Death Of The Big Bang

  • May 2020
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Speculations on a theory of No Beginning and No Ending, and the demise of the Big Bang. This is a rough draft on my postulations of the Universe. Over 34 years of thinking, growing, and expanding my thought process, which most "matter" is not capable of doing, has lead me to believe along certain lines. I write this for the sake of posterity, and just maybe, as I look back at it during intervals of my aging, it may just change. There are numerous perceived notions of life, and universality for that matter, that remain constant for most humans. Every once in awhile, a mind steps out of this perception and lets us think in a different way...along another path less traveled, and to my greatest joy allows me to revel in prefabricated notions of my own. It is euphoric, like one's favorite sports team winning the grand prize at the end of a season. But I am not into sports, it has no empirical intellectual quality to it. It does not make me think...and yet can lead myself to dream of glory, in a physical rendition of such a dream. I am here to present a theory contradicting the Status Quo, which I love to do. A theory that contradicts all perceived notions of life and meaning. I hope the reader will be patient and walk down this road less traveled with me. This is a rough draft!!! The ideas presented are not put forth in the best manner possible. Nor may they be put forth in a meaning to make the most logical sense at its conclusion. I wanted to present ideas, however these ideas will most likely be scattered with very little organization. NO BEGINNING What is a beginning? It is the creation...the start...the birth...a most human expression. The word only exists in our venacular because it mimics us. WE have a beginning and an ending. We have a birth and a death. But do we? In a physical sense, of course we do. But in a universal we do not. Matter is made from energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. (See law of conservation of energy) When we die, our energy is transformed, but the total energy is the same. Our consciousness dies, because it requires energy to sustain, but upon death, that sustaining energy dissipates. As a matter of fact you would never know you were dead!!! And it is this consciousness that is solely responsible for theorizing, philosophizing, and giving University professors a hard time. Asking about the meaning of life initiated relgion in earlier mankind, and just as in mankind, religion has adapted and evolved. When a mind asks questions it cannot answer it searches for those answers wherever it can. How convenient for religion...the epitome of all stop-loss on intellectual progress. That statement is not meant to be offensive, it is merely an inherent trait of religion to provide a set of rules that cannot be violated. (Author's note, I am generally discussing major religions that involve gods and deities.) Just like life itself, religion contains a self preserving mechanism. Regardless of this self preserving mechansim, If energy cannot be created nor destroyed then it must have always been. Let me try to say that last line a different way. Energy has a self preserving mechanism. How convenient. Energy itself, at its core, is not conscious, and yet does not wish to end its existence. It doesn't mind has no say in the matter. But when it comes to self preservation, it is the ultimate life force. It can not die! It can not cease to exist! Everything in the universe is made out of this substance. If everything is made out of a substance that has no death, then surely we can conclude that the universe has no death...and thus defining that which has no beginning as well. In order to have death, u must have life to go with it. For something to have an ending, it must also have a beginning. TIME

Another man made concept. And of course, its invention was inevitable. It's ultimate value is to measure the existence of our life force, and to provide a decent time line for when that energy will be transformed to some other energy. This other energy, if buried, will continue to fuel other life and the life that facilitates the growth of our food and sustenance. If cremated, this energy will be transformed to heat and light; in both scenarios the energy still continues to live and thrive. Time is merely a measurement of life, not of the universe. The universe is not aware of time. Time is only used to measure life and death, and everything inbetween. The universe is made out of energy, energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, therefore time is illogical and irrelevant to our Universe. Imagine the first thought patterns on Infinity? What a concept!!! And still extremely difficult for modern mankind to think about, let alone mathematically deduce it. How can we use time to measure something that has always been. The universe has always been because energy has always been. Remember, energy has no beginning or ending. Difficult to fathom? Do we use time to measure energy? Energy is a quantitave form. NO ENDING So what is this Creation? What is this theory of beginning? Not only has religion succumbed to it, but science as well!!! Scientists are trying to theorize starting points based on human phenomena and not the phenomena known as Energy. Why the Big Bang Theory? Is it convenient? Does it make a scientist happier thinking that the Universe has a beginning and an ending just like we do? I can't answer for a scientist or a philosopher, I can only answer in a way that describes our current knowledge on energy. It cannot be destroyed!!! It has no end! So in essence, trying to end our Universe is illogical and pointless. Trying to bring our Universe back to a beginning that it does not have is illogical and pointless. This religion known as the Big Bang Theory has many of its followers looking to Doppler effects, and red shifts, and cosmological radiation to prove its theism. It is mutating into ever increasing incremental and exponential faith. Science is not the study of proving a theory correct!!! These books of John and Mark and Paul are once again taken from single source perspectives, without anyone verifying the evidence, or understanding if the source of the argument exists in the first place. The Big Bang Theory is based off of notions that were ASSUMED to be true; i.e. the Universe has a beginning. THE HARD TRUTH Imagine the Universe having no meaning. Now imagine life having no meaning. This is extremely hard to swallow and intellectualize!!! Imagine the Universe just BEING, just EXISTING. Imagine that the purpose of human life is merely to experience human life, and nothing else. Imagine human life just being another source of energy, a great gift I might add, from our Universe. We are all connected, and we feel an attunement to not only people, but to our environment and to some, the cosmos. Why? Because we are all made from the same substance. Are we apart of something bigger? Yes, the Universe. Is there more to life than just this? Yes, the fundamental intellectual discourse needed to evolve and adapt. But when one gives life meaning, it is THEIR meaning that is given to life, a form of energy that has no implicit or fundamental meaning for being. Life is because it is. It just is. It just exists. Like all energy in the Universe, it just exists, it just is. It has no beginning. It has no ending. Our lives do not have beginnings and endings. We are energy, ever living and moving in the space of our consciousness and into the realm of possibility; until that day when the energy fades from our thinking. The Universe is what we make it. But we are all apart of it.

CONCLUSION Conjuring up theories to mimic one of the smallest forms of energy in the universe, ourselves, is not viable. To give ourselves meaning is all too human, and their is nothing wrong with being human. Death is the insight to query, and mankind wants to believe there is something greater out there. Death is apart of Life...and Life is apart of our Universe, albeit a small part. Science is what helps us understand our universe and our place in it. But thats just it, we do not have a place in the Universe, we are the Universe; we are apart of something that has no beginning and no ending. We are apart of infinity, in a small calculable way. I do not like the Big Bang Theory because it defies the logic of what we are made of...Energy. Thinking that the Universe has some set point, 20 billion years ago, that exploded and created a vast network of galaxies and stars is all too human, but not reality. Reality is this; The Universe has always been, and will always be. And this is supported by fundamental laws that we have come to understand with the human mind; Mainly the laws that define energy. And it is the use of energy that has allowed mankind to progress in technology, allowing ourselves to enjoy a better life. In essence, it evolves science and slowly desolves antiquated traditions and thoughts defining days of non progress. Religion and stale science only impedes on intelectual curiosity and progress. It is natural to evolve, to adapt, to progress because these thoughts lead to action, which lead to more understanding of our surroundings and the cosmos, which allows us to become more attuned with our Creator.....the Universe. BB [email protected] 06/30/09

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