Dead Wrong!, By Glyn Jones

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  • Words: 19,792
  • Pages: 97
Dead Wrong! by Kaydeem

[email protected]

FADE IN: EXT. TEXAS - NORTH PEAK - SALOON - DAY The saloon door is BOOTED open. Out steps JIMMY CARZELL, a hard-faced malevolent killer. He has taken VERONA CHOW, a beautiful Chinese lady, hostage in a stranglehold lock. UNION TROOPS litter the desolate town covering all exits. Jimmy drags her onto the dusty street as she struggles for air. The Union troops take aim. A distinctive COLONEL LIEUTENANT BRANSON sits far back on his horse. BRANSON Hold your fire! JIMMY Get out of my way or the bitch dies! BRANSON Give it up you’re heavily out numbered and nowhere left to hide. JIMMY Make one false move and I pull the trigger. Now fucking move! Branson signals his men to step aside. The troops move apart to allow Jimmy through. Jimmy beams a sinister smile and advances. His grip tightens around Verona’s throat. JIMMY I mean it any of you bluecoats feel brave and the wench eats lead. A handsome, jovial and spirited rogue, FOX RYDER, enters the frame. His hand is bandaged in bloody rags as he twitches over the holster. FOX (V.O.) This is the place and now is the time to make the choice. Do I kill the woman who wants me dead, or kill the man I betrayed? Jimmy turns and sees Fox poised to shoot. Jimmy tightens his grip on Verona and hides his head behind hers, hiding the line of fire from Fox.


FOX (V.O.) What choice did I have? The only one I’ve got. Fox withdraws and fires a shot. The bullet hits the camera lens dead on leaving a cracked hole. Blood pours out of the hole and down the screen. EXT. TEXAS - WHITE’S RANCH - NIGHT - EARLIER 300 Union troops stealthily surround the ranch house. SUPER IMPOSE: WHITE’S RANCH - MAY 12, 1865 - 2:00 AM A few horses nervously scatter. Union troops storm the ranch house via both entrances. INT. WHITE’S RANCH HOUSE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS In company formation they strategically search the ground floor. Other Union troops move double pace up the stairs and onto the balcony. Efficiently they move from room to room with rifles drawn. The troops enter the master bedroom. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS The troops systematically ransack in frustration. UNION TROOP #1 opens the walled-wardrobe, shocked with his discovery. UNION TROOP #1 (to the other troops) Hey, check this out. Curious, the other troops cease futile searches and huddle round. The expressions on the troops’ faces convey awe, victory and delight. INT. STAIRWELL - MOMENTS LATER UNION TROOP #2 rushes down the stairwell with a letter in hand.


INT. LOBBY - CONTINUOUS UNION TROOP #2 (excited) Lieutenant Colonel Branson. Colonel Lieutenant Branson turns from a brief conversation with a troop. Union troop #2 excitedly salutes Lieutenant Branson. BRANSON As you were Private. UNION TROOP #2 Colonel Branson we’ve discovered a letter which discloses the location of the remaining Confederates. Union troop #2 hands the letter over. Intrigued Branson reads rapidly. Union troop #1 bellows from the upstairs balcony. UNION TROOP #1 Colonel Branson, I think you should come take a look at this sir. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Union troop #1 OPENS the wardrobe door. Branson is overwhelmed and surprised to see ample stacks of gold bullion bars neatly stacked together. EXT. TEXAS - DESERT - DAY - LATER Turkey Vultures peck at raw flesh from the carcass of a flea ridden buffalo. Horse’s hoofs GALLOP fast and heavy. Fox Ryder storms by on the steed. Fox passes the buffalo corpse booting a Turkey Vulture furiously. The bird’s neck snaps and it sprawls over the desert floor and bleeds from the mouth. TITLE CARD: DEAD WRONG!


EXT. TEXAS - MOUNTAIN RANGE - LATER A Union train travels at maximum speed beneath the mountain range. INT. UNION TRAIN - BRIEFING COMPARTMENT - SAME TIME Verona Chow watches her cute son XENG CHOW play with a toy train. Verona seems distant as cheerful board member JEFFERSON coughs to get her attention. JEFFERSON Verona. (slight pause) Verona my darling. Verona snaps out of her daydream. VERONA I’m sorry Mr. Jefferson. I seem to be away with the fairies. I forgot where we got to in this meeting. Could you please repeat it for me? Jefferson prompts Verona gently. JEFFERSON The board and I would like to know how the Confederate gold we acquired will be distributed? Verona adopts official protocol language to fascinate the on board boys’ club. VERONA I have in my possession a signed letter detailing how the gold will be split two ways. Firstly, half shall be compensation to widows of Union troops. The other half will fund new schools for children of the freed slaves. The board is jubilant with the excellent news. JEFFERSON Excellent Verona! The board and I find this most commendable. One delegate is not amused with the announcement. A stern CLARKE MONAHAN opposes the motion, frustrated.


MONAHAN This is preposterous! The gold should be spent on more weaponry supplies to prevent fundamentalists from starting another war. We must oppose the sanction of this gold. VERONA I’m sorry you feel that way Mr. Monahan. The letter has been signed and is now a legally binding contract. Monahan fulminates back. MONAHAN Signed letter? A ridiculous notion if we have to adhere to it. We are the United States government. No one out ranks me with monetary concerns. I am the secretary of the treasury department. Verona replies intending to shock. VERONA I’m sorry to point this out Mr. Monahan, but the contract was signed by President Lincoln! EXT. TEXAS - RIVERDALE - DAY - LATER Fox stations his horse outside the “Last Chance” saloon. FOX (to the Horse) Now then Horsey, don’t drift off ‘cos I’ll only wake you up. If you must sleep then do it on your feet. I know that’s your sense of humour anyway. The horse licks Fox’s face. He removes his hat and lovingly places it on Horsey’s head. Fox walks off the dusty track onto the wooden deck and he enters the saloon. INT. LAST CHANCE SALOON - DAY - CONTINUOUS Fox stumbles over the entrance door frame. He cases the joint immediately, slightly embarrassed.


Some PATRONS peer at Fox. Others ignore him completely. A drunken COWBOY manhandles a HOOKER out the door, brushing past Fox. He proceeds further, scanning the Patrons. A dispute breaks out over a poker table. BILLY and MIKE enrage each other. BILLY promptly stands and draws a gun on MIKE. BILLY (to Mike) I am not a cheat! Say it. MIKE You’ve a nerve pulling a gun on me Billy! YORKWELL WITHERS draws two revolvers on the disputers. YORKWELL Let’s settle this like gentlemen shall we? I’m in no mood to spill your blood over my beer. The atmosphere is tense. The men relax after an eyeball contest and return to the game as friends. Fox notices one chair at the table is vacant. He continues to the bar. BILLY (O.S.) What’s taking Richard so long? YORKWELL (O.S.) He’s probably lost his marbles down the jon! Fox sits at the bar. The BARTENDER applies a well needed polish to the bar with a dirty rag. BARTENDER What’s up stranger? A Dick!


BARTENDER Does the dick wanna drink? FOX He won’t need one where he’s headed, but you can do me a whiskey with water.


BARTENDER Right you are sir. The Bartender grabs a glass and a whiskey bottle from under the counter and begins to pour. Fox turns on his stool and watches the once heated poker game in the motions. There is still an empty chair. BARTENDER That’s a nickel please pilgrim. Fox turns back around to be greeted with his tasty tonic. He pays the Bartender. FOX Let me ask a question if I may? Ask away.


FOX Do you think a dick can shoot up a Fox and still come out on top? BARTENDER Well I’m guessing if the Fox is a bitch then probably, yeah! A COWBOY comes out of the toilet and ties up his piss stained pants. Fox hides his face from the Cowboy as he downs his whiskey. Billy heckles the Cowboy from the poker table. BILLY (O.S.) (to the Cowboy) It’s about time Richard. Get over here so we can finish the game. FOX (to the Bartender) Do you know what I hate about a dick? The Bartender shakes his head. FOX Its got a head it can’t think with. An eye it can’t see with and its neighbour’s an ass hole! RICHARD takes a seat in the once vacant chair at the poker table. BARTENDER No wonder it gets screwed.


FOX Funny, I was thinking the same God damn thing. Fox slams down his empty glass. FOX Get me a triple whiskey and hold the water! The Bartender pours again. Fox leaves his stool and drink. He dangerously heads for the poker table. Fox looms over the table. The POKER PLAYERS stare at Fox in disgust. Richard recognizes Fox with an awkward expression. POKER PLAYER #1 (tries to intimidate) Piss off, we’re busy! Fox glances at the cards of POKER PLAYER #2 which are presumably unknown to the rest of the clique. FOX (to Poker Crew) Allow me to interrupt. You get nothing for a dead hand in this game! In contempt Poker Player #2 faces Fox who just ruined his perfect bluff. Fox draws two revolvers, deftly lodging one in Poker Player#2 mouth whilst the other trains on Richard. The enraged crew erupt, stand fast and aim pistols on the steadfast Fox. Richard nervously squirms in his chair. POKER PLAYER #3 (to Fox) Even if I was sober I wouldn’t give you good odds. PLAYER #4 tries to assert himself like a tough guy. He fails horribly. POKER PLAYER #4 (to Fox) If you let ‘em go I’ll kill ya quick. Fox cracks a joke to scared Poker Player #2, the barrel taster.


FOX (to Poker Player #2) If you tongue the barrel you might be able to stop the bullet from ventilating your ego. POKER PLAYER #1 (to Fox) What the fuck do you want Red Neck? Fox blatantly ignores the so-called tough guys and focuses on Richard. FOX (to Richard) Well then Dick, are you in or out? RICHARD (embarrassingly intimated) I told ya before. My name’s Richard. Got that? FOX C’mon Dick what’s it gonna be? RICHARD Fuck you God damn it. I won’t do it! FOX (to entire crew) Apparently, Dick’s off the menu ladies! Fox fires a shot through Richard’s eye, killing him outright. The flustered congregation explodes into panic. Screams of desperation erupt as all hurriedly disband. The poker crew are horrified. Fox stands Poker Player #2 on his feet with the gun still lodged in his mouth, using him as a human shield. The poker crew fire pistols at Fox. Bullets tear into Poker Player #2, who writhes in agony. The rest barely miss Fox, and plough into woodwork. Fox drags the bullet ridden hostage around whilst firing shots at the crew. He systematically takes the poker crew out with excellent marksmanship.


Fox releases Poker Player #2 from his iron grip, who is bleeding profusely. He falls to his knees. The saloon is a mess. Fox heads back to the bar and downs his whiskey. FOX (to Bartender) How much do I owe ya? The traumatized Bartender slowly stands up. BARTENDER (nervously) Would a dime be okay? Fox flicks a dime over his shoulder. The coin curves across the room and lands in Richard’s dead mouth. FOX (to Bartender) Keep the change. As Fox nears the exit he turns to face kneeled Poker Player #2 and shoots him point blank in the heart. Fox leaves, pushes the doors hard, that swing and creek triumphantly. EXT. STREET - DAY - CONTINUOUS Fox walks to his horse, which sleeps on its feet. FOX (taps Horsey’s nose) Wake up sleeping beauty. The horse reluctantly rouses. FOX (sarcastic) Okay Horsey, it’s fine, I’m here now. Fox unties the horse and saddles up. He picks up his hat from Horsey’s head and they trot a few yards down the dusty track. Fox stations Horsey outside the Sheriff’s office. He heads in smug and self assured. INT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS DEPUTY RHINEHOLD reads the funnies from a newspaper called the “Daily Gun.” His boots are outstretched high on the reception desk.


Fox ignores the Deputy and heads for the Sheriff’s quarters. The Deputy is indifferent and continues perusing his paper. DEPUTY Sounds like somebody took the law into their own hands out there! Fox disregards this and casually strolls through the door into the Sheriff’s quarters. INT. QUARTERS - DAY - CONTINUOUS The room is alive with activity. A charismatic SHERIFF FORLAN and his mean-faced POSSE surround a huge table. A mock-up of a valley with a Union Train on model tracks, encompassed by makeshift mountains, lays on the table. FORLAN Look who the cat dragged in boys. It’s my dear old friend Fox Ryder. Jimmy Carzell scorns Fox. JIMMY The cat should’ve left him out there to die. FOX (to Jimmy) So you’re still pissed about your sweetheart deserting you Jimmy? JIMMY Desertion? Only because of your betrayal. FOX I just showed her a better time. Real men have that effect. Some of the Posse LAUGH. Others stare into space or the floor due to the tense atmosphere. Bastard.


Jimmy’s face harbours deadly intentions. FORLAN Gentlemen relax! We’re all civilized here. Remember the law is our power, and power is our law. (MORE)

12. FORLAN (cont'd) Right then Fox, the subject changes to Richard. What did he decide?

FOX The Dick is out! FORLAN Apparently greed isn’t enough for some. Nevermind, more for us then! (to MR. JACKSON) Well now Mr. Jackson would you care to start your brief for these good old boys. Mr. Jackson appears tired, yet excited. MR. JACKSON As you know the gold the Union seized is heading east up country, to Washington. The train has no scheduled stops and a number of personnel staff... Jimmy cuts in. JIMMY What resistance are we facing Mr. Jackson? MR. JACKSON There are several troops and a safe to contend with. FORLAN Now that’s not going to be a problem is it Jimmy? Jimmy looks Forlan dead in the eye with a sinister grin. JIMMY The war may be over, but, the on board contingent will be begging for death before soon enough. FORLAN Very well Mr. Carzell. Say now Fox, will the safe pose any hinderance to our operation? FOX The safe will be no problem at all, but I have other concerns Mr. Lawman. Forlan assumes control and asserts his foreknowledge.


