcon ofofany ?arceia. Whether anyofof the the Parcels. Whether or or rot are iot any ny additions itions are portion nade to the the Existing made to xistng Property, ?rcpety, Developer velope- shall shall have the the continu— coitinuone or one or
on the more signs on the CcirJDn Cor on more signs
mc right to develop lands on cm the the Island, Ilamd and siall irg right to develop all all Land, shall retai-i retain
and/or be ar.d/or be
granted all granted afl the thenecessary necessary easerie-1t easenent to to allo t to to ..t
development of theeriire entire Isla.-id. Island.
contir.ue with the the develcpmemt of the contire with
all all Or any any part o the the Concn c-mcn Pr:perties Pr:perties shall be e ta1-en ccri-.'eyed dyby thethe EcaTd -yen (or car ccnveye Boardi inlieu lieuofofand andunde underthreat threat of a Wnenever e.-iever
rcer-naric: ny authority authcrity having thepower powerofofcondemnation ccnder.naticn) byy r.y havi n9 the condenatiori or ra'z-i the Or en.inent the Board of Directors ne-it dran, Board of Directors of of te t-ieAsociaton Asociton shall nctce thereof thereof to to all all C'ners sha.l provide provide notce Owners and and First E-st Mortgagees Mortga9ees have naveprovided provided the the Board th their their names names and arid addresses adth-esses.- The The award madefor fi a-d nade a-:rgbethall b thepayable tain; shall payle to ?.sso:iat,on t to aoaton to' who0
ee aeo ac oea as
- ..ay-g the peron ofofthe -a)ng nvolve a pertaon the
Ct-non P-ppertes on On nor P:-oer:es
nrovenents have beei bee Constructed CSrctec, then proveents the Assocation -e the sccton shall restore or reraoe repact s-ch ch r.Drovtents shall -eatore va1ets so io' taIen on the re,j:n— ands '--cd rnrod Cor-rn ?rcpertaes, rcert1es to to the C:ron the extent exze'z lands lands rere a.aiable a.aialie tnerefcre. a:rcance with :cordance with tian plans apro'ed proved by by the the oard retOrss the Aoc:at:on. Acc:cn. :1: f the takrg cad of Drectsr tar does not does not
:n.rY.Ye any ay
c z:-e t:-e :e;s of
rn Z;r--.on .'-.c.n r: rrcpcre.? or
e oard the oa:d of s::;c.-c-e,des ::-.;-.- er.rea rot rot to tornae rnae ac: re:a:rs or :
46O6U252 U252 46O6 such ariy such after any fends thereareare fdsreainin; reain after cr if if there restcratiO5 or restorations, crmp1eted,.then then such suchaward aa! repair, rcp1acemert isscompleted. retoratiori.ororreplacement repair,. restoration, and uzed used the As5ociation Aciation and shall be be retained retained by by the or funds renaining reainng shill scCiattO ectc-r o :5 he for purposes az as the the Bo&r Board ef of 'ti,ectrs the tsociat.C ch purposes fr such shall determine. shall determine.
GNEAL NEkL PROVISICNS the Articles Articles of Declaration the of thiSDeclaration, nfrcerit This Section Sectic.r. 2.. Enforceent cnforced by by the the Association Acciatic'n sy be b cnforcsd ;ncorporatlon and the cDroratiOfl arid the Ey-aws nay as followsr follcws reac (a) (a) Breach
of of any any of
the contained in in the the the covenants cvennts contained
f any such Declaration tht Ey-Lavs the continuation or the continivaticr. of y-a.'s or ec1aratiori or or the
appropriate or remedied remedied byy appropriate breach ray be be Cenoincd ate or oined, abated breach may cciatiori or legal proceedingsbybythe the Develcper Developer the the Ascciation or the legal proecdir.cs nd itvelcper .na the Developer succe ors—jn-intereSt of successDrs-in-terest o the
-ie Association. Association. the
anyactier. action or or pn-cceedng proceeding pursuant pursuant judgmentrendered renderedin in any Any judgment Any attcr-ney& 5Un for for attorneys hereto shall include a sum iriclude a hereto shall
fees, in such fees, in such
the reasonable. az aount as the as well well as as the the Court Court ity iy deem reasonable, ot as costa of interest thereDn of any any delinquent delinqent paymcnt &ount of paent. ir.terest thereon costs of collection collectIon and court costs.
of any of The rezu.,t result ofofevery everyact aOtororonxssion orr.ssonwhereby whe-by any (5) The (5) By-La the By-Laws covenants contained covenants contained in in tY,i this ec1araticr. teclaraticr or the
to be be pa!tisishereby hereby deca-red deoared t or inn part allowed by by aw law nuisance nuisance and and every every renedy remedy allowc
ho1e or are violated in uhole are violated and constitutes a and
pubilo or Cr pfl— prito nuisances. ntflsances. eIther e.ther public or eçuity Cr equity with with respect resptct to Deviby the the Devcl— an ray execsed by naybe be exercised applCablc an vate. shall shall be b a2plicablc vte. oper or or oper
the Asôcacn ororthin their succcssor succaso-ni-ntere5t. -in—inte rest. th AsoeiatSon
o the the reree5 breach of or breach hereinprovdcd provided for edie5 tercin fly-Laws n theay-Laws aton or hia covenants contained thisecLeclrat:on or ntbe n in Covenants contar.ed
() ()
shall shall
he ;he
n and and rne r-e of o be deemed deened cunjLatfle.
-ede5 shi1i such shal suc-i xr,\edies
be exclusive. be deerned deed eXC1usVe.
of alure of the Assocation Aasoclaton to to enIorce enorce any any of of thc The The fadjre or nn the the Sy-taws 2y-aws covenantscDntoined .ontncd :ni Jus Dec1araton Declarat.n or th :n t)ns t covenants enforce the the o the right rht totoer.crce shal notccntit_te cont±tute a -a; aver of the shall 1not (d) d)
sane t?ereefter
the covenants, covenants.conditions conditc-.s or or restric— re5tricbreai oof the (e) A breach (e) tior.s containedininthis this ee.aratjon DearatiOfl or in the By-Laws shall tjc'r.s cortaired
ipair affeot or not affect or itpair
the lien the lien
r ohar;e n.jflcrt;z;t rt;z; made or char;eo.of ny tde
ny Unit 1.Thtoror?rcel, ?ioel;provided, pvLded, ;o: for value value on fth ;nd nd for on any ;c:. f±th
bowever, however,
that that
or Q',nr or tfms&cuentUnit tinit Owner any subs&cuent any
rcL euent Parcel subse4ènt
sucli Owner' Lassee shall be bound said covenants,whether whether such Owners Lsee ball be bcu:-id by by said ccvenarits, possession was was acqtired acquired by foreolosure title to possession foreclosure riçht to or right title or oterwi5e. sale sale or otherwise
any one of these invalidation oof any SeverabilitY. - 1nva1iation Section Sotion 22- Severability. ny part cc r.anrs ctOn or or ny part ther thereofby by judent judent or Cr oror rcstrctin' a-..ts
whiob court shall wayaffeCt affect any any other other provion, provision, which .ourt crder crdr shall ininrionoway
has not shall n full and effect. The The ?srciatIor ssociatio has not force ar1d full force itshall rerain
oriun Statutes and
been forredunder ander the the tondoSniu.' Statutes and ., bri fornd rnir.ium association. nfniw. asociat.Qr1.
ccnot aa ccnc,—
eides jursdicticn decide5 a ocurt court of of conpetent cotpttent jurisdicticn
illegal controL control ofo O5tite illegal hereof constitute that crtuin that certainprovisions provii0flS he-eof conflict a-id are are in in confUot As ciatiofl and tie Association by the condominW assOciatiOn5 by
rriinurn Statutes, Statutes such vith such provisions prcvis5ons hereof hereof as as the Florida Flocia CCondominiu' vith the
atcn to the court derns dews would cause the the A5oiation tobe begcve:-ied gove:ned by by the the would cause the court
-Ll be be invalidazed condomniu law inva1idate b but av hfll
ton shal invalidation shafl sich suoh in
full shallre.ain rnain inn full anyother otherprovSstn provi-onwch 'ohshall n affect any ir nono ayayaffect fcrceand andeffect. efet. force
arendner.t provisions povJs±ons the anendier.t to the Svject to Zer. Subject thecovenants covenantsand andrcstric.i.cns restrictions of of ths this Dcclration Declorationshall ha1l erecf, the hereof, covered hereby, hereby,and and shall shall inure run with and andbind bindthe the prcpetie5 prcpcties covered ur. with the enforceab'e by of and and bbe enforceable by the theAssociatiori Association, the benefit of to the beiefit to the term for nd as5lgns, sagns spectie SUCCeSSOrS Developer andthe the respective successors 3nd for a term Devecper and J. Section ecticn 3.
ninety (90)years years fr the dae thiDeclacaton t sDclarataon sisrecorded, th date frzrri riety (9O nent reerad covenants. ccv nants.conthConZ, cnlcnZ, eaeents, after which reser:re sad .ch t:ne
of of
t2ons oo ;cns
shail r triction shall easernent, ervtudeS and and restrictions easenent. e euitble servftudes
(IC) pehods of of ten ten (IC) percids Vtiri of the the Voting apr>e byby 1C ent. approved un2ess anan nstrur,ent. 1C0 of
be autrtcaly
cessor be ajtoatcally extended xtedd for for ucessor Years,
oreS hashsbeen of EThrst :ortgaees. acunt of been ad //5% Onn dollar ancurt •:E;ers and othermanner manneif cevo.edininany anyother covenants.If revo',ed vo:ng sa: covcnant. recorded -corded revo:ng ny portion portion of ope:te rr'-- any of the ovnst.tthecorn.on ccn ?rope:tez evelCpe o_ns -'.e eveioper _t;lie
hal re-an Co, Prcoc:::es shaU renan;n nDeveloper Deveoor to te CtnO of p:'ent use uso of to ;o e:ec:ect ct zarncadts iestr prevent ha e :ee:ee a:'dreveicpe tevcp thE t.te
:46O6 1254 Ot46Q6r11 alt all or any portQn or any ortori thereor. thereof. No No prescriptive prescriptive rights rights shall shallhe e established established regardless regardless of of the the r.atureorordurat durationof ofuse use of of the the Corrunon Properties any Forton thereof. thereof. Cormnon Properties or or any ptx-tion
;i 4.
mJOents.This ;t1n 4. Xenents. enñCd by ThisNolaration Dc1arationmay nay be be aoeed y
the Association Assoiation (i) (.) by the by the the affrmat1ve afflnnative vote vote or or vrittert consent of of r-ittCn consent all Voting Nenhers Nethers a-d nd thrwritten all Vetirig thrwritten oor
consent onsert of the the Class Mer7ther; las CC Merther: (ii by firroative vote thethe C1a (ii) by the the affirmative voteofof C1as C C !crrber !erer alone; alone;
nrovded, hc.evar, erovided, however, that that no ro aent annemt shall pernitted whichhas has shall be be perritted wh11-i aa material material adverse adverseeffect effect upon uponrichts richtsofof the theDeveloper Devele
or aa First First or eveto;er or such evetcer cr such
Nrrtqaee .i.ithout t Nrrtqanee itEout tht
prior writea Tritenconsent Onocmt cof First Mortgagee, .ortgagee. as as appropriate. Nothit First appropriate Nothittg contained contained herein herein shall shall the right ect the -iht of the Developer Devlcper to ifect of the tomake make such such amendments by erdnents by
Supplemental Declarations Supplzental Dccla-aticns as as
he he
e p:nitted herein.
othervi.s be permitted herein. may otherwise
This Section 4 4 nay This Section not be be anended anended may not
5.. No No Pubflc Public Riht Riht or orDedication. Dedication.Nothiflg thi-gcontain— contaInth s Declaratio, this ec ration shall be Sc deened deernedtotobe heaagift giftor or dedication dedication
r. of alloo of all
any part part of of the Coron Properties Properti any
any public p.:blc any
use. use.
the oror.
Seotior. Seotior.
6. 6.
ttothe thepublic, public. or ot for for
Ccnstruotve Notice Construotve NoticeandandCceota.rc, cetnce. Every avery
i.oowns, o-ris, occupies upes or acç-uires a.-ly ho or acçires anyr.;ht. right.ile, ttle,estate estate or or inte-est inn or or to to arty any Unit or c- Parcel or other portion porton of interest of the the :sand sland shall shall be be concusively to have have econsented olusively deemed dmed to and agreed agreed seted and to every easeent reservator., every lmitaticn, ILmitation. restriCtior, restrcton easement, eservat:or, Londi— condi.-
ersen person
any r-cnce
tiomand andcovenants covena-tscor.tained ccr.tairid bere-, ton herer,..hther hother or or not not any refereoc
b:eto is is contained inin hehe ntrurnent >iereto contained which such at— rstrurrent by which suoh person person anan interest In such Un:t or Parcelororct.erprcperty, ;-.redanntrst n suhUnzcrParccl other property. 43 ecton ecton 7. WA?NTiE$ 4DE?flSENTTION ErNç O' OWA E?RESENNr:$, NO NO P,RPE$rN7,
,rc-;-C) WITh :.tcT,CN WITh A.'Y k,rf ?OT3ON G' OF
Sc iiic.i.uv A) AS SCI1ICALLY .EY?RESSLY SET yos:n iNT€:s E?RESSL'' S.T TSCLASAT1)N ICL,O cj O (E) AS ;.s OTHERWISE o-ERw -;c,
EXCE?T xcp-r
r 4695 1255 ftY:4696 125
Section ieztj 8. Peveiooer!s RthttotoDevte Devatefrom from Develotment Eevloer!s R:t Develrient
elan. ot.ithstandthg anythir Pian. Notwithstanding anythn9 tontaied rtaired in in this tii Declaration eclaraicn to the contrary contrsy Developer the eveloper shall j shall hr.e the the rjc-t richt in in its sola scla cretjon change the the general ctIon Zctoc-iange vlpnt Plan general evt1oprnent Plan off the tte I%lan Island and and nopromises proe :ogardng ocleton ofof the no rcgarding the the completion the developrnet ev opent oof tIsland, whether t- IslandS -iethe: as a set %etforth forth in in the the bevel eve1optert it Plan or or in ner Plan
any other zanner. eveloper nay, canner, eveloper may, in in its cease sretion, cease it solele discretion, any other to to :d propertiestotothis thisDecaratlon Declaz-atonand a properties ndray nay determine tern1ne in its it 501e sole dLsoretaor. d..scretor. to to c'ange c'Aflge the the tes usest towh'.ch which the Property shaH be the ?rope-ty hal be puc. p
uth ority of Authority ofAsocia'ton. Asociaton. The shall :i- Association oocion rball have power to havethe theabsolute aclute power to veto veto all all act:rs aton orprorosed or p-cosed t:on
Secticn Section 9
of c
any Cn:n As sociati y Conomin:um and/or otherasooCiat:on if cbcn on an/oanyany other an
rl: of
r atior.concludes concludes that the !cciaticn that the result of such suo-. acno acon or the Arsoci
ooposedaction actionwould Lo..d a'e-eiy affect adversely affect the tt-g ?rops-ty. sting Property, and and cciaton nay c otherse the erse prchibt theAAs5ociation tayenjoin enjoinorCr prohibit ip1er.entat±o pletat±on any zuch attion Or or proposeri ch action of a.ny ovded that action; provided that the the Aoc:aAssoc:pro posed aCtOn: ticn the power tcn atl aJlnot not have ha.e the c'et- too veto Veto any ay action oodocticn by by an/condo— caoion. i.fif such z::llum azsocation. such a veto veto would usurp the ce:s the ou1d urp 'the ..e:s of ci the proposed
or t
concniun atoction
unit owners or the direotor retcrs co tht- condorir.iun assocition unit owners reired theflorida fl.oz-idaCor,domiri-j Cor nini-,.n Act solely by by reT,iitedby ythe Actto 'to be be exercised exercised solely
condo nin associata,n the condcnnitn associston directors 1recto-s and/or condoinum ru 1flit nd.or eand unit the
dtoai Rhts
Additional R:chts of of Eeveoer. Eeveooer. Only Or.!y the 'the
Secto;i SCcttO;i 10..
ray aaltitr orc:' a-end r-.av a-nerdthe theFounding Founng Dosu:nents afleotthe the ets totoafec't eve1o2er' set :crth eVeOter'sS :3chtS .onrs set forth un th: th Secarat:cn. c.a't:c:. oetters, o ners, loper lcrcz-
other than the 'the other -han a—ton ctcri•—'hich hch
eer, nc
'the kSstc:az:on c'eoper. ncr the shah 5st:azcn ahai
di scr:r,:n to or or
tend 'to to dc; e arz the a: the
e.ecpc'rsS o;çntz r:;rts as a sOner Or O.,r,eO co e':ecpcr'
:a<e any any take
chrçe the :r.e Tef ttOns cnt::ed :eiin:tons c;'ta:'ed :nA:t:c:e A:t.o.e :n aa 'annet hereof. :n heeoC. anne which wh'th lt'ir al:crs eveorer S ::qts status: (5)
eecet -ts or Or
alter 'the aite rthevotng r;zts or:he :h' e:eooei-; 2e;
L:e::y rec-cderi :ten :te-.o: i.jer.c:es 'Jenc:es -;tr. prev::u5y rec-c:ded
aer-$ ir
46O5 c1253
deny the the rigt theDeVcLo2er DcvcLopr to nat to to the to convey convey or lease ease Ce) deny Ce) the Association; Assc.oiatioi-; LorronFroperties Propertiestt the Loror1 alter the alter thebasis bas for for zesserts; :.eses; (f) Cr) (c,
tltar t, rrct,rtve isic-ts of ths rctt- :vanants: r..rts tar tjc tho rzviicns -
alter the rurber nurber or or selection selection of of Directors the alter the fljrctcrs or of the Associat5on the Articles Articles Association as as established estabUshed in eclataton1 the in this this Declaration, ()U)
of the the Association Association nd andthe theBy-Law,; By-Laws: of Incc-perat Inoorpcratonn of -
evelopera nat, ater the ticipating ciht,thethe the evelopers Participating (i) after
nd the thc Parcel ?arcel LeSsee,t to rnaintain Eree :ghts to naintain içhts and det ui1der's riçhts rights staffed sales cice, office, rnodts models and si;ns si;ns on on the the Island Island so staffed saie so
or the te Xsland any portion portc of sland long as as any
i urdeveloped; dveltpeci; t,e Developer's vepe's rights ghts as they are are set set forth s they £orth j)j) ater the in this thi s Sectioi.
Section 11. fl
5551 naoenert. The Developer 7r-ofessional ha1t DelC2er ha1l
have e right right to eqir& to eretic the hiring hrtng bybythet-Association a have the AssociatIon cC of a o?pany. gew Manget.-nt Zopany.
Section tjo-
12. 12.
etation. r.t .terretation. This Declaration be This is to clration
.strted, appl:ed, ap71ed, and an enforced jr a reaonaSle. eaonable. ted. in irete& csnstned,
practical favor cof the airer i in favor acoa). mar_ner the
e orce the cek;ng to enforce tne pvsnns hereof rzuate its provisions hereoftoto effectuate and ro-g and itspJrpos p-pc-see of protecting eramring narketablity, and eram:ing the value, narketab:jity, the value and deiabi1ty desirabilityof of the the conon plan Ppe:ty prcv.ding a corton dan for forit5.tdeveloprnent .'elopne'.t and and Property by by provding
partie, artis ae&:-g :o
enjocnt. This is to be This teclaratiOn Dec]ara.tlen e be interpre:d inte::d. ronstrued oonstred s
act enforced n accordance applied1 applied, and an enforced withthe the1as las tof honda dance .ith iLorda as as ate of the recordation they exist exIston o- the te Cdate record tlon of or t)ns t-s Declaration Declacation they O5 of the publ:c pub1c records Of iI sbOrOUh Cou-ty. Cot'. ?lorda. the aronq te rhe Hillsborugh
va:Qs headnqs hedgs used varQs usedninths ths e;1aratlo 1aat are fcr ft .ndexin and and -e
gazational purposes are not rot to and are to oee organizational purposes oniy only and crce :ts:ts substa ronstrue. apply applyoror enforce substantve
\sedd to to interpret. r.terpret,
pro':rns Unless p-s L-ess
the e,:preslvCt-es recta:esoth:e; othcrise; the cor.text e:l' t-pUS? uc te of of the the zncludes n luocs tho thoplu:a1 pra1 and arid Vice .ce versa; versd; ::)tno (:) rc use use of of one one snçiar (
gender ai cenders; oenders; snd qeroer :noludes :rc1ues ai and(:) (:n) tnethe.oee or 'inc!ude nc1ude' tss without linxtat:t.n :nclud:ng" or ltat:tn. c
c:nfl:ct ::nl::t
bet.eer the theprovasons pc.ins oC this beteen f
s of any of of
ths :tccrat::r
the the terms tern
ifl n case case of c
:t.-'.e cundnç 7d2nç Dcct—-mt.e :ter te z:c:-c-.':
ha c:ntt-
ak.Bou-R rI.AND, :C., MMBOUR rszxw, INC.,
a Florida FloridacQrpo:at1cr corporaton i.,-, - a
Wiresses: Witnesses:
S. stith, Prosdent
Wi1tan i1ia.n C. C. Kramer Xr.-r
/ô ntt
Thefore;oSg fe;oig instnLment tr1ie-.t was acknowLeçe before re wa5 acoee bfo-e rte this The
c'ay of ______________ 19S5 day 195 by EE. SMITh, C?ARLES by cAP..ES SMITh,?rtsi— Freia1 3. KRA!CR, ILt.IkM C. a as Secretary and by of :-Rota y ILt.IkM c'ety. of :-ROtIR I5LANI, ISLPJa,
aFlor±da F1cracorpo:atLon, cpo:a, c onbehIf behalfof of the corporato. te o-cton,.
iNC. , a
State of of Florida F1crda at atLarge Lr
y My
xre5: Cortissiori Expires:
parcel of of land bounced parcel bounced by by SEODO, SEODO, GAkRISON, OARISON Snd SPAU$AH
CHANNELS. sccording to iap mapofof CHANNELS, accord .ig to U.S. IASUR LIlIES. TAMPA Icrpgop., U.S, HAROUR LINES, TAMPA HASOP, H1LLSBURO AND HILLSBORO FLORIOA FLORIDA, HILLSBURORIVER RIVER AND HILLSBORO preflred A1' AI pre red the Corps Y tn9nees. U.S. rry aid approved approved by of tigtnee3 by the ry of of the the Sccret Seoretry the Arey Army on
ry 9I
January l, )95. being beIng rore rore petlcularly January 19, Ptleu1arly described described as toll (ol ows 1ow: on
Fro,,i rorn the orthwpst ecrner Government Lot the horthwest Corner Off Coernnent Lot 14, 4, SectIon Set1on 19, I, Tornshp 29 9 South, ange 9 (as t, Hilisborough Township South, ange (st, Hl5bDrough County, F1Orda, County FlOrda run run thence thenOeS.0O24'26W.. S,OO24'W,.1688.61 168a.6feet, otlç the feeta Ialonç boundary the )?est Het boundery f ald SecIan tNe'eof. SectIon1919and and5 5Southerly Southerlyextnso, extensoi theteof. toto aa poir.t polr.t on or, the the Cobir.d Cobrd P1erhea Plerbead and artdEu] Bu1hed khed Line Line ror si for the the Souther)y Southery of GARRISON GARRISON CHANNEL. CHAHNL. accordn according to said ad tap ap of U.S. LiNES, U,5. HAOR ;AOR LJNZS. ITAMPAHARBOR. PA HARBOR. FLORIDA AIYE AND H1LLSB H; LLZBPOOA' EAT' fore FLORIDA,H1LLSB0O HILLSOOOIbCAND FOHT OF Ecui:hc; POINT OF EGJN:N; fror, fror said said POINT POINT OF OFEEGIhHIHG BEGIhNINGrun runthence thence H.72' H.72 along said 1O&8.D5 feet. 3$'2E., 1O&8.DS feet along ad Combined Combined Pirhead PIrhead an( Bulkhead an Dul head Line. to Ts'pa iarbor Line, Harbor Line Lle Point Point TUL THL214 214: therce IrE.. there S.43'l? S,4r1?1E., 1231.49 231.4B feet. alon; feet, a rterectionCorflined Ion; intenection CaibIned F F1erea I eritea and k.icad end Eul Eulk.iad lJne tine for for GARRt5OI GARRISON ,nd aridSPARXMAN SPAR.NAHCHANNELS CHA1NUS, tc Tapa Hôrbor Line Line iatpa Harbor Point Point THL THL 23; 238; thence thence $.2Q'49H,. $2049'IYW., I4,53 47.53 (ect, feet, a)on flonc the the Cbcbined Cbbined Perhed and Plerhead tndSuIkhead SulkheadLine Line on on the the Westerly side of Westerly s1cc of SPARrAP CHANNEL, CHANNEL, to Tampa TampaHarbor Harbor tine iJne Point Point TUt. lift 206; SPARKAJ 206: thence ttence 173.Ir 2860.94 s.o 2660.94 feet, feet, Aong S.06 17L3W., Pierhed and 510n9 the the Combined Combfned Pier.ead and BulFhead Bu1iead Line on the theWesterly Westerly side of .PARK&H ClANHLL, Line on side ot $PARK?IAN CiANH1L, to toTampa Tanpa irbar Line Harbor LinePoint Point THL TNt.204t 204; thence thence 5.5D19IJ•w., 231.C? leer, 231.0? fPet LO9 Intersection nter.nOtin Combined Cornbfnd Pferhead Pierhead andandUie.d ulkteod Line for cir Line SPARXXAH SPARfrAH and and SED0HCHAHNEL$. SEDDH CHANNELS,to to Tampa Tampa Harbor Harbor Line Line Foint Point Tnt TUL 210; 2U thence thence .1Y2S47w., L25'iS'47W., 4B70.I7 B7O.17 feet, alog theCooHned Plerhead alogthe CoiblriedPlerhead nd 3uukhe 1l ononthe Eistcry sld of SDJUH CPIAHNEL, nd kheC 1te CPIAELI to taopa farber Mne Point {arbor L'e iapa PointTIl. TI!L216k 216;thnc thence HZ) U5€., '37.22 H2.3O35 a.22 fct, along intersection feet, ntereton Conthine Pierheed end Cor,ibIned Perhead ard6u!hee 5u!khp Line Line for for SE000N and SEDOH ?ndGA.ISO GARI$O CHtJINELS, CH ELS. to to Tampa Tampa Herbor Harbor Line Lfne Point 2Js Point TFcL TH, 215 thonee i32.96feet, thence N.72'36'25.. N.72°3625L. I32.6 alonq the theCoribined feet, AIonq Pie—head COnb1nedj-hd
f 1d
tbe .istcry S1df 5DJU
and uIhead Line Line on andulthead onthe theSauther!y Souther!yside rRisccHANEL 1de c C' T.RjSCN CANiEL, ta t the the POINT POINT OF OF
;or , to
C;!.t::ts .O.Ciri::t Ct1c:5OOOr! and ntrc::c rc::-.c f
CCLR CCLRpiiAsLbNE' Pii11fli'
nd FUflC)H, CARR15O p.rcOIor or lind lind bnurLJod GARRiSON. md part or or a parcI bnurLOd bybySFUDCflI, Ilia fiatLpart
the Corps of Engineers, approyedby bytheSecretlry theSecretiry the Engineers, U.S. U.S. Army Army and and approved Corps of
is fol1ow fQl1pws: Lfl3, described described as Governnient Lot the Northwest Nortiwest corner 11 rrcn cornir ot or Governrent Lot II, Section Section 19, 19, Frcr the ill! Ilsborou9h Sci-it?i, Range East. ownship Range 39 39 (ii t • ill cwnship29 2 South, tborou9h Ccunty, Ccunty. For1di. Norldi ilongthe theWest Westboundary run thence ieet1 run thence S.QO'21'28., S.0024'28V., 166fl,63 GBfl.6I ret t, ilong boundary point SouLhertyextension etensfcnthereof, therof, to ction 1and of 19 enda I Southerty to aa point of 5? Id Sectton md Dulktie@d the 5outheriy Southerly' side side Combitedrlrrhrtd rlrrhr8d jnd Du1khedLine Line for (or the on the cr1 the Combitid U.S. IIROR IIAR0RLIHE5I LlH5, of GARR1SUH ClIIUI4tL, according 6ARRSuH CIIANiIEL, according to to said saidnap napof of U.S. of RivEnAND AP1iJIlLL5OR0 iILL50R0 BAY'; BAY; ttience tencP IIA.tbciR,FL'iRit FLqRi3/, lULL500i) l;LLscou IHYEfl AHrPt IiAL3IJR IAMPA ald Ccibined a long said CombinedPIerhad PIerhad and and 5t72'26?5W., 72'26?5W., 900,56 900.56 fret, along khead tiec, t ne, for br a GIMI B[ti[iiNUC; NNFNfl;run runthence thente S.20'S.' S.2O'S' P01111F tF D1 Djkhrad DI'21.S'bl., 19,74reetLtlience fet;thence thence S.69 S.69 DI'21.5W ., 19.74 38.S'E., 56,641et; fet thence 38.5'[., 5664 900.011 thence N5901'2L5'E., 20,50 s.?056)6.5E., net;reet; thence H,69*O1!Zt.S'E., z,SO Ieet; leet; S.?O6')6.E. goo.o feet lo the thcnceS.20'50'38,S'E,, ?9.0O(eeIQ tbebeginnlngofacurye to thcnceS.205B'38YE,, 79,00 be9lnning ot a curve atd thenceSouthriy, Southerly.44.07 44,07Cc, (cc t,t, •along the long tii the arc or of satd the 'eft eft ; thence 2'21' ect. a a 09).92 feet, central angle or 093.92 central •n9le of of 02'2I' radius or curve {havlng {haIng a radius curve chord bearing nd dlstanc or s.aVog'o.rL. 44.& nd distance of 5.22Og'0.5,. 11.6& tarIng 00' nd 00' and 4.4Ofeet; ert; thence, from fromaaalong t,n9tnt thence S.19'12'ZVE., S.19'42'6E.. 4.4f1 iecth.thence leeth. Learing of S.?81Y3B.YE., S.?B'13'].SE.1 Southcastery. Southeastriy, 226.39 225.9 feet, Leariny of feet, along the radius oo( 1O.92 03.92 reet, feet, •i (halng rc to the the ileft U (hv ing curve to arc of I aacurve of I chord beari%g 4lid distance and a chord bran,'9 4,id distance angle cf Il'lSQO', central ceiitr.fl angle of 1115'QO'. arid 1,0D thence 5.0 5.50 Ot'2l.5W., 'Ot'2I.5W., 61QD feet) thence 225.9 feet); 5.34 u6DD.VE., u6'0D.5E., 22$.9 tangent bearing bee-ingofofP1,39' N,9'5B'O.5.'W.. 5630.5W.. from a tangent 1ect thence, thence. from leet: right. curYc to the arc arc of of ai curve to the the right NorthweSterly, 95.45 95.45 reet, feet, along Northwesterly, along the loot. a central angle of 04'36'14. radiui n( 1167.9? feet. a cntrei angle of 04'6'14, 1167.92 {hivng {havng aa radus nI aringanddiIt8flceotH.rbO'Jt.SW., arid • h,rd sear mg and d tnce of H.31'40'JI,5W. •95teet 954 ftetl ardi chord 45.O thence5.31'ZI'OOE., 5_t'?40'E., 45.00 thence 69.9efeet: 1et; thence (5BJ6co., 69.9 thence S,55J6'COW.. 22'07'W,, re?t; thence thcnce 5.?3 S.?3' 22'07'W., 51.62 feet; ]Y00W., 51.62 thence 5.5 feet Sa'j6'0rW., fcet hencc thenceS64'16 5.E'16' feeL; thence S.25'450t.. II115.00 5.00 reeL; thence S.2543$Q't.. 07.J6 feet; thence D?.36 and DuUhtd Line on )Dk., 27.U7 CobIIIr!J Picrhead Duikhead Coi'ibiiird Pirhea end teettotothethe 27.(17 tept of tie CHANNEL,accorIng accordinçtotosaid ,aIdmp mpAND of theasterIy EaterIy ,tde side of of SEDDON SEDDO1 CiIANhEL IPflO(JIh LINES, TA.h.PA iiAnI3flR. FLORIIJA, iIILLSDR0QI,'CR .IYCR AND 'US. LINES, TAMPA IARDUR, FLORIIJA, lILISeDRO U.S.IAflOUfl Id • 3D • 4 7 1327.29 132? .29 fee feeL, t along on g ILId 25'3'47'W. hence .25 I LI S B ti no . T • Ithence hILLSUR0 to 1aapa harbor Line Point Pierlicad and Buluteid Uric, to lnopa Harbor Line Pirt Criblnd Pierticad end 6ilUiead Line, CornbInd I.22 fect. along M.2P5U39E., ?.22 feet. alongtntrr5ec%Ion Intersection thenceand N.2)5U9E. !IL hIL 216; tbrncr a1d SEQUOII IndGARRISON GARR15D? ConbIned Dulkhead Line for sat and Dulkheed Line (r SEULYOII rt-e3d nd CoribIned Pterhed L72 th!nce H.72 215; thence CHAMNELS, lo Tampa IIrbor LIePoint Point lilt lilt 215; IIrbor Lhe C11AO4EL5 to Tampa khed flul khead 36'25E.. t . along along the the Combined PI'lerhead erhead and andFiul 36'2E1., 345.40 JS.4O fer feet, POINT HANfl U,totothe tiePOINT Id CARS ARSF5OH SON CIJAHEt, hr 55othery out her yside s Ide of or Ia Id Line n ent the or the Arx,y Amy on on 1anuLry January 19. 19 ct the
W .
arres,more more or less. CcntlInln; 2!. 165 are5, 29.165 ContaIning 'I
ItL flrscIi 1PttO i-hr :suro rrc rrOr OFOrTI1 SrlD
EXhIBIT EXI[B1T u,o. tag4 11 o
of ) to PLtrbotirIid 1eiiiJ [:eclorton loracion ot' or Covenants, Covcnoritc, Cond1t1cu ILarbot,r
ud Peetrirtjnrs cud
U k:46O6 126Q
rR((1 BRIUCt APPR(JACfl TOFRMKLf FRAKLIM srRL(1 BRiliCt APPRtJACfl ro Rt MAP OFor iitt & KUrurs KHIC1IIS MAP itNCJRT & ci ICHORT nd Illfl or partofofWitcr WaterLots Lots 1? 4? and 1ht prt Iliat Inpiat In Ft recoide to rt1p or pIl thro( according IoraporPI4tthCrr0(1 recorded GARR1OH, acordl GARRISOH, II brough borough County, County, ol litlit 11 7) at the P PubliC Ut I IC RRrtd cords €,(
on Lace Pge 73 of t!e 22 on Frzin-thoNortheast hortio.t cOrflr or !8d cnrnroi &id llow!. rrom-the F1ur(d, describod a 1Ilows: Flurld, deCrItiQU 0.96 at a loot, alongthe Water Lot 4& run thence S6S4'3S"W.. POINT [or POINT 8, lore saId 10to 48. ALEY SIREErboun1ry boundary atd Wtr Weter or at A:LEY (14A1!R) 1IAJR) S1REE to the feet to thr 24U.fli feet thencc 5.2OlI'3.C., 2Ufli or runarid thence S2O'II'J&.St., GINNIhG, run oF DEGIKNrNGI 1de Dukhr6d Line on the Northerly side of on the Northerly L 1TH 0u khraJ ?Id Cmbt pIerIRd CombI1edPIerIad said fang t:IAUflL; thpnce S.1236'2rW., 0016 (eeL4 along thCe S.72'6'2W.1 00.16 feL G/IRROh iiiAUEL GARR50N u1khd Line Line; thn thence H,2OB'liI_t, H.20$B311.SV, nd bulkhead plerbead end CorbIncd P1rbC.d Coirbined safd Water fd Water bourd&ry ol (WEit} $1R(L SIREN boundary ci the 94.07rect lectto tothe ti'e tlI1EY /\Ii1EY(WA1Et} ?94.07 ASHtEt long AS)!t( 06.34 fret, otot 4?; lhcnC& S.6C3O5rE. 06.34 feet, along thenCe S6'3OE 41; e
rd 4.; of ssaid toN4) 4) and 4: thhce thvhf tr tots Id Water boundlry 01 lT(E bhundary WtTtR) S1REEI WtTlR) R (El ( ) SREE1 A Sill ( I ( WA AShLEY (wAtE) t I' t 00 9 the c 1 6 . 3 1 1 feet. 16.31 lun9 3 5U.6854')SE., U. 68 OF BEGUIHIHG; BEG[UHrNG; PU1N OF ti bour,d&rY of %ad atd We Wtr ter Lot Lot 40. 40, to to the PUINI boir,d&ryOf l
c' record. orrt of TO retrtcUoflS • eacrnenLS and cotnartt eP'CflL and 0 retrtctiofl oro oror lcs. frct, n,ore qur! feet, Ccntfring 20.920 ContairIng 20.920 square SUDJECT SUOJEICT
InCA LflC.Ar. [CSCi r I Pt! DtI PUor orTI1F Tn E IS r.AuI) Igr.uI) I11U1LLY Nil:! ALLYSUUJECT SU Ui ECT Ta Ta itt:is :1 s UCCLARArl UCLAiiioii OH
Ei)D1'r fl" EIUD1T n' 1rage 2 2 of 6) 6) to 1rbour I!1ind Iphind Fflecinration Uirbour clnz-atjon Cc-, ofofCctcoan Coiiditio,is and Cdjtjc,i fletrlcuor,g .d etr1Ct,or
: 4606 : 4606' 1261 1261
rrt.t1uui 51U1 ILAD IRt.tIKlUi SIPUIBflIUCiE1UUAR0UR BfIIUGE1U IARBOUR ISLAIiD 18 E.t, South, Ianre Section 24. A pDrtJon or SectIon 24, .1ownhfp 1ownhIp 229 South, Pane TO pDrIJn or Isuorough County, F1orId. Floridi,tying tying withIn within th the foflowIn faflowIn !Uorough County, II
described Lo dt: wL dcribCd boundaries1 Lot 48 40 of o( 1I(UDRY II(UDRY && Water Lot at the the Northeast corner offWater CQmence HorLheaL corner cQmrence at ctIi6IIT'$ MAP IPIC GAR8ISOII. GARRISON.accordIng accordingtotothe th rip .'aporor put put Hi8IIT'$ MAP 01OFTP1C rrd PubHc er.nrds 73 11 the the Public 2,P&ge Pe 73 rorded hifnPlat Plht Book Book?, thereot thereof a rkcorded S.2V02'ZYE,, 240.90 240.90 thence S.2V02'25E,, run thence floridal run o( .iIIMsboroLigb -II111borOugb Cour.ty. Cur.ty, IlorIda1 of to aa ci ,,id Water Icil 40. to id WaLer Lot 40, aLer1y boundary of boundary the (asterly Ieet1' ilony the c LI NnrLherIy Co,bine-PIerhrad and !iAkhead Lieof ijkied ard c,rther1y Corb1nd-PIerhrd polntcri.the IAMPA -, L1N5. 1AMPA IIARD0 LIKES. U.5. flARe0 u( U.S. CHANNEL n5hO(fl shownOnon14p. iep.of cAPR!S0N CI1AMHL GARRISON red by pr III LISCORO 8AT' prepdrtd by RJVflAIJu11LL500R0 9A1 FLORI iA, ,1HLL5000 IN LL5DOO RIVER ArID IAR90R, FLORJI IAROOR, SecretarY ngIncr, U.S.Araiyl.ond Aryni approve'I pprcd by by the Seciet,rY the Corps of [ng Incr, • U.S. OfEG1HHII1O of the-Ars'y January19. 19.1953and I953nd the the ?L)IHI POIHI OrBEGIHHhrI(ot the-Ary ononJanuary 10.01 25'E. 10.01 H.72 .run:therice N.72'36250E. hireinthscrILjed dtscritJed parcel. tehere1n parce tUflTIieiiCC te Line of
D.ilkheêd Line of PIerhad and Dflkheid said ,orther1y Combined CmI.1ned PItritad ld Northerly feetOflQ feetbOflQ on 300.68 feet feeL to CHANhLL; thence thence S.2 S.2DS0]9E.. to ,a point point on 50'9".. 300.68 arLi
,RR1SOUC1iANhLL; UARRISOU. thel-SouLheriY -
Butead !.Ine pL said and Bulkhead Combined Plerhead and
(eL1 along ilong ,tid. tliente 5.2'36t25W., 00.I9 tnt, 100.19 tiente S.2'36-25., thence H.200' 6ulhetd1lnr thence H.2056 u1head L1rie ard Southerly Conb1r1td Plerhead oebIned PttrI.e&d tIjcFicrLherlY Pierhead pclnt on on tic 3oo.8 (ecL fect to .Mc,rtherly Coribined 39W.1 30O.8 to a epoS:'t ayw., of said GARRISON EIIANNIL;Lhcnce thence H.7236'2E. H.72'36'2YL, se Id GARIJJ0H CIIANHIL nd OulUicad E3lhed t tine me of dnd hemd and 1ortI'erly Conbined rIerhad md Dul Tu1 Eheid feet, 61009 sird iiortberly Cov.Ined rlerhead g0.j7 90.17 fet1 alon9 .a(d BEGLhN1IG, Line, to the the rCthT POINT CF BEGLHNIUG. Lne1 to
ContainIng Corit8lning
or 0,69 acrt • more ,69 ecres, rnor or
i.rcnr, ur.ccni PTIQrI CF LrcAr, CF VHF, fU ISLAIt, ISL11l
xiiir ot'u
(r.gc 33 (rgo
!nbour hrbcur
corat1oiot CcvensjiLo 1s''' )ec1rnt1oit Ccvnir ci
Ccid1on Contli t Ions anil and fles r Ic tion Itee-jcjori jj
4506 1252
That port 1 of Tiat part ooffaparno a parcel of land land bounded bcunded by 5y 102000, SE000N, SARRISON, GARRISON. and and SPARKMAN SPARKMAN CHANRELS, CHANNELS, according accordIngtotonap np of of "U.S. 'US. HAR8O nAN000 LINES. LINES.TAMPA TAMPA HARSh. FLANION, 0A1 prepared by HARBCR, FLORIDA,611156000 HTLLSBORORIVER RIVERART AND9IILLIE09S H1LLSB0D 8A1' ann' by the Secretary the Corps Corps of of Engineers, Engineers, 0.1, U.S.Amy Army ancApproved pprovd by Secretary SI, 193, of the the Army Army on on lor.cary January 19, 2955,dcscrl d000rl004 bed as at fall foilooao
From the he Nerthue at corner From Northwest corner of of 0000rnmen Government Lot Lot 50, 1, Section 19, SectiOn 19, 0
Toorohip 29 South. Sooth,Range RangeR Township 29 19 EatS, East, Htllatorocgh H1)lsborough County, County, Florida, Florida, run thtnce run thenCe S.03242rW,, S.O1'2428'W,, 1688.61 2684,61 feet, feet, along along the the Veto 4est boundary boundary of of said said Section Section1919end an aa Southerly extensionthereof, thereof,to tu a Southerly eetenolon a point point on the Combined Flerhead Pferhead and RoiRheod 8ulkNead Line on tie the SoutheHy Southerly tide Line for for the side of of GARRISON ding totosaId cap of H9RRORLINES, LINES, GARRISON CHAINEL, CHA?NEL,actor according 1d map of 'U.S. "U$. HOR T!MPA T'iIPAHARBOR, 6APR09, FLTASEA, HSLLSESRO RIVER RAT; FLflRIOA, }ULLSBORD RIVER095 MIDRSLLSBARS HILLSBORO BAr; tier.oe thence S.T2'36'21'a,, 96056 ito.S6 feet, feat, aong alorgsaid said Cornbfned Combined P Pferhead iomnet d and and S.7236'2$w., Bulkhead AdORned Lime; Line; thenoe thence S.SI'tA'St.OE., S,20'SB'OS.SE., cR64 66.64font; feet; thenon thence 5.09' S.69
SI'21.S'W., 19.74 01'21.W., 1974 Toet; f,t; tbenc thenonS.2058'38,YE., S.2S'A0'30,R'E.,O0.DO 005.50 feet feet to to a a
POINT 7K BEGINNING; P091 Cr run thenoe N.69'II'2l.I'E., BEGINNING; run thence N.60I21.5E., 2050 20.10 feet; fOot; 000r,ae S.20'RO'St.R'H., 70.00 feet feet to ther,ce S.2U58'36.S., 79.00 10 the of aa curve to the beginning beginning of ouroe to The left; theico Sotberly, ioctberly,44.67 44.67 feet, fact, along along the the arc are of he left; thence of said odd curve (hewIng curve having a radius rodicaCf of1092.92 209392 feet, Central ongle feet, a central ançle of of SS'OS' U221' 33', and and a chord 30', chord bearing distance of 1.22'140R.6'E., 44.AR bearingan ardd distance of S.22DO6$*C,, 44.86 feeC; footi; thence Ihenae S.I0'4d'56'R., 94.40 feet; feet; thence, thence. from 5,19'42'26'L, 94.48 fror a tangent tangent bearing ofof S.28'SS'JS.S'E,, South tatter ly, 505.70 men, Oret bearing 5.28333.sE,, 505.?5 feetalong along arc of acurve curve theleft left Southeasterly, aroofa totothe (hewing (hawing aa medics radius oF of 1103.92 feet, aa 10392 feet, cetclral snob of central anqie 5'OD 000aohor and a chore On 26 yo''o', C be bearing oring Orard A dial distance amocoof S.41'2l'0N.Y0., 001.01 noet), S.41'21'O8.$"E.. 501.35 feet), theend encofof eon sd curve; thence totothe Soc-ce; on S.A4'2R'30,S'E., 166.59 S.54'28'38.YE,, 160.19 feet Tent to to the the beginning beginnir gone of Curve curve to to the she left; thence Easterly, Eanterly, 3S4.22 204.22 inca, 004 lie left; thence feet, 01 along the an arcA of of said aaid curve ouroe (havi.,g (Naolng a a r001ua radius of of 594.61 604.01 font, feet, aa central oentrol angle angleofofS7'OI' 3701' 21,0', 21,5', and ea oiora and chordbearIng bearingand anddiooanoe distanceofof5.7 S.?2'SS'9' r5919 K., Feet), 7.S7 E., 277,07 feet), to totheendoftel the end of said oncroe;thnnoeN,g5'SA'OA'E,, curve; thence H.S82O'OOE., 3i.SOferttoalct 39.00 ft to the beginnIng of beginning of000rcm_ a :urvetotoShe the left; left; thence thence Northeasterly, Nort000eonmly, 29.84 20.04 feet, along feet. along the the arc aro of of said said curve occur (having (booing radico of 59.CS feet, radius of 19.00 feet, a central a oentral ngle angleofof A0'OO'IO', andaoioma bearin9 and 90'QO'QQ, and a chord bearing tante of of and dis Siaoange L43 R.03'50'OC'E ., 20.67 to foot), ole end 26.87 feet). to the of said ned of naid ocroe; tieooe curve; thence Aol' 3U'C5'w., Roy JO'CQ'w ., 827.39 021.19 feet; feet; 1thence heroe N.0i'Ig'30'A.. N.0712'38'W,, lISTS :oo.sofeet; feet; thence thence L01'20'OO"W., N.00'2030'A., 100.00 110.00 feet feet to to the the beginning beglnnin0 o' to o' aa curve ocroe to the left; left:thence thenCe Northesteriy, horth000ter)y, 29.64 29gB fneo, the feet, a0:000 ong the of sal lie arc arc of said ncmoe (facing curve (having aradlda radiusofof 19.00 19.00feet, feet, a central central angle ongle of of90 OS' 05'UO" D000. and and a a chord cicrd bearing bearinganand Ad distance itnanoa of ofM.0N'SO'Uc'W,, N.4633oow., 26.87 26.07 fent)l thenOe H.01'30'OYW., h.01'30'00'V., 104.00 feet); thence 104,00feet: feet; thtnoo thenceNOR' LO 33'OOE.. 30'OU'E., 2.2S 2.26 Feet feet to the beq1nnlrg beginning ofofaatorte toto the to the curve the left; left; Ohnnoe thence hont ieaatnr ly, 26.64 22.54 feel, Qrtheaster;y, C :urve feet, along a longlie thearc rc of oftel said ccr,e (having (hating a a radio,a of of 19.03 19.13 feet, 1 angle radiis feet. eacentre central angle ci of NA'22'I1', 8622'07", arid and a chord Ohord Veering anf of 9.4t'11'16.S'E., 76.02 feet), bearing an diato,nne distance of N.45'16'6.YE., 26.OD feet), to to a point point on rooer0000n,e I henno noethorly, of reverse curve; thence NrtherIy, 372.53 372.13 feet, feet, along the are of along the arc of ancroat curve to ntnemi0hn(h the right (having ,'ad1u of 1102.00 feet, a central ,01nga,a 01000iI157.olfeetacnntma; angle angbaofIO'77'57", of 192207, anda ondaohor chord Oleeringendo bearing and lonenoo dfStnce of Nil' oifO.1I' 48!56. 00'th.O'f., 370.76 370.16 feet). ned), to to the oreend and ct ci,,; dncroo said curve; thence tienoo 6.7;' N.?]' SU'OO'-E., 16?.?5 201,25 feol, 30'0oE,, feet; thtnce N.68'BO'OO'W,, 23.00'ceo; Leet; thence On,eace N.N8'bO'OS'U,, 23,cO o
h,71'350C'5 00,12 feet fOB beqinnno Loqonnino Of i.21'3000'E., 56,33 feet toto the of aaccrue curve to to the the
tote oe ill r 01,0 ely, 1?9,$4 left; thence orthprly, feet,elot 1ong te rc 79.04 mt. lit g a vu of ofaid to rElive r o roe hadng a radfus of 2?S.OO feet. acolor Si an7le htonngaradldoci2flfiierte Central of 26'S9L9", annle0070'ET'g', Ova a cnrd en,nrohearing boa, In0ano tnl distance Ol000nbo Ann so' 0021€.. 00251 of L0& l28.3 feet). VA Sn f ci to te to Oneend ordoi of sa,d 00,1 curce; .0O. font to curve; ur0000 Ihence 9,05' 1.05'?9'i9'0., 29'9"., :48.34 feet to lie borthnnly the ortherIy bAccdary bounddry of of lie te ' fld and descri 000nrirvod n (end ed from irIs the She City oil aepe recorded City of Tampa me Corded in 'nOneS Deed BooR BookSN, 3e.,?agn ?age541, 547,fob:10 Pubi: Recordt Enconim oR hnlltsorocgo of HHsborcugh Cocnly, County,ilorole; F1orde; tienoo thenceiI,ll'3t' h.7?34 S IL. 168.44 H ......69.04 rang, along along onun boundary oi feet, :Fie Onronerly kortr,rly bondary Of One the lenA lanc0000ro dccribc'd hod in In said told boyS; bente S.OS'ON'to .....11,00 feet; bead; thence S.OS'5E8E., 11,89 feet; thence .77'S1'0Yw., t mccc 1.77 '62.03,0.. 2-3 feAt, lb-b feet, tlono a cn One te bn,orerlo Caleraetige cAnoe C (UFR'519 Scuther lv water's of GARR $UN CHANNEL; TI000NEL; thence mono0 t,00'29'(O'I,, 110.10 feet to S.0Y2919E., l5.?S feet to the the beglnr!lng leg irnnn g cf on a acurne turn to to the Ont righo; hence Soother ly. 202.19 feet, aionn uie toner0 on right; thence Sout'ierly, 2O.I9fet,alono arc of aic 1010 ocr,o 11,0cm a gantnct 0' rdous 0' 2&.00 feet, a centra t20,00 feel, onnorai anQleof?5 ancle 0721' 05 a emord 9i;,...., arc ero a chord beariro Onnronoand 001 distance d1000noe c( 0A'77'Zl'w 100 ba U8'OO'2yw.,1g834 to fool), end feet), to teInnend ofcisaid curve; o',ld Oururthence tcenoeS.Z13O!O0w,, S.dt'7O'C0"W LOIS iCet, thence citron vi o' V'OO'u,, feet; •flQ,. yS.10 into, 23.00 feet; then:e S2V30'OQ"k,, the000 b.7l'30 00'u did I coo cc ore O-etlnnlng Of i25 feet to the be'nr:ng of a curve to the forte to tic eft; loll, thence
nolno' I SOLJtne-Iy, 200,0? 00.E?fec, °co',aPono alone
novvvn,,,o,,.,,. S
46Ob :46Ob4263 4263 of 2300O0'. and chord radii,sof993O0feet, central angleof 23000C.andChcrd central angle radius of 59L00 feet, a aS.1OG theend end 7.94feet). feet). oothe O0,DOW.. 7.94 of S.10 OO'D0W.. and dl distance bearin9 and stance of bearing thence S.04 S.04' 3000., 203.00 feet; thence of 203.00feet; of said said curve; curve; thence thence 5.01, 5.01 30D0E., feet thence S.'30'001E., '917.39 '917.39 feet; 1213811.,10O.5 100.SCfeet; feet; th&.nce thence S.O'30'00E.,
s.s2*30O0W., 84.00 feet;thence, thence,from froma atangent tengentbari!; bnrin; of feet; S..230OO'W., 84.00 2984 fevt, along the arc of of of a Uong the arC 29.84 fet NorthwestGrly, N.C1'aO'OOMW., Northe5trlY, N.0i3000W., nge central
central angte of i9,Q0 9.Q0 feet,radius Of feet1 curve to the the left left (having curve to (ha1ng aa radius of 90'DQOQ'. 9Q'OQOQ. and and a chord chord bearing bearingand anddistance diance ofofK.46'SQOO'W.. of .88'30'00W., aldcury; curve; .thenceS.8830'OO'W.. 26,51 feet), to thence to the the end end off said 2.87 feet), curve totheright; curve to theriçht;thence thence 39.OD to the te beginning beginning of 39.00 feet feet to of curve(havirg westerly, 420.01 feet, along (having a Westerly', 420.01 feet, along the the arc arc of of said said curve chord a :hord central angle angle of of 3527'43, 3527'4.Y, and and a radius of of 678.6 67862 feet, feet. aa central radiU5 fN.7946'081W., taapoint bearing and anddistance dist&nce of N.7346'OB'W..4l3.24 413.34feet). feet). to point hearing of Westerly.29,33 29,33feet, feet.along, along,the the arc arc Of of a of reyerse reverse curve; curve: thence thence Westerly, central angle angie curve to the the left 'eft (having of 19.00 feet, a central having a a radius radius of 19.00 feet. curve to o' $626'22', and a chord bearing and distance of S.7Y44'32W.. anda o'S&'26122 26.50 fees), to the the end end of said curvt; curve; thence thence S.35'31'21.5W., 26.50 feet), to of said S.35')IZl.SW., 4.0O feet; 0.25 of aa foot; N.5425')8.51t.. 84.00 feet; thence, thence,front from 0.25 of foot; thence thence L5428')8.5''t., .
