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NYS PQRKS 2oTH FLooR + '991631 361536?
Elior Spilzer
Yolk State _O_ffice of parks
N"* Recrearion
and UistoiiC
The Govemor Nerson
Carol Ash Commlssoner
Ftockefeller Empirc Srate praza . Agency guirding 1, Arbany, New york " '--"-"'r . 1223g
December l0, Z0O7
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The Honorable John Flanagan New york State Senate 260 Middle Country Road Suire 203 Smrrhtown, New york I l7g7 Dear Senator Flanasan:
o' New york srare parks is initrarrng the process :.:-I:_*ssed, ro hire a qualified envirsnptntal engineering firm ,o a detailed pran and cost estimates for remedraring the 320 acres of thJform".rr"gJpit "o-fll psychiatnc center transferred ro our agency rn December, 2006. A copy of the notice, whrch appcar: in today,s New york state concracr Reporter, is attached, along with a press release catirng attentron to thernorice.
I wi, keep you appnsed as we move through the process of serectrng an engtneering firm and executtng a consultan, ,ont it pursuant to the statc procurement and contracti ng process. Thank you.
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Andy Beers Executi ve Depury Comrnrssioner
n Equal Opgonunity/Affirmativs Acoon Agency S p"nrid 6 r*ychd