Decemeber 2009 Pathways

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Pathways December 2009 TR IN I TY PRE S BY TER IA N C HURC H

ADVENT IS UPON US! TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN STAFF Pastor Gary Hanson Home: (651) 501-1820 Cell: (651) 373-1821 [email protected]

The beginning of our church calendar is here again! Advent officially starts on Sunday, November 29. Join us at Trinity for worship each Advent Sunday during this special Holy season as we await the arrival of our Savior Jesus Christ, given by God, through the obedience of Mary.

There will be two worship services on Christmas Eve, December 24: a child oriented service at 5 pm and a candlelight/communion service Administrator/Pastoral at 10 pm. Care Coordinator Dee Lindblom Mon-Fri 8:30am-2:00pm [email protected] Cell:(651) 353-6724 Christian Education Director Joe Pendal [email protected] (651) 436-3435 Church Musician Joyce Piper (651) 458-0341 Choir Director Neal Strand (651) 501-8225 Child Care Attendants Amanda Ulrich Kristina Deneen Custodians Jeff Lindblom Karen Patraw 2125 Tower Drive Woodbury MN 55125 Phone & Fax: (651) 738-0045

In addition to our seasonal Advent celebration, you are invited to follow along with Trinity‘s first online Advent Calendar. Like a traditional chocolate filled calendar, ours is filled with spiritual treats for youth and adults alike. For adults, each day in Advent contains a Scripture passage which builds on the themes of reflection, anticipation and joy. For children, each day provides a clue for a weekly theme. Check your answers at Joe Pendal‘s office and earn a special sweet treat every Sunday and on Christmas Eve.


he angel said unto her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end. — Luke 1: 30-33 (NRSV)

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MUSINGS AND AMUSINGS FROM THE PASTOR… Committees Building & Grounds Mike Schenck 739-3727 Christian Education Kirk Breen 436-4212 Gretchen White 337-0159 Clerk of Session Marnelle Andersen 735-3287 Communications Susan Jamison 578-7100 Long Range Planning Darryl Willison 739-2674 Mental Health Group Dee Lindblom 738-0045 or 353-6724 [email protected] Mission & Action Joan Nichols 714-8314 Moderator of Deacons Garry Espe 730-6805 Newsletter Mark Allen 204-3188

[email protected]

Nominating Wilson Ekinde 501-3661 Nursery Coordinator Tina Hacker 714-9671 Pastoral Care Gary Hanson 738-0045 Personnel Steve Theiss 578-9348 Prayer Chain Dee Lindblom 738-0045 or 353-6724 [email protected] Shared Ministry Marnelle Andersen 735-3287 Special Events Barb Freeman 731-1220 Stewardship & Finance John Upson 730-9690 Worship Kara Klink 735-0866

One of the really wonderful entertainment stories of 2009 was when contestant # 43212 walked onto the stage of the ―Britain‘s Got Talent‖ auditions in April of this year. ―Britain‘s Got Talent‖ is the ―across the pond‖ version of ―American Idol.‖ The three judges did not hide their cynicism as Susan Boyle, a very plain, plump 47-yearold from Blackburn, a small village in Scotland, came out on stage. As they smirked, Susan told them she wanted to become a famous singer. But she came across as flippant, frivolous and looked very nervous. The judges, the spectators, and certainly the huge television audience must have all been thinking, ―I sure hope she can make it through without falling apart.‖ However, as soon as Susan opened her mouth and sang the first notes of her chosen selection, ―I Dreamed a Dream,‖ from the stage play ―Les Miserables,‖ everyone was in total awe. Long before the end of her rendition, the entire house was on its feet. As the weeks played out, Susan Boyle did not end up winning the contest, but she has achieved her stated goal of becoming a professional singer. I read this week that her recently released album, ―I Dreamed a Dream,‖ has apparently broken all pre-sale records on Amazon. A large part of what has made Susan Boyle an overnight sensation would not have been possible even five years ago. Her performance was uploaded to the internet and circled the globe almost instantly. In fact, her original presentation on ―Britain‘s Got Talent‖ is the most viewed piece ever on U Tube with a count somewhere around 80 million hits. I‘ve watched it a few times myself and I especially enjoy the reactions of the three judges, particularly the cantankerous Simon Cowell, who admitted afterwards that he had never expected anything like that. I‘m sure none of them did. The Christmas story also provides a surprise result...Two millennia ago a little baby was born in a humble peasant village. For all that baby, who grew up to be about 33 years old, accomplished in his lifetime, could anyone in his realm — shepherds, wise men, family members, townsfolk, Roman authorities — have expected anything out of him? Yet by now we are blessed to know the outcome of what Jesus did for all of humanity. During this Advent season, let‘s continue to be watchful and observant in our expectations. Let‘s stand in awe and wonder of the Christ Child and not doubt. Put your life in His hands each and every day. Sincerely, Gary