• •
29.24 feet, a tangent bearlrg of of K.33'31'21.5E.. Northerly. 29.24 feet. tangent bear1rg K.3131'21.5E.. Northerly, radius of of19.00 19.00 (haYing al'-n;t"e t"e arcofofa acurve curve to tothe the eft ieft (havcngaa radius aI'n; arc chord boarir.g bearir.g and @nd 9C0000, and and a chord feet, centralangle angleofof90'OOOO', feet, a central said to the end of distance of H.0Y283.5'W.. 26.97 feet), feet), to the end of said distance of a
the beginning heginningof cJrve; thence thence H.54'25'38.$'W.. 63.9feet feet to to the of aa crve; H.5412S3a.W., 63.9 orthwesterly, 440.58 along the curve 440.58feet, feet, along the c'Jrve to to the the right; right;thence thence Northwesterly, central irc feet, a central radius of of1187.92 1187.92 feet. arc of ofsaid saidcurve(lavirg curveUavir9 aa radius chord bearr%g bearrtg anS angle 21'iS'OO. and a chord ond distance distance of of. N.43 1.43 angle of. of21'lS'OO', and a tangent bearing bearing of k..6 51CB.B'U., 438.06 feet); tF.ence, thence, fran front aa tangent of N.36 5lCB.BJ., 438.06 feet); curve OS'51.5'W., NorthwesterlY. 206.36 feet,alo.g alongthe thear; ar; of of aa curve 0S51.S'W., NorthwesterlY. 206.36 feet, central 3ngle angle of radius feet, a central of 1l92.9 feet1 radius oof 1192.92 the right right(having (having to the distance of fl.310Z'53'W.. chord berin'and distance of L3l0V53W., bearing and and & chord a 0954'42', and 0r54'42, 206.11 feet); feet); thence, tangent bearing of N.2319'33.W., 206.11 thence,frOO froaa tangebear1ngofN.2I9'33.5W.. curveto to the the right right the arc arc or Ncrtherly, 49.13 feet. along along the of a curve 49.13 feet. Ncrtherly, 022100, (hayr.g a-radius a-rediu;Qf 1197.92feet, feet,a acentral centralangleuof argle_of0221'00, Qf 1197.92 W., 49.13 4.13 feet) feet), bearing and anddistance distanceofofN.2209 H.209O8.SW. and a a chord chord bearing 08. f-a1d curve; thence k.2C56'38.., 79,00 feet; the.end of—said curve; then:e k.20583a.6W., 79.00 feet; to to the. end a
thence B.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. .69'fl1'21.5'E.. B3.0feettOtheP0lNT0FEGINIUUG. thence N.69'fl1'21.S'E.. ore or cor.talnin9 8.111a:res a:res core or less. less. Cortainlng 8.111
eruary 66, 19S5 195 february DSK #21 ;
RrIJ1I R r ij
That part of That part
East1 f Section Section 19, 19, TownshIp Township 29 29 South, South, Range Range 19 9 East, fcl ows: Hciborauh County, dscr1bec Nil sborouçh County ?lcrlafr ?lorlfl • .iscr1
From U.S. Corps Corps of ofEngineers EgIneers Tampa Harbor Line Pcint Pclnt THI THI fl4 fl4 as as Froi U.S. FLORIDA. TAHPA HARBOR. HARBOR. FLORIDA. map of of LI.S '1LS HARBOR LIHESfr HARBOR LINES, TAHPA shown on s.rown or map of RIVER AND AND HILISBORO HILISBORO 6A1 BAY" prepared prepared by by the the Corps Corps of HILLS93R0 RIVER NILLSSDRO of the the Ariy Army on on Engineers. U.s. U.s. Amy Armyand an approved by the Secretary of Engineeri. 1952, run 1953, run thence thence S.7235'25W.1 S.72"352YW.,39528 39528feet, feet, along a1nn l January 25, Costhir.ed Pierhea and BulkheadLine LineonQnthe the Southerly Southerly side side of of th.Cob1r.ed Perhead and Bulkhead the. HA$BCRLINES. LlHS, U.S. HA?BCR ARSOH C:AhHSL by said said itapapofofU.S. CARRISON CKtNHZLas as designated designated by toto aa TAMPA HAR8OR, FLORIDA. HILLSBORO RIVER HILLSBOROBAT, SAY", FLORIDA1 HILLSBORO RIVER ANDADHILLSBORO TA'PA H.ROR1 feet to to the the 79.59 feet POINT runthence thence S.O5'S818E., S.05'S8'28E., 79.59 POiNT OF OF BEGIHNIRG; B61HHIRG run UortrIy bourida ry ofoft he scribedIn In Deed DeedfrcnL from the t heCity City of of Uortherly boundary theland landde dscribcd
Book 36, 35 Page PubHc Records Page 547fr recordedIninDud De Book Taia 547, Public Records of Tama recorded I6B44 feet, Hillsbnrcugh County, Florida; thence thenceS.77G24l51W., S.7245VW., 158.44 feet. HIllbnrr.ughCounty,FlOtda
the Northerly Northerly bunda-y bundAry of of the theland landdescribed described tn in said sld Deed: Deed; along along the the the Intersection 1rtersectioi of the thence R.O3'I83OW., R.O3J83OW., 374.67 374.67 feet feet to the of Water Water Lot 70 of HNDRY HICHT'S HAP OF HNDR1 & KNIGHT'S Easteily badndary boundary of Easttly £.. SEC. LOT SEC. TP.29295., S.. R.R. 19 15 2.. 19,19, TWP. GOV. LOT 14 14, CHAMBERLAINS HAHERLAUS GOV. according to maø orplat pat thereof Book5,5,Page Page 10 10 thereOf recorded recorded in In Plat PlatBook ap or according to and Flat Bock 1O..Page 10,. Page23, 23,Public PublicRecords RecordsofofHilisborough Hillsborugh County and Hat Book County,
Florida with the conibined Nerhead nd nd !ul Bulkhead kNead UrLe Line on on the the CooiHned Nerhead a'f d ap of CHANHEL as designated Horthery side CHANNEL designated by by said map of Northerly side of of GARRISON GARPIS FLD
tangent Plerheadand andBulkhead BulkheadLn; Line; thence. thence,from fro1 a a tangent Cnbred CobnedPlerhead
ear1ng of S.lS2O'43.. Southerly, aro hearing of Z.1620'4YW.. 5outherly,148.82 145.52feet, feet,alorg alorg the the arc
radius 430.00 centra Y-,of tothe the left left(having (having aa radius 400.00 feet, feet, a central .of acurve a. curve to •aag'e 2i19'oI, and a chord ad distarce of S.0441' nda chord bearing bearingaidd1starceof S.044I ,aageof0f 2i'19'OI'. •
of the end end of 125W., 147.95 12.5W., 14796feet), feet), to to the
thence S.C5"58' S.O558l said curve; curve thence said
iso. 17 feet to to thethe POINT OFOFBEGINHIIG. feet POINT 5EG1HlNO. 18E. 8E.,, 1&5.l
Or less. less. Containing aerts, ecre rore Or Contairing 1.407 acres,
Februtry FbrLj..ry
ES1 S1
12, 2, 1983 198
iDE10 HRCUP 10(Li]Hyr, ir I
— of 66 - Pacje 6 of
On. fin
,iICii'S LP iF F ThE TuE ICi L I1ENIJIH' S and 4!' 4I of of1IENIJIU Pla t ir,r,P1t riCoidCd IhCtLO(a rrcolded plai iheruf ccordifl9 to map or County, sborIuyh Countyi sborQvyh fRi5Ot Ill c,gpisoN,accorungtomJPorP if Ui flocOr5 if c flQcord$ Pub Ic PuLfl Pe te said of said ?i) of of tzie UitiiSt corner corner of CQQ 72 on P,e?) th IuflCW Frorn the tin,tiiSt rro IoflC4 the the deSCrid a1o'g loot, .long loots a ol I 1rdai fl0rida. U.9U S.6B''3 tierCe S.6B'S435'W pOiut for Lot 48. 48. run for a point Water Lot run tenCe 48, id Water Lot 48 of id Water of boundary $IRE(1 bOundarY the th to (.1JUER)SIREET feet feet to ASHLEY SJiLE1 (AER) 3R.St.5 24O.3 S.20 thence S2DSlt'3R.t, thnCC run Nortb€rlY side of side IG;r BG NcrthrY BGIHNiHG OF OF OR Ihhe Line OR OuIkhC3 Line and DulkhCd and 1Jat IJ4at
Wacr Lots part of Wdcr prI of
47 4
I 1
along said said Cobned Nerhed 110.16 tnt, along 110.16 ft5 S.?265"W, S.?2' c:AUNL; theflC GARRISON c:A!lNfl; thence thence CARR1SO thonce LIne une; said Water Comblr.etI rserhnd an8u1khe nd Bulkheat oundaryOf said Water coIcodrerd y SIRUT S1RtLT 1Es theA ILEIC I1LE to totheASL(1E 06)4 aofl9 the ASIILL 294,07 feeL the 294O foet let. aio eet. thoflCe S.603O55'' S,8' 30'$Y. Id86.34 thcnce thflCe 4; 47 thOnce 47 d 4B; and ct 47; La Is 47 Waior LoiS i said W. icr nary 1ft[E1 WAlER lft[E1 ton,rY A1ER (VA1EI{I$lRET AShLEY (vA1EI{L$1RT tiio ASIIUT 1un tF'c feet feet, alung EG1I11h1H UF sEalrlu!HG; PQIUI thy Lot 40, to thy POINI to Water Lot 40 0jndar/ ojnUar/ of ofsaid saidWater of recprd. record. coverints erant5 of an asCrCfl ctn5 , e,scrents on f
100 restri
or 1o. rrorO or qure feet, Confllfllfl9 fett • rorC Cor1Iflh920.920 20.2O squdre
ErIStT C £FItT 'C'
'0 hboirCot'diLons 1rid lsjur,d DCi,tin Docartion of [Covn,muts, / CondiLc,n tO
and fletricioti r-d fleotrjcot
Pije Paje
13 of of I)
:11.46O6 1266 01146054266
Ro0UR ISLAND SLANI) 8iDLEHIHi ARDOUR STRUT STREET BRIDrE RANKLjN RANKL ast nge ID 10 ast. 29 Sojtr Sotb, Range rishu 29 portion of Section SectIon24, 24. iownsbu ptt1Ofl of OwIflg the foflowing yiny wiihin the fol wilhin F1oia lying uInsborouohounty, isborOu0h county. Florid,, A
to s epdfcoke boundaries. boundaries, to descri52d .
IIEIIDRY && Lot 40 corner of a tr Lat 40 of ofi(Et1DR' corner uf Nrthet Lomence at 1e iie Northeast Lomefle at or plat pat or the map the map to to ccorUrg MAP OF OF THE THE GAR1S0H GARRISOH, ccordng H1GHTS HAP XHICHTS Pcor Df te ?b1 ic ic ?ecors f te Pub 2, Pye 7 In Mt cook a recorded In Mat Book 2, P4ye 73 rordounty. FIcr;a; thereof thereof 240.90 52I'C22YE. S2iC22SE. 24090 Flor;i; run runthence th.n of I11sbDrO9h County. cf NillsbDrOgh 48. to to a sa Watar Lot 40. Water Lot sa as1er1y baun-Jary at feet, aiong he tasterly boun-Jary at fect, a';onç the of Pierhead and and Bu Buikhead khead Ln Lne of point pointon onthe theNcrtherYCOmbtflUd Ncrthery Cotb1nud Pied 1LRBR LINES. TAMP. LHES. TAMPA EJr US. U..S.IEARBOR u( shown on map GARRSONCjHAL as shown on map GAtRSOHCHAEL LtSBDflO 3A1 prepared by HARbQFLDRl. fi!LLSBURO RIVER AND Secre.ary byth th SecreLary proved by rct ngineer5, U.S. Ary the Corps Corpsofof Engineers. U.S Ary ar approved CC N N N C of a EGIPNINC PUIUI PU UI OF OF C 19] ann' rf the; the:Arly. Jeuary S • 195] or Ar y ononJanuary 10.01 tt,cnce N.7?36'ZSE., LhehtreIfldCsr1b parcel; rvn thence N7?362SE., run parce1 the hreIndC5r1b of 8u1kead nd Dul keadLine lire of rhtC and o,bind P FirheC orth9ry 2o,,,bined feet;. lon; aaid Id NortherY feetlOn intOn on point t0& 3OO.S OO.S0 fEet feet toa S2O53'39(.. thence S20tt394E.. CHAHEL; thence GARRISON 5aId kheadL1.e L1e of of said Pierhed and Cotblned Pierhead and SuIhtd 1hèSother.1Y Corb1ne theSotther.lY fnot, a3n9said ad aiong 100.19 feat, thence S,7Z0625'.. )O0.19 I.?D 58' Lino; lhcnce Combined Plerhe4d and Bulkhead Li no; thence d Oulkhead PIrhead SoutherCObifle Southerly Pierhead Nort11ryCombined Oocblned Pierhead On thL thc Northerly 2ont on feet to aa 2ont feet tO thence N.72362SE,. C}FANLL: thcnc N72362Y1.. AR1SCI1 CF1LL id an4 Bü1k1eAd Ltneof of said ARIUSCII Bu1kEAd LtrJO an Ferhe amd khead Noriberly Cobfled Combined Ftt2hCd arid BlBulkhead alrng said Northerly 90.17feet, feet, along a
aEGIPG. POINT OF Line. thethe PCINtUF BEG]NWIPiC. Line. toto crCS. more Containing 0.69 coreS. rore or ContaininO 0.69
2 2
cf of 13 r3
kL:: 43O6 4505 1267
rt of aa parcel part parce' of nd touned of lAnd bounced by by S!DDDr. SE000rI. GAIRH, GARI$H, and and SAKi.1A SPAP.KHANCHAhHELS, CHAhHLLS, ccordng cord1ng to to rnp of OS, LLS, HARBOR map of HARBOH UNESI 7AMPA I.INES, TAMPA HAROR, FLORIDA. HJLISSOPU R!V(R A(D rILI$aonu u1 HARBOR, prepared by t1e i..e CQrps QrpI of of Ençneers. EngHieers, U.S. U.S. Ariry Arwy md and .pproyed 4pproytd by the ScCret4ry by the Secretary tre Arc,y Araiy on on Jar.uary Jr.ury 9,9. i93; f f tie That
tNt dnhd COncrLe finflhed concratefLoar floor of the the
descrbd deIcrbd
i foIow: as
(tie orth.est me cUrler CovertimentLot Lot ,, Section 19, corier ofofGOvrnmr j9 South, Rane Rne 199 tnt, (at townsMp 299South, IiJ]Jorofl IH]{)orQJh County, Ciinty1 Florida, Florida1 run ri thence S.0024E'U. thence S.0V24'2E'U.,168..E1 166861fect feot, ,lcn th West boundary Ion tho ct said Section Section i and a outherIy thereDf, t.o outhery extension tonon tereDf. t.o a point point 3fl the Cib1red Prhed From Frori
on the Coobined Plerhead ar. Bulkhead Line thoSoritherl# ulIi.d Line forfortha de Southerly side GAflRSOH CIIANUEL. .nf fGARRUQH CIIANUEL,cordn bccordftg to tO said npal of U.S. ii mp (ARUOR LInES. U.S. UARUOR LIUES. lAISPA IAISPA JARQa, HARBOR,FLORJDA, FLORIDA, IIiLL'5Ogo IIILLS8OgQ JVER UYER MID MID HILLS5UflO HILLS5ORO 8AY tcnce SAY; thence 5.?235.5IJ.. 90O.6 feet,..1onp S.?2'35'2r13., 980.56 feet,. hang said Cnmblncd F1erhed F1erhtd ard 1d Crirb1ncd and
Sukho. Elna, for a POINT run thence thence $.20$$' POJNTOF OFDEIIiUlNG: DEIi!IjG, j-un $,2O8' JaY!,, 66.64 foot; fe.; thcnco thencoS.&9O1 ,HU., 19.74 S.69OI2),i, 19.74 fet feet; thence S.2O5BJB1 feet; thence thene $.69O1?I5w. 4&.5Cthence S.2O5B')5[., 600.00 feet; fet fett; thence H.2O58'D.5W.. 90.00 thenCe..2Q5fl 9a.QQfoot; fact; t?ene thence5.&9'O2J,u S.&9', 5.00 5.00 1et: trienca N.2O55'38.5',, .2D5838.S'z., 10.00 ?OO fec feet co tothe te beg1nlng 1nii'ig of a a
crcutar crcjtr cLire curveto tothe the left left; trre thoncerlorlhwestcrly 70.69 feet, IIort.refLeL, tUry. 70.69 fec lang itd rve lGngsaIdcurve(hayfng4 rui o( 4S.3O Ccntr iigI aligle of 9DO0OO, 'OOOo hcrd tr1g aii • chcrd U.,rIng nd 1L6558 nd jistince 11 i nce of cf I.65 '8' yij 38b'U 63.64 53,64 ?e.L), et), to to thi and of said curvs; Ulence S,69'OI' onof I61dcurv; t)cnce69'Ol 21.5.. 60.00 feot to te 23.SL, fnnng of circcjlorcrirve 6O.O0feottotheb.gcnnlngor 1 rcu)r curve to to tfle the rht; thence L]&. thonceflOrthwetcry, Northwesterly, O6.3 feet, feet, a Ilonç on9 a i1d Id curve (having crvc (having rtIu of 55.00 feat, a centr:1 angle f 90,00'O&, and chord d1iC.rce Qf bs.rlnç,,nd dlst.nce of ?.65So3e.5k 3S.Y., 17.78 77.78 feit feet) toOthe the end crc1 ia cjrve; of safd curve; thence thenceIi.20Sfl3fl.-w Ii2OSO33..I. 9
90.00 90.00 feet reet to the Lti e1nnr o( c1rcu1r curve curQ toothe e0Inn%n or 4 clrculor r191,t; thence te rtjIt, then UorUie.scrIy. Uo!-t?Ie4stcrIy, iid c(4rr 0 raij 5.00 feet, fct, a S5,00 ] anlt,ofgo'oo'oQ' andochorJbear1,oondd1stancor central 7l, fae). lo ,:.24O122.5(., feet), to the th end erkdof vf curve; thn curve-, thenco 5E.. 77,?S O.00 hnç I2U'33$5jJ N.6901M.5E. 6000 eot; ect th.nce 35.00 ttc.t 3S.00 t.cnce N.690t21,YE., f,ô9Qv21YE., 3&.O fin; tIIcflL4, Icri N.?O5P)o•u Y.OJ foot; Y.Oo foot;tbencc thence 5.6r0]?I5L U.2.2 foet; thec, lIO58 4.9O flet to JhL5i., 46.90 to (h the COr'bicj Cor'biecjP PtiIirJ chic ocJ :iJ 3ukIii Me 3uI L(i'e th Sottlierly or Soi.tier side or the IId ofofsold GAtkISU:i GHSU:: CJi;;ij ; tIne tI.723' thence !I.723G' O
U6.3S 1e 1o9 siid curve {I'tving o radius 01 leet, Ion9 cr
fit;I2U38.jI foet; th&c lI'
'E., 100.19 fut, 1 t"E.. 1ori fueL, along saidCQrL11JL,j Combij,,J r'io,I,d tLn. to ti100.tFd POInTOF OFBEG BEGflN]ILC tFd POi!T tine, N]'C. Cnt, Lnt tnin rjn .369 acres, icres . more more0+' o
::jJuIr 'C' — E>:'Juirr - F,c 3)
)J I:,ikiod )n
and bounddby bySE000N. SE000N. GARRISON. GAR1SOJ. and landand bounded rarc of of tht flt rtrtofofa rarl HARBOR HARBOR LINES, LINES, TAMPA TAHP U.S. to tap of accordln to SPARKMAN C-HANELS CHANNELS, according a
by HA R&OR FLORIOA, FIILLS3DRO U YER AND HILLS EURO 0A1 p re pa Secretary rgneer., iS. U.S.Arniy Ary and approved by the SecretarY the Carps Corps of of rgIneeri, and approved o1 lows; Ios; scribed as (ci January19. i. 19S3. 19S3 descri of bed as of the the Army Army on o .jnuary
Section 19, l, From corn&r of Lot 14, Section From the theHrtiWt5t HOrtestC.rrer ofGovernment Goernnt Lat 1
19 Cast, East. RHisborough HlHsborough County, Fc.rIda. Toinship florida, 29 South. South. Range Range 19 Tonshp 29 the West West boundary toundary 810n9 the 1B.61 fee run S.iC24'2SW;I6aB.6l flet, along ru'ithence therire Sr242BW a paint pnt said Section IQ and Southerly extensic extension thereof, thereof, to t a and aa Sotjtherly Sertlon 1Q of o .he Southerly side for the Southerly side P1erad.and Bu1head Line for on the the Conb1ned Con,blned Pierad.and BuIhead Lne U.S.IthBCR NABCR tJNES. LINES. CHANNEL*accordn said nap nap of of U.S. ARR1SON CHANNELracrordn1 totosaid of of APRISON RIVER AN NJ HJLLSBORO HILLSBURO AY; 8AY;thence thence 1AhPA HARBOR, PLCRIDAHRLSBORO FLCRIDAHfl-LSaORO RIYER 1A)PA HARBOR. and Plerhead and Combined P1erhea S.?2'362Y., 980.55<eet. along said Co,bined S.7236'2S., 9B0.55.:feet,-aIafl9 said E6.64 feet; thence $.6 thence $,2056'3B.Yf, 66.64 feet; thence $69, Line. Bukhe.d L1nethenCCS.Z05B'3B#'., Buflhetd 9O.00 feet feet to to a a 0V21,5W. 19.74fett;thence S.20'56'28.5E. S,2OB28.5E. 690.00 OV2I.SW. I9.74feet;thence continuethcnCe thence said POINT POINT OF OF BEGINNING ,EGINNIG cntlnue fror said BECIHNING; from POINT POIIT GG BEC1HFING; 46.50 feet; eet thence S.690I'21.YW., S,69OI2LYW., 46.50 2O.COfeet; feet; thence S.2OSS'381E.. 210.00 S.2OS8'38.5E..
.henceN.69 x,69°O12L5E., thence .eL2O 58'36.YR..210.00 210.00feet; ftet; thence O1'215E.. therce,2O5B'38.S'..
4650 thethe POINT. CE BEGINNING. 4G50 fcet feettoto POINT.OF BEGIHNIHG.
ss, more Containing 9.7ES square feet 0.2242 of acre, an ,cre, toreoror es,. g,7S square feet or Or O.222 of an Conta1nln
E>:i1o1r 'C E>:U1DIT 'C' —- P&qe P& 4 of 23 13 .i
rfl,.t.4.!tfl( rjfl4 r
GARRSOUT parcelofof 1nd landbounded bounded by $iII GARRISOU, by $EDDUU. Thatpart part of a parcel flat a
iiap SPARKHAH S'ARKHAH CHAnNELS, CHANELS, accordii to aiap accardin? to
.ND IIILLSOORO IIjLLS0010 BAY' BAY" prepared by HILLS6ORO RiVER R!VER AND by FLQIUOA. H1LL50fl0 IARR. FLQULDA. IIAROR, by by the jrtd aprvd approved theSecretary Secretary the Corps Carps of of EnIneers, En1neers. U.S. U.S. Army and the as follows: 1011 ows c r te d es 1953, des descrted cf tte of Arry on 9, 1953, the Arcry on January January 9,
14, Section SecHon 19, Lot 14, 19. heNorthwest North.iet corner Corner of of Governnent Govrnnent Lot Iron the Il)sborouhCount,y, F1or1d, South, 39 39 East, East, UI )sboroug County. F) orld4, Tonshp29 Tonsh1p 29 South. ttie WestDoIan4ry DoI.ndary 24'23'i'. 1688.53 feet, run thence rur thence5.0 $.0024'2a'1., 2688,61 feet, a.1on9 41on tie West point extension thereof, o( SoutSerly extension thereof,toto a point ald Section Section 19 and a 5outerly of said for the ide ndBuT Bu1Lhcd Lhcd Line Line for the Southerly Scuthery sside On On Lhe LMe Conbirted CQibIned Pierhe&c Pezhea and Srron
U,S. HARBOR LIliES, L1UES, of G.R2S0U GAR2S0U CIAflNEL, sad rp of ofU.S. of CI,&flNEL,according accrd1ng to to saidrnp IARBOR
thence iEft AND AND Hfl_LS0RO H1L$0R0 8A': IAHPA aAy"; thence AB0R, FLORIDA. FL0RDA. HILLSBORC) HILLSBORO RIVEft 1APA A2B0R. a1d Cornb1nd Pierhead Plerhead and S.7236J25"., Combined 8U.5G feet, feet, aiono S.72'3625"., 980.56 alonOsaid thence S.69 5.69" Buflheod 66.54feet feet; thence Bul)head Line; .1ne;thence thenceS.?0'5C'38.$E.. S.20836.5'L. 66.54 S.2056'38.YE.. 900.00 900.00feet feet too thence S.20°S6'38.5E., feet; thence oI'2LYW.. ian feet; 01fl,S"J., p'
Q,5D feet; POZHT EGlMC)iG; run run thence tL69012i,5E., N69012i.YE., Q,50 feet; thence POIHT OF OF ScG1UIflG; to crvo to thence S.2O56'J2.S'E,, 79.00 feetto to the the eglnnIng Qf curve thence S,2O'58,Yc, 29.00 feet L.egnnInQf atd the arc of satd 44,87 feet, oOng the arc of the 'eft; thence 44.97 feet • o the 'eft; thence ccutheriy. ong cL.'theriy, of 02'21 02"21' an9le of central angle radius of 1093.9a feet, a central racflu of 1C9.9 feet, curve (aviri3 (hv1n curve 52!09'08.5"E.4 44.06 chord tearing and distance of S.2209'08.S"E.. 44.06 d1tance o chord ter1n9 an 00, and and feet feet); S,1942'2YE.,94.46 94.48 feetthence. thonce.frm froiaatangent tengnt thence 5,1942'26'E., feet); thence the along the 226,39feet feet.• alon9 bearing of S.28fl3'38.S'E.. bearing of S.28'13'38-S"E.. Southeasterly, Southeasterly, 226.39 ai of 1103.92 feet, radius of I IC3.92 feet, rad1u a curve to the left (having -arc of a curve to the left (having -arc of and distance angleofof 11'45'O0", I I'45'O0". ar.d chordbearing berhig and distance of of ar.d aa thord central 5.50 c0lt2I.5I., 84.00 84.00 thence 5.50 225.99 feet); feet); thence S.34 C6'8.5Z., 225.99 5.34 'C68.5Z., a
ta.r.entbearing bearingofof j.359'jB,SW., therce, from from 4 tar.qent feet; fl.3r593B.S"W., feet; thence, Hortsstrly, feet. alcn9 aIon the cur'e to to the the right ri0ht Horth2trly, 139.95 139.95 feet, the arc arc of of a curve g1eOf O645'0C', I17.9Z feet. central ngleofO645'OC', a central (havngaa rddhJof radius of 117.9Z feet, a (hiving chord bearing bearingand anddistance distanceofofII.53508.S'1J., II. 6 3608.5W.. I1)9.87 9.87 chord jnd nd a
H.36 00't4'1., thence, from froo a tangent tangent bearing bearingof of I.36OOI4'W.. feet); thence1 feet); the ririhL curve to orthwesterIy, feet, al3ng along the the arc arc of of a curve to the yhL crthweterly, 206.36 20635 feet, a
Of 0954'42. centr1 anIe anleof0954'42", radius of 1192.52 feet, feet, aa centrl (hev1gaa raduof 1192.S' (having rL3VQ253"U., 206,11 nd aance of 206.11 feet). feet); of U.31'02'5]U., ar.d a4 chord chordbear.1 bearLi and tangent Dearlng Larng of U.23fl0'38.rU.,Northerly, Northerly, from rnce, from tangent of U.231)0.5'U.. thence, 49.13 feet, a'ong a longthethearcarcofof acurve curve tøthe ther1jht ri ht (hail (having ng a 49.13 feet, chord rgie of nJ a chord entr.l angle of 0221'OO", 022100", ann of 11g7.g2 1197.2 feet, r4dlus feet, aa central rad1u of 22O9'00,'U., 49,)3 feet), the cr'd end of N.22O9O0,5'kl., 49.13 feet). to to the Dtaring and and distance dtance of DtrIng a
thence U.69 U,6'J of thence L2O'SO'30.5"ti U205030.51J....79.00 79.00feet; feet; thence of ald 'aidcurve; cL'rve;thence to the 52.50 feet feet to 01'21.YE.. 82.50 the POIIiT FOIUT CF CF SEG!)UIUJG. 6[0)I!iIIJG, 0I2L6"E,. contaIning0.919 0.9/9ofof n cre cre Contatnng n
c, I
5ntal, ) 5uih il ?O .4 iiMtIlI tI iti4, partiflh' ni LLSLL iwritiIiI port mu j1cridJ Florida, .iiwiih Ciiuiit }j1 Cit. 1111 h,iuuTh Coulit) . Ro 1111iL c, j IILJ deriI,Id c1ei Iird ijoundtc5, ul hjJiiJ I Lii Ihi Lu ui yit,i iL]hil 1
to w11 ta w11
J3 tr i Water ':oI furr tht.o—.t -. I i:cjiiuu ii,tiiI_c L I.LL flu titI5Ufl, III! 50fl. limi tWI 01 Im1LiIicS 1'\I ul Hi HOllY A IfflUflV flA! UI /. 413 ul III HDI1Y 413 tilL' IL'U f or dat iIicrcuf t p .11. r to thu uii.ii uccoiI my tu Lhc dC üiuI 1 rltj I hi
rCO LIOd recorded
of the 7 rn i3 0t ;i iaL}t: 13 IUL 2 int II i 5001 I
.i 1.
1 or ..l'(1UIIlL CUurty . Florida; PILL Cft Rccoitb orf' liii County. liii,bnou'ØL CCOi't! 1
{i Jfl f('' tNtI. ? IIl'I! ,.' I L 4{JlJfl thcilce lull ii1Ll ILl t!iti ?I thuIi1! 101 I.
lot 4H . ud Lot. Lul y tPiilcIdVy iiutiicIrn'y cii tsd aloriJ al un'j tlit, thL [d'LUFly iiicd Pier— P icrC011J lied liv flcnttuiiiy point oil flout hiiy 'CoLIh oil thu 1
'r ';ofl >1Lw CietCdlr iu ut nd Bu).l.Ii:ad Bu 1.Iud I. iiI& head and hcad 1Jnc 1. iIiu bu'i . Iubt'r I1 'U. ChunriI a 0wrl u'.r On U Ch1iriul icrida .j i'p.i'id by .Iu TltI1I,_h ILarbor. 1.1Iurtdi TuI1I.h 1LrL,or'. U. jrctl 1iprOYLU iuPrO. Ut Ai'iiy Aiiiiy , jrtJ Corj. of[ricjilu!t•r [rjirwtr.'I LI-i: Corj. cii iiinY co .I,iruury 'LY, _3.irhtsrY Y, ni Liu ;Lc rv:.r) by tfuv by 1fi .;LcrL,urY 1,
a e1d t,y Ic
Ic.. ul ul Lie t'iOlQrLi,, hriip, iirJruFIuC tr PU1Nt ud the ti VUINt 953 93 auii Li t,nLL flu-rI 2 26 2B" Last tInLu fbi-ni ?262B' lLCIibL'á lL'C1ibCd)a,Lel l)1L(l ; arkl irhead and Iii "foihInd IDOl Icut alcri-j 4ILI 'comhincd ftrhead un-i HI.O1 1oI 1L'rc L tlccrlcL ii,1flPL' ,.tii 1UII C}iIflflLl ii i 'uu tn' (, ti tit ni rui: Bul 1unJ }iaJ ttrIl: LI1 font iu a poII fcyl Ii) 3 pOflit my UL SotiLl, SOuJ1i ('5it.i....L.i.L tUi. i1kiIud ati Outi'1ClIY 'CiiIri'.I 'irI:d Ur, thu SouthcllY Coi'Hrwd r thu therire thrirn ni ; G'u i nun C olthth Gaici'ifl CitiiuI Iicad 1iad Lthc" ol iiuU u1OriCJ iid Siu1h :t US'. 9 (eL 1110.9 lOLLI 1nrig South 7236?Y 723fi" flint ltt!• ti'WI (
Ii1,LhLd I,iiun'm IILt uIkhc&d ji_nhIJtI lIILt C3I:LhiTlt'd PiiihI'JtI 'Ci:hjflt'LI JI)L)tu fi:uL JI)L, jfl fun I to a. W't NOIh Nith 2OiLP 2OJII 39' jJ WLSI ii riciul Viyrhc,id 'CciuIilrcJ Un uo th(2 thu NOrthi'ly Nrth'u'Y''tcSii,Ilir%cJ
ii .1
!iI— !1LuIt. Ch'ifl L un (ii''i:.i'u Ci.'nL; tNLfli thy (liii i51e'Of of thn hiu1 Lin' iu'l )0j at1 nd 10.1? tucta)onj ijoth 36h' ii. 'I(LI? cut /'36 lJoi-U n t11L tL1 LhLnd L ILL" U) thu IiiL Lu I hrid L ILL' LII Iujd Nir 'COILj nLd P ur i'.l Co,ibrwd I
o;ui 10N1ornrD1U];RItG. D1UNiflG.
EFIjT C' -
£ of
Iad bounded of prci ofof1ai That pert pert of lunc4 yy SDDOg, That SDDOi, GARRISON, GARRiSC, and nd pircd irp SPARKHAK SPARKH&I'( CKAHNLLS, HLLS, ccordir t to zccordln napofDf 'U.'U. LIARBOn hARBOR LIkE5 LINE5; TAMPA TAMPA BOP., FLORIDA, tLLSB0R0RY(RAIJDII!LLS13OROAr' prepred by HARBOR; FLORIDA.IitLLSBORORY(RAIJDII!LL5D0RO!AY'prep.oredby of o the Arcy en anapprove theCorp by thc th Secreury Secretary Er.9ineeri,U.s. U.S. Ariy •pprove by Corps of the, Army on J;r.Lnry r.ury 19, of theAr'i' 9, 1053, 105),descrIbed decribod•s as(ol Io.ii; C
Fri.tho i3rthC5t correr Horth*est correrofo(Gocrnrin Goernrent Lot ot 14. 14, SectIon 15, Sec.10 19 Tonsh1p-2929South. SouU.R:rge Rge 19 19Eait, rat, IU11sorough Count', 1horou Townhip County.F1orda. Florida. run S.OO'2428'IJ., 2683,&) feet,' 6iong Wc5t bovnOiry runtrer,ce t.err 5.0O'428'., 283& Ieet,along thethe Wct bornO8ry nd a Southerly or rction 29 19 nd e,tens on thereof, of sad 5id Section Southerly rtenon trreof, to Lo 8 o int nt Fro,,.tho
on ou theCorbned theCorbind Pirred Pirrheed 8nci tn U'jlhejd Line for for the hed Line thoSouther'y South€ry side side of GARRJSOJI CARR1O1 CHNhEI, of CHANhEL, cCordIn 4ccordlnv to 1d np rp off 'U. hARBOR to lJ I1ACR LIliES, LIlIES, IAMPA FLOMOA.FilLLUOR0 HILLSUORO RIVER.NO tHUflILLDOP0 ILIILSDOPOBAT'; BAT';thence thence 1A.MPAIARECR, IIAREC, FLOIdOA, RIVCI1 1080.? feet, feet. •a1on long said Concned Pierhead and and Co.tined Pierhead $.72362YU. sI $..72'36'2YU., 1080.7$ or BLCI 5u2had PQ1N uflh?ad tine, line • for a POINT OF Nt1IflG; troci P01 MIOF CF BCNiIflG; froi saidsad P01i41 DEGIHU1HG contriuo thence S S.?2)625"W.,24.2l OEGIHHNG 2')6'25W,,245.2 feet, contriuo thence (tot, along along said seld Corb1nedPferhoad Corbiried;Pirhoed nd endEuflhed h)khcedtine, tine, to Tanp Harbor to Tanpa Irarbor Line Line Point Point 23'O'3., 431.22 reeL, 1UL IlL 2l5; 215; trnc8 thenco 5.23'5O'39W., 43722 feet,COfl9 along intersection intersect I Or Cobned Cobinod Pferhad Pierha! tn 5uIkhc,d GARRISON end 8ulkhe.d Line Line für fr C&RtiS0W S.EDCII nd SEDOCII U.5. HARBOR ChANNELS, acccrir IAHPA IAR0R LINES, CHANNELS, acccrdn;to toaIid mp mp of 'U.S. LIkES, TAMPA HAR3Q,FLORIDA. HtLLSBORORtYHlAiD LL$B0RO1RAD IIILLSBORO HARBO,'ELORlDA, IIILLSBORO SAY, too Tesa Iamse JJ rbor Line Point thenceS.25'38'47'E., S.?S3847E,, 372.06 !Jror Line Point THLTHL2I216;thence feet, H.06 feet, eon9 lon9tflo tno Corbineb Cobire.bPierr,e.d Pier.'eedera aridu1ktieod Bu1trd Line r. terly the C.astr17 LIne vn in the tde ideof1a1dSL)DOhCANthEL of said SEDDOk' CHANtCt;thence thtnce N.69012].V(., 54.65 (eet N9'0J2.(., 54.65 (eeL; thence N,206B38.$U., 25B'38.5'U., 78.5D thence 78.5D fret; feet; thence .69O121.5w. S.6YOI2l.5", 12.00 12.00 feet; tonce feet; thence N.205838,SW.,210.09 210.09feet f&et;thtnce U.24'O3.' U.24'Ol' 4,9O feetthence I.5E., 4.9O feet; N,20'Sb)O.YW.. 59.76 feet; thence thence thee N.20'b3O,5w.. 5.76 feet; 3.)9 feet; feet; thence 1.24O1'2j.VE,. 32.39 Ftiinceri.2O58J6SU.. u,20°63J6.U., 7.1 6 feet: feet 7.6 thenCe N,24 thence N24 0V21.YE., 0121.YE.. I42.6 feLt; Tect thence thence I1.O0121,5E., U.09 0l215E., tflence'L21'F14r[., I21 jl4..L IOS4u 294O fet; tflence ?94 feet; 1OS4u (e?t thence trlOncC H.6V39 H.61'9' 14.I'Z., 46,60 14.I'Z., 46.60 foot; fot; thce theceN.Y40.4'[,, R.54B9.4E.. 9,33 90.33 fe:'; theIce fe:'; thence •
i.o901l.'[., L6901?l.$E., aa,7 fet; U'.nc. Ji.rtc.1.fO'56jflSU.. ll.O'5hLU.. 7.06 7.06Yctt rt thenceU.E9'Dlzi.S'E., thence F.9'Dlfl.SE. 26.25 thence H.iO838.5I4.,46,90 46.90 2625 (bet; ('et; tncc H.O'838.5'U,, 37
!c,et iN! CF CF !et to to thethe UiN
zjirfn0 ContInfnG
fIh G.