FORLAN I am aware of issues some of you may have with other members of our outfit. Really though I’d let sleeping dogs lie. A POSSE MEMBER asks the obvious. POSSE MAN #1 How much exactly does each one of us get Forlan? FORLAN Ah yes! The inevitable question of self preservation. I think it’s safe to say the gold will be split equally. And as we’re all gathered here I’d like to say there should be honour amongst thieves! EXT. DESERT - DAY - LATER The Union Train passes through desert, at high speed, funneling out plumes of smoke. INT. UNION TRAIN - DAY - SAME TIME Verona peers out of a window and watches the barren landscape pass her by. Xeng pulls on her dress. XENG Mummy, when do we see daddy? Verona appears uneasy. VERONA My darling son what am I going to do with you? XENG Where’s daddy? Verona composes herself. VERONA One day, when the light shimmers on the green fields, and Buddha raises a smile, we will be home with your father. Little Xeng is unsure and somewhat confused. XENG Did I do something wrong to make daddy so busy?


Verona picks up Xeng and calms him. VERONA Before your father left he gave me this... Verona detaches a heart-shaped locket chain and opens it. Inside is a Chow family photo. Verona shows it to Xeng. XENG Daddy, daddy! Verona points to the little baby in the picture who the father cradles. VERONA Can you guess who the tiny baby is Xeng? Is it me?


VERONA It is you my child and this was taken when we all had each other and everyday was a ticket to paradise. Verona places the locket around Xeng’s neck. VERONA Listen carefully to me little one. This locket now belongs with you. Keep it safe as it is a symbol of our family’s unity. EXT. DESERT - DAY - SAME TIME Forlan’s posse GALLOP fast and hard to catch up with the Union Train. INT. UNION TRAIN - DAY - SAME TIME VERONA Just remember my son, no matter where life takes us we will always have each other! XENG I love you mummy. Verona lowers Xeng onto the floor.


VERONA Go play now. Xeng contentedly runs into another carriage. EXT. DESERT - DAY - SAME TIME The posse gather momentum on the train. In turns they jump from their horses and board a rear cargo carriage. Fox races Horsey stealthily towards the front of the train. He dismounts unawares to the DRIVER. Fox aims his revolver point blank at his head. Fox whistles. The driver turns, spooked. The train rallies over a tall and lengthy bridge. FOX Tell me now. Can a fox dance with a raven at night when all is revealed in daylight? The driver tries to pull his gun on Fox. Fox grabs the driver’s gun arm, shoving his own barrel into the driver’s mouth. Suddenly gun fire erupts within the train. The air is awash with screams of terror and desperation. FOX (to driver) Are you hungry? The gun penetrated driver mumbles incoherently. FOX Don’t talk with your mouth full. Fox discharges the gun. His head explodes and he recoils limply off the train and is swallowed up by the long fall. INT. DINNING CARRIAGE - DAY - SAME TIME The posse have shot everyone in the first carriage. Blood spoils the once lavish interior. Among the dead is little Xeng Chow. Jimmy appears malevolently sadistic after the murderous spree. He treads slowly towards the next carriage until he feels a crunch beneath his boot. He stops to bend down beside Xeng’s corpse. Clasped tightly in Xeng’s hand is the locket chain.


Jimmy prizes it from Xeng’s still warm fingers. A Union troop bursts in on Jimmy from the adjacent carriage. Jimmy lodges a bullet between his eyes and then tucks away the locket chain. INT. BRIEFING CARRIAGE - DAY - SAME TIME Jefferson is concerned for the other passengers. JEFFERSON (to the remaining Private) Private, is the door locked? PRIVATE Yes Jefferson sir. JEFFERSON We must go out there and help our people. PRIVATE I’m sorry sir. My orders are to safeguard the gold. VERONA You have to let me get my boy! PRIVATE That’s not going to be possible my lady. JEFFERSON Open this door immediately! PRIVATE My only directive is for the welfare of the gold. Sorry. The door stays locked. VERONA My boy is in danger! There is a KNOCK on the door. Monahan, who has remained quiet, stands and produces a gun. He shoots dead the Private in cold blood. Verona and Jefferson are outraged and intimidated. Verona checks the Private’s pulse. He’s dead!



JEFFERSON Why did you do that? Why’d you kill him? MONAHAN He wasn’t part of the program. Monahan lifts his gun level with Jefferson’s face. MONAHAN And neither are you. Monahan executes Jefferson with sheer animosity riddled in his eyes. Verona is intimidated and doesn’t say a word. The KNOCK grows louder and Monahan responds. Fox strolls in. FOX What was the hold up pigeon? MONAHAN I had to take care of business. FOX And business has to take care of you. No...


Fox shoots Monahan in the throat. He gargles on his last breaths, coughing up blood. He crashes to his knees falling flat on his face, dead. More GUNFIRE rages from the other carriages. Fox wastes no time. He uncouples the carriage and separates them from the posse. Fox heads back to Verona and the dead Monahan. He proceeds to crack the safe. As he’s bent down Verona picks up a beer bottle and smashes it over his head. Fox drops. Verona opens the carriage door and sees the train breakaway. Jimmy looms from the doorway of the estranged carriage and hazards a shot which ploughs into the door frame by Verona’s head. Verona makes toward the dead Monahan. She is shocked to discover Fox has vanished. Verona hears a CLICK and turns to face Fox with a gun pointed at her. She is intimidated yet manages to ventilate her frustration.


VERONA Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Fox places his gun under Verona’s chin and smiles. FOX Yeah! Do you? VERONA I suppose this is where I beg for my life? FOX God I hope not. I need quiet while I work. So do me a favour and act like a blind girl who doesn’t hear too well. Got that? VERONA You do realize you’re stealing from the United States government? FOX Well I wouldn’t wanna rob the poor because I’d only be deluding myself. EXT. JIMMY’S CARRIAGE - DAY - SAME TIME Jimmy is seriously pissed and demonstrates his anger as he walks back to the crew. POSSE MAN #2 What’s going on Jimmy? Why are we slowing down? JIMMY Like I always say, foxes are vermin and cannot be trusted. POSSE MAN #3 Really Mr. Carzell? I befriended a fox once and it ate from my own hand. Jimmy faces the window, withdraws his gun and shoots POSSE MAN #3 dead without flinching or remorse. JIMMY That reminds me, Forlan likes foxes, which is strange because after today I think he’s gonna enjoy a Fox in his trophy room. The Posse appear gutted as they’ve been double crossed.


POSSE MAN #4 (to the Posse) Who’s doing the honours of disappointing Forlan? The detached carriages halt. JIMMY (to Posse Man #4) Congratulations. You’ve just volunteered! INT. UNION TRAIN - MOVING - DAY Fox is cracking the safe. An incoherent mumble is heard. Fox turns to Verona who he has tied and gagged. FOX Hush. I’m concentrating. Fox resumes and cracks the safe and triumphs in the gold bullion on display. FOX (to himself) Who said the greed of the land pirate was dead? Fox reaches in and picks up a shiny gold bar. He approaches Verona. FOX (holds up the gold bar) Hey lady, does this make me more respectable in your world now? Fox throws the gold bar onto her lap. Verona stares back coldly. EXT. JIMMY’S CARRIAGE - DAY - SAME TIME Jimmy watches the posse gallop back to Riverdale to inform Forlan. Jimmy pulls out a pontoon hand and bends the cards, flicking them away. At lightning pace he withdraws, fires a shot and simultaneously lunges a dagger at a cactus tree. The dagger pierces the cards and pins them to the plant. The bullet slams dead centre on the top the cactus, blowing it apart. Jimmy saddles up to ride after Fox.


EXT. UNION TRAIN - DAY - LATER Fox is at the controls of the train and slows it to a standstill. He heads inside to Verona. Fox approaches her with a smug grin. FOX Call me old fashioned but I usually let the lady do the tying up. Verona lets go of her disguise and reveals she isn’t tied up anymore. VERONA I’ll call you a bastard! Verona punches Fox square in the face. He stumbles in pain and shock. FOX Look lady if you try that again I’ll... He is too late. Verona Kung Fu kicks him through a large window. It shatters easily. Fox lands awkwardly on the desert sand. EXT. DESERT - DAY - SAME TIME Fox raises his head up in agony. FOX (to himself) Bitch of a bitch! The carriage door slides open and Verona jumps out. She is angrily volatile and heads for Fox. Fox barely manages to recompose, struggling to stand. We hear footsteps almost upon him. FOX Listen lady, I think we got off to a bad start... Fox turns to face her. Verona slams her flat palm into his throat. He collapses to his knees. VERONA Where’s my son? Fox shrugs. Verona slaps him hard across the face.


VERONA If he’s hurt I’ll make you suffer! What have you done with my boy? Fox is puzzled. He gargles on blood as he talks. FOX I think you have anger problems you need to work on. Verona bloodies Fox’s nose with a thunderous punch. VERONA If you don’t tell me you will regret the day we met. Fox stupidly taunts her. FOX Hey that’s today! Shouldn’t we celebrate? VERONA You bastard. I’ll kill you! Verona kicks Fox to the ground. He bleeds on the desert sand. Verona hurries to a sizeable rock and lifts it above her head. Before she can squash Fox’s head an INDIAN HORN is blown. The sound reverberates through the desert. Verona drops the rock next to Fox. Both are amazed and scared to witness a tribe of INDIANS on the horizon. Some are on horseback. EXT. DESERT - DAY - LATER Jimmy arrives at the deserted carriage and cautiously looks around with pistols drawn. He discovers the gold has been stolen. FADE TO: EXT. INDIAN RESERVATION SITE - DAY - LATER Fox and Verona have their hands bound. They are being escorted through the camp by Indians on horseback. The Indian tribe are enigmatic. They peer at the strangers with uncertainty and suspicion. The sternest of the riders dismounts and guides Fox and Verona into the Chief's teepee. They’re accompanied by a TRANSLATOR.


INT. CHIEF'S TEEPEE - DAY - CONTINUOUS The weathered CHIEF has his back turned to the small congregation, and is puffing on a long pipe. Smoke fills the teepee. Verona coughs. Fox curiously glances around with obvious admiration. TRANSLATOR Take a rest please. Fox demonstrates his ignorance. FOX I’m sorry, take a what? Verona digs Fox in the ribs with her elbow. Sit!


Fox retorts sarcastically. FOX Why didn’t you say? I thought you wanted us to sleep together! Well I gotta say I’m a bit uncomfortable sleeping with disturbed women on the first date! The Translator stares at Fox fearsomely. Fox promptly sits, followed by Verona. All is quiet until the Chief begins chanting with a low bass. Fox and Verona appear puzzled. The Chief soon stops the incantation and lowers his pipe. The Chief speaks Sioux, with back turned on Fox and Verona. CHIEF (in Sioux) What are your names? TRANSLATOR The chief would like to know your names. Verona answers politely. VERONA Verona Chow. Fox tries easing the atmosphere. FOX My mistresses call me Ryder, but I like Fox.


Verona appears more frustrated with Fox. The Translator relays to the Chief. CHIEF (in Sioux) Why am I not surprised to see a fox far from home? A brief silence. TRANSLATOR He asks what you’re doing here? FOX To be honest I was taking a vacation then got stranded when the train broke down. VERONA (to Fox) What are you ranting about!? The Translator whispers into the Chief’s ear. The Chief turns around with a gold bar in hand. He places it on the floor. FOX Nice piece of gold. Where did you get it? VERONA I can explain... Fox interrupts. FOX ...It’s actually a wedding present for me and my wife here. Verona responds in a hurry. VERONA (elevated) You lay more shit than a bull Mister! CHIEF (in Sioux) Silence. Fox and Verona keep quiet. The Chief glares at Verona. CHIEF (in Sioux) I would like you to enlighten me about the use of this gold.


The Translator relays the query. VERONA The gold is the property of the United States government and this monster stole it with his criminal friends. They’ve also taken my only child. I’m terrified for his safety. The Translator relays Verona’s comment. CHIEF (in Sioux) It seems we have a cunning Fox among us! (slight pause) What have you done with the little boy? The Translator deciphers again, and pronounces firmly to Fox. FOX Alright, I’ll level with you... It was a heist gone wrong from the beginning, with Carzell involved. He’s, how do you say, “A bad seed!” His orders were to leave no witnesses at any cost... I’m ashamed to admit it but the kid is dead. Verona breaks down into a flood of tears and attacks Fox angrily in frustration. The Chief watches Verona lash out until his voice pounds. CHIEF (in Sioux) Enough! Verona reluctantly gains composure, peering at Fox maliciously. VERONA How could you let them murder a small child? You bastard. The Translator offers Verona a cloth tissue. She accepts the consolation. The Chief shocks Verona and Fox by speaking in English.


