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Review  Exam Approx 60 questions Starts at emetics May see herbs that are related in some way in the same questions May see herbs from the first part included in the questions (for example, if they contain tannins) o Separation of plants into groups according to function is somewhat arbitrary o o o o

 Emetic o Makes you vomit o Emesis is the process of vomiting o Principle indication for an emetic  Poisoning  Want to get something out of the stomach o Empties the ST – can’t really go beyond that o Occasionally get some reflux of bile in the ST o Time factor involved  How long would you allow after the consumption of a poison would you say that an emetic is no longer of value? • An hour • Emetic is indicated for approx 20min o Certain things that you would never induce emesis  Anything corrosive, volatile,  Petroleum products  Acids  Sharp objects • Commonly swallowed by children o What are the two major emetics that we talked about  Cephaelis ipecacuanha  Gillenia trifoliata o If give too much Cephaelis ipecacuaha  Poisonous  Isoquinoline alkaloid  Active constituent  Has resulted in several deaths  If using toxic herbs and not an expert  refer to an expert (medical profession)!!!  If have time to get someone to ER and think they’ve swallowed broken glass, liquid plumber  give syrup of ipecacuaha o Lobelia  Primarily known as an expectorant from the respiratory tract

 General rule: if have an expectorant in a high dosage  emetic o Gillenia  Expectorant  In high doses  cathartic o Remove toxins from the body o Goal of nature cure in many cases  detoxify  Anthelmintics and Parasitic o Not commonly used by NDs b/c don’t often see severe cases  a lot of work  need to be around patient for 48 hours o Why need to supervise patient?  b/c it’s toxic  need to be able to observe that they are not exhibiting symptoms  if they are give an emetic  mostly use anthelmintics for roundworms, ringworms… • don’t often kill them but get them to detach/paralyzed • then give something to stimulate peristalsis o purgative or laxative  anthraquinone laxative  some cases saline laxative • works osmotically • if give someone a saline drink, it brings water into the intestine so that the contents are moved through from the bulk • get a combination of increased peristalsis and a washing through of the inside of the intestine and anything that is unable to hold on is washed out with it o artemesia cina  common qualities  extremely bitter • bitter tonic (remember! Goes together)  stimulate digestion  tonifies the body in all manner of ways  so when we talk about bitter’s as antidepressants, is that a stretch? • No, b/c works the same way as a cup of coffee might o Elevates the mood • Bitters can do that  Chemical constituents that are responsible for the bitterness in Artemesia? • Partly a function of the volatile oil





Which part of the ingredient list is responsible for the anthelimetic qualities? o Sesquiterperpine lactone  Toxic in high doses • Need to be otherwise won’t be able to paralyze worms  Usually used for round worms Chenopeodum ambrodiodes  American wormseed  Useful anthelmintic, works really well  Has a volatile oil • Ascaridol – main anthelmintic element  Toxic  When read about use of it • Use powdered seed • Saline cathartic after about two hours Curcubita pepo  Pumpkin seed  A lot needed to act as anthelminitic • About 200-400g of ground, unpeeled seeds in two doses • Mix with milk and honey • Follow with castor oil purge, two to three hours later  Not particularly toxic  Used for tapeworms Dryopteris filix-mas  is the other really good tapeworm remedy  Very effective but need to supervise’  Phloroglucinol derivatives  Toxic  Pay more attention to things that have the potential to poison people Juglans cinera and Juglans nigra  Walnut, butter nut family  Most famous vermifuge is black walnut  Popularized with cloves  Laxative  People who buy this are often concerned about cleansing the body  Eating healthy diet is probably a better way of doing it  Most parasites have problems establishing themselves in healthy people  Both anthelmintic and laxative  Also contain a lot of tannins • How do you know?

o b/c ground is covered with hulls of walnut and it leaves a black stain on the ground, as the rain breaks the hull down o the black stain is tannins o if continue to take juglans hulls, will get constipation o astringency always trumps purgative actions in the long run  one of the dangers of using juglans or any other tannins o Punica granatum  Vermifuge and taenoside  Use the rind of the fruit or the bark of the tree  Then use strong purgative  Has a lot of tannins in it  Also used as a gargle for sore throats or as an astringent o Spigelia marilandica  Vermifuge  The constituent in both cases are alkaloids • Pomegranates and spigelia  Not difficult to remember b/c named for the plant they come from  Toxicity • Increased cardiac reaction • Two major systems poisoned by alkaloids o Neurological and cardiovascular o This is why the alkaloids can be very useful as tonics and useful to the immune system o This is why they are useful if we know how to dose but can be dangerous o Tanacetum vulgare  Not usually taken internally  Use it outside body as an insecticide  Can be used growing as a plant, a strewing herb around animals or powders • Keeps biting insects away  It is a toxic anthelmetics  Contains thujone • Contain in artemeisa as well • Belongs to volatile oile  was used by eclectics in small doses  the oil used as an anthelimitic and as an abortive  will kill the woman as well as the fetus  contraindicatons