.55J .55] acres, crs,
ore or crore or lesi.
7 c,f Ii 7
45O5r k:45O6:l2 1272
of a parcel That prt of Th4t of lind rce1 of lind bounded bovnded by by SECDDN, SECDDN, GARRIOI GARRISOP, at SPARKMAn SPARKMAn CHAIELS, CHAEL, accordln0 iap of accordln0 to to nap of 'U.S. US. HARDOR HARDOR LINES. LINES, TA?!?A TA??A HARBOR1 F F LORIDA. HARBOR, LORIDA,H1LLSORQ H1LLS0RQ R1YER RIVER AUD AUUiLL5UflD HILLSDURO 3AYprepared prepared by by the Corp the Eny1naer, U.S. nd approved ppraved by Corps of Engineers, U.S. Arey Army and byt.he the Secretary Secretary or of the Arn,y enJanuary January 19 Ariy on 19, !9) 1953,descrIbed described s rd lows: fcHow: si
From Ue Horthwest From .be cornorof ofGovernrent Government Lot Lnt 14, SectIon orthst corner Section 19, TQnsh1p 29 29 South, South, Range Range 19 TQInshIp 19 Eact, Eci, flI1horou9! lHIsborough County, County, .F1orId, florida, run run thence thenCe $.OO'24'B"W., $.00'24W., 16&O.5 the I6&O.6 feet., feet, tJievest Ust boundiry bondry of sold said Section 19 and aa Southerly of ectfon I9tnd thereof, totoo pottit uther1y extonIon extonIon theref, poi.nt 1
on en
the CorbIned Pierhead Plerhead nd the Crbined rd OuIkhe flul kheodLine Lnefor for th.o th Southerly Southery
side id
of oF GARRISOH GARR1SOU CUA1)IEL, accorfi9 to id zip CHAnnEL, actorcfa9 to said znp of of 'tJ.5. U.S. HARBOR HAR8OR LINES, LINES. TAMPA AReOR, FLORIDA, lIi1L$Qfl0RjflW AriaI1ILLOD IlILLSOfltEA; EA;thence thence LR1A, 1IILLSQflO RivH. riU 12$.96 fe't. S.?2J6'2W., 1325.96 feet, •On9 sId soldCombined Corrk1ne. Plerhead nd Pcrhead and Oulkhaad Oul khcd Line1 Li Re,toto Taop:arborL1z ftop :hrbor Line Point 215;theri;e theri;e 5.23' 5.23' PointTHL THL25; s
SO. ]9h,. 127.22 feet. alongIsiersettiot,CoAb1ned Intersect Ion Cob1ned Fl erhad and fl7.22feataon9 P1erhadand Bulkhead Lire SD?Iand SIIJDON Lire for for OAR GARRSOfland S(DDON CHANNELS, iId according to saId CHANHELSI according rp mp fof "u:s. IIAR9O 'u:. HARSOR LihE$.I FLORIDA, LINES,TAMPA TAMPAflARBO, IIARBO,1. FLORIDA.IIJLLSDORO IIILLSDORORIVER RIVER AND A1I to Iaipa AND HILLBDflO HI LL5BDRO BAY, Iipi Harbor TIlL 216 216; thence Harbor Line Line Point Point TilL thence S,238'4'.,-.377.5 eet, aon S.2S2847t,,377.U6 feet, •lng the Plerhead and the Coib1ned Cob1nud Pler:head and Bu1khed iJne on on the 6ukhead iJne the £ter1y ildt of stld iid said SE000M SDDON CHARNEL; CMAHHEL thence thence H,GCl21.5'E.. 38.71 H,GYCl'2].5E., 38.71 feet feet for, for aPOIIiT POINTOFOFBEGIHIflMG; BZG1NIG frci froo said fd POIkTOF OFBrG1rInIJ BGII Continue POINT continuethence thenceti.6g'0121.S'E,. ti.693121YE.,25.94 25.94 feet, feet; thence $.20'338.S"E., thence $.2O'338.S1E,1 21.50 21.50 feet thence S.Y43'SU(., fett there 85S S.S43'5U'E,, a5.s f
thence S.64fl6' IVY., 6.00 thence S.64'1.6I1., IDO fet feot thence thonceR,aS i..as42sow., 42'$DW. thenci H2058'fl.Yv., H,2Od5S,YIJ.P 22) 35.56 fe.t feet thenc. th POIIIT 2) feet feet t the S.56 OF PONIT OF (eeL; feet;
Cont1ot1Q O.DO of in in crc. ere. uore ContalrJnQ OO4 of or or or loss.
: 4606 1273 k46O6b1V3
DESCRPTJCN DESCIUPTWN; That part cf of aa parcel parce of land bounded bounded by by SEDDOtJ. 5EDDO?, GARRISON,and andSPARKMAN SPARKi.ANCFIAtNELS. CFlAttELS, according accrJing loto:itapofof"U.S. GARRISON. "U.S. I1ARCFt IJNI5, TAMPAflARBOR, IAR3OR, FI.ORIOA FLORIDAI-IILLS3CRC UILLSCRC giVER hARBOR LIN5. TAMPA RiVERANO ANO F-11L!SSOROGAY' flAY' prepared R1L!SSORO preparedbybythth Côrp Corps of of Enirieers Ençineers, U.S. U.S. Army Army
nd andapproved approvedby by the Ihe Secretary Secretary of of the tI,eArmy Armyon on,lanuarV enuary 19. '9 '95 19,, dccrbed decrbed as follows:. -
r Coverrrnen From th the Northwcst cc?ner or Coverrrnentlot Lot 14 Section Northwest ccrncr SecUon).t,Township Towrbip 9 South, Ranje Caunty, F1crida 29 Ranje 19 19 Eat1 East,FliItberuLiOh FliItsbOruLi0h County, Florida, run run thence thence S. OC° 211' 281'W. I1688. 6S8. 6 feet OC°211h26"W. theWett Westboundary boundaryofofsaid sad Section feot aInnQ aIng the IS and aa Southerly 19 Southerly xtanson Pet— xtensonthereof ti-icreultotoa apoint pointononiho ihoCo,nbined Co bred Pieiheadend hcd Line icr forthe theSDLJLhCrIy Southerly side ndBWkhead Bukhead Line sideofofGARRISON CARI1ISON CHANNEL. CHANNEL. mapofof'US. "U.S. I1AFOR LENES, LINES, TAMPA according to said nap HARBOR TAMPA HARBOR, HARBOR, FLORIDA. HtLLSOORO HIELSOOROR1VER RVER AND ANDtIJLLSBORO IIJLLSBGRODAY"; DAY';thence thenceS.72e36d S.72°36 FLORiOA. 25W., 2W., 930.56 930.56fei. feet, ahong alongsaid saidCombined CombinedPicrhead Picrhcadand andBulkhead Dulkhcad Line; Line; 1
t'...nceS.20°5W305E., 5.20°O.'E., 66.614 feet; thence S.C9°D'21.iL, 19.7q 19.7'l feet; tftnce L6 feet; thence S.09°Dl'21.SIV.. thence 5.O°'39.5"E., $00.00 thence lcd; tIence S.G9°D1'2I.'VL, 83.50 $O0.tD feet; thence S.G°Di'fl.'iL, 83.50 feet; 5.20' 5' 35. - ,79.0t 79. GDict feet feet;hence thence S.2D35."E, totoa çoint pointoftfcurvzture; curv ture: tcetalong oIon the the cu-c al-c of or aacurve curvetototIte tmheft oft thenee hence Southeasterly Southeastcry D. I) feet ha haying yin; a radius radius of of 1197. 197. 92 !12foot fct and and a central njio of 0221'00" 02°2 IOU"(choed (chord centralaartto beiririq 5.22' 09' 08 SE ., 9.13 Iec.1l); beiririi S.22'09'0BS'E., hence frLJI-n tangent bcaritl9 hcarin foul); thence frurn aatangent of S. $.26°o'3'E. of 2&°o5' 32'E. Southeasterly 192. 76feet (ertalort a longthe thearc arcof ofaa curve curve SDLitea5teriy 192.75 to th having aradius or of 112. S2 (cot and central the€It heft having a'radius 1I2.S2 kot and nçj1e of central artcjhe of C9° C9 t'30" S.30eL)t7E.., 19.L5S 9.55 feet); $30 (chord bearing S.3O03't7"C., feet); thonce thance conlirtuinçj conlinuing aalong long said said curve, cueve,- Southeas Southealerhy 13.60 feet feet o1orj aIon the thearc arcofofaCurve curve ta to er!>' 13.60 the thc loft left havinu havnj aa radius radius of 92. D1fect (octand and aa central ccn tral r, l e of of 00e39 QQQ 39' 2' inle 12" (chord bearing bearing S. S.3S0'B"E., 1360 feet); thence fronj a tangent (chocd 351W') 8" F,, 13.60 feet); thence fran, a tanent bearing bearing of SE.; Socthe3stc ny i.S0 .50 feet tong Ihe the arc arc of a curve TO of SS33 23' 3' . .5'E.,SouthesterIy feet atong To the left the lefthvrig hvriga-radkus a-radiusofof1157. 157. 92 fuot and aa cen'.ral central ang'e of 02°OS'qS' 1ut and O20Ohil6* cnord bearing S.3'18'O2E., 11.149 feet); thncaS.53e36b00W, S.58.3600"W, &9.98 (chord S;3'IS'02E., 14.qg feet); thence 55.93 feet; thence thenceS. S.31 121O0"E., feet; 2 41 DOE., 5.00 500 fccrt; feet; I therlce hence S. 503&OO I.. •51.62 Si 62 $553&00"W.,
feet: thc:,co the-ce S.23?2'07'W, L36 feet; (ccl; thoncu tbnc S25L3'50'., feet; S.2r?2'07''W, U?.36 S25°43'50"L.H115.00 5.00
fct; thence rct:; thence S.56'20"V.. 25.53 foci;thcice thence N.2fl3;ZW., 1O.9 O.29 26.3 feet; N.29q3'Z"W., i'c5'W.,32. 32.? re3t; thencsN.'4i5D9'W., 7 feet to to thethe POINT INC; fe,t; thence feet POftTOF OF BECNN BECINNINC; thence 1LCO feet;thence thenc N.S3'D"W., N. 2s3'0''W.,7Go.0 76.8O feet; feet; ther,cc S.64°16'lO"W,, StT6'10"W,,16.CO feet: thence 16.00 feet;feel: thence S,2S°L350'C., ? led feet 'hence N.6tiS'1Q"., N.6141S'10',.. 16.00 thence 5.2550", ? to to the the POINT POINT OF OF BECINNINC. BECINhNC.
S 3acres, acres •more more or less.Containin Containing 0. 0.53
REV. 3/1 REV. :3/11
OLE jd DLP;jd
EiI:1T"L — -Par3e E/1T I] Parc 99ofof 1]
J1_Cj.4/ 46O61Z4
That ort o.rt Of of
land boonded Isrc1 of of 'and bounded by by SLOUCh, S(031, CARIS0I4, (IIRIS0U, and nd SPAkM,j SPAkMtj CHArE1S, CHANNElS,according aceorClngt to map U.S. IiTUWR ap ofof"U.S. }I.T11O1l LIlIES, LiIi5, TAMrA TAMrA HAroR, FLORIDA, FLQRIDA, 11111S00RG HAroR. RIVERAND AND HLL3010 HILLSBoO fl!VER ULLS3OO 0fYprepared by OAY prepared by t.e U.S. tieCorps Corps of ofEn9Ineer, Engineers. 0.5.Army Arryand andap2r4ved apprcyedhybythe ho Secretary Secretary of the theAArmy of rniy on u ry 1919. • 2953, on Jan January 2953, described Ce Cr bed asas ía]fol Ic 1ci-: i-i Frrm Frnn the the Northet NorthwestCorner corner of ofGovernrert Govern,1ertLot Lot 14. 14. Se;tion 5etion 19, 29, Tonshp 2 South, Range 9 29East Hi ri1) $bcrourh East, roliCount Coun" Florida F1rida, thence 5.0 $.0V2428U., 16B3.CI feet. 2428W., 16B8.C1 feet,along alongthe th West West boundary bounfary of of ididSeetio ad a Southerly Seeto 29 19 an SoutFierlyextens &xtCn5In ion thereof, thereof, to to a point ôint Ctbiried Pierhead on te C—bjned Pierheadanan Bullhead Lire for for the rflhead Lire tii Souther y side side $outhery of GARRISON CHANNI. of GARPISON CRAFN1,according according to rnp of toRIVER said sd Ah inp of U.S. RARUOR AflUOU LHES. LJIES. TAMPA HARBOR. FLORIDA, TMPA HARBOR, FLORIDA, HILLSBOnO IULLSBOflD RIVER ANJ iJ1LLsooro IJILS00R0 BAY'; BAY"; thence thence S.723626R., 9S0.s6 90.S6 feet, alongLaid S.12362PW., feet. along Combinod said CornbinCJPierhç Perhcd and nd 8u2hd Line; S,0eB3.5E., Bulkhea4 Lino; thence thence S,Z06B'3S5E.. 6.64 feet; 6.64 eet; thence thence S.69 5.69° 0l2L5W. feet; thence therC 520 0j2l.YW. 19.74 29.74 feet; 583A.6E., 900.00 S.?0513i,6'E, B00.O0 feet; feet; thence S6960121.VW.. S.69601'fl.YW.. 83.50 S3.50feet fot for for a POInT PQ2U OF EGlNIIIUG; EGlNIjUG; thence S.20S828.SE thence S.2oS8'28.SE.,. 29.00 79.00 fetto feat to tehegjnflrmnofacurve the beginnino of a curveto to That
the eft; thence thence Southerly. Southerly, 40.13 the eft; 49.13feet, feet,along alongthe thearc rc or of said cre havir'.g a radiu radhj, f 119J.J2 1191.02feet, feet1 a ccntrcl (having angle 02 cc t1 angle 02 2100, and and chord bearin9 corve
dince of S.22D9o8.5L,
rJ distance or S.22@D9035E ctiord bearing ond 49.13feet); feet); thence, 4913 thence, from frorna a tan.leiit tanjeiit bearin0 berig of of S.260532'E. S.260532°E., Southeasterly, 192.76 Southeaser1y, l92.?Gfeet.a1onUtcarcofacur feet, a1on tbc arc of a Curve to the left left tothe a eadius (havnga radiusof of1I5,92 1I9.92fect, central on1eofO9flY3o, central onle of 09'1530', a
and achord t,carng and chord bcarirand andditanc distanc. of 53O4327Ll9.55 9.55 feel); feel); ofthe 5.3041'17L, tiiertce 558']&'OOw., 65.71 feet to to thence S.58J5'OO'W., 6671 feet the eginnin9 Of 'uryc to eginnif19 of aa cur'e to tie r;ht; thce thence Reter1y.36.31 36.J feet, o1oncr tie rignt; Westerly. feet, olonq the arc said arc of of soic curve hayin radius of curve •havn9 a radius of 2900 29.00 feet, feet. aa central angle of central angle 0(72 4400. anda 44!OO! and achord chardbearrrg bearing nti ofofU ti.b502OU nd distance Lance 5'O2O0, 'h., 34.39 34.39 feet), to the en fct), to the end ofof said saidCurvc curvethence N.43lO3o'w,, 317.82 a
thence h 3330l.L, 317.82 leot; thence leet; thrnceH.22'36D0"w. H.27 '36D0'Q., 74.00 feet; thence 74.00 N.I8S4'O0w., h.1S D?.S feet 2D?.5 feettoto the thebe9nrIng be9nning of afeet: :urvethence the left; 4OUW., :urve toto the left; tI-erce thence ICI.40 111.40 feet feet, alolie a101in the ef said CLJrVC the arc cf (hviry a ctirvc (hviry radius of 60.0C O.00 feet. aa cer,trl cntra1 angle 964Y51'. angleofof 96405F'.and nd a ehcrd chcrd bearn9 an distance bearing C6UI'J55W., dtnce of of h.?'l'J6Yw., 89.76 89.75feit), In trie feit), In ti end end of cf said curve; S.64'16'10'W., said curwe; therce therLce S.64i61o'),,277.61 77.60 feet; feet; hencc N.2543 h'cc N.2f42' OFI. 85.5 SO'l., feet; thence tFience N.20 0' N.2D°59'3A,s"v 3.flO 3.U0 iet;thence thence 21.27 feet; ]l.6901'2j,5E,, i.690l'2i.5"F,. 2L27 feet thence tliencc'c.2o-s3'asc'r S..20'3'3c'E iet; 99.50 f; 90.50 feet; thence Fi,690j'Zj,5'E,, Fi,6r01'zj.YE,.170,00 123,00 feet; feet; thence S.2Ou thence S.2O1U3fl& 1.50 JOSE., 1.50 feet; tflence thence N.&'01'21.S'E., feet; N.60i21.SE., 41.30 feet mo thO the bogimiuing bi'gini,ing of of a 41.30 feet curve to the the r rl' curve to SJthta.tL!r1y, thence Southuasturly, 106.iiI loesi rce L (c-L aicri LIie alonQ LI'c rcreo(o(said curve sa curve having (lavm og radiuS of radius or B.UO 8.fl0 feet. feet. 10 .i a reif,-al a'ol c ur 90'OO'CD'. and a Chord chord bOei-i uf go'oooo'. anu b .ir, and tancrn r d dis dit.riç-' ni '6., 96.17 96.17 feetj. SL. feet). to to the theCnd endofofSaid "id curve thtnc. S.2sO cuivo; thrnce S20S0' 18S![ 3O.L, 31.00 f
from e
31.00 feet, feet, tente thence S..l32'J7' D32J1,5E 5C.flu (tL; tenc taer arfn Of taqert arfn; of S.2Y5838.VE, 3J? S2O5'38.YE, uthstery. 3.? t he ar-c of AcJ\e rv long the Lu the leftS6uthestery, (i,av9 arc
u t e f-CO feet, feet a central central anIe 01]3'02'4S, J302S n1c of e
1 a
1NN hO IC.
and 'ld
'ouus u s of o I
chord Lt'aring a Chord LL'rin9 and
200I1U (a_,
r t 3] 0 i e ,:.rcr;r loss [cta'ning )3]Ojres a
a f t
8U 20iiu tl!r S,2Dh5'3flyE., feEt):(e_, tIun S,2D'3yE f,, t hnce:'5fliIyE
U'st'ncp iStrire ofofS])flU]"L, S.J)U]t., JS.
0u tFH: tF,: POINT POINt
That part That part of ciaa parcel prcei orccland lentbouflded bounded by by
°.OPAH!09N,end R!5ON, en1 11066909 CHANNELS, according tm tap of '0.0, SPARXHAtj CHANNELS, :cord1ng to map of "U.S.T0I'lN AT&'INES, 15, TAHPA TANPA 664806, FLOR)0A. IIILLSAORO 41664 AND 640 61LLSBORO preparAd by HILL$BOSO RIVER k!LLSBCRO SON' 8AY prep3rêd HARbOR, FLORIUA, the too Corps Corps of ie,cr, U.S. U.S. Oreny of Erg Engfncers, Army ano ariaappr-000d approvedbybythe the Secretary Secretary
of of tIe toe
lower Army en on January January 19, 19, 1453, 1953.described descrIbedatasfol fo11ows
From the From the fo'thoca Nothwest0 corner corner of of Government S coerroen t Lot Ltt 14 It, Section Section 19, Township 29 29 iowAN. Ree4e 19 South, Range i9 teat, Florida. Township East, Ifbllcboroogh Hilisborough Ceunty, County, Floriia,
thtre S.0024'2rW., thmnre S.O0'24'2l'W., 2686.6] 1685.61 feet, feet, along along thethe West beatboundary boundary 01 said caid SectIon SeCtion 19 of 19and anda aSoutherly Sothery eoteno extension thereof, to to a point Or thereof, point o
on the on the Combined Conbiced p1 Plerbead erbeedand andGui bulthead head Line Line for for the the Southerly Southerly side tide of 00611009 COuNSEL. aocording to to afd ld map cap ef "2.5. UAROR 01OCt09 LINES, LINES. of GARRISON CHANNEL, a;corcing of "U.S.
STub HARBOR, 006804. FLCRIDA, FLORIDA. FflLLSBORO HILLSA040 RIVER DAi' 1;1?A RIVERAND AHOHILL090NO HILLSBCRO DAt'S;thenoe thence 902.46 feet, font,along S.l2'OA'lN'W., 980.56 along tald CombInedPferhead ylerorad and and S.?2352YIJ., said Combined bulLhead Lien; Bulkhead hCnOe 5.2O5BJ8.5'E., 5.00'SbUt.N'E., 66.64 66.69 feet; feel;thence thence S.6D 1.65' thence Line; t 01ll.b'W., 29.74 01fl.YW.. 19.14 feet; feet; thence SJ0583B.5E., 900.00 feet to to aa thence S.?O'AR'30.S'E.. 900.00 feet 1010 TI BEGNNINS: SEGINRINIO runrun po;T CT thence .69'0r2j.5E,, 20.50 feet; ehence 0.69'09'21.5'6,, 20,50 feet; ter,ce tteooe S.tO'SE'OO.A'E.. 19.00 feet 00cc to to the thee beg1niin beginniryti of aooroa S.05a38SE., 79.00 curve to to the left; nhe left thence t nonceSoutherly. Southerly,44.87 49.A7feet, feet, 4tlong told ong the the arc arc of of said curve (hadng ocr-Ic )haulng aa radius radium of of 3093.92 1091,92 feel, feet, aa central central angle angle of ofL0'2i' 0221' 00'. and and aa chord bIrd beerfn,g 00, bearir,g end anddIseanon distanceofofS,22'OS'OB,S"E.. S.22D9'OBS'E., 44.50 44.86 met); thence 99.90 trOt; thence, 'runt tangent feet); thence S,t9'42'21'E., S.I94226E.. 94.46 feet; thence, froi'l beanlr,g S,0D'I0'39.AE.,Southeasterly Southeasterly, SO.76 AlOhA feet, feet. along berng ofofS.2513'38.5E.. along the the art arc of ofaa curve nurue to radius of of 1100.12 1103.92 lent, 10 the the left left (having lhavlrg a radius a feet, centrel angle Antic of aedac chord Nerd beerin centra of 20'IA'OO', 2515'OO, and bearing and 5tdnce Of of end di disntncn 541'2I'Qfh'E 601.35 feet), to S.41m21'OS.SE., 101.31 feet), te the end of sOld said ounce; curve; nNenuo thence 5.ho'3A'IA.b'E,.166.59 161.09 feet feet tO to the bettotning S.54'2$38.YE,, beginning of aa curve ounce to the
ouror along the arc of ofd curve
thence Easterly, 3S4.22 fee left;theroeEaeterly,300,22feet,elongshoaroolteld left;
)houirg (having
a radius of 194.01 594.61 feet, feet, tuontra a central angleofofIl'Ol' 3701' 21,6', 21.6. rodlus of I tnle
and a cnd a000rd chord bearing bearing and and Oloeetoe distance of of S.lO'lS'lO'E.. 271.11feet). met), S.?2'SS'lrE, 37L57 to the rod to end of of bald said curve', curve; thence N.00'30'09"E N.88'30'O3'E., 19.00 9.00 feet the feet tu one beginning of cfo ourve curve te to the the lrft; I eft; tthence 29.S4 henoe Northeasterly, Northeasterly, 29.00 beginning feet, alcn9 clIng t'e arc of of said taid curve ourue (having )h aoingaro dice of Of 19.00 feet. feet, te arc a radius a central colic angle of of 90'OC'LO', 900C'OO", anc and a chord a and dl Ofond bearlnQ bearer0 and discItron tance of O.43'ODOE'E., 2687 26,01 feet, N.433D0rE., feet), to to the the end of said curve; Ounce; thence of said NOt' 000O'W,. H.O) 827.39 feet; feet; thence 30O0i4,, 821,10 t heron N.0712'38'W., 9,0l'12'30'W.. 100.50 100,50 ieet. feet; 10000 feet thence O.0I'0S'0O'W., N,oI30oO'w., 100,00 100000 to cue e;inning beti one9 of ha cur-ce curve to tine the lelt; left; thence thence Rooth &orthester1y, oetter ly,29.84 20.19 feet, feeO, along oltng the the arc arc of of said said cur-am) curve (having naulnyora a radius clue of of 19.00 19.00 ieet, feet, aa centr1 centre 1 angle arle of on 90 90' 00'OO', and 090a000n d bearing andand dl d1stnce stance tf of O,95'30'OO'W., O0'UO, chord bearlnç C53000W ., 01.07 2.87 I
face);thence thenoo N.OrSO'OO',L, 9.0O'30'00',',, 104.00 000.00 teat; thence' 30'lO'E., feet); feet; thence PL38 3O'C0E.. 2.20 feet feet to to the thebeg1nnng beginnIng ci 2.2 of a Curse curveto to Ore tne left; left; thence theoce 20.64 feet, Nurineaocerly, leet. along iortneater1y, 28.64 along the the arc cr0 of of said cal dcurce curve (having Ihooteg a a
rediun I angle radius of of 09,30 9.0O feat, feet, aoernre a cntra1 of 14'22'01', 862O7. 4nd a chord angle of ondo 06cr-c 000nino hence of of N.4Y656.$E R.cYtO'lt.O'E.. ebb tearing and ani cia distarce .. 26.00 feet), to point leet), tooa point Ci neceruc curve; ouroe'. threOe corOnal' ly, 372.53 of re'ere tflence ortnerly, gel_to nate. feet, aloe9 alon9tOn theca'oc rc of
00cr-ct liaui,ng aa radius rOdict of of 1102.00 1102.00 feet. a curveto to Ihe the right right (having feet, aa central cartrei angle 10'22'0l'. ae000hur d bearing baaring and of P.11 6.11 angle of of lg2z'o7". and a chord and diotar,re distance of tt'OO.'o'i., 210.06 feet), i,,Ol,to00000 end ci a'E6.SE., 370.16 the end of said curve; thence oa dour-or; ehneueia4.21' .21' lC'Ou'E., 001.20 feet; iceo;tnence 3C0OE.. 67.25 canoeh.663G'00'W 0.66' 10'OO'W, 21.00 nfl,noa 2)00 feet; feet; thence 0.? '10300., 0301 feet 00 N.? 9
E., 63]3 feet to the of aorcrur curve to to the the btgirni,g booinnic9of the thence iluntherly,
left; thence Northerly, 129.54 feet, ned. along a1ong rho Ihe ar-cal arc of Sal salt c,'or )taolrg a raø'.LJ5 rtdccorf ol 210.30 215.00 feat. feet, o centn (havfr.g ennonol1 angle angleul ofOb'bb'i9'. 2659l9', and oa thor-f beanie9 and and distance dlalanre of NOR' 120,04 and chcrd bearing ?.O8'00'2l'0, 0O'fl'E., 2.34 feoc).
feet), no nhe cede icc II nuroe', tlienceI05' to th.eendofsaiocurye; il,eeco nON'2919J.. 2919 1U,J4 feel Iner to tt
northerly boundary of the land deccrib' in fle!d teal )tIV 3), ci lillsborouyh ,lillc borough Covnty, Coonto. Ilor-ico, of F1oria; thence u.7134'Sl'D., Sit.. 60,00 tflonOe ;ll7'Oo' aloe0 th tic, nurtncri lcd,along cOun000y cc ret. Ucrtnerlyoou'ndary ci One theland landdecordescrted in :aid iced in 00cc
Inc one l,uolner;y bOunderyo I tie land detnnlb,c in fond lnce' from the Taopa recorded C) Op of o'rlurded In In Deed 8oo 3, PagE City f Tanpa l'agr 947 Pub) Ic 547, PubIc Records ilfoordo
hence 0,CN'5019'0,, 1109 (eec; thence S,CS '58 5L, )189 feet; thecS,21'Sl'03'b 5.?i5I03'., tbonne feel, feet. along tie lounNenly oaner'a eule on 0600;lON On
17.:; 111:
along the Sotherly .aters edge of GARRISON Ci{NNEL; clicn.nl1L; 154,75 thelie beginning ee,cr-ooS.0YZ919'E.. S.01'Cl 19"t.. 104,10feet feettoto Loginnin of 9ciaource curve to to cml rI9ht; 9ti;n thence hnnue Southerly, locnhenly.DOOIOfeeo alcngch eancoino the 200 19 feet along the arc of said Ic -c,, n (hing )ho,in.9 radios c' cONDOfeet, feet.a central our' a radius 0 42500 angie 26 control enfleofcr26' aedO crjord ari 0110 rehearing cr,dnd bearing dJstsnce 002FW..)98.) di000non Oil of 'dOD'll,O .19600 cc the the end to endccciOcic tlu curve 6.)3 ocr-00 ; thence memoS?;'S,?l00U''',, 1O'tO'. 01.10 ,'c[; nIence 3.09' F[;tfl rr,ce j&'o.' i&'O'J ...., 21.00 21.03 feEt; ieeo', trnce im'cnnn S.2I0C'0W., b.Ol'uO'LO'W.. '0 the Ic, o l,r LeglnnJg OOgmnni..g Of Ui cr00 IL' 10 tP,L c:re Ikit: tI,iOrIon U.n 14.11 ice a
:46O6 1276 Lft:46O61276 rdlu of radius of 9.0O 9.33feet, feet,
a centrai centrai angle angle of offl'OO'OO', 2'O0'00 and and a chord chard bearing ajid distance of 510° 00'00W.. 397.94 feet) bearing and distance of 5.10 DO00W.. 397,94 feet), t t the the end end DfSa curve thence of. sofd curve; feat; thence S.04 thence S.01 5.01'3U'OOE., 3000'E.. 203.00 203.00 feet; .04° 108,S0 feet: feet:thence thence 5.0i'ao'0O1 5,O10lOO 2'3B'Il., 0C,S0 91?.fl 91?.9 feet; feet;thence thence 5.'O'00w., S4.o0 S.6SO'U0W., 84.00 fet theflce. froo frc feat; thence, tangent bearing tangent bearin9 of of
H.01'U01'W., Horthwesterly, feet, H.013O00sW., Horthwsterly.2984 29.84 feet, aloig along the the arc arc of of a a cvrva to to
the the left left(having (hayln9 aa radius radius of of19,00 19.00 feet central central angi. feet, angl. off 900Q'oG, and a chord g000c, ardachrd bearing and d1tance N.46'3UOQW, and distance of of H.46'30'O0W., bearing cvrv
2687 26.87 feet)1 feet), toto the theend end of of said.curye said cur'e ther.ce t.herc S.883300W., S30'OOW., 3903 39.03 feet feet to the beginning beginning cf of aa curv. curyd to to the thence the right; rlght thence Westerly, Westerly, 420.01 of said said curve curve (having (having aa 420.01 feet, feet, along the arc of radius of of 678.61 678.61 feet, feet.aa central radius central angle anile of of S927'43'. chord 5°27'43". and andaa chord bearn. and1tarce ofofH.7346'O81I bearing and distance H.7346'OB'IL. 413.34 feet), point feet). to toaa pofnt of Westery 2,33 feet1 of reverse reverse curve curve; thence thence Westerjy, 29,33 feet,along alongththearc rc of Of aa curve to the left curve to left (haying (haying aa radius feet, aa central ngle radius of 19.03 -1900 feet, central aangle of 80'26'2r, a chordbearing bearingand anddistance distanceof ofS79'44'32".I., S.7Y44'32'W., 8O'26'22",and andachord c.5D the 0.50 feet), feet), to t the end end of of said curye; thence thence S.35'31'2i.5IL, S.36'31'2i.5IL, 0.2$ of afoot; foot; thence O.2ofa thence i54°2R'385W., i.54°2R'3t5'w..84.00 84,00 feet feet; thence, from thence, froit a t3ngent tangent bearinQ bearinq of of N.35 N3531'21.5E., t{ortherly, a 31'21.S'E., Northerly. 29.84 29.84 feet, feet. along the arc of a curve tO the left (hayingradius alongthe3rcofcurvetothelefthayinga ofof19.00 a radius 19.00 feet,-i acentral cntrl aflgle a9le of feet,of 90D0'00', 90,00,00'. and and aa chord bearing and
d1tnce of d1stnce of H.0g28'3a.51!, H.0°2838.YW., 26.87 25.87 feet). feet), to said to tie tie end end of sacd crve thence feet to curve; thence H.542S38.SW,, H.5428'33.YW,, 63.9 feet te beginning cf aa o the beginning of
curve to thence Northwesterly. Northwesterly 440.55 feet, curve to the the r1ght right thence feet, along along the the .
arc of said said curve curve (having (hv1ng aa radius of of 1187.92 1187.92 feet1 feet, aa central central angleof anda chord chord bearing bearing and and distance distance of of N.43 H.43 angle of21'IS'OO', 2115'OO, anda 10B,S'w., 438.06 438.05 feet); 51OB,5'W., feet); thence, thence, from from aa tangent tangent bearing bearing of of N.36 N36 085L5'W.,Eorthwesterly, along the thiarcof 08'sl,s.w., Eorthwesterly, 206,36 206.36 feet, feet, along arc of a curve
f?et, a
the right(haying Chavrg a radius to theright of lI92.g. radiUs of 1192.fl feet, a central of central angle angle of 09'54'42, and aa chord 09S442, chord bearing bering andanddlstan:e distanre of of N.]102'53'W., N.31'0253', 20611feet); thence1 206.i1feet); thence,froeia from atangentbearin.g tangent bearingofN.73'19'38.5"W., of N.3'l9'S.5'W., 4ortherly, 49.13 Wortherly, 49.13 feet, feet, along along the the arc arc of of aa curve curve to to the the right right (having aa rediu (having radius of of M9).92 119/.92feet, feet,a acentral central angle angle of of 0221'00. 0221'OO. an rchord besrfng and distance of N.2r09'og.slJ., 49.13 anuchordbe4T-fnganddlstanceofN22sggPogS49.13 feet), feet), to he endof to the endof said said curve; curve; thence thence N.20'6'38.5"w., N.2058'385w., 79.00 79.00 feet; feet; theice.6901'2j.S'E., thence 1L69'Oi'21.S'E., 3.0feet tothe P0hT3F8EGiurG, the POINT OF 2EGiuPrG.
3.S0 leet to
Containing 8_1l Cor.ta1nng 5_11 acres, acres, core more or or less, less.
February 6, 6, February [JSK [JrK ifl In
:I.p )çç ::Oup
(00? 00? F0ACWY 0ACWY
— -
13 I
on 191 19 East, East, Tonsh1p 29 Range 19 That 19, Township 29 South, South, Range That part part of of Sects Sectn
;ifl.borough County, decr1bed as Ifl2flborough County, Florida, ilorla, described as fot)ows fct)own
From U_S. U.S. Corps Corpsofof ng1neers rngineers Tapa Tapa Harbor Harbcr Line Line Pofnt From Point THL 214 as ,S. shown AMPA HARBOR, FLORrDA, stown tpp off 'u.S. HARORL1)iES. HARDRL1)iES, IAMPA HARBOR, FLORIDA, the Corps HILLSOR3 BA prepared HILLSBORORIVEP. RIVEP.AND ANDIIrLLbORO' IIILLSBOROBAY. prepared by by the Corps of Of approved by En9lrieers, U.S. Army and approved. Engineers, by the the Secretary Secretary of of the the Army Army on on January 19, 19, 1953, 1953, run run thencsS.723625W., theiceS.Z36'25'W., 9S.2S 9.2S feet1 along feet, along January tue bul theodLne Ltneononthe theSoutherly Southerlyside side of of the Coib1ned Conblned Pinhead Piriead and and Bulkhead CARI$ON CHAIEL as as des;nated desi;natedbysaid by said map map of ofU.S. U.S. HARBOR HARBOR LINES, L!NES, ARIOH CHAEL TAMPA HARBOR,FLCR1.OA, FLORIDA, HILLSBDRO RIVER AND 8AS. TAMPA HARBOR, HLLSBORO RIYER AND HILLSBORO H1LLSORO 8A, toto aa
POINT BCGIHNIN; run thence S.0558'IB'E., 7.59 feettoto the the POHTOF OF BGIHNLN; run thence$.0558'lB'E., 7.59 feet Northerly boundary theland landdescribed describedInInDeed Deed froithe theCity City of of Hortheriy baund.ry ofofthe fron Tam;a recorded DeedBook Book 6, 36,Page P3ge517I 547,PublIc Public Records Records of of Ta recorded IninDeed County1 florida; thnceS.7734'5IW., Hlborough Hll1bo rough Coun ty. Plo rida; then Ce S.77 34'51' IL 168.44 , 168.44feet, feet, a'ong the the Wortherly boundaryofof tne tne land land described s.d Deed; decrbed InInsaid Deed; along Iorthrly boundary feet to tie thence fl.03'IB'JO"W.,374.67 374.67 feetto t?,eintersection Intersectionof of the the thence N.0316'30'W., Eastc ru undary undary of Water of Water LotLot 70 of & KU IGHT'S IAP 70HENDRI of HENDR.T & KIUHT'$ 1AP OF OF Eatc'y LOT 14, CHAHBERLAINS GOY, CHAMBERLAINS COY. LOT 14, SEC SEC. 19, 19, TWP. TWP. 29 2g S., R. R. 19 19 E., E., recorded a Bock 4ccording to tap map Cr or pit pittheroof thereof recordedIninP1 Plat Pdge 10 10 Bock S, Pdge according to and Page 23, Records cf Hilisburough County, County1 arid Mat Flat3ook 3ook10, 1, Page 23, Public PublicRecords cf Hil1sbvrouh Florida ththe theCombined Combined Pierhead Pierheadand andBulkhead 81kheadLine Line on Florida with on the the Northerly GRRISON designated of Northerly side sideofof 6kRRISOH CHANNELas CHANNELas designated byby sasaid Id oa of u.5.HARBOR HARBOR URES, LRES, TAMPA TAHPAflARBOR,FLORIIA. HILL$BORORIVER_AND RIVER_AND 'U.S. HAABOR,FLORI)A, HILL$ORO HILLSCRO.AY'; H1LLSBCRO BAY';thence thenceN.723625E1 N.7236'25'E;, 80.92 180.92feet1 feet, along along said said ,
Combined Perhead ard ad Bulkhead Line; thence, Combined Plerhead Bu1khedLinn thence, fror iron aa tangent tangent bearing cf S.1S°2O43., $oWtherly,14B.82 feet bearing of S.1520'43"IL, $other)y,.11S.8Z feetalong alongthe the rç rc of aa curse (havIng. aradius 430.00 feet, aa central of cUrse to tothe theleft left (hevingaradius 4O,OO feat, central angle of. fl1901. and chord bearing bearing &nd md distance distance of angle cf2119OI', ondaa chord of S.04'4Y S.0441' $.0556' 47.96 feet), feet)1to tothe theend:of end:ofsaid said curve; curve; thence thence S.O5'SB' 12.5'.. 47.S6 feet to to the :?8 It 1NG iaL, 165.17 the POINT POINT OFBEGLHHING. 165.17 feet IrE.,
Containing 40) acres, acres • more Containing . L4) more or or le.
Frury 12, I5 Fbruory 12, eS DISK
Ei {I':' c,. c-vuiriI.. C —- Fago of 13 P090 13 13 of 13
_______ k:45O6 G 1356 j3,55
-, r.-
[3S1O 'd261O 267 267
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ii .AAr.sI .Air$i L• Plcrida otpør.tLø&. h4rn.iISX Crs.t... T.*-., flAti& ]JIfl. 2.i1. (tic. 'ost ici S31. FQs fiC •0 0A IIDOCI .A •! T.n C11ar. i4rOi ! Tz Dc.1.r. CI1CO C..ts Sbeeo,.'Sd.t.ttOa nIX lo
L.â r4Jt-D-I. L* b7 TntS4 Ls tL* pI4 ..,.La.s.tsaa p1a b7 pd 4r'.iI' •pd Iip ri4sd. ha. rsc..Ipt of o! .tica uitiJ i .bawI.ó4. I r.c—ipt I—;: • _ftd s.L9!u )• - .014 tCOGT&t. ad •s$19'%I Grk.ts. itS It.) t prp tfcft,.qna !or thc th pt-p'4 th 1aM in wit.h 0. .4i..ftt z-u.'irq w!th sc,1 s-I.t.IS flLt rriOh ChAt1p.irtt .qt.S Zra fr .thb'i9h..d off C.ttI.Ch oc.a .tJz ..lui&. £J.,.a od
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•t4 tn t.P 0'• pz.rp. 1.74 tot
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SM5.5! aa.Stt. . .rl 1.04 Y LSi Iits ta tsSii.uthorl — CrtSt', author IU.. U.. I.b& u.axaa aM —LTh4 ..Jer th.. aA v.1ri. .L$.5.1 pay4.t a!f ti. r.ppw.L1It,r forp.p..St .aii —Dar..pA.i2e r .14 taJ.I t.*-x.. or b.tctc .o tLi.s b.tcr. trer UUi4t tis.
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that t.' ta. .a •i ØutbQvl.t •.c)' yet!that bae .,t. bC. ti. 4iaSSMtS an*At. •.t tsZ s.i 'a—.. fl. —, PS". i—Ia paLd It U• tha .4.1
as4 a.4 a I I.!