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Baby cereal (rice, wheat, oatmeal, mixed)

Just like our Savior, there are local little children who have no place to rest their heads. Project Home provides temporary overnight shelter for families and this year has seen the number of children in their program rise to 75% of their participants. Starting on November 29 through Advent and ending on Sunday, January 10, there will be a crib in the Fellowship Hall to fill with the following items that are direly needed:

Diapers (size 3, 4, 5 & 6)

Pull-ups (boys & girls size 2T 3T 4T)

Baby wipes

Baby lotion

Baby nail clippers

Diaper rash cream

Baby blankets

Bottles (no ‗drop-ins‘ please)

New socks and underwear (newborn to 5T)

Sippy cups


New or very gently used onesies/undershirts (newborn to 5T)



Teething rings

Formula – all kinds

If you have a new or gently used pack-n-play or porta-crib that you would like to donate to Project Home, please contact Michelle Allen at (651) 296-0558, or email [email protected]

Missionary Support In response to congregational interest expressed in last year's survey, the Mission and Action Committee designated funds to be sent to a specific missionary. After much consideration, the committee chose to send $500 in financial support to PCUSA missionaries Debbie and Delvin Braaksma who serve with RECONCILE (Resourse Centre for Civil Leadership), an indigenous ecumenical Christian organization in a conflict-ridden country in the Horn of Africa (due to the sensitive nature of this mission, the exact country has not been revealed by the PCUSA.) RECONCILE was established in March 2004 by a national church council to do peacebuilding by providing training in trauma healing, conflict transformation, and civic education. The foci for RECONCILE‘s activities are in areas of high interethnic conflict, and churches are the typical point of entry into these communities. Prior to their current missionary assignment, the Braaksmas served for 11 years in Kenya. You can find out further information about the Braaksmas and read their current newsletters at


- Garry Espe

Have you ever stopped for moment to ponder why blood is a good thing to have coursing through your veins? Neither have I, but I think we should. Trinity's annual blood drive will take place Friday, January 29, 2010. This will be Trinity's 4th annual drive, and it will be headed up again by Bob Anderson. The need is great and growing because of advances in medical (Continued on page 7)

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Soup & Salad Bar Luncheon & Christmas Cookie Exchange Saturday, December 5 ▪ 11:30 – 1:00PM You are cordially invited to join other Trinity women for this special event on Saturday, December 5 beginning at 11:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Bring $3.00 for the meal plus four (4) dozen of the SAME recipe. Depending on how many you nibble, you will leave with approximately four dozen of an assortment of cookies. Here are the basic guidelines: 

Christmas cookies preferred (no chocolate chip or ―no-bake‖ cookies)

Arrange your cookies on a platter or box and bring a separate container for what you‘ll take home

Christmas attire encouraged!

PARISH PERSONALS Baptisms: Anna Bette Klink and Paige Louise Sehnert were baptized on October 25. Recently Hospitalized: Harry Krueger, Jack Emeott (Jack is now residing at the Pillars Hospice Home in Oakdale)




Oak Meadows Senior Living, where Bette Sherburne lives, was recently nominated for the annual multi-family Acorn Award by the Economic Development Commission through the City of Oakdale. You will recognize Bette holding the left side of the sign. (picture to the right)

Pauline Wiken is living at Green Gables Home in Mahtomedi. Her daughter, Penny, recently visited from California, bringing CDs of the “old” songs that Pauline and the residents love to sing. Pauline sends greeting to her friends at Trinity. Her address is 140 Quail Street, Mahtomedi 55115 if you’d like to send her best wishes.