CHIEF (to Verona) I’m sorry for you Verona but I say this, “Your mortal loss is your child’s immortal gain”. Verona glances up from the tissue. She gently smiles at the Chief. EXT. MOUNTAIN TOP - DUSK - SAME TIME Jimmy gazes from the mountain to witness a tribe of Indians loading a teepee with the gold. INT. CHIEF’S TEEPEE - NIGHT CHIEF (to Fox) A fox is cunning for its own purposes, yet even a fox has rules. So what are yours Mr. Fox? FOX I’ve gotta say in all honesty never trust those who trust you first! CHIEF Living by those rules I’m surprised to see you alive today. FOX I believe if you can’t catch it, you can’t kill it! VERONA (to Fox) Is that an offer? CHIEF There comes a time when all quests lose their intrigue and precious stones sparkle no more. This is where my journey has taken me. Fox is bemused. FOX Is there something you wanna ask me? CHIEF What would a fox do to protect its interests for the future?


FOX I get it! You want me to do you a favour and in return I keep my gold, right? The Chief smiles reassuringly. CHIEF Foxes are known for cunning and approaching things with stealth. So tell me, how sly is the Fox? FOX If your buffalo wrestlers hadn’t shown up I’d have been across the border with my paycheck, and bathing in the wealth of other peoples’ lost fortunes by now. CHIEF I’m delighted that danger is something which you relish in because the task which awaits you is most perilous. My grandson, Golden Bear, whom I love dearly is a prisoner of Sheriff Forlan and is languishing somewhere in Riverdale. He is to be executed three moons from now. Make an old man happy. Return my grandson, and you can have your heart’s desire. FOX A rescue mission? VERONA Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. You have been given a chance to redeem yourself. FOX Just have my gold ready for transport. VERONA I object! The gold is property of the Presidential Distribution Fund. I’ll kill you if you take it. Fox stares at the Chief and smiles. FOX Would you do me a favour and lose the girl before I get back? Verona scours Fox with looks that kill.


A wooden chime sounds outside the teepee. CHIEF (in Sioux) Come! A FEMALE INDIAN enters and whispers in the Chief's ear. She leaves immediately. CHIEF It seems someone has tracked the Fox back to its den. (slight pause) There is no time to waste. Collect your weapons from out front and honour my will. EXT. RIVERDALE - NIGHT - LATER Jimmy walks up to the Last Chance saloon and enters. INT. LAST CHANCE SALOON - NIGHT - SAME TIME The place is packed and heaving with revelry. Jimmy aggressively barges through. A HOOKER approaches with a seductive smile. Jimmy slams her face. She flies off her feet, crash landing into a table littered with beer glasses. The table OCCUPANTS scatter. The onlookers are silenced and scared apart from the PATRON who voices disgust. PATRON How dare you treat a lady... Jimmy pulls a revolver, shooting the patron between the eyes. Jimmy heads upstairs. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Muffled sounds of a woman MOANING in ecstacy, as Jimmy marches through the corridor. Jimmy enters the master bedroom. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Semi naked Forlan whips a HOOKER tied to a chair. Forlan immediately stops and looks at Jimmy, who is seriously angry.


FORLAN Well now Jimmy. They say the gold wasn’t secured!? JIMMY Fox has betrayed us and stolen our operation surplus. He’s your front man. FORLAN This is most disagreeable. The way I see it foxes only hide to be lured out in the end. JIMMY Well that’s good because I know the location of a doomed Fox liaising with the Indians from Westbrook. FORLAN What have I got to do to get some obedience here? I should’ve killed those troublemakers when I had the chance. Instead, against my better judgement I merely poisoned their water supply. JIMMY (looks at hooker) Have you forgotten? That walls have ears!? Forlan produces his gun and points towards the tied up hooker. FORLAN The walls may have ears but in this place they’re all mine. The hooker’s short scream is silenced by a bullet to the heart. Her chair is blown backwards crashing to the floor. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT - LATER Fox tears through the desert on horseback armed with a bow, arrows and daggers. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT - SAME TIME JIMMY If it’s the extinction of the reservation you want I can have a small army ready by the morning.


FORLAN Now that’s the exact reasoning which made you my deputy. It’s rational, it’s wise and it’s profitable. INT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - NIGHT - SAME TIME Deputy Rhinehold reads the newspaper. The door CREEKS open. Spurs CLANK with the sound of drudging steps. Rhinehold typically keeps the paper covering his face. DEPUTY You’re a little late with the surprise. Forlan’s not here until morning. Rhinehold lowers his paper in silence witnessing Fox with a bow and arrow drawn. Horror is strewn across the deputy’s face. FOX Give my regards to oblivion. Fox launches the arrow into Rhinehold’s jugular. He gasps for oxygen choking on blood, bone and vomit. Rhinehold clumsily stands and staggers towards Fox. Blood squirts everywhere. Fox punches him in the face. The deputy falls bleeding to death. INT. CELL BLOCK - NIGHT - MOMENTS LATER Among the cells are TWO JAILERS. One sleeps, the other is on duty. Fox sneaks behind the patrolling jailer placing his hand over his mouth. A brief struggle ensues until Fox’s dagger pierces his throat in one thrust. Fox lets drop the dead body. An incarcerated JAILBIRD witnesses the murder and alerts the other jailer by shouting and rattling the cell bars. The jailer reaches for his gun. Fox throws a dagger into the dozy jailer’s eye socket. He crashes in a pool of blood. Fox rushes over to the jailer and grabs the keys. He unlocks a cell door. Enigmatic GOLDEN BEAR sits chanting in deep meditation. FOX Okay Humming Bird or whatever your name is, let’s go.


Golden Bear doesn’t flinch or open his eyes. GOLDEN BEAR Patience is a virtue, and virtue is its own reward! Golden Bear continues to chant. FOX Maybe you’d like to continue your fairy talk on the end of a rope? EXT. DESERT - NIGHT - LATER Fox and Golden Bear ride fast through the desert on horseback, approaching the reservation. EXT. INDIAN RESERVATION SITE - NIGHT - LATER Under the moonlight fires are alight. Everyone sits around the numerous blazes. Heavy drums are POUNDED. A lone INDIAN enters the human circle fully painted and traditionally dressed. He dances and chants for an engaged crowd. Fox and Verona sit together, enthralled by the ceremony yet despising each other’s company. Golden Bear joins Fox and Verona. He sits in between them. GOLDEN BEAR Well, what do you think of our way of honouring the ancestors? VERONA It’s so magical... FOX (to Verona) My way is just as magical. VERONA (to Fox) I doubt that very much. GOLDEN BEAR Explain your magic Fox. FOX First you take a piss stained glass and fill it with whiskey. Then you down it in one. Follow this process repeatedly until you’re waking up in some strange lady’s bed wearing nothing but a smile.


GOLDEN BEAR Each to their own. VERONA (to Fox) You’re such an intolerable asshole! FOX (to Verona) Come on Verona don’t be shy. Say what you really mean. GOLDEN BEAR You two aren’t married by any chance are you? VERONA I was married once but not to him. He’s only engaged to his ego and vanity. Fox responds in his usual fashion. FOX Isn’t marriage a punishment for promiscuity in some countries? VERONA (to Fox) What is your problem? Fox stares sincerely into Verona’s eyes. FOX (to Verona) I’m looking at it. Golden Bear settles the row. GOLDEN BEAR Come on you two there’s no need to fight. This is supposed to be a peaceful environment. Which reminds me, my grandfather requests your presence. INT. CHIEF’S TEPEE - NIGHT - MOMENTS LATER The Chief sits quietly. Golden Bear enters followed by Verona and Fox. They all face the Chief and sit. The Chief lights a long pipe and smokes. He offers the pipe to Fox who gladly accepts.


CHIEF (to Fox) I would like to thank you Fox for returning my grandson back to our family alive and well. FOX You’re most welcome your majesty. The Chief beams a warm smile. Fox inhales, struggling to hold back the smoke. FOX That’s some potent shit! What is it? Golden Bear enlightens Fox. GOLDEN BEAR It’s dried peyotl. The Chief signals Fox to pass the pipe. Fox offers it to Verona. She politely declines. FOX (to Verona) C’mon lady it’ll put hairs on your chest! VERONA I like my chest the way it is thank you. Fox insists. FOX Stop being such a woman and take it! VERONA I am a woman idiot! FOX Well I don’t think anyone else will accuse you of that. Verona reluctantly grabs the pipe and takes a puff. She coughs horribly, to the amusement of the others. Fox pats Verona’s back patronizingly. She passes the pipe over to Golden Bear, still shaken. CHIEF How old do you think I am Fox? FOX Is this a trick question?


CHIEF Enlighten me. Have a guess. FOX I don’t know, about 63? The Chief beams a radiant smile. CHIEF I am 267 years young! Verona is stunned. Fox is sceptical. FOX Now I know you’ve been smoking something. CHIEF Aren’t you curious to know how I’ve lasted so long? I am!


FOX Okay, you got me. CHIEF Centuries ago our people settled on this land because of the Westbrook river. Our ancestors discovered the river had magical properties due to prophets bathing there. Anyone who drinks from the river is granted eternal life. No longer is this possible because Forlan and his men poisoned it to drive our kind from the land. Before it was poisoned I managed to salvage one last vial. The Chief removes the vial necklace and shows it to Fox. FOX So you’re saying if I drink this I become immortal? CHIEF This vial has the power to bring life where life has moved on. FOX Do you always talk in riddles? Golden Bear intervenes.


GOLDEN BEAR My grandfather is trying to alert you to the truth. In the future you’re going to have to make a choice between saving your own skin, or sacrificing yourself in order to save another from death. Fox is a disguised non-believer and accepts the vial with feigned enthusiasm. The Chief places the vial necklace around Fox’s neck. He stares deep into Fox’s eyes. CHIEF If the Fox has a heart then the spirit shall rise! The Chief sits, recomposes and calmly speaks. CHIEF (to Verona) As for you, my fair lady, the future is uncertain because... The Chief’s eyes suddenly close and he sleeps. There is a brief and awkward silence as Verona waves to wake the dozy Chief. VERONA (to the Chief) No, no, don’t sleep now! I need to know about my future. GOLDEN BEAR I’m sorry but my grandfather is astrally projecting now with our ancestral spirits. We must leave and come back in the morning. Golden Bear exits the teepee, followed by Fox and Verona. The trio walk behind the crowd of the spiritual fire dance. VERONA (to Golden Bear) What did the Chief mean my future’s uncertain? GOLDEN BEAR I think my grandfather was receiving a message of warning about the future. VERONA What’s going to happen to me? GOLDEN BEAR The night forebodes Verona, and our fate is in your hands. (MORE)

35. GOLDEN BEAR (cont'd) For what awaits is a double edged sword for all of us.

Verona appears nervous and uncertain. Fox jests about Verona’s future with heavy scepticism. FOX I hate to spoil everyone’s ignorance here but I was promised my gold back by the old man... GOLDEN BEAR Is your only concern driven by lust for wealth? Such a decadent attitude leads to moral decay. So tell me, are you rotten Fox? FOX Only to the bone. So where’s my gold? VERONA (to Fox) You’re outrageous! You and your degenerate friends have killed my boy, stolen from the President and all you care about is greed?! FOX (to Verona) The sin of greed is probably my most outstanding attribute. VERONA (to Fox) I promise you right here, when this is over, so will you be. FOX (to Verona) Lady! After Armageddon and the end of the world I’ll be drinking a toast with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Golden Bear intervenes to keep the peace. GOLDEN BEAR People, people, let’s employ a little decorum shall we?! Golden Bear stops his walk and points to a cozy and dimly lit teepee.


GOLDEN BEAR (to Verona) We’ve chosen this to be your resting place. VERONA Thank you Golden Bear. I want to let you know how grateful I am for the hospitality you and your people have shown us. GOLDEN BEAR You are most welcome Verona, sleep well. Verona moves for her teepee and enters. FOX Now she’s gone, when can I collect my loot and split? Golden Bear places a sincere arm around Fox while they walk. GOLDEN BEAR You can always get what you want yet the need compels us to the truth. After we have my grandfather’s blessing we will all be able to part amicably. FOX I just hope you’re not expecting any donations to the self preservation collection plate. GOLDEN BEAR My destiny is not shaped by materialism or luxury, and if you’re worth your salt it won’t corrupt your fate either. Both men approach another teepee, and enter to retire for the evening. FADE TO: Under the moonlight, multiple fires burn to a background fury of DRUM VIBRATIONS as the Sioux’s spiritual party endures until dawn. FADE TO: EXT. INDIAN RESERVATION SITE - MORNING - LATER The sun brightly shines on the reservation.


