December 24 Commentary

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Sunday School Lesson: Explore the Bible - December 24

Honoring the Savior’s birth By Thurman Seber 12/20/2006

Focal Passage: Matthew 1:18-2:5a, 9-11 Introduction. What a powerful and moving story, we read in our text today. The message that changed the world unfolds before us, as we read of the Savior’s birth. A just man named Joseph was espoused or engaged to a young virgin girl named Mary. The customs were different then, but they were more than engaged by our present standards, although not quite married yet. Believe God’s message (1:18-23). Joseph was a just man (v. 19). He must have been hurt and disappointed when he learned his young wife to be was pregnant. His natural inclination was to think the worst, that she had been unfaithful in her commitment to him. He could have demanded punishment against her, but was more inclined to handle this perceived unfaithfulness in a kinder way. He would choose a private divorce and not bring public shame upon her. Satan is always wanting us to think the worst, believe the worst, about those around us. He must have stirred thoughts of hurt and harm in the heart of just Joseph. Joseph was more than a just man, he was also a spiritual man. Although it is not stated in the Scripture, I believe he had prayed to God for leadership, even before Mary was chosen to be his bride. Would it make a difference today, if young people spent time in prayer before a decision concerning marriage was made? Do many enter into marriage lightly, not even bothering to ask God for guidance? God spoke to Joseph and Joseph believed God’s message. God was fulfilling His greatest promise of all by sending the Messiah, the Savior, so faithfully promised through the prophets of old. We also can believe God. We can be led by the unseen hand of God. Before we are saved, God’s Word is revealed to us through the pages of the Bible and through the still small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking inside our heart. God promises us eternal life through this Savior. Can we believe God’s message? Live in obedience (1:1-24-25). Joseph chose to follow through on that which he had heard from God. God had said it. He would do what God had spoken. He had heard from God, he would obey God.

Real faith means that we often just have to take God’s Word for something. Our physical eyes can’t always see. In those times, we must depend on our spiritual eyes and obey Him. Seek the Savior (2:1-5a). Wise men soon came seeking this child who would be king. They had seen convincing evidence of His birth, in their case this evidence came as an unusual star in the sky. They came seeking greater insight from those who would be more familiar with the Scriptures. These wise men sought, and found, the very Son of Almighty God. Wise men still see evidence of God. They still seek Him until they find what they need more than anything else, salvation. Psalm 53:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Worship Jesus (2:9-11). These wise men came to worship the Savior, bringing with them the best gifts they had to offer. Wise people still do the same. The first and best thing we can lay before the Savior is our own self, our soul, our very life. Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Conclusion. When Holy Days become only holidays, people lose their holy ways. Christmas is still about Jesus. May we all have a wonderful Holy Day! — Seber, currently director of missions at Salem Baptist Association, Liberty, will enter full-time evangelism in January.

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