Jean Blanck (right) enjoys living at Augustana Health Care Center in Hastings and participates in many of the various activities offered. Here she is taking in the sun on a fishing outing this summer. (picture to the left)

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Roger Knott


Josh Upson


Carol Paleen


Suzanne White


Tove Griffiths


Jesse Carpentier


Zachary Allen


Gavin Pendal


Rich Williams


Stephanie Bensen


Sue Bergeron


Jennifer Ellis


Nick Behler


Lars Espe


Ryan Griffin


Bob Paleen

We regret if we missed your birthday;


Jack Dahlquist

if we have, please phone the office!

Angeline Ekinde


Kay Johnson

Trinity Presbyterian Program Financial Summary Month Actual YTD Actual

Oct 2009 Yr. Budget

Total Program Donations




Total Program Expenditures




Donations Less Expenses




Building Fund Donations



Building Mortgage Payment



Mortgage Balance


Friday Study Group Trinity‘s Friday Study meets each Friday from 10-11:30 AM. For Advent, we‘ll meet December 4, 11 & 18 to read and discuss: Hanukkah: Bringing Together the Meaning of the Light of Hanukkah and the Light of the World. The study/devotional booklets are $3.00 payable during the group. Questions: 651-501-1820 (Please see the announcement on page 6 about the December 18 meeting.)


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HEALTHY MIND MATTERS There will be no mental health presentation in December, but a number of excellent programs are already scheduled for 2010. The next newsletter will include more information about the January 25 and subsequent monthly topics.

TRINITY RECEIVES THE NAMI AWARD Trinity Presbyterian Church was awarded the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Minnesota (NAMI-MN)'s Faith Community of the Year Award for 2009. The award program read: ―Trinity exemplifies the belief that the church leads by welcoming, treating with parity and dignity, and advocating for those affected by mental illness. They educated their congregants by providing monthly programs throughout the year on a variety of mental health topics, and formed a collaborative of area churches to share with the community at large programs about seeking equity, justice and human dignity for those affected by mental illness.‖ This is an honor for Trinity‘s Mental Health & Wellness group which has worked to make the monthly mental health presentations a reality, and to Pastor Gary Hanson for preaching on the topic of mental health and how it is a faith as well as a medical issue. The collaboration of area churches Trinity is working with to decrease stigma by showing that those affected by mental illnesses are included in the grace of God include Woodbury Lutheran, King of Kings, Crossroads, and St. Thomas Aquinas. Our work is not finished. Our goal is to continue to invite churches of all denominations to join the effort to ensure that people with a mental illness and their families have a right to and are welcomed to live their lives in our churches and community with full acceptance. - Dee Lindblom

RESULTS FOR NAMIWALK 2009 On September 26, at least 2300 people came together at Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis for the largest NAMIWalks event to date to raise awareness about mental illness and to raise funds for NAMI's important programs that offer education, support and advocacy for individuals with mental illnesses and their families. Bruce and Jane Williams, Ewan Ha, and Dee Lindblom took part in the Walk to help break down the wall of silence surrounding mental illness and to advocate for those with mental illnesses to receive the same treatment as any other illness. The 2009 total is $280,899 (and still counting until the end of November). Many thanks to the generous donors who pledged Trinity‘s walkers.

The More the Merrier December Lunch Bunch and Friday Study Group will gather Friday, December 18 at the home of Beth Hanson, 8201 Somerset Road. The study group will meet for a devotional and discussion from 10:00 – 11:00AM and the brunch will begin at 11:15AM. Please call Beth Hanson (651) 501-1820 or Susan Rooney (651) 769-2377 if you would like to attend. The meal will be provided. All members and/or guests of Trinity are more than welcome! Directions to Hanson’s: From Radio Drive, go west on Pinehurst. Take an immediate right on Donegal and then a left on Somerset. #8201 is a red brick on the corner of Somerset & Donegal. If you are tentative walking up an incline for any reason, please feel free to park in the driveway.