Some wash clothes down by the riverside, children launch arrows at targets, others ride horses or bathe in the sun. Jimmy’s posse of 30 strong GALLOP fast towards the reservation with various guns drawn. They convey a sense of murderous intentions. A young Sioux WOMAN beholds the shocking sight. The posse are almost upon her. She runs a short way back to alert the tribe. BANG - a bullet tears through her head. She collapses dead. The fatal shot alerts the tribe who rush in all directions to prepare. The posse wildly open fire on anything in their path. Bodies of the Sioux fall in turns. The Sioux fight back with bows, daggers, axes and spears. One posse member is hit in the shoulder with an arrow. He falls of his horse and is bludgeoned to death by axes. Other posse members are speared and hit with arrows in a mayhem of carnage. The Sioux resistance is valiant yet futile. The posse are too strong shooting anything in their path. The melee is brutal with deceased and dying Sioux staining the dusty earth with innocent blood. Golden Bear rushes to the Chief’s teepee. INT. CHIEF’S TEEPEE - MORNING - CONTINUOUS He beholds his grandfather sat cross legged with a bullet hole in his head. A posse member stands over the Chief about to fire another shot. He turns around and Golden Bear buries an axe in his head. EXT. VERONA’S TEEPEE - MORNING - SAME TIME Fox enters and Verona is awake and nervous. FOX Don’t mean to disturb you but we gotta leave right now! VERONA What’s happening out there? FOX Look lady we don’t have time to debate the finer politics of mass murder. So grab your shit and let’s go. VERONA I’m not going anywhere!


The GUNFIRE continues and screams rage. A blood drenched COWBOY enters the teepee. With a sinister grin he shoots at Verona, narrowly missing. Fox blows the cowboy out of the teepee. FOX You satisfied? VERONA Maybe it isn’t good to stay here. Verona heads outside. FOX Now that’s the smartest thing I’ve ever heard you say! EXT. INDIAN RESERVATION SITE - MORNING - CONTINUOUS Verona takes cover behind Fox as they run through the carnage. Fox kills a few posse members that approach, while Verona uses Kung Fu techniques. INT. CHIEF’S TEEPEE - MORNING - MOMENTS LATER Golden Bear is sat beside his grandfather in a deep trance. He cries. He draws his hand across the Chief’S face to close the eyelids. Fox and Verona burst in. They see the dead Chief and appear apologetic. VERONA This is a bad time, but we can’t stay here. FOX In other words we’re dead if we don’t move now. Golden Bear wipes the tears away and looks up with menace. EXT. INDIAN RESERVATION SITE - MORNING - MOMENTS LATER The trio GALLOP away. Jimmy witnesses the escape. He signals some posse members to give chase.


EXT. DESERT - MORNING - CONTINUOUS The trio are in motion on horseback and are closely pursued by Jimmy’s men. The posse discharge their weapons at the trio. They miss their mark. Fox takes one of the aggressors down with a head shot. The COWBOY falls off his horse and is trampled to death by pursuing horses. The desert is awash with GUNFIRE from the opposers. Fox is hit in the shoulder. He returns fire and wastes another. Golden Bear launches an arrow into a cowboy’s head. He falls off his horse backwards and crumples on the desert floor. Blood pours from the fatal shot. Golden Bear rides up an embankment and moves parallel to the action. There are two posse grunts left. One moves towards Verona. Fox shoots him in the chest. The bloodied grunt, undeterred by his wounds, reaches out to grab her. Fox dry fires at the grunt. Verona punches the cowboy. He falls with a foot caught in the stirrup. The grunt screams as he’s dragged over the desert terrain like a rag doll. The last posse member picks up the trail on Verona and moves in. He pulls out a sword from and lunges it at Verona, who nervously dodges. Fox is powerless to help. Golden Bear launches himself off the embankment into the air. He loads an arrow firing it into the last grunt’s throat. The grunt slumps forward, oozing blood. Golden Bear lands his steed beside Verona and Fox. They GALLOP fast. All three continue their ride towards a town in the distance. EXT. INDIAN RESERVATION SITE - DAY - LATER The reservation is quiet after the skirmish. All the Sioux are dead. Jimmy heads for a teepee surrounded by his mean faced posse. A hand reaches up from the floor and grabs Jimmy’s boot. Jimmy halts and turns to face a half dead INDIAN. INDIAN All that glitters is not gold.


JIMMY I know because you have my gold. Correction, you had my gold! Jimmy mercilessly shoots him dead. He walks up to the surrounded teepee. Jimmy enters and delights in the retrieved gold. JASELL, a loyal associate, approaches Jimmy. JASELL What are our orders now? Jimmy pulls out a pontoon game hand. He burns it slowly with a lighter. His face is sinister, bordering on psychotic. JIMMY Burn this shit hole to the ground, throw the bodies into their precious river, and bag the gold. The posse proceed to ignite the teepees with fire torches. Other posse men dump all the dead Sioux into the once blessed river. Jimmy and the posse hightail it from the flaming reservation. The tainted river is littered full with Sioux corpses. EXT. SARAGOSSA FALLS - STREET - MORNING - LATER The tired, hungry and bloodstained trio canter into town. The town’s citizens glare cautiously with vacant eyes of destain. The trio dismount and station their horses. They approach a hotel complex made of wood, stone and marble. INT. HOTEL - DAY - SAME TIME The interior is a jewel of craftsmanship. A few well dressed PATRONS pass by Verona, Fox and Golden Bear on the way out. The other patrons are sat down on curved couch booths. The trio sit at an empty table in an exhausted mood. Verona, Golden Bear and Fox don’t speak. Golden Bear is quietly angry. Fox picks up the menu eagerly, seemingly oblivious to the previous carnage.


FOX This should be good! Have you seen this place? The food’s bound to be exquisite. Verona loses her temper. VERONA (to Fox) How can you think about food at a time like this? FOX (to Verona) I’ll tell you what... If I don’t recommend it you won’t have to pay! VERONA Grow up! No one likes a wise ass. FOX Then you must be the talk of the town! Golden Bear intervenes with a distraught and angry tone. GOLDEN BEAR Are you two serious? We have just witnessed the massacre of my people and all you want to do is whine. Verona is apologetic, whilst Fox is apathetic. A WAITER approaches with his nose in the air. WAITER I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave. FOX (to Waiter) You can ask but don’t expect us to oblige. WAITER (to Fox) I have to inform you that if you don’t leave I will be forced to seek sheriff Mazlo’s assistance. VERONA (to Waiter) Look we’ve had a terrible day. Couldn’t we just gather our thoughts first?


WAITER That’s not going to be possible. Some of the other clients have already commented on your appearance and they were not pleasant... Golden Bear silences the Waiter by producing a large hunting knife. Golden Bear slams the blade into the table top. The waiter is nervously spooked. GOLDEN BEAR (intimidates calmly) If you don’t bring us a round of your finest ale your customers won’t be able to comment on your appearance because there will be nothing left. Fox produce his gun and places it on the table. FOX (to waiter) I agree with what he just said. The waiter has a change of heart. He adopts superfluously polite manners. WAITER The ale here is widely renowned. A very good choice. The waiter hovers with fright and an obsequious attitude. FOX (to waiter) You still here brown tongue?! WAITER Right you are sir. The waiter leaves. VERONA What are we going to do now? FOX We do nothing, but I’m going to get my gold back. Golden Bear snaps. GOLDEN BEAR You’re joking right? FOX Obviously not because nobody’s laughing.


Verona loses her temper with Fox. VERONA We’ve all just escaped certain death and all you can think about is money. FOX Who mentioned money? I said gold. GOLDEN BEAR Are you so eager to die that you’ve forgotten my grandfather’s last words to you about choosing your future wisely? Fox lights a cigar and puffs slowly. FOX I haven’t forgotten. It’s just not profitable. GOLDEN BEAR If I had known your fate was certain of greed you would be dead where you sit! FOX Well, I guess that makes me the walking dead. VERONA You heartless bastard! The waiter arrives with a tray of drinks. GOLDEN BEAR (seriously at Fox) Just remember the dead have no need of desire. The waiter places the tray down. Fox grabs a glass and holds it against his chest over the bullet wound. FOX That hits the spot! WAITER (to Fox) Will that be all sir? FOX Actually, no! Why don’t you rustle me up a t-bone with extra garlic marinade. (MORE)

44. FOX (cont'd) And prepare three rooms because we’re checking in.

WAITER Very good sir. The waiter leaves. VERONA (to Fox) How do you intend on paying for all this? FOX Who said anything about paying? EXT. RIVERDALE - LAST CHANCE SALOON - DAY - LATER A few people walk by the saloon on a glorious sunny day. INT. LAST CHANCE SALOON - DAY - SAME TIME Forlan and his Sioux massacre posse sit around a huge table and discuss business. The posse are rowdy in celebrating the gold’s retrieval. FORLAN Gentlemen! Let’s restore some order in our success shall we? Forlan produces a single gold bar and places it down. The posse are silenced. One GRUNT ventilates his frustration. GRUNT Where is the rest of it Forlan? FORLAN It is safe. GRUNT #2 When do we get our cut? FORLAN I think you’re missing the bigger picture, gentlemen. There are more consuming demands for this gold other than merely material pleasures. The posse erupt into argumentative chaos. Jimmy restores attentiveness with a vertical gun shot.


JIMMY Now I have your undivided attention please allow Mr. Forlan to continue. Okay? FORLAN Thank you. Now we all know which way the war has gone yet, alas, there is always the need for opposition. I propose that the gold be spent on funding a new army of battle hardened warriors who will overthrow the government and restore the liberties which the Union have denied us. The posse converse with excitable whispers among themselves, apart from GRUNT #2 who opposes the plan. GRUNT #2 This is absurd! You can’t be serious! FORLAN As serious as cancer with the agony of toothache for company. GRUNT #2 This is a God damn cheat and I don’t want nothing to do with it. FORLAN The world is abundant in nonbelievers who have found their faith after an event. GRUNT #2 You can’t take on the United States government and win, nobody can. So if it’s all the same to you I’ll take my share and leave. GRUNT #3 is worried and allies with Grunt #2. GRUNT #3 I want to get my share too Forlan. Forlan is a little disappointed yet honours their wishes. FORLAN As you wish gentlemen. You can collect your gold from my office whenever you desire. Grunt #2 and Grunt #3 leave and are out the door in a hurry.


Forlan addresses the congregation. FORLAN Who else fails to see the vision of our forefathers? GRUNT #4 I speak for all of us when I say we are all men of vision. We just need some assurances it’s a profitable vision. FORLAN When the Union is defeated and we take office each and every one of you will take a profitable position of power under my administration. INT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - QUARTERS - DAY - SAME TIME SMITH, the new deputy places six gold bars on a counter in front of Grunt #2 and Grunt #3. SMITH That’s it. Three gold bars each for services to our future president. I take it you guys are gonna have some wild nights when you cash this in. Grunt #2 is somewhat sceptical. GRUNT #2 (to Smith) How do we know that Forlan’s men won’t gun us down as soon as we try to leave? SMITH As far as I know Forlan considers all his men an asset and never expendable unless it’s costly to remain friends. Grunt #3 is dubious and sarcastic. GRUNT #3 That’s so comforting! The deputy bags the booty separately for both grunts. SMITH Well that concludes our business. I would just like to say have an indulgent future.


The grunts peer at Smith in suspicion as they leave. EXT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS The grunts nervously watch the quiet town in trepidation of an ambush. All appears tranquil. A few FOLK litter the street. GRUNT #3 I guess Forlan is straight. GRUNT #2 I don’t trust this situation. I know how much of a backstabbing bastard Forlan is. GRUNT #3 So you’re heading out? GRUNT #2 I’ve already got my pass to Kentucky. D’you wanna come? GRUNT #3 Nah. This is where I belong. I’m gonna relax with my wealth tonight then pawn this shit tomorrow. GRUNT #2 Sounds like a plan. Anyway I’m going before I miss my train. So long.


The grunts separate to walk in opposite directions. INT. LAST CHANCE SALOON - DAY - SAME TIME Forlan introduces Jimmy to the posse. FORLAN Now then gentlemen I would like to hand you over to Jimmy Carzell who will give a talk in fine detail about the return on your investment. JIMMY As you know the gold shall be spent on soldiers that we will be recruiting from the most underprivileged areas of these so called United States. (MORE)

48. JIMMY (cont'd) Our soldiers will be trained in all fields giving us a vastly superior army to overthrow the Union.

GRUNT #5 is a nonbeliever. GRUNT #5 Do you really believe a bunch of poor delinquents can rival the power of the United States army? Because I don’t. JIMMY Our soldiers may have a poor background, but this will make them efficient killers. GRUNT #5 That’s horse shit and you know it! Jimmy shoots Grunt #5 dead. He collapses out of his seat. JIMMY (to the posse) Anyone else think I’m a liar? The posse shake their heads in silence. An extremely loud and bone-chilling scream is heard from outside. EXT. STREET - DAY - CONTINUOUS Everybody rushes outside to see Grunt #3 laying down dead in a pool of blood. Forlan and Jimmy approach and witness Grunt #3 throat has been half eaten. Blood pours profusely. Scrawled in large bloody letters on the ground is the word “Forlan”. Forlan is concerned. He frowns and gazes at Jimmy. FORLAN (to Jimmy) What do you think Jimmy? JIMMY I’m not sure what could’ve severed his throat like that, but it could be the same bastard who broke in to rescue the savage. FORLAN You haven’t heard of any cannibals operating in this area have you?