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IflI.S thLs Uncon tio.naj and and 1rrevocabe ?ertorm4nce Cuaranty ?er rance Guaranty
Areernent is rnae Agreement is made as as Mf the rd the /e.v9{day /L.'4day ofof 7 by and • 19B3, by etwee erEFiCIL cPOPJTION, t,etweett eSNEFICIAL COkPoRgrIot1, a DeJ'are corjoration vBene— a De.1aire
i93 r?ratirin (Bene-
HERES1 sLmuitaneously WHEREAS, nu.taneousiy hereuith anpa Island islard Transit. herewith, Tampa TransitCam' Company, Inc., pany, Inc., (Zsand sard Transit"), Transit"), a P.orda the capi' Florida corportion corporation, the capital talstock stockofofwhich which ss owned, directlycrorindirectly indirectly Harbour own, direc1y bybyHarbour r.c., a aFlorio& s)ard. inc., c corprticn, Island. Florida ta capital capitalstook stock0!of hch hch poriori,. the ..s o—ntd neJ di:eirtly Is direetly or or indirectly indrect1y Sy by Beneficial, Benqficial, and arid HART HARTare are tn enterin into into an A;reement of tering an Agreement of even ever tate herewith VA;reener.t") ?;reeJrlert") tate herewith
under i.hich Island island j under which trr.sit is obligated to eonstruct. construct. operate operate arid and obligated to aintain aianelevatej ,I,intain e2evatedtransTt transitsystem syste2n front Haroour island, island, Taripa Tampa, front F.arOour
Florida, to Florida, to the the Fort Fort arooke rocke ?arkir ?arkin; Garage oi.'ntwn Garagelocated located in in downtpwn Tarnpa Tampa, Florida, which ob1jgatons and system ere arid said Said transit re tran&1t system
Foa, which objgatn
morefully ftillydescribed decrbed in more in
greenient; Agreement;
as a coridj
to its exeut.icin of
WHERCAS, HART HART requires reqjjre as a condition to its execution of tJe Areerient Açreenientthat. that Beneficial Beneficial guarar.tee guarantee the the perforanoe performance of ofIsland Island the Transit Transit thereunder thereunder;
iUr9 to guarantee the peorTnanee
WdEREAS, Beneficial is WaEREAS, is willing to guarantee the performance of Island Transit of ISLand Transit under under the the Agreertient; Açreement;
NW THEEFORE, THERtFOE, inn consideration NQW, the forein foretin and and icr Or consideration of of the çoci and d valuable corsideration, receipt is hereby hereby ac— f whCh good valuble consideration, receipt 1 which is
knowleded, Beneficial AP hereby knowledged, Deneficialand and FAk herebyagree agreeasasfollows; foo.'s
1. BenefIcial hereby irrevotably and Beneflcial hereby irrevocably and unconditionally unconditionally guarguarantees jARr the antees to to HRT theprompt proipt and and full full pertornaroe Island Transit, performance by by island Transit, it-i accordance accordance with Sn the terms terms of of the the A;reeniert, ;reerner.t, of of all aflob1igat.ons obligations th the assumed byIsland Island Transit Transit thereunder. assumed by thereunder. Benef al hereby Beneficial hereby agrees agrees that its obliganons under this Section be tinding tinding irreZectlon iI shall ..rre sr.alI be
that its ouigatons under th
spect.lve of validity. regularity the validity, the spective of the or enforceabli.y enforceability of of the reguiarty or A;reenent Or A;reement or any any event event or or oroumstances circumstances wflich wn±ch might rtu;ht other,jise conztitute aa legal legal or or equitable discharge of aa guarantor, constitute Inguarantor, in— dernnitcr or surety demnitcr or surety under under the the laws laws of of any any )urisdcrion, being urisdietion, it it being the purpose the purpose and and intent Iriter,t. of of Borieficial Boneficial that obligations herehereits Obgation5 that its flOt be under be discharged under shall shall not discharged except except by by performance performance in in tull ul.l of of iIar.d Transt's obl.igations under thethe Agreement, :slar.d Transit's obligations under greement,irc1uthng including any any amendments amendments thereto. thereto. Benefija1 Benefirial will honor its its obla— .'I1I prorTptly pronptly honor aticns under ths Section ations under ths Section 11 upon receipt oE notice HART HART upon receipt o nOtice from frrm that 1ciad rrancit ttt 1cLnd Transit nass Leijea t, ti ;rcTtptiy ccrd.enOe perrorn ininaccordance ? mptlyperrorn with the with the Pgreejnnt. reencnt. It It shall shallnot notbbe necessary necessary HART, nin -ier det :ør'Or HART, to eforc the Ob1.iatjns i5titUtt Suit ui to eMorce the obligationsofof benefidal, Urs: to to nstitute or exhaust exn.aust ts ts remodies ar, rransit, nor nor Shal any acTion. ac' settlement or release of island Transit n n C0fl ConTanslt nect$o ncctlO.iwith wththe thefajl,jre fai1re ofof Island IslandTransi' Transit to to prcptly rcrP-pt1yperrcrr perfrr its obligations under thethe Agreerment its obligations under Agreement in ifl any any way affect or impall arpaii way alfect or the on oI the Obg obligations ofbencfic beneficia to to HART HART hereunder. heruncr.
qujtale di.schere of
eneicaI, frs
remedies aanst rs,nd aarst isand transit, ion, suit, settitiient or release of Isnd
2. Beneficia.lekpressly epressy .'aiv Beneficial o5aticns. vty duty Waivesany any PrJa .ual obli9ations. or or iecessity HART t proceed ecessitybr for HART tj sa1nst 1Land lsJnd rranat CJ( proceed fi:t a'aIrist Tr-anit Ot to to exhaust any remedy HART iay exhaust any remedyHART ey have Tronsit i have against açainst lz1and 1s2nd Transit, being agreed that r, being agreed that in the event of the event of detaujt failureQt at perdetaujt or or bilUQ P° formance n ny recpcct Island Transit, reopect by by isLand Transt H;MT formance n H;,RT may proce:-d and
right of of acton octon solely siely aiainSt have right againste.tFer ether a.cii. both or bothBeneficial Beneficial or isand transit. Transt. or jont]y jciint]yagainst a;ainc.beneficial and Island transit. beneficial and Island Transit, and arid flOthinQ nothing in this Guaranty Garanty sha ,hail be to Unit limit any any 0! beccnstrued rcntrued t) ci utRT's thRT'srihtc rightcCrcrremedies r?'Teeszga;nst z rist Island Transit jn the event of sIand Transit in t.e event ri uCii Oi'ialt hQw4vcrF such O*fault, PrO.dcd, prov!dcd, however,alallflQtce noticesrequired r&qured to totee'given given to island Sand Transit t. to transit sra11 snail t,.r g,venStmultaneDu5)y simultaneous)y to and çlven to beneficiA) bereficia) and ida) shall nave the game tire as islAnd Tr.,rsit under the
!haU rsve the sane tir
as 2nd under the
Arei..ment Agri.-Lieflt atre: reccves notice..ithn afte: henef ca2 slthn hich to to cure Cure ..hich . - receives nctce. Tiienetcial
4606 rc1364 provided, firther. HATs failure provided. further, that that HAk7's ai1ure to to give tO suCh nctlre ri'tc to pv such shallnot notdirijnjsh Dl.1 enefcial shall nor rr affect ffet. Island ran5.1L'5 obli 1ard Transit's irij.$
;at.n c'r ;ation or liability uncer the the
A;renierit. A;reernerit.
3. Any )ny modification, amendment. enrrent1 waiver, wver, chan; chan;t oor extension at any of the any of the terms, covenants o Areemr.t verrits or conditions of the t AQreemer.t iich IsLand rorsit aran HARD thich Isand Trarsit raay raay ereafterrake rake r orony anyicrfor erefter HAR' bearancef delay, de'ay, neçlect ne;1et or i bearance, the paZ't. part Oof HA HART to to enr failure fiure'n4bnthe torce any the terrs Qf force any ef of the terms, connants. covenants1 conditions cOriditicn or or provisions PrOVISiOfl$ of the A;reen'ent A;reerrent. shall in any any way way affect, irnpir or discare fiect1 ilfipair the shall riot not in or discharge
Bene1ici1's unconditional liabiUty Beneficial's liabilityhereunder hereunder nor nor shall BeneBene— fiias 1.ab1ity hereunôer fitiaL's liability hereunder be be i'paired. affected or r discharged djshar;ed paired, affected by any ct done or ornitted by any act done or oritted to to. be done (or by any w*Ver thereof) there) y .r*ver 1sa- Transit, Ttai-sit1 nDt ty enefjcjalnay maynot notj,ave ive ty Island notthstandin; that Beneficial cQnsented r may flDt consented thereto or not have now.lede thereof. thereef. have notic, no.i or knowledge
e dcre (r
fil term
4. This Guaranty CuArnty shall the oitinue for the of the This the fell term of shall continue n; renewals AGreement and any of he initial ter%t of the in.ta,1 term reThewaS or cr extensions extensir thereof ha1l riot rd sha.1.l thereQf and perforrnn riot be be diminished ny payment irnrshed byy any payrnent orr perfornianre of the terms, IsJad Transit by BereBeneterris1covenants covenantsororconditions corjtns ofofts1a-t ficial until each an and all of Isan Isand transit's under 11 of rransit's oPligatins under çreeent have the Agreenent have been been fully u11y discharged. cichare.
ficial ui eaeh S. 5
Ir th In the event event suit suit or cr
action be brou;ht nd in i conconcUon be u;ht upon and
nect.lDn the enforcement f nection wit) with the rement of this Guaranty, HkRt HARD shall be thjs Guaranty, shall be entitled tto recover reasonable attorneys fees incurred ty retove- all all reas'rab1e
ttcney' tbe trii ort, dtirstrtive proceedn;s
1AR in in Connection cflnecticrt therewith cuV, on HART t.herewLth out out of of court, in On i the trial court,
ar in bankruptcy appeal, and tankrupteyproceedin;s orr aditinistrative proappeal, in pro— ceein;s1 *nd {ART shIl ceedin;s, and MART shall al also recover all court so in— inrecover afl cost so c'rt costs
u rred turred.
6. - This This Guaranty upon the and guarantyshall shallbebebindinQ bnn upeithe successors successors arid ssigrs of assigns of Beneficial and shall a11 inure inure to to tbe the benefit of the benefit of the sucucrd assions cessors and cesors assiQns of HART. of HART.
Beefci1 will
7. HART will send HAS? send 3eneficial ene1c1 sirultaneosiy simultaneosiy by by first firstclass cas restered ajl, to the adOress set forth jn registered mail, Sertion 88, eopies of f n Section all ncties notices sent sent by by HAN? HAfl to to Island the Agreerent. slar transit 1-rksi under Agreeren urner the
to the aress st fDrth
a'dres for reipt
re an t5 Perforrrane
B. B, erefti11s address for receipt of eneficials cf nctice and other cther rorNtunatjons in respect reseet of of the the Aree,ert reerrt or Dr thiS Performance ;reemert sh11 Cuaranty A;reement shall be be aas fo1lows
Benefi:iai Corporatior. Beneficial 1100 Carr Rca 1100 Road WiTrti;tcTh. Dela'are wilmjn;tcm. 198?9 De1re 198 Attent.or. Attention: %enneth 3. Kircher. enneth .). Xlrcher.Secretary Sec-tay 9..
This Gtar-anty cverte Liyy This Perrrnarce Performance Guaranty h;reeent shall e ;cvernec
;reer"ent shJl
nd construed COflstrur5 in COrcru and in accordance with the lads State .r1h th 1a-s off t?ie .Sate of f t.e
Forida. F.crjda.
T5S WHEREOF, -EROr Befj Benefftil 'nte Guarn:y Guaranty ?rerment a ave. IN IN 'flTC5S
'trtance a boy C.
has Per— hhs duly 1uiy executed ex eci this this rer;retment as of the the day dy a-id and year year f-&t first r:tten c tcr
5iineO, seo1e Signed, seaed and nddeLivered cevee in the the
y:_____________ AS AsItS its y:
Y'cr Y':.' C,b3,Z71,J 'Z74-)
2'he foreooir rh foreooi295nstrnent nstrrent w::acknw1e.d acwe ay _____ day of , by flZZ by j', ____________ sF1-z;A. Ccc7cRA7+cN. 6
pion, pCation,
of cnd.t'
ecreme this ereme :.hi -
On beiJ ooZthe thecorporatior. corporatior.
è'1r c
7__.e C1
F1oria Nory7b11:, State—at Stte-t FIorita Noary,Pb1a:, Large at Large
• -
1orriisjor Ezpire; CorTmliszion Expires; --
t - _, t.__.__ -
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err. orr.
Rrc.4605% 1366
&;io ecio;?.. z::T
OF cF 3EEF1C1AL BENEFICIAL Cc ccpoM:1o eNcox:Txo;;? 2O PErok'tNcE GtkJcyTY ?ItKE:;T
1Is:o9h Tra,,sit Hi11sS:ou9h AuthoritY a/S/s d//A1411 l4iilsb lsborou;h o;n AreA Area rsit Mthcrity aRTw) does hereby e;in1 DrArsit herebyatetpt ept that Re;ional rity (HART) transit Authority •
roe1e eertin Be;.z'icifl Be'ii1 CporA-.icn certain Corporation t'neonitina1 itin1 an Irrevocable 116 Perfcran Guaranty Perforrance Agreenent dAted dated December 1€ Carrty Açreernert 1983, which ofThrFa Tr.pA the te obligations whieiguArantees gur&-tees the peneofof oatc of the perfo-ranee Island transit rarit orny 1nc1 under Company Inc., irder that that eertAin certain)greernent Agreement •
eteen MART bet'een H.?T ar and flpa pa Island Transit Company COmpanyInc. Inc..• dated ecember provide the the 19B3!and anddoes doeshereby hereby a;ree to provide 1983. •
3efl- Corporati 3eneficial Corporatin with with allAll notices notices .,ddother ctheEcornurica ccnricaas es prQvded said Pc p:Qvided in in said Ag:eementura.y Agreement. .arce Cuaranty Pe:frr.ance
7, // ///
'," .< sy:YC' -
(1 r
8ANX Qner an SANK, N.A., being being the owner and holder holder of cf aa Mortgage Mrtage
and Security Secuity Areeffient and Agreement between Island Associates betwei Linocin Lirin Isla-d o. 1, 1, Aociatez No.
Lirited as asMortgagor, Mtggr, joined Harbr Ilar United, jeined Ln Ln byy Harbour Island Inc., Inc., to tc Mellon Mellcn u.k., as Mortgagee, nk N... Iortçaee, dated dat Septemr 29 sank, September 29, 1953. 19B3, and recorded recor4ad j 0. R.L Sack Sk 42O6 page 648, 648, Pubjc in 0. 4206. page Records Pub)ic Herd ofEHillsboroufl Hlscrou
Crty Cinty,
Florida, and and Mortga9e ortça5e and Florida, rdSec'arity Serity greernent greeient between between
nic1n Island Lifnit, as a Mortgagor, Lincoln IslandA.SSOCj4tCS Associates o. 1 Limited, in Mortgagor joined joired in 7slar Iic. tc, MelQr arik, Island Inc., tc, Mellon aank, N.A., as Mortgagee, cated dated s Mort9agee
1y by
Septezrber 29. 29.. ZU3, .983 arid arid recorded recorded in September in 0. 0. 8. page R. Book Boc>k l2Qç, 42Q pge 722, '22I
Reccrds of of Hilisborcugh Public Records Florida,and and?.iQrtga9e MQrtga9e and and illsborcugh County, Fcrid3,
Se:rity Agreentent geerr,ent bewen Se:trity between Lincoln Island Associates inc1 Island AssQCitcs No. No.
2, 2,
Limite a 1ortgagc jine iin by Limited, as Mortgagor, joined by Harbour Harbour Island Tsrid Inc., to to MeI.lni Mellon aank, as Nortga9ee, Mcrtgaee, dated Sank, Na.., as datedSepte!ther September 29, 29, 1983, .96] an4 recorded r4 reccrde i- 0. R. Book 0. P. Boo)c 4?O page page 792, 792, Public in 42O€, Pt.bljcRecords Reccrs of of Hilisborough Hi1Isborotgh
Co.nty florida, Flctrlda, hereby hereby consents Co.nty, the fiUng filing of of the the fwregoin9 srts tto the fcregoing Declar'ation of Cevernts Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, And ConditjQns, and nd Restrjctjr& sujets the rortga9es subjects the mortgages to to the the provisions prvisicns thereof. therec.
Executed Executed this ________ day of Signed Sealed Signed, and Sealed arid
delivered deJivecd in in the t'e presence presence
1985. 1985
________ ,-
;Y_1; At t e s t Attest
CQUT' OF CQUIT? OF ALI.EGHCNY ALI.EGKCNY Th Consent Consent was as ac a now1edgeJ The ioreoing this nw1edgeJ before bcrc thiS 24th day 298, by 1985, Kenneth ennieth II. II.POPkQ Poo as vice vjc President President and ad Bruce A. as Bruce A. Ostrom Ost! 0f 114_LOU BANK, BANK NJ\. srt Vice VicePreseent Pent Qi LA,, a nationAl flatjCn.I soc1at.ion,on o hehaif an2ngngtssoclatJon, hehaif off the thecorporation. cQrperon.
of ,
/ / ....
.' CL:'- Ssic:<-
pi4r PInK sCHer.
Ft 214 214
.. -
flfloIlR hlL:v
0HZAo, WHflfls,on OnJuly July26,iea5 26, tsSS, Herb Harbour Island,Inc., Inc , aaFlorida rlaland, Florida cornorpnration, filod poration, filed for for ranord record in in official Records Book Orfiojmj Hecerda Hook 4606 4600 at at Fogs ii82, t Page 1182, et seq gg., of the thePublic PublicR000rde Records of Hillebrreogb EflisboroughCcnaty Cotnty/ Frond,, a docinnt florida, dooCocot entitled entitled •jfarbour thonboor Island Island Decl&x-atjoj DeolcOatioi of Cnteoanta, Conditions Covenants, 005trjctjonaa relating relating to BArbour Conitjons and and:;.strstions_ harbour lalard,Islandi: .
--. 09 WHEREAS, Ofl December 16, 15, leak, 2S86, Harbour Taland, Ito., .a Island, Xnc., a Florida F1crida corporation, filed obrporation, thai for forrecord re in doOfficial Official Racorda Records Book 4991 at Hook 4091 Page non, Page 36S,St et !•, ofofthe hOg', the Public Public Fierorda Reordg of .
of njllobcrougi Hi1l&boroughCounty, County, docuent entitled Suppletental Declaration Soppieoantal Dacleration of ofCovenants, Coveiantg; Condition5 Condition5 end. and RestrIctions nostrintj005 of island'; and or Harbour Xslood; •. 06101Cii, on On Deceme Oncoobar 2, EREAS, 2, 1987, l9e7, HSrbOOr Isisod, Inc. H,rbour Island, Ion., aa Florida Florida' Florida, aadOcocont florida,
norynration, corporation, filed filed for forr005rd record in in Official flecords Honk Official Hornrds 5200 at sock 5282 at Page 071, Page at 071, et g., the PublIcRoongda g., ofofthe Pubido Record. or of Hhlisborough County,r Hillaborough County,Florida, a Florida d000nt entitled a550000 a document entjtl 5econd
SuppieaentalDectaratiort Deolenatiot of Supple!ent1 COnenante, Coodotiots Covenants, Condjtjo85 and andHeatr101iona estrjctjons of or harbour Harbour Inlando lgland, Rod WOItOtAS, on 015 June JUne 9, WflEREA$, 190!, Harbour 9, 190!, Harbour Island, Island, Inc., Inc., aa Florida Florida corcor— poration filed For poratjon tiled for reonrd record in In Official OfficialRenord Record Book Hook 5710 on Fags ln97 et
5710 on Page ii;
!!2., g., 0 ofthe tha public pubrjc records of Hhlisborough Hilloboroogl, County, Florida, aa record, of County, Florida,.
docuflt entitled i000aenteotitiod
Third HupplemOntal Declaration Thjrd Supplemental Danlaration of Covenants; Cnvanante, •.. Z, Condition, Condition. and end Restrjetfong Reotrirtinna of flarbour Island; of harbour Ialand; aM, and, .
WIOEI1EAS, on June June 27, WBE1EM, On 27,
19S9, Harbour Island, Island, Inc., ieee, Hcrboor Floridocor— nor- Inc., aa Florida Forstoo filed filed for poraton for ceoard record in in Official Official pecord Ttecârd Rook Book 5721, 5721,Paq. Page949, 94!, et g., ofofthe 1002., the public public records record, of or Hilleborough County,norioa, tlrrida, a6 0000-. Hillsborough county, cent entitled aert entitled Fouz-tJ, Fnoa-u, Sapplecental Supplemental Declaration Declaration or of CoVenants, 000a000te, Conditions ronditu ota an end Restrictions ceetnictions of of Harbour Harbour Island; Icland; and,
b'7CDilLA, harbour Island, b1Eitfl., Rarbgur Island, Inc., Inn,, & the Deve1oper, cc the bevelepar, desire, deslres to to further suppiccent ncpploaentand sodamend a.s000the tha Derlaratjon Danlaration ofofCovenants, C0000atts, Conditions Ccnditioos and Iheatrictinca and Zestrjctjons of of Harbour ifarhour Island Island referenced referenced above.
eow, ozro, )JOw
HarboocIslaM, lalond, lot., a Florida Uarbotj Florida corporation; corporatjon the . banelog,er, - hereby flevelcper, amend. hereby a_ends and and suppinents mupplameot. the the Jiarbour Harbour Island Inland beclaration beclaratjoa, of Covenants Covenants, Con010d Cnnditons one and and Restrictions Restrictions as foilovsj cc foilova: 0 Thg 0d,ara eeo O15cnd hy IFIPtIC 6 01001110 RIYNOtfiS
r MacF.d Uofctn_Fctgz Ftane,Afliot 0000,6 Of10
P 0 Ooa lii P.O. 1aop, hoi 21001 Ianpi, 1irid. 23&GI
e0e0n 00UMY' tOt0 -
- .; -
M-tcl.n' Article VI
:58871 C'
-" Csots), Section —-
3(A)n.) Is hereby aended seciri'Ay'(s, is hereby aonodod 1Y by addjn to the endd tharec,f t r of throlxing.: to. F howl g - — -- -: -- The flprovide; sunl anntia]. genn1 ahsl.hinclude ine1u. an4. shall foxand 25143 City,ot-55, (F) (2), city, ot?ap&.co, byt requirjnj sinking fund S—l4flF)(3), Cor for XiZifltiflancefld anfnteno.. and repto fund provision provisj0 entfr'privat. isvroo.,,..,a. (
2. 2.
re)aaaeaefltorpflvtt. iproveJents -
Article XIV (ceun-aj Pro',..) S AXtSCXSXIVrtefleraj 'Santlon ovisionss,;-.ct, 4 is hereby 4 is toraby aendeu by sddieq addingto to the the CM end thereot theeoy tt folwl' oguae the follovinq Xangtagi: However, no However, no flenaent to to or eo tiri,inatjon tr Dftlij. this Doclara.. tionshall be Declaration eball b. pau-.jt5. pnjtt.d whith wouldtion of .thLOIO. would abrogat, to. assoabrogat, the Cistion'. duty to ciation's duty to aninta aintajnandondrplaco all iRproveOeflt. all private iproveenta tinder private Under no co circuzstance. Ciroutanc. shall, rasps. be b. responsibl, shall, the the City City ot Tapa c for responsial. for any sueS improveeeats Without any .Ucfl-improvements Vithout the City's Ci'y's consent, the
IN WflnIss IN WIflI5 W}lfRty th tb. undersigned WHtRtQ?, undersign
duly Deve'oper by by it, ,its duly causedthis thisFirst FIfthSxpplCoefltCl tupplemep isclaratin Dec1aratj if cf Condition5 an Condjtjo and Restrjdtj0. Restriction.- of Harbour Island of Harbour Islanu to to be be DOvolopae-
nuthorjae6 authorjze6 Offjas otticers has has nauae Covenants, Covenants,
executed toi0 executed this
Q3taay dey of
19O. 1090.
Signed, CoOled Sgnea, ealeu and nod dnljvores deljverefr' in in the the ptesence presence of: of
E3RRQfl hOL).2J, INC., INC.1
a Florida Florida
Rame:L4Ne.,,, m,qc— Rams
7 ImaS Titleu - Naag TItle, .J.. OsCeg 7
resident President
COfiTy op Op HI1,L50000tGH CotfN-ry
u.s. s.s•
,.2 e9K
(Corporate Seal) (cor-Iorat. Seal)
The The foregoing inntau.ent wa, toregojn tnstruent 005 acknow1,dqe eoknOoIedqe before q this boforn as this doy of day of /i? ,q;9fl1);;;;; 1 990 9' if2fl74.,a/,12 'LiCZpren1dent 'LCCZPres1dent, and by
1990 by :'8P
and by ZAon.cN.,gtq
200jazo, twa., zoo., xcxam,
Scorn tar-v. of EAflot'p Secretary,
a Florida Florida corporation corporatjQn on on behalf behalt of of said said cotporat ion cotporatjn NOTARY NOTARy
MyCoazis5iQt-Ez;&n,.? Cojsaj- -
na 'a4n 0:sbi-.
'0 -
•_...,..,,,Inl t_
r7z1 949 FOTJRTI4 7OJRTH
2)' QL_MA.RD.otIR HABOUR IgL),yn
WaERFAS, on o .Yuly 7u1y 26, 19af, 19U, Rarur WKERtAS, Harbour1slan Island Inc., Inc., a Fiori vcrporatjon (the Florida corporation (the Dcveloper, filed for for record record in Official Records Official Bock ec,x-ds 3ook 4606, 4606, Page 1182, of Page 11E2, f the the Public Public Records Rc'rd off Hilisborough Hillb,rough Courty, County, F1c,rjd, Plorida, a docuejt docuent entitled ntitc1 Harbour Hrbur e.1ratior Island DeclarationofofCoven&nto Coyena, Condition, CofljtiQfl and and Restrictions Rtstr1tions relating to KarbQur tlaj; relating to Barbour Island;
Dri 6, 16, l9BG WKEREAS, Onbecr bece2bsr lflG, the the Developer bevelopr filed tiled for Or rerd in Rcord Bøø record in Official Official Records Book 4991, Pg 366, 4991, oe tthe 366, of Public Pu1ic Records Records of of flhllsborough Hill ôough County,. Page ?lorida, County,. Florida,aa docuent dDcunt entitled Suppl.zental Dec1aratjo entitled Suppleental ec1ar-atiôn of of Covenants, Covenants, Conditions COnditic a RastritiQ and Restrictions of Harbour Island; I3land;
on 2. 1987, the beveloperfiled filed forr record innOfficial Ofic1a1Records Rez-dsBook 522. &tbvelper record Page 07;. 5282, at Page 07; of ct the t Public Aecords Public ccrdg off Hilisboroogh Hil1bcQUh County, COunty, F1orid, Florida, a a docunent duent entitled Second Supplemental n Dcember 2, 1987; th
uppleental Dec1aratin Declaration ff Covenants, anc Restrictjo Coniti,n5 Conditions and Restrictions of of Harbour Harur Is1℞ Island;
WEPXA.SJ, ti,n WREkXAS, 9 , 19t, 19a9, the eve1,p.r filed the Developer filed for for record rerd ininQfficiai. Reorc, BO Official Records Book 5710, Page 5710, Page 1697, 167, of of the the Public Public Record.. Records of County, Florida, of Hullsborough Hil1oroug Couty, 1cjd&, aa document docuert entitled entitled third Third Spplnenta1 Spplenta1 Declaration Dtc1artjDn off Covenant,, Covenart, condjtjns Cdjtjs and Re5trctjors
and Restrictiorts 0!
Uar}our Uarcur Isand; Island; and an
w?ERtAs, theDeveloper Dv1,per deire3 WHEREAS, the desires tD to further ur-ther Bupplennt Gupp1eent the Declaration Dec1artj the to 'ake 'ake Certain certaj to &endet threto a.endments thereto; flOw. THZREFORE, TKEROP.E, the NOW, the Developer Dev.loper declare, declares that th&t th the De1ar&tion, assheretofore 1eretofor supplemented, Declaration, upp1emented, is hereby to Lake supp1ented to suppleented ak. the following fo1lcwing endtentg azendert.g thereto. thereto. 1. Artjcie I, Section krtice I, Secticn 6c of or the Declareti Declaration is hereby hr-eby aend-d
In iti it ertirety amended in tirety to read as a follows: fr,llcws:
"Setic Ae$ri that the Asiálationc11 fly aness
"Section 6. 6. Secp] Asseflenta shall al1 mean 'ean the the charg. that th ?tic charge y Aess agaln3t ry Ciwner against any Owner and nd tbeir. their.Parcel, Frce1 or or Units Unt for forthe the costs costs of of li rvic jd olloetio tffcrt collection efforts incurred incurredby bythe th.Association As citic in i,connection cXectior with with th. the enforcement nfDr-eeflt of thiR this Declr*tion Declaration against agait LUC such Owner and/or soch.Owner's arid/or Ruc.owr1er' failure to failure tc duly duly ptrfor p.rfon its obligations its c,b1igtt1cns hereunder; hr-eund.r; provided provided that thtt a Spcia Assea.nt a Special Assessaent tay only he ay Dnly e made by ,y the the Association AcDciatiofl againg against an owner it the Owner if th.).ssocjatjon ?o<jatic, is is the t)s prevailing rvai1irg party in party in an an action -tL to entorce the tD nrc tim l-ati, against Declaration against Such ucthOwner Owner Or or to tccollect cDl1t any an' hSEflkent puruat t mad. pursuant to thu this Declaration Dec1artjo1, ôgainst against &uc} such Ow Ozie and and its Parcels or Unjt,.* Unjtj,'
1eal senics. nd
sent or
2. mc
Thø EeDfld ercn Df second sentence Of Article Article IV. iv, Section SctiDn 7(A) i 7(A) is aend hereby aended in in its itg entirety entircy to to read read as & follows: u.kny 'Any installment, i2-1sta11jent,or Drportions pOrt!Dn thereof, thereDr of D & & Coon CDQfl Assessment, Capital capital Improvement Iprovemen Assetgent, Special coratructjon k?5tSgt not pal4 with1 paid within is IS days After date days After the the dua due date shall ia11 bear beAr interest interest frca the fro3 tht dut due date date of of such auth installment irsta11ent at at the the primè Prié Rtt a quoted quoted urder under the the htadihg heading Noney ?loneyRates' Rates' in in Wp11 Street Wall Street SOi1-n\ ournk1 (Eatn Editir), (Eastern Edition), p1u
SUgen, Sejl orr Recorstrtjg Azseggnnt not Rate as plus 3%. 3%.
This instruzent prepared Thi* instrument prepb red by: by L&wrerce 7. O'Neil, lawrence J. O'Neil, tg. g. Edward Ewrd J..7.Xo1zrs Xotxrs Macrarlane Ferguson MtcTarlane Prgug,n .k11i,1, Alli;on £ 2300 Tirt FirstF1Qri !4ora tower Thwer
as. o. o.i cmi ci' ciü / 11yr' Kally
ik21t s5o.:: ik721t 1W 1W t]Ep the Cfl4zs5 WBflEOP, the Undersig,ed U fldersiged duly authrie Developer,by by its Developer, of icer *UThrjze Officers has hs Caused this this Fourth caused SUpp1ent1 Decflratjon Fourtp Dec1ratj of ot Co and of Hathou lsla to or Harbour Island to be be executed dy of executed on day
l99 Of June, 19S9,
on this this 23rd 23rd
INC., a florida florida corporation corporation By:
-r Name: flame;
cma Thomas ?
p ough Titie; tta: Vice VicePresident Prasidet
ritl-: Tit1:
Zileer Zjleen 71'
u1tieTh u1Zi.2
Secr.tary Searstary (Crporat. Seal) Sal) (Corporate
Sged, sea1e Signed, an delivered sealed and in the in the Presence or: delivered preseflce oE
-_g4 rf-_
STAtE !L0RI SrAE 0? 0? TLOP.ID cttnr co.rrzy or ci Jr:zLSsooucH The tide The'yI°egoi of
intr1ert yes Jae acknowledged ecfloj1eed b.fcri befor,--a
Da5 P. HcGough,vj Preeidtnt, and by sb.,t Sertftry, of RfisouR BAR3OtJR.ISLMm IsrJJ INC.,aa florida Florida Corporati, corporation, on on behal: bhalf :0r said aid corperatj,n. corporation CC
.' .._..,.
Notary PtLbliç My Erpi-ej;
My Cojj
15?2fl 890 51% 890
This This Agreei Aqreem6 ('the (the AgreeBfl AgreemenM) is ismade aade and and entered as of the the 2fl-d entered as of day c'f of 1.2ne 2-d day n. 19S9, i991 by betweenHAflOUR by and and between lSLAJfD ISLAWD rNc. INC. a aFlorida EAPEOUR florida corporation rpoij, (-..11er) and O}E 1o.StBorJR bEULW ØNE INC., aa Delaware Delaware bEtaw,u, inc., corporatj,n (I'B1ycrr). ("Buyer"). h1IREAS, Seller WRIRE)a, Seller and and tincoln tincon island island Assocjatg Associates No. No. 2, tilited, a Fori Limited, 2. ijjt Partnersiip (LincolnM, entered Partnership flLincolnPl), have have entered 1nto with into with Buyer Buyer an an Areeent Purchase and Sale roent for Purchaae of One One Rarbour Rarbor Place, of Sale ?lce, dated dated the the date date hereof, hweof,, to sell e1l to Buyer the the Project (ae herenater defir.eci), defir.ed), which which iis located located Harbct. Ie.lar4, Island, a on Harbour a mixed—use ixed-u land land develop2ent develcpet in in Dawpa, Thpa, Hilisbcrou;h HhlIsSorough Cour.ty, County, Plorida. The le9a Office le9a description Of the Office Parcel description Of the Parcel (a (as herelnafterdefined, hereinafter defined) upon which the Project is is located located is is attached attached hereto hereto as 80 Ex1tjbjt Exhibit A. Island, inludj A. Harbour Harbour Island, including the Project Project end the and the Office Parcel, are the 0ffjo Parcel, govery govern0j by by the th, te-i terms of of the the Declaration Declaration (as hereinafter (as hereir.after defined); and defined);
into into
('eller"), oorporaj
a florida liajtea
Project Ca herejnarter Florida. The
h'1URxs, in in connection Wtxs, Connection with with the the sele the Project, le of th Buyer hag acked asked tha. that no o flew easeente be easeeflts created Projec Project created upon upofl the the and the Office and the Off ice Parcel; Parce that that no no flew new Coai C0cn Propeftjes (es hereinarter dtfjfld) Proper-ties (.s defined) be added be added to Phase I to the Phase i Lands (as hereinafter deifled); defined); that the Declaration that the Declaration not be aaerlded change the change tb. defiflitjor definjtjo5 or the typee of nt be ta nended to ci- the type, or assessmente assessments that be levied by the the Aasociatioh that Can can (a Ascocjatjo,, (as hereinafter defined) a;ajnst the Projct or the Of!ie hereinafter aajnst definea; office Parcel; that nc nc Nei9hrh Neigorh, Service DistricE. (as Parcel; hereinafter creat.d inVolving defined) be Creat.d iflvolving the the Project; and that the upplaeyt Declaratjo be be tc aaenj SuPPleae,lted to amend certain certaj. prevjsio has has agreed agreed to thereof; and Seller to thee. these relue,ts. requests.
tile Ptoject or the that Sn-yj06 District (as hereinafter definea be Project; and that the Declaration provisions thereof; and Seller
140W, Tfltpzpopx in consideration corLeideration of nf th0 the Cal, sale off the Project bySeller 5ller and tJe by aridin L1ZO1 Lincoln to to Buyer, Buyer, and and for for other and vajuaj,le and valuable cOnsideration other good good cOnsjdaretin to each to each in in hand hard paid, paid, the of which which ig or i. receipt the receipt acknowledgea ecknovlg.d, and incorporating arid incor-porating into or this body body of into the the agree thj, agreflt irt ir full full the the recitals hereintboye set recjta1 forth, the forth, the partjez partjg hereto herejnboye set hereto agree agree as a toli.o. follows.
lttS DIts INy. Pnp.p IUSfluxrw FREPD By:71 L.wren Lawrence Nei1, Esq. Eq. O'Nejl, .T. .T,
Ferg, Alj
?CacFela flacflrlane Fergison Allison 2300 2300 First First Plorida Tower Plorida Tower T&pa FL 33602 Thpa, 336C2
& Rally Xefly
ikzt k721ts50: S5a: INN
WITNISSW1W.EOF1 WBflEOP,the the Undergigea Undergiged Developer, dulyauthcjze autj duly DevelQper, by byits its of fIc OffIcers has oa\xsed this Fourth cued t}i SUppleLent1 Declaration of Fourth * SuppleLental Declaration of Covenant$,.cq,.jtj01, anil anc o of }arbou Ijand Harb,u. to to be be executed ecuted on day o on th this 23rd day iU1t, 1989. 3rd or 7uae, .9C9.
aa Florida florida corporation corQrtj By:
Tho. P
Name; Thomas P. ough Title: Vie. Ptgjdent President
By: Name: Titlr:
Eileen F /L_.1..L,
ulfield Sacr.tary Ctorporat. Seal)
S1ried, signed. sealed sealed and an delivered del.tyered Sn in the the Pte$ence of: of; prerce
SAdrE STAtE 0? 0? !LORIA
couwry or HILLSooH Ccwr Qy
The oregoj g0901 dy o
Preeidet, afl
HAPotr SL?wD HC., x1.aaota said id corporation,
trtjet vas vu ac)cnovlegea befor. - p. McGougb,yj McGogh, Vic. -' -,..
a ?lcr4a
aosas *wm Secr.tar-y,o, ,
a Florida cx-pQratjn, Corporation on n behalf behalf of Ot• Yr.
Nti-y ?,iblic My
, -
Ik5721% 991 1k5721% eCtjor 1.. Qerinitlon.. Unless ett1on Un the other-wise thecontext cortxt other-.P1Ee or reg-airci, the req-air.., for th. purpose, of thi. Aqree,ent purpoe thi5 Aqreent the following ter following tens shall the Jn1ng •'ning set forth in this hal1 have the et forth n tiis Section oction 11; a) Asci,tjpn, (a) cfatior Tha The tart ter- Assocjatjon" Associatir shEA £haj teen ear the Harbour Harbour Island Island Counity ervicee Asociat1rn, Coaunjty Services kssocIation, specifies epecifici
a Frida Floridanon-profit non—profitcorporation. corporation.
Iho. a
(b) Capital pIt1 Thorpyeent As)esnent. The The term teri Mcapitel Capjtal Ieprov.aent Improv.aent Ass..saent shall hay, the beaning hv. the ring
Sp*jfied for eu
specified for such Declaration.
ten ter in in Ar:c1e A.rce I, I section the Section a8 Of of the
(c) Ccon AseetThe Theterm onhave Ae-j. term Cmn Coon hml hay, than the meaning specified for forsuch such anirg spc1fed ter- in Article I, Sectic,n ten Section 55of of the th Declaration. Declaration. (d) Cpon Pror.ertie,. The ten "Common Frerj. The ter Contor Propertiec* .2i1 hav, the Propcr-ties shall have the teaning specified for such such rig speciflec ter ten in in Article kr-tcj 1, I, Section ie oof the Declaration. Section ie (e) Peclrt.. The DeclaratIon, The teterm "Declaration rec1aratj,n*2%a11 ll mean meancollectively co1l.ctjv,ly the the Narbour flarbour lnd Dec'aration Declaration of of Cv.nanta, ConditiDfl Covenants, Conditions And Mid Restrictions recorded in in Rtr1ction recorded Officia' R.c,rd Book 46c6, Pe Assessment"
Official Records Book 46O6 Page 1182, of. the PuMic of. tha Puflic Record. cords of Li11soraugh Dunty, florida 1orida a Rill.Soroufl County, as supplesented Bupp1eented the by. Suppleaental Declaration of Covenants,
byth. SuppJ.etal D1rtion of Covenants, Conditjn
Conditions and and Restrictioni Restrictions bf of Harbour Harbour 11and Island recørled rered Ofjcia1 Records Recordi Book 4fl1, in Official 491, Phge 366 &v further Page 366, as further ky the thi S.c!on supplea.nte4 by Second Supplemental Declantion off Supplretal Declaration Cc'vents, Conditioni Covenantg Condition,and and kestrictiorm ofHarbou Harbour etricticne of IlM ir Islandrc'rded rscordea in OfZicjaj. Record. Book Officia. Rec'rd Bøok Page 5282, 071, &s furth.rsuppltentea 071, a. furth by the Third Uuppltnted by the Third Supplte3ta1 Supplaentaj Declaration Declartjon of of Covenants, Conditionsard and Restrjt.on Restrictions Ove.rti, Ccrdjtior5 of f Barboii Harbour Island ilaM r.cord.d 1r Off recorded in Official Records icia. Reccrd Sook 3ook Silo, 7iO, Page 1697,,as aa further ftlxtber aupplente4 Page 1C97, upp1ented by the Fotirt Supplemental Fourth upp1senl Decration Declaration of Covenants, of oycnt Corditjc nd Conditions and Regtrjctjo,.1 dated the th date hereof, in the ton attached tho fez-s attach eatictio1, hereto aas Exhibit (thA"Fourth "Fourth xhibjt 3B (th. Suppe.nt Declaratiei', Supplemental to t Declaratjon' • be filed for record S. filod fQr zeord in the the Pub1i Public Records of Rjllsbcrouh County1 Recc}rdu ot County. Fibridli. Florid.. ve1ope. The (U Develnoer. Theterm ter beveloper" tve1oper shall gha1. aSkfl the Seller. -
Deciantlon. The ttti ;1rtS. The tr FDurthSipp1emgntaj Spp1eent1 tec1aratj. 'Fouz-th becjaratjonm hal1 have iave the earL1ng tpecjfjed naning forUCh pejfjed such ttters inirparagraph pragrph (e) () of of this Section this Section i. i. fr (g) (9)
Zurth Zux-th Supjeentp1 $up1e
5721 991 iW5721!c etior 1. Qaflnitfon.. fiectjon efflijtIpn. Unless Un1e the the context Context otherwiGe otherwise pecSrj,, epecifieg or or req-irn, req-J1re5, for Zor the the purposes pup of of thia thiaAgreement Agreent the .
f'llowing ten.
forth in this
the f11owing term. shall have have the the r'ning nLng set et Zorth in this Section Section 1; i
The ten 'Assooiatic,n sha2
(a) Assppjatipn, kzicie.tjQn. Th. ter Aesojatjc" mean mean th. the Harbaur Harbour Island Isamd Corni,1ty Ser'ie Aaociaticn, Services Association, Coanw,ity Inc. ta Florida Floridanon—profit non-prtjt corporation. aorpration.
C#pitel capital
caitp1 .itb1 Ttnrovement roveet Ae5I!er. Asses,ent.TTe ten
A*ssIeLant shall Iprov.a.nt Assezsaent U have hv. the aning the beaning 5pecji,d Iaprov..,nt 5pecifled Zor such suth tera tern In in Azc1. Ar: c1. Set1n 8 of the for I,I, Section the
Decarat ion.
Coron Assessment,meTh. ten Como 'Coon term AemtN have v. the ni.rg specified specified for or such the eanSng ter in in Article ten Ar-tide r, I, (c)
Assessment"sh11 sh1l
Set10 s5 or Section of the the Declaration. Dec1artjon.
CQCnPyor.eftje,. Prert1c!.The term "Comnon (d) Corori
The term "Coon Proper-t1es' Proper-ties" sl1 11 have have the the beaning for such ening epecUied such specified for ter k-tjc1 II, S.ctlon18 18 of the ten IninArticle Section theDeclaration. Declaraticn.
(e) De1prtin. The
1rt1r. Th. tetern Declaratkon Dec15ratonR shall ehafl moan moan a11.cttv.1y th. th. Harbor Narbo- Island of I1and Declaration Dea13rtLon o Cov.nant. Covenant.,, Codjtjn. and Condition, and Rep Restriction, recorded in tr'itiOn5 r.;orded
Dooc 4606, 46c6, Pag. ag 1182, Official R.cors pock 1182 of. of. the the Puxtic Pu11a RcotdJ Or Rjjjborou RcOdj oZ Riilsboroufl County, Cwity, ?'lcri4a Floridaaas supplaentod upp1ementod,rd
Supp1.n. r*c1rition Supplemental Declaration of Coven8nts, CDvennts, Conditions andEeitz1ctiozi COditjn and Restrictions OZ of Htir HarbourI1and Island recded recorded in in Official OZZicial Record. Reaoi-dg Book BOk 4991W, rage 366 av further further 4991, Peg. 366, as supplebeat.d by by the th. 5eac,. Second.Supp Suppl,entaj nte.1 Declaration Declaration of O by. the 'y.ths
Coventj, Coditjôn Cuveaants, Condition,and and Rettrictjori Restriction, at OZHarbour Harbour Island recorded recorded in in Official OfZicialRecord. EecOrd5Book BQOk 5fl2, 582, Page Page further supplaented 071, as u furth.r upp1tented by the 071, the third Third Supp1eent&i Supplemental Declaration Doclart ion of of Cove.nantt, Covenants, Crndition Conditionsand and Restritian Rsstrictions of ofEax-bour H&rbour Ii1arc roard.d in
Island recorded in btficjal ficii1 flecords eordB Fourth Supplemental Declaration of of COvenant rat1 Dc1*ratjôn Covenants, Conditions Conitio and rd Resttjctio, Rettrjctia,dat.d dt.d th. the date date hereof, 1ereGf,
l697 iio, Pa;.&g1697, ftlrther supplemented ftrtzer $UpF1eCTited by by the the Foi.irth Suppi.
Book Book
in in or attached the for. ttachec hereto tS ia Exhibit Exhibit B B (th. (thi Fcuzth Fourth SUFp1tl Dec1artiøn), Suppineatal Declar.tiahw),to be filed for reccrd b. filbd for record in in tXzo Public Public Record. tXO at Xulleborough County, F1orid. Rsrd a? Mig toCQWltyS Florida. (t) Peveer. Developer. Th.tir tar RDeveloperlr Th. t)eveloper shall ae&n e&t th. Seller, the th.
Dec1rtj. The
(g) () Z2irth 5ut,n1eep,tp1 Dec]arptj2n. The tern tern 'Fou-th $p?1eenta1 Decaratjon Fouz-th supplemental Declaration" thall 1i have have the eanjq cpecifjed Rifed for •eani,q for nucz suchterter- in in paragraph p5ragraph (e) ôZ of tM. thu Section .
2 2
992 5?21% 5721% 992
(h) (h)
ALajtJ..Qn Th ten The te reighborho Ass Ueigthorho4 LssQciatjtw tice shall ehall have 'iave the meaning
theaning pcifjd for Uch tor specified for such ter- in in Article Artjcl i,I,Section ectjon 35 35 at o the
DeclAration DeclaratIon.
