December 17 Commentary

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Sunday School Lesson: Explore the Bible - December 17

Following godly spiritual leaders By Thurman Seber 12/13/2006

Focal Passage: Ezra 7:8-10; 9:1-2, 4; 10:1-5 Introduction. If the return of God’s people was to be pleasing to God, new direction was needed. Their captivity and time of trouble had partly resulted from ungodly leadership. How could they be the people of God without good and godly spiritual leaders? What is a godly leader? (7:8-10). God was able to raise up spiritual leaders and give direction to the returning people. Among them was Ezra, who was both priest and scribe. He was a man who would listen for God’s direction, while at the same time seeking to obey the laws of the land. He had prepared his heart for such a time as this (v. 10). The first and primary requirement of a godly leader is that they be in touch with God. In order to lead in godly ways, a leader must be sensitive to the still small voice of God’s Spirit, and be well familiar with God’s Word. A godly leader will be praying for God’s direction. The people were in great need of such leaders. God began to raise up people to lead through this critical time. Ezra was such a man. During Bible times, many spiritual leaders emerged who sought and found direction from the Lord. Others tried to fill that role who were less than pure in motive and lifestyle. Let us thank God for good leaders, they are true blessings to those who follow. What characterizes ungodly behavior? (9:1-2, 4). Ungodly behavior is that behavior which violates the Word, the will, or the way of God. A short Bible word for ungodly behavior is the word “sin.” Ungodly behavior was often practiced then, it is still very common today. It was ungodly behavior, which had caused them to be taken captive many years earlier. Unfortunately, ungodly behavior was still showing itself a problem as they returned to the homeland. This time it was becoming evident in the intermarriage of believers with those who worshiped pagan gods. Sin takes many forms today, but is always ungodly. Ungodly behavior seems to dominate the ways of this world. Sadly, it often shows itself in the church as well. When sinful behavior presents itself in the church today, it is just as much a problem as it was in those long ago days. Ignoring the problem did not seem to be an option for Ezra.

What does following godly leaders involve? (10:1-5). There is more involved in being a godly follower than saying amen to the pastor’s message, or shaking our head in agreement. If we are to follow God, and the leaders He sets before us, we must also do that which God directs us to do. Actions speak louder than words. When a godly leader leads forth under the hand of the Almighty, we must put our steps in order and our hands to the task. Failing to do so is rebellion against God Himself. How many are guilty of refusing to follow? Is that rightly called sin? Conclusion. We will see later in our study that not every person or family would follow the plan, even though the Lord gave it. Failure to do so brings hurt to us and hindrance to the work of the Lord and His church. We are not to be blind followers of man, not even blind followers of the pastor. Not every leader is a godly leader. Sinful, false, hypocritical leaders deserve to be exposed and brought down. On the other hand, we should be very careful lest we find ourselves in rebellion and sin. Godly spiritual leaders are for our good, not for our harm and hurt. Let us be good followers. Hebrews 6:12 “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” — Seber, currently director of missions at Salem Baptist Association, Liberty, will enter full-time evangelism in January.

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