Forlan bends down beside the corpse to inspect the wound. FORLAN Judging by the severe lacerations and the shape of the wound I’d say this is a bite. JIMMY The only ones I know who might do this are those vicious bastards from Westbrook, but we personally saw to their extinction. FORLAN This is what we do. Just in case some of those bastards survived I want you to round up some men, go back to the reservation, and kill anything that’s still breathing. JIMMY The pleasure is all mine. EXT. SARAGOSSA FALLS - HOTEL - DAY - LATER A few people walk by the lavish hotel. INT. VERONA’S SUITE - DAY - SAME TIME Verona soaks in a tub. INT. CORRIDOR - DAY - MOMENTS LATER Golden Bear walks down the corridor and settles by a room. He KNOCKS. FOX (O.S.) Piss off. I’m sleeping! GOLDEN BEAR I’ve brought you a beer. There is a momentary silence. The door unlocks and a weary Fox gazes at Golden Bear expectantly. GOLDEN BEAR Sorry I lied, no beer. Golden Bear barges past Fox. FOX Come in why don’t ya?


GOLDEN BEAR Listen I’ve got something on my mind which I think you need to hear. FOX Why do I get the feeling this is gonna be expensive? GOLDEN BEAR We all have a price to pay. Some peoples’ are just more costly than others. FOX Just cut the yahoo shit and tell me so I can get back to sleep. GOLDEN BEAR Are you tired? FOX Tired of the same old shit. Now was there something you wanted to say? Golden Bear takes a deep breath. GOLDEN BEAR I would like you to take it easy on Verona. Her destiny is of great importance to our kind. Her future is aligned with our ancestors. She really is special and we need her emotionally intact for her to make the right decision. Fox is a little dubious. FOX You want me to ease up on her? Then tell Verona to keep out of my way when I collect my gold. GOLDEN BEAR You still don’t get it do you? FOX Oh right, my destiny. Isn’t destiny a choice of free will? GOLDEN BEAR That is very perceptive. FOX So why do you keep making my choices for me?


GOLDEN BEAR I’m simply guiding you to do the right thing. FOX You know what? Dictators make decisions for people and look what shit holes those countries are. Golden Bear realizes his angle isn’t suitable. He adopts an insightful approach. GOLDEN BEAR Verona’s destiny is a rare one. Her fate will also depend on the decisions you make. FOX So you’re telling me if I take my gold we will both die? GOLDEN BEAR Not just that, something more sinister shall breed. EXT. MILTON TRAIN STATION - DAY - LATER The train station forebodes in an eerie way due to its desertion. Grunt #2 stands on the platform edge for the approaching train. The train slows to a halt and the grunt embarks. INT. TRAIN - GANGWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS The grunt walks down the aisle and tries to open a carriage door. It’s locked. The train begins to move, gathering momentum with every second. The grunt tries another door, yet again the compartment is empty but locked. He moves into a different section of the train to witness a sickening sight. Several of his heist buddies are sat in their seats. All have been brutally dismembered, eaten away and decapitated. The nervous grunt withdraws his gun.


EXT. DESERT - DAY - SAME TIME The train approaches a junction. The junction lever is pulled by a pair of rotten flesh hands. INT. TRAIN - GANGWAY - DAY - MOMENTS LATER The grunt moves along the carriages towards the driver. He passes corpse after corpse of his fallen crew. INT. FRONT - DAY - CONTINUOUS The grunt is alarmed as the train crashes through a wooden barrier. He looks ahead and sees a bridge is missing its tracks above a huge drop. He desperately pulls an emergency brake chain. It breaks in his hand. An arrow into his back and pierces completely. The train looms dangerously close to the fall. In agony the grunt clumsily reaches up from the floor and repeatedly pulls the broken chain. The train flies off the tracks and over the edge. The grunt screams. The train furiously explodes on impact funneling out bursts of flame and clouds of smoke. EXT. INDIAN RESERVATION SITE - DUSK - LATER Jimmy and posse canter through the smouldering reservation. Their faces convey a sense of disgust as they are surrounded by various half eaten animals including buffalo, Turkey Vultures and coyotes. JIMMY (to Grunt #6) Check the river. GRUNT #6 You got it. GRUNT #6 rides away fast. Jimmy dismounts to inspect a buffalo carcass. He sees something lodged in its jaws. He prizes the mouth open and Grunt #2 head drops out. The face is badly burnt, one eyeball is missing and the other hangs by its socket. GRUNT #7 God damn that’s nasty! Jimmy pulls a piece of paper from Grunt #2 mouth. He reads rapidly. The posse are appalled, spooked and on edge.


GRUNT #8 (scared) What does it say Jimmy? JIMMY (scorning) I could tell ya if I spoke Indian. GRUNT #9 I know a little Sioux. Do you want me to translate? JIMMY Does a bear shit in the woods? Jimmy hands Grunt #9 the blood stained note. He reads and is immediately scared. GRUNT #9 “Your souls shall be purged of iniquity with agonizing pain.” GRUNT #10 I don’t like this at all. I’ve a bad feeling about all this. Jimmy shoots GRUNT #10 dead for his cowardice. He falls backwards off his horse and slams into the dirt. JIMMY (to the posse) Anybody else have feelings they need adjusted? The posse shake their heads in awkward silence. Grunt #6 approaches Jimmy returning with a perplexed look. GRUNT #6 (to Jimmy) You’re not gonna believe this. The bodies, they’re all gone. The posse erupt with commotion. Jimmy fires a shot into the air to quieten them. JIMMY Did you find anything by the river? GRUNT #6 There’s nothing sir. Nothing, except for an half eaten Grizzly. Jimmy and the posse are puzzled.


EXT. SARAGOSSA FALLS - HOTEL - NIGHT - LATER The hotel is bright with torch lights. A sign out front reads, “Casino Night”. INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT - SAME TIME An elegant and respectable middle aged COUPLE stroll through the first floor corridor. A door UNLOCKS and out steps the smartly suited Golden Bear. He walks whilst adjusting his tie. Down the lavishly carpeted stairs he sees a high spirited Fox playing roulette. Fox causes a commotion with celebratory antics. INT. STAIRWELL - NIGHT - SAME TIME As Golden Bear descends he spots Verona who sits alone at a table. She peers at Fox with contempt. INT. CASINO - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Golden Bear approaches Verona. GOLDEN BEAR May I join you? VERONA Please do. I must say you are a dream of a gentleman. Golden Bear smiles and sits as Verona continues to gaze at Fox with disgust. GOLDEN BEAR You know he won’t change his mind until he has a change of heart. VERONA I think he was born without one. Fox collects his prize money and heads for a croupier pontoon table. He sits down to play. GOLDEN BEAR Even a jackal can display compassion if the need arises. VERONA How can I show him compassion when it was his friends who murdered my little boy and destroyed an already damaged family?


GOLDEN BEAR Please believe me when I say you’re not alone in grieving for loved ones. We have to put our emotions aside and restore the ancestral spiritual balance. VERONA How do we do that? GOLDEN BEAR Listen to me Verona. What comes next is of grave importance. INT. RIVERDALE - SHERIFF’S OFFICE - NIGHT - SAME TIME Forlan scrutinizes a couple of deputies about a delivery. Other grunts walk back and forth to a coach outside loading it with gold. FORLAN Remember gentlemen, this is important for our future scope of command. The shipment of gold outside is payment to Sheriff Mazlo for his assured alliance to our United Federation. (prompting the grunts) And where is the drop off destination? GRUNT #8 Saragossa sir! FORLAN Very good! Now don’t forget Sheriff Mazlo is expecting the gold early morning tomorrow. So be quick and embrace a sense of good nature. We do not want this situation anything less than amicable. Forlan signals the crew. FORLAN Right gentlemen, it’s time! Shall we? Forlan walks to the door. The grunts have heavily filled the stagecoach. They race out of town surrounded by a large, well armed posse. INT. SARAGOSSA FALLS - HOTEL - CASINO - NIGHT - SAME TIME Fox is lucky at the table with its bemused CROUPIER.


FOX (to the croupier) Hit me. The croupier slides two cards. Fox throws down a pontoon to the bewildered croupier. CROUPIER Player’s pontoon beats house three cards’ twenty one. Golden Bear approaches. GOLDEN BEAR We need to talk. FOX Sorry can’t do that. I’m busy with my partner. Golden Bear looks over his shoulder to check for Fox’s so called partner. GOLDEN BEAR What partner? The lady!


GOLDEN BEAR Have you been drinking? There’s no lady here. FOX (slightly intoxicated) There is a lady here. Her name is Lady Luck and I should’ve drunk a lot more than I have done by now. Golden Bear reaches for Fox’s sleeve and withdraws a pontoon hand. He throws it down on the felt table. GOLDEN BEAR Beginner’s luck! The croupier is outraged with the cheating. FOX Maybe we should be going. CROUPIER Sir I have to ask you to.. Fox opens his jacket to reveal his gun. The croupier is very sheepish.


FOX (to croupier) Relax you’ll live longer! Golden Bear and Fox walk back to Verona. They sit at the table. FOX What sort of shit have you come up with this time to ruin my day? GOLDEN BEAR You know what a prophecy is don’t you? FOX How about a bunch of wacky religious types promoting judgement of the world by the chosen one. Will that do ya? VERONA Still the child as ever. FOX My heart bleeds. GOLDEN BEAR In the prophecy I was destined to inherit, there comes a day in our people’s history that will darken the skies of humanity in blood. FOX Cut the shit and just level with me. GOLDEN BEAR Put it this way. The gold you so badly desire is haunting my newly departed relatives from the spiritual harvest. FOX (mocking) Oh now the picture’s so much clearer. VERONA Why don’t you learn to read between the lines? FOX Because there is nothing there! Golden Bear intervenes with a foreboding tone.


GOLDEN BEAR The dear old Fox hasn’t considered the gold is cursed. All who dwell with it dwell with death. FOX Right! So the gold is bad for me and needs destroying? I doubt I’ll destroy it but I will launder it. VERONA Golden Bear is serious. You will be the death of us all. FOX Don’t see how you figure. I ride my own way at dawn. So you see there is no we, it’s just me. Now if you don’t mind my bed is calling. Fox stands and leaves. Verona is appalled. VERONA You self righteous, self centred bastard! Fox winks at Verona. Golden Bear gently squeezes Verona’s wrist. GOLDEN BEAR Let him go Verona. As long as he has a vested interest in the gold he won’t go far. FADE TO: EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT - LATER Everything outside is tranquil and serene in the night air. A few people walk about. A hotel window slides up and Fox climbs out on the roof. He makes his way off the roof and jumps down on to the dusty track beside Horsey. FOX (to Horsey) You ready for an adventure? Fox saddles up. FOX Of course you are!


Fox GALLOPS out of town. Golden Bear watches Fox from the apex of the hotel’s roof, crouched down. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT - LATER The stagecoach loaded with gold and the large armed posse race through the desert. GRUNT #10 witnesses a torch light flicker in the distance. He shouts to MICHAEL. GRUNT #10 Hey Michael I thought you said Saragossa was another 30 miles from here? MICHAEL It is. Why? GRUNT #10 (pointing to the light) Look! Another torch is ignited. Torch lights appear in a circular motion surrounding the posse, and close in at high speed. A growing STAMPEDE sound heads for them. Grunt #10 sees a FIGURE under the cover of night in his path. The figure lights a torch. We catch a glimpse of a demonic Indian zombie. It points at the incoming stage coach and SCREECHES an ear piercing warcry. EXT. RIVERDALE - SHERIFF’S COMPOUND - NIGHT - LATER Fox avoids detection from a YOUNG COUPLE by moving stealthily between the shadows of a compound alley. He hoists himself up a wall and climbs onto the sheriff’s roof. Fox quietly removes the wooden slats of a makeshift window. He enters the attic. INT. ATTIC - CONTINUOUS Fox treads cautiously through the pitch black attic until something SQUEAKS under his foot. It scurries past. He withdraws his revolver instinctively and trains it on a rat. Fox raises his finger to his lips and whispers.


FOX (to the rat) Shush! Fox lowers himself through a trap door. He falls gingerly to the corridor’s wooden floor. Fox hears FOOTSTEPS approaching with the faint mumble of conversation. Fox picks a locked door and enters, leaving it slightly ajar. He sees Forlan and Jimmy who converse as they trundle past Fox. FORLAN ...And if they don’t agree with our plan? JIMMY Then we have them rounded up like cattle and butchered. FORLAN Would that be business or personal? JIMMY Personal business. Forlan and Jimmy walk down a flight of stairs. Fox emerges and follows quietly behind. He sneaks past Forlan, Jimmy and the posse and goes down a concrete spiral stairwell. Fox arrives at a steel door. He picks the lock. He enters. INT. CELLAR - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Fox cases the joint. All is quiet. He produces his cracking equipment and gets to work on the large wall safe. EXT. STREET - NIGHT - SAME TIME A shadowy FIGURE looms clumsily down the street with its arms out in front. It grumbles and whispers sporadically and incoherently as he stumbles about. Its flesh is badly decomposed with clothes of torn rags. It is the driver from the stagecoach Forlan sent out. Some onlookers comment and hurry away in detestation over the repugnant sight. The figure heads for a stationed horse outside of the sheriff’s office. INT. CELLAR - NIGHT - SAME TIME Fox finishes his dexterous procedure and the large vault door SWINGS open. A wealth of gold bullion is on display much to a delighted Fox. He steps in to admire his lost fortune.