Ci, (i) The term The term eihborho "Neighborho Service District" District. Service Distrjot' shellhave have the themeaning shtll meaning fcr such su specified for term in t- ir Article -tj Sccti I,, Section 34 of tt ttq 34 of D.eclaratIor Declartjb,
Ci) Qffietz.zi. The The tern "Office Dfice Parcc" Parcel shall shallmean mean the the land legally described land legafly scribed in in Exnibjt Exnibjt A A &ttaoed iereto. attached Eereto. li
(k) (Ic)
tjttjct. The Cic6 $eigIthrho ters "QUite ten °i r]e Sej Service District" shall District" shall have th aearin epe;jf. the meaning specjtje for for such such ter er In i, have Cn Article Article i, Section 37 of the Section Declaration the ratioj.. 7
V.) 2zjs. 2rD1c.TheTh term (1) ters
NFrDectt shallmean "Froectt shall eaii that that ce-tjn office bujjdj know,, oert4in office building kro as One Harbour Place as Qne flarbotr Place located located on On th the Office ff ice Parcel. ercel,
Efljz The term The ter- "Phase I Landa' hage I Lands' shall mean the lands lands legally ahall mean the legally described in describeci in txnibjt "c' C Exhibit attached hereto. hereto. attached (a)
(n) (n)
Tb. The teten rra "Recenntx-.jcti "Reconntnctjon asu shall hav, Aasesment. shall have the the meaning ecjje eaning for Fuch suc} tett in specified for -
Declaration Declaration.
tera in Az-tide Article I, I, 5ectjcri Section 77 of of the the
The term The ten Specjax peciai Assessment" )sseGgt'i shall have have th U,. meaning specified meaning specified for or such such term tern in ArtIcle i, in ArtIcle i, Section 6 Sectjcn 6 of o the Declaration
the Declaration
The The ter tern upleental Declaration'i Suppleental Declaration, shall have shall have the neening the eAning specified for such specified for such ten in tars i Ar-tide Article I, Secti I, Section 45 45 of of the the Declaratj, 3
Declaration, Bctf en SectIcr
2. A
E,52i Seller, as as tho the Seller, Deve1Qp.erQr ital DevelQp.rior itceir and its SUccessors and and its Successors end assigns, assigns hereby agree.tha hereby agrees that. it it vii). will .
not 9-i-ant, grant, nor cus. or cause the creation of. the creation of, additional GaBnent,net upon the upon the Project Cr or Ofic uthe creation Parcel, If Ofric, Parcel, if creation or gTanting f 5Uc Cr qr.nting Of suchease easaente
"ould naterially would the Ovn.rshjp ateriafly adversely affect affect the ovn.raip -or or operation of lroject Project as an of as office building, biilding, an without th, prior Without th. prier written written consent consent of Buyer. Sct1 ae5ertCSeller, seller-,as aa the Anesnç it th. DevClpr, for itself and and its ttesuccessors &fl ad see Ig'ns, hereby hereby Developer, assig,s, will not wfl agreesthat that it it agrees not zend &e or supplesent, SUpplrt nor caui nor cate the the aeIcjent eiriet supp1eent or supp1eent of, of, the the Dec1erj Declartj0 to to add ad rew £ew categories categorj5 or or .
Ift5721 993 type6 Cor ascts5l,gn5 types 3tSGflt5 t# tp thCi5 thQse peently presentlyexisting existing in in the the
h!.h reredoscrJhed beclration, whlth in p&r:çraph p&r:çraphs (b), doacred ir (b)I (c), (c), (n) fli(o) () Of and or Section Section i1 of f this this A;r.eaent, nor will it codify cr mer or amend the de:intjon de:1niti,onofof Capital Iproveent Assessents, pitci Iproveent Assesents COnfl Asaessents A eg ert, conti-uctjon Coron eccnti-uctr AssesGents Agesents or or Speia1 Special aa t txit and Td ar as the same now now exist r ietined iejfle1 in £21 Article Article :r of t latjn, without 1 of the D DclaratLn, 'èithout th the prior written CQF5efl. prior written consent Cf Of fluyet-, buyer, which con3tnt consent shall not be sh1l rot be unreasonably unresorab1ywithheld. ithh1.
A;reent, ncr will it modify
Protr-tje. Seller, SestIQfl_4. Cpmy, Prpoez-tjps. as tthe Seller, a DeveLoper for or itself itself and ard it. its 'uccessors And assigns, ucceora icI as5ign. hereby hereby gree that that it agrees it will ro not crebte, create, ror nor cause cause the the creation creation oo, fly dition1 Common CcQfl Properties ropertiem upon upon the the Phase Phase II Lands,, ny additional withvt without th the prior prthr written written consent cooent o Buyer, Buyer, which h1ch consent ccnsent shall h11 rot not b be Unreasonably witWield. unra6-by wite1d.
icri QhbhooI Neighborhood ice 'IceDistrjct, Ditr1ct. Seller, aa $e11e the Developer, for the itseir and Or itse1 nd its successors cccrs nd and assigns, ssigrs hereby a;rea that hereby agrees that it it will nctcreate. create,neznor cause cause the the i1l nt crtiQr crfltion of of, ,&.NeigthhQd aNeigithorhood Servia Service Dtrict, Wstrict, ar rt Office fleighbothoou Service District District or or any ry related rel1ed Meighborhood NighborhQd Asociatjo lrwelving th Association involving the Project P-Qjet or r the the Office Cffice Parcel, ParC1, withç,.jt the prior without the written consent rir written conRent of ofBuyer Buyerwhich whLh consent corsent shall nt &hl1 not be be urre&sQnb.y unreasonably withheld. i1tithe1d.
H5oc $ervic
Secti7fl 6. L15itation3 On Th1 This Agreerent. This This
?greeont Agreegent h11 shallarfect affectordy only the the Project, Project, the the Office OfficeParcel, Prce, th Phase the Phge II Lands and ard Common Common Propertiea Proprtie located 1cate Qfl on the thePhase IhQ
I Lands, Lzr, aas th I the case gy gay ba ba, and and nothing othin in ir this th19 ?%5reeent greeient Onstruea to construed to prver prevent Seller1 Seller, as as the the Developcz Cr Developer, or iti Ccessr vor assigns its euccessora from ign rrQ filing filing Supplenental Supp1eent1 Ce1r6tior in der tto exterd Declarations in order extend the provtsions or the the provsion or e1artio to di Declaration to additional lands or on Harbour Harbour Island, Isln, nor nor tto lit limitthe theright right oof the the Developer Dovelopet cr or tho the AAssociation to &ntin, maIntain, repair and Coon rcpr-tIt and replace replace Comnon Fropeflits that th,t nw now exist on exist on th the ITha Phase I tandB Lands or or the the creation creation of f adjtjonal .it.ona1 eeerht5 easeants ônd and Coon ConanProper-tie5 Properties onfl l&nds 1n other th.n than the tJø Project1 Office Ofrie Parcel Pare and -d Phase I Lands, Project, L.nds, as ao the cagif a&ti ay be. Seller, a. & Developer, Dve1oper for be. Seller, and itu its successors cr itself ite1f and uccessrs and nd aign5, assigns,rese'v reserves the t right to right to nke new assess,ents, or ne.i ssent1 Or cau new new t9seEsents flCE ent to cauu tobe b made, against against all 1l other other portions prticns of Harbour Harbour Island I1ard or of to modify the definitin cr to cdify or or amend and the definition off the cxitj-j the existing assessments, Ogaeggntg, so lc long as s such assessments uth new ne.i as5esta or r difict1on5 cr modification5 or aoendent, tothe the existing ndt tQ assessmtnts doo ssezser1t5 nt not pp1y apply tto th the Froct Projector Cr th the OZfice DUSts Parcel. Parcel.
21L i.e shall e
SectIon ect1'n 7. 1rt1o. In Declaration. order certain I order to tc clarity cl6rify certain provision, of t the Declaration, Seller, as Developer, hereby pel&ration S1ler s Deveiaper boreby 9ree a9rees to to execute and to to fi1 tile in in th the rer-c.v records of Hilisborough f HU15bcrough CQunty, F1orida County, Florida, the Fourth Declaration. Fourth Supplemental Supleental Declart1n.
Exute nd
&721 994 k&721% 994
etiojL 3ectp1_ (a) (a)
iSci1 1sc.ij,00.
mi, Agr
Agreea.nt nt shall ebajj run run with with the tbe tand. deØib This dcflorjb,d and. in Exhibit A ber&to and shall ehall inur, to the berefit of of, and shall shall be be binding binjr Upon, the parties upon, the hereto, par-ties hereto, their successors re and agj;.
in Exhibit
herto and
inure to the
And assigns. (b This (b This Areeent Areent may be exsoutea exeaute in ay be in one Co1.mterparts CouMterpanft, sack seob of of whioi. which shdll shell be deemed an be deemed an
original, but originai, but all all oro one one and and the the aaae San
or more
which vhicth together together shell Bheil Constitute oonstitute
to) All headinge headings used used in in this this Agree, Agree, are are for for Convien All Convenience or or rerarer,c. reerer1oa only and chall hall not be Considered Coneidered in in cQntr-uig the maeriing of or or interpretIng interpret:g this agrea this &grene
tho caning of
Cd) this This Agre&en, Ageae represents the rarents the ntire ntire understandingof of the the pertj,, pat-tie, hereto hereto regarding the regarding the matter matter hereof, tuject hereot, and SUeroed and supercodeft any and all other any and all uthar prior a;reeents agreeeh prior ot o' Understandings undertandjn tetween the the partioe. partjaa. betweefl
tera of terms of this thisAgreezuent Agreement cannot cannot be be t.r-inated Theodjfjed t.rinated, oramended aaend Orally odijej or orally Cr or by
Conduct course Of of by course conduct or or d.sa1in dealings or or otherwise, cthezvi except by by teritten 'ritten sti-u., except instrujEent 'ignec by signed by all all parties parties hereto. hereto. Ct) This This Agreee Agreem Ehall 6hall be be governed
governed by by and conctru construed under th. laws lava oof the trer the the State of Florida. State c' Florida.
(9) The The parties itd that this Agreeie intend Agreez be be recorded rserdod in in the th. parties QtficSal Qf.tC records recotds of or Hulisborough Hiliaborough County County, Florida, Floride, and and •itzeseitJer party party is hereby authorized a.n an authorized cpoered to recc empovered to reco this this Agreeent. Agreement.
S 5
ff:52j 995 ff5721 95 n
IN i is ieing IN WITNEsS WITXESSWHRO?, WHZREO?,this thisAreeent Agreement beingexecuted executed n Uie the day year tirwt rirt a.bov day aAd year above vritt.n.
corporaUon corporation
0YTtt4A Its: Ite: Preuldent By
Vice Vice Preident
WT)ESSES wrnrEssEs:
E1awar. corporation Delaware corporation Dy
INC. INC., aa
(SF.At _________________________ (SEAL)
z. 4—7ck
D. 1pregaing L V. Ote t-7/ 2'4ay o fun trerit 19 B 9 by 55 o HARBOUR Of H)otj} ISLANr ISLAND t, i:.: flor1a F1oii.a corporation, ororatio, on on beaIf behalf of of the th corporation ecrporat.ion. •' ;......... .LI(
Th,oegothg intrument
INC., INC., a
June 19! by a2r0te9Ofl -.Cr
-for fore
ofONE 0HZ1ARBOUR of HARBOuR DELaWARE, DELJWARE, e1awarc corpo ior on Delaware orporfl>icn, on beha behali or ct the the orpQratjon. orpQration.
6 5
.................. d
Dii ir13tr.u.r. mnstrvjt.r.t prepared prpared by by
Thom.s Thotas P. Arnold Arrojd
Pt4rn•11 Pirr.1l Rain RainEarr.lj. Earrell
First R.pub1Lcij.k First RepuilcB.k C.nt.r Cantar
tc*Ot C&.l¼rv tsSosou..
5O3 taw.r It i503 to,.r r114.. Dali.., Tn.. 73201-2959 s*a* 732O1-989
7t?,SUPflr , TWTRO
or!_CcVtA?!Ds cova cOitIrzous ANDANO RtSflleTtONs tl?IOI.3 RSTPI'T0N5
th:571Q 5710 1697 i&r
UpSout 1st-AND lWm
on Yuly 19SS on Yuly 26 24, 19$$, flatbourIali.nd1 Island, Inc., Harbour aa Florida Inc.1 Fjørjda filed for record r.cord LainOfficial tiled for Pecord. Book Official P..ccrd Book 4606 4606 at at Pag. 1222 ll2. • Page • of of the th.PubiSo Public R.ccrd: Riccd.: of of Rill.boruh Mill.boroufl County. County, Fjorjdt1 Florida. aa entitled ntitl.d Earbctar iecl.rttion Off CoyEarbota.r Zilajid Ii&nd i.c1arttiøn cov.fl&flti1 CQndition. i.nd. Raatrictoa' r.latinq to Harbour Kaz$ota.r • I and and
corporIUo corporition,
docs.nt •nats, CQftditjon. and P.atrj;ttons' relating to
a to
WHUZAS. on bec.aher 16. 1986. 1986. Harbour flaxbour, Inc.. a Inc., & tlorida corporstiri. Florida corporation filed for fil.. for racOrd r.cord in in Officjj. Offjcja tecarde R.cørdi Book Son 4991 4991 at at Paq. Pa'. 366. 366. at at of of th. the Public Public Record.. R.ccrt. of ot Mil1iboroug Millsboroug C.ty,, riorida. &• drca.nt County, Florida. entitled ZUpptea.ntal doc.ui.s.nt .rtit1.d 'uppe1antal Declaration Dcla.aticn Of of C.OanLnta1 Conditiong i.o4 Covntnta, Condition. n4 Restriction. R*strictjoni Of of Mtrour HLrDOur Island'; l*l*nci';and and onDecanber D.c.b.r 2 Wfl1M. on 2, 1987, 19B7 fiarbour arbou,r Iila.nd Inc.1 a & Florid. florid. Island, Inc., corpotatio filed for record in eorporatjon CIL.4 for record in Official Records Ofjcj&1 Rscordj, Book 3o1c 5282 52a2 at at Page 071. Psq. 071, • • of of tb. Pthlic th. Public R*corda Ricorda of of Lliborug County. Rtttsboroufl County, Florida., a dca.t Florida, • docu.cst •nutted ntitl.d'Second *nd Suppl.sritaj. Suppl.nrt..1 Declaration I.clar&'tjon O( of Covenant,1Condittoaaas Cditiot. a.n .,trjctso. Cov.nants, of Ialsj,45 r3 u1trictioni ofHarbour Mirboux. Iils.ri" and and on O*csh.r 16 •
Marbour lila. WflS, the Harbour Island, Inc. Inc., as ths th 'Dlopir' .d.air.. D.v.lop.r,' to to add thareto add thereto th, land land legally 1.qafly d..crthed d..crthcf in in txhibir thLbitA A attached attached h.tetc and *nd mad, sad. a a part part hence h.r.of (the th. Zaa:-W..t z.:_w..tkoadvay koidway Property';. Prcp.rty'. and and oo d•iqzat. delignet. the the t&.t-W..t
Cobn Prop.rti.i Co=ba Prop.rti..
as part part of at of (s. ia defined d.fjn.(jSn inth. theDeclaration)4 Dclaratton)j Roadway Roadway Prop.z-ty Property
#0W TyORZ Etrbaur Eirbo Island, NOW, 5flOfl, Xaland. Inc.. tnc. a
& Florida Liorida cor-poratiort corporatiort. D..lop.r1 declit.. 'Developer,' declare. that th. ta.t—w..t tbat the !aut-W..t Roadway Roadway Property Property d.scrth.4 Ca on !*Sthit A A att.ce4 attached is i. and be held, and abut ubill be tran.f.rr.d, .oL tr.n.f.rrjd, cold,conveyed cveysd and occupied subj.c-t and occupi.4 tø th. subject to S. co,.nat,, covenant. cOh4itionj, cb4itjoas, restriction., r.atrictjo •a.n.nta. ss..*zta, Charge. &r4 and •b.fl h&12 charge. andli.a, li.s, and be bit.! itted by be b.o.Zitted by the the appurtenant &ppurts.nt •aj.nnt•. a..e.nt. let ..ttorts in Earbour forth Ltbour in 1*1mM Dc1arjtioi Island bnlax.tictn otof-Ca,.nant., -Co,.nant.,Conditions ndtior. an4 and R.atrietjon. Restriction, a. ii recorded in Officja.j recorded Official Record., ecodj nook 4606. Page 11B2. nook 4606, Fag. 11B2, at . St seq. th. • of of the ?-uhli Public Records Recoi-d of of Bi iborotigh County, florida,
the the
Bilts$orcufl County, florid., asasmodified r.octj(j.dby by the. the. foreqoLzg Suppism.nt&l Decli.tatiop foreqoS.g S"pptn.rtt.t Declaration and and Second Suppl.i..ntai. Second Suppl.a.rstaj. teche-claration,
vhjcbcovenant.. eoangta ae.eCnt, rttion. bjcb •aanents and r..trjnssare and r1trjctn, are 1.t.nd.d Intended to r to rja vith to the Last-West vith th, th.title titi. to the £ast-W.;t Roadway dway Property Property d..crth.d d.,crthed in in Exhthit A. Ethit A. Developer hereby Pev•loper tunhn declare, h.reby further d.cis.r.. and and statea atat.a that that the th. Ea.;_I1,.t Roadway
Property dsicrib.d Ea.;—h4t.t Roadway Property described in in txhthitAA'baLl h1l be be part part of of the th.Ccaon Con Prop.rti.a Properties under under the tb. Declaration, Dcla.r&tjor, a. aediti.d. a. ,.adifi.d. 1w W1fl1t35 IN WtTIt35OZOF, HOF. te he uzC.r.iqne4 uCer.tgn.d Developer, D.e1opr by by it. it. duty duty auhorj:.4 hat Ctund auharj4 oZZtc.r., officer., be. Caused Uii. ths. Third Third Siapplea.ntaL SLlpplan.nt.i. i.c1arataoist.tio of tion of Cevenant,, Condition, and Ccvsiant.. Condition. and P.ztrictiøn. ke.triction. of ofRarbour Harbour Island Ia1&nd to to be b1 executed on this •cut.4 on Jt day this31.t 1y day of of
StOn.d ceaL.d St.d .4Ld .nd ud delivered eti.r.d 114.3 the presence of: f:
n.J21 Cirovri It. itcoiurc 1c1iic
• 1989. L98.
t Florist FtotjjatctpraLSOr. rporaLior
11S Title1
By;__ Namei h(rj. Iit1.
?r.—td.nt ?re.'td..-t
Vice Vito
M Ccitrc'ier nd /
Y,nF. C .ame El !rn
fLtld F. Ca4fjt1d riti. Ser,.rry titl.
Se cr0 ore ts ry tery
(Cor:.t. seal) (Corporat. $.al)
571Orc168 571O1688 S7ATt orr STAtt
srI! L'.;
Th. (ø.qot; in.tru..nt Ths ter.qoin; £n.tzw.r we. wai ac)ciowl.4q.4 ckicw],.4qs4 a. thi. tht 31st b.tor. 311r day cC day of y J.99 y. ,i99 y. Hirla Karl.F.F. Cook1 Cook, Vice ?ruide9 trssttnt, Vice F itder at'snt. by c.ulfteld by 1'n 1.r. Citilftetd . cCQ $.AB.(Jft KAaSOQt XSWtc. ftc.. a Florida F1o1da c41 o ob.sLc corporation, b.hsif oC said sid corpQrition. corprttJ.on.
>jIh4) cC lo&ryH WoaryPu Ny Coiastcn Coi.u1o.iExpirti !xpir.itr Ny JOtH!R CONSENt JOtHtERAND MD CONSEW!
oprzotfl EA?SOR CROW I5WS, LTD., a florida lir.itedpartnerbip, partnership,as as ABOR CROW I5ZJ.Nt, LI?D.. a Y1orid liLited the ovner and tb. ownr and bcld.c b.dr of of all option rsi1 optior to purbsst purcbas. curtain certain wbic includes prop.rt'- wbic ic1ud.s the thu Ea;t !a;t west Roudw' P;opcty I;opezty binin b;sin West Rc'.dny propertyU d..cribud. a' ii avidenced described, by that c.rtai Henorandus dTc.d by that c.rtai Heorardua of Optior option executed a szecut.d by btvs. Earbour between EubourXs1&d, island, Inc. &nd and Rnbour E4rbourCrow crow by and Ia1zd, Ltd. dated datedNoveaber Die.*btr 22. IslaM, Ltd. 25, 1987 recorded on ovsbtr 25 198 and rscorded oh Deceaber 19€? inOUicial Official ascord. 91.oe oft.b the Public 197 in aecord Book Public Recorts RCOr$ Book5282, 5282,Page Pigs 9]. i the of BilLsborcuçbi joins in otty, Y1ridi, thswithin vithin and IJ,4 Biflsborcugb County, Florida,bereby hereby joini fgr,goin Third Third Supplenntal for.oin Cvena.nt5,Conditions Codit.ina upp1e2et11Declaration D.claration of fCovenants, and P.s.triition.I and a..trictioa oofflarbour Uorboir IslaM anif.ztin9 .1cz4for fortb. tb.purpose purpose of o uanifesting tbsrstc end iti ooni.nt it. and its that saidoption optin to cQn.snt thereto it.., açrs.sent arsItnt that said to nd parcbase p.ircbaiS shaLl shall bbe atd asd is ii bereby btr.b sad, aide junior, jurior1 interior inferior and tans a.rd suborCinate totb. t4r prviiioni thereof. thereof. $ubozLinItS totb. and provision, Signed, i9ned1 sealed isaled and and deLivered d.Uvered in of i in the the presence pr.ien. ofi OF o_
Partner Par ter Byt By: -
@.o)u. &d1L. A1JJA
MI C.a.ral eu.ra1 Partsr Partner By' By;
(ti -;? Its; (Ace I (Ace P.k.,2t_J Coporst$Sea]) 5aiJ Corporats
'I -,
ST?.fl OP Or ST?1Dt COO COu htT _____________ was acknoledgaC this Lnstzu.ient waa cknow1edgaCbefore beors 3ee thu Thp1 fars9otn fore5otn Lttstru,gent dy of>W2.Q.19 B 9 by by L 1989 D f WAQ , day __________ Ttxa o of TCC KIXXD TCC NRTR NOR'HFIORIDA FLORIDA KIXDUSE, USE, INC., ZC.1 a Texas /7
a/eTO E1J
LIMITED LT.D partn: of CRti4—ISIJ.ND CROW-SL..ND partner liited liittc enera1 partner partner of rtnership. a.i general partnership, on RARBOOR • Florida haLted partnership, on OR CRMCRW ISZAND, LTD., Qrta li2it*4 parinersip,
erer&]. general
corpotion. corpotStion,
bha1f ef behalf of5atr. said
Ithited partnership. pLrtflerhtp.
L< Coiiôn
LPib1ic ... Notary £P'ub1c My commission RxLieS: -. My
kTY ?ULl. Lit.
Twv COIM c'4.;l
ItC4It'I 43.-
Island Island
?un KnçhtS Run KnLQhtS
571o% 571O 1699 1689
GARRISON ard bcund1 by of land land bounded by SEDDON, SEDDON, GARRISON and parr of a parcel That part parcel of t.J.S. HARBORLINES, LNCS, to map map oof 0.S. HARBOR according to SPARKMAN CANNEL5, a:c,rd.ric SPRKMM4 C{A!NELS, Ar AND HILL.5?PO HILLSBOPØ BAr H1LLSBRO RXVR RIVER AND FLORIDA KILLSBtRO ThMPA HAR8OR DM4??1 HAMOR, FLORIDA, U.S. Army Rnd appr'ed and approved by preparedbybythe Cor5 of Qf Engineers. cn;iner. v.5. Arrty the Corps prepared as 1953, described ducribed a f thAry Setretary of the AmyononJaruary January 19, 19, 1953,
the the Seretry foUow follows,
section Lot 14, on 19, 14, Sect From the the Northwest Northwest corner :ornerofofGoVernfltflt GoverNnent Lot Fr CoUntyf Cast, SilisborOugh County, Eait, Si11sbrouQh an;e l19 Township Tcwflship 29 29 south, South. ken;. lonç the alonc the
16U.61 feet, Florida, run feet, Florida, run thenee therteeg.024'28l.'. g.O24'2W., 1688.61 19 and Southerlyextension xen*Ofl west boundtry of acid Section 19 and aa Southerly West baundry of aALd sciOn nd Bulkhead BU1kh8d thereof. to aa pcint point on on th the cthind Cocbined Fierhd Pinhead and thereof, to accordthg tc to sid. of of CRR1SCN GARRISONCMANHCL CHANNEL according L.ine for the tne Southerly southerly eld. Line for TAMPA HARBOR. FLORIDA. ThMFA HAkDOR. FLORIDA, tINtS. of U.S. KARSOR u.S. HARBOR iid m&p said map a N.72'36'25t. thn:s BA 5AY; ANDHILLSDORO HILLSDORO thencerun runofN.72'36'25C. HILL.SBORO RtVER HtVER AND HILL.SBORO feet 505.12 feet of SoS.12 ulkhad un. a di3tAnc said pj.rhead sulkhsad line a distance said pjlrheAd a1ri along enficia1 aeneficial prive Drive of way line of South the westerly right way line of South to the Watr1y riQh to a1ng said etitiwesterly wter1y along thence S.0318'30E. s.03'1B'30E. ,tabU5hd thence as now now established; 505s29d19 aoflQ th.nce $.0S29'19E. along fset line distance of of 65.3B €5.36 f.otl thence 1ne aa di2tarce of 148.34 146.34 feet, ft7. thrtCO thence 129.54 dtance of S3id said Westerly westerly ltn*a adistance curve havinc having rtçbt said curve of a curve to th th, right the arc arc of feet feet alorP along the 2e.34 feet feet which which of 275.00 feet and a chord of 126.34 ard a of 27S.00 a radiui radius of 65.13 of 65.13 a distance distne of UnC S.2l'3O'OO. bears s.OVO3'2l'W. s.0800'ZlW., thence $.2130'OOW. a bean feet; thence distance of 23.00 feet; thence of 23..O S.6B'30,'00E. a dietance feet; thence 5.6830'OOE. a thn feet B7.25 feet; fe.t there'. 372.53 feet S.2P30'DOW. S.21'30'DO'W.a adistance distarce off 167.25 left said curve having a h. )Pft along the arc of curv, to the th. a curve to lon ch bears feet w! ich f 370.76 37O.6 feet radius and Aa ch chord of radiva of of 1102.00 1102.00feet ft and departing thence depattin; OFEEGINNINGI BIN1N S.1148S6W. and s.1l48S6W. £nd the the POINT ?OXHT OF 28.64 feet along the rc ff a te arc f way wy .tn* ft Along ajid westerly right right of line 28.64 iid weiterly un. of rrihi right of ay ay line of rnichts orthsrly r1ht of and Northerly curve ths right rLht and urvw oo the aa radius 19.00 radiui of 19.00 haYin said curve having e5tab1ihed g3id curve established Run AS& now nv Pun 5.45js'56f.T of 26.01 26.01 feet feet which which bears ber3 S.451B'SGW.T feet chord of feet and a chord 102.66 of 64.R0 E4.R0 feet; f.etr thence thnC. 102.66 distance diAtflC thence 5,88'3000W. S.88'30'0W. a the left said id carve carvs hev1n having a 1et feet alonQ along th. th. arc arc of of aa curve curve to to the O2.7 feet which bears wjh bsar3 feet chord of 102.17 arid a chord of 302.00 feet feet and a radius of 302.30 of 782.64 72.64 distance of S.6901'2lW. a distnc s.,r454rw.I S7845'41W. thence thnc s.6r01'21"W. thence of 26.S7 26.67 fs*t feet; thence ditence of dtst,nce thsnce thence H.$558'36W. N.655838W. * fe.t *ad depirting thence departing said distancs cf 19.86 fe.t s.49*O1'21'W. a distanc. of feeti S.6901'21'W an .xtenior 1ôr S.2058'39t. along an extension line 52O'5E'3C. Horth.r1Y right rght of Northerly of way way line now trArk1in Street as flow line of içht of of way wy line of tr-anklin !aitsrly right o th nsteHy o the thence M.90l'2lt. aa ther:e N.9012lC. established distance off 97.00 feet feet; e.tob1ihed aa distance distance di.tanCe of thence S.2O'58'39. a feeti thence S.205839E. a 1.9.66 f..ti di8tnC cf distance of I9.6 of way lint fQr for said of wy 1ic 4S.OG Southerly right right along said Southerly 4S.OG feet tto the SoutherLY line aa south.rly line N24'0l'21E. thenci tJ.24'Ol'21E. Knight. Knght nun; thence ditnce of M6901'2lE. a distance Of therC* M.69'Cl'2l. a distance feet, thence dit&nce oof 26.87 of a curv. to the arc curv. to 67.31 feet feet along elorç tie crc 782.64 feet; thence thenCe 67.31 78264 feet; a 9.00 and of 39B.0O feet and radiuS of radius urv h.vnc a the right & thu riçht said uid curve having best, thence N.78454lE thence which ber N.7a'45'4l hord chord of of 66.99 66.99 (eat whicht!ric 29.85 feet ditne of N.88'3300t. of 82.55 82.55 feet: feet, thence .88'33O3E.a distance said having a urV havinc id curve of aa curv, curve to to the the tight rFit26.81 alpng the arc of alpnQ th .rhich bar feet shieh bears chord of 26.S1 feet radius of 19.00 teat and a chord -of ft and rdus f 19.00 f say 'y right of rht Westerly xtr1JiO?t of t S.4630'ODC. to a extension of the Westerly S.46'30001C. to .0l3OC1W. thence R.0l'3t'00W. r'e: thence 5outh Beneficial Benei:1al Drive: linc of said South 71.OQ distance at o 71.QQ uxtrsiOfl uXtF5iOfl ditaflCC said westerly along id the tight said thtnoe the arc arc of of aa curve curve tta the thcncø6.84 6.84feet ft aio,,0 ioi th nd feet 1102.00 cf curve having a radius of 1102.00 feet curve hvnç QT OF OF BEGINNING. ZGINflING. w.0O'iBSëC. and thethe POINT feet which whic? bears w.aO185C. And feet
Unc of !id
a1or ,d We.r1y
and a chrdo!
a riu5
ContaLrbinQ 2.12 2.42 acreS are Contalnbing
more more cr or 1es.
FLD&E ii(
INC. 1-11
HARBQLJR /LAiVD KN'G1T5 RUA' _____ .Cfl (b.1/;
___ ____ ______
?VTE 7-7q'S i. IN5 I. INS T'Of 'S AOT 'or A A I11fl zI — .O5 a Qt —waz—c-,, wI ,#NI ICX Wfl A tA 'Ii (1 a.L K4R ana Ac Ron 70 mDC 7E inA.4 IrIT Pt. AJ4 Sr 5T 7
wr G ' CDt ' r t CT
S QY16Q Q163Q E 65.3r 65.e L—2 L 2 S 057919 O57'19 E 148.34 148.34 L—3 L 3 S 213000 2r3000 W &5.t3 65.13 L—4 L 4 S5 63COO 653000 E 23.DO 23.O' L-1 L—'
L—5 L5
It St 1711(I! (IPSt:' tRW aiflA flO4CA. t
• MT PC? PT ZZ &22 P
Lu 4
S 2V3O'flQ W S 2V3OflQ W 187,25 18725 S w 4.6Q 5 560'OV sa;oov' w
L—6 L 5 1.—i 7
N 6558'3t W 25.37 55583f W 2&37 1. S 69OI21* 1..BB S W 19.86' 6901'2r W 1986 217583Y'E E 97.00' 97. 0.0! 1,9 S 2D'3Y
1—10 L10
6E01'21 $9tV21
CC I9.5 i9.5
S S 205a39 205a3r E
L—13 L 13 L—14 L 14
N N 24V121 24VZ1
L—1 L-122
EE 3tOfl Cr 88'O00
4SO 45.00 26.87 26.8 T 82.55
0130QC W lt.QO 7 t .001
CC-22 DELTA 1n2'or DL1'A — 1f22O7 PADRJS — 110100 PAOUS - 110200 ARC LENGTh LENGTH-- 372.53' 3715Y 3?O.76 C)4QRD—- 370.76' O4QRD
c-i DTA — 265918 c—I
DELTA - 265i8
RADIUS — 275.00 RADiUS - 275.O' MW LENGBI ARC LENTK —- 123.54 129.54 CHORD — 12&34 CHORD 12&34
CH, BRG. —SSQOO21' 0'DC'21 W W CH. ORG. TANGENT 65.99 TANONT—- 65.9
19.00 19.00'
'-I C—4 C4
DaTA V)ELTA—RADIUS RADIUS -- 30100 32.00 ARC LENGTh ARC LENGTH—- 102.56 10L56
01. 76•45 W 01. $R. $R.— - 5S 784541' GENT a- SI TAN 51. aS TANGO1
ETA -- 8622cr BZ2'OT
01. 1r4855' W W H. ORG. BRG. — - SS1r45'5&' TM(CEHI TJE.H1 — l8tO5 18.O6
CC.Ujjtj ;179Q tCC.Ujj1J Jh7OO IV.W NW COR. C0v GOV. LOT LOT 14 SEC SEC.19—29—19 19-29-19
ARC 2&64 ARC LENGTH LEHGT)4—- 2&64'
— 26.OV - 26.01'
CM. BRG. —5S41556 4518'WW W CH. BR. TANGENT TANGENI—- l7.B3' 1743'
_4 L-6'irU
C-6f L-3
K c
D€LTA -—033753 03'37'53 k.TA RADIUS RADiUS—- 1102.00' — 69.84' ARC LENGTh ARC LENGTH.69.84 —
c—s c-s
01.. BAG. sac. — oo,sss - Nw OO8'55
TAJHT -— 4.93 -s.r
oam —- tS2838 tLTA 9283 RADIUS —RADIUS ARC LENGTh — 67.31' ARC LEN
- 5.3I
______*e.t S.(S gad y
CHORD — $6.99' CHORD 66.99
CM. SRG.-— 7"4r E E 04. ERC. NN 7l'41" TANGENT TANGENT—-
33.98 3398
\ 4?tLa.d t. t4 flfl. -
___ A S1JRVtY.
v,.nFki. SOt Wnt O..S..d SV..4 !.OI w.t
:52 o-7i
L Ax!
a'SnRZAS, on on July watRZA$, aly 26, 20, 1985, 1985. !arbàur Island, OsthOso Island, rtrpnrntisn, filed cr ccrt!n, filed Inc. Inc., aa Flotifa for rictd In Page 1182 et ?age Cff1iai ecords Recordsbook et seq. of the Public ook 4006 at at Recrdo of Hilisborough 4S06 Florid, S dncsome.nt tne Pablic Records Florida ef Hullsbbrough County. entitled Sarboof Covenants, Inland becjaration Covenants, Coaditions Island Conditions and and Restrictions, Declaration of Restrintiocs, Island; and and relating to to Earbeur ttlatthg Carboar
a dtcument entitled arbour
4aERZA$, or, WUEREAS, on beceo,ber becember 26, 16, 1986. tlotida corporation, 9B6, Earbour Earhoar Island, Florida corporation. filed Island, Inc., Inc.. a filed (or for record in OffLcLat 4951 at 4991 at Page Page 360 365 ci seo. Dffici1 eCCIdS of the Records Soak et seq. f thi oo$ PubliO 5ecotd Coanty. ?lrida. Public Recovds of County, F1tida. a of 5i11borOagh a docuient docanent i1lBt1orough Cnvenaato, Canditinol, entitled Sappicoental Covenants, entLtled SuppLeenta1 Declaration Conditions, and Restrictions o Declaration of Restrictions of Earboar ILland; ofEarbour bland; and ana WRIROAS, Sarbout WEERZA$, BArbour Island. IslaM, Inc., tnc., ao as the tke 'Developer' add thereto the ike land desirag land legally desires to legally described inDeveloper Exhibit hereto and made Safe S part hereof; desonibed Fahibit 'A' "A" attached attached a ?art hereoi
glO, TEfRtfQ9f, }c*?, TEEtFoaE, gorbOor Rarbur IslaoS, Island, Iric., Inc.. aa Florida the 'Denelope;,' "DeQelopet,' declares corporation florldacdrporation, that the the teal real property Exhibit Enhibit '9,' attached hereto that property described described on attathedereto and made and made a be held,-. he1d be a part part- hDreotis hereof-is and tcanterred, tracoferred, said, and shalt sold, shall cccoeyed and conveyed and Rfcopiedsabect occupie& covenants, -- conditions, tovenants, eooditions, sub ject to to the tie restrictions, liens, liens, and and Shall shalt be be easeoeuts,'Charges, and easemetts,tcharges, and benefitted by the forth in in Sarbwur EaEbour Island the apputtenast easCoents, set Island Declatation Dec1aratiot of appurtenant.easemezlts, set Restririioas as Restrictions as recorded recarded to COveowots, Cøvenaits; Conditions, Conditions, and an in Off Lcial Records ReC0r851152- et jg:Official Ct seq. seq. -of of the-. Snob th Public R&cords ?ook 4600, 4605, at Sage Publtc Records Page Plorida.: is nodified flozLda: as of .:Billsborou9h -Biliskorough County, modified by the the foregoing Swpplooentai. County, Covenants, which covenants, -. SuppleentaL Declaration, easements, aid and restrictions Declaration, with with the restrictions theHtttle: titLe: to to: the the real are-intended to ron art-intended run zeal property atta±ed property desc:ibed0on attaohed hereto. hereto. describedT on Zxhibit Zahibit
vITSESSwocREon, the :niwxrwEssWBEREOF, the adersigned authorized autooxired Developet, by Its uidersigned Deve1opreiby officers. officers, has caused. has duly its duly caused this Dec1aration Oerbarat000- 00 Oennod'ruupplsrreotsl Coyenanry, SetondtiSupeIeinent Conditloos, Cdvenant,, Conditions,; and executed eae oted on on ths this the and Resttictlons the 5'"' f day Restriction5 to to be be of November, day o November, .l9B7-,:i;:_ l987. -
Sije ajd ad Md 4Fd delivered dolioered 1np'of .
A,._...aX#*4t UAP300R EARBORISl.Id8D ISLMDrnC 1980., a , a
In he . in,4hei54ntjof .
r1oridaeorrióràtWn 0. . Florida corp. rat
\I*.tLrI.LiA.\ 4k--
_______ Attn
Th, fotegeing The foregoing in5trument inatrunent wa wa thi,') iay thisG5M day ofofNovember, ackttow1eded canker. 1907 1987 by (JaaZ.. Prnident, and
d by f?4Al / ?. Barbour narb000 lolaud, byInc , AZ .'o,,-'4;. S Sect a Florida cQrporatsnrs, FaQCLda corporltit'n, on :Orpora U on. torporatinn. on btha: behaLfjns. Pr
Zsland. Inc., a
NO ry ?UbUC Nottry My 000soinsino Ny CotDzLssion 5npires Expires
,t 'eP.d ty at ltt"red Q 0
Lcn Ottie, D,iit, Profeotaj
( It
K3,O2&6 re,, Rtc (
PQI Olige C 2EO-9 000. Or, 0909 OL..dt, bF'Ca 3S02
- - -
N0AY hIlie? PU1IC. £1511 blatr Statt0vi F14; Jc in,
That part part of of That
parcel of of 1aa 1aacbounded a parcel bounded by by SEDDON, SEDDON, GARRISON, GARRISON,and and SPARHi CANNELS, according SPMXKM CHANNELS, according to map of of bU.s. U.S. HARBOR RAROR LrNES, TAMPA LtNES, TAMPA KkRBOR, FL,ORWA, HARBOR, FLORIDA, EILL$BQRQ RIVER flILLSSOR.. BAr prepared by RIVER AND AND flILLS3O the Corpg Corps of of Engineers, Engineers, U.S. US. Amy and approved EA prepared by
Army and approved by the Secretary Secretary of of the the Ariy Army o on January described as fOllows: January 19, 19, 1953, l53, de5cribed fO1iQw5
From the Northwest Northwest corner corner of of Government Government Lot Lt 14, 14, Section Section 19, 19, Downzhip 29 29 South, South, Range Range 19 l East, Township flulisborough East, Bill5borough COUty, Flozjda, County, Florida, run thence S. O0°242s OO°2r2r W., W., 1688.61 1688.61 feet, feet, along along the the West West boundary 5ad Section of said Section 19 19 and a Southerly extension Southerly extension thereof thereof to to aa point point on On the Cobined Cobined Pierhead Pierhead and and 8ulkhead ulkhead Line Line for fcr the the Southerly side of A.Rg1SON CRNNEI,, aecordjn9 accordjg to of AB21SON CRANNZL, to said said map map of "U.S. L1.S. BARBOR liARBORLI?qES, LINES, TAMPA BARBOR, HARBOR, FLORIDA, RIVER AND FLORIDA,EXLLSBORO EIsBORo RIVER EItLSBQRQ BA; BA; thence thence AD EILSBORo S 72'36'5' N,, 980.56 980.56 feet, a.on; 1ng said said Combined COmbined Pierhad Pinhead and and
S. 7r36'zr w.
Bulkhead Line; Bulkhead Line;thence thence S9. 20'S8"38.s" 20'5813E.S" E.',' E., G6.64 feet; feet; thence S. thence S. 690l2l.5 I.N.,, 19.74 69°o121.r 19.74 feet; feet; 'thence thence S. s, 20'5B35.5' E, 900.00 20s&'3. F., 900.00 feet; fcet; thence thence N. N. 6901'21.5" 6901121.5w E., E., 20.50 20.50 feet; teet thence thence S. S. 2058'38.s" 2O5838.5 E.,
79.00 feet feet to to the E., 79.00 the beginning of a curve to the left; thence Southerly, 44.87 feet, along the arc of said curve curve (hiving having a radiu, of 1Cg1.9 radiva of 1C9.92 feet1 feet, aa central central anfle angle of of Cr2100", 02'21'0Q, and and aa chord chord earinq and bearinq and di5tance distancec'f of S. 22'09'oE.5 27'09'08.s' E., E., 44.86 44.86 feet); thence S. S. 19'42'26 19'42'26" E., E., 81.66 81.66 feet feet tQ to the the POINT POINT Ok' Oi' BEGINNI; 8EINNIwQ; thence thence N. N. 6901'2l.5" E., E., 156.85 156.85 feet; feet thence 690121,5" N. 20'58'38.5 2058'39•5" W., thenCe N. N., 8.50 8.50 feet; feet; then thence N. 6901'21,5" 69].1l,5M E., 2500 2500 feet; feet; thence thence N.20e583B.5u N., N.2058'3B.5 K., 171.00 171.00. feet; feet; thence thence N. N. 6901'21.5 69'O1'21.5 E1 620.6R 620.68 feet Eu feet to to the the beginning of beginning curve to the right; a curve right; thence thence Easterly, Easterly, 67.31 67.31 feet, feet, alongthe the arc a of said. a1on of radius of of 193.00 5aid. cinve curve (iaving (having aa radius 93.o0 feet, aa centr1 central angle angle of of19°28'38.5,. l928'38,5", anda anda chord chord bearing and bearing and distance of N, 7B45'4l J. F.,66.98 66.98feet). 7r45'41 E., said feet), to to the the end end of of Bald curve; thence N. B830b00wS., E.,82,55 82.5 feet B30'C0" feet toto the' beginning beginning of of 'a a ,:urS'e to the .curve to right thence Southeasterly, Southeasterly, 29.54' right: thence feet, 29.84 feet,along the along the arc of: said arc of., said curve , (having curve (haviflg a radius 19.00 feet; radio, of of 19.00 feCt, aa central central ang1e of angleof 9000b00M, and aa chord 91'oD'oo", and chord bearing bearing and and distance distance of of S. S. 46•30'oo" 463Q'oQ E., E., 2687 feet), to the 26.87 feet), to the end end of of said said curve; curve; then thence S. S. 0I3D'Q0 0130'OQ E., E., 100.00 feet; thence Z. 100,00 feet; thence S. 07'1V38" P7'),238 E., 100.50 feet; thence S. S., 100.50 feet; thence S. 013000 E., 26.53 1eet thence 0130oo E., 26.53 teet thenceS. 5. 69'0)-21.5 69'0l'21.5 W.. 297.95 W., feet; thence S. 2Q"58'38.5' thence S. 2Q58'38.5 E_, feet; thence t,enee S. S. 690121,sw E., 130.00 feet; 69Qll2].5w W. N., l7479 feet; 174.79 feet; thence. thence.5.S.24ll'26 2411'26 W., W., 64.68 64.68 feet, feet, along .long the the Easterly Easterly Line line of of a Force Main Easement Force Main as recorded Ea5eeent a5 recorded in Deed Book need ao.ok 146, Page 466 fl46, Page 466 and Deed Bock nd Deed Book 1705, Page Page 70, 70, PublIc Public Records Reoords cf of Rillsborou Rillsborouo), County, County. Florida, ?lorida, ta to th the beginning beginning of a curve to 'the curve to the left; thence thence Southerly, 23.4O feet, Southerly, 293.40 feet, along along the the arc arc of said curve {haviTg {haviog aa radiu5 radius or 1463.19 feet, of 1463.19 feet, aa central central angle angle of of ll'29'20', ll*2920a, nd 3nd aa chord chord bearir.g and distance distance of of S. S. 18'26'46 1'2646 292.9 W., '292.91 feet); along along the feet); the Easterly tasterly line of said Force Force Main Main Easernent Easement; thence N. 54'2838.5 thence N. S42B3a.5- W., feet totothe N.,23.47 2.47 feet thebeginning beginning of a curve to the the right; to right; thence Northwesterly, Northwe5terly, 505.76 505.76 feet, feet, along along the the arc of said said curve cutve (having (having a radius of cf 1103.92 a radju5 1103.92 feet, feet, a central angle a central angle of 2615'PO, and and aa chord chord bearing bearing and 2615'pO, distance of and di5taflce of N. N. 4121'O$.s" W., 4l2l'0$.s W., 501.35 feet) to to the 501.35 feet) the end of said curve; thence curve; thence N. N. l42'25 19"42'2r W., 14., 12.82 feet to the 12.82 feet to the POINT OFBECINNflJc. Iwr OF BECjNNj}J.
beginnjg Qf a curve to the left; thence Southerly. 44.87 feet, along the arc of said
of a
line of
Containing 7.99 Containing acres, 7.990 acres,
more nore or less.
073 2O73
Rit. 292t
That part That part oof aa parcel parcel Mf land land bounded SPA JAN CI&AIJNELS, y SWOON, SEPON CARR:so CARR, and by CRA)NLS, acccrdin to boended SPARKMAN and ap of of L7.S, according to ap EARSQR 7.S HARBOR, RP1.R3QR LINES, DAM-PA LINES, DAMPA KARBOR, FLORIDA, HZLLS8ORO IORIDA, HILL$8ØO HZLLgoRo BA?" RIVER AND EItLSoRo the the Cor BAr' prepared by o Engineers, Corps of Engir U.S.
