Dear Madam

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,837
  • Pages: 8
Act I Scene I (The Pond) Lucieo

Come one, come all, come one, come all, Lady’s and gentlemen, Boys and girls, and all in between, welcome to Cair Faval, a fine place we call home, full of sunshine and rolling hills, ruled by a fine man, The duke, Hugo, however he is away, has been for seven years fighting some god awful war with all other brave men of this land, well mostly, anyway, I am Lucieo, but many call me fool, I am the duke’s entertainer, though many here are not welcoming to my talents.

Sir William

(From the wings) What’s all that shouting about?


(To the audience) Here comes a fine sewer puss for a sunny afternoon. Enter Sir William, Lucieo try’s to sneak off.

Sir William

(Points at Lucieo) You sir, stand still! Lucieo turns to Sir William.


Good day sir, how are you on this fine afternoon?

Sir William

Never mind pleasantries sir, Who were you talking to? Lucieo points to the audience

Sir William

That’s a pond sir!


As I have observed sir. And I was talking to the fish.

Sir William

The fish! you were talking to the fish?


Aye sir.

Sir William

And pray tell me sir, What do they say to you?


I do not hear them talk back sir, I am not crazy.

Sir William

Not crazy! Then pray tell me sir, what are you?


I, am an entertainer. (Flourishing bow)

Sir William

You are a fool sir.


I would rather be a fool, than tighter than a duck’s….

Sir William

Watch your tongue sir! You have already fallen out of favour with me. (turns his back) Lucieo makes faces behind his back. Sir William turn’s back and points at Lucieo accusingly

Sir William

You sir are a terrible influence on the company you keep, and if I had my will would be flung into the far reaches of hell never to return.


Ah! But you do not have your will sir, for you are just a steward.

Sir William

I warn you Lucieo, when my master the duke returns from campaign, you will suffer his wrath.


What does thou mean by ‘when’? ‘If’ would be a more appropriate comment.

Sir William

Have you not been informed fool? The war is over, and our master rides back in haste as we speak.



Sir William

Aye sir, celebrations for the duke’s return are being planed. However, I know your reputation, if you get drunk and make a fool of yourself again, I will take great pleasure in having you locked up.


I am deeply offended you would think that sir.

Sir William

I do not think it sir, I know it. ‘Tis your reputation.


My reputation is an opinion forged by people who wish ill of me.

Sir William

(Sarcastically) Who could possibly wish ill of you?


Well… Enter Patience, Isabel and Elizabeth.


Good afternoon Sir William.

Sir William

(Turns to greet Patience, Isabel and Elizabeth) Good afternoon ladies.


(Bowing) Good afternoon ladies.


(Looks at Lucieo with distaste) Bah! Fool!


(To audience) Why do they all call me that?

Sir William

There he goes again – talking to the fish!


You should stop that fool, ‘tis habit forming.


So is being a monk ma’am, this is just slight insanity. You may want to try it sometime.


(Turns away in disgust) You sir make a mockery of this life.


Why not mock at life? For if we do not we are bound by duty and have no time for laughter.


Leave him be lady, we laugh at a fool for he does give us light relief in troubled times.


(To Patience) May the heavens keep a place for you always lady.


(Produces a hamper) Come, let us eat for the food we have prepared will spoil. (Turns to Lucieo and Sir William) Will you join us sirs?

Sir William

I would be honoured lady, but…(Gestures at Lucieo) Him?


All are welcome at my table sir. All sit take out the picnic and start to eat


Sir William, are the repots of the war being over true?

Sir William

They are my lady. The duke makes his return as we speak.


Does his company remain?

Sir William

As far as I am aware lady, his company does remain in tact.


Does Lord Trilion still ride with the duke sir?

Sir William

As far as I am aware lady. Patience smiles and blushes.


Look you there Elizabeth, the lady smiles at the name ‘Trilion’.


As would I, for Patience has been lord Trilion’s favourite since we were children. However, I for one am looking forward to seeing my brother again.

Sir William

Ahh the good lord Rowan


I have missed him sir, as he is my only family.

Sir William

Then you shall have a jubilant reunion. Enter Ricardo.


Look Patience here comes your admirer.


(Bows) Good day ladies and gentlemen.

Sir William

Good day sir, how are you today?


I am well sir. (Turns his attention to Patience) Good day fair lady, thou does look as radiant as ever.


(With distaste) Good day sir, does thou find this afternoon pleasant?


I always find the time pleasant when God favours me enough to let me cross paths with thee, lady. Ricardo kisses Patience’s hand, Patience quickly pulls it away.

Sir William

(Putting his hand on Ricardo’s shoulder) Sir, we must make preparations for your cousin the duke’s return.


I think we must sir; hence there is no time like the present.