The door CLOSES behind Fox locking him in the dark. He lights a match and finds the emergency lock. He pulls it and the door opens slowly lighting up Fox’s face. Fox is angry to be staring down the barrel of Jimmy’s revolver. Jimmy is backed up by Fox’s old posse, who are all aiming intently. EXT. STREET - NIGHT - SAME TIME The parasite figure staggers dangerously close to the horse, and is frothing at the mouth. INT. CELLAR - NIGHT - MOMENTS LATER Fox is bound to a chair and repeatedly punched in the face by the posse, who take it in turns. Jimmy signals for the beating to pause. He pulls up a chair and sits opposite Fox. He lovingly and sadistically strokes a large knife. JIMMY It’s obvious why you came back for the gold, yet I’d like to know why she went with you? FOX Who your mother? Jimmy smiles and slams down the knife into Fox’s hand. Fox grimaces but doesn’t scream. Blood pours. JIMMY I paid her good money and she betrayed me. Why? FOX We talking about your sister now? Jimmy grabs Fox’s head and slowly inches the knife towards an eyeball. JIMMY If you want to play games you can do it without sight. A disturbing and prolonged horse NEIGH is heard. Jimmy stops and sheathes the knife to a disappointed posse. Jimmy address a couple of grunts. JIMMY You two guard this clown until I get back.


The grunts nod. Jimmy leaves with his entourage. The remaining posse move in on Fox. GRUNT #12 What do you think, should I carve me a Fox burger? GRUNT #12 cuts open Fox’s shirt. GRUNT #12 (to Fox) Beg when you want more! FOX We’re all reasonable men... Too late to plead, Fox is cut deep across the chest by Grunt #12. Fox recoils in agony. INT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - NIGHT - SAME TIME Jimmy approaches GRUNT #13 who guards the front door. GRUNT #13 Take a look at the most disgusting sight you’ll ever witness. Jimmy walks past the grunt to the outside. EXT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Jimmy is horrified to see the zombie devouring a horse. The zombie stands up slowly and turns to the light. GRUNT #13 Fuck it’s a mutant! Kill it!


Grunt #13 lunges past Jimmy and opens fire. The bullets are absorbed by the undead flesh as the zombie stumbles forward. The grunt panics as the bullets do nothing to slow it down. The zombie grabs Grunt #13 head who fires his last shot. The zombie pushes thumbs through his eyes whilst it chews on his throat. The grunt gargles and screams heinously. Jimmy has seen enough. He grabs a shotgun from a frightened crew member. He shoots, blowing off the zombie’s head. The grunt and the zombie collapse in a bloody heap.


INT. CELLAR - NIGHT - SAME TIME The grunts have carved up Fox with numerous lacerations across his chest. GRUNT #12 Just wait until Jimmy gets back. We’re gonna introduce you to a whole new level of pain! FOX You’re not gonna kiss me are ya? Fox bursts into hysterics, in a tense atmosphere. Out of nowhere flies a dagger. It strikes a grunt standing behind Fox in the heart. He collapses dead. The remaining grunt is shocked and mortified. Golden Bear lowers himself from a support beam and lands quietly behind the spooked grunt. Golden Bear taps the grunt on the shoulder. He turns. The grunt tremors in panic and takes aim. Golden Bear snaps his neck. GOLDEN BEAR Just thought I’d drop by to see how you’re doing. FOX How long you been hanging around? GOLDEN BEAR Long enough. FOX Make yourself useful and get me the fuck out of here. GOLDEN BEAR That brings me to my next point which concerns your current outlook on gold. FOX Well, if you untie me we can transport twice as much. Golden Bear makes a move for the door. GOLDEN BEAR So long Mr. Ryder. I can’t imagine what torture devices they will use. Wait!



Golden Bear heads for Fox. GOLDEN BEAR Had a change of heart? FOX What is it you want exactly? EXT. STREET - NIGHT - SAME TIME A grunt drags the headless zombie past Jimmy into the sheriff’s office. INT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Jimmy holds his hand over his mouth as the body is dragged in. The corpse smears a blood trail. JIMMY When you’ve finished with that thing go to the saloon and bring Forlan back here. INT. CELLAR - NIGHT - SAME TIME FOX You really want me to give up the gold? Have you any idea that what you’re asking would postpone my overdue retirement. GOLDEN BEAR I need you to help me avenge my ancestors and destroy the gold. FOX What do I get out of all this? GOLDEN BEAR A great spiritual rising will benefit you if you honour us by choosing the path of virtue. FOX I don’t have much of a choice do I? GOLDEN BEAR Well you can either die a hideous death tonight or avenge a monumental wrong. This is the decision I give to you. (slight pause) I wouldn’t take too long. (MORE)

65. GOLDEN BEAR (cont'd) Your charming friends will be back soon.

FOX Okay, okay, I’m in! Now can we leave? GOLDEN BEAR I thought you’d never ask. EXT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - NIGHT - SAME TIME Forlan walks up to Jimmy. He is disgusted with the zombie corpse. FORLAN Jimmy what the hell is that? What’s going on? JIMMY That is, or was, the driver you sent out with the gold. FORLAN Shit on me! Did they make the drop off? JIMMY I’m not sure. FORLAN What are you thinking? A double cross maybe? JIMMY Something is seriously wrong here Forlan. We should protect our interests. FORLAN Is there any other reason you called at such a late hour? JIMMY Your old buddy Fox has returned. FORLAN Have you protected the gold? JIMMY No need. He’s tied up downstairs.


INT. CELLAR - NIGHT - MOMENTS LATER The cellar is now vacant except for two dead grunts lying in pools of blood. The door SWINGS open. Jimmy and Forlan gaze at the carnage in shock. FORLAN It appears the Fox is a troublesome one after all. JIMMY You should’ve let me kill him when I had the chance Forlan. FORLAN Not to worry, we still have our gold. JIMMY This may be problematic to our plans. Fox knows the full scope of our operation. FORLAN What use are plans without muscle to back them up? JIMMY If he leaks information to the Union we’re done for. FORLAN Listen Jimmy, if you wait by the river long enough you will eventually see the dead body of your enemy float past. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT - LATER Fox and Golden Bear gallop through the desert until they chance upon the stagecoach. It is surrounded by dozens of corpses dimly lit by smouldering torchlights. They slow to a canter through the bodies. FOX Is this your trail of destruction? GOLDEN BEAR The pleasure wasn’t mine! Both men dismount by the stagecoach and examine the empty crates. GOLDEN BEAR It’s the curse. The prophecy is in motion.


FOX The stiffs here are all Forlan’s men. I thought this would be a day of celebration for ya. GOLDEN BEAR We’re treading on thin ice just being here. FOX Oh right, the curse. Behind Fox and Golden Bear a rotten hand rises with a quiet groan. A zombie clumsily stands and staggers towards Fox and Golden Bear, who are unawares. GOLDEN BEAR Haven’t you been listening to anything I’ve said? FOX I’m sorry what was that? GOLDEN BEAR You’ll never learn! Golden Bear walks to the front of the stagecoach and bends down beside a half eaten horse. Fox grabs a crate lid. It reads, “Sheriff Mazlo, Saragossa”. The zombie staggers very close to Fox. FOX (to Golden Bear) It seems this shipment of gold was payment to sheriff Mazlo. Fox doesn’t receive a response. He peers around the carriage and sees Golden Bear with a bow drawn at his head. GOLDEN BEAR Don’t move! Fox’s face conveys betrayal. Golden Bear launches the arrow. It skims Fox’s head and ploughs into the zombie’s face, who was in touching distance of Fox. The zombie crashes, groaning. The zombie grabs Fox’s foot with its mouth hissing, and closes to strike. Fox unloads several shots. FOX What the fuck was that thing?


GOLDEN BEAR Do you now think the curse of which I speak is a fairy tale? FOX Well I know what’s real and what’s not and this is no dream but if we don’t leave now it’s gonna be a nightmare. All the dead corpses slowly reanimate and struggle to their feet. Fox and Golden Bear without hesitation saddle up fast and ride away. EXT. RIVERDALE - SHERIFF’S OFFICE - NIGHT - LATER Michael staggers along the gangway outside the sheriff’s office, smearing blood over the woodwork. INT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - NIGHT - SAME TIME JIMMY That’s what I’m saying Forlan. If the gold we sent out hasn’t made its way to Mazlo by dawn this could be a catalyst for insubordination in our so called army. FORLAN Worry not. Mazlo knows better than to cause a war and spoil our operation. A headless zombie grunt is propped against the wall and begins to spasm. The floorboards RATTLE with the grinding of spurs. JIMMY I wouldn’t be so sure of that.. (directed at the zombie) And what the fuck is that thing doing? (to Grunt #14) Well don’t just stand there. Grunt #14 looms over the corpse and unloads his revolver point blank. Jimmy and Forlan cover their ears with shocked grimaces. JIMMY (to Grunt #14) I meant take the body outside you fucking idiot.




Grunt #14 drags the body out of the door leaving a trail of blood. Michael bursts through the doorway in a bad way. FORLAN What happened to you Michael? Where’s my gold? Michael is delirious. His flesh decomposes before Forlan’s eyes. MICHAEL Ambush...gone...all gone...dead meat! FORLAN Michael you’re not making sense. Michael staggers towards Jimmy. MICHAEL Death is life, life is pain. Michael morphs into a flesh eater and lunges for Jimmy. Jimmy shoves a pistol in his mouth. He pulls the trigger splattering brains everywhere. The body falls in a rotten bloody mess. FORLAN What the hell was that thing? JIMMY Poison maybe. Are you sure you’ve got everyone onboard with the plan Forlan? FORLAN Of course! The operation is nearly complete. When Mazlo has received payment the Confederate Alliance will be born! JIMMY I hate to spoil the strategy but that fucking mutant I just ventilated was Michael. Remember? The guy you sent out with the gold? The town’s tower bell RINGS out and GUN FIRE erupts.


EXT. STREET - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS The posse and town folk file onto the street to witness a zombie epidemic. The zombies head down the street, back streets and alleyways. A few gun wielding vigilantes are savaged in the carnage. They FIRE in desperation. The posse SHOOT the undead. Blood, bits and bone explode off the zombies’ bodies. A few collapse yet the majority gain momentum. INT. LAST CHANCE SALOON - NIGHT - SAME TIME A zombie hand bursts through the barricaded door. More zombies traipse down the stairs filling up the saloon in quick succession. The saloon folk put up a fight with guns and impromptu weapons e.g. pool cues, bottles and chairs. The stand is valiant yet futile. Zombies annihilate everyone in a bloody biting barroom brawl. Screams of pain and terror fill the complex. EXT. STREET - NIGHT - SAME TIME Forlan’s posse are steadily decreasing in number as wave after wave of the undead encroach the town. Victims’ bodies fall and are barbarically dismembered by the fearsome and expressionless predators. The remaining posse chalk up kills, without significantly denting the zombie assault. The undead maraud through the town with deadly efficiency. GRUNT #15 shoots his way back to the sheriff’s office. EXT. BACK STREETS - NIGHT - SAME TIME The back streets are amok with undead savaging their way through the town folk. There is only minimal resistance from armed citizens. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT - SAME TIME The house is occupied by a MAN, and a WOMAN holding a BABY. They are nervously spooked by all the commotion raging outside. MAN We can’t stay here. We’re doomed if we do. I’ll fetch a horse. (MORE)

71. MAN (cont'd) Just don’t venture outside until I get back.

He makes a move for the door. Wait! I...


MAN ...Don’t worry I won’t be gone long. Her nerves are somewhat settled. The baby cries in her arms. The man opens the door, immediately facing a zombie. The zombie gouges a hole in the man’s head. He collapses. The zombie munches on his corpse in front of the screaming woman and toddler. A more disfigured zombie slithers through the window awkwardly, stands and lunges for the woman. EXT. STREET - NIGHT - SAME TIME Grunt #15 manages to make his way through the devastation back to the sheriff. Forlan stands on the deck outside the office, next to Jimmy who fires indiscriminately at zombies. GRUNT #15 It’s bad sir. These fucking mutants are everywhere. The town won’t survive another hour of this shit. FORLAN What do you think Jimmy? Jimmy talks to Forlan while taking shots at the undead freaks. JIMMY This situation is escalating out of control. We can’t stay here. FORLAN Right! We leave the gold behind, ride to Saragossa, inform Mazlo of our dilemma and come back tomorrow with reinforcements. Forlan, Jimmy and posse saddle up and fight their way through thick zombie traffic with rifles and handguns. A few zombies are stampeded by the horses of the fleeing posse.


Bodies of the innocent town’s people litter the streets. FADE TO: EXT. SARAGOSSA FALLS - MORNING - LATER The sun glares intensely on the quaint town. The town folk are active early and wander the dusty streets. An exhausted Forlan, Jimmy and posse ride into town. The onlookers nervously witness the battle hardened goon squad. Jimmy FIRES a single shot in the air and scares the locals away. EXT. HOTEL WINDOW - MORNING - CONTINUOUS The curtains of the third floor room twitch open after the RICOCHETING gun. We see Fox taking a glimpse. EXT. STREET - MORNING - SAME TIME SHERIFF MAZLO, a portly man and his POSSE come out to welcome Forlan and crew. Forlan and crew dismount and shake hands. They head for Mazlo’s office. INT. HOTEL - VERONA’S SUITE - DAY - MOMENTS LATER Verona sits staring longingly at a picture of her family. Tears stream down her face. There is a KNOCK at the door. FOX (O.S.) We need to see you at the bar. We have a situation! INT. GOLDEN BEAR’S SUITE - DAY - MOMENTS LATER Golden Bear is sat cross legged and CHANTS. There is a KNOCK at the door. Golden Bear continues concentration and carries on the mantra. FOX (O.S.) We need to talk. Downstairs at the bar in five minutes.