Army and Army and approved of the Army Army on anuary 19,U.S. approved by by the the Secretary January 19, 19S3, i93, described deScribed a as follows; fO.lrs: Prom the fhe Northwest NOrtht cornar crrr of of Governaent overrent LotLet- 14, Thwnshi l4 29 Soutb SCCL.jCfl.19 Township 29 South, Range is SecElon.lg,kane 19 Eat, Rillaborough 3t,Ri11sborough Corny thence S. run thence S. 00b24t28. 00'242 Florida, County, Florida, W.; W.;is.61 feet of said feet• of said Sectjo, 19 and along the West boundary Setjon 19 boundary and t Southez2i:extensjon a SoutheT2y:extenajon ofl on the Co1bined Combined thereof, to a point poit PierheadadBu1he3d Li forthe c Plerheadar4Bulhe3dj for the Southerly gjdó of CARrS CARRISON CEPJNL. acOrding side according tóajd map of afd'rap TA4A TAi12A aAROR, EAPSOR, FZCRDA FLORIDA; EXtLSjRo EtLL93op RIVER
RVZR azd . 7236'" S. 7236'" L, and HXLtsaop HXLtSaQp BA; 8AY;LFij thi)iaei., 98O.5 feet, 980.55 feet, along said Cobjned Pierheadji,4: Bulkhead Line, Line; thence Pieread. ther1ce s.S. 205g'3 E. E., 66.64 65,64 feet 6902'21. 'S W., 69'01'21.'5. feet; tbencL tbezce.51. 29.74 feet, feet; thence H., 29.74
thence s feet; 2O'5$3, S. 209$'38.5— .. feet; thc.cey. 74. 69'Dl215 69Dl'21.5 ., 900.&o. 900.00, f., feet, thertce thence S. .,,2C.5D 2.5O feet; E.,, E., 45.00 feet s. 2O*5813a5. 20'58'38.5. fr a POINT POflfl Ok' from 0? BC rNc BECIN?QXNG continue BEGINNING from- said said pOflTOF.: POfln-oF OOntinue thence thence S.
45.00 feet. for a
20553$5 t,
S. 2O'S838.5 ., 34.00 24.00 feet, 44.e7 eet1 then 44.7 feet, thgcS. feet, &lorig along the arc oot aa curve to the curve a radju of 1093.92 radius Of 1O32 feee, a central feet, Central angle &nd aa chord cQrd bearj and ng2e o of Q21JO—bearing ard djtce and distance o 5. of S. 22O9'o.sfeet)g the 22'Q9O.5. Ei: 448 feet); thence S. S.1942'26 i942'6 81.56 ., 81..5 feet; thence feet; thence N. !.,156.85 156.85 feet; N. 69O12j5 L, feet;thence thence N 2OI588..i W., N. 20•5338.sV., 8.50 8.50 feet; feet; 69O121.. E..,
Southey, Southerly, (having (having a
E.1 449 6901'zfl. 25,00 feet; thenjq.: E., 25.00 feeL; thence thence w,. 20q'335 2D'5e'3as then thence W., l7io: 69'Q121.5 691011.21.5* V., 161.96 feet: 16l.9 feet: 24°Q1'22.5lI 24°01'21.s. W.. W., 26.87 26.7ffeet Lherce5. N.
S, S.
w.. I7i:.oD thenceCs;c.;..:
feet O
2,74 square Containing 32,74 square feetorLO.753 0.7253 aces. acres. -I
ta .
- -V4
H!. -
r -
(ev. (Rev. 11/23/97)
WMEREAS on July 3uly 25, 2, 1985, 198 WHEREAS on Harbour Island, HarbOur Florida Islrid,IflO., In., aa Florida corpor6ton, corporation, fUed filed for for record in Record Book ir Official Otfici1 Record Book 4O6 4O6 at at Page Pge 1182 et q. of the th Public 1182 et Geg. of Public Records Records of of Hillsborough Hilisborough County, County4. Florida, a a document Florida, docuerit entitled entitled Harbour Harbour Island Is1an1 Declaration Declrat1on of o Coveiants, Conditions Coricjtioris Covenants, nd Restrictions, Restrictions, and relating relating to to Harbour Harbour land and Island: and
WHEREAS, kREAS, Harbour Inc.4. t} the Developer HarbourIsland, Island, Inc.,asas Developer desires desre to to add thereto acld theretothe th lnci land legally legally deserthed describedininZxhibit Exhibit AA attached attached hereto an and made wade aa part part hereof; bere;
a Florida corporation,
NOW, HOW, THEREFORE, Hithaur Island4. THEREFORE, Harbour Island, Inc., a Florida poratin4. eveloperN decleres t1at the real property describea in the the Weveloper Exhibit attached Exhibit '?. attached hereto hereto and wade part hereof, is and de aa part reOf, is shall and shall be be held, held, transferred, trnsferred1 sold, conveyed and an occupied subject sold, conveyed subject to to the the covpriaritg, cond!tjon, restricton,eteients, eeent, charges liens nd liens covenants, conditions, restrictions, charges and set forth said Harbour set forth in in said Declaration of HarbourIsland I]nd Declaraticn of Convenants, Convenants Cridjtis an Conditions and Restrictions Restrictions as recorded Official Record s rrded in in Official RecordBook Bk 4606 Page 1182 1182 ofofthe the Public 4606 at at Page Records Public Rcrs of o Hillsborough HillEbQrougti County. County. whthh covenants and restrictions ar florida, which are intcded intended to to rui run with with the lend. land.
declares that the real property described in
"4 a-
IN fl WITNESS WHERO?4. the WITNESS WHEREOP, L)v pr1 by jts duly duly the undersigned undersigned 'Developer, by its duthried caue this authori;edorficers1 officers, hs caused Declaration ot ot t1isSuppleltental Suppental Declaration Covenants, Conditioz Conditions and Restrictions to be be execit execotedOnonth1the. thithe. Restrictions to 16th 6th day day of ofDecember December 1986. 196.
Sig-ned, £e1ed and and delivered delivrec Signed, sealed Lfl the in of: e presence prsnce o
a Florida F1ia corporation
President Pre5ident
At ta
t: __________________
ce this
The foregoing oreqcjr9 instrisment instrument wa The was acknowledged before me this knwdgd before lCth day 16th Deceuiber198€ lscbyby day ofofDecenber CHARLES E. SMITH, President and CHARL.5 E. SMITH, President and by by WILLIAM C. WILtIAM G. KRAYER, ass Secretary, Secretary1 of of RARBO'JR RARBOJR ISE.AND, UthKER, ISLAMD, INC., INC., aa Florida corporatiQn, F1ojda bha1f of the ccrprat!ori. corporation0 onri behalf
of tht corpctation.
?.y Conrissjon otizissjn Expires: Ecpires: !.y
t.zs t.*%TtU_.•.S.•T
tC?MtIa LI'
di L.aec Lø S. OPUcn, Ewu. s.
IoIOF,..., F-L.IT T-.frA TT
That pmrtoror . p.rcI or Qrland lbrdbounded Thai part a parcel boundedby bySEDDON. SEDDON. GARRiSON. GARRISON. and nd SPARKMAN SPARKMAPJ C-1ANNELS ccrdIng to to crap n.p of CHANNELS accrdIn9 of "U.S. "U.S. HARBOR HARBOR L(NES LINES, tAMPA hIARBOR. tAMPA lAR3O FLORIDA RIVERAND AND HILLSBORO FLORIDA HILISBORO IllLLSBCO RIVER LLSBORO SAY" prepared prpr by the Corp; Corps of of EngIreer;. Armyand nd approved pprovtd by Engineers,U.S. U.S. Army by th the Secretary Secretary pf D(the th Army on Army on )Pnulry t953. d crbd as January 19. it t9S3. described follows: a; foHQwl: Froiri From tb the Northwest torner of Lot Illi.• Sectian Horthwe;t eorner ofGovernment GQvrninnt Lct Section 19. 19. Town;hlp TownshIp 29 29 South. Rng 19 South. Range 19East. Ea;t, Flillsbarougp, FfiII;b,irough County. County.Florida, FIorid. run thence S.002q'2!"w. S .00242F'W.. 1638.61 along West 5$Li ft.feet. Iong theth,Wt boundi.ry ciol said ;aid Section Sctiori 19 19 .rd a Southerly SQuth,rly extensten and thereof, to to .a p&rt pointboundary xten;on threo(. on th on the Combined Pierhead Cocbintd Pirhead ,.nd BuIkh.d Line Ln tor and bulkhead rorthe the Southerly SoutherI side ;I ofofGARRISON GARRI5o CHANNEL. ccordlng according to ia r*p to seW napof or "U.S. "us. HARBOR HARBOR.CHANNEL. -IMBORLINES. LiNES. TAMPA TAMPA 1-IARBOR FLORIbA I4ILLSBQRO FLORIt. I4ILLSBDRO RVE AND FIILLSBORO BAr'; RIVER AND FIILLSBORO BAT";thnc thince $.7r36125w. 930.SS rut. $.723625'W.. Feet. along Iong said ;.Id mbrd PIrh.d rdand Bu'khead Combined Plcrhe.d BulkheadLine; Line: thence S.Z0°Sg3!. thence S.2°535"E E.. 66.611 feet: thn S.S.59°01'21.,5"w.. feet thence 69°0I It .S"W.• 19.7; 19.7'sfeet: feet;lher,ce 1henc S.2Oe5g3g5 S. 205g'38 SE 900.QGfeet: (t: Lhrç. 900.00 thenceN.E9OT21.5uE.. N.EYOI 21 .5E. • 20.50 20.50 ft: thnc feet; thenceS.2o° $ 3$.5. 79.00reeL rt tototh 38. SE.-• 79.00 the beginning oi aa curve to th begInnfr Qf the left: e(t;thence teflte SoutF-i!riy, feet. along the the arc Southerly, a. 87 feet. curve (havIng (having a radhis or rc or cr said ;.Id curve or I1g3.9 093. glfeet. feet. . central anglecrorQZ' OP2tO0 2ttON. and cntrii ante md • chard chordbearing brhig and nd
cfl;ance S.Z 09'aLs'E.4'L.86 distanceoroF S.2ro9g$.". feet!; tii.$6 fet;thence S.19*142sE. S. 19 26'E
ret; fron s tngnt bearing birIng or feet;thence. thence, trr, S tangent 5, Zt°I33! SE. •Southc.;trIy. South, asterly, rto52'133!.SE.. 505.76 ft. IQng 505. 76 reel, alongth. th..rc arcoforraeurv curveto the cit the rt (hv1rg (having a radius or radu; or 103 92 feet. 1O3.S2 r,t. a central critrit .ngl, of 26'15'Q' md angle of U' 15pr. and a .chord chQrdbearing bearIng and sn ditmrce ror5.'121'O$.5"E.. 501.35(teLl. (etJ. totothe distance s,q,2ioa.s"., 501.35 the end end of said curve; eurv; S.Sr2S'3L5"E. S.52$3$.SE.. 23.117 Z3.i7 reet thence feet to aa POINT POINT OF OF BEGINNIP4C; BEGII4NINC:thence thn tangent bearing burIrg ofofN.12 from a tangent N.I2'11206"., Northerly, 2O5'. Northerly. 257.'i 267.112 Ing r.t. (eeL, along th arc .rc of a curve curveto tothe th ri9ffl the right(having (h4nga radius ridlu; of of 1453.1 IUS3.I feet. ret. a centr& ngF nda chord central angle of of102$'18 I2B'18", and ditenceofofI4.17 chord bearing beuring end U. I nd ditnce 555'E.. reetpI along Iong t1 S 'SE.. 267.05 feet the Easterly line or E;trly Ir or a Force ForceMain MAInEasement Easmnt as ; rcordd recorded in Deed In Deed Book Sook 1Si5 IS6. Page Pme nd Deed Dec Bouk and Book I 705. 20, 7O5.Page Pg ?Q. Pubflc PublIc Record; Recordsof ofHIH;boroiigh llillsborough County County Florida; FiQrdI: thence S.E°S S.SSS 38.SE. 3!.SE., i6.66 ret; thence N.59Opfl.5E.. 176.66 feet: thence N .6901'2l .5'E. . 11Il.Q P1.00 r.t: feet:thenc thence S.2O°5 S. 20'5r fl.5'E.. !90.O0 thence N.8]tVOQ'E. 3$.5E.. 190.00 rt re.t; thence N.BV]0D0'E.,11L$ Ill.;! fee!; thence ret; thence S.QT3Qc1rE. S. Qr30ooE. 221.61, feetft to of a curve to the rghc; 221.$U to the thpbeg4nning bgn&ng Qr right; Lh!rce Southwe;trly 29, 29.iI Iong the thence Southwesterly. 811(et feet. along the arc of said rc o( ;.d Curve curve IIhving Iaving a rdu or0fIg.oc radIus 19.00 feet. et. a •centra cerUr.II angle *rgl or or 90*0000, andaa &ord ,00'oo. nd chord bearing berrg rd distance dl; of orS.S.33OQ"w. and 113300Q"W. .25. 26.17rptJ Feetjtotoih the end rid oof sa;d curve; thence .8!3o'co"w. .39.00 39.00 (et feetLo to th the begnnfrig begnning of a curve thence SS-$$3ocow.. to Lhe the curve to rIghL2 thnteNorthesterly, North;terIy. 3.77 ret Iong right: thence 3R. 22 Feet alongthe the arc '-c of f s,d d curve curve (having a radius rdIu; or rec. a centrar centrr anaje (having a' 594.51 594.61 (cet. angle cio(37001 and a 37I?".fl".st-id eird chordbverin9 bverh-,9.nd anddJ;tnce distanc,ofofN. N. 725919'W. 7259 19"W. • 3)1. 37L57 ret Si reet to the end to th end of Sd Curve; said curve; thence thence N. SlI"2838.5'w. P13.12 to Lh the POIN1 Hi3.I2 feel feI to OF POIN1 OF BECINNINC. BE C! N N I N C. ContanIn 3.579 Containing 3.579acre;, cr; more more or orless. Ie.
That Tl;.t
GiRUISOHatid adSPARDThN PARY1 picl oC by 5CODOH part of ofland landbon4ed bounded by SC000tI, Ci'RUISOt4, p*rt of a parcel IIMthOR TPnPA IIRROR HARBOR 1AIIFS. TAZIPA li?RBOR .l,lrs. 1J.5. map c.f 1J.S. to map acord1n to according cC prpatvd by AilO IiLLLSDORQ IiLLLSOOROD?YW SAY" prtulatc4 by the Corp. oC RIVER MID FL.ORIPA1 i1lL.L.SSORO 11I.SBORO RIVER fl.OR1P, rrn on on the Secretary Scxetay cC by the of th. the brn Approved by U.S. Army ard ad approved Entflar U.S. Engtl,oers,
ColJ.ow described aa, foilowsz JE;uary J9. 19, 1953k 195), degcrlbed January
Section 19. 19.Fown,hlp town,hip 29 29 From the From the Horthweat Uothwe5t cotn*r of U,vetIsyient !.ot 14, 5et1on tbenc thence un r1o1da, run Florida, South, flange 19 1 Lost, ILLlL,t'otOUgtI cpunty, South1 West boundary ol of •aid Section 19 1GBBb1feet, Cet. along a1iiq tise th Wrt boulidAry .0Q'?l'2B"W.• 16B8.S1 t.O0?428"W. thinCi.ubied Cinbined Plerhead Pinhead on thn pottut on xten.1onthereof threoC.• too aa poLt.t awl Southerly extension nd a Southerly ! GM1RISON CHAIINEL1 according and Bulkhead Line for CIiPJIIIEL, Co the Southerly side of GARRISOH and 9uikhrd L1u VIILLSDORO r1.oRID. VlIt.LSRORO rLORIDA. LINES T.MAHARBOR, HAPBOR U?RBQR saidTTaP nap ot ot "US.U.S. HARBOR LINtS, TM4PA to to bald iald ilon said (set, along BO.56 Ceet,. thence S.7236'25W.. 980.56 RIVER ?JTD,IlLLS&ORO-B,r, ItILLS&ORO-BFY: thce s.7235'25W.. RIVER AED 6.4
orflr oC (vrwnent !.ot ll
ILll,bgrauh cunty,
aid 5tlon 19
the Scutteiy .td
365"S., 6661 Dulkiiead Ll!IeI Conbined PJ.erhead and Bulkhead Linel ttinCt thence S.20 S.20588iB.5E-, ancS Combined plhcid 5.205B3B-5'. thence Cet,i S.69'Ol'l.SW.. 19.74 19.71 tnt, tI,e',ce S.2r5538.5!., therio 5.5901'2l.5W.1 feet, Ceti thence S,205B th.t.ce 5058' ti.690i21.S"E.. 20.50 O.5O feet, Cet; thence tnde H.G9'0l2l.5E.. 900.00 feet, Cet tl.ende thonce left, th.nce tto to tt lCti b.egtnhIiI%q of a curve tD curve oC blnHlnq feet t the 700 Ct to tb JI.S"t. • 71.00 radius of ld curve uve IhAv1n II;aving aa rdlU of said arcoC the arc eet1 along alori the 44.67 feet, Southly Southerly,44B7 and chocdbearing blnq ,4.18 and chord oCU2' U' 21'OU", 2t'0U, and aS.l9'42'26"E., cent&ai angle of • central .lOg3.92 Let 1093.92 feet, 94.4$ tftI: thence S.l912'26. of S.2209'0!.5'1., 44.66 teat): thence dltanc a S2209O!... 41.86 distance Soutt,e.SttrlY, .2IL3')6.5'.. Southeiterly1 tangent bearingoCof s.2rL3'SB.SE.. Cet,i tI1nwe. b&rin thence, from from & a tanQent feet, oC radius of l.vinq aard1U eCt I.aviu.g the 'eft vurve to to th arcoC of • curve eet1 along aoncentl th, 505.76 thearc 505.76 feet. nd bearing and ctird bearl1ij u.d a chord angle of 26'tS'OQ". and 26l5°0. ç#ntri a 1103.92 feet. Leet. 1103.92 curve, ld curvei feetL to the end of ERSd Ike enci cC Leet. tc 531.35 5Ol.) 41.tance • ditance ,of oCS.4t'21'CB.S"C. s.1l2l.'0B.5'. oC tangentbearin bearing of tt,etice. thance. Cr,cn troo. a tannt B'3aE.1 feet, 54' ZB 38. 5"E. 23.17 , 23.47 Ceti tienCO tI,enCc the to the curve to ac of ot ai cUvt along tlU!arc 267.12 Cet. alofl feet. N.1242'OG"L. Northerly, 267.42 N. 1212'06L., •Northerly1 lo2e'l1 feet, a cntrl central *ul angle ofC 10'2C'1B", L13.l9 Ceet, rdlus and oC a radiu• of 1463.19 havinqbearing right viiord lorg along 27,05 ft 27,O5 teet oC N17 distance of liii' 54lS.r nd dlBtcnV slid a chord brlt Book in Deed Deed Book recorded In •
S •
)iAlfl C&nent &i a Force Cacement as recorded a Forceham this Easterly line ofoC tt RCord3 oof Q, Public Public Records 17o5, Pa'e 70, v 1705, cage Page 446 and oced Book 1546 • 1516 feet. 259 Cwt. BEQIIIUII4U,thence ttinc 2S.9S BEOttlUhIO,
£atorly line 146 *i4 Dd
lallaborouctI County to aarOIHT rOlHTQF Qr 1avi* County Florida Fluld& to rAdiuS oZ oZ t463.19 1163.19 iht continuing alongpaid said Curve curv, totot1i tile right ltavi*,g a radius vQntinuinq along of distance cIord brinq nd itne oC chord bearing and nd o Ci0l02. feet. a¢ral CL'Ot'OZ". andForce a main centri angle ang1 ot the end end t.0 of sic1 rotce Mtn Emvut to tlir feet I along said Easemelit to ion Ct1 PI.2340' 55"S. • 25.90 1.4.1L26uE. I.2310'55E.. Force Main &id 64.66 feet. aLong said rorce Main aLo" (eet. 1.G theric tl.2411?36'E. • atd curv said curvel thence 1205 LS"W.', fetti thence tline fl.69'0121.5E.. 114.79 Ceeti H.f'012k.E.. 114.7 gim.ntj tten Eae,eenti tttenc. s.01)O'QQ"E,, 9L9S (et; thincc s.o1o'ogE., feet, th.en.ce N.69'Olll.S'E. 291.95 feet, thence 1)0.00 Ceetithence thiiceS.8B)000W.. U.69'011.5'.. 1)0.00 thence H.205B38.S"W., u.2g53a.SW,1 111.10 Cet feet, theitcr • ilL.iB 579.22 79.2 feeti theflceS.8B')O'OOW.
U.655R then U.6S'50' 114.00 feet, thence ..690t'2l.S'W., L11.QQ 190.00 Coeti 190.00 9Jihi$1Uc. feet to the POINT OF 8Ec3114$hltG. a.sw.,i16.66 feet to tbe POINT OF 38.S"W. ,176.66
tbncv feet, thence
more Oor J.2fl acre., more CDI;tftifliflg i.i aCP Containing
of usnes! s-ic istrct of the the doritOdn drto-'n husness
of .he o.! the
7or.o, of, tv of City
fle!tOn rispOtc: tonoe!tir: orounr tr&nspOrt&tin eflViatA.9 addtonal aditon1 around
'-iie '..hiie '-i
a.r j.oflutiOfl. j..ciutiOflr bT
rnot irelv 'ie. t:.t 1tt cannot H. HART HA.T has has also also eeterrtined ceterrne t:... H. yst transit systert es1i ad deveiop an elevated puXc trans desa9n 6fl devflop an eltvatee puXic f.jnanee jnance,
needs of of the the .ovtr to impendSng needs to serve the impending si.chas such asthe the People ?eple tover deternined rto. However, it has for such transportation. However, it has determined such tra public over1 and Transit ecr1petes eor'pletesthe theproposed proposedPeople People oVCr. that £f if Zsland experienCe cneri.9 md experience conttrn1fl9 1-ART wifl acquire acquire important iniportnt intorimtion in rnaticn and TThRT the and oRcratthn operation of a similar tra.nst o structon and the developnent, developnent construction valuable system5 and and that such sichinfcrnation and exper,rce il be valuable systems in itS its planning planning of of future future transit trtnsit needs needs o! of the the City City RD in to HART illsborough Cour.ty. County. and regiou of tarpa. and the the surrounding region; atpa, HSllsborough
will transit inforr.tion .n expers,nce will be
trr.sit ha has island Drar.sit Isafl
requested RAE? requested RAE? to to accept accept the the
and Isiand island Transt Transit has has P.i;ht Way described described in in Article Article I and R;ht ofof Way the R1;ht. to aiVe lsla Transit Transit the the right right totouse the Ri;ht reULeu HART HART to o.ive isla. u.SLeta
Way for for the the off Way
Mover People Itver:
Tr551t haS Xsand Transit has Offered offered HART HART an an optiofl optior. to to acuirt acquire .7. .y. su-ticit n Article as provided provided in entre People and operate the entire People Mover Mover systeTs as anniverflry of of at ar.y time tir.eafter ster the the seventeenth ievtnteenth anniversary ec'.' VIII bela.', t ar>' a material eorsideratiCn as a material for a ,,inal consideration as tts A;reenet for a -.'ninel t,ig A;reenett the P4.&t—of-Way SescribS in in F..iit-Of-ay described induceziitnt HART to provide provide the thceTntnt to HART and raintoifl the on which to construct, operate and maintain the is Aceement on ..hich to constructs operate this Acreement ?epl.e hover; !oVer; proposed People
P4ht-of desires and aridintends intendStotoaccept acceptthe the R.Ight—0f K. HARTdesires K. RART or pti'Jate private by any public or defined 5rst-ited to Way as hereafter tfined 5rahted to it by any pubUc hereafter Way as vailable ght-of-WSy available or authority. authority, and and to to make ma't surl achP4ght—of-WSy entity or People raintain the the People construct, operate and naintair to Island tO ccnstru:t, island Transit to approvals and conditions of any necessary approvals and con6itions of to any necessary Mover, subject iover. sibject to county. cty city an sn4 any any other other .ate, regSon, regional coJnt>'. all all ftdera1. federal,, authorities hiving having 9overn.,ental agencies and snd authorities goverr1eflta]. instrsnentalities, jnstri,entalitiea agencies arid maintenance TiantenanCt jri.diCtOfl overthe theconstruction, construction, operstOfl operation and sdton over and si.bject to any any and all of public public trarispOrtat.Cn transportation ;ysteits systems, end subject to greemeflt: imitatiOns nitatiOns that that may may be be stated stated in jn this thjs greemeflt:
authority. }ThRT intends to to exercise exercise its its statutory statutory authority. HART intends L. I.. char5ed and standards to reulete the fares chareed end standards off when required, reulate the fares w1.en required, slHd Transi..t to insure insure tthat Transit to pub.iC by :slRnd the public service provided to to the service and that that such all such fares are eauitable such service eouitable and just oust end standards standards meet the needs of the public. public.
joint o.rner owner or partner partner with HART shall be a joint &hafl riOt not be H, HART H, any monies or pay or pled l.:and nanit. nor shefl it. t. pay or pledte any monies or credit rstt. nor shall arid or to Transit to use of the Right-of-Way or to o Right—Of—Way toenable enable Island Island Transit to use P nterial iiaterial ver, maIntain the People operate. or maintain the People I'over ConstruOt, operate. or construct, reeme?-it jis Island inducement execution of island jriduotnent to to HART's HARTs exe:utiofl of this this a;retlteht no fitancial fraricia1 hsva rio representation that HART shall hava 1renct'$ that HT shill Transit's r,Fr,cefltton 1slnO over. lslrd the j'ecipl, People '.over. ith the whatsoever in in tOrineOtiOfl cOnnectOn with iiHty whatsoever that I-&AP.D shall bear Trarsit expressly ac)nOs'l.dCeS and agrees that RP.D shell bear Trarsit expressly acno.'ledges and agrees crr4itorc connection .ith jith in in cpflneCtiOfl no or obioation obUoation to to crrtOrS rio responsibilitY r,sp nsibilty or op.eraon or maintenance of the :slr-d transit's construction. rontrvttiOn, operation 2Sl?1d Transit's free credit s11l s'il remein remih !r,e Peope ,-zver and BXRT interest nd !ARTs intorest and credit People ?-.over
attat)vnent. fron ôtta:)untnt. fron
hy Is metual)y metually ecrtgi eçri by ,ow. THREroRr, TH!ErcRr. It it is wow.
OllOW5: at !cillows theparties nartes as te
bvtl..ieen ndndbetween
. 46O6ijg A6O6132S .
hflt3tLt I USE OF iCflT or L'SE
property subject Uh? OOrt. je; r=iz li?enztstrother nteres:s are to puJic or private person or entity,
MARTs HtTS property sub-et u-' thi.s ore!nent reer.nt consists cor.sts c:rents, cthHARTby Are granted cranted to HJT byaflY any public private peon or erity. I
(in2idir any any county. county. city cty or or other othergovernii,ental (inc2ucUn overnmenta1 entity entity or or f the of the enple People hover.H'T HATs iover. property subject 5ubect tO eemnt iiis herein property to this 'his aacreemtnt. hereincalled cal1e the the PAcht— P.ichtof.Way nd nd a part cf—W3y is is a part of of the areashown A &nnexed annexed thearea thon on on Schedule Schedule A
auhority) for autticrity) for the the operation operation
hereto and hereto an made made a part part hereof hreof byy reterence rferene.
2. the terms Sbjet totothe and Subject terms covenants, ovenant, rcndition conditions and provisions of of this provisions is a;reem.flt agreement and and in in the the easenents, easc,ents, perrits permits and and 1ieenss to p"racraph 11 of of this this ftrtitie licenses to HAFT RAFT desrribed described in p'racreph rti.1e 3. L HA HAfl herehy conucys to 2sland Island Transit the right ri9ht to o herehy grants grants ar.d and convoyL Transt the use t use the Rieht—of—Wav construction, operation operation ST4 Rieht-of-Way for the construction. an naintenance the PcopIe Pop2e Mover. raintenance ff tte 3. MAR? HAR areee any çrants of easeients easeents or arees to to accept accept ax,y grants of or other other interests interests fornin; forrin; the the Right Right of Way and and RXRT E)RT agrees agrees to to of Way zch statutory use atseb statutorypowers pO&ers as as it its board board of of directorL directorsTtay nay deen deem necessary necessary and appropriate appropriate to to raintain naintain HARTS HARTsir.terest ir.terestininand an ;sfln Usethe slad ranst rights totouse theR.ight. pursuant to thi5 Right of of Way ay pursuant this ?reeent. Island I1endTrar,sit Transit shall shall be be solely soely responsible A9reaent. responsible for any any and fees feesincurred incurred by excnses and exensts HART in in eorplying conplying with with its its by FART obligations hereundelobligations hereunder. Inn addition, to join, djtjon.,both bothpertie, pa-tes agree to where where appropriate, in any any easements easenents necessary necessary to provide approprete, in utilities ta serve terve the People tO ver. People 0ver.
transit rights
2sland 'ransit Isl.r%d transit covenantS covenants and and agrees agreesto topay paythe thesur s,
off $1. per year year and and to to provide providethe theother other good vable cood andand valuable $1. per consideration stated stated in in this this A9reement Agreement for for the the use use of of the the F.ght Right consideration of Way. Way. Island to use se the Island Transit Transit aortas agrees to the Right—of—Way Riht-af-Way for for the the sole purpose purpose of of constructing, constructing, operatln9 operating and md maintaining, sole maintaining, at &t 2Lland Transit's expense, the the People hover Island Transit. expense, foyer for for th the use of of the the pith2.ic, public, substantially bstontially in in acoordarce acoorance with with the the plant. plans and and ape ifieaticns sho.Jn shown in Schedule 33 attached specifications in SChedule attached hereto. hereto. The The People Pep1e iver shown in in schedule 5chedule overshall shall be be constructed constructed in in the the location .ocatjon shown A hereto, with the ?' hereto, in in accordance accordance with and conditions conditions of of any any the tcxifl terS and easements, perrtits, perrits, 1ienes ororother easements, licenses otherinterests interest,establishjn establishing the R.ight-of-Wy. Right—of—Way. Island any portion 2sland transit Transit further further agrees agrees that any portion of of the People Hover ?avtr which which shall shall be be Constructed constructed on on the the easement easement granted by ea.ty Corporation Corporati to granted by tajor Major t&it to American Centennial Centennial orany under Insurance Corpany underanant.senent EasementIeed, Deed,dated datestJ,e the 26th 26th day day of May. 19E1. l9El. (a of (a copy copy of of which which is is attached attached to to Schedule C hereto hereto and and rade made a part hereof), hereof). shall shall be be subject sube:t to to all all of of the the terms terms of this AgreementAgreement- Island island Trahtit 1rahsit further further agrees agrees that tbt for a consideration of consideration of 51.00, $1.00, HART shall shall have have the t',eriflt ri,t and option to to acquire acquire the the er.tire er.tire People People Mover hover at at any tine tine after after the the ceventeenth anniversary ofofthe date of tie ceventeenth anniversary the date of this Areerent, reenent, subject sutect to th the terms tvz-ma and nd conStions conditions set Prtitle VIII. svt rorth forth in P.rtirle
s further consideration eonsideraon .r.Minducement to HART MART jndumet to to .e;ute .re;ute thu to reeent hiand sland transit rransit covenants covenants and zrees A9reelent, and z.reec to rei,bur.eHART HARTfor for all to reinbire eli coats costs and and expenses ncurred hy hy }IPT IIAT expenses Lncurred in in conntetion connetiori with wjth the developerit, d elopment, const-uflion and operation operation const-uction and of People Pover. rover. island Of the PeOple sland Transit elpressly aerees to prealy arees to pay afl reasonable lega]. aJI reasorable accounting end cOnsutin fees legal. acrountingnOconsu2tjno feecand and expenses expenses n:tirred by by UART ir_-urred AP7 in the preparation prpara:ion and and vxecution exetution of cf this Agreement, and any such costs costsand andfees fee. incurred incurredby byIi/PT Areenertt and lIAR? £n order any such order to perform perforffiits itsobjigationc obiaa:ions hereunder hereunder or to to obtain obtain any any autJ-torirations authorlLation. and and approval, approvae requirod or reçuestt.d reçuested t'y rcquircd or island y Island frontany anystate atte an and localcovernr,entol Transit trot local cove-nrientoientities rtities or authorities ininorder ordertotope-rnt pernt .iand to uae tnt the the Rightcight— .ard transit 7ranit to of-Way tvAgreement. thu ?9rement. of—way purs.iaot pursuant to this Island transit further Transit further agrees agree. to allcolts coltsand andfee. fee.inctirred to P31' py all inccrred hy t-y DJ.T )!AhT in in connection connection with with any referendun, any oradnjnstrative r!nistrative action ctjor.that t}t may efererdu..r,leisjnjv, 1eiltjv or may
t-rze Preerent, f5rmh-'ever the ters of -s A:reet. is1nl
See requi-e recuirc to athnrize or r af1irm the tens of this A:reenent.
Pfter exetOfl
PEter executiOn of this t'ii Poreement. ho'ever. 1.1flr Transit s16fl be responsible for or only only .ho,.e edxinistrative expenses incurred nCurre byv HARTin.ntaking action.rtqu,sted HART Cticn.requsted by by :;.r.d Transit Transit inn writino,
be respnibt
rjnjstrtve expenses tr rarst. shall ard Island slnd transit and ia11 notbe beresFrsth1e resrnsibje fr fr ny anycosts costs nd exen$es incurred -curre by EART jn connection with its exercise exercise oof expenses HART in r-rection '.it)te k?tCie VUI ure th Pep1r ?'ver Moverpursuant pursrt to Article the pticn option tc' to .cquire the People Viii. ARTICLE 11 ARTICLZ IZ TERM SD RENDAL TERM
tjtht d*t.e herr. pr?ried ttperiâ flO
1. The The ter! terrn oof this .èrennt reements)all s)11 be be for for a period ;f ;f thirty thirty(DO) (30) years years from tht d*te hereof. provided that no construction shall oonflence upor. the the Richt—of—Way until Island transit shall, at Island transit's sole expense,- have obtained ntessary .id fcr the .11 nteessary endrecuired recuired apprcvala approval, for the te useQf ofthe theRig)ltRi9ht— c.:-:ay pur1uart thi5 o..'—:ay pursuanttoto this gr.eent. -
CDfl5tTtiO! £11 orrefle çt-Df-ay untii Is1ird I'ranIt s)a11, at Is1an 'rarsit& sole expe!sef-ve tjned
t te
2. If It Island Transit shall not tee in in deThult default at the e ena of theterm termbnd andIfif HART has not excr;ised the ?.equisition cf the HART rth in In Astiol. VflI. Island Transit nit ha11 shallhave have Option •t forth exte- the the right to extend t) tern of this a9reeflent for tw 2) O years each. aaitiona an consecutive tarts of thirty thirty DO)O)years To exercise its right to terfl, Island trn5it t soo extend extend the Ue terr' ess sh&ll give written notice to EAR? of such election not leU h11 give thsn then one—hundred cx-e-unred ei9hty elybty (180) (ISO) etys ys prior prr totothethe expiratiOn expirationOof
1d ?ransi. ah11 nQt
g not eer;I;e te AqujItion Optii set .tile VIII. Is1nd th, ri9ht t ter thjs e9reeezt fr t 2) aitir. onseive trTs c'f xezcise its rih Is1rd I'rnsit 'ritter QtCe to R.RT of uh ercton nt
the then triri. theflexistir.g existir. term.
3. Znnthe Agreement shall by exp7atic expiration theevent evert this thIs Agreernent ih11 errd errs by of the tern, or r ass a result of terninetion after failure y Island- Transit to tiroely perform erfci- .11 of it; obligations Cincludin5 construction oblication,) 1ictjon5) or if Isl&nd Transits utQrty'UBC autiorSty use te theP45ht-of-b.'y P45ht—of-Way for for the the pposes purposesintended intended under; under. thu this Agreement is revoked or cancelled for any ny reason e11d fQr gree5 to whatsoever, Island Trensit covcnants end agrees to TeThVe remove ill or any part of of the the struetures, strueture. .quipent and facilities erected ry part under this greerert that that may rry be, desionated by by14KB? HBD in in aa wri'ten written this Agreerent notice, and Island transit .be 1'r.nit CQvennt covenants andagrees agrees e Testcre restore the nd 151bfl date Rght-or-Way to its Right—of—Way of this acreernent. All a11 be All such suchremoval r'ov and restoration shalL at ot the sole expense of Island Transit, If Island
of t'e teri. result c'f terinticn after ire s1id nit tc' ti.re1y t; ob1igtins
CIncludin5 cigtrutn A;:eemt Ii r.vôed or w)tzoever1 Ia1nd Trsit ovennt
r if In Trrit
quipnt anâ
to its ori;intl existingatatthe thedate ri;r condition ntin exi.ir5 .nd 'etorein of tLs ceeent. he ae expinse f Is).nd Trarst, f 11an Trar2staI1s transit fails to perform perfQr its obflgation 1çtiQr tc to propery properly erstruc"t construct, operate and ver systen ,naintain ain ttt the PeQpc People ?tver system at yte or or totOremove Trvetheteperte ytemand t
retcre he R.ight-f-Wy to its ori1i1
expe1seend . restore the Right—of—Way to its original its own expense condition cDnditicr then then HARr RAfl ray ry t any time exercise it, riçhts under the th guaranty described in Article XXV XXV of this t?i Acreement. Areer'ert.
ny time xerise gmrnty deried in r-ti1
t, rçts under
1. icland c1ar Transit covenant; TO CQVeflOflts and en agrees 9ree that no me.Ce construction r.strction DT o)erworkrçupon uponthethe P t.-f-Wy ha1J Dr ot)'er ?.ight—of—Way shall corvn;.ce until 1s1.nd Transit h65 delivered de vezd t' to HAPT RAPT copies copiesofofall all
urti1 1i1n Trnsj. h
ee&ry rdend necessary and required overr.enta err.ent perrts. per,iits. licenses. lcens. authorarations rd certificates utbotj-.s plr-,, it'.cates of! ccopliar—,. contracts, cntrct insurance jngurnce pies, rtes onstrution performance perfcrarce arid policies, notices an4 construction, other bQnft, gvranties this rAres or assurances ci.iricesrecuired reuiredunder inr thi c'ther bQnft, rnec'or ith the Ageeient £r Agreement in connection off th. the Peej1e People ntuctir the constructin e r, Mc McVye r
Prior tD ccot,.,encin, Pri to 'enin conetruction. trut3.n, Island ).ind Transit rrant an agrees, gree at its oie expcne. 8t it soje elpen.e. tto obtain obtaInalallpermits, perrti, iicense en authcria,tions iiensei of any Auicn of ery neure htoever requi:ed nature whatsoever requhed end iru necessary neeary fo for construction trutIn of the Poop1. Peoplt .ver f thc ver and nd to t fulfill fulfUl all condition, oid end recu.remer,tp requirements of iuch such permits. permit. Ucen5e5 licenses and authorizations Out Ti.Z. 4C'flS anii b' pLbe laws, nrc and a: applicabie or ordinances re1tion CVeT'r construction ccr5-.rueicn enr re-u1.tions çovernina end operation of People cf the te Pecpl prbtio bcty standArdb. Mover, McVerinc1udi inu tl%r and r1L.•ecurty IeCuiy•tanar. t6ncrI nd eafety 2.
IC: j FCVL )6&1330 At,
environmental trrfl2ertl ster4ards,t1t thatry y hee irposed y any pe I'v any ae:i o5vercntai enttie•enCLeS aee Orr vjnz entities, ',ansit &-t1 shfl deliver t 1iver to'iescf_l1 'ie perrit. 1icene.s such permits. su rd aut licenses ar.d authorizations :i2.&t1brs tto Island I.1ard
treite5 havin ur;sirton in,trenta:ites th,;rotct. :,nn further Artes that
iee isjt further Transit all stations taticns t)'at in in the i'e constructicn con$tructjcn o all failtie forr the public and facilities pubIi and an in in the thepurt-.ase pr ase of of all opratir5equipvent equip!.eflt an bacn t ucd byy the operatin5 And aecomodatons to be used public. t)e put1ic, prvi that su t shall provide that such stations, tation facilities ard and eDUjt.t eouitr.t faciUtes shall be ecuipe fr shall be wh wheelchair Icctssibe and equipped forthe thebenefit benefit of the the handicapped hariepped asasrec!uired recuired by by all app).abte laws. Las. bil applicable
lcir ibe an
3. Island trar.sit and represents that all all '?rr.5it warrants warrantz an re?re1ets that wQrk perfi and worc perfornnd and all ll oontracts entered into into c ..rbts aid rd aaree'ents areeenta entered by by it for the construction be in in People bver ter shall nstrution of the Pe,ple sll be ordane with ceneally aepted architeetural. accordance with otnerally stcepted architectural. er,ineerir; enflneerin; and nd consttuctitn cônttution standards strds which ,teet all 11 ll requireitents r xrerert off all appibie appsicabae codes. reu2ati,n. reu2ations and standards of cf bli 11 authorities aut1ritie 1'avir ur.sdct©n OYT cotrution arid having jurisdiction overtle thedesii9rl. dcsin, construction pertion and operation of the People People Mover zyster. of tMover system.lgla.,a Island Drens.t transit further f:t)'er warrants 'arrart that in cOtr1ectior cortn.ctior with and opeatOr1 operation that all 11 —erk '.k in with the the construction eontrution an of of the te People Pepl Mover Mover shall the 5h611beb performed perfr.d bybyoioruner uner the peivl:sion of f ualifled and rkd 1icene supervision qualifted licensed ontraetors trtDr ororother other appropriately qua1ifie persrne1. appropriately qualified and end 1.ierse licensed personnel. 4. Prior to into contracts Prier toentering entering into etrcts for fcrthe te People Feple S1bflc Transit Mvtr project. prcet. Island TrArit CbYenAflts cbvenants and rd agrees agreesthat tt it shafl Mover gave written rttei rOtice notice to to all supplying .2lcontractors eortratrthbt tt afl 11 persons pers upp1yn give
lAbo1 mteria1s labor, materials irorservje3 serv4ces in in eOnnection connection 1,th with .hehecDrlstruction construction of cf the thePeople Pepe Mover M.vermust rutlook looksole2y cly tto Island Transitfear for 11an Tn&it sz owing çaent ef of all1Istrs such si work cing ininconnection ccnnectnwit tTht workpe:fOrined ?e:fr,1ec payment orr r'aterials services suppliedcrorrer rcndred and rterials crorservieI s1.?pUed nd all H contracts shall i1l ccntin ..'ritten a9eent itivir any lien in crcnttineXpre express written agreements waiving any or c'ii on the Ri9ht—of—Wcy the Pecpl the 1tit-of-Wy and the for payment Hcver for pert Dfofall. all People Mover
rns. such such strts.
