Dear Congressman - Re: Nafta

  • July 2020
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December 2009 Dear Congressman, I watched your September 3, 2009 Town Hall meeting on You Tube this week, and would like to address four comments you made as follows: 1) “I voted for NAFTA. I voted for every free trade bill that came through. I believe the business of a free society is to down walls, not put them up.” 2) “Obama told us who he was before he ran … Marxism” 3) “Don’t believe what you hear on the internet” 4) “You move the Congress more than I can”. #1 Nafta: “I voted for NAFTA. I voted for every free trade bill that came through.” I find it very interesting that you say the Republicans and Democrats think so differently on issues, however, both parties seem to be in bed on the subject of NAFTA, Free Trade, and allowing the bankers to do as they please which is all destroying America and our Sovereignty. Those are three big issues that neither party is correcting. WHY? Clinton passed NAFTA in 1994, and Bush renewed Fast Track in 2002. So it is obvious that both parties work together on major issues that are passed from administration to administration, regardless of which party wins. I find this interesting (just like the wars have been continued under Obama, when Bush started them). Do we have a two-party system, or do the majority of Congressmen work for the elite? I have studied how the European Union evolved. It was developed incrementally over decades, and the people were lied to all along the way. I believe that NAFTA is one stepping stone towards a much different agenda, and that Congress was lied to as to what the real agenda was behind this legislation. Now we’re seeing the fall out, and Congressmen who voted for NAFTA don’t see it nor are they trying to stop it. In this document I include some of my research that I hope you will read. #2 Obama Comment - In your town hall meeting you said the following: “He got a significant amount of votes from this area and he told us who he was before he ran.” He said “when I went to college I didn’t select the routine friends, I sought out as friends Marxists Professors.” But then I hear you say in the town hall meeting how you think a communist/socialist country, China, should be world leader? While I disagree with both issues, I see your statements are disjointed. Marxism is just another form of Communism. So you agree with one but not the other? Well, Sir, I don’t agree with either. It’s just another form of doublespeak which our leaders have become proficient in, when they should be proficient in many other areas which are truthful.

#3 Internet Comment - “Don’t believe what you hear on the internet”. I could say something similar “Don’t believe what your politicians tell you because many are bought and manipulated into voting for legislation they should never have voted for.” Yes, just like in the media, there are things on the internet that are untrue, but these days I find more truth on the internet than in the Main Stream Media, or coming out of Washington. I’m sure you would agree, being you mentioned in the meeting that much of what you do isn’t shown in the media. If it were not for the internet, the people would have had NO SAY on any of these things. It has been a tool that we use because we seem to have no other voice in Washington. You should be thankful it exists if you believe “we can make more of a difference in Washington than you”. I see you use You Tube to get your message out. That is over the internet. So, I wouldn’t be so quick to condemn the internet because even our Congressmen are now using it also. We have other Congressmen like Rockefeller who think “it should have never been invented”. You and I know that statement was made because the people have been awakened through the internet. So, therefore you should be thankful for the internet if you indeed want the peoples help to change the direction of this country. #4 You told us in the meeting that “you move the Congress more than I can”. However, we can do nothing when our politicians vote the wrong way on legislation and don’t look into the ramifications or other agendas hidden behind “good sounding” legislation they pass. We need to know that you are listening to the right voices in DC and not just “going along to get along” by towing the party line! When everyone votes the same, somebody isn’t thinking, IMO!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAFTA – Information you should read: Sir James Goldsmith speech to the Senate in 1995: “On January 1, 1995, the WTO replaced The Global Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which had regulated global trade tariffs since 1947. Three months before, Sir James Goldsmith, a British billionaire gave a speech to the US Senate in which he warned about the effect global free trade would have on Western employment and wage levels. He argued that GATT and the theories on which it is based were flawed. If implemented, it would impoverish and destabilize the industrialized world while at the same time cruelly ravaging the third world.” (NOTE: This is indeed what is happening before our eyes.)

The Real NAFTA Score (2008):

The New American: “It is now clear that European nations were deceived into joining an economic union that became a political union, yet our leaders still seek a similar economic union with the EU.”

MONNET DOCTRINE says: “Economic integration must precede political integration”

“The Great Deception” by Christopher Booker and Richard North: In "The Great Deception" two British authors, Christopher Booker and Richard North, describe the decades-long process of creating the European Union as: "a slow-motion coup d’état, the most spectacular coup d’état in history That is precisely what the EU’s architects intended it to become; but they didn’t tell that to the people of Europe when they first began promoting what they called “the project” after World War II. 1) It was launched as the European Coal and Steel Community 2) Soon after expanded into the European Economic Community (EEC), better

known as the Common Market, to promote trade and ease of travel. 3) Gradually, as more political integration took place, the EEC became the European Community, or EC. 4) Finally, it changed names once again, from EC to EU. Now in America, the NAFTA/SPP architects are copying the EU slow-motion coup d’état blueprint — but on an accelerated schedule.

PLEASE BUY & READ THIS BOOK: (This is a small and very concise book on the creation of the EU. One of the best I’ve read. It is my opinion that this same model is being used in North America). The European Union - A Very Short Introduction by John Pinder & Simon Usherwood ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1260137354&sr=8-1

Warning Sent to all Congressmen by Congressmen Brown and Norwood in 2001:

(I inserted the full text at the above link) LETTER CONTINUED: Congressman, I think there are people on Capitol Hill who are there to merely deceive EASY CONGRESSMEN and to keep you in herd mode to vote under pressure for things you should never be voting for. The other sad truth is that some Congressmen allow themselves to be bought and vote how they’re told. Still others “go along to get along” and continually vote party line. I hope none of these represent you! All, I ask is for my Congressmen to look at both sides of issues, and make decisions based on their own intellect and their heart and not from coercion from others in Congress. I believe partially, as Congressmen Norwood believed that there have been serious “unintended consequences” as a result of the passage of NAFTA. However, I will go a step further and say that I think there was another huge agenda hidden behind NAFTA and it is an incremental step towards a NWO which was exactly what was done in the EU over decades. You see, Sir, the manipulators on Capitol Hill do things incrementally so that neither the people nor our Congressmen have a clue what is happening. I ask that you look into the history of the EU, and how it was incrementally ushered in over decades as the people were lied to each step of the way, and then compare that to what you see happening in America. You will be shocked to see that it is the same exact model, just with new names.

The 111th Congress is going to be responsible for the downfall of this Nation, because you all have been duped into voting for legislation that is incrementally destroying America. I beg you to look into this and read how the EU was formed, and you will see the pattern that is now being used in America. Please look into this! Sincerely, Constituent Henry Kissinger said in 1993 in reference to NAFTA: “It will represent the most creative step toward a New World Order taken by any group of countries since the end of the cold war.” This is what I call a very different agenda, than you realize you voted for in 1994!

Please Watch this Video: Pascal Lamy: "Global Governance: Lessons from Europe" – He Said:

“the EU remains the “laboratory of international governance” (meaning the emerging one world government sees the European Union as a model for building a one world government). The place where the new technological frontier of International Governance is being tested."

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