INT. SHERIFF MAZLO’S OFFICE - MORNING - SAME TIME The office is heavily packed with Mazlo’s men. Stuffed animal trophies line the walls. MAZLO (to Forlan) Wait! Run that by me again. FORLAN We were ambushed by... Mutants?!


JIMMY I said, ‘servants of Satan’. MAZLO Is that the best excuse you can fathom? For what?


MAZLO My missing shipment of gold Forlan. Which you promised to smooth our Alliance. FORLAN I personally saw to the dispatch myself. MAZLO Well my pockets aren’t getting any deeper. INT. HOTEL - BAR - MORNING - SAME TIME Fox, Verona and Golden Bear are sat at a table. VERONA (to Fox) What’s this about a situation? FOX (to Verona) The men who killed your son... (to Golden Bear) ...and your tribe are here, right now, in this town. Verona gazes with scathing intent and psyches herself for a showdown.




GOLDEN BEAR Relax Verona. Verona shrugs and sighs. FOX I suggest if you want the gold and want to make life difficult for those bastards, now’s the time to do it. VERONA Well I never! You’re actually trying to help us? I’m not convinced... GOLDEN BEAR Believe it Verona. I think Fox has had an epiphany. FOX Is that what sober people refer to as a moment of clarity? GOLDEN BEAR I’ll let you know when you’re sober. FOX Don’t hold your breath. VERONA So if they’re here then is anyone protecting the gold? Nobody?


FOX Exactly! Thank God for freaks! Verona looks quizzed. INT. SHERIFF MAZLO’S OFFICE - MORNING - SAME TIME MAZLO Why should we help to restore order in Riverdale when the promise hasn’t been kept?


FORLAN We need reinforcements of high calibre to reclaim the town and gold. You will be generously compensated. MAZLO Money talks Forlan and it’s singing a lullaby in my ear! Mazlo summons one of his own men and whispers in his ear. The man leaves the office promptly. MAZLO If they are mutants, like you say, then we’re gonna need some serious firepower. JIMMY You read my mind. EXT. DESERT - DAY - LATER Fox, Golden Bear and Verona race through the desert armed and ready. Golden Bear shouts to Fox, who is riding Horsey. GOLDEN BEAR Who was he talking about? The man who stabbed your hand? Jimmy?


GOLDEN BEAR Yeah that’s him. FOX I beat him at pontoon and won the affection of the only woman he ever trusted. GOLDEN BEAR Why did that piss him off? FOX Guess what? I cheated! Golden Bear smiles. VERONA Why am I not surprised?!


EXT. SARAGOSSA FALLS - WEAPON STORE - DAY - LATER Mazlo’s men move in and out of the weapon store, loading items onto stationed coaches. INT. WEAPON STORE - DAY - SAME TIME Mazlo’s front man places a crate of rifles next to Jimmy. He gives a sinister smile. JIMMY Are these Confederate issue? MAZLO Of course they are! You can’t trust the Union with democracy or weapons. Jimmy picks up a rifle, bolts it and takes aim at Mazlo. FORLAN How does she feel Jimmy? JIMMY We’re gonna need something with more punch. Mazlo grabs the rifle barrel from Jimmy and lowers it. MAZLO Why didn’t you say? I’ll have my men load the carriages with howitzers if you want. Jimmy spots a Gatling gun hung up behind Mazlo. JIMMY (points to Gatling gun) Is that operational? MAZLO That old thing? No! It’s an antique that hasn’t worked in years, but I’ve a load of new ones down below. JIMMY Bring them. FORLAN I think we’re gonna need some serious bang on this too. MAZLO I know exactly what you mean.


EXT. RIVERDALE - STREET - DAY - LATER Fox and Golden Bear crouch down with their backs propped up against a wall. Verona is absent. Fox opens his revolver’s wheel and loads. FOX You ready for this? Golden Bear tests the edges of his axes by running his thumb on the blades. GOLDEN BEAR As ready as I’ll ever be. Verona rushes back and bends down, intimidated. GOLDEN BEAR What’s wrong? Verona is incoherent and stuttering. VERONA The, the, streets... they, erm, they’re... Fox cuts in. FOX Alive with dead freaks? Verona nods, shaken. VERONA How did you know? FOX I guess we forgot to tell ya we had a slow dance with the grave walkers last night. VERONA How could you forget to tell me that? GOLDEN BEAR We didn’t want to alarm you. VERONA What are they? FOX Why don’t you go ask them? Verona scowls at Fox with a penetrative glare.


GOLDEN BEAR Listen to me carefully both of you for there is something I must share. These things are the dead spawn of our prophecy. Meaning?


GOLDEN BEAR My dead relatives are spreading the curse to all those who wiped our people from the sacred land. VERONA Isn’t there anything we can do? GOLDEN BEAR We need to destroy the gold, and the balance shall be restored. FOX What are we waiting for? GOLDEN BEAR We must approach this with stealth and silence. Littering the streets are dozens of zombies who moan and stumble. The streets and doorways are filled with corpses of town people. Fox, Verona, and Golden Bear sneak through the town. They dart from structure to structure hiding from the zombies’ view. EXT. SHERIFF’S COMPOUND - DAY - CONTINUOUS They approach a back entrance to Forlans’ gated compound to witness a problematic scenario: the compound yard has a dozen or so zombies gathered in staggering paroxysms. FOX Good plan. Got anymore great strategies we should be aware of? GOLDEN BEAR I didn’t anticipate this. VERONA I don’t know why I was so apprehensive. They look moronic! FOX Why don’t we just serve them a lead sandwich?


GOLDEN BEAR If we make noise it may give away our position. Verona has heard enough indecision. She scales the fence. Before Fox and Golden Bear can prevaricate further Verona approaches a zombie. Malice riddles her eyes. GOLDEN BEAR (whispers) Verona... (to Fox) What is she doing? She’s gonna get us killed. Fox efficiently primes his guns. FOX Now we do it my way, come on. Fox and Golden Bear double pace over the fence. Verona whistles to get a zombie’s attention. The zombie clumsily turns to be greeted by Verona’s palm snapping its head backwards. The neck shatters and the head falls limp. She boots it to the ground. GUN FIRE erupts from Fox as he moves across the compound towards Verona. The zombies close in. Golden Bear hacks incoming zombies with his axes. Two zombies lunge for Verona. She knocks them to the floor with a flurry of martial art combos. A ring of zombies circle Fox. He pulls out small metal devices and attaches one to each of the revolvers’ barrels. FOX (to the zombies) Okay, let’s see what you got. Fox spins on the spot, with his jacket twirling, arms out to the sides, firing rapidly due to custom tailoring. The bullets fan across the compound striking all most zombies in the head. They drop. Verona is fighting off an assault, one zombie creeps up on her from behind. She turns and is grabbed by the throat. The zombie moves in for the kill. Golden Bear sees Verona’s predicament and launches an arrow double quick. It pierces the zombie’s head, blood and gore splatters her face. She wipes it off in disgust. One zombie remains. Fox sprints towards it, and pounces, pistol whipping the zombie on descent. The zombie’s face caves in and collapses.


The trio huddle together as they approach the entrance. Verona tries the door. It’s locked. VERONA This could be a problem. FOX Stand aside. I’ll show you something they don’t teach in school. Fox produces a hairpin and picks the lock. GOLDEN BEAR I guess you learned that because you never attended school, right? FOX Of course I went to school, the school of opportunity. Fox opens the door. It’s dark and foreboding inside. They enter cautiously. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS A few more zombies surround the stairs to the cellar. Verona becomes a ruthless killing machine, breaking a zombie’s neck. Golden Bear removes another head with his axe. Fox joins the carnage and kneecaps the remaining zombie, who drops instantly. The zombie slithers towards them, groaning. Verona runs towards it and boots the head clean off. The head bounces off the wall. The trio proceed down the stairwell to the cellar. INT. CELLAR - DAY - MOMENTS LATER The heavy door flies open, and in step the trio prepare for a fight. The safe’s door remains wide open with the gold tucked away. FOX It looks like they left in a hurry. GOLDEN BEAR How can you tell?


FOX They never secured the gold. VERONA Won’t the monsters come after us if we take the gold? GOLDEN BEAR If the prophecy is accurate, which it has to be at this point, it states only those harbouring the gold are targeted by my family. FOX So what the fuck are those freaks out there? They don’t look Indian to me. Verona pokes around a desk and finds a dossier. GOLDEN BEAR They are the children of the damned, indiscriminately killing anything which crosses their path. FOX Now I feel so much better. VERONA You two should see this. Verona hands the dossier to Golden Bear. VERONA It’s the detailed plans for their operation. They are organizing another civil war. FOX I could’ve told ya that. GOLDEN BEAR Oh right, let me guess, you thought it wasn’t a problem before now? Why didn’t you say something? FOX It’s stupid to incriminate yourself. So I would’ve been guilty after the fact. VERONA Enough! From now on I’m in charge. This is a national crisis. (MORE)

82. VERONA (cont'd) (slight pause) I have a plan, so listen up...

EXT. STREET - DAY - LATER We see many pairs of feet running. They gather at the edge of town bearing Gatling guns and masses of ammo. The posse have returned for the gold, closely watched by Mazlo, Forlan and Jimmy, who are stationed on horses far from the front line. The posse assemble the Gatling guns. They take aim at the zombies. Mazlo gives the signal. The posse OPEN FIRE, turning the handles of the Gatlings. Bullets rip through the zombie infested town, shredding the undead to pieces. Mazlo SHOUTS an order. The posse cavalry charge the back streets, armed with bayoneted rifles and swords. EXT. BACK STREETS - DAY - SAME TIME The cavalry charge the streets shooting and decapitating the zombie pandemonium. EXT. STREET - DAY - SAME TIME Forlan signals his team to strike. A squadron of grunts run through the zombie-ridden main street with sticks of dynamite. They throw the ignited explosives into building entrances and windows. Building after building explode with much collateral damage. A blown up plank of wood lands by Mazlo’s feet. MAZLO The town has been retaken Forlan. FORLAN Right then, let’s get on with it shall we? INT. CELLAR - DAY - MOMENTS LATER Everything is pitch black from the inside perspective of the safe. The door CREEKS open revealing a frustrated Forlan, an angry Jimmy and a disappointed Mazlo. Half of the gold is missing. FORLAN Where’s the rest of it Jimmy?


Jimmy remains silent as he reaches into the safe and pulls out a letter headed by the words, “DEAR BAD GUYS”. Jimmy reads frantically. MAZLO What does it say? JIMMY It’s from that bastard Fox. FORLAN He’s the one responsible for this? Who’s Fox?


JIMMY He’s taken the other half to North Peak. MAZLO Why there? That place is a ghost town. JIMMY I know this animal. He’s not to be trusted. It’s obviously a trap. FORLAN He’s just one man... MAZLO His odds against our army are impossible. Forlan slaps his hands together, with a subtle smile. FORLAN Here’s what I suggest. Mazlo, my good old friend, the gold here is now the payment for your services to aid our Alliance. And be sure to compensate the other sheriffs. MAZLO Thank you so kindly sheriff. JIMMY What about our gold? FORLAN We kill Fox and take it back. (slight pause) (MORE)

84. FORLAN (cont'd) If it’s alright with you Mazlo can we have some of your fine men?

MAZLO As you wish. FORLAN And remember the inauguration is two months from now. See you there. Forlan and Jimmy head for the exit as Mazlo smiles at his newly acquired fortune. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT - LATER Fox and Golden Bear sit around a small fire, Verona is absent. They both chew on cooked buffalo. GOLDEN BEAR Do you think she’ll pull it off? FOX She’s as tough as this God damn buffalo, not to mention tenacious. GOLDEN BEAR I hope you’re right, because if they’re late we’re sitting ducks. FOX I gotta ask you something. Golden Bear lightens the mood. GOLDEN BEAR Now is not the time for marriage proposals. Both men laugh a little. FOX Seriously though... what did your grandfather mean by sacrificing somebody? GOLDEN BEAR Are you telling me that I sit next to a believer now? FOX I’ve always regarded myself as an incurable sinner but the shit I’ve seen over the last few days has got me thinking...


GOLDEN BEAR No one can know the outcome. The decision will be all yours. FOX The only resolutions I come to are what’s viable. Golden Bear takes Fox’s hand and studies his palm. GOLDEN BEAR You have a faint life line and a strong heart signature which suggests an unmistakable spirit. Meaning?