not used very often

 Female Herbs o Most difficult group to understand o Angelica archangelica  Need to know about  Somebody talked very highly of  Used during time of death or serious illness to connect to a serious illness.  Has a wide variety of actions  Astringent, ,tonic, diuretic, collegogue, anti-inlammatory  The content of a carminative  Bitter  Helpful in anorexia nervosa  Helps ease rheumatic inflammation  Used as a urinary antisceptic  Used in psoriasis o Arctium Lappa  In the endocrine section  Burdock  Cleanser, used in treatment of cancer in different types  Used in the treatment of skin conditions  Ha an effect on at least two endocrine systems  Somewhat hypoglycemic. o What are some of the things that female herbs do?  Uterine tonification • Strengthens • Contracts better; strongly but in a relaxed way • Smooth contractions, so there is no leaking of the arteries • Lack of uterine tone o Preexisting general condition of the women  Energy – going to be tired and fatigued  Adrenal exhaustion  Deficiency of KI essence and energy  So many people, especially woman talk about female health right now • Dysmenorrheal, PMS, almost all symptoms are going to be improved if adrenals taken care of  Men feel more entitled to take out time to rest  Women are taught to put themselves last, to care for others before themselves

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Even if she is single and professional of some kind, probably knock herself out b/c feels that she needs to work a lot to come to same level as men Woman needs permission to look after herself and love herself, and be the first person she needs to take care of More yin support and more yang support

Antispasmotics • Vibernum • Work on the uterus for sure • Also works on abdomen • Listen to abdomen and hear spastic sounds • Vibernum will help • Peppermint can be too strong in some people, especially in children • Lactuca (sp?) o Wild lettuce • Percidia o On it’s own a very good remedy for dysmenorrheal Emmenogogues • Emphasized a lot that it’s a herb which will help to normalize the process of menstruation • Doesn’t mean that it will make her menstruate no matter what • May not be safe to use during pregnancy • Not going to stop the menses • Work primarily b/c they normalize the hormonal succession • Restore normal functioning • Blue cohosh o Hormone normalizer • Minchella • Vibernum o Tonic • Crocus sativus o Very expensive to collect o used b/c it’s rare and exotic looking o scarce o more has been attributed to it than is fair o used mostly as a food colouring o toxic o 5g  used to make a tea out of, can be a toxic dose o Very expensive

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o Theoretically an emeenogogue, carminative and bitter Strychnos ignatia o Nerve poison o Indole alkaloids o Will cause muscle cramping and stiffness, eventually convulsions o At ordinary doses there is a wide therapeutic index o Good for nervous system o Tonic to the stomach, reproductive organ, eyes and ears o Used to use herbs like this in the cattle industry to get things going again Gossypium herbaceum o Has an interesting side benefit, that while it is toxic it has specific toxicity for spermatogenesis in men o Effective in reduce spermatogenesis o Irreversible infertility o Contraindicated in pregnancy o Abortifacent o If prolonged use, infertility in men o Has been used in parturition Alchemilla vulgaris o Used as an astringent to uterus o In a healing and gentle way Angelica cinensus o Builds blood and moves blood o Also moves Qi o Anytime want to improve the flow of Qi and blood – useful herb o Proficiency of KI Qi and energy o Difficulty building enough blood for full menstrual flow o Primary herb for the reproductive hears o Vitex is the primary herb for the menopause years o Also regarded as a menstrual regulator o Improves the general vitality of the reproductive process o Has an effect on the digestive system as well o Mover of blood o Antispasmodic and tonic o Building strength but reduces the spasdicity o Evening primrose oil  Used in menstrual symptoms

o Red raspberry  Partus preparator Emmenogogues are always contraindicated in pregnancy in any text book, but some can be used in pregnancy when it is threatened (viburnum, blue/black cohosh)

 Musculoskeletal Herbs o Complex b/c there is a vast range o Look at aging; chronological or prematurally (exhausted and overdone)  Both those cases can improve by strengthening the adrenal fuction o Circulation to the genitals  Atherosclerosis, and elevated cholesterol  Increase blood o Enlarged prostate  Seems mechanically to interfere with erectile function o Psychological  How comfortable a man is with his sexuality  Impotence doesn’t exist • Under the right circumstances most healthy men can have an erection o Salicylates  Salix  Wintergreen o Anti-inflammatory  Bromaline  Salicylates • Not the same as ASA • Don’t have as much blood thinning ability as aspirin does • Don’t substitute salicylate containing herbs for aspirin  Devil’s claw • Powerfully anti-inflammatory • Reabsorbed calcified tissue that has crept into soft-tissue o Eg. Heel spurs o Osteophites  Symphytum officinale • Decreases the healing time • Increases the capacity to heal b/c of it’s inulin content • Demulcent and vulnerary • Black walnut leaf o Anthelmetic • Lobelia o Good for crushing injuries o When a horse steps on your foot o Case 51

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Osteoporosis Stenosis of the intervetebral foramena Devil’s claw used to treat the cause and the symptoms Ruta graveolens • Can be used as a homeopathic • Smooth muscle relaxant • Increases peripheral circulation • Used in treatment of arthritic conditions • Antispasmodic • Pain is causing her muscles to become spasmodic • Magnesium and calcium deficiency Salicylates • Kill two birds with one stone, reduce inflammation and reduce pain Pain management was number one! Bromelaine and curcumin • Often though of together • Both are extracts and anti-inflammatories in showing their efficacy in different types of arthritis • Rheumatoid arthritis – very effective • Manufactured? o Stem • Bromelaine o Digestive enzyme and anti-inflammatory o Standardized in milk clotting unit (REMEMBER!!!!) o

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