S. &ll S. k12eotstruction etru.on eOnrct contracts involving epl, inv2vin9 the the People Mvcr project prjetshafl h1 also contain ntr.n exprets express writt Movcr vritten provisions poviciI-ts
whereby the traCtr1 for r himself )rej and, whereby the contractor, and, to the extent pos.ible. for frjrall eli others others workinc wrkiri under harp, hrr, waives and Md re ei.s'hesany aiy relirtuishes and nd all. Seve arisri all.el3irts clams whatsoever arising out orr claimed c'i.t of, o arise jed tto arise out construction of the Mover against ut of. cf. the te enstruetjon the People ?epe hover Aint }{t.
c er1i 6. Prier tto to?fleneing prior construction, ntrutin. Island Transit Trarit shall AF' evidcnce reasonably h6ll furnish frnih to to RAn reBDnby satisfactory HAR'. ticfatcrytotHART. tist' of ai1ity to fire the onztrutir f the 11an PepTh Mover. also ai obtain ObtAin at no no expense PeoplePlQver.
of sland Transit's ability to finance the construction of the Island transit shall to HART cn HART the the following fl2 -irg bonds w-itter orparuesreasonably recnb1y written by by companies .epta1e tto MART acceptable HART ar and licensed len!e to do :nFlorida. FjrL, nar,in air dc business buineE n t HART as a co—oblicee: co-ob1ie: () a) aa payment bond bend orr bonds bonds totalling. tta11ing in the the theiu1. in th aggregate, bg egt t'he tiOunt r'urt tf fthp fut contract crtrt price pricefer fcr construction t
etctio. ththe Pple MOv.r. People Mov.r.luch such bond(s) neet, the reet the bOT(s) to t i-euirmentI Qff the th Tirida Frid Mechanics' Hehtie&' Lien Lien Law (Fda (F1oria reuire,nents apter 713): statutes. ttute. Ciapter 713): b) b) similar i11 performance pe oiian'e bond bn imir fill
or X
bor. s. 7 Pi-jorto t corr,encing 7, PriOr cpncjn corstructjn, construction, Island ls1r Trønsit ?r-rsit rhll or catse it contractors provtdr EhU also obtain bt1n or cae its t ntr tr to prove all 1I1
nst -re polties. workers i.JcrerS compensation ,nSutAnce compencion and policies forr buiers r15.k insurar,ce uer nfl insz-rce £r anounts rciirtsreasonab2y resenoby required reqire
SS.ry fletesssry
by exceedthe thetot3l total conitruction cost, but not not to to exceed eest of cf the by HART tbut Pp1e .Ibver.) People tver.) island iil.r.d ?rn1t ;halI a1 u: obtair th:
transit shall also obtain such othor
1nurnce Insuranceaas jis requrrd requ1under urer 2u-tile rteXX(In(1urerce surance and and IIhRT shall lnde,,tnificstion.) insuredDnon the bufljers nei,njfi'etnj FitRT p,lj 8e 5e a named flz?ed jfl1UC risk and ri and ctsnprehensive cwprehenive 1a'.ility llaility po1ieie polities and and .slatd .1atd Trniit Transit
shafl frn1Eh F..ART -'ith furnish MART withcp1e copie.of of the the policies poUei or or certif,cate. Ceitj.icteI t of insurance, tonther 1isurrce,. tc'therwith with evicr ef pyrent f a.Xlprernitrs pr'it her ei for. thez-
evidence of parcnt of all
[ c[
rrit ae of the pfy fQ
306 133i
t ve:Cist vernt ond Island Transit covenants Dnd acrees to B. B. t5 U nfl its use ctrriers coron. 'y reoire y the stanarths of care its purpse aranö n a1 its strutJ.L purposes of the F4çht_o1Wa1 for CconstrUctWJ
venarS Peo?le Miver. t)"er. s1an Transit covenants th People ctiJitit& concernino the ct?e& crCerflifl hariLless rrJt for prperty
.ART ifyand ai,dhold hoJdhART gee to itinonnify CVI. or in use a rJipneflt and oof •U naint arid jir.terCt o5rctior1I Dperatfl, operation. and construction, ver, People Mover. the ?ecple constructed or incorporated into the Ft ictd or 1n,orted aeiitieS facilities be incurred shøll be jncre shall 6/cr dana9es injuries srsS/or ctsuch suth ieacting whether or ope cof t)ir their wjt)in any person within tthe scope reto ip1 cfnot pron ati ofarty as a result Island transit's Xi1nd rt or or ContrbCt. .ency, contract. erCy1 enpl01nent, tc1ide reirbursement -aU inclode indeir,ifiC&tiOn HART ,ervuner hereunder shall inden1ifiCtT1 cof RJ incurred in pursuit orr c4'lY j,urrd in the te fte rnsonably re 5t 11 attorneys' attrrey5 fees for all Ut to to arise act jneç
fljUTq(ineluin9 (ire1iT9death) det) 61P5 or personal injury, arinn5 c pr nOt te or in the se o! te Pt f'ay or of the Poht—f—Way from, clained to tO arise brie from c1aifl and agrees to
ut cf, çr
any claim çr 1iT-e 1øir' arising 4r1sirg out of, of any Pecple CtrtrUCtiOfl and md operation oprotiQr of they5People eve]Dpnl ccnstructiOfl of. tne 5eV€]OFflc, of. tne fe 4ttor reasonable attorneys fees ihail inc1ue Mover project and shall include611 all onn of court, tt out stz irurrcd by HART out cf court., ri6 court ecurt tosts incurred by HART and pe&1ororinirban)cruptcy banruptY or appeal or adniiriitrtiVe adninistrative proceedings.
efcflC defense
Mver poet
cf tr trial. at tria.t.
it te py aH catcistUtQfl yit
time pay .11 costs an 9. 9. Island Transit shall timely içr construction etic? vith the Cesiçr.. expenseS expenseSincurred inured ininCeontetiOn c1ir forr parent f tethe People Mcver. and operation of People Mover. If If mriy any clam d opertiOri claiMs ,hall be be ry such c1Air $''4l1not nt be ti!e1Y shall be tirtely made. or if .ny islind the date days of w.thir tw.It)' twenty(20) (20) Oeyof any claim Or lien. disputed, sputecL t.en, within 1i2.irrg Transit reteives notice of the or transfer to bond or other S1flâ ransit shaU disoharçe the State of appropriate security euthoriLtd by the laws ofservices pprprAt and for r liens Florid., all claims or liensfQr for professional eviCe r cntity 11 c1aim T1ori or entity Urni5ed by labor, materials and services furnished by any person
or j f tie date i1d e,f e"' c1irn D' rz-risit reeive rtiee f tbe fi1rg or ot'1er 7it '11 dSschrOe or tra'sfer to fbd the $tte of becurity trt byprofeSifli te ard fr y perfl rater.e15 ad vrvice and o,erttiOfl and ôeati shall the design. design.construCtion. estructiOni 'raisit 4th repet t tethe with respect hA1.1inde'ifY je!rify nthintcnaflct the People Mover. Island transit irtntrice oftoof Pep1e Mover. attorrey irtcltldifl9 attorneys cares irt1uir19 HAPT against legal est costs ar an charges. giCSt all all 1rg1 t-L1P court, On tri court, in th urt,. in out ot of court, the trial at1y incurred £!urret ©ut e -fees reasonably ive1vifl -
ititrtiVe proeedr 11rd i!St. c ufftd y AT .t es th that it vt&flt5 &n agrees in$.t covenants 10. s1fld transit lO Island lien, enrtrbrflCe ny 3.ien. reate any create or or suffer ereate iffer totot beand &h1 nt reA: shall not tfy or 11 satisfy or it will d that tJat Mover, 1arge Upon uponthe te Feopl People Mover, orr charge adeqae pTYiiT) t rpty or jrtient
appeal oor in in .nkruptcy or administrative proce.dinçs. involving appe1 C5Cd rercV claimed against. or caused any liens. judqments. cr or encibrenctS ny 1.1cn$. f ery su HART as a restlt of any Such clai'. s h result or suffered by
to oqe or cause to be or shall rake adeqtate provision te Cisehorged, the date (20) tays after satisfy and discharge, within twenty ?.fl claims and 11 lawful 1?ul claims Island Transit receives notice thereof, all A1an a 'ien upon the become y l demands Th.tsoever, .hieh might y lb'J cerrnd
(20) d.ys nftr te dtc satisfy ard djge. tn tie twenty teer,f1 bee a ier upfl tt Tr5it rcceivv5 hie'h ii)it tcevr,ry pert lnd Island pcvied1 however, People ver ror any parttherOf thereof: provided, People Mover trutOfl c't th to finance the construction of the tc fir rce tb be perr.itte Tr.nflt shall be p.rr.itttd Trbniit plee mortgage or pled9e to ec.ion tet). t rtcc People hover. an& in connection therewith. ir. and ?ep1 On
rrtct Qr r te' perit te tv!re).aed prOve Ci) that te lir the:ef wit,Ot charge terer ot r.y tie that P5 rd seurty (ii) the Der cf te of th.s (xii) tbt
t)iePeople PtpLeMover tver or tt1 permit • r,rtgSct i the its in .t6 interest nteret such c the land underlyin9 the thePecp.e People Mot,er Move! if the terS of '— re)4aSed provide (1) that the lien thereof shall rrortgage( mortgage(s) Pep1e t People çuire the without charge therelor at any tire that kR? acquires and security shal) iidebt-cneS over 'ove (ii) the holder of the indebtedness that be boundby by all fofthe the Lerr term, of thisg:r--e1t grcent an (iii) be bUfd off sueh such rc1SLr iai survive any H?RT's rl9htE right' hereunder hereunder ghalI survive any foreclosure that the that the prVidd furthvr Aneements: andd provided further ricrtage or Secri.Y Security ?revme7t mortcsge or
ccte in lorate1 nayy be hich te theFep1e People ove ?verni sesew.nt'r 'neh lan upon HrhoUt n fv©r cf Hrhour fvot ef easement is suect to an i rtca teh rortoage such if 1and.. rescrVfl9 the eBcrvfl9 a ssLons, bnd its tuctessors and it and c... ord 45land. nc. be r.ortobr.ed
Pctpe tver. rd mint?.ifl te Pe'pe construct, operate and minta1n the rht ôperet richttotocntTUCt, hal earernent rchts ihall that IuC eer yCtS such ScI p:ovt thM. p:ovdc 1 eserient ee1Eflt il also survive Bt.Tvivea bfcreclosure. fcrec6ure. 1t warrants !hat OT Tyiiu1tcovenants cve?flt aT u1rd Traqlt ii. eIand 1. bcfOie te ex'>irntOfl cf .ha en or before the exirntOfl of cr.rence e'ni iht corrence cnnttuttiOfl crntiuti td t4after t,e eat. of tiic qretmrnt a rid that tiC cithc fttr rteer ,,er.tht tahteen rp1rtc -. .utstrt2oHY utstr-1]ycOflf1rtC cvrr ehafl rv pe .cvrr corstruttOfl rtr..cfl ef ef the tePeople
ihit f-t
ceeer (tthe -.isbc:eerneflt c tas re att o ttth.s after .er tnt cithin fort3tvo ccrnerce to cc.rce eenet ai1 rransi. fails tof this san Transit .'Island Côp1etiCfl Date). :f CopletiOfl Date). 18 rtonths after the d&te f this atreenent, te .fter the 8 nts within wit1in QntruCti cpntructicfl ne11ed end cancelled t'y ethr terrflAte t'y a;reemcflt e2therparty party ?r tMs Lree'etlt Tnmay bee terr.inated
thisar.ytiz: :ft,r th epiratiOh &n nth perd &r epratiOh of of the the l1? month t ar.j I'rarit fais It Island transit fails to to comflete &an 1 refleflt. to such corr,efleeflflt. prier to prior A,reenent, e of construction 42 nonths of the date of this thisAre&rler1t ofthe te thin 42 ,strUCtifl within &nce1 riht tO continuous richt to cancel tietter aYe HAP.Tia1X shall thereafter have he Cr,tifluD1 tiCfl HAF.T then ccneted. cornpeted. construction is s eontrution i time as tirre and until andterminate terinateherein untilsuch ;uh extend 01 or de1b delay deemed to ,a11 be deemed to exter. cntein shall ôthina eei conteitied but but nothing provided provided acquiitin of the People ?VeX a HABTs acquisition f the People itver as for HArL t,e ti?ne titne for the urerAtt]clt ttie under nyofofits itSre1ue ritS 11ar in VIII exereise any riçhts in rticle ?ztile VIIInor n'in to to exeriie Trhn1t trhfltfl this A9reenent shall al1 peelude Island in this Areeent Othi ii Li(3). (3). ttothinc treriPOtatifl transportation frrri from
fc-r of of ground çroun providing alternative fern prDviir an <ernetive
People Mvr. hovtt. plete. cfoftethePeople pendin9 cotzpietiofl pending tat itC T-tr.sLt covenantsan and &rrante warrants that itsU use i2. 1ad ecerntI IslandT-arsit of the of the and operat Lts construction and operation afl s oonstriction of the of the P4gt-f-WaY RigSt-.OfWaY an tramportotiOfl5yten 5yteffor fr ver 5h11 People shall provide provide a a p±Xie public transportation People ItVer arnpe.. the Cotinty of of Tampa, the County Of the pt1, the City of City benefit of the pubiSe, te benefit th the ic mutually rwttallYinderstod nrtD the reon. However, Hwever jttt is HillS) ndofand the region. Hillsboroufl provide provide that HART will under no eirc,thstaflCtS MARt will tner ncr btweefl the tie partieS that parties btweefl not shall cortrUtiOfl of of the thePeople Pep1e rover !oveT rr ny funds f!.rndsfor fcr the construction ally tAWT in any encbered. be be in any waywy encumbered. s&ttofofMAwr ny asset any
prrte the ?c1e
ver during :slan Transit 7TA,Sit shall operate the Peopleofr.,ver the puklic thu greement for the benefit of the pu1i ten of this the entire terfl lnd for persons between between HDOUr Harbour for persT tat by provieng tr.nportatiOfl HAWZ reserves the right garace. HARt reserves the right p&riflg garace. ana the Fort Brooke parking t-e that the .ating th Tranit to sim stating to require 11an island Transit to provide provide aa sign to require aeerieflt under an agreeent $ oprate People ver is operated by IslMd transit Pep1e Mover of e&ch each be located 1cated only in the interior of with with HART, such sign to be be Su of the People Mover System. Such sign s)all t)e People M3ver Sy&ten. c4r passenger contain the HAWT r.tair the HART id ray and may by 6 a size not greater than than 2 2 l/ i/r Pover will riot not use or occupy the Peo1e Peo?le MVer it will boo. Isl.nd Transit or uri.wful purposes or occupaney for any unlawful purposes se or oCUpBY for any ts use orr permit permit its tin Qrorarty regulation appLicb1e or re ry law l or in violatiOn of any be cany contractual prO'iSiOfl or in such ntar.ntr asrby my reasnblY reasonably be r in t1e PeOP.e People intere5t inrees HAWDs title to orr interest the eeredtoto prejudice prejdie HA1 deered Transit a9rttS that during riyportion portiDflthereof. teecf. sland Transit Mver. or any Mover, ad efficientlY efficiently terru of ofthis this greenent it shall faithfully and the terrr ?ecple !Ver ard operate t)e edminister, ocupy and the People tVer use, use. maintain, trancportt3Ofl pLrpQe5 purposes .ithoUt excLusivelYfor fcrpubliC puIi trbnCpcirttiOT1 exclusively ex reUgiQn religion or or ais:rir,i!tanon as to rate. creed, color. sex. national origin.
)greerTe?t fr the benet
by proviflg tranp
on te Frt
:h sign t a size nt greater
by Is1td Tranit i.mer
1gO. 11r in viotbfl . trtu1 ?rviSin
ly in the iterir içn s)l be
by 6. se or ocpy the
title t
reeriert jt sbll fjtf.2Lly airtifl, axinLiter .itriut to rôe.
ntnal Qrifl.
rrnit h1l erpy
ti a te Ur1ted 5tteS ec'p1e 4vr except tce frcm f te Qrnt1on of 1nd rrt .hall ma1ntafl Trnhit r'ay be exprIY expte. ihty or!ItiOfl safe. saYtry tth thrd parties fr 1.nd 1rarit b.l ti'e. the proviin of rn1nennce. ?ronit ervie
afl a?p1&blf applcablf Islana IsXr Transit shall eompy scith 2. i'c CAtY of rAPT. the tY of -'.ART. safety codes, ordinance or other reqireets requireettS the United States f ?1orid State of florida, and the the State off Tampa. the .hic is1ard the People Mover ereept thos, from which Island TranSit ray be expressly exe,tpted. S1and ranzit shall ainta.fl t in a safe. sanitary and sichtly con1jflOfl at the ?t,er In t)-e People ?ept ?a"er for cc,ntract 'ith third parties afl tires. Island Transit Itay contract rtiDflA other operational the provision of maintenance, security and and any any other Island Transit but. bland uei £tAr,r services necessary to ensure such star.dards, but, o eflSr necesSary the conditiOn epDnhit'le (cr the cnd1t1fl shall for al1 att all tires remain prirarilY tetponhibley a1 sts thall pDy all costs Mover and shall ond operation operatiofl oof thee People Ptver of ertiCfl of themair.tenante rnftirtefl6flre ?T iit the incurred in connectn and operetion OnfltiCflwith
fety cc'des. rnre r Othe?
ll tircs rcan prirrly
1nrred jr ,ver. the People Pepe tver. UI Dver ir inhifl the te Pcp1e a11 maintain 3. Island shall People rover lr1 Transit TrnI.t to perfrtr :n adritiofl to perforrnø :n ai'ic nd repir and condStion. a nood state Ltte vffn repir cic it Cole Transit flafl at it. 1J ranLt ritenone. !slad rc..tire opera rc..t1ne operanç nairtenante.
resry rerir z
etpemse perfor. pertot espen.e
and -.e and ,;ae
1rIL supply fl n,,sary repairs and .7
46O6 i.333 48O6 re:nare. -es. tracks. cars. caJes. tracks. ntercharFe.. reace.s foricr a11allcers. repaternents rucres ccecwinent all otidewiys. roltrns, swr)orts. an all other other structures, -z oeiy5. co1urns. srt s and faci1ties associated pelverind nd its and fecltle5 associated 'ithwith the thepeover Such o1igation shal' lr.c1ue the respsy shafl r.clude the responsibflity eratiCr. Such obligation operatict. wh5' o'er syset h4ch systeT,. he People any pcXtn portion of of the People c'er for for rebuilding reb lin any or damaged y any erome defective for realon1 or dariaed by any be or ecC defective for any reason, iey be or hut no not limited 1iiittd to to collision collision irc1uding but kird including oOcurrenee of any kind. of any occurrence £re, or hy y tire. ship. er aircraft or Pr ship, T"OtorororOther other velUcle. vehicle. aircraft by by a "otor or windstorfl. r.n, fLood wir4dStoTh rain1 flood or other ?ct of sod, cod. act azt of nature or
solecost costar-a aM its sole Island Transit transit shall disaster. shall also, also, bt at its disaster.. Island keep A9reerneflt. t all alltimes times durh,q during the the term terr of of this this AQreee1t. expet5e, at expense. both thereof. both all pQrtions thereof. raintaiflthe thePeople Peoplehover hoverand and all portions and maintain
inside inside and and
structural and nonstructural, in a qod
ciod outside, structural and nonstrctura1. in * and wear and and tear, tear, and oreinary wear of of repair repair and preservat.n, preserv.ton, ordinary Transit shall. nake all repairs Ti-ansit shall snake all repair. actC of of God Godex:epi..d. excp.ed. acts the People People necessary maintain the r.?laOeientS th!t th,truy t.o to Tn*lflt*ifl ntybebenecessary L..1 r-plaOtfleflt5 .,C applicable eodes. laws. relatiO5 applicable todes. law.. regulations all with all pover n inceipliaflce conpliance with Mover Wi.I flOt npt ordinances. Island Island Transit Transit covenants covenants that that it will and ordinances. sufferany anywaste wasteofofthe the vhol.e whole orr any part permit. cinit or oriuffer shall not not use use or or pernit the us' of the an shall of the People VVer an nlarfulpurpose purpose Fepl* MOVerS or any any part part thereof, thereof,for forany anyunlacful People tver. or Transit nst Island lslin r. sante to exist thereon. a1y or perlt itsown on cost covenants anda;rees agreesthat that itt shafl. pravjOe provide at at its cost and covenantS and required or or necessaty necessary for for the the proper proper expense, all. euipTent required expense, all equip7ent verin ina', an People ,ver operation. repair repairand andmaintenance maintenance of the People operation, of and efficient efficient nanner, rar.ner. consistent consistent with with standards standards of ecnoricl en economical for pubi administration generally generafly acceptable operation and and adninistretion acceptable for publiC operation
state state
perrit. conriit pernit the use of the the People ver or pertit any nussanee to exist theren.
systens.. trar1spOrtati Systems. tranSportation event the event 4. :nn the
the People People M%' Mover or cry any portion ;ortion thereof thereof the undertake shall pronpt3.y uidertake shah become inoperative, Island Transit shall prorptly shall become inoperative. Island Transit nd all all necessary necessary repairs repairs (or (OrMake make any any necessary necessary ny and to perform perfon any *5 55 promptly as repIaCeXlentV) in in order order to to restore restore service es replacenntv) tO unable unable to practicable. In the event Island Transit shall be In the event Island Transit shall he practlable. service within service within or replacenentz to restore corplete the repairs or replacenents to restOre coriplete the repairs 24) hour hour period period from Lron the the tim, time of of partial orr aa twentrfour twenty-four 24) shall provide Transit provide an an of service, Island conplete failure of serviee, Island coitplete failure tranapor*tion to the ternatvc neans to the the public publicbet'een beten the alternative neansofoftransportation sole expense sole npense 9arage and Harbour Island at the rooke parxing oar-ag. and Harbour Island at the rooke parXin Fort Fort of the the Peoplt People Dranst entil untilfL'l} full serviet serviceand andoperation oerat-On of of of Island transit Iover ii restored. .
over is
or repair. replacement replacnie1t or 5. In In the event any repair. euiTent structure. facilities or reconstruction foci.itiea or equinent pcn the atruOture. reconitruction work upon of Of the People )tver shall be estimated cost in excess f People ?'iver shall be estimated to of notice written notice Transit EhRT civeslsiand Island Transit ,ritten PT cves
flOO,000, then, if if lO.00O. thefl, I shall at at Island lsland Transit TransitI of Island Transit Transi shall of its request therefor. lslend to obtein contractors to obtain all sole expense. obtain or cause its contractors sol e expense • obtain worker's pOyment and performance performancebonds, hQds. builders risk insurance. workers payment and H)T5 abllty insuranOe ITe'tin9 and public liability jnsurante mating MArTS compensation and pullr coitpensatiofl within eor.nertion with with such such work, work. within reasonable raquirenents reuirener5 in connection reasonable are required. in order of written notice that the bonds are recuired, in order bcrT5 the nOtice th* of writte 30 cays 3 days of such and 'ull and proper conpetiCfl tull and proper completion insureproper properp*yment paynent and to insure tothn9 rein containS, othifli h'rein cGr.tain!d. to HAflT. work without li*bi.lity to HL.Pi', work without liabflity to preclude prec'udeIsland lslandTrarrit Tranct Iron, frOn hosever. shall be be deered eeene to hoever. s)a1 such work at its enliest orporturlitY. to pertorn 5uh wOrk St its earliest orporturlitY. to undertain perforn undertaking
builders risk insurance.
otwithstand.trg prcvi6on of of dnn lttTnDtiVO 6. otwittanAng itsits provision natinc c-crvntnto oorcncC rkakinç rns.t shal transp;rtaticfl, !sn Transit shall nc3n5 off transportaticn. !sln rans physical repairs to reconstruct or restore to toserv.Oe serVte
actual or restre actual physical repairs to reconstruct er system system ny dana9ed daria9ed Or unscvicele portion of the People .ny the c't the follc'ing the 000urrcnOe c' lIter than thirty thirty(3D) DC) cay no later than loy follcing the occurrence n nd Trantit Trantit to to railureby byi__and l dnrnae failure off aer'iice. service. railure anae ororfailure reStOratOfl of aervce cnstruOtiOfl and an eoru'eflcC repAr. replr, rrcccnstructiofl •o aD torjneflce nder the the provSsion. provisions of of &rtiCC .rtice XIII X1I cfeult '.nder ccn.tltute a 1.cfeu)t shall ccnrtltUte shall
or uns portion of the
restoration of strvcr
tin. hrr hrrein..
k;. 1334 k aO5 O5c14
.ireS _9 t i:h ATshfll bU hv 'vr to inteny such inpetn cfthis thi& e;rent, t of agreement, tr efets rreve.1s evols thefets opation. eipterlt Ofl
hive the e all-1 tines ôurir.o the i'ie rjcht e inn,ct t. Peot1e •::ver facilities, euipnent and operations. Iff any such inspectcn may ic may tri1Ttental to public saittY orr tich irieflCeS detrimental c'rr deficiencies to nuisa.ce Island Tnnsit shafl tornlence constitute a ruic after te ay renedy ny such defects or deficiencies within 30 dayS reme!y any notice from HART P_R o5 the existence thereof and shall also pay nDtire frrj revtaling LUCh for the costs of any such inspectiohs revealing such r the
o puli 1C tO !1nd ?rIit ctite UC ruidt orcaice jtin dtfiiencie the extene ther and sll alSO pay
aty uh iiispetih be a rigt riflt and an hot failure to toto inspect shall t' rightHAR irpet HARTS right liatile for evt be fr ailtue anY t be Ua1e of Vt, andndHART shall no event ll in ir£1 rv such sth rpetiOflt inspection, any jn eflv
thstaflii contrery no 0wthstandflq, Anything herein the contrary herert tot)e defiCierCeSo Ayth1r19 deficiencies. hot enn obligatlofl bli9ti -
inspeCt, or fr to cbeve in inspect. or for failure to observe
welfare. tto p1iC public afe:y safety or or wlfare. defeat orordeficien:y âfieieny detri defect
have teri;ht, r9t, but nt tiere1itirg Mitifli to audit ad irspect the bDos ir. recdS ny ecr 1lard Trarit (8r ntretng wits 18rd rE5it ir uzneS syste) Uriflg rn1e ny £uci &uit ierepCY1 f this reeent. Utanti t)e terr enUt., reveals any and substantial conflict, discrepancy. ry material 1tht!ial Ad reVt3 to be ire to urni)d or the reports reports furnished or re required be c.r 0rithfl frn th or omission from V At Drnsit urier the prôiitfl c furnished by:s1ar IslanJ transit under the provision of Article VI urried y nycurative cutive any off this this Agreement. eemeflt. then then Island Lsltnd Transit Trit shell h11 take txe cnf1iCt rther such onission.ofconfl2Ct prVeTfl atifl e&yarandttoIsland acti,n necessary prevent ery any further '11 py or discrepancy Trarsit shall paythe thecost cost ef such lan Trarit or disr-epny booKS keep such books 1afld Transit Trrit agrees t keep auflt orirpetifl. inspection. Island agrees to ait r prinipa1 office Tarpa, r.sit principal office injrTa?!pa. recordsat at I1a Island transit's en xerd$ And this tern of this TlrLd the ofnot t1ethe term for theentire entire!Lrt first17 17yrs years of Florida fr exercIse xireit its its audit audit will will rct that it HART a;ret RART a;rees greiert. Agretnent. but not the 8. EAR? shall HART £h11 also have the records audit and inspect the books ar4 obligation, to o any persons the PepIe PeopleMover Mover of Island Transit (and of to the to 'ith thee in connection orrntctLn with contracting with Island transit PeopleMVr ver er1 cperition of Pep1e end operation the maintenance tr)Ctfl1 ThiflttflflC cor2trction, Urifl9 any ny time tire during at during reAsonable business sours, at system) the term of this aoreement. If any such audit orr inspection
2 rnonth month periOd. period. in any than once once in in any any 12 ny year yearrore rre th rights in ART1CZ Mrac vV RATES S!RVICt STANtARDS SAP.DS PTtS )Aflt SERVICE
Pep1e Allpersons prscus seeking 1.. All seeking to be transtcrte3 by the People £re promulgated promLgte shall be transported upon the parent o! a fare ujeCt 1l At all tires be subjeCt which fare shall y the t Island Transit, of HART. Service standards in in ronnection pprv to t the prior approval with the transit trensit services services to t be be prcvide provided by Island transit under it)i th approval© of the prthr this Agreement also 'b be subject to th hal1 a1c' prior approv1 greemnt shall this HART. in accordance with its statutory auti,ority and duty. ir ART ervLce standards shall Iotice of all changes and/or service hn9e inn rates and/c'r Ite,r than bee aiven aiven to tohART HART by by Island transit no later thanLb Lb dy3 daysprS-or pr5or HART shall w1give give notice ntiCt Oof to their effective desired date. MART pprval o:: (usap?rowal of any proposcd rteC or eanges its 1t approval rover
c be tranSQrtt. by tie
'f s-1 be tr spr up tht payert t ll tires be I1n Tranit, which hre'
Itiee of a1
HA. S-vie by Iand rrit under
ujttttry t trty b1 ace with it!
lnd Trrit n t)eir eUetive ered .ate. -y prpQcd rte r erge i??rol (30) •ervte standard Transitno no ltr laterthen thanthirty thirty (30) IlanofTrentt tndard to t Island in *erviee jn is1na Tranrits i'ranrts not$ce ne setking seeking eeipt of Island ART ItARTs ay following days receipt propsd r.te RT disapproves di pprcve a proposed r.,te the event ever ftART such approval. pprbV1. Inn th. ue inin anan exilting eha-ge extg or.ervi Ce standard, MJPT reqir. requir. ah change rvic. starard, or cr ifi MABT r Transit fair 11give giveIsland sld Trbnit oa fair HART shall rate rate cit ct service servieestandar& HART it rLer its re9ular to be heard in accordance ordbn h'th .pportUnity tD be hr ir jpportunity not 'i1l riOt çre t.riet ar[inistrative 1ministrative procedures. pUre. !ART IQRT agrees t,riet itt will ny rates rcped unreasonably withhold approval ppr'va of of any rates proposed y by is)ant nrorabiy withôld erv3.ce that its evaluation rernen t forr .ervice evua-tinand andreoui reujrernent nd tt 1t Transit Trajsit and fty n pubi mpre.s on wjth pi-rary standards shallbe be ra!e with prnary emp-ass public safety stinrds shl.) HART is i required nuisanceexrept pui nuiarce nd avoidance avo.dce of1 puWic except as HART irpO5ed u1aton imposed result of rregulations corider other othr ritera asasa aresult. to criteria t consider necd. pb1i rv authority to serve public needs. qency cr au.hrty to Dverhrrtertal aqency or by arty any governmental by crtrry nt th5ting4 de&pite the contrary notoith.tahding, de&pittitIt. ;nythir.g ere.r tD to t)e nythir9 herein flY nanner ifl any not be be be;d or O in lIAR? shall ny rate. rtet PIAPT ihali nCt iipprovai of sny approval te ar'urt respect tto the ohlied honor any aereenent. '?ith it respect amount cf of £b1iedtotD hro any areerert. he People Pecpe topeople pp1 uifl offered to using the d1urt DUere fares charged hargd ds.counts
acire the Pee Mve pa
he Eover ver ififHHAR7 accires the Peo;le Mover prsuartt othctets
of Dfthis ths
reerne:. Acrcernet.
it r. ilend inei -eiul o es to provice fr under the servic. tnrd provides by rereer.s tha. Island transit wirrants and represents that inn rno rint a,d Island rnit 3. nyportion portn of event of ar.y ar.y 1F(Tbe be or or become becomeliable Uable for fer any eveflt sh.fl MART ?rticle xress1y provided provided .rtle ay be operating deficit, deficit, except operating except as as may be expressly inin OpiCnto t acquire and jt option VI VIinin the theevent eventAR? !R? exercises exercie its
In th the ever.t ever.t operating operatingdeficits 5efiits .ith respect respect to tO In 2. 1l r'y a ao all ransi. shôU thee Feop People Itver shallfunr3 funr3 any MQvr octr, island Transit. such operating dCICits e'icitS so as to provide for conttnued re9ular such operi.ting ard TrarLit. operation Transit. pe:ati ,.nder the service stanâards provided by island
Ve'. cper&tethe thePeople Pepe Mover. operate
In order order to HART 1. In toprov5.e provide M?RT with with jnforThatOfl information arct and ! ratic. and ra.ntenAnCr experience in the construction. operation. and naint.nAflC of eval2ation of the elevated transit system to assist it ir an County or or regin, other su;) trtnsit systems within the City, County, subttit to toHART MART quarterly prepare ar.d ar.d subzr4t qubrterly shall prepare zn5it Sha rd Transit :slana y an officer verified by an officer reports verifiect ridersip. expense and aeintenan:e furnish annual anna1 a1 also furnish tnnsit. Island Transit Tran5it shall slar 7'ar.sit. of Island by an an inepender.t iiepender.t prepared and and certifie by reports audited, acceptable to to RRT HART of of all income countnt ecce;tabie public accountant certified public Pep1e in operation operation end of the and expenses inccrre in and maintenance maintenance of the People r HARTZ reviewand ad analysis. analysis. Mover for HARTs review Mover
experiefle in the contrutin. fl elVte trer'St systeI tO a5sit it in the vutin Of ct.?r L1J;) trnit ytcr. wItLn the City ridersp expense ilan ertifie tiited, prrpare eertifie xpense5 jcrre
eeztfie5, Iszd or reprt
nit thall funiish az,y fi.rther dotneflts
Island Tran;it shall furnish any further doewTents, 2. rorntire tirne to t t)at tAPT rneyrequest rq'eSt from certificates, or reports that JP.T ray operotivfl conztructiOn operativfl z'y portSon pOrtIon of of the the construction, tire 000terning all or any ni and maintenance cost, of of thethe Pto?le such other CO$t& Ftple rover 4ver and an r!3ir1tena7ce
ti;e coirirg &fl or
uh other
ver as inforration toncerning the thePeople People ver asHAR'r MART ny reasonably be furnished tO request. Such reports and certificates shall Sci reports reqJest. HART within withintwenty twry (2,0) (20)days daysofof HARTS MARTS written request therefor. MART
nd certificte5 sU be fi.rniShed t written request t)erer. ?Pt2Ctt VII p-:t VIX Aot:TIcCAt. DtICL 5AflO SflTOS
ttecned as as $heculc 1. The Derd attached Schedule C C ,eretO hereto Seer.t E>eed The .se,t,nt cxstri.icted y be hereof provides that a static?, nay be construCted part here and made 8nd mte part Copcrati0n to Island perati MajQr Realty Realty on the Property granted by Major 1rsurne CQrnpany. Aericfl Centenr.. Transit as successor to kericAfl Centennial Insurance Company. use Major Realty fcr (or Island Trar'Sit shall provide provide for (or cause Major Realty corporation or its successor. or assicns to provide) acCess. bt f People psen9erS bt embarkation and disembarkation of People Mover Mover passengers the a&ditionel station if the he additional st.t4on is constructed.
prOviez thbt a statc?
n the Prperty çrrte by
Trait rrit ab ue5r t
to Iilr
ucesscr or eicjn tc ;rvid) acces. Crpøratn or itdieberatofl emrktifl arid itiOT.'_ £ttn j.L CDrtrUted. the aitic.n. str if re the STnC cnstructea tie i constructea ttiO is djtjor station 7. If If theie additional thcr cc.trutiOfl iflSUTbflCt jndernnif$caticn an other ccn.truction
bndin9. irsUrbnCe iflefli.CtiQfl trutioI an bonding, YeT, requirerrents the orin&l originalCconotructionof ofthe thePep1e People tver, cr the requirerrer1t for essibiity of dbeelchair actessibiity and rrnert of hee1Chjr ir1uirg the the req reqlirement inc1uing the pp1y to the shiU .pp2y acco,nodbtions forthe the hndppe handc&pped. shall cawirbtc'fl fr ItOT11 station nd operitiOr construction, and operation Df of the the addAtiOnal ciistructC,raintenance ri erne !-.ATshell &e1 incur incur ro thercfor. ana no exper1e expense thercfor. nc MART
th T'ooplr ccpr to icquirri5ht5 to acquire the }!JJTexercises eerr.&es its it r-Tht& and venant ir1nd Trnit pursuant to VJII lLland Transit covenants nd 'Ver ptrAUaflt toktice .ztce in Mover '*flt.l of of lc2arid transit. ptie pctty FJT n p.rprtuity .grees to assign too PJRT gree to the atT1 a itiflbl riaht and jnteret in arid to the aaditionbl natiOn ad the arid t riat5 en jrtez-et jr 3 3.
1 f }'.ART
eity rlted t t' arrn.0 rt furt)er cvni'.t sij,1e
eimert grantc
portion the easement granted by by Majrr Majnr eaity related to the portion of o' th atii 'arrnts len tr&nsit further covenalttw ani cYer. Island Peop'e People Ptver. 1 is freeiy Mar ReAlty erer that the the eeasererit granted'y)y Major Realty freey ssinable that
d U.
any aditionl reujredto t avav any to P_ARt and that MARtshefl ShallnOt nt ne he reuire .c EART ad that
ass r.nent. or,neton with for with5s- assir.ert. for or or in in cor.necton ART:CLE ARTCLE VIU VII CPT Acu;$flIoN 0?flDN
17th) 1. From and end of the seventeenth (7th) Frc'n. andafter afterthe the end reenerit, MAF1 the exeoution of this from the date date of of the execution of this ;reeneflt. MART cr the year aec'jire the the People PeOe optl.Ofl tto accuire shall hove the contincing right .n option shall have the ,uSett to the terns and ration of S1.00, subet to the terms rover for aa consieratifl of ver for VIIIconditions Article VIII. oonditioflsofofthis this Article hOUt in OTeSh1p 2. to facilitate tr&nsiti., in 0cner,hip ,.,ithoLlt year sixteenth year frrn from f the sixteeflt interruption in serVCe, at the te end end of the interr.PtiCn in serVCe. at deliver tO shall deliver tO j6 AreeTnerlt, Island Transit sl the aat, f f this Agreement, Island Transit the operations operations boOks reors, including i lu4ing HART copies tO1CS of andand records, HR ofall all hooks d jnten5'-OC and operationS. operations.. j,hinterLanct bdaets, equipTtent bvdgets. equiFTtflt reports reports and infOrTT2tiOfl ez and arid all other information repairs reports and schedules and all ether repairs reports and siedule5 MART pertainir to the reord5 reanably records reasonablyrequested requested by by HART pertainifl to the the People People hOVCtver. nteranee of construction. operation operationand and m maintenance of the eonstrutiOfl.
f te sev.nteerth
ontinng right er
o fajlitate tr
EA.RTshall shall pti0fl RART Its option 3. If nereise its If MART }ARTelects elects to to exeroise electicfl at least notice of such election 3t least give Island Transit Transit b.Titten written nctite of suh gVe Island date of such 190)days daysprior prior to to the one_hundred the date onebundredeighty tchty (190)
:eeiveS 'm and after the Transit shall tace all such request to facilitate the trrnsfer of title. operaton of the Feple notice decr.bed described above, above. the notice Ctt)-. th. date act forth forth in the 4. on date set in 'ritten HART. by by written arid assiqm to HAR7. Transit receives te Island acq,iisitiOfl. From and after the date Island Transit aci,iisitlofl. lsl5nd ?tver, Island the People Mover.. notice of HARTS election to acquire the People f HART1$ election to aouire notice reasonally reoson.Hy actions as HAFT n.ay Transit shfll tak, all such actions as HA?? may controL and request to fhtilitbte the trrnsfer of title. controL and seriOe. thout interrUPti9T in service. Mover LSthout interruptign in operation of the People Mover C
Island l&landTransit Transitshall shall transfer transfer and assiqn to acceptable HART eptabIt toto HART instrlrlents infOrm form and and substanOe substance reasonably reawnably a licenses, instr1.ncnt In and licenses, and all easements, end RA*ts attorneys, all easements, permits. permits, in etheririse heLd by Xsltnd Island Transit Transit in rights owned, leased held by rights owned, leased Or or ether.'ise transit shall also also Islar.d 'transit shell. connection with the Peo,lt tver. xslad 'ith the People Mover. cOnneOtion ownershipand andfull full MART title toM.RT transfer deliver to title, o&nership assign. transferand &n deliver assign PeOe ?tover entire PeOpe Mover eridcontrol control of of the the entire arid delusive possession possession and and e.cluSive easements, real real property prOperty incluin9, bt nbt limited to. all enements. ver. People Ftver. the People for operation richts and interests necessary for operation of the operate to oper.te and facilities neOessary to and .11 eouir%dnt. tools and facilitifl necessary and all equipment. toolS used and fixt,4res structures cars fixtures used th, system structures ears and systemand andall all stations, stationS, route of the entire route of People Mover along the entire in connectiOn with the People ?tver along in oonneeticrl with the provide also convey or provide Island Transit shall alsO convey or the People '.over. MOVC. Island Transit shall the People RAPT and and acceptable totoHART other righte en e.,cment or or other rights reasonably reasonably acceptable an easement from access permanent. noneIlUaive &00e55 its attrt1eY5. attbrtlCYS.totoinsure insure permanent none,cNu.iVe its HarbourIsland. Island. of Harbour tatiOfltoto public public areas areas of the Harb,ut .sland :slend t,t&on the Harbot hART all all then then transfer and assion to ft.FT Island Transit sh.U also transfer and •ssinn to laland TransIt shall a'so to of th tpeit1ori of nisting toO0iidtiOfl conc&tlOn and and opelatiOn arTantiC5relating esistingiarrafltiCS Transit shall sirnultaticouslY nsit Island thereof. system or any system or any part part thereof. Island to the People deliver tO to ).AT PAPT all allboo.S booksand and records recordsrela.iri relatn to the People deliver expenses Mover and certified statements of all then accrued expenses ertif--ed statements of all then accrued Mover itnd clear off of operatiTt. All shallbe befree free arid rd clear All such suchtransfers transfers shall of operation. expressly be expressly r-itatiori except as nay be any lien, enctritrance or or linitation except as nay any lien, enctmibrance transfer. approved by P.A1 on the date of transfer. y }-tAR1 on the date of approved
end ILr's attorneys,
including, bt not linited to. a.l ritS amd jnterests necessary
hll 5j.itaneOusy
ellvery of title,
to Island Island Transit's Transit. elelivery of title. Prior to S. S. Prior Island Transit traflst shall sha 1 over, Island the Peorit PeOple rover. possesL.on nd poSse3L.Or andcontrol controlof of the docu,'lentS aridany anyothcr other dOcU.nts deliver to HARD reports certificAtes and and certify that ree3tnably rec.uested recuested by byHAPT HAPT to demO5trOte and certify that entire the entirePeople Pcp1e slrid TrnnitI ?.nowl-eloe, to the best. best. or o( 2sland to the ,riditicfl .,nditiofl repair ene a in qood ..roring order, Mover system is in good iorkng order repair enC Mover system kro—'n Or and that no latcnt nrpatent and that there there are are no latcrt nt pater.t nefeet. or rd rio calms or diliaenee with •xcrci.c of 4ur i1iaence and no claili's 4Ur disoernable with escreio of diacernbb}e
dlver to HART reports. certifltes to dem srte ronab1y Trnsits .nwledae, the defetP kron or exerciseofofdue die .'iththe the cxcrti.e knc.n or ordiscoverable ditcoyerae ith liaiUties a011tieeexcept txted be expessy nAted nay b es:1y Ic matters as th Dpecfic matter. a' ay opec llligence except ruc ci1igence to accept. accept. Sn such reporta report. nct nc4 hch hichI1P LAPTmay rny ha.e h3e anrec'l b1CC tO in such II
Iron and 6. 6. zvèr systeY'i, ,vèr
after at
the :1 c aquiE!t1cfl of the date oo its arquis!tion tie
fOr er 8l liabilities, including n6 1jzj1itje niaintennte. repair repair n6 future operatiOfl. oricrtir,* rnaiflteflCe. future t-i 'f the cr.necticrn with wit)ithe the operation DpertiDT of in çor.ntCt2n arislfl9 in any ny defic±t deCit arisifl9 HAPT levels etby se'ce levels 5eby RAPT to t tre IJRT at peptic the service ver by by }thRT Peppl' Mover J.RTS then MARTS it 1C needs needsinin 3rance wits aceoxnodate th putlic accnrdance )ll other other obioatiOn5 bUSine!5 practice and standArds. XII .nd 5tndard5. practiCe urret busin5 current Thll Pee MOve withthe the People Mover sYtalt cflnetIQfl with :nt 11 of Ifl coflflecttofl Qf IslaJd Transit liabilitieS etiOfl or of action exeept for fr causes cies ot thereupon rcPOt1terninate. tx-Fiflte, except the date the date of of the te arguisition have accrued prir to may accrued prior to w)iich th bu attributale to inaccuracies in the hich by HART, or hich may r y M?RT1 transit relating to conditions and s1&n ?rsit reports 5Ubritte subnitttd by Island :epCrtS ver SySte. the People Mover aitenane cf the Peip1e maintenance of operation expenses of operation and expenses cf ervieswhSc)1 whiThexceed eed to s'revide rrevid services -rst reuestS if recuests HART HART to nd trahsit if Island &pprQ?rite deternifled by HART HART to to be be appropriate tto serve serve 'y .ne deter evl jevfls the serV te crv-i busi,eSS current business It?Ts then with IIAPTs then current riees in accordance wjth thee public needs ineur additionAl HART to ete MPLRT to irir reue5t'.tuld Wl cause Wh praCtceS and which request T-rtsit services an6 Island Is1' Transit zervies s1l rcVie hall provñ4e such MART 4.ART f expens*S, lvei y def.cjt ttrbutab1e to the increased rnd
Pep).e People
RT 5ystt1' P.T
:see yesp ::.,bi1tY ShaLl sA1.1 assurie resp;:C1bilitY
ir bu ttrbutlerelatin9 t naUrCie5 t enditins
ny deficit attributable to the increased evtl of s1I- ftind Transit. rcJeEte by -
service srViC reqiested by IS]on
Ttansits sar TTars!t5 lslan rraflSitshafl sal1 provide rrov1e in IslaM slT transit Pccpt and repait :epait of the tne People and Or operton Tftntefl.fle contract! for operatiOfl maintenance ccntrCt or pronotior. or prwrtiOr. dvertsin9 ery other contract, for advertlsing. Mover, .nd any ?c'plf services in connection with the People in seVieS r ds provision of 9oods or prvisi be charced cied t be respecttotofares feS to reeneit-S with wt'h respect ny acreenents in any Hover and in vcr a.r 1XRT'5 Mover Ver that tt tp upon HART's acquisiticfl ?cp1e rsrS using to persons using the the ?,ple to QTt2Ct.Z shall be ternitatle a3l such such contracts ver all off the People %ver, 1l ueh toThtrbct shall proiLbit
7. 7
thcr eontact fr
te ?ep1e eetifl. All such at HARTS election.
en with te
qi.istcn s3l beeiae ontrct3 ?l1 ?rit
t H)RTs viefO attorret and shall provide for attorneflt a1l p p:tyid termir.atiofl theOter other party ter.iT b'byte HART &)Al3 the contract. HART shall cntrt. nte the wishes to centim2e if LRT jEie5 to if ItRT AR to to BARt to wis)es to HARt wishes of t'e eOntrat EAR Island transit notice of the contracts notice trnsit give exercise its exerSe 9ive Is1anwithin (a) its 1ter Qf () later of the t)i ftC 90 days YS after 90 tertir.btt reeipt (b)HRTS HARTS receipt lovt or (b) cquie tie Pep1e Mover to acquire the People cptiOT tO off its option !QRT HT as Thy thereto fc,rtOfl re1at9 t)eietO as contrCt5 and rd r,fOrr'tiOfl relatifl9 sc coitrtS off such shall M5it ShAU event.. Island IS1fld Transit Ub event. In riy recueSt. In AflY Such rcsorablY rece5t. rebsonably te or bfc're before t)e the dte on cr -ATcn traetsspecified piied byby-JT e terninate te contracts terniniate te ecpe Mc.'er.
1e.y solely
acQuiresS the t?ie People Mover.