GOLDEN BEAR Tomorrow, in the heat of despair let faith be your weapon of choice. Fox pulls out a revolver and spins it on his finger. FOX Call me old fashioned but this... (Fox winks) ...has never let me down yet. GOLDEN BEAR Just remember death knocks on every door and the universal spirit always answers the righteous. EXT. DESERT - DAY - LATER Mazlo and his large posse GALLOP through the desert. A cursed Indian unearths Mazlo’s position with an head. It briefly bounces blood stains. The Indian quickly disappearing.

from the sand and launches for axe. The Indian hacks off Mazlo’s on the desert floor leaving behind moles himself under the desert,

The posse stop in their tracks, horrified and disgusted. GRUNT #16 What the fuck was that? GRUNT #17 (looking at Mazlo’S head) They got Mazlo, he’s dead!


The desert suddenly erupts with hundreds of cursed Indians uprooting from the ground. They are a spine chilling sight. The Indians ruthlessly butcher the posse with systematic precision. Some of the posse manage to squeeze off a few rounds to no avail. They all die heinously. All perish in the massacre save one grunt. He is besieged by dozens of cursed Indians. They surround him and slowly move in for the kill. The panicking grunt fires at the closest Indian in the stomach. The Indian absorbs the bullet and supernaturally spits it back out at the grunt. The bullet fatally penetrates his head. The Indians burrow back under the sand. EXT. NORTH PEAK - DAY - LATER The town is desolate and deserted. Some tumbleweed drifts by as Forlan, Jimmy and company canter in. GRUNT #18 spots a carriage loaded with gold in the middle of the dusty street. GRUNT #18 (points to the gold) Over there! They all realize the gold is in front of them for the taking. Forlan begins to trot forward. Wait.


Forlan pauses. What?


JIMMY This is too easy. A trap?


Jimmy signals GRUNT #19 to advance instead. The grunt cautiously canters down the abandoned street. He reaches the carriage, dismounts and picks up a gold bar. GRUNT #19 (shouts) It’s safe boss. I got it!


BANG - a GUN SHOT echoes around the street. The grunt slumps to the floor, with a bullet between the eyes. Fox is in hiding. He shouts down the street. FOX (O.S.) You didn’t think I’d make it that easy did you Jimmy? Your girlfriend knows I’m harder than that. If you want your blood money you’re gonna have to collect it yourself dickless. JIMMY Fuck you Fox, you ingrate, come out of your den and fight like a man. (to the posse) He can’t shoot us all. Keep together. Jimmy, Forlan and the posse canter down the street. They spread out into groups, to offer cover to Forlan and Jimmy, who approach cautiously. They aim at different vantage points. They reach the carriage. JIMMY Pass me a bar. A grunt dismounts, picks up a gold bar and hands it over to Jimmy. He examines it with relish. He chucks it to a delighted Forlan. JIMMY Hey Fox, why don’t you come out so I can talk to you? The town’s tower bell CHIMES. Union allied troops rush both ends of the town’s street, blocking both exits. They train their rifles on the posse. Colonel Branson and Verona breach the Union frontline on horseback. Branson yells down the street. BRANSON I am Colonel Lieutenant Branson of the United States army. You men are all under arrest for treason. Lay down your arms and walk towards our position with your hands up. Jimmy, Forlan and company are in no mood to be taken so easily.


JIMMY (to the posse) Anyone who surrenders will be executed on sight. Now get off your horses. All the crew dismount except Jimmy. JIMMY (shouts) Move! Jimmy GALLOPS up the street firing. A Union troop is killed. Aim!


The Union troops take aim. The posse run around shooting. A few more Union troops perish. Fire!


The Union troops let loose gun barrage, wiping out several posse members. Jimmy charges for the abandoned saloon on horseback and jumps through a large glass window. It shatters. Forlan runs into the old sheriff’s office. The posse find refuge in the hotel. Fox comes out of hiding and chases Jimmy. Golden Bear tracks Forlan into the sheriff’s department. Branson signals his troops to give chase. They head for the hotel in strategic formation. INT. HOTEL - DAY - CONTINUOUS The posse take cover behind the bar, turning over furniture. The Union troops breach the hotel firing randomly at the outlaws on entrance. The posse return fire. The hotel is awash with carnage as Union troops and outlaws clock up kills. Some outlaws are spooked by all the destruction. They venture upstairs to hide in the guest rooms.


INT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - DAY - SAME TIME Golden Bear moves slowly from room to room. He searches for Forlan with twin axes drawn. INT. SALOON - DAY - SAME TIME Fox walks by Jimmy’s horse in the eerie deserted saloon. He cautiously takes aim with his gun, treading quietly. BANG - a bullet narrowly misses Fox and ploughs into the optics shelf, smashing bottles. Fox turns. He is concerned as the place is empty. Fox quickly heads up stairs. INT. HOTEL - DAY - SAME TIME The Union troops wipeout the remaining outlaws on the lower floor. They charge upstairs in single file. INT. SHERIFF’S OFFICE - DAY - SAME TIME Golden Bear enters the only room he hasn’t searched. The room is empty except for a tall wardrobe, with the door slightly ajar. Forlan’s P.O.V. - He watches Golden Bear search the room from inside the wardrobe. Unsuspecting Golden Bear turns his back on the wardrobe and starts to leave. Forlan bursts out. Golden Bear faces Forlan, who thrusts his gun mercilessly. FORLAN You problematic bastard! Why can’t you just stay dead? Golden bear is hardly scared. His anger only rises every second Forlan is alive. GOLDEN BEAR You mean like the way you murdered my people? FORLAN They never should have interfered with the law. I am the law! Golden Bear proceeds inexorably forward, gripping his axes tightly. FORLAN Are you eager to die? GOLDEN BEAR Death is the cause of life.


Golden Bear continues his advance. FORLAN Stop! Or you will die screaming as your people did. Golden Bear is further enraged, he carries on towards his prey. Forlan takes a shot. Golden Bear deflects the bullet with his axes. GOLDEN BEAR You have dishonoured my ancestors... Golden Bear is unflinching. Forlan shoots once more, again blocked by Golden Bear’s axes. GOLDEN BEAR (CONT’D) ...and killed our tribe... Golden Bear continues forward. Forlan fires a shot to no avail as it bounces off the axes again. GOLDEN BEAR (CONT’D) ...You must die! Golden Bear grabs Forlan’s gun arm and squeezes his wrist. Forlan wails in pain. He falls to his knees. GOLDEN BEAR Any last words? FORLAN Go to hell you fucking savage. Golden Bear strikes down hard on Forlan’s head. He dies instantly. Golden Bear scalps him, in honour of his ancestors. INT. SALOON - DAY - SAME TIME Verona enters the saloon and sees Jimmy’s horse. She treads carefully. INT. SALOON - UPSTAIRS CASINO - DAY - SAME TIME Fox opens the double doors to the casino. He lowers his gun as he beholds Jimmy, who is lurched over the roulette wheel. JIMMY Put your hands together ladies and gentlemen for Fox Ryder! (MORE)

91. JIMMY (cont'd) The most arrogant bastard in the west.

FOX I guess that’s just below child killing. Jimmy pulls out Verona’s locket chain. He studies the picture. JIMMY The blood of that death is on your hands as well. So you see it’s the same for you and I. FOX You and I are not the same, not anymore. JIMMY If we’re not the same then why did you take her from me? FOX She wasn’t cut out to be a call girl Jimmy. JIMMY You cheated at that game to win her from me, didn’t you? FOX What can I say. Old habits die hard! JIMMY As will you. FOX Give it up. You’ve got no where else to go. Jimmy walks towards Fox unarmed. JIMMY Who said anything about running? Fox proceeds towards Jimmy clenching his fists. JIMMY I’m just gonna beat my compensation out of you. Fox and Jimmy face each other, for the showdown. FOX You can try but you’ll only die painfully.


They lock horns in a fierce, brutal and bloody fist fight. Verona’s locket chain falls to the floor. Both men take turns to pulverize each other. Furniture breaks, bodies are slammed into walls etcetera. Fox beats Jimmy to the floor and retrieves the locket chain. Jimmy stands and charges for Fox, knocking him through an upstairs window. Jimmy looks out of the window. Fox has vanished. INT. HOTEL - ACCOMMODATION FLOOR - DAY - SAME TIME The Union troops strategically move from room to room shooting and bayonetting the last remaining outlaws. INT. UPSTAIRS CASINO - DAY - SAME TIME The casino is lifeless as Verona strolls through the aftermath of Fox and Jimmy’s fight. CLICK - Verona turns. Jimmy has a gun aimed at her. Verona is terrified. JIMMY Drop the gun sweetheart. Verona complies. EXT. STREET - DAY - MOMENTS LATER A Union troop approaches Colonel Branson who is on horseback. UNION TROOP #3 The outlaws have all been neutralized sir! BRANSON Any word on our trio? UNION TROOP #3 We haven’t made contact with them since the operation began sir. BRANSON Take some men and search for them. UNION TROOP #3 Got it sir.


Colonel Branson appears perplexed as small squads of Union troops advance for the inside of various buildings. (INTRO SCENE REVISITED) - The saloon door is booted open. Out steps Jimmy, with Verona hostage in a stranglehold. He drags her onto the dusty street. She struggles for air. The Union troops take aim. BRANSON Hold your fire! JIMMY Get out of my way or the bitch dies. BRANSON Give it up you’re heavily out numbered and nowhere left to hide. JIMMY Make one false move and I pull the trigger. Now fucking move! Branson signals his men to step aside. The troops move apart to allow Jimmy through. Jimmy gives a sinister smile. He advances as his grip tightens around Verona’s throat. JIMMY I mean it any of you bluecoats feel brave and the wench eats lead. Fox enters the frame, with his bandaged hand twitching over his gun holster. FOX (voice elevated) Jimmy Carzell! Jimmy turns to see Fox poised to shoot. Jimmy tightens his grip on Verona and hides his head behind hers. He hides from the line of fire. JIMMY Fox you fuck wit! Back off or she dies. FOX The second she dies so do you. JIMMY Take the shot? Kill the girl! Don’t take the shot? (MORE)

94. JIMMY (cont'd) Kill yourself! Choices, choices, what you gonna do tough guy?

Fox briefly cradles the vial the Chief gave him. FOX You know what? You’re dead wrong! Fast as lightning Fox withdraws. He fires a shot which ploughs through Verona’s head and into Jimmy’s brain. Jimmy and Verona collapse to their knees. Verona falls on her back, dead, and Jimmy falls flat on his face, also dead. Branson and the troops are horrified as he has just callously killed Verona. BRANSON He killed her. Bastard! Fox walks toward Verona holding the vial. Branson regains his composure and signals his troops to aim. The Union troops aim at Fox who continues to walk toward Verona. Fire!


The troops fire at Fox. Some hit, crippling him. Other bullets splinter into wooden structures of the town. Fox is dragging his feet, and buckled over, as he continues for Verona in agony. The troops reload and take aim once more. Fire!


Fox is hit badly. He falls beside Verona. Fox uncorks the vial and pours it into Verona’s mouth. Fox produces the locket chain and places it around her neck. Fox dies, laid beside Verona. The bullet wound in Verona’s head heals magically. She bolts upright, gasping for air. She sees Fox beside her, then cradles the locket chain in gratitude. Verona runs her fingers over Fox’s eyelids, closing them as a mark of respect. Branson walks over to Verona.


BRANSON Are you alright? I thought he killed you. Verona stands dusting herself down. VERONA Actually, he saved me. I never thought he would do the right thing, and in the end it cost him his life. BRANSON What about your Indian friend? VERONA I think he took off after fulfilling the will of his ancestors. Verona and Branson walk to their stationed horses. BRANSON You mean killing Forlan? They saddle up. VERONA I’d say he got even. (slight pause) What is gonna happen to the gold now? BRANSON The plan hasn’t changed. VERONA What? Are you serious? After all you’ve heard you’re not going to destroy it? Branson, Verona and the Union troops head out of town. BRANSON Call me a cynic, but would you really have me believe the gold is cursed? VERONA The bloodshed will be on your head. I’ve just resigned. A pair of feet emerge next to Fox’s body. It’s Golden Bear who kneels beside him and pulls out a small leather sack placing his fingers inside. Golden bear sprinkles its contents over Fox.


The clouds above part and the sun beams down. The Chief’s spirit appears in the sky, smiling. Golden Bear looks up at his grandfather and then at Fox. He smiles. GOLDEN BEAR (to Fox) Go to him now my dear friend. Fox’s ghost like spirit departs, and floats toward the spirit in the sky. As Fox’s spirit ascends the clouds come together and cover up Fox’s passage to the afterlife. FADE OUT. SPEAKER (V.O.) And now it is my esteemed privilege to introduce to you Colonel Lieutenant Branson. FADE IN SUPER IMPOSE: 2 WEEKS LATER EXT. MISSISSIPPI - CEREMONY - DAY - LATER A crowd has gathered to see the exchange of the gold from government hands to representatives of freed slaves. On the Union decorated stage is a SPEAKER, FREED SLAVES, Union troops and a share of the gold on display. Colonel Branson takes the podium. BRANSON As you know we are gathered here today to honour the will of our great President. Heavy STAMPEDING noises put Branson off his rhetoric. He pauses and looks dead ahead. The congregation are also intrigued by the vibrations. They turn to witness a harrowing sight. Hundreds of armed cursed Indians charge for the congregation. They advance from every angle, screaming war chants. WIPE TO BLACK

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