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PASTORAL CARE MESSAGE "My Cup Overflows" – Psalm 23:5 This verse from Psalm 23 means "I have more than enough for my needs." This psalm of the Good Shepherd is a favorite of many people because it is one in which the Lord leads us to lush green pastures and restful waters where our souls are refreshed (v. 2). We are assured that God walks with us through the dark valleys, and we have no need to fear evil (v. 4). This psalm is reassuring for me because lately I have felt that ―my cup overflows‖ with more than enough worry for people I care deeply about. So many family and church members, friends and neighbors are facing serious hardships such as health problems, job losses, financial struggles, and the need to make difficult decisions. I feel that what I have to offer them is not enough to meet their needs. I am not a doctor, have no jobs to offer, and possess only inadequate answers to their question of ―why?‖ ―what?‖or ―how?‖ It‘s good for me to remember that I don‘t have to have all the answers; I just have to do my best, and God will do the rest. What I need is the desire to walk with those in pain and lend my ear to listen and my shoulder to lean on. God will do what I can‘t. The promise that God will guide me and give me courage is the reassurance I need to know that my cup will only ―overflow‖ with what I can handle. I know I am not the only one experiencing a ―cup runneth over‖ with stress and concern. Many faces I look into are suffering, and in some cases I can only guess what their pain is. My hope is that we can all put our cares and hopes into the arms of the Good Shepherd, knowing that with God ―goodness and kindness will follow me all the days of my life (v. 6). Blessings, Dee Lindblom (Continued from page 3)

technology. Transplants can consume from 2 to 50 units of blood. Accident victims may need from 4 to 100 units of blood. These examples represent the tip of the proverbial iceberg of need. Despite the great need, only 3 out of every 100 people donate blood. Now, not everyone who wants to donate can do so; medical conditions, for example, may prevent it. If you are able to donate, then Trinity's drive offers an easy way for you to donate. Set the date aside, and respond to the sign-up opportunities that will be offered by your deacon or posted in the church meeting areas in late December and January. The community will be a little better because of your thoughtfulness and generosity.

my son Alex was discussing something with his mom (hmmm, I know her... Oh yeah, my wife Debi!). To share in the celebration of some minor triumph, he attempted a hand-bump with her. She totally missed the opportunity, leading him to exclaim ―Hey, you left me high!‖, meaning she did not acknowledge his public gesture of support. Thank goodness this was a mother-son exchange, because it could have been very awkward in other circumstances.

What's the connections with deacons? Well, deacons and elders met early in November for a bit of team building, and one idea that arose was that we should not be afraid to start up conversations of faith. Such a conversation might feel awkward, perhaps because we usually talk more easily about the weather or I know what you discerning Trinityites are sports or music. When we connect with each thinking: ―In his last Discursion, Garry wrote other at church on Sunday, at Logos on that he would take up the topic of 'leaving me Wednesday, at Elder Friends and in other high'. Has he left us hanging?‖ Let me take ways, we should risk a bit of awkwardness and the topic up right now. A couple months ago, ask each other, ―How is your faith today?‖


The newsletter is also available on the church website:

Trinity Presbyterian Church 2125 Tower Dr Woodbury MN 55125 651-731-0038 [email protected]

Next Newsletter Deadline: January 15, 2010

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pastor‘s Column


Mission and Action


About our Seniors


Sunday Schedule Education Hour 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am

December Schedule December 6 Communion

December 5 Women‘s Luncheon and Cookie Exchange

December 13


Fellowship and Coffee 5 11:00 am

Healthy Mind Matters



December 24 Christmas Eve


Child care is available during worship service

Pastoral Care

Upcoming Events

December 20

5 & 10 pm

December 13 Caroling (4:15 pm) and Chili Feast (6 pm) December 18 Bible Study and Christmas Brunch

December 27 (no education hour)

Additional parking is available in New Horizon‘s parking lot directly across from Trinity and by parking along one side of the driveway.

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