Sir William

I agree sir; let us depart to my study. (Sir William Bows) Good day ladies Ricardo and Sir William turn to go, but then Sir William turns back and pulls Lucieo by the ear.

Sir William

Come fool, you do impose on this good company too much. Exit Ricardo, Sir William & Lucieo.


(To Patience) Tell me Madame, I saw you pull away from Lord Ricardo, he does clearly favour you.


I do not think of him lady, for he would not be a match for me.


Then which gentleman do you favour, Madame?


Maybe my lady, she does favour Lord Trilion. Patience blushes and turns away.


Look you there Elizabeth, Thy lady does blush again.


I do see, lady.


(Looks up at the sky) I feel the heavens are about to open.


Ah, a good ploy to distract our attention Elizabeth. (Looks up at the sky) But alas, I fear my lady is correct. Come let us retire to my study. Patience, Isabel and Elizabeth pack away there things and exit. Act I Scene II (The watch tower- it is raining) Glendell is on watch Enter Rufus


(Does not notice Rufus enter) What offence have we done to god to warrant rain such as this? Rufus Do not course god Glendell, For you do not want to tempt his anger.


I was not cursing god sir, merely questioning his motives.


We are in no position to question any ones motives, sir. Let alone that of God’s.


This weather still does not sit well with me sir.


Neither does it me sir. However…(Gets distracted by a light coming toward the tower) What is that light sir? (Points)


(Dismissive) I am in no mood for your jesting, Rufus.


(Pointing) I do not jest sir, there is a light and it draws closer.


(Getting agitated) I warn thee Rufus, do not tempt my scorn.


Well then, look for thyself. (Points at the light) There.


(Produces a looking glass, Looks to where Rufus is pointing) On my life you are right sir, they…they are horses. Quickly man, go and fetch the captain. Exit Rufus hurriedly.


What are the intentions of these riders? Is this pleasant pastor under attack? Enter Boswell and Rufus.


There best be reason to this interruption to my privacy at this hour, Glendell.


I my lord, riders approach this compound.


(Takes the looking glass from Glendell) Let me see. (Looks though the looking glass) By my life sir, you are correct, but they do not make clear there allegiance, is this a hostile force. (Turns to Rufus) Quickly man, make haste to Sir William and awaken the guard. Exit Rufus.


What intentions do they have in this fair town?


I wish I knew, for ‘tis a late hour and we do not expect company. This does not sit well in my stomach.


Do we act upon this, sir?


How can we Glendell? For we do not know if they are friend or foe and if they are neither, I do not want to risk starting open conflict by giving the wrong impression. Enter Sir William, Rufus, Patience, Elizabeth and Isabel.

Sir William

There best be reason to this interruption of our precious time Boswell.


(Handing the looking glass to Glendell) Aye sir there is, for riders approach this town.


What allegiance or intentions do they hold?


We do not know madam, they have not made themselves clear.

Sir William

How many sir?


Five maybe six sir.

Sir William

This may signal a bad omen. (Turns to Boswell) Call out the guard sir.


(To the wings) Call out the guard! Call out the guard!

Sir William

(Turns to Isabel, Elizabeth & Patience) I fear this may not be a good situation for thee ladies. Besides the heavens remain open.


Rain has not yet coursed death sir and besides we do feel safe here.

Sir William

May it be then lady.



Sir William

What is it?


They are nearly upon us, and….

Sir William



They have erected there colures, jubilation!

Sir William



(Happily) ‘Tis the duke’s company sir.

Sir William

(Relieved) Well god be praised, open the gates!


Open the gates!

Sir William

Come ladies let us go and meet these men.


Yes sir let’s, for I have a brother to put these arms around. Exit Sir William, Elizabeth, Patience and Isabel.

Dear madam… How about with this topic “”how to spot lies & use eye body language??””

Isn’t possible to use this topic for my individual speech communication??

The Worth Of Fools by Owen Cartwright Characters Trilion.......Son of a count Patience.......Daughter of a count Hugo.......The Duke Lucieo.......Fool/Narrator Sir William.......The Duke’s Steward Isabel.......Daughter of a count Elizabeth.......Daughter of a soldier Ricardo.......Cousin of the duke Glendell.......Guard Rufus.......Guard Boswell.......Captain of the Guard Henry.......Servant of the duke Marcus.......Seargent in the duke’s regiment Virgil.......Son of a count Sebastian.......Son of a count Mary.......Servant of Patience Barnard.......Servant of Ricardo Samuel.......The Duke’s Stable master Emma.......Servant of Elizabeth Alleron.......Trilion’s father Sir Michael.......Alleron’s steward Peter.......Servant of Alleron Rebecca.......The king’s daughter King Constantine.......The King of Lovaria Phillip.......Stable hand Jack.......Orchard worker Some peasants

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