Isl? bve, euire te theFeple People ver. Island e1eS tto acquire HART elettS If If 1-AP.T cor cpensat corpenSatiOfl ry and all it to ny and all rioht to aive Trrisi.t expr-Y Transit expressly VIII, ..rtC-e VI11 this )rtiCle recited in in this Qt.herthan thn that tht recited consierati0fl other tht the agree that the initial initial gre and Ar1 ç .lee prtcS because both parties acknOwledce ct beeaus rd ;recmeflt Is thig X;reemeflt is and thiE in of 'ay cescr1bec of the Right R..ght of Way described in f the grant sLn grant valuable consideration nBidatOfl to to Island valt.b1e adette and constitutes and ntit1.teE an adecuate 8. $.
cier'ti transit.
ccrr me become he same cre the pay, before Isand Is1a Transit shall pay, gerer rts. real rei and personal. general all taxes an assessments, asS5 11 ta aejinquert. r agair!t ltviell agairt or ordinary leviell and special, extraordinary orr wrd.inry evid ba.i.nSt against o or r levied Mover syste7. or attributed to People !over tc thee PeDp1 tribt..e .ith its cc'erat-'fl cr in connection with its operation or onership. ç,nCtic in 1. 1.
1e1qe speia1. pxtarjflarY
and persol
SSt, nrhp.
rart sL1
fc for e solely rspn5ihle solely responsible 2. 1.and rid Transit shall e 2 5Dvcrnrncntl he ipprcpite ei.ttig tto the appropriate governmental nd re,nittirg collecting and
excise C?1f
USe,henelit, tene1t,, rent and rentaX 1es use, 11 salts, authQ-tie5 Lflry and all authorities fores, respect tc fares, t' Wat6oeVer nposcd with respect to rpscd attre wt6oeVercf the ny nature oI any ta%eS takes of tim1y shâfl Peop2e Mover and rd shall timely FeCpe Mcver t'e
aI' OpO
o ers2p and operatIOn of use. o.'nershiP required ty returns required by )) nd rcturn reprt and )ceznd znd file fileall ai reports neXt thereith. rec'fl theeith. connectiOn
tAxes, taxes,
tt itS
any ccltest any its eT.pene ei.pene contest 1sisfl 1sn Tran1t rny. cver.t n the event nc as&eS&rneflts tnd other char9e. ani in otY'er se&rflen5
txes te taxes. perrri. the .C1Ud Trnit ray pernit crtet.. !clnrd any any s0h'i rortet,
:4605 13s :46O61 .npai durifl rerain npai socOrteste contested too rerai.n rces s' Other charce, or other ssesSme5 or sseSSrflentS teom, prcV prCVie the period periodofofsuch such contest pee1 thenCron. t)r contest ar an?nyan ;..peel
oor.t.t. such contest. obtains an an uo Island ransit. .Fi OOTflCtiOfl Is1afl transit. the r t.he cver Cr 'ie .over flienttiOn orobibitin9tethe saleof of the the People ition prohibiting sale
ce:t1fic!te for svch a ce:tlfieate f s'ch
-ai idtaxe;erin teir. thc thC
unaoelabie labie decision decision lnal. un til a& final. pendency the cortest contest an ana srtil penency of the in connection tbe:eitb. order order is is rendered rende:e in connection there-aith. or o ??TICLC TCLC X ICATIOt ASUALTY lKDtMKIP!CATICt SLTRNE ?.S A SUAIT?.fl5L'RANCE .rtaifl One One Or Island I'rarsit transit shall and naintain shall procure pocure and vehicular lab1lity and vtjUl corprehens.'e policies cO corzprehensi:e pVbliO lieb1ity and iore policies fore ran:e covering liabilitY in insurar.:e covering all all of of the the o?era..ICr2S. operations. acti'iities, JiabiUty oblioations with respect tO 'itbIlities and oblications .ith respect tothe thePeople PeopleMOv Mvtr 'lbLities an of system, incluinç inclueing bi.t bt not not limited united to to the operations operations system and 8nd equirrert. contractors and the the operation operation of of vehicles ve),icles and equient, and contractors and combination, inin the have, sirciy jfl the cast case such policies shall sinclyorOr flCDThb.fl.tiOfl. £hlil )lave, such poliie oveae ofofnot of public liability, liability, sin;le single limit limit ccveraQe not less less than than id property property ocjlyinjury injury(including Uroluding death) $2S.OOO,DtbOr bodily death) ard $25.00O,Oo daie orrence. da,age per per occurrence. .. 1.
that. it it crees that sland Transit Transite.lso also eovenaftts covenants arc an aarees island 2. maintain ;reerent keep shall, of this this ?;reerent, keepand an rn&intin shall., during during the the term term of as at aLl insvranreon onall afl portions portions of of the the Peocle People Mover Mover as all ti,nes tines ins%rance cbtainabl listed below, to the t)-eexter.t extett such suzt insurance insurance is is obtainabla: listed belod.
fir., with iniforn fire, '.jth !.niform Stanar3 Stacar3 t,tenie Litened (a) rseteflts, flood, flod, arid crimc, coverage and crimc, Coverage Endorserents, insurance, mischief insurance, vandalisn and vandalism endmalScious macious mischief state may be approved for issuance in the State as may loss Florida, including inc1uing insi.ranee of Florida, jns,jrancc against against loss ightoifl, windstorr. danage fror windstorm, hail. hail. or darnage from iig)-tning. strke, exploio!1, riot, riot, riot riot attending attemdin aa strike, explosion, srtke, civil aircraft,vehicles vehicles anc and smoke. civi' corrotion, cortion, aircraft, atOurt not nOt less less than the at all all tines times in in nn anount the People People Mover 'over full va]ue off the full reptaec"ent repleftt value as determinc eternned from time tjie to tine time as FJJT may ray as request. reasOr2abLy reasonbby requflt.
and unen;loyritnt uneplyncnt conpensationarid er'sconpensation (b) worcers coveraes as as required required or or permitted permitted by the coveraes State of State of Florida. rloria.
and cauBe cause all all island land rrarsit transit shall require Ic 3. require and 3. creenient .geerent during the he terr tine during contractors enoaced eraed at. term of this contractors at any any time strurtion. equippin. riairtenance. the conflruction, ,t.intenance. wth the Iinn rrnneotiOn rnnnectiOfl With y portion portori tiereof, thereof, ropair People Mover Mover or any rcpair and aridoperation operationofoft)-e te People comprehensive public to procure corpreher.sive publicliability liabilityand and vehiolul:r vehitlulr liability liability insurance insurancearid and to toprovide provideworkers' .orkerscomperSAtiOtl c,p.nsation
of thi
in apicahe in nsurance brldhuihder's uiders nfl jn5urance ôrid riskinsurhnt, jnSurein.e,if ifacplicable,
i.ppli.t by by or or through thrciuh connection any -'ork -ork performed ith any performed or supplied ocnneOtiori with contractors. suOh contractors. suc?
the original original vih the provide U.PT i/-PTth 4. 4. Island Island Trrsit T:rsit shall shil provide evidcnce policies. crt.ifictes cntificates of of inslrance r.racc OT otier 'rirten evidence po1cies. acceptable to ?A? ?IARtof ofthe theprcvisifl provision of of ahl all c'verae coverae reqL1TE required acceptable to the premiums eviciorce of of p>ent pyent of c the :der .z-tic1e X X nd evicience irer this this tu-tjc3e shall he Until such such evidence evidere shall on all such policxes. Until he ;uch insurtnce ins rece policies, not exercise any approved by by HAF.T, I-IAP.T, isandrransit transit haXl shall not e,ercise any rghtB rqhtB approved is.and shall such insuronce nsurarc pol.cies poUcies thall All auch uflder thisagreement. agreeT"ent. u-er tig crid all all poicce poiciee nAnee suredtiereLnd: insured thcrei..rd: • nind named in as designate HART HAET a, designate comprehensive puPlic of conprehencive public liability £nsurnce insuranceshal) shal)also alsoccnt,3in contain ccvera9eLot forcornp)eted cornpetcdOper3tsOFt. optr3ton. oovera9e
or other ritten
rn.4r3.1 1339 5. Au insJrar.ce All is.ra-.ce polScies pol.icies sha:i shaicortain corajnexpress exres specityr soecityinc that ht ((a at at least leastthrty thrty DO (O ays'-r notice ays -tten itten ro:cc of el1aiororo: chance, cn with receipt cf eancellation chance, corecina thereof, reeit there,f. shall shell be oiven civen to o HAFT HARt tefore beforeany anycancCL3tion canc3tion or Orc)cr,;: such clicy shaH oe be effective; effetive (b) shall .he jr.sranct in:l4es b) the for the coveraoe coveroe for the pparticular ti;ularliabilities iiabilitestsswmed anec! by by Island Ilan Transit Transit for 'the the type of insurnoe insurcne reQuired reouired under this for this Acreement Areenen't with dth HART. Each Ec} insuranCe HART. insurance policy issued pursuant to the ru.ire,ents ret1irennts this M;reenent of this expresslyprovide provid, that that the-portions the-portions reenent shall sh1l expres1y of the construction,. operation, or or maintenance of construction, operation, People intenance of of the People Pover P!oer (and (and the the contractual Contractual liability liabilityof ofIsland IslandTransit Trrsit lot 1r which w)tich ch coverage is is obtained) is fully fully covered covered thereby thereby an and each such obtained) is each suci policy ghall desionate PART party ha1l designate PRT as as an an additionu adiional insured irsred party suc policy
thereunder thereunder.
6. If prior prior t, t the the People ?ecple Mover Mover theacquisition a:uisjtion of c the T, te 'te People PeopleMover MOve shll shll be be damaged dama9ed or or partially partially or or by RAt. totaUy destroyed cuse, all totally destroyed by by .'hatever whatever cause, all proceeds proceeds shall shall be be paid paid to Island Transit. Island Transit shall promptly promptly repair, repair, rebuild rebuild restore the or restore the property or damaged or or destroyed destroyed with with such suchc)anges. hanges, property damaged and alterations and n04i1ic,tions ndifetions (inludjna (incluina thethe subs'tjtuticn, substjtutior and addition of of other other property) property) as as may ray be be dcsircd desired by by it. addition approved by WRT. provided such nodif,ca'tiari rc4ification will will not not impair jrpair the the charaeter charaeter by HART. provided SUCh or significance signific.ncc of of the thePeople People tver. shallpay py ver. Island Island Transit Transit shall all costs jr. excess of of insurance insurance proceeds proceeds necessary necess&ry for for such such jr exeess repair balance after completior. coripletior. of of the the repair and and restSratiorrestraticn.- ?cy My balance repir. repair.rebuildin9, rebUilding. or Or restoration restoraticn shall shall be be paid paid to to Island island Transit. Transit. Mything Anythinghereir hereirtotothe thecontrary contrarynotwithstanding, not4thstandin, if if rebuilding, replacenet replacementand andrestoration restoration c of'the thePeople People I4-ver ver cannot reasonably cannot reasonably be be completed rp1e'ted .'ithir. withir. tv date t'o yearsof yearsof the .be date of the the casuaity, Casua.ty, Island sland Transit Transit shall shallso sonot.fy notifyH)R'T. HART. In such In such event, ev&rt, if it Island transit such notice, notice, Island Island Transit Transit ''ransit so so elects elects ira in such shall shall not not be be reuire to Mover to rebuild rebuild or or restore restore the the People Pcp1e ?over but instead, suchca,sualty casualty, but to the condition condition existing existing prior prior to to such Island Isld Transit ansit shell shall be berequired reured tto demolish demolieh all rera.nIng rerainirg portions oof the the F'eople People tver by PART RART and and to to restore restore ver reouested reuested by the confltionexjs'tjnc existino on on the the date date of of this this the Rioht-of—Way Right-cf-Wey to its co-dtjon creenent. If If Island Island Transit Transit elects elects not to the Peoplt Peplt Agreement. to rebuild rebuild the the insurance Mover, the hover. insurance proceeds proceeds shall shallh h used used first firsttot pay for pay for such andthe thebalance balanceshall shallbebepayable payabletotoFJP' FBT and and such dernotition dcroUtion and :sland Island Tra-it Trandt as as their theirinterests intere,ts may may ap'ear ap?ear at at the the tineteo O
Island Transit. Island Transit shall
i, if ifapproved
the the deriolition. demltin.
7. Island jnder.nify andand hold IslandTransit Transitshall shall lndenriify h1dHART HMT hirrnless harnless from any rcluding without -rthu't limitation, limitation, coUrt from any cost. cost arid arid expense expense including, court cost. and cost. end attorneys' attorneys fees court, fees out cut of of court, court, in in the trial courtF on appeal or in bankruptcy bankruptcy or or adm.nistrative administrative proceedings) rroceedin9s) incurred by by PiEr as aa result WART's execution of of any M'' as resultofof MART's execution any agreements ,'atlt lth third third pa pa-'tes agreements rtes at Island i'renslts request. Such inler.nificetion guch indernificationehall shallapply, ep;ly, wthcut 'ithcut limitation limitation, 'to to any nd all and clair'edororarisnq risnq out allliabilities, liabilities,cost costand ande,pertse eense clairied Out of any any recittons recitationsororpovi5iris provisions of of thethe perriltt. by pernltL ccnveyed by 9overnmcflta authorities to ccve-r,ental aJt)-crities to create create the the Pi9ht Fight off Way Way that that iriply iniply stdte t.hat P.ARTis is or or may nay be 'beresponsible responsible for or state that HART the prooer proper for the
at sland Transits request.
operation, nantcrar'ce tcnanceorrnova3 People or remr.Ovl nf the 'the ?eoplc
o onstruCtOfl. construct'.cfl. cperaicn. Mover.
1. 1.
1land Trnst ayy assicn Island Transit this ts rqhts rht.s unclcr under this assic its to any any person person or or entity entity lrcaIXv lcall qualified qualified to to to operate, operate, the the People Pecple ?-t'ver Mover orora a conparble of pub'ic Onpa-ble 5ystem transportatOn, system o1 publi: transportation, hO&ever, that shallfirst havec..r... car...nted such that JLAR7 ILJ7 ehall ntd to Such provided hD&evEr. aasgnment and th ternt aasignncnt and the thereof in in .-ritAr.g, .hich consent 'terr-ts thereof -Titr.g, -)-,ich conbcnt. shall &hall not be be unrrasonabiy unreasonably .ithhe2e ithld oror ei.yed not eloye (i) (i) if the the assignee aBsgnee
Acreenent Areener't
shows eho.'eftnenra ftnanca capabilit" CapbIjv to to nor'crn norfornart arr expreeziiy ex2rebsiy assumes sune
ar1 agree, gree to to peftorri peforr'i ani
of sand blar,d Trnnsns Trnss c'.iliciatior,s cUiiootions unier un.-er
r. A r
this this Aoree,,ent 1thout 'ithoutIiimitation t.ion oor :oni:ion, r-cj:;cn, end an (ii) (ii) the proposed iropsed Assinnee nee as the hasa a5uiz-.e.cs bus1 ness reputation reputation t least
eql to. that that of of Island 2slan TanEjt, to. Traneit,arand(ill) (ill) ififsuch suCh asne s orooer)y assnec licensed cense to to operate operate the the People ?over vsteri. People hove rsvscem.
2. 2. In the In the ever.t event of of bsior.ment assionent oy y 2latd of Transit of 1andTransit. ny richts hts hereunder, hereuner. the try the a essianee execute rttten ioiee shall 5haU exerue a. a. .-rjtten instrer.t areeinc instrwer.t aoreeino that the the ternis, terr covenats, eove and nts, conditions con tiens and prvisioras eort&ine eontine in in this this Agreei,ent Agreernent shall provisions apply to to, and andb.& b al1 apply binjr upon such a.siance. and auch such essine assiaflee shall on si.cj and binding ahall unconditionally unconitional1v agree to pe-fn petfomU-, th ob2ications IslanJ obigatioris of of lslanJ Trarit contained 'ithiri thj Transit contained within this Aaeeent1 Agreement, ineludin,the the ,lioation ine1udin iat.c'r1 to transfer all eights transfer to to MART KAT all in the the People People Mover system systen rights in des.ribe des...ribed in in andand pursuant pursuanttotothe theprovisions provisions of o Article VI!!. krticle VIII.
Exceptasas pve in Except ptovLdea in ?rtiele rtjeIeXVI, XVI,, and and subject subjeot to the terr.s of other terms cthe f this this Agreement. Agreement, RART R)RT hereby hereby grants grants to to Island Island Dansit the right to to construct, construct, and an operate transit the exclusive eelusive right operate the People otherelevated elevatedtrai,i train or Hover, oer. ororother or mororail.-type transportation monorail—type transportation bett.'eenHarbour Hrbeur 1slan between island and the Fort parking carane and the Fort Brooke Brooke par)cin; zge upon upon t)e Ri;ht—of—Way t)e es,rLbedin in Schedule A. R;ht-of-Way cesribed chedule A. ARTICLE ARTICLEXIII )(III DEAtJLT
1. I. Uf Island any of of its its Island Transit 'raflsjtfails fails to to perform perform any obligations obligations un3er u,tderthis this Aoreer,nt reement or or if if Islari Island Transit ansjt abandons abaidons the People or the t.e ?d9ht—of—Way. ?.i9ht-cf-Way. HART }AR may the People .1lover Mover or give '-ritten written may notice notice oof such such cefU1t defaulttDtoIsIanl Islan Transit1 Transit. if if Island Island Transit Transit fails to cure curethe thedefault 4efult within a period period of of thirty thirty (.0) (iO) days days failsto fi-the date froi-the date cof receipt of such notici notice (or if the default cannot, with with diligent diligent effort, effort, reasonably reasonably be be cured cured .'ithin within such such to commence )0 period, theft then if Island Island Dranzit Tflnsitfails fiZs to O day period. comrence to to Ct2re Cure such aefault default within within the the 30 30 day day period period or or if if Island Island flnsit 1-ansit fails fails €6 to coriplete coriplete the thecure cure of of the the default default as as expeditiously expeditiously thereafter thereafter with the the exercise cx cise of as is reasonably reasonably practio.ble practicb1e with of dili9e.-t dilioent efforts). EAR? RRT shall efforts). shall have have all all o of the the rjohts and reriedies remedies rjht and hereafter described. hereafter described. 2. In Island Trr.sit Transit to to ln the the event of the failure of Is1a-d cure such such default default within iithin the the tint time provided herein, herein1 HART H?RT may elect to terminate terminate all ll of elect to this land 'rransts riqhts in this greerent at any tine thereaftcr. Agree.ent thereaftcr. Following termination any time Fol1oing suc)1 su'h termination )ART nay, !Bp at its HART controland .ndoperation operation of of th the its election, election,assw,e asse contcl People HART may may require People Mover, or HART irrediate rericval removal of all require immediate structures, the People People Mover at structures, faeilities failities and ecuipent ecuipnent ofof the island Island Transit's Tr-ensts sole BOle expense. expense.
of 2slantransits riqhts it'.
tver at
3. Except as prnvide in Articles rtiOes TV. provided in X. XV, XV, if IV. X, if of the People Mover o,eration operatiDn of Mover shall for aa pc.-od shall cease cease for period of thirty tIurty ()O) days for DO) or any ny reason rea5onother otherthan tha, thcL.e thc.e events set forth in in events set forth Artic'e XIX, Artic'e XIX, such uOh Cessation ccsation s'hell b-pres..r'ied presiiie tc shall be to be an an aSendonme.-tby byIsand I2nd Tramait Transit of the Peop2e abandonment oand Peope '-ond shah z)-aII constitute OOn!titUte a a default. default.
eiection by by FJ,R7 1-ZR1 to oo e)ection terminate t terri-.intethis this Poreernent oreernent any b1jqsion of island Transit Trarsit any Db1iqatiDn to any ally third thrd party party arId, no ithtandjng the to and, no:wit)mtandjng the trrriination of Its termna.ion of ts -hte tO oparte Mover n described in operate the the People Mover u-tie, sland lsand transit acpT and and shall payall all elains rarisitshall shallindei'ir.Sy indeir.iy ?tçPT ha11 pay claims asserted by by any any third asserted third party party who ho elarii clams y, y.throuch throuch or or under under any acte or contreOts of any Transit rAT as aa resu Transit against ogaint ,,AT it result of RART' RAP7' assumption assumptionOfofownership, ownership,control, control, or Cr operation operation of of the the People PeOple c'ver. tver, In ra th event the a default, eient of a defau2t by by hiand itiond'rramsit. transit. PART ehaU ehal1 be be entiteentitled to reteer apaeathiitio.a2 darnecs a]l to rec-o',er tca dam-c a]1
shl1 renôer 5hU renôer
HP7 HP,7liable liablefor ftr
of isr-id s dectie in this this hi-title.
rights to
acts or contracts of Islpnd lnd
'.6i.'6134j 1341 .
ocr&.ive ve ,per&tive Peope tover to tc c:c5ei. rener reer tthe People in:urre r urr yy -'ont! 5ood !rOflt! and reptfl r. nition aria rep. wrkin9 an Sfe workin9 orde'. 0onitifl od an jn in .
as artr9ts iptsstle. Island Isan Tr.t shall py yas
rpt is is such SUc2i repair j of the t)e People Peple t'-'er. Mover. an remov2 rcv of the the cost cQ- of of detnolitaon and s-ia.1
r release Terrnflatitfl RARTshall shall not not excuse excuse or release byby AR 5. Terrnat :sand liability for for any .ny darra9e dama9es a;crUin accruing as a froTh i.iability s1andTransit Transitfroj,i have shall have HART shall terrninatioT an result of aa breach Pnor to an HART resu't ç.f brea. prior to termination pent for all such clams and daaoes. uh enan psyiient for all the right to ernand the r any init If or f any legal ieoal proceeding proceeding shall shall be be instituteli Island on aiy default by case based cpOfl any defoult by Island .ri either case 5ased asserted. clai" asserted. clei the court )vig urdlctiQ reecnt the court having urisdictiOfl this Arreeent, Transit under tnder this Transit aOrdtte eouitY eauitY and an adrcitte thereof nay, upon reouest of thereof rnay, upon reo.uest of HART HA1 s &n parte application, appoint ight, on on en parte of ef strict ;ight, as a Ttatter Trar,sit sland Transit of th and all all of f the People Mvrr. a ecrt",r Mvrt, and ect',r c,f a Uconts. cntrattS lcnse5. 00ntt jnlU1T assets relating businesS •ssets relating thereto thereto including all all of the broed and reteiVer shall have and subleaseS, and such receiver shall have ublte5e5 end er.trusted yY ii,any any wise dse er.trusted and functions in ffeOtiVe powers and functIOns nd effective of, rhanage, nianage. ta)e charge of. receiver operate court to a receiver to operate, take charge aa court to a rents. the rents, tO nd p:otcct p:otect; to fcand care preserve, !!aU1tain, cue pres!VCr .hateve frr whatever tn, revnJes terefron issues, profits. incore aria revenues therefrom an i5Se$1 proft5 !OTT1 and to repairs and to to rnake any and ar.d all all necessary necessary repairs source derive derived; to make any scrCe proceeds incore, incrne, revenues and proceeds, appl7 ply such rents, rents. issues, jsues, pro..t5. profits. receivership and the the expenses expenses of to such receivership payment off the to payment People hover. the People t'over. aoen,ent of of the ranaoenent
n ither
applicti-ofl. apoint
the sland
cLltct the
Sholl dies shall Clection of any any of the foreooing foreg,ing rremedies Clection of provided herein provided the cther reneies. of any any of of the cther rcnedie% iT cUtyr pursuit of nt preclude not preclude pursuit r in ecuity. HART at la' or remedies available tO HART at la' or other reredies available toherein provided 00nStitUte or any any other .l election eleotion of ar.y ar.y renedy remedy h.rein provided constitute nor nor ihall sland Transit'S Transit'sobli9atioflz oli5atOflZ waiver of any of Island a termination terminatiOn oi c waiver Article )111 XIII described in this Xrticle specifically described after termination termination specifically y suffered and all ama;es suffered y any and all dama;es f F?hRT5 right to recover or of hARTs right to recover any conditionS conditionS ny of the terms, the violation of dfl the terrs, the violatior. of -tiARt Ri' at as aa re51..t of such teriTatiOfl. teritatiOn. prior to to such and 00venants of Island Transit prior and covenants 7.
in this
result of
ARTICLC XIV AT1CLC XV an Costs Casts rees sn httornevs ttorneys rees ts .hirh may nay not is aa public not sledge pled9e its HART is public authority authoritywhich HART liabilities or obligations to jncur any eny obligatiOn5 to onies or er credit or incur monies rhonies namner to aid raise public inonies in any manner to aid or or answer answer Dublic expend or or rase expena persons. tlons of prvet of private persons. for the thc debts, aebts. liabilities or bli tor thatKkRT HART to th.s this Agreement ?greerrient that i.nter.tof of the the parties parties to the inter.t t is the of, or of, arising ou out-cf-pocket expenses expefleS arising out shall not not incur any out—ct—pocket shall or of the contruCticn. operation or to arise out of th, constructiOn. operation claimed to arise ou claknied under this .overby byIslAne I1and Transit Transit under the People People rover nainteflance off the raintenance uf this Acrcenefltinerpr'teticfl uf this horeeneflt theentc.rcenent enforcetfltoror n;erprtatiQfl geemeflt ororthe c default y Isand breach or or defau't If, on accouTt eccourt of of any any b:-each the terms. conditions under the terms. condjtis under its lioatiDr.s or dutes ute S to to HART HART ts ,SlioatiDfls for become neoessarY becone reessy for o'emantS of this Xcreeent, and Xgreeent, it shall rd covenants before acour t of l before a court of ls ny action n attorneys HTregulatory totoemploy employ attorneys in any action of n:frret any any of a9ency enforce, defend defendoror intfr,ret or relatOrY ancy totoencrce, or attorneys' if HhFi n:urs attorneyS' f 1i Incurs or hereunder, reeie HARTs richtsoror reeies hereunder, or HART'S richts appeel, or jnor harruptcY in hanbruptcy on appeal, fees. .,hether in in or or Out cut O of court, cvur, on whether fees.5ri.nistratVe }LR1 incurs tees HJPi fees for the prcceenQ5 or if or or adridnistrative proceenoS or if due um due collect any any 5u ir order to to collect 5rices er,icesofofny my third third partY party in ccn1t tern of of this this Aorvcncnt. the undcr the tcrn EAFT under 'rar.5it to HA from 1a 0uflti) the amountir) hRT the c pay UART and ;orces res to Trans.covenarts cvnt5 ar. :slan slar Transit and Costs. costs. nd al. such fees and of of any and
1iailititS or obligations
'rar5t of y I sand 'ransit it shall
jf, on
fro,. :arl Trar.5t to all
46Q6 % 1342
.PT1CL )V )Z' and an
titinent o"ax-ai-
a. Un1es 3.. shall option to U1es.s HART HART shallexercise exerCiseit! it! OptiOn tO acquire t1-ePeople PeopleMover 1ver pursuant, pursuant. to to the th provisions the provisionsofofM-ticle Artcle ''flI VIII
of in thc the event cvcnt that that title title toto or of this this Aareenent, Agreement, Sn orthe thetenporary trporary use use off the the People People icver or any any part thereof shall shall be be taci tatnunder under over or part thereof the of the the po'er the exercise ex.rise of power ff eminent ernient domain by any aoernmenta1 body or by byny any person. firnOrorcorporation corporationacting air under body or person. finn under verrnental authority, the parties agree that all cOndetnation governmental roceeds paid paid to thethe Court in in a aguir taking proceeds to the the Re;istry Re;istryofof Court gui taking shall ithdra shall be be 'ithdra'.m irtveiately and placed in interest bearn; r anan£nterest bear..ri account, in escrow, tO to be be applied applied n follows:
aOUnt in
cain y any oermental thority. the partaes agree that all cdcnn.ticri irej&tely and ploed
(a) to restorationofof People Mover to to the the restoration thethe Pe011e !1oVe to substhtially sub!tatially the the5arle Sara :omdition condition as a St existeO prior to the the it eXiSted prior tO exercise of said power of erdnent domain; ornair including, ircluding necessary, the the aequisitiori. acquisition, by by construction construction or orOtherW5e. otherwise, of of necessary. other suitablefor fr operation other land land or or improvementa iprovementz suitbble operation of of the thePeople People Mover (which land land or or irtprove.znent. inproveient, shalt deemed apart of laver (whioh shalt be be deemed the Fep1e People .Mver Mover and And available available for ue and or uce occupancy, occupancy,to to the the same extent aa n if ifsuch sueh land landor orother otheririproverents inproverentsWere were re extent specifically desoribed specifically described herein3 herein); or or
exeicise of said ?er of ei!ent
apart of
the deolition of ay prton of the People
Ct) the denolition of any portcn of the People
hover that that cannot Mover futux-e operation operation thereof. thereof. amnotbebeused usedfor fr futux-e
to exercise its OtOn
Unless L'nless H*fl !-L7 shall s)-all have have elcctec elccte to exercise its Option to to purchase purchase p pur,uant the provi5ions provisions of suant to to the of Artictk 4krti3.eVIII V.lI of of this this Agz'eement then vithin9090days daysfrom fromthetheentry entryofofaa final final order Agreement then within order in any ejinent domain proceedings Island proeeedthgsgranting grantingc,nderaation, corideration, island Trans Transtt shall shalladvise adviseHART HART iii in wrjtjna which of theways ways 7jtjflo s5to to which of the specified in this Article Islanc3 Transit elects to to have have the the net proceeds net proceeds of of the the conde,natior, award pplie. Any balance
in any einert dmai specified in this Article Island rransit elects omdenation aard pplie. Ay balance remaining if if the reiiining thePeople People cver Moversystem systn is isrestored restoredshell shall pd be be paid to Island s1and Transit. Transit. If I the to People tver to the People veris is not no restored resored to operatior f1lowin operation folloino such be suchcondemnation, condemnation,the theproceeds proceedsshall shall be applid iiiinthe applied thefo1lowin following order: order: first, to the the entire entire cost cost of of first, to den1ition ofofthe People denolition the PeopleHover; Hover;and andsecond, secoM, to pay Island transit to oay islar,d 'ranst an en amount amountecual eualtoto its it5 then thr undepreciated of the the undcrecjatedcost Ct of construction of the thePeople People Hover. Mover. construction of The Thebalance, balance,ifif any anyrenaming rei-ii after pay,,ent of the fir-st two eaegcries categoriesshall shallbe bepaid after payment of the first t'-'o paid to each to eaOh of of the the partics parties as their interests interests iy s their naybe bedeternine determined by y aa court cL'rt of eonipetent
of co,petent jurisdiction.
2. 2. 1! HkRT hashas erercised its its rights to acquire acquire t)e the If HART exeroised rits to People People ,over, Mover,all all conpensation avtherity compensation paid paidby by any anyoovermmental aovernmentl athority -
as resultof ofthe t eexercse as aa result exerciseof ofrights rights cf ef
ennnt dc.r,iain e?,inent dor,,ainshaia ha1.1 paid soleiy to HART. and island be paid Soley t MART, isi and transit expressly waives ransit expres1y waives ar.yri;ht r.1htt 000mpcn t' c cnsaton any satAon as of al all or as aa result result of ef the the tating ta-.ig cf or any part part of any of the Mover. thePeople People POve;. AP.T1LL XV! APTICLE XVI RIGHT P.iC-IT TO TO TIE TiE IN
sland Trant arees to permit an the right t
slan Transit arees to permit and F.ArT hereby reserves -PT hereby reerve5 the right to tie—in, attach attach an to an5 cross ovcr or uncer the cross 3ver People the People rover over trao trec other on IarhouHarbourl.slar.d lslr.d if other than than track trac) on HAP.t elects f HAP.t elects to to construct construct or or operate operate any any siriiar slither e1evat eievate transit transit system system to to serve serve other other portions of the City of ortjon,s of the City of Tar-pa' proded hoevcr Tarp, provided ho.'evct, that, UABTs UABTs rich riQht t crante ;rante I in n this tkrticle XVI sh]1 sh].1not notne rtc1e XVI ne exercLse1 Ann any exercised marmertich which would u.nreasonb1yinterfere interfere with wOul4 unreasonab1y any manner with
the operation thethe )eop1e Mover. the operationofof People vcr.
17 17
:46O6 4606 1343 1343 :
In the event event F.P.T acquirez In the accujrcz e Peorl Feo1 '.;ver :;ver rurcuant rucuant the terns tes f fthis of the th.s Aareerient, then, of then inn that that ejent, e-ent HART H?RT shall shal asse as5i.e and nd operate operate the the People hVer tver system system as as stated stated in in Article event -thRT FART abandins In the event aband.mis the the People People 'ever a pi.bIie tr sportatie yte providiro as a public transportation system providingtransportation transportation ffor the the pubflc public beteen beteen the the ctntral central ba,iness baine5s dist1ct districto o lampa and Thmpa and Htbour Harbour island. Island, then then, in in that that event, event, i52an is2an Transit Transit. shall shall have have optiz to the option toacquire acquirethe thePeople PeopleHover Moverpursua.1e pursuant to then applicable laws appflcatle la&s and reuIationsc.ertairir pertainin9 to to d disposition pcmsitic.1 ofo transit ardonrment transit authority authority property property to private parties. parties. A5andonrnent for fcu-purposes purposesof ofthis thisSection Sectir shall be deerne deeme! a wil1f]. cessat.On es5at.m.Omi of aused by of 5erViCe5 services nOt not raused by f:-ce fnce majeure rajex-e or or any any other otherreasons r5DIS beyond HART's HARTs co,.trol cO.trOl fur fir aa period period iZ in excess of six £IJCe55iVe successive cXce55 Of a!.erdarmonths. month,. -.ermar to ar.v any
Article VUl. In
to prvate
the event evn slatid In the constructs any any similar similar Island Transit rTansit constructs
elevated elevated rapid transit t'anzit systens systns to 'toserve serve the the residents residents and pants of occtpants of Harbour sland, then tien any any such such system systemshall sh1l rcmt not rbcur :sland, have 'Dca5te:ted affected by be by tnt the terms te-ms of of this thi5 eqrrer.ent aqreement and and -ARD HA?? shall shall have
no no right to to aOquir acqi re such sytezn Systen as as lcng as as tha the additional additional5ystenl system is is not not physically phys3.cally interconnerted inter onneteto to ti-ie and as theY'eople People)4iver Pver and as as any stations and debarkation debarkation staticn5 or or aros areasfor fOZerbar)cation enr)cation and are physically physSoally separate separate frorn from the station station tto be be constructed on Harbour Island Harbour Islandinincennec connection with Peope ver. Nothing r with thethe Peope iove:. othirg hereir 5hall, shall preclude preclude Island Transit fromi from providing sland Transit povidirg a covered &athway or other otheracces5 accessfror from the the extended extended systeni system to ia1way or to the Far5ur Harbur I,an Islandstation stationfor for the the People ?ecple ?tver ?ioverbut butany anysuch such'.lkway v1kway shall 5hall be cl.early be clearly tnar)ced r)ed t toindicate indicateowrer5hip ownershipbybyIsland IslandTransit transitand an tep.rate operation separate operationarid and maintenance maintenancefror fromthe thePeople People ver. ver.
Whenever 'henever the the ten, tcrrsof ofthis this acreenent acreerent require require IslanJ Island rra-isit tto perform cb1iotim-is Transit obijoations within within specified specifiedperiods periodso'oftire,, time. if Island T&Iand t'ransit tnnsit exercises exercise5 all al.1due duedilioer.ce, dilicence thcn than fer for each each day that that Island Island Transit Transitie isprevented preventedfz'om frct perforrming performing such such a result result of offcrce fcrcerfia)cu-c,, znaeurc, l2and a1l Transit Transit shall obl5ations be be entitled to a one one day day Cxtensiori extension of of the the tire tire period expressly stated in thi thit A;recrent. 5tâtcd in Aeenerit. Y-s usedininthis this Agreement, force s used Ag.-eermient, force najeure riaeure shall mean r'ei any occurrence or condition rendition which causes cau5eS Or occasions oocas.on5 delay or delay in in performance performance of of the eblication obljoatjon and and which 'hich is not not reasonably reosrably within within th the control of sI and transit. control c,f Island 'Dranit, after the the exercise of reasonable diligence, dilicence. prudence. and security recautiQns, and shall include but is not irited to, trFkt5 prtcautons. or or other other labor labor disputes, iaputes, prohibition prohibiton by ar. ay cf of injunction by .ay national national e'nerency. enrency, rice, civil civil dS,turbnre. distubarre,governmental governnerital restrictions or reouirnets, inability to re5trictons or Ota.n aterials, to obtain materials, cuip,ent s}afleC iaocr.darmiaDe darnaDedue dae to to fire, tipcent orors}iled iaocr. windstorm, re, flood, flood. windstorn, hail. or tc-nadoes tornooes or of God hail, hurritanes hurricanes er o- other other hct ef nddanage drae God, nØ due du tto terrorism terrOrjsror crsa,otaqe. saOt,ce, and aridac5ients a1ents that that could COLil. not nOt reasonably be prcented prceiie hy colisor by 1land 1land Tranrt, Tranrr, ir1ciudn9 ncuding coIflson reasonably be c4Ot or hy aa motor or cthe' other vhicie, aircraft or ship. Force oircrsft or FOrce majeure majeure rtruie,ho-ever, rulall rot incuie, 'O-eve-, jnabiitytotoot'tain 'all not inability to o'tar financir,; to pay any any conetary r'onetaryo5Hçations oçat:0n5 under pay under this this Acrecront. creciicnt.
and shall include but is not lirited to. trits injunction. ar. riot, inability
Q6 1344 auO6j344 F
p:i ZLIXX K>: 1CL1 v
o provision, prDvscn No
rtten by a by a written
of this of ths
crer1ert Preeren,
may ee may
a aie ived except except
instrPnt or acreenent areee,it siond instrPnt or signed by by the the party party derstfld its ric)ts. rioits. 'The parties hereto Tie parties hereto Lnderstafld pportinv t waive its purportinc
and by HAS? of aa breach breach of of any ree that that the thewaiver 'aver by and acree any provsiOfl provision HART of of this slnd Transit shall rot operate or be Agreeent. by by Island this Agreei,ent. reach cortl or contIrluin2 ir breach waiver of of any any subsecuent subsecuent or construed as aa waiver conatrued as ef the same sane provisior. or provisions of the the sane sane nature, nature. or or of of of
Transit shall rot operate or be
any other ot.e: provision provisionororcondition conitien of of thisA9reernent. Areeent. any ARTICLE XXZ XXI CONS? '7O?.
This Areenent This construed in in interreted and construed reerent shli shallbe einterpreted accordance with the the laws of the State of Florida.
las of
ARTICLE ARTICLE XXXI XX!! SEVERABILITY S ABI.I?Y is If any rvi5ion of Areenent is or tert.rm or or provision of thi& this Mreeent any pa:t part or held or jnenforceable court cf of coipetent coipetent held invali5 invalid o unenforceable by aa court to jurisdiction then.. then, the the part, detentined to jurisdiction tern or or provision prvzion deterrrined part, tern further force unenforceable shall have no o further force 0?r -al have be invalid rv&li or unenforceable shall not not be be effect, effeet, but the rerainde; rerrainder of of this this Agreement Agreenet shall affe:ted. affetd. UIfany anyportion prtior of this grecment Agreenent shall Ehall be be held held of this invalid, but to effect effect the theinteflt intent of of it-ivalid, buta asubstitute substitute provision provision to the the parties can be be va2jdl validly made, made, the the parties parties agree agree to to amend amend this suchsubstitute substituteprovision, provision, bet bt reant to toincorporate such this A9reent pending such kriendent. kendnent, the the remainder remainderofofthis this A:reetnt hi:h reernnt '.hirh pendin9 such affected. has rtot rot held has held invalid Invalid or unenforceable shall shall not nOt be b affected. or unenforceable
Unless Unless otherwise otherwise provide3 provie for for herein, herein, all necessary necessary notices. yen and notices, denands derands nd and recuests reuests shall be deened deere. thly duly given iiae whan when de.ivereJ raee deliverei in by first first class e183scertified certifiedrnail. Ai1. n person peson oor by tostace prepaid. prepai. return rcturn receipt rezeipt teuested to the ollo'ing the following
shill be reuested to
adressees adfres sees
If IftotoMART: HART:
4305 East Avenue 4305 Last 21st 21st Avenue
Tanp, 6S Tarpa, Florida Florida 336O
Iff to to Island Isl.rd Transit: Trarsit
97 ?.O.ox 497 ?.O.ox 3.0I Tarpa, PL 36O1 Tarpa, FL tither party party nay, ray by by proper sirrlateanother another address address -ope- notice, notice, designate Zither tor o- reeeivin receivingnotice. notice. -
1. slane hereby ac1acnovlec' nolec" that slndTrantit ranit. hereby that HT hhs rorceability of of al afl c; c ayy portion this reeent reenentor o: off orcetbi1ity o:tin oof this title title to to the t)ieFdoht—of—Wa-j Ri9ht-of-Wa ncr nor has it hs it made rnadear.y ary representations or a cto or arrant1es arranties ar. to the fitnessof cf the the lands lands he conitjon Ondi1n ororfitnese rprisingthe the?4t—o-ay ?o-.y for the forthe purpose of of constructing cnrprsAng purpose constructing the Peeple ouer. lsflnd People tver, iand Transit ran5it expressly expressly agrees acept agrees to accept this Aqreerent Agreenent without to accept of any any ind this without repreoentation represer.tatiotc of ind and and to aocept the the ?dght Right of ts then of Way wayinin its ther. present presentcondl.tin conitaon aat the the tUte of tinC 0.' n.dC rD nns or or ar ranties no repreaent representations C concerriino Oneernino the rrenties the
the the
transfer transfer frm frn flA;.T. 1AF.T.
2. Each Lach of the he ob1ioaticn obijoations of of lnitnd Transit Trartsturuier urer
crperintt hhO1 tb creenefl nholl beteco:isrruerl co:1Etrue ths at nepnent COVOt5 id eperncnt covenints id
'R:466 4345 466 c1345
pender.vpor vponany anyactions a:ions vee eptndent licn shall be lieticrk5 rnore prticu1arly esibed HARTs ohlications more partilarIy described
ucb Qbli;on shall be deened no ro such
or FiART except {ART exct for Artle A-'1e I. 1.
reuire Island ee1Qnt shall r-eouir-e Island Mreement tls A Nothing inint1is 3.. Nothing ovcrruer.tal ?ranrit to conoly with &ny law. ordinance or covcrrL-rr.t81 onested regulation SO lor, 10n9 as ast;1ie the validity Validity thero shell bee rontested regulation SC
nsit to corply :ih any law. orinance or s-ij. appropriate poeeras, ineluin iluing ait and nd yby appropriate lecalieal proc.eflnas, in good faith seurg arty necessary which secur2ng any necessaryjnjunetjve injunctivereUef relief whichwilt i1t stay stay of such such law lawordinance regulation. rdizane or governmental cove mertat regL1laion. eriforcernt of
island Transit shall pay all e)1aresf (inctuing nd all other utilities ar1 the facilities maehinery and eupnr.t thereon. 5. Island Transitagrees agreesthat tlat 5.t it shall shall maintain ,taintain diring during Islar Transit greement its its corporate corporateexsstence existere and and viii will the ternt te-n of this this P.greement the not.dissolve dissolveororotherwise otherwisedispose disposeofofits itSassets assetsoutside 0utsie the tJe not business or or oonsoliate conduct oof business oonsoLiateorormerge nerge into into any any inary conduct orthinary other oorporatiofl vit)-ut firstfirst obtairirg MART's other oorpDratOflororentity entity "ithQut obtir,ing RTs undert)'.is this approval to approval toenstsre ersue the the pratetion protectionofofHART's HARTs right rightunder 4. Island Transit shall pay all thar9es, (including hookup an cor.neotion.fees) for all an, eleetricity, 'dater, hc'ôku furnishedto t, or used ervies furnished sser and all other utilities in" servitet and in rcranection '.riththe thePeoplo PeOplc Hiver any partthertof, t)eref, an :cnnection 'ith Mover Oror in any part the facilities ,nchinery and eouipnent thereon.
an corneion fees) fr all aas1 eietrieity, water.
grerflent. ?;reerfleflt.
nsit are
to exercise exercise good faith 6. HART and Island çood faith Island TTr.nit ecree to ar. co,ereial reasonableness reasor,abienessinin the the interpretation interpretation and and an eoriereia1 enfoz'cexnentofofthis this A9reemcnt. enforcement Agreement. -
RR ar
herer.der are andRAT'a RART.oblication obligations hereur.der are oreeent and This *areement the execution ef a cuaranty the expressly conditioned upon the execution of a guaranty in the conditioned upon expressly by The The Beneficial. Ecncfieal Corporation. ehcdule D by Corporation. fox-rnannexed annexedhereto hereto as es Schedule foc, any and and cii wbih guaranty sholtinsur insur. perorarice oof any whir), uranty shall performance eli reeen: obligations unier this Poreenent. Obligations of of Island Island Transit Trarsit under XXVI )Y.T;cLE XXVl A?T;;L.E ... ACRtMNT ACR understandingbet-'een bet'een This );reernent Ps;reenentcontains oontainsthe the er.tire er.tire urerstanding This It n-ay ,atterhereof. hereof. It the the parties pArties vithwith- respeot respect to to th the s.jeet subjectratter be chAnged e angcdonly onlyLn in writing writing siqned siqned by by the the party party against be against
oation,. enforcementofof any any waiver. waJver, change. enforcement change, rodi odiflcation. s sou9ht. i disoharge discharge is sou5ht.
extension or or extension
the parties hereto haaused its thcdate datefirst firstabove T1t.en.'bchl as uf fthe it nac nd ononit.j.behalf
each of HRQr. eaeh IN WITtESS WHEREOF, It WITNESS cf the parties hereto had c.wsed dulyeXtOuted. executed, sealed, and aclivered in'thjs 1greerent end dc-llvered in. this Agreenent to to be be duly hOVC T1en.' o nai',c sn
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te:, .:i
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Uto': fjfte!r. fifr. (15) sUtofl; (1) r.ttte zviabe ni batterypD?r. por. battery
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